Igtr Aurangabad Pdiar Curriculum - 0 PDF
Igtr Aurangabad Pdiar Curriculum - 0 PDF
Igtr Aurangabad Pdiar Curriculum - 0 PDF
Unit Unit Name Unit level outcomes Contents (chapters/topics) TH hours Mar
I At the end of this unit students should be able to- Introduction to industrial automation.
Understand the concept of industrial automation. Advantage of automation.
List the advantages and disadvantages of automation. Application of PLC in industrial automation.
Describe different control systems. Overview of different control system.
II DETAILS OF At the end of this unit students should be able to- Introduction to electrical hardware control.
ELECTRICAL Understand & draw various electrical symbols. Study of electrical symbols and application in one
HARDWARE Draw and explain one line diagram for different situations. line diagram.
CONTROL List the different field devices. Details of field input and output devices.
(MANUAL Understand the working of field input and output devices.
III At the end of this unit students should be able to- Working principle of relay.
RELAY Explain the working of a relay. Application of actuators in various industrial
HARDWARE Describe the construction of a relay. control circuits
LOGIC Explain the importance of relay.
CONTROL Give applications of relay in industrial circuits.
IV PROGRAMMABL At the end of this unit students should be able to- Programmable logic controller introduction to
E LOGIC Demonstrate the hardware configuration of PLC programmable logic controller. 16
CONTROLLER Understand the addressing of inputs and outputs in PLC Hardware configuration of PLC
(SIEMENS, Explain the environment of PLC software. Addressing concept of PII PIQ of signal modules.
V PRATICES WITH At the end of this unit students should be able to- Software installation and application.
SOFWARES Demonstrate the software installation Introduction to programming language-LAD, FBD,
(SIMATIC Develop the programme in the PLC with different formats. STL.
MANAGER,RS Understand the output of a programme. Details of bit, byte, word and memory. Application
LOGIXS) Use the different internal peripherals of PLC. of block operands-comparator, timer, counter.
Demonstrate the networking of the PLC. Interfacing of i/o with signal module.
Demo board practice.
Networking between profibus PLC and remote PLC
After completion of course Student should be able to
Explain the applications and Advantages of PLC.
Able to creating new SCADA application.
Understand the types of projects based on SCADA
Develop the programme in SCADA different formats.
Able to Creating & editing graphic display with animation.
Unit Unit Name Unit level outcomes Contents (chapters/topics) TH hours Mar
I INTRODUCTIO At the end of this unit students should be able to- Introduction to HMI. What is automation and its 30
N Introduces with HMI. advantages?
Able to understand automation. Role of PLC& HMI in industrial automation,
List out the application of automation. application of programmable logic controller.
Understand the Role of PLC& HMI in industrial automation. Need of HMI system in automation.
List need of HMI system. What is PLC and addressing details of input
Understand the plc and detail about addressing, input and output. and output?
II At the end of this unit students should be able to- Installation of HMI software and communication 30
Installation of HMI software. drivers, communication of HMI with PLC .creating
Understand the communication of HMI with PLC. a new HMI application, types of projects in HMI.
Able to understand activate and deactivate a project. Activate and deactivate a project, process screens,
Use of standard color palette. working with graphic designer sceen. Create and
List the Application of standard object and control objects. edit process picture. use of object properties,
List the type of objects. creating and editing graphic display with animation,
editing of static properties, style, flashing display,
List out the Application of lad program on HMI.
HMI DETAILS use of standard color palette., database of tags, tag
Create different types of program on HMI.
management and tag selection dialog box. tags
types., details of process tag and internal tags,
process tag, internal tag and property setting of tags.
Application of standard object and control objects,)
standard object, smart object, and window object.
Application of lad program on HMI, use of lad
program, input output memory tags.) Different
types of programs done on HMI using lad, use of
picture window, creating a new picture window,
multi screen. Moving of graphic object, alarm
system, alarm logging, principle of message
system,) archiving messages, display messages in
runtime, working with ole control objects. Report
generation and documentation. Creating an online
trend, creating and accessing real time and
historical time.
III HMI At the end of this unit students should be able to- different types of programs done on HMI using lad, 30
DEMOBOARDS Write program on HMI using lad. start stop circuit, deactivate push buttons, inch
PRACTICE Able to start and stop circuit using HMI. circuit, start stop inch, auto / manual circuit ,fan
Create different programs to - speed control, fan control forward control, speed control of fan, forward reverse
reverse circuit, demo board practice, sequential switching of circuit, demo board practice, sequential switching
motors. of motors. rotor stator control of an induction
motor.fan control with speed regulation. Seven
segment and tank level control.)Assignment on
bottle filling process using moving properties.
• Analyze & understanding the basic Hydraulics & Pneumatics system components.
• Use of Hydraulics & Pneumatics circuits to meet functionality requirements of products.
• Identify, formulate, and develop solution for engineering problems.
• Discuss solutions with team.
• Study the output & conforming to specifications.
• Communicate with the subordinates.
• Analyze different controls.
• Design programmable circuits with different elements & symbols.
IV ADVANCED At the end of this unit Student should be Programmable sequential control using 14 16
CONTROLS & able to pneumatic modular elements, Stepper controls.
CIRCUITS Design the programmable circuit Electro hydraulics system, Servo valves and
sequence proportional valves, Design of Cartridge Valves,
Analyze stepper control outputs.
Explain servo controls applications.
Design circuits with proportional
Design cartridge valves.
V SAFETY, At the end of this unit Student should be Safety in hydraulics & pneumatics systems, 8 8
TROUBLE able to Trouble shooting and remedial measures in
SHOOTING & Trouble shoot faults in system, Hydraulics & Pneumatics system.
REMEDIES components.
Follow safety standards.
Suggest remedy for the fault.
Use the fundamental features and precision drafting tools in Electrical CAD to develop accurate technical drawings.
Present drawings in a detailed and visually impressive manner.
Generate and update customizable reports, and use folders to organize drawings.
Customize the application to meet your specific design in Electrical CAD.
Interpret drawings, draw interferences and workout other technical details
Unit Unit Name Unit level outcomes Contents (chapters/topics) TH hours Marks
1 Introduction At the end of this unit students Need & importance of Electrical panel, category/type 10 12
should be able to- of electrical panel
Understand the need & Control parameters, Symbols used in field of electrical
importance of Electrical engineering, Concept of circuits, properties of
panel electromagnetic and electro static fields, a. c.
Describe types of electrical quantities, Electrical circuits, magnetic circuits, circuit
panel elements
Draw the symbols used in
electrical engineering
Discuss properties of
electromagnetic circuit
2 Type of Circuits At the end of this unit students Study of different panel in practice 12 12
& Electrical should be able to- Type of circuits, sources etc.
layouts Understand & draw various Analysis of circuits and type of circuits
drawing used in electrical The Electrical layout as shop floor
engineering field Single line diagram of supply system
Analysis of circuit
Draw electrical layout of
Understand single line
3 Panel Design & At the end of this unit students Calculation of voltage, current, ratings, power supply 16 15
Drawing should be able to- for the system/product
Calculate voltage & current Tools, equipment used in Panel
ratings for the system Electrical panel system –component, product,
Understand the use of processes and system
panel accessories Panel Design & Drawing
Understand the panel Panel design problems on – Product , process, system
design problem Manufacturing Electrical panels
Read & understand
electrical connection
4 Control Circuits At the end of this unit students Control circuit for forward and reverse direction for a 16 15
and Panel should be able to- d.c. shunt motor
Design Draw control circuit for Control circuit of different input, output devices.
forward & Reverse Panel Management parameters
direction for DC motor Inspection and quality control
Demonstrate quality Panel maintenance
control policies for
electrical accessories
Understand the panel
maintenance procedure
5 Electrical Safety At the end of this unit students Introduction 6 6
& should be able to- Safety
Standards complying with health and Types of safety
safety regulation Symbols used in the field of control panel
Follow safe Standards
practice/approved setting Standards and regulations
up procedures at all times. Various types standards
Ability to understand the physical principles and operations of advanced sensors.
Know how to design and manage instrument and sensor networks and associated synchronization problems
Knowledge of various techniques of collecting energy from the environment.
Ability to understand the technical specifications of high-sensitivity and high frequency measurement equipment.
Knowledge for integrating instrumentation systems on mobile devices.
Be familiar with criteria for sensors and transducers selection and choose appropriate measurement methods for engineering tasks and
scientific researches.
III QUALITY& SHOP At the end of this unit Student should be Traditional & Modern Quality Control Methods, 10 10
FLOOR CONTROL able to SPC Tools, Inspection Principle & Practices,
SYSTEMS Explain different SPC principles. Inspection Technologies, Computer Aided
Identify different SPC tools for Quality Control Steering, Contact & Non-Contact
quality. Inspection Methods, Co-Ordinate
Apply inspection methods. Measuring Machine, Factory Data Collection
Follow quality systems. Systems, Automatic Identification Systems.
Communicate the data transfer &
safety standards.
IV CONTROL At the end of this unit Student should be Simple Logic Operations: Logic Circuits with AND, 18 20
TECHNOLOGIES IN able to OR, XOR operations in electro-mechanical
AUTOMATION Understand different logic applications, Series and Parallel logic circuits.
operations. Components of a PLC: Chassis of a PLC, Power
Explain different components of supply module, Input module, Output module,
PLC. CPU. Understanding Ladder Diagrams:
Elaborate PLC hardware Programming contacts, Addressing contacts,
components and their functioning. Wiring diagrams, Ladder diagrams, Ladder
Describe ladder rules. diagram rules, Instructions to examine ON and
Simulate the programme examine OFF
effectiveness by using
V COMPUTER At the end of this unit Student should be Programming a Ladder Diagram: Use of 10 12
BASED able to programming software for ladder diagram
INDUSTRIAL Preparing for ladder programming. programming, Setting up PLC, Hands-on wiring of
CONTROL Performing set-up activities. input devices to input modules, Hands-on wiring
Developing program for controller. of output devices to output module, PLC programs
Simulate the developed to solve logical problems.
Compare the output with
Applying logic and to develop
solutions for logical problems.
• Developing a detailed understanding of entrepreneurship along with the perspective of initiating and propelling new
• Developing the linkage between strategy, innovation, entrepreneurship and creativity.
• Inculcating the role of Intellectual Property perspective and Innovation as the key to entrepreneurship.
V STAGES OF At the end of this unit Student should be Five stages of growth and development, 8 12
GROWTH AND able to greiner’s model of organizational growth,
STRATEGIC Stages of growth of business model, Definitions of the Term
MANAGEMENT entrepreneurial ventures "Business Model", business model process,
PROCESS Barriers to growth importance of the business model, business
Entrepreneurship in small firms model analysis, the life cycle of
Strategic management process entrepreneurship, crossing the chasm,
Linkage of strategy and barriers to small firm growth, strategic factors
entrepreneurship of entrepreneurship in small firms, the
strategic management process, managerial
competencies of entrepreneurs, turbulence in
a firm’s environment, environmental
VI INTELLECTUAL At the end of this unit Student should be Concept of property, intellectual property, 8 15
PROPERTY CONCEPT able to objectives of intellectual property, nature of
AND INNOVATION Concept of intellectual property intellectual property rights, source of
Role perspective of intellectual intellectual property, intellectual property and
property concept in economic development, brief history in the
entrepreneurship development of intellectual property,
Intellectual property rights important milestones in area of IPR & IPM,
IP rights as strategic tools in types of intellectual property, criteria for
entrepreneurship patentability, some exclusion from
Innovation as an important tool patentability, special requirement for patent,
for entrepreneurship trademarks, trade names & services marks,
Advantages and disadvantages of geographical indications (GI), industrial
family businesses designs (id), integrated circuit layout designs,
intellectual property management (IPM),
transition from entrepreneur to
entrepreneurial leader, family business, the
planning process, changing face of family
• Analysing & understanding Robot need in industries / automation.
• Conceiving robot system concept.
• Identify, formulate, and develop solution for robotics.
• Discuss robotic automation solutions with team.
• Study the output & conforming to specifications.
• Communicate with the subordinates.
• Use of appropriate programme to actuate physical robot.
III ROBOT At the end of this unit Student should be Transducers and Sensors – Tactile sensor – 8 12
SENSORS able to Proximity and range sensors – Sensing joint forces –
List sensors used in robots. Robotic vision system – Image Representation -
Select appropriate sensor for Image Grabbing –Image processing and analysis –
specific application. Edge Enhancement – Contrast Stretching – Band
Analyze the output of sensors. Rationing - Image segmentation – Pattern
Interpret the output results of recognition – Training of vision system
Describe robotic vision system
IV ROBOT CELL At the end of this unit Student should be Robot work cell design and control – Safety in 8 12
DESIGN AND able to Robotics – Robot cell layouts – Multiple Robots and
APPLICATION Understand different work cell machine interference – Robot cycle time analysis.
layouts Industrial application of robots.
Design work cell for specific robot.
Analyze robot cycle time.
Explain industrial applications of
Follow safety.
V METHODS OF At the end of this unit Student should be Characteristics of task level languages lead through 8 12
ROBOT able to programming methods – Motion interpolation.
PROGRAMMING Understand the different Artificial intelligence – Basics – Goals of artificial
programming languages for the intelligence – AI techniques – problem
robots. representation in AI – Problem reduction and
Describe artificial intelligence. solution techniques – Application of AI and KBES in
Write a programme to operate a Robots
robot for a specific task.
Optimize robot programming
Apply robotic programming for a
real field problem.
Analyze functional relationships in mechatronic systems.
Understand energy flow in electrical, pneumatic and hydraulic sub-systems.
Plan and organize work flow
Commission, troubleshoot and repair mechatronic systems