Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Grade/Semester : XI/1
Standard Competencies:
Basic Competencies:
4.1 Analyzing the titration curve and determine the equivalent point through the
endpoint of the titration.
1. Determine the right indicators for titration and declare the titration is
Forms of Activities
(4301417041 ) Before, we
(4301417041 ) Ok sir.
begin the lesson, lets pray
together. Anyone the Lets pray together,
sudent can lead this pray,
Go on….
(4301417014) Good
(4301417014) Good
morning too, great miss
morning class, how are
you today?
(4301417087) we are
(4301417087) What’s up
good sir. Lets pray
class , lets pray together and
start the class
(4301417011) yes, we
are ready mom.
(430147011) Be quiet,
please! We won't start until (4301417081) Okey
everyone is quiet. mom
(4301417081) before we
start the lesson, try to look
around if there is trash
please throw it away
· Students and teacher ask (CEPI)Today we are going (CEPI)No, not yet Sir.
(4301417076)Acid is
properties with pH <7
(4301417072) everyone, in
and base with pH >7
your opinion, what do you
mean by acid and base? (4301417085)
(4301417085) Me. An example of a
weak acid is vinegar
Last week we learned about
acids and bases. does (4301417076) And me,
anyone still remember the example of weak acid
example of a weak acid? are cyanida acid,
carbonic acid, boric
acid, and etc.
(4301417041) , me sir,
· S
tudents listen to learning (430147087)So the purpose (4301417061) yes , Sir.
objectives and an explanation of of acid-base titration is to
(4301417041) i am
the benefits of mastering determine the amount of a
sorry sir, i dont know.
learning material. solution with a
concentration that has (if the student know)
known concentration so that
(4301417041) in my
it is exactly used up reacting
opinion, the example
with a number of solutions
of acid solution is
analyzed or want to know
vinegar, and the
the level or concentration
exemple of base
soluion is NaOH?
(4301417936)The Arrhenius
definition states that an acid
produces H+ in solution and
a base produces OH-
(4301417081) Can anyone
repeat what I explained
earlier? How is that
substance called an acid or a
(4301417081) I mom, if
there are excess H +
ions, the substance is
acidic. If there is an
excess of OH- ions,
then the substance is
basic (or basic).
Main Activities
· Observing (Observing)
§ R
ead and study articles from (4301417087) Okay guys I
various sources related to the will play video about
Titration process. acid-base titration and
please watch it carefully Yes, sir
(4301417076) Excuse
(4301417062) To know the
me sir (raise hand), I
titration process, now
want to search article
please read some article to
on the internet, what
get informations about
keyword do I use sir?
(4301417036) Okay
(4301417011) Okay, the
students search and read
articles to find out the
procedures for doing a
(4301417058)-Have you
(4301417058)-No sir.
ever looked at labels that
show acid levels in (4301417058)-Okay,
vinegar? Sir.
(4301417076) No, I
Do you know how much
don’t, Please explain
vinegar is circulating on
me about it.
the market?
(4301417040)Please observe
the label in the vinegar
package on the market.
(4301417072) Ok kids, I
will give a observation to
(4301417076) Ok sir.
all of you by comparing
the levels of vinegar to
various brand in the
· Questioning
§ A
sking questions related to (4301417087)Ok this is PP (4301417087) Function
what indicators function in guys, anybody can explain of PP indicator is to
acid-base titration, what function of PP indicator? help us to visually
indicators are appropriate for the Endpoint spot
acid base titration point, when is
the titration declared complete?. 4301417063 guys, do you
know what indicators will 4301417063
be used in the titration phenolphthalein
process? indicator, Sir
does anyone know what is (4301417061) give me
the function of the chance to answer, Sir.
indicator? The fuction of
indicator is to
knowing the pH range
mmm...maybe when the
do you understand ?
§ H
ow to test the correct (4301417087) So guys we (4301417054) mmm..
concentration of a product, for had been study stokiometri maybe same Sir
example kitchen vinegar 25%. last week, lets calculate the (confused)
right amount of acetic acid
in the kitchen vinegar
(4301417089) testing
the vinegar level can be
(4301417054) Do the
done by titration
vinegar levels listed on the
product label match the
actual levels?
(4301417089) We can
(4301417054) okey, how to use a formula:
test vinegar levels? % vinegar = (M x MR)
/ rho x 10
(4301417014) Iron fence (4301417067) Ma’am,
will have corosion if iron can you explain the
fence are on the open space, example to prevent
can you explain to me how corrosion, please.
to prefend it?
(4301417014) Me miss,
(4301417089) It’s a good we can paint our iron
answer . fence so there is no
contact with oxygen
(4301417011) Does anyone
and water.
know about corrosion?
Then, how to prevent (4301417011) I will try
corrosion? Anybody knows to answer, mom.
the answer? Raise your Corrosion often occurs
hand, please! in iron and usually how
to process it by by
(4301417081)After we learn
how to identify acid base,
please you can practice
using ingredients around
us, then discuss the results
§ T
o determine the purity of a (4301417049) How can we (4301417049) can’t yet
substance. check the purity of a ma’am
(4301417049) how can
(4301417049) Okay, the we know that analytic
most accurate means of methods can use for
determining the purity of a testing purity?
substance is through the
use of analytical methods
(4301417049) These
methods used in
methods, widely used in
testing the purity
different industries, mostly
include mass
involve chemical analysis,
which can pinpoint the
presence, identity and
optical rotation and
amount of impurities in the
particle size analysis.
sample, does anyone know
about other methods used
for purity testing?
o analyze the titration curve (4301417061) guys , are (4301417061) type of
and determine the equivalent you know titration curve titration curve are :
point through the endpoint of has many type ? this strong acid - strong
the titration. titration curve , can use to base, week acid -
determine the equivalent strong base, strong
point through the endpoint acid - week base and
of the titration. week acid - week
§ D
esigning experiments and (4301417089) Now it's time (4301417076) Ok sir.
presenting the results of the for you to consult the My group is the first.
design of acid base titration to design of the titration
equalize perceptions. process that your group
will do
§ To predict indicators that can be (4301417049) can you (4301417049) Yes
used for acid-base titration. determine several types of ma’am, for example
indicators that can be used litmus paper,
to determine the content of phenolphthalein, and
acid-base compounds? red cabbage juice. An
acid-base indicator is
a weak acid or weak
base that dissociates
in water to yield the
weak acid and its
conjugate base or else
the weak base and its
conjugate acid. The
species and its
conjugate have
different colors
o observe and record data on (4301417077) Are you (4301417077) Yes,
titration results. done? ma’am.
· Communicating
o make reports of acid base (4301417054) After you (4301417054) Yes Sir..
and titration. have done the acid-base
titration experiment, then
please make a report based
on the results of the
experiment that you got
§ T
o present it using correct (4301417086) are you (4301417086) done or
grammar. done? not yet
(4301417086) So, an
acid–base titration is a (4301417086) Oh, I se
method of quantitative
analysis for determining the
concentration of an acid or
base by exactly neutralizing
it with a standard solution of
base or acid having known
concentration. A pH
indicator is used to monitor
the progress of the acid–base
reaction. If the acid
dissociation constant (pKa)
of the acid or base
dissociation constant (PKb)
of base in the analyte
solution is known, its
solution concentration
(molarity) can be
determined. Alternately, the
pKa can be determined if the
analyte solution has a known
solution concentration by
constructing a titration
tudents conclude the material (4301417007) after we study (4301417074) I’ll try
that has been studied. the material this time. is Sir. Today we have
there anyone who can learned about acid-base.
conclude the material we Acids are a chemical
are learning today? compound that has a pH
7, for example vinegar
(4301417040) From this, we
or acetic acid. On the
can conclude that the
other hand, the bases
material today is very
are chemical
useful and broadens our
compounds that have a
horizons, namely by
pH> 7, for example
knowing what exactly acid
soap or sodium
base is.
hydroxide. And also
(4301417011) come up to
the front and explain your
conclude to freinds.
(4301417011) Good job!
§ Students reflect on the mastery (4301417088) Class, how (4301417088) Me, sir.
of the material that has been was today's learning? Tell I can do the titration
studied by making notes on the me what you got today? acid base and can
mastery of the material. determine
concentration of
acidic or basic
solution unknown
through acid-base
titration, Sir.
(4301417069) Me Sir, i
want to try answer
§ S
tudents agree on portfolio 4301417046 Okay guys, 4301417046. Yes, Sir.
assignments that must be done listen to me, I have
related to compiling reports on assigment for you guys.
observations with different You have to make (4301417074) No
topics but still related to the portofolio assignment that question.-Bambang
universe. must be done related to
compiling reports on
observations with different
topics but still related to
the universe. The
portofolio must be submit
before our next meeting.
Okay? Any quastion?
Learning Materials:
Human Resources
• S
tudents test the correctness of
• S
tudents analyze the titration
titration is complete.
• V
inegar concentration from the
• T
ruth of the concentration of a
• A
nalysis of titration curves and
equivalence points.
Adequacy and relevance of the planning, implementation, and the evaluation through
self, group, and process observation by the teacher and pupils.
Learning Evaluation
• Cognitive aspect
Test students understanding of how acid-base titration is performed, indicators that are
appropriate for acid-base titration, titration endpoints, titration equivalence points.
• Affective Aspect
Observe student expression and comments when looking at the result of the
• Psychomotor Aspect
Observe the ability to work with students and group friends in conducting