Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Gujarat Technological University
Q.1 Short Questions 14
1 A current transformer is never operated with __________secondary.
2 The area of hysteresis loop represents ______________.
3 A machine called _______________is used to rotate the armature
4 The resistance of the shunt field winding (Rsh) is always
________________than that of armature winding (Ra).
5 Define dissipation factor.
6 Define phase angle error.
7 Starter is basically a ______________connected in series with the motor
8 What is Ratio Correction Factor (RCF)?
9 Define T.H.D.
10 Brushes are made of ____________. They are ____________in shape.
(c) A 20 kVA, 1000/250 V, 50 Hz single phase transformer gave following 07
test results:
O.C. test (With L.V. open) : 1000 V, 2 A, 250 W.
S.C. test (With H.V. shorted): 5 V, 50 A, 200 W.
Calculate percentage regulation and efficiency at half load 0.8 p.f.
Q.4 (a) Define the following terms: 03
(i) Precision (ii) Reproducibility (iii) Deflection Factor.
(b) Which are the different types of errors occurs in measurement? Explain 04
(c) A 8-pole armature has 96 slots with 8 conductors per slot. It is driven at 07
600 r.p.m. The useful flux per pole is 10 mWb. Calculate the induced
e.m.f. in armature winding when it is : (a) lap connected (b) wave
Q.5 (a) List out different techniques used for high resistance measurement. 03
(b) What is standard of measurement? Describe various standards of 04
(c) Explain the working of a digital multimeter with a schematic block 07
Q.5 (a) Explain how digital frequency counter is used to measure, (i) Frequency 03
(ii) Period (iii) Time interval.
(b) How the range of d.c. voltmeter can be extended? Derive the expressions 04
to calculate multiplier resistance.
(c) Explain measurement of inductance with the help of Hay’s Bridge. Write 07
advantages and disadvantages of Hay’s Bridge.