Hindu Mathematics

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Part I First Published: 1935

Part II First Published: 1938

Single Volume Edition: 1962

All Rights Reserved

PART I: pp. 1-250

PART II: pp. 1-308



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A Aryabhatia
A] Ar~a-Jyoti~a
ApSI Apastamba Sulba
AV Atharvaveda
BBi BijagaQ.ita of B~askara II
BCMS Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society
BMs Bakhsh3.li Manuscript
BrSpSi Brahma-sphuta-siddhanta
BSI Baudhlyana 5ulba
DhC,. Dhy:1nagrahopadda
EI Epigraphia Indica
GK - GaQ.ita-kaumudi
GL Geaha-Iaghava
GSS GaQ.ita-sara-samgraha
GT GaQ.ita-tilaka
IA Indian Antiquary
IHQ Indian Historical Quarterly
]A Journal Asiatique
JASB J ouenal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal
]IMS Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society
]RAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great
Britain and Ireland
KapS Kap,isthala SaIhhita
KK KhaQc;la~khadyaka
til Katyayana 5ulba
KtS Ka~haka Sarilhita
L Uiavati
LBh Laghu-Bhaskariya

LMa Laghu-minasa
MaiS MaitrayaQi Samhita
MaSJ Manava Sulba
MBh Maha-Bhaskariya
MSi Maha-siddMnta
NBi BijagaQ.ita of NarayaQ.a
PdSa Pitt-sara of Munisvara
PLM Pradna-lipi-mala
PSi Pafica-siddhantild
RV ~gveda
SEr Satapatha Brahmal,1a
SmVr Si~Y!l-dhl-vrddhida
SiSe Siddhanta-sekhara
SiS; Siddhanta-siromani
SiT Vi Siddhanta-tattVa-viveka
SuSi Surya-siddhinta
TB,. Taittiriya Bra.hmaQa
Trif Trisatik:i
TS Taittiriya Sarhhita
YJ Yaju~a-]yoti~a
ZDMG Zeitschrift def deutschen morgenlandischen Gessels-,







~<t ;::n:r ~f~P::lf: ~"j::lf: ~;:f'l-'lf: qf~~"lf:
(RV, x. 14. Z~)

To the Seers, our Ancestors, the first Path-makers

Little is known at present to historians of mathe-
matics regarding the achievements of the early Hindu
mathematicians and our indebtedness to them. Though
it is now generally admitted that the decimal place-
value system of numeral notation. was invented and
first used by the Hindus, it is not yet fully realized
to what extent we are indebted to them for our
elementary mathematics. This is due to the lack of a
reliable and authentic history of Hindu mathematics.
Our object in writing the present book has been to
make up' for this deficiency by giving a comprehensive
account of the growth and development of the
science of mathematics in India from the earliest
known times down to the seventeenth century of the
Christian era.
The subject is treated by topics. Under each topic
are collected together and set forth in chronological
order translations of relevant Sanskrit texts as found
in the Hindu works. The texts have been elucidated,
wherever necessary, by adding explanatory notes and
comments, and also by illustrative examples culled from
original sources. We have tried to avoid repetition
as far as has ~een consistent with our aim. However,
on several occasions it has been considered desirable
to repeat the same rule in the words of different authors
in order to emphasize the continuity or rather the
gradual evolution of mathematical thought and termino-
logy in India. Comparative study of this kind has
helped us to throw light on certain obscure Sanskrit
passages and technical terms whose full significance

had not. been understood before. In translating the

texts we have tried to be as literal and faithful as
possiQle without sacrificing the spirit of the original.
Sometimes it has not been possible to find exact
parallels to Sanskrit words and technical terms in
English. In all such cases we have tried to maintain
the spirit of the original in the English version.
The above plan of the book has been adopted in
pursuance of our intention to place before those who
have no access to the Sanskrit sources all evidence,
unfavourable as well as favourable, so that they can
judge for rhemselves the claims of Hindu mathematics,
without depending solely on our statements. In order
to facilitate comparison with the development of
mathematics in other countries the various topics have
been arranged generally in accordance with the se-
quence in Professor D. E. Smith's History of Mathematics,
Vol. II. This has sometimes necessitated divergence
from the arrangement of topics as found in the Hindu
works on mathematics.
In search of material for the book we had to
examine the literature of the Hindus, non-mathematical
as well as mathematical, whether in Sanskrit or in
Pdkrit (Pali and Ardha Magadhi). Very f~w of the
Hindu treatises on mathematics have been printed so
far, and even these are not generally known. The
manuscript works that exist in the various Sanskrit
libraries in India and Europe are still less known. We
have not spared labour in collecting as many of these
as we could. Sanskrit mathematical works mentioned
in the bibliography given at the end of this volume
have been specially consulted by us. We are thankful
to the authorities of the libraries at Madras, Bangalore,
Trivandrum, Trippunithura and Benares, and those of
the India Office (London) and the Asiatic Society of

Bengal (Calcutta) for supplying us tra~scripts of the

manuscripts required or sending us manuscripts for
consultation. We are indebted also to Dr. R. P.
Paranjpye, Vice-Chancellor of the Lucknow University,
for help in securing for our use several manuscripts
or their transcripts from the state libraries iri India
and the India Office, London.
It would not have been possible to carry our study
as far as has been done without the spade work of
previous writers. Foremost among these must be men-
tioned the late Pandit Sudhakar Dvivedi of Benares,
whose editions of the Lfldvatf, Brdhmasphttta-siddhanta,
Triiatikd, .Mahasiddhanta, Siddhanta-tattva-viveka, etc.,
have been of immense help. Colebrooke's translations of
the arithmetic and algebra of Brahmagupta and Bhas-
kara II. Kern's edition of the Aryabha![ya and Ranga-
carya's edition (with English translation) of the Gapita-
sdra-samgraha of Mahavira have also been of much use.
The recent work of G. R. Kaye, however, has been
found to be extremely unreliable. His translation of
the Gapitapaaa of the At:yabha![ya and his edition of the
Bakhshall Manuscript are full of mistakes and are
I t has been decided to publish the book in three
parts. The first part deals with the history of the
numeral notation and of arithmetic. The second is
devoted to algebra, a science in which the ancient Hindus
made remarkable progress. The third part contains
the history of geometry, trigonometry, calculus and
various other topics' such as magic squares, theory of
series and permutations and com~inations. Each part is
complete in itself, so that one interested in any particular
branch of mathematics need not consult all of them.
Part I which is now being published contains two
chapters. Chapter I gives an account of the various

Appreciation of Mathematics-Mathematics In
Hindu Education.
Scale of Notation-Numerals in Spoken Language.
Writing in Ancient India-Earliest Numerals.
Early Occurrence-Forms and their Origin.
Early Occurrence and Forms-Difference from other
Notations-Theories about their Origin-Relation
with Letter Forms-Indraji's Theory-Period of In-
Important Features-Forms-Nagad Forms-Epi-
graphic Instances-Their Supposed Unreliability-
Place of Invention of the New System-Inventor
Unknown-Time of Invention.

Explanation of the System-List of Words-Word
Numerals without Place-value-Word Numerals
with Place-value-Word Numerals in Inscriptions-
Origin and Early History-Date of Invention.
Alphabetic System of Aryabha~a I-Explanation-
Ka!apCfYddi Systems-Ak!arpalli-Other Letter-Sys-
Earliest use-Form of the Symbol-Other uses of
the Symbol.
Jaina Canonical Works-Puralfas-Works on Philo-
sophy-Literary Works.
Boethius Question-Definite Evidence.
Syrian Reference-Arabic References-The Terms
Hindasi, etc.-European References.
18. TABLES 105


Terminology and Scope-Sources-Exposition and
Teaching-Decay of Mathematics-The Fundamen-
tal Operations.

Terminology-The Operation-Direct Process-
Inverse Process.
Terminology-The Operation-Direct Process-In-
verse Process.
Terminology-Methods of Multiplication-Door-
junction Method-Transmission to the West-Gelo-
sia Method-Cross Multiplication Method-Multi-
plication by Separation of Places--Zigzag Method-
Parts Multiplication Method-Algebraic Method.
Terminology-The Operation-The Method of
Long Division.
6. SQUARE 155
Terminology-The Operation-Minor Methods of
7. CUBE 162
Terminology-The Operation-Minor Methods of
Terminology-The Operation.
9· CUBE-ROOT 175
';I'erminology-The Operation.
Early Use-Weights and Measures-Terminology-
Writing of Fractions-Reduction to Lowest Terms-
Requction to Common Denominator-Fraction in
Combination-Lowest Common Multiple-The
Eight Operations-Addition and Subtraction-Mul-
tiplication-Division-Square and Square-root-
Cube and Cube-root-Unit Fractions.

Terminology-The Method-Inverse Rule of Three
-Appreciation of the Rule of Three-Proportion in
the West-Compound Proportion-The Method-
Illustration-The Rule of Three as a Particular Case.
Interest in Ancient India-Interest in Hindu Ganita
Problem involving a Quadratic Equation-Other
Problems-Miscellaneous Problems on Interest-
Barter and Exchange-Other types of Commerc.ial
Regula Falsi-The Method of Inversion-Problems
on Mixture-Problems involving Solution of
Quadratic Equations.
Zero in Arithmetic-Zero in Algebra-Zero as an
Infinitesimal-Infinity-Indeterminate Forms.


. The student of ancient Indian History is struck

by the marvellous attainments of the Hindus, both
in the Arts and the Sciences, at a very eady period.
fhe discoveries at Mohenjo-daro reveal that as early as
3,000 B.C. the inhabitants of the land of the Sindhu-
t~e Hindus-built brick houses, planned cities, used
metals such as gold, silver, copper and bronze, and lived
a highly organised life. In fact, they were far in advance
of any other people of that period. The earliest works
available, the Vedas (c. 3,000 B.C. or probably much
earlier), although ~onsisting mainly of hymns of praise
and poems of worship, show a high state of civilisation.
The Brahmapa literature (c. 2,000 B.C.) which follows
the Veda:r, is partly ritualistic and partly philosophical.
In these works are to be found well-developed systems
of metaphysical, social and religious philosophy, as well
as the germs of most of the sciences and arts which have
helped to make up the modern civilisation. It is here
that we find the beginnings of the science of mathematics
(arithmetic, geometry~ algebra,. etc.) and astronomy.
This BrrJhma!la period was followed by more than two
thousand years of continuous progress and brilliant
achievements. Although during this period there were
several foreign invasions as well as internal wars and
many great kingdoms rose and fell, yet the continuity of
intellectual progress was maintained. The constitution

of Hindu society was mainly responsible for this.

The foreign invaders, instead of being a hindrance,
cqntributed to progress and the strengthening 6f Hindu
society by bringing in new blood. They settled in the
land, adopted the religion and customs of the conquered
and were -completely absorbed into Hindu society.
There were a class of people-the Bra.hmar:tas-who
took the vow of poverty, and devoted themselves, from
one generation to another, to the cultivation of the
sciences and arts, religion and philosophy. The
Brihmat;las, thanks to their selflessness and intellectual
attainments, were highly respected by the kings and the
people alike. They were the law-givers and advisers
of the kings. In fact, this body of selfless thinkers
and learned men were the real rulers of the land.
The great Epic, the Rdlllqyat1a, was composed by
Valmiki, the father of Sanskrit poetry, about 1,000 B.C.,
Pa.Q.ini, the grammarian, perfected Sanskrit grammar
about 700 B.C. and Susruta wrote on the sciences of
medicine and surgery about 600 B. c. l A century later,
~Iahavira and Buddha taught their unique systems of
religious and moral philosophy, and the doctrine of
Nirvdt1Cl. With the spread of these religions evolved
the Jaina and Buddhist literatures. Some of the earlier
Purdp.as and Dharma-fdstras were written about this
time. The period 400 B.C. to 400 A.D., however, seems
to have been a period of great activity and progress.
During this period flourished the great Jaina meta-
physician Umasvati, Patafijali, the grammarian and philo-
sopher, Kau~ilya, the celebrated politician, Nagarjuna,
the· chemist, Caraka, the physician, and the immortal
poets Asvagho~a, Bhasa and Kalidasa. The great
1 There is considerable divergence of opinion regarding the

dates of the pre-historic works and personalities mentioned in this

section. \Ve have given those dates that appear most plausible. I

astronomical Siddhdntas, the Stt,]'tl, the Pitdlllaha, the

Vafi.f!ha, the Pardfara and others were 'written during
this period and the decimal place-value notation was


Appreciation of Mathematics. It is said that

in ancient India no science did ever attain an independent
existence and was cultivated for its own sake. What-
ever of any science is found in V celic India is supposed
to have originated and grown as the handmaid of one
or the other of the six "members of the Veda," and
consequently with the primary object of helping the
Vedic rituals. It is also supposed, sometimes, that
any further culture of the science was somewhat dis-
couraged by the Vedic Hindus in suspicion that it might
prove a hindrance to their great quest of the knowledge
of the Supreme by diverting the mind to other external
channels. That is not, indeed, a correct view on the
whole. It is perhaps true that in the earlier Vedic Age,
sciences grew as help to religion. But it is genera-lly
found that the interest of people in a particular
branch of knowledge, in all climes and times, has al-
ways been aroused and guided by specific reasons.
Religion being the prime avocation of the earlier Hindus,
it is not unnatural that the culture of other branches
of knowledge grew as help to it and was kept subsi-
diary. But there is enough evidence to show that
in course of time all the sciences outgrew their original
purposes and were cultivated for their own sake. A
new orientation had indeed set in in the latter part of
the Vedic Age.
There is a story in the Chdndog_),a Upal1i.fdd 1 whose
1 Chdndogya Upanirad, vii. I, 2, 4.

value in support of our view cannot be over-estimated.

It is said that once upon a time Nirada approached
the sage Sanatkumara and begged of him the Brahllla-
tJI4_yd or the supreme knowledge. Sanatkumara asked
Narada to state what sciences and arts he had already
studied so that he (Sanatkumara) might judge what
still remained to be learnt by him. Thereupon Narada
enumerated the various sciences and arts studied by him.
This list included astronomy (nakfatra-vicfya) and arith-
metic (rafi-vi4ya). Thus the culture of the science of
mathematics or of ?ny other branch of secular kno~v­
ledge, was not considered to be a hindrance to spiritual
knowledge. In fact, APard-~'ic!ya ("secular knowledge")
was then considered to be a helpful adjunct to Parii'-vi4Jd
("spiritual knowledge"). 1
Importance to the culture of Gat/ita .(mathematics)
is also given by the Jainas. Their religious literature
is generally classified into four branches, called ant!Y0ga
("exposition of principles"). One of them is gtl.'?itdnu-
yoga ("the exposition of the principles of mathematics").
The knowledge of Samkhydna (literally, "the science of
numbers," meaning arithmetic and astronomy) is stated
to be one of the principal accomplishments of the Jaina
priest. c In Buddhist literature too, arithmetic (garand,
samkl?Jdna) is regarded as the first and the noblest of
the arts.3 All these will give a fair idea of the importance
and value set upon the culture of gattita in ancient
The following appreclation of mathematics, al-
though belonging to a much later date, will be found
to be interesting, especially, as it comes from the pen
1 MII!1t:lakopani/ad, i. 1, 3-~.
2 Bhagavati-sutra, Sutra 90; Uttaradhyayana-sutra, xxv. 7, 8, 38.
a Vincrya Pi/aka, ed. Oldenberg, Vol. IV, p. 7; Majjhima
Niktiya, Vol. J, p. 85; Cullanidtiesa, p. 199.

of Mahavlra (850 A.D.), one of the best mathematicians

of his time:
"In all transactions which relate to worldly, Vedic
or other similar religious affairs calculation is of use.
In the science of love, in the science of wealth, in music
and in drama, in the art of cooking, in medicine, in
architecture, in prosody, in poetics and poetry, in logic
and grammar and such other things, and in relation to
all that constitutes the peculiar value of the arts, the
science of calculation (ga!1ita) is held in high esteem.
In relation to the movements of the sun and other
heavenly bodies, in connection with eclipses and
conjunctions of planets, and in connection with the
Iriprafna (direction, position and time) and the course
of the moon-indeed in all these it is utilised. The
number, the diameter and the perimeter of islands,
oceans and mountains; the extensive dimensions of the
rows of habitations and halls belonging to the inhabi-
tants of the world, of the interspace between the worlds,
of the world of light, of the world of the gods and of
the dwellers in hell, and other miscellaneous measure-
ments of all sorts-all these are made out by the help
of ga!1ita. The configuration of living beings therein,
the length of their lives, their eight attributes, and other
similar things; their progress and other such things,
their staying together, etc.-all these are dependent
upon ga!1ita (for their due comprehension). \V'hat is
the good of saying much? Whatever there is in all thc
three worlds, which are possessed of moving and non-
moving beings, cannot ,exist as apart from /!,I7!lifa
(measurement and calculation).
« With the help of the accomplished holy sages,
who are worthy to be worshipped by thc lords of the
world, and of their disciples and disciples' disciples,
who constitute the well-known series of preceptors,

I glean from the great ocean of the knowledge of

numbers a little of its essence, in the manner in which
gems are p~ckcd from the sea, gold is from the stony
rock and pearl from the oyster shell; and give out
according to the pO\ver of my intelligence, the Sdra-stJlJi-
graha, a small work on !!,opjto, which is (however) not
small jn value." 1
Mathematics in Hindu Education. The
elementary stage in Hindu education lasted from the
age of five till the age of twelve. This period slightly
differed in the case of sons of kings and noblemen.
The main subjects of study were fipi or fekhd (alphabets,
reading and writing), rupa (drawing and geometry) and
gapalld (arithmetic). It is said in the ArthafdJ-tra of
Kau~ilya (400 B.C.) that having undergone the ceremony
of tonsure, the student shall learn the alphabets (fipi) and
arithmetic (sa1Jikl-!)·c1lla).2 We hnd in the HathIgumpha
InscriptionS that king K):1aravela (163 B.C.) of Kaling t
spent nine years (from the age of sixteen to the age of
2. 5) in learning lekM, riipa and garand. Prince Gautama
began his education when he was eight years of age
"firstly (with) writing and then' arithmetic as the most
important of the 72. sciences and arts."4 Mention of
fekhd, rtlpa and gartJl1d is also found in the Jaina canonical
works. 5

l GSS, i. 9- 1 9-
2 Arthafdstra, ed. by R. Shamasastri, i. 5, 2; Eng. trans.,
p. 10.
a Hathigumpha and three oth~r inscriptions, ed. by Bhagavanlal
Indraji, p. 22.
4 Antagaga-dasao an_d Anttttarvavarya-dasao, Eng. trans. by L. D.

Barnett, 1907, p. ; 0; cf. Kalpastltra of Bhadrabahu, Sutra 2 I I.

5 E.g., Samavcfyanga-siJlra, Sutra 72.

Gattita literally means "the science' ot calculation"

and. is the Hindu name for mathematics. The term is a
very ancient one and occurs copiously in Vedic literature.
The Veddtiga Jyoti.fa (c. 1,200 B.C.) gives it the highest
place of honour among the sciences which form the
Veddtiga: "As the crests on the heads of peac:ocks, as
the gems on the hoods of snakes, so is gapita at
the top of the sciences known as the Veddnga."1 In
ancient Buddhist literature we find mention of three
classes of gattita: (I) mudrd ("finger arithmetic"), (2)
gapana ("mental arithmetic") and (3) samkhydna
("higher arithmetic in general"). One of the earliest
enumerations of these three classes occurs in the Digha
Nikt!ya,2 and it is also found in the Vincrya Pi/aka, 3
Di1!Jdvaddna 4 and Milindapafiho. 5 The word satJikl!)'dna
has been used for garita in several old works. G At this
remote period garita· included astronomy, but geometry
(k..fetra-gattita) belonged to a different group of sciences
known as Kalpasutra.
It is believed that some time before the beginning
of 'the Christian era, there was a renaissance of Hindu
Ga{1ita. 7 The effect of this revival on the scope of

1 "Yatha sikha mayur:l.l}arh naganarh mat:J.ayo yatM

Tadvadvedangasastral}arh gal}itarh murdhani sthitarp."
2 I, p. 51. Vedanga Jyotifa, 4.
"IV, p. 7. .
4 Dil!Jdvaddna, ed. by E. B. Cowell and R. A. Neil, Cambridge,

1886, pp. 3, 26 and 88.

G Milindapaiiho, Eng. trans. by Rhys Davids, OJolford, 1890,
p. 91.
G E.g., Kalpasutra of Bhadrabahu, ed. by H. Jacobi, Leipzig,

1897; J3hagavatf-.ifltra, Bombay, 1918, p. 112; Arthaitistra, i. 5. 2.

'Bibhutibhusan Datta, "The scope and development of
Hindu GaQita," Indian Historical Quarter!;, V, 1929, pp. 479-5 I2.

ga(1ita was great. Astronomy (jyoti/a) became a separate

subject alld geometry (kfetra-ga(1ita) came to be included
within its scope. The subjects treated in the Hindu
Ga(1ita of the early renaissance period consisted of the
following: 1 Parik.arma ("fundamental operations"),
V)avahdra ("determinations"), Rcyju ("rope," meaning
geometry), RdJi ("rule of three"), Kaldsavar(la ("opera-
tions with fractions"), Yaval tdlJal ("as many as,"
meaning simple equations), Varga ("Square," meaning
quadratic equations), Ghana ("Cube", meaning cubic
equations), Varga-varga (biquadratic equations) and
Vikalpa ("permutations and combinations").
Thus ga(1ita came to mean mathematics in general,
while 'finger aFithmetic' as well as 'mental arithmetic'
were excluded from the scope of its meaning For the
calculations involved in ga(1ita, the use of some writing
material waS essential. The calculations were performed
on a board (pdti) with a piece of chalk or on sand (dhull)
spread on the ground or on the pdP, Thus the terms
pafl'-ga(1ita ("science of calculation on the board") or
ibuli-karma ("dust-work"), came to be used for higher
mathematics. Later on the section of ga (1ila dealing
with algebra was given the name Bija-gatJita. The first
to effect this separation was Brahmagupta (628), but he
did not use the term Bfja-ga!1ita. The chapter dealing
with algebra in his Brdhma-sphuta-siddhdnta is called
Ku!!aka. Sridharacarya (750) regarded Pdji-ga!2ita and
13[ja-ga!1ita as separate and wrote separate treatises on
each. This distinction between Pd!iga!1ita and Bijaga!1ita
has been preserved by later writers.
Having given a brief survey of the position anti
scope of mathematics in Ancient India, we turn to the

1 "Parikammarh vavaharo rajju dsi kalasavanne ya I

Javantavati vaggo ghano tataha vaggavaggo vikappo ta II"
SthtinailgoIiitro, Sutra 747.
purpose in hand-that of giving a connected account
of the development and growth of the different branches
of mathematics. The numeration system of the Hindus
will engage our attention first.


Scale of Notation. \Y/e can definitely say that

from the very earliest known times, ten has formed
the basis of numeration in india. 1 In fact, there is
absolutely no trace of the extensive use of any other
base of numeration in the whole of Sanskrit literature.
It is also characteristic of India that there should be
found at a very early date long series of number names
for very high numerals. While the Greeks had no
terminology for denominations above the IJryriad (10 4 ),
and the Romans above the mille (10 3 ) , the ancient Hindus
dealt freely with no less than eighteen denominations.
In modern times also, the numeral language of no
other nation is as scientific and perfect as that of the
In the Yajttrveda Samhita (V4Jasaneyl)2 the following
list of numeral 'denominations is given: Eka (I), dafa
(10), sata (100), sahasra (1000), qJttta (10,000), nryuta
(100,000), prqyuta (1,000,000), arbuda (10,000,000),
'!Jarbuda (100,000,000), saJJ1udra (1,000,000,000),
madhya (10,000,000,000), anta (100,000,000,000),
parardha (1,000,000,000,000). The same list occurs at
two places in the Taittir[ya Sanihita. 3 The ./I,tIaitrdyatzf4
1 Various 'instances are to be found in the f!,.gveda; noted
by Macdonell and Keith, Vedic Index, Vol. I, p. 3.43.
2 Yajurveda Sambitd, xvii. 2..

:I iv. 4 0 • 11. 4; and vii. 2.. 2.0. I.

4 ii. 8. 14; the list has ayl{ta, prayllfa, then again ~Yllta, then
nya,blllia, samudra. mad0'a, anfa, pardrdha.

and K6thaka l Samhitcis contain the same list with slight

alterations. The Paficavilitfa Brdhmapa has the Yq/fJr-
veda list upto ,?),arbuda inclusive, and then follow
nikharva, vddava, ak.fiti, etc. The Sdnk~Y4Yana Srauta
Si/tra continues the series after '!J'arbuda with nikharva,
Sdl!ludra, salila, allrya, ananta (= 10 billions). Each of
these denominations is 10 times the preceding, so that
they were aptly called daJagupottara sa1h_jfid·2 ("decuple
Coming to later times, i.e., about the 5th century
B.C., we find successful attempts made to continue the
series of number names based on the centesimal scale. S
We quote below from the Laiitavistara,4 a well-known
Buddhist work of the first ct:ntury B. c., the dialogue
between Arjuna, the mathematician, and Prince Gautama
"The mathematician Atjuna asked the Bodhisattva,
'0 young man, do you know the counting which goes
beyond the koji on the centesimal scale?
Bodhisattva: I know.
Arjuna: How does the counting proceed beyond
the kot; on the centesimal scale?
Bodhisattva: Hundred ko!;s are called ayllta,
hundred cryutas niyuta, hundred nrylltas kankara, hundred
katikaras vivara, hundred vivaras kfobl?Ja, hundred k~o­
bl?Jas vivdha, hundred vivdhas utsmiga, hundred utsangas
ba/.)Jda, hundred bahlJias ndgabala, hundred nagabalas ti/i-

1 xvii. the list is .che same with the exception that nryuta
and prayuta change places. In xxxix. 6, after l[Yarbuda a new
term t'adava intervenes.
~ cr. Bhaskara II, L, p. z.
~ Satottara ga1,1(lfla or SatotMra sarujna (names on the cen-
tesimal scale).
1 La/i/avistara, ed. by Rajendra La] Mitra, Calcutta, 1877.

lambha, hundred ti!ilambhas ryavasthdna-prajnapti, hundred

ryavasthdna-prC!/flaptis hetuhi/a, hundred hetuhi/as karahu,
hundred karahur hetvindriya, hundred hetvindriyas samapta-
lambha, hundred samdpta-Iambhas gatlanagati, hundred
gatlandgatis niravarfya, hundred niravarfyas mudrd-bala, hun-
dred Ilttldrd-balas sarzla-bala, hundred sarva-balas visatnjnd-
gati, hundred llisatnjnd-gatis sarvqjiid, hundred sarvajiids
lIibhutatigamd, hundred vibhutmigamds ta/iak.fatla.l"
Another interesting series of number names
increasing by multiples of 10 millions is found in
Kaccayana's Pali Grammar. 2 "For example: dasa
(10) multiplied by dasa (10) becomes sata (100),
sata (100) multiplied by ten becomes sahassa (1,000),
sahassa multiplied by ten becomes dasa sahassa (10,000),
dasa sahassa multiplied by ten becomes sata sahassa 3
(100,000), sata sahassa multiplied by ten becomes dasa
sata sahassa (1,000,000), dasa sata sahassa multiplied by
ten becomes koti (10,000,000). Hundred-hundred-
thousand kojis give pako/i. 4 In this manner the further
terms are formed. What are their names? ......... .
hundred hundred-thousands is ko{i, hundred-hundred-
I Thus tollaksana= 10 53 •
This and the following show that the Hindus anticipated
Archimedes by several centuries in the matter of evolving a series
of number names which «are sufficient to exceed not only the
number of a sand-heap as large as the whole earth, but o{;_e as
large as the universe."
Cf 'De harenae l1umero' in the 1544 edition of the Opera of
Archimedes; quoted by Smith and Karpinski, Hindu Arabic
Ntlmera/s, Boston, 1911, p. 16.
2 "Grammaire Palie de Kaccayana," j(Jtlrn. Asiatique, Sixieme
Serie, XVII, 1871, p. 4I1. The explanations to sutras 51 and
5 z are quoted here.
S Also called lakkha (Iak!a).
4 Also called ko/i-ko/i, i.e., (10,000,000)2=10 • The follow-
ing numbers are in the denomination k(J/i-koji. Compare the
Anl!Yogadvam-s/itra, Sutra J 42.

thousand ko!is is pako/i, hundred-hundted-thousand

pako!is is ko!ippako!i, hundred-hundred-thousand ko/i-
pp(rko!is is 17(Jlmta, hundted-hundted-thQusand nahutas is
"jllllrliJllta, hundred-hundted-thousand ninnahutas is ak-
klJObiJini; similarly we have bindu, abbuda, nirabbuda,
ahaha, ababa, alata, sogandhika, 1ppala, kUJll1lda, pupf/.arika
pOdJlJlla, kathdlla, Illahakathdna, asmik~Y8)la."l
In the Ant!Jogadz'dra-sutra 2 (c. 100 B.C.), a Jaina
canonical work written before the commencement of
the Christian era; the total number of human beings
in the world is given thus: "a number which when
expressed in terms of the denominations, ko/i-ko!i, etc.,
occupies twenty-nine places (sthalla), or it is beyond the
24th place and within the 3.?,nd place, or it is a number
obtained by multiplying sixth square (of two) by (its)
fifth square, (i.e., 296 ), or it is a number which can be
divided (by two) ninety-six times." Another big number
that occurs in the Jaina works is the number representing
the period of time known as Sirfoprahe!ikd. According
to the commentator Bema Candra (b. 1089)\ this
number is so large as to occupy 194 notational places
(alika-sthdnehi). It is also stated to be (8,4°0,000)28.
Notational Places. Later on, when the idea of
place-value was developed, the denominations (number
names) were used to denote the places which unity would
occupy in order to represent them (denominations) in
writing a number on the decimal scale. For instance,
according to Aryabhata I (499) the denominations are
the names of 'places'. Be says: "Eka (unit) dasa
(ten), sata (hundred), sahasra (thousand), ayuta (ten
thousand), no'Uta (hundred thousand), prq)'tfta (million),
1 Thus asatikf:y~ya is (ro)140=(ro,000,000)20.
2 Sutra 14Z.

3 The figures within brackets after the names of authors or

works denote dates after Christ.

koti (ten million), arbuda (hundred mjllion), and vrnda
(thousand million) are respectively from place to Ilace
each ten times the preceding."l The first use 0 the
word 'place' for the denomination is met with in the
Jaina work quoted above.
In most of the mathematical works, the denomina-
tions' are called "names of places," and eighteen of
these are gene~ally enumerated. Sridhara (750) gives
the following names: 2 eka, dala, lata, sahasra, ((yuta,
lak,fa, prqyuta, koti, arbuda, alva, kharva, nikharva, ntaha"-
sarqja, safii"N, saritd-pati, anrya, mad~a, pardrdha, and adds
that the decuple names proceed even beyond this.
Mahavira (850) gives twenty-four notational places: 3
eka, dasa, sata, sahasra, dasa-sahasra, lak.fa, dasa-Iak.fa,
koti, dafa-koti, fata-koti, arbuda, tryarbuda, kharva,
ntahdkharva, padtna, mabd-padma, k.fo!1i, mahd-k.fo!li,
sankha, ntahd-sankha, k,fiti, mahd-k,fiti, k,fobha, mahd-
Bhaskara II's (1150) list agrees with that of Sridhara
except for mahdsaroja and saritaPa!i which are replaced
by their synonyms mahdpadma and jaladhi respectively.
H~ remarks that the names of places have .been assigned
for practical use by ancient writers. 4
NariyaDa (1356) gives a similar list in which aija,
mahdsarqja and saritapati are replaced by their synonyms
saro/a, mahdbja and pdrdvdra respectively.
Numerals in Spoken Language. The Sans!u.U
names for the numbers from one to nine are: eka, JW.,
tri, catflr, panca .fa!, sapta, a.fla, nava. These with the
lA, ii. z.
2 Irif, R. Z-3; the term used is dafagUlJdb samjiidb, i.e., «decup.t.
names." .-
3 GSS, i. 63-68; "The first place is what is known as eka; the
second is dafa" etc.
4 L, p. 'z.

numerical denominations already mentioned suffice to

express any required number. In an additive system
it is immaterial how the elements of different denomina-
tions, of which a number is composed, are spoken.
Thus one-ten or ten-one would mean the same. But
it has become the usual custom from times immemorial
to adhere to a definite mode of arrangement, instead
of speaking in a haphazard manner.
In the Sanskrit language the arrangement is that
when a number expression is composed of the first two
denominations only, the smaller element is spoken
first, but when it is composed also of higher denomina-
tions, the bigger elements precede the smaller ones,
the order of the first two denominations remaining as
before. Thus, if a number expression contains the
first four denominations, the normal mode of expression
would be to say the thousands first, then hundreds,
then units and then tens. It will be observed that
there is a sudden change of order in the process of
formation of the number expression when we go beyond
hundred. The change of order, however, is common
to most of the important languages of the world. I
Nothing definite appears to be known as to the cause
of this sudden change.
The numbers 19, 29, 39, 49, etc., offer us instances
of the use of the subtractive principle in the spoken
language. In Vedic times we find the use 2 of the
terms ekanna-vimfati (one-less-twenty) and ekaJma-
catvdrimfat (one-less-forty) for nineteen and thirty-nine
respectively. In later times (Sutra period) the ekdnna was
changed to ekona, and occasionally even the prefix eka
lOnly in very few languages is the order continuously
descending. In English the smaller elements are spoken first
in the case of numbers upto twenty only.
2 Taittirfya Sanihitd, vii. z. II.

\vas deleted and we have fina-vitfdati, fina-trimfat, etc.-

forms which are used up to the present day. The al-
ternative expressions nava-dafa (nine-ten), nava-vi1Jifati
(nine-twenty), etc., were also sometimes used."
Practically the whole of Sanskrit literature is in
verse, so that for the sake of metrical convenience,
various devices were resorted to in the formation of
number expressions, the most common being the
use' of the additive 2 method. The following are a
few examples of common occurrence taken from
mathematical works:
Subtrac/ive: (1) the number 139 is expressed as
(2) 297 is expressed as 300- 3. 4
AIultiplicative: (1) the number eighteen is expressed
as 2.X9;5
(2) twenty-seven is expressed as
3 X 9 and 12 as 2x6;6
(,) 28,483 is expressed as 8,+400+
(4000 X 7).

1 19 ~= nav.l-dala (Vdjasaneyf Samhitd, xiv. 2.3; Taittirfya Samhitti,

xiv. 2.3. 30).

2.9 = nat'a-v;mfati (Vdjasaneyf Samhitd, xiv. 31).
99 = nava-navati (f!.-gveda, i. 84· 1.)).
23339 = trflJi latdni trisahasrdlJi trimfa ca nava ca, i.e., "three
hundreds and three thousands and thirty and nine." (f!..gveda,
iii. 9. 9; also x. 52. 6.)
:3 GSS, i. 4: cattvarimfafcaikona fatddhika ("forty increased by
4 L, p. 4, Ex. I: Trihfnasya fata-trqyasya ("three less three
5 A, ii. 3: dvi-navaka.
(, Trif, Ex. 43: tri-navaka ("three nines"), dvi-Ia! ("two sixes").
1 GSS, i. 2.8: tryafitimifrdlJi catttffatdni catussahasraghna
naganvitdni ("eighty-three combined with· four hundred and
four thousand multiplied by seven").

The expression of the numbe1; 12.3456H32.I in the

form "beginning with I upto 6 and then diminishing in
order" is rather interesting. 1
What are known as alphabetic and word numerals
were generally employed for the expression of large
numbers. A detailed account of these numerals will
be given later on. '



Writing in Ancient India. It is generally held

that numerical symbols were invented after writing had
been in use for some time, and that in the early stages
the numbers were written out in full in words. This
seems to be true for the bigger units, but the signs for
the smaller units are as old as writing itself.
Until quite recently historians were divided as to
the date when writing was in use in India. There were
some who stated that writing was known even in the
Vedic age, but the majority following Weber, Taylor,
Buhler and others were of opinion that writing was
introduced into India from the West about the eighth
century B.C. These writers built up theories deriving
the ancient Indian script, as found in the inscriptions
of Asoka, from the more ancient writing discovered in
Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Semitic origin was first
suggested by Sir W. Jones, in the year 1806, and later
on supported by Kopp (1821), Lespius (1834), and many
others. The supporters of this theory, however, do
not completely agree amongst themselves. For, whilst
W. Deccke and 1. Taylor derive the Indian script from
a South-Semitic script, Weber and BUhler derive
1 GSS, i. 2. 7: ek.ddila(iantani kramcpa hmani.

it from the Phoenician or a North-Semitic script. 1

Buhler rejects the derivation from a South-Semitic
script, stating that the theory requires too many assump-
tions, and makes too many changes in the letter forms
to be quite convincing. He, however, supports Weber's
derivation from a North-Semitic script and has given
details of the theory. 2 Ojha3 has examined Buhler's
theory in detail and rejects it stating that it is fanciful
and that the facts are against it. He states that only
one out of the twenty-two letters of the Phoenician
(North-Semitic) script resembles a phonetically similar
Brahmi letter. He supports his argument in a most
convincing manner by a table of the two alphabets,
with phonetically similar letters arranged in a line. He
further shows that following Buhler's method of deri-
vation almost any script could be proved to be the
parent of another. 4
Other scholars, who held that writing was known
in India as early as the Vedic age, based their conclusion
upon literary evidence. The Vafi.f!ba Dharmasutra,
which originally belonged to a school of the J!.-gvcda
offers clear evidence of the use of writing in the Vedic
period. Vasi~tha (xvi. 10, 14-15) mentions written
docurhents as legal evidence, and the first of these sutras
1 For minor differences in the theories set up by different
writers and also for several other theories, see Buhler, Palaeograp~,
p. 9; the notes give the references.
2 Biihler, i.e., pp. 9 f.
8 PLM, pp. 18-.31.
4 Recently several0ther eminent historians have expressed their
disagreement with Buhler's derivation. See Bhandarkar, "Origin
Qf the Indian Alphabet," Sir Asutosh 'Mukerji Jubilee Volumes,
Vol. III, 192.2, p. 493; H. C. Ray, "The Indian Alphabet," lA,
III, 1924, p. 2H; also Mohe'!Jo-daro and the Indus Valley Civilisation,
I93 I, p. 424, where ~he following remark occurs: "I am con-
vinced that all attempts to derive the Brahm! alphabet from Semitic
alphabets were· complete failures."

IS a quotation from an older work or from traditional

lore. Another quotation from the ~gveda itself (x. 62.
7), which refers to the writing of the number eight is:
Sahasr{wi me dadato a.f!akar!!}ap, meaning "gave me a
thousand cows on whose ears the number eight was
\vritten." The above interpretation, although doubted by
some scholars, seems to be correct, as it is supported by
Pfu).ini. 1 :0.Ioreover, the practice of making marks on
the ears of cows to denote their relation to their owners,
seems to have been prevalent in ancient India. 2
At another place in the ~gveda ex. 34), we find
mention of a gambler lamenting his lot and saying that
"having staked on one,3 he lost his faithful wife .... "
Again, in the Athan'aZJeda (vii. 50, (52), 5) we find
the mention of the word "written amount". Papini's 4,

grammar (c. 700 B.C.) contains the terms J'avandni

("Semitic writing") and the compounds lipikdra and
libikdra (iii. 2. 2 I) (writer), which show that writing
was known in his time. In addition to these passages,
the Vedic works contain some technical terms, such as
ak.fara (a letter of the alphabet), kdpt}a (chapter), pa!ala,
grantha (book), etc., which have been quoted as evidence
of writing. These specific references to written docu-
ments when considered with the advanced state of Vedic
civilisation, especially the high development of trade
and complicated monetary transactions, the use of prose
in the 13rdblllatlaS, the collection, the methodical arrange-
ment, the numeration, the analysis of the Vedic texts

1 Kartzo var/la lakfatzdt (vi. 2. I 12) and also (vi. 3. I I 5) support

the interpretation.
~ Athal"l'al'eda (vi. 141) mentions the method of making
mithuna marks on the ears. In (xii. 4. 6) the practice is denounced.
The Mqitra)'tlIJi SaJJihitd has a chapter dealing with this topic. The
method of making such marks is dealt with in 1V. 2. 9.
8 Here 'one' refers to the number stamped on the dice.

4 Ajtlifa~l/ tva stlllilikhittllJlajaiftllJJtlta stllJirudhatjl.


and the phonetic and lexicographic researches found in

the Vedangas, form sufficient grounds for assigning a
very early date to the use ofwtiting in India. 1 Although
thes'e arguments possess considerable weight, they were
not generally recognised, as will always happen if an
argumentum ex impossibili is used. R. Shamasastry (1906)
has published a derivation based upon ancient Indian
hieroglyphic pictures which he believes to be preserved
in the tantric figures. His learned article has not at-
tracted the attention it deserves.
Recent discoveries have however, sounded the
death knell of all theories deriving the Indian script.
from foreign sources. Pottery belonging, to the Megali-
thic (c. 1.,500 B.C.) and Neolithic (6,000 B.C.-3,000 B.C.)
ages, preserved in the Madras Museum, has been found
to be inscribed with writing. And according to
Bhandarkar 2 five of these marks are identical with the
Brahm! characters of the time of Asoka. The excava-
tions at Mohenjo-daro and Harappa have also brought
to light written documents, seals and inscriptions,
dating from before 3,000 B.C. Thus it would be now
absurd to trace the Brahmi to any Semitic alphabet of
the eighth or ninth century B.C.
Earliest Numerals. The numerical figures con-
tained in the seals and inscriptions of Moh(\njo-daro,
h;; ve not been completely deciphered as yet. The
vertical stroke and combinations of vertical strokes
arranged side by side, or one group ·below
another, have been found. The numbers one to
thirteen seem to have been written by means of
vertical strokes, probably, as in the figures given bel6w: B
1 Cf. Biihler, I.e., p. 3. 2 J.e.
3 Marshall, I.e., pp. 450-5 z. See also "Mohenjo-daro-Indus
Epigr:aphy" by G. R. Hunter URAS, April, 1932, pp. 470, 478ff.)
who IS more pronounced about the numerical values of some of
the signs.

I n In DO mn RIIIl

.• II

t1 .. ,

It is not yet quite certain whether there were special

signs for greater numbers such as 20, 30, the hundreds
and higher numbers. There are humerous other signs
which are believed to represent such numbers, but
there seems to be no means of finding out the true
values of these signs at present.
Between the finds of Mohenjo-daro and the inscrip-
tions of Asoka, which contain numerals, there is a gap
of 2,700 years or more. No written documents contain-
ing numerals 'and. belonging to this intervening period
have been so far discovered. The literary evidence,
however, points to the use of numerical symbols at a
very early date. The reference to the writing of the
number eight in the ~gveda and the use of numerical
denominations as big as lOla in the Yqjun'eda Samhitd
and in several other Vedic works, quoted before, offer
sufficient grounds for concluding that, even at that
remote period, the Hindus must have possessed a well
developed system of numerical symbols. The con-
clusion is supported by the fact that the Greek and the
Roman numerical terminologies did not go beyond 10\
even after-writing and a satisfactory numerical symbolism
had been in use for several centuries.
The writings on the inscriptions of Asoka show
that in his time the use of numerical symbols in India

was quite common. 1 The variations in the forms of

the numerical signs suggest that the symbols had been
in use for a long time.
Most of the inscriptions of Asoka and the following
period are written in a script which has been called
Brdhmf, whilst some are in a different script known as
Kharo.f!hf. The forms of the numerical symbols in
the two scripts are different. We consider them

Early Occurrence. The Kharo!!hf fipi is a script
written from right to left. The majority of the Kharo-
Hhi inscriptions have been found in the ancient province
of Gandhara, the modern eastern Afghanistan and the
northern Punjab. It was a popular script meant for
clerks and men of bll:siness. The period during which
it seems to have been used in India extends from the
fourth century B.C. to the third century A.D. In the
Kharo~thi inscriptions of Asoka only four numerals
have been found. These are the primitive vertical
marks for one, two, four, and five, thus:
I 2 4 5 •

/ 1/ III/ /l1li
More developed forms of these numerals are found in
the inscriptions of the Sakas, of the Parthians and
1 Megasthenes speaks of mile-stones indicating the distances
and the halting places on the roads. The distances must have
been written in numerical figures (Buhler, l.c., p. 6; also Indika
of Megasthenes, pp. 125-26). - The complicated system of keeping
accounts mentioned in the Arthafdstra of Kau~ilya confirms the

of the Ku~anas, of the 1St century B.C. and the '1St and
2nd centuries A.D., as well as in other probably later
documents. The following are some of the numerals
of this period:
z 4 6 7 8


10 zo 40 50 60 70 80

? J 3J 733 ~33 :/33J 3$33'

100 zoo 3 00 lZ2 274

"(I 1jJ jll) IJ] 1'1 )(7 ?7J1" '

Forms and their Origin. It cannot be satis-
factorily explained why the number four, which was
previously represented by four vertical lines came to be
represented by a cross later on. The representation of
the numbers five to eight follows the additive principle,
with four as the base. This method of writing the
numbers 4 to 8 is not met with in the early records
of the Semites. \V'e do not know how the number
nine was written. It is very probable that it was written

as I X)C , i.e., 4+4+ I (reading from right to left,

the order -being the same as that of the script).
The number 10 has an entirely new sign. The

question why it was not written as /IXX ,or why

the base )( (4) ,vas abandoned cannot be satisfac-
torily answered.

It is accepted by all that the Kharoghi is a foreign

script brought into India from the west. The exact
'period at which it was imported is unknown. It might
have been introduced at the time of the conquest of the
Punjab by Darius (c. 500 B.C.) or earlier. 1 The numerals
given above undoubtedly belong to this script as they
proceed from right to left.
, The old symbols of the inscriptions of Asoka,
however, seem to have undergone modification in
India, especially the numbers from 4 to 19. The
symbols for four and ten seem to have been coined
in India, in order to introduce simplification and also
to bring the Kharo~thi numeral system in line with
the Brahm! notation already in extensive use. The

symbol X seems to have been derived by turning the

Brahm! symbol + which represents 4 in the inscrip-

tions of Asoka. The inclined cross to represent 4 is

found in the Nabatean numerals in use in the earlier cen-
turies of the Christian Era. 2 The Nabatean numerals
resemble the Kharosthi also in the use of the scale of
twenty and in the m~thod of formation of the hundreds.
It is possible that the Semites might have borrowed the
Kharo~thi symbol for 4, although it is not unlikely,
as Buhler thinks, that the symbol might have been
invented independently by both nations.
1 The theory of the foreign origin of the script has to be
revised in the light of the discoveries at Mohenj o-daro and Hatappa,
especially in vtew of the fact that the Mohenjo-daro alphabet tan
from right to left.
2 J. Euting, Nabataische Inschriften aus Arabien, Berlin, 1885,

pp. 9 6-97.

The numeral ? (10) closely resembles the letter

a of the Brahm! alphabet. The symbol for twenty

'3 appears to be a cursive combination of two tens.

It resembles one of the early Phoenician forms found in

the papyrus Blacas 1 (5th century B.C.). The mode of
expressing the numbers 30, 40, etc., by the help of the
symbols for 10 and 20, is the same as amongst the early
Phoenicians and Aramaeans.
The symbol for 100 resembles the letter fa or fra
of the Brahm! script, to the right of which stands a
vertical stroke.
The symbols for 200, 300, etc., are formed by
writing the symbols for 2, 3, etc., respectively to the
right of the symbol for 100. This evidently is the use
of the multiplicative principle, as is found amongst
the early Phoenicians. 2
The formation of other numbers may be illustrated
by the number 274 which is written with the help of the
symbols for 2, 100, 20, 10 and 4 arranged as

In the right to left order. The 2 on the right of 100

multiplies 100, whilst the numbers written to the left
are added, thus giving 274.
The ancient Kharo~thi numerals are given in
Table 1.
1 Buhler, Palaeography, p. 77; Ojha, I.e., p. I z8; see Table IICb).
2 See Table lI(e).


Early Occurrence and Forms. The Brahm! ins-

criptions are found distributed all over India. The
Brahm! script was, thus, the national script of the
ancient Hindus. It is undoubtedly an invention of the
BdhmaZlas. The early grammatical and phonetic re-
searches seem to have resulted in the perfection of this
script about 1,000 B.C. or earlier. The Brahm! numerals
are likewise a purely Indian invention. Attempts have
been made by several writers of note to evolve a theory
of a foreign origin of the numerals, but we are con-
vinced that all those attempts were utter failures. 1 These
theories will be dealt with at their proper places. Due
to the lack of early documents, we are not in a position
to say what exactly were the original forms of the
Brahm! symbols. Our knowledge of these symbols
goes back to the time of King Asoka (c. 300 B.C.)
whose vast dominions included the whole of India and
extended in the north upto Central Asia. The forms
of these symbols are:
4 6 50 200

+ G.J
The next important inscription containing numerals
is found in a cave on the top of the Nanaghat hill in
Central India, about seventy-five miles from Poona.
The cave was made as a resting place for travellers by
order of a King named Vedisr!, a descendant of King
Sitavahana. The inscription contains a list of gifts
made on the occasion of the performance of several
yajiias or religious sacrifices. It was first deciphered
1 Cf Langdon's opinion in, Mohetijo-daro and the Indus Vallry
Cit-jllsatioN, ch. xxiii.

by Pandit Bhagavanlal Indraji who has given the

interpretation of the numerical symbols. These occur L

at about thirty places, and their forms are as below:

2 4 6 7 9 10

=f.+ 'f 1 .? o:.ex. ,ex:"

2.0 80 100 200 300 40 0 700

0 CD C1 ?i tf 'H+ 111
1,000 4,000 6,000 10,000 2.0,000

T ~ 1'.p Tee. 1<>

A number of inscriptions containing numerals and '
dating from the first or the second century A.D. are
found in a cave in the district of Nasik in the Bombay
presidency. These contain a fuller list of numerals.
The forms~ are as follows:

I 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8
:: ;: ,..~
"'1'1> ~ 1 "::1
9 10 2.0 40 70 100 2.00 500
~ CX.CI-(" 9 ~ :J.. "7 / )1-

1,000 2.,000 ,,000 4,000 8,000 7 0 ,000

1 r 'f p 'j7

l'''On Ancient Nagar! Numeration; from an inscription at

N?naghat," Journ. if the Bomb,!), Branch of the Rqyal Asiatic Society,
18 76, Vol. XII, p. 404.
2 E. Senan, "The inscriptions in the caves at Nasik," EI, Vol.
VIII, pp. 19-96; "The inscriptions in the cave at Karle," EI, Vol.
VII, pp. 47-74.

Even after the invention of the zero and the plac'e-

value system, the samd numerical symbols from I to 9,
continued to be employed \'vith the zero to denote
numbers. Thus the gradual development of these forms
can be easily traced. This gradual change from the
old system without place-value to the new system
with the zero and the place-valqe is to be met with in
India alone. All other nations of the world have given
up their indigenous numerical symbols which, they had
used without place-value and have adopted the zero
and a new set of symbols, which were never in use ih
those countries previously. This fact alone is a strong
proof of the Hindu origin of the zero and the place-
value system.
The numbers I, 2 and 3 of the Brahml notation
were denoted by one, two and three horizontal> lines
placed one below the other. These forms clearly dis-
tinguish the Bdhmi notation from the Kharoghi and
the Semitic systems.
It cannot be said why the strokes were hori-
zontal in Brahmi' and vertical in Kharosthi and
Semitic writings, just as it cannot be said' 'why the
writing proceeded from left to right in Brahm! and
from right to left in Kharo~thi and Semitic writings.
It appears to us that the Brahm! and the Kharo~thi
(Semitic) numerals have always existed side by side and
it cannot be definitely said which of these is the' earlier.
The difference in writing the symbols I to 3, seems to
be due to the inherent difference between the two
systems of writing. The principles upon which numeri-
cal signs are formed in the two systems are quite
Difference from other Notations. In the Brahm!
] It has been incorrectly stated by Smith and Karpinski that
the Nanaghat forms were vertical. See J-livdll Arabic NIIJJ!erais, p. 28.

there are separate signs for each of the numbers 1,4 to 9

and LO, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 79, 80, 90, 100, 200, 3°°, .....
1000, 2000, etc., while in the oldest Kharoghl and in
the earliest Semitic writings, the Hieroglyphic and the
Phoenician, the only symbols are those for I, 10, zo
and 100.
The Hieratic and the Demotic numerals, however,
resemble the Brahm! in having nineteen symbols for
the numbers from I to 100, but the principle of forma-
tion of the numbers 200, 300,400, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000
are different, as will appear from Table lI(e). The
method of formation of intermediate and higher numbers
is also different in the two systems. While the Brahm!
places the bigger numbers to the left, the arrangement
is the reverse of this in the Kharosth'i and Semitic
wrltlngs. Thus the number 274, is ~ritten in Brahm!
with the help of the symbols for zoo, 70 and 4 as
(zoo) (70) (4), while in the KharoHhi and the Semitic
numerals it is written as (4) (70) (200).1
Theories about their Origin. Quite a large
number of theories have been advanced to explain the
origin of the Brahm! numerals. Points of resemblance
have been imagined between these numerals and those
of other nations. Recourse has been taken by writers
to the turning, twisting, adding on or cutting off of
parts of the numerals of other ·nations to fit their pet
theories: It is needless to say that each of these theories
had its own supporters who were quite convinced of
the correctness of their explanations. We give below
the outlines of some of these theories:
1. Cunninghaml! believed that writing had been
known in India from the earliest known times, and
1 Compare the. same number written in Kharoghi, p. 24.
2 Inscriptions of Asoka, Corplfs Inscriptionulll Indicartlfll, Vol. J,
p. 5 z.
that the earliest alphabet was pictographic. He suggest-
ed that the Brahml script was derived from the eady
pictographic writing. The theory is evidently capable
of extension to the numerical signs. Later epigraphists,
however, discarded the hypothesis as it appeared too
fanciful to them. Cunningham's bold hypothesis re-
garding the antiquity of writing in India has been
more than justified by the recent discovery of the use
of a quasi-pictographic script on certain seals and in
inscriptions belonging to the fourth miHenium B.C.
found amongst the excav:ations at Mohenjo-daro and
Harappa. His theory has been revived by Langdon who
is of opinion that the Brahmi alphabet could be derived
from the pictographs of Mohenjo-daro. 1 The theory is
incomplete as the writings of Mohenjo-daro have not
been completely deciphered as yet. It can be called a
guess only. As regards the evolution of the Brahm!
numerals, it may be stated that it is at present extremely
difficult to differentiate the numerical symbols from the
Mohenjo-daro script. If the surmise that the figures,
given ,on p. I9, are numerical symbols be correct, it
will not be possible to develop a theory deriving the
Brahm! numerals from them.
2. BayleJ2 asserted that the principles of the
Brahm! system have been derived from the hieroglyphic
notation of the Egyptians, and that the majority of the
Indian symbols have been borrowed from Phoenician,
Bactrian, and Akkadean figures or letters. As has been
already remarked 3 the principles of the ~rahmi and
the hieroglyphic systems are entirely different and
1 A1ohenjo-daro etc., Chap. xii. This view is strongly supported
by Hunter, I.e., p. 490.
2 Journal of the Royal Asiatic Soc., XV, part I, reprint,
London, 1882, pp. 12 and 17. The theory was supported by
Taylor, The Alphabet, London, 1883, Vol. II, pp. 26J-66.
~ See pages 27-8.

unconnected. The reader will find the hieroglyphic and

the Brahm! systems 'Shown together in Tables II (a), (b),
(c), and convince himself of the incorrectness of Bayley'S
assertion. Moreover, the assumption that the Hindus
borrowed from four or five different, partly very ancient
and partly more modern, sources, is extremely difficult to
believe. Regarding the resemblance between the Bactrian
and Akkadean numbers and the Brahmi forms postu-
lated by Bayley, BUhler l remarks that in four cases (four,
six, seven and ten) the facts are absolutely against Bayley'S
hypothesis. Some writers have also criticized Bayley's
drawings as being affected by his theory.z Under these
circumstances his derivation has to be rejected.
3. Burne1l 3 pointed out the general agreement of
the principles of the Indian system with those of the
Demotic notation of the Egyptians. He asserted a
resemblance between the Demotic signs for I to 9
and the corresponding Indian symbols, and put forward
the theory that the Hindus borrowed these signs and
later on modified them and converted them into
ak,faras (letter forms).
4. Buhler 3 has put forward a modification of
Burnell's theory. He states, "It seems to me probable
that the Brdh171a numerals are derived from the Egyptia,n
Hieratic figures, and that the Hindus effected their
transformation into Ak!aras, because they were already
accustomed to express numerals by words."
The above theories like the one examined before
are not well founded. Tables II (a), (b), (c), show the
Hieratic and Demotic symbols together with thos~
of the Brahm!. An examination of the Tables will reveal
1 Biihler, On the Origin of the India" Brtlhma Alphabet, Strassburg,
18 9 8, pp. 52, 53 foot-note.'
2 Cf Smith and Karpinski, Hindu Arabic Numerals, pp. 30-1.
3 Biihler, I.c.) p. 81.

that out of the nineteen symbols to Fepresent the num-

bers from I to 100, only the nine of the Brahm! resem-
bles the corresponding symbol of the Demotic or the
Hieratic.' There is absolutely no resemblance between
any of the others. To base the derivation on a resem-
blance between the Hieratic 5 and the Brahm! 7, as is
sought to be done, is absutd. Likewise the changing
and twisting of the Demotic and Hieratic forms to suit
the theory 1S\ unacceptable.
That there is some resemblance between these
systems in the fact that each employs the same number
of signs, i.e., nineteen, for the representation of numbers
upto hundred, cannot be denied. There is, however,
a difference in the method of formation of the hundreds
and the thousands. In the Brahmi the numbers 200
and 300 or 2,000 and 3,000, are formed by adding one
Illatrkd and two Illatrkds to the right of the symbol for
hundred or thousand respectively, thus

100, 7 200, 7 300

1,000, q- - 2,000, Cf - 3,000.

The numbers 400 and 4,000 are formed by connecting

the sy.mbol for 100 and 1,000 to the number X (4),

41- = 4 00 and 9'f = 4,000.

In the Hieratic the corresponding symbols are:

4 2
_7 ;::::;;:: 100, _.Y
'4 200,
5 - 1,000, ~ 2,000,
"'1 4,

_5J - 300,
~ - 3,000,
_!1!J - 400, ~ - 4,000.

It will be observed that in the Hieratic system the sign

for one thousand is not used in the formation of the
other thousands. The similarity in principle, even if it
were complete, would not force us to conclude that one
of these nations copied the other. The use of nineteen
signs afforded the easiest and probably the best
method of denoting numbers. It is not beyond the
limits of probability that what appeared easy to the
Egyptians might have also independently occurred to
the Hindus.
There are on the other hand some considerations
which make us suggest that the Egyptians borrowed
the principles of the Hieratic and the Demotic systems
from outside, and probably from India-a hypothesis
which is not a priori impossible as it has been shown
that the numeration system of th~ ancient Hindus based
on ninetc;!en signs might have been perfected about
1,000 B.C. It is known that the ancient Egyptian system
employed only four signs, those for I, 10, 20 and 100.
Why should there be a sudden change from the old
system to one containing nineteen signs cannot be
adequately explained except on the hypothesis of foreign
influence. Further, the cursive forms for the numbers
2, 3 and 4 are unsuited to the right to left Hieratic or
Demotic script. Although these figures are connected
with the earlier hieroglyphic and Phoenician figures,
yet it is possible that the cursive combinations might
have been formed to obtain the nineteen signs necessary
for the new system, under the influence of a people with
a left to right script. It may be, however, asserted that
the hypothesis of an Indian origin of the H.ieratic system

is a mere suggestion. The two points noted above, by

themselves, would not be enough, unless backed by
other facts, to put forward a theory. It is expected that
further discoveries will throw light on this point.
Relation with Letter Forms. It was suggested
by James Princep,t as early as 1838, that the numerals
were formed after the initial letters of the number
names. But knowing the pronunciation of the number
names, we find this not to be the case. Other investi-
gators have held that the numeral signs were formed
after the letters in the order of the ancient alpha.bet.
Although we find that letters were used to denote
numbers as early as the 8th century B.C.,2 and that
many systems of letter-numerals were invented in later
times 3 and came into common use, yet we are forced to
reject this hypothesis as resemblance between the old
numerical forms and tne letters in the alphabetic order
cannot be shown to exist.
A peculiar numerical notation, using distinct letters
or syllables of me alphabet, is found to have been used
in the pagination of old manuscripts as well as in some
coins and a few inscriptions.' The signs are, however,
not always the same. Very frequently they are slightly
differentiated, probably in order to distinguish the signs
with numerical values from those with letter values.
The fact that these symbols are letters is also acknow-
ledged by the name ak,arapallt which the Jainas occa-
sionally give to this system, in order to disti_nguish it
from the decimal notation, the ankapalli. 4
~ "Examination of inscriptions from Girnar in Gujerat, and
DhauH in Cuttack," JASB, 1838.
2 The method seems to have been used by paQini. See p. 63.
3 Vide infra, pp. 64ff.
4 Biihler, I.e., p. 78. The details of the ak,arapalli are given
later on (pp. 72ff).

to put forward the hypothesis that the Brahm! numerals

are derived from the letters or syllables of the B~hmi
script. The Pandit, however, admitted his inability
to find the key. to the system, nor has it been found by
any other scholar upto this time. The problem, in fact,
appears to be insoluble, unless further epigraphic
material is discovered to show the forms of the numeri-
cal symbols anterior to Asoka. The Asokan forms
as well as those of later inscriptions are in a too well
developed state, and are too far away from the time
of invention of those symbols, to give us the desired
information regarding their origin.
But of all the theories that have been advanced
from time to time, that of Pandit Indraji seems to us to
be the most plausible. The Hindus knew the art of
writing in the fourth millennium B. C. They used
numbers as la.rge as Id' about 2,000 B.C., and since then
their religion and their sciences have necessitated the
use of large numbers. Buddha in the sixth century I

B.C. is stated to have given number names as large "as

10 and this number series was continued still further
in later times. 1 All these facts reveal a condition that
would have been impossible unless arithmetic had at-
tained a considerable degree of progress. It is certain
that the Hindus must have felt the necessity of some
method of writing these numbers from the earliest
known times. It would not be, therefore, against
historical testimony to conclude that the Hindus invented
the Brahm! number system. The conclusion is sup-
ported by the use, in writing numbers, of the matrkii,
the anunasika and the upadhmanrya signs which are
found only in the Sanskrit script and in no other script,
whether ancient or modem. It is further strengthened by
Indian tradition, Hindu, Jaina as well as Buddhist, which
1 Cf..pp. 10-12.

ascribes the invention of the Brahmi script and the num-

eral notation to Brahma, the Creator, and thereby claims
it as a national invention of the remotest antiquity.1
Period of Invention. The invention of the system
may be assigned to the period 1,000 B.C. to 600 B.C.
As the Asokan numerical figures indicate that the
system was common all over India,2 and that it has had
a long history, the lower limit 1,000 B.C. is certainly
not placed too early. On the other hand general con-
siderations, such as the hi§h development of the arts
and the sciences, the mention of numerical signs and of
64 different scripts in ancient Buddhist literatpre;S and
the use of large numbers at a very early period, all
point to the date of the invention of the system as
being nearer to 1,000 B.C., if not earlier.
Resume. The strength of Pandit Indraji's hypo-
thesis lies in the fact that out of the nineteen signs,
eleven definitely resemble the letters or the signs of the
Bdhmi alphabet. The resemblance i'l; too striking ~o be
entirely accidental. Moreover, it has been found that the
numerical forms closely followed the changing forms
of the letters from century to century. This is especially
true in the case of the tens and shows that the writers
of the ancient inscriptions knew the phonetical values
of these symbols. The divergence from letter forms
in the case of the signs for the units may be due to the
1 BUhler (/.c., p. I, foot-note,) quotes several authorities. Of
these the Narada Smrti and the Jaina canonical work, the Samava-
yanga-stitra, belong to the fourth century B.C.
2 Megasthenes speaks of mile-stones indicating distances and
the halting places on the roads. Indika of Megasthenes, pp. 12.'5-12.6;
Biihler, I.c.
a Related in the Lalitavistara, both in the Sanskrit text and the
Chinese translation of ;08 A.D. The Jaina Samav4.Jdtiga-stitra
(c. 300 B.C.) and Pannavand-sutra (c. 168 B.C.) each gives a list
of 18 scripts; see Weber, Indische StIJdien, 16, z80, 399. "

fact that they were the first to be invented and were

in more common use, so that they acquired special
cursive forms and did not follow the changes in the
forms of the corresponding letters. We may now
summarize the discussion g~ven in this section by saying
that. (I) the Brahmi numerical forms were undoubtedly
of Indian origin, (2) the form of the tens were derived
from certain letters or signs of the alphabet, and (3)
the origin of the forms of the units is doubtful. It is
pro bable that they, too, ·were fashioned after the letters
of the alphabet, but th~re appears to be no means of
justifying this assertion unless the forms of these numerals
anterior to Asoka are discovered.


Important Features. The third and most lm-
portant of the Hindu numeral notations is the
decimal place-vaiue notation. In this system there
are only ten symbols, those called anka (literally \.>
meaning "mark") for the numbers one to nine,
and the zero symbol, ordina1"ily called iU1!)Ia (liter-
-ally, "empty"). With the application of the principle
of place-value these are quite sufficient for the
writing of all numbers in as simple a way as possible.
The scale is, of course, decimal. This system is now
commonly used throughout the civilised world.
Without the zero and the place-value, the Hindu
numerals would have been no better than many others
of the same kind, and would not have been adopted
by all the .civilised peoples of the world. "The
importance of the creation of the zero mark," says
Professor Halsted, "can never be exaggerated. This
giving to airy nothing, not merely a local habitation
and a name, a 'picture, a symbol, but helpful power, is
the characteristic of the Hindu race whence it sprang.

It is like coining the Nirvdtza into dynamos. No

single mathematic:al creation has been more potent for
the general on-go of intelligence and power."l
Forms. A large number of scripts differing from
each other are in use in different parts of India today.
The forms of the numerical signs in these scripts are also
different. Although all t~e Hindu scripts are derived
from a common source-the Brahml Script-yet the
differences in the forms of the various modern Indian
scripts are so great that it would have been difficult to
establish any relation between them, if their previous
history had not been known. The above remark ~pplies
to the numerical signs also, as will appear from a study
of the numerical sigt:}.s in the various vernaculars of
India given in Table XV. The great divergence in the
forms of the numerical symbols shows that in India,
people already knew the use of the zero and the place-
value principle before the different scripts came into
being, and that the numefal forms were independently
modified in various parts of India, just as the letters
of the alphabet were modified. And as the changes
in the forms in different localities were independent of
each other, so there has come about a great divergence
in the modern forms. That this divergence already
existed in the eleventh century is testified to by AI-
Blruni who says, "As in different parts of India, the
letters have different shapes the numerical signs, too,
which are called aJika, diffet."2
Nagari Forms. The most import~nt as well
as the most widely used of the different symbols are
those belonging to the Nagar! script. The present
forms of these symbols are:

1 G. B. Halsted, On the foundation and technique of Arithmetic,

Chicago, 1912, p. 20.
2 AlberTini's India, I, p. 7~.

~, ~, ~, 'If, ,\, ~, \9, <::, f?" o.

The gradual development of these figures from the

lldhmi numerals is shown in Table XIV.
Epigraphic Instances. The following is a list of
inscriptions and grant plates upto the middle' of the
tenth century, which contain numerals written in the
decimal place-value notation. The numerals in the
inscriptions and plates after this period, are always
given in decimal figures.
1. 595 A.p. Gurjara grant plate from Sankheda,
(EI, II, p. 19). The date Sarilvat
346 is given in the decimal place-
value notation.
'*2. Belhari Inscription, (jA, 186,).
Kanheri Inscr.iption, (fA, 1863,
p. 39 2 ).
4· 8th Century Ragholi plates of Jaivatdhat;la II,
(Ijil, IX, p. 41). The number 30 is
written in decimal figures.
5· 725 A.D. Two Sanskrit Inscriptions in the
British Museum, (lA, XIII, p. 250).
The dates Sarilvat 781 (=72.3 A.D.)
and Sarilvat 783 (=725 A.D.) are
given in decimal figures.
*6. 736 A.D. Dhiniki copper plate gtant, (lA,
XII, p. 155).. The date Vikrama Saril-
vat 794 is given in decimal figures.
7· 753 A.D. Ciacole plates of Devendravarmat:la,
(EI, III, p. 133). The number 20 is
written in decimal figures.
8. 754 A.D. Ra:graku~~ grant of Dantidurga,
(lA, XI, .p. 108). The date Sarilvat
675 is given in decimal figures.

9. 79 1 A.D. Inscription of Samanta Devadatta,

(lA, XIV, p. 351). The date Vikra-
rna Sariwat 847 is given in decimal
10. 793 A.D. Daulatabad plates of Sankargal).a,
(EI, IX, p. 197). The date Saka
715 is given in decimal figures.
*11. 813 A.D. Torkhede plates, (EI, III, p. 53; also
lA, XXV, p. 345). The date Saka
SarilVat 735 is given in decimal
12. 815 A.D. Buchkala inscription of Nagbha~a,
(EI, IX, p. 198). The date Sariwat
872 is given in decimal figures.
13. 837 kD. Inscription of Bauka (Raj'putana
Museum, PLM, p. 127; EI, XVIII,
p. 87). The date Vikrama Sariwat
894 is given in decimal figures.
14. 843 A.D. The inscriptions from Kanheri, No.
43 b., (lA, VIII, p. 133). The date
Sarilvat 765 is given in decimal
The inscriptions from Kanheri, No.
15, (Ibid). The date Sarilvat 775
is given in decimal figures.
16. 8~3 A.D. PandukeSvara Plates of Lalitasura-
de~~, (lA, XXV, p. 177). The
date Sariwat 21 of the King's reign
is given in decimal figures.
17. 860 A.D. Ghatiyala Inscription of Kakkuka
(EI, IX, p. 277). The date Vikra-
rna Sarilvat 918 is given in decimal
1 For correction of date see lA, XX, p. 42.1.

18. 862 A.D. Deogarh Jaina Inscription of Bhoja-

deva, (EI, IV, p. 309). The dates
Vikrama Sari1Vat 919 and the corres-
ponding Saka Sari1Vat 784 are both
given in decimal figures.
19· 870 A.D. Gwalior inscription of the reign of
Bhojadeva (Archaeological Survry of
India, Report, 1903-4, plate 72). Al-
though the date is not given, the
slokas are numbered from 1 to 26
in decimal figures.
20. 876 A.D. Gwalior inscription of Allah, of the
reign of Bhojadeva (EI, I, p. 159).
The date Vikrama Sarilvat 933, as
well as the numbers 270, 187 and
50 are given in decimal figures.
21. 877 A.D. The inscriptions from Kanheri, No.
4P, (lA, XIII~ p. 133). The date
SarilVat 799 is, given in decimal
22. 882. A.D. Pehava inscription (El, I, p. 186). ,
The date Sari1Vat 276 (Sri Har~a Era)
is given in decimal figures.
23· 893 A.D. Grant plate of Balavarmal)a, (Eli
IX, p. I). The date Vallabhi Saril-
vat 574 is given in decimal figures.
24· 899 A.D. Grant plate of A vanivarma1)a, (EI,
IX, p. I). The date Vikrama Sam-
vat 956 is given in decimal figures.
25· 9°5 A.D. The Ahar stone inscription (journ.
United Provinces Hist. Soc., 192.6, pp.
83 if) contains several dates, written
in decimal figures.
26. 9JO A.D. Ra~trakuta grant of Krishna II (El,

I, p. 53). The date is given in

decimal figures.
27. 917 A.D. Sanskrit and old Canarese inscrip-
tions, No. 170, (lA, XVI, p. 174).
The date '5arilvat 974 is ,given in
decimal figures. The number 5°°
also occurs .
.28. 930 A.D. Cambay plates of Govinda IV, (El,
VII, p. 26). The date Saka SarilVat
85.2 is given in decimal figures.
29. 933 A.D. Sangli plates of RaHrakfrta Govin-
daraja IV, (lA, XII, p. 249). The
date Sarilvat 855 is given in decimal
30 . . 95 I A.D. Sanskrit and old Canarese inscrip-
tions, No. 135, (lA, XII, p. 2.57).
The date Samvat 873 is given in
decimal figures.
31. 953 A.D. Inscription of Yasovarmar;ta,. (EI, I,
p. 122). The date Sariwat 10Il is
given in decimal figures.
32. 968 A.D. Siyadoni stone inscription (EI, I,
p. 162). The inscription contains a
large number of numerals expressed
in decimal figures.
33. 972 A.D. Ragrakfrta grant of Amoghavar~a,
(lA, XII, p. 263). The date Saka
894 is given in decimal figures.
Palaeographic evidences of the early use of the
decimal place-value system of notation are found in the
Hindu colonies of the Far East. J. The most important
ones among. these are the three inscriptions of
1 G. Coedes, "A propos de l'origine des chiffres arabes,"
Bull. School of Oriental Studies (London), VI, 193 I, pp. 32.3- 8 .

Srivijaya, two foun,d at Palembang in Sumatra, and

the third in the island of Banka. These contain the
dates 605, 606 and 608 of the Saka Era (corresponding
respectively to A.D. 683, 684 and 686) written in
numerical figures. Another instance giving the date 605
Saka is the inscription or Sambor in Cambodia. In an
inscription at Po Nagar in Champa, occurs the date
73~ Saka (= 813 A.D.).
Their Supposed Unreliability. The above list
contains more than thirty undoubted epigraphic ins-
tances of the "use of the place-va.lue notation in India.
G.R.Kaye/ who believes in the theory of the non-
Hindu origin of the place-value notation, states that
all the early epigraphic evidences of its use in India
are unreliable. On the. basis of the existence of a
few forged grant plates he asserts that in the ele-
venth century "there occurred a specially great oppor-
tunity to regain confiscated endowments and to acquire
fresh ones" and thereby concludes that all early epi-
graphic evidences must be unreliable. Such t;easoning
is obviously fallacious and needs no refutation.
Most of the copper plates are legal documents
recording gifts made by rich persons or kings to Bdh-
mat;l.as on religious occasions. The plates contain de-
tails as to the occasion for making the gifts, the names
of the donor and the donee, the description of the mov-
able and immovable properties transferred by the gift,
and the date of the gift which is always written out in full
in words and very often in figures also. The forgeries
may be of two kinds: (I) In the original documents,
parts relating to either the names of the donor. or the
donee, or the description of the immovable .property
may have been obliterated by being beaten out and new
1 "Notes on Indian Mathematics," jASB, (N. S., 1907),
III. pp. 482.-87.

names or descriptions substituted. All such forgeries

are easily detected, because of the uneven surface
of the part of the plate that is tampered with and
the difference in the writing. (z) An entirely new
document may be forged. Such cases, though rare,
are also easily detected, because there is obvious
divergence as to the date recorded in the docu-
ment, and that inferred on the basis of the
forms of the characters used in the writing. Such for-
geries are also marked by an obvious inferiority in
execution, and inaccuracies in the statement of gene a-
Jogies and other historical facts.
Epigraphists have so far found little difficulty in
eliminating the spurious grant plates. It might be
mentioned that the genuineness of the grant plates
included in our list has not been questioned by any
epigraphist. 1
Kaye, in his article quoted above, has given a list
of eighteen inscriptions and grant plates and eliminates
all but the last two as forgeries. The arguments he has
employed and the assertions of facts that he has made
are in most cases incorrect and misleading, so that his
conclusions cannot be accepted. As an instance of
his method, we quote his criticism about the Gurjara
grant plate, No. I in our list. He writes: "Dr. Buhler
quotes this Gurjara inscription of the Chedi year 346
or A.D. 594 as the earliest epigraphic instance of the
use of the decimal notation in India. (i) An examination
1 If any of them is forged, the forgery is so good that it can-
not be detected. The writing in such cases, if any, is so well
forged as to be indistinguishable from that used in the period to
which the plate is said to belong. Therefore, the evidence of these
plates as tq the method of writing numbers, cannot be rejected,
even if they be proved to be spurious at some future date-a con-
tingency which is very unlikely to use. It may also be noted that
the list contains several stone inscriptions which cannnt be spurious.

of the plate (Ep. Ind., II., p. 2.0) suggests the pos-

sibility that the figures were added some time after the
plate was engraved. The date is engraved in words
as well as in figures. It is 'three hundred years exceeded
by forty-six: The symbols are right at the end of the
inscription from which they are marked off by a double
bar in~ most unusual manner. (ii) The figures are
of the pe of the period, but they were also in use much
later, a d in no other example are such symbols used.
with lace-value. (iii) Also there are nine dates
written in the old notation (Ep. Ind., V), e. g., there is
another grant of the Gurjara of Bharoch in which the
date Sarilvat 391 (i.e., A.D. 640) is given in the old
notation. Again, there is no other Chedi date, at least
before the eleventh century A.D., given in the modern
(place-value) notation. (iv) There cannot be the
remotest doubt as to the unsoundness of this particular
piece of evidence of the early use of the modern system
of notation in India."
The following remarks will show to the reader that
Kaye's criticism and his conclusion are unfounded and
(i) An examination of the plate, (El, II, p. 19),
will convince every one about its genuineness. The
writing is bold· and clear, the numerical figures occur
at the end, as they ought to be, immediately after the
words 'three hundred years exceeded by forty-six.'
They are separated from the written words by bars, .
just 'as they ought to be. There is absolutely nothing
suspicious about this method of separation, as it is
common custom in India to do so and occurs frequently.
That it was the practice to write the date at the end of
a document is well known. 1 In fact, the numeral
l,Many of the plates mentioned in our list contain the date
at the end.

figures of the date occasionally. mark the end of the

document. 1 The double vertical bar, II , is a sign of inter-
punctuation. Although punctuation marks have been
in use in India from the earliest known times, yet their
use did not become either regular or compulsory till
very recent times. 2 Different writers used the vari~us
marks differently.. In inscriptions, the double vertical
bar has been found at the end of sentences, half verses,
verses, larger prose sections and do"cuments. In the
Junar inscriptions it occurs after numerals and once
after the name of the donor. S In manuscripts, the
practice of separating numbers by vertical bars is com-
mon. It is found in the Bakhshali Manuscript4 and
in several others. Thus the occurrence of the numerals
at the end and the inter-punctuation mark of the double
vertical bar cannot form valid grounds for suspecting
the document. The suggestion that the figures were
added some time after the plate was engraved is absurd,
as there appears to us no reason why one should take the
trouble to add the figures when the date was already
written in words.
(ii) Kaye admits that the figures are of the type
of the period. His remark that they were in' use much
later is incorrect. The Tables III-V and XII show that
the usc of three horizontal bars to represent 3 is not

1 This is so in the Ch:irgaon plates of Huvi~ka (Arch. Surv~

, Report. 1908-9. plate 56), 'in the Inscription of Rudradamana (lA,
VIIT, p. 42.) and in others.
~ There are some copper plate grants which do not contain
any punctuation marks; see Buhler, I.e., p. 90.
3 Biihler, I.c., p. 89.

4 E.g., I 5 I ,21 r; I 2558 I ,;2v; I 330 I , 17v; instances such

as these: I 1 I 4 I 9 I 16 I , 16y; and L=J, oW, etc., F. are
very common. Very often, isolated numbers are not separated.
The double vertical bar also occurs before and after the words uda,
stitrafJI, etc.

found after the eighth century. The figure for 4 used

in our grant plate is not found after the sixth century,
and. the same is true for the figure for 6. The forms
of the numerical signs alone fix the date of the writing
to the sixth century and not later.
(iii) The Chedi SaJiIVat is one of the thirty-four eras,
whose use has 'been discovered in inscriptions and grant
plates. The occurrence of nine dates in the Chedi Sam-
vat, written in the old notation after this plate, does not
prove the unsoundness of this particular piece of evi-
dence, as Kaye would like us to conclude. It simply shows
that in India too, the new system had to fight for
supremacy over the older one just as in other countries.
In Arabia the new system was introduced in the eighth
century, but it did not come into common use until
five or six hundred ye'ars later. In Europe we find
that it was exceptional for common people to use the
new system before the sixteenth century-a good
witness to this fact being the popular almanacs. Calen-
dars of 1557-96 have generally Roman numerals, while
Koebel's Calendar of 1578 gives the Hindu numerals
as subordinate to the Roman. 1
We may, therefore, conclude that the Gurjara
grant plate offers us a genuine instance of the use of the
new system (with place-value) in India.
Kaye's criticisms regarding the genuineness of some
other plates included in our list (marked with asterisks)
have been found to be baseless.
Place of Invention of the New System. It has
been already stated that the same numeral forms for the
numbers I to 9, as were in use in India from the earliest
known times, have been used in the new system of nota-
tion with the place-value. Another noteworthy fact
1 Smith and Karpinski, i.e., p. 133.

regarding the new system is the arrangement of the

mika ( digits). It will be observed that the arrangement
in the old system was that the bigger numbers were
written to the left of the smaller ones. 1 This same
arrangement continues in the new system with place-
value, where' the digits to the left, due to their place
or position, have bigger values. The gradual change
from the old system to the new one using the same
numerical signs, is to be found in India alone, and this,
in our opinion, is one of the' strongest arguments in
favour of the Hindu origin of the new system. The
earliest epigraphic instance of the use of the new system
is 594 A.D. No othq country in th~ world offers such
an early instance of its use. Epigraphic evidence alone
is, therefore, sufficient to assign a Hindu origin to the
modern system of notation.
Inventor Unknown. It is not known who the
inventor of the new system was, and whether it was
invented by some great scholar, or by a conference of
sages or by gradual development due to the use of
some form of the abacus. Likewise, it is not known
to which place, city, district or seat of learning belongs
the honour of the invention and its first use. Epigra-
phic ~vidence cannot help us in this direction. For
the system was .used in inscriptions, a very long time
after its invention, in fact, when it had become quite
popular all over Northern India.
Time of Invention. The grant plates were legal
documents. They were written by professional writers.
The existence of such writers is mentioned in the
southern Buddhist canons and in the Epics. 2 They have
l Showing thereby that the place assigned to a numeral de-
pended upon its value. This has been incorrectly thought to
be a sort of place-value system by some writers.
2 Bi.ihler, I.e., p. 5.


been called !ekhaka, !tpikara and later on divira, karat1a,

kdyastha, etc. According to Kalha1)a,l the Kings of
Kashmir employed a special officer for drafting legal
documents. He bore the title of pa!!opdd~Y4Ya, i.e., the
teacher (charged with the preparation) of title deeds.
The existence of manuals such as the Lekhapaiicdjika,
the Lekhaprakdla, which give rules for drafting letters,
land grants, treaties, and various kinds of bonds and
bills of exchange, show beyond doubt that the writing
of grant plates was a specialised art and that the
style of writing those documents must always have been
centuries behind the times, just as it is even to-day
with respect to legal and state documents. The time
of invention of the new system must, therefore, be
placed several centuries before its first occurrence in a
grant plate in the sixth century A.D. The exact period
of invention may be roughly deduced from the history
of the growth of numerical notations in other countries.
According to Heath,2 the Greek alphabetic notation
was invented in the 7th century B.C., but it came into
general usc only in the second century A.D. Thus
it took about eight hundred years to get popular. In
Arabia the new notation was introduced in the 8th
century A.D., but it came into common use about five
or six hundred years later. The same was the case in
Europe. The Arabs got the complete decimal arith-
metic, including the method of performing the various
operations, at a per~od when intellectual activity in
Arabia was at its greatest height, but they could not
make the decimal system common before about five or
six hundred years had elapsed. 3 In legal documents
1 Rdjatarati,e,i!1i, V, pp. 397f.
2 Heath, History oJ Greek lHathematics, I, Oxford, 192.I, p. 34.
3 The arithmetic written by AI-Kharki in the eleventh century
does not use the decimal system, showing that at the time there
were two schools amongst the Arab mathematicians, one favouring

and in recording historical dates, the Arabs even nqw

use their old alphabetic notation.
Epigraphic evidences show that the new system
was quit.e common in India in the eighth century and
that the old system ceased to exist in Northern India by
the middle of the tenth century. This would, therefore,
place the invention. of our system in the period bet-
ween the first century B.C. and the third cenrury A.D .
. T{ie exact date of the invention, however, would be
nearer to the 1st century B.C. or even earlier, because
for a long time after its invention, the system must
have been looked upon as a mere curi_osity' and used
simply for expressing large numbers. A still longer
time must have elapsed before the method of perform-
ing the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplica-
tion, division and the extraction of roots, could be
perfected. It would be only after the perfection
of the methods of performing the operations that the
system could be used by mathematicians. And then
after this it would take about five hundred years, ~s in
l\rabia, to become popular. There should, therefore,
be a gap of about eight centuries between the time of
invention and its coming into popular use, just as was
the case with the Greek alphabetic notation. There-
fore, on epigraphic evidence alone, the inventjon of
the place-value system must be assigned to the begin-
ning of the Christian era, very probably the 1st century
B.C. This conclusion is supported by literary and other
evidences which will be given hereafter.

the Hindu numerals, while the other stuck to the old notation.
See the article on -"Hisab" by H. -Suter.in the Enryclopaedia of Ii/am.


The occurrence of the old system of writing
numbers, with no place-value, is found generally in
inscriptions upto the seventh century A.D., after which
it was gradually given up in favour of the new system
with place-value. Occasional use of the old system,
however, is to be met with in Nepal and in some South
Indian inscriptions upto the beginning of the tenth
century A.D., but after this period the old system seems
to· have been forgotten, and completely gone out of
use. In the seventh century the new system was in
general use, but the old system seems to have been
given preference in inscriptions. There are a number
of grant plates of the eighth century A.D., in which
the dates, although written in the old notation, are
incorrectly inscribed, showing thereby that people had
already forgotten the old system. In a grant plate
of Slladitya VI,' dated the Gupta year 441 (c. 760 A.D.),
the sign for 40, instead of the sign for 4, has been 'Sub-
joined to the sign for 100 to denote 400, i.e., 4,000 has
been incorrectly written for 400. There is another
grant plate, dated the Gangeya year 183 (c. 753 A.D.), in
which the figure 183. is wrongly written. 2 This plate is
of ~pecial interest as it exhibits the use of the old and the
new systems in 1he same document. 3 Another very inter-
esting instance of the use of the old and the new systems
in one and the same document is the Ahar stone
1 lA, VI, p. 19, (plate).
2 EI, III, p. 133, (plate).In this the sign of 8 is written
for 80 and that of 30 for 3. The number 20 has been written
by placing a dot after 2.
:; For other instances showing admixture of both the old and
the new systems, see Fleet Gupta Inscriptions, Corpu.r Inscriptiomml
Indican"'l, III, p. 292; also lA, XIV, p. 3-5 I, where (8no) (4)

inscription. 1 The dbcument records gifts made on several

occasions ranging over thirty-seven years, the last entry
corresponding to 905 A.D. . In this inscription the old
notation is used in the first six lines whilst in the follow-
ing lines it has been discarded and the new place-value
notation appears~ It is evident from the forms that the
writer did not know the old system. For instance, 200 is
written by adding the subscript 2 to the letter su (ICO),
instead of using a lJ,atrkd sign as in the old system. In
the same way the sign for 10 is incorrect ip. so far as a
small zero has been affixed to the usual sign for ten.
The inscription shows that although the old system had
gone out of use completely, yet people tried to use it in
inscriptions, probably for the same reason that makes
us use the Roman numerals in giving dates, in number-
ing chapters of books, and in marking the hours on the
face of a clock, even upto the present day.


Explanation of the System. A system of

expressing numbers by means of words arranged as in
the place-value notation was developed and perfected
in India ~n the early centuries of the Christian era.
In this system the numerals are expressed by naIIles
of things, beings or concepts, which, naturally or in
accordance 'with the teaching of the Sastras, connote
numbers. Thus the number one may be denoted by
anything that is markedly unique, e.g., the moon, the
earth, etc.; the number two may be denoted by any
pair, e.g., the eyes, the hands, the twins, etc.; ?nd
similarly others. The zero is denoted by words meaning
void, sky, complete, etc.
1 C. D. Chatterjee, "The Ahar stone inscription," JOIiTn. United
Provinces Hist. Soc., 1926. pp. 83-1I9.

The system is used in works on astronomy, mathe-

matics and metrics, as· well as in the dates of inscrip-
tions and in manuscripts_ The ancient Hindu mathema·
ricians and astronomers wrote their works in verse_
C()nsequent~T they strongly felt the need for a convenient
mcthod of expressing the large numbers that occur so
oftcn in the astronomical works and in the statement
nf problems in mathematics. The word numerals were
im'enred to fulfil this need and soon became very popular.
The~' are used even upto the present day, whenever big
numbers have to be expressed in Sanskrit verse.
The words denoting the numbers from one to nine
and zero, with the use of the principle of place-value,
gi\'c us a very convenient method of expressing numbers
by word chronograms. To take a toncrete case, the
number 1,230 may be exprcssed in many ways:
I, kba-_gll!Ja-kara-adi,
2, lha-!oka-kar!1a-candra,
3, dkljja-kli/a-netra-dJJard, etc.
It will bc observed that the same number can be
expressed in hundreds of ways by word chronograms,
This I?rop.erty ':1ake~ the word numerals specially suit-
abl~ tor InclusIon In metre. To secure still greater
varIety, the numbers berond ten arc also sometimes
denoted by w()rds,
List of Wurds. The following is a list of words
commonly u~l'd in this system to denote numbers:
o is expressed by JU'!)I[I, kha, gaJ"alltl, alllbara, dkdsa,
abbra, lJ~j'at, '.'J'OIlIrl, antllrik,ftI, l1abha, ja/odborapatha,
piirflr1, ralldhrll, vi/ !1l1pada, ({17{{lIta, etc.
u' is expressed by ddi, ,fa.fi, mdII, vidlm, cOJldra, kala-
dhtlrt/, hiIIN/gI(, silt/Iii},!, k :wpcrkara, l,illlOllisl(, sitaraJllli,
prl//('y(ililsll, .rOIl/a, saicilika, IIJ!J!.ciliko, hiJlla/(ara,
slldb~;liJStl, rl!;anikara, fasadhara, fL'e/a, aida, bhd,
bhilllli, k.fiti, dhara, Ifrvara, go, IJastmdhara, prtbv!,
kf1lla, dbaratt!, l'tJslldba, iid, kll, mah!, ripa, pitall/aba,
n4J,aka, tanll, etc.
2 is expressed by ),allta, .yamaia, afvin, nclsaf]'a, da sra ,
iocana, netra, ak.fi, dr.f!i, cak.ftl, alilbaka, nt1)'ana
ik,ratta, pak,ra, babtl, kara, kartta, ktlca, Of/ha, glllpba,
jantl, jmigba, dVt1)'a, dvanda, J'tIgaia, )"tglJla, t1)'aJJa,
kll/tttl/ba, ravicandral(, ncrya,l etc.
; is expressed by rail/a, gtl!la, trigtl!7a, loka, trijagat,
bhtIVana, kaia, trikala, trigata, trimtra, haranetra,
sahodara/J, agni, anala, }Jahni, POl 'aka, lJmSl!anara,
dahalla, tapalla, hlltdfana, jva/ana, fikbill, krfdllll, botr,
pura, ratna. 2 (Jaina), etc.
4. is expressed by veda, fmti" salJJtfdra, sagara, abdhi,
alJlbhodha, am/Jhodhi,ja/adbi, IIdadhi,ja/anidlJi, saliJakara,
l!Ijallidhi, vdridhi, pcryodhi, PcJ),ollidhi, allib"dhi, ke!1dra~
vartta, afrallla, ]ttga, tlll)'a, krta, t1)'tl, 4_ya, dif, bal1dhu,
kO.f!ha, gati, ka.fc!J'a, etc.
is expressed by bat/a, fara, fastra, s4J'aka, iflt, bhlita,
parva, prdtta,pavana,3 pd!ujaM, artha, vi,fcrya, lIIabdbhi?la,
tatva, bhdva, indriJ,a, raIna, karattD'a,4 vrata, etc.
6 is expressed by rasa, atiga, k,q)'a; rIll, masardha, dar-
fana, rilga, ari, fdstra, larka, karaka, lekl!)'a, drtl1(),a, 5
khara, kUll/aravadana, fa tllJlukha} etc.
7 is expressed by naga, aga, bhi7bhrl, parvata, faiia,
acala, adri, giri, ffi, Illlmi, ),ati, atri, vara, svara,
1 Method of ~omprehending things from particular stand-
points-drazyarthika and pao'4Ydrlhika.
2 Used by Mahavira only; others take it for five.

~ 3 See Si5e, i. 27; SiJ'i, ga!1itddh)'clya, x. 2. Used also for t

(See the guotations by Bhanotpala in his commentary on Brhat-
sanihilii, ch. ii). In Al-Bi'runl's list it is erroneously put for 9.
4 That which ought to be done; according to the Jainas-
ahillisa, sun.rla, ast€)'a, brahllJacarya, and aparigraha.
,'Used by Mahavira.

dhdtfl, ail/a, turaga, l'ciji, hqya, c/Jane/ap, dhf, kalatra,

tatva,l dt4pa, pCllmaga,2 bhc1)'a,3 mdtrkJ, t)'aSalta, etc.
8 is expressed by vasu, ahi, ndga, gqja, dan!i, dvirada,
diggqja, bastin, ibha, nJdtanga, ktliijara, dlJipa, pUfkarin,
sindhtlra, sarpa, tak.fa, siddhi, bht2ti, antt.f!tlbha, Illan-
gala, anfka, karll/cw/ dllrita, ttlfltl,5 dik, e /lIada,7 etc.
9 is expressed by anka, Il({flda, nidhi, /!raha, 'randhra,
chidra, dvdra, go, 8 /lpendra, keiava, tdrkD'adhvqj, durgd,
padortha,9 labdha, labdhi, etc.
10 ·is expressed by dii, dlk, diid, did, "ui.gtllf, pankti,
kakubh, ravatzaiira, avatdra, karlllall, etc.
1I is expressed by rttdra, tSvara, 11Ircja, hara, fia, bhava,
bharga, iulin, mahadella, ak.fauhitzi, etc.
12 is expressed by ravi, st7rya, ina, arka, 1I1artatzcja,
cfyullJcltzi, bhdm/, adirya, divdkara, mdsa, raii, 1!)'aya, ,
13 is expressed by iJiivedevap, viiva, kama, atijagatt~
agho.fa, etc.
14 is expressed by manu, m(/yd, indra, iakra, loka/o etc.
15 15 expressed by tithi, ghasra, dina, ahan, pak.fa,l1 etc.
16 IS expressed by nrpa, bhupa; bhupati, a.f!i, ka/d, etc.
17 1S expressed by atyaf!i, etc.

1 Used by Mahavira because the Jainas recognise seven tatras;

used for five by others.

2 Used by MaM.vira.
3 Used by Mahavlra.
~ Used by Maharvira for 8 and by others for 10.
5 Used 'by Mahavira.
G This word has been used for 8 as well as for 10. The use
of dis or dik for 4 also occurs.
7 Used by Mahavira only.
8 This has been used for I a15Q.
o Used by Maha.vira only.
10 Also used for 3.
11 Also used for z.

18 is expressed by dhrti, etc.

19 is expressed by atidhrti, etc.
20 IS expressed by nakha, kfti, etc.
2I IS expressed by utkrti, prak! ti, svarga, etc.
22 IS expressed by krti, jaJi (?), etc.
23 IS expressed by vikrti.
24 IS expressed by g4yatri, jina, arhat, siddha, etc.
25 is expressed by (atva,l etc.
27 is expressed by nak.fatra, uflu, bha, etc.
;2 IS expressed by danta, rada, etc.
_, _, is expressed by deva, amara, tridafa, sura, etc.
48 is expressed by jagati, etc.
49 is expressed by tana, etc.
Word Numerals without Place-value. In the
Veda we do not find the use of names of things to
denote numbers, but we do find instances of numbers
denoting things. For instance, in the J!..gveda the number
'twelve' has been used to denote a year 2 and in the
Atharvaveda the number 'seven' has been used to
denote a group of seven things (the seven seas, etc.).3
There are instances, however, of fractions having been
denoted by word symbols, e.g., kald = ·iJtr, kU.f!ha = II:!,
'ha = '4'
sap I

The earliest instances of a word being used to

denote a whole number are found about 2,000 B.C., in
the ~atapatha Brahmatla4 and Taittir[ya Brah'lla!1a.5 The
1 Generally used for 5; also for 7 by Mahavira.
2" Devtl bifilJl juguplirdvddafasya rtlllJl narona praminanf)'ele . . ~ , . , "
(vii. 103, I). '
a "Om ye' frifapta para'ante. ... " (i. I, I).
4 The word kr1a has been used for 4.
"catll!!omma krtena qydnd~lI . ... " (xiii. 3. 2. I).
G "Ye vai catvdral; stomdp krtalJl tat . ... " (i. j. I!. I).

CbdJldo,gya Upanifad also contains several instances. In

the Vedanga Jyotifa~ (1,200 B.C.) words for numerals
have been used at several places. The Srallta-Stltras of
KoO'qyana 2 and Lti!.Yt!J'and' have the words gti_yatri for
24 andjagatf for 48.
At- this early stage, however, the word symbols
were nothing more than curiosities; their use to denote
numbers was rare. :Morcover, we find evidences of a
certain indefiniteness in the numerical significance at-
tached to certain words. For instance, in the same
work, the Aitarv'a BrahlJlatJa, the word 1lira! has been
used to denote 10 at one place and 30 at another. The
principle of place-value being unknown, the- word
symbols could not be used to denote large numbers,.
\vbich were usually denoted in terms of the numerica1
denominations or by breaking the number into parts. 4
The use of the word symbols without place-value is
found in the Pinga/a Chandap-sutra composed before
200 B.C. The principle of place-value seems to -have
been applied to the word numerals between 200 B.C.
and 300 A.D.
Word Numerals with Place-value. The earliest
instance of the usc of the word numerals with place-
value in its current form is found in the Agni-Plirarza/
1 riipa = I, t?ya = 4, gupa = .)'lIga = 12, bhasa1JJiiha = 27. See
(1']. 23, AJ. F), (YJ. 13, A]. 4), (A]. 19), (YJ. 25) and (1"J. 20)
respectively. .
2 \'Veber's edition of Kdty4Jana Srauta Srt/ra, p. 1015.

3 ix. 4. 31.
-1 E.g.,
DaJii)'fItaniilJ)q)'tllati, sahasrd(li ca vililia/IV •
• Ko/)'a!J ,ra,r,tiJca ,ra! caiva yo'smin rajan-mritjhe /Jalap
that 15, 10 (10000) + 10000+20 (1000) + 60 (10,000,000) +
6 (IO,ooo,ooo)-Alahdbharata, Stripar2'a, xxvi. 9.
" A.!?,ni-P/II'a!lCl, BangaMsl ed., Calcutta (13 14 B.S.), chs. 122-
2..3, 13 I, 140" 141, 328-33 5. According to Pargiter, probably the
gl Caresr Puranic scholar of modern times, "the pura(las cannot
a work which belongs to the earliest centuries of the
Christian era. Bhattotpala in his commentary on the
Brbat-saJJihitd has given a quotation from the original
Ptllifa-siddhanfa 1 (c. 400) in which the word system is
used. The number expressed in this quotation is
kha (0) kha (0) af/a (8) JJl1Ini (7) rama (3) afzJi (2) netra (2)
af/a (8) fara (5) rdtripap (1) = 1,582,237,800. There
are in this work 2 several other quotations from the
Puliia-siddhdnta, which contain word numerals. Later

astronomical and mathematical manuals such as the

Su,:_va-siddMnta (c. 300), the Paiica-siddhdntikd 3 (505), the

oMahd- and Laghu-Bhdskariya4 (522), the BrahlJla-sphll!a-

siddhdnla 5 (628), the Triiatikii 6 (c. 750), and the GatIitd-
sdra-samgraha 7 (85 0), all make use of the word notation. 8
Word Numerals in. Inscriptions. The earliest
epigraphic instances of the use of the word numerals are
met with in two Sanskrit inscriptions 9 found in Cam-
bodia which was a Hindu colony. They are dated 604
be later than the earliest centuries of the Christian era." (jRAS,
1912., pp. 2.54-55). The Agni-Puratza is admitted by all scholars
to be the earliest of the Puratzas.
J Brhat-sallihita, ed. by S. Dvivedi, Benares, p. 163.

"Ibid, pages 2.7, 2.9,49, 51, etc. We are, however, not sure
whether those quotations are from the original work or from a
later redaction of the same.
d i. 8; viii. I, etc.
• See MBh, ch. 7 and LBh, ch. 1.
5j. 51-55, etc.
6 R. 6, Ex. 6, etc.

7 ii. '7, 9, etc.

8 In the face of the evidence adduced here, G. R. Kaye's
assertion, (If/dian A1athematics, Calcutta, 19I5, p. 31) that the word
numeloals were introduced into India in the ninth century from
the cast, shows his ignorance of Indian mathematical works, or is
a deliberate misrepresentation.
U R. C. l\Iazumdar, Ancient Illdian colonies in the far east,-
Campa, Vol. I, Lahore, 1927; see inscriptions Nos. 32.,39; also 40,
4 1 ,43 and 44.

A.D. and 625 A.D. Their next occurrence is found in

a Sanskrit inscription of Java, belonging to the 8th
In India proper, although they were in use amongst
the astronomers and mathematicians from the 3rd or
4th century A.D. onwards, it did not become the fashion
to use them in inscriptions till a much later date. The
earliest Hindu inscriptions using these numerals are
dated 813 A.D.'! and 842. A.D.3 In the following
century they are used in the plates issued by the Eastern
Chalukya Amma II, in 943 A.D.4 In later times the
epigraphic instances become more frequent. The nota-
tion is also found in several manuscripts in which dates
are given in verse. ~
Origin and Early History. It should be
noted that the arrangement of words, representing the
numbers zero and one to nine, in a word chronogram
is contrary to the arrangement that is followed when
the same number is written with numerical signs. This
fact has misled some scholars to think that the decimal
notation and the word numerals were evolved at two
different places. G. R. Kaye has gone so far as to
suggest that the word numerals were imported into
India from the east. This suggestion is incorrect for
the simple reason that in no language other than
Sanskrit do we find any early use of the word system.
Moreover, in no country other than India do we find
any trace of the use of a word system of numeration
] lA, XXI, p. 48.
2 The Kac;lab plates, lA, XII, p. II; declared by Fleet to be
suspicious (Kanarese Dynasties, Bombqy Gazatteer, I, ii, 399, note 7);
cf. Buhler, I.e., p. 86, note 4.
3 The Dholpur Inscription, Zeitschrift der DeulIchen Morgen/a!1dis-
chen Gesellschaft, XL, p. 42..
4 lA, VII, p. IS.
;; Buhler, I.c., p. 86, note 7.

as far back as the fourth century A.D., at which period

it was in common use amongst the astronomers and
mathematicians of India.
During the earlier stages of the development of
this system, we find that instead of the word symbols,
the number names were used, being arranged from left
to right just as the numerical signs. An instance of
this is found in the Bakhshali Manuscript ' (c. 200), where
the number
26 5 3 296226447064994 .... 83 2 1 8
1S expressed as
$arjvifitfafca (26) tripancdfa (53) ekoJ1atrimfa (29) evacha
Dvd!a [!!i] (62 ) !a;ivimfa (26) catufJCatl'drimfa (44) saptali (70)
CatuP.fa.f!i (64) na[vanavali] (99) ... msanClJ1tarallJ
Trirafiti (83) ekavimfa (21) a/fa (8) ... pakal!J
In the same manuscript, however, the contrary
arrangement is used when the number 54 is expressed
as catup (4) panca (5).12 Jinabhadra Gat).i (575) has used
word symbols with the left to right arrangement to
express numbers. 3 It seems, therefore, that in the
beginning opinion was divided as to which method of
arrangement should be followed in the word system.
The extensive use of the word numerals by early
mathematicians such as Pulisa, Varahamihira, Lalla and
others appears to have set the fashion to write the word
numerals with a right to left arrangement, which was
gener;:tlly followed by later writers.
1 Folio 58, recto. The dots indicate some mISSIng figures.
The probiem apparently required the expression of a big number
in numerical denominations. We do not find a problem of this.
type in anr of the later works. Cf. B. Datta, "The Ba.khshall
Mathematiq;." BCi\IS, XXI, p. 21.
~ Folio 27, recto.
3 Brhat-kfetra-samdsa, i. 69 ff.

No explanation as to why the right to left arrange-

ment was preferred in the word system is to be found
in any of the ancient works. The following explana-
tion suggests itself to us, and we believe thac it is not
far from the truth: The different words forming a
number chronogram were to be so selected that the
resulting word expression would fit in with the metre
used. To facilitate the selection the number was first
written down in numerical figures. The selection of the
proper words would then, naturally, begin with the
figure in the units place, and proceed to the left just as in
arithmetical operations. This is in ilccordance with the
rule "mikana'?1 vaRlato gatifJ," i.e., 'the numerals proceed
to the left,' which seems to have been very popular with
the Indian mathematicians. The right to left arrange-
ment is thus due to the desire of the mathematicians to
look upon the process of formation of the word chrono-
gram as a sort of arithmetical operation.
Date of Invention. The use of the word nU9Jerals
in the Agni-Purdpa which was composed in the 4th
century A.D. or earlier, shows that the word system of
numerals must have become quite common in India
at that time, toe Pllrd{1ClS being works meant for the
common folk. That it was a well developed system
in the fourth century is also shown by its extensive use
in the SiI;ya-siddhdnta and the Ptdifa-siddhdllta. Its in-
vention consequently must be placed at least two
centuries earEer. This would give us the period, 100
.A.D. to 200 A.D., as the time of its invention. This
conclusion is supported by the epigraphic use of the
word notation in 605 A.D., in Cambodia, which shows
that by the end of the 6th century A.D., the knowledge
of the system had spread over an area roughly of the
size of Europe.
It must be pointed out here that the decimal place-
value notation and the word numerals were not invented

at the same time. The decimal notation must have been

in existence and in common use amongst the mathema-
ticians long before the idea of applying the place-value
principle to a system of word names could have been
conceived. Thus we find that in the beginning (c. 200),
the place-value principle, as is to be expected, was used
with the number names. The word symbols were then
substituted for the number names for the sake of
metrical convenience. The right to left procedure was
finally adopted because of the mathematicians' desire to
look upon the formation of the word numeral as a
sort of mathematical operation.
The above considerations place the invention of the
decimal place-value notation at a period, at least two
or' three centuries before the invention of the' word
system. The word notation, therefore, points to the
1st century B.C. as the time of invention of the place-
value notation. rhis conclusion agrees with that
arrived on epigraphic evidence alone.


T~e idea of using the letters of the alphabet to
denote numbers can be traced back to PiQ.ini (c. 700
B.C.) who has used the vowels of the Sanskrit alphabet
to denote numbers.' No definite evidence of the exten-
sive use of an alphabetic notation is, however, found
'In PaQini's grammar there are a number of sutras (rules)
which apply to a certain number of sutras that follow and not
to all. Such sutras are marked by signs according to panini.
Patanjali commenting on sutra i. 3. I I, says that according to
K:1tyayana (4th century B.C.) a letter (vartza), denoting the number
of sutras upto which a particular rule is to apply, is written over
the sutra. Kaiyya~a illustrates this remark by saying that the
letter i is written above Pa!)ini's sutra, v. 1. 30 to show that it
applies only to the next two sutras. Thus according to Panini
a = 1, i = 2, II ~ 3, ..... .

up to the 5th century A.D. About this period a number

of alphabetic notations were invented by different writers
with the sole purpose of being used in verse to denote
numbers. The word numerals gave big number
chronograms, so that sometimes a wh;)le verse or even
more would be devoted to the word chronogram only.
This feature of the word system was naturally looked
upon with disfavour by some of the Indian astronomers
.vho considered brevity and conciseness to be the main
attributes of a scientific composition. Thus the alpha-
betic notations were invented to replace the word
system in astronomical treatises. The various alpha-
betic systems 1 are simple variations of the decimal
place-value notation, using letters of the alphabet in the
place of numerical figures. It must be noted here that
the Hindu alphabetic systems, unlike those employed
by the Greeks or the Arabs, were never used by the
common people, or for the purpose of making calcula-
tions; their knowledge was strictly confined to the
learned and their use to the expression of numbers in
Alphabetic System of Aryabhata I. Aryabha~a
I (499) invented an alphabetic system of notation, which
has been used by him in the DaJagitikii 2 for enumerating
the numerical data of his descriptive astronomy. The
1 Some alphabetic systems usc::d for the pagination of manus-
cripts do not use the place-value principle. These systems were
the invention of scribes who probably wanted to be pedantic and
to show off their learning. Their use was confined to copyists
of manuscripts. .
"The Dafagitikd as the name implies ought to contain ten
stanzas, but actually there are thirteen. Of these the first is an
invocation to the Gods, the second is the paribhd!cl ("definition")
given above and the thirteenth is of the nature of a colophon.
These three stanzas are, therefore, not counted. Cf. WI. E. Clark,
"Hindu-Arabic Numerals," Indian Studies in Honour of Charles
Rockwell Lanman, (Harvard Univ. Press), 1929, p. 231.

rule is given in the Dafagitika thus:

Varga'le{drapi varge'varge'vargak{arapi kat nTnau yap
Khadvinavake svara nava varge'varge navantyavarge va
The following translation gives the meaning of the
rule ~s intended by the author:
"The varga l letters beginning with k (are used only)
in the varga 2 places, the al!arj!,a letters in the avarga 3
places, ( thus) ya equals timau (tia plus ma); the nine
vowels (are used to denote) the two nines 'of zeros
of varga and avarga (places). The same (procedure) may
be (repeated) after the end of the nine varga places."
This rule has been discussed by Whish? 4 Brock-
khau~/ Kern, 6 Barth/ Rodet,8 Kaye, U Fleet/o Datta,tl
Ganguly,12 Das,'3 Lahiri 14 and Clark. 15
The translation of kba by "place'" (Clark) or by
"space" (Fleet) is incorrect. We do not find the word
kba used in the sense of 'notational place' anywhere in
Sanskrit literature. Its meanings are 'void', 'sky', etc.,
and it has been used for zero, in the mathematical and
1 T/arga here means "classed," i.e., the classed letters of the
alphabet. The first twenty-five letters of the alphabet are classed
in groups of five, the remaini~g ones are unclassed.
2 Varga here means odd.
3 Avarga here means even.
4 Transaction: of the Literary Society of Madras, I, 182 7, p. 54.
5 Zeitschrifte fur die kunde des Morgen/iindes, IV, p. 8 I.
6 JRAS, 1863, p. 380.
7 Oeuvres, III, p. 182..
8 JA, 1880, II, p. 440.
o JASB, 19°7, p. 478; Indian Mathematics, Calcutta, 1915, p. 30;
The Bakhshtili Manuscr,ipt, Calcutta, 192.7, p. 81.
10 )ARS~ 1911, p. 109.
11 Slhitya-Parirad-Patrika, 192.9, p. 2.2..
12 BCMS, 192.6, p. 195.
13IHQ, III, p. 110.
14 History of the World (in Bengali), Vol. IV, p. 178.
is Aryabhatiya of Aryabhata, Chicago, 1930, p. 2..

astronomical works. We thus replace "the two nines of

places" in the translation given by Clark by "the two
nines of zeros." Clark has given the following reason
for not translating kha by zero: "That is equivalent
to saying that each vowel adds two zeros to the numeri-
cal value of the consonant. This, of course, will work
from the vowel i on; but the vowel a does not add
two zeros. It adds no zero or one zero depending on
whether it is used with varga or avarga letters. It seems
to me, th(!refore, more likely that a board divided jnto
columns is implied rather than a symbol for zero, as
Rodet trunks." The vowels do not add zeros. The
explanation will not work for any of the vowels; for
instance, i, according to this interpretation, would add
two zeros to g but three zeros to y. What really is
implied by kha is explained by the commentator Surya-
deva as follows: "khani Ju,!yopalak;itani, sank4ydvi'!)'dsas-
thandni tefa,!, dvinavaka,!" khadvinavaka,!" tasm;n khadvina-
vake fli/?Jopalak.fitdsthana.f!ddaJa (18) ityarthaf.;;" that iso,
"kha denotes zero; the places for putting (writing)
the numbers are two nines (dvinavaka,!,) , therefore,
khadvinavake means the eighteen places denoted by
zeros." It may be mentioned here that the Hindus
denote the notational places by zeros. Bhaskara 1(522),
commenting on Gatzitapdda, 2, which gives the names of
ten notational places, says: . I
"'!YasaJca sthananalp 0000000000."
i.e., "writing down the places we have 0000000000."
Bhaskara I is more explicit in the interpretation of kha
by zero, for in his comments on the above rule, he
states: "khadvinavake svard nava varge: kha means zero
(fi2'!.ya). In two nines of zeros (kha), so k/Jadvinavake;
that is, in the eighteen (places) marked by zeros; ...... " 1
1 Commentary on the Daiagitikd by BM.skala I, "khadvinavake
slIard nalla lIargc khdni iUf!Jani, khdndfJl dvinavakafJI tasmin khad1Jinavake
df#dafa iUf!Jtikfitcfll .. •... "

Thus kha must be translated by zero, although the

kha (zero) here is equivalent to the 'notational places.'l
What is implied, here is certainly the symbol for the
zero and not a board divided into columns.
Clark finds great difficu liy in translating navan(ya-
varge va. The reading hau instead of va suggested by
Fleet is not acceptable. The translation given by us
accords with the several commentaries (by Bhaskara I,
Suryadev'a, Paramdvara and Nilakarnha) consulted by
us. They all agree.
Expfanation. A.rayabhata's rule gives the method
of expressing the alphabetic chronogram in the decimal
place-value notation, and vice versa. The notational
places are indicated as follows:

all 0 at e I r II i a

a v a v a v a v a v a v a v a v a v
o 0 0 0 0 o· 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

where v stands for vm:ga and a for avarga.

It will be observed that the eighteen places are de-
noted by zeros and they are divided into nine pairs, each
pair consisting of a varga place and an avarga place, i.e.,
odd place and even place. 2 The varga letters k to mS.are
used in varga places, i.e., odd places only, and denote
the numbers I, 2, •••••••• , 25 in succession. The
1 NilakaQtha says: "khadvinavake, that is, there are eigh-
teen places, the nine varga places and the nine avarga places
...... " See Aryabha![ya, ed. by K. Sambasiva Sastri. Trivandrum,
'930, p. 6.
2 The later Indian treatises use the terms visama and sama for
varga and avarga respectively. Varga is also ~sed for a square
number or the figure.
S These are called varga or classified letters, because they are
classified into groups of five each.

avarga letters y to h are used in the avarga places, i.e.,

even places only, and denote the numbers 3, 4, ...... ,10
successively. The 'first varga and avarga places
together constitute the first varga-avarga pair, and so on.
Nine such varga-avarga p-airs are denoted by the nine
vowels in succession. Thus the first varga-avarga pair,
i.e., the units and the tens places are denoted by a; the
second varga-at'arga pair, i.e., the hundreds and thousands
places by i; and so on. The vowels thus denote places
-zeros according to the Indian usage of denoting the
places-and have by themselves no numerical value.
When attached to a <letter-number' a vowel simply
denotes the place that the number occupies in the decimal
place-value notation. For instance, when the vowel a is
attached to y, it means that the number 3 which y
denotes is to be put in the first avarga place, i.e., the
tens place. Thus ya is equal to 30. On the other
hand when a is attached to one of the classed letters,
it refers it to the first varga place, i.e., the units
place. Thus na is equal to 5 and ma is equal to 2. 5 and
nma l is equal to 30. Similady.yi denotes that the number
3 is to be put in the thousands place whilst gi would
mean that the number 3 which g represents is to be
put in the hundreds place (g being a varga letter). Thus
yi= 3,000, whilst gi= 300. It is possible that
the zeros already written were rubbed out and the
corresponding numerical figures as obtained from a
given letter chronogram were substituted in their places.
This would automatically give zeros in the vacant places.
When this is not done and the numbers are written
below the zeros indicating the places, then zeros have
] When two consonants are together joined to a vowel, the
numbers representing both are referred to the same varga-avarga
pair. They are added together as in this case, tima = tia + ma =
5+ 2..5 = 30 •

to be written in the places that remain vacant. 1 The

same procedure can b~ applied to express numbers
occupying more than eighteen places, by letting the
vowels with anllsvara denote the next eighteen places,
or by means of any other suitable device.
One advantage of this notation is that it gives
very brief chronograms. This advantage is, however,
more than counterbalanced by two very serious defects.
The first of these is that most of the letter chronograms
formed according to this system are very difficult to
pronounce. In fact, some of these 2 are so complicated
that they cannot be pronounced at all. The second
defect is that the system does not allow any great
variety in the letter chronograms, as other systems do.
Katapayadi System. In this system the con-
sonants of the Sanskrit alphabet have been used in the
place of the numbers I -9 and zero to express num-
bers. The conjoint vowels used in the formation of
number chronograms, have no numerical significance.
It gives brief chronograms, which are generally pleasant
sounding words. Skilled writers have been able to
coin chronograms which have connected meanings. It
is superior to that of Aryabhata I, and also to the word
system. Four variants of this system are known to have
been used in India. It is probably due to this non-
uniformity of notation that the system did not come
into general use.
1 Some examples from the Aryabha!iya (i. 3):
r II i a

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
S gh y kh
khyughr ( 2 0 0 0 0=4320000
·4 3
{~ ch
5 ,
Y g
6=577533 6
2 For instance niiifll!1Jkhfr. bhadliknulehr. etc.

First Variant: The first variant of the Ka!apqyaai

system.is described in the following verse taken from
the Sadratnamdid:
Naiitit'acaira fu,!)'dni samkhyd katapt!.yddayaf;
Mifre tupdl1ta hal samkl!Ja na ca cil1tyo balasvara/l
"n, ii and the vowels denote zeros; (the letters in suc-
cession) beginning with k, t, p, and y, denote the
digits; in a conjoint consonant only the last one denotes
a number; and a consonant not joined to a vowel should
be disregarded." According to this system, therefore,
I is denoted by the letters k, !, p, .y.

2 " " " k h , Ih, ph, r.

3 " " " g , ¢, b, I.
4 " " " g h , t}h, bh, v.
5 " " n, (I, m, .f.
6 " " " c , t, !.
7 " " " c h , Ih, s.
8 " " " j , d, h.
9 " " " j b , db.
o " " " ii, n and vowels
standing by themselves.
The consonants. with vowels are used in the places of
of the numerical figures just as in the place-value nota-
tion. Of conjoint consonants only the last one has
numerical significance. A right to left arrangement is
employed in the formation of chronograms, just as in
the word system, i.e., the letter denoting the units
figure is written first, then follows the letter denoting
the tens figure and so on. . The follow.ing examples
taken from inscriptions, grant plates and manuscripts
will illustrate the system:
2 4 4 I
(I)'- rd - gha - lJa - ya 1442,
1 EI, VI, p. 121.
4 4 6
(2)1 bha - va - Ii - 644,
5 I 3 1
(3)2 fa - krya - 10 - ke 13 1 5,
6 4 3 1
(4)3 ta tva - 10 ke 1346 ,
23 1 5 6 5 1
(5)4 kha -go - nryd- nme -fa - md-pe = 1565132.
The origin of this system can be traced back to the
fifth century A.D. From a remark~ made by Suryadeva
.in his commentary on the Aryabhaj&a, it appears that
the system was known to Aryabhata I (499). Its first
occurrence known to us is found in the Laghu-Bhas-
karfya of Bha.skara I (522).0
Second Variant: Aryabhata II (950) has used a
modification of the above system. In this variant,
the consonants have the same values as above, but the
vowels whether standing by themselves or in conjunc-
tion with consonants have no numerical significance.
Also unlike the first variant, each component of a
conjoint consonant has numerical value according to its

1 lA, II, p. ,60.

2 El, HI, p. 2.29.
3 El, III, p. , S.
4 The date of the commentary of !;)a<;lgurusi:;;ya on Sarvanukra-
ma!li is given by this chronogram in the Kaliyuga Era: It corres-
ponds to 11S4 A.D.
5 Comments on the paribba;a-slitra of the DaJagitika. The
author remarks:
"Vargak.!{lra{1am samkhya pratipadane, kataptryaditvafJJ nailtryoJea
ltl1ryripi siddha,;/ tannirasdrtham kat graha!1afJJ."
That is, "the letters kat have been used to distinguish it (the
method of Aryabhata I) from the Katapayad;' system of denoting
numbers by the help of the varga letters, where nand il are
equal to zero."
6 LBh, i. IS.

place. The letters are arranged in the left to right

order just as in writing numerical figures. 1 The differ-
ence between the two variants may be illustrated by the
chronogram (lha-ja-he-ku-na-he-t-sa-bhd. 12 According to
Aryabhata II it denotes 488108674, whereas according
to the first variant it would denote 47801884.
Third Variant: A third variant of this system is
found in some Pill manuscripts from Burma. 3 This is
in all respects the same as the first variant except that
S=5, h=6 and /"=7. The modification' in the values of
these letters are due to the fact that the Pili alphabet
does not contain the Sanskrit f and !.
, Fourth Variant: A fourth variant of the system
was in use in South India, and is known as the Kerala
System. This is the same as the first variant with the
difference that the left-to-right arrangement of letters,
just as in writing numerical figures, is employed.
Aksarapalli. Various peculiarities are found in
the forms as well as the arrangement of the numerical
symbols used in the pagination. of old manuscripts.
These symbols are known as the ak!arapaIJi, i.e., the letter
system. 4 In this system the letters or syllables of the
script in which the manuscript is wri\ten are used to
denot,e the numbers. The following list gives the
phonetic values of the various numerals as found in
old manuscripts: 5
] The notation is explained in MSi, i. 2:
, Riipat katapayaptirva var!1o var!1akramadbhavanryankdb
Niiau ftinyam prathamarthe a chede e trt[yarthe.
2 MSi, i. 10.

3 L. D. Barnet, ]MS, 1907. pp. 127 if.

6 For forms see Tables.

5 See PLM. pp. lo7f.


I e, sva, rum.
2 dvi, . sti, na.
3 tri, sri, maJ:t.
4 1i.ka, r1i.ka, 1i.ka, t:J.ka, rt:J.ka, ~ka, r~ka,

ttq;. (pke), Et, ~. rphra, pu.

5 q:, rq:, rq:a, hr, nr, rnr·

6 phra, rphra, rphro, ghna, bhra, rpu, vya.,
7 gra, gra, rgra, rgbhr:i, rgga., bhra.
8 hra, rhra, rhri, dra.
9 om, rum, ro, urn, urn, a, rnurn.
10 l, ~a, l!ta, c;la, a, rpta.
20 tha, tha, ~ha, gha, rgha, pya, va.
30 la, la, rla, rla.
40 pta, rpta, pta, rpta, pna.

e, 1, l).U.

cu, vu, ghu, thu, rthu, rthu, thu, .rgha, rghu.

cu, cu, thu, rthu, rghu, rmta.


100 su, su, Iu, a.

200 su, a, Iu, rghu ..
300 sta, sua, fiua, sa, SU, sum, SU.
400 suo, sto, sta.

It will be observed that to the same numeral there

correspond various phonetical values. Very frequently
the difference is slight and has been intentionally made,
probably to distinguish the signs with numerical values
from those with letter values. In some other cases
there are very considerable variations, which (accord-
ing to B-~ihler) have been caused by misreadings of older
signs or dialectic differences in pronunciation. The
symbols are written on the margin of each leaf. Due to
lack of space, they are generally arranged one below
the other in the Chinese fashion. This is so in the
Bower manuscript which belongs to the sixth century
A.D. In later manuscripts the pages are numbered
both in the ak.farapalli as well as in decimal figures.
Sometimes these notations are mixed up as in the
following: l
Ii su su
33 - 3 ; 100 - o', 102 0;
0 2
su su sft
13 1 - Ii ; 15 0 = b o
I 0 rum ,
The ak,farapalli has been used in Jaina manuscripts
upto the sixteenth century. After this period, the deci-
mal figures are generally used. In Malabar, a system
resembling the ak.farapalli is in use upto the present
day. 2
1 Cf. PLM, p. 108.
2 I = na, 2 = nna, 3 = nya, 4 = ::;kra,
5 = jhra, 6 = ha(ha), 7 = gra, 8 = pra,
9 = dre(?), 10·= rna, . 20 = tha,
;0 = la, 40 = pta, 50 = ba, 60 = tra,
70 = ru (tru), 80 = ca, 90 = l)a, 100 = na.
(CI ]RAJ, 18 9 6, p. 790)
Other Letter Systems. (A) A system of nota-
tion in which are employed the sixteen vowels and
thirty-four consonants of the Sanskrit alphabet is
found in certain manuscripts from Southern India
(Malabar and Andhra), Ceylon, Burma and Siam. The
thirty-fol:lr consonants in order with the vowel a denote
the numbers from one to thirty-four, then the same
consonants with the vowel d denote the numbers thirty-
five to sixty-eight and so on. 1
(B) . Another notation in which the sixteen vowels
with the consonant k denote the numbers one to sixteen
and with kh they denote the numbers seventeen to
thirty-two, and so on, is found in certain Pali manus-
cripts from Ceylon. 2
( C) In a Pili manuscript in the Vienna Imperial
Library a similar notation is found with twelve vowels
and thirty-four consonants. In this the twelve vowels 8
with k denote the numbers from one to twelve, with
kh they denote the numbers from thirteen to twenty-
four, and so on.
These letter systems do not appear to have been
in use in Northern India, at least after the third century
A.D. They are probably the invention of scribes who
copied manuscripts.


Earliest Use. The zero symbol was used in

metrics by Pirigala (before 2.00 B.C.) in his ChandafJ-slitra.
He gives the solution of the problem of finding the total
number of arrangements of two things in n places,
repetitions being allowed. The two things considered are
1 Burnell, SOJllb _Indian Palaeograpl?J, London, 1878, p. 79.
2 Ibid.
3 The vowels r,!., t,.t, are omitted.

the two kinds of syllables "long" and "short", denoted

by I and g respectively. To find the number of arrange-
ments of long and short syllables in a metre containing
n syllables, Pingala gives the rule in short aphorisms:
"(Place) two when halved;"1 "when unity is sub-
tracted then (place) zero;" 2 "multiply by two when
zero;"3 "square when halved."4
The meaning of the above aphorisms will be clear
from the calculations given below for the G4Yatri metre
which contains 6 syllables. 5
Place the number 6
Halve it, result 3 Separately place 2
3 cannot be halved, therefore,
subtract I, result 2 o
Halve it, result " "
I 2
I cannot be halved, therefore,
" "
subtract I, result o o
The process ends. " "
The calculation begins from the last number In
column B. Taking unity double it at 0,' this gives 2;
at 2 square this (2), the result is 22; then at zero double
(2-2), the result is 2"; ultimately, at 2 square this (23),
the result is 2", which gives the total number of ways
I Pinga/a Chandap-siitm, ed. by Sri Sitanath, Calcutta, 1840,
viii. 2.8.
2 Ibid, viii. 2.9.
a Ibid, viii. 30.
4 Ibid, viii. 3 I.
5 For 7 syllables. the steps are:
Subtract I 6 place Double 2.2.,1 = 2.7
Halve 3 ° 2. Square 2.':
Subtract 2. " Double 2.:2. 2 3
Halve " ° 2, Square 2,2
= 2.

Subtract ° " Double

gi v ing 2. 7 as the result. " ° 1 =2.
in which two things can be arranged in 6 places. 1
It will be observed that two symbols are required in
the above calculation to distinguish between two kinds
of operations, viz., (I) that of halving and (2) that of the
'absence' of halving and subtraction of unity. These
might have been denoted by any twO marks arbitrarily
chosen. 2 The question arises: why did Pingala select
the symbols "two" and "zero"? The use of the symbol
two can be easily explained as having been suggested
by the process of halving-division by the number
two. The zero symbol was used probably because of
its being associated, at the time, with the notion of
'absence' or 'subtraction.' The use of zero in
either sense is found to have been common ih Hindu
mathematics from early times. The above reference to
Piilgala, however, shows that the Hindus possessed a
symbol for zero (Junya), whatever it might have been,
before 200 B.C.
The Bakhshili Manuscript (c. 200) contains the use
of zero in calculation. For instance, on folio 56 verso,
we have:
~~ i~: multi plied become
848320 I
" 1 8 I 1
I 14112 t
The square of forry different places is I 1600 I. On sub-
tracting this froIn the number above (numerator), the
remainder is 18 4 6 720 I.
On removal of the common
factor, it becom~s 1601 ."
1 This method of calculation is not peculiar to the Pitiga/a
Chandah-sutra. It is found in various other works on metrics as
well ~s mathematics. The zero symbol has been similarly
employed in this con~ection in later works also. Vide infra.
2 E.g., Prthudakasvami uses va (from varga, "square") and
lI' (from gutta, «multiply"), while Mahavira uses the nUqlerals 1
and o. Vide infra.

There are a large number of passages of this kind

in the work. It will be noticed that in such passages
the sentences would be incomplete without the figures,
so the figures must have been put there at the time of
the original composition of the te.xt, and cannot be
suspected of being later interpolations. For an explicit
reference to zero and an operation with it, we take
the following instance from the work:
" 3 4 visible
Adding2 unity
to I 2 3
In the Panca-siddhdntikd (50S) zero is mentioned
at several places. The following is an instance:
"In Aries the minutes are seven, in the last sign
six; in Taurus. six (repeated) thrice; five (repeated) twice;
four; four; in Gemini they are three, two, one, zero
(iuf!Ya) (each repeated) twice.'"
Zero is here conceived as a number of the same
type as three, two or one. It cannot be correctly
interpreted otherwise. Addition and subtraction of
zero are also used in expressing numbers in this work
for the sake of metrical convenience. For instance:
"Thirty-six increased by two, three, nine, twelve,
nine, three, zero (Junya) are the days."1S
Instances of the above type all occur in those
1 The zeros given here are represented in the manuscript
by dots. The statement in modern symbols is equivalent to the
x + 2X + 3X + 4X = 200.
2 The Sanskrit word is ylltatiJ meaning literally "adding", but
what is meant is "putting" unity for the unknown (zero).
3 BMs, ,folio 22., verso.
'PSi, vi. 12..
Ii PSi, xviii. 35; other instances of this nature are in iii. 17;
IV. 7; iv. 8; iv. II; xviii. 44; xviii, 45; xviii. 48; xviii. p.
sections of the Paiica-siddhtintikd which deal with the
teachings of Pulisa. It seems, therefore, that such ex-
pressions are quotations from the Pulila-siddhtinta. As
it is known that the word numerals were employed by
Pulisa (c. 4°°), it can be safely concluded that he was
conversant with the concept of the zero as a numeral.
The writings of Jinabhadra GaJ?i (529-589), a con-
temporary of Varahamihira, offer conclusive evidence of
the use of zero as a distinct numerical symbol.
While mentioning large numbers containing several
zeros, he often enumerates, obviously for the sake of
abridgement, the number of zeros contained. For
instance: 2.24,400,000,000 is mentioned as "twenty-two
forty-four, eight zeros;"l 3,2.00,400,000,000 as "thirty-
two two zeros four eight zeros."2 At another place in
his work
4 8 392.0
is described thus :
"Two hundred thousand forty-one thousand nine
hundred and sixty; removing (apavartana) the zeros, the
numerator is four-zero-seven-one-five, and the deno-
minator four-eight-three-nine-two."3
It should be noted that the term apavartana means
what is known in modern arithmetic as the reduction of
a fraction to its lowest terms by removing the common
factors from the numerator and the denominator.
Hence the zero of Jinabhadra GaQi is certainly not a
mere concept of nothingness but is a specific numerical
symbol used
, in arithmetical calculation.
1 Brhat-kfetra-samasa, ed. with the commentary of Malayagiri,

Bombay, i. 69.
2 Ibid, i. 71. Other such instances are in i. 90, 97, 102,
108, 113, 119, etc.
albid, i. 83.

been given up long before. The quotation from

Subandhu cannot, therefore, be taken as a definite
proof of the use of the dot as a symbol for zero
in his time. All that we can infer is that at some period
before Subandhu, the dot was in use. We may go
further and state that very probably, the earliest symbol
for zero was a dot and not a small circle.
The earliest epigraphical record of the use of
zero is found in the Ragholi plates 1 of Jaivarahana II
of the eighth century. The Gwalior inscriptions of the
reign of Bhojadeva 2 also contain zero. The form'
of the 'symbol in these inscriptions is the small circle.
This is the form that has been in common use from
quite early times, probably from before the eighth
Other Uses of the Symbol. In the present
elementary schools in India, the student is taught the
names of the several notational }?laces and is made to
denote them by zeros arranged in a line. These. zeros
are written as
.••••.•. 000000000
The teacher points out the first zero on the right and
says 'units', then he proceeds to the next zero saying
'tens' and so on. The student repeats the names after
the teacher. This practice of denoting the notational
places by zeros can be traced back to the time of
Bhiskara I, who, as already pointed out on page 6(5,
ii't his commentary on the Aryabha![ya, Gatzita-pdda,z,
'Writing down the places, we have
o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0."

In all works on arithmetic (pd!igatzita) zero has

1 NO. 4 in the list of inscriptions given before.
2 Nos. 19 and 20 in the list.

been used to denote the unknown. This use of

zero can be traced back to the third century A.D.
It is used for the unknown in the BakhshaH arithmetic.
In algebra, however, letters or syllables have been
always used for the unknown. It seems that zero
for the unknown was employed in arithmetic, really to
denote the absence of a quantity, and was not a symbol
in the same sense as the -algebraic x (yd), for it does
not appear in subsequent steps as the algebraic symbols
do. This use of zero is mostly found in problems on
proportion-the Rule of Five, Rule of Seven, etc. The
Arabs also under Hindu influence used zero for the
unknown in similar problems. Similar use of zero
for the unknown quantity is found in Europe in a
Latin manuscript of some lectures by Gottfried Wolack
in the University of Erftirt in 1467-68. ~ The dot
placed over a number has been used in Hindu Ga(Jita
to denote the negative. In this case it denotes the
"absence' of the positive sign. Similar use of the dot
is found in Arabia and Europe obviousJy under Hindu
influence. 2


Jaina Canohical Wcrks. The earliest literary

evidence of the use of the word Hnotational place" is
furnished by the Anl!Jogadvdra-sutra/' a work wri~ten
before the Christian era. In this work the total number
1 Smith and Karpinski, J.c., pp. 53-54.
2 The occasional use by AI-Battani (929) of the Arabic negative
Id, to indicate the absence of minutes (or second;;), noted by Nallino
(Verhandlungen des 5 congresses tier Orienta/isten, Berlin, 1882, Vol. II,
p. 2.71), is similar to the use of the zero dot to denote the negative.
S The passage has been already quoted in detail (vide supra
p. xz).

of human beings in the world is given by "a number

which when expressed in terms of the denominations,
koti-koti, etc., occupies twenty-nine places (sthana)."
Reference to the "places of numeration" is found also
in a contemporary work, the Vjavahara-sutra. 1
Puranas. The Purat:las which are semi-religious
and semi-historical works, also contain references to
the notational places. These works were written for
the purpose of spreading education on religious and
historical matters amongst the common people. Refer-
ence to the place-value notation in these works shows
the desire of their authors to give prominence to the
system. The Agni-PuraIJa2 says:
"In case of multiples from the units place, the
value of each place (sthdna) is ten times the value of the
preceding place."
The VtjIJu-Puro"tro3 has similarly:
"0 dvija, from one place to the next in succession,
the places are multiples of ten. The eighteenth one
of these (places) is called parardha."
The V4Ju-PuraIJo4 observes:
"These are the eighteen places (sthana) of calcula-
tion; the sages say that in this way the number of places
can be hundreds."
The above three works are the oldest among the
Purat:las and of these the Agni and the V 4Ju Pura1).as
in their present form are certainly as old as the fourth
century A.D. The Agl1i-PtlralJa is referred by some
scholars to the first or second century A.D.

1Ch. i.; if. B. Datta, Scienlia, July, 1931, p. 8.

2The Agni-Pura!1a contains also the use of the word numerals
with place-value (vide supra p. S8).
3 .
VI. 3.
4 d. IOzf.

Works on Philosophy. The following simile has

been used in vydsa-Bhd[Ja 1 on the Yoga-sutra of
Patanjali :
"Thus the same stroke is termed one in the units
place, ten in the tens place, and hundred in the hundreds
place ........ "2
The same simile occurs in the Sdrfrak.a-Bhd[Ja of
Sankarad.rya :
"J ust as, although the stroke is the same, yet by a
change of place 'it acquires the values, one, ten, hundred.
thousand, etc .... "3
The first of the above works cannot be placed
later than the sixth century whilst the second one not
later than the eighth. The quotations prove conclu-
sively that in the sixth century, the place-value notation
was so well known that it could be used as an illustra-
tion for a philosophical argument.
Literary Works. A passage from the Vdsavadattd
of Subandhu comparing the stars with zero dots has
already been mentioned. Several other instances of
the use of zero are found in later literature. but they
need not be mentioned here. 4

1 iii. 13.
2 The translation is as given by J. H. Woods, The Yoga System
of Pataiijali, p. 216 . . In a foot-note, it is remarked: "Contrary to
Mr. G. R. Kaye'S opinion, the following passages show t'ilat the
place-value system of decimals was known as early as the sixth
century A.D." The above passage is also noted by Sir P. C. Ray
in his History of Hindu Chemistry, Vol. II, p. 117·
~ III. iii. 17; if. B. Datta, American Math. Month!y, XXXIII
192.6, pp. 220-1.
4 E.g., the use of the filnya-bindu in Nairadha-carita of Srihaqa

(c. 12th century). Cf. B. Datta, Ibid, pp. 449-4~4.



We may now summarise the various evidences
regarding the early use of the place-value notation in
(I) The earliest palaeographic record of the use of
the place-value system belongs to the close of the sixth
century A.D. -
(2) The earliest use of the place-value principle
with the word numerals belongs to the second or the
third century A.D. It occurs in the Agtzi-Purdtza, the
Bakhshali Manuscript and the Ptllifa-siddhdnta.
(3) The earliest use of the place-value principle
with the letter numerals is found in the works of Bha.s-
kara I about the beginning of tbe sixth century A.D.
(4) The earliest use of the place-value system in a
mathematical work occurs in the Bakhsha.li Manuscript
about 200 A.D. It occurs in the Aryabha!fYa composed
in 499 A.D., and in all later works without exceprton.
(5) References to the place-value system are found
in literature from about 100 B.C. Three references rang-
ing from the second to the fourth century A.D. are
found'in the PuraQ.as.
(6) The use of a symbol for zero is found in
Pirigala's Chandap-sutra as early as 200 B.C.
The reader will observe that the literary and non-
mathematical works give much earlier instances of the
use of the place-value system than the mathematical
works. This is exactly what one should expect. The
system when invented must have for some time been
used only for writing big numbers. A long time
must have elapsed before the methods of performing
arithmetical operations with them were invented. The
system cannot be expected to occur in a mathematical

work before it is in a perfect form. Therefore, the

evidences furnished by non-mathematical works should,
in fact, be earlier than those of mathematical works.
Mathematical works are not as permanent as
religious or literary wo~ks. The study of a particular
mathematical work is given up as soon as another better
work comes into the field. In fact, a new mathematical
work is composed with a view to removing the defects
of and superseding the older ones. It is quite
probable that works employing the place-value notation
were written before Aryabhata I, but they were given
up and are lost. It will be idle to expect to find copies
of such works after a lapse of sixteen hundred years.
In Europe and in Arabia it is still possible to find
mss. copies of works using the old numerals or a
mixture of the old numerals with the new place-value
numerals, but in India absolutely no trace of any such
work exists.
In Europe the Erst definite traces of the place-
value numerals are found in the tenth and eleventh
centuries, but the numerals came into general use in
mathematical text books in the seventeenth century.
In India Aryabhata I (499), Bhaskara I (522), Lalla
(c. 598), and Brahmagupta (628), all use the place-value
numerals. There is no trace of any other system of
notation in their works. Following the analogy of
Europe, we may conclude, on the evidence furnished
by Hindu mathematical works alone, that the place-
value system might have been known in India about
200 B.C.

As the literary evidence also takes us to that period,

we may be certain that the place-value system was
known in India about 200 B.C. Therefore we 'shall
not be much in error, if we fix 200 B.C. as the probable
date of invention of the place-value system and

zero in India. It is possible that further evidence may

force us to fix an earlier date.


The regular history of the Arabs begins after the

flight of Mohammad from Mecca to Medina 'in A.D.
622. The spread of Islam succeeded in bringing to-
gether the scattered tribes of the Arabian Peninsula
and creating a powerful nation. The united Arabs,
within a short space of time, conquered the whole of
Northern Africa and the Sp4_nish Peninsula, and extended
their dominions in the east upto the western border of
India. They easily put aside their former nomadic life,
and adopted a higher civilisation.
The foundations of Arabic literature and science
were laid between 750-850 A.D. This was done
chiefly with the aid of foreigners and with foreign
material. The bulk of their narrative literature came
to the Arabs in translation from Persian. Books'on
. . the science of war, the knowledge of weapons, the
veterinary art, falconry, and the various methods of
divination, and some books on medicine were translated
from Sanskrit and Persian. They got the exact sciences
from Greece and India.
Before the time of Mohammad the Arabs did not
possess a satisfactory numeral notation. The numer:
ous computations connected with the financial adminis-
tration of the conquered lands, however, made the use
of 'a developed numeral notation indispensable. In
some localities the numerals of the more civilised con-
quered nations were used for a time. Thus in Syria,
the Greek notation was retained, and in Egypt the

1 For details consult Cajori's Histo,:_y of M~thematics, and Smith

and Karpinski's Hindu Arabic Numerals.

Coptic. To this early period belongs the Edict of Khal!f

Walid (699) which forbade the use of the Greek lan-
guage in public accounts, but made a special reservation'
in favour of Greek letters as numerical signs, on the
ground that the Arabic language possessed no numerals
of its own. 1 The Arabic letters gradually replaced
the Greek ones in the alphabetic notation and the
abjad notation came to be used. It is probable that
the Arabs had come to know of the Hindu numerals
from the writings of scholars like Sebokht, and aslo of
their old ghobdr forms from other sources. But as their
informants could not supply all the necessary informa-
tion (e.g., the methods of performing the ordinary
operations of arithmetic) these numerals had to wait
for another century before they were adopted in some
of their mathematical works.
During the reign of the Khalif AI-Mansur (753-
774 A.D.) there came embassies from Sindh to Baghdad,
and among them were scholars, who brought along
with them several works on mathematics including the
Brdhma-sphu/a-siddhdnta and the Khatu!a-khaCfyaka of
Brahmagupta. With the ,help of those scholars, AI-
fazari, perhaps also Yakub ibn Tarik, translated them
into Arabic. Both works were largely used and exer-
cised great influence 01) Arab mathematics. It was
on that occasion that the Arabs first became acquainted
with a scientific system of astronomy. It is believ.ed
by all writers on the subject that it was ~t that time that
the Hindu numerals were first definitely introduced
amongst the Arabs. It also seems that the Arabs at first
adopted th~ /!,hobdr forms of the numerals, which they
had already obtained (but without zero) from the
1 Theophanes (75 8-818 A.D.),. "Chronographia;" Scr;ptores
Historiae Byzantinae, Vol. ]_CXXIX, Bonnane, 1839. p. 575; quoted
by Smith and Karpinski, I.e., p. 64, note.

Alexandrians, or from the Syrians who were employed

as translators by the Khalifs at Baghdad. AI-Khowarizmi
(825), one of the earliest writers on arithmetic
among the Arabs, has used the ghobdr forms. 1 But not
long afterwards, the Arabs realised that the ghobdr
forms were not suited to their right-to-left script. Then
there appears to have been made an attempt to use more
convenient forms. But as people had got accustomed to
the ghobdr forms, they did not like to give them up, and
so we find a struggle 2 between the two forms, which
continued for about two centuries (loth and 11th) until
at last the mpre convenient ones came into g~neral use.
The west Arabs on the other hand did not adopt the
modified forms of the east Arabs, but continued to use
the ghobdr forms, and were thus able to transmit them to
awakening Europe. This, perhaps, explains in a better
way the divergence in the forms of modern Arabic and
modern European numerals, ihan any theory yet
In a theory that was advanced by W oepcke, this
divergence is explained by assuming that (1) about the
second century after Christ, before zero had been
invented, the Hindu numerals were brought to Alex-
andria, whence they spread to Rome and also to west
Africa; (2) that in the eighth century, after the notation
in India had been already much modified and perfected
1 Smith and Karpinski, le., p. 98.
?One document cited by Woepcke is of special interest since
it shows the use of the ordinary Arabic forms alongside the
ghobar at an early date (970 A.D.). The title of the work is "Interest-
ing and Beautiful Problems on Numbers" copied by AhJ11ed ibn
Mohammed ibn Abdaljalil Abu Sa'id, al-Sijzi, (951-10Z4) from a
work by a priest and physician, Nazif ibn Yumn, al-Qass (died
990). Sprenger also calls attention to this fact (in Zeit. d deutschen-
morgenliindisehen Gesselsehaft, XLV, p. 367). Ali il?n Ahmed
AI-Nasav! (c. 1025) tells us that the _ symbolism of numbers was
unsettled in his day (Smith and Karpinski, I.c., p. 98).

by the invention of zero, the Arabs at Baghdad got

it from the Hindus; (3) that the Arabs of the west
borrowed the Columbus-egg, the zero, from those in the
east but retained the old forms of the nine numerals,
if for no other reason, simply to be contrary to their
political enemies of the east; (4) that the old forms were
remembered~ by the west Arabs to be of Hindu origin,
and were hence called ghobdr numerals; (5) that, since
the eighth century, the numerals in India underwent
further changes and assumed the greatly modified forms
of modern Devanagad numerals.
Now, as to the fact that these figures might have
been known in Alexandria in the second century A.D.,
there is not much doubt. But the question naturally
arises: Why should the Alexandrians use and retain
a knowledge of these numerals? As far. as we kl:l:0W,
they did possess numeral notations of their own; why
should they give preference to a foreign notation?
These questions cannot be satisfactorily answered unless
we assume that along with the nine symbols the principle
of place-value and probably also the zero was com-
municated to them. But as they were unprepared for the
reception of this abstract conception, they adopted the
rune numerals only and used them on the apices.
These numerals were then transmitted by them to Rome
and to west Africa.
The second assumption that the Hindu numeral
figures of the eighth century were adopted by the Arabs
is not supported by fact. The figures that are found in
the old Arabic manuscripts resemble either the ghobdr
numerals or the modern Arabic more than the Hindu
numerals of the eighth century. In fact, we have every
reason to believe that the Arabs knew these ghobdr forms,
perhaps without the principle of place-value and
zero, long before they had "direct contact with India, and
that they adopted zero only about 750 A.D.


Boethius Question. It cannot be definitely said
when and how the Hindu numerals reached Europe.
Their earliest occurrence is found in a manuscript of
the Geometry of Boethius (c. 500), said to belong
to the tenth century. There are several other manus-
cripts of this work and they all contain the numerals.
Some of these contain the zero whilst the others do
not. If these manuscripts (or the portions of them that
contain the numerals) be regarded as genuine, it will
have to be acknowledged that the Hindu numerals had
reached Southern Europe about the close of the fifth
century. There are some who consider the passages
dealing with the Hindu numerals in the Geometry of
Boethius to be spurious. Their arguments can be
summarised as below:
(I) The passages in question have no connection,
with the main theme of the work, which is geometry.
The Hindu numerals have not been mentioned in the
Arithmetic of Boethius. They have not been used by
him anywhere else. Neither Boethius' contemporary
Capella (c. 475), nor any of the numerous mediaeval
writers who knew the works of Boethius makes any
reference to the numerals.
(2) The Hindu numeral notation was perfected in
India much later than the fifth century, so that the
numerals, even if they had been taken to Europe along
the trade routes, had no cLim to any superiority over the
numerals of the west, and so cQuld not have attracted
the attention of Boethius.
Of the above arguments, the sec.ond is against facts,
for it is now established that the Hindu numeral nota-
tion with zero was perfected and was in use in
India during the earliest centuries of the Christian era.
The numerals could have, therefore, easily reached
Europe along the trade routes in the fifth century or even
earlier. The first argument is purely speculative and
throws doubt on the authenticity of the occurrence of
the numerals in Boethius' Geometry. It does not prove
anything. It seems to us unfair to question the
genuineness of the occurrence of the numerals, when
they are found in all manuscripts of the work that are
in existence now. Their occurrence in the Geometry
can be easily expfained on the ground that Boethius'
knowledge of those numerals was very meagre. He had
obtained the forms from some source-from the.N eo-
Pythagoreans or direct from some merchant or wander-
ing scholar-but did not know their use. He might
have known their use in writing big numbers by the
help of the principle of place-value and zero, but he
certainly did not know how the elementary operations of
arithmetic were to be performed with those numerals.
Hence he could make no use of them in his arithmetic or
any other work. The writings of Sebokht (c. 650) show
that the fame of the numerals had reached the west
long before they were definitely introduced there. The
question of the introduction of the Hindu numerals
through the agency of Boethius may, therefore, be
regarded as an open one, until further investigations
decide it one way or the other.
Definite Evidence. The first writer to describe the
;,hobar numerals in any scientific way in Christian Europe
was Gerbert, a F renc~ monk. He was a distinguished
scholar, held high ecclesiastical positions in Italy, and
was elected to the Papal chair (999). He had also
been to Spain for three years. It is not definitely
known where he found these numerals. Some say that
he obtained them from the Moors in Spain, while
others assert that he got them from some other source,
probably through the merchants. We find that Gerbert
did not appreciate these numerals (and rightly, for there

was neither zero nor the place-value), and that in
his works, known as the Regula de abaco compuli and the
Libellus, he has used the Roman forms. We thus see
that upto the time of Gerbert (died 1003) the
principle of place-value was not known in Europe.
As early as 71 I A.D., the power of the Goths was
shattered at the battle of Jarez de Ie Frontera, and
immediately afterwards the Moors became masters of
Spain, and remained so for five hundred years. The
knowledge of the modern system 9f notatiol).. which was
definitely introduced at Baghdad about the middle of the
eighth century must have travelled to Spain and from
there made its way into Europe. The schools estab-
lished by the Moors at Cordova, Granada, and Toledo
w.ere famous seats of learning throughout the middle
ages, and attracted students from all parts of Europe.
Thus although Europe may not be directly indebted to.
the Moors for its numerical symbols, it certainly is for
that important principle which made the ordinary
ghobdr forms superior to the Roman numerals.
Several instances of the modern system of nota-
tion are to be found in Europe in the twelfth century,
but no definite attempt seems to have been made
for popularizing it before the thirteenth century.
Perhaps the most influential in spreading these
numerals in Europe was Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa.
Leonardo's father was a commercial agent at Bugia, the
modern Bougie, on the coast of ,·Barbary. It had one
of the best harbours, and at the close of the twelfth
century was the centre of African commerce. Here
Leonardo went to school to a Moorish master. On
attaining manhood he started on a tour of the Mediter-
.-ranean and visited Egypt, Syria, Greece, Italy and
Provence, meeting with scholars and merchants and
. imbibing a knowledge of the various systems of numbers
in use in the centres of trade. All these systems, he
however says, he counted as erro~s compared with that
of the Hindus. 1 Returning to Pisa he wrote his Liber
Abaci in 1202, rewriting it in 1228. 2 In this the Hindu
numerals are explained and used in the usual compu-
tations of business. At first Leonardo's book met \vith
a cold reception from the public, because it was tOG
advanced for the merchants and too novel for the
universities. However, as time went on people began
to realise its importance, and then we find it occupying
the highest place among the mathematical classics. of the
Among other 'writers whose treatises have helped
. the spread of the numerals may be mentioned Alexander
de Villa Die (c. 1246) and John of Halifax (c. 1250).
A most determined fight against the spread of these'
numerals was put up by the abacists who did not use
zero but employed an abacus and the apices. But
the writings of men like Leonardo succeeded in silenc-
ing them, although it took two or three eenturies to
do so. By the middle of the fifteenth century we find
that these numerals were generally adopted by all the
nations of western Europe, but they came into common
use only in the seventeenth century.


I '

Syrian Reference. The following reference to a

pas'sage S in a work of Severns Sebokht (662) shows that
the fame of the Hindu numerals had reached the banks of
1 "Sed hoc totum et algorismum atque arcus pictagore quasi
erroretn computavi respectu modi indorum."
2 Smith and Karpinski, I. c., p. I; I •
.3 Attention was first drawn to this passage by F. Nau. JA,
n, I9I~ pp. 2:5-227; alsQ see J. Ginsburg, Bull. American Math.
Soc., XXIII, 1917, p. 36,8.

Abu Sahl Ibn Tamim (950)

Ibn Tamim, a native of Kairwan, a village in Tunis
in the north of Mrica, wrote in his commentary on the
Sefer Yesirah: "The Indians have invented the nine
signs for marking the units. I have spoken sufficiently
of them in a book that I have composed on the Hindu
calculation, known under the name of Hisdb al-ghobar."1
AI-Nadtm (987)
In the Fihrist, the author AI-Nadim includes the
Hindu numerals in a list of some two hundred alphabets
of India (Hind.) These numerals are called hindisah. 2
AI-Bfruni (1030)
AI-Biruni resided in India fO,r nearly thirteen years
(1°17-1°3°) and devoted himself to the study of
the arts and sciences of the Hindus. He had also a
remarkable knowledge of the Greek sciences and liter-
ature, so he was more qualified than any contemporary
or even anterior Arab writer to speak with authority
about the origin of the numeral~. He wrote two
books, viz., Kitdb al-arqam ("Book of Ciphers") and
Tazkira ft al-hisdb w' al-madd bi al-arqam aI-Sind w'al-
Hind ("A treatise on arithmetic and the system 0'£
counting with the ciphers of Sindh and lndia"). In
his Tarikh aI-Hind ("Chronicles of India"), he says:
"As in different pa~ of India the letters have
different shapes, the numerical signs too, which are
called aJika, differ. The numerical signs which we use
are derived from the finest forms of the Hindu signs."s
At another place he remarks: "The Hindus use the
:1Reinaud, I.c., p. 399.
2 Kitdb al-Fihrist, ed. G. Flugel, II, pp. 18-19.
3 Albertini's India, English translation by E. C. Sachau, London
2nd ed., 1910, Vol. I, p. 74.
numeral signs in arithmetic in the same way as we do.
I have composed a treatise showing how far possibly,
the Hindus are ahead of us in this subject."l In his
Athar-tll-Btikiytf2 ("Vestiges of the Past," written in
1000 A.D.) AI-Biruni calls the modern numerals as
al-arqam aI-hind, i.e., "the Indian Ophers" and he has
mcidentally referred to their. distinction from two other
systems of expressing numbers, viZ" the sexagesimal
system and the alphabetic system (Hartl! al-juma/).
Abenragel (1048)
It has been stated by Ali bin Abil-Regal Abul-
Hasan, called Abenragel, in the preface to his treatise
on astronomy. that the invention of reckoning with
nin_e ciphers is due to the Hindu philosophers. 3
Saraf-Eddin (I I7z)
Mahmud bin Qajid al-Amilni Saraf-Eddin of Mecca
wrote a treatise, entitled Fi a/-handasa w'al arqam al-
hindi ("On geometry and the Indian ciphers"). ~
Alka/asadl (died 1486) •
In his commentary of the T alkhis of, Ibn Albanna,
Abul Hasan Ali Alkalasidi states: "These 'nine signs,
called the signs of ,the ghobar (dust), are those
that are employed very frequently in our Spanish pro-
vinces and in the countries of Maghrib and of Africa.
Their origin is said to have been attributed by tradition
to a man of the Indian nation. This man is said to have
taken some fine dust, spread it upon a table and taught
I Ibid, I, p. 177.
2 The Chronology of Ancient Nations, ed:" by Sachau, London,
1879, pp. 62 and Ip. .
r, p. 316. .
8 J. F. Montuc1a, Historie des Mathlmatiqllu, vol.
'H. Suter, Die Mathematiker lind Astronomer der Ararbe IifId
ihre Werke. Leipzig, 1900, p. u6.

the people multiplication. division and other opera-

Behd Eddin (c. 1600)
Referring to the numerals Beha Eddin observes:
"The Hindu savants have, in fact, invented the nine
known characters."%'
In the quotatio~s from Arab scholars given above,
the term Hind has been used for India, and Hindi for
Indian. Hind is the term generally used in Arabic and
Persian literature for India. In early writings distinc-
tion was sometimes made between Sind and Hind.
Thus AI-Masudi and AI-Biruni used Sind to denote the
countries to the west of the river Indus. This distinc-
tion is clearly in evidence in Ibn Hawkal's map, re-
produced in Elliot and Dawson's History of India. There
were others who did not make this distinction. Thus
Istakri (912) uses Hind to denote the whole of India. s
Again in the Sha"'hndmd of Firdausi," Sind has been used
for a river as well as for a country, and Hind for the
whole of India. In later times this distinction dis-
appeared completely. According to the lexicographers
Ibn Seedeh (died 1066) and Firouzabidi (1328-1413).
Hind is "the name of a well known nation" and ac-
cording to El-Jowharee (1008) it denotes "the name of
a country." Instances of the use of Hind to denote
India in the literature of the Arabs can be multiplied at
Carra de Vaux5 has suggested that the. word Hind
1 fA, J,
1863, pp. ~9f.
ZKholasif al-hisib, translated into French by A. Marre, NolIV.
Ann. Math., V. 1864. p. z66.
S Elliot and Dawson's His/ory of India, II, p. 41Z.
<l English translation by A.G. Warner and E. Warner, London,

1906 .
5 Carra de Vaux, Scientia, XXI, 1917, p. z73.

does not probably mean India but is really derived from

end (or hend) signifying "measure," "arithmetic" or
"geometry." He concludes that the expression "the
signs of hind" means "the arithmetical signs" and not
"the signs of India." As regards the use of the adjec-
tive hindi by certain scholars in connection with the
numerals, he conjectures that it has probably been
employed through confusion for hindasi.
Carra de Vaux's derivation of the word hind from
end or hend cannot be accepted. It has no support
from Arabic lexicography. Moreover, the word hind
is a very ancient one. It occurs in the Avesta1 both in
the earlier Yasna and in the later (Sassanian) Vendidad.
The word also occurs in the cuneiform inscriptions of
Darius Hystaspes. The Pehlavi writings before the
Arab conquest of Iran also show the word hind. In all
those cases it means India.
The word hindi is an adjective formed from hind
and means i "Indian". The fact that in a few isolated
cases, it has been confused with the word hindasi, can-
not make us conclude that this has happened in all
The terms Hindasa, etc. The words hindasa,
hindisa, handasa, hindasi, handasi, etc., have been stated
by competent authorities to be adjectives formed
from hind, meaning "Indian". Kaye 2 and Carra
de Vaux 3 oppose this interpretation. Relying
on the lexicon of Firouzabadi they assert that these
terms are derived from the Persian andazah, meaning
"measure." There is no doubt that the word hindasi
denotes "geometrical" in the Arabic language. But
1 YaSlla. x. 141; YI., x. 104 (Mihir Yast).
2 Kaye, JASB, III. 1907, p. 489, also JASB. VII, 1911,
pp. 810[.
3 Carra de Va~x, I.e.

when this term is used in connection with an explana-

tion of the rule of "double false position" or the method
of "proof by nines" or in connection with the "numeral
notation," we have to admit that it had some other
significance also. As the arithmetical rules designated
by the term htildasi are found in Hindu arithmetic prior
to their occurrence in Arabia, it follows that hindasi also
means Indian. The term himiasi, hindasa or handasa has,
therefore, two meanings, one "geometrical" and the
other "Indian". The controversy regarding the meaning
of this term which was set at rest by Woepcke,l has
arisen again because Kaye and Carra de Vaux have refus-
ed to recognise both meanings of this term. '2 It may be
pointed out here that as one of the meanings of hindasi is
synonymous with hindi, there is no wonder that the
two words were sometimes confused with each other,
especially by scribes who did not understand the text.
European References. Isidorus oj Seville. The
nine characters (of the ghobar type), without zero, are
given as an addition to the first chapter of the third
book of the Origines by Isidorus of Seville in which
the Roman numerals are under discussion. Another
Spanish copy of the same work (of 992 A.D.)
contains the numerals in the corresponqing section.
T~e writer ascribes an Indian origin to them in the
following words: "Item de figuris arithmetice. Scire
debemus in Indos subtilissimum ingenium habere et
ceteris gentes eis in arithmetica et geometria et ceteris
liberalibus disciplinis concedere. Et hoc manifestum
1 Woepcke, lA, I, 1863, pp. 27£. See also Suter's article
on hantlPJa in the Enryclopaedia of Islam and Rosen's Algebra of
Mohammad Ben MtlSa, London, 183 I, pp. 196f.
2 It will not be difficult to point out in any literature words
having more than one meaning. Occasionally these meanings have
no connection. Whenever such a word is used, the appropriate
meaning h~s to be deduced from the context.

est in nobem figuris, quibus designant unum-quemque

gradum: cuinslibet gradus. Quarum hec sunt forma." 1
Rahbi ben Ezra (1°92-1167)
Rabbi Abraham ibn Meir ibn Ezra in his work, Sefer
ha-mispar ("the Book o'r Number"), gives' the Hindu
forms of the numerals. He knew of the Hindu origin
of the numerals for he states: "that is why the wise peo-
ple of India have designated all their numbers through
nine and have built forms for the nine ciphers."2
Leonardo of Pisa
Leonardo of Pisa in his work, Liber Abaci (1202),
frequently refers to the nine Indian figures. At one
place he says: "Ubi ex mirabili magisterio in arte per
novem figuras indorum introductus" etc. In another
place, as a heading to a separate division, he writes "De
cognitione novem figurarum yndorum" etc., "Novem
figure ,indorum he sunt 9 8 7 6 5 4 3' 2 1. "B
Alexander de Villa Dei
Alexander de Villa Dei (c. 1240) wrote a commen-
tary on a set of verses called Carmen de Algorismo. In
this commentary he writes: "This boke is called the
boke of algQrim or augrym after lewder use. And this
boke tretys of the Craft of Nombryng, the quych crafte
is called also algorym. Ther was a kyng of Inde the
quich heyth Algor & he made this craft...... Algor-
isms, in the quych we use teen figurys of Inde."4.
1Quoted, by Smith and Karpinski. I.e., p. 138.
2Sefer ba-Mirpar, Dar Bt«b der zabl, ein bebraircb-aritbmetircber
Work der R. Abrabam ibn Brra, Moritz Silberberg, Frankfurt a
M., 1895, p. 1.
3 Liber Abaci, Rome, 1857; quoted by Smith and Karpinski,
I.e., p. 10.
4 Smith and Karpinski, I.e., p. II.

Maximus Planudes (C. 1330)

Maximus Planudes states that "the nine sym~o]s
come from the Indians."l

1 Waschke's German Translation, Halle, 1878, p. 3.


TABLE I-Kharo,thi Numerals

Saka, Parthian and Asoka

Ku~ana Inscriptions Inscs.

3J 40 I I I

J.J3 SO II 1/ 2.

333 60 /1/ ;

'::;33 } 70 X I!I! 4

3333 80
IX 1/11/ S

-(t 100
/IX 6
,(11 J IIX 7

jllJ 300
Xx 8

1') iJ 12.2.
? 10

)(} ~})111



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TABLE XIV-Development of Nagari Numerals

- ... -"' '\
? ~ t
.l :::: ........ ':\ ~ ~ :t
J ~
::: ~ ~ 1. ~

",. +
~ ¥ ~

6 f E fc.
1 7 1 9 ~

8 '1 '1 5 S 1: t:
't ? ~ 1 ? ~ ~ \" c:.

TABLE XV-Nuflleral Forms in Modern Hindll Scripts

I 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 9 0

..Nagari f j 3 'I 'to f... J C ~ 0

~arada ~ ~
;) 6 ~ ~ ') ~ \,3 0


Gurumukhl ,n ~








Kaithi ~ ~ .3 IS' ~ ~
\..:> 1:.. ~ fI

Biilgala ) ~ \!) g a ~ Cf u-. ~ 0

Maithili A ~ a C( t\\ j f\. ~ \) d

Uriya t ~ an '( ~ .~ -~ r ~ 0

Gujarati , ~ .3 '( \t ~ .s c 4t 0

Mar~t:hi , c?. 3 "IS" ~ t- IS c a.- D

Telegll n .I 3 b' )t eo ~ r.r t 0 ,

Kana91 .., .II t ~ ~ L c!. I/" r 0

Malayalam /) n.. ttl. tr ® '"l g ~ 111 0

Burmese , .I
, C; , & ~ tl <a 0

n C
IV) rt lJr!. b
r;; r/
'" a.
(Jo ." 0

Tibetan .,. ~
1" c:" v ~. 4) {" ,. 0


Terminology and Scope. Arithmetic forms the

major part of the Hindu works on ptijigapita. The word
pa!igapita is a compound formed from the words pati,
meaning "board," and gapita, meaning "science of cal-
culation;" hence it means the science of calculation
which requires the use of writing material (the board).l
It is believed that -this term originated in a non-Sanskrit
literature of India, a vernacular of Northern India. The
oldest Sanskrit term for the board is pha/aka or palla,
not pdti. The word pa'li seems to have entered into
Sanskrit literature about the beginning of the seventh
century A.D.2 The carrying out of mathematical calcula-
tions was sometimes called dhflJi-karnJa ("dust-work"),
because the figures were written on dust spread on a
board or on the ground. Some later writers have used
the term ryakta-gapita ("the science of ~alculation by
the 'known''') for pa!igartita to distir''5llish it {rom
algebra which was called aryakta-gapita ("th,e s'cienct.· of
calculation by the 'unknown' "). The terms.pd!igariila
and dhfl/f-karma were translated into Arabic wheh.
Sanskrit works were rendered into that language. The
Arabic equivalents are i/m-hisab-a/-takht ("the science cf...

1 Paper being scarce, a wooden board was generally used

for making calculations even upto the 19th century.
2 B. Datta, American Math. Monthly, XXXV, p. 52.6.

calculation on the board") and hisdb-a/-ghobdr ("calcula-

tion on dust") respectively.
Bayley, Fleet and several others suspect that the
origin of the term Paf! in Hindu Mathematics lies in
the use of the board as an abacus. This conjecture,
however, is without foundation, as no trace of the use
of any form of the abacus is found in India.
According to Brahmagupta1 there are twenty
operations and eight determinations in ptifiga!1ita. He
"He who distinctly and severally knows the twenty
logistics, addition, etc., ~nd the eight determinations
including (measurement by) shadow is a mathemati-
The twenty logistics, according to Prthudakasvami,
are: (I) samkafita (addition), (2) tyavakafita or tyldkafita·
(subtraction), (3) gll!1ana (multiplication), (4) bhtigahtira
(division), (5) varga (square), (6) varga-lilli/a (square-root),
(7) ghana (cube), (8) . ~hana-'mlla
. (cube-root), (9-13)
pafica jdti (the five rules of reduction relating to the
five standard forms of fractions), (14) trairtiJtka (the
rule of thtee), (15) 1!Yasta-frairtiJika (the inverse rule of
three), (16) pafcartiJika (the rule of five), (17) sapta-
rtiJika (the ruk' of seven), (18) nat'artifika (the rule of
nine), (19) ektidafartifika (the rule of eleven), and (20)
bf..2(i(ia-pr:;tibhd!1r/a (barter and exchange). The eight
rleterminations are: (1) lJIifraka (mixture), (1,) fre(ihi
(~r[lgression or series), (,) kfetra (plane figures), (4)
4hdta (excavation), (5) citi (stock), (6) krakacika (saw),
(7) rtifi (mound), and (8) chq)'ti (shadow) .
. Of the operations named above, the first eight have
been considered to be fundamental by M aha vira and
later writers. The operations of duplation (doubling)
1 BrSpSi, p. 17 2 •

and mediatloh (halving), which were considered funda-

mental by the . Egyptians, th~ Greeks and some Arab
and western scholars, do not occur in the Hindu
mathematical treatises. These operations were essential
for those.. who did not know the place-value system of
notation. They are not found in Hindu works, all of
which use the place-value notation.
Sources.. The only works available which deal
exclusively with patigapita are: the Bakhshalj A1anllscript
(c. 200), the Trifatikd (c. 750), the Gapita-sara-samgraha
(c .. 850), the Ga!1ita-tilaka (I039), the Lfldvati (II 50), the
Ga!lita-kaumtldf (1356), and the Pd,tf-sdra (1658). These
works contain the twenty operations and the eight
determinations mentioned above. Examples are also
given to illustrate the use of the rules enunciated.
Besides these there are a number of astronomical
works, known as Siadhdnta, each of which contains a
section dealing with mathematics. Aryabhata I (499)
was the first to include a section on mathematics in his
Siddhdnta, the Aryabha![ya. Brahmagupta (628) followed
Aryabhata in this respect, and after him it became
the general fashion to include a section on mathematics
in a Siddhdnta work. l The earlier Siddhdnta works do
not possess this feature. The Siirya-siddhdnta (c. 300)
does not contain a section on mathematics. The same
is true of the V dsi:f!ha, the Pitdmaha and the Romaka
Siddhantas. Bhaskara I and Lalla, 2 alt~ough zealous
followers of Aryabhata I, did not emulate hi~ in in-
cluding a section on mathematics in their astronomical
1 Amongst such works may be mentioned the Mahti-J'iddhdnta
(950), the Siddhanta-lekhara (1036), the Siddhanta-tatft'o-viveka (1658),
2 It is stated by Bhaskara II that Lalla wrote a separate treatise

on pa/lgolJita.


Exposition and Teaching. In India conciseness of

composition, especially in scientihc matters, was highly
prized. The more compact and brief the composition,
the greater was its value in the eyes of the learned.
It is for this reason that the Indian treatis.es contain
only a brief statement of the known formula:: and results,
sometimes so concisely expressed as to be hardly
understandable. This compactness is more pronounced
in the older works; for instance, the exposition in the
Aryabha![ya is more compact than in the later works.
This hankering after brevity, in early times, was
due chiefly to the dearth of writing material, the
fashion of the time and the method of instruction fol-
lowed. The young student who wanted to learn
pa/i'ga!1ita was hrs,t made to commit to memory all the
rules. Then he was made to apply the rules to the
solution of problems (also committing the problems to
memory). The calculations were made on a Pall on
which dust was spread, the numbers being written on
the dust with the tip of the fore-finger or by a wooden
style,. the figures not required being rubbed out as the
calculation proceeded. Sometimes a piece of chalk or
soap-stone was used to write on the Pali. Along with
each step in the process of calcul;!.tion the sutra (rule)
was repeated by the student, the teacher supervising
and helping the student where he made mistakes. After
the student had acquired sufficient proficiency in solving
the problems contained in the text he was studying, the
teacher set him other problems-a store of graded
examples (probably constructed by himself or borrowed
from other sources) being the stock-in-trade of every
professional teacher. At this stage the student began
to understand and appreciate the rationale of the easier
rules. After this stage was reached the teacher gave
proofs of the more difficult formulre to the pupil.

It will be observed that the method of teaching

pursued was extremely defective in so far as it was in
the first two stages purely mechanical. A student
who did not complete all the three stages knew practi-
cally nothing more than the mere mechanical applica-
tion of a set of formulre committed to II).emory; and
as he did not know the rationale of the formulre he
was using, he was bound to commit mistakes in. their
application. It may be mentioned that not many
teachers themselves could guide a pupil through all the
stages of the te~ching, and the earnest student, if he
had a genuine desire to learn, had to go to some seat
of learning or to some celeberated scholar to complete
his training.
Mathematics is and has always been the most
difficult subject to study, and as a knowledge of higher
mathematics could not be turned to material gain there
were very few who seriously undertook its study. In
India, however, the religious prac.tices of the Hindus
required a certain amount of knowledge of astronomy
and mathematics. Moreover, there have always been,
from very early times, a class of people brown as
gatzaka whose profession was fortune-telling. These
people were astrologers, and in order to impress their
clients with their learning, they used to have some
knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Thus it
would appear that instruction in mathematics, upto a
certain minimum standard, was available almost every-
where in India. As always happens, some of the pupils
got interested in mathematics for its own sake, and
took pains to make a thorough study of the subject ap.d
to add to it by writing commentaries or independent
Decay of Mathematics. All this was true when the
times were normal. In abnormal times when there were

foreign invasions, internal warfares or bad government

and consequent insecurity, the study of mathematics
and, in fact, of all sciences and arts languished.
Al-Birunl who visited north-western India after it had
been in a very unsettled state due to recurrer..t Afghan
invasions for the sake of plunder and loqt complains
that he could not find a pat/t/it who would explain to
him the principles of Indian mathematics. Although
Al-Biruni's case was peculiar, for no respectable pat/t/it
would agree to help a foreigner, especially one belonging
to the same class as the invaders and the despoilers of
temples, yet we are quite sure that in the Punjab there
were very few good scholars at that time. We, however,
know of at least one very distinguished mathematician,
Sripati, who probably lived in Kashmir at that time.
It is certain, however, that after the 12th century
very little original work was done in India. Com-
mentaries on older works were written and some new
works brought out,.. but nope of these had sufficient
merit as regards exposition or subject matter, so as to
displace the works of Bha.skara II, which have held
undisputed sway for nine centuries (as standard text
The Fundamental Operations. The eight funda-
mental' operations of Hindu gat/ita are: (I) addition, (2)
subtraction, (3) multiplication, (4) division, (5) square,
(6) square-root, (7) cube and (8) cube-root. Most of
these elementary processes have not been mentioned in
the Siddhanta works. Aryabha~a I gives the rules for
finding the square- and cube-roots only, whilst Brahma-
gupta gives the cube-root rule only. In the works on
arithmetic (pdflgat/ita) , the methods of addition and
subtraction have not been mentioned at all or men-
tioned ve.t:y briefly. Names of several methods of
multiplication have been mentioned, but the methods

themselves have been either very briefly described or

not described at all. The modern method of division
is briefly described in all the works and so are the
methods of squaring, square-root, cubing and cube-
Although very brief descriptions of these funda-
mental operations are available, yet it is not difficult to
reconstruct the actual procedure employed in perform-
ing these operations in ancient India. These methods
have been well-known and taught to children, practi-
cally without any change, for the last fifteen hundred
years or more. . They are still performed in the old
fashion on a Pali ("board") by those who have obtained
their primary training in the Sanskrit pathasala and not
in the modern primary school. The deta:ils of these.
methods are also available to us in the various com-
mentaries, viz., the commentary of Prthudakasvami and
the several commentaries on Bhaskara's LlIavatf.
As already mentioned, the calculations were per-
formed on sand spread on the ground (dht'ilf-karma l )
or on a palf ("board"),. Sometimes a piece of chalk
or soap-stone (pdtrt!u-Iekha or fJJetavartrf) was used to
write on the Pdlf.2 As the figures written were big,
so several lines of figures could not be contained on
the board. Consequently, the practice of' obliterating
figures not required for subsequent work was common.
Instances of this would be found in the detailed method
of working (the operations) given hereafter.
That all mathematical operations are variations of
the two fundamental operations of addition and sub-
traction was recognised by the Hindu mathematicians
1Bhaskara II, SiSi, candragrahalJtidhikira, 4.
2 Bhaskara II: kha.fikiyt1 rekht1 tlccbt14Ja ... , i.e., "having drawn
lines with a chalk •.. ," quoted by S. Dvivedi in his History of Mathe--
matics (in Hindi), Benares, 1910, po. 41.

from early times. Bhaskara I (c. 525) states: 1

"All arithmetical operations resolve into two cate-
gories though usually considered to be four.2 The
two main categories are increase and decrease. Addi-
tion is increase and subtraction is decrease. These two
varieties of operations permeate the whole of mathema-
tics (gapita). So previous teachers have said: 'Multipli-
cation and evolution are particular kinds of addition;
and division and involution of subtraction. Indeed
every mathematical operation will be recognised to
consist of increase and decrease.' Hence the whole of
this science should be' known as consisting truly of
these t~o only."

Terminology. Aryabhata II (950) defines addition
"The making into one of several numbers is
addition."3 .
The Hindu name for addition is .ralhkaiita (made
together). Other equivalent terms commonly used .are
saJhkalalla (making together), miirapa (mixing), sam-
me/ana (mingling together), prak.fepapa (throwing to-
gether), sal";yqjana (joining together), eki'karapa (making
into one),yukti,yoga (addition) and ab~ydsa,4 etc. The
word sa,iJlealita has been used by some writers in the
general sense of the sum of a series. 5
The Operation. In all mathematical and astrono-
mical works, a knowledge of the process of addition is
I The quotation is from his commentary on the Ar:yabha.t[ya.
2 i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
3 MSi, p. 143. .
4 This "\\'ord has been used in the sense of addition in the
SlIlba only. It is used for multiplication in late!' works.
:; E.g., Trif, p.2; GSS, p. 17.

taken for granted. Very brief mention of it is made

in some later works of elementary character. Thus
Bhaskara II says in the Lfidvati:
"Add the figures in the same places in the direct
or the inverse order."1
Direct Process. In the direct process of addition
referred to above, the numbers to be added are written
down, one below the other, just as at present, and a line
is drawn at the bottom below which the sum is written.
At .first the sum of the numbers standing in the units
place is written down, thus giving the first figure of the
sum. The numbers in the tens place are then adged
together and their sum is added to the figure in the
tens place of the partial sum standing below the line
and the result. substituted in its place. Thus the figure
in the tens place of the sum is obtained; and so on.
An alternative method used was to write the biggest
addend at the top, and to write the digits of the sum
by rubbing out correspondil1g digits of this addend. 2
Inverse Process. In the inverse process, the num-
bers standing in the last place (extreme left) are added
together and the result is placed below this last place.
The numbers in the next place are then added and so
on. The numbers of the partial sum are corrected, if
necessary, when the figures in the next vertical line are
3dded. For instance, if 12 be the sum of the numbers
in the last place, 12 is put below the bottom line, 2
being directly below the numbers added; then, if the
1 L, p. z; direct (krull/a), i.e., beginning from the units place;
inverse (1Itkrama), i.e., beginning fm,m the last place on the
left. The commentator Gangadhara says: l21ikdnd1JI vdmatol,atirili
vilarklftIa ekasthdnddi.J'ojana~JJ krama/J IIlkramaslll t1f1()'t1sthdnddiyojana,!l,
i.e., "Accordi'ng to the rule 'the numerals increase (in value) to-
wards the left', the addition of units first is the direct method,
the addition of figures in the Jast place first is the inverse method."
2 Dvivedi, History of !vIa/hell/alies, Benares, 1910, p. Go.

sum of the numbers in the next place is 13 (say), 3 is

placed below the figures added and I is carried to the
left. Thus the figure 2 of the partial sum 12 is rubbed
out and substituted by 3. 1
The Arabs used to separate the places by vertical
lines, but this w,:as not done by the Hindus. 2


Terminology. Aryabhata II (950) gives the fol-

lowing definition of subtraction:
. "The taking out (of some number) from the
sarvadhana (total) is subtraction; what remains is called
fCfa (remainder)."B
The terms VYlltkalita (made apart), VYlltkalana
(making apart), fodhana (clearing),patana (causing to fall),
viyoga (separation), etc., have been used for subtraction.
The terms fCfa (residue) and antara (difference) have
been used for the remainder. The minuend has been.
called sarvadhana or vtyojya and the subtrahend viyojaka.
The Operation. Bhaskara II gives the method of
subtraction thus:
"Subtract the numbers according to their places in
the direct or inverse order."4
1 The Manoraiijana explains the process of addition thus:
Example_. Add 2, 5, 32, 193, 18, 10 and 100.
Sum of units 2,5,2,3,8,0,0 20
Sum of tens 3,9,1,1,0 14
Sum of hundreds 1,0,0, I 2
Sum of sums -3'60-
The horizontal process has been adopted by the commentator
so that both the 'direct' and 'inverse' processes may be exhibited
by a single illustration. It was never used in practice.
2 Cj. Taylor, Liltiwali', Bombay, 1816, Introduction, p. 14.
a MSi, p. 143.
• L, p. 2.

Direct Process. Suryadasa 1 explains the proceSs

of subtraction with reference to the example.
1000 _. 360
"Hence making the subtraction as directed, six
cannot be subtracted from the zero standing in the
tens place, so taking ten and subtracting six from it,
the remainder (four) is placed above (six), and this ten
is to be subtracted from the next place. For, as the
places of unit, etc., are .multiples of ten, so the figure
of the subtrahend that cannot be subtracted from the
corresponding figure of the minuend is subtracted from
ten, the remainder is taken and this ten is deducted
from the next place. In this way this ten is taken to
the last place until it is exhausted with the last figure.
In other words, numbers up to nine occupy one place,
the differentiation of places begins from ten, so it is
known 'how many tens there are in a given number'
and, therefore, the number that cannot be subtracted
from its own place is subtracted from the next ten,
and the remainder taken."
The above refers to the direct process, in which
subtraction begins from the units place.
Inverse Process. The inverse process is similar,
the only" difference being that it begins from the· last
place 0f the minuend, and the previously obtained
partial differences are corrected, if required. The
process is suitable for working on a Pd!~ (board) where
figures can be easily rubbed out and corrected. This
process seems to have been in general use in India, and
was considered to be simpler than the direct process. 2
1 In his commentary on the Lildvali.
~ According to Gat\gadhara, the inverse process of working
is easier in the case ·of subtraction, and the direct in the case of

Terminology. The common Hindu name for
multiplication is gU!1ana. This term appears to be the
oldest as it occurs in Vedic literature. The terms hanana,
vadha, k,aya, etc. wh1ch mean "killing" or "destroying"
have been also used for multiplication. These terms
came into use after the invention of the new method of
multiplication with the decimal place-value numerals;
for in the new method the figures of the multiplicand
were successively rubbed out (destroyed) and in their
places were written the figures of the product. 1.
Synonyms of hanana (killing) have been used by Arya-
bhata P (499), Brahmagupta (628), 'Sridhara (c. 750)
and later writers. These terms appear also in the
Bakhshali Manuscript. 3
The term ab~dsa has been used both for addition
and multiplication in the Sulba works (800 B.C.). This
shows that at that early period, the process of multiplica-
tion was made to depend on that of repeated addition.
The use of the word parasparakrtd1!1 (making together)
for multiplication in the Bakhshali Manuscript4 is evi-
dently a relic of olden times. This ancient terminology
'proves that the definition of multiplication was "a pro-
cess of addition resting on repetition of the multiplicand
as' many times as is the number of the multiplicator."
This definition occurs in the commentary of the Arya-
bha![ya by Bhaskara I. The commentators of the Lflavatf
give the same explanation of the method of multipli-
cation. 5
1 See the kopala-sandhi method of multiplication, pp. 13 sff.
2'A, ii. 19, 26. etc.
3 BMs. 6~ verso.
4 BMs. 3 verso.
5 Colebrooke, HindH Algebra. p. 13;.

The multiplicator was termed gllt!Ya and the multi-

plier gurzaka or gurzaMra. The product was called
gurzana-phala (result of multiplication) or praryutpanna
(lit. "reproduced," hence in arithmetic "reproduced by
multiplication"). The above terms occur in all known
Hindu works.
Methods of Multiplication. Aryabhata I does
not mention the common methods of multiplication,
probably because they were too elementary and too well-
known to be included in a Siddhanta work. Brahma-
gupta, however, in a supplement to the section on
mathematics in his Siddhanta, gives the names of some
methods with very brief descriptions of the processes:
"The multiplicand repeated, as in gO//lntrikd, as
often as there are digits! in the multiplier, is severally
multiplied by them and (the results) added (according
to places); this gives the product. Or the multiplicand 0

is repeated as many times as there are component parts 2

in the multiplier."3 •
"The multiplicand is multiplied by the sum or the
difference of the multiplier and an assumed quantity
and, from the result the product of the assumed quantity
and the multiplicand is subtracted or added."4
Thus Brahmagupta mentions four methods: (1)
gomntrikd, (2) kharzrja, (3) bheda and (4) if/a. The
common and well-known method of kapa/a-sandhi has
been omitted by him.
1 khatttfo, translated as "integrant portions" by Colebrooke.
2 bhedo, i.e., portions which added together make the whole.
or aliquot parts which multiplied together make the entire
quantity .
.: BrSpSi, p. 209; Colebrooke, I.e., p. 319.
4 BrSpSi, p. 209. Colebrooke (I.e., p. 320) thinks that this is
a method to obtain the true product when the multiplier has been
taken to be too great or too small by mistake. This view is

Sridhara mentions four methods of multiplication:

(I) kapata-sandhi, (2) tastha, (3) riipa-vibhaga and (4)
sthdna-vibhdga. 11ahivira mentions the same four.
Aryabhara II mentions only the common method of
kapata-sandhi. Bhaskara II, besjdes the' above four,
mentions Brahmagupta's method of i.f!a-gutlana. The
five methods given by Bhaskara n were mentioned
earlier by Sripati in the SiddMnta-fekhara. Gal!eSa 1 (IS45)
mentions the gelosia method of multiplication under
the name of kapata-sandhi and add~ that the intelligent
can devise many more methods of multiplication. The
method is also given in the Ga!1ita-/l/anjarf. We have
designated it as kapa/a-sandhi (b).
Seven2 distinct modes of multiplication 'employed
by the Hindus are given ,below. Some of these are
as old as 200 A.D. These methods were transmitted
. to Arabia in the eighth century and were thence com-
municated to Europe, where they occur in the writings
of medireval mathematicians.
Door-junction Method. The Sanskrit term for the
method is kapdta-sandhi., Sridhara 3 describes it thus:
"Placing the multiplicand below the multiplier as in
kapata-sandhi," multiply successively, in the direct or
inverse order, moving the multiplier each time. This
method is called kapata-sandhi."
Aryabha!a Irs (950) gives the following without

, 1 Commentary on the Lfliiz1atl, MSS No. I. B. 6. in the

Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, Calcutt:!, pp. 17, 18. In this work only
two methods are given, (1) kapii.ta-sandhi and (2) kapii.ta-sandhi (b).
2 Or ten if we count also the sub-divisions under each head.
:I TriJ, pp. ,f.
4, kapil/a means "door" and sandbi means "junction"; hence
kapiita-sandhi means "the junction of doors." ,
5 lv1Si, p. 14,; the inverse method only has been given.

"Place the first figure of the multiplier over the

last figure of the multiplicand, and then multiply suc-
cessively all the figures of the multiplier by each figure
of the multiplicand." -
Sripati (1039) gives the name kapdta-sandhi and
"Placing the multiplicanq below the multiplier as
in the junction of two doors multiply successively (the
figures of the multiplicand) by moving it (the multiplier)
in the direct or inverse order."
Maha vira refers to a method known as kapd!a-
sandhi, but does not give the details of the process. 2
Bhaskara II gives the method but not the name, while
Naraya1).a (1356) gives the method in almost the same
words as Sridhara, and calls it kapdta-sandhi.
The main features of the method are (i) the relative
positions of the multiplicand and the multiplier and
(ii) the rubbing out of figures of' the multiplicand and
the- substitution in their places of the figures of the
product. \ The method owes its name kapdfa-sandhi to
the first feature, and the later Hindu terms meaning
"killing" or "destroying" for multiplication owe their
origin to the second feature. The occurrence of the
terms hanana, vadha, etc., in the works of Aryabhata I
and Brahma~upta, and in the Bakhshali Manuscript
ihow beyona. doubt that this method was known in
India about 200 A.D.
. The following illustrations 3 explain the two pro-
cesses of multiplication according to the kapdfa-sandhi
J. SiSe, xiii. z; CT, 15.
2 GSS, p. 9.
3 The illustrations are based on the accounts given in the

commentaries on the LiM/lall', eSp'ecially the Monorailjana which

gives more details.

Direct Process: This method of working does not

appear to have been popular. It has not been mentioned
by writers after the I Ith century, Sripati (1039) being
the last writer to mention it.
Example. To multiply 135 by 12.
The numbers are written down on the Pd!i thus:
The first digit of the multiplicand (5) is taken and
multiplied with the digits of the ~ultiplier. Thus
5 X 2= 10; 0 is written below 2, and I is to be carried
over.! Then 5 X 1=5; adding I (carried over), we
get 6. 5 which is no longer required is rubbed out and
6 written ln its place. Thus we have
_ 13 60
The multiplier is then'moved one place towards the left,
and we have
13 60
Now, 12..iS multiplied by 3. Tne details are: 3 X 2=6;
this 6 added to the figure 6 below 2 gives 12.. 6 is
rubbed out and 2. substituted in its place. I is carried
over. Then 3 X 1=3; 3 plus 1 (carried over)=4· 3 is
rubbed out and 4 substituted. After the multiplier 12 has
been moved another place towards the left, the figures
on the Pdlf stand thus:
14 20
Then, 1 X 2=2; 2+4=6; 4 is rubbed out and 6
substituted. I X 1= 1, which is placed to the left of 6.
! For this purpose it was probably noted in a separate portion
of the pap by the beginner.

As the operation has ended, 12 is rubbed out and the

pdP has

Thus the numbers 12 and 135 have been killed' and a

new number 1620 is born (praryutpanna).2
The reader will note that the position of the
multiplier and its motion serve two important purposes,
viZ" (i) the last figure of the multiplier indicates the
digit of the multiplicand by which multiplication is
to be performed and, (ii) the product is to be added
to the number standing underneath the digit of the
multiplier multiplied.
Sometimes the product of a digit of the multipli-
cand and the multiplier extends beyond the last place
of the multiplier. In such cases, the last figure of the
partial product is noted separately. The reader should
note this fact in the case, 13 5 X 99, by performing the
operation according to the above process.
The beginner was liable to commit mistakes in such
cases, (i) of not correctly taking into ~ccount the
separately noted number, or (ii) of rubbing out the
digit of the multiplicand beyond the last dig~t of the
multiplier. For these reasons, this process was not
in general use and the inverse process was preferred.
Inverse Method: There appear to have been two
varieties of the inverse method.
(a) In the first the numbers are written thus:
Multiplication begins with the last digit of the multipli-
cand. Thus 1 X 2=2; 1 is rubbed out and 2 substi-
1 This explains the use of the term hanan'J (killing) and its
synonyms for multiplication,
~ Hence the product was termed pra!Jlllpan1ll1.

tuted; then I X I = I, this is written to the left; 1 the

multiplier 12. is moved to the next figure. The work
on the pa!i stands thus:
12 35
Then, 3 X 2=6; 3 is rubbed out and 6 substituted; then
3 X 1=3 and 3+2=5; 2 is rubbed out and 5 substituted
in its place. The multiplier having been moved, the
work on the pati stands thus:

15 6 5
Now, 5 X 2= 10; 5 is rubbed out and 0 substituted in
its place; then 5XI=5; 5+1=6; 6+6=12; 6 is
rubbed out and 2 substituted, and 1 is carried over;
then 1+ 5=6, 5 is rubbed out and 6 substituted in
its place. The pa/f has now,
as the product (pratyutpanna). The figures to be carried
over are noted down on a separate portion of the
pa/f and rubbed out after addition.
(b) In the second the partial multiplications (i.e.,
the multiplications by the digits of the multiplicand)
are carried out in the direct manner. These partial
multiplications, however, seem to have been carried out
in the inverse way, this being the general fashion. The
following example will illustrate the method of working:
Example. Multiply 324 by 753
The multiplier and the multiplicand are arranged
753 .
1 Or the alternative plan: I X 1 = I and then I X 2 = 2, thus
giving 12 in the place of I in the multiplicand, etc.

Multiplication begins with the last place of the

multiplier. 3 X 7 gives 2.I; I 'is placed below the 7 of the
multiplier and 2. to its left, thus:
21 32.4
Then 3 X 5 gives 15; 5 is placed below the 5 of the
multiplier and I carried to the left; the 1 obtained in
the previous step is rubbed out and (1+ 1)=2. is
substituted, giving
Then 3 X 3 gives 9; the 3 of the multiplicand is rubbed
out and 9 substituted. The work on the pdfi now
stands thus:
The multiplier 1S now moved one place to the right
2.259 24
Then multiplying 7 by 2 we get 14. This 14 being
set below the 7 gives
2.399 24
Multiplying 5 by 2. and setting the result below it, we
240 92.4
Finally multiplying 3 by 2. and rubbing out 2., which is
required no longer, a"nd substituting 6 in its place,
we get

The multiplier is ~then moved one step further giving

240 9 6 4
Multiplying by 4 the digits of the multiplier 753, and
setting the results as before we obtain
(i) 753
.2437 64 multiplying 7 X 4 and setting the result;
(ii) 7H
2439 64 multiplying 5 X 4 ahd setting the result;
(iii) 753
243972 multiplying 3 X 4 and setting the result.
It play be again remarked that the position and
motion of the multiplier play a very important part
in the above process. The digits of the multiplier are
also successively rubbed out in order to avoid confusion,
thus 7 is rubbed out at stage (i), 5 at (ii) and 3 at (iii).
The following variation of the above process is
also found: 1
"Multiplicand 135, multiplier 12; the multiplier
placed at the last place of the multiplicand gives

According to the rule 'the numerals progress to the
left' the last figure of the multiplicand (the figure I)
is multiplied by It. Then after moving (It) we get
Again, the figure 3 next to the last of the multi-
plicand being multiplied by the multiplier 12 gives
126 5
1 Lilii~'4tylfddhara!1a by Krpariima Daivajiia, Asiatic Society
of Bengal, Calcutta, Ms. No. III. F. 110. A.

Then after movmg (12) we get

126 5
Again, multiplying the first figure 5 of the multi-
plicand with the multiplier 12, we get
Then rubbing out the multiplier, the numbers
being added according to places gIve 1620."
Transmission to the West. The kapata-sandhi
method of multiplication was transmitted to the Arabs
who learnt the decimal arithmetic from the Hindus. It
occurs in the works of AI-Khowari'zmi (825), AI-Nasavi 1
(c. 1025) Al-Ha~~ar2 (c. II75), AI-Kalasacti J (c. 1475)
and many others. The following illustration is taken
from the work of AI-Nasavl who calls this method
ai-aJua! ai-hindi and tdrik ai-hindi ("the method of the
Example. To multiply 32 4X 753
2t$'J~2 Product' 245972.
1 F. Woepeke, I (6), p. 407.
2 H. Suter, Bibl. Math., II (3), p. 16.
3 Ibid, p. 17.

In the above the arrangement of the multiplicand

and multiplier is just the same as in the Hindu method.
The multiplier is moved in the same way. As the
work is performed on paper, the figures are crossed
out instead of being rubbed out.
It may be mentioned that in Europe, the method
is found reproduced in the work of Maximus Planudes.
Gelosia Method. The method known as the
'gelosia',l has been described in the Gat'ita-maiijarf
(16th centur') as the kapata-sandhi method. It appears
also in Ga1).eSa's commentary on the Lfldvati. As the
description of the kapata-sandhi given by the older
mathematicians is incomplete and sketchy, it is difn-
cult to say whether Ga_r:1eSa is right in identifying the
gelosia method with the kapata-sandhi of older writers.
In our opinion Ga1).eSa's identification is incorrect.:.!
We are at present unable to say definitely whether
this method is a Hindu invention or was borrowed
from the Arabs who are said to have used it in the
13th century.s It occurs in some Arab works of the
14th century, and also in Europe about the same
time. Ga1).esa was undoubtedly one of the best mathe-
maticians of his time and the fact that he identified
this method with the kapata-sandhi which is the oldest
known method shows that the gelosia method must
have been in use in India from a long time before
The only available description of the method runs
as follows:
"(Con:;truct) as many compartments as there are
places in the multiplicand and below these as many
1 We shall designate it as kapa/a-sandhi (h) method.-
2 Cf the quotation from Sripati given before, p. 137.
3 Smith, History, II, p. I 15.

as there are places in the multiplier; the oblique lines

in the first, in the one below, and in the other (com-
partments) are produced. Multiply each place of the
multiplicand, by the places of the multiplier (which are)
one below the other and set the results in the com-
partments. The sum taken obliquely on both sides of
the oblique lines in the compartments gives the product.
This is the kaPala-sandhi.'"
The following illustration is taken from Ga.Q.esa's
commentary on the Lfltivatf:
To Multiply 135 by 12
I 3

1 6 2 o

Cross Multiplication Method. This method has

been mentioned by Sridhara, Mahavira, Sripati and some
later writers as the tastha method. These writers, how-
ever, do not explain the method. Sridhara simply
states: "The next (method) in which (the multi-
plier) is stationary is the tastha."2 The_ method is
algebraic and has been compared to tiryak-gutJana or
vqjrabqyasa (cross multiplication) used in algebra. 3 It has
been explained by Ga.Q.eSa (c. 1545) thus:
1 Translated from the Garzita-maiijari of Gar.:tda, son of
2 Trif, p. 3. _
3 Colebrooke, I.c., p. 171, fn. 5.


"That method of multiplication in which the

numbers stand in the ~ame place,t is calh:d tastha-
gU!1ana. It is as follows: after setting the multiplier
under the multiplicand multiply unit by unit and note
the result underneath. Then as in vt!jrdbl!Jdsa multiply
unit by ten and ten by unit, add together and set
down the result in the line. Next multiply unit by
hundred, hundred by unit and ten by ten, add together
and set down the result as before; and so on with the
. rest of the digits. This being done, the line of results
is the- product."2
This method was known to the Hindu scholars
of the 8th century, or earlier. The method seems to
have travelled to Arabia and thence was transmitted to
Europe, where it occurs in Pacicli's Sumas and is stated
to be "more fantastic and ingenious than the others."
GaJ_lesa has also remarked that "this (method) is very
fantastic and cannot be learnt by the dull without the
traditional oral instructions."
Multiplication by Separation of Places. This
method of multiplication known as sthdna-kharrt}a, is
based on the separation of the digits of the multiplicand
or of the muftiplier. It has been mentioned in all the
works from '6z8 A.D. onwards. Bhaskara II describes
the method as follows:
"Multiply separately by the places of figures and
add together.'"
With reference to the example 135 X 12, B,haskara II
explains the method thus:

1 In contra-distinction to the method in which the multiplier

moves from one place to another.
2 Gal)eSa's commentary on the Lildvoti, i, 4~6.

S Smith (I.e., II, p. lIZ) quotes from this work.

'L, p. 3.

"Taking the digits separately, viZ" 1 and 2, the

multiplicand being multiplied by them severally, and
the products added together according to places, the
result is 1620."
Various arrangements appear to have been em-
ployed for writing down the working. Some of these
are given below:
(i)l 135

(iiY 12 12 12
1 3 5

135 135
1 2

27 0

Zigz~g Method. The method is called gomutrikd.4-

It has been described by Brahmagupta. It is in all
1 In a manuscript used by Taylor, see his Luau/ati, pp. 8-9.
2 This arrangement is found in the commentary of Ganga-
dhara on the Ludvati, in the library of the Asiatic Society of
Bengal, Calcutta.
3 Found in Gangadhara, I.e.
4 The word gomlJtrikd, means "similar to the course of cow's
urine," hence "zigzag." Colebrooke's reading gosutriM is in-
correct. The method of multiplication of astronomical quantities
is called gomlJtrikd even upto the present day by the pat:\<;lits.

essentials the same as the sthal1a-khanda method. The

following illustration is based on th~ commentary of
Example. To multiply 1223 by 235
The numbers are written thus :
2 1223
3 122 3

5 122 3

The first line of figures is then multiplied by 2, the

process beginning at the units place, thus: 2 X 3 =6; 3 is
rubbed out and 6 substituted in its place, and so on.
After all the horizontal lines have been multiplied by
the c?rresponding numbers on the left in the vertical
line, the numbers on the Pd!l stand thus:
2 4 4 6
3 669
6 I I 5
2 8 740 5
after being added together as in the present method.
The sthdna-khattrja and the gO/lIIttrikd methods resem-
ble the modem plan of multiplication most closely. The
sthdna-khaprja method was employed when working on
Parts Multiplication Me~hod. This method is
mentioned in all the Hindu works from 628 A.D.
onwards. Two methods come under this head:
(i) The multiplier is broken up into two or more
parts whose sum is equal to it. The multiplicand is
then multiplied severally by these and the results added. 1
(ii) The multiplier is broken up into two or more
" aliquot parts. The multiplicand is then multiplied by

] Thus IZX 135=(4+8)X 135=(4X 135)+(8x 135),


one of these, the resulting product by the second and

so on till all the parts are exhausted. The ultimate
product is the result. 1
. 1:'hese methods are found among the Arabs and the
Italians, having been obtained from the Hindus. They
were known as the "Scapezzo" and "Repiego" methods
respectively among the Italians. 2
Algebraic Method. This method was known as i!!a-
gut/ana. Brahmagupta's description of the method has
been already quoted. Bhaskara II explains it thus:
"Multiply by the multiplicator diminished or in-
creased by an assumed number, adding or sul::t:racting
(respectively) the product of the multiplicand and the
assume<;l number."3
This is of two kinds according as we (i) add or
(ii) subtract an assumed number. The assumed number
is so chosen as to give two numbers with which
multiplication will be easier than with the original
multiplier. The two ways are illustrated below:
(i) 135XI2=135X(12+8)-I35X8

(ii) ,135 X 12=135 X (12-2)+135 X 2

This method was' in use among the Araqs4 and in
Europe5 , obviously under Hindu influence.
1 Thu~ 12 x 13 5 = 3 X 135 X 4.
2 Smith, History, n, p. 117.
3 L, p. 3.,

4 E.g., Behi Eddin (c. 1600). See G. Enestrom, Bibl. Math.,

VII (3), p. 95.
5 E.g., Widman (1489), Riese (1522), etc. See Smith, I.e.,
p. 120.

Terminology. Division seems to have been regard-
ed as the inverse of multiplication. The common Hindu
names for the operation are bhdgahdra, bh4Jana, harapa,
chedana, etc. All these terms literally mean "to break
into parts," i.e., "to divide," excepting harapa which
denotes "to take away." This term shows the relation
of division to subtraction. The dividend is termed
bhdJja, hdrya, etc., the divisor bhdJaka, bhdgahara or simply
hara, and the quotient labdhi "what is obtained" or
The Operation. Division was considered to be a
difficult and tedious operation by European scholars
even as late as the 15th and r6th centuries; 1 but in
India the operation was not considered to be difficult,
as the most satisfactory method of performing it had
been evolved at a very early period. In fact, nQ Hindu
mathemat~cian seems to have attached any great im-
portance to this operation. Aryabhata I does not men-
tion the method of division in his work. But as he has
given the modern methods for extracting square- and
cube-roots, which depend on division,2 we conclude
that the method of division was well-known in his
time and was not described in the A~abha!fya as it
was considered to be too elementary. Most Siddhanta
writers have followed Aryabhata in e~cluding the
process of division from their works, e.g., Brahma-
gupta (628), Sripati (r039), and some others.
A method of di~ision by removing common factors
seems to have been employed in India before the inven-
tion of the modern plan. This removal of common

1 Smith, I.e., p. 13 2 •
2 He has used the technical term labdha for the quotient.
factors is mentioned in early Jaina works. l' It has
been mentioned by Mahavira who knew the modern
method, probably because it was con~idered to be
suitable in certain particular cases:
"Putting down the dividend and below it the
divisor, and then, having performed division by the
method of removing common factors, give out the
resulting (quotient)." 2
The modern method of division is not found in
the Bakhshali Manuscript, although the name of the
operation is found at several places. The absence of
the method may be due to the mutilated form of the
text, although it is quite possible that the method was
not known at that early period (zoo A.D.).
The Method of Long Division. The modern
method of division is explained in the works on
pd!iga(lita, the -earliest of which, Sridhara's TriiatikJ,
gives the method as follows: 3
"Having removed the common factor, if any, from
the divisor and the dividend, divide by the divisor
(the digits of the dividend) one after another in the
inverse4. order."
Mahavlra says:5
"The dividend should be divided by the divisor
(which is) placed below it, in the inverse order, after
having performed on them the operation of removing
common factors."

1 Tatvarthadhigama-sutra, Bhafya of Umasvati (c. 160, ed. by

H. R. Kapadia, Bombay, 19z6, Part I, ii. P. p. H5.
2 GSS, p. I I. The method would not give the quotient un-
less the dividend be completely divisible by the divisor.
S Trij, p. 4.
4. Pratiloma.

5 GSS, p. IIj cf. Rangacarya's translation.


Aryabhata II gives more details of the process: 1

"Perform division 'having placed the divisor below
the dividend; subtract from (the last digits of the divi-
dend) the proper multiple of the divisior; this (the
multiple) is the ·partial quotient, then moving the divisor
divide what remains, and so on."
Bhaskara II;2 Naraya.Q.a 8 and others give the same
The following example will serve to illustrate the
Hindu method of performing the operation on a paji:
Example. Divide 1620 by 12.
The divisor 12 is placed below the dividend thus :
The process begins from the extreme left of the
dividend, in this case the figure 16. This 16 is divided
by 12. The quotient 1 is placed in a separate line,
and 16 is rubbed out and the remainder 4 is substituted
in its place. The subtraction is made by rubbing out
figures successively as each figure of the product to be
subtracted is obtained. Thus, the partial quotient I, ~
being written, the procedure is
1620 I

12 line of quotients
1 X of the dividend is rubbed out (as
1=1, SO I
1-1=0); then I X 2=2, so 4 is substituted in the
place of 6 (as 6-2=4). The figures on the Pa!i are:
4 20
12 line of quotients .

MSi, p. 144.
BM.skara gives the process briefly as follows: "That number,
by which the divisor being multiplied, balances the last digit of
the dividend gives the (partial) quotient, and so on." (L, p. 3)
"S GK, i. 16.

The divisor 1.2 is now moved one place to the

right giving
420 I
I2 line of quotients
42 is then divided by 12. The resulting quotient. 3
is set in the. "line of quotients," 42 is rubbed out and
the remainder 6 substituted in its place. The figures
now stand thus:
12 line of quotients
Moving the divisor one place to the right, we have

On division being performed, as before the resulting

quotient 5 is set in the "line of quotients" and 60 is
rubbed out leaving no remainder. The line of quo-
tients], has
which is the required resul1o.
The above process, when the figures are not
obliterated and the successive steps are written down
one below the other, becomes the modern method
of long division.
The method seems to have been invented in India
about the 4th century A.D., if not earlier. It was trans-
mitted to the Arabs, where it occurs in Arabic works
from the 9th century onwards:2 From Arabia the
method travelled to Europe where it came to be known
as the galley (galea, bate!lo) method. 8 In this variation
1 The <Cline of quotients" was usually written above the divi-
Z Al-Khowarizmi (c. 82.5). Al-Nasavi (c. 102.5); cf. Smith, I.e.,
pp. 13 8- 1 39.
3 Also called the 'scratch method'.

of the method, the figures obtained at successive stages

are written and crossed out, for the work is carried out
on paper (where the figures cannot be rubbed out).
The method was very popular in Europe from the
15th to the 18th century. 1 The above example worked
on the galley plan would be represented thus:
I H~20 1
II t
t0tO 13
t~t0 135
Comparing the successive crossing out of the figures
in I, IT and III, with the rubbing out of figures in the
corresponding steps according to the Hindu plan, it
becomes quite clear that the galley method is eXActly
the same as the Hindu method. The crossing out of
figures appears to be more cumbrous than the elegant
Hjpdu plan of rubbing out.
The Hindu plan of moving the divisor as the
digits of the quotient were evolved, although not
essential, was also copied and occurs in the works of
such well-known Arab writers as AI-Khowarizmi (825),
AI-Nasavl (c. 1025) and others. The medireval Latin
writers called this feature the antirioratio.
'I For details see Smith, J.G., pp. 136-139.
Terminology. The Sanskrit term for square is
varga or krti. The word varga literally means "rows"
or "troops" (of similar things). But in mathematics it
'Ordinarily denotes the square power and also the square.
figure or its area. Thus Aryabhata I says:l
"A square figure of four equal sides 2 and the
(number representing its) area are called varga. The
product of two equal quantities is also varga."
How the word varga came to be used in that sense
has been clearly indicated by Thibaut. He says: "The
origin of the term is clearly to be sought for in the
graphical representation of a square, which was divided
in as many vargas or troops of small squares, as the
side contained units of some measure. So the square
drawn with a side of five padas length could be divided
. into five small vargas each containing five small squares,
the side of which was one pada long."3 This expla-
nation of the origin of the term varga is confirmed by
certain passages in the Sulba works. 4
The term krti literally means "doing," "making"
or "action." It carries with it the idea of specific
performance, probably the graphical representation.
Both the terms varga and krti have been used in
the mathematical treatises,. but preference is given to
the term varga. Later writers, while defining these. terms
in arithmetic, restrict its meaning. Thus Sridhara says:15

1A, .ii. 3.
2 The commentator ParameSvara remarks: "That four sided
figure whose sides are equal and both of whose diagonals are
also equal is called samacaturalra ("square")."
3 Thibaut, Sulba-sutras, p. 4 8.
4 ApS!, iii. 7; KSI, iii. 9; cf. B. Datta, American Math.
MonthlY, XXXIII, 193 I, p. 37~.
5 Tril, p. ~.

"The product of two equal numbers is varga.'~

PrthudakasvamP, Mahavira·2 and others gIve
similar definitions.
The Operation. The occurrence of squaring as an
elementary operation is characteristic of Hindu arith-
metic. The method, however, is not simpler than direct
multiplication. It was given prominence by the Hindu
writers probably because the operation of square-root
is the exact inverse of that of squaring. Although the
method first occurs in the Brdhlna-sphu!a-siddhdnta, there
is no doubt that it was known to Aryabhata I as he
has given the square-root method.
Brahmagupta gives the method 3 very concisely
"Combining the product, twice the digit 1n
the less 4 (lowest) place into the several others (digits),
with its (i.e., of the digit in the lowest place) square
(repeatedly) gives the square."
Sridhara (750) is more explicit;5
"Having squared the last digit multiply the rest
of the digits by twice the last; then move the rest of
the digits. Continue the process of moving (the remain-
1 Cf Colebrooke, i.c., p. 2.79.
2 GSS, p. 12..
3 The method is oot mentioned in the chapter on Arithmetic,
but seems to have been mentioned as an afterthought in the
form of an appendix, (BrSpSi, p. 212.).
·1 RdfBrt;na~JJ has been translated by Colebrooke as "the less
portion." This translation is incorrect. He says that "'the text
is obscure" (p. 32.2, fn. 9), for according to his translation the
rule becomes practically meaningless. The term rdlerunafJI must
be translated by "the digit in the lowest place." Dvivedi agrees
with the above interpretation (p. 2.12.). The method taught here
is "the direct method of squaring."
5 Tril, p. 5. The translation given by Kaye. and Ramanu-
jacharia is incorrect. (Bib!. Ala/b., XIII, 1912.-1,).

ing digits after each operation) to obtain the square."

Mahavira 1 (850) gives more details:
"Having squared the last (digit), multiply the rest
of the digits by twice the last, (which is) moved for-
ward (by one place). Then moving the remaining
digits continue the same operation (process). This
gives the square."
Bhaskara IP writes:
"Place the square of the last (digit) over itself; and
then the products of twice the last (digit) and the
others (i.e., the rest) over themselves respectively. Next,
moving the number obtained by leaving the last digit
(figure), repeat the procedure."
. He has remarked that the above process may be
begun also with the units place. 3
The following is the method of working on the
Pdli, the process beginning from the last place, accord-
ing to Sridhara, 1Iah:ivira, Bh:iskara II and others:
To square 125.
The number is w~itten down,
12 5

The last digit is I. Its square is placed over itself.

12 5

Then twice the last digit 2 X 1=2; placing it below the

rest of the figures (below 2 or below 5 according as
the direct or inverse method of multiplication is used)

1 GSS, p. 12.
2L, p. 4.
:1 L, p. 5.

and rubbing out the last digit I, the work on the

pdf! appears as

Performing multiplication by 2 (below) and placing the

results over the respective figures, we get
15 0
One round of operation is completed. Next. movmg
the remaining digits, i.e., 25, we have
15 0
Now, the process is repeated, i.e., the square of the
last digit (2) is placed over itself glvmg
Then, placing twice the last digit (i.e., 2 X 2=4) below
the rest of the digits and then rubbing out 2, we
Performing multiplication, 4 X 5= 20, and placing it
over the corresponding figure 5, (i.e., 0 over 5 and 2
carried to the left), the work on the Pdll appears as
15 60
Thus a second round of operations 1S completed.
Then moving 5 we have
15 60
Squaring 5 we get 25, and placing it over 5 (i.e., 5
over 5 and 2 carried to the left) we have
15 62 5
As there are no 'remaining figures' the wor'k ends.
5 being rubbed out, the Pd!! has
15 62 5,
the required sqllare.
According to Brah~agupta and also Bhaskara II,
the work may begin from the lowest place (i.e., the
units place). The following method is indicated by
To square .125.
The number is written down
12 5

The square of tLe digit in the least place, t.e., 5 2 =25

is set over it thus:
12 5

Then, 2 X 5= 10 is placed below the other digits, and

five is rubbed out, thus:
Multiplying by 10 the rest of the digits, i.e., 12, and
setting the product over them (the digits), wt;,. have
122 5
Then rubbing out 10 whiCh IS not required and
moving the rest of the digits, i.e., 12, we have

Thus one round of operations is completed.

Again, as before, setting the square of 2. above it
and 2. X 2=4 below I, we have
162 5
Multiplying the remaining digit 1 by 4, and setting
the product above it, we have
Then, movmg the remaining digit I, we obtain
562 5

Thus the second round of operations is completed.

Next setting the square of I above it the process
is completed, for there are no remaining figures, and
the result stands thus:
15 62.5
Minor Methods of Squaring. The identity
(i) n2=(n-a)(n+a)+a 2
has been mentioned by all Hindu mathematicians as
affording a suitable method of squaring in some cases.
For instance,,,
15 2 =IOX 20+2.5=2.25.
Brahmagupta says:
"The product of the sum and the difference of the
number (to be squared) and an assumed number plus
the square of the assumed number give the square."l
Sridhara (750) gives it thus:
"The square is equal to the product of the sum
and the difference of the given number and an assumed
1 BrSpSi, p. 212.

quantity plus the square of the assumed quantitv.m

Mahavlra, Bhaskara II, Nariy~a and others also give
this identit'y.
The formula
(ii) (a+b)2 = d '+b 2 +2ab,
or its general form
(a+b+t+ .... )2 =.az+bz+c l+ .... +zab + ..
has been given as a method' of squaring. Thus
Maha,vira 2 says:
"The sum of the squares, of the two or more'
portions s of the number together with their products
each with the others multiplied by two gives the
square." , .
Bhaskara IP gives:
"Twice the product of the two parts plus the
square of those parts gives the square." .
The formula
(iii) n 2= I --j- 3+ 5+ .... to n terms
has been mentioned by Sddhara and Mahavira.
Sridhara~ says:
"(The. square of a number) is the sum of as many
terms in the series of which one is the first term and
two the common difference."
1 Tn!, p. 5.
2 GSS, p..13.
S The word sIMI/a has been used in the original. This word
has been generally used in the sense of 'notational place.'
Following the commentator, we have rendered it by "portion." As
a given number, say, IZ.5, can be broken into parts as 50+40+35
or as 100+ 20+ 5, and as the rule applies to both, it is immaterial
whether the word <slMna' is translated by <place' or ·portion.'
This rule appears to have been given as an explanation of the
Hindu method of squaring used w!th the place-value numerals.
4 L, p. 4. G Tn1, p. 5.


thrice the succeeding;1 then (at the' next place) the

product of the square of the succeeding and last
multiplied by three; and then (at the next place)
the cube of the succeeding."
Mahavira states: 2
"The cube of the last, the product of thrice its
square and the remaining, the square of the remaining
multiplied by thrice the last; placing of these, each
one place before the other, constitutes here the process."
Bhaskara II is more explicie
"Set down the cube of the last; then the square
of the last multiplied by three times the succeeding;
then the square of the succeeding multiplied by three
times the last and then the cube of the succeeding;
these placed so that there is difference of a place between
one result and the next,4 and added give the cube. The
given number is distributed into portions according to
places, one of which is taken for the last and the next
as the first and in like manner repeatedly (if there be
occasion). Or the same pr.ocess may be begun from
the first place of figures for finding the cube."
The method may be illustrated by the following
1 Purva, adi, lit. "preceding". We have rendered them by
"succeeding" to be in conformity with the general convention so
as to a,"oid confusion.
2 GSS. p. 15 (47).
It will be observed that the "addition of the cube of the
remaining" does not occur in the rule. This has to be under-
stood from the previous stanza which says that the cubes of
all the parts are to be added. See the translation of the previous
stanza given on pp. r66£.
3 L, p, ~.
4 Sfhiinanfaratvena has been translated by Colebrooke by
«<according to places." This translation is incorrect and does oot
give the true significance of the term.

Example. To cube 12.34.

The given number has four places, i.e., four por-
tions. First we take the last digit I and the succeed-
ing digit 2., i.e., 12., and apply the method of cubing
(i) Cube of the last (1 3)
(ii), Thrice the square of the
last (3.12) multiplied by
the succeeding (z) gives
(Z·3· 12) - 6 (placing at the next
(iii) Thrice the square of the
succeeding multiplieo
by the last gives (3.Z2.1) IZ I (placing at the next
(iv) Cube of the succeeding
(Z3) - 8 (placing at the next

Thus 12 3 is the sum I7z8

After this we take the next figure 3, i.e., the

number 12.3, and in this consider 12 as the last and
3 as the succeeding. Then the method proceeds thus:
(i) The cube of the last
(12 8) as already obtaineJ:!

(ii) Thrice the square of

the last multiplied by
the succeeding, i.e.,
3.1 Z2· 3 (placing at the next
(iii) Thrice the square of
the succeeding multi-
plied by the last, i.e.,
3·3 • 1Z 32.4
" "
(iv) Cube of the succeed-
ing, i.e., 32
" "
Thus 1233 is the sum 1860867

Now the remaining figure 4 is taken, so that the

number is 1234, of which 123 is the last and 4 the
succeeding. The method proc~eds thus:
(i) Cube of the last, i.e.,
(123)3 as already ob-
tained 1860867
Oi) Thrice the square of
the last into the suc-
ceeding, i.e., 3.(123)2.4 J 8 1 ~ 48 (plating at the next
(iii) Thrice the square of the
succeeding into the last,
i.e., 3.42.123
" "
(iv) Cube of the last i.e., 4 3
Thus (1234)3 is the sum 1879080904
The direct process-that in which the operation
begins with the units place-can be similarly performed.
Minor Methods of Cubing. The formula
(i) (a+b)3 = a8 + 3a2b+ 3ab2+'b~
and the corresponding result
(a+b+c+ . ... )3 = a3 + 3a2(b+c+ .... )+ 3a(h+c+ .. )2
+ (b+c+ .... )3
are implied in the Hindu method of cubing given
above. Mahavira1 gives the following explanation:
"The squares of the last place 2 and the nexe
are taken, and each (square) is multiplied by the
other and by three. The sum of these products and
the cubes of both (lit. all). the places is the cube; the
IGSS,p. r5.
2 Slhdna, meaning the number represented by the figure
standing in that place.
3 A~ya, lit. "other," meaning the number represented by the
figures standing ~n the other places.

procedure is repeated (if necessary).1

Sripati and Bhaskara IP state the formula in the
(a+b)8 = a8+ 3ab (a+b)+b 3
"Thrice the given number multiplied by its two
parts, added to the sum of the cubes of those parts,
gives the cube."
Narayal_la s says
"Thrice the (given) number multiplied by both
parts, added to the cubes of the parts, is the cube of
the sum."
The formula
(ii) n3 = n(n+a)(n-a)+a'.l(n-a)+a3
has been mentioned by MiM.vira40 in these words:
"The continued product of the given number, the
sum and the difference of the given number and ah
arbitrary quantity, when added to the smaller of these
multiplied by the square of the arbitrary number, and
the cube of the arbitrary number, give the cube (of
the given number)."
Expressions for n 8 involving series have been given
by Sridhara, -Mahivira, Sripati and Nirayal_la. The

(iii) nS = ~{ 3r (r-I)+I }

1 Thus (2.34)3 is considered as

(2.00+ 30+4)8=(2.00)3+ 3.2.002(30+ 4) + 3.2.00(30 + 4)2
+(3 0 +4)8
Then the procedure is repeated for obtaining (30+4)3. CJ.
English translation, p. 17. note.
2 GT, 2.7; L, p. 5.
3 GK, i. 2.3.
4 GSS, p. 15.

is given by Sddhara in these words:

"The cube (of a given number) is equal to the
series whose terms are formed by applying the rule,
'the last term multiplied by thrice the preceding
term plus one: to the terms of the series whose first
term is zero, the common difference is one and the
last term is the given number."l
Mabavira gives the above in the form
n3 = 3~ r(r-I)+n
He 2 says:
"In the series, wherein one is the first term as
well as the common difference and the number of terms
is equal to the given number (n), multiply the preceding
term by the immediately following one. The sum of
the products so obtained, when multiplied by three and
added to the last term (i.e., n) becomes the cube (of n)."
Naraya~a3 states:
"From the series whose first term and common
difference are each one, (the last term" being the given
number) the sum of the series formed by the last term
multiplied by three and the preceding added to one,
gives the cube (of the last term)."
Mahavira has also mentioned the results,
(iv) X3 = x+3x+5x+ .... to x terms,
(v) x 3 = X 2+(X-I){I+3+ .... +(2X-I)},
1 TriJ, p. 6. The translation given by Kaye and Ramanu-
jacharia (Bibl.Math., III, 1912-13) is" incorrect. They admit
their inability to follow the meaning (see p. 209, note). S. Dviveru
has misinterpreted the rule, and gives an incorrect explanation
in a note on p. 6. The reading saike is incorrect.
2 GSS, ii. 45.
8 GK, j. 22.

in these words: 1
"The cube (of a given number) is equal to the
sum of the series whose first term is the given number,
the common difference is twice that number, and the
number of terms is (equal to) that number.
"Or the square of the given number when added
to the product of that number minus one (and) the
sum of the series in which the first term is one, the
common difference two and the number of terms (is
equal to) that number,· gives the cube."

Terminology. The Hindu terms for the "root" are
nlf21a and pada. The usual meaning of the word milIa
in Sanskrit literature is "root" of a plant or tree; but
figuratively the foot or lowest part or bottom of
anything. Its other meanings are "basis," "founda~
tion," "cause," "origin," etc. The word pada means
"the lower part of the leg" (figuratively the lower· part
or basis of anything), "foot," "part," "portion," "side,"
"place," "cause," "a square on a chess-board," etc.
The meanings common to both terms are "foot," "the
lowest part or basis of anything," "cause" or "origin."
It is, therefore, quite clear that the Hindus meant by the
term varga-mula ("square-root") "the cause or origin
of the square" or "the side of the square (figure)."
This is corroborated by the following statement of
Brahmagupta: 2
"The pada (root) of a krti (square) is that of which
it is the square."
Of the above terms for the "root," milIa is the
oldest. It occurs in the Anl9ogadvara-siltra (c. 100 B.C.),
] GSS, ii. 44.
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 3j.

and in all the mathematical works. The term pada

seems to have come into use later on, i.e., from the
seventh century A.D. It occurs first in the work of
Brahmagupta (62.8).
. The term lIlula was borrowed by the Arabs who
translated it by jadhr, meaning "basis of square." The
Latin term radix also is a translation of the term mula 1 •
The word karant is found to have been used in the
Sulba works and Prikrta literature as a term for
the square-root. In geometry it means a "side." In
later times the term is, however, reserved for a surd,
. i.e., a square-root which cannot be evaluated, but which
may be represented by a line.
The Operation. The description of the method
of finding the square-root is given in the Aryabha![ya
very concisely thus:
"ALways divide 2 the even place by twice the
square-root (upto the preceding odd place); after
having subtracted from the odd place the squareS
(of the quotient), the quotient put down at the next
place (in the line of the root) gives the root."·
The method may be illustrated thus:
Example. Find the square-root of 54756.
I For further details see Datta, American Math. MonthlY,
XXXIV, pp. 4zo-4~3, also XXXVIII, pp. 371-376.
:I In dividing, the quotient should be taken as great as will

allow of the subtraction of its square from the next odd place.
This is the force of the .Sanskrit text as pointed out by the com-
mentators Bhaskara I, Nilakantha and others.
3 The "square" is mentioned and not the "square of the
quotient," as in the beginning the greatest possible square is to
be subtracted, there being no quotient.
4 A, ii. 4. Translations of the rule have been given before
by Rodet UA, 1880, II), Kaye UASB, 1907 and 1908, III and
IV resp.), Singh (BCMS, 1927, XVIII), Clark (Aryabha!fYa) and
others. Of these Kaye'S translation is entirely incorrect.

The odd and even places are marked by vertical

and horizontal lines. The different steps are then as
indicated below:

Subract square root =2.

Divide by twice the
root 4) 14 (3 Placing quotient at the
12. next place, the root
Subtract square of 2.7
quotient 9
Divide by twice the Placing quotient at the
root next place, the root
Subtract square of 16
quotient 16

The process ends. The root IS 2.34.

It has been stated by G. R. Kaye that Aryabhata's
method is algebraic in character, and that it resembles
the method given by Theon of Alexandria. Both his
statements are incorrect. 2 •
The following quotations from Siddhasena Gat).i
(c. 550) in his commentary on the Tatvarthadhigama-
sutra3 will prove conclusively that the Hindu method of
extracting the square-root was not algebraic. In con-
nection with the determination of the circumference of
a circle of 100,000 yojanas, he says:
"The diameter is one hundred thousand yojanas;
that multiplied by one hundred thousand yojanas be-
comes squared; this is again multiplied by 10 and then
1 JASB, III and IV, in the papers entitled "Notes on Indian
Mathematics, I and II."
l! See Singh, i.t., for details: also Clark, Aryabha,tiya, pp. 2.3f.
:I '"
111. 11.

the square-root (of the product) extracted. The root

will be the circumference of the circle. Now to find
the number ofyojanas (by extracting the square-root) we
obtain in succession the figures 3,1,6,2,2 and 7 of the
root, the number appearing below (that is, as the last
divisor) is 632454. This being halved becomes the
number three hundred thousand sixteen thousands two
hundred and twenty seven. The number in excess as
the remainder is this 484471; .... "
"Then on multiplication by 4 will be obtained
7560000000000. The square-root of this will be the
chord. In finding that (root) will be obtained in suc-
cession the figures 2,7,4,9,5 and 4; .... "
It.is evident that Aryabhata's plan of findiit g the
square-root has been: followed in the above cases as
the digits of the root are evolved successively one by
, Later writers give more details of the process.
Thus Sridhara says: .
"Having subtracted the square from the odd place,
divide the next (even) place by twice the root which
.has been separately placed (in a line), and after having
subtracted the square of the quotient, write it down
in the line; double what has been obtained above (by
placing the quotient in the line) and taking this down,
divide by it the next e~en place. Halve the doubled
quantity (to get the root)."l
Mahavlra,2 Aryabha~a lIB and Sripatif. give the rule
in the same way as Sridhara. Bhaskara II, however,
makes a slight variation, for he says:
1 Tri!, p.~. For an illustration of the method of worlcing
oq a pali, see A. N. Singh, BCMS, XVIII, p. 129.
2 G~S,p. q.
:I MSi, p. 145.
'SiJe, xiii. fj CT, 23·

"Subtract from the last odd place the greatest

square number. Set down double the root in a line,
and after dividing by it the next even place subtract
the square of the quotient from the' next odd place
and set down double the quotient in the line. Thus
repeat the operation throughout all the figures. Half
of the number in the line is the root."1
The method of working on the Pa!i may be illus-
trated as below:
Example. Find the square-root of 54756
The given number is written down on the pdti
and the odd and even places are marked by vertical
and horizontal lines thus:
1- 1 - 1
5475 6
Beginning with the last odd place 5, the greatest square
number 4 is' subtracted. Thus 4 subtracted from 5 gives
1. The number 5 is rubbed out and the remainder 1
substituted in its place. Thus after the first operation
is performed, what stands on the Pd!i is
1475 6
Double the root 2, i.e., 4, is permanently placed in a
separate portion of the pdti which has been termed
pankti ("line"). Dividing the number Upto the next
even mark by this number in the line, i.e., dividing 14
by 4 we obtain the quotient 3 and remainder 2. The
number 14 is rubbed out and th~ remainder.1 written

1 L, p. 4. The line in Bhaskara II's method contains the

doubled root, whilst in that of Aryabhara 1, it contains 'the
root. See Singh, I.e.

in its place; thus on the Pafi we have now

4 (3 quotient
1ine of toot •
The square of the quotient 3'2=9 is subtracted from
the figures upto the next odd mark. This gives (2.7 - 9)
=18. 2.7 is rubbed out and IS substituted in its place.
Double the quotient 3 is now set in the line giving 46.
The figures on the pafi stand thus:
46 18 J6 The quotient 3 having
line of root been rubbed out.
Dividing the numbers upto the next even mark by the
number in the line, i.e., dividing 185 by 46, the quotient
is 4 and remainder 1. 185 is rubbed out and the remain-
der I substituted in its place. The figures on the Pdfi
are now
(4 quotient
. line of root
Subtracting square of the quotient the remainder is nil,
so that 16 is rubbed out. The quotient 4 is doubled
and set in the line. The Pd!i has .now
rIne4068f root The quotient 4 having been rubbed out.

Half the number in the line, i.e., 468 = 2.34 is the root.
Along with the Hindu numerals, the method of
extracting the square-root given above, seems to have
been communicated to the Arabs about the middle of
the eighth century, for it occurs in precisely the same
fonn in Arabic works on mathematics. 1 In Europe
1 E.g., AI-Nasavi (zo:q); see Suter, Bib/. Math., VII,
p. 114 and Woepcke, JA (6), t. 1, 1863'

it occurs in similar form in the wfltlllgS of Peurbach

(1423-J461), Chuquet (1484), La Roche (1520), Gemma
Frisius (1540), Cataneo (1546) and others.'


Terminology. The Hindu terms for the cube-

root are ghana-mula, ghana-pada. These terms have
already been discussed before.
The Operation. The first description of the
operation of the cube-root is found in the Aryabha/!Ja.
It is rather too concise:
"Divide the second agh(Jna place bY' thrice the
square of the cube-root; subtract from the first aghana
place the square of the quotient multiplied by thrice
the preceding (cube-root);, and (subtract) the cube (of
the quotient) from the ghana place; (the. quotient put
down at the next place (in the line of the root) gives
the root)."2
As has been explained by all the commentators,
the units place is ghana, the tens place is first aghana,
the hundreds place is second aghana, the thousands place
is ghana, the ten-thousands place is first aghana and so
on. After marking the places as ghana, first aghana and
second aghana, the process begins with the subtraction
of the greatest cube number from the figures upto
the last ghana place. Though this has not been ex-

1 See Smith, History, II, pp. 144-148.

2 A, ii. 5. Translations of this rule have been given by
Rodet, Kaye, Singh, Clark, Sengupta and others. Kaye's transla-
tion is entirely inaccurate. Other translations, though free, give
the correct result. Clark's use of the words "the (preceding)
ghana" is somewhat misleading. The portion at the end, within
brackets, is common to this· and the preceding rule for the ex-
traction of the square-root. .

plicitly mentioned in the rule, the' commentators say

that it is implied in the expression ''ghanasya mula· vargetJa"
etc. ("by the square of the cube-root" etc.) The
method may be illustrated as below:
Example. Find the cube-root of 1953 I 25.
The ,places are divided into groups of three by
marking them as below:
1- -1- - J
Subtract cube I .......... (c) Root=I
Divide by thrice square
of root, i.e. 3.12 3) 9 (2 .... (a)1 Placing quotient
Subtract square of quo-. 6 after the root
tient multiplied by 1 give,s the
thrice the previous 3~ root 12.
root, i. e., 2. 2 • 3. 1. 12. (b)

Subtract cube of quotient, 233

• 8
I.e., 2. 8 (e:)
Divide by thrice square
ot the root, i.e., 3. lz.2 432.) 22.P·(1 (a) Placing quotient
Subtract square of 2.160 after the root
quotient multiplied by 12. gives the
thrice the previous 912. root 12.5
root, i.e., j2. 3. IZ 900 .. (b)
Subtract cube of quo- 12.5
tient, i.e., ~ a IZ~ .. (c)
Thus the cube-root = l2. 5

It will be evident from the above illustration that

the .present· method of extracting the cube-root is a
contraction of Aryabhata~s method.
The method given above occurs in all the Hindu
mathematical works. For instance, Brahmagupta says:
lThe quotient in division is to be taken as great as will allow
the two subsequent operations (b) and (c) to be carried ollt.
"The divisor for the second aghana place is thrice
the square of the cube-root; the square of the quotient
multiplied by three and the preceding (root) must be
subtracted from the next (aghana place to the right),
and the cube (of the quotient) from the ghana place;
(the procedure repeated gives) the root."1
Sridhara gives more details of the process as
actually performed on the Pd/f, thus:
"(Divide the digits beginning with the units place
into periods of) one ghana place and two aghana places.
From the (last) ghana digit subtract the (greatest pos-
sible) cube; then taking down the remainder and the'
third pada (i.e., the second aghana digit) divide it by
thrice the square of the cube-root which has been
permanently placed in a separate place; place the quo-
tient in the line; subtract the square of this (quotient)
multiplied by thrice the last root from the next (aghana)
digit. Then as before subtract the cube (of the quo-
tient) from its own place (i.e., the ghana digit). Then
take down again the third pada (i.e., second aghana digit),
and the rest of the process is as before. (This will
give) the root."2
Aryabhata II follows Sridhara and gives details as
follows: ~
"Ghana (i.e:, the place f(om which cube is sub-
tracted), bhdjya (i.e., the "dividend" place) and fod0'a
(i.e., the "minuend" place) are the denominations (of
the places). Subtract the (greatest) cube from its own
place (i.e., from the numbers upto the last ghana digit);
bring down the bhdjya digit. and divide ie by thrice
the square of the cube-root which has been permanently
1 BrSpSi, p. 17,; if. Colebrooke, I.c., p. z80.
2 Trif, pp. 6[, .
a Literally, its own place.

placed. Place the quotient in the line (of the root)~

The square of this (quotient) multiplied by thrice the
previous root is subq:act.ed from its own place (i.e., the
iodl?Ya place) and its cube from the ghana place. If the
above operations be possi1?le then this (i.e., the number
in the line) is the root so far. Then bringing down
the bh4Jja digit continue the process as before (till it
The component digits of the numb~r whose cube-
root is to be found are divided into groups of three
(one ghana and two aghanas) each. The digits upto the
last ghana place (proceeding from left to rigHt) give
the first figure of the root (counting from the left).
The following period of three digits (to the right) gives
the second figure of the root and so on. While work-
ing on the pdP, the digits of the number. whose root
is to be found are first marked and the method pro-
ceeds as follows:
Example. Find the cube-root of 195312.5.
The number is written thus:
\- -1- - \
1953 12 5
From the last ghana digit (marked by a vertical
stroke), the greatest cube is subtracted. Here 1 8 being
subtracted from I gives zero. So I is rubbed out.
The cube-root of I II is placed in a separate line. The
figures on the Pdli stan:! thus:
--\--\ I
line of root
Then to obt?-in the second figure of the root, the.
second aghana (i.e., 9) is taken below and divided by
1 Jl.-ISi, p. 145. The interpretation given by Dvivedi of line
2. of the rule as printed in his edition (p. 145) is incorrect.
thrice the square of the root (i.e., the 'number in the
line). Thus we have
953 12 5
3) 9 (2 quotient
The quotient is taken to be 2, because if it were taken
to 'be 3, the rest of the procedure cannot be carried
out. This quotient (2) is set in the line. The first
aghana is then brought down and we have, on sub-
tracting the square of the quotient multiplied by thrice
the previous root, the following:
--j--j 12
953 12 5 line of root
3) 9 (2 quotient
22. 3. 1 = 12
On bringing down the ghana digit 3, and then
subtracting the cube of the quotient We get 225 as
below, and the process on the period formed by the
digits 953 is completed and the figure 2 of the root is
-- 1- -I
253 12 5
3) 9 (2 12
6 line of root
2 = 8

The figur~s 953 are then rubbed out and the

remainder 225 is substituted. After this the process is
.as before, i.e., thus
- -I
225 12 5.
12..2 ·3 - 43 2 ) 22p (5 12
.2160 line of root
52 • 12 .3 - 900
12 5
53 - 12 5
0 line of root

The process ends as all the figures in the. number

are exhausted. The root is 125, the number in the line
of root. As there is no remainder, the root is exact.
The necessity for rubbing out figures ar~ses, as the,
pa!i is not big enough to contain the whole of the
working. The three digits constituting a period are
considered together. The figures upto the next second
aghana have to be brought down and the operation of
division performed separately, because tue quotient is
obtained by trial. As has been already explained, this
division is performed by rubbing out the digits of the
dividend (and not as in the working given above).
If the operations were carried out on the figures of the
original number, and if the quotient taken were found
to be too big, then it would not be possible to restore
the original figures and begin the work again, ·as
will have to be done in case of failure.


The earliest available description of a method of

checking the results of arithmetical operations, the

direct as well as the inverse, is found in the Mahdsid-

dhdnta 1 (c. 950). It says:
"Add together the own digits of the numbers
forming the multiplicand, multiplier, and product upto
one place; 2 such should be done with the dividend,
divisor, quotient and remainder, etc. Then if the
number (of one digit) obtained from the product of
those numbers (that have been already obtained) from
the multiplicand and the multiplier be equal to that
obtained from the product, the multiplication is true.
If the number, which results from the product of those
obtained from the quotient and the divisor, added to
that from the remainder, be equal to that obtained from
the dividend, the division is true. Add together the
. digits of a number, its (nea.rest) square-root (in integers)
and of the remainder. If the number, obtained from the
square of that (number) which is obtained from the
square-root plus the number obtained from the remain-
der, be equal to that which results from the given num- .
ber, the root-extraction is true. If the number, resulting
from the cube of the number obtained by adding the
digits of the cube-root p)us the number obtained from
the remainder, be equal to the number resulting from the
given number, then the operation is correct. Such are
the easy tests for correctness of multiplication etc."
. The rationale of the above rules will be clear from
the following: Let
n = dmdm - 1 • • • • • • d2 d1
be a number of 1)1 digits written in the decimal place-
value notation. Let S1 denote the sum of its digits,
1 MSi, p. 4~ 2.
2 That is, the digits of the number should be added together;
the digits of the sum thus obtained should be again added and
the process should be continued until there remains a number
of one digit only.

52 the sum of the digits of 51> and so on.

n = d1 +IOd2 + ........ +IO",-ldm ,
51 = d1 +d2 +da+ ........ +dm
so that
n-51 = 9(d2 +IIda + ....... .).
n == 51 (mod. 9),
51 :=:: 52 (mod. 9),
S2~Sa (mod. 9),

5 k - 1 ==== 5,. (mod. 9),

where 5 k is a number of one digit only, say n', which
is certainly less than or equal to 9.
Adding the congruences, we obtain
n === n' (mod. 9).
Thus the number obtained by adding the digits ~f a
number repeatedly is equal to the remainder obtained
by dividing that number by nine.
Now, if there be a number N which is equal to the
continued product of p other numbers nt, n2 • na••••• , np
plus or minus another number R, then we write
N = nl"ti2 .n 3 • • • • n'/) _± R
Now, let
nl === n'l (mod. 9)
1J 2 === n'2 (mod. 9)

np == n' p (mod. 9)

Multiplying the congruences, we obtain

n.n 2 • • • • np == n'pn'2'" .n'p (mod. 9).
Further let
R == r' (mod. 9)
Therefore .
n1 .n2.na •••• np±R == n'1.n'2'" .n'p ± r' (mod. 9)'
N== n'l.n'Z ...... n'p ± r' (mod. 9).
In particular, if
n1 = n2 = ........ = np = n, say
then will
n'J = n'2 = .......... = n' p = n'.
N = fJ1>±R
and N == n'P±r' (mod. 9)'
From the aboye follow easily the rules of the
The following rule for testing multiplicati0n is
given by Naraya1,1a1 (1356):
"The remainders obtained on division of each of the
multiplicand and the multiplier by an optional number
are multiplied together and then divided by the optional
number. If the remainder so obtained be equal to the
remainder obtained on dividing the product (of the
multiplicand and the multiplier) by the optiQnal number,
then, it is correct." /
It must be noted here that a complete set of rules
for checking by nines is first found in India. Methods
for test~g multiplication and division were probably
1 Quoted by S. Dvivedi, History of Mathematics (in Hindi),
Benares, 19 10, p. 79.

known to the Hindus much earlier. But as these tests

were not considered to be among the fundamental opera-
tions, they were not mentioned in the works on pa!i-
gapita. 1 NarayaQ.a seems to be the first Hindu mathe-
matician to give rules for testing operations by the
casting out of any desired number.
In the works of early Arab writers the methods
of testing multiplication, and division without remainder,
by the check of nines are given, while a complete set
of rules for testing all operations is found ·first in the
works of A vicenna 2 (c. 1020) who calls his method the
"Hindu" method. Maximus Planudes 3 also ascribes an
Indian origin to the check of nines. ./
There is thus no doubt as to the Hindu origin
of the check of nines. Before Aryabhata II, it was
probably use~ to test multiplication and division only.
It was perhaps in this imperfect form when it. was com-
municated to the Arabs. Thereafter, the method was
probably perfected independently both in Arabia and
India. This would account for the difference in the
formulation of the rules by the Arabs and by Aryabhata
II, the author of the Mahasiddhanta. 4 It is, however,
certain that the Hindus did not borrow the method
from the Arabs, because Aryabhata II wrote before Avi-
cenna. Beha Eddins (c. 1600) gives the check of nines
in exactly the same form as Aryabhata II.

1 Besides the above works, the check of nines is also quoted

by Sumatihar~a (1618) from an anterior writer Bijadatta, in his
commentary on the Kara!1a-Je.ufilhala of Broskara II, ed. by: Madhava
Sastri, Bombay, 1901, i. 7.
2 F. Woepcke, JA(6), I, 1863, pp. 500 ef sq.
3 Vide Delambre, Hisfoire de I'Astronomie Ancienne, t. I,
Paris, 1817, pp. 518 fT.
"Noted by B ... Datta, JASB, XXIII, 192.7, p. 2.65.
5 Kbolasaf al-hisab, French translation by A. Marre, Nouvelles
Annalts d. Math., t. v, 1846, p. 2.63.

Early Use. In India, the knowledge of fractions can
be traced back to very early times. In the oldest known
work, the J!._J!}'eda, the fractions one-half (ardha) and
three-fourths (tri-Pdda 1 ) occur. In a passage of the
Maitrdya!1i Samhitt12 are mentioned the fractions one-
sixteenth (kaJd), one-twe1fth (ku!!ha), one-eighth (faph:J)
and one-fourth (pdda). In the earliest known mathe-
matical works, the Sulba-sutra, fractions have not only
been mentioned, but have been used in the statement
and solution of problems. 3
The ancient Egyptians and Babylonians are known
'.0 have used fractions with unit numerators, but there
is little evidence of the use by these people of what are
called composite fractions. The occurrence of the
fraction three-fourths in the J!._gveda is probably "the
oldest record of a composite fraction known to us.
The Sanskrit compound tri-pdda literaIly means "three-
feet." Used as a number it denotes that the measure
of the part considered bears the·sam~ ratio to the whole
as three feet of a quadruped bear to the total number
of its feet. The term pdda, however, is a word numeral
for one-fourth, and the compound tri-pdda is formed
exactly on the same principle as the English term three-
fourths. 4 In the Sulba, unit fractions are denoted by the
use of a cardinal number with the term bhdga or amfa;.
thus panca-dafa-bhdga ("fifteen-parts") is equivalent to
one-fifteenth, 5 sapta-bhdga ("seven-parts") is equivalent
to one-seventh,6 a_nd so on. The use of ordinal numbers

1 RV, x. 90. 4.
2 iii. 7. 7.
3 B. Datta, Sulba, pp. 2. I 2. ff.
4 tri=three and pada=fourth.

• ApS/, x. 3; KSI, v. 8.
f> KSI, vi. 4.

with the term bhdga or amfa is also quite common, e.g.,

paiicama-bhdga ("fifth part") is equivalent to one-fifth. 1
Sometimes the word bbdga is omitted, probably for the
sake of metrical convenience. 2 Composite fractions like
3/8 .and 2/7 are called tri-a!!ama ("three-eighths") and
dvi-saptama ("two-sevenths") respectively. In the Bakh-
shiH Manuscript the fraction 3/8 is called trya!!a ("thtee-
eighths") and 3 g- is called trcryastraya!!a ("three-three-
eighths").3 Instances of the formation of fraction
names on the above principle are too numerous in later
works to be mentioned here. The present method of
expressing fractions is thus derived from Hindu sources
and can be- traced back to 3,000 B.C.
Weights and Measures. The division of the units
of length, weight, money, etc., into smaller units for the
sake of avoiding the use of fractional quantities has
been common amongst all civilised peoples. It is an
index of commercial activity and the development of
commercial arithmetic. The Hindus have used systems
of weights and measurClS from the earliest times. The
Satapatha Brdbma!la4. (c. 2,000 B.C.) gives a very mint ute
subdivision of time. According to it there are 30
IlJtlhurta in a day, r5 kfpra in a Illllburta, 15 itarhi in a
k!pra, 15 iddnf in an itarbi and 15 prd!la in an iddnf.
Thus one prd!la is approximately equivalent to one-
seventeenth of a second. It is improbable that the'
ancient Hindus had any appliance for measuring
such small intervals of time. The subdivision is entire-
ly theoretical, and probably made for philosophical
reasons. It, nevertheless, shows that the Hindus must
1 ApSI, ix. 7, x.
2; KSI, v. 6.
When the fractions have unit numerators, only the deno-
minators are mentioned. This practice is quite common in later
works also, e.g., ,alIa (sixth)=-/i in L, p. 7 etc.
II BMs, 10 ,'crso.
<\ xii, 3. 2. I.

have been in possession of a satisfactory arithmetic of

fractions even in those early times. The Arthaldstra
of Kautilya1 contains a section dealing with weights
and measures which were in use in India in the fourth
cen,_tury B.C. In the Lalitavistara 2 Buddha is stated .
to have given the following system of linear measures:
7 paramd(1u raja I re(1u
7 re(1u - I tru!i
7 tru!i I vdtdyana raja
7 vdtdyana raja - I lala raja
7 lala raja - I etjaka_ raja
7 etjaka raja - I go rtf/a
7 go raja - I lik!ti raja
7 lik.fd raja - I sar.fapa
7 sar.fapa I yava (breadth of barley)
7 yava - I anguli parva (breadth of
12. anguli parva - I vitasli
2. vitasli I hasta (cubit)
4 hasta I dhanu
1000 dhanu I krola
4 hola I yo/ana
According to the above table, the smallest Hindu
measure of length, a paralndr;u3 = I ' 3 X 7- 10 inches.
All the works on pa/fga(1ita begin with definitions
of the weights and measures employed in them. The
earlier ones contain a special rule for the reduction of
a chain of measures into a proper fraction;' It may
be mentioned that the systems of weights and measures
1 The Arthoiastro of KOII!i!Jo, ed. by R. Shamsastri, Bangalore,
19 1 9.
2Lotitavistoro, ed. R. Mitra, Calcutta, 1877, p. 168.
3Paroma!lll is the smallest particle of matter. Thus according
to the Hindus, the diameter of a molecule is l ' 3 X 7- 1().
4 The process is called vallf'-sot'or!1ana a~d occurs in the TriJatika
(p. 12) and the GalJita-tilak.a (p. 39) and not in later works.

given in different works are different from each other.

They are the ones current at the time and in the locality
in which the book was composed. /
Terminology. The Sanskrit term for a fraction
, is bbinna. It means "broken.;' The European terms
jraclio,jraction, roupl, rollo, or rocto etc., are translations
of the term bbinna, having been derived from the Latin
jraclus (jrangere) or ruplus meaning "broken." The
Hindu term bhinna, however, had a more general
meaning in so far as it included numbers' of the form,

(~ ± J)' (~ of J)' (~± J of i) or, ( a ± ~).

These forms were termed jali, i.e., "classes," and the
Hindu treatises contain special rules for their reduction
to proper fractions. Sridhara and MaHav:1ra each enu-
merate six jalis, while Brahmagupta gives only five and
Bhaskara II following Skandasena reduces the number
to four. The need for the division of fractions into
classes arose out of the lack of proper symbolism to
indicate mathematical operations. The only opera-
tional symbol used by the Hindus was a dot~ for the
negative sign.
The other terms employed for the fraction are
bhaga and milia, meaning "part" or "portion." The term
kald which originally, in Vedic times, denoted one-
sixteenth came to be later on employed for a fraction.
Its earliest use as a term for fraction occurs in the
Sufba works.
Writing of Fractions. From very early times
(c. 200 A.D.) the Hindus wrote fractions just as we do
now, but without the dividing line. When several
fractions occurred in the same problem, they were in
general separated from each other by vertical and
1 Generally placed over the number to be subtracted.

horizontal lines. Illustrations of the Hindu method of

writing groups of fractions will be found in the
examples that will be given hereafter.
Reduction to Lowest Terms. Before performing
operations with fractions, it was considered necessary
to reduce them to lowest terms. The process of reduc-
tion was called apavartana, but was not included among
the operations. It is not given in the Hindu works,
but seems to have been taught by oral instruction. That
the method has been in use in India from the earliest
centuries of the Christian era, cannot be doubted; for
it is mentioned in a non-mathematical work, the
Tattvdrtha(/hfgama-sutra-bhdlYal by Umasvati (c. 150)
as a simile to illustrate a philosophical discussion:
"Or, as when the expert mathematician, for the
purpose. of simplifying operations, removes common
factors from thy numerator and denominator of a
fraction, there is no change in the value of the fraction,
so ...... "
Reduction to Common Denominator. The
opc;ration of reduction to a common denominator 2 is
required when fractions are to be added or subtract-
ed. The process is given a prominent place and is
generally mentioned along with addition and subtrac-
tion. Brhmagupta3 gives the reduction along with the
processes of addition and subtraction thus:
"By the multiplication of the numerator and deno-
minator of each of the (fractional) quantities by the
other denominators, the quantities are reduced to a'
common denominator. In addition, the numerators are
united. In subtraction their difference is taken."
Iii. 52.
2 Kald-SOl'arnana or sat'ar!1al1.J, or samachheda-vidhi.
3 BrSpSi. p.' 17 2 •

Sridhara1 says:
"To reduce to a common denominator, multiply
the numerator and denominator of each (fraction) by
the other denominators."
All other works also contain this rule.
Fractions in Combination. It has already been
remarked that due to the lack of proper symbolism,
the Hindu mathematicians divide combinations of frac-
tions into four classes. They are:
(1)2 Bhaga, i.e., the form (~± J± j ± .... ).
usually written as

b ~--'----'I
.----r-I j \ or I ~ I'd \ ; I ·
where the dots denote subtraction.
(2l Prabhdga, i.e., the form (~ of ~ of j .... .. ),
written as

IbI~ 1;1
(3)4 Bhdgdnubandha, i.e., the form
,(i) (a + -)

or (ii) P_ + !: of .t + !_ of (p + ~ of p_) + ....

q s q II' q S q
1 Tri1, p. 10. The translation given by Kaye is incorrect.
2 BrSpSi, p. 175; Trif, p. 10; GSS, p. 33 (55, 56); MSi, p. 146;
L, p. 6. I

3 Tn1, p. 10; GSS, p. 39 (99); MSi, p. 146; L, p. 6.

4 Tn1, p. 10; GSS, p. 41 (ll ~); MSi, p. I48; L, p. 7. These
forms are termed riipa-bhaganubandha ("association of an integer and
a fraction") and bhtiga-bhtigdnubandha ('"association of fractions of'
fractions") respectively.

written as

(i) ·I·~ I
or (ii)

(4)1 Bhagapavaha, i.e., the form

(i) (a - !!_)

or (ii) P_ r of f!__ t of (1!_ -:_·ofP.)-....

q .r q /I q! q
written as

(i) I'~ I or (ii)

Besides the above four forms, Sridhara, Mahavira,

and some others give two more.
(5)2 Bhaga-bhaga, i.e., the form
or (p_ -+ ':. )
( a -+ t:_)
c q S
There does not appear to have been any notation
for division, such compounds being written as,

1 BrSpSi, p. 176; GSS, p. 43 (rz6); MSi, p. 148; L, p. 7.

These forms are termed rupa-bhagapavaha and bhdga-bhagapavaha
2 Tril, p. II; GSS, p. 39 (99).

just as for bhagdnubandha. That division is to be per-

formed was known from the problem; I e.g., I -:- -~
was written as .fat}-bhaga-bhaga,2 i.e., "one-sixth bhaga-
bhaga" or "one divided by one-sixth."s
(6),' Bhaga-mal!, i.e., combinations of forms enume-
rated above. Mahavira remarks that there can be
twenty-six variations of this type.:I The following
example is given by Sridhara. 6
"What is the result when half, one-fourth of one-
fOl!rth, one divided by one-third, half plus half of
itself, and one-third diminished by half of itself, are
added together?"
In modern notation this is
~+(t of U+(i-:-O+(4+! of 4)+(i-~ of ~).
In the old Hindu notation it was written as
1 I I I I I
2 4 4 I 2 3
I '1
2 2

l It is only in the Bakhshal1 Manuscript that the term 11M is

sometimes placed before or after the quantity affected.
2 Cf, Trii, p. II.
B GSS, p. 41 (112) gives z-:-~ as lripada bhaktalJ1 dvikalJ1, i.e.,

"two divided by three-fourths."

fo Trii, p. 12; GSS, p. 4S (138).
~ As there are five primary classes enumerated by Mahavira,
so the total number of combinations is
5C2 +IICa + 5C" +GCs = 26.
6 Trii, p. IZ.

The defect of the notation is obvious: [IT] can be

read also as l +h and I; Ican be read also as I}; so

that the exact meaning of the notation can be under-

stood only by a reference to the question.
The rules for the reduction of the first two classes
are those of addition or subtraction, and multiplication.
The rule for the reduction of the third and fourth
classes (from ii) are given together by Brahmagupta:
"The (upper) denominat<;:lr is multiplied by the
.J.:nominator and the upper numerator by the same
~cjenominator) increased or diminished by its own
The rule for bbaganubandba is given by Srldhara 2 as
(i) "In bbaganubandba, add the numerator to the
product of the whole number and the denominator."
(ii) "Multiply the denominator by the lower deno-
nunator and (then) the numerator by the same lower
denominator increased by its. own numerator."
Other writers give similar rules for reduction in the
case of bbaganubandba.
The following examples will explain the proc;:ess of

1 BrSpSi, p. 176. The reduction of the form a ± ~ has been

given separately (p. 173).
2 Trif, p. 10. Rule (i) is for the reduction of a+ ~ and rule (ii)
'1for the reduction of the form
':+ ('d. 0 f -:,.4-.
b b .
~ f (a
+ ('Ii 0
b .
3 Trif, p. I I.


Reduce to a proper fraction:

3!+! of 3~+! of (3~+!- of 3A)+~+t of ~+!- of
H+l of ~).
This was written as
2 2
4 3
6 4
Adding denominators to numerators of the lower
fractions, and applying rule (i) to left-hand top com-
partment to reduce it to a proper fraction, we get
7 I
2 2

5 4
4 3
7 5
6 4
Now performing multiplication as directed, i.e., mul-
tiplying the denominator of the first fraction by all the
lower denominators and the numerator by the sum of
the numerators and denominators of the lower frac-
tions, we get
7 X...I>X 7 -
:! 4
and --:r'X a4 X 4"-"""2"""4
Ii - 11 0


Then making denominators similar (savar{1ana), we


performing the addition we have W or 5+i as the

The rule for bhagapavaha is given in all the works
on pa!fga!lita. It is the same as that for bhciganubandha,
except that "addition" or "increase" is replaced by
"subtraction" or "decrease" in the enunciation of the
rule for bhagapavdha.
Lowest Common Multi.ple. Mah:1vira 1 was the
first amongst the Indian mathematicians to speak of
the lowest common multiple in order to shorten the
process. He defines niruddha (L. C. M.) as follows:
"The product of the common factors of the
Jenominators and their resulting quotients is called
nirtlddha. "
The process of reducing fractions to equal deno-
minators is thus described by him: 2
"The (new) numerators and denominators. obtained
as products of multiplication of (each original) numera-
tor and denominator by the (quotient of the) nimddha
(i.e .• L. C. M.) divided by the denominator give frac-
tions with the same denominator."
Bhaskara IP does not mention nimddha but observes
that the process can be shortened. He says:
"The numerator and denominator may be multi-
plied by the intelligent calculator by the other deno-
minator abridged by the common factor."
The Eight Operations. Operations with frac-
tions were known in India froJ'll very eady times, the
method of performing them being the same as now.
I GSS, p. 33 (56).
2 GSS. p. 33 (56).
3 L. p. 6.

Although Aryabhata does not mention the elementary

operations, there is evidence to show that he knew the
method of division by fraction by inverting it. All the
operations are found in the Bakhshali Manuscript (c. 200).
Addition and Subtraction. These operations
wete performed after the fractions were reduced to a
common denominator. Thus Sddhara says:l
"Reduce the fractions to a common denominator
and then add the numerators. The denominator of a
whole number is unity."
Brahmagupta and Mahavlra give the method under
Bhdgqjdti. Mahavlra differs from other writers in giving
the methods of the summation of arithmetic and geo-
metric series under the title of addition (samkaJifa).2
Later writers follow Sddhara.
Multiplication. Brahmagupta says:8
"The product of the numerators divided by the
product of the denominators is the (result of) multipli-
cation of two or more fractions."
While all other writers give the rule in the same
way as Brahmagupta, Mahavira refers to cross reduction
in order to shorten the work: 4
"In the multiplication of fractions, the numerators
are to be multiplied by the nume,rators and the deno-
minators by denominators, after carrying out the process
of cross reduction/ if that be possible."
1 Trii, p. 7.
'ZCf GSS, pp. 28 (2%) if.
3 BrSpSi, p. 173.
" GSS, p. 25 (2).
5 Vajrdpavartana-vidhi, i.e., "cancellation crosswise," thus
21'\., ;'16
lxt= X =i=J.
31« 'c:.I4

Division. Although the elementary operations are

not mentioned _in the Aryabhtl/{ya, the method of division
by fraction is indicated under the Rule of Three. The
f T hree states the resu1t as 1"1 When these
Rule 0

quantities are fractional, we get an expression of the

form ~, for the evaluation of which Aryabhata I
"The multipliers and the divisor are multiplied by
the denominators of each other."
As will be explained later on (p. 204) the quantities
are written as

Transferring the denominators we have

') [" l' l i '

DIJ h I ' anc
~ er ormlng mu tip catlon, t e resu t IS mbd'

The above interpretation of a rather obsc~re linea

in the Aryabhaj[ya is based on the commentaries of
Suryadeva and Bhaskara 1. Thus Suryadeva says:
1 f = ph"
Wh ere ata, t.e., HrUlt, . ha, z.e., "d eman d or
f ' ' ' 't = ICC A'

requisi~on" p' pramapa, i.e., "argument."

2 A, p. 43. Previous writers seem to have been misled by
the commentary of Paramesvara which is very vague; cJ; Clark
(p. 40) and P. C. Sengupta (p. 1.5). ,

"Here by the word guttakara is meant the multiplier

and multiplicand, i.e., the phala and iccha quantities that
are multiplied together. By bhdgahdra is meant the
prallJdpa quantity. The denominators of the phah and
icchd are taken to the pratlldtta. The denominator of the
praJlldpa is taken with the phala and icchd. Then multi-
plying these, i.e., (the numerators of) the phala and iccbd
and this denominator, and dividing by (the product of)
the numbers standing with the pratlldtJa, the result is the
quotient of the fractions."
Brahmaguptal. gives the method of division as fol-·
"The denominator and numerator of the divisor
having been interchanged, the denominator of the
dividend is multiplied by the (new) denominator and
its numerator by the (new) numerator. Thus division
of proper fractions is performed."
Sridhara'l adds the following to the method of
"Having interchanged the numerator and deno-
minator of the divisor, the operation is the same as
MaM.v'ira4 explains the method thus:
"After having made the numerator of the divisor 5
its denominator (and vice versa) the operation is the
same as in multiplication."
"Or,6 when (the fractions constituting) the divisor

l. BrSpSi, p. 173.
2 TriJ, p. 8.
3 i.e., the same as that of multiplication.
;; GSS, p. 26 (8).
5 Mahavira uses the term pramo!1a-roJi for divisor, showing
thereby its connection with the <rule of three.'
G This is similar to the way in which Aryabhata I ~xpresses

the method.

and dividend are multiplied by the denominators of

each other and these products are without denomina-
tors, (the operation) is as in the division of whole
Square and Square-root. Brahmagupta 2 says:
"The square of the numerator of a proper fraction
divided by the square of the denominator gives the
"The square-root of the numerator of a proper
fraction divided by the square-root of the denominator
gives the square-root."
Other works contain the same rules.
Cube and Cube-root. Sridhara3 gives the rule
as follows:
"The cube of the numerator divided by the cube
of the denominator gives the cube, and the cube-root
of the numerator divided by the cube-root of the
denominator gives the cube-root."
Other works give the same rules.
Unit Fractions. Mahavlra has given a number of
rules for expressing any fraction as the sum of a
number of unit fractions. 4 These rules do not occur
in any other work, probably because they were not
considered important or useful.
(1) To express I as the sum of a number (n) of
unit fractions.
The rule for this is: 5
"When the sum of the different quantities having
1 The term for whole number is sakata.
2 BrSpSi, p. 174.
3 Trif, p. 9.
4 There is no technical term for unit fraction. The term
used is rupdlhfaka-rdfi, i.e., "quantity. with one as numerator."
5 GSS, p. 36 (75).
2.00 ARI'r~METIC

one for their numerator is I, the (required) denomina-

tors are such as, beginning with I, are in ·order multi-
plied by 3, the first and the last being multiplied again
by 2. and j-."
Algebraically the rule is

2. -+
3 -+
3 .... + -3 + --.

(2.) To express I as the' sum of an odd number of

unit fractions.
The rule for this is stated thus: 1
"When the sum of the quantities (fractions) having
one for each of their numerators is one, the denomina-
tors are such as, beginning with two, go on rising in
value by one, each being further multiplied by that
which is (immediately) next to it and then halved."
Algebraically this is

2..3.A 3·4·A
.... + (2.n-I).2n.& +2.n.&
- I I'

To express a unit fraction as the sum of a number

of other fractions,
the numerators being given. 2
The rule for this is:
"The denominator of the first (of the supposed or
given numerators) is the dc;nominator of the sum, that
of the next is this combined with its numerator and
so on; and then multiply (each denominator) by that
which is next to it, the last being multiplied by its
own numerator. (This gives the required denomina-
1 GSS, p. 36(77).
2 Each may be one. GSS, p. 36(78).

Algebraically this gIves:

n (n+a 1)
+ (n+a1)(n+a1+a

+ ....
-r ar - 1
(n+a1+a Z+' ... +a r- 2)(n+ a1+all+ .... +ar - 1)

By taking a l =az= ... =ar = I, we get unit fractions.
When these are not unity, the fractions may not be in
their lowest terms.
(4) To express atry fraction as the sum of unit fractions.
The rule is: 1
"The denomipator (of the given fraction) when
combined with an optionally chosen number and then
divided by the numerator so as to leave no remainder,
becomes the denominator of the first numerator (which
is one); the optionally chosen quantity when divided
by this and by the denominator of the sum is the
remainder. To this remainder the same process is
Let the number i be so chosen that q+i is an
integer = r; then the rule gives
p Ii
q r r.q
of w:hich the first is a unit fraction and a similar process
can be employed to the remainder to get other unit
fractions. In this case the result depends upon the
optionally chosen quantities.
1 GSS, p. 37(80).

(5) To express a unit fraction as the sum of two other

unit fractions.
The following two rules are given: 1
(i) "The denominator of the given sum multiplied
by a properly chosen number is the (first) denominator,
and this divided by the previously chosen number minus
one gives the other; or (ii) the two denominators are
the factors 2 of the denominator of the sum, each multi-
plied by their sum."
Expressed algebraically the rules are:
I I I 3
n = p.n + p.n
(ii) I
a.b - a(a+b)
I + ....,--;-1---:--;"
(6) To express alIY fraction as the slim of two other
fractions ,vhose Ilumerators are given.
The rule for this is: 4
"Either numerator multiplied by a chosen number,
then combined with the other numerator, then divided
by the numerator of the sum so as to leave no remainder,
and then divided by the chosen number and multi-
plied by the denominator of the sum gives rise. to one
denominator. The denominator corresponding to the
other (numerator), however, is this (denominator)
multiplied by the chosen quantity,"

1GSS, p. 37(85).
2hara-hdra-Iabdha, lit. "the divisor and quotient by that
3 The integer p is so chosen that n is divisible by (p- I).
4 GSS, p. 38(87).

Algebraically the rule is

m a b
n ap+b n +
ap+b n
IJJ XP --;;;- X pXp
A particular l case of this would be
In a b
n= an+b
+ an+b
m m
provided that (an+b) is divisible by m.
(7) To express a given fraction as the sum of an even
dumber of fractions whose numerators are previously assigned.
The rule for this is: 2
"After splitting up the sum into as many parts,
having one for each of their numerators, as there are
pairs (among the given numerators), these parts are taken
-as the sum of the pairs, and (then) the denominators
are found according to the rule for finding two frac-
tions equal to a given unit fraction."


Terminology. The Hindu name for the Rule of Three

terms is trairtifika ("three terms," hence "the rule of
three terms"). The term trairtifika can be traced back
to the beginning of the Christian era as it occurs in the
1 Evidently, the chosen number p must be a divisor of n,
ap+b. .
an d such that -;;;-15 an mteger.
The solution given does not hold for any values of a and
b, but only for such values as allow of an integer p to be- so
chosen as to satisfy the required conditions.
2 GSS, p. 38(89)'

Bakhshal1 Manuscript,l in the Aryabba!rya and in all

other works on mathematics. About the origin of the
name Bhaskara I (c. 525) remarks: 2 "Here three
quantities are needed (in the statement and calculation)
so the method is called trairafika ("the rule of three
A problem on the rule of three has the form::
If p yields j, what will i yield?
In the above, the three terms are p, j and i. The
Hindus called the term p, pramapa ("argument"), the
term j, phala ("fruit") and the term i, iccha ("requisi-
tion"). These names are found in all the mathematical
treatises. Sometimes they are referred to simply as
the first, second and third respectively. Aryabhata II
diffe1;s from other writers in giving the names mana,
vinimaya and iccha respectively to the three terms. It
has been pointed out by most of the writers that the
first and third terms are similar, i.e., of the same deno-
The Method. Aryabhata I (499) gives the follow-
ing rule for solving problems on the Rule of Three:
"In the Rule of Three, the phala ("fruit"),. being
multiplied by the iecha ("requisition") is divided by the
pramapa ("argument"). The quotient is the fruit
corresp.onding to the ieeba. The denominators of one
being multiplied with the other give the multipliet
(i.e., numerator) and the divisor (i.e., denominator)."3
1 The term rdJi is used in the enumeration of topics of
mathematics in the Sthandnga-siJtra (c. 300 B.C.) (Siitra 747). There
it probably refers to the Rules of Three, Five, Seven, etc.
2 In his commentary on the Aryabha!iYa.
3 The above corresponds to dryd 2.6 and the first half of drya

2.7 of the Ga!1itapdda of the Aryabha!iya; compare the working of

Example I, where the interchange of denominators takes place.
See also pp. 19SJ.

Brahmagupta gives the rule thus:

"In the Rule of Three prama!Ja ("argument"),
phala ("fruit") and iccha ("requisition") are the (given)
terms; the first and the last terms must be similar. The
iccha multiplied by the phpla and divided by the pramapa
gives the fruit (of the demand)."l
Sridhara states:
"Of the three quantities, the pramat1a ("argument")
and iccha ("requisition") which are of the same deno-
mination are the first and the last; the phala ("fruit")
which is of a different denomination stands in the
middle; the product of this -and the last is to be divided
by the first."2
Mahavira writes:
"In the Rule of Three, the iccha ("requisition") and
the pramapa ("argument") being similar, the result is
the product of the phala and iccha divided by the
Aryabha!a II introduces a slight variation in the
terminology. He says:
"The first term is called mana, the middle term
vinimaya anc;l the last one iccha. The first and the last
are of the same denomination. The last multiplied by
the middle and divided by the first gives the result.'"
Bhaskara II, Narayat;la and others give the rule in
the same form as Brahmagupta or Sridhara.
The Hindu method of working the rule may be
ilhistrated by the following examples taken from the
1 BrSpSi, p. 178.
2 Trif. p. 15.
3 GSS, p. 58 (2).
4 MSi. p. 149.

Example 1.1 "If one pala and. one kar.fa of sandal

wood are obtained for ten and a half pana, for how
much will be obtained nine paia and one kar.fa?"
Here 1 pala and 1 kar.fa=ll pala, and 9 pala and
I kar.fa=9>' pala are the similat quantities. The "fruit"
1O! patJa corresponding to the first quantity (I! pala)
is given, s'o that
pramdtJa (argument) - I{-
phaia (fruit) = 104
icchd (requisition) - 9!
The above quantities are placed in order as
I 10 9
4 2 4
Converting these into proper fractions we have

I! 12~ 13~ I
Multiplying the second and the last and dividing by
the first, we have

~ _ -v~¥
Or transferring denominators ~ == 1·4·37 palLi
U.il.±J 2
5. 2 -4
- 4 pllrapa, 13 papa, 2. kdki!1i and 16 vard!aka.
In actual working the intermediate step
1 TriJ, p. 15.

was not written. The denominators of the multipliers

were transferred to the side of the divisor and that
of the divisor to the multipliers, thus giving at once
5. 2 .4
Example II. 1 "Out of twenty necklaces each of
which contains eight pearls, how many necklaces, each
containing six pearls, can be made?"
Firstly, we have
I 1 1 8 1 20 I
The result (performing the operation of the Rule of
Three) is 160 pearls.
Secondly, perform the operation of the Rule of
Three on the foHowing:
If 6 pearls are contained in one necklace, how
many necklaces will contain 160 pearls?
Placing the numbers, we have
1 6 I 1 I 160 I

Result: necklaces 26, part of necklace lI].

Inverse Rule of Three. The Hindu name for the
Inv:erse Rule of Three is ryasta-trairt1iika (lit. "inverse
rule of three terms"). After describing the method of
the Rule of Three the Hindu writers remark that the
operation should be reversed when the proportion is
inverse. Thus Sridhara observes:
"The method is to multiply the middle term by
the first and to divide by the last, in case the proportion
is different."2
~ Tri!, p. 17.
2 Tn!, p. 18.

Mahavira says:
"In the case of this (proportion) being inverse, the
operation is reversed." 1
Bhaskara II writes:
"In the inverse (proportion), the operation 1S re-
versed." 2
He furth.er observes:
"Where with increase of the iccha (requisition)
the phala decreases or with its decrease the phala in-
creases, there the experts in calculation know the method
to be the Inverse Rule of Three."s
"Where the value of living beings is regulated by
their age; and in the case of gold, where the weight
.and touch are compared; or when heaps are subdivided:
let the Inverse Rule 'of 'three be used."5
Example: Example II given under the Rule of
Three above has been solved also by the application
of· the Inverse Rule as .follows:

~'Statement i8 I 20 I 6 \I Result: necklaces

Here if the iccha, i.e., the number of pearls in a
necklace, increases, the phala, i.e., the number of neck-
laces, decreases, so that the Inverse Rule of Three is
applied. .
Appreciation of the Rule Qf Three. The Rule of
Three was highly appreciated by the Hindus because
1 GSS, p. 58(z).
'ZL, p. 17.
3 L, p. 17.
, "When heaps oi grain, which have been meted with a small
mea~ure, are again meted with a larger one, the number decreases
.... ,J (Com. of Suryadasa).
'SL. p. IS.

of its simplicity" and its univers9J. application to ordinary

'problems. The method as evolved by the Hindus gives
a ready rule which can be applied even by the "ignorant
person" to solve problems involving proportion, with-
out fear of corrunitting, errors. Varahamihira (50S)
, "If the sun performs one complete revolution in a
year, how much does he accomplish in a given number
of days? Does 11-0t even an ignorant person calculate.
the sun in such problems by simply scribbling with ,a
piece of chalk?"l
Bhas~ara II has eulogised the method highly. at
several places in his work. His remarks are:
"The Rule of Three is indeed, (the essence of)
arithmetic." 2
"As Lord Sri Narayat;ta, who relieves the sufferings
of birth and death, who is the sole primary cause of the
creation of the universe, pervades this universe through'
His own ~estations as worlds, paradises, mountains,
rivers, gods, men, demons, etc., so does the Rule of
Three pervade the whole of the science of calculation.
.. .. Whatever is computed whether in algebra or in,
this (arithmei\c) by means 6f multiplication and division
may be comprehended by the sagacious learned as the
Rule of ,\hree. What' has been composed' by the sage~
through the multifarious methods and operations such
as miscellaneous rules, etc., teaching its easy variations,
is simply with ~he object of increasing the comprehen-
sion of the duller intellects like ourselves. m
On another occasion Bhaskara II observes:
1 PSi, iv. 37.
2 L, p. 15. The same remark occurs in SiSi, Golddhytiya,
Prafnatihytjya, verse 3.
3 L, P.,7 6. .

"Leaving sq~aring, square-root, cubing and cube-, -

root, whatever is calculated is certainly variation
of the Rule of Three, nothing else. For increasing
the comprehension of duller intellects like ours, what
has been written in various ways by the learned sages
having loving hearts like that of the bird cakora" has
become arithmetic." I
Proportion in the West. The history of the
Hindu rules of proportion shows how much the West
was indebted to India for its mathematics. The Rule·
of Three occurs in the treatises of the Arabs and
medireval Latin writers, where the Hindu name ~Rule
of Three' has been adopted. Although the Hindu
names of the terms were discarded, the method of
placing the terms in a line, and arranging' them so
that the first and last were similar, was adopted. Thus
Digges (1572) remarked,2 "Worke by the Rule ensueing
...... Multiplie the last number py the seconde, and
diuide the Product by the first number," ... "In the
placing of the three numbers this must be observed,
that the first and third be of one Denomination."
The rule, as has been already stated, was perfected in
India in the early centuries of the Christian era. It was
transmitted to the Arabs probably in the eighth century
and the'nce travelled to Europe, where it was held in
v,ery high esteemS and called the "Golden R,ule."
Compound Proportion. The Hindu names for
compound proportion are the Rule of Five, the Rule of
1 Si5i, Golddhyaya, Prafnadhyaya, verse 4.
2 Quoted by Smith, I,c. p. 488.
S The Arabs, too, held the method in very high esteem as
is evidenced by Al-Blrunt's writing a separate treatise, Fi rafikat
a/-hind ("On the rafika of the Hindus") dealing with the Hindu
Rules of Three or more terms. Compare also India (I. 3 13) where
an example of Iyasta-trairafika, ("the Inverse Rule of Three") is

Seven, the Rule of Nine, etc., according 'to the number

of terms involved in the problems. These are some-
times grouped under the general appellation of the
"Rule of Odd Terms." The above technical terms
as well as the rules were well-known in the time of
Aryab4a~a I (499), although he mentions the Rule of
Three only. That the distinction between the Rule of
Three and Compound Proportion is more artificial
than real was stressed by Bhaskara I (c. 525) in his com-
mentary on the Aryabha!!ya. He says:
"Here Acarya Aryabha~a has described the Rule of
Three only. How the well-known Rules of Five, etc. are
. to be obtained? I say thus: The Ad.rya has described
only the fundamentals of anupata (proportion). All
others such as the Rule of Five.. etc., follow from that
fundamental rule of proportion. How? The Rule of
Five, etc., consist of combinations of the Rule of Three
.... In the Rule of Five there are two Rules of Three,
in the Rule of Seven, three Rules of Three, and so on.
This I shall point out in the examples."
Remarks similar to the above concerning the
Rules of Five, Seven, etc., have been made by the com-
mentators of the Li'lavati, especially by GaI).eSa and
Suryadasa. 1
In problems on Compound Proportion, two sets of
terms are given. The first set which is complete is
called pramatra pak!a (argument side) and the second
set in which one term is lacking is called the icchti
pak:fa (requisition side). "
The Method. The rule relating to the solution
of problems in compound proportion has been. given
by Brahmagupta as follows: .
"In the case of odd terms beginning withl three
1 Noted by Colebrooke, .I.c., p. 35, note.

terms 1 upto eleven, 'the res~lt is obtained. by transpos4lg

the fruits of. both 'sides, from one side to the other,
and then Qividing the prod\Ict of ~he larger set of te~s
by the product of the smaller set. 1n all the fr~ctiot1s
the transposition of denominators, in like nlanner, takes
place on both sides."::!
Sddhara says:
"Transpose the. two fruits from one side to tht:
other, then havitlg transposed the denominators (also
in like manner) and multiplied the numbers (so obtained
on each side), divide the side with'the larger number of
terms' by the othet (side)."ll
Mahavira6 and Aryabhata IP'have given the rule in
the 'Same way as Sridhara. ,Bha,skara II has given it
thus: '
"IiI the ·rules of five, seven, nine or' more terms,
after having taken the phala (fruit) and cbid" from its
1 It should be 'observed that, as stat«d above, the Rule of
Three is a particular case of the above Rule of Odd terms.
Brahmagupta ,is the only Hindu writer to have included the Rule
of Three also in the above rule. Some Arab writers have fol-
lowed him in this respect by not writing the terms of the Rule
of Three in a lli1e, but arranging them in compartments, as for
the other rules of odd terms.
2 BrSpSi, 'po 178.
S TriJ, p. 19.
4 GSS, p. 62 (3 2).

5lvfSi, p. ISO, rules 26 and 27 (repeated with a slight varia-

6 The commentators differ as regards the interpretation of
this word. Some take it to mean. "divisor," i.e., "denominator,"
while others say that it means "the fruit of the other side." The
rule is, however, correct with either interpretation. The first
interpretation, however, brings Bhaskara's version in line with
those of his predecessors.' It may be mentioned here that Arya-
bhata II repeats the rule twice. At first he does not direct the
transposition of denominator, and at the second time he does so.

own side to the other, the ,product of the larger set of

terms divided by the p):oduct 'qf. the smaller set, gIves
the result' (or produce sought)."1
Illustration. We shall illustrate the Hindu method
of 'working by solving the following example taken
from the Lz"/avati:
«If the interest of a hundred in one month be,five,
what' will be the interest of 16 in .12, months? Also
find the time knowing the interest and principal; and tell'
the principal kno~ing the time, and interest,"
To find interest:
The first set of terms (prama{1a pakfa) is:
100 nifka, 1 month, 5 nifka, (phala)
The second set (iccha pak/a) is:
16 ni.fka, 12 months, '~ ni.fka
The terms are'now w.citten in compartments 2 as below:
- 100


5 0

1 L, p. 18, '
2· The terms of the same denomination are written in com-
pa.;tments in the same horizontal line.
3 The figures are written in compartments in order to faci-
litate the writing of fractions and also to denote the side whicl;l
contains more terms after transposition of fruits. Sometimes,
the compartment corresponding _to an absent term is left vacant
as we find in a copy of Munlsvara's Pdfisara (in the Government
Sanskrit Library ~t Benares). When the terms are written in
compartments, the symbol 0 to denote the unknown or absence
of a term is unnecessary. In 'some commentaries on the Lildvati
(Asia~c Society of Bengal manuscripts) we find the numbers
written without compartments, but in such cases the symbol 0
is used to denote the absence of a terrt;. After transposition, the
side on which 0 occurs contains a smaller number of terms than
the other. '

In the above 5 (written lowest) is the "fruit" of the

first side, and there is no "fruit" on' the second side.
Interchanging the fruits we get
100 16
I 12
a 5
The lat;ger set of terms is on the second "side." The
product of the numbers is 960. The product of the
numbers on the side of the smaller set of terms is 100.
Therefore, the required result is m=¥, written as
14 gl or 9 ni!ka, fraction liJ
To find Time:
Here the sides are
100 ni!ka, I month, 5 ni!ka
and 16 ni!ka, x months, 4";- ni,fka
The terms are written as
100 16
I 0

S 48
Transposing the fruits, i.e., transposing the numbers in
the bottom compartment, we get
100 16
- 0-
4 5
. Transposing the denominators we have
100 I 16
I 0

Here, the larger set of terms is on the first side and

their product is 4800. The product of the numbers
on the side of the smaller set is 400. Therefore, the
result is

~ 400
- 12. months.

To know the principal:

The first side is
100 ni~ka, I month, 5 ni~ka
The second side is
x ni~ka, 12. months, ¥ nifka
This is written as
160 0
I 12

After transposition of fruits (i.e., the terms in the

bottom cells) we ,pave
100 0
I 12
48 5
Transposing denominators we get ,
100 0
I 12
48 5
The product of the numbers in the larger set divided
by the product of the numbers in t~e smaller set, gives

4 800] = 16 niska .
\ . 3"00 •

Rule of Three as a Particular Gase. Accordin_g

to Brahmagupta, the above method '~ay be applied to
the Rule of Three. Taking the first example solved
under the Rule of Three, above, and placing the terms
we have
"2I ()

5 37
, 4' 4
Tt~sposing 'the fruits, we ~ave
2.1 O.
37 5
4 4
Transposing denominators, we get
21 0

37 5
4 4

Therefore, the result is 21·37·4 as before.

, z·5·4
If we consider the term corresponding to the un-
known as the fruit, the.terms should be set as below:
Here, we consider: pala of sandal wood as the "fruit"
of ¥-- pa!,Q
(money). The previous method forces us to consider
¥ pa!1o as .the "fruit" or fue middle term, because the "first"
and "fuird" are directed to be alike. It will be observed that
any of the terms may be considered to be the fruit in the alter-
native method given here.

5 37
2. 0

Hence, as before/ the result is 37.4.
5.4. 2
The above method of working the Rule of Three
is found among the Arabs, I.! although it does not seem
to have been used in India after Brahmagupta. This
points to the indebtedness of the Arabs to Brahma-
gupta especially, for their knowledge of Hindu arith-
VIritten as above the method of working the Rule
of Three appears to be t1;le same as the method of
proportion. In the ·same way the rule of other odd
terms, when properly translated into modern symbolism,
is nothing but the method of proportion. It has been
stated by Smiths that the Hindu methods of solution
"fail to recognize the relation between the Rule of Three
and proportion.,1 This statement appears to have been
made without sufficient justification, for the solutions
have been evidently obtained by the use of the ideas
of proportionality and variation. The aim of the
Hindu works is to give a method which can be readily
used by common people. For this very reason, the
cases in which the variation is inverse have been
enumerated. Considered as a method which stimulated
the ~tudent to think for himself, the method is certainly
1 The product of the numbers on the side of the larger set
is divided by the product of the numbers on the side of the
smaller set. 0 in this case is not a number. It is the symbol
for the unknown or absence.
2 Thus Rabbi ben Ezra wrote 4~ G~ for 47: 7=6~: x. See
Sm)th, 1.&., p. 489f.
3/.&., p. 4 88.

defective, but for practical purposes, it is, in our

opinion, the best that could be devised.


Interest in Ancient India. The custom of
taking interest is a very old one. In India it can be
definitely traced back to the time of pa1).ini (c. 700 B.C.)
who in his Grammar lays down rules validating the use
of the suffix ka to number names in case of "an interest,
a rent, a profit, a tax or a bribe given."1 The interest
became due every month and the rate of interest was
generally given per hundred,02 although this was not
always the case. The rate of interest varied in cUfferent
localities and amongst different classe,s of people, but
an interest of fifteen per cent per year seems to have
been considered just. Thus in Kautilya's Arthafastra,
a work of the fourth century B.C., it is laid down: "an
interest of a pa!1a and a quarter per month per cent is
just. Five pa!1a per month per cent is commercial
interest. Ten pa!1a per. month per cent prevails in
forests. Twenty pa!1a per month per cent prevails
among sea traders."3 The Gotama Sutra states: "an
interest of five map; per' twenty (kar!apa!1a) is just."f.
Interest in Hindu Ganita. The ordinary pro-
blems relating to the finding out of interest, principal
or time etc., the other quantities being given, occur in
the section dealing with the Rule of Five. The Hindu
Pat;lini's Grammar, v. i. ZZ, 47, 49.
It has been - pointed out by B. Datta that the idea of per
cent first originated in India. See his article in the American
Mathematical MonthlY, XXXIV, p. 530.
3 Arthaiasfra, edited and translated into English by R. Sham-

sastry, Mysore, III, ii, p. 2.14.

4 Gotama Stifra, xii. 2.6. Since 2.0 mala equal a karlaPa!1a,
the rate is- 15 per cent annually.

works generally contain a section called miiraka-tyavt1-

bdra ("calculations relating to mixed quantities'·) in
which occur miscellaneous problems on interest. The
contents of this section vary in different works, according
to their size and scope. Thus the Aryabha!!ya contains
only one rule relating to a problem on interest, whilst
the Gat/ita-sara-samgraha has a large number of such
rules and problems.
Problem involving a Quadratic Equation. Arya-
bha!a I (499) gives a nile for the solution of the
following problem: .
The principal sum P(=IOO) is lent for one month
(interest unknown=x). This unknown interest is then
lent out for I( = six) months. After this period the
original interest (x) plus the interest on this interest
amounts to A(=sixteen). The rate-interest (x) on the
principal (P) is required.
The above problem requires the solution of the
quadratic equation
tx 2 +px-Ap = 0,
- P/2±\/(P/2.)2+Apt
which gives x = t .
The negative value of the radical does not give a
solution of the problem; s~ the result is
VApt+(P/z)"-Pf z
X=, t

This is stated by Aryabhata I as follows:

"Multiply the sum of the interest on the principal
and the interest on this interest (A) by the time (I) and·
by the principal (p). Add to this result the square of
half the principal (CP/Z)2}. Take the square-root of,
this. Subtract half the principal (P/z) and divide the

remainder by the time (I). The result will be the

(unknown) interest (x) on the principal."l
Brahmagupta (628) gives a more general rule. His
problem is:
The principal (p) is lent out for 11 months and the
unknown interest on this (=x) is lent out for 12 month~
at the same rate and becomes 4. To find x.
This gives the quadratic
X2 + pll X _ Ap/l = 0,

whose solution is
12 '2
x = ± v' AP/1+ (pII) _p/I. '2
. '2 212 2./2
The negative value of the .radical does not give a
solution of the problem, so it is discarded.
Brahmagupta states the .formula thus:
"Multiply the principal (P) by its time (11) and divide
by the other time (/2) (placing the result) at two plflces;
~.fultiply the first of these by the mixture (A). Add
to this the square of half the other. Take the square-
root of this (sum). From the result subtract half the
other. This will be the interest (x) on the principal."2
Other Problems. Mahavira (850) gives two
other types of problems on "mixture" requiring the
solution of simultaneous equations. As an example of
the first type may be mentioned the following:!
"It has been ascertained that the interest for I!
months (t=rate-tlme) on 60 (c=rate-capital) is 2~ (i=

lA, p. 41. The Sanskrit terms are: mH/a=principal, phala

2 BrSpSi, p. 183. This rule is also given by Mahavira, GSS.
p. 7 1 (44).
a GSS, p. 69(32.).

rate-interest). The interest ,(on the unknown capital P)

.for. an unknown period (T) is 2,4 (=1), and 60 (=m
=P+ T) is the time combined with the capital lent out.
What is the time (T) and what is the capital (P)?"
The problem gives:
cl 1 '(r)

P+T - m (2)

P- T = ± V 1J12- c~t X 41


and T = ~ (HI ~ V m 2 - c~ X 4f)

The above .result is stated by Mahavira thus:
"From the square of the mixture (m) subtract the
.rate-capital (c) diyided by the rate-interest (i) multiplied
by the rate-time (I) and four times the given interest
(41). 'Then the operation of, sankrama(la 1 is performed
in .relation to the square-root of 'this and the mixture
(m)." 2
The second type of problems may be illustrated by
the following example:
"The interest on 30 (P) is 5 (1) for an unknown
Given the numoers a and b, the process of sankramal;la is the

. " a+b d a-b

finding out of half thea sum and difference t.e. - 2 - an - 2 - '
2 GSS, p. 68(29)' It should be noted that both the signs
of the radical are used.

period (T), and at an unknown rate of interest (i) per

100 (c) per 1 ~ month (t). The mixture (m=i+ T)
is 12!. Find i and T."l
The solution is given by
T = ! (m ±vm 2 _
P ,
and consequently
. -_ ~~ ('m =F V IN11 -----p-
cl1.4 ) .

Mahavlra states the solution thus:

"The rate-capital (c) multiplied by its time (I) and
the interest (I) and the square of two (=4) is divided
by the other capital (P). Then perform the operation
of sankramatla in relation to the square-toot of the
remainder (obtained as the result of subtracting the
quotient so obtained) from the square of the mixture
(m) and the mixture."2
Miscellaneous Problems on Interest. Besides the
problems given above various other int(!resting prob-
lems are found in the Hindu works on pd!igarrila.
Thus Brahmagupta gives the solution of the following
Example. In what time will a given sum s, the
interest on which for I months is r, become k times
The rule for the solution of the above i5:3
"The given sum" multiplied by its time and divided
I GSS, p. 69(34).
2 GSS, p. 69(33).
3 BrSpSi, p. 181.
'·The Sanskrit term used is prama!1a (argument).

by t~e Interest, 1 being multiplied by the factor 2 less

one, IS the time ~~equired)."
The Ga{lita-sdra-samgraha (850) contains a large
number of problems relating to interest. Of these may
. be mentioned the following:
(I) "In this (problem), the (given) capitals are (CI =)
40, (c2 =) 30, (cs =) 20 and (c4 =) 50; and the months
are (/1=) 5. (/2=) 4, (/3=) 3 and (/4=) 6 (respectively).
The sum of the interests is (m=) 34. (Assuming'the
rate of interest to be the same in each case, find the
amounts of interest ~ each case)." S
Here, if the rate of interest per month for I be r,
. cs/ = ..... .
where Xl> Xu Xs,' . • . •• are' the interests earned on the
capitals Cu C2 , Cs ,' • • • •• in II> 12> 13 , • • • • • • months res
X l+X2+X3 +· • ~ •
= Clil+C2/2+CstS+"

or . etc.

for the solution

I The Sanskrit term used is phala (fruit).
2 The Sanskrit term used is gU!la (multiple).
3 GSS, p. 70 (3 8).

of the above problem. 1

(2) "(Sums represented by) 10, 6, ; and 15 are the
(various given) amounts of interest, and 5, 4,; and 6
are the (corresponding) months (for which the interests
have accrued); the sum of the (corresponding) capital
amounts is seen to be 140. (Assuming the rate of
interest to be the same in each case, find out these
capital amounts)."!
(3) C'Here (in this problem) the (given) capital
amounts are 40, 30, 20 and ~o; and 10, 6, 3 and 15 are
the (corresponding) amounts of interest; 18 is the
quantity representing the mixed sum of the respective
periods of time. (Find out these periods separately,
assuming the .rate of interest to be the same in each
(4) "The interest on 80 for 3 months is unknown;
7-!- is the mixed sum of that (unknown quantity taken
as the) capital lent O,ut and pf the interest thereon
for I· year'. What is the capital here and what the
(5) "The mixed sums (capital+interest) are 50, 58
and 66; and the months (during which interests have
accrued) are h 7 and 9 (respectively). Find out what
1 GSS, p. 70(37). The formula clearly shows that Mahavira
knew the algebraic identity
a+ ,,+ e+ ..
- b+d+f+··"
2 GSS, p. 70(40). The solution is given by Rule 39 on the
~ame page.
3 GSS, p. 70 (43). The solution is given by Rule 42 on the
<saJ;Ile page.
• GSS, p. 71(46). This is similar to Aryabhata's problem
given before (p. 217).

the interest is (in each case, the capital being the same)?"l
(6) "The mixed sums of the capital and periods of
interest are 21, 23, and 25; here (in this problem) the
amounts of interest are 6, 10 and 14. What is the
common capital?"2
(7) "Borrowing at the rate of 6 per cent and then
lending out at the rate of 9 per cent, one obtains in
the way of differential gain 8 I at the end of 3 months.
What is the capital (utilised here)?"3
(8) "The monthly interest on 60 is exactly 5. The
capital lent out is 3 5; the (amount of the) instalment
(to be paid) is 15 in (every) 3 months. What is the
time of discharge of that debt?"4
(9) "The mixed sum (of the capital amounts lent
out) at the rates pf 2, 6 and 4 per cent per mensem is
4400. Here the capital amounts are such as have equal
amounts of interest accruing after 2 months. What
(are the capital amounts lent, and what is the equal
(10) "A certain person gives once in 12 days an
instalment of 2~, the rate of interest being 3 per cent
(per mensem). What is the capital amount of the debt
discharged in 10 months?"6
(11) "The total capital represented by 8520 is in-
.rested (in parts) at the (respective) rates of 3, 5 and 8
per cent (per month). Then, in this investment, in 5
1 GSS, p. 71 (48). The solution requires the use of the
a ( a- c
T= T= b-d·
2 GSS, p. 7 2 (5 2 ).
3 GSS, p. 7 2 (55).
4. GSS, p. 73(59).
5 GSS, p. 73(61).
6 GSS, p. 7,(65).

months the capital amounts lent out are, on being

diminished by the respective amounts of interest,
(found to be) equal in value. (W.hat are the respective
amounts invested thus?)"l
(12) "The total capital represented by 13 740 is
invested (in parts) at the (respective) rates of 2, 5 and 9
per cent (per month), then, in this investment, in 4
months the capital amounts lent out are, on being
combined with the (respective) amounts of interest,
(found to be) equal in value. (What are the respective
amounts thus invested?)"2
(13) "A certain man borrows a certain (unknown)
sum of money at an interest of 5 per cent per month. He
pays the debt in instalments, due every -!- of a month.
The instalments begin wid~ 7 and increase in arithmeti-
cal progression, with 7 as the common-difference. 60 is
the maximum amount of instalment. He gives in the
discharge of his debt the sum of a series in arithmetical
progression consisting of -¥ terms. After the payment
of each instalment, interest is charged only on that
part of the principal which remains to be paid. What
is the total payment corresponding to the sum of the
series, what is the interest (which he paid), what is the
time of the discharge of the debt, (and what is the
principal sum borrowed)?"3
Barter and Exchange. The Hindu name for barter
is bbdtt(ia-prati-bhdtt!la ("commodity for commodity").
All the Hindu works on Pd!fgattita contain problems
relating to the exchange of commodities. It is pointed
out in these works that problems on barter are cases
of compound propo~tion, and can be solved by the
1 Gss, p. 74(67).
2GSS, p. 74(67).
3GSS, pp. 74f, (72-732-). The text of the problem is verv
obscure. The translation given here is after Rangacarya.

Rule of Five, etc. A typical problem on barter is the

«If three hundred mangoes be had in this market
for one drafJl1JJa, and thirty ripe pomegranates for a papa,
say quickly, friend, how many (pomegranates) ~hould
be had in exchange for ten mangoes?"l
Other Types of Commercial Problems. Of
various other types of commercial problems found in the
Hindu works may be mentioned (I) problems on part-
nership and proportionate division, and (2) problems
.relating to the calculation of the fineness of gold. 2
Most of these problems are essentially of an algebraic
character, but they are included in pd!/'gapita (arithmetic).
The formula: giving the solution of each type of
examples precede the examples. These formula:
ate too numerous to be mentioned. The following
examples, however, will illustrate the nature and the
scope of such problems:
(I) A horse was purchas~d by (nine) dealers in
partnership, whose contributions were one, etc., upto
nine; and was sold by them for five less than five
hundred. 'Tell me what was each man's share of the sale-
(2) Four colleges, containing an equal number of
rupils, were invited to partake of a sacrificial feast.
1'>.. fifth, a half, a third and a quarter (of the total number
of pupils in the college) came from the respective
colleges to the feast; and added 10 one, two, three and
four, they were found to amount to eighty-seven; or,
with those declucted, they were sixty-seven. Find the
actual number of the pupils that came from each
1 L, p. 20.
2 Such problems are found in the Lf/dvati, the Ga!Jita-sara-
samgraba, the Trifatikd, etc.

(3) Three (unequal) jars of liquid butter, of water

,and of honey, contained thirty-two, sixty and twenty-four
pala respectively: the whole was mixed together and the
jars filled again. Tell me the quantity of butter, of
water and of honey in each jar. 1
(4) According to an agreement three merchants
earned out the operations of buying and selling. The
capital of the first consisted of six plirat/a, that of the
second of eight ptlratza, but that of the third was
unknown. The profit obtained by these men was 96
purat/a. In fact the profit obtained by him (the third
person) on his unknown capital happened to be 40
puratra. What was the amount thrown by him into
the transacti:on and what was the profit of each of the
other two merchants?2
(5) There were four merchants. Each of them
obtained from the others half of what he had with him
(at the time of the respective transfers of money). Then
they all became possessed of equal amounts of money.
What was the measure of money each had to start with?3
(6) A great man possessing powers of magical
charm and medicine saw a cock fight going on, and
spoke separately in confidential language to both the
owners of the cocks. He said to one, "If your bird
wins, then you give the stake-money to me. If, however,
your bird loses then I shall give you two-thirds of that
stake-money." He went to the owner of the other cock
and promised to give three-fourths (of his stake-money
on similar conditions). In each case the gain to him
could be only 12. (gold-pieces). Tell me, 0 ornament
1 This and the two previous examples are given by P~thudaka­

svaml to illustrate Rule 16 of the ga{1itJdhydya of the Brdhma-Jphtl!a-

2 GSS, p. 94(223-5)'
3 GSS, p. 99(267g).

on the head of mathematicians, the money each of the

cock-owners had staked. 1
(7) The mixed price of 9 citrons and 7 fragrant
wood-apples is 107; again the mixed price of 7 citrons
and 9 fragrant wood-apples is lOr. 0 arithmetician,
tell me quickly the price of a citron and of a wood-
apple, having distinctly separated those prices ..2
(8) Pigeons are sold at the rate of 5 for 3 (papa):
sarasa birds at the rate of 7 for 5 (patta), swans at the
rate of 9 for 7 (patta) and peacocks at the rate of 3 for 9
(patta). A certain man was told to bring at these rates 100
birds for 100 (papa) for the amusement of the king's son,
and was sent to do so. What (amount) does he give
for each (of the various kinds of birds that he buys)?3
(9) There are I part (of gold) of I vartta, I part of
2 vartta, I part of 3 vartta, 2 parts of 4 vartla, 4 parts of 5
varpa, 7 parts of 14 vartta, and 8 parts of 15 vartta. Throw-
ing these into the fire, make them all into one (mass), and
then (say) what the vartta of the mixed gold is. This
mixed gold is distributed among the owners of the fore-
going parts. What does each of them get?4
(10) Three pieces of gold, of 3 each in weight, and
of 2, 3 and 4 varpa (respectively), are added to (an
unknown weight of) gold of 13 varpa. The resulting
varpa comes to be 10. Tell me, 0 friend, the measure
(of the unknown weight) of gold. 5

I GSS, pp. 99-IOO(27~-2-2-)'

2 GSS, p. 84(14 0 2- 2 2).
3 GSS, p. 85(15 2 -3).
4 GSS, p. 88 (170-1+).
5 GSS, p. 89(18 I). Similar examples occur in the Triialikti
(p. 26) and the LiidIJati (p. 25).


Regula Falsi. The rule of false position is found

in all the Hindu works. l Bhaskara II gives prominence
to the method and calls it t"!/a-karma ("rule of
supposition"). He describes the method thus:
"Any number, assumed at pleasure, is treated as
specified in the particular question, being multiplied
and divided, increased or diminished by fractions (of
itself); then the given quantity, being multiplied by the
assumed nurpber and divided by that (which has been
found) yields the number sought. This is called the
process of supposition."-2
Sridhara takes the assumed number to be one. 3
Mahavlra gives a large variety of problems to which
he applies the rule.· Gat:leSa in his commentary on the
Lfidllatf remarks, "In this method, multiplication, divi-
sion, and fractions only are employed." The following
examples will illustrate the nature of the problems
solved by the rule of supposition:
(I) Out of a heap of pure lotus flowers, a third, a
fifth, a sixth were offered respectively to the gods Siva,
ViglU and Surya and a quarter was presented to Bhavaru.
The remaining six were given to the venerable preceptor.
Tell quickly the number of lotuses. o
(2) The third part of a necklace of pearls, broken in

1 The method originated in India and went to Europe through

Arabia. There is a medixval MS., published by Libri in his
His-loire, I, 304 and possibly due to Rabbi ben' Ezra in which the
method is attributed to the Hindus. For further details and
references, see Smith} His-tory, II, p. 437, foot-note I.
~ L, p. 10.
3 See the rule on siambhoddefa, Tril, p. 13.
" These problems occur in chapters iii and iv of the GatJita-
~ L, p. I I. Cj GSS, p. 4 8 (7).

an amorous struggle, fell to the ground; its fifth part

rested on the couch; the sixth part was saved by the
wench; and the tenth part was taken by her lover:
six pearls remained strung. Say, of how many pearls
was the necklace composed?L
(3) One-twelfth part of a pillar, as multiplied by :fo
part thereof,' was to be found under water; ..fo of the
remainder, as multiplied by ft thereof, was found
buried in the mire below; and 20 hasta of the pillar were
found in the air (above the water). 0 friend, give out
the length of the pillar.'2
(4) A number of parrots descended on a paddy
feld, beautiful with crops bent down through the weight
of ripe corn. Being scared away by men, all of them
suddenly flew off. One-half of them went to the
east, one-sixth went to the south-east; the difference
between those that went to the east and those that
went to the south-:east, diminished by half of itself
and again diminished by half of this (resulting
difference), went to the south. The difference between
those that went to the south and those that went
to the south-east diminished by two-fifths of itself
went to the south-west; the difference between
those that went to the south and those that went to I

the south-west, went to the west; the difference between

those that went to the south-west and those that went
to the wes't, together with three-sevenths of itself went
to the north-west; the difference between those that
went to the north-west and those that went to the west
together with seven-eighths of itself, went to the north;
the sum of thos~ that went to the north-west and those
that went to the north, diminished by two-thirds of itself
went to the north-east; and 280 parrots were found to
1 Trif, p. 14, • cf. GSS, p. 49 (17-22) for a similar example.
2 GSS,p. 55(60). Cj. Trif, p. 13.

remain in the sky above. How many were the parrots

in all?1
The Method of Inversion. The method of
inversion called vilomagati ("workj{lg backwards") is
found to have been commonly used in India from very
early times. Thus Aryabhata I says:
"In the method of inversion multipliers become
divisots and divisors become multipliers, addition be-
comes subtraction and subtraction becomes addition."2
Brahmagupta's description is more complete. He
"Beginning from the end, make the multiplier
divisior, the divisor multiplier; (make) addition subtrac-
tion and subtraction addition; (make) square square-
root, and square-root square; this gives the required
. The following examples will illustrate the nature
of problems solved by the above method:
(I) What is that quantity whic:p when divided by
7, (then) multiplied by 3, (then) squared, (then) increased
by 5, (then) divided by!, (then) halved, and then
reduced to its square-root happens to be the number
(2) The residue of degrees of the sun less three,
being divided by seven, and the square-root of the
quotient extracted, and the root less eight multiplied by
nine, and to the product one being added, the amount is
1 GSS, pp. 48f (u-16).
2 A, GatJitapada, 28.
B B,.SpSi, p. 301. The method occurs also in GSS, p. 102
(z86); MSi, p. 149; L, p. 9; etc.
4 GSS, p. 102 (287). Examples of this type are very common
in Hindu arithmet~c. They were also very corpmon in Europe.
Smith in his History. II,. quotes two such problems from an
American arithmetic of ~he 16th century.

a hundred. When does this take place on a Wednesday?l

Problems on Mixture. The Hindu works on
pdtiga!1ita contain a chapter relating to problems on
mixture (mifraka-l!Javahdra). Miscellaneous problems on
interest, problems on allegation, and various other
types of problems, in which quantities are to be
separated from their mixture, forll! the subject matter
of mifraka-l!Javahdra. A c~apter c'on mixture" (De'
mescolo) is found in early Italian works on arithmetic,
evidently under Hindu influence. 2
Some of the problems of this chapter are deter-
minate and some are indeterminate. A few relating to
interest and allegation have already been given. 3 The
following are some others:
(I) In the interior of a forest, 3 heaps of pomegra-
nates were divided (equally) among 7 traveller~, leaving
I fruit as remainder; 7 (of such heaps) were divided
among 9, leaving a remainder of 3 (fruits), again 5 (of
such heaps) were divided among 8, leaving 2 fruits as
-remainder. 0 mathematician, what is the numerical
value of a heap?&
(2) On a certain man bringing mango fruits home,
his elder son took one fruit first and then half of what
remained. The younger son did similarly with what
was left. He further took half of what was left there-
after; and the other took the other half. Find the
number of fruits brought by the father?5
1 Colebrooke, cha, p. 333 (18).
2 Smith, Hislory. II, p. 58S, note 4.
3 See commercial problems, pp. 216ff; also problems on pro-
portionate division (prak!epa-kara!1a): Trif, p. 1.6; GSS, p.
75(79~); MSi, pp. 154-15 5·
4 GSS, p. S2 (IZSg). Such problems are given under the
rule of vallikA-k.u!!i'kara by Mabavira.
!I GSS, p. S2 (13 1i). '

(3) A certain lay follower of Jainism went to a Jina

temple with four gate-ways, and having taken (with him)
fragrant flowers offered them in worship with devotion
(at each gate). The flowers in his hand were doubled,
trebled, quadrupled and quintupled (respectively in
order) as he arrived at the gates (one after another).
The number of flowers offered by him was sixtyl at
each gate. How many flowers were originally taken
by him?
(4) The first man has 16 azure-blue gems, the
second has 10 emeralds, and the third has 8 diamonds.
Each among them gives to ~ach of the others 2 gems
of the kind owned by himself; and then all three men
come to be possessed of equal wealth. What are the
prices of 'those azure-blue gems, emeralds and dia-
(5) En what time will four fountains, being let
loose together, fill a cistern, which they would severally
fill in a day, in half a day, in a quarter and in a fifth
part of a day?3
Problems involving Solution of Quadratic
Equations. The solution of the quadratic equation
has been known in In~ia from the time of Aryabhata I
(499). Problems on interest requiring the solution of
the quadratic equation have already been mentioned.
Mahivlra and BM.skara II give many other problems.
Mahivira divides these problems into two classes:
(i) those that involve square-roots (mula) and (ii) those
1 GSS, p. 79 (I 1 2~-1 1 l~). The printed text has pafica ("five").
According to it the answer is 43/12 which appears absurd. There
are some other problems in the printed edition which give such
absurd results. All those arc,. we presume, due to the defects of
-the mss. consulted by the editor. So here we have made the
emendation <sixty.'
2: GSS, p. 87 (165-166).
3 BrSpSi, p. 177 (com.); L, p. 23.

that involve the square (varga) of the unknown. The

first type gives a single positive answer, while the second
type has two answers corresponding to the two roots
of the quadratic. Bhaskara II deals with the first type
of problems only in his pa!igatlita, the Lflavati. The
second type of problems, involving the square of the
unknown has been treated by him in his Bijagattita
(algebra). The following examples will illustrate the
nature and scope of such problems:
Problems involving the square-root:
(I) One-fourth of a herd of camels was seen in the
forest; twice the square-root of that had gone to
mountain slopes; and three times five camels were found
1.0 remain on the bank of a river. What was the numeri-
cal measure of that herd of camels?l
(2.) Five and one-fourth times the square-root (of i
herd) of elephants are sporting on a mountain slope;
Eve-ninths of the remainder sport on the top of the
mountain; five times the square-root of the remainder
sport in a forest of lotuses; and there are six elephants
then (left) on the bank of a river. How many are the
(3) In a garden beautified by groves of various
kinds of trees, in a place free from all living animals, many
1 GSS, p. 5 I (34). The problem belongs to the type of the
mt,ta-jdti, and leads to an equation of the form x-(bx+cVx+a) =0.
The method of solution is given in GSS, p. 50 (33).
2 GSS, p. 52 (46). The problem is of the fefa-muia variety.
It gives the equation
X _ ! l Vx-& (x-¥VX) -5 vx-¥-VX _~(X __24I,.Vx) = 6.

Mabavira reduces it by putting Z = x--¥Vx -~ (x- -¥Vx).

to Z- 5V Z =6. In the general case a similar equation is again
obtained, which is again reduced, and so on till the equation
is reduced to the form, x-bVx = d, from which x can be easily

ascetics were seated. Of them the number equivalent

to the square-root of the whole collection were practis-
ing yoga at the foot of a tree. One-tenth of the
remainder, the square-root (of what remained after
this), ~ (of what remained after this), then the square-
root (of what remained after this), i (of what remained
after this), the square-root (of what remained after this),
-} (of what remained after this), the square-root
(of what remained after this), -t (of what remained
after this), the square-root (of what remained after this),
-! (of what remained after this), the square-root (of what
remained after this)-these parts consisted of those who
were learned in the teaching of literature, in religious law.
in logic, and in politics, as also of those who were
versed in controversy, prosody, astronomy, magic,
rhetoric and grammar, as well as of those who pos-
sessed an intelligent knowledge of the twelve varieties
of the miga-Mstra; and at last 12 ascetics were seen (to
remain without being included among those mentioned
before). 0 excellent ascetic, of what numerical value
was this collection of ascetics?1
(4) A single bee (out of a swarm of bees) was seen,
in the sky; of the remainder (of the swarm), and {-
of the remainder (left thereafter) and again -k of the
remainder (left thereafter) and a number of bees equal
to the square-root of the numerical value of the swarm,
were seen in lotuses; and two bees were on a mango
tree. How many were there?2
(5) Four times the square-root of half the number
of a collection of boars went to a forest wherein tigers
1 GSS, p. 52 (42-45). The problem is of the same variety
as the above one. The substitution will have to be made 6 times
to reduce the resulting equation.
2 GSS, p. 53 (48). This problem is of the dviragra-fe,a-mfiJa

were at play; 8 times the square-root of fo of the remain-

der went to a mOU1'l.tain; and 9 times the square-root
of ~ of the (next) remainder went to the bank of
a river; and boars equivalent in (numerical) measure to
~ 6 were seen to remain in the forest. Give the numerical
measure of all those boars.!
(6) The sum of two (quantities, which are respec-
tively equivalent to the) square-root (of the numerical
value) of a collection of swans and (the square-root of the
same collection) as combiped with 68, amounts to 34:-
How many swans there are in that collection?2
(7) Partha (Arjuna), irritated in fight, shot a quiver
of arrows to slay KarQ.a. With half his arrows, he
parried those of his antagonist, with four times the
square-root of the quiver-full, he killed, his horses;
with three he demolished the umbrella, standard and
bow; and with one he cut off the head of his foe.
How many were the arrows, which Arjuna let fly?3
. (8) The square-root of half the number of a swarm
of bees is gone to a shrub of jasmin; and so are eight-
ninths of the whole swarm; a female is buzzing to one
remaining male that is humming within a lotus, in
which he is confined, having been allured to it by its
1 GSS, p. H'(56). This problem ig of the amfa-mtila variety,
wherein fractional parts of square-roots are involved. The prob-
lems give equations, of the form
x-a1\lb1x - ,a2Vb2(x-al...Jli;X~
-as y'i:bar[(7:x-:---=-al~Vb.X:--r,:.bl=x")--a::-2V-Y;b=2(;:::x=a=1="J=;:b=1=XO-) :_ ... =k.
By repeated substitutions Mahavira reduces the equation to the
form x - Av'Bx - c = O.
2 GSS, p. 56 (68). This problem is of the muia-mifra variety,
wherein the sum of square-roots is involved. It gives an equa-
tion of the form \Ix +V;>(+d = .m.

fragrance at night. Say, lovely woman, what is the

number of bees. 1
Problems involving the square of the unknown:
(9) One-twelfth part of a pillar, as multiplied by -io
part thereof, was found under water; .Jrr of the remainder,
as multiplied by -A: thereof, was found buried in the
mire, and 20 hasta of the pillar were found in the air.
o friend, give the measure of the length of the
pillar. 2
, (10) A number of elephants (equivalent to) -fn- of
the herd minus z, as multiplied by the same (Yu of the
herd minus 2), is found playing in a forest of sal/ok!
trees. The remaining elephants of the herd equal in
number to the square of 6 are moving on a mountain.
How many are the elephants?S

It has been shown that the zero was invented in

India about the beginning of the Christian era to help
the writing of numbers in the decimal scale. The
Hindu mind did not rest satisfied till it evolved the
complete arithmetic of zero. The Hindus included
zero among the numbers (saJikhyd), and it was used
1 L, p. 16.
2 GSS, p. 55 The problem gives the equation

x2 1.3 x2
(x - - - ) - - - (x- - - )2- 20
. 12.30 20.16 12_;0 - .

Also solved by regula jaisi. MahflVlra puts (x - _ I _ X2 )= Z' and

12.,3 0
then solves the quadratic
z_ -
_3_ Z2= ZOo
The roots of this are then used to get the values of x.
• S GSS, p. 55 (6;).

in their arithmetic at the time when the original of

the BakhshaH Manuscript was written, about the third
century A.D. The operation of addition and subtrac-
tion of zero are incidentally mentioned in the Pafica-
siddhdntikd of Vadhamihira (505). The complete
decimal arithmetic is found in the commentary of
Bhaskara I (c. 525) on the Aryabha/[ya. The results of
operations by zero are found stated in the work of
Brahmagupra (628) and in all later mathematical treatises.
The treatment of zero in the arithmetic of the Hindus
is different from that found in their algebra. In order,
therefore, to bring out this difference clearly, we give
separately the results found in pd!igapita (arithmetic)
J.nd in bfiagapita (algebra).
Zero in Arithmetic. The Hindus in their arith-
metic define zero as the result of the operation
This definition is found in Brahmagupta's work 1 and
is repeated in all later works. It is directly used in the
operation of su'btraction. In carrying out arithmetical
operations, the results of the operations of addition,
subtraction and multiplication of zero and by zero
are required. The Hindus did not recognise the opera-
tion of division by zero as valid in arithmetic; but
the division of zero by a number was recognised as
v:llid.. Niraya1).a in his pd!igapita (arithmetic) has clearly
stated this distinction: .
"Here in pd/igapita, division by zero is nOt'recog-
nised, and therefore, it is not mentioned here. As it
is of use in bfiagapita (algebra), so I have mentioned
division by zero in my Bfiagattita."2
1 BrSpSi, p. 309. Cf. B. Datta, BCMS, XVIII, pp. 165-176 for
some other details regarding operations with zero.
2 GK, remark subjoined to i 30 ..

cipher. A number divided by zero IS kha-hara (that

number with zero as denominator). The product 9f
(a number and) zero is zero, but it must be retained as
a multiple of zero (kha-gurza), if any further operations
impend. Zero having become a multiplier (of a number),
should zero afterwards become a divisor, the number
must be understood to be unchanged. So likewise
any number, to which zero is added, or from which it
is subtracted (is unaltered)."l
In the Bijagarz/ta, the same results are given with
the addition that if a quantity is subtracted from zero,
its sign is reversed, while in the case of addition the sign
remains the same.
Zero as an Infinitesimal. It will be observed
that Brahmagupta directs that the results of the opera-
tions x -7 0 and 0 -7 x should be written as ~ and ~
respectively. It is not possible to tell exactly what he
actually meant by these forms. It seems that he did
not specify the actual value of these forms, because the
value of the variable x is not known. Moreover, the
zero seems to have been considered by him as an
infinitesimal quantity which uttimately reduces to
nought. If this surmise be correct, Brahmagupta is
quite justified in stating the results as he has done.
The idea of zero as an infinitesimal is more in evi-
dence in the works of Bhaskara II. He says: "The
product of (a number and) zero is zero, but the number
must be retained as a multiple of zero (kha-glltza), if any
further operations impend." He further remarks that
this operation is of great use in astronomical calculations.
It will be shown in the section on Calculus, that
Bhaskara II has actually used quantities which ultimately
tend to zero, and has successfully evaluated the differen-
tial coefficients of certain functions. He has, moreover,
lL, p. 8.

used the infinitesimal increment J'(x)ox of the function

J(x), due to a: change ox in x.
The commentator Krt':t;la proves the result 0 X a = 0
= aX 0 as follows:
"The more the multiplicand is diminished, the
smaller is the product; and, if it be reduced· in the ut;..
most degree, the product is so likewise: now the utmost
diminution of a quantity is the same with the reduction
of it. to nothing; theref'ore, if the multiplicand be nought,
the product is cipher. In like manner, as the multiplier
decreases, so does the product; and, if the multiplier be
nought, the product is so too." .
In the above zero is conceived of as the limit of a
diminishing quantity.
Infinity. The quotient of division by zero of a
Bnite quantity has been called by Bhaskara II as kha-
hara, which is synonymous with kha-cheda (the quantity
with zero as denominator) of Brahmagupta. Regard-
ing the value of the kha-hara, Bhaskara II remarks:
"In this quantity consisting of that which has
cipher for its divisor, there is no alteration, though many
may be inserted or extracted; as no change takes place
in the infinite and immutable God, at the period of the
destruction or creation of worlds, though numerous
('rders of beings are absorbed or put forth."1
From the above it is evident that Bha.skara II
knew that 0 =
00 and 00 +k = 00.

1 BBf, pp. 5-6. G. Thibaut (Asrronomie, Astrology und Ma-

thematik" Strasbourg, 1899. p. 72.) thought that this passage was
an interpolation. There appears no justification. for considering
this as an interpolation, as the passage occurs in the oldest
known commt:otary and in. all copies of the work so far found.
ef. Datta, i.e., p. 174.

Gal)eSa remarks that !!__ is "an indefinite and unli-

mited or infinite quantity: since it cannot be determined
how great it is. It is unaltered by the addition or
subtraction of finite quantities: since in the preliminary
operation of reducing both fl'actional expressions to a
common denominator, preparatory to taking their sum
or difference, both numerator and denominator of the
finite quantity vanish."
Kr~l)a remarks:
"As much as the divisor is diminished, so much is
the quotient increased. If the divisor is reduced to the
utmost, the quotient' is to the utmost increased. But,
if it can be specified, that the amount of the quotient
is so much, it has not been raised to the utmost: for a
quantity greater than that can be assigned. The quo-
tient, therefore, is indefinitely great, and is rightly
termed infinite."
Regarding· the proof of: ± k = .; KnWa makes
the same remarks as Ganesa. He, however, goes a
step further when he say~ that
a _ b
- -.

This is illustrated by him through the instance of the

shadow of a gnomon, which at sun-rise and sun-set
is infinite; and is equally so whatever height be given
to the gnomon, and whatever number be taken
for the radius. "... Thus, if the radius be I 2.0; and
the gnomon be 1, 2, 3 or 4; the expression deduced
from the proportion, as sine of sun's altitude is to
sine of zenith distance, so is gnomon to shadow,
becomes -J 02 0, -U-'
24 0 -
3 0 4 8 0 . Or, if the gnomon be ,
60 or -0-

as it is usually framed, 12 fingers, and radius be taken


as 3438, 1.20, 100 or 90, the expression will be ~,

~, ~ or I QuSQ, which are all alike infinite."l
. Indeterminate Forms. Brahmagupta has made the
lilcorrect statement that

Bhaskara II has sought to correct this mistake of

Brahmagupta. According to him
· -
L 1m a·8
- = a.
8 ~o 8

His language, however, in stating this result is defective,

[or he calls the infinitesimal 8 zero, not being in
possession of a suitable technical term. That, in the
above case, he actually meant by zero a small quantity
tending to the limiting value zero, is abundantly clear
from the use he makes of the result in his Astronomy.
Taylor 2 and Bapu Deva Sastri 3 are also of this opinion.
Bhaskara has given three illustrative examples.
They are:
.(xxo+ XXO)
(i) Evaluate = 63.
From this he derives the result x = 14, which is
correct if we consider 0= 8, a small quantity tending
to zero. His other examples are:

(ii) {(~+X-9)2+(~+X-9)} °= 90
giving x = 9; and

1 All the aboy'e passages are taken from the respective com-
mentaries. They have been noted by Colebrooke, I.e.
2 LfJdlvat/~ Bombay, 18 16, p. 29.

3 His Bija-ga?lita (in Hindi), Pt. 1, Benares. 1875, p. 179 it sq.


giving X=2. 1
Bha.skara II's result
is, however, not quite correct, as the form is truly
'indeterminate and may not always have the value a.
His attempt, however, at such an early date to assign
a meaning to the form ~,
and his partial solution of the
problem are very creditable, seeing that in Europe
mathematicians made similar mistakes upto the middle
of the nineteenth century A. D.2

.1 The answers of this and the previous example are incorrect

because 0 2 has been taken to be equal to o.

2 Martin Ohm (1828) says: "If a is not zero, but b is zero,'
then the quotient alb has no meaning" for the quotient "multi-
plied by zero gives only zero and not a, as long as a is not zero."
Lehrbllch der niedern AnalYsis, Vol. I, Berlin, 1828, pp. lID, 112.

1. Apastamba Sulba Sutra by Apastamba (C. 400 B.C.). Edited

with the commentary of Kapardisvami, Karavindasvami
and of Sundararaja by D. Srinivasachar and V.S. Naras-
imhachar, University of Mysore Sanskrit Series, 193 I; by A.
Biirk, with German translation and note and comments in
Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesselschajt, LV,
1902 , pp. 543-5.9 1; LVI, 1903, pp. 327-391.
2. Ar,a jyoti,a. Edited i?Y Sudhakara Dvivedi with ,his own
commentary, Benares, 19°6.
3. Aryabha![ya by Aryabhata I (499). Edited with the com-
mentary, entitled Bhatadipikd, of Paramesvara (1430) by
H. Kern (Leiden, 1875); by Udai Narayan Singh, with
explanatory notes in Hindi (Muzaffarpur, 1906); with the
commentary, entitled Mahdbhdrya, of Nilakar:ttha (1500) on
the last three chapters by K. Sambasiva Sastri (Trivandrum,
Part I, 1930; Part II, 1931; Part III, in press). Transla-
tions: by P. C. Sengupta (HThe Aryabhatiyam," in the
journal of the Department of Letters in the University of
Calcutta, XVI, 1927); by W. E. Clark (The Aryabha![ya of
Aryabha!a, Chicago, 1930). The second chapter of the
book has been translated also by L. Rodet ("Let;ons de
calcul d'Aryabhata," in journal Asiatique, XIII (7), 1878;
reprint, Paris, 1879) and by G. R. Kaye ("Notes on
Indian Mathematics, No. 2-Aryabhata," in jouTJ1al of the
Asiatic Society of Bengal, IV, 1908). Other commentaries in
MSS: (i) by Bbaskara I (522); (ii) Bhataprakdlik,a by
Suryadeva Yajva (uth century).
4. Atharvan ]yoti,a. Edited ~y Bhagvad Datta, Lahore, 1924.
5. Bakhshdli Manuscript-A Stu4Y in Mediaval Mathematics, Parts
I, II and III edited by G. R. Kaye, Calcutta, 1927, 1933.
6. Baudhtiyana Sulba Sutra by Baudhayana (c. 800 B.C.). Edited by
G. Thibaut, with English -translation, critical notes and
extracts from the commentary of Dvarakanatha Yajva, in

the Patz(iit (Old Series, IX and X, 1874-5; New Series, I,

1877). The text appears in the edition of the Balldh4Jana
Srallta Sutra (as its 30th chapter) l?J W. Caland (in 3
volumes, Calcutta, 1904, 19°7, 1913).
7. Bijagatzita of Bhdskara II (1150). Edited l?J Sudhakara Dvivedi
(Benares) and rev;'ised by Muralidhara Jha (Benares, 1927);
with the commentary, entitled Nat'atikura, of Kr~Q.a
(c. 1600) l?J D. Apte (Anandasrama Sanskrit Series,
Poona, 1930). English translation l?J H. T. Colebrooke
(Algebra with Arithmetic and Mensuration from the Sanscrit
of Brahmegupta and Bhascara, London, 1817). Other
commentaries in MSS: (i) Bijaprabodha l?J Ramakr~Q.a (c.
1648); (ii) l?J Suryadasa (born 15 08). References to this
treatise in our text are by pages of Muralidhara Jha's
revised edition.
8. Bijagatzita of Jiianaraja (1503). MS.
9. Bijagatzita of NarayaQ.a (1350). MS. (incomplete).
10. Brahma-sphu/a-siddhdnta l?J Brahmagupta (628). Edited with
explanatory notes by Sudhakara Dvivedi, Benares, 1902.
Chapters xii and xiii of the work dealing respectively with
arithmetic and algebra have been translated into English
l?J H. T. Colebrooke (Algebra with Arithmetic and Menstlra-
tion etc.). Commentary l?J Prthudakasvami (86o) .. MS. (in-
11. Brho/.}ataka of Varahamihira (505). Edited with the commen-
tary of Bhanotpala (966) l?J Rasikmohan Chattopadhyaya
(Calcutta, 1300, B.S.); l?J Sitaram Jha (Benares, 1923)'
12. Brhat-salilhitd l?J Varahamihira (505)· Edited l?J H. Kern
(Calcutta, 1865); l?J Sudhakara Dvivedi, with the com-
mentary of Bhanotpala (Vizianagram Sanskrit Series, 2
Vols." Benares, 1895). English translation by H. Kern
(See his collected works).
13. D~yanagrahopadeJa of Brahmagupta (628). Edited l?J Sudha-
kara Dvivedi and published as an appendix to his edition
of the Brahma-sphu/a-siddhdnta.
14. Gatzita-kaumudi of NarayaQ.a (1356). MS.
15. Gatzita-maiijarf l?J GaQeSa, son of phuQ<;lhiraja (1558). MS.
16. Gt!!1ita-tilaka l?J Sripati (1039)' Edited with the commentary
of Simhatilaka Suri (c. 1275) l?J H. R. Kapadia (Gaikwad
Sanskrit Series, Baroda, 1935).

17· Gaflita-sara-salitgraha by Mahavira (850). Edited with English

translation and notes by M. Rangacarya, Madras, 19 12 .
18. Graha-Idghava of Gat:lesa Daivajiia (c. 1545). Edited with the
commentaries of Mallari, Visvanatha and his own by Sudha-
kara Dvivedi, reprinted, Bombay, 19 2 5.
Kararra-kutuhala by Bhaskara II (I I 50). Edited with the com-
mentary of Sumatihar~a by Madhava Sastri, Bombay, 1901.
20. Kararra-paddhati ry Pathumana Somayaji (1733)' MS.
21. Ka(yayana Stllba Sutra by Katyayana (c. 400 B.C.). Edited ~ith
explanatory notes by Vidyadhar Sharma, Benares, 19 28 .
22. Kharrt/a-khd4Jaka by Brahmagupta (628). Edited with the
commentary of Amaraja (c. 1250) by Babua Misra (Calcutta,
19 2 5)' English translation wi~h notes and comments by
Prabodh Chandra Sengupta (Calcutta, 1934). Other com-
mentaries in MSS: (i) by Prthudakasvami (incomplete);
(ii) ry Varut:la; (iii) ry Bhattotpala.
:13· Laghu-Bhdskarrya by BMskara I (522). Commentary by SaIikara-
narayaQ.a. MSS.
Laghu-manasa by Maiijula (932). Commentaries by (i) Pr thu -
dakasvami (964); (ii) Paramesvara (1430). MSS.
Lfldl!ati by Bbaskara II (1150). Edited with notes by Sudha-
kara Dvivedi, Benares, 1910. Translations: (i) by H. T.
Colebrooke (Algebra with Arithemtie and Mensuration etc.);
(ii) by J. Taylor (Li/awati, Bombay, 18 I 6). Colebrooke's
translation has been re-edited with critical notes by
Haran Chandra Banerji (Lfltivati, 2,nd ed., Calcutta).
Commentaries in MSS: (i) Buddhivildsini by GaQ.esa (1545);
(ii) Garritamrtasagari by Gangadhara (1432); (iii) Gafl-
ittimrtalaharf ry Ramakn;Q.a (1339); (iv) Manoraiijana ry
Ramakr~Q.adeva; (v) Gatzitdmrtakfipik,a by Suryadasa (15 41);
(vi) Cintamarri by Lak~midasa (1500); (vii) Nisntadutf by
MunlSvara (1608). References to Lilavatf in our text are
by the pages 9f Dvivedi's edition.
26. Mdnava Sulba Sutra by Manu, MS. English translation by
N. K. Mazumdar (in Jotlrnal of the Department of Letters in
the University of Calcutta, VIII, 19 22 ). .
Mahd-Bhdskar[ya by BMskara I (522). Commentary by (i)
Suryadeva (nth century); (ii) Paramesvara (1430). MSS.
~8. Mahd-siddhdnta by Aryabhata II (950). Edited with explana-
tory notes by Sudhakara Dvivedi, Benares, 19 10 •

Paiica-siddhdntikd fry Varahamihira (505). Edited with a com-

mentary in Sanskrit, translation into English and critical
notes fry G. Thibaut and Sudhakara Dvivedi, Benares, 1889.
Patl-sara by Munlsvara (born 160;). MS.
Sadratnamala by Sankaravarman. MS.
Siddhdnta-lckhara fry Sripati (10;9)' Edited ~y Babua Misra,
Calcutta, Vol. I (1932), containing chapters i-xii of the text,
with the commentary of Makkibhana (I; 77) on chapters
i-iv and that of the editor on the rest.
S iddhdnta-liromatzi fry Bhaskara II (I 15 0). Edited with the
author's own gloss (VdsanabhJ!_Ya) fry Bapu Deva Sastri,
Benares); by Muralidhara Jha with the commentaries,
Vasanavartika of Nrsitpha (1621) and Marici of Muru§vara
(1635), Vol. I (containing chap. i of the Gatzitddbytfya)
(Benares, 1917);' fry Girija Prasad Dvivedi, with original
commentaries in Sanskrit and Hindi, Vols. I and II
(Lucknow, 191 I, 1926). English translation of the text
only by Bapu Deva Sasiri and Wilkinson (Calcutta, 1861).
34· Siddhdnta-tattva-viveka Iry Kamalakara.(I658). Edi~ed with the
Se!a-vasana of the author, fry Sudhakara Dvivedi, Benares,
188 5.
35· SiVa-dhi-z;rddhida fry Lalla (598). Edited Iry Sudhakara Dvivedi,
Benares, 1886. Commentary by Mallikarjuna Sud (1179)'
Surya-siddhdnta. Edited fry F. E. Hall and Bapu Deva Sastri
with the commentary of Ranganatha (Calcutta, 1859); Iry
Sudhakara Dvivedi with an original commentary in Sans-
krit (Calcutta, 1909-II). Translation into English, with
critical notes fry E. Burgess and W. D. Whitney; into
Bengali with critical 'notes fry Vijfianananda Svami.
T antra-samgraha by Nilakamha (I 500). Commentary fry an un-
known writer. MS.
Trifatikd by Sridhara (750). Edited Iry Sudhakara Dvivedi,
Benares, 1899. The principal rules in this text leaving the
illustrative examples and their solutions, have been trans-
lated into English fry N. Ramanujachariar and G. R. Kaye
and published with notes and comments ("Trisatika of
Sridharacarya," Bibl. Math., XIII (;), 1912-13, pp. zo;ff.).
Dvivedi's text is apparently .incomplete. The manuscript
in our collection, though not perfect, contains a few more
rules and examples.
A other letter systems, 75;
Ababa, 12. system of Aryabhata J, 64
Abbuda, 12. AI-Qass, 90
Abenragel, 99 AI-Sijzl, 90
Abhyasa, 130, 134 Arhsa, r85, 186, 188
Abja, 13 Ananta, 10
Abu Sahl Ibn Tamim, 98 Ar'lkapalli, 33
Addition, I ;0; direct process, Anta, 9
I; 1; inverse process, 131; Antya, 10, 13, 16;
terminology, 130; the opera- Anuyogadvara-sutra, II, 12., 8;,
tion, 130 169
Aghana, 175, 177, 17 8, 17,9, 180 Apavartana, 189
Ahaha, 12. Arbuda, '9, 13
Akkhobhini, 12. Archimedes, I I
Ak~arapam, 33, 34, 72., 74 Arithmetic, 12.;; exposition and
Ak~iti, 10 teaching, 12.6; fundamental
AI-Amum Saraf-Eddin, 99 operations, 12.8; general sur-
AI-Battani, 8; vey, 12.3; sources, 12.5; ter-
AI-Bir1lnl, 39, 55, 9 8, 99, 100, minology and scope, 12.3
12.8, 2.10 Arjuna, 10
Alexander de Villa Die, 95. 103 Arkhand, 97
AI-Fazari, 89 Arthasastra of Kauri1ya" 6, 7,
AI-Ha~!?ar, 143 2.1, 187, 2.18
AI-hind'i, 143 Aryabhara I, 12., 69, 71, 87,
Alibin Abil-Regal Abul-Hasan, 12.5, u8, 134, 13), 137,15°,
99 155, 15 6, 162, 16 3, 173, 197,
Alkalasadl, 99, 143 ~ 198, 2.04, ZII, 219, '2.31., 2.34
AI-Kharki, 50 Aryabhata II, 71, 72., 13 0 , 132,
AI-Khowadzmt," 90, 143, 15 3, 1;6, 151.,172., 177, 184, 2. 0 4,
154 1.05, 1.11., 2.40
AI-Masuru, 97, roo \. Aryabhat'iya, 65, 67, 69, 7 I,
Al Narum, 98 _ 8o, 82., 86, 12.5, 12.6, 130,
Al Nasav'i, 9°,143, 153, 154,174 134, 150, 170, 171, 175, 197,
Alphabetic Notations, 63 ; 2.04, 1. I I, 2. I 7, 2. I 9, 239
a~~arapam, 72.; explanation, Asailkhyeya, 11.
67; karapayadi system, 69; Asvagho~a, 1.

Atata, 12 Bhattotpala, 55
Athanasius Gamenale, 96 Bhinna, 188
Atharvaveda, 18, 57 Bihar!, 81
Avarga, 65, 66, 67, 69 Bljadatta, 184
Avesta, 101 Bijaga1)ita, 8, 235, 239, 2.4~, 2.42,
A vicenna, 184 2.45
Ayuta, 9, 10, 12, 13 Bindu, 12, 81
Bodhisattva, 10
B Boethius, geometry, 93;
Bahula, 10 question, 92.
Bakhshali Manuscript, 47, 6r, Bower manuscript, 74
65, 77, 81, 86, 134, 137, Brahmagupta, 8, 87, 89, 124,
15 I, 186, 192, 204, 239 12 5, 128, 134, 135, 137, 147,
Bapudeva Sastri, 24 5 149, 150, 15 6 , 159, 1:60, 16 3,
Barnet, LD., 6, 72. 169, 170, 176, 188, 189, 196,
Barter and exchange, 226 198, 199, 20 5, 211,212, 217,
Barth, 65 220, 222, 232,239, 241, 242,
Bayley, 2.9, 30, 12.4 243, 245
Beha Eddin, 100, 149, 184 Bdhma1)a, Aitereya, 58; Paf'ica-
Bhaga, 185, 186, 188, 190 virilsa, 10; Satapatha, 57,
Bhiiga-bhaga, 191 186; Taittiriya, 57
Bhagahara, 124, 150, 198 Briihma-sphuta-siddhiinta, 8, 59,
Bhiigajati, 196 89, 156, 228, 241
Bhiigarnaq·, 192 Brahmi numerals, 25; early
Bhaganubandha, 190, 192, 193, occurrence and forms, 2. 5;
"195 period of invention, 37;
Bhiigapavaha, 19 1, 195 relation with letter forms,
Bhagavati-sutra, 4, 7 33; resume, 37; theories
Bh:1jaka, 150 about .their origin, 28
Bhajana, r 50 BJ:hat-k~etra-samasa, 79
Bhajya, 150, 177, 178 Brhat-samhita, 55, 59
Bhiit.1C;ia-pratibhii1)Qa, 12.4, 226 Brnda, 163
Bhandarkar, 17, 19 Brockkhaus, 65
Bhiisa, 2 Buddha, 2, 36, 187
Bhaskara I, 66, 67, 80, 82, 86, Buhler, 16, 17, 19,21,23,24,30,
87, 12 5, 130, 134, 170, 197, 33, 35, 37,45,47,49,60,74
20 4, 2.11, 239 Burnell, 30, 75
Bhaskara II, 10, 13, 125, 128, C
12.9,13 1, 132.,13 6,137,146,
149, 15 2, 157, 159, 161, 162, Caire, 97
164, 167, 172., 184, 188, 195, Cajori, 88
2°5,2.08,2°9,212,23°,234, Capella, 92
235, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246 Caraka,2.

Carra de Vaux, 97, 100, 101, 102. Dasa-sahasra, 13

Cataneo, 175 Datta, B., 7, 61,65,81, 84, 85,
Catur, 13 I 23, 15 5, I 70, I 84, 185, 2 I 8,
Chandal_1-sutra, 58, 75, 76, 77, 86 243
Chatterjee, C.D., 53 Deccke, W., 16
Chaya, 12.4 Decimal place-value system, 38;
Checks on operations, 180 epigraphic instances, 40;
Chedana, I 50 forms, 39; important features,
Chid, 212. 38; inventor unknown, 49;
Chuquet, 175 place of invention. of the
Citi, 12.4 new system, 48; their sup-
Clark, W.E., 64, 65, 66, 67, 170, posed unreliability, 44; time
17 1 , 175, 197 of invention, 49
Coedis, G., 43 Delambre, 184
Colebrooke, 134, If5, 145, 147, Devendravarmar;ta, 40
15 6, 164,177,2.11,2.33,245 Dharma-sutra, 17
Commercial Problems, 218; Dhul1, 8; karma, 8, 123, 129
barter and exchange, 226; Digges, 2.10
interest in ancient India, 2. I 8; Digha-Nikftya, 7
interest in Hindu gaQita, Division, 150; terminology, 150;
2 I 8; other problems, 220; the method of long, 151;
other types of, 227; pro- the operation, 150
blem involving a quadratic Divyavadana, 7
equation, 2.19 Djahiz, 97
Cowell, E.B., and Neil, R.A., 7 Dramma, 2.27
Cube, 162; minor methods of, Dvivedi, S., 59, 12.9, 131, 15 6,
166; terminology, 162; the 168, 178, 183, 241
operation, 163'
Cube-root, 175; terminology,
175; the operation, 175 Ekiidasa-rasika, 124
Cullaniddesa, 4 Ekanna-catvarirhsat, 14
Cunningham, 28, 2.9 Ekanna-virhsati, 14
Eklkarar;ta, qo
D Ekona, 14
Dantidurga, 40 El-jowharee, 100
Darius, 23 Elliot, 100
Darius Hystaspe~, 101 End, 101, see hend
Dasa, 9, 12, 13 Enestrom, G., 149
Dasagltikft, 64, 65, 66, 71 Euting, J., 23
Dasagur;til_1 samjiia, 13 F
Dasagur;tottara sarhjiia, 10
Dasa-ko~i, 13 _Fihrist, 98
Da§a-lak~a, 13 Firdausi, 100

Firouzibadi, 100, 101 GUI,lya, 135

Fleet, 51., 60, 65, 67, 12.4
Fliigel, G., 98 H
Fractlons, 185; addition and sub- Halifax, John of, 95
traction, 196; cube and cube- Hall,- F., 81
root, 199; division, 197; early Halle, 104
use, 185; lowest common Halsted, G.B., 38, 39
multiple, 195; multiplication, Hanana, 134, 139
196; reduction in combina- Handasa, 102.
tions, 190; reduction to Handasi, 101, 102. .
common denominator, 189; Hara, 150
reduction to lowest terms, HaraQa, 150
189; square and square-root, Harya, 150
199; terminology, I 88; the Heath, 50
eight operations, 195; unit Hemcandra, 12.
fractions, 199; writing of, 188 Hend,loI
~ Frisius, Gemma, 175 Hetuhila, I I
G Hetvindriya, II
Hind, 100, 101
Gar:taka, 12.7 Hindasa, 101, 102.
GaQeSa, 136, 145, 146, HI, Hindasi, 101
2.30, 2.44 .Hindi, 100, 101, 102.
Gatigadhara, 131, IB, 147 Hindisah, 98, 101
Ganguli, 65. Hindu Numerals in Arabia, 88;
GaQ.ita, 4, 5, 6,7,8,83, 12.8, 13 0; Arabic reference, 96; definite
avyakta. 12.3; vyakta, 12.3 evidence, 93; European re-
Gar.llta-kaumudi, 12.5 ferences, 102.; in Europe, 92.;
_GaQ.ita-maiijari, 136, 144, 145 miscellaneous references, 95;
GaQitanuyoga, 4 Syrian reference, 95; the
GaQita-sara-samgraha, 80, 12.5, terms hindasa, etc., 101
2.19, 2.2.3, 2.2.7, 2.30, 2.40 Hisab-al-ghohar, 98, 12.4
GaQita-tilaka, 12.5 Hunter, G.R., 19, 2.9
Gerbert, 93, 94
Ghana, 8, 124, 162, 177, I
178, 179; pada, 175 Ibn Albanna, 99
Ginsburg, J',95 Ibn Hawkal, 100
Gomutrika, 13 5, x47, 148 Ibn Seedeh, 100
Gotama-sutra, 2.I8 Ibn Tarik, 89
GUQaka~ 135 Ibn Wahshiya, 96
GUQallia, 135, 198 Iccha, 198, 2.04-2.08; pak~a, 2.II,
GUQana, 1%4, 13 4; i~!a, I; 6, 149; 2.1;
phala, 135; tastha, 146; Idaru, 186
tiryaka, 145; Ilm-hisab-altakhta, 12.3

Indraji, Bhagvanlal, 6, 2.6, 35-37 Jones, Sir W., 16

Infinity, 2.43 Jyoti~a, 8
Inscription, Ahar Stone, 42., 52.;
at Po Nagar, 44; Belhari, 40;
Buchkila-of Nagbhata, Kaccayana's Pali Grammar, I I
41 ; Deogarh Jaina-of Kaiyyata, 63
Bhojadeva, 42.; Dholpur, 60; Kikil).l, 206
fromDhauli, 33; from Girnar, Kala, 185, 188
33; from Kanheri, 4 1, 42.; KalasavarQ.ana, 8
Ghatiyala-of Kakkuka, 41; KalhaQ.a, 50
Gurjara-45; Gwalior-of Kalidasa, Z
Allah, 42.; Gwalior-of the Kalpasutra, 6, 7
reign of Bhojadeva, 42., 82.; KiQ.<;ia, 18
Hathigumpha, 6; Hindu, 60; Kailkara, 10
J unar, 47; Kanheri, 40; Kapadia, H.R., 80, 151
Kharosthl, 2.1; K~atrapa, Kapatasandhi, I 34, I 3 5, I 36,
34; Nanaghat, 2.5, 2.6; of 137, 143, 144, 145
Asoka, 16, 20,21,23,28,34; Karahu, I I
of Bauka, 4 I; of the Ku~anas, KaraQ.a, 50
22, 34; of Rudradaman, 47; KaraQ.a-kuruhala, 184
of the Parthians, 2. I; of the KaraQ.i, 170
Sakas, 2 I; of Samanta Karpinski, 97; see Smith
Devadatta, 41; of Sambor, 44. Kaqa, 206
of Srivijaya, 44; of Yasovar- Katapayadi system, 69; first
maQ.a, 43; Pehava, 42; variant, 70; second variant,
Sanskrit and old Canarese, 43; 71; third variant, 72; fourth
Siyadoni stone, 43; stone, 45; variant, 72-
word numerals in, 59 Kathana, IZ
Isidorus of Seville, 102 Katyayana, 58, 6;
I~ta, 135 Kautilya, 2; Arthasastra of, see
h.takarma, 230 Arthasastra
Intakri, 100 Kiyastha, 50
!tarhi, 186 Kaye, G. R., 44, 45', 46, 47,
48, 59, 60, 65, 85, 101,102.,
J 156, 168, 170, 17(, 175, 190
Jacobi, H., 7 Keith, see Macdonell
Jadhr, 170 Kerala system, 72.
J aivardhaQ.a II, 40, 82. Kern, 65
Jaladhi, 13 Kha-cheda, 24;; -hara, 242., 24h
Jarez de Ie Frontera, 94 244; -guQ.a, 2.42
Jad, 188 Khalif aI-Mansur, 89
Jinabhadra GaQ.i, 61, 79 Khalif Walid, edict of, 89
John, 96 KhaQ.9a,1 3 5

Khat).9a-khadyaka, 89 146, 147, 211, 213, 227,

Khara vela, 6 229, 23 0 , 235, 24 1, 2.45;
Kharogh'i numerals, 21; early Gat).eSa's commentary, 144,
occurrence, 2 I; forms and 145, 146
origin, 2.2.; lipi, 2 I Lowest Common Multiple, 195
Kharva, I;; maha, 13 M
Khata, 12.4
Kopp, 16 Macdonell and Keith, 9
Koti, 10, II, 12, 13 Madhya, 9, 1 3
Koti-ko~i, 11, 12. Maha-Bhaskariya, 59, 80
Kotippakoti, 12. Mahibja, 13
Krakacika, 124 MaMkathana, 12
Krama, 131 Mahasaroja, 13
Kr~t).a, 2.43, 244 Mahavlra, 5, 13, 5~, 56, 57,
Krti, 1 55, 169 77, 80, 13 6 , 137, 145, 15 I ,
K~etragaQita, 7, 8 156, 157, 161, 162, .164, 166,
K~ipra, 186 167, 168, 172, 188, 191, 192.,
K~iti, 13; maha, 13 195, 196, 19 8, 199, 20 5,
K~obha, 13; maha, 1,3 208, 2. I Z, 220, 2.2.2., 2.24,
K~obhya, 10 2.3 0 , 233, 235, 237, 23 8,
K~ol').i, 13; maha,. 13 240, 241
Kumuda, 12 Mahmud bin Qajid al-Amuni
Ku~~ha, 185 Saraf-Eddin, 99
Kugaka,8 Maitrayat).l Samhita, 9, 18, 185
L Majjhima Nikaya, 4
Malayagiri, 79
Labdha, 150 Mana, 2.04, 2.05
Laghu-Bhaskariya, ~9 Manoraiijana, 132, 1'37
Lahiri, 65 Marre, A., 100, 184
Lakkha, II Marshall, 19
Lak~a, 11, 13 Martin, Ohm, z46
Lalitavistara, 10, -37, 187 Ma:?a, 218
Lalla, 61, 87, 12.5 Mathematics, appreciation of, 3;
Langdon, 25, 2.9 decay of, 127; Hindus and, 3;
La Roche, 175 in Hindu education, 6; of
La~yayana, 58 zero, 2;8; scope and develop-
Lekhapaiicasika. 50 ment of Hindu, 7
Lekhaprakasa, 50 Maximus Planudes, 104, 144, 184
L"onardo Fibonacci of Pisa, 94, Mazumdar, R.C,59
10 3 J\feasures, see weights
Lespius, 16 Megasthenes, Z 1, ; 7
Lilavatl, 125, 131, 132, 133, Mihir Yast, 101
134, 13 6 , 137, 144, 145, Milindapaiiho, 7

Mille; 9 Munisvara, 2 I 3
Miscellaneous problems, 230; Myriad, 9
problems involving solution
of quadratic equations, 234;
problems involving the Nagabala, 10
square of the unkown, 238; Nagad script, 39
problems involving the Nagarjuna, 2
square-root, 23-5; problems Nahuta, 12
on mixture, 2;3; regula falsi, Nai~idha-carita, 85
230; the method of inver- Nallino, 83
sian, 232 Narada, 4
Misraka, 124; vyavahara, 219, 233 Naraya!).a, 13, 137, 152, i6I,
Misrar:ta, 1 30 162, 167, 168, '18" 184,
Mitra, Rajendra Lal, 10,97, 187 205, 240
Mohammad, 88 Nau, F., 95
Mohammad Ben Musa, 102 Nava, 13;-dasa, 15 ;-vimsati, 15
Mohenja-dara, 19; and Harappa, Nava-rasika, 124 .I - . •

,19, 2" 29; and the Indus Neil, R.A., see Cawell
Valley civilizatian, 17; dis- Nikharva, 10, 13
coveries at, I; finds of, 20 Nilaka!).~ha, 67, 170
Montucla, J.F., 99 Ninmihuta, 1 z.
Mudd, 7 Nirabbuda, 12
Mudrabala, 11 Niravadya, 1 I
MJ.lhurta, 186 Niruddha, 195
Mukerjee, Sir Asutosh, 17 Ni~ka, 213, Z.t4, 215, 216
Mula, 169, 170, 220, 234; amsa, Niyuta, 9, 10, 12
237; dviragra se~a, 236; Notation, abjad, 89; decimal
ghana, 124, 175; jati, 235; place-value, 3; difference
misra, 2 37; se~a, 23 5; varga, from ather, 27; epigraphic
• I.?-4, 16 9 instances of decimal place-
Multiplication, I 34; algeb- value, 40; Greek alphabetic,
raic methads, 149; Brahma- 50; 'places o.f, 12; scale of, 9
gupta's method,. 136; by Numeral, ghobar, 89, '9°,91,9"
separatian of places, 146; 94; Hieratic and Demotic, 28;
cross-multiplication method, Hindu, , 8; Khara~!hi and
145; direct process, I 3 8; daar- Semitic, 28
junction method, 13P; gel asia Numeral notation, J; Brahmi,
methad, 144; inyerse method, 25; earliest, 19; in spo.ken
139; methods" of, 13 5: parts- language, . 13; Kharo.~thi,
method, 148; terminology, 21; terminology, 9
134; transmissian to. the Numerical, Aso.kan-6gures, 37;
west, 143; zigzag method, development of ·symbolism,
147 16

Nyarbuda, 9,10, 13 Phoenician forms (of numerals),

o Phoenician script, 17
Ojha, 17, 24 Pingala, 75, 7 6 , 77
Oldenburg, 4 Place-value, date of invention
Operations, checks on, 180 of the notation, 86; In Hindu
li~erature, 83; ir> Jain cano-
P meal works, ~3; in literary
works, 85; 10 works on
Padoli, 146 philosophy, 85; invention of
Pada, 155, 169, 170, 177 system, 51; new notation
Padma, I 3; maha, I 3
53; principle, 39; the decimai
Paduma, 12
notation, 40; the decimal
Pal).a, 206, 216, 218, 227, 229
system, 43
Pafica, 13
Plate, Cambay-;-of Govinda, 43;
Pafica-rasika, 12.4
C~argaon-of Huvi~ka, 47;
Panca-siddhantika, 59, 7 8, 79,
Clacole, 40; Daulatabad--of
239 Sati.kargaQ.a, 41; Dhiniki
PaI)ini, 2, 18, 33, 63, 218
Copper, 40; Grant of Avani-
Pailkti, 173
varmaI)a, 42; Grant of
Pannavami-sutra, 37
Balavarmal).a, 42; Gurjara
Papyrus Blacas, 24
Grant, 40, 45, 48; Kadab
60; PaQ9ukesvara-of Laiita~
Paramesvara, 67, 1 5 5, 197
Parardha, 9, 1 3
suradeva, 41; Ragholi, 40,
Parasparakrtatp, 134
82; Sangli-of Ra!itrakuta
Pargiter, 58
G~vindatfija,43;Torkhedi, 41
Pari karma, 8
Prabhaga, 190
Patala, 18
Prake~pa karal).a', 233
Patana, 132
Patanjali, 2,63, 85 Prlikrta, 170
Pari, 8, 124, 126, 12.9, 138, Prak~epaQa, 130
139, 140, 141, 148, 15 2, PramaI)a, 198, 204, 205, 223 ;
157,15 8, 159, 173,174,177, rasi, 198; pak!ia, 2.11, 213
178, 180 Pratiloma, 15 I
l'atigaQita, 8, 82, 123, 126, u8, Pratyutpanna, 135, 139, 140
151, 184, 187, 195, 222, 2.26, Prayuta, 9, 12, 13
227, 233, 235, 239, 240 Princep, James, 33
Patisara, 125, 2. 13 Prthudakasvami, 77, 12.4, 129,
Pana, 123 148, 156, 163, 228
Panopadhyflya, 50 Pulisa, 61, 79
Peurbach, 175 PUQ<;larika, 12
Phala, 198, 2.04, 205, 206, 2.08, PurliI)a, 2, 84, ~6, 2.06, 228;
212,216,220,223, 22.8 Agni, 58, 59, 62, 84, 86;
Phalaka, I 23 Vayu, 84; Vi~l).u, 84

Purva, 164 Sarhkhya, 238

R Sarhkhyuna, 4, 6, 7
Sammelana, 1;0
Rabbi ben Ezra, 96, 103, 2 I 7, Samudra, 9, 10
23 0 Samyojana, 130
Radix, 170 Sanatkumara, 4
RajatarailgiI.11, 50 Sankaracarya, 85
Rajju, 8 Sankha, 13
Ramanujacaria, 156, 168 Sankhyayana srauta sutra, 10
Ramayat:\a, 2 Sankramana, 22 I, 222
Rangacarya, 151, 226 Sanku, 13
Rasi, 8, 124; rtiparhsaka, 199 Sapha, 185
Ray, H.C., 17 Sapta, 13
Ray, Sir P.c., 85 Sapta-rasika, 124
Regula falsi, 2~0, 238
Saritapati, 13
Reiniud, 97, 9 8 Sarvabala, I I
J~gveda, 9, 15, 17, IS, 20,
Sarvadhana, 1,2 r,
57, 18 5
Rhys Davids, 7 Sarvajiia, I I
Riese, 149 Sarvanukramat:\l, 71
Rodet, 65, 66, 17 0 , 175 Sastri, Madhava, IS4
Rosen, 102 Sastri, Sambasiva, 67
Rule of Three, 203 ; apprecia- Sata, 9, 12, 13; ko~i, 13
tion of, 208; as a particular Satavahana, 25
case, 216; compound propor- Satottara ganana, 10 ; sarhjiia, 10
tion, 2 10; illustration, 2 I 3 ; Savarnana, 194
inverse, 207; proportion in Script, Indian, 16; Niigari, 39;
the west, 210; terminology, North Semitic, 17; Phoeni-
203; the method, 204, 2 II cian, 17; South Semitic, 16,
Rupa, 6 17
Rupa-vibhaga, 136 Sebokht, 89, 93, 95, 9 6
Sefer ha-Mispar, 103
S Sefer Yesirah, 98
Sachau, E.C., 9 8, 99 Senart, E., 26
Sadgurusi~ya, 71 Sengupta, 175, 197
Sadratnamala, 70 Se~a, 132
Sahasra, 9, 12, 13 Shamasastri, R., 6, 19, I~7, 218
Sakala, 199 Siddhanta, 3, 125, 128,
Salila, 10 13 5, 15 0; B r2.hma-sphu~a, 8,
Samacaturasra, 155 59, 89, 15 6 , 228, 241; Maha,
Samapta-lambha, I I 125, 18 I, 183, 184, 240;
Samavayanga-sutra, 6, 37 Parasar, 3; Pitamaha, 3, 12 5;
Samkalana, 130 .Pulisa, 59, 62, 79, 86;
SamkaJita, 124> 130, 196 Romaka, 125; Sekhara, 125,

13 6; Surya, 3, 59, 62, 125; 133; inverse process, 133;

Tattva-viveka, 125; Vasi~tha, terminology, 132; the opera-
3, 12 5 _ tion, 132
Siddhasena Gal).i, 80, h I Sulba 13 0,134,155, 170, 185,
Siladitya VI, 52 . 188
Silberberg, Moritz, 103 Sumatihar~a, 184
Sindhind. 97 Sunya. 38. 54. 77;-bi'ndu, 81,85
Singh, A.N., 170, 171, 172, Suryadasa, 133, 197, 208, 2. I I
173, 115 Suryadeva, 67, 71
Sir~aprahelika, 12 Susruta, 2
Sitanath, Sri, 76 Sllter, H., 51,99, 102, 143. 174
Skandasena, 188 Sutra, 4
Smith, 144, 146. 149, 15 0, 153, SvetavarI,li, 129
154, 175, 210, 217, 230, 232,
233; and Karpinski, II, 27, T
30, 4 , 80, 83, 88; 89, 90, Taccheda, 2.41
95,10; • Taittiriya Sarhhita, 9, 14, 15;
Sodhana, 1)2 Brahmal)a, see Brahmal)a
Sodhya, 177, 178 Talkhis, 99
Sogandhika, 12 Tallak~at:la, I I
Square, 155; minor methods of Tantric, 19
squaring, 160; terminology, Tarik aI-hindi, 143
15 5; the operation, 1 56 . Tastha, .136, 145; gUt;lana, see
Square-IO.qt, 169;' terminology, gUlJ.ana
16 9; the operation, 170 Tattvarthadhigama-sutra, 80,
Srauta-sutra, 58 151, 171
SredhI, 124,
Taylor, 16, 29. 13 2 , 147, ~45
Sridhara, '8, '13, 134, 136, Theon of Alexandria, 17 1
145, In, 156, 157. 160, Theophanes, 89
161. 162, 163, 167; 168, Theory, Indraji's, 35
17 2, 177.1 188, 190, 191, Thibaut, 155
19 2, 193. 19 6, 198, 199, Ti!iIambha, I I
20 5, 20 7, 212, .230, 240
Trairasika, 124, 203, 204;
Sridharacarya, see Sddhara vyasta, 124, 207, 210
Srihar~a, 85 . Tri, 13; pada, 185
Srlpati, 128,' 136, 137, 13 8 , Triprasna, 5
, - 144, '145, qo, 167, 172 Trisatikfl, 59, 12 5, IP, 187.,205,
Stambhoddesa,2;0 227, 229
Sthana,. 12, 161, I 66;-khat:1C;la, Tropfke,80
146 , 1'4 8
StM.nanga-sutra, 8, 204 u
Subandhu, 8 I, 82, 85 Umasvati, 2, 80, I J I, 189
Subtraction, 132; direct process, una-virhsati, 15; tririlsat, 15

Upani~ad, Chandogya, 3, 58; Vyutkalana, 1; 2

Mut:_l<;laka,4o Vyutkalita, 124, 13.1.
Uppala, 12 W
U tkrama, I ; I
Utsailga, 10 Wahshiya, 97
Uttara, 163 Warner, A.G., and Warner, E.,
Uttaradhyayana-sutra, 4 100
V Waschke, 104
Weber, 16, 17, 37, 58
Vadava, 10 Weights and Measures, 186
Vadha, 134 Whish, 65
Vajasaneyi sarilhita, 9,'15 Widman, 149
Vajrabhyasa, 145, 146 Woepcke, F., 90, 10Z, 143, 174,
Vajrapavartana-vidhi, 196 18 4
Vallika-kuttikara, 23) W olack, Gottfried, 83
Valmiki, 2 Woods, J.H., 85
Varahamihira, 61, 79, 20 9, 239 Word-numeral, 53; date of
Vararaka, 206 invention, 6.1.; explanation
Varga, 8, 65, 66, 67, 69, 124, of the system, 53; in inscrip-
155, 156, 235; mula, see tions, 59; list of, 54; origin
mula; - varga, 8 and early history, 60; without
Vart:_la, 6;, 2.29 place-value, 57; with place-
Vasavadatta, 81, 85 value, 58;
Vasi~!ha, 17 Wright, W., 96
Vedanga, 7, 19;-jyoti~a, 7, 58 Writing in ancient India, 16
Vedisrl, 25
Vibhutangama, I I
Vidya, apara, 4; Brahma, 4; Yajurveda, 9, 10, .1.0
nak~atra, 4; para, 4; rMi, 4 Yakub ibn T:lrik, 89
Vikalpa, 8 Yavat t:lvat, 8
"liinaya Piraka: 4, 7 Yoga, 130, 236;-sutra, 85
'linimaya, 204, 205 Yojana, 171, 172
Visamjna-gati, 1 I Yukti, 130
Viv:lha, 10
Vivara, 10 z
Viyoga, 132 Zero, as an infinitesimal, 242,
Viyojaka, 1; Z 243;· earliest use, 75; form of
Viyojya, 13 Z the symbol, 8 I; in algebra,
Vrnda, 13 241; in arithmetic, 239;
Vyasabh:l~ya, 85 indeterminate forms, 245;
Vyavahara, 8;-sutra, 84 other uses of the symbol, 82;
Vyavakalita, IZ4 the mathematics of, 2.38; the
Vyavasthana-prajnapti, I I symbol, 75




~ ifll'~: ~:~: qf~:
(RV. x. 14. 2.~)

To tbe Seers, our Ancestors, tbe jirst Patb-makers


The present work forms Part II of our History of

Hindu Mathematics and is d~voted to the history of
,Algebra in India. It is intended to be a source book,
and the subject is treated topicwise. Under each topic'
are collected together and set forth in chronological
order translations of relevant Sanskrit texts as found in
the Hindu mathematical works. This plan necessitates
a certain amount of repetition. But it shows to the
leader at a glance the improvements made from century
to century
To gather materials for the book we have examined'
all the published mathematical treatises of the Hindus
as well as most of the important manuscripts available in
Indian libraries, a list of the most important of which
has already been included in Palt I. We have great
pleasure in once more expressing our thanks to the autho-
rities of the libraries at Madras, Bangalore, Trivandrum,
Tripunithura, Baroda, Jammu, and Benares, and those
ot the India Office (London) and the Asiatic Society
(t[ Bengal for supplying transcripts of manuscripts or
sending them to us for consultation. We are indebted
also to Dr. R. P. Paranjpye, Vice-Chap.cellor of the
Lucknow University, for help in securing for our use
several manuscripts or their transcripts from the State
libraries in India and the India Office.
In translating Sanskrit texts we have tried to be as
literal and faithful as possible without sacrificing the
spirit of the original, in order to preserve which we have
at a few places used literal translations of Sanskrit tech-
meal terms instead of modem terminology. For in-
stance, we have used the term 'pulveriser' for the equa-
tion ax+0'=I, and the term ~Squate-nature' for the
equation Nx 2+c )'2.
The use of symbols-letters of the alphabet to de-
note unknowns--and equations are the foundations
of the science of algebra. The Hindus were the first
to make systematic use of the letters of the alphabet to
denote unknowns. They were also the first to classify
. and make a detailed study of equations. Thus they may
be said to have given birth to the modern science of
A portion of the subject matter of this book has been
available to scholars through papers by various authors
and through Colebrooke's Algebra' with Arithmetic and
Mensuration from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and Bhas-
cara, but about half 'of it is being presented here for the
hrst time. For want of space it has not been possible
to give a detailed comparison of the Hindu achievements
in Algebra with those of other nations. For this the
reader is referred to the general works on the history of
mathematics by Cantor, Smith, and Tropfke, to Dixon's
History of the Theory of Numbers and to Neugebauer's
Mathematische Keilschrift-Texte. A study of this book
along with the above standard works will reveal to the
reader the remarkable progress ~n algebra made by the
Hindus at an early date. It will also show that we are
indebted to the Hindus for the technique and the
fundamental results of algebra just as we owe to them the
place-value notation and the elements of our arithmetic.
We have pleasure in expressing our thanks to Mr.
T. N. Singh and Mr. Ahmad Ali for help in correcting
.proofs and to Mr. R. D. Misra for preparing the index
to this volume.

Name for Algebra-Algebra defined-Distinction from
Arithmetic-Importance 'of Algebra-Scope of Al-
gebra-Origin of Hindu Algebra.
Coefficient-Unknown Quantity-Power-Equation-
Absolute Term.
3· SYMBOLS 12.
Symbols of Operation-Origin of Minus Sign-Sym-
bols for Powers and Roots-Symbols for Unknowns.
Evolution and Involution.
N~n;tber of Operations-Addition and Subtraction-
Forming Equations-Plan of writing Equations-Pre-
paration of Equations-Classification of Equations.
Early Solutions-Rule of False Position-Disappear-
ance from later Algebra-Operation with an Optional
Number-Solution of Linear Equations.
Rule of Concurrence-Linear Equations.

A type of Linear Equations-Solution by False Posi-
tion-Second Type-Third Type-Brahmagupta's
Rule-Mahavira's Rule--Bhaskara's Rule.
Early Treatment-13akhsha~ Treatise-Aryabhata 1-
Brahmagupta's Rules-Sridhara's Rule-Mahavira-
Aryabhata II-Sripati's Rules-Bhaskara II's Rules-
Elimination of the Middle Term-Two roots of the
Quadratic-I<::nown to MaMvira-Brahmagupta.
Cubic and Biquadratic-Higher Equations.
Common Forms-Rule of Dissimilar Operations-
Mahavira's Rules.
General Survey-Its Importance-Three Varieties of
Problems-Terminology-Origin of the name-
Preliminary Operations-Solution of bx-ay= ±.-
Aryabhata 1'5 Rule-Bbaskara I's Rules-Brabma-
gupta's Rules-Mahilvira's Rules-Aryabhata II-
Sripati's Rule-BMskara II's Rules-Solution of f?y=
ax±I-Constant Pulveriser-Bhaskara 1'5 Rule-
Brahmagupta's Rule-Bhaskara II's Rule-Solution of
~+ax=±t'-Brahmagupta's Rule--Bh:1skara II's
Rule - NadiyaQ.a - illustrative Examples - Particular
Cases. ~,,,,


Sripati's Rule-Bh:1skara II's Rule-Special Rules-
General Problem of Remainders-Conjunct Pulveriser
-Generalised Conjunct Pulveriser-Alternative me-

16. SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + 1 )'2 141
Square-nature-Origin of the Name-Technical
Terms-Brahmagupta's Lemmas-Description by
later writers-Principle of Composition-General
Solution of the Square-nature-Another Lemma-
Rational Sollltion-Sdpati's Rational Solution-Illus-
trative Examples-Solution in Positive Integers.
Cyclic Method-Bhaskara's Lemma-Bh:iskara's Rule
-Narayat;la's Rule-Illustrative Examples.
18. SOLUTION OF Nx 2±c-:J2 173
Form Mn 2x 2±c :J2-Form a2x 2 ±c-:J2-Form c- Nx 2
:J2-Form Nx 2-k2 )'2.
Solution-Solution ofax2+bx+c ),2-Solution of
ax 2+bx+c=uy2+by+t'-Solution ofax 2+lry2+c=
Z2-S olution of a2x2+lry2+c=Z2-Solution ofax2 +
Early Solutions-Later Rational Solutions-Integral
Solutions-Mahavlra's Definitions-Right Triangles
having a Given· Side-Right Triangles having a Given
Hypotenuse-Problems involving Areas and Sides-
Problems involving Sides but not Areas-Pairs of
Rectangles-Isosceles Triangles with Integral Sides-
Juxtaposition of Right Triangles-Isosceles Triangles
with a Given Altitude-Pairs of Rational Isosceles
Triangles-Rational Scalene Triangles-Triangles
having a Given Area.
Rational Isosceles Trapeziums-Pairs of Isosceles
Trapeziums-Rational Trapeziums with Three Equal
Sides-Rational Inscribed Quadrilaterals-Inscribed
Quadrilaterals having a Given Area-Triangles and
Quadrilaterals having a Given Circum-Diameter.

Mahavlra's Rule-BM.skara's Method-NarayaJ;la's
Rule-Form ax2n+2+bx211 :J'2-Equation ax4+bx2 +c


CUBES ~ 250
Square-pulveriser-Cube-pulveriser-Equation bx±c
=try2-Equation bx±c=qyft.
First Type-Second Type.
Double Equations in sev:eral Unknowns.
2.8. SOLUTION OFaxy=bx+£y+ d 297
BakhshaIi work'--:'An Unknown Author's Rule-
Brahmagupta's Rule-Mahavira's Rule-Sripati's
Rule-Bbaskara II's Rule-Bbaskara's Proofs.
Name for Algebra. The Hindu name for the
science of algebra is bijaga(1ita. Bija means "element'"
or "analysis" and ga(1ita "the science of calculation."
Thus bijaga{1ita literally means "the science of calcula-
tion with elements" or "the science of analytical
calculation." The epithet dates at least as far back I

as the time of Prthudakasvami (860) who used it.

Brahmagupta (628) calls algebra ktt//aka-ga(1ita, Ot;
simply kIt!/aka. 1 The term ku/!aka, meaning "pulve-
riser", refers to a branch of the science of algebra
dealing particularly with the subject of indeterminate
equations of the first degree. It is interesting to find
that this subject was considered so important by the
Hindus that the whole science of algebra was named
after it in the beginning of the seventh century. Algebra
is also called avyakta-ga(1ita or ':the science of calculation
with unknowns" (alD'akta=unknown) in contradistinc-
tion to the name vyakta-gattita or "the science of calcu-
lation with knowns" (tyakta=known) for arithmetic
Including geometry and mensuration.
Algebra Defined. Bha.skara II (I I 50) has defined
algebra thus:
"Analysis (bijtl) is certainly the innate intellect
assisted by the various symbols (1IortJo), which, for the
lSee Bibhutibhusan Datta, "The scope and development
of the Hindu Ga.Q.ita," IHQ, V, 1929, pp. 479-512; particularly
PP·4 8 9f .

instruction of duller intellects, has been expounded

by the ancient sages who enlighten mathematicians as
the sun irradiates the lotus; that has now taken the name
algebra (bijagatzita)."l
That algebraic analysis' requires keen intelligence
and sagac.ity has been observed by him on more than
one occaSlOn.
"Neither does analysis consist in symbols, nor are
there different kinds of analyses; sagacity alone is ana-
lysis, for wide is imagination."2
"Analysis is certainly clear intelligence."3 .
"Or intelligence alone is analysis."4
In answer to the question, "if (unknown quantities)
are to be discovered by intelligence alone what then
is the need of analysis ?" he says:
"Because intelligence is certainly the real analysis;
symbols are its helps. The innate intelligence which has
been expressed for the duller intellects by the ancient
sages, who enlighten mathematicians as the sun hradi-
ates the lotus, with the help of various symbols, has
now obtained the name of algebra."5
Thus, according to Bhaskara II, algebra may be de-
fined as the science which treats of numbers expressed by
means of symbols, and in which there is scope and pri-
mary need for intelligent artifices and ingenious devices.
Distinction from Arithmetic. What distinguishes
algebra from arithmetic, according to the Hindus, will be
found to some extent in their special names. Both deal
with symbols. But in arithmetic the values of the sym-
bols are vyakta, that is, known and definitely determinate,

1 BBi, p. 99. 2 BBi, p. 49; SiSi, Go/a, xiii. ,.

3 L, p. 15; SiSi, Go/a, xiii. ;. 4 BBi,p. 49.
5 BBi, p. JOO.
while in algebra they are avyakta, that IS, unknown,
indefinite. The relation between these two branches
of ga(lita is considered by Bhaskara II to be this:
"The science of calculation with unknowns is the
source of the science of calculation with knowns."l
He has put. it more explicitly and clearly thus:
"Alg~bra is similar to arithmetic in respect of rules
(of fundamental operations) but appears as if it were
'indeterminate. It is not indeterminate to the intelligent;
it is certainly not sixfold,2 but manifold."3
The true distinction between arithmetic and. algebra,
besides that of symbols employed, lies, in the opinion
~ ,f Bha,skara II, in the demonstration of the rules.
He remarks: ,
"Mathematicians have declared algebra to be com-
putation attended with demonstration: else there would
be no distinction between arithmetic and algeb.ra."4
The truth of this dictum is evident in the treatment
of the gU(la-karma in the Li/avati and the madhyamdharatta
in the BijagatJita. Both are practically treatments of
problems involving the quadratic equation. But
whereas in the former are found simply the applica-
tions of the well-known formulre for the solution of
such equations, in the latter is described also the rationale
of those formulre. Similarly we sometimes find included
in treatises on arithmetic problems whose solutions
require form,ulre demonstrated \1n books on algebra.
The method of demonstration has been stated' to be
"always of two kinds: one geometrical (k.fctragata) and
1 BBi, p. I.
2 The reference is to the six fundamen'tal operations recognised
in algebra as well as to the six subjects of treatment which are
essential to analysis.
3 L, p. 15. 'BB~, p. 1%7.

the other symbolical (raJigata)."l We do not 'know who

was the first in India to use geometrical methods for
I demonstrating al gebrai cal rules. Bh:iskara II (I I 50)
ascribes it to "ancient teachers."2
Importance of Algebra. The early Hindus regard-
ed algebra as a science of great importance and utility.
I n the opening verses of his treatise3 on algebra Brahma-
gupta (6z8) observes:
"Since questions can scarcely be known (i.e.,
solved) without algebra, therefore, I shall speak of
algebra with examples.
"By knowing the pulveriser, zero, negative and
positive quantities, unknowns, elimination of the middle
term, equations with one unknown, factum and the
Square-nature, one becomes the learned professor
(acarya) amongst the learned."'"
Similarly Bhiskara II writes:
"\Vhat the learned calculators (samkhyap) describe as
the originator of intelligence, being directed by a wise
being (satpuru,fa) and which alone is the primal cause (bija)
of all knowns (?!Jakla), I venerate that Invisible God as
well as that Science of Calculation with Unknowns ...
Since questions can scarcely be solved without the reason-
ing of algebra-not at all by those of dull perceptions-
1 shall speak, therefore, of the operations of analysis."5
1 BBi, p. lZ5. 2 BBi, p. 12 7.
3 Forming chapter xviii of his Brdhma-sphu!a-siddhdnta.
4 BrSpSi, xviii. 1-2..
5 In the first part of this passage every principal term has been
used with a double significance. The term sdtiJkhydb (literally,
"expert calculators") signifies the "Samkhya philosophers" in
one sense, "mathematicians" in the other; ,.atpUrtff&l "the self-
existent being of the Sarhkhya philosophy" or "a wise mathema-
tician"; tJ";akta "manifested unlverse" or "the science of calculation
with knowns."

Naraya.Q.a (I;~O) remarks:

"I adore that Brahma, also that science of calcula-
tion with the unknown, which is the one invisible root-
cause of the visible and multiple-qualitied universe,
also of multitudes of rules of the science of calculation
with the known."1 p -
"As out of Him is deri¥ed this entire universe,
visible and endless, so out of algebra follows the whole
of arithmetic with its endless varieties (of rules). There-
fore, I always make obeisance to Siva and also to
(avyakta-) ga!1ita (algebra)."2
He adds:
"People ask questions whose solutions are not
to be found by arithmetic; but their solutions can
generally be found by algebra. Since less intelligent..
men do not succeed in solving questions by the rules of
arithmetic, I shall speak of the lucid and easily intelli-
gible rules of algebra."3
Scope of Algebra. The science of algebra is broad-
ly divided by the Hindus into two principal parts. Of
these'the tlJ.ost import~nt one deals with analysis (bija).
Tpe other part treats of the subjects which are essential
for analysis. T.qey are: the laws of signs, the arith- '
metlc of zero (and infinity), operations with unknowns, .
')urds, the pulveriser (or the indeterminate equation of
the first degree), and the Square-nature (Of the so-called
Pellian equation). To these some writers add con-
currence and dissimilar operations, while others include
them in arithmetic. 4 At the end of the first section
of his treatise on algebra Bhaskara II is found to have
1 NBi, I, R. I. 2 NBi, II, R. I.
3 NBi, I, R, 5-6 •
.. All writers, except Brahmagupta and Sripati, are of the latter
, opinion.

observed as follows:
"(The section of) this science of calculation which is
essential for analysis has been briefly set forth. Next
J shall propound analysis, which j's the source of pleasure
to the mathematician.'11
Analysis is stated by all to be of four kinds, for
equations are classified into four varieties (vide itifra).
Thus each class of equations has its own method of
Origin of Hindu Algebra. The .origin of Hindu
algebra can be definitely traced back to the period of
the Sulba (800-500 B.C.) !lnd the Brt1hma{la (c. 2000
B.C.). But it was then mostly geometrical. 2 The
geometrical method of the transformation of a square
into a rectangle having a gi~en side, which is described
in the important Sulba is obviously equivalent to the
solution of a linear equation in one unknown, viZ"
ax = cZ•
The quadratic equation has its counterpart in the cons-
truction of a figure (an altar) similar to a given one but
differing in area from it by a specified amount. The usual
method of solving that problem was to increase the
unit of measure of the linear dimensions of the figure.
One of the most important altars of the 0 bligatory Vedic
sacrifices was called the 'Mahavedi (the Great Altar).
It has been described to be of the form of an isosceles
trapezium whose face is 24 units long, base 30 and
altitude 36. If x be the enlarged unit of measure taken
in increasing the size of the altar by m units of area, we
must have
36x X
(24X +
= 3
(24 +
30 ) +
2 2

1 BBi, p. 4,.
2 Bibhutibhusan Datta, The Science oj the Sulba, Calcutta, 193Z./
or 97 2X2 = + m. 972

Therefore x = \ ) + !!!_. I
97 2
If m be put equal to 972 (n-I), so that the area of
the enlarged altar is n times its original area, we get
some particular cases of which are described in the
Su/ba.' The particular cases, when n = 14 or 14-f, are
found as early as the Satapatha Brdhmat/a1 (c. 2000 B.C.).
The most ancient and primitive form of the "Fire-
altar for the sacrifices to achieve special objects" was
the SYlnacit (or "the altar of the form of the falcon").
A 8

F L E E' t: F'
I• ,
- -_ ..... - .. - -t- .. - .. - .. - - ....

G M H H' G'
D p. S C

Fig. I.

Its body (ABeD) consists of four sguares of one square

purt/fa each; each of its wings (EFGH, E'F'G'R') is a
rectangle of one puruftl by one PUrtI.fCl and a prddeJa
(= I /10 of a purufa). This Fire-altar was enlarged in

1 JBr, X. 2. 3. 7ff.

two ways: first, in which all the constituent parts were

affected in the same proportion; second, in which the
breadth of the portions LFGM and L'F'G'M' of the
wings were left unaffected. If x be the enlarged unit
for enlargement in the first case we shall have to solve
the quadratic equation

2XX 2.x+ 2.{x X (x.+~)}+

x X x )=7~ + m,
(x+ 10
where fIJ denotes the increment of the Fire-altar in .size.
Therefore x2 = I
+ -.
In particular, when m = 94, we shall have
x 2 = I3h = 14 (approximately),
which occurs in the Satapatha Brahma{1a.
In the second case of enlargement the equation for
x will be
2.X X 2X+ 2{X x(x+ !)}+ x x(x+-h) = 7~ + m,
which is a complete quadratic ~quation.
The problem of altar construction gave rise also
to certain indeterminate equations of the second degree
such as,
(I) +
x 2 y2 = Z2,
(2) +
x 2 a 2 = Z2;
and simultaneous indeterminate equations of the type
ax + by + cZ + dw _= p,
x+y+ z+ w=q.
Further parti9liars -about these equations will be
given later on.

Coefficient. In Hindu algebra there is no syste-

matic use of any special term for the coefficient.
Ordinarily, the power of the unknown is mentioned
when the reference is to the coefficient of that power.
In explanation of similar use by Brahmagupta his
commentator Prthudakasvami writes "the number
(~~ka) which is' the coefficient of the square of the
unknown is called the 'square' and the number which
forms the <;oefficient of the (simple) unknown is called
'the unknown quantity.'''l However, occasional use
of a technical term is also met with. Brahmagupta once
~alls the coefficient samkhya 2 (number) and on several
other occasions gU{1aka, or gU{1akara (multiplier).s
Prthudakasvaml (860) calls it anka" (number) or
prak-rti (multiplier). These terms reappear in the wO.rks
ofSripati (1039)5 and Bhaskara II (1150).6 The former
also used rlipa for the same purpose.'
Unknown Quantity. The unknown quantity
was called in the Sthandnga-siitra 8 (before 300 B.C.)
yavat-tdvat (as many as or so much as, meaning
an arbitrary quantity). In the so-called Bakhshali
treatise, it was called yadrccha, vaiichd or kamika (any
desired quantity).9 This term was' originally connected
"ith the Rule of False Position. 10 Aryabhata I (499)
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 44 (Comr 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 63'
3 BrSpSi, xviii. 64, 69-71. 'BrSpSi, xviii. 44 (Com).
6SiSe, xiv. 33-5. e BBi, pp. 33-4.
7 SiSe, xiv. 19.
8 SlItra 747; if. Bibhutibhusao Datta, "The Jaina School
of Mathematics," BCMS, XXI, 1929, pp. IIS-14S; particularly
pp. 12.%-3·
9 BMs, Folios 22., verso; 23, recto & verso.
10 Bibhutibhusan Datta, "The Bakshshali Mathematics," BCMS,
XXI, pp. 1-60; particularly l'P' 26-8,66.

calls the unknown quantity gulika (shot). This term

strongly leads one to suspect that the shot was probably
then used to represent the unknown. From the begin-
ning of the seventh century the Hindu algebraists are
found to have more commonly employed the term
atyakta (unknown).l
Power. The oldest Hindu terms for the power of a
quantity, known or unknown, are found in the Uttard-
d~yqyana-sutra (c. 300 B.C. or earlier).2 In it the second
power is called varga (square), the third power ghana
( cube), the fourth power varga-varga (square-square),
the sixth power ghana-varga (cube-square), and the
twelfth power ghana-varga-varga (cube-square-square),
using the multiplicative instead of the additive principle.
In this work we do not find any method for indicat-
ing odd powers higher than the third. In later times,
the fifth power is called varga-ghalla-ghdta (product of
cube and square, ghdta=product), the seventh power
varga-varga-ghana-ghata (product of square-square and
cube) and so on. Brahmagupta's system of expressing
powers higher than the fourth is scientifically better.
He calls the fifth power panca-gata (literally, raised to
the fifth), the sixth power fat/-gata (raised to the sixth) ;
similarly the term for any power is coined by adding
the suffix gata to the name of the number indicating that
power. 3 Bhaskara II has sometimes followed it consis-
tently for the powers one and upwards. 4 . In the
A 11t!Jogadvdra-sutra5 , a work written before the com-
mencement of the Christian Era, we find certain interest-
ing terms for higher powers, integral as well as fractional,
particularly successive squares (varga) and square-roots
(varga-Illtlla). According to it the term pratha!Jta-l'Clrga
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 2, 41; SiSe, xiv. 1-2; BBi, pp. 7ff.
2 Chapter xxx, 10, 11. 3 BrSpSi, xviii. 41, 4 2 .
4 BBi, p. 56. 5 S ufra 142.

(first square) of a quantity, say a, means a2 ; dvitryavarga

(second square) = (a 2)2 = a4 ; trtiya-varga (third square)
= 2)2)2 = as; and so on. In general,
nth varga of a = a2x2x2x '" to n tenn. = a2n •
Similarly, prathama-varga-m.ula (first square-root) means
Va; dvitrya-varga-mula (second square-root) = V (va)
= a1 / 4 ; and, in general,
nth varga-mula of a = a1 / 2n •
Again we find the term trtfya-varga-mula-ghana (cube
of the third square-root) for (a!/23)3 = a3 / S•
The term varga for "square" has an interesting
origin i·n a purely concrete concept. The Sanskrit word
varga literally means "rows," or "troops" (of similar
things). Its application as a mathematical term
originated in the graphical representation of a square,
which was divided into as many varga or troops of small
squares, as the side contained units of some measure.!
Equation. The equation is called by Brahma-
gupta (628) sama-karatJa 2 or samf-karatJa3 (making
equal) or more simply sama 4 (equation). Prthuda-
kasvami (860) employs also the term samycf> (equality
or equation); and Sripati (1039) sadrJi-kara!1a6 (making
similar). Nanlyal).a (1350) uses the terms samf-karatJa,
samya and samatva (equality). 7 An equation has always
two pakJa (side). This term occurs in the works of
1 G. Thibaut, SlIlba-siitras, p. 48. Compare also Bibhutibhusan
Datta, "On the origin of the Hindu terms for root," Amer. Math.
Moli., XXXVIII, 1931, pp. 371-6.
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 63.
3 BrSpSi,. xviii, subheading for the section on equations.
'BrSpSi, xviii. 43.
6 BrSpSi, xii. 66 (Com).
6 SiJe, xiv. 1.
7 NBi, II, R. 2-3'

Srldhara (C. 750), Padmanabha1 and others.2

Absolute Term. In the Bakhshali treatise3 the
absolute term is called drJya (visible). In later Hindu
algebras it has been replaced by a closely allied term
rupa4 (appearance), though it continued to be employed
in treatises on arithmetic. 5 Thus the true significance
of the Hindu name for the absolute term in an algebraic
equation is obvious. It represents the visible or known
portion of the equation while its other part is prac-
tically invisible or unknown.


. Symbols of Operation. There .are no special

symbols for the fundamental operations in the Bakh-
shaJi, work. Any particular operation intended is
ordinarily indicated by placing the tachygraphic abbre-
viation, the initial syllable of a Sanskrit word of that
imp_Qrt, after, occasionally before, the quantity affected.
Thus the operation of addition is indicated by yu (an
abbreviation from yuta, meaning added), subtraction
by + which is very probably from k.fa (abbreviated from
k.faya, diminished), multiplication by gu (from gut/a
or gut/ita, multiplied) and division by bhd (from bhdga or
bh4Jita, divided). Of these again, the most systemati-
cally employed abbreviation is that for the operation of
subtraction and next comes that of division. In the
ca~e of the other two operations the indicatory words

1 The algebras of Sridhara and Padmanabha are not available

now. But the term occurs in quotations from them by Bh:1s-
kara II (BBi, pp. 6r, 67).
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 4l.(Com); SiSe, xiv. 14,20; BBi, pp. 43-4.
3 BMs, Folio 23, ·verso; Folio 70, recto and verso (c).
4. BrSpSi, xviii. 43-4; SiSco xiv, 14. 19; etc.
5 Trif, pp. 1 I, IZ.

are often written in full, Ot altogether omitted. In

the latter case, the particular operations intended to
be carried out are understood from the context.
We take the following instances .from the Bakhshili

(i)1 0 5 yu
means ~
+ l_, and I
yu 5 means ~ + l_.

(ii)2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IOgU means 3 X 3 X 3 X 3 X' 3 X 3

1111111 I X 3 X 10.

(iii)3 01 1111 2J II 2 5
I 2+
II 3I gtl 27 + I 4 gu 92+

XCI + ~) + { 2X( 1 + ~) - 5;} + {3 + !) _ 7;}

X (1

+ { + !) - 9;}.
4X( 1

(iv)4 I I I I bhd 36 6
1+1 I
2 3A+6
means ( I-~1)( 1 +:r13)(1-'41)( 1 + 1r 11"

(v)6 40 bhd 160 13 160 -

1 1 I means - X 13!'
2 40

In later Hindu mathematics the symbol for subtrac-

tion is a dot, occasionally a small circle, which is placed
above the quantity, so that "7 or "7 means -7; other
operations are represented by simple juxtaposition.

1Folio 59,_recto. 2 Folio 47, recto.

Folio 25, verso. The beginning and end of this illustration
are mutilated but the restoration is certain.
, Folio 13, verso. !> Folio 42, recto.

-Bhiskara II (1150) says, "Those (known and unknown

numbers) which are negative should be written with a
dot (bindu) over them."! .A similar remark occurs in the
algebra of NarayaQ.a (1350).2 Their silence about
symbols of other fundamental operations proves their
Origin of Minus Sign. The origin of . or 0 as
the minus sign seems to be connected with the Hindu
symbol for the zero, o. It is found tc have been used
as the sign of emptiness or omission in the early Bakh-
shall treatise as \vell as in the later treatises on arithmetic
(l,ide infra).3 It is placed over the number affected in
order to distinguish it from its use in a purely numerical
significance when it is placed beside the number. The
origin of the Bakhshali minus sign { +) has been the
subject of much conjecture. Thibaut suggested its
possible connection with the supposed Diophantine
negative sign cit (reversed ¢, tachygraphic abbreviation
for AENis meaning wanting). Kaye believes it. The
Greek sign for minus, however, is not cit, but t. It is
even doubtful if Diophantus did actually use it; or
whether it is as old as the Bakhshal1 cross. 4 Hoernle5
presumed the Bakhshali minus. sign to be the abbrevia-
tion ka of the Sanskrit word kanita, or nu (or nu) of nyuna,
both of which mean diminished and both of which
abbreviations in the Brahm! characters would be denoted
by a cross. Hoernle was right, thinks Datta,~ so far as
he sought for the origin of + in a tachygraphic abbre-
viation of some Sanskrit word. But as neither the
word kanita nor '!luna is found to have been used in the
Bakhshali work in connection with the subtractive
1 BBi, p. z. 2 NBi, I, R. 7.
3 p. 16. 4. Cf Smith, History, II, p. 396.
5 lA, XVII, p. 34.
6 Datta, Bakh. Math., (BeMS, XXI), pp. 17-8.

operation, Datta finally rejects the theory of Hoernle

and believes it to be the abbreviation kia, from klaya
(decrease) which occurs several times, indeed, more
than any other word indicative of subtraction. The
sign for k[a, whether in the Br:1hml characters or in
Bakhshali characters, differs from the simple cross ( +)
only in having a little flourish at the lower end of the
vertical line. The flourish seems to have been dropped
subsequently for convenient simplification.
Symb'lls for Powers and Roots. The symbols
for powers and roots are abbreviations of Sanskrit
words of those imports and arc placed after the number
affected. Thus the. square is represented by va (from
.Iarga), cube by gha (from ghana), the fourth power by
va-va (from varga-varga), the fifth power by va-gha-gha
(from varga-ghana-ghdta), the sixth power by gha-va (from
ghana-varga), the seventh power by va-va-gha-ghd (from
varga-varga-ghana-ghdta) and so on. The product of two
or more unknown quantities is indicated by writing bh,f
(from Mdvita, product) after the unknowns with or with-
out interposed dots; e.g., ),dva-kdgha-bhd or ydvakdghabha
means (yd)2 (kJ)3. In the Bakhshali treatise the square-
root of a quantity is indicated by writing after it mu,
\vhich is an abbreviation for mula (root). For instance,1

I I II .Y" 5 11111 41
I I means Vp + 5= 4
and III 7+ IJJ Ii 21
I. 1 I means V 11 - 7= 2..

In other treatises the symbol of the square-root

is ka (from karapi, root or surd) which is usually placed
before the quantity affected. For example,2 ka 9 lea 4.50
1 Folio 59, recto; compare also folio 67, verso.
2 BBi, p. 15.

k.a 75 ka 54 means V9 + Y45 0 + V75 + V 54·

Symbols for Unknowns. In the Bakhshali
treatise there is no specific symbol for the unknown.
Consequently its place in an equation is left vacant
and to indicate it vividly the sign of emptiness is put
there. For instance, l

The use of the zero sign to mark a vacant place

is found in the arithmetical treatises of later times when
the Hindus had a well-developed system of symbols
for the unknowns. Thus we find in the Trifatik.d 2 of
Sridhara (c. 750) the following statement of an arithme-
tical progression whose first term (adif;) is 20, number
of terms (gaccha/l) 7, sum (gattitmil) 245 and whose com-
mon difference (uttaraf;) is unknown:
I tidi/J 20 I II 0 I gacchaf; 7 I gat1itall; 245 I
This use of the zero sign in arithmetic was consi-
dered necessary as algebraic symbols could not be
used there. Lack of an efficient symbolism is bound
to give rise to a certain amount of ambiguity in the re-
presentation of an algebraic equation especially when
it contains more than one known. For instance, in3

° I

which means
Yx +
5 = sand Vx - 7 = t,
different unknowns haye to· be assumed at different
vacant places.
1 B.Ms, Folio 2.2., verso. 2 Trif, p. 2.9.
3 BMs, Folio ~9, recto.

To avoid such ambiguity, in one instance which

contains as many as five unknowns, the abbreviations of
ordinal numbers, such as pra (from prathama, first),
dvi (from dvitfya, second), Ir (from trlfya, third), ca
(from call1rtha, fourth) and pam (from pancama, fifth),
have been used to represent the unknowns; e.g.,l

9 pra r. 7 dvi 10/r 8 ca II pam yutam jMam

7 dvi 10/r 8 ca II pam 9 pra 16117118119120

which means
-"'l( = 9) + x 2 ( = 7) = 16; X 2( = 7) + xa( = 10) = 17;
xa( = 10) + x 4 ( = 8) = 18; x 4 ( = 8) + X 5( = Il) = 19;
x 6( =- II) + X I ( = 9) = 20.

Aryabha~a I (499) very probably used coloured shots

to represent unknowns. Brahmagupta (628) mentions
lItlrpa as the symbols of unknowns. 2 As he has not at-
tempted in any way to explain this method of symbolism,
it appears that the method was already very familiar.
Now, the Sanskrit word varpa means "colour" as
well as "letters of the alphabet," so that, in later times,
the unknowns are generally represented by letters of
the alphabet or by means of various colours such as
k(.~/aka (black), ntlak.a (blue), etc. Again in the latter
case, for simplification, only initial letters of the names
are generally written. Thus Bhaskara II (1 150) observes,
"Here (in algebra) the initial letters of (the names of)
knowns and unknowns should be written for implying
them."3 It has been stated before that at one time
the unknown quantity was called _ydvot-ttil'ol (as many
1 Folio 1.7, verso. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 1., 42., 51, etc.
3 BBi, p. z; see also NBi, I. R. 7.

as, so much as). In later times this name, or its

abbreviati~n ya, is used for the unknown. According
to the celebrated San,skrit lexicographer Amarasirhha
(c. 400 A.D.), yavat-tavat denotes measure or quantity
(mana). He had probably in view the use of that term
in Hindu algebra to denote "the measure of an unknown"
(avyakta mana). In the case of more unknowns, it is
usual to denote the first by yavat-tavat and the remaining
ones by alphabets or colours. Prthudakasvaml (860)
"In an example in which there are two or more
unknown quantities, colours such as _yavat-tavat, etc.,
should be assumed for their values."1
He has, indeed, used the colours k.dlak..a (black), nllaka
(blue), pitaka (yellow) and barftaka (green).
Sripati (1039) writes;
"Yavat-t(1vat (so much as) and colours such as ka/aka
(black), nilaka (blue), etc., should be assumed for the
Bhaskara II (II50) says:
"Ydvat-tdvat (so much as), kti/aka (black), nilak..a
(blue), pita (yellow), lobita (red) and other colours
have been taken by the venerable professors a.s
notations for the measures of the unknowns, for the
purpose of calculating with them."3
"In those examples where occur two, three or
more unknown q'!lantities, colours such as yavat-tdvat,
etc., should be assumed for them. As assumed by
the previous teachers, they are: yavat-tavat (so much
as), ka/aka (black), nr'laka (blue), pi'taka (yellow),
lohitak.a (red), har/taka (green), svetaka (white), citraka
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 5I (Com). 2 SiSe, xiv. %.
3 BBi, p. 7.

(variegated), kapilaka (tawny) ,pingalaka (reddish-brown),

dhllmraka (smoke-coloured)~ patalaka (pink), Javalaka
(spotted), fyamalaka (blackish), mecaka (dark blue),
etc. Or the letters of alphabets beginning with lea,
should be taken as the measures of the unknowns in
order to prevent confusion."l
The 'same list with a few additional names of colours
aRpears in the algebra of Narayal.la.2 This writer has
further added, ,
"Or the letters of alphabets (var{1a) su'th as
ka, etc., or the series of flavours such as madhura
(:;weet), etc., or the names of dissimilar things with un-
like initial letters, are assumed (to represent the
unknowns)." ,
Bhaskara II occasiQnally employs also the tachygra-
phic abbreviation of the names of the unknown
quantities themselves in order to represen,t them in an
equation. For example,3 in the following
5 nla I ni I Illll I va
I nla 7 ni I IllII I va
I Ilia I ni 97 !lItt I Va
I ilia I ni I IlIU 2. Va

ilia stands for Illa{1ikya (ruby), nifor (indra-)Ilila (sapphire),

mu' for Illuktdphala (pearl) and va for (sad)vajra (diamond).
He has observed in this connection thus:
"(The maxim), 'colours such as yavat-tdvat, etc.,
should be assumed for the unknowns,' gives (only) one
method of implying (them). Here, denoting them
1 BBi, pp. 76f.
2 NBi, I, R. 17-8. These verses have been quoted by Mura-
Iidhara Jha in his edition of the Bijo,f',opila of Bhflskara II (p. 7,
footnote 1).
3 BB;, p. 50; compare also p. z8.

by names, the equations may be formed by the inteili-

gent (calculator)."
It should be noted that yavat-tavat is not a vartla
(colqur or letter of alphabet). So in its inclusion in
the lists of var(1a, as found enumerated in the Hindu
algebras-though apparently anomalous-we find the
persistence of an ancient symbol which was in vogue
long before the introduction of colours to represent
unknowns. To avoid the anomaly Muralidhara Jha l
has suggested the emendation yavakasldvat (yavdka
and also; yavtlka = red) in the place of yavat-tavat,
as found in the available manuscripts. He thinks
that being misled by the old practice, the expression
yavakastdvat was confused by copyists with yavat-fdvat.
In support of this theory it may be pointed out that
yavaka is found to have been sometimes used by
Prthu lakasvami to represent the unknown. 2 Bhaskara
II has once used simply yavat. s Narayana used it on
several occasions. The origin of the use of names of
colours to represent unknowns in algebra is very pro-
bably connected with the ancient use of differently
coloured shots for the purpose.

Addition. Brahmagupta (62.8) says:
"The sum of two positive numbers is positive,
of two negative numbers is negative; of a positive
and a negative number is their difference.'"
Mahivlra (850):
"In the addition of a positive and a negative number
1 See the Preface to his edition of Bhiskara's BijagafJita.
BrSpSi, xii. I, (Com); xii. 18 (ClJm).
a BBi, p. ,0. 'BrSpSi, xviii. 30.

(the result) is (their) difference. The addition of two

positive or two negative numbers (gives) as much posi-
tive or negative numbers respectively."l
Sdpati (1039):
"In the addition of two negative or two pos1t!ve
numbers the result is their sum; the addition of a posi-
tive and a negative number is their difference." 2
"The sum of two positive (numbers) is positive;
of two negative (numbers) is negative; of a positive
and a negative is their difference and the sign of the
difference is that of the greater; of two equal positive
and negative (numbers) is zero."3
Bhaskara II (1150):
"In the addition of two negative or two positive
numbers the result is their sum; the sum of a positive
and a negative number is their difference.'"
Naraya1)a (1350):
"In the addition of two posltlve or two negative
numbers the result is their sum; but of a positive and a
negative number, the result is their di!ference; subtract-
ing the smaller nqrnber from the greater, the remainder
becomes of the same kind as the latter."5
Subtraction. Brahmagupta writes:
"From the greater should be subtracted the smaller;
(the final result is) positive, if positive from positive.
and negative, if negative from negative. If, however,
the greater is subtracted from the less, that difference
is reversed (in sign). negative ,becomes positive and '
positive becomes negative. When positive is to be
subtracted from negative or negative from positive,
1 GSS, i. 50~I.- 2 JiSe, xiv. 3.
3 SiSe. iii. 28. "BBi, p. 2.
5 SBi, I, R. 8.

t'len they must be added together."l

"A positi\'c number to be subtracted. from another
number becomes negative and a negative number to be
subtracted becomes positive."2
"A positive (number) to be subtracted becomes
negative, a negative becomes positive; (the subsequent
operation is) addition as explained before."3
Bhaskara II:
"A positive (number) while being subtracted be-
comes negative and a negative becomes po'sitive; then
addition as explained before."4
"Of the subtrahend affirmation becomes negatlon
and negation affirmation; then addition as described
Multiplication. Brahmagupta says:
"The product of a positive and a negative (number)
is negative; of two· negatives is positive; positive mul-
tiplied by 'positive is po=':'tive."6
"In the multiplication of two negative or two
positive numbers the result is positive; but it is negative
tn the case of (the multiplication of) a positive and a
negative nu~ber."7
"On multiplying two negative or two positive

1 BrSpSi, xviii. 3 1 - 2 • =GSS, i. p.

ft SiSe, xiv. 3. 4 B.Bi., p. 3.
:I NBi, I. R. 9. 8 BrSP.Ji, xviii. H.
7 GSS, i. 50.

numbers (the product is) positive; in the multiplication

of positive and negative (the result is) negative."!
Bhaskara II:
"The product of two positive or two negative
(numbers) is positive; the product of positive and nega-
tive is negative."2
The same rule is stated by NarayaQa. 3
Division. Brahmagupta states:
"Positive divided by positive or negative divided
by negative becomes positive. But positive divided
by negative is negative and negative divided by posi-
tive remains negative."4 , -
\Iahavira: .
"In the division of two negative or two pos!t1ve
numbers the quotient is positive, but it is negativ~ in
the case of (the division of) positive and negative."5
"On dividing negative by :legative or positive by
positive, (the quotient) will be positive, (but it will be)
otherwise in th~ case of positive and negative."6
Bhaskara II simply observes: "In the case of divi-
sion also, such are the rules (i.e., as in the case of
multiplication)."7 Similarly NfuayaQa remarks, "What
have been implied in the case of multiplication of
positive and negative numbers will hold also in the
case of division."8
Evolution and Involution. Brahmagupta says:
. "The square of a positive or a negative number is

1 SiSt, xiv. 4'- 2 BBi, p. 3.

3 NBi, I, R. 9. 4 BrSpSi, xviii. 34.
• 5o GSS, i. 50. 8 S;Se, xiv. 4 .
7 BBi, p. 3. 8 NBi I, R. 10.

positive .... The (sIgn of the) root is the same as was

that from which the square was derived."l
As regards the latter portion of this rule the com-
mentator P~thudakasvaml (860) remarks, "The square-
root should be taken either negative or positive, as will
be most suitable for subsequent operations to be carried
"The square of a positive or of a negative number
is positive: their square-roots are positive and negative
respectively. Since a negative number by its own
nature is not a'square, it has no square-root."2
Sripati: -
"The square of a poSitive and a negative number
is positive. It will become what it was in the case of
the square,root. A negative number by itself is non-
square, so its square-root is unreal; so the rule (for the
square-root) should be applied in the case of a positive
Bhaskara II:
"The square of a positive and a negative number is
positive; the square-root of a positive number is positive
as well as negative. Ther.e is no square-root of a nega-
tive number, because it is non-square."4
"The square of a positive and a negative number is
positive. The square-root of a positive number will
be positive and also negative. It has been proved that
a negative number, being non-square, has no square-

1 BrSpSi, xviii. 35. 2 GSS, i. 52..

3 SiSe, xiv. S. I BBi, p. 4.
5 NBi, I, R. 10.

Number of Operations. The number of funda-
mental operations in algebra is recognised by all Hindu
algebraists to be six, viZ" addition, subtraction, multi-
plication, division, squaring and the extraction of the
square-root. So the cubing and the extraction of the
cube-root which are included amongst the fundamental
operations of arithmetic, are excluded from algebra.
But the formula
(a +
b)3 = a3 + 3a2b+ + 3ab2 b3,
or +
(a.+ b)3 = a3 3ab(a + + b) !J3,
IS found to have been given, as stated before, in almost
J11 the Hindu treatises on arithmetic beginning with that
of Brahmagupta (62.8). By applying it repeatedly, Maha-
vira indicates how to find the cube of an algebraic ex-
pression containing more than two terms; thus
(0+ + + + ...
b c d )3
== a 3 + +
302(b +
c d + .... ) + 3o(b c + d + ... )2
+ + + .... (b c+ d )3,
3 + + + + ....) + + + + ...
= 0 302(b c d 3o(b c d )2
+ +
+ + ......
3b2(c + d + ... ) + 3b(c d ?
+ + ....
+ (c d )3;
and so on.
Addition and Su,btraction. Brahmagupta says:
"Of the unknowns, their squares, cubes, fourth
powers, fifth powers, sixth powers, etc., addition and
subtraction are (performed) of the like; of the unlike
(they mean simply their) statement severally."1
Bhaskara II:
"Addition and subtraction are performed of those
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 41.

of the same species Utili) amongst unknowns; of different

species they mean their separate statement."!
Narayat:ta : .
"Of the colours or letters of alphabets (represent-
ing the unknowns) addition should be made of those
which are of the same species; and similarly sub-
traction. In the addition and subtraction of those of
different species the result will be their putting down
severally." 2
Multiplication. Brahmagupta says:
"The product of two like unknowns is a square;
the product of three or more like unknowns is a power
of that designation. The multiplication of unknowns
of unlike !:\pecies is the same as the mutual product of
symbols; it is callea bbtivita (product or factum)."3
Bhaskara II writes:
"A known quantity multiplied by an unknown
becomes unknown; the product of two, three or more
unknowns of like species is its square, cube, etc.; and the
product of those of unlike species is their bhdvita.
Fractions, etc., are (considered) as in the case of knowns;
and the rest (i.e.) remaining operations) will be the same
as explained in arithmetic. The multiplicand is put
down separately in as many places as there are terms in
the multiplier and is then severally multiplied by those
terms; (the products are then) added together according
to the methods indicated before. Here, in the squaring
and multiplication of unknowns, should be followed the
method of multiplication by component parts, as ex-
plained in arithmetic.'"
The same rules are given by Naraya1)a. 5 The fol-
1 BBi, p. 7. 2 NBi, I, R. 19.
3 BrSpSi, xviii. 42. "BBi, p. 8.
5 NBi, I, R. 21-.Z.

lowing illustration amongst others, is given by BM.s-

kara II:
"Tell at once, 0 learned, (the result) of multiply-
ing five yavat-tavat minus one known quantity by three
yavat-tavat plus two knowns.
"Statement: Multiplicand ya , ru i; multiplier ya 3
ru 2; on multiplication the product becomes ya va 15
.)la 7 ru 2."1 .
The detailed working of this illustration is shown
by the commentator Kfl?.Q.a (c. 1580) thus:
ru 2
'I ya 5
ya 5
ru i
ru i
ya va 15 ya j
ya 10 TU i. "
ya Va I 5 ya 7 ru i.
Division. Bhaskara II states:
"By whatever unknowns and knowns, the divisor
is multiplied (severally) and subtracted from the divi-
dend successively so that no residue is left, they cons-
titute the quotients at the successive stages."2
Narayat;a describes the method of . division in
nearly the same terms. 3 As an example of division,
Bhaskara II proposes to divide 18x2 +
24XY - 12XZ
- 12X+ ~2_ ~- ~+ 2Z 2 + 4Z+ 2 by - ,5<
- zy + Z I. He simply states the quotient without
indicating the differ~nt steps in the process. K!~.Q.a
supplies the details of the process which are substantially
the same as followed at present.
Squaring. Only one rule for the squaring of an
algebraic expression is found in treatises on algebra.
It is the same as that stated before in the treatises on
arithmetic, lliZ.,
. (0 +
b)2 = a2 + bi + zab;

1 BBi, p. 8. 2 BBi, p. 9.
a NBi, I, R. 23.

or, III its general form,

(a+b+c+d+ ... )2=a 2 +b 2 +c 2 +d2 + .. :+2:Eab.
Square-root. Fo.r finding the square-root of an
algebraic expression Bhaskara II gives the following
"Find the square-root, of the unknown quantities
which are squares; then deduct from the remaining terms
t\vice the products of those roots two and two; if there
be known terms, proceed with the remainder in the same
\vay after taking the square-root of the knowns."l
Naraya1).a says:
"First find the root of the square terms (of the given
expression); then the product of two and two of them
(roots) multiplied by two should be subtracted from 'the
remaining terms; (the result thus obtained) is said to be
the square-root here (in algebra)."2
Jiianaraja writes:
"Take ,the square-root of those (terms) which are
capable of yielding roots; the product of two and two ef
these (roots) multiplied by two. should be deducted from
the remaining terms of that square (expression); the re-
sult will be the (required) root, so- say the experts in
this (science)."

Forming Equations. Before proceeding to the
actual solutien of an equation of any type, certain preli-
minary operations have necessarily to be carried out
in order to' prepare it for solution. Still more preli-
minary work is that of forming the equation (s{{llIi-
karatJa, samf-kara or sanJi-kriya; from Salna, equal and

1 BBi, p. 10. 2 NBi, I, R. Z4.


kr, to do; hence literally, making equal) from the condi-

tions of the proposed problem. guch preliminary
work may require the application of one or more funda-
mental operations of algebra or arithmetic. The
operations preliminary to the formation of a simple.
equation have been des.cribed by P-!=thudakasvami (860)
"In this case, in the pro blem proposed by the ques-
tioner, yavat-tavaf is put for the value of the unknown
quantity; then performing multiplication, division, etc.,
as required in the problem the two sides shall be care-
fully made equal. The equation being formed in this
way, then the rule (for its solution) follows."!
Bhaskara II's descriptions are fuller: He says:
"Let yavat-tdvat be assumed as the value of the un-
known quantity. Then doing precisely as has been speci-
fically told-by subtracting, adding, multiplying or
dividing 2-the two equal sides (of an equation) should
be very carefully built.. "3
Naraya.Q.a says:
"Of these (four classes of equations), the linear
equation in one unknown (will be treated) first. In
a problem (proposed), the value of the quantity which
is unknown is assumed to be yavat, one, two or any
multiple of it, with or without an absolute term, which
~\gain may be additive or subtractive. Then on the
value thus assumed optionally should be performed, in

1 BrSpSi, xviii. 43 (Com).

S In his gloss Bhaskara II explains: "Every operation, such
as multiplication, division, rule of three, rule of five terms, summa-
tion of series, or treatment of plane figures, etc., according to the
statement of the problem should be performed ...... " See BBi,
8 BBi, p. 43.

accordance with the statement of the problem, the opera-

tions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, divi-
sion, rule of three, double rule of three, summation,
plane figures, excavations, etc. And thus the two sides
must be made equal. If the~ equality of the two sides
is not explicitly stated, then one side should be multi-
plied, ~ivided, increased or decreased by one's own
intelltgence {according to the problem) and thus the
two sides must be made equal."l
Plan of Writing Equations. After an equation is
formed, writing it down for further operations is techni-
cally called nyasa (putting down, statement) of the equa-
tion. In the Bakhshali treatise the two sides of an
equation arc put down one after the other in the same
line without any sign of equality being interposed. 2
Thus the equations

yx + 5= s, Yx - 7= t I
appear ass
I~ ~I
yll ///1/ 0 sa 0 7
I I 1 I

The equation
x + 2X +3X 3X + 12 X 4X =---= 300
IS stated as 4

II I dr.fJltJ 300 .
0 r.2
/3I 3

This plan of writing an equation was subsequently

abandoned by the Hindus for a new one in which the
two sides are written one below the other without any
1 NBi, II, R. 3 (Gloss).
2 Datta, Bakh. Math., (BCMS, XXI), p.28.
3 Folio S9, recto. "Folio 23, verso.
sign of equality. Further, in this new plan, the terms of
similar denominations are usually written one below
the other and even the terms of "absent denominations
on either side are expressly indicated by putting zeros
as their coefficients. Reference to the new plan is found
as early as the algebra of Brahmagupta (628).1 Prthudaka-
svami (860) represented the equation2
10.'\." - 8 = .'\,"2 + I
as follows:
va )'d)'d 10 ° ru a
_yd l'a 1 _yd ° rll I
which means, writing x foryd
X2.0 + X.IO - 8
x 2
+ X.O +I
or ox2 + lOX - 8 = x 2 + ox + 1.
If there be several unknowns, those of the same kind
are written in the same column with zero coefficients,
if necessary. Thus the equation
197x - I 644Y - Z = 63 02
1S represented by Prthudakasvami thus: 3
yd 197 kd 1644 ni i ru 0
yd 0 k.d 0 11i 0 ru 6302
which means, puttingy fa._[ kd and Z for nf,
197X - 1 644Y - Z + 0 = ox + oy + oz + 6302.
The following two instances are from the Bija-
gatrita of Bhaskara II (1150):4
(I) yd 5 kd 8 fit 7 rll 90
yti 7 kd 9 nt 6 rfi 62.

r BrSpSi, xvii. 43 (vide infra, p. 33). Compare also BBi, p. 12.7.

2 BrSpSi, xviii. 49 (Com). 3 BrSpSi, xviii. 54 (Com).
'BBi, pp. 78, 101.

been thus made ... "1

Sripati says:
"From one (side) the square of the unknown
and the unknown should be cleared by removing the
known quantities; the known quantities (should be
cleared) from the side opposite to that."2
Similarly Bhaskara II:
"Then the unknown on one side of it (the equation)
should be subtracted from the unknown on the other
side; so also the square and other powers of the un-
known; the known quantities on the other side should
be subtracted from the known quantities of another
(i.e., the former) side."3
Here we give a few illustrations. With reference
to the equations from the commentary of Prthudaka-
svami, stated on page 3 I, the author says:
"Perfect clearance (samaJodhana) being made lfi
accordance with the' rule, (the equation) will be
ya VCJ I ya Ie
ru 9"
i.e., X2 - lOX = - 9.
The following illustration is from the Bijaga{lita of
Bha.skara II:4
"Thus the two sides are
ya Va 4 ya 34 ru 72
ya va 0 ya 0 r11 90
On complete clearance (samaJodhana), the residues.
of the two sides are
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 44 (Com). 2 SiSe, xvi. 17.
3 BBi, p. 44. 4. BBl, p. 63.
"'" A •• A
'ya va 4 ya 34 ru 0
ya va 0 ya 0 ru IS"
i.e., 4-"2 - 34X = 18.
Classification of Equations. The earliest Hindu
classification of equations seems to have been according
to their degrees, such as simple (technically called yaval-
laval), quadratic (varg1), cubic (ghana) and biquadratic
(varga-l)arga). Reference to it is found in' a canonical
work of circa 300 B. c. l But in the absence of further
corroborative evidence, we cannot be sure of it. Brahma-
gl.1pta (62.8) has classified equations as: (I) equations
in one unknown (eka-var!1a-samikaratta) , (2) equations
in several unknowns (aneka-var!1a-samikara!1a), and (3)
equations involving products of unknowns (bhiivita).
The first class is again divided into two subclasses, viZ.,
(i) linear equations, and (ii) quadratic equations (a1!Jakta-
varga-samikararza). Here then we ha..-;e the beginning of
ou'!: present method of classifying equations according to
their degrees. The method of classification adopted
by Prthudakasvami (860) is slightly different. His four
classes are: (1) linear equations with one unknown, (2)
linear equations with more unknowns, (3) equations with
one, two or more unknowns in their second and higher
powers, and (4) equations involving products of un-
knowns. As the method of solution of an equation of
the third class is based upon the principle of the elimina-
tion of the middle term, that class is called by the name
madhyalJJdharatta (from madhyama, "middle", dharatta
"elimination", hence meaning "elimination of the mid-
dle term"). For the other class~s, the old names given
by Brahmagupta have been retained. This method of
classification has been followed by subsequent writers.
1 Sthdnanga-rlitra, Sutra 747. For further particulars see Datta,
Jaina Math., (BCMS, XXI), pp. 119ff.

Bhaskara II distinguishes two types in the third class,

viZ" (i) equations in one unknown in its second and
higher powers and (ii) equations having two or more
unkno~ns in thdr second and higher powers.' Accord-
. ing to Krl?l)a (1580) equations are primarily of two
classes: (1) equations in one unknown and (z) equations
in two or more unknowJls. The class (1), again, com-
prises two subclasses: (i) simple equations and (ii)
quadratic and higher equations. The class (2) has three
subclasses: (i) simultaneous linear equations, (ii) equa-
tions involving the second and higher powers of un-
knowns, and (iii) equations involving products of un-
knowns. He then observes that these five classes can
be reduced to four by including the second subclasses
of classes (1) and (2) into one class as madJ!yamaharapa.


Early Solutions. As already stated, the geometrical
solution of a linear equation in one unknown is found in
the SIJlba, the earliest of which is not later than 800 B.C.
There is a reference in the Sthdndtiga-siitra (c. 300 B.C.)
to a linear equation by its name ()Ir1vat-tdl!at) which
is suggestive of the method of solution! followed at
-that time. \Y/e have, however, no further evidence
about it. The earliest Hindu record of doubtless value
of problems involving simple algebraic equations and
of a method for their solution occurs in the Bakhshali
treatise, which \vas written very probably about the
beginning of the Christian Era. One problem i5: 2
"The amount given to the first is not known. The
second is given twice as much as the first; the third
1 Datta, Jaina Math., (BeMS, XXI), p. 122..
2 BMs, Folio 23, recto.

thrice as much as the second; and the fourth fOLlr times

as much as the third. The total amount distributed
is 132. What is the amount of the first?"
If x be the amount given to the first, then according
to the probelm,
x + 2X + 6x + 24X = 132.
Rule of False Position. The solution of this
equation is given as follows:
" 'Putting any desired quantity in the vacant place' ;
any desired quantity is Ir I II; 'then construct the series'

'multiplied' II I I2 I6 I;
I 1:: I;
r 24 'added' 33. "Divide the
visible quantity' (which) on reduction becomes

(This is) the amount given (to the first)."!

The solution of another set of problems in the

Bakhshali treatise, leads ultimately to an equation of the
type 2
ax+ b=p.
The method given for its solution is to put any arbitrary
valueg for x, so that
ag+ b =p', say.
Then the correct value will be
x =p- P' +g.
1 Ibid. 2 Vide infra, pp. 41!f.

Solution of Linear Equations. Aryabhata I

(499) says:
c'The difference of the known "amounts" relating to
the two persons should be divided by the difference of
the coefficients of the unknown. l The quotient will. be
the value of the unknown, if their possessions be equal."2
This rule contemplates a problem of this kind:
Two persons, who are equally rich, possess respectively
a, b times a certain unknown amount together with c, d
units of money in cash. What is that amount?
If x be the unknown amount, then by the problem
ax+ c= bx+ d.
Therefore x=--b'
Hence the rule.
Brahmagupta says:
"In a (linear) equation in one unknown, the differ-
ence of the known terms taken in the reverse order,
divided by the difference of the coefficients of the un-
known (is the value of the unknown)."3
Sri:pati writes : .
"First remove the unknown from anyone of the
sides (of the equation) leaving the known term; the
reverse (should be done) on the other side. The differ-
ence of the absolute terms taken in the reverse order
1 The original is glllikJntara which literally means "the differ-
ence of the unknowns." But what is implied is "the difference of
the coefficients of the unknown." As has been observed by P:rthu-
dakasvami, according to the usual practice of Hindu algebra, "the
coefficient of the square of the unknown is called the square (of
the unknown) and the coefficient of the (simple) unknown is called
the unknown." BrSpSi, xviii. 44 (Com).
2 A, ii. 30' 3 BrSpSi, xviii. 43.

divided by the difference of the coefficients of the

unknown will be the value of the unknown."l
Bha.skara II states:
"Subtract the unknown on one side from that on the
other and the absolute term on the second from that on
the first side. The residual absolute number should be
divided by the residual coefficient of the u~known;
thus the value of the unknown becomes known."2
Naraya.Q.a writes:
"From one side clear off the' unknown and from the
other the known quantities; then divide the residual
known by the residual coefficient of the unknown.
Thus will certainly become known the value of the
unknown. "3
For illustration we take a problem proposed by
Brahmagupta :
"Tell the number of elapsed days for the time when
four times the twelfth part of the residual degrees
increased by one, plus eight will be equal to the residual
degrees plus one."4 "-
It has been solved by Prthudakasvami as follows:
"Here the residual degrees are (put as) ydvat-tdvat,
yd; increased by one, yd 1 rl'l 1; twelfth part of it,
yd I r11 I . . yd l' ru I
- . - - . ; four tImes thIS, ; plus the abso-
12 3
Iute quantity elght, yd I
3rtl 25 Th"15 IS equa1/ to t 1le

residual degrees plus unity. The statement of both side·s

tripled is
yd I rtl 25
yd 3 ru 3
1 SiSe, xiv. 15. 2 BBi, p. 44.
3 NBi, II, R. 5. , BrSpSi, xviii. 46.

The difference between the coefficients of the unknown

is 2. By this the difference of the absolute terms,
namely 22, being divided, is produced the res(dual of the
degrees of the sun, t I. These residual degrees should
be known to be irreducible. The elapsed days can be
deduced then, (proceeding) as before."
In other words, we have to solve the equation
T 2(X + I) + 8 = x + I,
which gives
or 2X = 22.

Therefore x = I I.

The following problem and its solution are from the

Bijagapita of Bha.skara II :
"One person has three hundred coins and six
horses. Another has ten horses (each) of similar value
and he has further a debt of hundred coins. But they
are of equal worth. What is the price of a horse?
"Here the statement for equi-clearance is :
6x + 300 = lOX - 100.
Now, by the rule, 'Subtract the unknown on one side
from that on the other etc.,' unknown on the first side
being subtracted from the unknown on the other side,
the remainder is 4X. The absolute term on the second
side being subtracted from the absolute term on the
first side, the remainder is 400. The residual kn'own
number 400 being divided by the coefficient of the
residual unknown 4X, the quotient is recognised to be
the value of x, (namely) 100."1
There are a few instances in the Bakhshali work
where a method similar to that of later writers appears
1 BBi, pp. 44f.

to have been- followed for the solution of a linear

equation. One' such problem is: Two persons start
w:ith different initial velocities (aI' (2); travel on suc-
cessive days distances increasing at different rates
(hI' b2). But they cover the same distance after the
same period of time. W'hat is the period?
Denoting the period by x, we get
al + (Cl I + bl ) + (al + 2bl ) + ... to x terms
= 02 + (a 2 + b2) + (0 2 + 2b2) + '" to x terms,

or { a l + C\' 2 1 )bl } .\' = { Cl2 + (x -; I )b2 } x;

whence _ z(a 2 - al)

x - b I'
+ I,
I - '2 r
which is the solution given in the Bakhshali work:
"Twice the difference of the initial terms divided by
the difference of the common differences, is increased by
unity. The result will be the number of days in which
the distance moved will be the same."l


Rule of Concurrence. One topic commonly
discussed by almost all Hindu writers goes by the
special name of smikrOllla!ltl (concurrence). According
tv Naraya.l)a (1350), it is also called smikrOll1tl and
smik.rall/a. 2 Brahmagupta (628) includes it in algebra
while others consider it as falling within the scope of
arithmetic. As explained by the commentator Ganga-,
dhara (1420), the subject' of discussion here is "the
investigation of two quantities concurrent or grown
together in tl}.e form of their sum and difference."
1 BMs, Folio 4, verso. 2GK,i. 31.

Or. in other words • .rankrama!1a is the Sblution of the

simultaneous equations
x+ y= a,
x - y= b.
So Brahmagupta and Sripati are perfectly right in think-
ing that concurrence is trol y a topic for algebra.
Brahmagupta's rule for solution is:
"The sum is increased and diminished by the
difference and divided by two; (the result will be the
two unknown quantities): (this is) concurrence."!
The same rule is restated by him on a different
occasion in the form of a problem and its solution.
"The sum and difference of the residues of two
(heavenly bodies) are known in degrees and minutes.
What are the residues? The difference is both added to
and subtracted from the sum, and halved; (the results
are) the residues."2
Similar rules are given also by other writers. 3
Linear Equations. Mahavira gives the following
examples leading to simultaneous linear equations to-
gether with rules for the solution of each.
Example. "The price of 9 citrons and 7 fragrant
wood-apples taken together is 107; again the price of
7 citrons and 9 fragrant wood-apples taken together
is 101. 0 mathematician, tell me quickly the price
of a citron and of a fragrant wood-apple quite sepa-
If x, y be the prices of a citron and of a fragrant
I-BrSpSi, xviii. 36. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 96.
3 GSS, vi. 2; MSi, xv. 21; SiSe, xiv. 13; L, p. 12 ; GK, i. jl.
, GSS, vi. 140:t-142~. .

wood-apple respectively, then

9x+7Y= 107,
7x+9Y = 101.
Or, in general, ax+ by= in,
. bx CD' = n• +
Solution. "From the larger amount of price multiplied
by the (corresponding) bigger numoer of things sub-
tract the smaller amount of price multiplied by the
(correspon~ing) smaller number of things. (The re-
mainder) divided by the difference of the squares of the
;1.umbers of things will. be the price of each of the bigger
Humber of things. The price of the other will be
obtained by reversing the multipliers."1
alit - btl an - bm
Thus x = a2 _ b2 ' Y = a2 _ b2 •
Example. "A wizard having powers of mystic
incantations and magical medicines seeing a cock-fight
going on, spoke privately to both the owners of the
cocks. To one he said, 'If your bird wins, then you give
me your stake-money, but if you do not win, I shall give
you two-thirds of that.' Going to the other, he promised
in the same way to give three-fourths. From both of
t'lem his gain would be only 12 gold pieces. Tell me,
o ornament of the first-rate mathematicians, the stake-
money of each of the cock-owners."2
I.e., x - fY = 12, Y - !x = 12.

Or, in general,
c a
_X - dY = p, y - 7}x = p.

1 GSS. vi. I 39~. 2 GSS, vi. 27o-z~.


Solution: l
b(e + d)
x = (c + d)b - (a + b)c P,
d(a + b)
Y = (0 + b)d - (c + d)oP,
The following example with its solution is taken
from the BfjagatJita of Bhaskara II :
Example. "One says, 'Give me a hundred, friend, I
shall then become twice as rich as you.' The o(her
replies, 'If you give me ten, I shall be six times as rich
as you.' Tell me what is the amount of their (res-
pective) capitals ?"2
The equations are
x + 100 = 2.(y - 100), (I)

Y +
10 = 6(x - 10). (2)
Bhaskara II jndi.cates two methods of solving these
equations. They are substantially as follows:
First Method. s Assume
x = 2Z.- 100, Y = Z 100, +
so that equation (I) is identically satisfied. Substituting
these values in the other equation, we get
Z + IIO = I2.Z - 660;
whence Z=.70 • Therefore, x = 40 , Y = 170 .
Second Method. 4 From equation (I), we get
x . .y - 300,
and from equation (2)
x = -hey + 70 ).
1 GSS, vi. 2.68a-9~. 2 RBi, p. 4 1 •
3 BBi, p. 46. • RBi, pp. 78f.

Equating these two values of x, we have

~ - 300 = t(y +
7 0 ),
or I~ - 1800 =Y +
whence Y= 170. Substituting this value of y in any of
the two expressions for x, we get x = 40.
1t is noteworthy that the second method of solution
of the problem under consideration is described by'
Bhiskara 11 in the section of his algebra dealing with
"linear eqt..ations with several unknowns," while the
first method in that dealing with "linear equations in one
unknown." In this latter connection he has observed
that the solution of a problem containing two unknowns
ran sometimes be made by ingenious artifices to depend
upon the solution of a simple linear equation.


A Type of Linear Equations. The earliest
Hindu treatment of systems of linear equations involving'
several unknowns is found in the Bakhshali treatise.
One problem in it runs as follows:
"[Three persons possess a certain amount of riches
each.] The riches of the first and the second taken
together amount to 13; the riches of the second and
the third taken together are 14; and the riches of the
.filst and the third mixed are known to be 15. Tell me
the riches of each."l
If Xl' X 2 , X3 be the wealths of the three merchants
respectively, then
Xl X2 = 13, x 2 + xa = 14, xa + Xl = 15. (I)
Another problem is
1 BMs, Folio 29> recto. The portions within [ ] in this and
the fQllowing illustration have been restored.

"[Five persons possess a certain amount of riches

each. The riches of the first] and the second mixed
together amount to 16'; the riches of the second and the
third taken together are known to be 17; the riches
of the third and the fourth taken together are known to
be 18; the riches of the fourth and the fifth mixed
together are 19; and the riches of the first and the fifth
together amount to 20. Tell me what is the amount
of each."l
i.e., Xl +
X 2 = 16, X2 +
xa = 17, xa x 4 = 18, +
·'1(.'4 +
X 5= 19, x5 Xl = 20. + (2)
There are in the wo~k a few other similar pro-
blems. 2 Every one of them belongs to a system of
linear equations of the type
Xl + X2 = aI' X2 + Xa = a2, ... , 'X n + Xl = an' (1)
n being odd.
Solution by False Position. A system of
linear equations of this type is solved in ~he Bakhshall
treatise substantially as follows:
Assume an arbitrary value p for Xl and then
calculate the values of x 2 , X a, ... corresponding to it.
Finally let the calculated value of Xn +
Xl be equal to b
(say). Then the true value of Xl is obtained by the
Xl = P +
~(an - b).
In the particular case (1) the author3 aSiiumes the
arbitrary value 5 for X,; then are successively calculated
the values X'2 = 8, x'a = 6 and x'a XiI' = II. The+
correct values are, therefore,
Xl = 5 +
(15 - II)/Z = 7, X2 = 6, Xa = 8.
1 BMs, Folios 27 and 29, verso.
2 BMs, Folio 30, recto; also see Kaye's Introduction, p. 40.
3 BMs, Folio, 29, recto.

Rationale. By the process of elimination we get from

equations (I)
(a2- al)+(a4 -a3 )+· ... +(an-I-an-0+2Xl = an'
Assume Xl p; so that
(a2- al)+(a4 -aa)+' .... +(an-l-an-0t2p = b, say.
Subtracting 2(XI - p) = an - b.

Therefore Xl = P + !(an - b).

Second Type. A particular case of the type of
equations (I) for which n = 3, may also be looked up-
on as belonging to a different type of systems of linear
equations, viZ"
:g x - Xl = d I , :::E X - X 2 = d 2 , • •• , :::E X - xn = an' (II)
where :s X stands for Xl + X2 + ... + x n ' But it
will not be proper to say that equations of this. type
have been treated in the Bakhshili treatise. l They have,
however, been solved by Aryabhata (499) and Mahivlra
(850). The former says:
"The (given) sums of certain (unknown) numbers,
leaving out .one number in succession, are added to-
gether separately and divided by the number of terms
less one; that (quotient) will be the value of the
i.e., :2X =:::E dr/en - 1).

Mahavira states the solution thus:

"The stated amounts of-the commodities add_ed to-
gether should be divided by the number of men less
1 The example cited by Kaye (BMs, Introd., p. 40, Ex. vi)
which conforms to this type of equations is based upon a mis-
apprehension of the text.
2 A, ii. 29.


one. The quotient will be the total value (of all the com-
modities). Each of the stated amounts being subtract-
ed from that, (the value) in the hands (of each will be
In formulating his rule Mahavira had in view the
following example:
"Four merchants were each asked separately by
the customs officer about the total value of their com-
modities. The first merchant, leaving out his own invest-
ment, stated it to be 22; the second stated it to be 23,
the third 2.4 and the fourth 27; each of them deducted
his own amount in the investment. 0 friend, tell me
separately the value of (the share of) the commodity
owned by each."2
Here Xl + X 2 + X3 + X 4 = 2.2.+ 2. 4-
3+ 2.4+ 2 7
= 32 •
Therefore Xl = 10, X 2 = 9, X3 = 8, x 4 = 5.
Narayal}a says:
"The sum of the depleted amouhts divided by the
number of persons less one, is the total amount. On
subtracting from it the stated amounts severally will be
found the different amounts."3
The above type of equations is supposed by some
modern historians of mathematics 4 to be a modification
of the type considered by the Greek Thymaridas and
solved by his well known rule Epalltbe11la, namely,5
x Xl + +
-'"2 + .... + ~'l:n-l = S,
X +x1 = aI' x + X2 = a2,· •• , x + x n- l = an-I·

1 GSS, v~. ·159. 2 GSS, vi. 160-2.

3 CK, ii. 28.
'Cantor, Vorlewngen fiber Geschichte der Mathematik (referred
to hereafter as Cantor, Gnchichte), J, p. 624; Kaye, Ind. Math., p. 13;
JASB, 1908, p. 135.
o Heath, Greek Math., I, p. 94.

The solution given is

_ (a
x- 1
+ a2 + .... + a ta - 1) - of
But that supposition has been disputed by others. l
Sarada Kanta Ganguly has shown that it is based upon
a misapprehension. It will be noticed that in the Thy-
maridas tYfle of linear equations, the value of the sum
of the unknowns is given whereas in the Aryabhata
type it is not known. In fact, Aryabhata. determines
only that value.
Third Type. A ,more generalised system of linear
eguations will be
bl '2 x - C1 X 1 = aI' b2"2 x - C2 X 2 = (/2' • . • • ,

b'll'2 x - c..x .. = a..·. (III)

_ _ 2. (a/c)
"'" x - "2 (b Ie) - I·

=.!!.z__ 2 (a/c) (/,. ()

Hence X
.. Cr· '2 (ble) - I - c.:' I

r = I, 2, J, . •. , n.
A particular case of this type is furnished by the
following example of Mahavira:
"Three merchants begged money mutually from
one another. The first on begging 4 from the second
and 5 from the third became twice as rich as the others.
The second on having 4 from the first and 6 from the
third became thrice as rich. The third man on begging
5 from the first and 6.from the second became five times
as rich as the oth,ers. 0 mathematician, if you know
1 Rodet, Lefons de Calm! d'Aryabha!a, JA, XII! (7), 1878;
Sarada Kanta Ganguly, "Notes on Aryabhata," Jour. Bihar and
Orissa Research Soc., XII, 192.6, pp. 88ff.

the citra-kuf!ak.a-lllilra,1 tell me quickly what was the

amount in the hand of each."2
That is, we get the equations
x+ 4 + 5 = 2(Y + Z - 4 - 5),
+ +
_y 4 6 = 3(Z x - 4 - 6), +
Z+ +
5 + 6 = 5(x y - 5 - 6);
or + +
.l(X y Z) - 3X = 2.7,
+ +
3(X y Z) - 4Y = 4 0 ;
5(x y +Z) - 6Z = 66;
a particular case of the system (III). Substituting In
(I), we get
x = 7, . Y = 8, Z = 9·
In general, suppose a~.l' a... 2,.... O.....-h aT."+! .••
ar •n to be the amounts begged by the rth merchant
from the others; and x.. the amount that he had
initially. Then
Xl -f- ~'al.m = bl ('2X- X I - '2'al,m),

X2 +:?: 'a 2.m = b2(':2 X - x 2- ::;g'a2.m),

Xn + :a'a"..m = b",(":2 x - x", - ::;; 'a""m),

where ::;g 'aT •m denotes summation from III = I to 111 = n
excluding III = r. Therefore .
:ax + (bl + 1);g'al .m = (b l I) ('2 X - Xl)'
:2 x + (b 2 + 1)'2 '02.m = (b 2 + 1) (:2 x - X 2 ),

;2X + (b n + 1):2 'an,rn = (b n +

I) ('2 X - x n ).
Let kr = (b'l' + 1)::2 'orom, r . 1, 2, 3, .. :, n.

1 This is the name given by Mahavira to problems involving

equations of type (III).
II GSS. vi. 2.53 2-5 2'

Then dividing the foregoing equations by b1 I, +

bZ + I, . . . . , respectively, and adding together, we get

( b1 + I. I)
::8 X I + b + I + ... + b + I
z n

k z + ... + b k+
+ ( b1 kl+ I +b--+ n )
11- I
Z I I n'

::2 X = (b ~+ + b2 ~+ +... + b ~+ )
1 I

. (hI b b,:.) 2
-;- b + + b + i + ... + b +
n I - I •

x = + kr + brk2 + ... + kr + brkr-
{'{or.+ brk] 1 _
r bI + 1 .b z + b 1+
I r_ I

+ kr + b;'r+1 + .. , -+- k,. + brkn _ (n _ z)k r Il

br+1 + Ibn + I 5
-: (br+l)(b~
I 1
+b 2-b; I +"'+b~
,. I
Mahavlra describes the solution thus: I

"The sum of the amounts begged by each person is

multiplied by the multiple number relating to him as
increased by unity. \\lith these (products), the amounts
at hand ate determined according to the rule I!!agtqIa-
gl/na etc. I They are reduced to a common denominator,
and then divided by the sum &minished. by unity of the
multiple numbers' divided by themselves as increased
by unity. (The quotients) should be known to be the
amounts in the hands of the persons."z
Problems of ~he above kind ha:..-e been treated also
by Nanaya1).a (1357). He says:
.. .
l1'he reference is to rule vi. 24 I.
2 GSS, vi. 25 I~-252~.

"Multiply the sum of the monies received by each

person by his multiple number plus unity. Then pro-
ceed as in the method for "the purse of discord." Divide
the multiple number related to each by the same as
increased by unity. By the sum diminished by unity
of these quotients, divide the results just obtained.
The quotients will be the several amounts in their pos-
One particular case, where bl = b2 = .... bn = I
and C1 = C2 = ... = Cn = c, was treated by Brahmagupta
(628). He gave the rule:
"The total value (of the unknown quantities)
plus or minus the individual values (of the unknowns)
multiplied by an optional number being severally
(given), the sum (of the given quantities) divided by the
number of unknowns increased or decreased by the mul-
tiplier will be the total value; thence the rest (can be
:::ax ± CXl = aI' -;ZX ± CX2 = 2, .... , ~x ± CXn = an'

Therefore ~ x = a + a + ... + an.

1 2
apd so on.
Brahmagupta's Rule. Brahmagupta (628) states
the following rule for solving linear equations involving
several unknowns:
"Removing the other unknowns from (the side of)
the first unknown and dividing by the coefficient of the
first unknown, the value of the firs_t unknown (is obtain-
ed). In the case of more (values of the first unknown),
1 GK, ii. 33f. 2 BrSpSi, xiii. 47.
two and two (of them) should be considered after re-
ducing them to common denominators. And (so on)
repeatedly. If more unknowns remain (in the final
equation), the method of the pulveriser (should be
employed). (Then proceeding) reversely (the values
of other unknowns can be found)."l .
Prthudakasvami (860) has explained it thus: '
"In an example in which there are two or more
unknown quantities, colours such as )'alJat-tdvat, ,etc.,
should be assumed for their values. Upon them should
be performed all operations conformably to the state-
ment of the example and thus should be carefully framed
'.wo or more sides and also equations. Equi-clearance
should be made first between two and two of them and
Sf) on to the last: from one side one unknown should be
cleared, other unknowns reduced to a common denomi-
nator and also the absolute numbers should be cleared
from the side opposite. The residue of other unknowns
being divided by the residual coefficient of the first un- I

known will give the value of the first unknown. If

there be obtained several such values, then with two and
two of them, equations should be formed after reduction
to common denominators. Proceeding in this way
to the end find out the value of one unknown. If
that value be (in terms of) another unknown then the
coefficients of those two will be reciprocally the values
of the two unknowns. If, however, there be present
more unknowns in that value, the method of the
pulveriser should be employed. Arbitrary values may
then be assumed for some of the unknowns."
It will be noted that the above rule embraces the
indeterminate as well as the determinate equations. In
fact, all the examples given by Brahmagupta in illustra-

1 BrSpSi, xviii. p.

tion of the rule are of indeterminate character. We

shall mention some of them subsequently at their prope!
places. So far as the determinate simultaneous equations
are concerned, Brahmagupta's method for solving them
will be easily recognised to be the san:e as our present
Mahavira's Rules. Certain interest problems
treated by Mahavira lead to simple simultaneous equa-
tions involving several unknowns. In these problems.
certain capital a,mounts (c I , C2, ca,... ) are stated to
have been lent out at the same rate of interest (r) for
different periods of time (fI' 12, la,"')' If (iI' i 2,
is, ... ) be the interests accrued on the several capitals,
. r/3ca
'a=- -"" .

(i) If i1 + + + ....
i2 ia = I, c.. and It' be known
(for r = '1, 2, . . . ), we have
.' Icl/l
11 =
c 1t l + c2/2 + c3t3 + .... ,
with similar values for i 2 , i3 , • •••
Oi) Or, if C1 + + + ...
C2 Cs = C, i .. and I .. be known
(for r = I, 2, . . . ), we have
Ci1 /l1

and so on.
(iii) Or, if we are given the sum of the periods 11 + 12
+ ... = T, c.. and i.., then
I - Til lC1
1 -illc1 + i21c2 + ..... '
with similar values for 12 , '3'" ..
Maha.vlra has givten separate rules for the. solution

of problems of each of the above three kinds.!

Bhaskara's Rule. Bhaskara II has given practically
the same rule as that of Brahmagupta for the solution
of simultaneous linear equations involving several un-
knowns. We take the following illustrations from his
Example 1. "Eight rubies, ten emeralds and a
hundred pearls which are in thy ear-ring were purchased
by me for thee at an equal amount; the sum of the-price
rates of the three sorts of gems is three less than the half
of a hundred. Tell me, 0 dear auspicious lady, if thou
be skilled in mathematics, the price of each."2
If x, y, Z be the prices of a ruby, emerald and pearl
respectively, then
8x = lOY = IOOZ,

x+y+z = 47·
Assuming the equal amount to be w, says Bhaskara
II, we shall get •
x = w/S, y = 11)/10, Z = U'/100.
Substituting in the remaining equation, we easily
get w = 200. Therefore
x = 25, Y = 20, Z = 2.
Example 2. "Tell the three numbers which become
equal when added with their half, one-fifth and one-
ninth parts, and each of which, when diminished by
those parts of the other two, leaves sixty as remainder."3
Here we have the equations
x + X/2 = Y + Y/5 = Z + Z/9, (I)
x -Y- - -
Z Z x x y
y----=Z----=6o. (2)
5 9 9 2 2 5
1 GSS, vi. 37, 39, 4z. 2 BBi, p. 47.
3 BBi, p. 5Z •

The geometrical solution of the simple quadratic

4h2- 4dh = - c2
is found in the early canonical works of the Jainas (500-
300 B. C.) and also in the Tattvdrthddhigama-slilra of
Umasvati (c. 150 B. C.),l as .
h = ~Cd- v'd 2 - ( 2 ).
Bakhshali Treatise. The solution of the quadratic
equation was certainly known to the author of the Bakh-
shill treatise (c. 200). In this work there are some
problems of the following type: A certain person
travels s Jlojatla on the first day and b yojatla more on
each successive day. Another who travels at the
uniform rate· of S yojatla per day, has a start of t days.
When will the first man overtake the second?
If x be the number of days af(er which the first
overtakes the second, then we shall have

SCI + x) = x{ s + (x ~ I) b},
or bx2 - {2(S - s) + b}x = 2tS.
V {2(S - s) + b}2 8btS {2(S - s) + + b'}
x zb
which agrees exactly w.ith the solution as stated in the
Bakhsb:111 treatise.
"The daily travel [S] diminished by the march of the
first day [s] is doubled; this is increased by the COmm0.il
increment [b]. That (sum) multiplied by itself is desig-
nated {as the k.fepa quantity}. The product of the daily
1 Datta, "Geometry in the Jaina Cosmography," Qlle/len lind
Studien Ztlr Ges. d. Math., Ab. B, Bd. I (1931), pp. 2.45-254.

travel and the start [I] being multiplied by eight times

the common increment, the k.fepa quantity is added.
The square-root of this {is increased by the kjepa quan-
tity; the sum divided by twice the common increment
will give the required number of days} ."1
Nearly the whole of the detailed working of the
particular example in which S = 5, t = 6, s = 3 and
b = 4~ is preserved. 2 It is substantially as follows:
SI = 30; S - s = 5 - 3 = 2; 2(S - s) + b = 8;
{z(S - s) +};}2 = 64; 8St = 240; 8Stb = 960; {z(S - s)
+ b}2 +8Stb = 1024; +
V 1024 = 32; 32 8 = 40;
4 0 -;- 8 = 5 = x.
For another problem3 S = 7, t = 5, S= 5, b = 3;

then X=
7 +v'88"9
6 .
The formula for determining the number of terms
(n) of an A.P. whose first term (a), common difference
(b) and sum (s) are known, is stated in the form
_ v'8bs -P (2a - b)2 - (za - b)
n- zb .
The working of the particular example in which s = 60.
a = 1, b = 1 is preserved substantially as follows: 4
8bs = 480; 2a = 2; 2a - b = I; (2a - b)2 = I;
8bs +
(2a - b)2 = 481; n = H - I +
v' 481), etc.
Aryabha!a I. To find the number of terms of an
A.P., Aryabhata I (499) gives the following rule:
1 EMs, Folio 5, tecto.
2 BMs, Folio h verso; Compare also Kaye's Introduction,
pp. 37,45·
3 EMs, Fciio 6, recto and verso.
4 BMs, Folio 65 verso. Working of this example has been
continued on folios 56, verso and recto, and 64, recto.

"The sum of the series multiplied by eight times

the common difference is added by the square of the
difference between twice the first term and the common
(,Hfference; the squar~-root (of the result) is diminished
by twice the first term and (then) divided by the common
difference: half of this quotient plus unity is the number
of terms."l
That is to say,
11-T,J b

The solution of a certain interest problem involves the

solution of the quadratic
tx2 + px - Ap =.0.
Aryabhata gives the value of x in the form 2
_ yAp! + (plz)2 - plz
x- t .
Though Aryabhata I has nowhere indicated any method
of solving the quadratic, it appears from the above two
forms that he followed two different methods in order
tc make the unknown side of the equation ax2 + b_" = c,
a perfect square. In one case he multiplied both the
sides of the equation by ¥ and in the other simply by a.
Brahmagupta's Rules. Brahmagupta (628) has
given two specific rules for the solution of the quadratic.
His first rule is as follows :
"The quadratic: the absolute quantities multiplied
by four times the coefficient of the square of the un-
known are increased by the square of the coefficient
of the middle (i.e., unknown); the square-root of the
result being diGlinished by the coefficient of the middle
1 A, ii. 20.
2 A, ii. 2'; vide Part I, pp. ZI9f.

and divided by twice the coefficient of the square of the

unknown, is (the value of) the middle."l

t.e., x =
V¥t+ b2 - b
The second rule runs as:
"The absolute term multiplied by the coefficient of
the square of the unknown is increa~ed by the square
of half the coefficient of the unknown; the square-root
of the result diminished by half the coefficient of the
unknown and divided by the coefficient of the square
of the unknown is the unknown."2
_ Vat + (I '2.)2 - (biz)
J.e., x - -- .

The above two method~ of Brahmagupta are

identical with those employed before him by Arya-
bhata I (499). The rooto of the quadratic equation for
the number of terms of an A.P. is given by Brahma-
gupta in the first form: 3

V 8&s + (za - &)2 - (za - b)
For the solution of the quadratic Brahmagupta uses
also a third formula which is similar to the one now
commonly used. Though it has not been expressly des-
cri bed in any rule, we find its application in a few
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 44. It will be noted that in this rule Brahma-
gupta has employed the term fJladl:!Ja (middle) to imply the
simple unknown as well as its coefficient. The original of tlJe
term is doubtless connected with the mode of writing the quadratic
equation in the form
ax"!. + bx+ 0 = ox2 + ox + c,
so that there are three terms on each side of the equation.
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 45. 3 BrSpS;, xii. 18.

instances. One of them is an interest problem: A certain

sum (P) is lent out for a period (t1); the interest accrued
(x) is lent out again at this rate of interest for another
period (t2) and the total amount is A. Find x.
The equation for determining x is
x = A.
Hence, we have
x = "\. I (pt1 )2 + Apt1 _pI!;
\J 2/2
12 2/2

which is exactly the form in which Brahm~gupta states

the result. 1
There is a certain astronomical problem which in-
volves the quadratic equation2
(7 2 + a2)x2=f 2¥PX = 144(R2 _
where a = agra (the sine of tlIe amplitude of the sun),
b = pa/abha (the equinoctial shadow of a gnomon I.Z
anguli long), R = radius, and x = kO{1asatiktJ (the sine of
the altitude of the sun when his altitude is 45°).
Dividing out by (72. + a 2 ), we have
x 2 T 2mx =n,
_ nap _ 144(R2/2. _ p2)
m- n- .
72. + a ' 2
72. + a 2
Therefore, we have
x = V In 2 + n ± m,
as stated by Btahmagupta. This result is given also in
the Sflryasiddhanta 3 (c. 300) and by Sripati (1039).4

1 BrSpSi, xii. I5. Vide Part I, p. 2.2.0.

2 BrSpSi, iii. 54-55. 3 SuSi, iii. 30-1.
'SiSe, iv. 74.

Sridhara's Rule. Sddhara (c. 750) expressly

indicates his method of solving the quadratic equation.
His treatise on algebra is now lost. But the relevant
portion of it is preserved in quotations by Bhaskara IF
and others.2 Sridhara's method is: .
"Multiply both the sides (of an equation) by a
known quantity equal to four times the coefficient of the
square of the unknown; add to both sides a known
quantity equal to the square of the (original) coefficient
of the unknown: then (extract) the root."3
That is, to solve ax2 + bx = c, '
we have +
¥2X 2 ¥bx = ¥c,
or (zax + b)2 = ¥c + b2.
Therefore zax +
b = V44" b2 • +
Hence x = \I¥c+ b
- b. _
za -
An application of this rule is found in Sridhara's
TriJatika~ in connection with finding the number of
terms of an A.P.4

i.e., II =
\l8bs -+
(za - b)2 - 1.(1

1 BBi, p. 61.
2 Jnanaraja (qo~ in his Bfjaga1Jita and Suryadasa (1541) i' his
commentary on Bhaskara's Bi_jagatzita.
a "Caturahatavargasamai rupail) pak~adva yam gUQ.ayet,
Avyaktavarganlpairyukl.iu pak\>au tata mularp."
This is t};Ie reading of Sridhara's rule as stated by Jfi:inaraja and
Suryadasa and accepted also by Sudhakara Dvivedi. But according
to the reading of Kn1)a (c. 1580) and Ramakr~Q.a (c. 1648), which
has been accepted by Colebrooke, the second line af the verse
shauld be
"Purvavyaktasya krte}:1 samarup:iQ.i k~ipet tayoreva"
or "add to them known quantities equal ta the square of the
original cocHident of the unknown."
4 Trif, R. 4 1 •

where a is the first term, b the common difference and

s the sum of n terms.
Mahavlra. The only work of Mahavira (850)
which, is available now is the Gatzita-sara-samgraha. As
it is admittedly devoted to arithmetic we cannot
expect to find in it a rule for solving the quadratic.
But there are in it several problems whose solutions
presuppose a knowledge of the foots of the quadratic.
One problem is as follows:
"One-fourth of a herd of camels was seen in the
forest; twice the square-root of the herd had gone to the
mountain-slopes; three times five camels were on the bank
of the river. What was the number of ~hose camels ?"l
If x be the number of camels in the herd, then
tx+ 2VX+ 15 = X.

Or, in general, the equation to be solved is

a -
/iX+ tyx+ d= x,
or ( I - ~ )x - tV;; = d.
Mahavira gives the following rule for the solution of
this equation:
"Half the coefficient of the ro.ot (of the unknown)
and the absolute term should be divided by unity
minus the fraction (i.e., the coefficient of the unknown).
The square-root of the sum of the square of the coeffi-
cient of the root (of the unknown) and the absolute
term (treated as before) is added to the coefficient
of the foot (of the unknown treated as before). The
sum squared is the (unknown) quantity in this mula
type of problems."2
1 GSS, iv. 34. 2 GSS, iv. H.

CJ2 "'\. I( C/2)2 d r~

t.e., X = { 1 _ aJb + \j 1 - alb + 1 - alb i '
which shows that Mahavlra employed the modern rule
for Ending the root of a quadratic. His solution for the
interest problem treated by Brahmagupta is exactly the
same as that of the latter'! We shall presently show
that he knew that the quadratic has two roots.
Aryabhata II. The formula for the number
of terms (11) of an A.P. whose Erst term (a), common
'difference (b) and sum (s) are known is given by
Aryabhata II (c. 950) as follows :2
_ Vzbs+(a-bJz)2_ a +b/z
n- b '
which shows that for solving the quadratic he followed
the second method of Aryabhata I and Brahmagupta ..
Sripati's Rules. Sripati (r039) indicates two
methods of solving the quadratic. There is a lacuna
in our manuscript in the rule describing the first method,
but it can be easily recognised to be the same as that
of Sridhara.
"Multiply by four times the coefficient of the square
of the unknown and add the square of the coefficient
()f the unknown; (then extract) the square-root.........
(~ivided by twice the coefficient of the square of the
unknown, is said to be (the value of) the'unknown."
"Or multiplying by the coefficient of the square of
the unknown and adding the square of h;llf the coeffi-
cient of the unknown, (extract) the square-root. Then
(proceeding) as before, it is diminished by half the
coefficient of the unknown and diYid~d by the (:oefficient
1 GSS, vi. 44. 2 AISi, xv. 50.

of the square of the unknown. This (quotient) is said to

be (the value of) the unknown."l
i.e., ax 2 + bx = c,
or + +
a2x 2 abx (b/z)2 = at (bjz)2. +
Therefore ax + biz =Vat + (b/z)2.
Hence x = ! at + (blz)2
- b/z .

Bhaskara Irs Rules. Bhaskara- II (I I 50) says:

"When the square of the unknown, etc., remain,
then, multiplying the two sides (of the equation) by
some suitable quantities, other suitable quantities should
be added to them so that the side containing the unknown
becomes capable of yielding a root (pada-prada). The
equation should then be formed again with the root of
this side and the root of the known side. Thus the
value of the unknown is obtained from that equation."2
This rule has been further elucidated by the ~uthor
in his gloss as follows: .
"When after p~rfect clearance of the two sides~
there remain on one side the square, etc., of the un-
known and on the other side the absolute term only,
then, both the sides should be multiplied or divided by
-some suitable optional quantity; some equal quantities
should further be added to or subtracted from both
the sides so that the unknown side will become capable
of yielding a root. The root of that side must be equal
to the root of the absolute terms on the other side.
For, by simqltaneous equal additions, etc., to the two
equal sides the equality remains. So forming an equa-
tion again with these roots the value of the unknown is
lSiSe,xiv. 17-8, 19. 2 BBi, p. 59.
3 BBi, p. 61.

It may be noted that in his treatise on arithmetic

Bhaskara II has always followed the modern method of'
dividing by the coefficient of the square of the un-
known. I
Jiianaraja (1503) and Gal).eSa (1545) describe the
same general l?et~ods for solving the quadratic as
Bhaskara II.
Elimination of the Middle Term. The method
of solving the qUJl.dratic was known amongst the Hindu
algebraists by the technical designation madbyama-
haratta or "The Elimination of the Middle" (from
madf?yallJa = middle and dharatta = removal, or destroy-
ing, that is, elimination). The origin of the name
will be easily found in the principle underlying the
method. By it a quadratic equation which, in its
general form, contains three terms and so has a middle
term, is reduced to a pure quadratic equation o'r a simple
equation involving only two· terms and so having no
middle term. Thus the middle term of the original
quadratic is eliminate:d by the method generally adopted
for its solution. And hence the name. Bhaskara II has
observed, "It is also specially designated by the learned
teachers as the madf?yamaharatta. For by it, the removal
of one of the tw0 2 terms of the quad~aticJ the middle
one, (takes place)."3 The name is, however, employed
also in an extended sense so as to embrace the methods
for solving the cubic and the biquadratic, where also
1 L, pp. qff.
2 Referring to the two terms on the unknown side of tne com-
plete quadratic. Or the text vt1rgt1-rdjdt'fka~ya may be rendered as
"of one out of the unknown quantity and its square." According
to the commentators Suryadasa (1541) and Kr$Qa (1580), it implies
"of one between the two square terms," viZ" the square of the
unknown and the square of the absolute number.
3 BBi, p. 59.

certain terms are eliminated. It occurs as early as the

works of Brahmagupta (62.8).1
Two Roots of the Qu~dratic. The Hindus recog-
nised early that the quadratic has generally two root~.
In this connection Bhaskara II has quoted the following
rule from an ancient writer of the name of Padmanabha
whose treatise on algebra is not available now:
"if (after extracting roots) the square-root of the
absolute side (of the quadratic) be less than the negative
absolute term on the other side, then taking it negative
as well as positive, two values (of the unknown) are
Bhaskara points out with the help of a few specific
illustrations that though these double roots of the
quadratic are theoretically correct, they sometimes lead
to incongruity and hence should not always be accepted.
So he modifies the rule as follows:
"If the square-root of the known side (of the
quadratic) be less than the negative absolute term
occurring in the square-root of the unknown side, then
making it negative as well as positive, two values of
the unknown should be determined. This is (to ,be
don'e) occasionally."3
Example I. "The eighth part of a troop of monkeys,
squared, was skipping inside the forest, being delight-
fully attached to it. Twelve were seen on the hill
delighting in screaming and rescreaming. How many
were they ?"4
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 2.
2 "Vyaktapak~asya cenmulamanyapak~arl).arupataJ::t
Alpam dhanarl).ag~rh krtva dvividhotpadyate mitil)."-BBi.
3 BBi, p. 59; ,also compare the author's gloss on the same
(p. 61).
4 BBi, p. 65'

Solution. "Here the troop of monkeys is x. The

square of the eighth part of tbis together with 12, is
equal to the troop. So the two sides are l
'if-4X2 ox+ 12. = ox
+ +
X o.
Reducing these to a common denominafor and then
deletir.g the denominator, and also making clearance,
the two sides become
x 2 - 64X + 0 = ox
+ ox - 768.
Adding the square of 32 to both sides and (extracting)
square-roots, we get
x - 32. = ± (ox + 16).
In this instance the absolute term on the known side is
smaller than the negative absolute term on the side of
the unknown; hence it is taken positive as well as
negative; the two values of x are found to be 48, 16."
Example 2. "The fifth part of a troop of monkeys,
leaving out three, squared, has entered a cave; one is'
seen to have climbed on the branch of a tree. Tell how
many are they ?"2
Solution. "In this the value of the troop is x; its
fifth part less three is ! x - 3; squared, ..ft x 2 - ~x + 9;
this added with the visible (number of monkeys),
n x 2- !X + 10, is equal to the troop. Reducing to
a c;ommon denominator, then deleting the denominator
and making clearance, the two sides become
x 2 - 55x + 0 = ox
+ ox - 2.50.
Multiplying these by 4, adding the square of 55, and
1-We have here followed the modern practice of writing the
two sides of an equation in a line with the sign of equality inter-
posed, at the same time, preserving the other salient feature of the
Hindu method of indicating the absent terms, if any, by putting
zeros as their coefficients.
2 BBi, pp. 65ft'.

extracting roots, we get

2X- 55 = ± (OX + 45).
In this case also, as in the previous, two values are
obtained: 50, 5. But, in this case, the second (value)
should not be ac<?epted as it is inapplicable. People have
no faith in the known becoming negative."
The implied significance of this last observation is
this: If the troop consists of only 5 monkeys, its
fifth part will be I monkey. How can we then leave
out 3 monkeys? Again, how can the remainder be said
to have entered the cave? It seems to have also a
wider significance.
EXllmple 3. "The shadow of a gnomon of twelve
fingers being diminished by a third part of the
hypotenuse, becomes equal to fourteen fingers. 0
mathematician, tell it quickly."l
Solution. "Here the shadow is (taken to be) x.
This being diminished by a third part of the hypotenuse
becomes equal to fourteen fingers. Hence conversely,
fourteen, being subtracted from it, the remainder, a
third of the hypotenuse, is x - 14. Thrice this, which
is the hypotenuse, is 3X - 42. The square of it,
, 9X2 - 25 2.X + 1764, is equal to the square of the
hypotenuse, x 2 +
144. On making equi-dearance, the
two sides become
8x 2 - 252X +
0 = ox 2 +'ox - 1620.

Multiplying both these sides by 2 and adding the square

of 63, the roots are
63 = ± (ox
4X - 2.7)· +
On forming an equation with these sides again, and
(proceeding) as pefore, the values of x are 45/2., 9.
1 BBi, pp. 66f.

(Thus) the value of the shadow is 45 J2 or 9. The second

value of the shadow is less than 14, so, on account of
impracticability, it should not be accepted. . Hence it has
been said 'twofold values occasionally.' This will be an
exception to what has been stated in the algebra of
Padmanabha, viZ"'"
Known to Mahavira. It has been stated before
that Mah:ivlra (850) knew that the quadratic has two
roots. W/e shall now substantiate it by the following
rules and illustrations from his work.
"One-sixteenth of a collection of peacocks multi-
plied by itself, was on the mango tree ; ~ of the remainder
multiplied by itself together with 14 were on the
talllala tree. How many were they?"l
If x be the number of peacocks in the collection, the
problem leads to the quadratic equation
x x I 5X 15X
16 x 16 + 16 X 9 X 16 X 9 + 14 = x.
This is a particular case of the type of equations con-
templated by the author
7jX2- x+ c= o.
The following rule has been -given for its solution.
"The quotient of its denominator divided by its
numerator, less four times the remainder, is multiplied
by that denominator (as divided by the numerator).
The square-root of this should be added to and subtracted
from that denominator (as divided by the numerator);
half that is the total quantity."2
Thus .": = bJa ± \f(b/a - 4C)b/a.

1 CSS, iv. 59. 2 GSS, iv. 57.



Cubic and Biquadratic. The Hindus did not
achieve much in the solution of the cubic and biquad-
ratic equations. Bh:1skara II (1150) attempted the
application of the method of the mad0'amaharapa (eli-
mination of the middle) to those equations also so as
to reduce them by means of advantageous transforma-
tions and introduction of auxiliary quantities to simple
and quadratic equations respectively. He thus antici-
pated one of the modern methods of solving the biquad-
ratic. "If, however," observes Bh:1skara II, "due to
the presence of the cube, biquadrate, etc., the work (of
reduction) cannot proceed any further, after the perfor-
mance of such operations, for want of a root of the
unknown side (of an equation), then the value of the
unknown must be obtained by the ingenuity (of the
mathematician)."l He has given two examples, one
of the cubic and the other of the biquadratic, in which
such reduction is possible.
Example I. "What is that number, 0 learned man,
which being multiplied by twelve and increased by the
cube of the number, is equal to six times the square of
the number added with thirty-five.
Sollllion. "Here the number is x. This multiplied
by twelve and increased by the cube of the number be-
comes x 3 + 12X. It is equal to 6x 2 + 35. On making
clearance, there appears on the first side x 3 - 6x 2
+ 12X; on .the other side 35 .. Adding negative eight
to both the sides and extracting cube-roots, we get
x - 2. = ox + 3.
And from this equation the number is found to be 5."2
Example 2. "What is that number which being
1 BBi, p. 61. 2BBi, p. 64.

multiplied by zoo and added to the square of the number,

and then multiplied by 1. and subtracted from the
fourth power of the number will become one myriad less
unity? Tell that number if thou be conversant with the
operations of analysis.
Solution. "Here the number is x; multiplied by
zoo it becomes zoox; added to the square of the number,
becomes x 2 + .200X; this being multiplied by two,
2x2 + 40QX ; by this being diminished the fourth power
of the number, namely, this x4, becomes .0 - 2X2
- 40ox. This is equal to a myriad less unity. Equi-
clearance having been made, the two sides will, be
X4 - + + +
zx2 - 400X = 0.0 OX2 ox 9999.
Here on adding four hundred x plus unity to the first
side, the root can be extracted, but on adding the same
to the other side, there will be no root of it. Thus the
work (of reduction) does not proceed. Hence here
, ingenuity (is called for). Here adding to both the sides
four times the square of x, four I hundred x and uni,ty
and then extracting roots, we get
+x2 +ox I = ox +2
2.X 100.
Again, forming equation with these and proceeding as
before, the value of x is obtained as 1 I. In similar
instances the value of the unknown must be determined
by the ingenuity o~ the mathematician."!
Higher Equations. MaM.vira Gonsidered certain
simple equations of higher degrees in connection with
the treatment of the geometric series. They are ·of the
(i) tlX n = q,
(t',') tlx_I=P;
xn - I

where a is the first term of a G. P., q its gUtJadhana, i.e.,

(n+ I )th term, p its sum and x the unknown common
To solve equation (i) Mahavira says, "That which
on multiplication by itself as many times as the number
of terms becGm~s equal to the gtitJadhana divided by the
first term, is the common ratio."!
t.e., x = ,"1-
v q/p.
In other words x is the 11th root of q/p. But how to
find such a root he does not attempt to indicate. His
rule for solving an equation of the type (ii) is as follows:
"That by which the sum divided by the first term
is divisible again and again, subtracting unity every
time, is the common ratio."2
The method will be better understood from the
solution of the following example:
"(Of a certain seri~s in G. P.) the first term is 3,
number of terms 6 and sum 4095. \'{That is the common
ratio ?"3
x 6 -- 1
Thus 3 X - I = 4 0 95,
or ,(X5 + X4 + ,,\,.3 + x 2 + X +
I) = 4095,
a qUlntlc equation. Here dividing 4095 by 3 we get
1365. Now let us try with the divisor 4; we nave
(1365 - 1)/4 = HI; (HI - 1)/4 = 85; (85 - 1)/4 = 21;
(21 - 1)/4 = 5; (5 - 1)/4 = I; (1 - 1)/4 = o. So the
number 1365 is exhausted on 6 successive divisions by 4,
in the way indicated in the rule. Hence x = 4. \Vhat
suggested the method is clearly this:
xn - I xn - I Xn - I X n- 1 - I
a - - - - -7- a = - -; - I = X ( );

1 GU, ii. 97. 2 GSS, ii. loI.

3 GSS, ii. 102; compare also Rangacarya's note thereto.

which is divisible by x. However, the solution is

obtain¢d in, every ca.se by trial only.
Maha.vira has treated some equations of the fol-
lowing general type :.
t11 y b1x + t12 Y b:;-2-(x~--a-l-y~b=IX=)
+ b3~ (x -
t13 \ } ttl yblx) - tt2 Yb2(x - ttl Yb1X)}
+ ... + R =x;
or (x - a1 Y 7i;X) - a2 y b2(x - a1 Y b1x)
- a3\ } ba {(x - al Y blx) - a2Y b2(x - al V br'K)}
- ... =R.
If there be r terms on the left hand side, then on
rationalisation, we shall have an equation of 2T(h degree
in x. By proper substitutions, the equation will be
ultimately reduced to a quadratic equation of the form
whose solution is given by Mahavira as
X={:4+ y~a+4R/Brx B.
This result has been termed by him, the "essence"
(j'ara) of the general equation. 1 Mahavira gives two
problems involving eq~ations of the above type.
(I) "(Of a herd of elephants) nine times the square-
root of the two-thirds plus· six times the square-root
of the three-fifths of the remainder (entered the deep
forest); (tbe re1;llaining) 24 elephants with their round
temples wet with the stream of exuding ichor, were seen
by me in a forest. How many were the elephants (in
1 GSS, iv. 5 I, 52.

the herd) ?"1

If x be the number of elephants in the herd, then by
the statement of the problem

9\{f+ 6\)! (x- 9 \)2;)+ 24 =x.

Put y = x -9-\) 2;"<"; then the equation becomes

y - 6v' 3y/5 = 2.4· .
Therefore .Y = 60 or ~f>f}-.

Hence x-'9 \)Z; = 60,

whence x == 150, 24.
2X s-
9 \)3
Again X - = :llj_,

whence X = ~(61 ± 3v' 385).

Of the four values of 1>" obtained above, only the value
x = 150 can satisfy all the conditions of the problem;
others are inapplicable. That will explain why Mahl-
vira has retained in his solution only -the positive sign
of the radical.
(2) "Four times the square-root of the half of a col-
lection of boars went into a forest where tigers were at
play; twice the square-root of the tenth part of the
remainder multiplied by 4 went to a mountain; 9 times
the square-root of half the remainder went to the bank
of a river; boars numbering seven times eight were seen
in the forest. Tell their number."2

1 GSS, iv. 54-5' 2 GSS, iv. 56.


If x be the total number of boars in the collection,

4V xJt. + 8Y 11()(X - 4V x/t.)
+ 9\/ ~{(x - 4YX/Z) - 8Y lli(X - 4Y xjz)}
+ 56 =x.
Put y = x - 4 V x / 2.; then
.y _. 8y Y/IO -- 9Y (y - 8y Y/IO)/1. = 56.
Again put Z = y - 8Y Y/IO; then
Z - 9YZ/2. = 56.

Therefore Z = (9 +V 8I ;- 4. 2 .5 6 )2 X ~ = 128.

Then .y - SYYfIO = uS;

whence Y = (8 +V 64 -: 10·4· 128/ X l]ZY = 160.

hence x = (4 +Y16 + 4· 2. 160)2 X _~ = 200.
Note that according to the problem the positive
value of the radical has always to be taken.


Common Forms. Various problems involving

_irnultaneous quadratic equations of the following forms
have been treated by Hindu writers:
x - _y
b ···
f x +Y= a
."9 = b···11
J (--)
x2 +y2 bc}....(...) x +Y=(1
2 y2 = C} (.)
+ ... til

For the solution of (i) Aryabhata I (499) states the

following rule:
"The square-root of four times the product (of
two quantities) added with the square of their difference,
being added and diminished by their difference and
halved gives the two multiplicands."l
!.e., x = ~ v' d::' + 4b + d), y = ¥ v' d2 + 4V - d).
Brahmagupta (628) says:
"The square-root of the sum of the square of the
difference of the residues and two squared times tl:e
product of the residues, being added and subtracted
by the difference of the residues, and halved (gives)
the desired residues severally ."2
Naraya1)a (1357) writes:
"The square-root of the square of the difference of
two quantities plus four times their product is their
"The square of the difference of the quantities to-
gether with twice their product is equal to the sum of
thei r squ~res. The square-root of this result plus twice
the product is the sum."4
For the solution of (ii) the following rule is given
by M:JhaYlra (a50) :
"Subtract four times the area (of a rectangle) from
the square of the semi-perimeter; then by s(l1ikra11lCltzu5
between the square-root of that (remainder) and the
semi-perimeter, the base and the upright are obtained."6

1 A. ii. 24. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 99.

3 GK, i. 3~. '" GK, i. 36.
5 Given a and b, the process of sankrama!1a is the finding of
half their sum and difference, i.e., a+b and a-b (see pp. 43f).
2 2
3 GSS, vii. u9~'

t.e., -!tea
x +
Va 2 - 40), _y = -Ha - V-;;2 - 4 b ).
Nadya1).a says:
"The square-r0ot of the square of the sum minus
four times the .product is the diff~rence."l
For (iii) Mahivlra gives the rule:
"Add to and subtract twice the area (of a rectangle)
from the square of the diagonal and extract the square-
roots. By sankralJla~a between the greater and lesser
of these (roots), the side and upright (are found)."2
x = ~(V C + 2b + V C - 2.b),
Y = -Hv C + 2b - v C - 2b).
For equations (iv) Aryabhata I writes:
"From the square of the sum (of two quantities)
subtract the sum of their squares. Half of the remain-
der is their product."3
The remaining operations will be similar to those
for the equatigns (ii); so that
'" x = ~(a +y' zc - a2), y = ~(a -v 2.C- a2 ).
Brahmagupta says:
"Subtract the square of the sum from twice the
s~.m of the squares; the square-root of the remainder
being added to and subtracted from the sum and halved,
(gi ves) the desired residues."4
Mahavlra, 5 Bhaskara II6 and NirayaJ).a 7 have also
treated these equations.
Narayat;la has given two other forms of simul-
1 GK, i. 35.- 2 GSS, vii. I27~.
3 A, ii. 23. 'BrSpSi, xviii. 98.
6 GSS, vii. 12.5~. e L, p. 39.
7 GK,i. 37.

tancous quadratic equations, namely,

x2 +
y2 = C}
X - j = d ... (v)
x 2 _ y2 = 1JI} .
xy = b ... (VI)
For the solution of (ll) he gives the rule:
"The square-root of t\vice the sum of the squares
decreased by the square of the difference is equal to the
l.e., x, + y = V 2.C - d 2•
x = ~(V 2c- d 2 +d), _'Y = -Hv 2.C - d 2 - d).
For (pi) Naraya1)a writes: "-
"Suppose the square of the product as the product
(of two quantities) and the difference of the squares as
their difference. From them by stllikrallla will be
obtaine4 the (sq\.lare) quantities. Their square-roots
severally will give the quantities (required)."2
We have
x 2 _y2 = Ill}
X:_y2 = b 2

These are of the form (i). Therefore

x 2 = ~(V!ll2 + 4b2 + m), y2 = 1(V!ll2 + 4h 2 - m).

\Vhence we get the values of x and y.

Rule of Dissimilar Operations. The process
of solving the following two particular cases of simul-
taneous quadratic equations was distinguished by most
Hindu mathematicians by the special designation vifama-
ktfr/JJa 3 (dissimilar operation) :

1 GK, i. 33. 2 GK, i. 34.

3 The name vi,afIJa-karlJla originated obviously in contra-
distinction to the name salikramof!a. This is evident from the term
1'iloma-.ratikrallJolJa used by Mah:5.~ira for vilanla-karma.

x2 -
y2 = IJI} ••• (0)1 o Xw" - yw =
.\: + y" =
p ...
} (00)

These equations are found to hayc been regarded by

them as of fundamental importance. The solutions
given are:
for (i) X = +
-h- Ill)
( -- 11 Y = }(-III
- - I J) '
~ n ' 2 11 '

for (ii) x-'!

_l( P + p'
Ill) Y=:r) ( p- pm ) .
Thus Brahmagupta says:
"The difference of the squares (of the unknowns)
o .1}, divided by the difference (of the unknowns) and the
quotient is increased and diminished by the difference
and divided by t\Y9; (the results will be the two
unknown quantities); (this is) dissimilar operation."l
The same rule is restated by him on a different
occasion in the course of solving a problem.
"If then the'difference of their squares, also the
difference of them (are given): the difkrence of the
squares 1S divided by the difference of them, and this
(latter) is added to and subtracted from the quotient
.and then divided by two; (the results are) the residues;
whence the number of elapsed days (can be found)." 2
Mahavira states:
"The saJikrdmatJa of the divisor and the quotient
of the two quantities is dissimilar (operation); so it is
called by those who have reached the end of the ocean
of mathematics."3
Similar rules are given also by other writers. 4
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 36. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 97.
3 GSS, vi. 2.
" MSi, xv. 22; .ric" .~ GK, i. 32.

Mahavira's Rules. 1fahavira (850) has treated

certain problems involving the simultaneous quadratic
II +X = tI, IIrw = ax,
11+ y = b. US1}1 = u)'.
,. x a-u
Here -:r=y-=b-t/
rb - sa
Therefore U=---

Hence ~'\; = ( a-b)

- - - r, y = (a-b)
- - s, 'W = (a-b)
1 - - a.
r- S r - s rl} - sa
In the above equations x,y are the interests accrued
on the principal 11 in the periods r, s respectively and
11' is the rate of interest per a.
~1ahavlra states the result thus:
"The difference of the mixed sums [a, b] multiplied
by each other's periods [r, s], being divided by the
difference of the periods, the quotient is known as the
principal [11]'''1
Again, there are problems involving the equations:
11 + X = p, tlXW = alll,
lJ +y = q. t!)'w = afl.
W'here x, yare the periods for which the principal u
is lent out at the rate of interest w per (l and Ill, n are the
respective interests.
»J _ X _P-II
Here ------.
11 Y q-u

Illq - fP
11= •
111- n
1 GSS, vi. 47. 2 GK, i.

r/ma-karma originated obv},

flame saliR:raml1t!a. This is evid_i'll: L_
,11!11 used by MaM~lra for vi{allJa-karllJa.

Hence x = (p -
q) m, y = (p -
q )n,
m-n m-n
arm - n)2
w- l
- (p - q)(mq- np)'
Mahavira gives the rule:
"On the difference of the mixed sums multiplied
by each other's interests, being divided by the difference
of the interests, the quotient, the wise men say, is the



General S·urvey. The earliest Hindu algebraist

to give a treatment of the indeterminate equation of the
first degree is Aryabhata I (born 476). He gave a method
for finding the general solution in positive integers
of the simple indeterminate equation
by - ax = c
for integral values of a, b, c and further indicated how to
extend it to get positive integral solutions of simultan-
eous indeterminate equations of the first degree. His
disciple, Bhiskara I (522), showed that the same
method might be applied to solve by - ax = - c and
further that the solution of this equation would follow
from that of ~y ....:_ ax = - I. Brahmagupta and others
simply adopted the methods of Aryabhata I and Bhis-
kara 1. About the middle of the tenth century of the
Christi,an Era, Aryabhata II improved them by point-
ing out how the operations can in certain cases be
abridged. considerably. He also noticed the cases of
failure of the methods for an equation of the form
1 GSS, vi. p.

~y - ax = ± c. These results reappear in the works of

later writers. l
Its Importance. It has been observed before that
the subject of indeterminate analysis of the first de-gree
~as considered so important by the ancient Hindu
algebraists that the whole science of algebra was once
named after it. That high estimation of the subject
continued undiminishc<;l amongst the later Hindu mathe-
maticians. Atyabhata II enumerates it distinctively
along with the sciences of arithmetic, algebra, and
astronomy. 2 So did Bhaskara II and others. . As has
been remarked by GaQ.eSa, 3 the separate mention of the
subject of indeterminate analysis of the first degree is
designed to emphasize its difficulty and importance.
On account of its special importance, the treatment-
of this subject has been included by Bhaskara II in his
treatise of arithmetic also, though it belongs parti-
cularly to algebra. 4 It is also noteworthy that there is
a work exclusively devoted to the treatment of this
subject. Such a special treatise is a very rare thing in
the mathematical literature of the ancient Hindus. This
work, entitled K,,!!dkara-Jirollla!1i,5 is by one Devaraja,
a commentator of Aryabhata 1.
1 For "India's Contribution to the Tpeory of Indeterminate
Equations of the First Degree," see the comprehensive llrticle of
Professor Sarada Kanta Ganguly in jOllrn. Ind. Alath. Soc., XIX,
193 I, Notes and Questions, pp. 110-120, 129-142; see also XX,
1932, Notes and QllestiOlIJ". Compare also the Dissertation of
D. M. Mehta on "Theory of simple continued i ....ctions (with
special reference to the history of Indian l\lathematics)."-
2 MSi, i. 1.
, 3 Vide his commentary on the Lfldl'ati of Bhftskara n
4 Bhiiskara's treatment of the pulvcriscr in his J3[jagatJita is
repeated nearly word for word in his Lfld/"att.
5 There are four manuscript copies of this work in the Oriental
Library, MYSQre.

Three Varieties of Problems. Problems whose

solutions led the ancient Hindus to the investigation
of the simple indeterminate equation of the first degree
were distinguished broadly into three varieties. The
problem of one variety. is to find a number (N) which
being divided by two given numbers (a, b) will leave
two given remainders (Rl' R 2). Thus we have
N = ax + Rl = by + R 2 •
Hence by - ax = Rl - R 2 •
Putting c = Rl ,_, R 2 ,
we get by - ax = ±c
the upper or lower sign being taken according as Rl
> or < R 2• In a pro blem of the second kind we are
required to find a number (x) such that its product with
a given number (a) being increased or decreased .by
another given number .(v) and then divided by a 'third
given number (~) will leave no remainder. In other
words we shall have to solve
ax± v
- =Y
in positive integers. The third variety of problems
similarly leads to equations of the form
by + ax = ± c.
Terminology. The subject of indeterminate
analysis of the first degree is generally called by the
] Iindus hl!!aka, k1l!!t1kdra, kll!!ikdra or simply kll!!a.
The names klt!!dkdm and kll!/a occur as early as the
j\1ahd-Bhdskar[),a of BM.skara I (522).1 In the c9mmen-
tary of the A1]'obho!fj'o by this writer we find the terms
kll!/aka and kll!!okura. Brahmagupta has used kll!!ak",2
h'!fdkdra,3 and k"!!Cl. 4 Mah§,vira, it appears, had a
1 MBh, i. 41, 49. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 2, II, etc.
3 BrSpSi, xviii. 6, 15l etc. "BrSpSi, xviii. 20, 25, etc.

preferential liking for the name kti!!ikdra. 1

In a problem of the first variety the quantities
(a, b) are called "divisors" (bhdgahara, bhdjak, cheda,
etc.) and (R I , R 2) "remainders" (agra, seta, etc.), while
in a problem of the second variety, (3 is ordinarily
called the "divisor" and y the "interpolator'" (kfepa,
kfep:1ka, etc.); here a is called the "dividend" (bha}ya) ,
the unknown quantity to be found (x) the "multiplIer"
(glltlaka, glltlakara, etc.) and y the quotient (phala). The
unknown (x) has been sometimes called by Mahavira as
rali (number) implying "an unknown number."2
Origin of the name. The Sanskrit words ku/!a,
hI//aka, ku!fdkara and kll!!ikara are all derived from the
root kll!! "to crush", "to grind," "to pulverise" and
hence etymologically they mean the act or process of
"breaking", "grinding", "pulverising" as well as an
instrument for that, that is, "grinder", "pulveriser".
\Vhy the subject of the indeterminate analysis of the
first degree came to be designated by the term kll!!aka
is a question which will be naturally asked. GaDe~a
(1545) says: "KII!!aka is a term for the multiplier, for
multiplication is admittedly called by words import-
ing 'injuring,' 'killing.' A certain given number being
multiplied by another (unknown quantity), added or
subtracted by a given interpolator and then divided by a
given divisor leaves no remainder; that multiplier is the
ku!/aka: so it has been said by the ancients. This is a
special technical term."3 The same explanation as to the
origin of the name kll//aka has been offered by Surya-
dasa (1538), Kr~Da (c. 1580) and Ranganatha (1602).4
1 GSS, vi. 792, etc. 2 GSS, vi. IIS~ff.
3 Vide his commentary on the Liltivati of Bhaskara II.
4 Vide the commentaries of Suryadasl on Li/dt'a/i and B[/a-
gatti/a, of Krg1a on Bijag,4!iita, and of Ranganatha on Siddhdnla-
But it is one-sided inasmuch as it has admittedly in
view a problem of the second variety where we have
indeed to find an unknown multiplier. But the rules of
the earlier .algebraists such as Aryabha!a I and Brahma-
gupta were formulated with a view to the solution of a
problem of the first variety. So the considerations
which led those early writers to adopt the name IeII!taka
must have been different. .MahavJra has once stated
that, according to the learned, k!I!!fkara is another name
for "the operation of prakfepaka" (lit., thro\ving, scatter-
ing, implying division into parts).l In fact, his writ-
ing led his translator to interpret ktlttikara as "propor-,
tionate division", "a special kind of division or distribu-
tion."2 Bhaskara I, who had in view a problem of the
second variety, once remarked, "the number is obtained
by the operation of pulverising (kil!/ana), when it is
desired to get the multiplier (gll!lakara) . ... "3 It will
be presently shown'that the Hindu method of solving the
equation ly - ax = ± c is essentially based on a process
of deriving from it successively other similar equations
in which the values of the coefficients (a, b) become
smaller and smaller. 4 Thus the process is indeed the
same as that of breaking a whole thing into smaller
pieces. In our opinion, it is this that led the ancient
mathematicians to adopt the name kll!!aka for the opera-
Preliminary Operations. It has been remarked
by most of the writers that in order that an equation
1 "Prak~epaka-karaY:lamidam ..... kuttikaro budhaissamuddi~­
!arp"-GSS, vi. 79~.
2 Vide <?,SS (English translation), pp. I I7, 300.
3 "Krta-kuttana-Iabdha-rasimesam
G~t:laki~~rp samusanti .... ·. . ;'-MBh, i. 48.
"" It has been expressly stated by Suryadeva Yajva that the
process must be continued "yavaddharabh:1jyayoralpata."

of the form
by - ax = ±
c or by ax = ± c +
may be solvable, the two numbers a and b must not have
a common divisor; for, otherwise, the equation would
be absurd, unless the number c had the same common
divisor. So before the rules adumbrated hereafter
can be applied, the numbers a, b, c must be made prime
(drrfha = firm, niccheda = having no divisor, lIirapa-
varta = irreducible) to each other.
Thus Bhaskara I observes:
"The dividend and dIvisor will become pnme to
each other on being divided by the residue of their
mutual division. The operation of the pulveriser
should be considered in relation to them."l
Brahmagupta says:
"Divide the multiplier and the divisor mutu~lly
and find the last residue; those quantities being divided
by the residue will be prime to each other."2
Aryabhata II has made the preliminary operations
in successive stages. Tl1ese will be described bter on. 3
Sripati states:
"The dividend, divisor and interpolator should
be divided by their common divisor, if any, so that it
may be possible to apply the method to be described."4
"If the dividend and divisor have a common
divisor, which is not a divisor of the interpolator then
the problem would be absurd."5
Bhaskara II writes:
"As preparatory to the method of the pulveriser,

1 MBh, i. 4I. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 9.

3 Vide infra, p. 104. 4 SiSe, xiv. 22.
;; SiSe, xiv. 26.
SOLUTION OF try - ax = ±( 93
..the dividend, divisor and interpolator must be
dtvided by a common divisor, if possible. If the
number by which the dividend and divisor are divisible,
does not divide the interpolator then the problem
is absurd. The last residue of the mutual divi-
sion of two numbers is their common divisor. The
dividend and divisor, being divided by their common
divisor, become prime to each other."!
Rules similar to these have been given also by
Nariyat;la,2 Jiiinaraja and Kamalikara. 3 So in our
subsequent trLatment of the Hindu methods for the
solution in positive integers of the equation by ± ax
= ± ,', we sha.ll always take, unless otherwise stated,
a, b prime to each other.

Solution of by - ax = ±c
Aryabha!a l's Rule. The rule of Aryabhata I (499)4
is rather obscure inasmuch as all the operations intend-
ed to be carried out have not been described fully and
clearly. So it has been misunderstood by many writers. s
Following the interpretation of the rule by Bhaskara
I (525), a direct disciple of Aryabhata I, Bibhutibhusan
Datta has recently given the following translation: 6
1 L, p. 76; BBi, pp. 24f. 2 NBi, I, R. S3-4.
3 SiTVi, xiii. 179ff. 4 A, ii. 3 2 -3'
Ii L. Rodet, "Les:ons de calcul d'Aryabhatta," JA, XIII,
1878, pp. 303 If; G. R. Kaye, "Notes on Indian Mathematics.
No. 2-Aryabhata," lASB, IV, 1908, pp. 1 I I If; BCAlS, IV, p. S5;
N. K. Mazumdar, "Aryyabhatta's rule in relation to Indeterminate
Equations of the First Degree," BCMS, III, pp 11-9; P. C. Sen
Gupta, "Aryabhatiyam," JOUT. Dept. Let. Cal. Univ., XVI, 1927;
reprint, p. Z7.; S. K. Ganguly, BCMS, XIX, 1928, pp. 170ff;
W. E. Clark, Arrabha/[ya,of AI1'abha.ta, Chicago, 1930, pp. 42ff.
6 Bibhutibhusan Datta, "Elder Aryabhata's rule for the
solution of indeterminate equations of the first degl"ee," BCMS.
XXIV, 1932, pp..H-53.

"Divide the divisor corresponding to the greater

remainder by the divisor corresponding to the smaller
remainder. The residue (and the divisor corresponding
to the smaller remainder) being mutually divided,
the last residue should be mul6plicd by such an optional
integer that the product being added (in case the number
of quotients of the mutual division is even) or subtracted
(in case the number of quotients is odd) by the difference
of the remainders (will be exactly divisible by the last
but one remainder. Place the quotients of the mutual
division successively one below the otheL in a column;
below them the optional multiplier and underneath it
the quotient just obtained). Any number below (i.e.,
the penultimate) is multiplied by the one just above it
and then added by that just below it. Divide the last
number (obtained by doing so repeatedly!) by the divisor
corresponding to the smaller remainder; then multiply
the residue by the divisor corresponding to the greater
remainder and add the greater remainder. (The result
will be) the number corresponding to the two divisors."
He has further shown that it can be rendered also
as follows:
"Divide the divisor corresponding to the greater
remainder by the divisor corresponding to the smaller
remainder. The residue (and the divisor corresponding
to the smaller rem~inder) being mutually divided
(until the remainder becomes zero), the last quotient
should be multiplied by an optional integer and then
added (in case the number of quotients of the mutual
division is even) or subtracted (in case the number of
quotients is odd) by the difference of the rem:tinders.
(Place the other quotients of the mutual division succes-
1 The process implied here is shown in detail in the working
of the examp!e on pages 113f.
SOLUl ION OF l!Y - ax =" ± c 95
sively one below the other in a column; below them the
result just obtained and underneath it the optional in-
teger). Any number below (i.e., the penultimate)
is multiplied by the one just above it and then added
by that just below it. Divide the last number (obtained
by doing so repeatedly) by the divisor corresponding
to the smaller remainder; then multiply the residue
by the divisor corresponding to the greater remainder
and add the greater remainder. (The result will be)
the number corresponding to the two divisors."
Aryabhata's problem is: To find a number (N)
which being divided by two given numbers (a, b) will
leave two given remainders (RI , R 2).1 This gives:
N = ax +
Rl = by R 2• +
Denoting as before by c the difference between Rl and
R 2 , we get
(i) by = ax +
c, if Rl > R 2 ,
or (ii) ax = by +
c, if R2 > Rl
the equation being so writfen as to keep c always posi-
tive. Hence the problem· now reduces to making either
ax +c
--b-- or
c +
according as Rl > R2 or R2 > Rp a positive integer.
So Aryabhata says: "Divide the divisor corresponding
to the greater remainder etc."
I It has already been stated (p. 90) that in a problem of the
first variety which gives an equatlOn of the above form (and in
which RI > R 2 ).
a =:= divisor corresponding to greater remainder,
b = divisor corresponding to lesser remainder,
Rl = greater remainder,
R2 = lesser remainder.

Suppose Rl > R2 ; then the equation to be solved

will be
ax + c = by (I)
11, b being prime to each other.
b) 11 (q
'·Jb (ql
-r2)r1 (q2
r 2q2
..... .....
r,n-l) r m-2 (qm-l
r m- 1qm-l
---,.m) r m-l (qm
r m +1
Then, we get l
a = bq + rp
b = r 1ql + r 2,
r 1 = r 2q2 + r3,
r2 = 1"3q3 + r"
r m-2 = r m-lqm-l + r m ,
r m-l = '" ...qm + r m+l'
Now, substituting the value of a in the given equa-
tion (I), we get
by = (bq r1)x c. + +
y = qX+)'1>
1 When a < b, we shall have q = 0) r1 = a.
SO~UTION OF fry - ax = ±c 97
where 01 = r1x c. +
In other words, since a = bq rl' on putting +
.Y = qX+J'1 (1)
the gIven equation (I) reduces to
fryl = r1_x + c. (1. I)
Again, since b = r 1 ql r 2, +
putting similarly "'\,: = Q1J'1 ·,'1 +
the equation (1. I) can be further reduced to
(I. 2)
and so on.
Writing do,vn the succeSSive values and reduced
cltuations In
columns, we have
(I) )' = QX-r)'I' l!h = r 1x + c, (1. I)
(z) x = Ql)' + XI> 1"I X l = "2)'1 - c, (I. 2)
(3) )'1 = Q2 x l + )'2' "2)'2 = "a x ,+ c, (1. ~)
(4) Xl = QaY3 -f- -\."2' 1"3 X 2 = 1'4)'2 -c, (1. 4)
(5) .)'2 = Q4 x 2 -+- )'3' 1"4)'3 = 1"5 X 2 + (:, (1. j)
(6) x2 = t]5]3 + x 3, 1",o;X3 = 1"6)'3 - c, (I. 6)

(2n--I)Yn_l = Q2n-2xn-l +.)"" r2n-2)'n=r2n-Ixn_l +c, (I. 2n.- I)

(zn) X"_1 = t]2n--l)'n + Xno r2n_IXn=r2n)',,-C, (I. zn)
(211 + I) )'n = t]21.Xn -1- Yn+l' r 2n J'n+l = r21HIXn + c, (1. 2n -+- r)
Now the mutual division can be continued either
(i) to the fin"ish or (ii) so as to get a certain number of
quotients and then stopped. In either case the number
of quotients found, neglecting the first one (q), as is
usual with Aryabhata, may be eycn or odd.
Case i. First suppose that the mutual division
is continued until the zero remainder is obtained. Since
(/, b are prime to each other, the last but one remainder
is unity.
Subcase (i, 1_). Let the number of quotients be
even. We then have


mutual division, one below the other, in the form of a

chain. Now find by what number the last remainder
should be multiplied, such that the product being sub-
tracted by the (given) residue (of the revolution) will
be exactly divisible (by the divisor corresponding to
that remainder). Put down that optional number
below the chain and then the (new) quotient underneath.
Then multiply the optional number by that quantity
which stands just above it and add to the pwduct the
(new) quotient (below). Proceed afterwards also in the
same way. Divide the upper number (i:e., the multi-
plier) obtained by this process by the divisor and
the lower one by the dividend; the remainders will
respectively be the desired ahargapa and the revolutions."l
The equation contemplated in this rule 1S2
ax - c '"
b = a pOSltive mteger.
This fotiD. of the equation seems to have been chosen
by Bhaskara I deliberately so as to supplement the form
of Aryabhata I in which the interpolator is a.lways
made positive by necessary transposition. Further b is
taken to be greater than a, as is evident from the
following rule. So the first quotient of mutual division
of a by b is always zero. This has not been taken
into consideration. Also the number of quotients in
the chain is taken to be even.
1 MBh, i. 4 2 -4.
The above rule has been. formulated with a view to its
application in astronomy.
2. As already stated on p. 90, when the equation is stated in
this .fffCond form
a = dividend,
b = divisor,
r = interpolator,
. . .- = multiplier,
y = quotient.
SOLUTION OF by - ax = ± c 101

He further observes:
"When the dividend is greater than the divisor,
the operations should be made in the same way (i.e.,
according to the method of the pulveriser) after delet-
ing the greatest multiple of the divisor (from the divi- '
dend). Multiply the (new) multiplier thus obtained by
that multiple and add the (new) quotient; the (result
will be the quotient here (required)."l
That is to say, if in the equation
ax ± c = by,
t! = mb + a', we may' neglect the portion mb of the divi-
dend and proceed at once with the solution of
a'x ± c = Iry.
Let .">( = a, y = ~ be ~ solution of this equation. Then
a'a ± c = b~;
.'. (mb +
a')a ± c = bema p), +
or aa ,± C = bema + ~).
Hence x = a, y = ma +
p is a solution of the
given equation.
Brahmagupta's Rules. For the solution of Arya- '
bhata's problem Brahmagupta (628) gives the following
"What remains when the divisor corresponding
to the greater remainder is divided by the divisor corres-
ponding to the smaller remainder-that (and the latter
divisor) are mutually divided and the quotients are
severally set down one below the other. The last
residue (of the reciprocal division after an even number
of quotients has been obtained~) is multiplied by

1MBh, i.47.
2 Compare the next rule: "Such is the process whC-Q the
quotients (of mutual division) are even etc."

such an optional integer that the product being added

with the difference of the (given) remainders will be
exactly divisible (by the divisor corresponding to that
residue). That optional multiplier and then the (new)
quotient just obtained should be set down (underneath
the listed quotients). Now, proceeding from the lower-
most number (in the column), the penultimate is
multiplied by the number just above it and then added
by the number just below it. The final value thus
obtained (by repeating the above process) is divided
by the divisor corresponding to the smaller remainder.
The residue being multiplied by t4e divisor correspond-
ing to the greater remainder and added to the greater
remainder will be the number in view."l
He further observes:
"Such is the process when the quotients (of mutual
division) are even in number. Bu( if they be odd,
wnat has been stated before as negative should be made
positive or as positive should 'be made negative."2
Regarding the direction for dividing the divisor
corresponding to the greater remainder by the divisor
corresponding to the smaller refl}ainder, Prthudakasvami
(860) observes that it is not absolute, rather optional;
so that the process may be conducted in the same way
by starting with the division of the divisor correspond-
ing to the smaller remainder by the divisor correspond-
ing to the greater remainder. But in this case of inver-
sion of the process, he continues, the difference of
the remainders must be made negative.
That is to say, the equation
0'.= ax + c
,~an be solved by transforming it first to the form
ax = I?J' - c,
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 3-5. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 13.
SOLUTION OF fry - a.\' = ± c
so that we shall have to start whh-the division of b by a.
Mahavira's Rules. Mahavira (850) formulates his
rules with a view to the solution of
b .J',
in pOSItIve integers. He says:
"Divide the coefficient of the unknown by the
given divisor (mutually); reject the first quotient and
then set down the other quotients of mutual division
one belo~ the other. When the residue has become
sufficiently small, multiply it by an optional number
such that the product, being combined with the inter-
rolator, which if positive must be made negative (and
t'ice versa) in case (the number of quotients retained is)
odd, will be exactly divisible (by the divisor correspond-
ing to that residue). Place that optional number and
the resulting quotient in order, under the chain of quo-
tients. Now add the lowermost number to the product
of the next two upper numbers. The number (finally
obtained by this process) being divided by the given
divisor, (the remainder will be the least value of the
unknown)."l .
This method has been redescribed by Maha.vira
in a slightly modified form. Here he continues the
mutual division until the remainder zero is obtained
and further takes the optional multiplier to be zero~
"With the dividend, divisor and remainder reduced
(by their greatest commol?- factor the operations should
be performed). Reject the first quotient and set down the
other quotients of mutual division (one below the other)
and underneat':. t:hem the zer0 2 and the given remainder

1 GSS, vi. II ~~ (first portion).

2 \X' e have emended sagra of the printed text to khagra.

(as reduced) in succession. The remainder, being multi-

plied by positive or negative as the number of quotients is
even or odd, should be added to t he product of the next
two upper numbers. The number (finally obtained by
the repeated application of this process) whether posi-
tive or negative, being divided by the divisor, the
remainder will be (the least value of) the multiplier."l
Aryabha!a II. The details of the process adopted
by Aryabhata II (950) in finding the general solution of
(ax ± c)/b = y in positive integers have been described
by him thus: .
"Set dO\vn the dividend, interpolator and divisor
as stated (in a problem): this is the first operation.
"Divide them by their greatest common divisor
so as to make them without a common factor: this is the
second operation.
"Divide the dividend and interpolator by their
greatest common divisor: the third operation.
"Divide the interpolator and divisor by their ~
greatest common divisor: the fourth operatiort.
"Divide the dividend and interpolator, then the
interpolator (thus reduced) and divisor by their respec-
tive different greatest common divisors: the fiJt/; operation.
"On forming the chain from these (reduced
numbers), if the remainder becomes unity, then the
object (of solving the problem) will be realised; but
if the remainder in it be zero, the questioner does not
know the method of the pulveriser.
"Divide the (reduced) dividend and divisor reci-
procally until the remainder becomes unity. (The quo-
tients placed one below the other successively will form)
1 GSS. vi. I 3 6~ (first portion). Our interpretation differs from
those of Rangacharya and Ganguly.
SOLUTION OF lry - ax = ± c

the (auxiliary) chain. Note down whether the number

of quotients is even or odd. Multiply by the ultimate
the number just at-Dve it and then add unity. The chain
formed on replacing the penultimate by this result is
the corrected one. :Multiply by the un-destroyed
(i.e., corrected) penultimate the number just above
it, then add the ultimate number; (now) destroy
the ultimate. On proceeding ,thus (repeatedly) we
shall finally obtain two numbers which are (techni-
cally) called ktl!!a. I shall speak (later on) of those
two quantities as obtained in the case of an odd number
of quotients. If on dividing the dividend by the divisor
once only the residue becomes unity, then the quotient
is known to be the upper ku!!a and the remainder
(i.e., unity) the lower ku!!a.
"The upper and lower ku!!a thus obtained, being
both multiplied by the interpolator of the given equation
and then divided respectively by its dividend and divisor>
the r~sidues will be the quotient and multiplier respec-
"In the Case of the third opel" :tion (having been
performed before) multiply the upper hlt!a by the inter-
polator' of the question and the lower kIt/!a by the inter-
polator as reduced by the greatest common divisor. The
same should be done reversely in the case of the fourth
operation. In the case of these two operations, the kfl//a
f\.fter being multiplied as indicated should be divided
respectively by the dividend and divisor stated by the
questioner; the residues will be the quotient and multi-
plier respectively.
"In the fifth operation, multiply the upper klltta
by the greatest common divisor of the dividend and the
interpolator, and the lower one by the other (i.e., the
greatest common divisor of the given divisor and the
reduced interpolator). The products are the intcr-

mediate quotient and 'multiplier. Multiply the divisor

of the question by the intermediate quotient and also
its dividend by the intermediate multiplier, Difference of
these products is the required intermediate divid.er. The
intermediate quotient and multiplier are multiplied by the
interpolator of the question and then divided by the
intetmediate divider. The quotients thus obtained being
divided respectively by the dividend and divisor of the
question, the residues will be the quotient and multiplier
( required).
"The quotient and multiplier are obtaineq correctly
by the process just described in the case of a positive
interpolator when the chain is eyen and in the case of a
negative interpolator if the chain is odd. In the case of
an even chain and negative interpolator, also of an odd
chain and positive interpolator, the quotient and multi-
plier thus obtained are subtracted respectively from tne
divi4end and divisor made prime to each other and the
residues give them correctly."l .
The rationale of these rules will be easily found to
be as follows: '"
(i) It will be noticed that to solve
by=ax±c, I (I)
in positive integers, Aryabhata II first finds the solution
. b=ax± 1.
If x = a, y = ~
be a solution of this equation, we get
btl = aa. ± I,
or b(c{3) = a(ea) ± c.
Therefore x = ca, y = etl is a solution of (I).
(ii) Let a = a'g, c = c'g; then (I) reduces to
by' = a'x ± e',
1 MSi. ~vili. 1-14.
SOLUTION OF ly - ax = ±e
-<.vhere y' = y Ig.
Let x = a, y' = (:l be a solution of
fry' = a'x ± I,
SO that we have
b~ = a'a ± 1.
Hence bg,,'j3 = a'ge'a ± e'g;
or b(o(:l) = a(e'a) ± t'.
Therefore x = ria, y = e(:l is a solution of (I).
(iii) Let b = g'b', e =g'c"; then (I) reduces to
b'y = ax' ± ,.!!,
where x' = x Ig'. If x' = a, )' = /3 be a solution of
by = ax' ± I,
we have
b'(:l = aa ±I.
Therefore b'g'e"fJ = ag'e" a ,± g'e",
or b(e"(3) = a(ea) ± e.
Hence x = ca, _y = c"(:l is a solution of (I).
(iv) Let a = a'g, e = e'g, b = b"g" and e' = e"g".
Then the given equation ly = ax ± e reduces to
b')' = a'x' ± ,e",
where x' = xjg", y' =yjg. Now, if x' = a, y' = (:l
be a solution of
b''y' = a:'x' ± I,
we shall have, multiplying both sides by gg",
b''gg''(:l = a'gg" a ± gg",
or b(g(:l) = a(g" a) ± gg",
= a{cJ1ta)}
± to.

Since gg" = a(g"a) -- b(g(3), we get

b{ c(g(3) } = a{ __ c(gfla) } c
a(g"a) -- b(g(3) a(g"a) -- b(g(3) ± .
_ c(g"a) __ c(g(3)
x - a(g,i a) __ b(g(3)' Y - a(g"a) -- b(g(3)'
is a solution of the given equation try = ax ± c. Since
c = c''gg'' = c"{a(g"a) -- b(g(3)}, both these values are
In each of the above cases the minimum values of
x, y satisfying the equation by = ax ± c are given by the
residues left on dividing the values of x,y as calculated
above by b and a respectively, provided the two quo-
tients are equal.
Let x = P, Y = Q be the solution as calculated
above; further suppose that
P = m'b p, Q = na q; +
where m, n are integers such that p < b, q < a.
If ,;; =1= ,1, the minimum solution is either
x = p, }( )
y = (n - m) a + q I

according as m < or :> n. Now, if the interpolator c

is positive, it can be shown that (2) is not a solution.
For, if it were,
bq- c .
- - = x, an tnteger,
= (m - n)b + p > b.
But q < d, therefore,
_,._--c < b,

SOLUTION OF lry - ax = ±c
which is absurd. Therefore, (1) must be the mInImUm
solution in this case, not (2).
Similarly, if the interpolator c is negative, it can
be shown that (2) i'S the minimum solution, not (1).
Hence the following rule of Aryabhata II :
'"If the quotients (m, n) obtained in the case of any
proposed question be not equal, then the (derived)
value for the multiplier should be accepted and that of
the quotient rejected, if the interpolator is positive. On
the othe.r hand when the interpolator is negative, then
the (derived) value for the quotient should be accepted
and that for the multiplier rejected. How to. obtain
the '"Juotient fmm the multiplier and the multiplier from
the quotient correctly in all cases, I shall explain now.
Multiply the (accepted) value of the multiplier by the
cividend of the proposed question, add its interpola):or
and then divide by the divisor of the proposed question;
the quotient is the corrected one. The product of the
proposed divisor and the (accepted) quotient being
added by the reverse of the interpolator and then divided
by the dividend of the proposed question, the 'quotient
is the (correct) multiplier."1
He has further indicated how to get all positive
integral solutions of the equation by = ax ± c after
having obtained the minimum solution.
"The (minimum) quotient and multiplier being
added respectively with the dividend and divisor as stated
in the question or as reduced, after multiplying both
by an optional number, give variou,s other values."2
That is to say, if x = a, Y = (} be the minimum
solution, the general solution will be
x = b"J + a, y = am B. +
1 MSi, xviii. 15-8. 2 MSi, xviii. 20.

Sripati's Rule. Sripati (1039) writes:

"Divide the dividend and divisor reciprocally
until the residue is small. Set down the quotients
one below the other in succession; then underneath
them an optional number and below it the correspond-
ing quotient, the optional number being determined.
thus: (the number) by which the last residue must be
multiplied such that the product being subtracted by
the interpolator and then divided by the divisor (co.rres-
ponding to that residue), leaves no remainder. It is
to be so when the number of quotients is even; in the
case of an odd number of quotients the interpolator,
if negattve, must be first made positive and conversely,
if positive, must be made negative; so it has been taught
by the learned in this (branch of analysis). Now multi-
ply the term above the optional number by it (the
optional number) and then add the quotient below.
Proceeding upwards such operati9n should be per-
formed again and again until two numbers are obtained.
The first one being divided by the divisor, (the residue)
will give (the least value of) the multiplier; similarly
the second being divided by the dividend, will give
(the least value) of the quotient."l
Bhiskara II's Rules. Bhiskara II (1150) des-
cribes the method of. the pulveriser thus:
"Dhride mutually the dividend and divisor made
prime to each other until unity becomes tfle remainder
in the dividend. Set down the quotients one under
the other successively; beneath them the interpolator
and then cipher at the bottom. Multiply by the
penultimate the number just above it and add the
lSiSe, xiv. 22-25.
This rule is the same as that of Bhaskara I and holds under
the same conditicns. (See pp. 99f).
SOLU:rION OF by - a~ = ± c I I.l

ultimate; . then. reject that ultimate. Do so repeatedly

until only. a pair of numbers is left. The upper one of
these being divided by the .reduced dividend, the remain-
der is the quotient; and the lower one being divided
by the reduced divisor, the remainder is the multiplier.
- Such is precisely the process when the quotients (of
mutual division) are even in number. But when they
are odd, the quotient and multiplier so obtained must
be subtracted from their respective abraders and the
residues will be the true quotient and multiplier."1
Bhaskara·n then .,hows how the process of solving
a problem by the method of the pulveriser can some-
times be abbreviated to a great extent. He says:
"The -multiplier is found by the method of the
pulveriser after reducing the additive and dividend by
their common divisor. Or, if the additive (previously
reduced or not) and the divisor be so reduced, the
multiplier found (by the method) being multiplied by
their common measure will be the true one.
"Such is the process of finding the multiplier and
quotient, when the interpolator is positive. On sub-
tracting them from their' respective abraders will be
obtained the result for the subtractive inrerpolator."2
Kn'Qa (c. 1580) gives the following rationale of these
We shall have to solve. in positive integers
~J = ax ± c. (I)
(i) Suppose g is the greate~t c.ommon measure of,a
and c, so that a = a'g, c = c'g. Then
by = a'gx ± c'g,
or l:y' = a'x ± c', (1.1)
wherey' =y/g. If x = a, y' = tJ be a solution of (1.1).
1 BBi, pp. Z5f; L, p. 77. 2 BBi, p. z6; L, pp. 78, 79.

Then, forming the chain as directed in the rule, we get


By the rule, "Multiply by the penul~mate the number just
above it etc.," the two numbers obtained finally are 2430
and 1530.1 Dividing these by 100 and 63 respectively,
the remainders are 30 and 18. Hence x = 18, Y = 30.
Secolld l11ethod. Reducing the dividend and the
additive by their greatest common divisor (10), we have
the statement:
Dividend = 10
Divisor = 63 Additive = 9
Since 63) 10 (0
10) 63 (6
3) 10 (3

1 Successive opemtions in the application of the rule are:

1 1 1 1 1 2430
1 1 1 1 '\ 1530
1 1 1 ,900 '\ 9~~
2 2 ~ 630 ~ 630 ~ ~'S,~
2 ~ 270 I ~ 270 ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~
, 90 , 90 II ' 9.~ I '\ 9~ '\ ~~
90 9~ I 9~ 9.~ i 9.~
~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~
SOLUTION OF by - ax = ±c 115
we get the chain
By the rule, "Multiply by the penultimate etc.," we
obtain finally the numbers 27 and 171. Dividing them
respecti vely by 10 and 6;, we get the residues 7 and 45.
Since the number of quotients of the mutual division
is odd, subtracting 7 and 45 from the corresponding
aSraders 10 and 6;, we get; and 18. In this case we
!1.<:::gJ..ect 3. So x = 18; J,vhence by the given equation
)' = 30. Or, multiplying the quotient ; as obtained
above by the greatest common divisor 10, we get the
same result y = ;0.
Third z..,[ethod. Reducing the divisor and the additive
by their gre~test common divisor (9), the statement is :
Dividend = 100
Additive = 10
Divisor = 7

we get the chain
By the rule, "Multiply by the penultimate etc.," we
obtain the two number~ 430 and ;0. Dividing them ,
by 100 and 7 respectively, the residues are 30 and 2.

Multiplying the latter by the greatest common divisor

9, we get x = 18 and y = 30.
Fourth Method. Dividing the divisor and the addi-
tive by their common measure (9) and again the dividend
and the reduced additive by their common measure
(10), we have
Dividend = 10
Additive = I
Divisor = 7
Since 7) 10 (I
3) 7 (2
we get the chain
By the rule, "Multiply by the penultimate etc.," we have
finally the numbers 3 and 2. Dividing them by 10 and
7 respectively, the residues are the same. Multiplying
them respectively by the common measure 10 of the
dividend and red':lced additive, and 9 of the divisor and
additive, we get as before x = 18 and y = 30.
Adding to these minimum values (18, ,0) of (x. . y)
optional multiples of the corresponding abraders
(63, 100), we get the general solution of 100X 90 = 63)'
in positive jntegers as x = 63m +
18, y = loom + 30,
where IJl is any integer.
Rules similar to those of Bha.skara II have been
given by Nariya1).a,l JiHinaraja and KamaIakara. 2
1 NEi, I, R. 55-60.
SOLUTION OF by = ax ± I 117

Soltltion of by = ax ± I
Constant Pulveriser. Though the simple indeter-
minate equatioq. by = ax ± I is solved exactly in the
same way as the equation by = ax ± c and is indeed a
particular case vf the latter, yet on account of its special
use in astronomical calculations! it has received separate
consideration at the hands of most of the Hindu algebra-
ists. It may, however, be noted that the separate treat-
ment was somewhat necessitated by the physical· condi-
tions of the problems involving the two types. In the
case of by = ax ± c the conditions are such that the value
(,f eithery or x, more particularly of the latter, has to be
found and the rules for solution are formulated with
lilat object. But in the case of the other (ry = ax ± I)
the physical conditions require the values of bothy and x.
The equation by = ax ± I is generally called by the
name of sthira-ku//aka or the "constant pulveriser" (from
sthira, meaning constant, steady). P~thudakasvami
(860) sometimes designates it also as drcfha-ku//aka (from
drcfha = firm). But that name disappeared from later
Hindu algebras because the word drtfha was employed
by later writers 2 as equivalent to niccheda. (having no
divisor) or nirapavarta (irreducible). The origin of the
name "constant pulveriser" has been explained by
Prtl: udakasvami as being due to the fact that the inter-
pr:>lator (± I) is here invariable. Ga1).eSa3 (1545) explains
it in detail thus: In astronomical problems involving
1 Thus Bhaskara II observes, "This method of calculation is
of great use in mathematical astronomy." (BBi, p. 3 I). He
then points out how the solutions of various astronomical
problems can be derived from the solution of the same indeter-
minate equation. (BBi, p. 32; L, p. 81).
2 This special technical use of the word dniha occurs befcre
Brahmagupta (628) in the works of Bhaskara I (522).
3 Vide his commentary on the Lilavati of Bhiskara II.

equations of the type fry - ax = ± c, th~ physical

conditions arc such that the dividend (a) and the divisor
(b) are constant but the interpolator (c) always varies; so
for their solution different sets of operations will have
to· be performed if we start directly to solve them all.
But starting with the equation by - (/x = ± I, we can
derive the necessary solutions of all our equations from
a constant set of operations. Hence the name is very
significant. A similar explanation has been given by
Kr:;;Ifa (c. 15 80).
Bhaskara I's Rule. Bhaskara I (5ZZ) writes:
"The method of the pulveriser is applied also after
subtracting unity. The multiplier and quotient are
respectively the numbers above and underneath. Multi-
plying those quantities by the desired number, divide by
the reduced divisor and dividend; the residues are in
this case known to be the (elapsed) days and (residues of)
revolutions respectively."l
In other words, it has been stated that the solution
of the equation
(/x - C
--,---= y,
can be obtained by multiplying the solution of
(/~'\. - I
by c and then. abrading as before. In general, the
solution of the equation ~y = (/X ± c in positive integers
can be easily derived from that of by = ax ± 1. If
x = n, y = (3 be a solution of the latter equation, we
shall have
b(3 = en ± I.
Then b(((3) = a(ca) ± c.
1 MBh, i. 45.
SOLUTION OF by = ax ± I

Hence x =ca. .y = ell is a solution of the former. The

minimum solution will be obtained by abrading the
values of x andy thus computed by h and a respectively,
as indicated bef9re.
Brahmagupta's Rule. To solve the equation
by = ax - I, Brahmagupta gives the following rule:
"Divide them (i.e., the abraded coefficient of the
multiplier and the divisor) mutually and set down the
quotients one below the other. The last residue (of the
reciprocal division after an even! number of quotients
has been obtained) is multiplied by an optional integer
such that the product being diminished by unity will
be exactly divisible (by the divisor corresponding to
that residue). The (optional) multiplier and then this
quotient should be set down (underneath the listed
quotients). Now proceeding from the lowermost term
to the uppermost, by the penultimate multiply the term
just above it and then add the lowermost number. (The
uppermost number thus calculated) being divided by the
reduced divisor, the residue (is the quantity required).
This is the method of the constant pulveriser."2
Bhaskara II's Rule. Bhaskara II (1 I 50) writes:
"The multiplier and quotient determined by sup-
posing the additive or subtractive to be unity, multiplied
severally by the desired additive or subtractive and then
divided by their respective abraders, (the residues) will
be those quantities corresponding to them (i.e., desired
interpolators). "3
This rule has been reproduced by Nariyal)a. 4 W/e
take the following illustrative example with its solution

1In view of the rule in BrSpSi, xviii. I3.

2BrSpSi, xyiii. 9-11. 3 BBi, p. 3 I; L, p. 81.
'NBi, I, R. 61-

from Bhaskara II :1
22. IX + 65
195 = y.
On dividing by the greatest common divisor 13,
we get
17 X
+ 5 =y.
Now, by the method of the pulveriser the solution of the
17X + 1
;___:___ = )'
is found to be x-7,y=8. 11ultiplying these values by
5 and then abrading by 15 and 17 respectively, we get
the required minimum solution X= 5, y=6.
Again a solution of
17X - I
=Y 15
will be found to be x=8, Y=9. Multiplying these
quantities by 5 and abrading by 15 and 17, we get the
solution of
17 - 5 =.Y
to be X=10, Y=I1.

Solution of .~Y + ax = ± c
An equation of the form l?J +-
ax = ± c was gene-
rally transformed by Hindu algebraists into the .form
qy = - ax ± c so that it appeared as a particular case
of try = £IX ± c in which a was negative.
Brahmagupta's Rule. Such an equation seems to
1 BBi, pp. 28, 31; L, pp. 77, 8r.
SO~UTION OF by + ax =± c lZ1
have been solved first by Brahmagupta (628). But his
rule is rather obscure: "The reversal of the negative
and positive should be made of the multiplier and inter-
polator."l Prthudakasvami's explanation does not
throw much light on it. He says, "If the multiplier be
negative, it must be made positive; and the additive
must be made negative: and then the method of 'the
pulveriser should be employed." But he does not
indicate how to derive the solution of the equation
by = - ax +c (1)
from that o{the equation
ax - cby = (2)
The method, however, seems to h~ve been this:
Let x = a, y = ~ be the minimum solution of (2).
Then we get
b~ = ea - c
or b(a - ~) = - a(a - b) c. +
Hence x = a - b, y , a - ~ is the minimum solution of
(1). This has been expressly stated by Bhaskara II and
Bhaskara II's Rule. Bhaskara II says:
"Those (the multiplier and quotient) obtained for
a positive dividend being treated in the same manner
give the results corresponding to a negative dividend.":!
The treatment alluded to in this rule is that of
subtraction from the. respective abraders. He has fur-
ther elaborated it thus:
"The multiplier and quotient should be deter-
mined by taking the dividend, divisor and interpolator
as positive. They will be the quantities for the
additive interpolator. Subtracting them from their
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 13. 2 BBi, p. 26.

respective abraders, the ,quantities for a negative inter-

polator are found. If the dividend or divisor be nega-
tive, the quotient should be stated as negative."!
NarayaQa. Narayat;1a (1350) says:
"In the case of a negative dividend find the multi-
plier and quotient as in the case of its being positive
and then subtract them from their respective abraders.
One of these results, either the smaller one or the greater
one, should be made· negative and the other positive."2
Illustrative Examples. Examples with solutions
from Bhaskara' II :3
Example I. 13Y = -, 60x ± 3.
By the method described before we find that the
minimum solution of
13Y = 60x+ 3
is x = II, Y = 5I. Subtracting these values f:t:.om their
respective abraders, namely 13 and 60, we get 2 and 9.
Then by the maxim. "In the case of the dividend and
divisor being of different signs, the results from the
operation of division should be known to be so,"
making the quotient negative we get the solution of
13Y= - 60x+ 3
as x = 2, Y = - 9. Subtracting these values again from
their respective abraders (13, 60), we get the solution of
13Y = ~ 60x - 3
as x = I I , Y= - 51.
Example 2. - lly = 18x ± 10.
Proceeding as before we find the minimum solution
of lIy = 18x 10 +
1 BBi, p. 29. 2 NBi, I, R. 6;.
a BBi, p~. 29, ;0.
SOLUTION OF 0' + ax = ± c 12}

to be x = 8, Y = 14. These will also be the values

of x and y in the case of the negative divisor but the
quotient for the reasons stated before should be made
negative. So the solution of
- 11)1 = 1 8x + 10

is x ~ 8, Y = - 14. Subtracting these (i.e., their

numerical values) from their respective abraders, we get
the solution of
- 1~= 18x- 10
as x = 3, Y = - 4.
"Whether the diVIsor is positive or negative, the
numercial values of the quotient and multiplier remain
rhe same: when either the divisor or the dividend
is negative, the quotient must always be known to be
The following example with its solution is from
the algebra of Nftraya.t:J,a :1
The solution of
7Y= 30x 3 +
is x = 2, Y = 9. Subtracting these values from the res-
pective abraders, namely 7 and 30, and making one of
the remainders negative, we get x = 5. Y = - 21 and
x = - 5, Y = 21 respectively as solutions of
7Y= - 30x ± 3·
Particular Cases. The Hindus also tound special
types of general solutions of certain particular cases of
the equation by +
ax = c. For instance, we find in the
Gatlita-sara-samgraha of MaM.vira (850) problems of the
following type: .
"The vartta (or colours) of two pieces of gold
weighing 16 and 10 are unknown, but the mixture of
NEi, I, Ex. 29.

them has the var(1a 4; what is the var(1a of each piece

of gold ?"l
If x,Y denote the required varpa, then we shall have
16x + lOY = 4 X 26;
or in general
ax + by = c(a + b).
Therefore a(x - c) = b(e - y);
whence x=c±m/a, y=e=Fm/b,
where m is an arbitrary integer.
Hence the following rule of Mahavira :
"Divide unity (severally) by the weights of the two
ingots of gold. The resulting var(1a being set down at
two places, increase or decrease it at one place and do
reversely at the other place, by the unity divided by its
own· quantity of gold (the results will be the corres-
ponding var!1a)."2 .
He has also remarked thai "assuming an arbitrary
value for one of the var(1a, the other can be found as
A variation of the above problem is found in the
LiMvatf of Bha.skara II :
"On mixing up two ingots of gold of var!1a 16
and lois produced gold of var(1a 12.; tell me, 0 friend,
the weights of the original ingots."4
That is to say,. we shall have to solve the equation
I6x + l~ = H(X +.y);
or in general
ax + by = cCx + y).
Hence x = m(e - b), Y = mea - c),
where m is an arbitrary integer.
1 GSS, vi. 188. 2 GSS, vi. 187'
3 GSS, vi. 189. 4 L, p. 1.6.

Hence the rule of BhlJ.skara II :

"Subtract the resulting varpa from the higher
varpa and diminish it by the lower varpa; the remain-
ders mu.1tiplied by an optional number will be the
weights of gold of the lower and higher varpa respec-
In the above example c - b = 2, a - c = 4. So
that, taking m = I, 2, or 1/2, Bhaskara II obtains the
values of (x, y) as (2, 4), (4, 8) or (I, 2). He then
observes that in the same way numerous other sets
of values can be obtained.



To solve a linear equation involving more than two

unknowns the usual Hindu method is to assume arbi-
trary values for all the unknowns except two and then
to apply the method of the pulveriser. Thus Brahma-
gupta _remarks, "The method of the pulve~iser (should
be employed), if there be present many unknowns (in
an equation)."2 Similar directions have been given by
Bhaskara II and others. 3
One of the astronorpical problems proposed by
Brahmagupta4 leads to the equation:
197X - 1644Y - Z = 6302.
Hence x = 1644Y + + Z 63 02 .
The commentator assumes Z = 131. Then
:-: - 1644Y
-+ 6433 .
~ - 197 '

1 L, p. 25. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. p.

3 BBi, p. 76. 4 BrSpSi,_ xviii. 55.

hence by the method of the pulveriser

x = 41, Y = I.
The following example with its solution is from
the algebra of Bhaskara II :
"The numbers of flawless rubies, sapphires, and
pearls with one person are respectively 5, 8 and 7; and
o friend, another has 7, 9 and 6 respectively of the same
gems. In addition they have coins to the extent of 90
and 62. They are thus equally rich. Tell quickly, 0
intelligent algebraist, the price of each gem~"l
If x, y, Z reJ?resent the prices of a ruby, sapphire
and pearl respectively, then by the question
5"'" + !!Y + 7Z + 90 = 7X + 9Y + 6Z + 61.
Therefore x = -.Y + Z
+ 2.8.
Assume Z = I; then
x = -.Y+ 29.
2. '
whence by the method of the pulveriser, we get
x = 14 - m, y = Ull + I,
where m is an arbitrary integer. Putting In = 0, I, 2, 3, ...
we get the values of (x,y, z) as (14, I, I), (13,. 3, I),
(12, 5, I), (II, 7, I), etc. Bhaskara. II then observes,
"By virtue of a variety of assumptions multiplicity of
values may thus be obtained."
Sometimes the values of most of the unknowns
present in an equation 'are assumed arbitrarily or in terms
of anyone of them, so as to reduce the equation to a
simple determinate one. Thus Bhaskara II says:
"In case of two or more unknowns, x multiplied
by 2 etc. (i.e., by arbitrary known numbers), or divided,
1 BBi, p. 77.

increased or decreased by them, or in some cases

(simply) any known values ,may be assumed for
the other unknowns according to one's own sagacity.
Knowing these (the rest is an equation in one un-
The above example has been solved again by
Bhaskara II in accordance with this rule thUs :2
(I) . Assume x = 3Z, Y = 2.Z. Then the equation
reduces to
3 8Z + 90 = 45Z + 6~.,
Therefore Z = 4. Hence x = 12., Y = 8.
(2.) Or assume y = 5, Z = 3. Then the equation.
5x +ql=7X +
I 2.5· -

Whence x = 13.



gdpati·s Rule. We have described before the rule

of Brahmagupta for the solution of simultaneous equa-
tions of the first degree. 3 In the latter portion of that
rule there are hints for the solution of simultaneous
indeterminate equations by the application of the method
of the pulveriser. Similar rules have been given by
later Hindu algebraists. Thus Sripati (1039) says:
"Remove the first unknown from anyone side of an
equation leaving the rest, and remove the rest from the
other side. Then find the value of the first by dividing
the other side by its coefficient. If there be found thus
several values (of the first unknown), the same (opera-
1 BBi, p. 44. 2 BBi, p. 46.
8 See pp. 54 f•

tions) should be made again (by equating two and two

of those values) after reducing them to a common deno-
minator. (Proceed thus repeatedly) until there results
a single value for an- unknown. Now apply the method
of the pulveriser; and from the values (determined in
this way) the other unknowns will be found by pro-
ceeding backwards. In the pul veriser the t;rlultiplier
will be the value of the unknown associated with the
dividend and the quotient, of that with the divisor."1
Bhaskara II's Rule. Bhaskara II (1150) writes:
" Remove the first unknown from the second side
of an equation and the others as well as the absolute
number from the first side. Then on dividing the
second side by the coefficient of the first unknown, its
value will be obtained. If there be found in this way
several values of the same unknown, from them, after
reduction to a common denominator and then dropping
it, values of another unknown should be determined.
In the final stage of this process, the multiplier and
quotient obtained by the method of the pul veriser
will be the values of the unknowns associated with the
dividend and the divisor (respectively). If there be
several unknowns in the dividend, their values should be
determined after assuming values of all buf~ne arbitrari-
ly. Substituting these values and proceeding reversely,
the values of the other unknowns can be obtained. If on
so doing there results a fractional value (at any stage),
+:he method of the pul veriser should be employed again.
Then determining the (integral) values of the latter
unknowns accordingly and substituting tht:m, the values
of the former unknowns should be found proceeding
reversely again."2
A similar rule has been given by Jiianaraja.
1 SiSe, xiv. IS-G. Z BBi, p. 7 6.
Example from Bhaskara Il:
" (Four merchants), woo have horses 5, 33 6 and 8
respectively; camels 2, 7, 4 and I ; whose mules are 8,
2, I and 3 ; and oxen 7, I, 2. and 1 in number; are all
owners of equal wealth. Tell me instantly the price of
a horse, etc."l
If x, y, z, w denote respectively the prices of a
horse, a camel, a mule and an ox, and W be the total
wealth of eac.h merchant, we have
5X+.y+ SZ+ 7W= W (1)
3 + 7Y + 2.Z + W = W
X (2)
6x + 4Y + Z + 2W = IV (3)
8x + y + 3Z + W = IV (4)
Then x = !CU - 6Z - 6w), from (1) ahd (2)
= l(3Y Z - w), from (2.) and (3)
= !(3Y - 2.Z w), from (3) and (4)
From the first and second values of x, we (get
Y = ~(2.0Z +
r6w) ;
and from the second and third values, we have
Y = -!(8Z - 5W ).
Equating these two values ofY and simplifying,
20Z + r6w = 24Z - I51J1.
Therefore Z= 3 •
Take w= 4i; then
Z=31 t , Y=76t, x=85 t .
Special Rules. Bhbkara II observes that the
physical conditions of problems may sometimes be such
that the ordinary method of solving simultaneous in-
1 BBi. p. 79.

determittate equations of the :first degree, which has

been just explained, will fail to give the desired result.
One· such problem has been described by him as
"Tell quickly, 0 algebraist, what number' is that
which multiplied by 2.3 and severally. divided by 60
and 80 leaves remainders whose ~um is 100."1
Let the number be denoted by x ; the quotients by
II, v; and the remainders by s, t. Then we have
Z3X - .r 2.;X - f
60 = II, 80 = 11 ;

also $+ t= 100.
Ther~fore x-
_ 6011 + s -_ 80v + t
.2.3 2.;
Hence X=
+ S + t,
6011 + 8011
or X=
3011 + 4011 + 50 •
For the solution of the above he observes:
"Here, (although) there is more than one quotient
(II, v) in the dividend, the value of any should not be
arbitra:t;ily assumed; for on so doing the process will
fail." 2 "In a case like this," continues he, "the (given)
sum of the remainders should be so broken up that
each remainder will be less than the divisor corres-
ponding to it and further that impossibility will not
arise; then must be applied the usual method.'"
In the present example we thus suppose s = 40,
t = 60. Hence we have
16011 + 40 = 80v + 60
1 BBi, p. 9 1 • :a BBi, p. 9 1f•

+ 2.0 4V + I
60 3
whence by the method of the pulveriser, we get
v = 3w + 2., 11 = 4W + 3·

Therefore X=
2.40W + 22.0 .

Again, applying the method of the pulveriser in order to

obtain an integral value of x, we have
W = 2.3m + I, X = 2.40m + 2.0.
If we take s = 30, t = 70, we shall find, by proceed-
ing in the same way, another value of x as 2.40 m + 90.
General Problem of Remainders. One type of
simultaneous indetenninate equations of the first degree
is furnished by the general problem of remainders,
viZ., to find a number N which being severally divided
by aI' a2, as, ... , a.. leaves as remainders r1 , "2' r3 , ... , r..
In this case, we have the equations
N = a1x 1 + r} = ar 2 + "2 = asXs + "s = ...
= a"x.. + ".. ,
The method of solution of these equations was
known to Aryabhata I (499). For this purpose the
term dvicchedagraf!J occurring in'his rule for the pulveriser
must be explained in a different way so that the last line
of the translations given before (pp. 94- 5) will have to be
replaced by the following: "(The result will be) the
remainder corresponding to the product of the two
divisors."} This explanation is, in fact, given by
Bhaskara J, the direct disciple and earliest commentator
of Aryabhata I. Such a rule is expressly stated by
1 See Bjbhutibhusan Datta, BCMS, XXIV, 1932.

Brahmagupta.1 .
The rationale of this method is simple: Starting
with the consideration of the first two divisors, we have
N = al x 1 +
r1 = a:i>'2 r2 • +
By the. method described before we can find the
minimum value a of Xl satisfying this equation. Then
the minimum value of N will be ala +
r 1 • Hence the
general value of N will be given by
N = tll(t/2! + a) rl , +
= alaS! + ala + rl, .

where t is an integer. Thus ala +

r 1 is the remainder
left on dividing N bya 1a 2 , as stated by Aryabhata I and
Brahmagupta. Now, taking into consideration the third
condition, we have
N = tlla S! + ala + r l = a~s r s, +
which c~n be solved in the same way as before. Pro-
ceeding in this way successively we shall ultimately
arrive at a value of N satisfying all the conditions.
P.rthudakasvami remarks:
"\X'herever the reduction of two divisors by a
common measure is possible, there 'the prodbct of the
divisors' should be understood as equivalent to the
product of the divisor corresponding to the greater
remainder and quotient of the divisor corresponding
to the smaller remainder as reduced (i.e., divided) by
the common measure. 2 When one divisor is exactly
divisible by the other then the greater remainder is the
(required) remainder and the divisor corresponding to
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 5.
2 i.e., if p be the L.C.Mo of a1 and 112 , the general value of
!'l satisfying the above two conditions will be
N = pI + ala +r1
instead of N = 111 tZzl + ala +
the greater remainder is taken as 'the product of the
divisors.' (The truth of) this may be investigated by an
intelligent mathematician by taking several symbols."
E:!<;adlp/es from Bhaska"ra I :
(I) "Find that number which divided by 8 leaves 5
as remainder, divided by 9 leaves 4 as remainder and
divide<;l. by 7 leaves I as remainder."l
That is to say, we have to solve
N =8x +5 = 9Y +
4 = 7Z I. +
The solution is given substantially thus: The minimum
value of N satisfying the first two conditions
N = 8x +
5 = 9Y 4 +
is found by the method of the pulveriscr to be 13.
This is the remainder left on dividing the number by
the product 8.9. Hence
N= 72t+ 13 = 7Z+ 1.
Again, applying the same method we find the minimum
number satisfying all the conditions to be 85.
(2) "Tell me at once, 0 mathematician, that
number which leaves unity as remainder when divided
by any of the numbers from 2 to 6 but is exactly divisible
by 7."
By the same method, says Bhaskara I (p2), the
number is found to be 721. By a different method
Suryadeva Yajva obtains the number 301. It is in-
teresting to find that this very problem was afterwards
treated by Ibn-al-Haitam (c. 1000) and Leonardo
Fibonacci of Pisa (c. 1202).2
To solve a problem of this kind Bhaskara II adopts
~ See his commentary on A, ii. '32-3,
2 L.B. Dickson, His/ory of the theory of Numbers, Vol. II,
referred to hereafter as Dickson, Ns"pbers II, pp. 59, 60.

two methods. One is identical with the method of

Aryabhata I and the other follows fmm his general rule
for the solution of simultaneous indeterminate equations
of the first degree. They will be better understood
from his applications to the solution1 of the following
problem which, as Prthudakasvami (860) observes,2 was
popular amongst the Hindus:
To find a number N which leaves remainders 5, 4,
3, 2 when divided by 6, 5, 4, 3 respectively.
i.e., N = 6x +5= 5Y +4= 4Z +3= 3W + 2.
(I) We have
_ 5Y - 1 4Z - 1 3W - 1
x- 6 ,Y= 5 ,Z= 4 .
Now by the method of the pulveriser, we get from the
last equation
w = 41 + 3, Z = 31 + i,
where I is an arbitrary integer. Substituting in the
second equation, we get
121+ 7
Y= .
To make this integral, we again apply the method of
the pulveriser; so that
1= 5S + 4, y = I2S + II.
This value of Y makes x a whole, number. Hence we
have finaU y
111 = 20S + 19, Z = IF + 14,), = 12S + 11, X = 1OS+ 9.
. '.' N = 60S + 59.
(2) Or we may proceed thus:
Since N = 6x + 5 = 5Y + 4,
1 BBi, pp. 85 f.
II Vide his commentary on BrSpSi, xviii. 3-6.

we have x=
But x must be integral, so y = 61 + 5, x = 51 + 4.
Hence N = 301+ 29.
Again N = 301 +
29 = 4Z 3· +
t = 2Z- 13.
Since 1 must be integral, we must have Z = I 5S + 14;
hence t = 2S + I. Therefore
.N= 60S + 59.
The last condition is identically satisfied. Prthudaka-
svami followed this second metho ~l to solve the above
Conjunct Pulveriser. The foregoing system of
indeterminate equations of the first degree can be put
into the form l
byl = a1 x ± c11
by2 = a 2 x ± C2
.?~.....~~~.~.~~ J
On account of its important applications in mathematical
astronomy this modified system· has received special
treatment at the hands of Hindu algebraists from
A::yabhata II (950) onwards. It is technically called

saf)ifli.f!aku!!aka or the "conjunct pulveriser" (from.

ku!!aka = pulveriser and .satilili.f!a = joined together,
For the solution of the above system of equations
Aryabhata II lays down the following rule:
I "In the solution of simultaneous indeterminate
equations of the first degree with a common divisor,
the dividend will be the sum of the multipliers1 and the
interpolator the sum of the given interpolators."1!
A similar rule is given by Bhiskara II. He says :
"If the divisor be the same but the multipliers
different then making the sum of the multipliqs the
dividend and the sum of residues the residue (of a
pulveriser), the investigation is carried on according to
the foregoing method. This true method of the pul-
veriser is called the conjunct pulveriser."3
Rationale. If the equations (1) are satisfied by
some. value a of x, then the same value will satisfy the
b()'l + Y2 + ... ) = (al + a2 + .. .)x + CCI + C2 + ... ) (2) ..
Thus, if we can find the general value of x satis-
fying equation (2), one of these values, at least, will
satisfy all the equations (I).
To illustrate the application of the above Bhaskara
II gives the following example :4
63Yl = 5X - 7 } ( )
63Y2 = lOX - 14 A
Adding up the equations and dividing by the common
factor 3, we get
2IY=5 X -7,

1 In the equations (I), aI' °2, ••• are called multipliers.

2 MSi, xviii. 48. 3BBi, p. 33; L, p. 8z.
" BBi, p. 33 ; L, p. 82.

where Y = )'1 Y2' By the method of the pulveriser
the least positive value of x satisfying this equation is
x = 14. This value of x is found to satisfy both the
equations (A).
Generalised Conjunct Pulveriser. A generalised
case of the conjunct pulveriser is that in which the
divisors as well as the multipliers vary. Thus we
b1Yl = a1x ± c1'
b2Y2 = a2"">; ± c2 ,
bsYs = asx ± cs ,

Simultaneous indeterminate equations of this type have

been treated by Mahavlra (850) and Sripati (1039).
Mahavira says:
"Find the least solutions of the hrst two equations.
Divide the divisor corresponding to the greater solution
by the other divisor (and as in the method of the pul-
vcriser find the least value of) the multiplier with the
difference of the solutions as the additive. That multi-
plied by the divisor (corresponding to the greater
solution) and then added by the greater solution (will be
the value of the unknown satisfying the t\VO equations )."1
A similar rule is given by Sripati:
"Find the least solutions of the first two equations.
Dividing the divisor corresponding to the greater solu-
tion by the divisor corresponding to the smaller solution~
the residue (and its divisor) should be mutually divided.
Then taking the difference of the numbers as the addi-
tive, determine (the least value Df) the multiplier of the
divisor corresponding to the greater solution in the
manner explained before. Multiply that value by the
1 GSS, vi. 1I5~, 136~ (last lines).

latter divisor and then add the solution (corresponding

to it). The resulting number (severally) multiplied by
the two multipliers and divided by the corresponding
divisors wi11leave remainders as stated."l
The rationale of these rules will be cleat from the
following : '
Taking the first two equations, we have
a1x ± cl'
blYl =
bzYz = azX ± cz·
Suppose a l to be the least value df x satisfying the first
equation as found by the method of the pulveriser.
Then blm +
aI' where m is an arbitrary integer, will
be the general value of x satisfying that equation.
Similarly, we shall find from the second equation the
general value of x as bzn +
az. If the same value of x
satisfies both the equations we must have
hzn +
a z = hIm aI' +
or bZIJ = hI'" + (al - az);
-supposing a l > az' Solving this equation, we can find
the value of m and hence of bim + a l of x satisfying
both the equations. The general value of x derived
from this may be· equated to the value of x from the
third equation and the resulting equation solved again,
and so on.
In illustration. of his rple Maha~ira proposed
several problems. One of these has already been given
(Part I, p. z33). Here are two' others:
(1) "Five (heaps of fruits) added with two (fruits)
were divided (equally) between nine travellers; six
(heaps) added with four (fruits) were divided amongst
eight; four (heaps) increased by one (fruit) were divided
1 SiSe. xiv. %8.

amongst seven. Tell the number (of fruits in each

This gives the equations :
9Yl = jX + 2. 8yz = 6x +
4. 7Y3 = 4X +

(ol) "The (dividends) are the sixteen numbers

beginning with 35 and increasing successively by three;
divisors are 32 and others successively increasing by ol ;
and I increasing by 3 gives the remainders positive and
negative. What is the unknown multiplier ?"2
This gives the equations:
';~1 = 35 X ± I, 34Yz = 38x ± 4, 303 = 4 IX ± 7, .,.
Alternative Method. In four palm-leaf manus-
cript copies of the Lildvati of Bhaskara II Sarada Kanta
Ganguly discovered a rule describing an alternative
method for the solution of the generalised conjunct
pulveriser. 3 There is also an illustrative example.· The
genuineness of this rule and example is accepted by
him; but it has been questioned by A. A. Krishna-
swami Ayyangar4 who attributes them to some commc~­
tato! of the work. His arguments are not convincing.;;
The chief points against the presumption, which have
been noted also by Ganguly, are: (I) the rule and example
in question have not been mentioned by the eadier
COmmentators of the Li/avati and (2.) they have not been
liO far traced in any manuscript of the Bijaga!lita, though
'the treatment of the pulveriser occurs nearly word for
GSS, vi. I29!'
1 :I GSS, vi. 138g.
S. K. Ganguly, «Bhaskaracarya and simultaneous indeter-
minate equations of the first degree," BCMS, XVII, 1926, pp. 89-
9 8.
.. A. A. Krishnaswami Ayyangar, "Bbaskara and samslishta
Kuttaka," JIMS, XVIII, 19.29,
r; For Ganguly's reply to Ayyangar's criticism see- JIMS, XIX.
193 1 •

word in the two works. Still we are in favour of

accepting Ganguly's conclusion.1 The rule in question
is this:
"If the divisors as well as the multipliers be different,
find the value of the unknown answering to the first
set of them. That value being multiplied by the second
dividend and then added by the second interpolator will
be the interpolator (of a new kII//aka); the product of the
second dividend and first divisor will be the dividend
there and the divisor will be the second divisor. The
value of the unknown multiplier determined from the
kliltaka thus formed being multiplied by the first divisor
and added by the previous value of the unknown multi-
plier will be the value (answering to the two divisors).
The dividend (for the next step) has been stated to be
e.qual to the product of the two divisors. So proceed
in the same way with the third divisor. And sq on
with the others, if there be many."
The rationale of this rule is as follows: Let (11 be
the least value of x satisfying the first equation of the
system~ viZ"

Hence the general value is x = b1t +

aI' where t is any
integer. Substituting this value in the second equation,
we get

If t = 't be a solution of this equation, a value of x

1 Of the four manuscripts containing the rule and example in
question two are from Pun, in Oriya characters, with the com-
mentary of Sddhara Mahapatra (1717); the other two, in Andhra
characters and without any commentary, are preserved in the
Oriental Libraries of Madras and Mysore. So these four manus-
cript copies do not appear to have been drawn from the same
source.- Thi.s is a strong point in favour of the genuineness of the
rule and example.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + I = y2 _ I41

satisfying both the equations will be ~ = bI"C + al.

as stilted in the rule. Now the general value of t will
be t = b2m + "C, where 01 is an integer. Hence
x = bIt + al = bl b2 m +
bl"C +
a l = blbam a2 • Subs- +
tituting this value in the third equation we can find the
least value of m and hence a value of x answering to the
three equations. And so on for the other equations.
The example runs thus:
"Tell me that number ".which multiplied by 7 and
then divided by 62., leaves the remainder 3. That
number again when multiplied by 6 and divided by 101
leaves the remainder 5 ; and when multiplied by 8 and
divided by I 7 leaves the remainder 9. Also (give) at
once the process of the pulveriser for (finding) the
number with the remainders all positive."
Symbolically, we have
(I) 6~1 = 7X - 3, IOIY2 = 6x - 5, 17Ya = 8x - 9;
(2.) 6~1 = 7x + 3, 10lY2 = 6x + 5, 17)'3 = 8x + 9·
16. SOLUTION OF NxS + I = y3

Square-nature. The indeterminate quadratic

Nx 2 ± C=y2,
if called by the Hindus Varga-prakrti or Krti-prakrti,
meaning the "Square-nature."1 Bhaskara II (1150)
states that the absolute number should be rupa, 2
which means "unity" as well as "absolute number" in
general. Kamalakara (1658) says:
1 Vorg" = krti = "square" and proferti = "nature," "princi-
ple," "origin," etc. Colebrooke has rendered the tetm 1'orga-
proferti as "Affected Square,"
2 "Tatra n1pak~epapada~thari1 tavat"-BBi~ p. _H.

"Hear first the nature of the varga-prakrti: in it the

square (of a certain number) multiplied by a multiplier
and then increased or diminished by an interpolator
becomes capable of yielding a square-root."l
It was recognised that the most fundamental equa-
tion of this class is
Nx 2 I =y2,+
where N is a non-square integer.
Origin of the Name: As regards the origin of
the name varga-prakrti, Kr~l).a (I ~ 80) says: "That in
which the. varga (square) is the prakrti (nature) is called
the varga-prakrti; for the square of yavat, etc., is the
prakrti (origin) of this (branch of) mathematics. Or,
because this (branch of) mathematics has originated from
the number which is the prakrti of the square of yavat,
etc., so it is calkd the varga-prakrti. In this case the
number-which is the multiplier of the square of yava!,
etc., is denoted by the term prak.rti. (In other words)
it. is the coefficient of the square of the unknown."2
This double interpretation has been evidently suggested
by the use of the term prakrti by Bbaskara II in two
contexts. He has denoted by it sometimes the quantity
N of the above equation as in "There the number
which is (associated) with the square of the unknown is
the prakrti;"3 and at.other times X2, as in "Supposing the
square of one of the two unknowns to be the prakrti.'"
Other Hindu alge~raists have, however, consistently
1 SiTVi. xiii. %08.
I See his commentary on the Bijago!1i1o of Bbaskara II.
S "Tatra var_r:lavarge yo'ilkal:l sa prakrtil:t" (BBi, p. 100).
Compare also "Tatra yavattavadvarge yo'rikaJ:!. sa prakrtil:l"
(p. 107); "IHam hrasvam tasya varga}) prakrtya k~u.!)..!).o ... " (p. 33).
, "Tatraikaril var_r:lakrtim prakrtirh prakalpya ... " (RBi. p. 106).
Compare also "Sarupake vaIl~akrti tu yatra tatrecchaik:lril prakrtiril
prakalpya ... " (p. 105).
employed the term prakrti to denote N only.l Brahma-
gupta (62.8) uses the term guttaka (multiplier) for the
same purpose. 2 This latter term, together with its
variation gutta, appears occasionally also in later works. 3
We presume that the name varga-prakrti origi-
nated from the following consideration: The principle
(prakrti) underlying the calculations in this branch of
mathematics is to determine a number (or numbers)
whose nature (prakrti) is such that its (or their) square
(or squares, varga) or the simple number (or numbers)
after certain specified operations will yield another
number (or numbers) of the nature of a square. So the
name is, indeed, very significant. This interpretation
'3eems to have been intended, at any rate, by the earlier
writers who used the term in a wider sense. 4 It is
perhaps noteworthy that we do not find in the works
of Brahmagupta the use of the word prakrti either in
the sense of N or of x 2 •
Technical Terms. Of the various technical terms
which are ordinarily used by the Hindu algebraists in
connection .with the Square-nature we have already
dealt with the most notable one, prakrti, together with
its synonyms. Others have been explained by Pfthu_'
dakasvaml (860) thus :
"Here are stated for ordinary use the terms which
1 For instance, Prthudakasvami (860) writes: "The multiplier
(of the square of the unknown) is 'known as the prakrti;" Sripati
(1039) : "Krter-gu!_lako prakrtirbhrsoktal/' (SiSe, xiv. 32);
Kamalakara : "Gut_lO yo rasi-vargasya saiva prakrtirucyate."
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 64.
3 For instance, Sr1pati employs the term gll!1aka (SiSe, xiv. 32);
Bhaskara II and NarayaQa use gll{1Q (BBi, p. 42. ; NBi, I, R. 84). ,
4 For instance, Brahmagppta seems to have considered the scope
of the subiect wide enough to include such equations as
x y = ,.2, X - Y = v2, >:J + I = V,
amongst others (cf. BrSpSl~ xviii. 71.).

are well known to people. The number whose

square, multiplied by an optional multiplier and then
increased or decreased by another optional number,
becomes capable of yielding a square-root, is designated
by the term the lesser root (kani.f!ha-pada) or the first
root (a{/ya-mtlla). The root which results, a~ter those
operations have been performed, is called by the name
the greater root (jyc.f!ha-pada) or the second root
{a1!Ja-milla). If there be a number multiplying both
these roots, it is called the augmenter (udvartaka) ; and,
on the contrary, if there be a number dividing the roots,
it is called the abridger (apavartaka)."l
BM.skara II (Il~O) writes:
"An optiol)lally chosen number is taken as the lesser
root (brasva-mula). That number, positive or negative,
which being added to or subtracted from its square
multiplied by the prakrti . (multiplier) gives a result
yielding.a square-root, is called the interpolator
{k..Jcpaka).' And this (resulting) root is called the greater
root (jyc.ffha-mula)."2
Similar passages occur in the works of NaciyaJ)a,3
Jnanara.ja and Kamalakara.'
, The terms 'lesser root' and 'greater root' do not
appear to be accurate and happy. For if x = m, y = n
be a solution of the equation Nx 2 +C = y2, m will be
less than n, if Nand c are both positive. But if they
are of opposite signs, the reverse will sometimes happen. 5
1 See Prthudakasvami's commentary on BrSpSi, xviii. 64. In
the equation Nx't. ± c =.)'1., X = lesser root, y = greater root,
.N = multiplier. and ( = interpolator.
lIBB;, p. H.
a NBi, I, R. 72.
, SiTVi, xiii. 209.
ft For instance, take the following example from Bhaskara II
(BBi, p. 43) :
SOLUTION OF NX2 +I = y2 145
Therefore, in the latter case, where m > n, it will be
obviously ambiguous to call m the lesser root and n
the greater root, as was the practice in later Hindu
algebra. This defect in the prevalent terminology was
noticed by Kr~Q-a (15 80). He explains it th~s: "These
terms are significant. Where the greater root is some-
times smaller than the lesser root owing to the inter-
polator being negative, there also it becomes greater
than the lesser root after the application of the Principle
of Composition."l The earlier terms, 'the first root'
(adya-mula) for the value of x and 'the second root' or
'the last root' (anrya-mula) for the value of y, are quite
free from ambiguity. Their use is found in the algebra
of Brahmagupta (628)".2 The later terms appear in the
works of his commentator Prthudakasvami (860).
The interpolator is called by Brahmagupta k,repa,
prakfepa or prak,repaka. 3 SrIpati occasionally employs
the synonym k.fipti. 4 When negative, the interpolator
is sometin:es dist~nguished as 'the subtractive' (iodhaka).
13 X2 -I3=YZ.
,One solution of it is given by the author as x = I, Y = 0; ,so that
here the lesser root is greater than the greater root. The same is
the case in the solution x = 2, Y = I of his example (BB/, p. 43)
- 5X2 21 =y2.
Brahmagupta gives the example (BrSpSi, xviii. 77)
3X2 - 800 =y2,
-ow hich has a solution (x = 20,Y = 20) where the two roots are equal.
1 For example, by composition of the solution (1, 0) of the
equation 13x2 - 13 = y2 with the solution (t, ¥) of the e/quation
13X2 + I =.)'2, we obtain, after Bhaskara II, a new solution (J;!i_,
~l!.) of the former, in which the greater root is greater than the lesser
root. Similarly, by composition of the solution (2, 1) of the
equation - 5X2 + 21 = y2 with the solution (!, ~) of the equation
- 5x2 + 1 = )'2, we get a new solution (1, '4) of the former
satisfying the same condition.
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 64, 66f, 3 BrSpSi, xviii. 65.
4 SiSe, xiv. 3 z.


The positive interpolator is then called 'the additive.'l

Brahmagupta's Lemmas. Before proceeding to
the general solution of the Square-nature Brahmagupta
has established two important lemmas. He says:
"Of the square of an optional number multiplied
by the gutJaka and increased or decreased by another
optional number, (extract) the squa,re-root. (Proceed)
twice. The product of the first roots multiplied by the
gUt/aka together with the product of the second roots
will give a (fresh) second root; the sum of their cross-
products will be a (fresh) first root. The (corresponding)
interpolator will be equal to the product of the (previous)
The rule is somewhat cr'yptic because the word
dZlidhii (twice) has been employed with double implica-
tion. According to one, the earlier operations of finding
roots are made on two optional numbers with two
optional interpolators, and with the results thus obtained
the subsequent operations of their composition are
performed. According to the other implicJ.tion· of the
word, the earlier operations are made with one optionally
chosen number and one interpolator, and the subsequent
ones are carried out after the repeated statement of those
roots for the second time. It is also implied that in the
composition of the quadratic roots their products may
be added together or subtracted from each other.
That is to say, if x = 0, y = ~ be a solution of the
Nx 2 k =y2,
and. x = 0', y = p' be a solution of
Nx 2 + k' =y2,
then, a('~ording to the above,
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 64-5' 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 64-5.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + I =y2 147

x = a~' ± a'~, y = ~~' ± N aa'

is a solution of the equation
N:y2 + kk' = _)'2.
In other words, if
Na? + k = ~2,
. Na'2 + k' = ~'~,
N( a~' ± a'f3)2 + kk' = (~~' ± N 0.')2. (I)
In particular, taking u = 0.', f3 = ~', and k = k',
Brahmagupta finds from a solution x = a, y = ~ of the

a solution x = 2a~, y = f32+ Na 2 of the equation

Nx 2 + k2 =y2.
That is, if

N(2af3)2 +k 2 = (~2 + N( 2 )2.
This result will be hereafter called !3.rahmagtlpta's
Description by Later Writers. Brahmagupta's
Lemmas have been described by Bhaskara II (I 150) thus:
"Set down suc,cessively the lesser root, greater root
and interpolator; and below them should be set down
in order the same or another (set of similar quantities).
From them by the Principle of Composition can be
obtained numerous roots. Therefore, the Principle of
Composition will be explained here. (Find) the two ,
cross-products of the two lesser and the two greater
roots; their sum is a lesser root. Add the product of
the two lesser root.s multiplied by the prakrti to the
product of the two 'greater roots; the sum will be a
greater root. In that (equation) the interpolator will be

the product of the two previous interpolators. Again

the difference of the two cross-products is a lesser root.
Subtract the product of the two lesser roots multiplied
by the prakrti from the product of the two greater roots;
(the difference) will be a greater root. Here also, the
interpolator is the product of the two (previous) inter-
Statements similar to the above are found in the
works of Narayalfa 2 (1350), Jiianarija (1503) and
Kamalakara3 ( 16 58) .
. Principle of Composition. The above results
are called by the technical name, Bhavana (demonstration
or proof, meaning anything demonstrated or proved,
hence theorem, lemma; the word also means composi-
tion or combination). They are further distinguished as
Samasa Bhavana (Addition Lemma or Additive Composi-
tion) and Antara Bhavana (Subtraction Lemma or Sub-
tractive Composition). Again, when the Bhtivana is made
with two equal sets of roots and interpolators, it is
called Tufya Bhdvana (Composition of Equals) and when
with two unequal sets of values, Atllfya Bhdvana (Compo-
sition of Unequals). Kr~l).a has observed that when it
is desired to derive roots of a Square-nature, larger in
value, one should have recourse to the Addition Lemma
and for smaller roots ,one should use the Subtraction
Brahmagupta's Lemmas were rediscovered and
recognised as important by Euler in 1764 and l?y
Lagrange in 1768.
Proof. The proof of Brahmagupta's Lemmas has
been given by Knl).a substantially as follows:
1 BBi, p. 34. 2 NBi, I, R. 72-7 5~'
3 SiTVi, xiii. 210-214.
, Nx 2 + 1 = y2 149
We have
Na 2 +k = ~2,
Na'2 +
k' = (3'2.
Multiplying the first equation by (3'2, we get
... Na 2W2 +
k(3'2 = ~2(3'l.
Now, substituting the value of the factor 13'2 of the
interpolator from the second equation, we get
Na2 f3'l + k(Na''!' +
k') = 13 213'2,
or Na (3'l. + Nka'2 + kk' = 13 213'2.

Again, substituting the value of k from the first equa-

tion in the second term of the left-hand side expression,
we have
Na'2(3'2+ Na'}.(13 2 - Na 2) +kk' = 13 2p'2,
or 2
N(a (3'2-+ u''!(32)+ kk' = (32(3'2 + N 2a2(/2.
Adding ± zNal3a'(3' to both sides, we get
N(aW ± a'(3)2 +
kk' = ((3(3' ± N aa')2.
Brahmagupta's Corollary follows at once from the
above by putting a' = a, /3' = !3 and k' = k.
General Solution of the Square-Nature. It is clear
from Brahmagupta's Lemma (I) that when two solutions
of the Square-nature,
Nx 2 I =y2,
are known, any number of other solutions can be found.
For, if the two solutions be (a, b) and (a', h'), then two
other solutions will be
x = al/ ± a'b, y = bb' ± Naa'.
Again, composing this solution with the previous ones,
we, shall get other solutions. Further, it follows from
Brahmagupta's Corollary that if Ca, b) be a solution of
the equation, another solution of it is (ub, b2 + N( 2 ).
Hence, in order to obtain a set of solutions of the

Square-nature it is necessary to obtain only one solu-

tion of it. For, after having obtained that, an infinite
number of other solutions can be found by the repeated
application of the Principle of Composition. Thus
Sdpati (1039) observes: "There will be an infinite (set
of two rootS)."l Bhaskara II (II50) remarks: "Here
(i.e., in the solution of the Square-nature) the roots are
infinite by virtue of (the infinitely repeated application
of) the Principle of Composition as well as of (the
infinite variety of) the optional values (of the first
rootS)."2 Nariya.Q.a (1350) writes, "By the Principle of
Composition of equal as well as unequal sets of roots,
(will be obtained) an infinite number of roots."3
Modern historians of mathematics are incorrect in
stating that Fermat (1657) was the first. to assert that
the equation Nx 2 +1 = y2, where N is a non-square
integer, has an unlimited number of solutions in inte-
gers. 4 The existence of an infinite number of integral
solutions was clearly mentioned by Hindu algebraists
long before Fermat.
Another Lemma. Brahmagupta says:
"On dividing the two roots (of a Square-nature) by
the square-root of its additive or subtractive, the roots
for the interpolator unity (will be found)."5
That is to say, if x = a, y = ~ be a solution cf the
Nx2 +
k2 =y2,
then .'< = a/k, y = ~/k is a solution of the equaticn
Nx 2 + I =- y2.
This rule has been restated in a different way thus:

1 SiSe, xiv. 33.

2 "Ihanantyari1 bhavanabhistalhegata}:t"-BB;, p. 34.
q NBi, r, R. 78. Compare also SiT Vi, xiii. 2 J 7.
'Smith, Hit/ory, II, p. 453. 5 BrSpSi, xviii. 65.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + 1=),2 lp

"If the interpolator is that divided by a square

then the roots will be those multiplied by its square-
That IS, suppose the Square-nature to be
Nx 2 ± p2d = y2,
so that its interpolator p2d is exactly divisible by the
square p2, Then, putting therein II = x/P, v =)'/p,
we derive the equation
Nu 2 ± d = v2 ,
whose interpolator is equal to that of the original
Square-nature divided by p2, It is clear that the roots
of the original equation are p times those of the derived
Bhaskara II writes:
"If the interpolator (of a Square-nature) divided
by the square of an optional number be the interpolator
(of another Square-nature), t hen the two roots (of the
former) divided by _that optional number will be the
roots (of the other). Or, if the interpolator be multi-
plied, the roots should be multiplied."2
The same rule has been stated in slightly different
words by Nariya.r:ta3 and Kamalakara,4 Jiianaraja simply
"If the interpolator (of a Square-nature) be divided
by the square of an optional number then its roots \\'ill
be divided by that optional number."
Thus we have, in general, if .'\' = a, y = B be ;
solution of the equation
Nx 2 ± k =)'2,

1 BrSpSi, xviii. 70 • 2 BBi, p. H.

S NBi, I, R. 76-76~. , SiTVi, xiii. 2 I ~.

x = a/ltl, y -= ~/m
is a solution of the equation
Nx 2 ± k/m2 = y2;
and x = na, y = nf3 is a solution of the equation
Nx 2 ± n2k = y2,
where m, n are arbitrary rational numbers.
By this Lemma, the solutions of the Square-natures
(i) 6x2 + 12 = y2,
(ii) 6x 2 + 75 = y2,
and (iii) 6x2 + 300 = y2,
can be derived, as shown by Bhaskara II, l from
those of
6x 2+ 3 =)'2,
~ince 12 = 2 2 .3, 75 = 52 .3, and 300 = 102 .3. How to
Golve this latter equation will be indicated later on.
Rational Solution. In order to obtain a first
$olution of Nx 2 + 1 = y2, the Hindul::> generally suggest
the following tentative method: Take an arbitrary
small rational number a, such that its square multiplied
by the gUt/aka N and increased or diminished by a
suitably chosen rational number k will be an exact
'jquare. In other words, we shall have to obtain
empirically a relation of the form
Na 2 ± k = ~2,
where a, k, ~ are rational numbers. This relation will
be hereafter referred to as the Auxiliary Eqlitltion. Then
by Brahmagupta's Corollary, we get from it the relation
N(2a~)2 + k2 = (~2 + Na 2)2,
N (k
2a~)2 _(~2+Na2)2
or +1- ---k-- .

1 B13i, p. 4 I.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + I = y2
Hence, one rational solution of the equation Nx 2 + I
= y2 is given by
x=k"' y=
2a~ ~2 +k
Sripati's Rational Solution. Sripati' (1039) has
shown how a rational solution of the Square-nature
can be obtained more easily and directly without the'
intervention of an auxiliary equation. He says:
"Unity is the lesser root. Its square multiplied by
the prakrti is increased or decreased by the prakrti
combined with an (optional) number whose square-root
will be the greater root. From them will' be obtained
two roots by the Principle of Composition."1
If m 2 be a rational number optionally chosen, we
have the identity
N.12 + (m 2 - N) = m2 ,
or N.12 - (N - m2) = m2.

Then, applying Brahmagupta's Corollary to either, we

N(2m)2 + (m2 ,_ N)2 = (m2 + N)2;
2nJ)2 (m2 + N)2
N ( !ll'/. _ N + 1 = m2 ,_ N .

2m m2 +N (B)
x = m2 ,..., N' y = m2 ,_ N'
where m is any rational number, is a solution of the
Nx 2 I =y2. +
The above solution reappears in the works of later
Hindu algebraists. Bhaskara II says:
1 SiSe, xiv. 33.

"Or divide twice an optional number by the differ-

ence between the square of that optional number and the
prakrti. This (quotient) will be the lesser root (of a
Square-nature) when unity is the additive. From that
(follows) the greater roOt."l
Naraya1).a states:
"Twice an optional number divided by the difference
between the square of that optional number and the
gutlaka will be the lesser toot. From that with the
additive unity determine the greater root."2
Similar statements are found also in the works of
Jfianaraja and Kamalikara. 3
If III be an optional number, it is stated that mZ ~ N
is a lesser root of Nx 2 I = y2. +
Then, substituting
that value of x in the equation, we get
2m )2
= N ( tJl"4,_, N + I,

=(!J12 + N)2.
m'" - N
Hence the greater root is
m 2 +N
y= m 2 -- N'

The same solution will be obtained by assuming

y=mx~ I.

Kr~1).a points out that it can also be found thus:

4 N ",2 = (m 2 + N)2 - <",2 ,. . ,
N)2, identically.
4Nm 2 + 2
(m -- N)2 = {m 2 N)2, +
1 BBi, p. 34. 2 NBi, I, R. 77£'
3 SiTVi, xiii. 216.
SOLUTION OF N X2 + I = y2 155

His remark that this method does not require the help
of the Principle of Composition shows that Bhaskara 1I
and others obtained the solution in the way indicated
by Sripati.
The above rational solution of the Square-nature has
been hitherto attributed by modern historians of mathe-
matics to Bhaskara II. But it is now found to be due
to an anterior writer, Sripati (1039). It was redis-
covered in Europe by Brouncker (1657).
Illustrative Examples. In illustration of the fore-
going fllies we give the following examples with their
solutions from Bhaskara II.
Examples. "Tell me, 0 mathematician, what is that
square which multiplied by 8 becomes, together with
unity, a square; and what square multiplied by 1 I and
increased' by unity, becomes a square."l
That is to say, we have to solve
(I) 8x 2 + 1 =y2,
(2) IIx2 + 1 =y2.
Solutions. "In the second example assume ~ as the
lesser root. Multiplying its square by th~ prakrti, namely
II, subtracting 2 and then extracting the square-root,
we get the greater root as ,. Hence the st-atement for
composition is 2
m=11 1=1 g=3 I=-Z

1= 1 1= - 2

1 BBi, p. ; 5.
2 The abbreviations are: m = multiplier, I = lesser root,
g = greater root and; = interpolator. In the original they are
respectively pra, ka, jye, and k,c, the initial syllables of the cor-
responding Sanskrit terms.

Proceeding as before we obtain the roots for the

additive 4: 1=6, g = 2.0, (for) i = 4. Then by the
rule, 'If the interpolator (of a Square-nature) divided by
the square of an optional number etc.,'l are found the
roots for the additive unity: / = 3, g = 10 (for) i = 1.
Whence by the Principle of Composition of Equals, we
get the lesser and greater roots: 1= 60, g = 199 (for)
i = 1. In this wayan infinite number of roots can be
"Or, assuming I for the lesser root, we get for the
additive 5: 1= 1, g = 4, (for) i = 5. Whence by the
Principle of Composition of Equals, the roots are I = 8,
g = 27, (for) i = 25. Then by the rule, 'If the inter-
polator (of a Square-nature) divided by the square
of an optional number etc.,' taking 5 as the optional
number, we get the roots for the additive unity:
! = 8/5, g = 27/5, (for) i = 1. The statement of these
for composition with the previous roots is ..
III = II 1= 8/5 g'_ 2.7/5 I = I
1=.; g = 10
i I =
B'y the Principle of Composition the roots are obtained
as: /=161/5, .g=534/5 (for)i=1.
"Or composing according to the rule, 'The differ-
ence of the two cross-products is a lesser root etc.,' we
get the roots: 1= 1/5, g = 6/5 (for) i = 1. And
so on in many ways.
"The two roots for the additive unity will now be
found in a different way by the rule, 'Or divide twice
an optional number by the difference between the square
of that optional number and the prakrti etc.' Here, in
the first example, assume the optional number to be 3.
Its square is 9; multiplier is 8; their difference is I;
1 Vide mpra, p. 15 I.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 + I = y2

dividing by this twice the optional number, namely 6,

we get the lesser root for the additive unity as 6.
Whence, proceeding as before, the greater root comes
out as 17.
"In the same way, in the second example also, as-
suming the optional number to be 3, the lesser and
greater roots are found to be (3, 10).
"Thus, by virtue of (the infinite variety of) the
optional values as well as of (the infinitely repeated
application of) the Principle of Additive and Subtractive
Compositions, an infinite number of roots (may be
Solution in Positive Integers. As has been stated
before, the aim of the Hindus was to obtain solutions
of the Square-nature in positive integers; so its first
solution must be integral. But neither the tentative
method of Brahmagupta nor that of Sripati is of
much help in this direction, for they do not abpayj
yield the desired result. These authors, however, dis-
covered that if the interpolator of the auxiliary equation
in the tentative method be ± I, ± 2. or ± 4, an integral
solution of the equation Nx 2 + 1 = y2 can always be
found. Thus Sripati (1039) expressly observes, "If I,
2. or 4 be the additive or subtractive (of the auxiliary
equation) the lesser and greater roots will be integral
(i) If k = ± I; then the auxiliary equation will be3
Na. 2 ± I = ~2,
t The original is, "EvamiHavasat samasantarabhbanabhyam
ca padanamanantyarp." (BBi, p. ;6).
2 "Dvyelclmbudhik~epavisodhanabhyatp
. _ Syatamabhinne laghuvrddhamule:'-SiSe, xiv. 32.
The Sanskrit word abhinna literally means "non-fractional"
3 The special treatment of the equation Nx! - 1 = y2 is given
later on.

where a, ~ are integers. Then by Brahmagupta's Corol-

lary, we get
x = 2£1~, Y = ~2 N £12 +
as the required first solution in positive integers of the
equation Nx 2 I =y2. .
(ii) Let k = ± 2; then the auxiliary equation is
N£1 2 ± 2 = ~2.
By Brahmagupta's Corollary, we have
N( 2£1~)2 + 4 = (~2 + N 2)2, (1

or N(£113)2 + I =(~2 + N(1


Hence the required first solution is

x = £113, Y = H(32 +
N( 2).
Since Na 2 . ~2 =f 2,
we have -~(132 +
N(1 2 ) = ~2 =f 1 = a whole number.
(iii) Now suppose k = +
4; so that
Na 2 +
4 = {.32.
\v'ith ap auxiliary equation like this the ,first integral
solution of the equation Nx 2 I = y2 is +
x = ·~a~,
y = !(~2 _ 2);
if a is even; or
x = ~a(~2
- 1),
Y =\~~(~~ - 3);
if ~ is odd.
Thus Brahmagupta says:
"In the case of 4 as additive the square of the second
root diminished by 3, then halved and multiplied· by
the second root will be the (required) second root;
The square of the second root diminished by unity arid
SOLUTION OF N . . .:2 +. I = y2

then divided bY,2 and multiplied by the first root will

be the (required) first root (for the additiyc unity)."l
The rationale of this solution is as follows:
Since Na 2 + 4 = [12, (I)
we have N( ~
/ + 1 = ( J_2 )2, (2)
Then, by Brahmagupta?s Corollary, wc get
A 2 A2 2 2
N(~) + I =(_1' +N~).
Substituting the value of N in the right-hand side ex-
pression from (I), we have
N (~ )2+ 1 = (B2 - 2) 2. (3)
2 2
Composing (2) and (3),
N { : ( fJ2 _ I) } 2+ I = { ~ ( p2 _ 3) } 2.
are solutions of
Nx 2 + I =y2.
If B be even, the first values of (x, _y) are integral.
If B be odd, the second values are integral.
(iv) Finally, suppose k = - 4 ; the auxiliary equa-
tion is
Na 2 - 4 = ~2.
Then the required first solution in positive integers of
Nx 2 + I =y2is
x = -~aI3(B2 + 3)(P2 + I),
_y = ((3 2 + 2){i(B 2 + 3)(132 + I) - I}.
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 67.

Brahmagupta says:
"In the case of 4 as subtractive, the square of the
second is increased by three and by unity; half the
product of these sums and that as diminished by unity
(are obtained). The latter multiplied by the first sum
less unity is the (required) second root; the former
multiplied by the product of the (old) roots will be
the first root corresponding .to the (new) second root."1
The rationale of this solution is as follows:
Na 2 - 4 = ~2. (1)
N( : ) 2_ I = ( ! )2.
Hence by Brahrnagupta's Corollary, we get
N(~)2+ I =(_r_+N~)2
2 4 4
={!(~2 + Z)}2. (2)
Again, applying the Corollary, we have
N{~a~(~2 + 2)}2 + 1 = {!(~4 + 4~2 + Z)}2. (;)
Now, by the Lemma, we obtain from (2.) and (3)
Nga~({32 + 3)({32 + I)}2 + 1

= [(~2+ 2)B(~2 + 3)(B 2 +

I) - I} ]2,
Hence x = ia{3(~2 + 3)({32 + I),
Y = «(32 + 2) {!({32 + ;)«(32 + 1) - I},
is a solution of Nx 2 + 1 = y2.
It can be proved easily that these values of x, y
are integral. For, if {3 is even, {32 + 2. is also even.
Therefore, the above values of x, yare integral. If on
the contrary {3 is odd, {32 is" also odd; then {32 + I and
{32 + 3 are even. Hence in this case also the above
values are integral.
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 68.

Putting p = a~, q = ~2 +2 we can write the

above solution in the form
x = ~p(q2 - I),
Y = ~q(q2 - 3~,
in which it was found by Euler.


Cyclic Method. It has been just shown that

the most fundamental step in Brahmagupta's method
for the general solution in positive integers of the

where N is a non-square integer, is to form an auxiliary

equation of the kind
Na 2 + k = b2 ,
where a, b are positive integers and k = ± I, ± 2 or
± 4. For, from that auxiliary equation, by the Principle
of Composition, applied repeatedly whenever necessary,
one can derive, as sho,wn above, one positive integral
solution of the original Square-nature. And thence,
again by means of the same principle, an infinite number
of other solutions in integers can be obtained. How to
form an auxiliary equation of this type was a problem
which could not be solved completely and satisfactorily
by Brahmagupta. In fact, he could not do it otherwise
than by trial. But Bhaskara II succeeded in evolving a
very simple and elegant method by means of which
one cap derive an auxiliary equation havil!g the required
interpolator ± I, ± 2 or ± 4, simultaneously with its
t\VO integral roots, from another auxiliary equation
empirically formed with any simple integral value of the
interpolator, positive <?r negative. This method is called

by the technic;al name Cakravala or the "Cyclic Method.:'1

The purpose of the Cyclic Method has been defined
by Bhaskara II thus: "By this method, there will
appear two integral roots corresponding to an equation
with ± I, ± 2 or ±.4 as interpolator."2
Bhaskara's Lemma. The Cyclic Method of Bhas-
kara II is based upon the following Lemma:
If Na 2 k = b2 , +
where a, b, k are integers, k being positive or negative,
N(a!JJ + b)2 + /))2 - N = (b"J + Na)2
k k k ' ,
where 11J is an arbitrary whole number.
The rationale of this Lemma is simple: \'(je have
Na'!. +k = 2,
and N.I2 -+
(1112 - N) = Ill'!., identically.
The,n by Brahmagupta's Lemma, we get
N(o!ll +
b)2 +
k(m'!. - .N) = (bllJ + NO)2.
N(c//I/ + b)'!. JI/2 - N = (bl/J + Na)'!.
k + k k'
Bhaskara~s Rule. Bhaskara II (1150) says:
"Considering the lesser -root, greater root and inter-
polator ,(of a Sq4arc:-n::l.ture) as the dividend, addend
and divisor (respectiyely of a pulveriser), the (indeter-
~inate) multiplier of it should be so taken as will make
the residue of the prtlRrti d,iminished by the square of
that multiplier or rhe latter minus the prakrti (as the case
1 The Sanskrit word Cakrani/a means "circle," especially
"horizon." The method is so called, observes Survadasa, because
it proceeds as in a circle, the saqJe set of operations being applied
again and again in a continuous round.
2 BBi, p. 38.

may be) the least. That residue divided by the (original)

interpolator is the interpolator (of a new Square-
nature).; it should be reversed in sign in case of sub-
traction from the prakrti. rhe quotient corresponding
to that value of the multiplier is the (new) lesser root;
thence the greater root. The same process should be
followed repeatedly putting aside (each time) the previous
roots and the interpolator. This process is called
Cakravdfa (or the 'Cyclic Method').l By this method,
there will appear two integral roots corresponding to
an equation with ± I, ± 2. or ± 4 as interpolator. In
order to derive integral roots corresponding to an
equation with the additive unity from those of the
equation with the interpolator ± 2. or ± 4 the Principle:
of Composition (should be applied)."2
Suppose we have an equation of the form
Na 2 + k = b2, (I)
where a, b, k are simple integers, relatively prime, k
being positive or negative. Then by Bhaskara's Lemma

N(am: b)2 m ~ N =(
+ Na/,b'111 (2)

where m is an arbitrary integral number. In the above

rule, m has been styled the indeterminate multiplier.
Now, by means of the pulveriser, its value is determined
so that
am: b is a whole number.

1 The original text is cakratJolamidam jagl/b. The commentator

Kr~t:la explains, "acary:1 etadgat:Iitam calu:avalamiti jaguD" or "The
learned professors call this method of calculation the Cakravala."
So Bhaskara II appears to have taken the Cyclic Method from
earlier writers. But it is not found in any work anterior to
him so far known.
2 BBi, pp. 36 ff.

Again, of the various such values, Bha.skara II chooses

that one which will make 1m2 _ N/ as small as possible.
Let that value of JJJ be n. Now let

a1 =
an +b
V _ bn
}_ k
n2 _ N
kl = k .

The numbers (/1' VI' k} are all integral. The equation

(2) then becomes
Na1 2 k} = b}2. (3)
Proceeding exactly in the same way, we can obtain
from (3) a new equation of the same kind,
Na 22 + k2 = b2 2,
where again (12' b2 , k2 are whole numbers. By
repeating the process, we shall ultimately arrive at an
equation, states Bhaskara II, in which the interpolator k
will reach the value .± I, ±. 2 or ± 4, and in which (a, b)
will be integers.
Nadiya~a's Rule. The above rule of Bhaskara II
has been reproduced by Nariyal)a (1350). He writes:
":i\faking the lesser root, greater root and inter-
polator (of a Square-nature) the dividend, addend and
divisor (respectively of a pulveri~er), the (indeterminate)
multiplier of it should be determined in the way des-
cribed before. The prakrti being subtracted from the
square of that or the square of the multiplier being
subtracted from the prakJ'ti, the remainder divided by the
(original) interpolator is the interpolator (of a new
Square-nature); and it will be reversed in sign in case

of subtraction of the square' of the multiplier. The

quotient (corresponding to that value of the multiplier)
is the lesser root (of the new Square-nature); and that
multiplied by the multiplier and diminished by the
product of the previous lesser root and (new) inter-
polator will be its greater root. By doing so repeatedly
will be obtained two integral roots corresponding to the
interpolator ± I" ± 2 or ± 4. In order to derive
integral roots for the additive unity from those answer-
ing to the interpolator ± 2 or ± 4, the Principle of
Composition (should be adopted)."l
It will be noticed that Narayal)a does not expressly
state that the value of the indeterminate multiplier m
should be so chosen as will make 1m2 - Nileast. It is
perhaps particularly noteworthy that he recognised the
/;1 = (/1" - kId.
For /; _ btl + Na
1 - k '
__ "Calk - dl1) + Na

= (/1" - (
112 -
N) a,
= (/111 - kIa,
a 1 11 - b1
t7 = .
Similarly, it will be found that
.b _ bIn - Nal
,- k
For bI " = aI ,,2 - klan,
1 NBi, I, R. 79-82..

= a1 (N +. kk1 ) klan,
[... kkl = n2 N]
= al N + k b,
[... a1k = an

+ b]
_ bIn - Na1
b- k .
Illustrative Examples. In illustration of the
Cyclic Method, Bhiskara II works out in detail the fol-
lowing examples :
"What is that number whose square multiplied by
67 or 61 and then added by unity becomes capable of
yielding a square-root? Tell me, 0 friend, if you have
a thorough knowledge of the method of the Square-
nature."1 .
That is to say, we are to solve
(i) 67x2 I =)'2,+
(ii) 6IX 2 1 = y2.+
Leaving out the details of the operations in con-
nection with the process of the pulveriser, Bhaskara's
solutions are substantially as follows:
(i) 67 X2 I = y2. +
We take the auxiliary equation
67.12 - 3 = 82.
Then, by the Lemma,
67( I.m + ~) + 1JJ2 - 67 = (sm + 67· I )2. (1)
-3 -3 -3
By the method of the Ku!!aka the solution of
_-'--_ = an integer,
1BBi, p. 38.
It is remarkable that the equation 61X2 1 + =.r
was proposed
by Fermat to Frenicle in a letter of February, 1651. Euler solved it
in 1732.

is m = . - 31 + I. Putting 1 = _:.2., we get m = 7

which makes 1m2 - 67 I leas~. On substituting this
value, the equation (1) reduces to
67 . ~ 2 +
6 = 4 1'2.
Again, by the Lemma, we have
67Cn ~ 41)2 + 112 ~ 67 = (4In ~ 67·5 )2. (2)

11te solution of
5n ~ 41 = a whole number,

is n = 6t + 5. I n2 - 67 I will be least for the value

t = 0, that is, when n = 5. The equation (2) then
becomes '
67. IJ2 - 7 = 9 ,

Now, we form
67(11/> + )2+p2- 67 ' (9
90 0 P+ 67 .11)2. (3)
-7 -7 -7
The solution, of
lIP + 9
= an integral.number,
is p= - 7'+ 2. Taking t= - I, we have p = 9;
and this value makes I p2 - 67 I least. Substituting that
in (3) we get
67.272 - .2. = 2212.
By the Principle of Composition of 'Equals, w~ get
from this cg uation
67 (2.27.221)2 + 4 = (2212 + 67, 2i!')2,
or 67(11934)2 +'4 = (97 68 4)2.
Dividing out by 4, we haye
67 (5967)2 + I :0= (48842)1!.

Hence x = 5967, Y = 48842 is a solution of (i).

(ii) 61X2 + 1 = y2.
Here we start with the auxiliary equation
61.1 2 +
3 = 82 ,
By the Lemma, we have
6I(m + 8)2 + m
- 61 = (sm + 61 )2, (1)
3 3 3
Now the solution of
m+8 = an 'mteger,
is m = 3t + I, Putting t = 2, we get the value In = 7
which makes 1'112 - 61 I least, On substituting this
value in (I), it becomes
61.5 2 - 4 = 39 2 ,
Dividing out by 4, we get
61(&)2 - I = (IJ,l)2. (2)
By the Principle of Composition of Equals, we have
6I(2.-£.\~-)2 + = 1 {C-l_)2 + 6ICi)2}2,
or 6I(l~~)2 + 1 = CH:.!~.i!..)2, (3)
Combining (2) and (3),
61(3805)2 - 1 = (29718)2.
Composing this with itself, we get
61(226153980)2 + 1 = (17663 190 49)2,
Hence x = 226153'980, Y = 1766319°49 is a solution
of (ii).
The following two examples have been cited by
A j
N arayal).a :
(iii) I03x2+ I =y2,

(iv) +
97x2 1 = y2.

Their solutions are given substantially as follows:

For (iii) we have the auxiliary equation
103.12 - 3 = 10 2 .

By the Lemma, we get

10 3(/11 + iO)2 + 1112 - 10 3 = (1011/ + 10~ )2.
-3 -3 -3

The general solution of

--- =
10 .
an Integer,
is m = - 3t + 2. Putting t .- 3, we get m = I I.
103.72 - 6 = 7 12 .
Ag ain, by the Lemma,
7n +7 I ) 2 +n 2
- 103 = (71 n + I0 3 •7 )2
3( - 6 - 6 - 6 .
The solution of
+7 = 1
a whole number,
is n = - 6t + I . Taking t = - I, we get
10 3. 202 +9= 2°3~·
Next, we ha ve
I03(20P+ 203)2 +p2 _ 10 3 = (20 3P + 10 3 .20)2.
9 9 , 9
Now, 20P + 20
3 = an integral number
for p = 91 + 2. When t = ~, p = 1 I. On taking this
value we find

Applying the Principle of Composition of Equals,

we get
103(2·47·477)2 4 = (477 2 + 1°3.472)2, +
or 1°3(44 83 8)2 +
4 = (455 0 56)2.
Hence 103(22419)2 + I = (2.27528)2,
which gives x = 2.2.419, Y = 227528 as a solution of (iii).
For the solution of (iv) the auxiliary equation is
97. 12 + 3 = 102.
97(~ + 10)2 -I- 1J12 - 97 = COllI + 97)2.
3 . 3 3
The solution of
m+ 10
_:......__ = .
an Integer,
is m = 31 + 2. Taking I = 3, we have /II = II. Then
97.7 2 +8 = 69. 2
Next, we have
7n +
69 )2+ n2 - 97 = (6 9n + 97.7)2
97 ( 8 8 8·
The solution of
7n +8 69 = an integer,

is n = 8t + 5. Taking t = I, that is, n =·13, we get

97. 202 +
9 = 197 2 •
97( 20P +
191)2 + p - 97 = ( 197P + 97.2°) 2.

9 9 9
The solution of
20/J ; 197 a whole number,

is P = 9 t +5. Putting 1= 1, we get p = 14. With

this value of p we have
97.53 2 + 2
II = 52.2. •
nq + 52 2 )2 + q2 - 97 = (522,q + 97.53 )2.
97 ( II I I II

The solution of
53q + 52.2. = an integer,
is q = 1 II + 8. The appropriate value of q is given
by t = o. So, taking q = 8, we have
97. 862 - 3 = 847 2.
Next, we find
97( 86r +
847) +
r2 - 97 = (847r +
97. 86 )2.
. -3 -3 -3
The solution of
+ 847 = a whole number,
is r = 3t + I. Putting t = - 3, we get r = 10. Tak-
ing this value, we h we
97.5692 - I = 56042.
By the Principle of Composition of Equals, we find
97(6377352)2 + I = (62809633)2.
Hence x = 6377352, Y = 62809633 is a solution of (iv).
Proofs. It has been stated by Bhaskara II that:
(I) when al is an integer; kl and hI are each a
whole number;
(2) his Cyclic 1Iethod will in every case lead to
the desired result.
He has not adduced proofs. We presume that he

knew a proof at least of the first proposltlon. For

he must have recognised the simple relation
bl = aln - kia,
which has been expressly stated by Naraya1).a (1350).
This shows at once that bi will be a whole number,
if kl is so. This is also evident from the equation,
Na 12 + ki = b1 2, itself. Hence, it now remains to prove
that ki is an integral number.
Eliminating b between
an + b
al = k '

and b _ bn
1 --
+k Na '
we have k (a 1n - bI ) = a(n2 - N),
or - (alII - h]) = 112 - N.


Since k and a have no common factor, a must

divide alII - bI ; that is
a 11- b 112- N .
I I = = kl = an Integer.
a k
Hence hi also is a whole numbcr.~
1Hankel's Proof: Hankel proves these two results thus :,
Since a1k = an +band k = b2 - Na 2 ,
we get al (b - Na 2 ) = an
2 + b,
b -
or --(01 b - I) = (n
+ Naal ).
Since a, b have no common factor, a must divide alb - I; that is,
a b- J •
1 _ = an Integer.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 ± c = y2 173
18. SOLUTION OF Nx 2 ± (=yZ

The general solution of the indeterminate quadratic

Nx 2 ± C=y2
in positive integers was first given by Brahmagupta (628).
He says:
"From two roots (of a Square-nature) with any
given addidve or- subtractive, by making (combination)
with the roots for the additive unity, other first and
second roots (of the equation having) the given additive
or subtractive (can be found)."!
Eliminating n between .
a l k = an b, blk = bn Na, + +
we get alb - abl = 1.
a b- 1
Hence b1 = I = a whole number.
Now n2 _ N = (alk - b)2 - Na2
. (12

a1 k 2 - zbka1 +k
= a2

k(a1 2 k - 2.hflt
+ 1) •
k .2
Therefore 2"" (a1
k - zba1 + I) is a whole number.
Since a, k have no common factor, it follows that
a1 2k - zbal + 1 2
a2 = n -k N = kl = an Integer.

Also kl = "2 - N = a12k - zba1 + I •

k a2
flt2(b 2 - N( 2) - zha1 + I
= a"
= (alb a- 1)2 _ Nf1t.'.
1 BrSpSi, xviii, 66.

Thus having known a single solution 1n positive

integers of the equation Nx 2 ± c = y2, says Brahma-
gupta, an infinite number 0; other integral solutions
can be obtained by making use of the integral solutions
of Nx 2 I = y2. If (p, q) be a solution of the former
equation found empirically and if (a, (3) be an integral
solution of the la:tter then, by the Principle of Com-
x = p~ ± qa, y = q~ ± Npa
will be a solution of the former. Repeating the opera-
tions we can easily deduce as many solutions as we like.
This method reappears in later Hindu algebras.
Bhaskani. II says:
"In (a Square-nature) with the additive. or sub-
tractive greater (than unity), one should find two roots
by his own intelligence only; then by their composition
with the roots obtained for the additive unity an infinite
number of roots (will be found)."!
Narayat_1a writes similarly:
"When the additive or subtractive is greater than
unity, two roots should be determined by one's own
intelligence. Then, by combining them with the roots
for the additi¥e unity, an infinite number of roots can be
obtained. "2
We take the following illustrative eX;lmples with
solutions from Narayat_1a :
Exall;ple. "Tell me that square which being multi-
plied by 13 and then increased or diminished by 17
or 8 becomes capable of yielding a square root."3
1 BBi, p. 42. • II NBi, I, R. 86.
3 NBi, I, Ex. 44.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 ± c = y2

That is, solve

(1) 13X2 -+--- 17 = y2,
(2) 13 X2 ± P: = y2.
Solution. "In the first example it is stated that the
multiplier' = 13 and interpclator = 17.
"Now the 'roots for, the interpolator 3 are (I, 4).
And for the interpolator 51, the roots ~re (I, 8). For
the composition of these with the previous roots (I, 4}
the statem( '1t will be
!n=13 1 =1 g=8 t= P
1= 1 g=4 t = 3
So, by the Addition Lemma, we get the roots corres-
ponding to the interpolator 153 as (n,45). The rule
says, 'If the interpolator (of a Square-nature) be divided
by the square of an optional number etc.' Now take
the optional number to be 3, so that the interpolator
may be reduced to 17. For 32 = 9 and 153/9 = 17·
T'lerefore, dividing the roots just obtained by the
optional number 3, we get the required roots (4, 15).
"Applying the Subtraction ,Lemma and proceeding
similarly we get the roots for the interpolator 17 as
(4/3, 19/3).
"In the second example the statement is : multiplier
= 13, interpolator = - 17. Proceeding as before we
get (by the Addition Lemma) the roots (147, 530); and
(by the Subtraction Lemma), the roots (3, 10)."1
Form Mn 2x 2 ± c = y2. Brahmagupta says:
"If the multiplier is that diyided by a square, the
first ro6t is that divided by its root."2
1 Our !\[S. does not contain the solution of the equatiQns
13 x2 ±8=y2.
2 BrSpSi, xviii. 70.

That issay, suppose the equation to be

fv[,Px 2 ± C =)'2, (1)
so that the multiplier (i.e., coefficient of x 2) is divisible
by n2 . Putting nx = II, we get
)\111 2 ± c = y2. (2.)
Then clead y the first root of (I) is equal to the first root
of (2.) divided by n. The corresponding second root
will be the same for both the equations.
The same rule is taught by Bhaskara IF and
Narayat:la. The latter says:
"Divide the multiplier (of a Square-nature) by an
arbitrary square number so that there is left no
remainder. Take the quotient as the multiplier (of
another Square-nature). The lesser root (of the reduced
equation) div.ided by the square-root of the divisor will
be the lesse.t root (of the original equation)."2
Form a 2x 2 ± c = y2. For the solution of a.
Square-nature of this particular form, Brahmagupta gives
the following rule:
"If the multiplier be a square, the interpolator
divided by an optional number and then increased and
decreased by it, is halved. The former (of these results)
is the second root; and the other divided by the square-.
root of the multiplier is the first root."3
Thus, it is stated that
x=_2_(±C_ flI ),
2.a I1J

y = ~ (±IlJ C + !ll ),
1 BBi, p. 4Z. 2 NBi, I, R. 84.
3 BrSpSi. xviii. 69'
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 ± c = y2 177

where m is an arbitrary number, is a solution of the

a2 x 2 ± c = y2.
The same solution has been given by Bhaskara II
and Narayal).a. 1 Bhaskara's rule runs as follows:
"The interpolator divided by an optional number is
set down at two places; the quotient is diminished (at
o~e place) and increased (at the other) by that optional
number and then halved. The former i~ again divided
by the square-root of the multiplier. (The quotients)
are respectively the lesser and greater roots."2
The rationale of the above solution has been given
by the commentators Suryadasa and Kf~l).a substantially
as follows:
C = y 2 _ a 2x2

= (y- dX)(Y+ ax).

Assume y - ax = m, m being an arbitrary rational
number. Then
y+ ax= ±c.'
Whence by the rule of con~urrence, we get
X= 2._(±C -m)
2.a m '

y= i(=;/+m).
Form c - Nx2 = y2. Though the equation of
the form c - Nx 2 =y2 has not been considered by any
!-lindu algebraist as deserving of special treatment,
it occurs incidentally in examples. For instance,
Bhaskara II has proposed the following problem:
1 NBi I R. 85.
J J a BBi, p. 42.

"What is :that square which being multiplied by - S

becomes, together with 21, a square? Tell me, if you
know, the method (of solving the Square-nature) when
the multiplier .is negative."1
Thus it is required to solve
- 5X'1. +
21 =y'1.. (1)
Narayal.la has a similar example, ViZ., '1.
- I IX'1. +
60 =y2. (.2.)
Two obvious solutions of (1) are (1, 4) and (~, 1).
Composing them with the roots of
- 5X2 +
1 = y2,

says Bhiskara II, an infinite number of roots of (1)

can be derived.
Form Nx2 - k 2 = y2. Bh:1skara II observes:
"When unity is the subtractive the solution of the
problem is impossible unless the multiplier is the sum
of two squares."3
Niraya1).a writes:
"In the case of unity as the subtractive, the multi-
plier must be the sum of two squares. Otherwise,.
the solution is impossible."4
Thus it has been said that a rational solution of
Nx 2 - I =y'1.,
and consequently of
Nx 2 _ k2 =y2
is not possible unless N is the sum of two squares.
1 BBi, p. 43. 2 NBi, I. Ex. 43.
II "Rupa~uddhau' khiloddi~taril vargayogo gul).o na cet"-BBi,
& NBi, I, R. 85.
SOLUTION OF Nx 2 ± c = y2
For, if x = p/q, y = r/s be a possible solution of
the equation, we have
N(P/q)2 - k2 = (r/s)2,
or N = (qr/ps)2 + (qk/p)2.
Bhaskara II then goes on :
"In case (the solqtion is) not impossible when unity
is the subtractive, divide unity by the roots of the two
squares and set down (the quotients) at two places.
They are two lesser roots. Then find the correspond-
ing greater roots at the two places. Or, when unity is
the subtractive, the roots should be found as before."
Thus, according to Bhaskara II, two rational solu-
tions of
Nx 2 - I =y2,
where N = 1lJ2 +
n2 , will be

X= ; , }

n '
I }
So two rational solutions of
... (!lI2 + n2 ) x 2 _ k 2 = y2,
will be
k }
!} .
y= m y=-
The following illustrative example of Bhaskara
IP is also reproduced by NarayaQa :2
13 x2 - I =),2.

1 BBi, p. 4 1 • 2 NBi, I, Ex. 38.


The former solves it substantially in the following

(I) Since 13 = 2.2 +32 two rational solutions are
(1/2., 3/2) and (1/3, 2/,).
(2) An obvious solution of
13x2- 4 =y2
is x = I, Y = 3. Then dividing out by 4, as shown
before, we get a solution of the equation 13 x2 - I = y2
as (1/2, 3/2).
(3) Again, since an obvious solution of
13X2- 9 =y2
is x = I,y-= 2., we get, on dividing out by 9, a solution
of our equation as (1/3, 2./3).
(4) From these fractional roots, we may derive
integral roots by the Cyclic Method. Since
13(!)2 - I = C!)2,
we have, by Bhaskara's Lemma, m being an indeterminate

13(111/2._+//2.)2 + m~-/3 = (3m~2._+1 13/2/,

or 13(111+
3)2 + m2-
13 =(3 m + 13)2.

The suitable value of m which will make (111+3)/2. an

integer and 1,»2 - 131 minimum is 3. So that we have
13.3 2 + 4 = 112.
From this again we get the relation
13en-+- / +
n - 13 = (lIn -+- 1). 3 ) 2.
4 4 4
The appropriate value of the indeterminate multiplier in
this case is n = 3. Substituting this value, we have
13.5 2 - 1 =18 2 •
Hence an integral solution of our equation I 3X2 - I = y2
is (5, 18).
"In all cases like this an infinite number of roots
can be derived by composition with the roots for the
additive unity."!
Naraya1).a states the m"ethods (2) and (3) only.



The earliest mehtion of the solution of the general

indeterminate equation of the second degree is found
in the Bijagattita of Bhaskara II (1150). But there are
good grounds to believe that he was not its first dis-
coverer, for he is found to have taken from certain
ancient authors a few illustrative examples the solutions
of which presuppose a knowledge of the solution of such
equations. 2 Neither those illustrations nor a treatment
of equations of those types occurs in the algebra of
Brahmagupta or in any other extant work anterior to
Bhaskara II.
Bhaskara II distinguishes two kinds "of indeterminate
equations: Sakrt samikara!la (Single Equations) and
Asakrt samikara{1a (Multiple Equations).3
Solution. For the solution of the general indeter-
minate equation of the second degree, Bhaskara I.I
(I I 50) lays down the following rule:
l·"Iha sarvatra padanam nlpak$epapadabhyam bhavanaya'-
nantyatp"-BBi, p. 41.
2 Vide infra, pp. 267f. 3 BBi, pp. 106, IIO. •

"When the square, etc., of the unknown are present

(in an equation), after the equi-dearance has been made,
(find) the square-root of one side by the method des-
cribed before for it, and the root of the other side by
the method of the Square-nature. Then (apply) the
method of (simple) equations to these roots. If (the
other side) does not become a case for the Square-nature,
then, putting it equal to the square of another unknown,
the other side and so the value of the other (i.e., the new)
unknown should be obtained in the same way as in the
Square-nature; and similarly the value of the first un-
known. The intelligent should devise various artifices
so that it may become a matter [or (the application of)
the Square-nature."!
He has further elucidated the rule thus:
"When, after the clearance of the two sides has been
made, there remain the square, etc.,. of the unknown,
then, by multiplying the two sides with a suitable number
and by the help of other necessary operations as des-
cribed before, the square-root of one side should be
extracted. If there be present on the other side the
square of the unknown with an absolute term, then the
two roots of that side should be found by the method
of the Square-nature. There the number associated with
the square of the unknown is the prakrti ('multiplier'),
and the absolute number is to be considered as the
interpolator. \X7hat is obtained as the lesser root in this
way will be the -value of t he unknown associated with the
multipJier (prakrti); the greater root is (again) the root
of that square (formed on the first side). Hence making
an equation of this with the square-toot of the first
side, the value of the unknown on the first side should
be determined.
'1 BBi, p. 99.
SOLunON oFax2 + bx + c = y2 183

"But if there be pre~ent on the second side the

square of the unknown together with (the first power
of) the unknown, or only the (simple) unknown with
or without an absolute number, then it is not a case for
the Square-nature. How then is the root to be found
in that case? So it has b~en said: 'If (the other side)
does not become a case for the Square-nature etc.'
Then, putting it equal to the square of another unknown,
the square-root of one si?e should be found in the way
indicated before, and the two roots of the other side
should then be determined by the method of the Square-
nature. There again the lesser root is the value of the
unknown associated with the prakrti and the greater root
is equal to the square-root of that side of the equation.
Forming proper equations with the roots, the values
of the unknowns should be determined.
"If, however, even after the second side has been
so treated, it does not turn out to be a case for the
Square-nature, then the intelligent (mathematicians)
should devise by their own sagacity all such artifices
as will make it a case for the method of the Square-
nature and then determine the values of the un-
Having thus indicated in a general way the broad
outlines of his metiJOd for the solution- of the
general indeter~inate equation of the second degree,
Bhaskara II discusses the different types of equations
severally, explaining the rules in every case in greater
detail with the help of illustrative examples.
(i) Solution ofax2 + +
bx c = y2
For the general solution of the quadratic indeter-
minate equation
1 BBi, p. 100.

Bhaskara II gives the following particular rule:

"On taking the square-root of one side, if there be
on the second side only the square of the unknown
together with an absolute number, in such cases, the
greater and lesser roots should be determined by the
method of the Square-nature. Of these two, the greater
root is to be put equal to the square-root of the first
side mentioned before, and thence the value of the
first unknown should be determined. The lesser will
be the value of the unknown associated with the prakrti.
In this way, the method of the Square-nature should be
applied to this case by the intelligent."l
As an illustration of this rule BM.skara II works out
in detail the following example:
"What number being doubled and added to six
times its square, becomes capable of yielding a square-
root? a ye algebraist, tell it quickly."2
Solution. "Here let the number be x. Doubled
and together with six times its square, it becomes
6x2 + 2X. This is a square. On forming an equation
'111th the square ofy, the statement is
6X2 + 2.X + oy2 = OX2 + ox + y2.
On _making equi-clearance in this the two sides are
6x2 + 2X and y 2.
"Then multiplying these two sides by 6 and
superadding I, the root of the first side, as described
before, is 6x 1.+
"Now on the second side of the equation remains
0'2 + I. By the method of the Square-nature, its roots
are: the lesser 2 and the greater 5, or the lesser 20 and
the greater 49. Equating the greater root with the
square-root of the first side, viZ" 6x +
I, the value of

1 BBi, pp. 100-1. 2 BBi, p. lor.

SOLUTION OFaX 2 + bx' + c = y2 185

x is found to be 2/3 or 8. The lesser root, 2 or 20,

is the value of y, the unknown associated with the
prakrfi. In this way, by virtue of (the multiplicity of)
the lesser and greater roots, many solutions can be
In other words the method described above is this:
Completing the square on the left-hand side of the
equation ax 2 bx + +
c = y2, we have
(ax + _~b)2 = qy2 + -Hb 2
- 4£lc).
Putting Z = ax + ib, k = i(b - 4£lc), we get 2

try2 k = Z2.+ (I. I)

If y = I, Z = m be found empirically to be a solution of
this equation, another solution of it will be
y = /q ± mp,
Z = mq ± alp,
where ap2 +
1 = q2. Hence a solution of (I) is
X = - 2a + a (mq ± alp),

Now suppose x = r, when Z = m; that is, let
nl = ar.+ b/2. Substituting in the above expressions,
we get the required solution of (I) as

= _2aI (bq- b) + qr ±
x lp,}
y = Iq ± (apr + ~bp);
where ap2 + 1 = q2 and ar2 + br + C =

Thus having known one solution ofax 2 bx c + +

= y2, an infinite number of other solutions can be

1 BBi, p. 101.

easily obtained by the method of Bhaskara II. The

method is, indeed, a very simple and elegant one. It
has been adopted by later Hindu algebraists. As the
relevant portion of the algebra' of Nariyat;la (1350)
is now lost, we cannot reproduce his description of the
method. Ji'iananlja (1503) says:
"(Find) the square-root of the first side according to .
the method described before and, by the method of the
Square-nature, the roots of the other side, where the
coefficient of the square of the unknown is considered
to be the prakrti and the interpolator is an absolute
term. Then the greater root will be equal . to the
previous square-root and the other (i.e., the lesser root)
to the unknown associated with the prakrti."
The above solution (1.2), but with the upper sign
only, was rediscovered in 1733 by Eluer.! His method
is indirect and cumbrous. Lagrange's (1767) method
begins in the same way as that of Bha.skara II. by
completing the square on the left-hand side of the
equation. 2
(ii) Soilltion oj ax 2 bx+ + c = a'y2 +b'y c' +
Bha.skara II has treated the more general type of
- quadratic indeterminate equations:
ax2 + bx +c = ay2 by + +
c'. (2)
His rule in this connection runs as follows:
"If there be the square of the unknown together
with the (simple) unknown and an absolute number, put-
ting it equal to the square of anolher unknown its root
(should be investigated). Then on the other side (find)
1 Leonard Euler, Opera MathematicQ, vol. II, 1915, pp. 6-17;
Compare also pp. 576-61I.
~ Additions to ElementJ' oj Algebra ry Leonard E/JI~r, translated
into English by ] ohn HewJett, j th edition, London, 1840, pp.
SOLUTION OFax 2 + bx + c = a'y2 + by + c' 187

the roots by the method of the Square-nature, as has

been stated before. Put the lesser root l equal to the
root of the first side and the greater root equal to that
of the second."2
He further elucidates the rule thus:
"In this case, on taking the square-root of the first
side, there remain on the other side the square of the
unknown and the (simple) unknown with or without
an absolute number. In that case forming an equation
of the second side with the square of another unknown,
the roots (should be found). Of these (roots just
determined), making the lesser equal to the root of the
first side (of the given equation) and the greater to
the root of the second side, the values of the unknowns
should be determined." .
Example. "Say what is the number of terms of a
series (in A. P.) whose first term is 3, the common differ-
ence is 2. ; but whose sum multiplied by 3 is equal to the
sum of a different numbet of terms."3
S olulion. "Here the statements of the series· are:
first term = 3, common difference = 2., number of
- terms = x ; first term = 3, common difference = 2.,
number of terms = y. The two sums are (respectively)
x 2 + 2X, y2 + 2y. Making three times the first equal
to the second, the statement for clearance is
3X2 + 6x = y2 + ~.
After the clearance, multiplying the two sides (of the
equation) by 3 and superadding 9, the square-root
of the first side is 3x + 3. On the second' side of the
1 The meaning <;>f the terms 'lesser root', 'greater root', etc.,
as used here, will be clear from the illustration and the general
solution given below.
2 BBi, p. 104. .3 BBi, p. 104.

equation stands 3y2 + 0' + 9. Forming an equation of

this with Z2, and similarly multiplying the sides by 3
and superadding - 18, the root of it is 3Y + 3. Then
. the roots of the other side, 3Z2 - 18, by the method of
the Square-nature are the lesser = 9 and greater = I h
or the lesser = 13 and greater = 57. Equating the lesser
root with the square-root of the first side, namely,
3X + 3, and the greater root with the square-root of
the second side, namely, 3y + 3, the values of x, 'yare
found to be (2, 4) or (10, 18). So in every case."
In general, on completing the square on the left-
hand side, equation (z) becomes
(ax + +
ib)2 = aa'y2 ab'y ae' + (t b2- ac).
Put ax + ~b = Z, (2.1)
and then complete ·the square on the right-hand side.
Thus the given equation is finally reduced to
aa'z2 - ~ = w2 ,
where 2]) = aay'+ 1!lab',.
and 2
~ = a a'e'+ (ib2 - ac) aa' - (~ab')2.
Now, if Z = I, W = III be a solution of the equation
(2. z), another solution will be
Z = lq± mp,
w = mq ± aa' Ip ;
where a'ap2 +I= q2. Substituting in (2. I) and (2..3),
we get
x = - _!!_ + !.....(Iq ± mp), }
2a a ~.~
Y = _ 2a
b', ~ (mq ±
+ aa aa'lp).

Now, let 1 = ar +
~'b and m = aa's + !l1b'. Substi-
tuting in the above expressions, we get the required
SOLUTION 'OF (JX 2 + bx + c = ay2 + b~'Y + c'
solution of (2) in the form:
X = -(qb ±pab' - b) + qr ±pa's,
1 }

y ":, (qb'
± pa:b - b') + qs ± par;
where aa'p2 + i = q2,
and ar2 + br + c = a's2 + b' s + c'.
The form (2.5) shows that having found empirically
one solution ofax 2 + bx + c = ay2 + by + c' Bhaskara
could find an infinite number of other solutions of it.
Jnanaraja (1503) say's:
"If on the other side be present the square as well
as the linear power of the unknown together with an
absolute term, put it equal to the square of another
unknown and then determine the lesser and greater
roots. The lesser root will be equal to the first square-
root and the greater to the second square-root."
He gives with solution the following illustrative
3(X2 +
4X) = y2 4Y, +
or (3X +-6)2 = 3y2 + 1~ + 36:
Putting 3X +
6 __:._ Z, where Z is the "first square-
reot" of Jiianariija, we get
Z2 = 3y2 + 1~2 + 36,
or 3Z2 = (3Y + 6)2 + 72.
Now put 3Y +
6 = 11', where. W IS the "second
square-root." Then
3Z 2 - 72 = w2 •
Therefore, by the method of the Square-nature,
Z = 18, W = 30. \'V'hence x =- 4, Y = 8, is a solution.

(iii) Soitltion oj ax2 + by2 + = Z2


Bhaskara II followed several devices for the solution

of the equation
ax2 +
lo'2 C = Z2.+ (3)
In every case his object was to transform the equation
into the form of the Square-nature. He says :
"In such cases, where squares of two unknowns
with (or without) an absolute number are present,
supposing either of them optionally as the prakrti,
the rest (of the terms) should be considered as
the interpolator. Then the roots shouW be investi-·
gated in the way described b~fore. If there be more
equations than one (the process will be especially help-
. He then explains further:
"Where on finding the square root of the first side,
there remain on the other side squares of two unknowns
with or without an absolute number, there consider the
square of one of the unknowns as the prakJ"ti; the
remainder will then be the interpolator. Then by the
rule: 'An optionally chosen number is taken as the
lesser root, etc.,'2 the unknown in the interpolator
multiplied by one, etc., and added with one, etc.,
or not, according to one's own sagacity, should be
assumed for the lesser root; then determine the greater
There are thus indicated two artifices for solving
the equation (3). They are:
(i) Set x = my; so that equation (3) transforms into
1 BBi, pp. Io~f.
2 The reference is to the rule for solving the Square-nature
("ide Jupra p. 144) (BBi, p. 33).
3 BBi, p. 106.
SOLUTION OFaX2 + /;y2 + c = Z2 19 1

Z2 = (a1tJ2 b)y2+ +c
= ay2+ c,
where a = am2 +
b. Hence the required so~ution of
ax2 + by2 +
c = Z2 is
x = my = m(rq ±is),
y = rq ±ps,
Z = sq ± apr;
where S2 = ar2 +
c and q2 = ap2 I. +
(ii) Set x = my ± n; then the equation reduces to
Z2.= ay2 ± 2am,!) Y +
where a = am 2 +
band y = an 2
c. +
Completing the square on the right-hand side of
this, we get
az 2 - ~ = 1V 2 ,
where 1V = ~y ± amn and ~ = ya - a 2m'!.n 2 = a(bn 2
+ 2
Cl1l )bc.+
If Z = s, w = r be a solution of this equation.
another solution will be
Z = sq ± rp.
w = rq ± u.sp;
where q2 = ap2 + I. Hence the solution ofax2 + by2
+ c = Z2 is
x = -(rq ± asp =F amn) ± n,
Y = -
(rq ± asp =F amn),
z= sq ± rp;
where q2 .- ap2 + r2 = as 2 - 13. a
l, = am2 + band
~ = a(bn2 + cm 2) ,+ bc.

In working certain problems, Bhaskara II is found

to have occasionally followed other artifices also for
.the solution of the equation (3). For instance:
(iii)l Set tp2 = f?y2 +
c. Then equation (3) becomes
Z2 - w 2 = ax 2 •

Whence Z= i(; +m )x,

and t(~-m)x;
where m is an arbitrary number. Therefore
a- !O;!. ,

Z= (a + !1/2)W.
a - 1112

Now, if y = I, w = r be a solution of
w2 = by2 + c,
another solution of it will be
y = Iq±pr,
w = rq ± blp;
where ap2 + I = q2. Therefore, the solution of (3)
will be
x = a-m 2 (rq ± blp),
Y= Iq±pr,
a+ m2
Z = a _ m 2 (rq ± blp);
where ap2 +
I = q2 and bl2 + c = r2.
(iv) Suppose c = 0; then the equation to be solved
will be

1 See BBi, p. 108. 2 BBi, p. lOG.

SOLUTION oFax2 + by2 + C = Z2 193

ax2 + by2 = Z2.

In this case set x = ttY, Z = 1:; ; SO that 11, v will be
given by
dll 2 + b. v2,
which can be solved by the method of the Square-
nature. Some of these devices were followed also by
later Hindu algebraists, for instance, Jfianadja (1503)
and Kamahikara (1658).1
Example from Kamalakara: 2
7X2 +
!b'2 = Z2.
This is one of a double equation by Bhaskara II.3
To solve (1X 2 l!f +
c = Z2, Kamalakat;a observes:
"In this case, suppose the coefficient of the square
of the first unknown as the prakrti and the coefficient
of the square. of the other unknown together with the
absolute number as the interpolator to that. The two
roots can thus be determined in several ways."4
And again:
"(Suppose) the coefficient of the square of one of
the unknowns as the prakrti and the rest comprising two
terms, the square of an unknown and an absolute.
number, as the interpolator. Then assume the value
of the lesser root to be equal to the other unknown
tbgether with an absolute term."5
He seems to have indicated also a slightly different
"Or assume the value of the lesser root to be equal
to another unknown plus qr minus an absolute number

1 SiTVi. xiii. 2.60-1. 2 SiTVi, xiii. 1. 58.

:I BBi, p. 106. , SiTVi, xiii. 1.64.
5 SiTVi. xiii. 1.67 f.


and similarly also the value of the greater root. The

remaining operations should be performed by the intel-
ligent in the way described by Bha.skara in his algebra."l
That is to say, assume
x = mw ± a, z = 11W ± ~.
Substituting in the equation ax2 + +
i?Y'I. c = Z2~
we get
(am 2 - n2)w2 ± 2W (ama =F n~) by2 +
(c + aa 2 - ~2) = o.
Putting A = am 2 - n2, 1..1: = ama =t= nfl, v = c + aa 2 - fl2,
this equation can be reduced to
- Aby2 +
(~2_ vA) = u2,
where 11 = AW ± 1-'.
Kamalakara gi v~s also some other methods which
are applicable only in particular cases.
Case i. Suppose that b and c are of different
signs. 2 Two sub-cases arise:
(1) Form ax2 + by2 - C= Z2.
First find II, 11, says Kamalakara, such that
au2 - C = v2•
Assuming x="\J/ acb 11"+11
J ,

we have
ax 2 + bry2 - C = -bc 11:;'2 + 2 \jab
_ /IVy
+ by2
+ (a1l2 - c)
= !!__(au2 - c)y2+ 2"'\. jab IIVy+ by2+ va
c \j c
1 SiTVi, xiii. z6~.
SOLUTION oFax2 + by2 + C= Z2 195

Hence Z= V cl!Y+ v.
The following illustrative example and its solution
are given :1

Its solution is
< x = lry + u,
z= zuy + V;
where 5U2 - 20 = v2 •
An obvious solution of this
equation is given by u = 3, V = 5. Hence, "\ve get a
solution of the given equation as
x =.y + 3,
Z = 0' 5· .+
Therefore (x,y) = (s, I), (7, 2), (9, 3), ...... .
Cz) Form ax2 - by2 c = Z2. +
In this case first solve
au'2 c = V'2. +
Then the required solution is
+ u,'
x =
V -b ac

v a buy

c + v,.
Example from Kamalakara :2
5x2 - 20)/2 + 16 = Z2.

1 SiTVi, xiii. 279. 2 SiTVi, xiii. 279.


x = ~vy Il, +
Z = ~uy + v';
where 5,,'2 +
16 = V'2. One solution of this equation
'is II' = 2, V' = 6. The corresponding solution of the
given equation .is
x = 3Y + 2,
Z = 5Y + 6.
Therefore (x,y) = (5, 1), (8,2), (II, 3), etc.
Case ii. Let the two terms of the interpolator be of
the same sign and positive.
Example from Kamal:1kara: 1
5x2 + ~y2 + 2} = Z2.
Assume arbitrarily a value of x ory and then find the
other by the method of the Square-nature. 2
(iv) Solution oj a2x 2 + by2 + C = Z2
Let the coefficient of x 2 ( ory2) be a square number.
The equation is of the form
a 2x 2 by2 +
C = Z2. +
For this case Bhaskara II observes:
"If the prakrti is a square, then obtain the roots by
the rule: 'The interpolator divided by an optional
numb~r is set down at two places, etc.' "3
Thus, according to Bh:1skara II, the solution of the
above equation is
x = 2_ (~y2 + C) _ III
2.a Ir' )

1 SiTVi, xiii. 2~. 2 SiTVi, xiii. 298•

3 BBi, p. 106.
SOLUTION OF a2x 2 + by2 +. C = z.2 197

Z = ~( J~m
+ c + m );
where m is an arbitrary number.
Kamalakara divides eq~ations of this form into two
classes according as c is or is not a square. l
(I) Let c be a square (= d 2, say). That is to say, we
have to solve
a2x2 ljY2 d 2 = Z2. +
The solution of this particular case, says Kama-
lakara, is given by
_ b 2

For, with this value, we have

Z2 = 4d'l. by2 d 2 + +
= ~'I. (by2 -+ u/2)2.
Hence Z= ~d + d.
(2) When c is not a square, K2.malakara first finds a, ~
such that
a2 +c= ~2.
He next obtains n such that the value of
aBn - b/2
a~. a/a

is also n ; and then says that

X= n:/1J2 + _.

1 Vide his gloss on SiTVi, ~iii. 2.7~.


whence will follow the value of Z.

. Since a~n - bl2 = n

an '
n- b .
we get
- 2a({3 - a)'

so that X= ~y2 +~
2.a({3 - a) a .
Therefore Z2 = a 2x 2 + 02 + C

b2_y4 a~)'2
4((~ - a)2 + a + (~ _ a) + f?y2 + C

__ b?y4 Blry2 2
- 4(1:> - a? + ({3 - a) +~
= {2(j3/;y2 a) + ~} 2.
Hence Z= 2.(1:1-- a) + {3.
Exallple from Kamalakara :
4-"-,2 + 4~2 + 2.0 = Z2.
Since 42 + 20 = 6 2, and the solution of
I2n - 24
---::---'- =n
is 11 = 6, we get the required solution of the given
equation as
x = ~y2 2, +
Z = 12)'2 + 6.
It may be noted that the solution stated by Kamala-
kara follows easily from that of Bhaskara JI, on putting
therein /1/:..=I1--u, where (t
2 +c=fl2. .
SOLUTION OFaX2 + bxy + ry2 = Z2 199

In particular, if we put c = 0 and a, = I, Bh:1ska,ra's

solution reduces to '
x = -~ ( ! y2 - m ),
- b
Z = !(_y2 +m);
where m is arbitrary.
If b = a~, taking m = 2~p2, we easily arrive at
x = aq2 _ ~p2,
Y = ~pq,
Z = aq2+ ~p2,
where p, q are arbitrary integers, as the solution in posi-
tive integers of Z2 = x 2 +
by2. 'This solution was
given by A. Desboves (1879).1
Taking m = 2.V2, we can derive Matsunago's
(c. 1735) solution of Z2 = x 2 + by2, viZ"
x = b!-1 2 - y2,
Y = 2!-1 Y ,

Z = b!-1 2 + y2;

where ~, yare arbitrary integers.

(v) Solution ofax2 + bxy + 9'2 = Z2
For the solution of the equation
_ -ax 2 bxy + 0'2 = Z2
Bhaskara II lays down the following rule:
"When there are squares of two unknowns together
with their product, -having extracted the square-root
of one part, it should be put equal to half the difference
of the remaining _part divided by an optional number

and the optional number."!

It has been again elucidated thus:
"\Vhere there exists also the product of the un-
knowns (in addition to their squares), by the rule, 'when
there are squares etc.,' the square-root of as much
portion of it as affords a root, should be extracted. The
remaining portion, divided by an optional number and
then diminished by that optional number and halved,
should be put equal to that square-root."2
The above rule, in f~ct, contemplates a particular
case of equation (5) in which a or c is a square number.
(i) Suppose a = p2. The equation to be solved is then
+ +
p2X2 bxy ry2 = Z2. (5. I)
Therefore (px + ~) 2 + y2( C- ~:) = Z2.

Putting px + by = W, we get
Z2- w2 =y2 (c- -b2 ) .
Whence z - W = A,
y2 b2
• Z + W = T( C - 4p2)'
where l is an arbitrary rational number. So
W= ! {oJ,,2 ( C- :;2) - A }.

, as stated in the rule. Therefore,

x = _1_ foy2 ( C_ ~) _ I. } _ by
2P A. 4P2 2p2 '

1 Y. Mikami J The Develop,,,ent of Mathematics in China afld

Japan, Leipzig, 1913, p. z31.
a BBi, p. 106.
SOLUTION OFaX 2 + bxy + 0'2 = Z2 20r .

and Z= i { .Y1.2 (c - ~) + I. }.

Now, if we suppose y = mfn, where m, n are

arbitrary integers, we get the solution of (5 . I) as
x = Sl.p'.!.n"l. {m 2 (4 cp2 - b2) - 4";..2p2/12 - 4 Abmn },
Z = 81.p2
{in 2 (4 Cp2 - b2) + 4A2p2n2}.
Since the given equation is homogeneous, any multiple
of these values of x,.y, Z will also be its solution. There-
fore, multiplying by 8'Ap2n2, we get the following
solution of the equation p2X2 bxy + +
0'2 = Z2 in in-
x = m 2 (4Cp2 - b2)'- 4'A2p 2n2 _ 4Abmn, }
y = 8'Amnp2, (5 .2)
Z = m (4CP2 - b ) + 4 p2n2,
2 2 A2
.where m, n, are arbitrary integers.
In particular, putting a = b = C = I, and A= P
= 1 in (5 .2), we get
x = ;m2 - 4n (n m), +
y = 8mn,
Z = ;m2 + 4n2,
as the solution of the equation
x 2 + xy y2 = Z2. +
Dividing out by 8n, the above solution can be put into
the form

Z= 8n (3 m2 + 4112) ;
as has been stated by Nariyat:la :
"An arbitrary number is the first. Its square less
by its (square's) one-fourth, is divided by an optional
number and then diminished by the latter and also by the
first. Half the remainder is the second number. The
sum of their squares together with their product is a
It is noteworthy that in practice Nariyat:la approves
of only integral solutions of his equation. For instance,
he says:
" 'Any arbitrary number.is'the first.' Suppose it to
be 12. Then with the optional ·number unity, are
obtained the numbers (12., 95/1.). For integral vallies,
they are doubled (24, 95). With the optional number
2., are obtained (12., 2.0). It being possible, these are
reduced by the common factor 4 to (3, 5). In this way,
owing to the varieties of the optional number, an infi-
nite number of solutions can be obtained."2
(ii) If neither a nor e be a square, the solution can
be obtained thus:
Multiplying both sides of the equation (5) by a and
then completing a square on the left-hand side, the
equation transforms into
(ax + !fry)2 + (ae - Ib 2)y2 = 2• az
Putting. ax + !/ry = w and ~ = {-(b 2 - ¥e),
we get (5·3)
2 See the example in illustration of the same.
SOLUTION OFaX2 + bxy + ry2 = Z2 203

The method of the solution of an equation of this form,

according to Bhaskara II, has been described before.
Assume W = l!)l, Z = 19'; so that the values of u, V
will be given by
v2 = au 2 ~. + (5 .4)
If u = m, V • n be a solution of (5.4), another
solution will be
11= mq ±pn,
V = nq±amp;
where ap2 +I = q2. Therefore, a solution of (5) is

L{2(nq ± amp) - b},

x =
Z = y(mq ±pn);
where ap2 +
I = q2 and am 2 ~ = n2 • +
Put n = ar + ~b and y =, ;s
then we have

x = :at {q(U1' + b) ± ump - b},

Z= 2t {2.mq ±P (2.ar + b)}.
Multiplying by 2at, we get the following solution
ofax2+ bxy + ry2 = Z2 in integers: .
x = s{ q (2ar + b) ± 2amp - b},
y = 2as,
Z= as {21l1q ±p(wr + b)};
\vhere ap2 + I = q2 and 1/1 2 = ar2 + br + c.


Rational Right Triangles: Early Solutions. The
earliest Hindu solutions of the equation
x 2 y2 = Z2+ (I)
are found in the SlIlva. Baudhayana (c. 800 B.C.),
Apastamba and Katyayana (c. 500 B.C.)1 give a method
for the transformation of a rectangle into a square,
which is the equivalent of the algebraical identity
mn = ( III - "l -2 n) 2 - . ('ll -2 n) 2'
where Ill, n are any two arbitrary numbers. Thus we get
(ymn)2 + ("l -2 n)2 = ("1 +2 n)2 .

Substituting p2, q2 for /11, 11 respect:vely, in order to

eliminate the irrational quantities, we get
p2q2 + ( p2 -: q2 / = ( p2 ~ q2 ) 2,
which gives a rational solution of (I).
for finding a: square equal to the sum of a number
of other squares of the same size, Katyayana gives a
very elegant and simple method which furnishes us with
another solution of the rational right triangle. Katya-
yana says:
"As many squares (of equal size) as you wish to
combine into one, the transverse line will be (equal to)
one less than that; twice a side will be (equal to) one
more than that; (thus) form (an isosceles) triangle. Its
arrow (i.e., altitude) will do that."2
1 BSI, i. 58; ApSI, ii. 7; K5/, iii. z. For details of the cons-
truction see Datta, Sulba, pp. 83f, 178f.
2 KSI, vi. 5 ; Compare also its Pariii!!a, verses 40-1.

Th~s for combining n squares of sides a each, we form the

isosceles triangle ABC, such that AB=AC=(n+l)a/2,

~ C

Fig. 2.

and BC = (n- 1 )a. Then AD2 = no2• This gives the

a2(yn?+a2(n 2 1)2 =a2(n~ 1)2.

Putting !J12 for 11 in order to make the sides of the right-

angled triangle free from the radical, we' have
2 _ I 2 ,..2 +
m2a2 + (m 2 ) a2 = ('" 2 I )a2,
which gives a rational solution of (1).
Tacit assumption of the following further general-
isation is met with in certain constructions described by
Apastamba :1
If the sides of a rational right triangle be increased
by any rational multiple of them, the resulting figure will
be a right triangle.
In particular, he notes
+ 42 = 52"
(3 + 3·3)2+ (4+ 4.3)2=(5 + 5·3)2,
(3 + 3·4)2 + (4 + 4·4)2 = (5 +
1 ApS/, v. 3,4. Also compare Datta, 'sit/bo, pp. 6~{

52 +U 2= 13 2,

(5 + 5· Z)2+ (IZ+ lZ.Z)2=(13 + 13.2)2.

Apastamba also derives from a known right-angled
triangle several others by changing the unit of measure
of its sides and vice versa. l In other words, he recognised
the principle that if (a, ~, y) be a rational solution of
x 2 + y2 = Z2, then other rational solutions of it will be
given by (la, l~, Iv), where I is any rational number.
This is dearly in eviden'ce in the formula of Katyayana in
which a is any quantity. It is now known that all rational
solutions of x 2 + y2 = Z2 can be obtained without
duplication in this way.
Later Rational Solutions. Brahmagupta (628) says:
"The square of the optional (ifla) side is divided
and then diminished by an optional number; half the
result is the upright, and that increased by the optional
number gives the hypotenuse of a rectangle."2
In other words, if m, n be any two rational numbers,
then the sides of a right triangle will be
m2 ' m2
m, i( n-n), ~(n n). +
The Sanskrit word i.fta can be interpreted as imply-
ing "given" as well as "optional". With the former
meaning the rule will state how to find rational right
triangles having a given leg. Such is, in fact, the inter-
pretation which has been given to a similar rule of
Bhaskara II. 3
1Datta, Sldoa, p. 179. 2 BrSpSi, xii. 35.
3Vide infra p. 211 ; H. T. Colebrooke, Algtbra with Arith-
metic and Mensllration from the Sanscrit of Brahmfgupta and Bhascara,
London, 1817, (referred to hereafter as, Colebrooke, Hindu
Algebra), p. 61 footnote.

A similar rule is given by Sdpati (1039):

"Any optional number is the side; the square of
that divided and then diminished by an optional
number and halved is the upright; that added with the
previous divisor is the hypotenuse of a right-angled
triangle. For, so it has been explained by the learned in
the matter of the rules of geometry."l .
Karavindasv.ami a commentator of the Apastamba
Sulba, finds the solution
n2 + 2n) + 2n
m, ( 2.n + 2. fJI,
+ +2. 2) m,
by generalising a rule of the SIIIba. 2
Integral Solutions. Brahmagupta was the first to
give, a solution of the equation x 2 + y2 = Z2 in integers.
It is
m2 - n2, 2mn, m2 + n2,
m, n being any two unequal integers. s
Mahavira (850) says:
"The difference of the squares (of two elements)
is the upright, twice their product is the base and the
sum of their squares is the diagonal of a generated
rectangle. "4
He has fe-stated it thus:
_ "The prod\lct of the sum and difference of the
elements is the upright. The satikramaIJafi of their
squares gives the base and the diagonal. In the opera-
tion of generating (geometrical figures), this is the
1 SiSe. xiii. 4 1.
a ApS'. x. 2 (Com.); also see Datta, Sulba, pp. 14-16.
a BrSpSi. xii. H ; vide infra, p. 222. ' GSS. vii. 90~'
& For the definition of this term see pp. 4~f.
8 GSS, vii. 93i.

Bhjskara II (I I 50) writes:

- "Twice the product of two optional numbers is
the upright; the difference of their squares is the side;
and the sum of their squares is the hypotenuse. (Each
of these quantities is) rational (and integral)."!
It has been stated before that the early Hindus
recognised that fresh rational right triangles can be
derived from a known one by multiplying or dividing its
sides by any rational number. The same principle has
been used by Mahivira and Bhaskara 11 in their treat-
ment of the solution of rational triangles and quadri-
laterals. Ga1).eSa (1545) expressly states:
"If the upright, base and hypotenuse of a rational
right-angled triangle be multiplied by any arbitrary
rational number, there will be produced another right-
angled triangle with rational sides."
Hence the most general solution of x 2 y2 = Z2 +
in integers is .
(m2 - /1 )/, z!lln/, (m2 +
where flJ, n, ! are integral numbers.
Mahavira's Definitions. A triangle or a quadri-
lateral whose sides, altitudes and other dimensions can
be expressed in terms of rational numbers is called
jOf!Ja (meaning generated, formed or that which is
generated or 'formed) by .l\fahavira. 2 Numbers which
i L,p. 36.
2GSS, introductory line to vii. 90~' The section of Maha.vira's
work devoted to the treatment of rational triangles and quadri-
laterals bears the sub-title jotrya-1!Javahdra (/all)'a operation) and it
begins as "Hereafter we shall give out the jO'!J'a operations in cal-
culations relating to measurement of areas." :i\fahavira's treatment
of the subject has been explained fully by Bibhutibhusan Datta in a
paper entitled: "On Mahavira's solution of rational triangles and
rmaorilaterals," BeAlS, xx, 1928-9, pp. 267-294.

are employed in forming a particular figure are called its

bija-samkhya (element-numbers) or simply bija (element
or seed). For instance, Mahavira has said: "Forming
o friend! the generated figure from the bija 2, ;,"1
"forming another from half the base of the figure
(rectangle) from the bija 2, 3,"2 etc. Thus, according
to Mahavira, "forming a rectangle from the bfja Ill, 11"
means taking a rectangle with the upright, base and
diagonal as m2 - n2 , zmn, m 2 + n2 respectively. It is
noteworthy that Mahavlra's mode of expression in this
respect very closely resembles that of Diophantus who
also says, "Forming now a right-angled triangle from
7, 4," meaning "taking a right-angled triangle with
sides 72 - 42, 2.7.4, 7 2 + 42 or 33, 56, 65."3 It should
also be noted that l\hhavira never speaks of "right-
angled triangle." What Diophantus called "forming a
right-angled triangle from m, n," Mahavlra calls "form-
ing a longish quadrilateral or rectangle from Ill, 11."
Right Triangles having a Given Side. In the
S,,/ba we find an attempt to find rational right triangles
having a given side, that is, rational solutions of
x 2 + a2 = Z2.
In particular, we find mention of two such right
triangles having a common side (1, viZ" (a, 3a/4, 5a/4)
and (a, 5a/1z, 13a/12.).4 The principle underlying
/these solutions will be easily detected to be that of
the reduction of the sides of any rational right
triangle in the ratio of the given side to its corresponding
1 «Bije dve tri1)i sakhe k~etre janye tu samstoopya"-GSS, vii.
2 "He dvitribijakasya k~etrabhujardhena ca.nyamutthapya"-
GSS, vii. III~.
3 Arithmetka, Book III, 19 ; T. L. Heath, Diophantlls of Alexan-
dria, p. 167.•
, Datta, Slliba, p. 180.

side. This principle of finding rational right triangles

having a given side has been followed explicitly by
Mahavira (850).1
It has been stated before that one rule of Brahma-
gupta2 can be interpreted as giving rational solutions of
x2 + a2 = Z2 as
2 2
a, !( n
a - n
n ) , ~( a + n),
where n is any rational number. In fact, he has used this
solution in finding rational isosceles triangles having a
given altitude. 3 This solution has been expressly stated
by Mahavlra (850). He says:
"The sankramatza between any optional divisor of
the square of the given upright or the base and the
(respective) quotient gives the diagonal and the base
(or upright).'"
He has restated the solution thus:
"The sankramatza between any (rational) divisor
of the upright and the quotient gives the elements;
or any (rational) divisor of half the side and the quotient
are the elements."5
The right triangles formed according to the first naIf
of this rule are :6

1 Vide infra, p. Z 13 2 Vide lupra, p. z06.

3 Vide infra, p. Z% 3 • GSS, vii. 972'
5 GSS, vii. 95g.
B The "elements" here are Halp + p), Halp - p), where pis
an optional number.

and those according to the second half are ;1

2 q.
Bhaskara II gives two solutions one of which is
the same as that of Brahmagupta. He says:
"The side is given: from that multiplied by twice
an optional number and divided by the square of that
optional number minus unity, is obtained the upright;
this again multiplied by the optional number and
diminished by the given side becomes the hypotenuse.
This triangle is a right-angled triangle.
"Or the side is given: its square divided by an
optional number is put down at two places; the optional
number is subtracted (at one place) and added (at
another) and then halved; these results are the upright
and the hypotenuse. Similarly fro'm the given upright
can be obtained the side and the hypotenuse."2
That is to say, the two solutions are

a, 22na I ,11 (2.na)

n -
n - I
- a,


and a, - 11), i( :2 + 11 ).
Bhaskara II illustrates this by finding four rig-ht
triangles having a side equal to 12., viZ., (.12,35,37), (12,
16, 2.0), (12., 9, IS) and (12, 5, 13).3 ,
_ The rationale of the first solution has been given by
Sfiryadasa (1538) thus: Starting with the tational righ't
triangle 112 - I, 2.n, 112 +
I, he observes that if x, y, Z

1 The "elements" here are q, a/zq, where q is an optional

2 L, p. 34. 3 L, PP' 34f.

be the corresponding sides of another right triangle,


x = _2_
n2 +Z = k (say)
- 1 1
. •

Hence x =
I), Y = 2.nk, Z = k(n 2
k(n 2 - + r).
Therefore x + Z = 2kn2 = ny.
If now we have x = a, -then
n - I

Hence y = n2 - r'
2.na )
and Z = try - a = n(
n -
- a.

The second rule has been demonstrated by Surya-

dasa, Ga.t).esa and Ranganatha thus:
Since X2 + a = Z2,

we have a2 = Z2 - x2 = (z - x) (Z + x).
Assume Z - x = n, where n is any rational num-
ber; then

Z= ~( : + n), x = ~( :2 - n ).
Generalising the method of the Apastalnba Sulba
the commentators obtained the solutionl
t1 (1n2 + 2JlI)t1 (~Jl2 + 21n + )a. 2
, 2111 + 2' 2111 + 1.

1 Datta, Slflba, p. I G.

Right Triangles having a Given Hypotenuse.

For finding all rational right triangles having a given
hypotenuse (c), that is, for rational solutions of
x2 +y2 = c2,
Mahavira gives three rules. The first rule is :
"The square-root of half the sum and difference of
the diagonal and the square of an optional number are
they (the elements)."l
In other words, the required solution will be obtain-
ed from the "elements" V(c + p2)/2. and V(c - p2)/2.,
where p is any rational number. Hence the solution is
p2, Vc'.!. - p4, c.
The second rule is :
"Or the square-root of the difference of the squares
of the diagonal and of an optional number, and that
optional number are the upright and the base."2
That is, the solution is
p, V c2 - p2, c.
These solutions are defective in the sense that
V c2- p4 or V c2- p2 might not be rational unless
p is suitably chosen. Mahavira's third rule is of greater
importance. He says:
"Each of the various figures (rectangles) that can
be formed from the elements are put down; by its
diagonal is diyided the given diagonal. The perpendi-
cular, base and the diagonal (of this figure) multiplied
by this quotient (give rise to the corresponding sides
of the figure having the given hypotenuse)."3
1 GSS, vii. 95 g. 2 GSS, vii. 97g.
3 GSS, vii. I22g.

Thus having obtained the general solution of the

rational right triangle, viZ" HJ2 - n2 , ZHJn, m:2 n2 , +
Mahavlra reduces it in the ratio c/(m 2 +'n2), SO that
all rational right triangles having a given hypotenuse
c will be given by
m2 - n2 2.mn
(m 2 + n2 )c, (P/ 2 + n )c., c.

By way of illustration Mahavlra finds four rec-

tangles (39, 52), (25, 60), (33, 56) and (16, 63) having
the same diagonal 65. 1
This method was later on rediscovered in Europe
by Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa (12.02) and Vieta. It has
been pointed out before that the origin of the method
can be traced to the Sulba.
Bhaskara II (I I 50) says :
"From the given hypotenuse multiplied by an
optional number and d<?ubled and then divided by the
square of the optional number added to unity, is obtained
the upright; this is again multiplied by the optional
number; the difference between that (product) and the
given hypotenuse is the side.
"Or divide twice the hypotenuse by the square of
an optional number added to unity. The hypotenuse
minus the quotient is the upright and the quotient
multiplied by the optional number is the side."2
Thus, according to the above, the sides of a right-
angled triangle whose hypotenuse is care:
zmc (2.mc) ,
HJ2 + I' m m2 1 + - c, c;
or c- HJ2 + I' C.

2 L, pp. 35, 36.


By way of illustration Bhaskara II finds two

right triangles (51, 68) and (40, 75) having the same
hypotenuse 85. 1
Suryadasa demonstrates the above substantially
If (x, y, z) be the 'sides of the right triangle, we
x = L = 2 Z = k (say)
m2 - I • 2m' m + I '

whet:e m is any rational integer. Then

x = k(m2 - I), Y = zmk, Z = k(1l;2 I). +
Therefore x +
Z = zkm 2 = my.
Since Z is given to be equal to C, we have
Hence zmc
m2 + I'

and = Z = m( zmc )- c
x 11111 -
"'./ !JJ2 +1 .

Problems Involving Areas and Sides. Mahavira

proposes to find rational rectangles (or squares) in which
the area will be nUlllcrica!fy (satJikl!}qyd) equal to any
multiple or submultiple of a side, diagonal or perimeter,
or of any linear combination of two or more of them.
Expressed symbolically, the problem i~ to solve
x 2 + y2 = Z2, } (I)
mx + ny + PZ = rxy;
m, n, p, r being any rational numbers (r :f:. 0). For the
solution of this problem he gives the following rule:
1 L, pp. u f.

"Divide the sides (or their sum) of any generated

square or other figure as multiplied by their respective
given multiples by the area of that figure taken into its
given multiple. The sides of that figure multiplied by
this quotient will be the sides of the (required) square
or other figure."l
That is to say, starting with any rational solution of
x'2 y'2 = z'2, (2)
we shall have to calculate the value of
tnX' + +
ny' PZ' = Q, say. (3)
Then the required solution of (I) will be obtained by
reducing the values of x',y', Z' in the ratio of Q/rx'y'.
x = x'Qjrx'y' = Q/ry', }
y = y' Qjrx'y' = Qjrx', (4)
Z = Z' Qjrx'y'.
Mahavira gives sev.eral illustrative examples some
of which are very interesting:
"In a rectaf:1gle the area is (numerically) equal to the
perimeter; in another rectangle the area is (numerically)
equal to the diagonal. What are the sides (in each
of these cases) ?"2
Algebraically, we shall have to solve
x 2 y2 = Z2,
2(X+ y) = xy, } (x. I)
.,.,.2 + y2 = Z2,
xy=Z· } (x. z)
Starting with the solution S2 - t 2, zst, S2 + t 2 of (2.)
and putting III = n = .2., P = 0, r = I in (4), we get

1 GSS, vii. llZ~. 2 GSS, vii. I15~.

the solution of (1. 1) as
2(S2 - t 2) + 4st 2(S2 - t 2) 4st +
2St ' s2 - t 2

2(S2 - t )
St }(S2 + t 2).
2St (S2 - t'l.)
And putting In = n = 0, p= r = I, in (4), we have
the solution of (1. 2) as
S2 + t2 S2 + t2 (S2 +t 2)2
2St ' sl! - t',(.' 2st(S2 - t'.t}
Bhaskara II solves a problem similar to the second
one above:
Find a right triangle whose area equals the hypote-
nuse. I
He starts with the rational right triangle (3x, 4x,
5x); then by the condition, area = hypotenuse, finds
the value x = 5/6. So that a right triangle of the
required type is (5/2, 10/3, 25/6) .. He then observes:
"In like manner, by virtue of various assumptions,
other right triangles can also be found."2 The general
solution in this case is
.r 2 + t2 2(s2 + t 2) (s2 + 12)2
st sl! - t2 ' st(sl! - t"lo)'
Another example of Mahavira runs as follows:
"(Find) a rectangle of which twice the diagonal,
thrice the ·base, four times the upright. and twice the
perimeter "are together equal to the area (numerically)."3
Problems Involving Sides but not Areas. Maha-
vira alsb obtain.ed right triangles whose sides multiplied
1 BBi, p. 56.
2 "Evamhi~avasadanye'pi"-BBi, p. 56.
3 GSS, vii. I 17~'

by arbitrary rational numbers have a given sum.

Algebraically, the problems require the solution of
x2 + y2 = Z2, .}
rx + ry + tz = A ;
where r, s, t, A are known rational numbers. His
method of solution is the same as that described above.
Starting with the general solution of
X'2 + y'2 = Z'2
we are asked to calculate the value
rx' + ry' + tz~ = P, say.
Then, says Mahavira, the required solution is
x = x/AlP, y =y'AjP, Z = Z'Aj!?
One illustrative problem given by Maha.vira is:
"The perimeter of a rectangle is unity. Tell me
quickly, after calculating, what are its base and up.right."l
Starting with the rectangle m2 - n2, 2.mn, m2 + n;,
we have in this case P = 2(m2 - n2 + 2.mn). Hence
all rectangles having the same perimeter unity will be
given by
1112 - n2 fJl11
2(m2 - n2 + 217m)' m2 - n2 + 2mn'
Ill, tJ being any rational numbers.
The isoperimetric right triangles will be given by
- t1)
( m2fJJ np {m2 + 112 }
p, m + n' 21JJ(m + n) P;
where p is the given perimeter.
Another example is :
"(Find) a rectangle in which twice the diagonal,
thrice the base, [qur times the upright and the perimeter
together equal unity."2
1 GSS, vii. I18~.· 2 GSS, vii. I19~.

Pairs of Rectangles. Mahavira found "pairs of

rectan gles such that
(i) their perimeters are equal but the area of one
is double that of the other, or
(ii) their areas are equal but the perimeter of one
is double that of the other, or
(iii) the perimeter of one is double that of the
. other and the area of the latter is double
that of the former."
These are particular cases of the following general
, problem contemplated in his rule:
To find (x, .y) and (u, v) representing the base
and upright respectively of two rectangles which are
related, such that
2JlJ(X +y) = zn(u + V),}
. p::.:y = quv;

where In, n, p, q are known integers.

His rule for the solution of this general problem is :
"Diyide the greater multiples of the are~ and the
perimeter by the (respective) smaller ones. The square
of the product of these ratios mu~tiplied by an optional
number is the upright of one rectangle. That diminished
by unity will be its base, when the areas are equal. Other-
wise, multiply the bigger ratio of the areas by that
optional number and subtract unity; three times the
upright diminished by this (difference) will be the base.
The upright and base of the other rectangle should be
obtained from its area and perimeter (thus determ~ed)
with the help of the rule, 'From the square of half the
perimeter, etc.,' described before."l
1 GSS, vii. 1312-133. The reference in the concluding line is
to rule vii. 1292.

In other words, to solve (A), assume

Y = s{ (ratio of perimeters)(ratio of areas) }2, (1)
and x = y - 1, ifP = q, (z)
or x = 3[Y - {s (ratio of areas) - I}], if P -:P q, (2')
where s is an arbitrary number, and the ratios are to be
so presented as always to remain greater than or equal
to unity.
Let m ~ n, q ~ p. . Then we shall have to
Y -_ smn"t.p2'
2 }

2 (3)
x = 3 (s m q2
- s!!._ I)' I
nt.p2 p T
Substituting these values in {A), we get
m m2q2 q )
11 +v = - ( 4 S ~ _ )S- + 3 ,
n no:.p p (4)
m 2q m 2q 2 q )
1IV = 3S-- (s--
n""p n"i!.p""
- s-
+ I .

m2q.2 _9sq
- + 3 )2 + 3SQ -(- sq }
(11- v) 2 =~
4P P _ 4) .
m2{ (4 S-
n 2
n2p'l. 2.p
Now, if the arbitrary multiplier s be chosen such that
1= 4, (5)
we have
m m 2Q2 9sq
11 - V = -(4S~ _
n n'P
+ 3). (6)
Frorp (4) and (6) we get
m tJI2 q2 15sq }
/I = n(4 S n2p'l. - 4P + 3),
V = Fmq.
4 nP

Substituting the value of s from (5) in (3) and (7)

we have finally the solution of (A), when m ~ n,
q ~ p, as m2q m}
Y - 4 n;:.p' V = 511,
m2q m m2q (I)
x= 3 ( 4 - - 3) U=4-(4--3)·
n~' n n~
Mahavira has observed that' "when the areas are
equal" we are to assume!
Y= s n2 '
x = S-2- - I.
1 Bibhutibhusan Datta has shown that this restriction is
not necersory. In fact, starting with the assumption
y=s~, }
m2 2 m ~ n, q ~ p,
n p2 '
and proceeding in the same way as above, he has obtained another
solution of (A) in the form
y = 2 m q
n2p' t' = m n' }
x = 2 m;q
- I, II = !!!__ ( 4 m2q -
q nZ;
Datta finds two general solutions of (A), viZ.
y = n2p2 + t,

x = rm2q2( rm2q2 _ .!!L t ),

tn2p2 n2p2 p + (III)
v- rmq
- np'
u_ - m
- (rm2q2
) (rm2q2 _
-- rq ).
fil n p2' n2p2 p

Isosceles Triangles with Integral sides. Brahma-

gupta says:
"The sum of the squares of two unequal numbers is
the side; their product multiplied by two is the altitude,
and twice the difference of the squares of those two un-
equal numbers is the base of an isosceles triangle."l
Maha.vira gives the following rule for obtaining
an isosceles triangle from a single generated rectangle:
"In the isosceles triangle (required), the two dia-
gonals (of a generated rectangle 2) are the two sides, twice
its side _is the base, the upright is the altitude, and the
area (of the generated rectangle) is the area."3
Thus if IN, n be two integers such that m =1= n~ the
sides of all rational isosceles triangles with integral sides
(i) m2 + n2~ m2 + n2, z(m 2 _ 112) ;

or (ii) m2 + 112, m2 + n2, 4mn.

rm2q2 -t)
y = n2p'A - t, V= m(rq
p •
x = rm2q2 ( rq _ 1 )
n2p2 tp ,
U = rmq(rm2q2 _
np tn2p2
I) } (IV)

where Ill;;;::: 11, q;;;::: p and r. t are any two integers.

See Datta, "On Mahavlra's solution of rational triangles and
quadrilaterals," BCMS. XX, 192,8-9, pp. 2.67-2.94; particularly
P· 28 5· .
1BrSpSi, xii. H.
2A rectangle generated from the numbers m and n has its
sides equal to m 2 - n2 and 2mn and its diagonal equal to m'!. + n2.
ej. pp. 208-9.
3 GSS, vii. 108~.

The altitude of the former is zmn and of the latter

m2 - n2 and the area in either case is the same, that
is, zmn(m2 - n2).
Juxtaposition of Right Triangles. It will be
noticed that the device employed by Brahmagupta and
Mahavira to find the above solutions is to juxtapose
two rational right triangles-equal in this case-so as
tQ have a common leg. It is indeed a very powerful
device. For, every rational triangle or quadrilateral may
be formed by the juxtaposition of two or [our rational
·right triangles. So, in order to construct such rational
figures, it suffices to know only the complete solution
of.,,<2 y2 = Z2 in integers. The beginning of this
principle is found as early as the Baudhiiyana Sulba1 (800
B.C.) wherein is described the formation of a kind of
brick, called ubhcryi (born of two), by the juxtaposition
of the eighths of two suitable rectangular bricks of the
same breadth (and thickness) but of different lengths.

Isosceles Triangles with a Given. Altitude.

Brahmagupta gives a rule to find all rational isosceles
triangles having the same altitude. He says:
"The (given) altitude is the producer (kara(1i). Its
square divided by an optional number is increased and
diminished by that optional number. . The smaller is
the base and half the greater is the side."2
That is to say, the sides and bases of rational isosceles
triangles having the same altitude a are respectively,
!(~+ m), ~(a2 + m) and (a - m),
m m m
where m is any rational number.
1 M/, iii. 12.2.; Compare Datta, Sidbu, p. 4h where necessary
figures are given. .
! BT-SpS;, xviii. H.

In particular, let the given altitude be 8. Then

taking m = 4 P+thudakasvami (860) obtains the rational
isosceles triangle (10, 10, 12).
Pairs of Rational Isosceles Triangles. Mahavlra
gives the following rule for finding two isosceles tri-
angles whose perimeters, as also their areas, are related
in given proportions:
"Multiply the square of the ratio-numbers of the
perimeters by the ratio-numbers of the areas mutually
and then divide the larger product by the smaller.
Multiply the quotient by 6 and 2 (severally) and then
diminish. the smaller by Wlity : again (find severally) the
difference between the results, and twice the smaller
one: these are the two sets of elements for the figures
to be generated. From them the sides, etc., can be
obtained in the way described before."1
If (SI' S2) and (6 1, ~2) denote the perimeters and
areas of two rational isosceles triangles, such that
m: n,
$1: S2 = 61: 62 = p: q, (1)
where the ratio-numbers Itl, n, p, q are known integers,
then the triangles will be obtained, says Mahavira, from
the rectangles generated from
fl2p n2p n2p n2p
(6-l! ,2.-.-, - I) and ( 4 - .. + 1 , 42- - 2),
mq m~q mwq mq
where n1.p > m1.q, when the dimensions of the first
are multiplied by In and those of the second by n.
The dimensions of the isosceles triangle formed
from the first set of bija are:

side. In { ( 6 nf ) + (2. mfl'{>q _

I) } ,

1 GSS, vii. 137.


n 2p n2 p
base = 24 111 q ( 2mZ:q -
1lI 2 I),
m { ( 6 '!_~P _) 2_
altitude = !JI2 q
t _ I) 2} .,
(2 -III-q
and from the second set

side = 11 {
(4 -m2q + I)
2+ (4 2-
- 2)
2} ,
III q ,
11- p ) (n2p
--2 ) ,
base - 4 (4 m2q +
- 11 I 4m2q

altitude =
n2p )2 - (4 -n2p2 - 2) 2} .
{ ( 4 -2-
11 I
"' q III q .
It can be easily verified that the perimeters and
areas of the isosceles triangles thus obtained satisfy the
conditions (I).
In particular, putting !JJ = n = p = q = I; we have
two isosceles triangles of sides, bases and altitudes (29,
40,21) and (37, 2.4, 35) which have equal perimeters (98)
and. equal areas (420). This particular case was treated
by Frans van Schooten the Younger (1657), J. H. Rahh
(1697) and others'!
~ It is evident that multiplying the above values by
Illlq'.!. we get pairs of isosceles triangles whose dimen-
sions are integral.
Rational Scalene Triangles. Brahmagupta says:
"The square of an optional number is divided twice
by two arbitrary numbers; the moieties of the sums of
the quotients and (respective) optional numbers are the
sides of a scalene triangle; the sum of the moieties of the
differences is the base."2
1 Dickson, Numbers, II, p. 2.01. 2 BrSpSi, xii. 34.

That is to say, the sides of a rational scalene triangle

2 2
Hpn;2 + P) ,!( qm + ) (m2
q ,i P - p ) +! ( qm - q

where m, p, q are any rational numbers. The altitude

(m), area and segments of the base of this .triangle are
all rational.
Mahavira gives the rule:
"Half the base of a derived rectangle is divided by
any optional number. With~this divisor and the quo-
tient is obtained another rectangle. The sum of the
uprights (of these two rectangles) will be the base of
the scalene triangle, the two diagonals, its sides and the
base (of either rectangle) its altitude."!
If m, n be any two rational numbers, the rational
rectangle (AB' BH)

., 'A
------ . B'
--- . ----------;c'
.: " -~

H c
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
formed from them is
n2 , zmn, m 2 + n2 •
fJJ2 -

If p, q be any two rational factors of mn, that is, if

1l1l1 = pq, the second rectangle (AC'CH) is
p2 _ q2, zpq, p2+ q2.
1 GSS. vii. 110 2'

Now, juxtaposing these two rectangles so that they do

not overlap (Fig. 3), the sides of the rational scalene
triangle are obtained as
+ +
p2 q2, ",2 n2, {(p2 _ q2) +(",2 _ n2)},

where mn = pq. Evidently the two rectangles can be

juxtaposed so as to overlap (Fig. 4). So the general
solution will be \
p2 + q2, m2 + n2, {(p2 _ q2) ± (m2 _ n2)}.
The altitude of the rational scalene triangle thus obtained
is 2,mn or zpq, its area pq(p2 - q2) ± Illfi(m 2 - n2) and
the segments of the base are p2 - q2 and m2 - n2.
In particular, putting m = 12., P = 6, q = 8 in
Brahmagupta's general solution, Prthudakasvimi derives
a scalene triangle of which the sides (13, 15), base (14),
altitude (12.), area (84) and the segments of the base
(5, 9) are al~ integral numbers.
In order to get the above solutions of the rational
scalene triangle the method employed was, it will be
noticed, the juxtaposition of two rational right triangles
so as to have a common leg. In Europe, it is found
to have been employed first by Bachet (162.1). The
credit for the discovery of this method of finding
rational scalene triangles should rightly go to Brahma-
gupta (62,8), but not to Bachet "as is supposed by
Triangles having a Given Area. Mahivira
proposes to find all triangles having the same given area
A. His rules are:
"Divide the square of four times the given area by
three; The quotient is the square of the square of a
side of the equilateral triangle."2
1 Dickson, Numbers, II, p. 192.
2 GSS, vii. I 54!}.

"Divide the given area by an optional num~er;

the square-root of the sum .of the. squares of.the quot1e~t
and the optional number IS a sIde of the Is~sc~les tri-
angle formed. T"\vice the optional number IS ItS base
and the area divided by the optional number is the
altitude. "1
"The cube of the square-root of the sum of eight
times the given area and the square of an optional
number is divided by the product of the optional number
and that square-root; the quotient is diminished by half
the optional number which i~ the base (of the required
triangle). The sarikralJlatla between this remainder and
the quotient of the square of the optional number
divided by twice that square-root will give the two
The last rule has been re-stated differently.3


Rational Isosceles Trapeziums. Brahmagupta has

shown how to obtain an isosceles trapezium whose sides,
diagonals, altitude, segments and area are all rational
numbers. He says:
"The diagonals of the rectangle (generated) are the
flank sides of an isosceles trapezium; the square of its
side is diviqed by an optional number and then lessened
by that optional number and divided by two; (the
result) increased by the upright is the base and lessened
by it is the face."4
That is to say, ,we shall have (Fig. 5)
CD =! ( P
41J1 n2
- p) + (m2 - n2),

1 GSS, vii. 156~. 2 GSS, vii. 15 8 2'

3 GSS, vii. 16o~-161f' , BrSpSi, xii. 36.

2 2
AB = ~ (4!J1 n _ p ) _ (",2 _ n2),
AD = BC = m2 +n 2
DH= m 2 - n2 ,
2 2
HC = i(4"~ n _ p),
2 2
AC = BD = ! (4111 n + p ),
AH = 1.mn,
4I1 ) J2112
area ABCD=
mn(p-p .
By choosing the values of m, nand p suitably, the
values of all the dimensions of the isosceles trapezium
can be made integral. Thus, starting with the rectangle
(5, 12, 13) and takingp = 6, Pfthudakasv:1mi finds, by
way of illustration, the isosceles trapezium whose flank
sides = 13, base = 14, and face = 4. Its altitude (n),
segments of base (5, 9), diagonals (15) and area (108)
are also integers.
Mahavira writes:
"For an isosceles trapezium the sum of the per-
pendicular of the first generated rectangle and the
perpendicular of the second rectangle which is generated
ftom any (rational) divisor of half the base of the first
and the quotient, will be the base; their difference will
be the face; the smaller of the diagonals (of the generated
rectangles) will be the flank side; the smaller perpendi-
culat; will be the segment; the greater diagonal will be
the diagonal (of the isosceles trapezium); the greater
area will be the area and the base (of either rectangle)
will be the altitude."l
1 GSS. vii. 99~.

The first rectangle (AA'DH) generated from m, n is

!Jl2 - n 2 , 211m, JJJ2 + ,P.

If p, q be any two rational factors of balf the base of

this rectangle, that is, if pq = 111ll, the second rectangle
(AB'CH) from these factors will be.
p2 _ q2, 2Pq, p2 + q2.
By judiciously juxtaposing these two rectangles, we
s1'a11 obtain an isosceles trapezium of the type required
(A BCD) :

Fjg. 5
CD = (p2 _ q2) + (m2 _ n2),
AB = (p2 _ q2) _ (m 2 _ n2),
AD = BC = !liZ + +
n2 , if 1It 2 n2 <p2+ q2,
DH = !Jl2 - n ,
2 if ",2 _ 112 < p2 _ q2,
AC = BD = p2 + q2, if p2 + q2 > 1Jl2 + 112,
AH = 2.1I1n = 2.pq,
area ABCD =. 2Pq (p2 _ q2),
if 2pq (p2 - q2» 21Jln(n/~ - n2).
The necessity of the conditIons 11;2 + ,p. < p 2 + q2,
Il;z - n 2 < p2 - q2, etc., will be at once realised from a
glance at Figs. 5 and 6. The above specifications of the
dimensions of a rational isosceles trapezium will give
Fig. 5. But when the conditions arc reversed so that

rn2 + n? ::;> p? + q2, m? - n? > p2 _ q2, 2Pq (p? _ q2)

< 2.mn(m2 - n2), th~ dimensions of the isosceles tra-
pezium (Fig. 6) are:

Fig. 6
CD = (01 2 - n2) + (P2 - Ii),
AB = (01 2 - n2) _ (P2 _ q2),
AC = BD = p2 + q2,
DH = 01 _ n ,
2 2

AD = BC = 01 2 + n2,
AH = 2.01n = 2.pq,
area ABCD = 201n(012 - n2).
Pairs of Isosceles Trapeziums. Mah:1vira gives
the following rule for finding the face, base and equal
sides of an iS9sce1es trapezium having an -area and altitude
exactly equal to those of another isosceles trapezium
whose dimensions are known:
"On performing the vi,fama-satikramaIJa between the
square of the perpendicular (of the known isosceles
trapezium) and an optional number, the greater result
will be the equal sides of the (required) isosceles tra-
pezium; half the sum and difference of the smaller result
and the moieties of the face and base (of the known
figure) will be -the base and face (respectively of th:
req_uired figure)."l
1 GSS, yii. 173i.

Let a, b, c, h, denote respectively the face, base,

equal sides and altitude of the known isosceles
trapezium and let a', b', c', h', denote the corresponding
quantities of the required isosceles trapezium. Then,
since the two trapeziums are equal in area and altitude,
we must have
h'= h,
b' a' = b a, + (1)
b' , 2
:lnd C'2 _ ( -: a ) = h2,

or {c' + (b' - a') /2 }{ C' - (b' - a') /2} = h2 ,

whence e' - (b' - a')/2 = r,
and e' + (b' - a'Y/2 = h2 /r,
r being any rational number. Then
e' = !(b2 /r + r), (2)
h' - a'l= (h 2 /r,- r). (3)
From (1) and (2.), we get
h' = (b + a)/2 + (h 2/r - r)/2, (4)
a' = (b + a)/2 - (h 2/r - r)/2. (5)
If a = 4, b = 14, e = 13, h = 12, taking r = 10,
we shall havel a' = 34/5, h' = 56/5, e' = 61/5.
It has been stated above that, if m, fl,P, q are rational
:1Umbers such that m 2 ± n2 < p2 ± q2, we must have
a = (p2 _ q2) _ (m 2 - n2),
b = (P2 _ q2) + (m2 _ n2),
e = m2 +n 2

h = 2mn = 2.pq.
1 G.H, vii. 17d.
Substituting these values in (2.), (4), (5) we get
the dimensions of the equivalent isosceles trapezium as
a'(p2 - q2) - (4p2 q2/r - r)/z,
= (p2 - q2) + (4p2 q2jr - r)/2.,
= (4p2q2/r r)/z.
c' +
If ",2 ± n2 > p2 ± q2, the sides of the pair of isos
celes trapeziums, equal in area and altitude will be
a = (",2 _ n2) _ (p2 _ q2),
b = (",2 _ n2) + (P2 _ q2),
C = p2 q2; +
a' = (m - n2) - (4m2n2/r - r)/z,
b' = (m 2 - n2) (4m2n2/r - r)/z,
c' = (4m2n2/r r)/z. +
These two isosceles trapeziums will also have equal
Rational Trapeziums with Three Equal Sides.
This problem is nearly the same as that of the rational
isosceles trapezium with this difference that in this
case one of the parallel sides also is equal to the slant
sides. Brahmagupta states the following solution of
the pr~blem :
"The square of the diagonal (of a generated rect-
angle) gives three equal sides; the fourth (is obtained)
by subtracting the square of the upright from thrice
the square of the side (of that rectangle). If greater,
it is the base; if less, it is the face."!
The rectangle generated from m, n is given by
1112 - n2 , zmn, m2 +n

1 BrSpSi, xii. 37~


If ABeD be a rational trapezium who~~e sides AB:. BC,

AD are equal, the~
AB = BC = AD = (m 2 + n2)2,
CD = 3(2.l1In)2 - (m2 - n2)2 = 14m2n2 - m4 - n4,
or CD = 3(1112 - n2)2 - (2mn)2 = 3m' ;n4 - IOmZn2, +
In particular, putting m = 2, n = 1, Prthudaka-
svami deduces two rational trapeziums with three c~qual
sides, viZ., (25, 25, 25, 39) and (25, 25, 25, II).
The first solution is also given by Mahavira who
indicates the method for obtaining it. He says:
"For a trapezium with three equal sides (proceed)
as in the case of the isosceles trapezium with (the rect-
angle formed from) the quotient of the area of a genera-
ted rectangle divided by the square-root of its side
multiplied by the difference of its elements and divisor;
and that (formed) from the side and upright."!
That is to say, from any rectangle (m2 - n2, zmn,
mZ + nZ), calculate
z.mn(m 2 - n2 )
(111 + n).
==-:---<-- = V 2.flJn
V z.mn(m - n)
Then from V lmn(m - n), V l.mn(m + n) form the
8m 2n2,4'J1n(m2-n'l:), 4'J1n(m2+n2). (1)
Again from 2mn, m2 - n2 form another rectangle
6m 2n2 - 11/4 - ttl, 4"Jn (m2 - n2), (m 2 n2)2 + (2)
By the juxtaposition of the rectangles (I) and (2)
we get Brahmagupta's rational trapezium with three
1 GSS, vii. IOI~.

equal side~. : 0
CD = 3m ;/2 + (6!J1 n 2 2 - m4 - ttl) = 14!J1 2n 2 _1JJ 4 - 11\
AB = 81Jl21J2 ;-- (61l1 2n2 --- m4 - n4) = (m 2 + 112)2 = A f)
= BC, if 1112 + 112 < 411111.
The segment (CH), altitude CAH), diagonals (AC,
BD) and area of this trapezium are also rational, for
CH = 6m 2 n2 - nt1- n4,
AH = 4IJJJi(in2 - n2 ),
A C = ED = 4ltmCm2 + 2
11 ),
area. ABCD = 32m3tfl(m2 - n2).
Rational Inscribed Quadrilaterals. Brabmagupta
formulated a remarkable proposition: To find all
quadrilaterals wl1ich will be inscribable within circles
and whose sides, diagonals, perpendiculars, segments
(of sides and diagonals by perpendiculars from vertices
as also of diagonals by their intersection), areas, and
also the diameters of the circumscribed circles will be
expressible in integers. Such quadrilaterals are called
Brahmagupta quadrilaterals.
The solution given by Brahmagupta is as follows:
"The uprigbts and bases of two right-angled tri-
angles being reciprocally multiplied by the diagonals
of the other will give the sides of a quadrilateral of
uncq'ul sides: (of tbese) the greatest is the base, the least
is the iace, and the other two sides are the two flanks."]
Taking Brahmagupta's integral solution, the sides
of the -t'>vo right triangles of reference arc given by
lJ1~ - J/2, 211111, Jll2 -t- JJ2 ;

p2 __ q2, 2.pq, p2 + q2 ;
1 Br>pSi, XlI. ~R.

where IJJ, n, p, q are integers. Therf the sides of a

Brahmagupta quadrilateral are
+ +
(n;2 - n2)(p2 q2), (p2 - q2)(m2 n2),} (A)
+ +
2.mn(p2 q2), z.pq(m2 n2).
Mahayira says:
"The base and the perpendicular (of the smaller
and the larger derived rectangles of reference) multi-
plied reciprocally by the longer and the shorter diagonals
and (each again) by the shorter diagonal will be the
sides, the face and the base (of the required quadrilateral).
The uprights and bases are reciprocally multiplied and
then added together; again the product of the uprights
is added to the product of the bases; these two sums
multiplied by the shorter diagonal will be the diagonals.
(These sums) when multiplied respectively by the base
and perpendicular of the smaller figure of reference will
be the altitudes; and they when multiplied respectively
by the perpendicular and the base will be the segments
of the base, Other seg~ents will be the difference of
these and the base. Half the product of the diagonals
(of the required figure) will be the area."1
If the rectangle generated from m, n be smaller than
that from p, q, then, according to Maha.vira, we obtain
the rational inscribed quadrilateral of which the sides
(m 2 _ nZ)(P2 + q2)(m2 + n2), (p2 _ q2)(m2 + n2)2,
'-nm(p2 + q2)(m2 + n2), Z.pq(fl,2 + n2)2 ;
. whose diagonals are
{2.pq(J/12 ~ n2) + z.mn(p2 _ q2) }(m2 + n2),
{(m2 _ n2)(p2 _ q2) + 4fHnpq}(m2 + n2) ;
J GSS, vii. J03k.

whose altitudes are

{zpq(m2 - r. 2) + 2.mn(p2 - q2)} 2.nJn,
{(m2 _ n2)(p2 _ q2) +
4nmpq}(m2 - n2) ;

whose segments are

{2.pq(m 2 - n2) + 2.mn(p2 - q2)}(m~ - 112),
{(m2 - n )(p2 - q2) + 4'lIflPq} 2.mn ;
and whose area is
~{2.pq(m2 - n2) + 2mn(p2 _ q2)} {(m2 _ n2)(p2 _ q2)
+ 4!lInpq} (m 2 + !l2?.
Sdpati writes:
"Of the two right triangles the sides and uprights
are reciprocally multiplied by the hypotenuses; of the
products the greatest is the base, the smallest is the face
and the rest are the two flank sides of a quadrilateral
with unequal sides."l
Bhaskara II gives the rule:
"The sides and uprights of two optional right
triangles being multiplied by their reciprocal hypote-
nuses become the sides: in this way has been derived a
quadrilateral of unequal sides. There the two diagonals
can be obtained from those two triangles. The produdt
of the uprights, added with the product of the sides,
gives one diagonal; the sum of the reciprocal products of
the uprights and sides is the other."2
Bha.skara 113 illustrates by taking the right triangles
(3, 4, 5) and (5, 12, 13) so that the resulting cyclic
quadrilateral is (25, 39, 60, 52). The same example was
1 SiSe, xiii. 4 2 • 2 L, p. 51.
a L, p. 52.

given before by Mahavira1 and Prthudakasv:imi.2 This

cyclic quadrilateral also appears in the Triiatikd of
Sridhara3 and in the commentary of the Aryabha/{ya
by Bhiskara I (522). The diagonals of this, quad-
rilateral are, states Bhaskara II, 56 (= 3. 12 4.5) +
and 63 (= 4.12 +
3.5) (Fig. 7). He then observes:
"If the figure be formed by changing the arrange-
ment of the face and flank then the second diagonal will
be equal to the product of the hypotenuses of the two
right triangles (of reference), i,e., 65." (Fig. 8) .

• I

,."" ...
If:,' . . . . ,6"
,. ,/::

Fig. 7 Fig. g

By taking the right triangles (3, 4, 5) and (15, 8, 17)

Bhaskara II gets another cyclic quadrilateral (68, 5 I, 40,
75), whose diagonals are (77, 85), altitude is 308 /5,
segments arc 144/5 and 231/5, and area is 32 34. 4 (Fig. 9).
\\'ith the sequence oC the sides (68, 40, 5I, 75) the
1 GSS, vii. 104~. 2 BrSpSi, xii. 38 (Com.).
3 Trii, Ex. 80. 4 L, pr. 46ff.
diagonals are (77, 84) (Fig. 10), and with (68, 40, 75, 5I)
they are (84, 85). (Fig. I I).

, .'
,,_/ , "'"il.

" ,"0 1 " '.

f. 15

Fig. 9 Fig. 10

Fig. II

The deep sjgnificance of Brahmagupta's results

has been demonstrated by Chasles1 and Kummer.2
1 M. Chasles, Aperfll bistoriqlle stir Forigine et det'e/opJJlCnt des
methodes en geomitrie, Pari~, 1875, pp. 436ff.
2 E. E. KumJIler, "Uber die Vierecke, deren Seiten und Dio-
gonalen rational sind," JOUrlI. fii'r Math., XXXVII, 1848, pp. 1-20.

In fact, according to the sequence in which the

quantitj,es (A) are taken, there will be two varieties of
Brahmagupta quadrilaterals having th.em as their sides =.
(1) one in which the two diagonals intersect at right
angles and (2) the other in which the diagonals
intersect obliquely. The arrangement (A) gives a
quadrilateral of the first variety. For the oblique variety,
the sides ate in the following order:
(p2 _ q2)(tn 2 n2), (m'l, - n2)(p2 + q2),} B
zmn(p2 +
q2), zpq(In 2 n2) ; ( )
or (P2 - q2)(m +
2 2 +
n ), ztlm(p2
(m? - n2)(p2 q2), 2pq(n;2 +
( )
Bhaskara II points out that the diagonals (Jf the
Brahmagupta quadrilateral are in the (A) variety,
zpq(m2- fJ2) 21nf1(p2- q2), 4///npq+ (P2_ q2)(1/;2_ !l~);
in (B),
2.pq(nI 2 - fl2) zmn(p2 _ q2), (P2 + q2)(m2 + n2);
and in (C), ,
4 mnpq + (P2 - q2)(m2 _ n2), (P2 + q2)(m 2 + n2 ).
The diarneter of the circumscribed circle in every case
is (P2 + q2)(m2 + 112).
Ga1)eSa (1545) shows that the quadrilateral is formed
by the juxtaposition of four right triangles obtained
by multiplying the sides of each of two rational right
triangles by the upright and base of the other. He
"A quadrilateral is divided into four triangles
by its intersecting diagonals. So by the juxtaposition of
four triangles a quadrilateral will be formed: For that
purpose the fOUI triangles are assumed in this manner:
Take two right triangles formed in the way indicated

Compare also L. B. Dickson. "Rational Triangles and Quadril-

aterals," Amy. Ala/h., Mon., XXVIII. I 92 I. pp. 2.44-25 o.

before. If the upright, base and hypotenuse of a

rational right triangle be multiplied by any arbitrary
·rational number, there will be produced another right
triangle with rational sides. Hence on multiplying the
sides of ~ach of the two right triangles by an optional
number equal to the base of the other and again by an
optional nnmbe.r equal to the upright of the other, four
right triangles will be obtained by the judicious juxta-
position of which the quadrilateral Will be formed."
• He then shows with the help of specific examples
(see Figs. 12., 13 & 14) that we can obtain in this way


,~ -ts
I ~

" II

Fig .. 13 . Fig. 14

from the same set of two rational right triangles two

varieties of 'rational convex quadrilaterals ': One in
which the diagonals intersect each other perpendicularly;
and the other in which they do so obliquely.
Inscribed Quadrilaterals having a Given Area.
Mahavlra proposes' to find, all rational inscribed
rectangles having the same given area CA, say). He says:
"The square-root of the exact area is a side of the
square. The quotient of the area by an optional number_
and that optional number will be the base and upright
of the rectangle.'a
For findingall inscribed rational isosceles trapeziums
,having the same area A his rule is :
"The given area multiplied by the square of an
optional number is diminished by the area of a generated
rectangle and then divided by the base of that rectangle;
the quotient divided by the optional number is the face;
the quotient added with twice the upright and divided by
the optional number gives the base; the base (of the
generated rectangle) divided by the optional number
is the altitude; -ahd the diagonal divided by the optional
number gives the two flank sides."2
That is, to say, if m 2 - n2, zmn, m 2 IJ2 be the +
upright, base and diagonal of a rectangle formed from
m, n, the dimensions of the isosceles trapezium will be
s2A - 2mn(m2 - n---<-
f ace = ____ __o_ _ _

2.nms '
base = _1
{s2A - zmn(m2
- n2~ + z(m2 _ n2) l


1 GSS. vii. 146. :I GSS. vii. 148.


· de = -
a 1Htu 2.mn
side -
+ n2 •
S '
where s is an arbitrary rational number chosen such that
S2 A > 21l1n(m 2 _ n 2).

For the construction of an inscribed trapezium of

J three equal sides 1vfaba.vira gives the foll.owing rule:
"The square of the given area is'divided by the
cube of an optional number and then increased by that
optional number; half the result gives the (equal) sides
of a generated trapezium of three equal sides (having
the given area) ; twice the optional number diminished
by the side is the base; and the given area divided by
the optional number is the altitude."!
In other words, the dimensions of an inscribed trape-
zium of three equal sides having a ?Jven area A will be
side = ~ ( ~2
+ s),
A2 )lf
base = 2.S - } ( sa + S ,

altitude = AJ. .
To find inscribed quadrilaterals having a given area
Mahavira gives the following rule:
"Break up the square of the given area into any
four arbitrary factors. Half the sum of these factors
is diminished by them (severally). The remainders are.
the sides of an (inscribed) quadrilateral with unequal
sid'es."2 11
1 GSS, vii. 150.
2 GSS, vii. 152. This result follows from the fact that the
area ofa cyclic quad.rilateral is V(s - a)(s - b)(s - c)(s - d).

Triangles and Quadrilaterals having a Given

Circum-Diameter. Mahavira proposes to find all
rational triangles and quadrilaterals inscribable in. a circle
of given diameter. His solution is :
"Divide the given diameter of the circle by the
calculated diameter (of the circle circumscribing any
generated figure of the required kind). The sides of
that generated figure multiplied by the quotient will be
the sides of the required figure."1
In other words, we shall have to find first a rational
triangle or cyclic quadrilateral; then calculate the dia-
meter of its circum-circle and divide the given diameter
by it. ,Dimensions of the optional figure multiplied by
this quotient will give the dimensions of the required
figure of the type.
It has been found before (p. 2Z7) that the sides of a
rational triangle are proportional to
m2 + n2, p2 + q2, (p2 _ q2) ± (m2 _ n2)
and its altitude is proportional to zllln (or zpq), m, n, p, q
being any rational numbers- such that mn = pq. The
diameter of the circle circumscribed about this triangle
is proportional to
(m2 +
112)(p2 q2) +
Then the sides of a rational triangle inscribed in a
circle of diameter D will be
zmnD 2111nD (p2 - q2) ± (m 2 _ n2)
+ +
1'1. q2' m n ' unnD (m2 n2) (P2 q2) ;
2 2 + +
and its altitude will be

1 GSS, vii. %ZIg.


The dimensions of a rational inscribed quadrilateral,

as stated by Mahivira, have been noted before (p. 236).
The diameter of its circum-circle is
+ +
(P2 q2)(m2 n2)'J...
Then, according to Mahavira, the sides of a rational
quadrilateral inscribed in a circle of diameter D, are
2mn) (m2 - n2) (2pQ) ( p2 _ q2)
D ( m 2 + n2 , D m 2 + n2 , D p2 + q2 , D p2 + q\ ;
its diagonals are !

{2Pq (m 2 - n2) + 2mn (p2 - q2)} (p2 + q~m2 + n2)' \

{(m2 - n2)(p2 - q2) + 4flInpq} (p2 + q2)(m2 + n2i
and its area is
i(P2 + q2)(m'l. + n2) {2pq(m 2 - n2) + 2mn(p2 - q2)}
X {(m'l. - n2)(p2 - q2) + 4f/Inpq};
so that the sides, diagonals and area are all rational.



The Hindus do not seem to have paid much attention

to the treatment of indeterminate equations of 'degrees
higher than the second. Some interesting examples
involving such equations are, however, found in the
works of Mahivira (850), Bhiskara II (II 50) and
Niriya1).a (1350) .
. Mahavira's Rule. One problem of Mahivira is as
Given the sum (s) of a series in A.P., to find its

first term (a), common difference (b) and the number

of terms en).
In other words, it is required to solve in rational
numbers the equation
{a + (-z-)b}n = s,
containing three unknowns a, band n, and of the
third degree. The following rule is given for its
"Here divide the sum by an optional factor of it ;
that divisor is the number of terms. Subtract from the
quotient another optional number; the subtrahend is
the first term. The, remainder divided by the half of
the number of terms as diminished by unity is the
common difference."!
Bhaskara's Method. Bba.skara II proposes the
"Tell those four numbers which are unequal but
have a common denominator, whose sum or the sum of
whose cubes is equal to the sum of their squares."2
If x,y, Z' w be the numbers, then
(1) X +y + Z + w = X2 +
y2 Z2+ +
(.%) x + y3 3
Z3 + = x '+ +
w3 2 y2 w2•Z2 +
Let the numbers be x, 2.X, 3X, 4X, S2..ys Bhaskara II.
That is, suppose y = 2X, Z = 3X, W = 4X in the above
1 GSS, vii. 78.
There are also other problems where instead of s, the given
Guantity is s +
a, s + b, s + n or s + a + b + n. (GSS, ii. 83 ; if.
also vi. 80). For such problems also the method Qf solution, is the
same as before, i.II., to assume suitable arbitrary val1,les for two
of the unknowns so that the indeterminate cubic equation.is there-
by reduced to a determinate linear equation in one unknpwn.
(GSS, ii. 82; vi. 317)'
2 BBi, p. S5.

equations. Then by (1) we get

lOX = 30X2.

Hence x,y, Z' 11l = 'k, i,. -~,\ t,
is a solution of (I).
Again, with the same assumption, the equation
(2) reduces to
IOOX3 = 30X2 .
Hence x,y, Z, W = fIT, r%-, -10, H,
is a solution of (2).
The following problem has been quoted by Bhas-
kara II from an ancient author:
"The square of the sum of two numbers added with
the cube of their sum is equal to twice the spm of tQ_eir
cubes. TeJl, 0 mathematician, (what are those two
numbers)."! . .
If x,y be the numbers, then by the statement of the
+ + +
(X y)2 (x y)3 = z(x3 y). , +
"Here, so that the operations may not become lengthy",
says Bba.skara II, "assume the two numbers to be u v +
and tl - v." So on putting
x = u v, y = u - v,
the equation reduces to
4U3 + 4U2 = 2
12.IIV ,

or 4U2 + 4U = 12.V2,

or (zu + 1)2 = IZV

+ 1.

1 BBi, p. lor.

Solving this equation by the 'method of the Square-

nature we get values of II, v. Whence the values of
(x,y) are found to be (5, I), (76, 2.0), etc.
Naraya:Q.a's Rule. NarayaQ.a gives the rule:
"Divide the sum of the squares, the square of the
sum and the product of any two optional numbers by
the sum of their cubes and the cube of their sum, and
then multiply by the two numbers (severally). (The
results) will be the two numbers, the sum of whose
cubes and the cube of whose sum will be equal to the
sum of their squares, the square of the sum and the
product of them."!
That is to say, the solution of the equations
(I) x3 + y3 = x 2 +y2, (4) (x + y)3 = x 2 + y2,
(2) X''l + y3 = (x + y)2, (5) (x + y)3 = (x +y)2,
(3) x3 y3 = xy, (6) (x y)3 = xy, +
are respectively

r~ x~-
(m 2 + n2)m
3+ 3 '
(I. I)

l - m
(m 2
y - m3
n2 )n .
1)3 '

rx = (m +
n)2 m ,
I m +n
(2. I) ~
= (111 + n)2n .
ly In 3 +n3 '

(3. I) (6. I)

1 GK, i. 58.

where 111, n are rational numbers.

It will be noticed that the equation (2) can be
reduced, by dividing out by x y, to
x 2 - xy y2 = X Y ;+
and similarly (5) can be reduced to
With 111 = I, n = 2 Nar:iya1.1a gIves the following
sets of particular values:
(1.2) x,_y = ~, 1-/ (4.2) x,_Y = .,;,,-, l~
(2.2) X,_y = 1,2 (5. 2 ) X,_Y =1 i-,
(3. 2 ) x,Y =~, 1 (6.2) x,y = -.J-r, ';'1'
He then observes: "In this way one can find by his
own intelligence two numbers for the case of difference,
Form ax 2n +2 + bx2n = y2. For the solution of an
equation of the form
ax2n+2 + bx2n = y2,
where 11 is an integer, Bhaskara II gives the following
"Removing a square factor from the second side,
if possible, the two roots should be investigated in this
case. Then multiply the greater root by the lesser.
Or, if a biquadratic factor has been removed, the greater
root should be multiplied by the square of the lesser root.
The rest of the operations will then be as before."l
Suppose ax2 +
b = Z2; then the equation becomes
]2 = X2nZ2.
_y = xnZ·
The method of solving ax 2 b = Z2 in positive integers
has been described before.
1 BBi, p. 102.

Two examples of equations of this form occur in

the B{jaga{1ita of Bhaskara II :1
5.0 - IOO~ = y2,
8.01 + 49.0 = y2.
It may be noted that the second equation appears in
·the course of solving another problem.
Equation ax4 -I- bx2 + c = u 3 • One very special
case of this form arises in the course of solving another
problem. It is 2
(a x 2)2 +
a2 = u3 , +
or x4 2ax2 +
2a2 = u 3• +
Let 11 = X2, supposes Bhaskara II, so that we get
za 2 + zax 2,
x6 - X4 =
or .0 (2X2 - 1)'= (za X2)2, +
which can be solved by the method indicated before.
Another equation is 3
5.0 = w.
In cases like this "the assumption should be always such,"
remarks Bha.skara II, "as will make it possible to remove
(the cube of) the unknown." So assume 11 = mx;


Square-pulveriser. The indeterminate equation of
the type
bx+ C=y2
1 BBi, pp. 1°3, 107. 2 BBi, p. 103 ; also vide infra, p. 280.
3 BBi, p. 50; also vide infra, p. 278.

is called varga-ktt!!dka or the "Square-pulveriser,"l inas-

much as, when expressed in the form
y2_ c
,-b- =x,
the problem reduces to fi.t:tding a square (varga) which
being diminished by c will be exactly divisible by b,
which closely resembles the problem solved by the
method of the pulveriser (kII!!aka).
For the solution in integers of an equation of this
type, the method of the earlier writers,appears to have
been to assume suitable arbitrary values for y and then
to solve the equation for x. Brahmagupta gives the
following problems:
"The residue of the sun on Thursday is lessened
and then multiplied by 5, or by 10 Making this
(result) an exact square, within a year, a person becomes
a mathematician."2
"The residue of any optional revolution lessened
by 92 an,d then multiplied by 83 becomes together with
unity a square. A person solving this within a year is
a mathematician."3
That is to say, we are to solve the equations :
(I)' 5X - 25 = y2,
(2) lOX - 100 = y2,
(3)' 83 x - 7635 =_y2.
Prthildakasvami solves them thus:
(I. I) Supposey = 10; then X = 125. Or, puty = 5;
then x = 10.
(2. I) Supposey = 10; then X = 20.
(3. I) Assume y = I ; then x = 9 2 •
1 BBi, p. 12.2.. 2 BrSpSi, xviii 76.
8.BrSpSi; xviii. i9~

He then rem1.rks that by virtue of the multiplicity

of suppositions there will be an infinitude of solutions
in every case. But no method has been given either by
Btahmagupta or by his commentator Prthudakasvami
to obtain the general solution.
The above method is reproduced by Bhaskara 11.1
He has also given the following rule:
"If a simple unknown be multiplied by the number
which is the divisor of a square, etc., (on the other side)
then, in order that its value may in such cases be integral,
the square, etc., of another unknown should be put
equal to (the other side). The rest (of the operations)
will be as described before."2
,His gloss on this rule runs as follows:
"In those cases, such as the Square-purveriser, etc.,
where on taking the toot of one side of the equation
there remains on the other side a simple unknown
multiplied by the number which was the divisor of the
square, etc., the square, etc., of another unknown plus
or minus; an absolute term should be assumed for (the
value of this other side) in order that its value may
be fntegral. The rest (of the operations) will be as
taught before."
Bhflskara has also quoted from an ancient author the
foHowing rule:
"(Find) a number whose square is exactly divisible
by the divisor, as also its product by twice the square-
root of the absolute term. An unknown multiplied by
that number and superadded by the square-root of the
absolute term should be assumed (for the unknown on
the other side). If the absolute term does not yield a
square-root, then after dividing it by the divisor, the
1 ViJeinjra, p. Z5jf. 2 RBi, p. 120.

lemainder should be increased by so many times the

divisor as will make a square. If this is not possible,
then the problem is not soluble."!
Case i Let c be a square, equal to ~2, say. Then
we have to ~olve
bx+ ~2=y2.
The rule says, find p such that
p2 = bq, ipf} = br.
Then assume y = pu + ~ ;
whence we get x = qu 2 + ru.
Bhiskara II prefers the assumption
Y= bv+~,
so that we have x = bv2 2.~v. +
Case ii. If c is not a square, suppose c = bm + n.
Then find s such that
n + sb = r2.
Now assume y = bu ± r.
Substituting this value in the equation bx + c = y2,
we get
bx + c = (bu ± r)2
= b2u 2 ± 2,bru + r2,
or bx +c- r2 = ± 2,bru,
b2u 2
or bx + b(m - s) = b u ± 2,bru.
2 2
x = bu2 ± 2,TU - (m - s).
Example from Bhaskara II :2
7x+ 30 =y2.
On dividing 30 by 7 the .remainder is found to be
2,; we also know that 2, +
7.2. = 4 2 • Therefore, we
1 BBi, p. 121. 2 BBi, pp. 120,121.

assume in accordance wid, the above rule

y = 711 ± 4;
whence we get x = 7U2 ± 8u - 2,
which is the general solution.
Cube-pulVeriser. The indeterminate' equation of
the type
bx+ C=y3
is called the ghana-ku//aka or the "Cube-pulveriser."l
For its solution in integers Bhaskara II says:
"A method similar to the above may be applied
also in the case of a cube thus: (find) a number whose
cube is exactly divisible by the divisor, as also its product
by thrice'the cube-root of the absolute term. An un-
known multiplied by that number and superadded by
the cube-root of the absolute term should be assumed.
If there be no cube-root of the absolute term, then after
dividing it by the divisor, so many times the divisor
should be added to the remainder as will make a cube.
The cube-root of that will be the root of the absolute
number. If there cannot be found a cube, even by so
doing, that problem will be insoluble."2
Case i. Let c = ~3. Then we shall have to find p
such that
p3 = hq, 3P~ = hr.
Now assume y = pv + ~.
Substituting in the equation bx + ~3 = .y3 we get
bx + ~3 = (pv + ~)3
= p3V3+ 3PV~(PV + ~) + 133,
or bx = bqv3 + brv(pv + 13).
... x = qv3 + rv(pv + ~) .
1 BBi, p. 12.2.. 2 BBi, p. 12.1.

Or, if we assume y = bv + ~, we shall have

x = bv 2 3
3~v(bv +
Case ii. c =1= a cube. Suppose c = bm n; then +
find s such that
n sb =,-3.
Now assume y = bv + r, whence we get
x = b2v3 + 3rv(bv + r) - (In - s),
as the general sclution.
ExaoJPle from Bhaskara II :1
5X + 6 =y3.
Since 6 = 5. I + I and' I +
43.5 = 63 ,
we assume y = 5v + 6.
Therefore x = 2.5V3 +
18v(5V 6)+ +42,
is the general solution.
Equation bx ± c = ay2. To solve an equation
of the type
try2 = bx ± c,
B:haskara II says:
"Where the first side of the equation yields a root
01~ being multiplied or divided 2 (by ,a number), there also
the divisor will be as stated in the problem but the abso-
lute term will be as modified by the operations."3
1 BBi, p. 122.
2 The printed text has hitva kfiptd (subtracting or adding).
Mter collating with several copies Colebrooke accepted the reading
hawa kfipta (multiplying or adding). But we think that the correct
reading should be bawa hrtva (multiplying or dividing) For in his
~loss Bhaskara. II has employed the terms gU!1itQ vibhakto va
(multiplied or divided). Our emendation is furth~r supported by
the rationale of the rule.
a BBi, p. 12. I.

\VIlat is implied is this: Multiplying both sided of

the given equation by a, we get
a~2 = abx ± ac,
Put tl = ay, v = ax. "Then the equation reduces' to
tl2 = bv ± ac,

which can be solved in the way described before.

We take the following illustrative example with its
solution from Bhaskara II :1
U2 + 3 = I6x.
:Multiplying by h and putting U= 5Y, v= 5X, we get
u2 = I6v - 15.
The solution of this is
u = 2w ± I,
V= 4W2 ± w+ I.
Therefore, we ha ve
(I) 5Y = 8w + I,
or (2) 5Y = 8w - I.
Now, solving by the method of the pulveriser, we get
the solution of (I) as
y = 8/+ 5,
w = Sl +
and that of (2) as
y = 81 + 3,
w = 51+ z;
where 1 is any rational number.
Equation bx ± c = ayn After describing the
above methods Bhaskara II observes, ityagrc'piyqjyamiti
lC.fa/J or "the same method can be applied further on
I1JBi, p. 121.

(i.e., to the cases of higher powers) "I Again at the end

of the lsection he has added evam buddbimadbbiranyadapi
),atbdsambbavam yojyal!1, ie, "similar devices should be
applied by the intelligent to further cases as far as
pract1cable."2 What is implied is as follows:

(1) To solve
xn ± C = y.

Put x = mz ± k. Then
xn ± C
-b-~ = b1 { m"Zn ± nmn-1Zn-1k + II(n -2 1)

... + nmz (± k),,-l + (± k)" ± c}

= ~ {mnz,. ± nmn-1Zn-1k + '" + mnz (± k)n-l}
+ (±)n (kn t c)
Now, if
kn± c
b = a whole number,
b will be an integral number when (I) m = b or
(z) b is a factor of m'a, nmn - 1 k, etc.
Or, in other words,
knowing one jntegral solution of (I) an infinite number
of others can be derived. .

(2) To solve
ax'll. ± c
b =y.
:Multiplying by an-I, we get
a"xn ± ca
_ ___;~ __
n- 1
= ya n - 1 .
1BEi, p. I2I. 2 DEi, p. 122.


Putting u = ax, V = yan-I, we have

un ± can - l
b = V,

which is similar to case (I).


The earliest instance of the solution of the simulta-

neous indeterminate quadra'tic equation of the type
x±a=u2, }
x ± b = v2,
is found in the Bakhshali treatise. The portion of the
manuscript containing the rule is mutilated. The
example given in illustration can, however, be restored
as follows:
"A certain number being aaded by five {becomes
capable of yielding a square-root}; the same number
{being diminished by} seven becomes capable of
yielding a square-root. What is that number is the
That is to say, we have to solve
.Vx+ 5 =u, VX-7=V.
The solution given is as follows:
"The sum of the additive and subtractive is I 121 ;
its half I 6 I ; minus two 14 I ; its half is 12. I ; squarcci14I.
'Shouldbe increased bythe subtractive'; {the subtrac-
tive is} 171; adding this we get I II I. This is the
number (required)." --
From this it is clear that the author gives the
1 EMs, Folio 59, recto.

solution of the equations

x +a= 112, X - b= V2 ;

where m is any integer. l
Brahmagupta (628) gives the solution of the general
case. He says:
"The difference of the two numbers by the addition
or subtraction of which another number becomes a
square, is divided by an optional number and then
increased or decreased by it. The square of half the
result diminished or increased by the greater or smaller
(of the given numbers) is the number (required)."2

i.e., x= {!C a III b±JlI)}2:fa,

, b )2 •
or x= {!(a m =Fill); =Fb,
where 111 is an arbitrary integer.
The rationale is very simple. Since
,,2 = X ± a, v2 = x ± b,
we have ,,2 - v2 = ± a =f b.'
Therefore /1- V = 111,
and /I + V = ± a + b"
111 '

where 111 is arbitrary. Hence

II = k( ± ~/I+ b + Ill) = ± ~- (a 111 b± 1JI).

1 In the above solution 1JJ is taken to be 2.
2 BrSpSi, xviii, 74.

Since it is obviously immaterial whether U is

taken as positive or negative, we have
u= ~(-m±m).
Similarly v = ~(
-----",b =F m ) .
Therefore x = { ~ (a m b ± ~) r =F a,

where m is an arbitrary number.
x = {~(a m b =F m) =F b, r
Brahmagupta gives another rule for the particular
x + a = u2,
x- b= v2 •
"The sum of the two numbers the addition and
subtraction of which make another number (severally)
a square, is divided by an optional number and then
diminished by that optional number. The square of
half the remainder increased by the subtractive number
is the number (required)."l .
i.e., x = {~(a! b - m) r+ b.
NarayaI).a (1357) says:
"The sum of the two numbers by which another
number is (severally) increased and decreased so as to
make it a square is divided by an optional number and
then diminished by it and halved; the square of the
result added with the subtrahend is the other number."2
He further states:
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 73. 2 GK, i. ~1.

"The difference of the two numbers by which

another number is incteased twice so as to make it
a square (every time), is increased by unity and then
halved. The square of the result diminished by the
greater number is the other number."l
J.e., x == (a - b +
1/_ a
is a solution of
x +
a = 1/ 2 , X +
b = v2, a > b.
"The' difference of the two numbers by which
another number is diminished twice so as to make it a
square (every time), is decreased by unity and then
halved. The result multiplied by itself and added with
the greater number gives the other."2
a- b- 1)2
I.e., X= ( - , - - - -
is a solution of
x - a = 11 2 , X - b = v2 , a > b.
The general case
ax + c = 1/2 ,}
bx d = v2, ' (I)
has been treated by Bhaskara II. He first lays down the
"In those cases where remains the (simple) unknown
with an absolute number, there find it~ value by forming
an equ:;t.tion with the square, etc., of another unknown
plus an absolute number. Then proceed to the solution
of the next equation comprising the simple unknown
with an absolute number by substituting in it the root
obtained before."3
1 GK, i. 53. 2 GK, i. 54.
3 BBi, pp. I 17-8.

He then proceeds to explain it further:

"In those cases where on taking the square-root of
the first side, there remains on the other side the (simple)
unknown with ot without an absolute number, find there
the value of that unknown by forming an equation with
the square of another unknown plus an absolute number.
Having obtained the value of the unknown in this way
and substituting that value (in the next equation) further
operations should be proceeded with. If, however, on
equating the root of the first with another ~nknown
plus an absolute number, no further operations remain
to be done, then the equation has to be made with the
square, etc., of a known number."
(i) Set u = IJJW +
a; then substituting in the first
equation, we get
x = -a1 (1l12w2 + 2lJ,wa + a2 - c).
Substituting this value of x in the next equation, we have
-i{1JJ 2W2 +
21lJwa + a 2 - c) d = 1)2, + (1.1)
which can be solved by thl,; method of the Square-nature.
(ii) In the course of working out an examplel
Bhaskara II is found to have followed also a different
.procedure, which was subsequently adopted by Lag-
range. 2
Eliminate x between the two equations. Then
bu 2 + (ad - be) = av2 ,
or abu 2 + k = w2 , (1.2.)
where W = av, k = a2d - abc.
1 Vide infra, p. 265.
a Addition to Euler's Algebra, p. j47.

If Ii = 1', W = s be a solution of this transformed

equation, another solution of it will be
u = rq ±ps,
w = qs ± abrp;
where abp2 +I = q2. Therefore, the general solution
of (1) is
x = ~ (rq ± pS)2 - : '
u = rq ±ps,
v = -(qs ± abrp) ;
where 'abp2 +
I = q2 and abr2 +
a2 d - abc = S2.
Now, a rational solution of the equation
abp2+ 1 = q2 is
zt t 2 + ab
p = t 2 - ab' q = t'" - ab'
where t is any rational number. Therefore, the above
general solution becomes

x = aCt:!. ~ ab)2{ r(/2 + ab) ± 2.st } 2...:... ~,

II = (t:!. ~ ab) { '.(/2 + ab) ± ut }, (1.3)

a(t'" ~ ab) {' s(t

v = + ab) ±,2abrt } >

where abr2 + a2d -

abc = S2.
(iii) Suppose c and d to be squares, so that c = a 2,
d = ~2. Then we shall have to solve
ax+ a2 = u2,
bx+ ~2 ='V2.

The auxiliary equation abr2 +

a2d - abc = S2 in this
case becomes
abr2 +
(a2~2 - aba2) = S2.

The same equation is obtained by proceeding as in

case (i) with the assumption v = I?Y 13. +
An obvious solution of it is r = a, S = atJ. Hence
in this case the general solution (1.3) becomes

x = a(t~ ~ ab)2{ a(t2 + ab) ± zatJ t }2_ :2,

11== (t~ ~ ab) {a(t 2 + ab) ± 2.I1j3t},

v = (t 2 ~ ab) {~(t2 + ab) ± 2.bat},

where t is any rational number.
Putting a = ~ = I, t = a, and taking the positIve
sign only, we get a particular solution of the equations
ax + I = 1I2}
bx + I = v2

S(a + b) 3a +
b V=
a+ 3b .
(a - b)2' II = a - b' a-b
This solution has been stated by Brahmagupta (628):
"The sum of the multipliers multiplied by 8 and
divided by the square of the difference of the multipliers
is the (unknown) number. Thrice the two multipliers
increased by the alternate multiplier and divided by
their difference will be the two roots."!
It has been described partly by Naraya1).a (1357)
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 7 1 ,

"The two numbers by which another number is

multiplied at two places so as to make it (at every place),
together with unity, a square, their sum multiplied
by 8 and divided by the square of their difference is
\. the other number."1
We take an illustrative example with its solution
from Bhaskara II :
"If thou be expert in the method of the elimination
of the middle term, tell the number which being severally
ml.lltiplied by 3 and 5, and then added with unity, be-
comes a square."2
That is to say, we have to solve

3X + 1 = U ,}

5"" + I = v2 •
Bhaskara II solves these equations substantially as
follows: '
(1) Set II = 3Y +I ; then from the first equation,
x = 3y2 zy.+
~ubstituting this value in the other equation, we get

lU 2 + I~ + I = v2,
or (I5Y +
5)2 = 15V2 1'0. +
By the method of the Square-nature we have the solu-
tions of this equation as
V= 9 } v = 71 }
I5Y + 5= 35 ' I5Y +5= 2.75 . '"
Therefore y = 2., 18,
f{ence x = 16, 1008, ...
(2) Or assume the unknown number to be
x = :l(u2 - I),
IGK,i. ~I. 2 BBi, p. 118.

so that the first condition of the problem (i.e., the first

equation) is identically statisfied. Then by the second
%(u2 - I) I = v2, +
or (5U)2 = I 5v2 + 10.
Now, by the method of the Square-nature, we get the
values of (II, v) as (7,9), (55, 71), etc. Therefore, the
values of x are, as before, 16, 1008, etc.
The following example is by Naraya1.la :
"0 expert in the art of the Square-nature, tell me
the number which being severally multiplied by 4 and 7
and decreased by 3, becomes capable of yielding a square-
That is, solve:
AX - 3 = U ,}
7X - 3 = v •2

Naraya1.la says: "By the method indicated before the

number is I, 2.1, or 1057."


First Type. The double equations of the second

degree considered by the Hindus are of two general
types. The first of them is
ax2 + lry2 +c= 2
U ,}
a'x2 b'y2 c' = v2. +
Of these the more thoroughly treated particular cases
are as follows:
Case i.
X2 +y2 + I = u 2,
{ x 2 _ y2 + I = v2 ;

1 GK, p. 4 0 •

.. {X2
It. 2
+ )'2 -
- 2
I = u2)
It should be noted that though the earliest treat-
ment of these equations is now found in the algebra of
Bhaskara II (1150), they have been admitted by him
as ,being due to previous authors (dtiyoddharapaf!l).
For the solution of (i) Bhaskara II assumesl
x 2 = 5Z 2 - I, y2 = 4z 2,
so that both the equations ate satisfied. Now, by the
method of the Square-nature, the solutions of the equa-
tion 5Z2 - 1 = x 2 are (1, 2), (17, 38), ... Therefore, the
solutions of (i) are
X=2! X=3 8 }, ...
y = 2. r' y= 34
Similarly, for the solution of (ii), he assumes
x2 = 5Z2 + I, y2 = 4Z2,
which satisfy the equations. By the method of the
~quate-nature the values of (Z, x) in the equation
5Z2 + I = x 2 are (4, 9), (72., 161), etc. Hence ,the
solutions of (ii) are
y = 8 '
16I}, ...
Y= 144
Bhaskara II further says that for the solution of
equations of the forms (i) and (ii) a more general as-
sumption will be
x 2 = PZ2 =F I, Y 2 = m2 2 ; z
wbere p, m are such that
p ± 1JJ2 = a square,
1 BB;, p. r08.

the upper sign being taken for Case i and the lower sign
for Case ii. Both the equations are then identically
satisfied. Suppose
p m2 = S2,
P _ m2 = f2.
\Vhence S=!(n + n),
t= k( n -
2m2 )
n ,
where n is any rational number. Therefore
4 .
p= i(~
+ n2).
Here he observes that m2 should be so chosen that p
will be an integer.

Hence x2 = t( ~4 + n2 )Z2 -t- I, } (I)

y2 = m2z2;
the upper sign being taken for Case i and the lower sign
for Case ii.
Whence u= ! (2m2 + n ) Z,
v= ~ ( - - I1)Z.
n .
Or, we may proceed in a different way, says Bhaskara
(P2 + q2) ± 2.pq
is always a square, we may assume
x 2 = (P2 +
q2)11.J 2 =f I,

y2 = 2PqW2.

For a rational value of y, 2.pq must be a square. So

we take
p= 2m 2, q= n2.
Hence we have the assumption
x 2 = (41114 + n4 )w2 =t= I, }
y2 = 4 m2n2w 2; • (z)
the upper sign being taken for Case i and the lower
sign for Case ii.
JI = (2m2 + n2)w,
V = (2m2 - n2)w.
It will be noticed that the equations (I) follow from
(2) on putting w = ·zf 2n. So we shall take the latter as
our fundamental assumption for the solution of the
equations (i) and (ii). Then, from the solutions of the
subsidiary equations ""
(4m4 + n4)W2 =t= I = X2,
by the method of the Square-nature, observes Bhaskara
II, an infinite number of integral solutions of the
original equations can be derived. 1
Now, one rational solution of
(4Jn4 + n4)W2 + I = x 2
(4"1'1 + n'1) - r:f.'
x = (4 m4 + n4) + r2
(4"1'i --t- n·') - r"l.·
Therefore, we have the general solution of
x 2 y2 - I = V2}
x 2 - y2 _ I = 112

1 Ct. BBi,_p. I 10. .



where m, n, r are rational numbers.

For r = sit, we get Genocchi's solution.!
In particular, put m = 21, n = I, r = 8/ 2 - I In
(A). Then, we get the solution
S/2 - I) 2 64t4 - I
X = ~( 2.1 + I, 11 = 8/ 2
Y = -2t
8t2 - I v . ~i ( 8t - I) 2
- 2t
Putting m = t, n = I, r= 2/2 + 2/ + I in (A), we
have 2
x=l+ - , 11=1+_1, }
2.1 2.t
y = I, V = / - --.

Again, if we put nJ = t, 11 = I, r = 2/2 in (A),

we get
x = 8/4 + I, 1I=4t2(2t2+
Y = 8t3 , 1) = 4t2(2/2 - I).
These three solutions have been stated by Bhaskara
II in his treatise on arithmetic. He says,
1 Nouv. Ann. Math., X, 1851, pp. 80-85; also Dickson,
Nllmberf) II, pp. 479. For a summary of important Hindu results
in algebra see the article of A. N. Singh in the Archeon, I936.
2 Here, and also in (c), we have overlooked the negative sign
of x,y, II and v.

"The square of an optional number is multiplied

by 8, decreased by unity, halved and then divided by that
optional number. The quotient is one number. Half
its square plus unity is the other number. Again, unity
divided by twice an optional number added with that
optional number is the first number and unity is the
second number. The sum and" difference of the squares
of these two numbers minus unity will be (severally)
squares."! •
"The biquadrate and the cube of an optional number
is multiplied by 8, and the former product is again in-
creased by unity. The results will be the two numbers
Narayat).a writes:
"The cube of any optional number is the first
number; half the square of its square plus unity is the
second. The sum and difference of the squares of these
two numbers minus unity become squares."3
That is, if m be an optional numbc;r, one solution
of (ii), according to Naraya1,la, is
m4 m 2
+ I, II = (m2 + 2)-,2

v= (m 2 - 2)-.

It will be noticed that this solution follows easily

from the solution (c) of Bhaskara II, on putting t = 111/2.
This special solution was found later on by E. Clere
( 18 50).4

1 L, p. 13. 2L, p. 14.

3 GK, i. 46.
'Nollv. Ann. Math., IX, 1850, pp. II6-8; also Dickson,
Nllmbers, II, p. 479; Singh, 1. c.

Now, let us take into consideration the equation

(4m4 ttI)W2 - I = x 2.+
Its solutions are known to be

n } w=~}
2m '
x =
X = n

2m 2
From these, by the Principle of Composition, we
get respectively two other solutions
J21 = 16m + ttl . }
w = m4 + ttl .}
x = 32/n6 +, 6m n4'
x = n
+ 3n~m4
n6 21n 6
Therefore, the general solutions of
x2 + y2 + I = 112, }
X - y2 +I = v2 ;

2m2 - n2 } (a')

X = Izti(3 zm 6 + 6m2n4),
Y =
- 5 (I6m
+ n4),
11 =
If>(I6m 4
+ n )(zm + n
4 2 2

x- -2m
-2' U=
2m2 + n2,
n 2m2 - n2
Y= Iii' V= ,


Putting n = I in (a') and (a"), we have the in-

tegral solutions
x = 2m 2, \ /I = 2m2 + I, }
Y= 2m, t' = 2m2 - 1 ;
x = 2m4(r6m2 + 3), )
.J= 2.m(16m4 + I), (a". I)
U = (r6m4 + 1)(2.11/2 + I),

V = (16m4 + 1)(2.7n2 - I).

Similarly, if we put m = I in (b') and (b"), we get
x = _~n2, u =! (n 2 + 2),} (li. r)
Y = 11, V= ~ (n2 - 2);
x = ~1J2(n4 +
3), U = ~(n4 I) (n 2 2),} (b" ) + +
y=n(n4+ I), v=-Hn4+ 1)(n2 - 2). .1
1 This solution was given by Drummond (A mer. Math.
Mon., IX, 1902., p. 2.32)'

The solution (b'. I) is stated by Naraya1).a thus:

"Any optional number is the first and half its square
is the second. The sum and difference of the squares
of these two numbers with unity become capable of
yielding a square-root."l
Case iii. "Form
ax 2 0'2 = U ,}

a'x+ 2
+b'..>2 c' = v • 2

For the solution of double equations of this form

Bhaskara II adopts the following method:
The solution of the first equation is x = "D',
U = '!Y; where
a!1I 2 b = n 2,
Substituting in the second equation, we get
(a'1JI2 +
b')y2 c' = v2,
which can be solved by the method of the Square-
Example from Bhaskara II :2
7x2 + ~2 = tl2}
7X2 - 8y 2 + I = v2 •

He solves it substantially as follows:

In the first equation suppose x = zy; then 11 = 0'.
Putting x = 2)', the second equation becomes
20'2 + I = v •

By the method of the Square-nature the values of y

satisfying this equation are 2., 36, etc. , Hence the solu-
tions of the given double equation are
x = 4,.72, ...
Y = 2, 36, ...
1 GX, i. 45. 2 BBi, p. 119,

Case iv. Form

a(x 2 ±y2) c = 112,} +
a'(x ±y2) c' = v2. +
Putting x ±y2 = Z Bhaskara II reduces the above
equations to
az+c =1I2, }
a'z + c' = V.2;
the method for the solution of which has been given
Example with solution from Bhaskara II :1
2(x2 - y2) 3 = 112} +
3(x2 - y2) 3 = v2 • +
Set x - y2 = Z ;
2Z 3 = 112, +
3Z 3 = v2 • +
Eliminating Z we get
3112 = 2V2 + 3,
or (311)2 = 6v2 9. +
Whence v = 6, 60, ...
311 = 15, 147, ...
Therefore II = 5, 49, ...
Hence x 2 - y2 = Z = II, II99, ...
Therefore, the required solutions are

x = ~( ;,; + "I) }, x = ! ( 1 :';9 + OJ) }

Y="2" OJ I ( 11
) y = !( 1::
m) .

where OJ is an arbitrary rational number.

1 BBi, p. I

For m = I, the values of (x,y) will be (6, 5),

(600, 599), ...
For m = II, we get the solution (60,49), ...
Case v. For the solution of the double equation of
the general form
ax2 by2 c = U2 } + +
a'x 2 b'y2 c' = v2 + +
Bhaskara II's hint1 is: Find the values of x, U in the
first equation in terms ofy, and then substitute that value
of x in the second equation so that it will be reduced to
a Square-nature. He has, however, not given any
illustrative example of this kind. ,
Second Type. Another type of double equation
of the second degree which has been treated is
a 2x 2 bxy 2
0'2 = 1I ,} +
a'x2 h'."".) +
cy2 + d' = v2.+
The solution of the first equation has been given
before to be
x '2 {J:(c- !!._) - A } - '?y,2
za A ¥2 za

11 = :! {-i 2
( C- :2) + I. },

where J. is an arbitrary rational number. Putting}.. =y,

we have
y( /;2 ) by
x = ~a c- 4a 2 - I - za 2 = uy,
, y /;2
11 = ~ ( c - 4a 2 -:- I );

I /;2 b
where u= za(C- 4(/2- 1)- 2(12'

1 Vide supra, pp. 190£..


Substituting in the second equation, we get

(a'a 2 + b'«r+ C)_T + d' = 1)2,

which can be solved by the methocLof the Square-nature.

This method is equally applicable if the unknown part in
the second equation is of a different kind but still of
the second degree.
Bhaskara II gives the following illustrative example
together with its solution :1 .

x 2 +xy+y2' U2}.
(x y)u + I = v+2

Multiplying the first equation by 36, we get

(6x + 3y)2 + 27y2 = 36u2.

Whence 6x + 3Y = ~(2.7{2 - A),

6u = ! ( 2. 7-;: + A),
where}.. is an arbitrary rational number. Taking A = Y,
~h~ ~
or x = iY,
and U= -lye

Substituting in the second equation, we get

56y 2 + 9 = 9V2 •
By the method of the Square-nature the values of y
are 6, 180, ...
Hence the required values of (x,y) are (10, 6),
(300, 180), ...

1 BBi, pp. I07f.



There are a few problems which involve double

equations of degr~es higher than the second. The
following examples are taken from Bhaskara II :
Example I. "The sum of the cubes (of two
numbers) is a square and the sum of their squares is a
cube. If you know them, then I shall admit that you
are a great algebraist."l
We have to solve the equations
x2 + y2 = U3,}
)1,..3 +r = v2 •
The solution of this problem by Bhaskara II is as
"Here suppose the two numbers to be Z2,2Z2 •
The sum of their cubes is 9Z6 • This is by itself a square
and its square-root is 3Z3 •
"Now the sum of the squares of those two numbers
is 5Z4 • This must be a cube. Assuming it to be equal
tef the cube of an optional multiple of 5Z and removing
the factor Z3 from both sides (we get Z = 2.5P3, where
p is an optional number); so, as stated before, the
numbers are (putting p = I) 625, 1250. The assump-
tion should be always such as ,,,ill
make it possible to
remove (the cube of) the unknown."2
In general, assume x = !lIZ 2 , Y = l1Z 2 ; substituting
in the second equation, we have
x 3 + y3 = (1113 n3)z6 = v2. +
If . 1J13 + 123 = a square = p2, say,
then v = PZ3.
1 BB;, p. 56. 2 BBi, pp. 56f.

Now, from the Erst equation, we have

(m 2 + n2)z4 = u3 •
Assume u = rz ; then
Hence we get
mr6 tJr6
x = (m 2 + n2)2' .J = (m2 + n2)2;
where r is any integer and m, n are such that'
m3 +n 3 = a square.
One obvious solution! of this equation is m = I, n = 2.,
Hence we get the solution
r6 2.r6
x="25' Y=25'
This particular solution has been given by NiiriyaJ,la,
who says: ".
"The square of the cube of an optional number is
the one and twice it is the 'other. These divided by 2. 5
will be the two numbers, the sum of whose squares will
1 Now m3 + 11 3
can be made a square by putting
m = (ps + q'3)P, n = (pS + tf)q,
so that m 3 + n3 = (p3 + q3)4.
Hence the solution of our equation will be
x = (p2 + q2)2 (p8 + qB)3'
_ qr6
Y - (p2 + q2)2(p8 + qB)3'
Putting r = (p2 + q2)(p3 + tf)s, we have the solution in
positive integers as
x 1.. p(p2 + q2)4(pS + t/)3 S6,
Y = q(p2 + q2)4(P3 + qB)8s6;
where p, q, s are any integral numbers.

be a cube and the sum ?f whose cubes will be a square."!

He then ad~s by way of illustration:
"With the optional number I, we get the tW0
numbers (1/25, 2/25); with 2, (64/25, 128/25); with 5,
(625, 1250); with 1/2, (1/1600, 1/800); with 1/3,
(1/18225,2/18225). Thus by virtue of (the multiplicity
of) the optional number many solutions can be found."
Example 2. "0 most learned algebraist, tell me
those various pairs of whole numbers whose difference
is a square and the sum of whose squares is a cube."2
That is to say, solve in positive integers
y - x = ,,2 }
y2 +
x 2 = 1)~.
Bha.skara II's process of solving this problem is as
"Let the two numbers be x, y. Putting their differ-
ence, y - x, equal to u2 , we get the value of x as
y --,-- u2 • Having thus found the value of x, the two
llurnbers _become .J - u2, y.
"The sum of their squares = 2y2 - ~U2 + 114. This
is a cube. Making it equal to u6 and transposing \ve get
ut!, - u4 = .y2 - 2Y1I2•
Multiplying both sides by 2 and superadding 114, we get
the square-root of the second side = 2)' - 11 2, and the
first side = 2.U 6 - u4 • Dividing out by 114 (and putting
w for 2)' /u 2- I), we get
2.U 2 - 1= w2 •
By the method of the Square-nature the roots of this
equation are
II = 5, 2.9" I •••
l1J = 7, 41,

1 GK, i. SO. 2 BBi, p. 10 3.


"Then by the rule, 'Or, if a biquadratic factor has

been removed, the greater root should be multiplied by
the square of the lesser root,'l we get
~- 25 = 175,
or 2y - 841 = 34481.
Therefore y = 100, I 766 ~, .,.
"Finding the respective values of the numbers, they
are (75, 100), (r6820, 1766r), etc."
Exalllple ,. "Bring out quickly those two numbers
of Wllich the sum of the cube (of one) and the square
(of the other) becomes a square and whose sum also is a
That is to say, solve
:\--3 +y2 = 112, (r)
{ x +y = v2 • (2)
This pro blem has been solved by Bhaskara II in
two ways, which are substantially as follows:
First 11Iethod. From (I) we get
x3 x3
U = !( T + A), Y = i( T - ]. ),
where A is an ~rbitrary n~mber. Putting A = x, we get
u = }(x2 x), y = !(~"_.2 - x).
Substituting this value of y in (2), we get
x2 + X = 2
2V ,

or (2X + 1)2 = 8v 2 + 1.
1 The reference is to the rule on p. 249.
2 BBi, p. 107.

By the method of the Square-nature we have

2.X + v=6}
I = 17' 2X +
I= 99 , ...
Whence the values of (x,y) are (8, 28), (49, 117 6), ...
Second Method. Assume x = 2W 2, Y = 7W2. Then
x +y = 9W2 = (3W)2.
SO the equation (2) is satisfied. Now, substituting
those values in (I) we get
8w 6 + 49w4 = 2
11 ,

or + 49) = 2•
?J14(8.w2 /J

If 8w + 49 = Z2,

then 1J = zw2 •
Now the values of w making 8w 2 49 a square +
are 2, 3, 7... Hence the required numbers (x,]) are
(8, 28), (18, 63), (9 8, 343), ...
Example 4. "What is that number which multiplied
by threx and added with unity becomes a cube; the
cube-root squared and multiplied by three becomes,
together with unity, a square."!
That is to say, solve
3X + I = W, (I)
{ 3112 + I = v2 • (2)
It has been solved by Bhaskara II thus :
From (2), by the method of the Square-nature, we
get the values of (If, v) as (I, 2), (4, 7), (15, 26), ...
Whence the values of x are 21, 3374/3, ...

1 BBi, p. 119. This problem is admittedly taken by Bhaskara

II from an earlier writer.

Alternatively! we assume 11 = 3Y + 1; then from

the equation (1) we get
x = 3Y(3Y2 + 3Y + I).
Also from (2) we have
27y2 + I ~ + 4 = V2
= (my - 2.)2, say.
Hence y = I~J'+ 4171.
• 1/Iw - 2.7
Therefore, the required value of x is

x =
( I ~
?lJ2 -
+ 4171)
3 + ( I 8+ 41/l) 2 +- 3(Jlj2
9 1Jj2 _ 27
1 ~ + 41"),
- 27
where III is a rational number greater than 5.
The first of the previous solutions is given by 'II = 9.
Double Equations in Several Unknowns. To
solve a double equation involving several unknowns,
Bhaskara II gives the following hints:
"When there are square and other powers of three
or more unknowns, leaving out any two unknowns at
pleasure, the values of others should be arbitrarily as-
sumed and the roots investigated."2
For the case of a single equation, he says:
"But when there is only one equation, the roots
should be determined as before after assuming optional
values for all the unknowns except one."


There are some very elegant problems in which

three or more functions, linear or quadratic, of the un-
knowns have to be made squares or cubes. The

1 See BBi, p. 121. 2 BBi, p. 106.


following example occurs in the Lagbu-Bbaskartya of

Bhaskara 11 (5.2..2.) :
Example I. To find two numbers x andy such that
the expressions x + y, x - y, xy + I are each a perfect
Brahmagupta gives the following solution:
"A square is increased and diminished by another.
The sum of the results is divided, by the square of half
their difference. Those results multiplied (severally)
by this quotient give the numbers whose sum and
difference are squares as also their product together
with unity."2
Thus the solution is :
x = P(m2 + n2),
y = P(m 2 _ n2 ),
(m2 + n2) + (m 2 - n2)
where P = m, n being
[!{(m 2 + n2) _ (m2 _ n2)}]2'
any rational numbers.
Naraya.ga (1357) says:
"The square of the square of an optional number js
set down a t two places. It is decreased by the square
(at one place!) and increased (at another), and then
'doubled. The sum and difference of the results are
squares and so also their product together with unity."3
That is, x = .2.(P4 +- p2),
Y = .2.(p4 _ p2),
where p is any rational number.
1 LBb, viii. 17. 2 BrSpSi, xviii. 72 •
a GK. i. 47.

The rationale of this solution is as follows:

x = .2z2 (m 2 +
n2), y = 2z2 (m 2 - n2),
so that x ±y are a.lready squares. We have, therefore,
only to make
. .:ry +
I = 4Z4(m2 +
n2)(m2 - n2) I = ~ square.+
4z4(m4 - n4) + I = (2Z 2J1J 2 - 1)2 + 4z 2(m 2 - Z2n4).
Hence, in order that xy +
I may be a square, one
sufficient condition is
m 2 = Z2n4.
Therefore 2. 2 = 2m2 = (1112 + n2 +
) (m2 - n2 )
Z n4 [H(m2 + n)- (m'" - n2)}]2'
Again x = 2z2(m 2 + n2) = 2(z4n4 Z2n2), +
or +
x = 2.(p4 p2), if P = zn.
Therefore y = :i.(P4 _ p2).
Example 2. "If thou be expert in mathematics,
tell me quickly those two numbers whose sum and
difference are squares and whose product is a cube."l
That is, solve
x ±y = squares,}
xy = a cube.
Bhaskara II says:
"Here let the two numbers be 5Z 2 , 4Z 2 • They are
asstlmed sllch as lvillllJake their SII1l1 and diJJerence both sqllares.
Their product is 20z4. This must be a cube. Putting
it equal to the cube of an optional multiple 2 of IOZ and
removing the common factor Z3 from the sides as before,
(we shall ultimately find) the numbers to be 10000,
12 500 ."

1 BBi, p. 56. 2 G.K, i. 49.


In general, let us assume, as directed by Bhaskara II,

x = (m2 +
n2)z2, y = 2.mnz2,
which will make x ±y squares. We have, therefore,
only to make
2.mn(m2 n2)z4 = a cube.+
Let 2.mn(m2 n2)z4 = p3Z3. +
Then z= 2.mn(m2 + n2)·

x= ~~~--~~
{2mn(m + n2)} 2'
_ 2.mnp6
y - {2mn(m2 + n2)}2'
where m, n,p are arbitrary.
This general solution has been explicitly stated by
Nadyar;ta thus :
,"The square of the cube of an optional number is
divided by the square of the product of the two numbers
stated above and then .severally multiplied by those
numbers. (Thus will be obtained) two numbers whose
sum and difference are squares and whose product is a
The two numbers stated above 2 are m2 + n2 and
2.mn whose sum and difference are squares.
In particular, putting m = 1, n = 2., P = 10, Nara~
yar;ta finds x = 12.500, Y = 10000. With other values
of m,' n, p he obtains the values (3165/16, 625/4),
(62.5 00 / 117, 25 0000 /507), (15 62. 5/ 18 72., 15 62 5/2.02.8).;
and observes: "thus by virtue of (the multiplicity of)
the optional numbers many values can be found."
1 GK, i. 49. 2 The reference is to rule i. lJ8.

Example 3. To find numbers such that each of

them severally added to a given number becomes a
square; and so also the product of every contiguous
pair increased by another given number.
For instance, let it be required to find jotfr numbers
such that
x+ a =p2, xy + 13 = ~2,
y + a = q2, J'Z+ 13 = 11
Z + a = r2, zw + 13 = ~2.
lV + a = J2,
The method for the solution of a problem of this
kind is indicated in the following rule quoted by Bhaskara
II (11)0) frolp. an earlier writer, whose name is nOt
<CAs many multiple (gtltJa) as the product-interpolator
(vadha-k...fepa) is of the number-interpolator (rafi-k!epa),
with the square-root of that as the common difference
are assumed certain numbers; these squared and dimi-
nished by the number-interpolator (severally) will be
the unknowns."l
I In applying this method to solve a particular
problem, to be stated presently, Bhaskara II observes by
way of explanation:
"In these cases, that which being added to an
(unknown) number makes it a square is designated as
the number-interpolator. The numlier-interpolator
multiplied by the square of the difference of the square-
roots pertaining to the numbers, is equal to the product-
interpolator. For the product of those two numbers
added with the latter certainly becomes a square. The
products of two and two contiguous of the square-
roots pertaining. to the numbers diminished by the
1 BBi, p. 68.

number-interpolator are the square-roots corresponding

to the products of the numbers. "1
Since x = p2 - a, y = q2 - a, we get
xy ~ = (P2 - a)(q2 - a) 13 +
= (pq_ - a)2 + {13 - a(q - p)2}.
In order that xy +
13 may be a square, a sufficient
condition is
a(q - p)2 = (3,
or q= p ± VI3/ a = p ± y, wbere.y = V(3/a.
Then xy + (3 = (pq - a)2.
Hence 1; = pq - a.
Similarly r = q ± Y, s = r ± y.
Thus, it is found that the square-roots p, q, r, S
form an A.P. whose common difference is y (= Yf3/a).
Further, we have
x = p2 - a,
y = (p ± y)2 - a,
Z = (p ± 2y)2 - a,
1)/ = (P ± 3 y)2 - a,
as stated in the rule.
These values of the unknowns, it will be easily
found, satisfy all the conditions about their products.
xy + f3 = {p(p ± y) - a} 2,
YZ + f3 = {(p ± y)(P ± 2Y) - a}2,
'ZJV + f3 = {(p + 2Y)(P ± 3Y) - a}2.
1 BBi, p. 67.

Thus we have
; = PCP ± y) - a,
II = (p ± Y)(P ± 2Y) - a,
t = (p ± 2 Y) (p ± 3Y) - a;
as stated by Bhaskara II.
It has been observed by him that the above principle
is weJI known in mathematics. But we do not find it
in the works anterior to him, which are available to us.
It is n.oteworthy that<he above principle will hold
even when all the Ws are not equal. Fo!, suppose
that in the above instance the second set of conditions
is replaced by the following:
xy+ ~l = ~2,
YZ + ~2 = 112,
zw+ ~3 = ~2.
Then, proceeding in the same way, we find that
q = p ± V~l/a, r = q ± V~2/a, s = r ± Yf3a/a,
and s = pq - fl., "1 = qr - n, t = rs - a.
It should also be noted that in order that xy + f3
or p2q2 - a(p2 + q2) + +0. 2 ~ may be a square, there
may -be other values of q besides the one specified
above, namely q = p ± YMa.. We may, indeed, regard
p2q2 _ a(p2 + q~ + 0.2 + 13 = ~2

as an indeterminate equation in q. Since we know one

solution of ii, namely q = p ± y, ; = PCP ± y) - a,
we can find an infinite number of other solutions by the
method of the Square-nature.
Now, suppose that anot:qer condition is imposed on
the numbers, viZ.,
wx + {3' = 1-'-2.

On substituting the values of x and w this condition

transforms into
p4 ± 6yp3'+ (9y 2 + 2a)p2 ± 6a:vp +a 2 - 9P +
(3' = ~l2,
an indetermitiate equation of the fourth degree in).
In the following example and its solution from
Bhaskara II we find the application of the above
Exaf(1ple. "What are those four numbers which
together with 2 become capable of yielding square-
roots ; also the products of two and two contiguous of
which added by 18 yield square-roots; and which are
such that the square-root of the sum of all the roots
added by I I becomes 13. Tell them to me, 0 algebraist
friend."! \
SO/lItiOI1. "In this example, the product-interpolator
is 9 times the number-interpolator. The square-root of
9 is 3. He?ce the square-roots torr~sponding to the
numbers wIll have the common difference;. Let
them be
'x, x+ 3, x+ 6, x+ 9.
"Now the products of two and two contiguous of
these minus the number-interpolator are the square-
roots pertaining to the products of the numbers as
increased by 18. So these square-roots are
x2 + 3X- 2,

x 2
+ 9x+ 16,
X2+qx+ p.,
"The sum of ,these and the previous square-roots
all together is 3X2 + 3 IX + 84. This added with I I
1 BBi, p. 67.
It 'will be noticed that by virtue of the last condition the
problem becomes, io a way, determinate:

becomes equal to -169' Hence

;X2 + 3IX + 95 = OX2 + ox + 169.
"Multiplying both sides by 12, superadding 961,
and then extracting square-roots, we get
6x +3 I = ox + 43.
x= 2.
"With the value thus obtained, we get the values of
the square "roots pertaining to the numbers to be 2,
~, 8, II. Subtracting the number-interpolator from the
squares of these, we have the (required) numbers as 2,
.13, 62., 119." "
Example 4. To find two numbers such that
x -y -+ k = u 2,
x-+ y +k = v 2

x 2 - ]2 + k' = S2,
x2 + y2 + kIf = t 2•
Bhaskara II says :
"Assume first the value of the square-root perrain-
ing to the difference (of the numbers wanted) to be any
unknown with or without an absolute number. The-
root corresponding to the sum will be equal to the
root pertaining to the difference together with the
square-root of the quotient of the interpolator of the
difference of the squares divided by the interpolator for
the sum or difference of the numbers. The squares of
these two less their interpolator are the sum and differ-
ence of the numbers. From them the two numbers can
be found by the rule" of concurrence."1
1 BBi, pp. I I Iff.

That IS to say, if '))/ is any rational number, we.

11= W ± a,
where a is an absolute number which may be o. Then
v = (w ~ a) + V Ie' lie:
Now x 2 - y2 + k' = (x - y)(x + y) + k'
= (112 - k)(v2 - k) k' +
= 11 2V2 - ~(1I2 + v2) + k 2 + k',
One sufficient condition that the right-hand side may be
a square IS
k(v - 11)2 = k',
or V = II + V k'lle,

which is stated in the rule. Therefore,

x - y = (w ± a)2 - k,
x + y = (w ± a + V Ie' jle)2 - k.
Hence x = !{(w ± a)2 + (w ± a + Vk'/k)2 - zk},
y = !{(w ± a + vie'!~)2 - (w + a)2}.
Now, if y denotes V Ie' Ik, we get
x 2 + y2 = tt 4 + 2.YU3 + (3 y2 - 2.k)u2
+ 2.y(y2 - k)u + -&k2 + ~(y2 - k)2.
So it now remains to solve
,,4 + 2Yll3 + (3-y2 - + zy(y2 - k)u
zk)tt 2
+ ~k2 + ~(y2 - k)2 + kif = t2,
which is an indeterminate equation in u.
Applications. \~Ye take an illustrative example with
its solution from Bhaskara II.
"0 thou of fine intelligence, state a pair of
numbers, other than 7 and 6, whose sum and difference

(severally) added with 3 are squares; the sum of their

squares decreased by 4 and the difference of the squares
increased by I2. are also squares; half their product
together with the smaller one is a cube; again the sum
of all the roots plus 2 is a square."!
That IS to say, if x > y, we have to solve
x - y + 3 = u2 ,
. x+ y + 3 = v2 ,
x 2 - y2 + I Z = S2,
x 2 + y2 - 4 = /2,
+ y = p3,
U+ v + s + t + p + =
2. q2.
This problem has been solved in two ways:
First Method. As directed in the above rule,
u=w- I.
Then x - y = (w - 1)2 - 3 = w2 - 2W - 2,
X + y = (12' - I + 2.)2 - 3 = w2 + 2.1V - 2..
Therefore x = 1V2 - 2, Y = 2.W.
Now, we·find that
x 2 - y2 + 12. = (w 2 _ 4)2,
x 2 y2 - 4 = 1V4,
!xy + y = 1V3 •
SO all the equations except the last one are already
satisfied. This remaining equation now reduces to
2.W 2 + 3W - 2. = q2.
Completing the square' on the left-hand side Of this
equation, we get
(4)>' + 3)2 = 8q2 + 25·
1 BBi, p. 115.

By the method of the Square-nature its solutions are'

4W + 3 = 15'
4W + 3 = 495 ' ...
Therefore w = 3, 12 3, ...
Hence the values of (x,y) are (7, 6), (15127, 246), ...
Second Method. Or assumel
x - y + 3 = w2 ,
then x + y + 3 = w2 + 4W +
4 = (w + 2.)2.
Whence +
x = w2 2.W - I, Y = 2.W 2.+
Now, we find that
x 2 - y2 +12. = (W2 +
2.W - 3)2,
x + y2 - 4 = (W2 + 2.W + 1)2,

~~+ Y = (w+ 1)3.

Then the remaining condition reduces to
2W2 + 7W + 3 = q2.
Completing the square on the left-hand side, we get
(4W +
7)2 = 8q2 25. +
Whence by the method of the Square-nature, we get
q= 5 } q = 175}
4W +7= i 5' 4W +7= 495 ' ...
Therefore 11/ =.2., 12.2., •••

Hence (x,y) = (7, 6), (15 1.2.7, 2.46), ...

Another very interesting example which has been
borrowed by Bhiskara II from an earlier writer is the
following: 2
1 This is clearly equivalent to the supposition, II = w,
2 The text is ka~apylldaharalJ4fJ1 ("the example of some one").
This observation appear$ to indicate that this particular example -
was borrowed by Bhlskara II from a secondary source; its primary
source was not known to him.

"Tell me quickly, 0 sound algebraist, two numbers,

excepting 6 and 8, which are such that the cube-root of
half the sum of their product and the smaller one, the
square-root of the sum of their squares, the square-roots
of the sum and difference of them (each) increased by 2,
and of the difference of their squares plus 8, ,all being
added together, will be capable of yielding a square-
That is ,to say, if x> y, we have to solve
V'!(~ +y) + \lx2 + y2 + \lx2 _y2 + 8
+ vi x + y.+ 2 + V X - .'! + 2. = q2.
In every instance of 'this kind, remarks Bhaskara II,
"the values of the two unknown numbers should be
so assumed in terms of another unknown that all the
stipulated conditions will be satisfied." In other words,
the equation will have to be resolved into a number of
,other equations all of which have to be satisfied simul-
taneously. Thus we shall have to solve '
x - y + 2. = 112, ,
x+ y+.2. = v2,
x 2 - y2 + 8 = s2,
x2 + y2 = /2,
!(xy + y) = p3,
II + V + s + t +p = q2.
The last equation, represents the original one.
There· have been indicated several methods of solv-
ing these equations.
(i) Set' x = w2 - 1, Y = 2.W ; then we find that
x - y +
2. = (w - 1)2,
X + y + 2. = (w + 1)2,

IW., p. JJO.

x2- + 8 = (1112 - 3)2,

X2 + y2 = (131 2 + 1)2,
!(xy +y) = Dfo.
So all the equations except the last one are identically
sa6sfied. This last equation now becomes
2W2 3w - 2 = q2. +
Completing the square on the left-hand side, we get
(4W + 3)2 = 8q2 2.5. +
Solutions of this are
q= 5 } q= 30 t q= 175}
412'+3=15' 4W +3=85" 4131+3=495 , ..•
Therefore, we have the solutions of out problem
(x,y) = (8, 6), (1677/4, 41), (IS12.8, 2'46), ...
Or set
(ii) fx = 131
+ 2.W,
iy = 2.W + z;
(iii) {X = 131 - 2.W,
Y = 2.W - 2;
or (iv) {X = w2+ 4fl' + 3,
Y = 2.111 4. +
In conclusion BM.skara II remarks: "Thus there
may be a thousandfold artifices; since they are hidden
to the dull, a few of them have been indicated here out
of compassion for them."!
It will be noticed that in devising the various arti-
fices noted above for the solution of the problem,
BM.skara II has been in each case guided by the result
that if u = w ± a, then, v = 111 ± a Vk'/k. He has +
simply taken different values of a in the different cases.
1 BBi, p. II o.
SOLUTION oFaxy = bx + £y + d 2.97
28. SOLUTION OFaxy = bx + cy + d
BakhshiU Treatise. The earliest instance of a
quadratic ihdeterminate equation of the type axy = bx
+ €I' + d, in Hindu mathematics occurs in the
Bakhshall Treatise (c. 200).1 The text is very mutilated.
But the example that is preserved is
3x =
4Y =r= I,
xy +
of which the solution~ preserved are
3 4- I
X =' 4 = 15,
x = 1+ 4 = 5,
. ;.4+1 6
y= I +3=1.
Hence, in general, the solutions of the equation
xY= bx+ 91+ d,
which appear to have been given are:
_ be
X -
+} e, or
x =
m t'"+
_ be + d b'

Y = m + b; Y - m +,
where m is an arbitrary number.
An Unknown Author's Rule. Brahmagupta (628)
has described the following method taken from an
author who is not known now. 2
1 BMs, Folio 27, recto; compare also Kaye's Introduction §8z.
2 PrthUdakasvami (860) says that the method is due to a
wiiter other than Brahmagupta. This is further corroborated by
Brahmagupta's strictures on it (vide infra, p. 299).

~'The product of the coefficient of the factum and the

absolute number together with the product of the coeffi-
cients of the unknowns is divided by an optional number.
Of the optional number and the quotient obtained, 'the
greater is added to the lesser (of the coefficients of the
unknowns) and the lesser to the greater (of the coeffi-
cients), and (the sums) are divided by the coefficient of
the factum. (The results will be values of the unknowns)
in the reverse order."1
As has been observed by 'P.rthudakasvaml, this rule
is to be applied to an equation containing the factum
after it has been prepared by transposing the factum term
to one side and the absolute term together with the
simple unknown terms to the other. Then the solutions
will be, In being an arbitrary rational m~mber,
x =
+ e),
= !_(ad+ be
+ b) '
if b > c and IN>
ad +
be. If these conditions be re-
versed then x andy will have their values interchanged.
The rationalf of the above solutions can be easily
shown to be as follows:
axy = bx cy d, + +
or 2
a xy - abx - acy = ad,
or (ax - c)(try - b) = ad be. +
Suppose ax - c = In, a rational number;

then ay_ b= ad+ be.

1 DrSpSi, xviii, 60.
SOLUTION oFaxy = bx + ry + d 299

x= -(m
+ e),
y = _!__ ( ad -+ be + b ).
a m
Or, we may put q_y-b=m;
ad+ be
then we shall have ax - c= ;

whence x = ; C~~! Iff + c ).

y=-(m+ b).
It will thus be found that the restrictive condition of
adding the greater and lesser of the numbers m and
(ad + be)jm to the lesser and greater of the· numbers
band e respectively as adumbrated in the above rule is
quite unnecessary.
Brahmagupta's Rule. Brahmagupta gives the
following rule for the solution of a quadratic indeter-
minate"equation involving a factum:
"With the exception of an optional unknown,
assume arbitrary values for the rest of the unknowns,
the product of which forms the factum. The sum
of the products of these (assumed values) and
the (respective) coefficients of the unknowns will be
absolute quantities. The continued products of the
assumed values and of the coefficient of the factum will
be the coefficient of the optionally (left out) unknown.
Thus the solution is effected without forming an equation
of the factum. Why then was it done SO?"1
The reference in the latter portion of this' rule is
to the method of the unknown writer. The principle
1 BrSpSi, xviii. 61-3, "ide supra, p. 29'].

underlying Brahmagupta's method is to reduce, like the

Greek Diophantus (c. 275),1 the given indeterminate
equation to a simple determinate one by assuming
arbitrary values for all the unknowns except one. So
it is undoubtedly inferior to the earlier method.
Brahmagupta gives the following illustrative example:
"On subtracting from the product of signs and
degrees of the. sun, three and four times (respectively)
those quantities, ninety is obtained. Determining the
sun. within a year (one c~ pass as a proficient) mathe-
If x denotes the signs and y the degrees of the sun:>
then the ,equation is
xy- 3x - 4Y= 90.
Thus this problem, as that of Bhaskara II (infra), appears
to have some relation with that of the BakhsM.1i work.
Pfthudakasvami solves it in two ways. FirstlY, he as-
sumes the arbitrary number to be 17, then

x -_ - I (90' I + 3.4 + 4 )_
- 10,
1 17
Y = -(17
+ 3) = 20.

SecondlY, he assumes arbitrarily y = 20. On substituting

this value in the above equation, it reduces to
zox - 3X = 170 ;
whence x = 10.
Mahavira's Rule. Mahavira (850) has not treated
equations of this type. There are, however, two pro-
blems in his GatJita-sara-samgraha which involve similar
'equations. One of them is to find the increase or
1 Heath, Diaphantus, pp. 192.-4, 2.62..
Z BrSpSi, xviii. 61.
SOLUTION OF a~y = bx + cy + d ;01

~ecrease ,of two numbers (a, b) so that the product of

the resulting numbers will be equal to another optionally
given number (d). Thus we are to solve
(a ± x)(b ±y) = d,
or xy ± (bx+ ay) = d- abo
The rule given for solving this is :
"The difference between the product of the given
numbers and the optional number is put down at two
places. It is divided (at one place) by one of the given
numbers increased by unity and (at the other) by the
optional number increased by the other given number.
These will give in the reverse otder the values of the
quantities to be added or subtracted."!
That is to say,

x= ~.~a:}
d'""'"' ab '
x =
Y= ::-:b t
-- ab
-:--:-d 1
a+l . d+ a )

Thus the solutions given by l.fiha.vira are much

cramped. The other problem considered by him is to
separate the capitai, interest and time when their sum is
given: If x be the capital invested andy the period of
time in months, then the interest will be mxy, when: m
is the rate of intere.st per month. Then the problem
is to solve
IllXy + X +y = p.
Maba:dra solves this equation by assuming arbitrary
values fory.2
1. GSS, vi. :d14. 2 GSS, vi. 3~.

Sripati's Rule. Sripati (I039) gives the following

, rule:
"Remove the factums from one side, the (simple)
unknowns and the absolute numbers from the other.
The product of the coefficients of the unknowns being
added to the product of the absolute quantity and the
coefficient of the factum, (the sum) is divided by an
optional number. The quotient and the divisor should
be added arbitrarily to the greater or smaller of the
coefficients of the unknowns. These divided by the
coefficient of the factum will be the v31ues of the un-
knowns in the reverse order."l

. x = -I ( m T. )
e 1 x = -a,I (ad + be + e )}
y = !_ (ad + be + b ) J' y = .!_ (m + b) ~
a m a
where m is arbitrary.
Bhaskara II's Rule. BM.skara II (II 50) has given
two rules for the solution of a quadratic indeterminate
equation containing the product of the unknowns. His
first method is the same as that of Brahmagupta:·
"Leaving one unknown quantity optionally chosen,
the values of the other should be assumed arbitrarily'
according to convenience. The factum will thus be
reduced a...'1.d the required solution can then be obtained
by the first method of analysis:"2
Bhaskara's aim was to obtain intf:gra~ solutions. The
above method is, however, not convenient fat the
.purpose. He observes:
"On assuming in this wayan arbitrary known
value for one of the unknowns, the integral values of the
1 SiSe~ xiv . .10-1. 2BBi,p. 12 3·
SOLUTION OFaxy = bx + cy + d 303

two ,unknowns can be obtained with m~ch difficulty."l

So he describes a second method "by which they can
be obtained with little difficulty."
"Transposing the factum from one side chosen at
pleasure, and the (simple) unknowns and the absolute
number from the other side (of the equation), and then
dividing both the sides by the coefficient of the factum,
the product of the coefficients of the unknowns together
with the absolute number is divided by an optional
number. The optional number and that quotient should
be increased or diminished by the co~fficients of the
unknowns at pleasure. They (results thus obtained)
should be known as the values of the two unknowns
reciprocally."2 -
This rule has been elucidated by the author thus:
"From one of the ·two equal sides the factum be-'
jng removed, and from .the other the unknowns
and the absolute number; then dividing the two
sides by the coefficients of the factum, the product
of the coefficients of the unknowns on the other side
added to the absolute number, is divided by an
optional number. The optional number and the quo-
tiet:lt being arbitrarily added to the coefficients of the
·unknowns, should be known as the values of the un-
knowns in the reciprocal order. That is, the one to
which the coefficient of the hi/aka (the second unknown)
is added, will be the value of the yavat-tdpat (the first
unknown) and the one to which the coefficient of the
ydvat-tdvat is added, will be the value of the kc1/aka.
But if, after that has been done, owing to the magnitude,
the statements (of the problem) are not fulfilled, then
1 "Evamekasmin vyakte rasau kalpit,= sati bahunayasenabhinnau
rasi jnayete"-BBi, p. 1 Z4.
2 BBi, RP. 12-4f.

from the optional number and the quotient, the coeffi-

cients of the unknowns should be subtracted, and (the
remainders) wlll be the values of the unknowns in the
reciprocal order."
Thus Bhiskara's solutions are

x ~ ~ ± III } x ~~± II' } ~

Y = -a -+ n' y =. -a ± fIJ'

fIJ (b~
fIJ' is any arbitrary number and n' = ..; a
The rationale of these solutions is as follows:
axy = bx + €)I + d,
or xy -- -;;x- '-;;y= a'
or ( X - !__)
a ( Y - !!_) a + abe2 =
a = !!_ 111'n'
Then, either

x-; =±fIJ'}
b ,
ac - ,
Y-(i=±n y- -=
whence the solutions.
Bhaskara's Proofs. The same rationale of the
above soluti(:)ns has been given also by Bhiskara II with
the help of the following illustrative example. He
observes that the proof "is twofold in every case: one
geometrical (k,ctragata), the other algebraic (raijgata)."l
Example. "The.sum of two numbers multiplied
by four and three, added by two is equal to the product
IBBi,p. 12 5·
SOLUTION oFaxy = bx + cy + d 305

of those numbers. "Tell me, if thou knowest, those

two numbers."l
Solution. "Having performed the operations as
stated, the sides are
~y = 4X + 3.Y + 2.
The product of the coefficients of the unknowns plus
the absolute term is 14. Dividing this by an optional
number (say) unity, the optional number and the quotient
are I, 14. To these being arbitrarily added 4, 3, the
coefficients of the unknowns, the values of (x,y) are
(4, 18) or (17, 5). (Dividing) by (the optional number) 2,
(other values will be) (5, I I) or (10, 6.)"2
Geometrical Proof. "The second side of the equation
is equal to the factum. But the factum is the area of an
oblong quadrilateral of which the base and upright are
the unknown quantities. Within this figure (Fig. 15)
exist four x's, three y's and the absolute number 2.
From this figure on taking off four x's and.'Y minus four
multiplied by its own coefficient, (i.e., 3), it becomes
this (Fig. 16).
~ _____ . x • ____ .. f----- X .----~ -
...---------, TI======~

y y
I, ,,
, ~ L...L..L...I..._ _ _----l
... '-----_.....

Fig. 15 Fig. 16

. .
The other side of the equatioQ being so treated there'

1 BBi, pp. 123, 12 5: 2 BBi, p. 12.5.


results 14. This must be the area of the figure remaining

at the corner (see Fig. 16) within the rectangle represent-
ing the factum, and is the product of its base and upright.
But these are (still) to be known here. Therefore, assum-
ing an optional number for the base, the upright will be
obtained on dividing the area 14 by it. One of these,
base and upright, being increased by 4, the coefficient
of x will be the upright of the figure representing the
factum, because when four x's were separated from the
factum-figure, its upright was lessened by 4. Similarly
the other being increased by 3, the coefficient of y, will
be the base They are precisely" the values of x and y."l
Algebraic Proof "This is also geometrical in
origin. In this the values of the base and upright of
the smaller rectangle within the rectangle whose base
and upright are x and y respectively, are assumed to be
two other unknowns 11 and v. 2 One of them being
in<;reased by the coefficient of x will be the value of
the upright of the outer figure and the other being
increased by the coefficient of y will be taken to be the
value of the base of the outer figure. Thus y = 11 4, +
x = v + 3. Substituting these values of the unknowns
x, y, on both sides of the equation, the upper side will
be 311 + 4V +26 and the factum side will be uv 311 +
+ +'4V 12. On making perfect clearance b.etween
these sides, the lower side becomes IIV and the upper
side 14. This is the area of that inner rectangle and it is
equal to the product of the coefficients of the unknowns
plus the absolute number. How the values of the
unknowns are to be thence deduced, has been already
explained. "3

1DBi, p" 12.6.

2In the original text they are respectively ni (fDr nilaka) and pI
(for pi/aka).
aBBi, p .. U7.
SOLUTION oFaxy = bx + €I' + d 307
Bhaskara II further observes:
"Thus the proof of the solution of the factum has
been shown to be of two kinds. What has been said
before-the- product of the coefficients of the unknowns
together with the absolute number is equal to the area
of another rectangle inside the rectangle representing
,the factum and lying at a corner-is sometimes other-
wise. For, when the coefficients of the unknowns are
negative, the factum-rectangle will be inside the
other rectangle at one corner; and when the coefficients
of the unknowns are greater than the base and upright
of the factum-rectangle, and are positive, the other
will be outside the factum rectangle and at a corner, as
(Figs. 17: 18).
.r:------.u -----~

~ _ ____ u ___ .. ___ -" IJ

: 1--------1 I

: fo---- x ... --~

v y ,

..:. ..............._------' I
x ,!. ~-----_,
Fig. 17 Fig. IS
When it is so, the coefficients of the unknowns lessened
by the optional number and the quotient, will be the
values of x andy."l

atulya-I48; samasa-I 48 ; D
Bhavita 26, 35 Datta, B. I, 6, 9, II, 14, 15, 30,
Bija I, 4, 5 35,3 6, 59, 60,93, 13 I, 204,
Bijagat:J.ita I, 2, 3, 65, 88, 90, 205, 206, 207, z08, 209, 212,
139 22 I, Z22, 223
Biildu 14 Desboves 199
Brahmagupta I, 4, 5, 9, 10, II, Devaraja 88
17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 31, Dickson, L. E. 133, 199, 225,
227, 240, 270, 271
33, 35, 40, 4 1, 43, 44, 54, 55, Diophantus 14, z09
57, 62, 63, 64, 67, 70, 74, 7;, Division 23, 27
82,83, 85, 87, 89, 9 1, 9 2, II7, Double equations ;-in several
121, 125, 127, 132, I43, 145,
unknowns 283 ;--of higher
147, 157, 158, 160, 161, 173, degrees 278 ;--of the first
174, 175, 176, 181, 206, 207, degree 258;--of the second
210, 21 I, 2iz, 2Z3, 225, 227, degree 266, first type 266,
233,234, z35, 2;6, 239, 240, second type 276
251, 2P, z59, 260, 264, 284, Drsya IZ
300, 302. ;-'s Corollary 147, Drummond 273
149, 152 ;-'s Lemmas 146, Dvicchedagram 13 I
147, 148, 149 ;-'s Proof 14 8 DvidM 146
Brahmar;ta,6 ; Satapatha-7, 8 Dvivedi, Sudhakara 65
Bcihma-sphuta-siddhanta 4, 3 Z
Brahmi characters 14, 15 E
Brouncker I 55
Elimination of the middle term
c 69 I
Epanthema 50
Evolution and involution 23
Cantor 50
Equations II, 28; Classification
Cakravala 16z
of-35;commonforms of-81;
Chasles 239 forming-28 ; higher-77 ; In-
Clark, W. E. 93 determinate--of the first de-
Clere, E. 271 gree 87, see pulveriser; Inde-
Coefficient 9 terminate--of· the second
Colebrooke 33, 65,141,206,255 degree, see Square-nature;
Conjunct Pulveriser 135 ; gene- linear-44 ; linear-in one un-
ralised-13 7; alternative me- known 36; linear-with two
thod 139 unknowns 43; linear-with
Constant Pulveriser I 17 several unknowns 47, 125;
Cube-pulveriser 254 --of higher degrees 76 ~ plan
Cyclic method 161 of writing-3 0; preparation of
INDE..,,{ ;II
-H; Quadrati~-59 j simul- Hrasva mula 144
taneous quadranc-8 I Hoernle 14, 15
Euler 148, 166, 186, 262 I
F Indeterminate equations 87,
Fermat 150, "166 general survey 87, its import-
Fibonacci, Leonardo ZI4 ance 88, of the first degree
Frenicle 166 87, three varieties of problems
89, preliminary operations 91 ;
G simultaneous--of the first
degree 127, Sripati's solution
Gaccha 16 1Z 7 ; single--of higher degrees
Gat;tesa 69,88,90, Il7, 208, 212, 2.45, Bbaskara's method :46,
240 Mahilvira's rule 2.45, Naril-
Gatigadhara 43 yat;ta's rule 2.48
Ganguly, Sarda Kanta 51, 88, Ibn-al-Haitam 1 ) 3 " "
93, 104, 139, 140 Isosceles trapeziums. 1.28; rano-
Ganita, I, 3, 16; kut~aka-l j nal-2.28 ; pairs of-2.3 1
a~yakta-l ; vyakta-I. Isosceles triangles,-wi th a given
Gat;tita-sara-samgraha 38, 66, altitude 2.23"j wIth integral
123, 300 " sides 2.2.2.; pairs of rational-
General indeterminate equatlOns
of the second degree: single I~!agut;taghna 53
equations 1 8 1
I~~a-karma 39
General problem of remainders
131 J
General solution of Square-
nature 149 Jha, Murlidhara 19, 20
Genocchi 2.70 Jihinaraja 28, 65, 69, 93, rr6,
Ghana 10, 15, 35;-varga 10, 15; 128, 144, 148, 151, t54, 186,
-varga-varga 10 18 9, 193
Ghata 10 J.ye~tha pada 144
Gulika 10 K
Gulikantara 40 Killaka 17
GUQadhana 78 Kamalakara 93, 116, 141, 143,
GU.f..laka 9
GU.f..lakara 9 144, 148, 151, 154, 193, 194,
Gut;ta-karma ; 195, 196, 197, 19 8
Kilmika 9, 38
H Kani~tha pada 144
Karavindasvami 2.07
Haritaka 18 Kiltyayana 59, 204. 206
Heath 50 Kaye 14, 4 8, 49, 50, 61, 93 ;" 2.9J
Hewlett, John 186 KOQasailku 64

Kr~[:la 2.7, 36, 65, 69, 90, III, 2.2.1, 2.2.2., 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 226, 227.
II8, 142., 148, 154, ,16 3, 177 2.29, 231, 234, 25 6, 2;8, 242,
Krti-prakrti 141 2.43, 244, 245, 301 ;-'s defini-
K~aya 12. tions 2.08 ;-'s rules 56, 86,
K~epaka 144 103, 300; rule of-12.4.
K~etragata 3 Matsunago 199 .
Kummer 2.39 Mazumdar, N. K. 93
Kunaka I, 89, 91; citra-misra Mehta, D. M. 88
52.; dr<;lha-117;-gat:lita I; Mikami, Y. 200
origin of the name 90;- Mula 15; varga-I 0 ; dvitiya-
SiromaQ.i 88; sthira-II7 varga-II; nth varga-II;
Kuttilcira 89 prathama-varga--I I ; triciya-
varga-ghana I I.
L Multiple equations 2.83
Multiplication 22, 2.6
Laghubhaskadya 2.84
Lagrange 148, 186 N
Laws of signs 2.0
Lemma 150; Brahmagupta's NarayaQ.a 5. I I , 14, 19, 20, 21,
146; BMskara~s 162. ZZ, 2.3, 24, 2.6, 27, 28, 29,
LlIavati ;, 88, 90, I 17, 12 4, I ; 9 41, 4;, 50, 52, 53, 82., 8;,
Linear equations 36, 44; early 84,93, II6, 119, 12.2, 143, 144;
solutions 36; in more than 148, 15 0, 151, 154, 16 4, 16 5,
two unknowns IZ 5 ;-in one 168, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179,
unknown 36; rule of false 181, 186, 2.02, 245, 248, 249,
position 37 ; solution of-40; 260, 264, 266, 271, 274, 279,
-with several unknowns 47; 284, 286 ;-'s rule 164, 248
-~ith two unknowns 43 Nilaka 17
Lohita 18 Nyasa 30, 33
Nyuna 14
Madhura 19
Madhyamahara.t_la ;, 35, 36, 69, Operations, fundamental-25;
number Of-25 ;-with an op-
76 tional number 39
Maha-Bh:1skadya 89 Origin of minus sign 14
Mahivedi 6
Mahavira 20, 22., 23, 24, 25, 38, p
.44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56,
66, 67, 73, 74, 77, 7 8, 79, Padmanabha 12, 70
82, 83,'84, 85, 87, 89, 9 1, 137, Pairs of rectangles 2. 19
13 8, 207, 208, 209, 210, 213, Paksa I I
2. 14, 2.15, 216, 2.17, 218, 2.19 Pala·bha 64
Parka gata 10 appearance from later algebra
Pellian equation 5 38
Pitaka 18 Rupa 9, 12, 14 1
Power 10 s
Prftdcia 7 $a<;lgata 10
Prakrti 9 Sadrsi-karaQa I I
Principle of Composition 145> Sarna I I
147, 148, I ~o Sama-karana I I
"Pfthudakasvam1 I, 9, I I, 18, 20, Samd;)dh;na 33, 34
24, 29, 3'1, 31·, 33, 34, 35, 40, Sarna tva II
4I, 55> 75, 102, II7, 121, 1;2, SamikaraQa II, 28; aneka-varQa
134, 135> 143, 144, i45, 224, -35 ; avyaktavarga-35 ;
227, 229, 234, 23 8, 25 I, 25 2, asakrt-18I; ekavarna-;5;
297, 29 8, 300 • sakrt-I81
l'uru?a 7 Samsl:~takuttaka 13 6
Q Samya I I
·SankramaQ.a 43, 44, 82, 84
Quadratic, two roots of 70, Satpuru~a 4
. known to Mahavira 73. , Schooten, Fras van 225
Quadrilaterals, rational-228 ; Sen Gupta, P. C. 93
inscribed-having a given Siddhanta-siromaQ.i 90
area 242 Siva 5
R Singh, A. N. 2.70,271
Smith 14, 32, 38, 150
Rahn, J. H. 225 Sodhana 33
Ramakr~Qa 65 Special rules 129
Rangacarya 78, 104 Squaring 27 .
Ranganath 90, 212 Square pulveriser 250
Rasigata 4 Square-root 28
Rational, inscribed quadrilaterals Sridhara 12, 16, 38, 65, 67. 23 8 ;
2.35 i-isosceles trapeziums -'s rule 65
228 ;-quadrilaterals 2.2.8 ; - Sridhara Mahapatra 140
right triangles having a given Sripati 5, II, 18, 21, 2.2, 23. 24,
hypotenuse 2. 13 i-right tri- 34. 40, 44. 64, 92, 137, 143,
angles having a given side 145, 150", 155, 157, 20 7, 237,
2.09 i-scalene triangles 22 5 ; 302 ;-'s rule 67, 110, 12.7,
-triangles 204, early solutions 30 2.
204, integral solutions :2.06,. 'Stbananga-sutra 9, 35> 36
juxtapositIon of-223, later Subtraction 21 ; addition and-
rational solutions 207 2.5
Rodet 5 I, 93 Sulba 6, 7, 36, 59, 20 4
Ruie,-of concurrence 43 ;-of Suryadasa 65, 69, 90, 162, 177,
false position 37, 38; dis- I 2II, 212., 215

Suryadeva Yajva 91j 133 Unknown quantity .y

Suryasiddhanta 64 Uttaradhyayana-sutra ,10
Symbols 12 ;-for powers and
roots IS ;-for unknowns 16 ; V
-of operation 12 Vaiicha 9, 38
T Varga 10, II, 15, 35 ;-ghana-
ghata, 10, q ;-mula IO;-=--
TattvartMdhigama-slitra 60 prakrti 141, 142 ;-varga 10,
Te-chnical terms 9, 143 15, . 35 ;-varga-ghana-ghatl
Terminology 89 10,1'5 ;dvitiya-II ;prathama
Thibaut, G. 11, 14 - 1 0 ; tritiya-ll
Thymaridas 50, 5I Var.t:J.a 17, 19
Trapeziums 228; rational-228 ; Vieta 214 .
rational-with three equal Vi~amakarma 84
sides 233 Vyakta t, 2,4 ;-gaDita I •
Triangles, having a given area
227 ;-and quadrilaterals hav- y
109 a given area 244
Tri:§atika 16, 65, 238 Yadrccha 9, 3 8
Yavakastavat 20
u Yavat-tavat 9, 17, 18, 19, 29, 3
36 , 3 8
Umasvati 60 Yuta 12

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