E3sconf SeFet2019 01012 PDF
E3sconf SeFet2019 01012 PDF
E3sconf SeFet2019 01012 PDF
SeFet 2019
Abstract. This paper introduces a series cascade control structure for automatic generation control. The
control structure consists of two loops such as Primary loop and auxiliary loop (secondary loop). The
secondary loop controller is designed using internal model control (IMC) approach. The primary loop
controller is a PID controller which is tuned using desired complimentary sensitivity function. The beauty of
the control structure is that it effectively nullifies the disturbances entering to the secondary loop as well as
primary loop. The efficacy of the proposed controller is shown by comparing the simulation results with the
existing methods in the literature.
Corresponding author: dg.padhan@griet.ac.in
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019
3 Modeling of a Single area power +
System y
Generally, power systems are highly non-linear and + +
time-varying nature. However, for the purpose of -
frequency control analysis and synthesis in the face of _ +
load disturbances, a simple low-order linearized model is _ G -
used. A linear model of a single-area power system is
shown in Fig 2, in which a single generator is supplying _
power to a single-area. _
Fig. 3 IMC control structure
Decompose the plant model into two parts:
G(s) G (s)G (s) (5)
E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019
where F(s) is a low pass filter having steady state gain Kc ' (0)
of one. The filter is introduced for physical realisability
of the IMC controller, GIMC(s). The simplest filter has Kc
the following form [9] (0) (14)
F (s) (7) '' (0)
( s 1)n Kc Td
Where is the tuning parameter of the filter. 5.2 Secondary controller design
5 Controller Design
5.1 Primary controller design The inner loop controller ( Gc 2 ) is an IMC controller and
is designed based on IMC approach. The detail of the
The primary controller is considered in the following approach has been discussed in the previous section.
form Using the IMC approach, the secondary loop controller
is obtained as
1 Td s
Gc1 Kc 1 2s 1
T s T s 1
i Gc2 (15)
d k2 (2 s 1)
Where the derivative filter constant is chosen as 0.1 . where 2 is the desired closed-loop time constant of the
For load frequency deviation, the complimentary secondary controller.
function is obtained as
GGc1 6 Simulation Results
T (9)
1 GGc1
A non-reheated turbine studied by W Tan [8] has been
considered for simulation. The model parameters of the
In order to achieve the closed loop internal stability, the
reheat turbine are given by
asymptotic stability
lim (1 T) 0 (10)
s 1 , 1 Kp =120, Tp=20, Tt=0.3, Tg=0.08 and R=2.4
T1 T2
The second order identified model without droop
should be satisfied to reject a step change in load of characteristics is
power system. 120 e0.4626s
In the present work, the desired closed loop
G p1 (28.4952s 1)(0.2202s 1) and using the
complimentary function is suggested as proposed tuning rules the controller settings are
2 Kc=1.0326, Ti=1.2116 and Td=0.342.
( 2 s 1 s 1) ms
T 4 e (11) The secondary loop controller is
( s 1) Gc 2 (s1) (2s 4) .
Where is a tuning parameter to achieve satisfactory For nominal system, the frequency deviations and the
closed loop performance of power system. corresponding control efforts are shown in Fig-4 and
Using the above constraints and complimentary Fig-5.
sensitivity function, the primary controller is obtained as
(T1s 1)(T2s 1)( 2 s 1 s 1)
Gc1 (12)
4 s 2
k[( s 1) e m ( 2 s 1 s 1)]
x 10
The resulting controller is not in the standard PID 2
controller form.
Frequency Deviation(Hz)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time in sec
E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019
Fig. 4 Frequency deviation of the turbine without droop in method gives closed loop performance than Tan’s
nominal case approach.
7 Conclusions
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0.03 deviation have been tackled by proposing a cascade
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Control variable (u)
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0 8. Tan W., Unified tuning of PID load frequency
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 on Power systems 25(1), 341–50, (2010)
Time in sec
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for PID controllers in a Smith predictor
Fig. 7 Control Signal of the turbine without droop in configuration, Computers and Chemical
perturbation case Engineering 28, 281–290, (2004)