FR-E700 Installation Guideline Inverter
FR-E700 Installation Guideline Inverter
FR-E700 Installation Guideline Inverter
FR-E720-008(SC) to 600(SC)-NA
FR-E740-016(SC) to 300(SC)-NA
FR-E720S-008 to 110-NA
FR-E710W-008 to 050-NA
2 OUTLINE DIMENSION DRAWINGS ........................................3
3 WIRING ..................................................................................5
4 PRECAUTIONS FOR USE OF THE INVERTER .....................15
6 PARAMETER LIST ...............................................................18
7 TROUBLESHOOTING...........................................................22
This Installation Guideline provides handling information and precautions for use of the equipment.
Please forward this Installation Guideline to the end user.
2. Fire Prevention
This section is specifically about safety matters
Do not attempt to install, operate, maintain or inspect the CAUTION
inverter until you have read through the Installation z Inverter must be installed on a nonflammable wall without
Guideline and appended documents carefully and can use holes (so that nobody touches the inverter heatsink on the
the equipment correctly. Do not use this product until you rear side, etc.). Mounting it to or near flammable material
have a full knowledge of the equipment, safety information can cause a fire.
and instructions. z If the inverter has become faulty, the inverter power must
In this Installation Guideline, the safety instruction levels be switched OFF. A continuous flow of large current could
are classified into "WARNING" and "CAUTION". cause a fire.
z When using a brake resistor, a sequence that will turn OFF
Incorrect handling may cause power when a fault signal is output must be configured.
WARNING hazardous conditions, resulting in Otherwise the brake resistor may overheat due to damage
death or severe injury. of the brake transistor and possibly cause a fire.
Incorrect handling may cause z Do not connect a resistor directly to the DC terminals P/+
CAUTION hazardous conditions, resulting in and N/-. Doing so could cause a fire.
medium or slight injury, or may cause
only material damage. 3.Injury Prevention
(2) Wiring (5) Emergency stop
z Do not install a power factor correction capacitor or surge z A safety backup such as an emergency brake must be
suppressor/capacitor type filter on the inverter output provided to prevent hazardous condition to the machine
side. These devices on the inverter output side may be and equipment in case of inverter failure.
overheated or burn out. z When the breaker on the inverter input side trips, the
z The connection orientation of the output cables U, V, W to wiring must be checked for fault (short circuit), and
the motor affects the rotation direction of the motor. internal parts of the inverter for a damage, etc. The cause
of the trip must be identified and removed before turning
(3) Trial run ON the power of the breaker.
CAUTION z When any protective function is activated, appropriate
corrective action must be taken, and the inverter must be
z Before starting operation, each parameter must be
reset before resuming operation.
confirmed and adjusted. A failure to do so may cause
some machines to make unexpected motions. (6) Maintenance, inspection and parts replacement
(4) Usage CAUTION
WARNING z Do not carry out a megger (insulation resistance) test on
the control circuit of the inverter. It will cause a failure.
z Any person must stay away from the equipment when the
retry function is set as it will restart suddenly after trip. (7) Disposal
z Since pressing key may not stop output depending CAUTION
on the function setting status, separate circuit and switch z The inverter must be treated as industrial waste.
that make an emergency stop (power OFF, mechanical
brake operation for emergency stop, etc.) must be General instruction
Many of the diagrams and drawings in this Installation
z OFF status of the start signal must be confirmed before
Guideline show the inverter without a cover or partially
resetting the inverter fault. Resetting inverter alarm with
open for explanation. Never operate the inverter in this
the start signal ON restarts the motor suddenly.
manner. The cover must be always reinstalled and the
z The inverter must be used for three-phase induction motors.
instruction in this Installation Guideline must be followed
Connection of any other electrical equipment to the
when operating the inverter.
inverter output may damage the equipment.
z Do not modify the equipment.
z Do not perform parts removal which is not instructed in this
manual. Doing so may lead to fault or damage of the product.
z The electronic thermal relay function does not guarantee
protection of the motor from overheating. It is recommended
to install both an external thermal and PTC thermistor for
overheat protection.
z Do not use a magnetic contactor on the inverter input for
frequent starting/stopping of the inverter. Otherwise the
life of the inverter decreases.
z The effect of electromagnetic interference must be
reduced by using a noise filter or by other means.
Otherwise nearby electronic equipment may be affected.
z Appropriate measures must be taken to suppress
harmonics. Otherwise power supply harmonics from the
inverter may heat/damage the power factor correction
capacitor and generator.
z When driving a 400V class motor by the inverter, the
motor must be an insulation-enhanced motor or measures
must be taken to suppress surge voltage. Surge voltage
attributable to the wiring constants may occur at the
motor terminals, deteriorating the insulation of the motor.
z When parameter clear or all parameter clear is performed,
the required parameters must be set again before starting
operations because all parameters return to the initial value.
z The inverter can be easily set for high-speed operation.
Before changing its setting, the performances of the
motor and machine must be fully examined.
z Stop status cannot be hold by the inverter's brake
function. In addition to the inverter’s brake function, a
holding device must be installed to ensure safety.
z Before running an inverter which had been stored for a long
period, inspection and test operation must be performed.
z For prevention of damage due to static electricity, nearby
metal must be touched before touching this product to
eliminate static electricity from your body.
Unpack the inverter and check the capacity plate on the front cover and the rating plate on the inverter side face to ensure that
the product agrees with your order and the inverter is intact.
Inverter model
FR - E740 - 095 - NA
Front cover
Front cover
Wiring cover
Wiring cover
y When encasing multiple inverters, install them in parallel as a
cooling measure.
y When using the inverters at the surrounding air temperature of or more
40°C (104°F) or less, the inverters can be installed without any
clearance between them (0cm (0 inch) clearance). When
z General Precaution
The bus capacitor discharge time is 10 minutes. Before starting wiring or inspection, switch power OFF, wait for more than 10
minutes, and check for residual voltage between terminal P/+ and N/- with a meter etc., to avoid a hazard of electrical shock.
z Environment
Before installation, check that the environment meets following specifications.
y Install the inverter on a strong surface securely and vertically with bolts.
y Leave enough clearances and take cooling measures.
y Avoid places where the inverter is subjected to direct sunlight, high temperature and high humidity.
y Install the inverter on a non-combustible wall surface.
D D1*
* When the FR-A7NC E kit is mounted, a terminal block
protrudes making the depth approx. 2mm (0.08 inches)
(1) Standard control circuit terminal model
• Three-phase 200V class
Inverter Type W W1 H H1 D D1
80.5(3.17) 95.6(3.76)
68(2.68) 56(2.20)
FR-E720-030 112.5(4.43) 127.6(5.02)
FR-E720-050 128(5.04) 118(4.65) 132.5(5.22) 147.6(5.81)
108(4.25) 96(3.78) 135.5(5.34) 150.6(5.93)
FR-E720-175 170(6.69) 158(6.22) 142.5(5.61) 157.6(6.21)
180(7.09) 164(6.46) 165(6.50) 180.1(7.09)
260(10.24) 244(9.61)
220(8.66) 195(7.68) 190(7.48) 205.1(8.07)
• Three-phase 400V class
Inverter Model W W1 H H1 D D1
114(4.49) 129.1(5.08)
FR-E740-040 140(5.51) 128(5.04)
FR-E740-060 150(5.91) 138(5.43) 135(5.31) 150.1(5.91)
208(8.19) 147(5.79) 162.1(6.38)
195(7.68) 260(10.24) 244(9.61) 190(7.48) 205.1(8.07)
Terminal connection diagram
3.1 Terminal connection diagram
(1) Standard control circuit terminal model
Sink logic *1. DC reactor (FR-HEL) *6 Terminal P1 is not available for single-phase
When connecting a DC reactor, remove the 100V power input model.
Main circuit terminal
jumper across P1-P/+
Control circuit terminal Single-phase 100V power input model is not *7 A brake transistor is not built-in to the
compatible with DC reactor. FR-E720-008 and 015, FR-E720S-008
Single-phase power input and 015, FR-E710W-008 and 015.
Brake unit
MCCB MC (Option)
*8 Brake resistor (FR-ABR, MRS, MYS type)
*1 Install a thermal relay to prevent an
Single-phase R/L1 R
AC power Earth overheat and burnout of the brake resistor.
S/L2 (Ground) *8
supply (The brake resistor can not be connected
Jumper PR N/- to the FR-E720-008 and 015, FR-E720S-
008 and 015, FR-E710W-008 and 015.)
MCCB MC P1 P/+ *7
*6 Motor
Three-phase R/L1 U
AC power S/L2 V
supply T/L3 W
Main circuit Earth (Ground)
Control circuit
Standard control terminal block
Control input signals (No voltage input allowed) C Relay output
Forward STF
Terminal functions vary rotation start Terminal functions vary
B by Pr. 192 A,B,C terminal
with the input terminal Reverse STR Relay output
assignment (Pr. 178 to rotation start (Fault output) function selection
Pr. 184) RH
RM Open collector output
Multi-speed selection Middle
speed Terminal functions vary with
*2 When using terminals PC- RUN
Low RL the output terminal assignment
SD as a 24VDC power Running
speed (Pr. 190 and Pr. 191)
supply, take care not to MRS
short across terminals Output FU
SD SE Open collector output common
Contact input common Sink/source common
24VDC power supply PC *2
(Common for external power supply transistor)
y To prevent a malfunction caused by noise, separate the signal cables more than 10cm (3.93inch) from the power cables.
Also separate the main circuit wire of the input side and the output side.
y After wiring, wire offcuts must not be left in the inverter.
Wire offcuts can cause an alarm, failure or malfunction. Always keep the inverter clean. When drilling mounting holes
in an enclosure etc., take care not to allow chips and other foreign matter to enter the inverter.
y The output of the single-phase power input model is three-phase 200V.
Terminal connection diagram
MCCB MC P1 P/+ *6
Three-phase R/L1 U
AC power S/L2 V
supply T/L3 W
Main circuit Earth (Ground)
Control circuit
Safety stop function model
Control input signals (No voltage input allowed)
Forward STF C Relay output
Terminal functions vary rotation start Terminal functions vary
with the input terminal Reverse STR B
Relay output by Pr. 192 A,B,C terminal
assignment (Pr. 178 to rotation start function selection
Pr. 184) RH (Fault output)
High A
Multi-speed selection RM
speed Open collector output
*2 When using terminals PC-SD Low RL
RUN Terminal functions vary with
as a 24VDC power supply, speed
Connector for
plug-in option connection Option connector
y To prevent a malfunction caused by noise, separate the signal cables more than 10cm (3.93inch) from the power cables.
Also separate the main circuit wire of the input side and the output side.
y After wiring, wire offcuts must not be left in the inverter.
Wire offcuts can cause an alarm, failure or malfunction. Always keep the inverter clean. When drilling mounting holes
in an enclosure etc., take care not to allow chips and other foreign matter to enter the inverter.
Main circuit terminal specifications
3.2.1 Terminal arrangement of the main circuit terminal, power supply and the motor
Screw size (M3.5) Jumper
N/- P/+
Screw size (M4)
R/L1 S/L2 T/L3
N/- P/+ PR
Screw size
Screw size IM
(M3.5) IM Power supply Motor
Power supply Motor
FR-E720-240(SC), 330(SC) FR-E720-470(SC), 600(SC)
N/- P/+ PR
Screw size Jumper
Screw size
IM (M5) IM
Power supply Motor
Power supply Motor
Screw size
(230: M4/300: M5)
Power supply Motor
Main circuit terminal specifications
Jumper Jumper
Screw size (M3.5)
N/- P/+
Screw size (M4)
R/L1 S/L2
N/- P/+ PR
R/L1 S/L2 PR
Screw size
Screw size IM
(M3.5) IM Power supply Motor
Power supply Motor
Jumper Jumper
Screw size (M3.5)
N/- P/+
Screw size (M4)
R/L1 S/L2
N/- P/+ PR
R/L1 S/L2 PR
Screw size
Screw size IM
(M3.5) IM Power supply Motor
Power supply Motor
y Make sure the power cables are connected to the R/L1, S/L2, T/L3. Never connect the power cable to the U, V, W of the
inverter. (Phase need not be matched.) Doing so will damage the inverter.
y Connect the motor to U, V, W. Turning ON the forward rotation switch (signal) at this time rotates the motor
counterclockwise when viewed from the load shaft.
Main circuit terminal specifications
Main circuit terminal specifications
∗1 The cable size is that of the cable (HIV cable (600V class 2 vinyl-insulated cable) etc.) with continuous maximum permissible temperature of 75°C (167°F).
Assumes that the surrounding air temperature is 50°C (122°F) or less and the wiring distance is 20m (65.61feet) or less.
∗2 The recommended cable size is that of the cable (THHW cable) with continuous maximum permissible temperature of 75°C (167°F). Assumes that the
surrounding air temperature is 40°C (104°F) or less and the wiring distance is 20m (65.61feet) or less.
(Selection example for use mainly in the United States.)
∗3 The recommended cable size is that of the cable (THHW cable) with continuous maximum permissible temperature of 70°C (158°F). Assumes that the
surrounding air temperature is 40°C (104°F) or less and the wiring distance is 20m (65.61feet) or less.
(Selection example for use mainly in Europe.)
∗4 The terminal screw size indicates the terminal size for R/L1, S/L2, T/L3, U, V, W, PR, P/+, N/-, P1 and a screw for earthing (grounding).
A screw for earthing (grounding) of the FR-E720-600(SC) is indicated in ( ).
(For single-phase power input, the terminal screw size indicates the size of terminal screw for R/L1, S/L2, U, V, W, PR, P/+, N/-, P1 and a screw for earthing (grounding).)
y Tighten the terminal screw to the specified torque. A screw that has been tighten too loosely can cause a short circuit
or malfunction. A screw that has been tighten too tightly can cause a short circuit or malfunction due to the unit
y Use crimping terminals with insulation sleeve to wire the power supply and motor.
Main circuit terminal specifications
400V class
Pr. 72 PWM frequency selection
Setting 016 026 040 060
or More
(carrier frequency)
200m 200m 300m 500m 500m
1 (1kHz) or less
(656.19 feet) (656.19 feet) (984.25 feet) (1640.42 feet) (1640.42 feet)
2 to15 30m 100m 200m 300m 500m
(2kHz to 14.5kHz) (98.42 feet) (328.08 feet) (656.19 feet) (984.25 feet) (1640.42 feet)
or less
300m(984.25feet) + 300m(984.25feet)
= 600m(1968.50feet)
When driving a 400V class motor by the inverter, surge voltages attributable to the wiring constants may occur at the
motor terminals, deteriorating the insulation of the motor. Take the following measures 1) or 2) in this case.
1) Use a "400V class inverter-driven insulation-enhanced motor" and set frequency in Pr. 72 PWM frequency selection
according to wiring length
Wiring Length
50m(164.04feet) or 50m(164.04feet) to Exceeding
less 100m(328.08feet) 100m(323.08feet)
Carrier frequency 14.5kHz or less 8kHz or less 2kHz or less
2) Connect the surge voltage suppression filter (FR-ASF-H/FR-BMF-H) on the inverter output side.
y Especially for long-distance wiring, the inverter may be affected by a charging current caused by the stray
capacitances of the wiring, leading to a malfunction of the overcurrent protective function, fast response current limit
function, or stall prevention function or a malfunction or fault of the equipment connected on the inverter output side.
If malfunction of fast-response current limit function occurs, disable this function. If malfunction of stall prevention
function occurs, increase the stall level. ( Refer to Pr. 22 Stall prevention operation level and Pr. 156 Stall prevention
operation selection in Chapter 4 of the Instruction Manual)
y Refer to Chapter 4 of the Instrunction Manual for details of Pr. 72 PWM frequency selection . Refer to the manual of the
option for details of surge voltage suppression filter (FR-ASF-H/FR-BMF-H).
y When using the automatic restart after instantaneous power failure function with wiring length exceeding than 100m,
select without frequency search (Pr. 162 = "1, 11"). ( Refer to Chapter 4 of the Instruction Manual)
Control circuit specifications
z Wiring method
1) Strip off the sheath of the wire of the control circuit to wire.
Strip off the sheath about the size below. If the length of the sheath peeled is too long, a short circuit may occur among
neighboring wires. If the length is too short, wires might come off.
Wire the stripped wire after twisting it to prevent it from becoming loose. In addition, do not solder it. Use a blade terminal
as necessary.
Terminal A, B, C 6 (0.24)
Other than the above 5 (0.2)
Blade terminals available on the market: (as of Oct. 2008)
zPhoenix Contact Co.,Ltd.
Blade Terminal Model Blade Terminal
Terminal Screw Size Wire Size (mm2) Crimping Tool
With Insulation Sleeve Without Insulation Sleeve
0.3, 0.5 AI 0,5-6WH A 0,5-6
M3 (terminal A, B, C)
0.75 AI 0,75-6GY A 0,75-6 CRIMPFOX ZA3
M2 (other than the above) 0.3, 0.5 AI 0,5-6WH A 0,5-6
Blade Terminal Product Blade Terminal
Terminal Screw Size Wire Size (mm2) Number
Insulation Product Number
Crimping Tool
M3 (terminal A, B, C)
0.3 to 0.75 BT 0.75-7 VC 0.75 NH 67
M2 (other than the above)
2) Loosen the terminal screw and insert the cable into the terminal.
3) Tighten the screw to the specified torque.
Undertightening can cause cable disconnection or malfunction. Overtightening can cause a short circuit or malfunction
due to damage to the screw or unit.
Tightening torque: 0.5N·m to 0.6N·m (terminal A, B, C)
0.22N·m to 0.25N·m (other than the above)
* Screwdriver: Small flathead screwdriver (Tip thickness: 0.4mm/tip width: 2.5mm)
Control circuit specifications
z Wiring method
Use a blade terminal and a wire with a sheath stripped off for the control circuit wiring. For a single wire, strip off the sheath of
the wire and apply directly.
Insert the blade terminal or the single wire into a socket of the terminal.
1) Strip off the sheath about the size below. If the length of the sheath peeled is too long, a short circuit may occur
among neighboring wires. If the length is too short, wires might come off.
Wire the stripped wire after twisting it to prevent it from becoming loose. In addition, do not solder it.
(0.39 inch)
2) Crimp the blade terminal.
Insert wires to a blade terminal, and check that the wires come out for about 0 to 0.5 mm(0.02 inch) from a sleeve.
Check the condition of the blade terminal after crimping. Do not use a blade terminal of which the crimping is
inappropriate, or the face is damaged.
i nc
ve 02
ee (0. Wires are not inserted
Sl m
Crumpled tip
.5m Damaged into the shell
Blade Terminal Product Blade Terminal
Wire Size (mm2) Number
Insulation Product Number
Crimping Tool
0.3 to 0.75 BT 0.75-11 VC 0.75 NH 67
Control circuit specifications
Flathead screwdriver
y When using a stranded wire without a blade terminal, twist enough to avoid short circuit with a nearby terminals or
y Place the flathead screwdriver vertical to the open/close button. In case the blade tip slips, it may cause to damage of
inverter or injury.
z Wire removal
Pull the wire with pushing the open/close button all the way down firmly with a flathead screwdriver.
7) Do not apply a voltage to the contact input terminals (e.g. STF) of the control circuit.
8) Always apply a voltage to the fault output terminals (A, B, C) via a relay coil, lamp, etc.
The FR-E700 series is a highly reliable product, but incorrect peripheral circuit making or operation/handling method may
shorten the product life or damage the product.
Before starting operation, always recheck the following items.
(1) Use crimping terminals with insulation sleeve to wire the power supply and motor.
(2) Application of power to the output terminals (U, V, W) of the inverter will damage the inverter. Never perform such wiring.
(3) After wiring, wire offcuts must not be left in the inverter.
Wire offcuts can cause an alarm, failure or malfunction. Always keep the inverter clean.
When drilling mounting holes in an enclosure etc., take care not to allow chips and other foreign matter to enter the
(4) Use cables of the size to make a voltage drop 2% maximum.
If the wiring distance is long between the inverter and motor, a main circuit cable voltage drop will cause the motor torque
to decrease especially at the output of a low frequency.
Refer to page 9 for the recommended wire sizes.
(5) The overall wiring length should be 500m(1640.42feet) maximum.
Especially for long distance wiring, the fast-response current limit function may decrease or the equipment connected to
the secondary side may malfunction or become faulty under the influence of a charging current due to the stray capacity
of the wiring. Therefore, note the overall wiring length.
(6) Electromagnetic wave interference
The input/output (main circuit) of the inverter includes high frequency components, which may interfere with the
communication devices (such as AM radios) used near the inverter. In this case, install the FR-BIF optional capacitor
type filter (for use in the input side only) or FR-BSF01 common mode filter to minimize interference.
(7) Do not install a power factor correction capacitor, surge suppressor or capacitor type filter on the inverter output side.
This will cause the inverter to trip or the capacitor and surge suppressor to be damaged. If any of the above devices are
connected, immediately remove them. (When using capacitor type filter (FR-BIF) for single-phase power input model,
make sure of secure insulation of T/L3-phase, and connect to the input side of the inverter.)
(8) For some short time after the power is switched OFF, a high voltage remains in the smoothing capacitor. When
accessing the inverter for inspection, wait for at least 10 minutes after the power supply has been switched OFF, and
then make sure that the voltage across the main circuit terminals P/+ and N/- of the inverter is not more than 30VDC
using a tester, etc. The capacitor is charged with high voltage for some time after power off and it is dangerous.
(9) A short circuit or earth (ground) fault on the inverter output side may damage the inverter modules.
y Fully check the insulation resistance of the circuit prior to inverter operation since repeated short circuits caused by
peripheral circuit inadequacy or an earth (ground) fault caused by wiring inadequacy or reduced motor insulation
resistance may damage the inverter modules.
y Fully check the to-earth (ground) insulation and phase to phase insulation of the inverter output side before power-on.
Especially for an old motor or use in hostile atmosphere, securely check the motor insulation resistance etc.
(10) Do not use the inverter input side magnetic contactor to start/stop the inverter.
Always use the start signal (turn ON/OFF of STF, STR signal) to start/stop the inverter.
(11) Across P/+ and PR terminals, connect only an external regenerative brake discharging resistor.
Do not connect a mechanical brake.
The brake resistor can not be connected to the FR-E720-008(SC) or 015(SC), FR-E720S-008 or 015, FR-E710W-008 or
015. Leave terminals P/+ and PR open.
Also, never short between these terminals.
(12) Do not apply a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits.
Application of a voltage higher than the permissible voltage to the inverter I/O signal circuits or opposite polarity may
damage the I/O devices. Especially check the wiring to prevent the speed setting potentiometer from being connected
incorrectly to short terminals 10-5.
(13) Provide electrical and mechanical interlocks for MC1 and MC2
which are used for bypass operation. When the wiring is Interlock
incorrect and if there is a bypass operation circuit as shown right, Power R/L1 U
supply IM
the inverter will be damaged when the power supply is S/L2 V MC2
connected to the inverter U, V, W terminals, due to arcs T/L3 W
Undesirable current
generated at the time of switch-over or chattering caused by a
sequence error.
(14) If the machine must not be restarted when power is restored after a power failure, provide a magnetic contactor in the
inverter's input side and also make up a sequence which will not switch ON the start signal.
If the start signal (start switch) remains ON after a power failure, the inverter will automatically restart as soon as the
power is restored.
(15) Instructions for overload operation
When performing operation of frequent start/stop of the inverter, rise/fall in the temperature of the transistor element of
the inverter will repeat due to a repeated flow of large current, shortening the life from thermal fatigue. Since thermal
fatigue is related to the amount of current, the life can be increased by reducing current at locked condition, starting
current, etc. Decreasing current may increase the life. However, decreasing current will result in insufficient torque and
the inverter may not start. Therefore, choose the inverter which has enough allowance for current (up to 2 rank larger in
(16) Make sure that the specifications and rating match the system requirements.
(17) If electromagnetic noise generated from the inverter causes frequency setting signal to fluctuate and motor rotation
speed to be unstable when changing motor speed with analog signal, the following countermeasures are effective.
y Do not run the signal cables and power cables (inverter I/O cables) in parallel with each other and do not bundle them.
y Run signal cables as far away as possible from power cables (inverter I/O cables).
y Use shield cables as signal cables.
y Install a ferrite core on the signal cable (Example: ZCAT3035-1330 TDK).
(1) Interlock method which uses the inverter status output signals
By combining the inverter status output signals to provide an interlock as shown below, an inverter alarm can be
System failure
Inverter Sensor
(speed, temperature,
air volume, etc.)
For simple variable-speed operation of the inverter, the initial setting of the parameters may be used. Set the necessary
parameters to meet the load and operational specifications. Parameter setting, change and check can be made from the
operation panel. For details of parameters, refer to the instruction manual.
y indicates simple mode parameters. (initially set to extended mode)
y The parameters surrounded by a black border in the table allow its setting to be changed during operation even if "0" (initial
value) is set in Pr. 77 Parameter write selection.
y Pr. ...... Parameter number
Initial Initial
Pr. Name Setting Range Pr. Name Setting Range
Value Value
6/4/3/2% 27 Multi-speed setting (speed 7) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
0 Torque boost 0 to 30%
∗1 Acceleration/deceleration
29 0, 1, 2 0
1 Maximum frequency 0 to 120Hz 120Hz pattern selection
2 Minimum frequency 0 to 120Hz 0Hz Regenerative function
30 0, 1, 2 0
3 Base frequency 0 to 400Hz 60Hz selection
Multi-speed setting (high 31 Frequency jump 1A 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
4 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
speed) 32 Frequency jump 1B 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
Multi-speed setting (middle 33 Frequency jump 2A 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
5 0 to 400Hz 30Hz
speed) 34 Frequency jump 2B 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
Multi-speed setting (low 35 Frequency jump 3A 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
6 0 to 400Hz 10Hz
speed) 36 Frequency jump 3B 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
7 Acceleration time 0 to 3600/360s 5/10/15s 37 Speed display 0, 0.01 to 9998 0
RUN key rotation direction
5/10/15s 40 0, 1 0
8 Deceleration time 0 to 3600/360s selection
Rated 41 Up-to-frequency sensitivity 0 to 100% 10%
9 Electronic thermal O/L relay 0 to 500A inverter 42 Output frequency detection 0 to 400Hz 6Hz
current Output frequency detection for
43 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
DC injection brake operation reverse rotation
10 0 to 120Hz 3Hz
frequency Second acceleration/ 5/10/15s
44 0 to 3600/360s
DC injection brake operation deceleration time ∗2
11 0 to 10s 0.5s
time 0 to 3600/360s,
45 Second deceleration time 9999
DC injection brake operation 9999
12 0 to 30% 6/4/2% ∗3
voltage 46 Second torque boost 0 to 30%, 9999 9999
13 Starting frequency 0 to 60Hz 0.5Hz 47 Second V/F (base frequency) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
14 Load pattern selection 0 to 3 0 Second stall prevention
48 0 to 200%, 9999 9999
operation current
15 Jog frequency 0 to 400Hz 5Hz
Second electronic thermal O/L
51 0 to 500A, 9999 9999
Jog acceleration/deceleration relay
16 0 to 3600/360s 0.5s
time 0, 5, 7 to 12, 14,
17 MRS input selection 0, 2, 4 0 DU/PU main display data 20, 23 to 25, 52
52 0
High speed maximum selection to 57, 61, 62,
18 120 to 400Hz 120Hz 100
0 to 1000V, Frequency monitoring
19 Base frequency voltage 9999 55 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
8888, 9999 reference
Acceleration/deceleration 56 Current monitoring reference 0 to 500A inverter
20 1 to 400Hz 60Hz
reference frequency current
0, 0.1 to 5s,
Acceleration/deceleration time 57 Restart coasting time 9999
21 0, 1 0 9999
22 Stall prevention operation level 0 to 200% 150% 58 Restart cushion time 0 to 60s 1s
Stall prevention operation level
23 compensation factor at double 0 to 200%, 9999 9999 59 Remote function selection 0, 1, 2, 3 0
speed Energy saving control
60 0, 9 0
24 Multi-speed setting (speed 4) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 selection
25 Multi-speed setting (speed 5) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
61 Reference current 0 to 500A, 9999 9999
26 Multi-speed setting (speed 6) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
Initial Initial
Pr. Name Setting Range Pr. Name Setting Range
Value Value
Reference value at Terminal 4 frequency setting
62 0 to 200%, 9999 9999 126 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
acceleration gain frequency
PID control automatic
127 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
Reference value at switchover frequency
63 0 to 200%, 9999 9999
deceleration 0, 20, 21, 40 to
65 Retry selection 0 to 5 0 128 PID action selection 43, 50, 51, 60, 0
Stall prevention operation
66 0 to 400Hz 60Hz 0.1 to 1000%,
reduction starting frequency 129 PID proportional band 100%
Number of retries at fault 0 to 10, 101 to
67 0 0.1 to 3600s,
occurrence 110 130 PID integral time 1s
68 Retry waiting time 0.1 to 360s 1s
131 PID upper limit 0 to 100%, 9999 9999
69 Retry count display erase 0 0
132 PID lower limit 0 to 100%, 9999 9999
Special regenerative brake
70 0 to 30% 0% 133 PID action set point 0 to 100%, 9999 9999
0, 1, 3 to 6, 13 to 0.01 to 10.00s,
134 PID differential time 9999
16, 23, 24, 40, 9999
71 Applied motor 0 145 PU display language selection 0 to 7 1
43, 44, 50, 53,
54 146 Parameter for manufacturer setting. Do not set.
72 PWM frequency selection 0 to 15 1 Acceleration/deceleration time
147 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
73 Analog input selection 0, 1, 10, 11 1 switching frequency
74 Input filter time constant 0 to 8 1 150 Output current detection level 0 to 200% 150%
Reset selection/disconnected Output current detection signal
151 0 to 10s 0s
75 PU detection/PU stop 0 to 3, 14 to 17 14 delay time
selection 152 Zero current detection level 0 to 200% 5%
77 Parameter write selection 0, 1, 2 0 153 Zero current detection time 0 to 1s 0.5s
Reverse rotation prevention Stall prevention operation
78 0, 1, 2 0 156 0 to 31, 100, 101 0
selection selection
79 Operation mode selection 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 0 157 OL signal output timer 0 to 25s, 9999 0s
0.1 to 15kW, 1 to 3, 5, 7 to 12,
80 Motor capacity 9999
9999 158 AM terminal function selection 14, 21, 24, 52, 1
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 53, 61, 62
81 Number of motor poles 9999
9999 160 User group read selection 0, 1, 9999 0
0 to 500A, 9999 Frequency setting/key lock
82 Motor excitation current 9999 161 0, 1, 10, 11 0
∗4 operation selection
200V/ Automatic restart after
83 Rated motor voltage 0 to 1000V
400V ∗6 162 instantaneous power failure 0, 1, 10, 11 1
84 Rated motor frequency 10 to 120Hz 60Hz selection
Speed control gain (Advanced
89 0 to 200%, 9999 9999 Stall prevention operation level
magnetic flux vector) 165 0 to 200% 150%
90 Motor constant (R1) 0 to 50Ω, 9999 ∗4 9999 for restart
91 Motor constant (R2) 0 to 50Ω, 9999 ∗4 9999 168
0 to 1000mH, Parameter for manufacturer setting. Do not set.
92 Motor constant (L1) 9999 169
9999 ∗4
0 to 1000mH, 170 Watt-hour meter clear 0, 10, 9999 9999
93 Motor constant (L2) 9999
9999 ∗4
0 to 100%, 9999
94 Motor constant (X) 9999
∗4 171 Operation hour meter clear 0, 9999 9999
96 Auto tuning setting/status 0, 1, 11, 21 0
PU communication station User group registered display/
117 0 to 31 (0 to 247) 0 172 9999, (0 to 16) 0
number batch clear
118 PU communication speed 48, 96, 192, 384 192 173 User group registration 0 to 999, 9999 9999
PU communication stop bit 174 User group clear 0 to 999, 9999 9999
119 0, 1, 10, 11 1 0 to 5, 7, 8, 10,
PU communication parity 12, 14 to 16, 18,
120 0, 1, 2 2 178 STF terminal function selection 60
check 24, 25, 60, 62,
65 to 67, 9999
Number of PU communication
121 0 to 10, 9999 1 0 to 5, 7, 8, 10,
STR terminal function 12, 14 to 16, 18,
PU communication check time 0, 0.1 to 999.8s, 179 61
122 0 selection 24, 25, 61, 62,
interval 9999
65 to 67, 9999
PU communication waiting 0 to 150ms,
123 9999
time setting 9999
PU communication CR/LF
124 0, 1, 2 1
Terminal 2 frequency setting
125 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
gain frequency
Initial Initial
Pr. Name Setting Range Pr. Name Setting Range
Value Value
180 RL terminal function selection 0 Output phase loss protection
251 0, 1 1
181 RM terminal function selection 1 selection
0 to 5, 7, 8, 10, 255 Life alarm status display (0 to 15) 0
182 RH terminal function selection 2
12, 14 to 16, 18,
183 MRS terminal function Inrush current limit circuit life
24, 25, 62, 65 to 24 256 (0 to 100%) 100%
∗8 selection display
67, 9999
RES terminal function Control circuit capacitor life
184 62 257 (0 to 100%) 100%
selection display
Main circuit capacitor life
258 (0 to 100%) 100%
Main circuit capacitor life
259 0, 1 (2, 3, 8, 9) 0
261 Power failure stop selection 0, 1, 2 0
RUN terminal function
190 0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 0 267 Terminal 4 input selection 0, 1, 2 0
to 16, 20, 25, 26, Monitor decimal digits
46, 47, 64, 80∗9, 268 0, 1, 9999 9999
81∗9, 90, 91, 93, 269 Parameter for manufacturer setting. Do not set.
95, 96, 98, 99,
Stop-on contact control
100, 101, 103, 270 0, 1 0
104, 107, 108,
111 to 116, 120, Stop-on contact excitation
125, 126, 146, 275 current low-speed multiplying 0 to 300%, 9999 9999
147, 164, 180∗9, factor
181∗9, 190, 191, PWM carrier frequency at
193, 195, 196, 276 0 to 9, 9999 9999
stop-on contact
191 FU terminal function selection 198, 199, 9999 4
Stall prevention operation
277 0, 1 0
current switchover
278 Brake opening frequency 0 to 30Hz 3Hz
279 Brake opening current 0 to 200% 130%
Brake opening current
280 0 to 2s 0.3s
0, 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11 detection time
to 16, 20, 25, 26, 281 Brake operation time at start 0 to 5s 0.3s
46, 47, 64, 80∗9, 282 Brake operation frequency 0 to 30Hz 6Hz
81∗9, 90, 91, 95, 283 Brake operation time at stop 0 to 5s 0.3s
96, 98, 99, 100,
286 Droop gain 0 to 100% 0%
101, 103, 104,
A,B,C terminal function 287 Droop filter time constant 0 to 1s 0.3s
192 107, 108, 99
selection Automatic acceleration/
111 to 116, 120, 292 0, 1, 7, 8, 11 0
125, 126, 146, deceleration
147, 164, 180∗9, Acceleration/deceleration
293 0 to 2 0
181∗9, 190, 191, separate selection
195, 196, 198, Magnitude of frequency 0, 0.01, 0.1, 1,
295 0
199, 9999 change setting 10
232 Multi-speed setting (speed 8) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 0 to 6, 99, 100 to
296 Password lock level 9999
233 Multi-speed setting (speed 9) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 106, 199, 9999
234 Multi-speed setting (speed 10) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 1000 to 9998,
297 Password lock/unlock 9999
235 Multi-speed setting (speed 11) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 9999, (0 to 5)
236 Multi-speed setting (speed 12) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 298 Frequency search gain 0 to 32767, 9999 9999
237 Multi-speed setting (speed 13) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 Rotation direction detection
299 0, 1, 9999 0
selection at restarting
238 Multi-speed setting (speed 14) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999
Communication operation
239 Multi-speed setting (speed 15) 0 to 400Hz, 9999 9999 338 0, 1 0
command source
240 Soft-PWM operation selection 0, 1 1
Communication speed
Analog input display unit 339 0, 1, 2 0
241 0, 1 0 command source
Communication startup mode
244 Cooling fan operation selection 0, 1 1 340 0, 1, 10 0
245 Rated slip 0 to 50%, 9999 9999 Communication EEPROM
342 0, 1 0
write selection
Slip compensation time
246 0.01 to 10s 0.5s 343 Communication error count — 0
450 Second applied motor 0, 1, 9999 9999
Constant-power range slip
247 0, 9999 9999 495 Remote output selection 0, 1, 10, 11 0
compensation selection
Earth (ground) fault detection 496 Remote output data 1 0 to 4095 0
249 0, 1 0
at start
497 Remote output data 2 0 to 4095 0
0 to 100s, 1000
250 Stop selection to 1100s, 8888, 9999 Stop mode selection at
502 0, 1, 2, 3 0
9999 communication error
Initial Initial
Pr. Name Setting Range Pr. Name Setting Range
Value Value
503 Maintenance timer 0 (1 to 9998) 0 Terminal 4 frequency setting
(904) 0 to 400Hz 0Hz
bias frequency
Maintenance timer alarm C6
504 0 to 9998, 9999 9999 Terminal 4 frequency setting
output set time (904) 0 to 300% 20%
USB communication station
547 0 to 31 0 126 Terminal 4 frequency setting
(905) gain frequency 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
USB communication check 0 to 999.8s, ∗5
548 9999
time interval 9999 C7
Terminal 4 frequency setting
549 Protocol selection 0, 1 0 (905) gain 0 to 300% 100%
NET mode operation C22
550 0, 2, 9999 9999
command source selection (922)
PU mode operation command ∗5
551 2 to 4, 9999 9999
source selection C23
555 Current average time 0.1 to 1.0s 1s ∗5
Parameter for manufacturer setting. Do not set.
556 Data output mask time 0 to 20s 0s ∗5
Rated (923)
Current average value monitor
557 0 to 500A inverter ∗5
signal output reference current
current 990 PU buzzer control 0, 1 1
Energization time carrying- 991 PU contrast adjustment 0 to 63 58
563 (0 to 65535) 0
over times
Pr.CL Parameter clear 0, 1 0
Operating time carrying-over
564 (0 to 65535) 0
ALLC All parameter clear 0, 1 0
571 Holding time at a start 0 to 10s, 9999 9999
611 Acceleration time at a restart 0 to 3600s, 9999 9999 Er.CL Faults history clear 0, 1 0
645 AM 0V adjustment 970 to 1200 1000
653 Speed smoothing control 0 to 200% 0 Pr.CH Initial value change list — —
Regeneration avoidance
665 0 to 200% 100
frequency gain ∗1 Differ according to capacities.
800 Control method selection 20, 30 20 6%: FR-E720-050(SC) or less, FR-E740-026(SC) or less,
0 to 500A (0 to FR-E720S-050 or less, FR-E710W-050 or less
859 Torque current 9999
****), 9999 ∗4 4%: FR-E720-080(SC) to175(SC), FR-E740-040(SC) to 095(SC),
Input phase loss protection FR-E720S-080 and 110
872 ∗7 0, 1 1 3%: FR-E720-240(SC) and 330(SC), FR-E740-120(SC) and 170(SC)
Regeneration avoidance 2%: FR-E720-470(SC) and 600(SC), FR-E740-230(SC) and 300(SC)
882 0, 1, 2 0 ∗2 Differ according to capacities.
operation selection
400VDC/ 5s: FR-E720-175(SC) or less, FR-E740-095(SC) or less,
Regeneration avoidance FR-E720S-008 to 110, FR-E710W-050 or less
883 300 to 800V 780VDC
operation level 10s: FR-E720-240(SC) and 330(SC), FR-E740-120(SC) and 170(SC)
Regeneration avoidance 15s: FR-E720-470(SC) and 600(SC), FR-E740-230(SC) and 300(SC)
885 compensation frequency limit 0 to 10Hz, 9999 6Hz ∗3 Differ according to capacities.
value 6%: FR-E720-008(SC) and 015(SC), FR-E720S-008 and 015,
Regeneration avoidance FR-E710W-008 and 015
886 0 to 200% 100%
voltage gain 4%: FR-E720-030(SC) to 330(SC), FR-E740-016(SC) to 170(SC),
FR-E720S-030 to 110, FR-E710W-030 and 050
888 Free parameter 1 0 to 9999 9999 2%: FR-E720-470(SC) and 600(SC), FR-E740-230(SC) and 300(SC)
∗4 The range differs according to the Pr. 71 setting.
889 Free parameter 2 0 to 9999 9999 ∗5 The parameter number in parentheses is the one for use with the
operation panel (FR-PA02) for the FR-E500 series or parameter unit
(901) AM terminal calibration - -
∗5 ∗6 The initial value differs according to the voltage class. (100V, 200V class/
C2 Terminal 2 frequency setting 400V class)
(902) 0 to 400Hz 0Hz ∗7 Available only for the three-phase power input specification model.
bias frequency
∗5 ∗8 For the safety stop function model, this setting is active only during the
C3 communication operation.
Terminal 2 frequency setting
(902) bias 0 to 300% 0% ∗9 Theses parameters can be set only in the safety stop function model.
Terminal 2 frequency setting
(903) 0 to 400Hz 60Hz
gain frequency
Terminal 2 frequency setting
(903) 0 to 300% 100%
Reset method of protective function
When a fault occurs in the inverter, the inverter trips and the PU display automatically changes to any of the following fault or
alarm indications.
If the fault does not correspond to any of the following faults or if you have any other problem, please contact your sales
z Retention of fault output signal...When the magnetic contactor (MC) provided on the input side of the inverter is opened
when a fault occurs, the inverter's control power will be lost and the fault output will not be
z Fault or alarm indication ..........When a fault or alarm occurs, the operation panel display automatically switches to the fault
or alarm indication.
z Resetting method ....................When a fault occurs, the inverter output is kept stopped. Unless reset, therefore, the inverter
cannot restart.
z When any fault occurs, take the appropriate corrective action, then reset the inverter, and resume operation.
Not doing so may lead to the inverter fault and damage.
Operation 1: ....... Using the operation panel, press to reset the inverter.
(This may only be performed when a fault occurs)
Operation 2: ....... Turn ON the reset signal (RES) for more than 0.1s. (If the RES signal
is kept ON, "Err." appears (flickers) to indicate that the inverter is in a Inverter
reset status.)
Operation 3: ....... Switch power OFF once. After the indicator of the operation panel
turns OFF, switch it ON again.
List of fault or alarm indications
UV Undervoltage
E.RET Retry count excess
SA ∗2 Safety stop
E. 5/
FN Fan alarm / E. 6/
CPU fault
/ E. 7/
Overcurrent trip during
Overcurrent trip during constant
speed Inrush current limit circuit fault
Overcurrent trip during
deceleration or stop E.AIE ∗1 Analog input fault
Regenerative overvoltage trip E. USB
during acceleration USB communication fault
Regenerative overvoltage trip
during constant speed to
Regenerative overvoltage trip to Brake sequence fault
during deceleration or stop
Inverter overload trip E. SAF
Safety circuit fault
E.THT (electronic thermal relay ∗1, ∗2
E.13 Internal circuit fault
Motor overload trip (electronic
thermal relay function)
∗1 If a fault occurs when using with the FR-PU04, "Fault 14" is displayed on
E.FIN Heatsink overheat the FR-PU04.
∗2 This is displayed only for the safety stop function model.
Appendix 1 Instructions for Compliance with the EU Directives
The EU Directives are issued to standardize different national regulations of the EU Member States and to facilitate free
movement of the equipment, whose safety is ensured, in the EU territory.
Since 1996, compliance with the EMC Directive that is one of the EU Directives has been legally required. Since 1997,
compliance with the Low Voltage Directive, another EU Directive, has been also legally required. When a manufacturer
confirms its equipment to be compliant with the EMC Directive and the Low Voltage Directive, the manufacturer must declare
the conformity and affix the CE marking.
z Note
We declare that this inverter, when equipped with the dedicated EMC filter, conforms with the EMC Directive in industrial
environments and affix the CE marking on the inverter. When using the inverter in a residential area, take appropriate
measures and ensure the conformity of the inverter used in the residential area.
z Note
∗ Set the EMC Directive compliant EMC filter to the inverter. Insert line noise filters and ferrite cores to the power and
control cables as required.
∗ Connect the inverter to an earthed power supply.
∗ Install a motor, the EMC Directive compliant EMC filter, and a control cable according to the instructions written in the
EMC Installation Guidelines (BCN-A21041-204). (Please contact your sales representative for the EMC Installation
∗ The cable length between the inverter and the motor is 5m maximum.
∗ Confirm that the final integrated system with the inverter conforms with the EMC Directive.
(2) Low Voltage Directive
We have self-confirmed our inverters as products compliant to the Low Voltage Directive (Conforming standard EN 61800-
5-1) and affix the CE marking on the inverters.
z Outline of instructions
∗ Do not use an earth leakage circuit breaker as an electric shock protector without connecting the equipment to the earth.
Connect the equipment to the earth securely.
∗ Wire the earth (ground) terminal independently. (Do not connect two or more cables to one terminal.)
∗ Use the cable sizes on page 9 under the following conditions.
ySurrounding air temperature: 40°C (104°F) maximum
If conditions are different from above, select appropriate wire according to EN60204 ANNEX C TABLE 5.
∗ Use a tinned (plating should not include zinc) crimping terminal to connect the earth cable. When tightening the screw,
be careful not to damage the threads.
For use as a product compliant with the Low Voltage Directive, use PVC cable on page 9.
∗ Use the moulded case circuit breaker and magnetic contactor which conform to the EN or IEC Standard.
∗ When using an earth leakage circuit breaker, use a residual current operated protective device (RCD) of type B (breaker
which can detect both AC and DC). If not, provide double or reinforced insulation between the inverter and other
equipment, or put a transformer between the main power supply and inverter.
∗ Use the inverter under the conditions of overvoltage category II (usable regardless of the earth (ground) condition of the
power supply), overvoltage category III (usable with the earthed-neutral system power supply, 400V class only) specified
in IEC664.
yTo use the inverter under the conditions of pollution degree 3, install it in the enclosure of IP54 or higher.
yTo use the inverter outside of an enclosure in the environment of pollution degree 2, fix a fan cover with fan cover fixing
screws enclosed.
FR-E720-175(SC) or less FR-E720-240(SC) or more
FR-E740-095(SC) or less FR-E740-120(SC) or more
FR-E720S-050 to 110
Fan cover
Fan cover
Fan connection
Fan Fan
Fan connection
∗ On the input and output of the inverter, use cables of the type and size set forth in EN60204 Appendix C.
∗ The operating capacity of the relay outputs (terminal symbols A, B, C) should be 30VDC, 0.3A. (Relay output has basic
isolation from the inverter internal circuit.)
∗ Control circuit terminals on page 5 are safely isolated from the main circuit.
∗ Environment
Running In Storage During Transportation
Surrounding Air Temperature -10°C to +50°C (14°F to 122°F) -20°C to +65°C (-4°F to 149°F) -20°C to +65°C (-4°F to 149°F)
90% RH or less 90% RH or less 90% RH or less
(non-condensing) (non-condensing) (non-condensing)
Maximum Altitude 1000m (3280.80feet) 1000m (3280.80feet) 10000m (32808.39feet)
Details are given in the technical information "Low Voltage Directive Conformance Guide" (BCN-A21041-203). (Please contact your
sales representative for the manual.)
∗ Select a UL and cUL certified fuse with Class T fuse equivalent cut-off speed or faster with the appropriate rating for
branch circuit protection, or a UL489 molded case circuit breaker (MCCB) in accordance with the table below.
(SC)-NA 008 015 030 050 080 110 175 240 330 470 600
Rated fuse voltage(V) 240V or more
Without power factor
Fuse Maximum 15 15 15 20 30 40 60 70 80 150 175
improving reactor
allowable rating
(A)∗ With power factor
15 15 15 20 20 30 50 60 70 125 150
improving reactor
Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
15 15 15 15 20 25 40 60 80 110 150
Maximum allowable rating (A)*
(SC)-NA 016 026 040 060 095 120 170 230 300
Rated fuse voltage(V) 480V or more
Without power factor
Fuse Maximum 6 10 15 20 30 40 70 80 90
improving reactor
allowable rating
(A)∗ With power factor
6 10 10 15 25 35 60 70 90
improving reactor
Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
15 15 15 15 20 30 40 50 70
Maximum allowable rating (A)*
-NA 008 015 030 050 080 110
Rated fuse voltage(V) 240V or more
Without power factor
Fuse Maximum 15 20 20 30 40 60
improving reactor
allowable rating
(A)∗ With power factor
15 20 20 20 30 50
improving reactor
Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
15 15 15 20 25 40
Maximum allowable rating (A)*
-NA 008 015 030 050
Rated fuse voltage(V) 115V or more
Without power factor
Fuse Maximum 20 20 40 60
improving reactor
allowable rating
(A)∗ With power factor
20 20 30 50
improving reactor
Molded case circuit breaker (MCCB)
15 15 25 40
Maximum allowable rating (A)*
∗ Maximum allowable rating by US National Electrical Code.Exact size must be chosen for each installation.
∗ When using the electronic thermal relay function as motor overload protection, set the rated motor current to Pr. 9
Electronic thermal O/L relay.
Pr. 9 = 100% setting of inverter rating*2 This function detects the overload (overheat)
Pr. 9 = 50% setting of inverter rating*1, 2 of the motor, stops the operation of the
inverter's output transistor, and stops the
Operation time (min)
⋅ Protective function by electronic thermal relay function is reset by inverter power reset and reset signal input. Avoid
unnecessary reset and power-OFF.
⋅ When multiple motors are operated by a single inverter, protection cannot be provided by the electronic thermal relay
function. Install an external thermal relay to each motor.
⋅ When the difference between the inverter and motor capacities is large and the setting is small, the protective
characteristics of the electronic thermal relay function will be deteriorated. In this case, use an external thermal relay.
⋅ A special motor cannot be protected by the electronic thermal relay function. Use the external thermal relay.
⋅ If electric thermal is set to 5% or lower of the inverter rated current, electronic thermal may not operate.
Appendix 2 Instructions for UL and cUL
(Standard to comply with: UL 508C, CSA C22.2 No. 14)
1. General Precaution
The bus capacitor discharge time is 10 minutes. Before starting wiring or inspection, switch power off, wait for more than 10 minutes,
and check for residual voltage between terminal P/+ and N/- with a meter etc., to avoid a hazard of electrical shock.
2. Installation
The below types of inverter have been approved as products for use in enclosure and approval tests were conducted under the
following conditions. Design the enclosure so that the surrounding air temperature, humidity and ambience of the inverter will satisfy
the specifications (Refer to page 2).
Wiring protection
Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection. Branch circuit protection must be provided in
accordance with the National Electrical Code for the U.S. or the Canadian Electrical Code for Canada and any additional codes. As
specified, UL Class T fuses or any faster acting fuse with the appropriate rating or Listed UL 489 Molded Case Circuit Breaker
(MCCB) must be employed. (Refer to page 26)
4. Wiring
For wiring the input (R/L1, S/L2, T/L3) and output (U, V, W) terminals of the inverter, use the UL Listed copper, stranded wires
(rated at 75°C(167°F)) and round crimping terminals. Crimp the crimping terminals with the crimping tool recommended by the
terminal maker.
⋅ Protective function by electronic thermal relay function is reset by inverter power reset and reset signal input. Avoid
unnecessary reset and power-OFF.
⋅ When multiple motors are operated by a single inverter, protection cannot be provided by the electronic thermal relay
function. Install an external thermal relay to each motor.
⋅ When the difference between the inverter and motor capacities is large and the setting is small, the protective
characteristics of the electronic thermal relay function will be deteriorated. In this case, use an external thermal relay.
⋅ A special motor cannot be protected by the electronic thermal relay function. Use the external thermal relay.
⋅ If electric thermal is set to 5% or lower of the inverter rated current, electronic thermal may not operate.
y Safety stop function is not certified by UL for the Safety stop function model.
*The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
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Phone: +33 1 55 68 55 68 TELECON CO. BULGARlA Darülaceze Cad. No. 43A KAT: 2
Fax: +33 1 49 01 07 25 4, A. Ljapchev Blvd. Getronics bv NETHERLANDS TR-80270 Okmeydani-Istanbul
e mail: BG-1756 Sofia Control Systems Phone: +90 (0) 212 / 320 1640
Phone: +359 92 / 97 44 05 8 Donauweg 10 Fax: +90 (0) 212 / 320 1649
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ITALY Fax: +359 92 / 97 44 06 1 NL-1043 AJ-Amsterdam
EUROPE B.V. e mall: ——
e mail: —— Phone: +31 (0) 20 / 586 15 92
Italian Branch
Fax: +31 (0) 20 / 586 19 27
C.D. Colleoni-P. Perseo lng. 2 AutoCont CZECHIA
Via Paracelso 12 e mail:
I-20041 Agrate Brianza (Ml) Nemocnicni 12 Beijer Electronics AS NORWAY
Phone: +39 (0) 39 / 60 53 1 CZ-70200 Ostrava 2 Teglverksveien 1 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC RUSSIA
Fax: +39 (0) 39 / 60 53 312 Phone: +420 (0) 69 / 615 21 11 N-3002 Drammen EUROPE B.V.
e mail: Fax: +420 (0) 69 / 615 21 12 Phone: +47 (0) 32 / 24 30 00 12/1 Goncharnaya St, suite 3C
e mail: —— Fax: +47 (0) 32 / 84 85 77 RUS-109240 Moskow
e mall: —— Phone: +7 (0) 95 / 915-8624/02
EUROPE B.V. louis poulsen DENMARK
Pol. lnd. Can Magi-C. Fax: +7 (0) 95 / 915-8603
industri & automation MPL Technology SP.Z.o.o POLAND e mall: ——
Calle Joan Buscallá, 2-4 AC 420 Geminivej 32 ul.Wroclawska 53
E-08190 Sant Cugat del Vallés DK-2670 Greve PL-30-011 Kraków STC Drive Technique RUSSIA
Phone: +34 (9) 3 / 565 31 31 Phone: +45 (0) 43 / 95 95 95 Phone: +48 (0) 12 / 632 28 85 Poslannikov per., 9, str. 1
Fax: +34 (9) 3 / 589 29 48 Fax: +45 (0) 43 / 95 95 91 Fax: +48 (0) 12 / 632 47 82 RUS-107005 Moskow
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC UK e mail: e mail: Phone: +7 (0) 95 / 786 21 00
EUROPE B.V. Fax: +7 (0) 95 / 786 21 01
UTU Elektrotehnika AS ESTONIA Sirius Trading&Services srl ROMANIA
UK Branch e mall: ——
Pärnu mnt. 160i Bd. Ghica nr. 112, BI. 41
Travellers Lane EE-10621 Tallinn RO-72335 Bucaresti 2 JV-CSC Automation UKRAINE
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 8 XB
Phone: +372 6 / 51 72 80 Phone: +40 (0) 1 / 210 55 11 15, M. Raskovoyi St., Floor 10,
Phone: +44 (0) 1707 / 27 61 00
Fax: +372 6 / 51 72 88 Fax: +40 (0) 1 / 210 55 11 Office 1010
Fax: +44 (0) 1707 / 27 86 95
e mail: e mail: U-02002 Kiev
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC JAPAN Phone: +380 (4) 4 / 238 83 16
Hevoshaankatu 3 Chalupkova 7 Fax: +380 (4) 4 / 238 83 17
Tokyo Bldg. e-Mail:
2-7-3 Marunouchi Chiyoda-Ku FIN-28600 Pori SK-81109 Bratislava
Tokyo 100-8310 Phone: +358 (0) 2 / 55 08 00 Phone: +421 (0) 7 592 22 54
Phone: +81 (0) 3 / 32 18 31 76 Fax: +358 (0) 2 / 55 088 41 Fax: +421 (0) 7 592 22 48
Fax: +81 (0) 3 / 32 18 24 22 e mall: —— e mall: —— MIDDLE EAST REPRESENTATIVE
AUTOMATION 5, Mavrogenous Str. Ljubljanska 80 Rehov Hamerkava 19
500 Corporate Woods Parkway GR-18542 Piraeus SI-1230 Dom z ale IL-58851 Holon
Vernon Hills, Illinois 60061 Phone: +30 (0) 1 / 42 10 050 Phone: +386 (0) 17 21 80 00 Phone: +972 (0) 3 / 559 54 62
Phone: +1 (0) 847 / 478 21 00 Fax: +30 (0) 1 / 42 12 033 Fax: +386 (0) 17 24 16 72 Fax: +972 (0) 3 / 556 01 82
Fax: +1 (0) 847 / 478 03 27 e mall: e mail: e mall: ——