B.tech Information Technology Syllabus
B.tech Information Technology Syllabus
B.tech Information Technology Syllabus
Scheme & Syllabus of First Year B. Tech. effective from Session 2018-19 Page 1
I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY2-02/ 2FY2-02: Engineering Physics
I & II Semester
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Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY2-03/ 2FY2-03: Engineering Chemistry
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Emulsification and steam emulsion number.
Organic reaction mechanism and introduction of drugs:
Organic reaction mechanism: Substitution; SN1, SN2, Elecrophilic
aromatic substitution in benzene, free radical halogenations of
alkanes, Elimination; elimination in alkyl halides, dehydration of
5 alcohols, Addition: electrophilic and free radical addition in alkenes, 7
nucleophilic addition in aldehyde and ketones, Rearrangement;
Carbocation and free radical rearrangements
Drugs : Introduction, Synthesis, properties and uses of Aspirin,
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY1-04/ 2FY1-04: Communication Skills
Passive Voice. Reported Speech. Conditional Sentences. Modal Verbs.
2 5
Linking Words (Conjunctions)
Job Application and Curriculum-Vitae Writing. Business Letter
3 5
Writing. Paragraph Writing. Report Writing.
Short Stories:
“Luncheon” by Somerset Maugham.“How Much Land Does a Man
4 Need?” by Count Leo Tolstoy. “The Night Train at Deoli” by Ruskin 5
“No Men are Foreign” by James Kirkup. “If” by Rudyard Kipling.
5 5
“Where the Mind is without Fear” by Rabindranath Tagore.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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(Sah-astitva) of mutually interacting units in allpervasive Space.
Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1 Fundamentals of Computer:
Stored program architecture of computers, Storage device- Primary
memory, and Secondary storage, Random, Direct, Sequential access
methods, Concepts of High-level, Assembly and Low-level languages,
Representing algorithms through flowchart and pseudo code.
2 Number system:
Data representations, Concepts of radix and representation of
numbers in radix r with special cases of r=2, 8, 10 and 16 with
conversion from radix r1 to r2, r’s and (r-1)’s complement, Binary
addition, Binary subtraction, Representation of alphabets.
3 C Programming:
Problem specification, flow chart, data types, assignment statements,
input output statements, developing simple C programs, If
statement, for loops, while loops, do-while loops, switch statement,
break statement, continue statement, development of C programs 12
using above statements, Arrays, functions, parameter passing,
recursion, Programming in C using these statements, Structures,
files, pointers and multi file handling.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY3-07/ 2FY3-07: Basic Mechanical Engineering
Introduction to mechanical engineering, concepts of thermal
engineering, mechanical machine design, industrial engineering and
1 manufacturing technology.
Steam Boilers classification and types of steam boilers and steam
turbines. Introduction and Classification of power plants.
Transmission of Power:
4 Introduction and types of Belt and Rope Drives, Gears.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY3-08/ 2FY3-08: Basic Electrical Engineering
AC Circuits:
Representation of sinusoidal waveforms, peak and r.m.s values,
phasor representation, real power, reactive power, apparent power,
power factor. Analysis of single-phase AC circuits consisting of R, L,
2 4
C, RL, RC and RLC combinations (series and parallel), resonance.
Three phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star
and delta connections.
Ideal and practical transformer, EMF equation, equivalent circuit,
3 4
losses in transformers, regulation and efficiency.
Electrical Machines:
Generation of rotating magnetic fields, Construction and working of
a three-phase induction motor, Significance of torque-slip
characteristic. Starting and speed control of induction motor, single-
4 7
phase induction motor. Construction, working, torque-speed
characteristic and speed control of separately excited DC motor.
Construction and working of synchronous generators.
Power Converters:
Semiconductor PN junction diode and transistor (BJT).
Characteristics of SCR, power transistor and IGBT. Basic circuits of
5 4
single phase rectifier with R load, Single phase Inverter, DC-DC
Electrical Installations:
Layout of LT switchgear: Switch fuse unit (SFU), MCB, ELCB, MCCB,
6 Type of earthing. Power measurement, elementary calculations for 4
energy consumption.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
Surveying: 8
Object, Principles & Types of Surveying; Site Plans, Plans& Maps;
Scales & Unit of different Measurements.
Linear Measurements: Instruments used. Linear Measurement by
Tape, Ranging out Survey Lines and overcoming Obstructions;
Measurements on sloping ground; Tape corrections, conventional
3 symbols.
Angular Measurements: Instruments used; Introduction to Compass
Surveying,Bearings and Longitude & Latitude of a Line, Introduction
to total station.
Levelling: Instrument used, Object of levelling, Methods of levelling
in brief, Contour maps.
Buildings: 3
Selection of site for Buildings, Layout of Building Plan, Types of
buildings, Plinth area, carpet area, floor space index, Introduction to
4 building byelaws, concept of sun light and ventilation. Components
of Buildings & their functions, Basic concept of R.C.C., Introduction
to types of foundation.
Transportation: 2
Introduction to Transportation Engineering; Traffic and Road Safety:
Types and Characteristics of Various Modes of Transportation;
Various Road Traffic Signs, Causes of Accidents and Road Safety
Environmental Engineering: 4
Environmental Pollution, Environmental Acts and Regulations,
Functional Concepts of Ecology, Basics of Species, Biodiversity,
Ecosystem, Hydrological Cycle;Chemical Cycles: Carbon, Nitrogen&
Phosphorus; Energy Flow in Eco-systems.
Water Pollution: Water Quality standards, Introduction to Treatment 3
& Disposal of Waste Water. Reuse and Saving of Water, Rain Water
Harvesting. 2
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Solid Waste Management: Classification of Solid Waste, Collection,
Transportation and Disposal of Solid. Recycling of Solid Waste:
Energy Recovery,Sanitary Land fill, On-Site Sanitation.
Air& Noise Pollution: Primary and Secondary air pollutants, Harmful 3
effects of Air Pollution, Control of Air Pollution. . Noise Pollution,
Harmful Effects of noise pollution, control of noise pollution, Global
warming& Climate Change, Ozone depletion, Green House effect
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
1FY2-23/ 2FY2-23: Human Values Activities
PS 1:
Introduce yourself in detail. What are the goals in your life? How do you set your
goals in your life? How do you differentiate between right and wrong? What have
been your salient achievements and shortcomings in your life? Observe and analyze
PS 2:
Now-a-days, there is a lot of talk about many technogenic maladies such as energy
and material resource depletion, environmental pollution, global warming, ozone
depletion, deforestation, soil degradation, etc. - all these seem to be manmade
problems, threatening the survival of life Earth - What is the root cause of these
maladies & what is the way out in opinion?
On the other hand, there is rapidly growing danger because of nuclear proliferation,
arms race, terrorism, breakdown of relationships, generation gap, depression &
suicidal attempts etc. - what do you think, is the root cause of these threats to
human happiness and peace - what could be the way out in your opinion?
PS 3:
1. Observe that each of us has the faculty of ‘Natural Acceptance’, based on
which one can verify what is right or not right for him. (As such we are not
properly trained to listen to our ‘Natural Acceptance’ and may a time it is also
clouded by our strong per-conditioning and sensory attractions).
Explore the following:
(i) What is Naturally Acceptable’ to you in relationship the feeling of respect or
disrespect for yourself and for others?
(ii) What is ‘naturally Acceptable’ to you - to nurture or to exploit others?
Is your living in accordance with your natural acceptance or different from it?
2. Out of the three basic requirements for fulfillment of your aspirations - right
understanding, relationship and physical facilities - observe how the problems
in your family are related to each. Also observe how much time & effort you
devote for each in your daily routine.
PS 4:
list down all your important desires. Observe whether the desire is related to Self (I)
or the Body. If it appears to be related to both, visualize which part of it is related to
Self (I) and which part is related to Body.
PS 5:
1. a. Observe that any physical facility you use, follows the given sequence with
Necessary and tasteful - unnecessary but still tasteful - unnecessary and tasteless -
b. In contrast, observe that any feeling in you is either naturally acceptable or not
acceptable at all. If not acceptable, you want it continuously and if not acceptable,
you do not want it any moment!
2. List down all your important activities. Observe whether the activity is of ‘I’ or of
Scheme & Syllabus of First Year B. Tech. effective from Session 2018-19 Page 16
Body or with the participation of both or with the participation of both ‘I’ and Body.
3. Observe the activities within ‘i’. Identify the object of your attention for different
moments (over a period of sy 5 to 10 minutes) and draw a line diagram connecting
these points. Try observe the link between any two nodes.
PS 6:
1. Chalk out some programs towards ensuring your harmony with the body - in
terms of nurturing, protection and right utilization of the body.
2. Find out the plants and shrubs growing in and around your campus, which
can be useful in curing common diseases.
PS 7:
Form small groups in the class and make them carry out a dialogue focusing on the
following eight questions related to ‘TRUST’;
1a. Do I want to make myself happy?
2a. Do I want to make the other happy?
3a. Does the other want to make himself/herself happy?
4a. Does the other want to make me happy?
What is the answer?
Intention (Natural Acceptance)
1b. Am I able to always make myself happy?
2b. Am I able to always make the other happy?
3b. Is the other able to always make himself/herself happy?
What is the answer?
Let each student answer the questions for himself and everyone else. Discuss the
difference between intention and competence. Observe whether you evaluate
yourself and others on the basis of intention/competence.
PS 8:
1. Observe, on how many occasions, you are able to respect your related ones (by
doing the right evaluation) and on how many occasions you are disrespecting
by way of under-evaluation, over-evaluation or otherwise evaluation.
2. Also, observe whether your feeling of respect is based on treating the other as
you would treat yourself or on differentiations based on body, physical
facilities or belieds.
PS 9:
1. Write a narration in the form of a story, poem, skit or essay to clarify a salient
Human Value to the children.
2. Recollect and narrate an incident in your life where you were able to exhibit
willful adherence to balues in a difficult situation.
PS 10:
List down some common units (things) of Nature which you come across in your
daily life and classify them in the four orders of Nature. Analysis and explain the
aspect of mutual fulfillment of each unit with other orders.
PS 11:
Make a chart to show the whole existence as co-existence. With the help of this
chart try to identify the role and the scope of some of the courses of your study. Also
indicate the areas which are being either over-emphasized or ignored in the present
PS 12:
Identify any two important problems being faced by the society today and analyze
the root cause of these problems. Can these be solved on the basic of natural
acceptance of human values. If so, how should one proceed in this direction from
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the present situation?
PS 13:
1. Suggest ways in which you can use your knowledge of
Science/Technology/Management etc. for moving towards a universal human
2. Propose a broad outline for humanistic Constitution at the level of Nation.
PS 14:
The course is going to be over now. It is time to evaluate what difference in your
thinking it has made. Summarize the core massage of this course grasped by you.
How has this affected you in terms of;
a. Thought
b. Behavior
c. Work and
d. Relization
What practical steps are you able to visualize for the transition of the society from its
present state.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
Overview of Computer Graphics : Covering theory of CAD software [such as: The
menu System, Toolbars (standard, Object Properties, Draw, Modify and
Dimension), Drawing Area (Background, Crosshairs, Coordinate System), Dialog
boxes and windows, Shortcut menus (Button Bars), Command Line (where
applicable), The Status Bar, Different methods of zoom as used in CAD, Select and
erase objects.: Isometric Views of lines, Planes, Simple and compound Solids.
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I & II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
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II Semester
Common to all branches of UG Engineering & Technology
2FY2-01: Engineering Mathematics-II
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Random Variables:
Discrete and Continuous random variables, Joint distribution,
Probability distribution function, conditional distribution.
Mathematical Expectations: Moments, Moment Generating Functions,
variance and correlation coefficients, Chebyshev’s Inequality,
Skewness and Kurtosis.
2 Binomial distribution, Normal Distribution, Poisson Distribution
and their relations, Uniform Distribution, Exponential Distribution.
Correlation: Karl Pearson’s coefficient, Rank correlation. Curve fitting.
Line of Regression.
3 Historical development, Engineering Applications of Optimization,
Formulation of Design Problems as a Mathematical Programming
Problems, Classification of Optimization Problems
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 1
II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Random Variables:
Discrete and Continuous random variables, Joint distribution,
Probability distribution function, conditional distribution.
Mathematical Expectations: Moments, Moment Generating Functions,
variance and correlation coefficients, Chebyshev’s Inequality,
Skewness and Kurtosis.
2 Binomial distribution, Normal Distribution, Poisson Distribution
and their relations, Uniform Distribution, Exponential Distribution.
Correlation: Karl Pearson’s coefficient, Rank correlation. Curve fitting.
Line of Regression.
3 Historical development, Engineering Applications of Optimization,
Formulation of Design Problems as a Mathematical Programming
Problems, Classification of Optimization Problems
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 1
II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Introduction to Technical Communication- Definition of technical
communication, Aspects of technical communication, forms of
technical communication, importance of technical communication, 4
technical communication skills (Listening, speaking, writing, reading
writing), linguistic ability, style in technical communication.
2 Comprehension of Technical Materials/Texts and Information
Design & development- Reading of technical texts, Readingand
comprehending instructions and technical manuals, Interpreting and
summarizing technical texts, Note-making. Introduction of different 6
kinds of technical documents, Information collection, factors affecting
information and document design, Strategies for organization,
Information design and writing for print and online media.
3 Technical Writing, Grammar and Editing- Technical writing
process, forms of technical discourse, Writing, drafts and revising,
Basics of grammar, common error in writing and speaking, Study of
advanced grammar, Editing strategies to achieve appropriate technical 8
style, Introduction to advanced technical communication. Planning,
drafting and writing Official Notes, Letters, E-mail, Resume, Job
Application, Minutes of Meetings.
4 Advanced Technical Writing- Technical Reports, types of technical
reports, Characteristics and formats and structure of technical
reports. Technical Project Proposals, types of technical proposals,
Characteristics and formats and structure of technical proposals.
Technical Articles, types of technical articles, Writing strategies,
structure and formats of technical articles.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 2
II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Basic economic concepts-
Meaning, nature and scope of economics, deductive vs inductive
methods, static and dynamics, Economic problems: scarcity and 4
choice, circular flow of economic activity, national income-concepts
and measurement.
2 Demand and Supply analysis-
Demand-types of demand, determinants of demand, demand function,
elasticity of demand, demand forecasting –purpose, determinants and 5
methods, Supply-determinants of supply, supply function, elasticity of
3 Production and Cost analysis-
Theory of production- production function, law of variable
proportions, laws of returns to scale, production optimization, least
cost combination of inputs, isoquants. Cost concepts-explicit and 5
implicit cost, fixed and variable cost, opportunity cost, sunk costs,
cost function, cost curves, cost and output decisions, cost estimation.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 3
II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Fundamental concepts:
Number systems and codes, Basic logic Gates and Boolean algebra:
Sign & magnitude representation, Fixed point representation, 8
complement notation, various codes & arithmetic in different codes &
their inter conversion. Features of logic algebra, postulates of Boolean
algebra.Theorems of Boolean algebra.
2 Minimization Techniques and Logic Gates:
Principle of Duality - Boolean expression -Minimization of Boolean
expressions –– Minterm – Maxterm - Sum of Products (SOP) – Product 8
of Sums (POS) – Karnaugh map Minimization – Don’t care conditions
– Quine - McCluskey method of minimization.
3 Digital Logic Gate Characteristics:
TTL logic gate characteristics. Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate
circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state output logic. TTL 8
subfamilies.MOS& CMOS logic families. Realization of logic gates in
4 Combinational Circuits:
Combinational logic circuit design, adder, subtractor, BCD adder, 8
encoder, decoder, BCD to 7-segment decoder, multiplexer,
5 Sequential Circuits:
Latches, Flip-flops - SR, JK, D, T, and Master-Slave Characteristic
table and equation,counters and their design, Synchronous counters 8
– Synchronous Up/Down counters – Programmable counters – State
table and state transition diagram ,sequential circuits design
methodology. Registers –shift registers.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 4
II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Stacks: Basic Stack Operations, Representation of a Stack using
Static Array and Dynamic Array, Multiple stack implementation using
single array, Stack Applications: Reversing list, Factorial Calculation, 8
Infix to postfix Transformation, Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions
and Towers of Hanoi.
2 Queues: Basic Queue Operations, Representation of a Queue using
array, Implementation of Queue Operations using Stack, Applications
of Queues- Round Robin Algorithm. Circular Queues, DeQueue
Priority Queues.
Linked Lists: Introduction, single linked list, representation of a linked
list in memory, Different Operations on a Single linked list, Reversing
a single linked list, Advantages and disadvantages of single linked list,
circular linked list, double linked list and Header linked list.
3 Searching Techniques: Sequential and binary search.Sorting
Techniques: Basic concepts, Sorting by: bubble sort, Insertion sort,
selection sort, quick sort, heap sort, merge sort, radix sort and
counting sorting algorithms.
4 Trees: Definition of tree, Properties of tree, Binary Tree,
Representation of Binary trees using arrays and linked lists,
Operations on a Binary Tree, Binary Tree Traversals (recursive),
Binary search tree, B-tree , B+ tree, AVL tree, Threaded binary tree.
5 Graphs: Basic concepts, Different representations of Graphs, Graph
Traversals (BFS & DFS), Minimum Spanning Tree(Prims &Kruskal),
Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithms.Hashing: Hash function, Address 8
calculation techniques, Common hashing functions, Collision
resolution: Linear and Quadratic probing, Double hashing.
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Introduction to different programming paradigm, characteristics of
OOP, Class, Object, data member, member function, structures in
C++, different access specifiers, defining member function inside and
outside class, array of objects.
2 Concept of reference, dynamic memory allocation using new and
delete operators, inline functions, function overloading, function with
default arguments, constructors and destructors, friend function and
classes, using this pointer.
3 Inheritance, types of inheritance, multiple inheritance, virtual base
class, function overriding, abstract class and pure virtual function 9
4 Constant data member and member function, static data member and
member function, polymorphism, operator overloading, dynamic 9
binding and virtual function
5 Exception handling, Template, Stream class, File handling. 6
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Introduction, software life-cycle models, software requirements
specification, formal requirements specification, verification and 8
2 Software Project Management: Objectives, Resources and their
estimation, LOC and FP estimation, effort estimation, COCOMO 8
estimation model, risk analysis, software project scheduling.
3 Requirement Analysis: Requirement analysis tasks, Analysis
principles. Software prototyping and specification data dictionary,
Finite State Machine (FSM) models. Structured Analysis: Data and 8
control flow diagrams, control and process specification behavioural
4 Software Design: Design fundamentals, Effective modular design:
Data architectural and procedural design, design documentation.
5 Object Oriented Analysis: Object oriented Analysis Modeling, Data
modeling. Object Oriented Design: OOD concepts, Class and object
relationships, object modularization, Introduction to Unified
ModelingLanguage .
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Write a simple C program on a 32 bit compiler to understand the concept of
array storage, size of a word. The program shall be written illustrating the
concept of row major and column major storage. Find the address of element
and verify it with the theoretical value. Program may be written for arrays up to
2 Simulate a stack, queue, circular queue and dequeue using a one dimensional
array as storage element. The program should implement the basic addition,
deletion and traversal operations.
3 Represent a 2-variable polynomial using array. Use this representation to
implement addition of polynomials
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Understand the basics of C++ library, variables, data input-output.
2 C++ program using with the concept of structures.
3 Implement class and object concepts and function overloading.
4 Write programs to understand dynamic memory allocation and array of objects.
5 Program to understand different types of constructors and destructor.
6 Implement friend function to access private data of a class and usage of this
7 Write programs to understand the usage of constant data member and member
function, static data member and member function in a class.
8 Implement different types of inheritance, function overriding and virtual
9 Implement Operator overloading concepts.
10 Write programs to understand function template and class template.
11 Write programs to understand exception handling techniques.
12 Write programs to understand file handling techniques.
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Development of requirements specification, function oriented design using
SA/SD, object-oriented design using UML, test case design, implementation
using Java and testing. Use of appropriate CASE tools and other tools such as
configuration management tools, program analysis tools in the software life
2 Develop Software Requirements Specification (SRS) for a given problem in IEEE
3 Develop DFD model (level-0, level-1 DFD and Data dictionary) of the project.
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II Year- III Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 To verify the truth tables of basic logic gates: AND, OR, NOR, NAND, NOR. Also
to verify truth table of Ex-OR, Ex-NOR (For 2, 3, & 4 inputs using gateswith 2,
3, & 4 inputs).
2 To verify the truth table of OR, AND, NOR, Ex-OR, Ex-NOR realized
usingNAND& NOR gates.
3 To realize an SOP and POS expression.
4 To realize Half adder/ Subtractor& Full Adder/ Subtractor using NAND & NOR
gatesand to verify their truth tables.
5 To realize a 4-bit ripple adder/ Subtractor using basic Half adder/ Subtractor&
basic Full Adder/ Subtractor.
6 To verify the truth table of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4 demultiplexer. Realize
the multiplexer using basic gates only. Also to construct and 8-to-1 multiplexer
and 1-to-8 demultiplexer using blocks of 4-to-1 multiplexer and 1-to-4
7 Design & Realize a combinational circuit that will accept a 2421 BCD code and
drive a TIL -312 seven-segment display.
8 Using basic logic gates, realize the R-S, J-K and D-flip flops with and without
clock signal and verify their truth table.
9 Construct a divide by 2,4& 8 asynchronous counter. Construct a 4-bit binary
counter and ring counter for a particular output pattern using D flip flop.
10 Perform input/output operations on parallel in/Parallel out and Serial in/Serial
out registers using clock. Also exercise loading only one of multiple values into
the register using multiplexer. Note: As far as possible, the experiments shall be
performed on bread board. However, experiment Nos. 1-4 are to be performed
on bread board only.
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II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
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II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Basic economic concepts-
Meaning, nature and scope of economics, deductive vs inductive
methods, static and dynamics, Economic problems: scarcity and 3
choice, circular flow of economic activity, national income-concepts
and measurement.
3 Demand and Supply analysis-
Demand-types of demand, determinants of demand, demand function,
elasticity of demand, demand forecasting –purpose, determinants and 5
methods, Supply-determinants of supply, supply function, elasticity of
4 Production and Cost analysis-
Theory of production- production function, law of variable
proportions, laws of returns to scale, production optimization, least
cost combination of inputs, isoquants. Cost concepts-explicit and
implicit cost, fixed and variable cost, opportunity cost, sunk costs,
cost function, cost curves, cost and output decisions, cost estimation.
5 Market structure and pricing theory-
Perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly.
6 Financial statement analysis-
Balance sheet and related concepts, profit and loss statement and
related concepts, financial ratio analysis, cash-flow analysis, funds- 8
flow analysis, comparative financial statement, analysis and
interpretation of financial statements, capital budgeting techniques.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 3
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1 Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course. 1
2 Introduction to Technical Communication- Definition of technical
communication, Aspects of technical communication, forms of
technical communication, importance of technical communication, 3
technical communication skills (Listening, speaking, writing, reading
writing), linguistic ability, style in technical communication.
3 Comprehension of Technical Materials/Texts and Information
Design & development- Reading of technical texts, Readingand
comprehending instructions and technical manuals, Interpreting and
summarizing technical texts, Note-making. Introduction of different 6
kinds of technical documents, Information collection, factors affecting
information and document design, Strategies for organization,
Information design and writing for print and online media.
4 Technical Writing, Grammar and Editing- Technical writing
process, forms of technical discourse, Writing, drafts and revising,
Basics of grammar, common error in writing and speaking, Study of
advanced grammar, Editing strategies to achieve appropriate technical 8
style, Introduction to advanced technical communication. Planning,
drafting and writing Official Notes, Letters, E-mail, Resume, Job
Application, Minutes of Meetings.
5 Advanced Technical Writing- Technical Reports, types of technical
reports, Characteristics and formats and structure of technical
reports. Technical Project Proposals, types of technical proposals,
Characteristics and formats and structure of technical proposals.
Technical Articles, types of technical articles, Writing strategies,
structure and formats of technical articles.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 4
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 5
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
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II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
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II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 8
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
List of Experiments:
1. Use of Basic Unix Shell Commands: ls, mkdir, rmdir, cd, cat, banner, touch,
file, wc, sort, cut, grep, dd, dfspace, du, ulimit.
2. Commands related to inode, I/O redirection and piping, process control
commands, mails.
3. Shell Programming: Shell script based on control structure- If-then-if, if-
then-else-if, nested if-else to find
3.1 Greatest among three numbers.
3.2 To find a year is leap year or not.
3.3 To input angles of a triangle and find out whether it is valid triangle or
3.4 To check whether a character is alphabet, digit or special character.
3.5 To calculate profit or loss.
4. Shell Programming - Looping- while, until, for loops
4.1 Write a shell script to print all even and odd number from 1 to 10.
4.2 Write a shell script to print table of a given number
4.3 Write a shell script to calculate factorial of a given number.
4.4 Write a shell script to print sum of all even numbers from 1 to 10.
4.5 Write a shell script to print sum of digit of any number.
5. Shell Programming - case structure, use of break
5.1 Write a shell script to make a basic calculator which performs addition,
Multiplication, division
5.2 Write a shell script to print days of a week.
5.3 Write a shell script to print starting 4 months having 31 days.
6. Shell Programming - Functions
6.1 Write a shell script to find a number is Armstrong or not.
6.2 Write a shell script to find a number is palindrome or not.
6.3 Write a shell script to print Fibonacci series.
6.4 Write a shell script to find prime number.
6.5 Write a shell script to convert binary to decimal and decimal to binary
7. Write a shell script to print different shapes- Diamond, triangle, square,
rectangle, hollow square etc.
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II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 10
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
1. Design a Database and create required tables. For e.g. Bank, College Database
2. Apply the constraints like Primary Key, Foreign key, NOT NULL to the tables.
3. Write a SQL statement for implementing ALTER,UPDATE and DELETE.
4. Write the queries to implement the joins.
5. Write the query for implementing the following functions: MAX (), MIN (), AVG ()
and COUNT ().
6. Write the query to implement the concept of Integrity constrains.
7. Write the query to create the views.
8. Perform the queries for triggers.
9. Perform the following operation for demonstrating the insertion , updation and
10. Using the referential integrity constraints.
11. Write the query for creating the users and their role.
For better understanding students (group of 3-4 students) should design data base for
any data base project, understand the requirement and design methodology of project by
its own.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 11
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 12
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 13
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 14
II Year- IV Semester: B.Tech. (Information Technology)
5. User Authentication: Assume four users user1, user2, user3 and user4
having the passwords pwd1, pwd2, pwd3 and, pwd4 respectively. Write a
servlet for doing the following.
1.) Create a Cookie and add these four user ids and passwords to this Cookie.
2.) Read the user id and passwords entered in the Login form (Practical 1)
and authenticate with the values (user id and passwords) available in the
cookies. If he is a valid user (i.e., user-name and password match) you should
welcome him by name (user-name) else you should display “You are not an
authenticated user “.
6. Install a database (MySQL or Oracle). Create a table which should contain at
least the following fields: name, password, email-id, phone number (these
should hold the data from the registration form). Practice 'JDBC' connectivity.
Write a java program/servlet/JSP to connect to that database and extract
data from the tables and display them. Experiment with various SQL queries.
Insert the details of the users who register with the web site, whenever a new
user clicks the submit button in the registration page.
7. Write a JSP which does the following job: Insert the details of the 3 or 4 users
who register with the web site by using registration form. Authenticate the
user when he submits the login form using the user name and password from
the database.
8. Create on ODBC link, Compile & execute JAVA JDBC Socket.
9. Design and implement a simple shopping cart example with session tracking
10. Mini Project.
Syllabus of 2nd Year B. Tech. (IT) for students admitted in Session 2017-18 onwards. Page 16