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Ced Papers PDF
Ced Papers PDF
Subject Code:2160910 Date:21/05/2019
Subject Name:Electrical Drives
Time:10:30 AM TO 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Draw block diagram of electric drive and give function of each block. 03
(b) Explain drive parameter: 1) Loads with rotational motion. 2) Loads with 04
translational motion.
(c) What is electric drive? Give advantages of electrical drive. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Subject Code:2160910 Date:08/05/2018
Subject Name:Electrical Drives
Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 Short Questions 14
1 State two methods to get variable dc from fixed ac source.
2 Write generalized equation for calculating equivalent moment of inertia for
load having only rotational load.
3 Show all friction components on single graph.
4 Draw speed-torque curves of different types of DC motors in a single graph.
5 Define plugging.
6 Give full name of MRAC in regards with electric drive.
7 State limitations of V/f control I.M. drive.
8 What is the importance of critical speed for dc separately excited motor drive
operated with single phase fully controlled rectifier?
9 What do you understand by constant flux operation in ac drives.
10 Give disadvantages of group drive system.
11 What is a dual converter? When is it used?
12 Stator voltage control in induction motor is suited for fan load. Why?
13 What is maximum power point tracker in regards with solar drives?
14 Which dc voltage levels are used in traction drives in India?
Q.2 (a) Draw block diagram of electric drive and give function of each block. 03
(b) Derive the condition for steady state stability of the drive. 04
(c) Explain the Multi quadrant operation of electrical drives with suitable 07
conventions and example.
(c) Motor drives the winch drum through a reduction gear with a gear tooth ratio 07
of 0.1.The friction torque at winch shaft is 15 N-m and at motor shaft 10 N-m.
Motor speed is 1500 rpm. Calculate the equivalent moment of inertia of the
drive referred to the motor shaft and motor torque if gears have an efficiency
of 90%. All inertia shown in diagram is in kg-m2. Radius of the winch is 0.2
Q.3 (a) Give advantages of PWM inverters. 03
(b) Write a short note on sinusoidal PWM method. 04
(c) Explain regenerative braking control in chopper based DC drive. 07
Q.3 (a) Explain the Type A chopper circuit. 03
(b) Explain the Type B chopper circuit. 04
(c) Explain single phase full wave bridge type controlled converter with RLE load 07
and with freewheeling diode. Also draw all the necessary waveforms and
derive equations of output DC voltage and current.
Q.4 (a) Explain dynamic model of DC machine. 03
(b) Why speed torque characteristic of PMDC motor is superior to conventional 04
DC motor?
(c) Explain position control method for DC motor. 07
Q.4 (a) What is Sliding mode control? State its advantages. 03
(b) Explain principle of Vector control of induction motor. 04
(c) Explain d-q model of induction motor in detail. Also state its application in the 07
field of drive.
Q.5 (a) Draw block diagram of solar and battery operated drive. 03
(b) Explain requirement of servo motor drive. 04
(c) What is load equalization in regards with electric drives? Why it is required? 07
Derive equation to find moment of inertia of flywheel with necessary
Q.5 (a) What is self tuning control? 03
(b) List and explain qualities required for a traction drive. 04
(c) Explain CSI operated drive. State its advantages and area of application. 07
Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.___________
Q.1 (a) What are the operating modes of three phase full converter with inductive load 07
and explain any one.
(b) Explain how to obtained a variable average output voltage from a fixed dc 07
voltage with the help of chopper.
Q.2 (a) Draw the basic block diagram of electric drives and explain function of each 07
(b) Explain the four quadrant diagram of speed torque characteristic using hoist 07
(b) Explain the nature and classification of load torques. 07
Q.3 (a) Explain the dynamic model of dc motor drive. 07
(b) A 200V dc series motor runs at 800rpm when operating at its full load current 07
of 10A. the motor resistance is 0.5Ω and magnetic circuit can be assumed
unsaturated, what will be the speed if (a) the load torque is increase by 50%
(b) the motor current is 5A.
Q.3 (a) Explain the different types of speed control methods for dc shunt motor. 07
(b) A 200V dc series motor has armature and field resistance of 0.2Ω and 0.1Ω 07
respectively. It takes a current of 20A from the supply while running at
1300rpm. If an external resistance of 2Ω is added in series with the motor
calculate new armature current and the speed. Assume load torque is remains
Q.4 (a) Explain the constant flux speed control using voltage source inverter. 07
(b) State the advantages and applications of synchronous motor drives. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain the principle of vector control model for ac induction motor drives. 07
(b) Draw the basic block diagram of commutator less dc shunt motor and explain 07
function of each block.
Q.5 (a) State the advantages and disadvantages of electric traction drives. 07
(b) Explain the unipolar and bipolar PWM bridge inverter with necessary 07
waveforms and circuit diagram.
Q.5 (a) Explain the basic structure of solar drives. 07
(b) Explain the servo motor drive requirement, control and implementation. 07