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E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.

SeFet 2019

Complimentary Sensitivity Function based Novel Cascade

Control Structure for Automatic Generation Control

B S Durga Kameswari 1, and Dola Gobinda Padhan2*

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering,
Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad, India

Abstract. This paper introduces a series cascade control structure for automatic generation control. The
control structure consists of two loops such as Primary loop and auxiliary loop (secondary loop). The
secondary loop controller is designed using internal model control (IMC) approach. The primary loop
controller is a PID controller which is tuned using desired complimentary sensitivity function. The beauty of
the control structure is that it effectively nullifies the disturbances entering to the secondary loop as well as
primary loop. The efficacy of the proposed controller is shown by comparing the simulation results with the
existing methods in the literature.

1 Introduction There are two variables of interest, namely, frequency

and tie-line power exchanges. Their variations are
In electric power system design and operation Load weighted together by a linear combination to a single
Frequency Control (LFC) or Automatic Generation variable called the ACE. The AGC problem has been
Control (AGC) is one of the most important issues for augmented with the valuable research contributions from
supplying sufficient and reliable electric power with time to time, like AGC regulator designs incorporating
good quality. The frequency of a power system is parameter variations/uncertainties, load characteristics,
dependent on real power balance. A change in real excitation control, and parallel ac/dc transmission links.
power demand at one point of a network is reflected The microprocessor-based AGC regulator, self-tuning
throughout the system by a change in frequency. regulator, and adaptive AGC regulator designs have also
Therefore, system frequency provides a useful index to been presented. The most recent advancement in this
indicate system generation and load imbalance. Any area is the application of concepts like neural networks,
short-term energy imbalance will result in an fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms to tackle the
instantaneous change in system frequency as the difficulties associated with the design of AGC regulators
disturbance is initially offset by the kinetic energy of the for the power systems with nonlinear models and/or
rotating plant. Significant loss in the generation without insufficient knowledge about the system required for its
an adequate system response can produce extreme accurate modeling. Apart from advances in control
frequency excursions outside the working range of the concepts, there have been many changes during the last
plant. decade or more, such as deregulation of power industry
and use of SMES, wind turbines, and PV cells as other
The successful operation of interconnected power sources of electrical energy to the system. Due to these,
systems requires the matching of total generation with the control philosophies associated with AGC have
total load demand and associated system losses. With changed to accommodate their dynamics and effects on
time, the operating point of a power system changes, and overall system dynamic performance. The present study
hence, these systems may experience deviations in covers the critical review of a wide range of
nominal system frequency and scheduled power methodologies of AGC regulator designs of power
exchanges to other areas, which may yield undesirable systems with their salient features.
effects [1] Ibraheem et al discussed a wide review of the recent
The primary notions of AGC for single area or multi philosophies in the area of AGC [1]. Also Several papers
areas power system are are avalable in the literature to address the concept of
 maintaining zero steady-state error for frequency AGC [2–7].
deviations. In this paper, the Cascade control structure has been
 limiting unscheduled tie line power flows between suggested for load frequency control for the first time.
neighbouring control areas. The approach is applied to single area power system
 better tracking for load demands and non-reheated turbine only. The proposed control
disturbances. approach can be applied to other turbines as well as
 maintaining less overshoot and settling time on multi area power system.
the frequency and tie line power deviations.
The paper is organized as follows: Cascade control
structure for AGC is discussed in section-2. Modeling of

Corresponding author: dg.padhan@griet.ac.in

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0
E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019

single area power system is discussed in section-3.

Section-4 presents internal model control. Primary loop In the present work, non-reheat turbine(NRT) is
and secondary loop controllers design are discussed in considered for LFC modeling. The plant model used for
section-5 followed by simulation results in section-6. LFC without droop characteristicsis
Concluding remarks are given in section-7.
Gp1  Gg Gt Gp (1)
where Gg, Gt and Gp are the dynamics of the governor,
2 Cascade Control Structure for turbine and load & machine, respectively.
Automatic Generation Control The governor dynamics
The basic block diagram of series cascade control Gg  (2)
structure is shown in Fig 1. 𝐺𝑝1 and 𝐺𝑝2 are the transfer Tg s  1
functions of primary and secondary plant models and
whereas 𝐺𝑐1 and 𝐺𝑐2 represent the primary and theLoad and machine dynamics,
secondary loop controllers, respectively. ‘u2’ denotes the Kp
output of the secondary controller. Output of the Gp  (3)
secondary loop is denoted by y2 whereas y denotes the Ts  1
output of the primary loop. The disturbances d1 and d2 Non-reheat turbines are first-order units.
are entering to the input and output of the secondary The dynamics of the non-reheat turbine is represented as
plant models. Generally, Set-point response is less 1
priority response in the case of load frequency control. Gt  (4)
The output of the primary controller serves as the set- Tt s  1
point for the secondary loop. It is discussed in the
literature that Cascade control scheme is more effective
when the secondary loop is faster than the primary loop 4 Internal Model Control
and most of the disturbances enter the secondary loop.
The governor, turbine, load and machine of the power
4.1 Internal Model Control
system are collectively treated as primary process model.
Secondary process is considered as first order dynamic The IMC design procedure is a two-step approach that,
process model. although sub-optimal in a general (norm) sense, provides
a reasonable trade of between performance and
robustness. The main benefit of the IMC approach is the
d2 d1 ability to directly specify the complementary sensitivity
r + + y and sensitivity functions and, which as noted previously,
Gc1 + Gc2 Gp2 Gp1
directly specify the nature of the closed-loop response.
+ _ _ + + The IMC control structure is shown in Fig. 3.
The IMC design procedure consists of two main steps.
The first step will insure that GIMC is stable and causal;

Fig. 1. Cascade control structure for AGC

the second step will require GIMC to be proper.

3 Modeling of a Single area power +
System y
Generally, power systems are highly non-linear and + +
time-varying nature. However, for the purpose of -
frequency control analysis and synthesis in the face of _ +
load disturbances, a simple low-order linearized model is _ G -
used. A linear model of a single-area power system is
shown in Fig 2, in which a single generator is supplying _
power to a single-area. _
Fig. 3 IMC control structure
Decompose the plant model into two parts:
G(s)  G (s)G (s) (5)

Where G (s) contains all non-minimum phase terms

and right half zeros.
Design a set point-tracking IMC controller as
Fig. 2 Single area power system GIMC (s)  G1 (s) F(s) (6)

E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019

where F(s) is a low pass filter having steady state gain Kc   ' (0)
of one. The filter is introduced for physical realisability
of the IMC controller, GIMC(s). The simplest filter has Kc
the following form [9]   (0) (14)
F (s)  (7)  '' (0)
( s 1)n Kc Td 
Where  is the tuning parameter of the filter. 5.2 Secondary controller design
5 Controller Design
5.1 Primary controller design The inner loop controller ( Gc 2 ) is an IMC controller and
is designed based on IMC approach. The detail of the
The primary controller is considered in the following approach has been discussed in the previous section.
form Using the IMC approach, the secondary loop controller
is obtained as
 1 Td s 
Gc1  Kc 1   2s  1
 T s  T s  1 
 (8)
 i  Gc2  (15)
d k2 (2 s 1)
Where the derivative filter constant  is chosen as 0.1 . where 2 is the desired closed-loop time constant of the
For load frequency deviation, the complimentary secondary controller.
function is obtained as
GGc1 6 Simulation Results
T (9)
1  GGc1
A non-reheated turbine studied by W Tan [8] has been
considered for simulation. The model parameters of the
In order to achieve the closed loop internal stability, the
reheat turbine are given by
asymptotic stability
lim (1  T)  0 (10)
s 1 , 1 Kp =120, Tp=20, Tt=0.3, Tg=0.08 and R=2.4
T1 T2
The second order identified model without droop
should be satisfied to reject a step change in load of characteristics is
power system. 120 e0.4626s
In the present work, the desired closed loop
G p1  (28.4952s 1)(0.2202s 1) and using the
complimentary function is suggested as proposed tuning rules the controller settings are
2 Kc=1.0326, Ti=1.2116 and Td=0.342.
( 2 s  1 s  1) ms
T 4 e (11) The secondary loop controller is
( s  1) Gc 2  (s1) (2s 4) .
Where  is a tuning parameter to achieve satisfactory For nominal system, the frequency deviations and the
closed loop performance of power system. corresponding control efforts are shown in Fig-4 and
Using the above constraints and complimentary Fig-5.
sensitivity function, the primary controller is obtained as
(T1s  1)(T2s  1)( 2 s  1 s  1)
Gc1  (12)
4  s 2
k[( s  1)  e m ( 2 s  1 s  1)]
x 10
The resulting controller is not in the standard PID 2
controller form.
Frequency Deviation(Hz)

So, using Laurent series Gc1 can be expanded in the

following form
  " (0) s 2  -4
1 '
Gc1     (0)   (0) s  
 -6
s(  s  1)  2!  Tan
Now, the parameters of the primary controller can be -10
obtained as

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time in sec

E3S Web of Conferences 87, 010 12 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20198701012
SeFet 2019

Fig. 4 Frequency deviation of the turbine without droop in method gives closed loop performance than Tan’s
nominal case approach.

7 Conclusions
0.035 The issues of controlling the frequency and real power
0.03 deviation have been tackled by proposing a cascade
control scheme for single area power system. The main
Control variable (u)

0.025 merit of the cascade control structure is that it improves

0.02 regulatory response. The power system parameters have
Proposed been varied to demonstrate the controllers are robust and
0.015 Tan stable. The complementary sensitivity method and IMC
0.01 approach have been adopted to design the primary loop
and secondary loop controller respectively. It is shown in
0.005 the simulation results that the proposed control scheme
0 gives improved results when compared with existing
0 5 10 15 20 results in the literatures. The proposed approach can be
Time in sec
readily extended to multi-input and multi-out power
Fig. 5 Control Signal of the turbine without droop in nominal
x 10
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Frequency Deviation(Hz)

-2 Control Strategies in Power Systems, IEEE Trans.

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-6 Proposed
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-10 242–251, (2013)
-12 3. Shayeghi H, Shayanfar H, Jalili A., Load frequency
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0 1 2 3 4 5
Time in sec
6 7 8 9 10 researcher. Energy Conversion and Management,
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0.04 Proposed 6. Pan CT, Liaw CM. An adaptive controller for power
Control variable (u)

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0 8. Tan W., Unified tuning of PID load frequency
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Time in sec
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The robustness of the proposed controller is tested by

varying the plant parameters by 50%. For perturbed
system, the frequency deviation and corresponding
control effort are shown in Fig-6 and Fig-7 respectively.
From the simulation results, it is seen that the proposed

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