Handicraft7 8 Q2 W6 (L11 12)
Handicraft7 8 Q2 W6 (L11 12)
Handicraft7 8 Q2 W6 (L11 12)
(LESSON 11 & 12)
Capsulized Self - Learning
Tools use for Gift Wrapping
Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal
foil, cloth, rope, and wire.
Cutter can be used to cut small or delicate materials accurately, without causing any
Rulers are used for measuring a line, and the straight edge allows them to be
used for drawing, scoring, or cutting.
Electrical Glue gun is a very useful tool for joining modelling materials and even
more substantial materials can be fixed together with it. 'Sticks' of solid glue are
pushed into the back of the gun, the trigger is pressed pushing the glue stick
forward and molten glue comes out of the nozzle.
A hole punch, also known as hole puncher, or paper puncher, is a tool that is used to
create holes in sheets of paper, often for the purpose of collecting the sheets in a
binder or folder.
A pencil (also called: graphite pencil) is a writing utensil with a graphite lead
embedded in a wooden shaft. It is mainly used for artistic sketching and drawing (like making lines)
for stenography or notes
Cutting Mat is a surface on which you cut paper, fabric with a cutter. It is used to
both protect a surface from the blade of the cutter and keep the blade of the cutter
from becoming dull.
Materials for Gift Wrapping
Gift box has the basic functions of packaging, protecting the goods: the gift box can
package the goods without shaking, squeezing, shaking, sunscreen, waterproof, leak proof and other
functions during transportation.
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Tags and Labels. Labels are die-cut plastics, papers, metals, or other materials that
can be attached to containers or surface Labels carry information, and they may be
created specifically for that type of surface.
Tags are labels without adhesive. They’re attached by other means, such as tying or
Glue Stick are used for parts assembly, repairs and bonding dissimilar materials .
Ribbons and Bows are often used to decorate the packaging of an items (gift ).
Decorative items to enhance something up, making it more colorful and attractive.
Let’s Practice!
Key Points
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets).
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter of the correct answer on separate
sheet of paper.
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1. Used for cutting materials like wrapping paper. A. Cutting Mat
(https://www.google.com n.d.)
REFERENCE/S (https://www.monotaro.ph n.d.)
(https://barcode-labels.com n.d.)
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Written by:
Teacher 1
Cabaluay NHS
4|Pa g e
Capsulized Self - Learning Empowerment Toolkit
TLE- 7/8 QUARTER 2 WEEK 6 (lesson 12)
TOPIC Lesson 3: Produce Wrapped Gift Items
COMPETENCY Principles and Elements of Design are applied.
Determine the different principles and elements of design in Gift Wrapping.
IMPORTANT: Do not write anything on this material. Write your answers on the learner’s activity and
assessment sheets provided separately.
Principles of design
3. Balance -May be produced in two ways, either formal or informal. Formal balance or symmetry has
equal color, shape, and size on either side of a design. While the informal occult has unequal
Elements of Design
2. Texture -Refers to the surface appearance which is either rough or smooth, dull or
glossy, thick or thin.
3. Color- may be cool, warm, bright or dull. Choosing the right color will greatly affect
the appearance of your finished project.
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4. Shape – is a two dimensional area confined by an implied line
(an edge for example)Shape is what makes up the foundation of any composition.
Note: Pictures are just an example to show and have a better understanding on the concept being
SQ-1: How does the principles and elements of design will help you in performing gift
SQ-2: Why does the Principles and elements of design are important in wrapping a gift?
Let’s Practice!
(Answer on the Answer Sheet provided for Activity and Assessment).
Directions: Classify the following words inside the box according to:
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
Key Points
Things to remember:
1. The principles of design are the rules a designer must follow to create an effective and
attractive composition.
2. The Elements of Design are the language of the visual arts.
3. The Principles and Elements of Design will serve as your guide in doing gift wrapping.
4. The choice of materials will not only depend on the principles and elements of design but also
on the type of occasion or celebration a gift to be wrapped.
5. Consider also the Color preferences of the person in wrapping a gift item.
Let’s see how much have you learned today!
(Answer on the Learner’s Activity and Assessment sheets).
Directions: Read each item carefully and answer the following questions. Write only the letter of your
1. A gift that is wrapped with equal color, shape, and size on either side of a design.
A. informal balance B. shape C. informal line D. formal balance
2. Which of the following will greatly affect the finished wrapped gift item?
A. texture B. color C. proportion D. shape
3. It refers to the foundation of the wrapped gift item.
A. texture B. emphasis C. shape D. color
4. If you want to make your gift item looks and feel shiny, which element you take into consideration?
A emphasis B. shape C. texture D. balance
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5. Which of the following will be considered if you want your wrapped gift item be proportionate with
the decoration applied?
A. texture B. color C. shape D. proportion
6. In choosing a design of a gift wrapper, which of the following elements pertains to the repetition of
one or more elements?
A. color B. contrast C. rhythm D. balance
7. Which of the following elements will you apply if you want the design of your gift items be the focus
of attention?
A. emphasis B. contrast C. color D. Balance
8. This may also refer to the repetitive use or application of your decorative items for gift wrapping.
A. color B. rhythm C. contrast D. Balance
Written by:
Teacher 1
Cabaluay NHS
7|Pa g e
Topic: Lesson 3: Produce Wrapped Gift Items
Learning Competency: Tools are properly used.
Let’s Practice: TRY:
8|Pa g e
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Zamboanga City
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indicated in the criterion items under each factor below.
2. Put a check mark (/) in the appropriate column beside each criterion item. If your answer is NO, cite
specific page/s, briefly indicate the errors found, and give your recommendations in the attached
Summary of Findings form.
3. Write Not Applicable (NA) for criterion items that does not apply in the LR evaluated.
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Factor I. Physical Attributes
1. All necessary elements are complete. √
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4. The LR observes correct pagination. √
5. Contains accurate learning competency and code. √
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Evaluator/s: JAYRALDINE D. QUIAOIT ED.D ________________________
OLGA A. GUEVARRA ED.D ________________________
MILA B. BARRACA ________________________
Date accomplished: July 12, 2020
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This tool is anchored on the Guidelines in ADM Content Evaluation, Guidelines in ADM
Layout Evaluation and Level 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating Sheet for 2 DepEd Evaluation Rating
Sheet for Story Books and Big Books.
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