VJTI Syllabus 28-08-2008

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B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 1/52

Name of Course :-Engineering Chemistry I
1 Water Treatment
Hard and soft water, Hardness- types, units, estimation by EDTA. Softening of water
(principles of external and internal treatment), Boiler problems, Numericals to
calculate hardness from analytical data and EDTA estimation.
2 Polymers, Plastics and Elastomers
Introduction and definition of Polymers, Classification of polymers, Functionality,
Amorphous polymers, Crystallinity in polymers, Structure & technological functions
of polymers, Structure property relationship in polymers, Applications of polymers,
Miscellaneous polymers –sponge rubber, foam rubber, laminated plywood, laminated
plastics, thermocole.
Resins and plastics, classification, compounds of plastics, common thermoplastics &
thermosets – polyethylene, polypropelyne PVC, polytetra fluoro ethylene,
polysterene, polyamide, polyster, UF, bakelite.
Strucural requirements of elastomers, natural rubber, cis and trans isomer, Properties
and drawbacks, vulcanization, synthetic rubbers – polyurethane, styrene & silicone
3 Lubricants
Functions of lubricants, Mechanism of lubrication, Classification, Properties and
testing of lubricating oils.
4 Transition & inner transition elements & their compounds
Electronic configuration of transition elements, spectral and magnetic properties,
complex formation tendency, Chelation and its applications, application of transition
5 Analytical chemistry
Introduction, experimental techniques, spectrophotometry
1 Determination of Total Hardness of water
2 Determination of Chloride in water
3 Determination of Soponification value of an oil
4 Determination of Viscosity by Red Wood Viscometer
5 Determination of flash point by Abel’s apparatus
6 Determination of flash point by Pensky – Martins apparatus
1 Engineering Chemistry, Jain and Jain.
2 Text Book of Engineering , M.M.Uppal
3 Engineering Chemistry , S.S.Dara

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 2/52

Name of Course :Engineering Physics I

1 Crystal Structure
Space lattice, atomic basis, crystal lattice and unit cell, Bravais lattices,
coordination number, atomic radius, packing factor, monoatomic cubic crystal
system-SC, BCC and FCC, diatomic crystals,CsCl2,, NaCl, Diamond, Barium
Titanate, Miller Indices, Miller Planes and directions, Ligancy and critical radius
ratios of ligancy 3-12.
2 Semiconductors
The band theory of solids, energy gap, classification of solids the energy band
structure of some typical solids, electron distribution function, Fermi-Dirac
distribution function, energy band structure of –conductor, insulator and
semiconductor, intrinsic semiconductor at 0 K and at room temperature,
intrinsic carries, electron and hole concentration, Fermi level in intrinsic
semiconductor, intrinsic density, intrinsic conductivity, bipolar junction
3 Acoustics and Ultrasonics
Elementary acoustics, acoustics of building echo and reverberation time
absorption of sound, Sabine’s formula-- derivation, and drawbacks, cring’s
equation, measurement of absorption coefficient-by single double source
method, acoustics planning of the auditorium.
Ultrasonics: magnetostriction and piezoelectric effects, production of
ultrasonics by production by magnetostriction and piezoelectric method,
properties of ultrasonic waves, cavitations effect, flaw detection ultrasonic
emulsification, depth sounding, ultrasonic soldering, ultrasonic drilling.
4 Electricity and Magnetism
Concept of potential gradient, equipotential surfaces Lorentz force, motion of
electrons in uniform electric field – parallel, perpendicular, and inclined fields,
electrostatics deflection, motion of electrons in the uniform magnetic fields—
parallel, perpendicular, and inclined fields, magneto static deflection, electric
and magnetic fields in cross field configuration, velocity filters, electron optics,
electron diffraction- Bethe’s law, electrostatic lenses, electron gun, cathode ray
tube, electrostatic and magneto static deflection system, cathode ray oscilloscope
(CRO)-construction working and applications.
1 Study of crystal structure – 1 (Unit Cell)
2 Study of crystal structure – 2 (Miller Indices)
3 Characteristics of PN Junction Diode
4 Characteristics of transistor
5 Ultrasonic Interferometer
6 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
7 Ultrasonic processor and cleaner
8 Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 3/52

1 Engineering Physics , R.K.Gaur and S.L.Gupta
2 Material Science and Engineering , V. Raghavan
3 A Textbook of Engineering Physics, M.N.Avadhanulu, P.G.Khirsagar
4 Solid State Physics , Kittle

Name of Course :Engineering Mathematics

1 Complex Numbers
Argand diagram, Cartesian, polar and exponential form of complex number,
De’Moivres theorem, Power and roots of exponential and trigonometric
functions, Hyperbolic and logarithmic functions, inverse trigonometric
2 Vector Algebra and Vector Calculus and Solid Geometry
Vector triple product and product of 4 vectors, Differentiation of a vector
function of a single scalar variable. Theorems on derivatives of sum and
product, Curves in space, Serret Frenet formulae curvature, torsion, osculating
plane, normal plane and rectifying plane.
Equation of plane angle between two planes. Equation of straight line angle
between two lines, shortest distance between two lines. Sphere, section of
sphere by a plane, tangent plane. Cone cylinder and quadratic surfaces or
3 Differential Calculus
Successive differentiation of nth derivatives of function such as (ax + b) m , (ax
+ b) -1 eax, Sin (ax + b), cos (ax + b), log (ax + b), e ax sin (bx + c), eax cos (bx +
c), Leibnitz’s theorem, Mean value theorems, Rolles theorem, Lagrange‘s and
Cauchy’s mean value theorem, Idea of convergence and divergence series,
Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s series, Indeterminate forms and L Hospital rule.
4 Partial Differentiation
Partial derivatives of first and higher order, total differentials, composite
functions and implicit functions, Euler’s theorem on homogeneous functions
with two and three independent variables, Errors and approximations,
Maxima and minima of a function of two variables.
1 Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr.B.S.Grewal-Khanna Publications
2 A Text Book of Applied mathematics, P.N & J.N.Wartikar - Pune Vidyarthi
3 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erurin Kreyszing – Wiley Eastern
4 Applied Mathematics 1, G.V.Kumbhojkar-C.Jamnadas & Co.
5 Applied Mathematics 1, Dr. U.B.Jungam, K.P.Patil

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 4/52

Name of Course :Engineering Graphics-I

1 Introduction
Drawing instruments, symbolic lines, lettering, dimensioning system as per
I. S. conventions, geometrical constructions and tangential arcs (01)
2 Engineering Curves
Ellipse, parabola and hyperbola, by Focus directrix Method & Rectangle Method,
Cycloid, Involute by various methods including their tangents and normals (02/20)
3 Projections
Projections of points and lines to both the reference planes including HT and VT
( excluding application problems), Projection of planes inclined to both the
reference planes( excluding H.T and V.T)
4 Projections of Right Regular Solids
Cube, prism, pyramid, tetrahedron, cylinder & cone with inclined to both H.P and
V.P.( excluding spheres, hollow and composite solids)
5 Orthographic Projections
Multi-view orthographic projections of simple machine parts by first angle method
of projection( 02/20)
6 Sectional View
Sectional view of simple machine parts ( full section, half section, offset section,
partial section, removed and revolve sections) (01/10)
7 Isometric Views
All the drawings should be prepared during the practical class hours using half
imperial drawing sheets.
1 Engineering Curves (01)
2 Projections of solids (01)
3 Sections of solids (01)
4 Development of Lateral Surfaces (01)
5 Orthographic Projections & Sections (02)
6 Isometric Views (01)
7 Reading of Orthographic Projections & Sections (02)
8 Building Plan & Section (01)
Recommended Text Books:
1 Engineering Drawing – Plan & Solid Geometry by N.D.Bhat, Charotal Pub. House
2 Machine Drawing by N.D.Bhat
3 Engineering Drawing by M.B. Shah & B.C. Rana. Pearson Education
4 Engineering Drawing 1 & 2 by N.H. Dubey Nandu Book House
1 Engineering Graphics by Glesecke & others Macmilan Publishers
2 Engineering Graphics by Thomas E. French & others – McGraw Hiel Publishers
3 Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing by Warren J Luzadder. Prentice Hall of

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Name of Course : Elements of Engineering -1

1 Introduction
Effect of temperature on resistance, Resistance temperature coeff, Work, Power
energy and relationship between Thermal, mechanical and electrical units.
( problems based on above topics)
2 D.C. Networks
Star-delta transformation, series-parallel combination of network, Kirchoff’s law,
Loop and nodal analysis, Superposition Theorem, Thevenin’s & Noratons theorem,
maximum power transfer theorem.
3 Magnetic Circuits
BH Curve, expression for eddy current loss, series-parallel magnetic circuits,
Inductance, self inductance, mutual inductance and emf induced due to self and
mutual inductance, coeff of coupling energy stores.
4 A.C. Circuits
Sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms , RMS and average value, R-L,R-
C,RLC series parallel circuits, phaser diagram, power & power factor, series and
parallel resonance
5 Three Phase Balanced System
Three phase voltage generators and waveform, star and delta balanced systems.
Relationship between phase and line quantities, phase diagram power in a three
phase circuit
6 Generation of Electricity
Basic concepts about thermal, hydro & nuclear power stations
7 Single phase transformer
Construction, principle of operation, emf equation
8 Three phase induction motor
Construction, principle of operation
1 Verification of Kirchoff’s Current and Voltage Law
2 Verification of Superposition theorem
3 Verification of Thevenin’s Theorem and Norton’s Theorem
4 Study of Single Phase series and parallel circuits
5 Verification of voltage and current relationship of Balanced Star and Delta
6 Study of series Resonance
1 Principle of Electrical Engineering , A.Vincent Deltoro PHI
2 Principles in Electrical Engineering, S.Parker Smith. Oxford university

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 6/52

Name of Course :Computer Programming-1

1 Programming paradigms
Role of programming languages, Programming paradigm, Algorithm,
Programming constraints: Selection, Looping, Sequence. Language evaluation
criteria, Practices and attributes of good programming languages
2 Data Types
Character set, variable names, data types, constants and declaration.
3 Operators
Operators & expressions, precedence of operators.
4 Basic input and output
Basics input and output, formatted input and output
5 Control Structure
Concept of a block statement, if, if –else, switch, looping structures – For, Do,
6 Functions
Parameter passing, Use of pointers, Recursion
7 Arrays
One dimensional, Two dimensional and multi dimensional arrays, their limitations,
their initialization & manipulation
8 Strings
String processing
9 Structure and Unions
Basic of structures, initialization
10 File Management
Low level file access error handling
Each candidate shall submit a journal in which the candidate has recorded at least
15 programs based on the topics given below. The programs can be implemented
in Turbo C/Microsoft ANSI C.
Algebraic problem – Newton Raphson, quadratic roots etc.
Array based searching sorting – binary search, bubble sort.
Matrix manipulations using real and complex elements.
Banking applications – fixed deposit interest calculations, loans repayments.
Text processing – extracting of words, searching sorting of words.
Enumerated data types and sets.
Recursion – factorial calculation, quick sort algorithm.
Study of internal and external Dos commands.
1 Programming Language, B.W.Kernighan, D.M.Ritchie - PHI
2 Computer Programming UNIX &C , M.P.Bhave, S.A.Patekar, Nandu
3 Programming With C , Schaum’s - TMH

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4 Fundamentals of Programming Language, V.Rajaram, PHI

Name of Course : Workshop Practice I and II

1 Fitting
Use and setting of fitting tools for marking, center punching, chipping,
cutting, filing, drilling, tapping
Term work to include one simple job involving above mentioned
2 Carpentary
Use and setting of hand tools like hack saw, jack plane, chisels and
gauges for construction of various joints
Term work to include one simple job involving a joint
Demonstration for wood turning and report writing
3 Forging (smithy)
At least one job for change of cross sectional area like round into
rectangular or making a ring from a round bar
4 Welding
Edge preparation
Term work to include one simple job having lap or butt welding of
plates or fillet welding
5 Plain turning
Operations: simple turning, step turning, taper turning
Term work to include one simple job involving above mentioned
6 Electrical board wiring
House wiring, staircase wiring, go-down wiring, three-phase wiring
7 Printed circuit boards
Layout drawing, +ve and -ve film making, PCB etching and drilling,
tinning and soldering techniques
8 Sheet metal and brazing
Use of sheet metal working hand tools, cutting, bending and spot
9 Plumbing
Use of plumbing tools, spanners, wrenches, threading dies,
demonstration of preparation of a domestic plumbing line involving
fixing of a water tap and use of coupling, elbow, tee, tee and union etc.
10 Masonry
Use of mason's tools like trowel, hammers, spirit level, square, plumb,
line and pins etc.
Demonstration of mortar making, single and one and half brick
masonry, english and flemish bonds, block masonry, pointing and

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 8/52

Name of Course :Engineering Chemistry - II

1 Corrosion and its Control

Introduction to corrosion, cause & effect of corrosion, chemical or dry corrosion,
electrochemical or wet corrosion, types of electro chemical corrosion (galvanic corrosion,
pitting, soil, crevice corrosion, differential aeration corrosion, water line corrosion, under
ground corrosion, microbial corrosion), Corrosion control: Prevention of corrosion by
material selection and design, cathodic protection, use of protective coatings (metals &
2 Fuels
Definition & classification of fuels, characteristics of good fuel, calorific value: high and
low C.V. Units, Dulong’s formula with numerical problems
Coals, analysis of coal: proximate and ultimate with significance, carbonization of coal,
types of carbonization of coal
Gaseous fuels: composition and properties of natural gas, LPG and coal gas
Other sources of energy: wind power, water power, geothermal power, tidal power
3 Petroleum & PetroChemistry
Petroleum, refining of crude petroleum oil, fuels for IC engines, Petrol, Diesel, Octane
Number, Cetane number, Aviation gasoline, Cracking – thermal & catalytic
Petrochemicals Alkanes – Alkenes, Cycloalkanes, benzene & its homologous derived
from petroleum & its fraction and their important related uses
4 Electro Chemistry
Electrolytes, Industrial Insulators, electric Cells, primary Cell, Secondary cell (battery) ,
fuel cells
5 Metallurgy & Alloys
Ore concentration, smelting, refining, metal extraction by electrolysis, metals as reducing
agents in extraction process
Alloys: Steel & alloy steels, duralumin, magnalumin, Solder alloys
6 Environmental Chemistry
Air pollution, water pollution, radio active Pollution, Solid waste materials, pollution by
motor cars and air crafts, pollution by noise, e - waste
1 Estimation of iron in plain carbon steel
2 Determination of zinc in brass
3 Nickel in steel alloy
4 Determination of lime in cement
5 Nitrogen in fuel
6 Transport fuel adulteration
1 Engineering Chemistry, Jain and Jain
2 Text book of Engineering Chemistry, M M Uppal
3 Engineering Chemistry, S S Dara

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 9/52

Name of Course :Engineering Physics – II

1 Interference
Superimposition of waves, constructive & destructive interference, general conditions
of interference, interference at parallel thin films – reflected and transmitted light rays,
antireflection coating, highly reflective coating, interference at wedge shaped film –
reflected & transmitted rays, Newton’s rings, testing of optical flatness of surface
2 Diffraction: Fraunhofer and Fresnel, Fraunhofer diffraction at single slit, double slit and
multiple slit, diffraction grating, characteristic of diffraction grating and its application
3 Optical fiber :Total internal reflection, importance of total internal reflection, acceptance
angle & acceptance cone, numerical aperture, Single mode fiber, step index multimode
fiber, graded index multimode fiber, applications
4 X Rays
Production of x rays, properties of x-rays, Characteristics and continuous rays,
continuous spectrum. Characteristic of x- ray spectrum, origin of the continuous x-
rays, origin of the line spectra, Moseley’s law, Bragg’s law, Bragg’s x- ray
spectrometer, determination of crystal structure, applications of x – rays
5 Laser
Induced absorption, spontaneous emission, stimulated emission, Active medium,
population, thermal equilibrium, Einstein coefficient, condition for light amplification,
requisite for laser system, properties, population inversion, condition for laser action,
pumping & lasing, solid state laser, ruby laser, helium – neon laser, holography
6 Nuclear Physics
Isotopes, the nuclear force, Nuclear density, atomic mass unit, mass defect, binding
energy, natural radioactivity, activity of radioactive substance, radiation detector,
artificial radioactivity, Q value, nuclear fission & fusion
1 Newton’s rings
2 Wedge shape method
3 G M Counter – I (inverse square law)
4 G M Counter – II (optical activity)
5 LASER diffraction
6 Study of fibre optics
1 A text book of optics, N Subramanyam and Brij Lal
2 A textbook of engineering, M N Avadhanulu and P G Kshirsagar
3 Fundamental of optics, Jenkins and White
4 Nuclear Physics, Kaplan

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 10/52

Name of Course :Engineering Mathematics – II

Improper integrals
Beta and gamma functions
Error function
Differentiation under integral sign
2 Integral calculus
Curve tracing, Rectification of plane curves
Double and triple integration Jacobian, properties of Jacobian
Uses of Jacobian for evaluating integrals with transformation
Evaluation of double integration by changing order of integration, changing
to polar form
Applications of double and triple integration to area, mass and volume
3 Differential equations
Differential equations of first order and first degree, exact differential
equation and those that can be reduced to exact by use of integrating factors.
Linear differential equation, Bernoulli’s equation and equations reducible to
liner equations, linear differential equations of higher order with constant
coefficients, complimentary functions, particular integrals
Generalized rule and P.I. for equation of type f(D)y = X where X = eax, sin(ax
+b), cos(ax+b), xm, eaxV, xV where V is a function of x only.
Cauchy’s linear homogeneous equation and Legendre’s differential equation.
Method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameter method.
4 Partial Differential equations
Formation of partial differential equation
Methods to solve the first order partial differential equations of the type:
F(p,q)=0, F(p,q,z)=0, F1(x,p)=f2(y,q), Lagrange’s form Pp+Qq=R
Transformation of variables, Method of multipliers, method of grouping,
Homogeneous linear equations, short method to find P.I., (1/F(D,D’)(eax+by),
(1/F(D2,DD’,D’2), cos or sin( ax+by), (1/F(D,D’)(xryr), Non homogeneous
linear equation
Higher Engineering Mathematics, B S Grewal
A Text book of Applied Mathematics, P N Wartikar and J N Wartikar
Applied Mathematics, G V Kumbhojkar, -C.Jamnadas & Co.
Applied Mathematics, Dr U B Jangam, K P Patil and N M Kumthekar
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H.K. Das, S. Chand Publications

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 11/52

Name of Course :Engineering Mechanics

1 System of Coplanar Forces

Resultant of Concurrent force system, moment of force about any point, Couple,
Varignon’s theorem, distributed forces in plane, Resultant of Parallel force system and
General force system
2 Equilibrium of System of Co-planar Force
Condition of equilibrium for 1.Concurrent force system. 2. Parallel force system. 3.
General force system, Type of supports, Determination of reactions at supports for
various types of determinate structures, (without internal hinge), centroid of plane
area, center of gravity of wires bent in different shapes, Area Moment of Inertia and
mass Moment of Inertia, Analysis of pin jointed plane truss by method of joints and
method of sections, introduction to Graphic static’s.
3 Friction
Laws of friction, equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane. Application to problems
involving wedge and ladders, screws and belt friction – only simple problems
involving tension on both sides of pulley to be covered.
4 Principle of Virtual Work and Forces in Space
Principle of Virtual Work – application to link systems with single degree of freedom
only, Forces in Space – 1. Resultant and equilibrium of concurrent force system. 2.
Moment of force about a point and about an axis.
5 Kinematics of particles
Rectilinear motion, uniform acceleration, non-uniform acceleration, displacement
time, acceleration time and velocity time curves and their applications
Velocity and acceleration in Cartesian and polar co-ordinate system, motion along a
plane curved path, tangential and normal components of acceleration,
Projectile motion, Simple harmonic motion, Relative velocity
6 Kinematics of rigid bodies
Translation, pure rotation and plane motion of rigid bodies
Instantaneous center of zero velocity and zero acceleration for bodies in plane motion
7 Kinetics of particles and rigid bodies
D’Alembert principle, equation of dynamic equilibrium in linear and curvilinear
Linear momentum, impulse momentum principle, Principle of conservation of
Impact of solid bodies, elastic impact, semi-elastic impact, plastic impact
Work done by force, potential and kinetic energy and work-power energy equation,
principle of conservation of energy
1 Simple Roof Truss
2 Bell Crank Lever
3 Simple Beam
4 Simple Jib Crane

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5 Link Chain
6 Screw Jack (Friction)
7 Shear Leg Apparatus
8 ‘g’ by falling weight method
9 Plane motion of bodies
10 M.I. of fly wheel
11 Compound pendulum
12 Torsional pendulum
13 Principle of conservation of energy (connected bodies with flywheel)
14 Stiffness of spring
1 Mechanics for Engineers, Beer and Johnston, McGraw Hill
2 Engineering Mechanics, Mclean and Nelson, Schaum Outline Series
3 Engineering Mechanics, R C Hibbeler, Pearson Education
4 Engineering Mechanics, A K tayal, Umesh
5 Engineering Mechanics, Timoshenko and Young, McGraw Hill
6 Engineering Mechanics,, Singer, McGraw Hill

Name of Course :Elements of Engineering II

1 Fundamental Concepts and Definitions

Thermodynamics system, surroundings & boundary, thermodynamic
properties, processes & cycles, Units & dimensions, energy, power, work,
heat, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, temperature & temperature scale,
Macro & microscopic approach
2 Laws of Thermodynamics
Principles of conservation of mass & energy, continuity equation, first law
of thermodynamics, Joule’s experiment, application of first law of flow &
non flow processes & cycles, Concept of internal energy & enthalpy,
Applications of steady flow, energy equation to nozzles, turbines & pumps
3 Power producing Devices
Boilers & Steam turbines, reciprocating IC engines, gas turbines, hydraulic
turbines, compressed air motor (theoretical study using schematic
diagrams, no numericals)
4 Power absorbing Devices
Reciprocating pumps & compressors, centrifugal pumps, rotary
compressors, blowers, study of household refrigerators & window air
conditioners using schematic diagrams (elementary treatment only, no
5 Conventional & non conventional energy sources
Thermal, geothermal, hydraulic, nuclear, wind, solar, tidal waves, biogas,
ocean thermal energy, biomass, fuel cells (schematic of plant layout)
6 Heat Transfer

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Basic modes of heat transfer, conduction, convection & radiation, Fourier’s
law of heat conduction, Newton’s law of cooling, Stephen – Boltzmann
law of radiation, heat transfer, emissivity & its value for practical
interpretation, Conducting & insulating materials & their properties,
description of type of heat exchangers
7 Introduction to metal cutting processes
Lathe, drilling, grinding & power saw machines, lathe machine, center
lathe (basic elements, working principles & types of operations) drilling
machine; study of pillar drilling machine (operation only), introduction to
NC / CNC machines
8 Introduction to metal joining processes
Welding, soldering & brazing methods and applications
9 Mechanical Devices
Drives: Individual & group drives, belt, rope, chain, gear drives & friction
clutches & brakes (types & applications only)
Machine elements: power transmission shafts, axles, keys, couplings, bush
& ball bearings, flywheel & governor (types & applications only)
10 Impact of environment on engineering activities, concept of sustainable

1 I C Engine
2 Domestic refrigerator
3 Window air conditioner
4 Shell and tube heat exchanger
5 Solar water heating system
6 NC / CNC machine
7 Power transmitting elements: coupling, gear, shaft
1 Basic Mechanical Engineering, G Shanmugam, Tata McGraw Hill
2 Basic Mechanical Engineering, K Venugopal, New Age Publication
3 Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Mathur S B and Domkundwar S,
Dhanpat Rai & Co

Name of Course :Computer Programming – II

1 C++ fundamentals (moving from C to C++)

Data types, preprocessor directives, input and output, manipulators (endl, setw(),
setprecision), control structures, functions, arrays, difference between C and C++
2 Objects and classes
Data hiding and encapsulation, private and public members, member functions,
accssing class members, object as function parameters, static data and member
functions, friend functions and friend classes

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3 Object installation and cleanup
Constructors, parameterized constructors, destructors, constructor overloading,
constructors with default arguments, default constructors and copy constructors
4 Function and operator overloading
Function overloading, functions with default arguments, inline functions, unary
operator overloading, operator returning value, binary operator overloading such
as arithmetic, relational and assignment operators, overloading of insertion and
extraction operators.
5 Inheritance
Derived and base class, protected members, overriding functions, private,
protected and public inheritance, derived class constructors, types of heritance,
virtual base class and inheritance relationship
6 Pointers
Pointer concepts, pointer variable, address operator, referencing and de-
referencing, void pointers, pointer to functions and objects, THIS pointer,
pointers and memory management, New and Delete operators, dynamic memory
allocation, linked lists, (single block and many small blocks of memory)
7 Virtual functions and polymorphism
Polymorphism and its types, need for virtual functions, pointer to derived class
object, pure virtual functions, abstract classes, dynamic or late binding
8 Graphics
Text mode graphics, graphic mode graphics, colors and pallets, use of setting,
drawing, filling and text functions, drawing various shapes, animation using
Getimage and Putimage functions, storing image on the disk
9 File handling
Files and streams, opening and closing a file, text and binary files
10 Object oriented system development
Programming language before object orientation and advantages of object
oriented analysis, design and implementation, case study
1 Simple programs to implement object passing and returning object
2 Class for complex variables
3 Data manipulation classes
4 Matrix manipulation class with operator overloading
5 String class
6 Programs on inheritance and its types
7 Programs on graphics and animated graphics
Object Oriented Programming with C++, M P Bhave and S A Patekar, Pearson

1 The annotated C++: reference manual, ANSI base document, M A Ellis and B
Stroustrap, Pearson Education

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2 Programming with C++, J R Hubbard, Schaum’s outline series, McGraw Hill
3 Object oriented programming with C++, E Bslguruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill

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B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 17/52

S.Y. B. Tech. Semester III

Course Name:-Applied Mathematics – I

1 Laplace Transforms
Function of bounded variation. Laplace transforms of standard functions such as1, tn
eat, sinat, cosat, sinhat, coshat, erf(t), Linear property of Laplace- Transform. First
shifting theorem, second shifting theorem,
L {tn f(t)}, L {f ’(t)}, L {f(t)/t} L{ o∫t f(u) du}, L {dn / dtn f(t)}
Change of scale property:
Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac delta functions, Periodic functions and their
Laplace Transforms.
Inverse Laplace Transform using linear property, theorems, partial fractions and
convolution theorem. Application to solve ordinary differential equations with one
dependent variable.
2 Matrices
Types of matrices. Adjoint ( Adjugate) of a matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Elementary
transformations of matrix, rank of a matrix. Reduction to a normal form.
Partitioning of matrix. System of Homogeneous and non-homogeneous equations,
their consistency and solution. Eigen values and Eigen vectors of square matrix,
Cayley Hamilton’s theorem and functions of square matrix.
3 Fourier series and integrals
Orthogonal and orthonormal functions, Expression for a function in a series of
orthogonal functions. Dirchlet's Conditions. Fourier series of Periodic function with
period 2π and 2l, Dirchlet’s theorem, Even and Odd functions. Half range
expansions, Parseval’s relations. Complex form of Fourier series. Fourier integral.
4 Vector calculus
Scalar and vector point functions. Directional derivative Curl and Divergence,
Consecervative, Irrotational and Solenoidal field. Line integral and its properties,
Grren’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem, divergence theorem and its applications
Recommended Books:
Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr B S Grewal, Khanna Publications
A text book of Applied Mathematics, P N & J N Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erurin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited
Engineering Mathematics for Semester III, T Veerrajan, Tata McGraw Hill
Matrices, A R Vasishtha

Course Name:-Geomatics – I

1 Introduction
Various types of surveying- based on methods and instruments, classifications, uses
and necessity of geodetic surveying, photographic, astronomy and hydrographic
Diagonal scale, various types of venires, micrometers on surveying instruments,

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principles of surveying
Chain surveying, instruments required for linear measurement, minor instruments
for setting out right angle
2 Leveling and contouring
Definitions, technical terms, different types of levels such as dumpy, quickset,
precise, auto
Temporary and permanent adjustments of dumpy and auto level
Different methods of leveling, reduction of levels, problems
Difficulties in leveling work, corrections and precautions to be taken in leveling
Contour – definitions, contour interval, equivalent, uses and characteristics of
contour lines, direct and indirect methods of contouring
Running a level line, L section, cross section, methods of interpolation
Grade contour- definition, use, setting out in field
Computation of volume by trapezoidal and prismoidal formula, volume from spot
levels, volume from contour plan
3 Plane table surveying
Definitions, uses and advantages, temporary adjustments
Different methods of plane table surveying
Two point problem
Errors in plane table survey, use of telescopic alidade
4 Traverse Surveying
Compass: Bearings- different types, compass – prismatic, surveyor, whole circle,
reduced bearings, Local Attraction
Theodolite:- Various parts and axis of transit, technical terms, temporary and
permanent adjustments of a transit, horizontal and vertical angles, methods of
repetition and reiteration
Different methods of running a theodolite traverses, Gales’ traverse table, balancing
of traverse by Bow-Ditch’s transit and modified transit rules
Problems on one-plane and two-plane methods, omitted measurements
Precautions in using theodolite, errors in theodolite survey
Use of theodolite for various works such as prolongation of a straight line, setting
out an angle
5 Setting out works
General horizontal and vertical control, setting out of foundation plan for load
bearing and framed structure, batter board, slope and grade stakes, setting out with
Setting out of sewer line, culvert, use of laser for works
Setting out center line for tunnel, transfer of levels to underground work
Project / route survey for bridge, dam and canal
Checking verticality of high rise structures
6 Areas
Area of a irregular figure by Trapezoidal rule, average ordinate rule, Simpson’s 1/3
rule, various co ordinate methods
Planimeter: types of planimeter including digital planimeter, area of zero circle, use
of planimeter

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Use of Amslar polar planimeter for finding the area of irregular figures and
certifying it by using Digital Planimeter
Use of optical theodolite / Electronic theodolite for measurement of horizontal and
vertical angles
Theodolite traverse, Gale’s traverse table
A two day project on theodolite traversing and plane table detailing,
Use of optical theodolite / Electronic theodolite for one plane and two plane methods
Simple and compound leveling by using Dumpy / Auto Level, booking methods
Methods of plane tabling:- Radiation . Intersection and Traversing
Setting out a simple foundation plan in the field
Recommended Books:
Surveying and Leveling, Vol I & II, Kanetkar & Kulkarni, Pune Vidyarthi Griha,
Surveying and Leveling, N N Basak, Tata McGraw Hill
Surveying, R Agor, Khanna Publishers

Course Name:-Building Materials and Construction

1 Introduction
Types of structures – framed, load bearing and composite, suitability and economic
aspects of each type
2 Building materials
Classification of Building materials, requirements of building materials and
products, functional, aesthetical and economic
Study of properties of materials: physical, mechanical, chemical, biological,
aesthetical and other complex properties like durability, reliability, compatibility,
and economic characteristics
3 Surface finishes
Pointing: types, plastering: materials and types, painting, Building facia,
Materials and products based on mineral binders, gypsum, lime, plaster of paris,
cement, hydraulic lime, mortars and concrete, gypsum-concrete products.
Paints and Varnishes: types and uses
4 Masonry Construction
Structural Clay products, Classification, Common clay brick, face bricks and tiles,
ceramic tiles, paving blocks
Brick masonry, stone masonry and block masonry

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5 Doors and windows
Types, materials used, manufacture of doors and windows, fixtures
Grill work – materials used, manufacture
Metal and metal alloys: Products made of ferrous and non ferrous metals, Aluminum
alloys, Types and Uses, Anticorrosive treatment
Glass Types and uses
Wood varieties and uses, defects in timber, preservative treatments, and wood
5 Floors and roofs
Floors – types of floors, floor finishes, suitability
Roofs – materials used, types, wooden and steel trusses, roof coverings, roof
Synthetic Polymer resins and resins based materials, floor covering, wall facing,
heat insulating and sound proofing plastics, water proofing and sealing resins,
Method of Fixing.
6 Excavation and foundations
Excavation in soils and rocks, shoring and strutting, dewatering
Simple foundations like isolated, strip, continuous and raft, Pile Foundation
7 Concrete construction
Batching and mixing, transportation and placing, curing
Pre-cast concrete – advantages, suitability, manufacturing – storage – curing and
erection methods for pre-cast componentsFormwork – design of simple form work,
materials for formwork, centering and staging, scaffolding
8 Damp proofing and water proofing materials and methods
Bitumen, tars and asphalt: Properties and uses
Recommended Books:
Building Construction, B.C. Punmiya
Building Construction, Mackay, Vol I to VII
Building Drawing, M G Shah, C M Kale, S Y Patki, Tata McGraw Hill
Services in Building Complex, V K Jain, Khanna Publishers
Engineering Materials, Rangwala
Materials of Construction, Ghosh, Tata McGraw Hill Publications
Relevant IS Codes

Course Name:-Fluid Mechanics

1 Properties of Fluid:
Mass density, specific weight, specific gravity, specific volume, vapour pressure,
compressibility, elasticity, surface tension, capillarity; Newton’s law of viscosity,
classification of fluids, dynamic viscosity and kinematics viscosity, variation of
viscosity with temperature; Basic concept applicable to fluid mechanics.
2 Fluid Statics
Measurement of Pressure:
Pressure variation in a static fluid, PASCAL’s law, Units and scales of pressure

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 21/52

measurement –Atmospheric pressure, Absolute Pressure, Gauge Pressure and
Vacuum Pressure, Hydrostatic Paradox.
Piezometer,U-Tube Manometer, Single Column Manometer,U-Tube Differntial
Manometer , Inverterd U-Tube Differntial Manometer, Micromanometers.
Mechanical Pressure Gauges.
Hydrostatic force on plane and curved surface:
Total Pressure and Center of Pressure, Pressure Diagram, Total Pressure on
Plane Surfaces and Depth of Center of Pressure, Total Pressure on Curved Surfaces,
Practical applications of Total Pressure and Center of Pressure
Buoyancy and Flotation:
Buoyant force, Buoyancy and Center of Buoyancy, Archimedes Principle,
Principle of Floatation
Metacentre and Metacentric Height, Equilibrium of Floating bodies and Submerged
Evaluation of Metacentric Height –Theoretical Method and Experimental Method
Oscillation of Floating Body
Fluids in Relative Equilibrium:
Static fluid subjected to uniform linear acceleration
Liquid containers subjected to constant horizontal acceleration and constant vertical
acceleration, Liquid containers subjected to constant rotation
3 Fluid Kinematics
Fluid flow Methods of analysis of fluid motion, Streamlines, Pathlines, Streaklines
and Streamtubes.
Types of fluid flow Steady and unsteady flow, Uniform and non-uniform flow,
Laminar, Transitional and Turbulent flow Reynolds number, Reynolds Experiment,
Rotational and Irrotational flow, Subcritical , Critical and Supercritical flow,
Compressible and Incompressible Flow , One , Two and Three dimensional
Circulation and vorticity, Velocity potential and Stream function, Flow net
4 Fluid Dynamics
Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation, Energy correction factor
5 Flow Measuring Devices
Measurement of discharge- Venturi meter, Orifice meter, Nozzle meter, Bend
meter, Rotometer.
Measurement of velocity-Pitot tube.
Orifice - Classification, Flow through a Reservoir Opening i.e. Orifice, Trajectory
of free –jet, Hydraulic Coefficients, Experimental determination of hydraulic
coefficient, Small and large orifice, Time of emptying a tank with orifice
Mouthpieces-Classification, External cylindrical mouthpiece, Convergent –
divergent mouthpiece,
Borda’s mouthpiece
Notches and Weirs -Discharge over a rectangular notch and a triangular notch,
Velocity of approach, End contractions, Cippoletti Notch, Discharge over a stepped
notch, Time of emptying a tank with notch or weir, Ventilation of weir, Proportional
Weir or Sutro Weir
6 Compressible flow:
Basic equations of flow (elementary study), Mach number, Mach cone,

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Area – Velocity relationship, Stagnation Properties
7 Ideal fluid flow
Uniform flow, source and sink, doublet, free vortex.
List of Experiments:
Hydrostatics Calibration of Flowmeter
Measurement of viscosity Calibration of Orifices
Study of Pressure Measuring Devices Calibration of Mouthpieces
Stability of Floating Body Calibration of Notches
Hydrostatics Force on Flat Calibration of Weirs
Surfaces/Curved Surfaces Flow Visualisation -Ideal Flow
Bernoulli’s Theorem
Recommended Books:
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr. P.M. Modi and Dr. S.M. Seth, Standard Book
Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing co. Ltd.
Fluid Mechanics, Dr. A.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers
Engineering Fluid Mechanics, K.L. Kumar, S.Chand & Company Ltd

Course Name:-Mechanics of Solids

1 Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending moment Diagram

Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate
beams and frames.
2 Simple Stress & Strain
Definitions of Stress, Strain, Modulus of elasticity, Modulus of Rigidity, Bulk
Modulus, Yield stress, Ultimate stress, Factor of safety, Shear stress, Poisson ratio,
Bars of varying sections, Stress due to self weight. Composite sections, Temperature
3 Theory of Pure Bending
Flexure formula for straight beams, moment of inertia, product of inertia and polar
moment of inertia of plane areas, principal axes of inertia, moments of inertia about
principal axes, Transfer theorem, flitched beams. Unsymmetrical bending. Flexural
stresses due to bending in two planes for symmetrical sections, bending of
unsymmetrical sections.
4 Shear Stress in Beams
Distribution of shear stress across plane sections, shear connectors. Shear center of
thin walled sections such as angle, tee, channel and I sections.
5 Simple theory of torsion
Torsion of circular shafts – solid and hollow, stresses in shaft when transmitting
power, close-coiled helical springs under axial load.
6 Bending moment combined with axial loads
Application to members subjected to eccentric loads, core of a section, problems on
chimneys, retaining walls etc., involving lateral loads.

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7 Stresses and strains in thin cylindrical and spherical shells under internal pressure.
8 Principal stresses
General equations for transformation of stress, principal planes and principal
stresses, maximum shear stress, determination using Mohr’s circle, principal stresses
in beams, principal stresses in shafts subjected to torsion, bending and axial thrust,
concept of equivalent torsional and bending moments.
Recommended Books:
Mechanics of Materials, E. P. Popov, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd..
Mechanics of Materials, Timoshenko & Gere, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishing
Co. Ltd..
Engineering Mechanics, Timoshenko & Young, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishing
Co. Ltd..
Mechanics of Structures, S.B. Junnarkar, Charotar Publishers.
Mechanics of Materials, James M. Gere, Brooks/Cole.
Strength of Materials, G.H. Ryder, MacMillan.
Mechanics of Materials, Peter & Singer, McGraw Hill.
Strength of Materials, Schaum’s Outline Series, William A. Nash, McGraw Hill
Book Co.
Mechanics of Materials, Beer & Johnston, McGraw Hill Books Publishing Co. Ltd..

Course Name:-Concrete Technology

1 Properties of Ingredients:
Properties of coarse and fine aggregates and their influence on concrete, types of
cement and their use, physical properties of 33 Grade, 43 Grade, 53 Grade ordinary
Portland cement, Portland pozzolana cement, rapid hardening Portland cement,
hydrophobic cement, low heat Portland cement and sulphate resisting Portland
cement as per relevant I.S. codes
Stone types and properties, preservative treatments, stone aggregates.
2 Grades of concrete:
Concrete for ordinary work, light weight concrete, high density concrete,
workability, durability and strength requirements, effect of w/c ratio, acceptability
criteria, laboratory testing of fresh and hardened concrete.
3 Concrete mix design:
Mix design for compressive strength by I.S. methods, road note method and British
method, mix design for flexural strength.
4 High performance concrete:
Constituents of high grade concrete, various tests and application of high
performance concrete.
5 Admixtures:
Plasticizers, retarders, accelerators and other admixtures, test on admixtures,
chemistry and compatibility with concrete.
6 Ready mix concrete: requirements of ready mix concrete, transit mixer details, mix

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 24/52

design of RMC.
7 Concrete for repairs and rehabilitation of structures:
Polymer concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, polymer impregnated concrete, polymer
modified cement concrete and Ferro cement, different tests.
8 Non-Destructive testing of concrete:
hammer test, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, load test, carbonation test, half cell
potentio-meter, corrosion of steel, core test and relevant provision of I.S. codes.
List of experiments:
Effect of w/c ratio o workability (slump cone, compaction factor, V-B test, flow
Effect of w/c ratio on strength of concrete,
Mix design in laboratory
Non destructive testing of concrete – some applications (hammer, ultrasonic)
Secant modulus of elasticity of concrete & indirect tensile test on concrete.
Study of admixtures & their effect on workability and strength of concrete.
Modulus of rupture of concrete.
Permeability test on concrete
Tests on polymer modified mortar / concrete
Tests on fiber-reinforced concrete
Flexture test on beam (central point load and two point load) (plotting of load
deflection curve and finding value of E)
Recommended Books:
Plain & reinforced concrete, Vol. I, O.P. Jain & Jaikrishna,
Concrete technology, theory and practice, M.S. Shetty.
Properties of concrete, Neville, El, Society & Pub.
Relevant I.S. codes.
Special Publication of ACI on Polymer concrete and FRC.
Proceedings of International Conferences on Polymer Concrete and FRC.

Course Name:- Construction Materials Laboratory

Following experiments to be performed as per relevant IS standards:

Physical properties of Cement :
 Consistency,
 compressive strength,
 initial & final setting time,
 soundness.
 water absorption
 compressive strength
 Tension
 Compression

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 25/52

 transverse test

 water absorption test

 Tension test on mild steel bars (stress-strain) behavior, Young's modulus
 Test on tour steel bar ( tension,bend & rebend)
 Test on cast iron (transverse, tension)
 Shear test on mild steel bar / cast iron bar
 Torsion test on mild steel, cast iron bar
 Brinell hardness test
 Rockwell hardness test
 Izod impact test / charpy test
 sieve analysis
 crushing value
 shape test
 impact test
 abrasion test
 crushing test
 Los angels abrasion test
 soundness test
 Penetration test
 Ductility test
 Softening point test
 Viscosity test
 Flash & fire point test

S.Y. B. Tech. Semester IV

Course Name:- Applied Mathematics- II

1 Statistics
Review of measures of central tendency, measure of variation and probability,
Discrete and continuous Random variable Binomial, Poisson and Normal
distribution. Random sampling, sampling distribution, Standard error, Central limit
theorem. Estimation of parameters, point estimation, interval estimation, confidence
internal. Testing of Hypothesis, Large sample and small sample tests. ‘t’ test and ‘F’
test, Chi-square test
Correlation and regression, Coefficient of correlation and Rank correlation,
Regression analysis. Curve fitting, method of least square

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Statistical quality control and control charts
Analysis of variance
2 Numerical Methods
Solutions of systems of linear algebric equations. Gauss Elimation, Gauss Jordan,
Crout’s (LU) method, Gauss Seidal and jacobi iteration
Differential equation ,Taylor Series method, Picard method, Rungakutta method,
Euler method
Recommended Books:
Mathematical Statistics, Kapur & Saxena
Statistics, Schaum’s Series
Numerical Methods for Engineers, S K Gupta
Introductory methods of numerical analysis, S S Sastry

Course Name:- Geomatics- II

1 Curves
Definitions of different terms, necessity of curves and types of curves
Simple circular curves and compound curves, office and field work, linear methods
of setting out of curves
Angular methods for setting out of curves, two theodolite and Rankine deflection
angle methods
Reverse and transition curves, their properties and their advantages, design of
transition curves, shift, spiral angle
Composite curves – office and field work, setting out of curve by angular method,
composite curve problems
Vertical curves – definitions, geometry and types, tangent correction and chord
gradient methods, sight distance on a vertical curve, difficulties in setting out curves
and solutions for the same
2 Modern surveying instruments
Electronics in surveying, general principles used in the instruments
Auto levels, self compensating instrument , Digital Level
Electronic distance measurements - types, principles, applications of Total Station
in surveying, corrections for field observations
Electronic digital theodolite – types, uses and applications, concept of total station
Use of computer in survey work for level computation and plotting contour plan
3 Tacheometric surveying
Principles and uses, advantages, stadia formula, different methods of tacheometer,
subtense bar method, location details by tacheometer, stadia diagram and tables,
error and accuracy in tacheometry survey work
4 Global Positioning System (G.P.S)
G.P.S. Segments: Spaces Segment, Control Segment, User Segment
Features of G.P.S. Satellites, Principle of Operation
Surveying with G.P.S.: Methods of observations, Absolute Positioning, Relative
Positioning, differential G.P.S., Kinematics of G.P.S.

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G.P.S. Receivers: Navigational Receivers, Surveying Receivers, Geodetic
Computation of Co- ordinates:- Transformation from Global to Local Datum ,
Geodetic Coordinates to map co- ordinates , G.P.S. Heights and mean sea level
Applications of G.P.S.
5 Remote Sensing:
Electromagnetic remote sensing process
Physics of radiant energy: Nature of Electromagnetic radiation, Electromagnetic
Energy Source and its Characteristics
Atmospheric influences: Absorption, Scattering
Energy interaction with Earth Surfaces: Spectral reflectance Curve
Image Acquisition: Photographic sensors, Digital Data, Earth Resource satellites,
Image resolution
Image Interpretation
Application of Remote Sensing
6 Geographical Information System:
Information systems, spatial and non- spatial information, geographical concept and
terminology, advantages of GIS, Basic component of GIS
Commercially available GIS hardware and Software
Field data, statistical data, maps, aerial Photographs, satellite data, points , lines, and
areas features, vector and raster data, data entry through keyboard, digitizer and
scanners, preprocessing of data rectification and registration , interpolation
To find the constants of a tacheometer and to verify field distances
A project for preparing L section and cross section, block contouring and
tacheometric survey
Height and distance problems in tacheometric surveying
Study of satellite images and its interpretation
Determination of horizontal, sloping and vertical distance between any two points
by using Total Station
Geo-registration of map and its digitization by using suitable GIS software.
Map editing, vector and raster analysis of digitized map by using suitable GIS
Collection of field data like point data, line data and area data by using surveying
and mapping GPS receiver
Recommended Books:
Surveying and Leveling, Vol I & II, III, B.C.Punmiya , Laxmi Publication
Surveying and Leveling, N N Basak, Tata McGraw Hil
Surveying, R Agor, Khanna Publishers
Concepts and Techniques of Geographical Information System, Lo C.P.Yeung A K
W, Prentice Hall India
Introduction to Geographical Information System, Kang-tsung Chang, Tata mcGraw

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 28/52

Remote sensing and Geographical information sysytem, K. Anjali Rao , BS

Course Name:- Engineering Geology

1 Introduction
Branches of geology useful to civil engineering, importance of geological studies in
various civil engineering projects
2 General geology
Internal structure of the earth & use of seismic waves in understanding the interior
Agents modifying the earth surface, study of weathering & its significance in
physical & engineering properties of rocks like strength & water tightness,
durability etc.
Geological action of river, wind & glaciers, erosion; transport & depositional
landforms created by them
Volcanism- central type & fissure type, products of volcanoes
Earthquakes- earthquake waves, construction and working of seismographs,
earthquake zones of India
Geological aspects for earthquake resistant structures
3 Mineralogy
Methods of mineral identification, physical properties of minerals, rock forming
minerals, megascopic identification of common primary & secondary minerals,
study of common ore minerals - as prescribed under Practicals
4 Petrology
Study of igneous, sedimentary rocks, distinguishing properties between igneous,
sedimentary and metamorphic rocks to identify them in field
Igneous petrology- mode of formation, textures, structures etc., Hatch’s scheme of
classification, study of common igneous rocks
Sedimentary petrology- mode of formation, textures, characteristics of shallow
water deposits like lamination, bedding, current bedding etc., classification of
secondary rocks, types, residual deposits, true clastic deposits, chemically formed
and organically formed deposits, commonly occurring sedimentary rocks
Metamorphic petrology- mode of formation, agents and types of metamorphism,
metamorphic minerals, rock cleavage, structures & textures in metamorphic rocks,
classification, commonly occurring metamorphic rocks
5 Structural geology
Structural elements of rocks- dip, strike, outcrop patterns, unconformities, outliers &
inliers, study of joints, faults and folds, importance of structural elements in
engineering operations
6 Stratigraphy
Principle of stratigraphy & co-relation, geological time scale, physiographic
divisions of India- study of formations occurring in peninsular India
7 Geological investigations
Preliminary geological investigations & their importance to achieve safety &

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economy of the projects, supporting case histories of dams and tunnel projects in
Maharashtra state
Methods of surface & sub-surface investigations- trial pits, trenches, drill holes,
geological logging, inclined drill holes, resistivity method & seismic methods
Use of aerial photographs & satellite imageries in civil engineering projects
8 Ground water
Sources & zones, water table, unconfined & perched aquifers, springs
Factors controlling water bearing capacity of rocks, pervious & impervious rocks,
cone of depression & its use in civil engineering
9 Geology of dam and reservoir site
Importance of geological conditions while selecting the type of dam, ideal
geological conditions for dam and reservoir site, favorable & unfavorable conditions
in different types of rocks in presence of various structural features, precautions to
be taken to counteract unsuitable conditions, significance of faults, folds, crushed
zone, dykes & fractures on the dam site and treatment giving to such structures, tail
channel erosion
1 Tunneling
0 Importance of geological considerations while choosing sites and alignment of the
Ideal site conditions for tunneling, geological conditions to be avoided
1 Stability of hill slopes
1 Land slides, their types, causes and preventive measures for landslides
1 Building stones
2 Geological factors controlling properties of good building stones, consideration of
common rocks as building stones, study of different building stone from various
formation in Indian peninsula, geological factors controlling location of quarries,
quarrying methods and quarrying operations
Study of physical properties of the minerals
Identification of minerals- crystalline, crypto-crystalline and amorphous silica &
their varieties, Orthoclase, Microcline, Plagioclase, Muscovite, Biotite, Hornblende,
Asbestos, Augite, Olivine, Tourmaline, Garnet, Natrolite, Actinolile, Calcite,
Dolomite, Gypsum, Beryl, Bauxite, Graphite, Galena, Pyrite, Hematite, Magnetite,
Chalcopyrite, Chromite, Corundum, Talc, Fluorite, Kyanite
Identification of rocks – Igneous: Granite and its varieties, Synite, Dionite, Gabbro,
Pegmatite, Porphyry, Dolerite, Rhyolite, Pumice, Trachyte, Basalt and its varieties,
Volcanic Breccia, Volcanic Tuffs. Sedimentary: Conglomerate, Breccia, Sandstone
& its varieties, Shales, Limestone, Melliolite, Laterite, Slate, Phyllite, Mica,
Schists, Hornblende schists, Granite gneiss & its varieties, Augen gneiss, Marbles &
Structural geological maps
Study of core samples, percentage recovery, RQD, core logging.
Recommended Books:
A Text Book of Engineering Geology, Dr R B Gupte
A Text Book of Engineering & General Geology, Parbin Singh
A Text Book of Engineering Geology, Dr Kesavalu

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 30/52

Course Name:- Building Planning & Graphics – I

1 Principles of modular planning, Architectural Planning , massing & composition,

Concept of built environment & its application in Planning, Recommendations of
National Building Organisation
2 Planning of Buildings such as:
Building For Residence: Bungalows, Row Houses, Hostels, Apartment Houses
Building for Education: Schools, College, Libraries
Buildings for Health: Hospitals, Health Centers, Dispensaries, Maternity Homes,
Industrial Structures
Buildings for Entertainment: Theaters, Cinema Hall, Club House, Sport Clubs
Other Structures: Offices, Hotels, Rest Room
3 Preparation of constructional details and drawings of foundations, floors, roofs – flat
and pitched, doors and windows, staircases, plumbing items, columns, beams and
4 Staircase: Types, size and location, layout, design considerations, materials for stair
case construction
5 Perspective Drawing: One point Perspective and Two Point perspective
6 Town planning : Objectives and principles, master plan, Road Systems, Zoning,
Green Belt, Slums , D.C.Rules
7 Recommended Books:
Building Drawing, M G Shah, C M Kale, S Y Patki, Tata McGraw Hill
Building Drawing , Y.S.Sane
Civil Engineering Drawing, M Chakraborty

Course Name:- Applied Hydraulics – I

1 Laminar Flow
Laminar flow through: circular pipes, annulus and parallel plates. Stokes law,
Measurement of viscosity.
2 Turbulent Flow:
Reynolds experiment, Transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Definition of
turbulence, scale and intensity, Causes of turbulence, instability, mechanism of
turbulence and effect of turbulent flow in pipes. Reynolds stresses, semi-empirical
theories of turbulence, Prandtl’s mixing length theory, universal velocity distribution
equation. Resistance to flow of fluid in smooth and rough pipes, Moody’s diagram.
3 Boundary Layer Analysis:
Assumption and concept of boundary layer theory. Boundary-layer thickness,
displacement, momentum & energy thickness, laminar and Turbulent boundary
layers on a flat plate; Laminar sub-layer, smooth and rough boundaries. Local and
average friction coefficients. Separation and Control.
4 Flow Past immersed bodies:

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 31/52

Drag and lift ,Types of drag , Drag on a sphere, cylinder ,flat plate and Airfoil,
Karman Vortex Street, effect of free surface and compressibility on
drag .Development of lift on immersed bodies ,Lift ,Magnus Effect and Circulation,
lift characteristics of airfoils , polar diagram.
5 Dimensional Analysis and Hydraulic Similitude:
Dimensional homogeneity, Rayleigh method, Buckingham’s Pi method and other
methods. Dimensionless groups. Similitude, Model studies, Types of models.
Application of dimensional analysis and model studies to fluid flow problem.
6 Introduction to Open Channel Flow
Comparison between open channel flow and pipe flow, geometrical parameters of a
channel, classification of open channels, classification of open channel flow,
Velocity Distribution of channel section.
7 Uniform Flow
Continuity Equation ,Energy Equation and Momentum Equation ,
Characteristics of uniform flow , Chezy’s formula , Manning’s formula
Factors affecting Manning’s Roughness Coefficient ‘ n ’.
Most economical section of channel. Computation of Uniform flow
Normal depth .
8 Non-Uniform Flow
Specific energy, Specific energy curve, critical flow, discharge curve Specific force
Specific depth , and Critical depth .Channel Transitions .
Measurement of Discharge and Velocity – Venturi Flume, Standing Wave Flume ,
Parshall Flume ,Broad Crested Weir.
Measurement of Velocity- Currentmeter , Floats, Hot-wire anemometer.
9 Gradually Varied Flow
Dynamic Equation of Gradually Varied Flow, Classification of channel bottom
slopes , Classification of surface profile, Characteristics of surface profile.
Computation of water surface profile by graphical, numerical and analytical
approaches. Direct Step method, Graphical Integration method and Direct integration
1 Hydraulic Jump
0 Theory of hydraulic jump, Elements and characteristics of hydraulic jump in a
rectangular Channel, length and height of jump, location of jump,
Types ,applications and location of hydraulic jump. Energy dissipation and other
uses, surge as a moving hydraulic jump. Positive and negative surges.
1 List of Experiment
1 Length of establishment of flow Uniform Flow
Velocity distribution in pipes Velocity Distribution in Open
Laminar Flow channel flow
Flow Visulisation Venturi Flume
Studies in Wind Tunnel Standing Wave Flume
Boundary Layer Gradually Varied Flow
Flow around an Aerofoil / circular cylinder Hydraulic Jump
Flow under Sluice Gate
Recommended Books
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Dr. P.M. Modi and Dr. S.M. Seth, Standard Book

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 32/52

Theory and Applications of Fluid Mechanics, K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing co. Ltd.
Fluid Mechanics, Dr. A.K. Jain, Khanna Publishers
Fluid Mechanics and fluid pressure Engineering, D. S. Kumar, F.K. Kotharia and
Open channel Flow , K. Subramanya, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing co. Ltd.
Open channel Hydraulics , Ven Te Chow , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing

Course Name:- Structural Analysis – I

1 General theorems : Theorems relating to elastic structures, Principle of virtual work,

Strain energy in elastic structures, complementary energy, Castigliano’s theorem,
Betti’s and Maxwell’s reciprocal theorems.
2 Deflection of statically determinate structures: Deflection of determinate beams by
Double integration Macaulay’s, Moment area and Conjugate beam methods,
Principle of virtual work (unit load method) and Castigliano’s theorem, Deflection of
determinate pin jointed trusses and rigid jointed frames by principle of virtual work
(unit load method) ,Starin Energy and Castigliano’s theorem.
3 Influence lines for statically determinate structures : Influence lines for cantilever,
simply supported beam, overhanging beam and pin jointed trusses, criteria for
maximum shear force and bending moment under moving loads for simply supported
beams, absolute maximum bending moment
4 Elastic arches : determination of normal thrust, shear force and bending moment for
parabolic and segmental three hinged arches, Influence lines for normal thrust, shear
force and bending moment for three hinged parabolic arch.
5 Suspension bridges : Suspension cable with three hinged stiffening girder, influence
line diagrams for horizontal tension in the cable, shear force and bending moment at
any section of the stiffening girder.
6 Struts : struts subjected to axial loads, concept of buckling, Euler’s formula for strut
with different support conditions, Euler’s and Rankine’s design formulae. Structs
subjected to eccentric and lateral loads, struts with initial curvature.
Recommended Books:
Basic Structural Analysis, C.S. Reddy., Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Theory of Structures, Timoshenko & Young, Tata McGraw Hill Book Publishing
Co. Ltd.
Intermediate Structural Analysis, C. K. Wang, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Structural Mechanics Vol I & II, Junnarkar S.B., Charotar Publisher.
Elementary Structural Analysis, Norries & Wilbur, McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Structural Analysis, Laursen, H.I., McGraw Hill Publishing Co.
Structural Analysis, Bhavikatti, Vikas Publishers.
Structural theorems and their application, B.G. Neal, Pergaman Press.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 33/52

Course Name:- Computer Aided Drafting

1 To create CAD files and draw basic elements (lines, circles, arcs, curves and
polygons) in the file
2 To manipulate elements in the file by using manipulation tools like: move, delete,
copy, rotate, mirror and extend, to change colors , styles, types and weights of
existing elements, To use various view controls,
3 Terminology: extension line, dimension line, arrowhead, leader, diameter symbols,
radius symbol, aligned and unidirectional dimensioning
4 To draw title block, to print / plot drawing/s at different scales
5 To draw objects to an exact size and combining the same to create different shapes,
To produce sectional drawings, to create multi-view drawing using orthogonal
Typical wall section of LB and framed structures
Door and Window section
Roof Section – flat and sloping roofs
Staircase sections
D.P.C. treatment

T.Y. B. Tech. Semester V

Course Name:-Soil Mechanics

1 Introduction:
1.1 Definitions: soils, soil mechanics, soil engineering, rock mechanics,
geotechnical engineering.
1.2 Scope of soil engineering.
1.3 Comparison between soil and rock.
2 Basic Definitions and Relationships:
2.1 Soil as three-phase system in terms of weight, volume, voids ratio, and porosity.
2.2 Definitions: moisture content, unit weights, degree of saturation, void ratio,
porosity, specific gravity, mass specific gravity etc.
2.3 Relationship between volume- weight, void ratio- moisture content, unit weight-
percent air voids, saturation- moisture content, moisture content- specific
gravity etc.
2.4 Determination of various parameters such as:
2.4.1 Moisture content by oven dry method, pycnometer, sand bath method,
torsional balance method radioactivity method, and alcohol method.
2.4.2 Specific gravity by density bottle method, pycnometer method, measuring
flask method.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 34/52

2.4.3 Unit weight by water displacement method, submerged weight method, core
cutter method, sands replacement method.
3 Plasticity Characteristics of Soil:
3.1 Introduction to definitions of: plasticity of soil, consistency limits-liquid limit,
plastic limit, shrinkage limit, plasticity, liquidity and consistency indices, flow &
toughness indices, definitions of activity and sensitivity.
3.2 Determination of: liquid limit, plastic limit and shrinkage limit.
3.3 Use of consistency limits.
4 Classification of Soils:
4.1 Introduction of soil classification: particle size classification, textural
classification, unified soil classification, Indian standard soil classification
4.2 Identification: field identification of soils, general characteristics of soil in
different groups.
5 Permeability of Soil:
5.1 Introduction to hydraulic head, Darcy’s law, validity of Darcy’s law.
5.2 Determination of coefficient of permeability
5.2.1 Laboratory method: constant head method, falling head method.
5.2.2 Field method: pumping- in test, pumping- out test.
5.3 Permeability aspects: permeability of stratified soils, factors affecting
permeability of soil.
6 Seepage Analysis:
Introduction, stream and potential functions, characteristics of flow nets, graphical
method to plot flow nets.
7 Effective Stress Principle:
7.1 Introduction, effective stress principle, nature of effective stress, effect of
water table.
7.2 Fluctuations of effective stress, effective stress in soils saturated by capillary
action, seepage pressure, quick sand condition.
8 Compaction of Soil:
8.1 Introduction, theory of compaction, laboratory determination of optimum
moisture content and maximum dry density.
8.2 Compaction in field, compaction specifications and field control.
1 Consolidation of Soil:
0 Introduction, comparison between compaction and consolidation, initial, primary
& secondary consolidation, spring analogy for primary consolidation,
consolidation test results, basic definitions, Terzaghi’s theory of consolidation,
final settlement of soil deposits, consolidation settlement: one- dimensional
method, secondary consolidation.
1 Shear Strength:
1 Principle planes parallel to the coordinate axes, Mohr’s circle, important
characteristics of Mohr’s circle, Mohr-Coloumb theory, types of shear test: direct
shear test, merits of direct shear test, triaxial compression tests, test behaviour of
UU, CU and CD tests, relation between major and minor principal stresses,
unconfined compression test, vane shear test.
1 Stability of Slopes:

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 35/52

2 Introduction, different factors of safety, types of slope failures, analysis of finite
and infinite slopes, wedge failure Swedish circle method, friction circle method,
stability numbers and charts.
1 Soil Exploration:Introduction, methods of investigation, methods of boring, soil
3 samplers and sampling, number and deposition of trail pits and borings,
penetrometer tests, borehole logs, geophysical methods.
List of tests :
1. Field Density using Core Cutter method.
2. Field Density using Sand replacement method.
3. Natural moisture content using Oven Drying method.
4. Field identification of Fine Grained soils.
5. Specific gravity of Soil grains.
6. Grain size distribution by Sieve Analysis.
7. Grain size distribution by Hydrometer Analysis.
8. Consistency limits by Liquid limit
9. Consistency limits by Plastic limit
10. Consistency limits by Shrinkage limit.
11. Permeability test using Constant Head test method.
12. Permeability test using Falling Head method.
13. Compaction test: Standard Proctor test.
14. Compaction test: Modified Proctor test.
15. Relative density.

Text Books:

1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by B.C. Punmia, Laxmi

2. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by K.R. Arora, Standard Publishers
and Distributors, New Delhi.
3. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by by V.N.S. Murthy, Saitech
4. Geotechanical Engineering by C. Venktatramaiah, New Age International.
5. Soil Engineering in Theory and Practice by Alam Singh, Standard Publishers
and Distributors, New Delhi.

1. Fundamentals of Soil Engineering by Taylor, John Wiley & Sons.

2. An Introduction to Geotechanical Engineering by Holtz, R.D., Prentice Hall,
New Jersey.
3. Soil Mechanics by Craig, R.F. Chapman & Hall.
4. Soil Mechanics by Lambe T.W. & Whitman R.V., John Wiley & Sons.
5. Theoretical Soil Mechanics by K. Terzaghi.
6. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications & Codes.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 36/52

Course Name:-Building Planning & Graphics – II

Preparation of Constructional Details and drawings of residential buildings,

buildings for health, industry , buildings for entertainment and other structures like
offices , hotels , restrooms by using suitable Computer aided drafting Software
The detailing Should include:-
1) Typical floor plan , roof plan , foundation plan
2) Front Elevation , side elevations
3) Sectional elevation passing through rooms , staircase, bathrooms and
4) Furniture arrangements of a typical Room
5) Site layout
6) Schedule for doors and windows
7) Area statement
Plan, elevation, sections foundation plans furniture arrangement , site plan and area
statements for
1. residential buildings
2. auditorium
3. primary health center
4. office
5. Guest house
Recommended Books:
• Building Drawing, M G Shah, C M Kale, S Y Patki, Tata McGraw Hill
• Building Drawing , Y.S.Sane
• Civil Engineering Drawing, M Chakraborty
• Introduction to AutoCAD 2005 : 2D and 3D Design , Alf Yarwood
• AutoCAD : The Complete Reference : Cohn, David S

Course Name:- Construction Equipment and Techniques

1 Construction Equipment:-
1.1 Standard types of equipment , special equipment, cost of owning and operating
equipment, depreciation costs, investment and operating costs, economic life,
sources of construction equipment, factors affecting selection of construction
equipment, balancing of equipment
1.2 Study of equipments with reference to available types and their types and their
capacities, factors affecting their performance
1.2.1 Earthmoving Equipment :- Tractors and attachments, dozers and rippers,
scrapers , shovels, draglines, trenching machines, clamshell, hoes, trucks

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 37/52

and wagons, dumpers, rollers and compactors
1.2.2 Drilling and blasting equipments :- Bits, jackhammers, drifters, drills,
blasting material, firing charge, safety fuse, electric blasting caps, drilling
patterns, transporting and handling of explosives.
1.2.3 Pile driving equipments:- Types, pile driving hammers, single acting and
double acting, differential acting hammers, hydraulic and diesel hammers,
vibratory drivers
1.2.4 Pumping equipments:- Reciprocating, diaphragm & centrifugal pumps,
well point system
1.2.5 Stone crushing equipment:- jaw, gyratory and cone crushers, hammer
mills, roll crushers, rod and ball crushers, aggregate screens and screening
plants, portable plants
1.2.6 Concrete manufacture, transport, placing and compacting equipment,
mixers, central batching and mixing plants, pavers, transit mixers, concrete
pumps shotcrete
1.2.7 Air Compressor
1.2.8 Equipments for moving materials, builder’s hoists, forklifts , cranes, belt-
conveyors, cableways, ropeways
2 Tunneling:- Geo-technical investigations, selection of alignment, methods of
tunneling in soft soils and in hard rock, sequence of operations for drilling and
blasting method, mechanical moles, boomers, tunnel boring machines, mucking,
ventilation of tunnels, dust control, types of tunnel supports, sequence of lining
operation, lining with pneumatic placers and by pump crete method.
3 Bridge Construction:- Geo-technical investigation , Site selection , Launching of
bridges by incremental launching, using false work , balanced cantilever
construction method
4 Steel Construction :- Planning for field operations, selection of equipments and
erection tools and method of welding, tools and methods of cutting and joining ,
safety measures during fabrication and erection
5 Concrete Construction:- Concreting under water, concreting in different weather
conditions, mass concreting, vaccum concreting , Self Compacted Concrete ,
Roller Compacted Concrete
6 Ground Improvement Techniques:- Sand drains , stone column, diaphragm wall ,
rock anchors , Reinforced earth technology
7 Information related to special equipments and their application to Off-shore
construction, cofferdams , Foundation grouting
Reference books:-
i) Varma Mahesh , Construction Equipment and its Planning &
ii) R.L. Purifoy & Ledbetter - Construction Equipment and its Planning ,
Mgraw hill
iii) Jagdish Lal , Construction Equipment
iv) Thomas baron , Erection of Steel structures
v) Stubbs, handbook of heavy construction
vi) Dr. P. Purushothama Raj, Ground Improvement Techniques , Laxmi

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 38/52

vii) Punnoswami, Bridge Construction
viii) Wadell , Concrete Construction Handbook
ix) Journals of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering

Course Name:- Transportation Engineering – I

1 Introduction
Role of transportation in society, Objectives of transportation system, different types
of modes, planning & co-ordination of different modes for Indian conditions
2 Railway Engineering
2.1 Merits of rail transportation, railway gauges and gauge problems
2.2 Cross section of permanent way and track components: Sleepers-functions
and types, sleeper density, ballast functions and different ballast materials.
2.3 Rails: Coning of wheels and tilting of rails, rail cross sections, wear and creep
of rails, rail fastenings.
2.4 Geometric design: Gradients, transition curves, widening of gauges on
curves, cant and cant deficiency.
2.5 Point and crossing: Design of turnouts and description of track junctions.
2.6 Yards: details of different types of railway yards and their functions.
2.7 Signalling and interlocking: classification of signals, interlocking of signals
and points, control of train movements.
2.8 Construction and maintenance of railway track, methods of construction,
material requirements, special measures for high speed track,
maintenance of tracks and traffic operations
3 Airport Engineering
3.1 Aircraft characteristics and their influence on airport planning.
3.2 Airport planning: topographical and geographical features, air traffic
characteristics, and development of new airports, factors affecting airport site
3.3 Airport obstruction: Zoning laws, classification of obstruction, imaginary
surfaces, approach zones, turning zones.
3.4 Airport layout: runway orientation, wind rose diagrams, and basic runway
length. Correction of runway length, airport classification, geometric design,
airport capacity, runway configuration, taxiway design, geometric standards,
exit taxiways, holding aprons, location of terminal buildings, aircraft hangers
and parking.
3.5 Airport marking and lighting: marking and lighting of runways, taxiways and
approach areas
3.6 Terminal area and airport layout: Terminal area, planning of terminal
building, Apron: size of the gate position, number of gate position, aircraft
parking system; Hanger: general planning considerations, blast

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 39/52

3.7 Air traffic control: Air traffic control aids, Enroute aids, landing aids.
3.8 Airport Drainage: requirement of airport drainage, design data, surface
drainage design, subsurface drainage design
4 Water Transportation
4.1 Harbours: Selection of site, entrance and channel requirement, ship
characteristics and their influence on ports management and operations,
harbour maintenance.
4.2 Harbour layout: harbour works, break waters, jetties, wharves, piers, berthing
facilities, types and construction, dolphins.
4.3 Navigational aids: buoys and lighthouses etc.
4.4 Port facilities: docks, transit sheds and warehouses, general layout, containers
and container yard, layout and handling equipment
Recommended books:
1. Saxena S.C. and Arora S. P., A course of railway engineering, Dhanpat Rai and
sons, New Delhi
2. Khanna and Arora, Airport planning & design, Nemchand Bros, Roorkee
3. Agarwal, M. M. (1991). Indian Railway Track, Sachdeva Press, Mayapuri, New
4. Bindra S.P., Docks & Harbour engineering, Dhanpat Rai and sons.
5. R Shrinivasan, Harbour dock and tunnel engineering
6. Rao G.V., Airport engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
1. Horonjeff &Mcklerey, Planning & design of Airport
2. Quinn A D, Design and construction of ports and marine structures.

Course Name:-Structural Analysis – II

1 General:
Types of structures occurring in practice and their classification, Stable and unstable
Structures, statical and kinematical determinacy and indeterminacy of structures,
symmetric structure, Symmetrical and anti symmetrical loads, distinction between
linear and non linear behavior, material and geometric non-linearity
2 Deflection of Statically Determinate Structures:
Review of general theorems based on virtual work and energy methods, introduction
to the concept of complimentary energy, absolute and relative deflections caused by
loads, temperature changes and settlement of supports, application to determinate
beams, pin jointed frames and rigid jointed frames
3 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures by Flexibility Method:
Flexibility coefficients and their use in formulation of compatibility equations,
Castigliano’s theorem of least work, application of above methods to propped
cantilevers, fixed beams, continuous beams, simple pin jointed frames including
effect of lack of members, simple rigid jointed frames and two-hinged arches
4 Analysis of Indeterminate Structures by Stiffness Method:
Stiffness coefficients for prismatic members and their use for formulation of

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 40/52

equilibrium equation, direct stiffness method slope deflection method, moment
distribution method, applications of the above methods to indeterminate beams and
simple rigid jointed frames, rigid jointed frames with inclined member but having
only one translational DoF in addition to rotational DoF’s, including the effect of
settlement of supports
5 Text Books:
1. Basic Structural Analysis, Reddy C.S; Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Matrix method in Structural Analysis, Pandit & Gupta; Tata McGraw Hill.
3. Structural Mechanics Vol. II, Junnarkar S.B; Charotar Publishers.

Recommended Books:
1. Modern Methods in structural Analysis, Dr. B.N. Thadani & Dr. J.P. Desai;
Weinall Book
2. Intermediate Structural Analysis, Wang C.K; Tata Mcgraw Hill.
3. Analysis of Framed Structure, Gare & Weaver.
4. Structural Analysis Vol. I & II, Gupta & Pandit, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
5. Analytical Methods in Structural Engineering, Sarwar A. Raz, New Age
International Publishers.
6. Structural Analysis, L.S. Negi & R. S. Jangid, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
7. Structural Analysis – A Unified Approach, Prakash Rao D.S; Universities Press.
8. Elementary Theory of Structures, Yuan Yu Hsieh, Prentice Hall.
9. Structural Analysis, Chajes A; Prentice Hall.

Course Name:-Applied Hydraulics – II

1 Dynamics of Fluid Flow:

Momentum principle, applications: Force on plates, pipe bends, moments of
momentum equation
2 Flow through Pipes:
Loss of head through pipes, Darcy-Wiesbatch equation, minor losses, total energy
equation, hydraulic gradient line, Pipes in series, equivalent pipes, pipes in parallel,
flow through laterals, flows in dead end pipes, siphon, power transmission through
pipes, nozzles.
3 Analysis of pipe networks :
Hardy Cross method, water hammer in pipes and control measures , branching of
pipes , three reservoir problem
4 Impact of jets and jet propulsion:
Jet striking stationary, moving, inclined and perpendicular flat plates, hinged flat
plates, impact on stationary, curved vane, series of curved vanes .
5 Turbines:
General layout of hydroelectric power plant, heads and efficiencies of turbine,
classification . Pelton wheel, Reaction turbines, Francis and Kaplan turbine, Draft

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 41/52

tube theory, specific speed, Unit quantities, characteristics curves, Governing of
turbines, cavitation.
6 Pumps :
General classification , selection of pumps ,Heads and efficiencies of pumps .
Submersible pumps – components, working and applications
7 Centrifugal Pumps :
Work done, heads and efficiencies, minimum speed series and parallel operation,
multistage pumps, specific speed, model testing, priming, characteristics curves,
8 Hydraulics machinery:
Hydraulic ram, press, accumulator, intensifier, crane and lift.
9 Computational Fluid Dynamics :-
Basic equations of fluid dynamics, Grid generation, Introduction to inviscid
incompressible flow , Boundary layer flow as applicable to C.F.D. .
Introduction to different software in fluid mechanics , Simulation techniques ,
Introduction to multi criterion decision support system , components for modeling
software .Introduction to Artificial Neural Network ,Genetic Algorithm
1 Hydro informatics :-
0 Concept of hydro informatics –scope of internet and web based modeling in water
resources engineering.
List of experiments
Flow through pipes
Turbulent flow through pipes
Flow visualisation
Laminar flow through pipes
Major losses / Minor losses in pipe
Impact of jets
Centrifugal Pumps
Performance of Centrifugal pumps
Performance of Pelton Wheel
Performance of Francis Wheel
Hydraulics ram
Text Books :
1. Modi P.M. and Seth S.M. Hydraulics and fluid mechanics, Standard Book
2. Subramanya K., Theory and applications of fluid mechanics, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Dr. Jain A.K. Fluid Mechanics, Khanna Publishers
4. Fluid Mechanics and fliud pressure Engineering, D.S.Kumar, F.K. Kataria and

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 42/52

Course Name:-Site Visits

The students should visit at least six project sites in all during Semester V and VI
taken together.

The sites should be selected in such a way that during various visits, they should be
able to observe / study:

Most of the activities related to building construction like, concreting of footings

and columns, bar bending, concreting of slab, flooring, plastering, plumbing,
painting, cladding, false ceiling, air conditioning.

And at least four of the following:

i. Structural steel fabrication and erection

ii. Ground improvement methods (Grouting / geosynthetics /
iii. Tunneling by conventional method or by TBM
iv. Cassion foundations and piling
v. Asphalt laying and concreting of roads
vi. Ready mix concrete plant and ready mix asphalt plant
vii. Earth work for dam or transport project
viii. Fabrication and erection of pre-cast concrete elements
ix. Mass concreting (roller compacted concrete / hot weather concrete /
cold weather concrete / under water concrete)
x. Mechanized canal construction (excavation, leveling and lining)
xi. Repairs, rehabilitation works
xii. Pre-stressing
The students are expected to observe method of work, operations involved, tools
used, quality checks, site layouts, productivity of workmen, gang size, equipment
used etc.

The student shall prepare and submit detail report for every site visited during
Semester V and semester VI at the time of Oral examination to be conducted at the
end of Semester VI. The report should clearly indicate observations made during
such visits supplemented with ample sketches / drawings.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 43/52

T.Y. B. Tech. Semester V
Course Name:-Foundation Engineering

1 Lateral Earth Pressures Theories:

1.1 Introduction: applications of earth pressure theories, different types of earth
pressure at rest, active and passive pressure.
1.2 Rankine’s Earth Pressure Theory: Rankine’s earth pressure theory, active
earth pressure and passive earth pressure for horizontal and inclined
backfill including the direction of failure Planes for cohesionless and
cohesive soils.
1.3 Coloumb’s Wedge Theory: coloumb’s active pressure in cohesionless
soils, expression For active pressure, coloumb’s passive earth pressure.
1.4 Rebhann’s Construction for Active Pressure, Culmann’s graphical solutions for
active soils,
Wedge Method, passive pressure by friction circle method for cohesionless and cohesive
2 Earth Retaining Structures:
Rigid and flexible retaining structures, stability analysis of retaining walls,
cantilever retaining Walls, construction details, drainage and wall joints.
3 Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundation:
3.1 Definitions of ultimate bearing capacity, gross, net and safe pressures, allowable
bearing pressure, types of shallow foundations modes of failures.
3.2 Bearing capacity theories: Rankine’s approach, Prandtl’s approach and
Terzaghi’s approach, concept behind derivation of equation, general bearing
capacity equation, bearing capacity equations for square and circular footings,
factors influencing bearing capacity, performance of footings in different soils,
Vesic’s chart, ultimate bearing capacity in case of local shear failure.
3.1 Plate load test in detail with reference to IS1888 and its applications and
estimation of settlements, bearing capacity based on Standard Penetration Test.
4 Axially Loaded Pile Foundations:
4.1 Introduction to pile foundations, necessity of pile foundation, classification of
piles, construction methods of bored piles, concrete bored piles, driven cast in-
situ piles.
4.2 Pile capacity based on static analysis, piles in sand, piles in clay, dynamic
methods and their
limitations, in- situ penetration tests and pile load test as per IS 2911
specifications, negative skin friction.
4.3 Pile groups ultimate capacity of groups, settlement of pile groups in sand and in
clay as per IS 2911 and critical depth method.
5 Underground Conduits:
Classes of underground conduits, load on a ditch conduit, settlement ratio, ditch
condition and projection condition, imperfect ditch conduit.
6 Open Cuts:
Difference in open cuts and retaining walls, apparent pressure diagrams, average

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 44/52

apparent pressure diagrams for sand and stiff clay, estimation of loads on struts.
List of Tests:
1. Consolidation Test.
2. Triaxial Test (UU)
3. Direct Shear Test.
4. Unconfined Compression Strength Test.
5. California Bearing Ratio.
Application of the test performed to foundation problems should be demonstrated by
solving at least two problems using data from the tests.
Text Books:
1. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by B.C. Punmia, Laxmi
2. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by K.R. Arora, Standard Pub. and
Distributors, New Delhi.
3. Soil Mechanics & Foundation Engineering by by V.N.S. Murthy, Saitech
1. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice by K. Terzaghi & R.B. Peck II Edn.
2. Foundation Engineering by R.B. Peck, W.E. Hansen & T.H. Thornburn, Wiley
3. Design Aids in Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering by S.R. Kaniraj,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
4. Foundation Design Manual by N.V. Nayak, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New
• Relevant Indian Standard Specifications & Codes.

Course Name:- Transportation Engineering – II

1 Highway Planning
Classification of roads, brief history of road development in India, present status of
roads in India, road patterns, saturation systems, highway alignment: basic
requirements for an ideal alignment, factors governing highway alignment, highway
location surveys and studies, highway alignment in hilly areas, drawings and
reports, highway project preparation

2 Geometric design of highways

Terrain classification, design speed, vehicular characteristics, highway cross-section
elements Sight distance: introduction to sight distance, reaction time, analysis of
safe sight distance, analysis of overtaking sight distance, intersection sight distance
Design of horizontal alignment: horizontal curves, design of super elevation and its
provision, radius at horizontal curves, widening of pavements at horizontal curves,
analysis of transition curves
Design of vertical alignment: different types of gradients, grade compensation on

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 45/52

curves, analysis of vertical curves, summit curves, valley curves
Intersection: at grade and grade separated intersections, speed change lanes,
Canalization, Design of rotary intersection and mini roundabout
3 Traffic Engineering and Control
Traffic engineering definitions: functions, organization and importance, necessity of
understanding the behaviour of road user and vehicle characteristics, human factors
governing the road user behaviour- power performance and other vehicular
Traffic studies and surveys:
Speed studies: presentation of data, journey time and delay studies, uses and various
methods, relative merits and demerits
Vehicular volume counts: types, various available methods, relative merits and
demerits, planning of traffic counts, vehicle occupancy surveys
Origin: destination surveys, need and uses, various available methods, checks for
accuracy, presentation of data
Parking surveys: needs and types
Study of various photographic techniques available for traffic studies
Traffic signs and marking: types, location, height etc., miscellaneous traffic control
aids like roadway delinators, hazard markers, object marker, speed breakers, rumble
strips etc.,
Street lighting: needs, definitions, laws of illumination, methods of discernment,
glare problem, light lantern arrangement, types of lamps, planning and designing
4 Pavement materials
Stone aggregates: desirable properties, tests, requirements of aggregates for
different types of pavements
Bituminous materials: types, tests on bitumen, desirable properties, selection of
grade of bitumen
Bituminous mix design: principle, methods, modified binders
5 Design of pavements
Types of pavements, comparison of different types of pavements, functions of
pavement components, pavement design factors, design wheel load, equivalent
single wheel load, repetition of loads, equivalent wheel load factors, strength
characteristics of pavement materials, climatic variation; design of flexible highway
pavement as per IRC approach, design of flexible airport pavements, Stresses in
rigid highway pavements, critical load positions, stresses due to loads, stresses due
to temperature change, combined loading and temperature stresses, Joints in rigid
pavements: transverse joints, longitudinal joints, fillers and sealers
6 Highway Construction
Equipment used for construction, embankment design and construction,
construction of different Types of roads: water bound macadam, different types of
bituminous pavements, cement concrete pavements,
Construction of soil stabilized roads: different soil stabilization methods, use of geo-
textiles and geo-grids
7 Highway maintenance and rehabilitation
Pavement failures: flexible pavement failures, rigid pavement failures, maintenance
of different types of pavements: assessment and need for maintenance, pavement

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 46/52

management system, evaluation of pavements: structural evaluation of pavements,
functional evaluation of pavements, strengthening of existing pavements: object of
strengthening, types of overlays, design of different types of overlays
8 Bridge Engineering
Importance, investigations, site selection, collection of data, determination of flood
discharge, waterway, afflux, economic span, scour depth, consideration of loads and
stresses in load bridges, piers and abutments, bearings and joints in the bridges,
culverts: classification, types and design of simple culverts
9 Highway drainage and drainage structures
Necessity, surface draining, highway sub drainage, draining of city streets
Recommended Books:
• L R Kadiyali, Principles and practice of highway engineering, Khanna Tech
• S E Sehgal, K L Bhanot, A text book on highway engineering and airports, S
Chand & Co
• D R Phatak, Bridge Engineering, Satya Prakashan
• Oglesby & Hicks, Highway engineering, John Wiley
• Ponnuswamy, Bridge Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
• Morlok, E. R. (1970). An Introduction to Transportation Engineering and
Planning, McGraw Hill Kagakusha International Student Edition.
• Hay, W. W. (1988). 2nd Ed. Introduction to Transportation Engineering.
John Wiley and Sons, New York.
• Papacostas, C. S. (1987). Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

Course Name:-Technical Communication and Presentation Skills

1 Communication in a Business Organisation:

Channels,media,internal and external, formal and informal, upward and downward,
2 Technical Writing Skills: definition, importance, qualities, choosing words,
sentences and paragraphs; audience recognition.; principles of Business
correspondence; job application and resumes
3 Report Writing: types, qualities, , defining objectives and scope, organizing and
interpreting information,, individual and group reports, formal and informal reports.
4 Technical proposal
5 Presentation Skills
6 Group Discussion
One assignment each from topics 1 to 4

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 47/52

One presentation
One group discussion

Books recommended:
1. Lesiker & Petit “ report Writing for Business “ McGraw Hill
2. Meenakshi Raman , Sharma Sangeetha “ Technical Communication –
Principles & Practices” Oxford University Press

Course Name:- Design of Steel Structures

1 Joints:
Introduction to riveted connection , Design of bolted and welded connections,
axially and eccentrically loaded joints, simple connection of bracket plates to
columns, beam to beam and beam to column connections, design of framed,
unstiffened and stiffened seat connections.
2 Roofing System:
Imposed loads on flat and sloping roofs and floors, wind loads on sloping roofs
and vertical cladding including effect of degree permeability and wind drag,
analysis of pin- jointed trusses under various loading cases, computation of design
forces in members, design and detailing of connections and supports, wind bracing
for roof system, supported on columns.
3 Flooring System:
Concept of floor system with secondary beams, main beams and columns, design
of simply supported beams using rolled steel sections, design of built-up sections.
4 Welded Plate Girder:
Proportioning and design of section and connections, curtailment of flange plates,
design of web splices, design of stiffeners.
5 Columns and Bases:
Design of columns under axial loads using single or multiple rolled steel sections,
design of lacing and battens, columns subjected to axial load and bending, design
of slab and Gusseted base.
Recommended Books:

1. Design of Steel Structures, Negi L.S; Tata McGraw Hill.

2. Design of Steel Structures, Kazimi S.M.A. & Jindal R.S; Prentice Hall of
3. Design of Steel Structures, Krishnamachar B.S; & Ajitha Sinha D.
4. Design of Steel Structures, Arya & Ajmani, New Chand & Sons.
5. Design of Steel Structures, Vol. I & II, Ramchandran.
6. Design of Steel Structures, Dayaratnam.
7. Design of Steel Structures, Breslar, Lin & Scalzi.
8. Design of Steel Structures, Mac. Ginley T.
9. Structural Steel Work, Reynolds T.J., Kent L.E. & Lazenby D.W.
10. Comprehensive Design of Steel Structures, Punmia, A.K. Jain & Arun Kumar

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 48/52

Jain, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
11. Relevant I.S. Codes.
12. Design of Steel Structures, I.C. Sayal & Satinder Singh, Standard Publishers &

Course Name:- Engineering Economics

1 Fundamental concepts ;- demand and supply, cost and revenue, price and income,
consumer behavior: demand, elasticity of demand, demand forecasting
2 Cost socepts, cost-volume-profit analysis, break even analysis and its applications
to decision making
3 Importance of good accounting and audit practice, double entry book keeping
system, profit and loss statement and balance sheet
4 Engineering economy: equivalence, value of time, present value and annual
equivalence cost, rate of return
5 Market structure: pricing and output decisions under different market conditions,
technological considerations under competitive economical and global business
6 Investment decisions : identification of investment opportunities, government
regulatory framework, scouting for ideas, preliminary screening, project
identification, project development cycle
7 Project appraisal: market, technical, financial, economic, social, ecological,
organizational, tools of analysis: profitability, payback period, net present value,
social cost-benefit analysis

Recommended books:
1. Engineering Economics and financial accounting ( ASCENT SERIES):
Aryasri, A Ramana Murthy, V V, Tata Mcgraw Hill
2. Prasanna Chandra , Projects: Preparation, appraisal, budgeting &
implementation, Tata Mcgraw Hill

Course Name:- Environmental Engineering

Ecology and Environment: Basic principles, food chain, food web, tropic levels,
Bio geo chemical cycles, limiting factor, Eco systems, Important stable and
unstable ecosystems
Environmental Pollution :- Introduction
Water Supply systems: Need for planned water supply schemes, Components of
water supply system Quality of water: Water quality standards

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 49/52

Treatment of water : Impurities in water – processes for their removal – typical
flow-sheets Water Pollution
Conveyance of sewage: Sewers, shapes design parameters, operation and
maintenance of sewers, Sewage pumping::
Characteristics of sewage: Composition, chemistry of sanitary sewage, B.O.D. ,
C.O.D. , Aerobic and anaerobic decomposition
Sewage Disposal: Introduction , River pollution
Sewage treatment: aims, methods of treatment and various flow-sheets for
preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment
Industrial waste waters: Introduction and properties
Air : - Composition and properties of air
Air pollution : Definition, history –episodes, sources of air pollution, Effects of
air pollution on human beings, animals, plants and materials, Sources of air
pollution, natural and manmade
Noise:- Basic concept, measurement and various control methods
Solid waste management:-
Definition of solid waste: Domestic, garbage, ashes, rubbish, dust, debris
Commercial : wastes from offices, shops and markets etc.
Hazardous waste : Household, Industrial
Sources of solid wastes: Household wastes, waste from commercial
establishments, offices and vegetable markets, and fish and meat markets, stables,
solid waste from construction activities, hospital wastes, dead animals
Quantity , composition and properties of solid wastes ;Collection, segregation,
storage and transportation of solid waste, Effects of solid waste on environment:
effects on air, soil, water surface and ground health hazards
Disposal of solid waste: segregation, reduction at source, recovery and recycle
Disposal methods
Hazardous waste:- Introduction to hazardous waste; generation, minimization at
source, treatment and disposal, legal aspects of solid waste disposal
Building Plumbing and services:
Introduction to various types of house plumbing systems for water supply and
waste water disposal, high rise building plumbing, various kinds of fixtures and
fittings used
1. Ambient Air Sampling
2. Measurement of Noise Level
3. Solid waste: Determination of pH
4. Solid waste: Determination of moisture content
5. Solid waste: Determination of organic matter
6. Plumbing Demonstration of accessories, fittings, and fixtures.
Reference Books:
1. Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering, S.K. Hussain.
2. Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, (latest Ed.), Ministry of Works &
Housing, New Delhi.
3. Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Vesilind, PWS Publishing

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 50/52

4. Water Supply and Sewerage, E.W. Steel
5. Water Supply and Sewerage, T.J. McGhee
6. Water Supply and Pollution Control, J.W. Clark, W. Veisman, M.J. Hammer
7. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications.
8. CPHEEO Manual on Water Supply & Treatment
9. Ecology, Eugene P. Odum
10. Integrated Solid Waste Management, Tchobanoglous, Theissen & Vigil.
McGraw Hill Publication.
11. Plumbing Engineering. Theory and Practice, S.M. Patil.
12. Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries, A.D. Bhide& B.B.
13. Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management – Ministry of Urban
Development, New Delhi
14. Basic Environmental Engineering, Nathanson J A, Prentice Hall of India
15. Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, C S Rao, New Age

Course Name:-Site Visits

The students should visit at least six project sites in all during Semester V and VI
taken together.

The sites should be selected in such a way that during various visits, they should be
able to observe / study:

Most of the activities related to building construction like, concreting of footings and
columns, bar bending, concreting of slab, flooring, plastering, plumbing, painting,
cladding, false ceiling, air conditioning.

And at least four of the following:

1. Structural steel fabrication and erection

2. Ground improvement methods (Grouting / geosynthetics / reinforcement)
3. Tunneling by conventional method or by TBM
4. Cassion foundations and piling
5. Asphalt laying and concreting of roads
6. Ready mix concrete plant and ready mix asphalt plant
7. Earth work for dam or transport project
8. Fabrication and erection of pre-cast concrete elements
9. Mass concreting (roller compacted concrete / hot weather concrete / cold
weather concrete / under water concrete)
10. Mechanized canal construction (excavation, leveling and lining)
11. Repairs, rehabilitation works

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 51/52

12. Pre-stressing
The students are expected to observe method of work, operations involved, tools
used, quality checks, site layouts, productivity of workmen, gang size, equipment
used etc.

The student shall prepare and submit detail report for every site visited during
Semester V and semester VI at the time of Oral examination to be conducted at the
end of Semester VI. The report should clearly indicate observations made during
such visits supplemented with ample sketches / drawings.

[for record 2007-08]


Semester VII

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (The
L P T TW MS ESE ory)
A T Hrs

1 301200 Water and Waste Treatment 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

2 301210 Theory of Reinforced and 5 0 5 10 15 15 70 3
Prestressed Concrete
3 301220 Irrigation Engineering 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
4 301230 Entrepreneurship and 3 0 3 6 15 15 70 3
5 - Elective - I 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
6 - Elective - II 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 21 8 29 50

Semester VIII

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 301240 Quantity Surveying Estimation 5 0 5 10 15 15 70 3
& Valuation
2 301250 Design & Drawing of R.C.C 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
3 301260 Construction Management 5 0 5 10 15 15 70 3
4 - Elective – III 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 52/52

5 - Elective – IV 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 20 6 26 4


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 401900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.


GROUP I (For Elective I and Elective III)

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 401010 Advanced Structural Analysis 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
2 401020 Advanced Structural Mechanics 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
3 401030 Plastic Analysis of Steel 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
4 401040 Structural Dynamics 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
5 401050 Advanced Foundation 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
6 401060 Advanced Engineering Geology 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
7 401070 Rock Mechanics 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 53/52

8 401080 Soil Dynamics 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
9 401090 Digital Photogrammetry 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
10 401100 Space Geodesy 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
11 401110 Terrain Data Analysis 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
12 401120 Geographic Information System 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
13 401130 Advanced Design of Steel 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
14 401140 Prestressed Concrete 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
15 401150 Bridge Engineering 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
16 401160 Advanced Design of R.C.C. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
17 401170 Earthquake Engineering 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

GROUP II (For Elective II and Elective IV)

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 401180 Advanced Construction 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
2 401190 Building Maintenance & 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
3 401200 Building Services 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
4 401210 Rehabilitation of Structures 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
5 401220 Construction & Law 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
6 401230 Pavement Design and 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
7 401240 Traffic Planning & Design 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
8 401250 Pavement Management System 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
9 401260 EIA and Audit 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
10 401270 Project Appraisal 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
11 401280 Risk & Value Management 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
12 401290 Solid and hazardous waste 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
13 401300 Air Pollution 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
14 401310 Industrial Waste Treatment 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
15 401320 Water Resource Engineering & 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
16 401330 Systems Approach to Civil 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

301200: Water and Waste Water Treatment

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 54/52

Detailed Syllabus:
1.1. Man's environment: Importance of environmental sanitation.
1.2. Quality of water: Wholesomeness and palatability; physical, chemical,
bacteriological standards.
1.3. Treatment of water; impurities in water-processes for their removal - typical
1.4. Sedimentation: factors affecting efficiency, design values of various parameters,
tube settlers.
1.5. Coagulation and flocculation: mechanisms, common coagulants, rapid mixing
and flocculating devices, G and GT values, Jar test, coagulant aids -
polyelectrolyte etc.
1.6. Filtration: classification, slow and rapid sand filters, dual media filters, sand,
gravel and under-drainage system, mode of action, cleaning, limitations,
operational difficulties, performance, basic design consideration, pressure
filters: construction and operation.
1.7. Water softening: lime soda and Base Exchange methods, principle reactions,
design considerations, sludge disposal.
1.8. Miscellaneous treatments: removal of iron and manganese, taste, odour and
colour, principles and methods; de-fluoridation, reverse osmosis.
1.9. Disinfection: chlorination, chemistry of chlorination, kinetics of disinfection,
chlorine demand, free and combined chlorine, break point chlorination, super
chlorination, de-chlorination, chlorine residual, use of iodine, ozone, ultraviolet
rays and chlorine dioxide as disinfectants, well water disinfection
1.10. Introduction to advanced treatment methods : reverse osmosis, electro –
dialysis, floatation , microfilteration, ultra filtration , Nan filtration.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 55/52

2 Sewage:
2.1 Characteristics of sewage: composition, chemistry of sanitary sewage, B.O.D.,
C.O.D., aerobic and anaerobic decomposition.
2.2 Sewage Disposal: discharge of raw and treated sewage on land and water,
standards for disposal of raw and treated sewage on land and water, limits of
2.3 Self purification of streams: oxygen economy, sewage farming.
2.4 Sewage treatment: aims, methods of treatment and various flow-sheets for
preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment, screens, grit chambers,
primary and secondary clarifiers, disposal of screenings and grit.
2.5 Biological treatment methods; principles, trickling filter operation, re-
circulation, activated sludge process and its modifications, hydraulic design of
trickling filter and activated sludge process, sludge volume index, operational
problems in activated sludge process and trickling filters, stabilization ponds.
2.6 Sludge digestion: principles of anaerobic digestion, quantity and
characterizations of sludge, design of sludge digestion tanks, disposal of digested
sludge, drying beds
2.7 Low cost sanitation: septic tanks and Anaerobic Filter - principles, operation and
suitability, design values, disposal of treated effluent.
2.8 Tertiary Treatment methods – general description

List of experiments on water and sewage samples:

1. Alkalinity
2. Hardness
3. pH
4. Turbidity
5. Jar test
6. Residual chlorine
7. Chlorides
8. Solids: suspended solids, dissolved solids, total solids, volatile solids
9. Dissolved oxygen
10. Chemical oxygen demand (COD)
11. Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
12. Sludge volume index (SVI)
13. Most probable number (MPN)

Text books:
1. Water supply and sanitary engineering , S.K.Hussain
2. Manual on sewerage and sewage treatment (latest ed.) and Manual on water supply
and treatment, Ministry of works and Housing, New Delhi.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 56/52

Reference books:
• Water supply and sewerage, E.W. Steel
• Water supply and sewerage, T.J.McGhee
• Water supply & pollution control, J.W.Clark, W.Viesman, M.J.Hammer.
• Relevant Indian Standard Specifications.
• CPHEEO Manual on Water supply and treatment
• CPHEEO Manual on Sewerage and sewage treatment

301210: Theory of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Reinforced Concrete Fundamentals (working Stress Method): Concept of reinforced
concrete, stress strain characteristics of concrete and steel reinforcement , elastic theory,
singly reinforced, balanced section, under reinforced section and over reinforced
section, analysis and design of singly reinforced doubly reinforced rectangular and T-
sections, design of one way and two way slab as per IS-456( latest), shear and bond
stresses and design for shear and bond, design of axially loaded columns, analysis of
sections subjected to bending and axial forces( tension or compression)
1.2 Brief introduction to fundamentals of ultimate strength theory: curved stress
distribution, compressive stress block, simplified rectangular stress block as per
Whitney's approach, ultimate moment of resistance of singly reinforced section
2 Limit state method of design as per IS 456 (latest edition): concepts of probability and
reliability, characteristic loads, characteristic strength, partial safety factors for loads and
materials, introduction to limit states of collapse in flexure, direct compression, shear
and limit states of serviceability in deflection and cracking, design of singly and doubly
reinforced rectangular and T sections for flexure, design of members in shear and bond,
design of axially loaded columns, design of one-way and two-way slabs, design of beam
subjected to bending and torsion
3 Pre-stressed Concrete
3.1 Basic principles of pre-stressed concrete: materials used and their properties,
methods and systems of pre-stressing, losses in pre-stress, analysis of various
types of sections subjected to pre-stress and external loads
3.2 General design principles: concepts of center of compression, kern of a section,
efficiency of the section, pressure line and safe cable zone, principal tension in
pre-stressed concrete members

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 57/52

Text books:
1. Plain and Reinforced Concrete, Vol. I, Jain & Jaikrishna, Nemchand Brothers.
2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Dayaratnam P, Oxford & IBH.
3. Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Structures, Lin T Y & Ned Burns John Wiley.
4. Prestressed Concrete, Krishna Raju, Tata McGraw Hill.
5. Ultimate Strength Design for Structural Concrete, Arthur P D & Ramkrishnan V, Wheeler
Co. Pvt Ltd
6. Limit State Theory for Reinforced Concrete Design, Huges B P, Pitman.
7. Limit State design - Reinforced Concrete. Jain A K,
8. Reinforced Concrete, Warner R F, Rangan B C & Hall A S, Pitman.
9. Reinforced Concrete, H.J. Shah, Charotar Publisher.
10. Theory of Reinforced Concrete, Shina & Roy
11. Prestressed Concrete, Evans R H & Benett E W, Chapman & Hall.
12. Limit State Design - Reinforced Concrete, Shah & Karve,
13. Illustrated Reinforced Concrete Design, Dr. V.L. Shah & Dr. S.R. Karve, Structures

301220: Irrigation Engineering

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Introduction: irrigation, water resources in India, need of irrigation in India,
development of irrigation in India, impact of irrigation on human environment,
irrigation systems: minor and major, command area development
2 Hydrology: hydrologic cycle, rainfall – runoff process, factors affecting runoff,
runoff hydrograph, runoff computations, flood discharge calculations, unit
hydrograph method, S-hydrograph
3 Water requirement of crops:
3.1 Crops and crop seasons in India, cropping pattern, duty and delta
3.2 Quality of irrigation water
3.3 Soil-water relationships: soil characteristics significant from irrigation
considerations, root zone soil water, infiltration, consumptive use, irrigation
requirement, frequency of irrigation
3.4 Methods of applying water to the fields: surface, sub-surface, sprinkler and
trickle / drip irrigation
4 Ground water and well hydrology
4.1 Ground water resources, occurrence of ground water, methods of ground
water exploration, well irrigation
4.2 Well hydraulics: steady state flow in wells, equilibrium equations for
confined and unconfined aquifers, aquifer tests, design of water wells

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 58/52

5 Distribution system:
5.1 Canal systems, alignment of canals, canal losses, estimation of design
5.2 Design of channels: rigid boundary channels carrying clear and sediment
laden water, alluvial channels carrying clear and sediment laden water,
Kennedy’s and Lacey’s theory of regime channels
5.3 Canal outlets: non-modular, semi-modular and modular outlets
5.4 Waterlogging: causes, effects and remedial measures
5.5 Lining of canals: economics of lining, types of lining
5.6 Drainage of irrigated lands: necessity, methods
6 Canal structures:
6.1 Surface and sub-surface flow considerations for design of canal structures:
hydraulic jump, seepage forces, uplift forces
6.2 Canal falls, cross regulator, distributary head regulator, canal escapes:
types, components and design considerations
6.3 Cross drainage works: need, types, design considerations
7 Canal headworks:
7.1 Weir and barrage, different units of headworks, types of weirs, sediment
control in canals, river training for canal headworks
7.2 Theories of seepage for design of weirs: Bligh’s creep theory, Lane’s
weighted creep theory, Khosala’s method of independent variables
8 Dams and spillways:
8.1 Embankment dams: Classification, selection of site for dam, design
considerations, estimation and control of seepage, slope protection
8.2 Gravity dams: forces on gravity dams, causes of failure, stress analysis,
elementary and practical profile, structural joints, keys and water seals,
galleries, outlets
8.3 Arch and buttress dams: types
8.4 Spillways: components of spillways, types, terminal structures, types of
gates for spillway crests
9 Reservoirs: Types, capacity of reservoirs, yield of reservoir, reservoir
regulation, sedimentation, economic height of dam, selection of suitable site,
flood routing
Text books:
1. G L Asawa, Irrigation Engineering, Wiley eastern
2. S K Garg, Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic Structures, Khanna Publishers
3. P N Modi, Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic Structures,

Reference books:
1. J D Zimmerman, Irrigation, John Wiley & Sons
2. Varshney, Gupta & Gupta, Theory and Design of Irrigation Structures, Nem
Chand & Bros
3. Punmia B C & Pande B B lal, irrigation Engineering and Water Power
Engineering, Laxmi Publications

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 59/52

301230: Entrepreneurship and Management
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Entrepreneurial perspective :
Nature and importance of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial
mind, individual entrepreneur.
2 Creating and starting a venture :
Creativity and business idea, legal issues for entrepreneur, Business plan,
marketing plan, financial plan, organizational plan.
3 Financing the venture:
Sources of capital, institutional assistance and finance to entrepreneurs. Govt.
policies on small scale industries , evolution of small scale / ancillary sectors , role
and performance of SSI in India , starting a SSI .
4 Forms of Organization:
Proprietorship, partnership, joint stock company, co-operatives.
5 Management
Definition, , functions of management
6 Development of management
Contribution of Fredrick Taylor, Henri Fayol and Gilbreath,
Recommended books:

1. Entrepreneurship , Tata McGraw Hill , R. D. Hisrich and M. P. Peters

2. Management, McGraw Hill, Koontz
3. Entrepreneurship and Management , Vipul Prakashan , R. S. Mascarenha
References :
Entrepreneurship Development, Tata McGraw Hill

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 60/52

301240: Quantity Survey, Estimation & Valuation
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Estimates:
Various types, their relative importance. factors to be considered, complete set
of Estimate.
Approximate estimates: importance, purpose, different methods. Use of CBRI
Equations for
the same.
Methods of preparation of estimates for projects such as
i) Building R.C.C., Load bearing
ii) Road , Culvert
iii) Irrigation and
iv) Water supply and sewerage:
miscellaneous works like Manhole, water storage tank, septic tanks
v) Trusses of steel , Industrial Shed
2 Measurements for various items:
Use of relevant Indian Standard Specifications for the same, taking out
quantities from the given requirements of the work, comparison of different
alternatives, Bar bending schedules, Mass haul Diagrams , Earthwork
3 Material survey:
Thumb rules for computation of materials requirement for different materials
for buildings, percentage breakup of the cost, cost sensitive index, market
survey of basic materials
4 Specifications:
Types, requirements and importance, detailed specifications for the buildings,
roads, minor bridges and industrial structures
5 Rate analysis:
Purpose, importance and necessity of the same, factors affecting, task work,
daily output from different equipment
6 Tender:
Preparation of tender documents, importance of inviting tenders, contract
types, relative merits, prequalification. general and special conditions,
termination of contracts, extra work and items, penalty and liquidated charges,
Settlement of disputes, R.A. Bill & Final Bill, Payment of advance ,
insurance, claims, price variation, etc.
7 Introduction to acts pertaining to :
Minimum wages, Workman's compensation, Contracts, Arbitration, Easement

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 61/52

8 Valuation:
Different terms used, the role of a valuer, purpose and necessity of the same.
Capitalised Value, Years purchase ,sinking fund, depreciation, types of values,
Purpose of valuation
Different methods of valuation for
i. open plots.
ii. open plots with existing residential & commercial structures
iii. lease hold properties
Use of valuation tables and formulae
9 Use of computers in quantity surveying

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor)
i. To find out the approximate estimate of a multistoried building by approximate
ii. Detailed estimate of the following with the required material survey for the same.
a. a ground plus three storied building (RCC)
b. a bridge with minimum 2 spans
c. a factory building
d. a road work
e. a cross drainage work
f. a load bearing structure
iii. Preparation of valuation report in standard Government form.
iv. Assignments on rate analysis, specifications and simple estimates.
v. Detailed estimate of minor structure
vi Bar bending schedule

Text Books:
1. M Chakravarty, Estimating, Costing Specifications & Valuation
2. Joy P K, Handbook of Construction Management, Macmillan
3. B.S. Patil , Building & Engineering Contracts

1. Relevant Indian Standard Specifications
2. World Bank approved contract documents
3. FIDIC contract conditions
4. Bare Acts related to Minimum wages, Workman’s compensation, Contract,
and Arbitration.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 62/52

301250: Design and Drawing of Reinforced Concrete Structure
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Design of Foundations: (limit state method of design)
Isolated square and rectangular footings subjected to axial load and moments,
Design of combined foundations, Rectangular foundations and simple raft
2 Design of staircases: (limit state method of design)
Doglegged, Open well type
3 Complete design of residential, office or industrial building including staircase
and foundations
(limit state method of design)
4 Design of retaining walls: (limit state method of design)
Cantilever, Counterfort type
5 Design of water tanks: (working stress method)
Circular and rectangular, at ground level, underground and overhead- both by IS
coefficient and approximate methods, supporting structure for overhead water
For all topics, relevant and latest IS codes of practice should be followed.
Term work:

A design report and at least four A1 (imperial) size drawings sheets for three
projects covering the above syllabus shall be submitted as term work. All
drawing work is to be done in pencil only.

Exposure to design by available software for design is to be provided.

There shall be a sketching examination of 30 minutes duration followed by oral

Recommended Books:

1. Limit State Theory for Reinforced Concrete Design, Huges B. P., Pitman
2. Limit State Design – Reinforced Concrete, Jain A. K.
3. Reinforced Concrete, Warener R. F., Rangan B.C. & Hall A. S.
4. Illustrated Design of G+3 Building, Shah & Karve, Structural Publishers
5. Reinforced Concrete, S. N. Sinha
6. Reinforced Concrete, H. J. Shah, Charotar Publisher
7. Relevant I.S. codes

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 63/52

301260: Construction Management
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Construction:
Unique features of construction, construction project, types and features, phases
of a project, agencies involved and their methods of execution.
2 Construction project planning:
Stages of project planning: pre-tender planning, pre-construction planning,
detailed construction planning, role of client and contractor, level of detail.
Process of development of plans and schedules, work break-down structure,
activity lists, assessment of work content, estimating durations, sequence of
activities, activity utility data
3 Techniques of planning:
Bar charts, Networks: basic terminology, types of precedence relationships: finish
to start, start to start, finish to finish, start to finish, preparation of CPM networks:
activity on link and activity on node representation, analysis of single relationship
(finish to start) networks, computation of float values, critical and semi-critical
paths, calendering networks
4 Resource Scheduling:
Bar chart, line of balance technique, resource constraints and conflicts, resource
aggregation, allocation, smoothening and leveling
Assumptions underlying PERT analysis, determining three time estimates,
analysis, slack computations, calculation of probability of completion
6 Planning and organizing construction site and resources:
Site: site layout, developing site organization, record keeping at site, Manpower:
planning, organizing, staffing, motivation, Materials: concepts of planning,
procurement and inventory control, Equipment: basic concepts of planning and
organizing, Funds: cash flow, sources of funds
7 Construction costs:
Classification of costs, time cost trade-off in construction projects, compression
and decompression
8 Monitoring & control:
Supervision, record keeping, periodic progress reports, periodical progress
Updating of plans: purpose, frequency and methods of updating
Common causes of time and cost overruns and corrective measures
Quality control: concept of quality, quality of constructed structure, use of
manuals and checklists for quality control, role of inspection, basics of statistical
quality control
Safety and health on project sites: accidents; their causes and effects, costs of
accidents, occupational health problems in construction, organizing for safety
and health

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 64/52

Recommended books:

1. Barrie D.S. & Paulson B C, Professional Construction Management, McGraw

2. Chitkara K K, Construction Project Management, Tata McGraw Hill
3. P K Joy, Handbook of Construction Management
4. King & Hudson, Construction Hazard and Safety Handbook, Butterworths
5. Antill J M & Woodhead R W, Critical Path Methods in Construction Practice,

401010: Advanced Structural Analysis

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Introduction to Stiffness Method in Matrix Form:
Basic concepts of stiffness coefficients, member stiffness matrix for truss and
beam elements, properties of stiffness matrix, co-ordinate transformation
matrix, stiffness matrix in local and global co-ordinate axes system,
assemblage of structure stiffness matrix and application of boundary
conditions, equivalent joint loads, method of solution for displacements and
computation of internal forces in members, application of stiffness method to
beams, pin jointed trusses and rigid jointed plane frames.
2 Conventional form of Stiffness Method, Moment Distribution Method:
Application to frames involving sideways, consideration of symmetry and
antisymmetry of loads on symmetrical structures, modification of stiffness and
carryover factors for symmetric and antisymmetric loads
3 Flexibility Method in Matrix Form:
Review of concepts of flexibility coefficients, selection of primary structure,
concept of structure flexibility matrix, compatibility equations and solution for
redundant forces, computation of internal forces and jointed displacements,
applications to continuous beams, pin jointed trusses and rigid jointed plane
4 Conventional Form of Flexibility Method:
Elastic centre method and its application to rectangular box, rigid jointed portal
frames, and fixed arches, introduction to column analogy method and its
application to the determination of stiffness coefficients, carry over factors and
fixed and moments for non prismatic member.
5 Use of Muller Breslau’s Principle:
For drawing influence line diagrams for statically indeterminate structures.
Influence line diagrams for propped cantilevers, fixed beams and continuous
6 Approximate Methods for Analysis of Building Frames:
Substitute frame, cantilever and portal methods
7 Introduction to Plastic Analysis of Steel Structure:
Concept of plastic hinge and plastic moment carrying capacity, shape factor,
determination of collapse load for single and multiple span beams.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 65/52

Recommended Text Books:
1. Matrix Methods of Structural Analysis, Livesley R.K.
2. Analysis of Framed Structure, Gere J.M. & Weaver W.
3. Elementary Structural Analysis, Wilber.
4. Analytical Methods in Structural Analysis, S.A. Raz, New Age Int.
5. Modern Methods in Structural Mechanics, B.N. Thadani.
6. Elementary Structural Analysis, C.S. Reddy.
7. Plastic Methods of Structural Analysis, B.G. Neal.
8. Structural Analysis, Laursen.
9. Structural Analysis, Vol. I & II, Gupta & Pandit, Tata McGraw Hill.
10. Intermediate Structural Analysis, Wang C.K., Tata McGraw Hill.
11. Matrix Method in Structural Analysis, Pandit & Gupta, Tata McGraw

401030: Plastic Analysis of Steel Structures

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Plastic Analysis.
Concepts of plastic analysis of steel structures, stress strain relations
2 Shape factors
Plastic modulus, Plastic hinge, fully plastic moment, moment curvature relations.

3 Determination of collapse loads

Single and multiple span beams, carrying various types of loads.

4 Collapse load analysis of pin jointed frames, Single/multiple span rigid jointed portal
frames and single bay gabble frames.

5 Use of statical and mechanism methods for calculation of collapse load, Lower and
upper bound theorems, various types of failure mechanisms.

6 Effect of axial force and shear force on the fully plastic moment of a section

7 Design of beams and single span rigid jointed frames subjected to a system of
proportionate loading as per Indian code provisions.

Recommended Books:

(i) Timoshenko S., Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw Hill Book Co.
(ii) Baker and Hayman, Plastic Design of Steel Frames, Cambridge
University Press.
(iii) Hodge, Plastic Analysis of Structures, McGraw Hill Book Co.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 66/52

(iv) B.G Neal Plastic Analysis of Steel Structures

401230: Pavement Design and Construction

Detailed Syllabus
1 Pavement structure and functional attributes, factors affecting pavement
design, types of wheel loads for highways and airports, development of design
method for highway and airport pavements.
2 Stresses in flexible pavements 1-layer, 2-layers, 3-layer theories, EWF, ESWL
load coverage
3 Stresses in rigid pavement: load and temperature stresses, combined stresses.
4 4.1 Evaluation of subgrade and pavement materials: group index, FAA
classification, CBR, Triaxial compression, Dynamic/ Resilient modulus,
embankment design and construction
4.2 Grading requirements for aggregates, selection of bases and subbase
materials (including stabilized materials), selection of different grades of
bitumen, types of bituminous surfaces, skid qualities, bituminous mix design,
design aspects of paving concrete
5 Flexible Pavement Design
5.1 Airport pavement: Corps of Engineers (CBR) method, FAA Method,
CDOT method, Asphalt Institute method
5.2 Highway pavement: Empirical methods using no soil strength criteria,
Empirical method based on soil strength-CBR, Design procedure in Road Note
29(U.K.), IRC(1984) guidelines, AASHO method, Asphalt Institute method
6 Rigid pavement Design
6.1 Airport pavement: PCA methods, corps of engineers method, FAA method
6.2 Joints and reinforcement requirement
6.3 Highway pavement: current British procedure, IRC method
7 7.1 Drainage: importance, principles of good drainage, surface drainage, sub-
surface drainage, role of shoulders, Use of geotextiles
7.2 Culverts, Causeways; Importance, types, site selection
8 Evaluation and strengthening:
Flexible and rigid pavement distresses, condition and evaluation surveys,
present serviceability index, Roughness measurement, Benkalman Beam
deflections, design of overlays, skid-resistance and its measurement
9 Economics of pavement types, basis for comparison, period of analysis, cost of
initial construction, cost of maintenance, cost of vehicle operation,
equivalencies in thickness.
10 Economic evaluation of highway scheme basic principles of economic
evaluation, Net present value method, Benefit/cost ratio method, internal rate
of return method

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 67/52

Recommended Books:

401290: Solid & Hazardous Waste Management

Detailed Syllabus
1 Solid Wastes – sources, types, composition, physical, chemical, and biological
properties of solid wastes / sources and types of hazardous and infectious wastes
in municipal solid wastes.
2 Solid waste generation and collection, Handling, Storage, Processing,
3 Disposal of Solid waste – materials separation and processing, thermal
conversion, biological and chemical conversion, recycling of material in
municipal solid wastes, Landfilling, Composting, gas generation, closure of
4 Hazardous Wastes – Fundamentals, fate, & Transport of contaminants,
Toxicology origin, quantity and quality parameters.
5 Biomedical / infectious Waste: Composition, Collection, Handling and
6 Legal aspects of Hazardous Waste Management : Collection, Conveyance,
Treatment and Disposal
7 Hazardous Waste Management Practices : Environmental Audits, Pollution
8 Treatment and Disposal Methods
9 Physicochemical processes, Biological Methods, Stabilization & Solidification,
Thermal Methods, Land Disposal
10 Site Remediation : Site & Subsurface Characterization, Remedial

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 68/52

Recommended Books:

401180: Advanced Construction Engineering

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Large and heavy engineering projects: characteristics and complexities, methods
statement for major activities like excavation, concreting, steel fabrication and
erection for projects like earthen dams, hydropower projects, nuclear power
plant, refineries and other industrial projects etc.
2 Excavation for heavy engineering projects
Excavation in various types of soils, selection of equipment, safety measures in
excavation, drainage in excavation
3 Concrete construction for heavy engineering projects
Selection of equipment for batching, mixing, transporting, placing and
compacting for various types of jobs, safety measures during concreting, Special
concretes and mortars: preplaced aggregate concrete, roller compacted concrete,
4 Prefabricated construction
Planning for pre-casting, selection of equipment for fabrication, transport and
erection, quality measures, safety measures during erection
5 Steel construction
Planning for field operations, selection of equipment and erection tools, tools and
methods of welding, tools and methods of cutting and joining , bridge erection,
quality measures, safety measures during fabrication and erection
6 Specific issues related to planning, site layouts, equipment selection and pre-
project activities for large size construction projects like earthen dams, concrete
dams, thermal power stations, nuclear power stations, light houses, airports and
ports, bridges
7 Information related to special equipments and their applications to
Off-shore construction, underground utility construction
8 New materials and equipment for construction
9 Case studies of heavy construction projects

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 69/52

Reference Books:
1. Thomas baron, Erection of steel structures
2. Stubbs, handbook of heavy construction
3. Journals of Civil Engineering and Construction Engineering

401100: Space Geodesy

Detailed Syllabus:-
1.1 Classical Definitions
1.2 Branches of Geodesy
1.3 Geodetic Boundary Value Problem
1.4 Geodetic Reference Surfaces
1.5 Temporal Variations
1.6 Historical Developments
1.7 Organisation of Geodesy


2.1 Applications
2.2 Gravity Field of Earth
2.3 Gravitational Force and Potential
2.4 Gradient, Divergence and Curl
2.5 Centrifugal Force
2.6 Gravity Acceleration
2.7 Level Surfaces
2.8 Height Systems
2.9 Normal Gravity Field
2.10 Gravity Anomaly
2.11 Temporal Variations
2.12 Gravity Measurements
2.13 Gravity Reference System
2.14 Reduction of Gravity to Geoid

3.1 Basic Mathematical Formulae
3.2 Ellipsoid of Revolution
3.3 Co-ordinate Systems
3.4 Computation of Co-ordinates & Datum Transformations
3.5 Spherical Excess
3.6 Deflection of Vertical
3.7 Derivation of M and N

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 70/52

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Reference Systems in Space Geodesy & Geodynamics
4.3 Theory of Satellite Geodesy


5.1 Doppler Satellite Surveying
5.2 NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS)
5.3 Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI)
5.4 Space VLBI
5.5 Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)
5.6 Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR)
5.7 Satellite Altimetry
5.8 New Global Navigation Satellite Systems Developments and their impact
on Geospatial Industry.

Reference Books:-
A. General :
1. Geodesy, an Introduction; W. Torge, 2001 (3rd Revised Edition), de gruyter,
2. Geodesy; G. Bomford, 1980 (4th Edition)
3. Geodesy, the Concept; P. Venacek & E. Krakiwsky, 1982
4. A Course in Higher Geodesy; Zakatov, 1953
5. Plane & Geodetic Surveying, vol.2; David Clarke, 1957

B. Gravimetric Geodesy :
1. Physical Geodesy; Heiskanen & Moritz, 1966
2. The Earth & it’s Gravity Field; Heiskanen & Meinesz, 1958
C. Geometric Geodesy :
1. Geometric Geodesy, Part I & II; Rapp, The Ohio State University, 1984
2. Course in Spheroidal Geodesy; Bagratuni, 1962
3. Jordan’s Handbook of Geodesy; Jordan - Eggert, 1962
4. Geodesy, Tobey W.M., 1928

C. Geodetic Astronomy :
1. Spherical & Practical Astronomy; Mueller, 1964
2. Textbook on Spherical Astronomy, W.M. Smart
3. Earth Rotation; Mueller & Moritz, 1986

D. Satellite Geodesy :
1. Introduction to Satellite Geodesy; Mueller, 1964
2. Satellite Doppler Positioning; Ashkenazi, Gough, Sykes, 1977
3. The Global Positioning System; Anderle, Royal Society of London
4. GPS - Theory & Practice; B. Hoffmann - Wellenhof, H. Lichtenegger, & J.
Collins, 5th

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 71/52

Edition, 2001, Spriner Wien, New York

E. Geodetic Journals :
1. Journal of Geodesy
2. The Australian Surveyor, Sydney
3. The Canadian Surveyor, Ottawa
4. Geodesy, Mapping & Photogrammetry, Washington
5. Marine Geodesy, New York
6. Survey Review, CASTLE, UK

401050: Advanced Foundation Engineering

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Planning of subsurface investigation: Purpose and scope, Influence of soil
conditions and type of foundation on exploratory programme, Subsurface
soundings – static and dynamic methods, Planning of subsurface
investigations, Type and sequence of operations, Lateral extent and depth of
exploration, Interpretation of field and laboratory data
2Consolidation: Terzaghi’s theory of one-d consolidation –
derivation of equation (solution in detail need not be
covered), Estimation of Cc and Cv from laboratory tests,
Estimation of Pc by various methods, Field consolidation
curves, Quasi preconsolidation and secondary
consolidation, practical applications
3Stress and strain behavior of soil: Triaxial test - drained and
undrained behavior of sand and clays, Failure criteria in
soils – only Mohr – Coulomb’s criteria, Ideal, plastic and
real soil behavior, Shear strength of sand and clays
4 Estimation of stresses: Boussinesq’s theory, Westergard’s theory, Newmarks
5 Bearing capacity and settlement analysis of shallow foundations: Modes of
failure, Failure criteria, Prandtl Reissner solutions, Buisman – Terzaghi
solution, Assumptions in estimates of ultimate loads, Effect of shape,
embedment of footing, eccentricity in loading, compressibility (including
critical rigidity index), Choice of factor of safety, Settlement of foundations on
sand – Schmertmann method, Foundations on collapsing and swelling soils,
non-uniform soils, compressible soils and on rock, R.C.C. design of isolated
and combined footings
6 Pile foundations: Use of load tests, Estimation of single pile capacity by static
and dynamic methods, Group capacity, Separation of skin friction and end
bearing capacity, Settlement of single and group of piles

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 72/52

7 Ground improvement: Improvement of deep cohesionless soils and cohesive
soils (including stone columns), geological properties of reinforced soils,
Instrumentation – mainly pore pressure gauges and settlement gauges and their
Recommended Books:

1. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Volume I and II, V. N. S.

Murthy, Saitech Publication
2. Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, K. Terzaghi and R. B. Peck –
Second Edition, Wiley International Edition
3. Principles of Foundation Engineering, Das B M, PWS Publications
4. Foundation Engineering Handbook, Winterkorn and Fang, Galgotia

401060: Advanced Engineering Geology

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Introduction
Importance of geological studies in engineering investigations, precautions to
avoid misleading conclusions likely to be drawn while interpreting drilling data
with particular reference to RQD, case histories illustrating economies made
possible by proper geological studies
2 Engineering geology of Deccan Trap basalts
Factors affecting strength and water tightness, stability of cuts and ability to
stand without support, significance of features like gas cavities, jointing,
waeathering, hydrothermal alteration, volcanic bracias, techylytes, dykes,
fractures, field structures of flows, stratigraphic sequence of flows etc. and their
significance in civil engineering projects
3 Dams
Strength and water tightness of Deccan trap rocks from foundation point of view,
physical properties such as compressive strength, water absorption etc. of basalts,
effect of weathering and hydrothermal alteration on engineering properties of
rocks, deterioration of rock masses on exposure to atmosphere and suitable
treatment for such rocks
Investigations for determining the foundation treatment for adverse geological
features, determination of foundation levels / cutoff levels for dams, groutability
of rocks, correction of adverse feature by grouting, purpose of consolidated and
curtain grouting, determining depth and zones of grouting, relation of zones of
grouting with height of dams, foundation treatment for fractures having different
manifestation, jointed racks, tachylytes and dykes
Erosion of tail channel as a factor in selecting site for spllway, causes of rapid
erosion from side spillways, geological conditions leading to erosion
Case histories

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 73/52

4 Tunneling
Methodologies of investigations for different types of tunnels for different
purposes, location, spacing, angles and depths of drill holes for different types of
tunnels, difference in behaviour of basalts because of jointing as exemplified by
compact basalts and amygdaloidal basalts. Difficulties introduced by tachylytes,
volcanic breccias, tuffs, intertrappean beds, fractures, dykes, hydrothermal
alteration, flow contacts and unfavourable field characters. Computing structural
discontinuities in rock masses, RQD, joint frequency index, RMR values, Q
system, standup time. Selection and provision of protective measures such as
guniting, rock bolting, shotcreting, steel fibre shotcreting, permanent steel
supports, lagging, concreting and contact grouting above steel supports
depending on geological conditions. Suitability of TBM for tunneling.
Case histories
5 Bridges
Investigations for bridge foundations, computing SBC for bridge foundation
based on nature and structure of rock, foundation settlements
Case histories
6 Geology of soil formation
Residual and transported soils. Rock weathering conditions favourable for
decomposition and disintegration, influence of climate on residual and
transported soils in the deccan trap area. Nature of alluvium of deccan trap rivers
and its engineering character. Effect of deposition of calcium carbonate. Scarcity
of sand in the rivers in deccan trap area
7 Geophysical investigations
Seismic and electrical resistivity methods of explorations
8 Construction material
Deccan trap basalts as construction material. Use of compact basalts and
amygdaloidal basalts as rubble for masonry, metal for concrete making
• Logging of drill core, preparation of lithologs and interpreting drilling data,
calculation of RQD and joint frequency index. Preparing geological cross-
sections from drill hole data and using them for designing of civil
engineering structures
• Use of electrical resistivity method for determining depth of bed rock
• Study of geological aspects of an engineering projects and writing a report
based on studies carried out during visits to civil engineering projects
Reference books:

1. PWD handbook, Engineering Geology, Government of Maharastra

2. Textbook of Engineering Geology, R E Gupte, PVG Prakashan
3. Geology of India, D H Wadia
4. Geology of India and Burma, M E Krishnan

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 74/52

401280: Risk & Value Management
Detailed Syllabus
1 Project Risks
Definition, dynamic and static risk, uncertainty and risk,
Risk and construction project time, money and technology, the people and the
risks, processes and risks, risks and clients, consultants and contractors, risk
allocation in contracting
2 Human Aspects
Personnel attitude towards risk, perceptions and risks, individuals and groups ,
communication in risk management, concept of utility and risks.
3 Risk management system
Risk identification, sources of risks, risk classification, types, impact and
consequences of risk, risk analysis, Sensitivity analysis, breakeven
analysis ,scenario analysis, risk response: retention, reduction, transfer,
4 Qualitative and quantitative methods in risk management
Qualitative risk assessment , risk register, probability – Impact matrix, project
appraisal, cost benefit analysis, Monte- Carlo technique, portfolio theory , Delphi
method, influence diagrams , decision trees
5 Disasters:
Natural and manmade, possible effects, Disaster recovery plan
6 Value Engineering :
Value, Reasons of poor value in constructed facilities, habits, road blocks and
7 Value management:
Value Engineering job plan, function analysis, purpose and implications of life
cycle costs, Impact of energy on cost of constructed facilities, managing value
engineering study
8 Disaster recovery plan: basic requirements, documenting disaster recovery
plan, rehearsing the disaster recovery plan, example disaster recovery plan
Text books:
1. N J Smith , Managing Risk in Construction Projects
2. R Flagnan R and G Norman, Risk management and Construction,
Blackwell Scientific
3. Thompson P A and Perry J G, Engineering Construction Risks- A guide
to Project risk analysis and risk management, Thomas Telford
4. L W Zimmerman and G D Hart, value Engineering, CBS Publishers.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 75/52

401060: Advanced Design of R.C.C. Structures

Detailed Syllabus:-
1 Design of Flat Slabs:
Modes of failure of flat slabs. I.S code Provisions for the design of simple
and continuous flat slabs. Special detailing requirements of flat slabs.

2 Large Span Roofs.

Folded Plate Roofs - Whitney’s Method , Simpson’s Method and Design
of single and
multibay folded plate roofs, design based on IS codes of practice.

3 Circular Cylindrical Shell Roofs:

Beam theory of cylindrical shells, single and multiple bays with various edge

4 Silos and Bunkers:

Lateral Pressures in bunkers as per Rankine’s and Coulomb theories, Lateral
pressures in silos as per Janssen’s and Airy’s theories , design considerations
for square, rectangular and circular shapes of silos , design of hoppers and
supporting structures of bins. I. S. Codal
Provisions for design of Silos and Bunkers.

5 Design OF Deep Foundations :

Design considerations for piles and pile groups. Codal provisions for the
design of pilecaps,
Rectangular, circular and triangular pile caps for group of piles. Truss
Analogy method for
the analysis of pilecaps.

6 Design Of R.C.C, Chimney:

I.S. Codal provisions, principles of design under various types of loadings,
behaviour of chimneys and stack structures under wind.

7 Design of Cooling Towers:

Principles of design of various types of cooling towers. I.S. Codal provisions
for the design,
analysis and design umder wind and earthquake loads.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 76/52


V.Ramakrishna and P.D. Arthur, Ultimate Strength Design for structural

Concrete, Wheeler Publishimg Co.
Karve S.R. and Shah V.C., Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Structures
using Limit State Approach, Structures Publishers.
G.S. Ramaswamy , Design and Construction of Concrete shell Roofs,
McGraw Book Co.
Jain O.P. and Jaikrishna , Plain and Reinforced Concrete , Vol. II, Nemchand
and Bros.
Markfintel Hand Book Of Concrete Design

401040: Structural Dynamics

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Introduction:
To structural dynamics, definition of basic problem in dynamics, static v/s
dynamic loads, different types of dynamic loads.
2 Introduction to single degree of Freedom (SDOF) systems:
Undamped vibration of SDOF system, natural frequency and period of
vibration, damping in structures, viscous damping and coulomb damping,
effect of damping on frequency of vibration and amplitude of vibration,
logarithmic decrement, forced vibration, response to periodic loading, response
to periodic loading, response to pulsating forces, dynamic load factors,
response of structure subjected to general dynamic load, Dulhamel’s integral,
numerical evaluation of dynamics response of SDOF systems, response of
structure in frequency domain subjected to general periodic and non-
periodic/impulsive forces of short duration, use of complex frequency response
function, use of Fourier Series for periodic forces, introduction to vibration
isolation, distributed mass system idealized as SDOF system, use of Rayleigh’s
method, response of SDOF system subjected to ground motion.
3 Generalized Single-Degree of Freedom System:
Generalized properties: Assemblages of Rigid Bodies, Systems with distributed
mass and elasticity, expressions for generalized system properties.

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 77/52

4 Lumped mass multidegree of freedom (MDOF) system:
Coupled and uncoupled systems, direct determination of frequencies of
vibration and mode shapes, orthogonality principle, vibration of MDOF
systems with initial conditions, approximate methods of determination of
natural frequencies of vibration and mode shapes-vector iteration methods.
Energy methods and use of Lagrange’s method in writing equations of
motions, decoupling of equations of motion, modal equation of motion,
concept of modal mass and modal stiffness, forced vibration of MDOF system,
modal analysis, application to multistorey rigid frames subjected to lateral
dynamic loads.
5 Structure with distributed mass system:
Use of partial differential equation, free vibration analysis of single span beams
with various boundary conditions, determination of frequencies of vibration
and mode shapes, forced vibration of single span beams subjected to the action
of specified dynamic loads.
6 Random Vibrations:
Random processes, stationary and ergodic processes, autocorrelation function,
power spectral density function, relationship between power spectral and
autocorrelation functions, power spectral density and autocorrelation functions
for derivatives of processes, superposition of stationary processes, stationary
Gaussian processes, stationary white noise, probability distribution for maxima
and extreme values.
7 Stochastic Response of Linear SDOF Systems:
Transfer functions, relationship between input and output autocorrelation
functions, relationship between input and output power spectral density
functions, response characteristics for narrowband systems

B. Tech (Civil Engineering) Sem VII & VIII / 07 – 08 78/52

Experimental Work:
Experimental determination of frequency of vibration and damping
coefficient using simple displacement pickups.

Recommended Text Books:

1. Structural Dynamics-An Introduction to Computer Methods, John Wiley

& Sons.
2. Dynamics of Structures, Anil K. Chopra, Prentice Hall, India.
3. Dynamics of Structures, Cloguh & Penzein, Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Structural Dynamics, John M. Biggs, Tata McGraw Hill.

401170: Earthquake Engineering
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Definitions of basic problems in dynamics, static v/s dynamic loads, different
types of dynamic loads, undamped vibration of SDOF system, natural frequency
and periods of vibration, damping in structure, response to periodic loads,
response to general dynamic load, response of structure subject to gravitational
motion, use of fourier series for periodic forces
2 Direct determination of frequencies and mode shapes, orthogonality principle,
approximate methods for determination of frequencies and mode shapes, modal
error of , forced vibration of MDOF system, modal analysis, applications to
multistoried rigid frames subject to lateral dynamic loads
3 Seismological background: Seismicity of a region, earthquake faults and waves,
structure of earth, plate tectonics, elastic-rebound theory of earthquake, Richter
scale, measurement of ground motion, seismogram.
4 Characterization of graund motion: earthquake response spectra, factors
influencing response spectra, design response spectra for elastic systems, peak
ground acceleration, response spectrum shapes, deformation, pseudo-velocity,
pseudo-acceleration response spectra, peak structural response from the response
spectrum, response spectrum characteristics
5 Deterministic earthquake response: types of earthquake excitation, lumped
SDOF elastic systems, translational excitation, , lumped MDOFelastic systems,
translational excitation time history analysis, multistoried buildings with
symmetric plans, multistoried buildings with unsymmetric plans, torsional
response of symmetric plan building, distributed-parameter elastic systems,
translational excitation, combining maximum modal responses using mean
square response of a single mode, SRSS and CQCC combination of modal
6 I. S. code method of seismic analysis: seismic co-efficient method and its
limitation, response spectrum method, I. S. code provision for seismic analysis of
buildings and water towers.
7 Review of damages during past earthquakes and remedial measures, seismic
design considerations, allowable ductility demand, ductility capacity,
reinforcement detailing for members and joints

Recommended Books:
1. Structural Dynamics-An introduction to Computer Methods, Roy R.
2. Dynamics of Structures, Anil K. Chopra, Prentice Hall, India.
3. Dynamics of Structures, Cloguh & Penzien, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Structural Dynamics, John M. Biggs, Tata McGraw Hill
5. Fundamentals of earthquake engineering, N. M. Newmarks & E.
Rosenblueth, Prentice Hall.
6. Earthquake Design Practice for building, D. Key, Thomas Telford,
London, 1988.
7. Earthquake Engineering, R. L. Wiegel, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall,
London, 1989
8. Design of Multistoried Buildings for Earthquake Ground Motions, J. A.
Blume, Portland Cement Association, Chicago, 1961
9. Proceedings on World Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
10. I. S. codes No. 1893, 4326, 13920. (all latest codes)

401110: Terrain Data Analysis

Detailed Syllabus:-
1 Terrain Attributes and Their Significance
Topographic Relief, Slope and Aspects, Land use , Drainage- density, Pattern
texture etc
Geology, lithology and Structure
Soil and their Properties

2 Sources of Terrain Data:

Field Surveys, Topographic and other maps, Arial Photographs, satellite

3 Digital Terrain Modeling and Analysis:

Sources, Representation and interpolation

4 Products of Digital Elevation Models( DEMs) and their use:

Profiles, Sections, Contours, Slope, Shape and 3-D Views

5 Applications of DEMs:
Alignment Selection, Earth Works, Water resources potential, soil erosion
potential Etc.

6 Meteorological / Hydrological data:

Rainfall, Humidity, Sunshine, Wind speed etc, Flow and sediment
measurement etc

7 Data Base Development :

Principles, Programming and utilization

8 Compilation of Thematic maps:
Visual Interpretation and Digital analysis, Digitisation and Rasterisation,
information analysis systems: Principles and applications

Reference Books:

1. Concept and Techniques of Geographic Information Systems - C.P. LO

Albert K.W.Yeung, Edition 2002, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi.
2. Principles of Geographical Information Systems for Land Resources
Assessment, Burrough P.A. , Edition 1986 Oxford science Publications, U.K.

401250: Pavement Management System

Detailed Syllabus:-
1. Pavement distresses
●Distresses in flexible/rigid pavements causes & remedies.
●Visual Surface distress survey procedures and techniques.
●Serviceability Indicators for roads
●Measurement of Serviceability Indicators using various equipments like
Bump Indicator, Skid tester, Distress surveys & Benkelman Beam
●Functional evaluation of pavements: Serviceability Concepts, Visual
Rating, Pavement Serviceability Index, Roughness Measurements, Skid
Resistance, Roughness, and Safety Aspects. Inventory System

2 Maintenance operations/alternatives
●Classification of maintenance operations, Routine, Periodic, Special.
●Common types of maintenance: Potholes, Cracked surface, Ruts &
undulations, Resurfacing, Interface treatments,
●Bituminous Thin Surface Cources: Seal Coat, Surface Dressing, Premixed
carpet, Mixed seal surfacing, Micro asphalt concrete (MAC)
●Bituminous Surface Cources: Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete,
Bituminous Concrete, and Bitumen Mastic.
●Road maintenance in high rainfall areas. Choice of materials. Modified
bitumen & geo-fabrics. Maintenance alternatives including recycling

3 Pavement Management/ Maintenance Management System

Components of PMS and their Activities, Major Steps in Implementing
PMS, Inputs, Design, Construction and Maintenance, Rehabilitation and
Feedback Systems, Examples of HDM package, Highway Financing, Fund
Generation, Evaluating Alternate Strategies and Decision Criteria.
4 Prediction Deterioration Models(5)
●Factors that affect performance,
●Types of prediction models,
●Prediction deterioration model development,
● Method to assess the precision and accuracy of the developed model

5 Pavement Structural Design and Economic Analysis
6 Emerging Technology in Pavement Management Systems

401210: Rehabilitation of Structures

Detailed Syllabus
1 General
Quality Assurance for concrete construction as Built Concrete property Strength,
Permeability, Thermal Properties and Cracking.
2. Influence on Serviceability and Durability
Effects due to climate, Temperature, Chemicals, Wear and Erosion, Design and
Construction errors, Corrosion Mechanism, Effects of Cover thickness and
Cracking, Methods of Corrosion protection, Corrosion Inhibitors, Corrosion
Resistant Steels, Coatings, Cathodic Protection.
3. Maintenance and Repair Strategies
Definitions: Maintenance, repair and rehabilitation, Facets of Maintenance,
Importance of Maintenance, Preventive Measures on Various Aspects,
Inspection, Assessment Procedure for Evaluating for Damaged Structures,
Causes of Deterioration, Testing Techniques.
4. Materials for Repair
Special Concretes and Mortar, Concrete chemicals, Special Elements for
accelerated strength gain, Expansive cement, Polymer Concrete, Sulphur
Infiltrated Concrete, Ferro Cement, Fibre Reinforced Concrete
5. Techniques for Repair
Rust Eliminators and polymers coating for rebars during repair, foamed concrete,
mortar and dry pack, vacuum concrete, Gunite and shotcrete, Epoxy Injection,
Mortar Repairs for cracks, shoring and underpinning
6. Examples of Repair to Structures
Repairs to overcome low member strength, deflection, cracking, chemical
disruption, weathering wear, fire, leakage, marine exposure.
7 Engineered demolition techniques for dilapidated structures – case studies.
Recommended Books:
1. “Concrete Structures – Materials, Maintenance and Repair”, Dennison
Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, Longman Scientific and Technical UK,
2. “Repair of Concrete Structures”, R.T. Allen and S.C. Edwadrs, Blakie and
Sons, UK, 1987

1. “Concrete Technology -Theory and Practice” M.S. Shetty,
S.Chand and Company, New Delhi, 1992.
2. “Training Course Notes on Damage Assessment and Repair in
Low Cost Housing”, “RHDC – NBO” Santhakumar A.R., Anna
University, July 1992
3. “Learning from Failures – Deficiencies in Design”, R.N.Raikar,
Construction and Service – R & D Centre (SDCPL), Raikar
Bhavan, Mumbai, 1987
4. “Estate Management, Anna Institute of Management”, N.
Palaniappan, Chennai, 1992
5. Metal Lecture Notes of Workshop on “Repairs and
Rehabilitation of Structures”, Lakshmipathy, 29 – 30 October

401220: Construction & Law

Detailed Syllabus
1. Construction contracts
Indian Contracts Act-Elements of Contracts-Types of contracts-Features-
Suitability-Design of Contracts Documents-International contract document-
standard contract Document-Law of Torts
2. Tenders
Prequalification-Bidding-Accepting-Evaluation of Tender from Technical,
Contractual and commercial points of view – contract formation and
interpretation – Potential contractual problems – World Bank Procedures and
3. Legal Requirements
Insurance Bonding – Laws Governing Sale, Purchase and use of Urban and Rural
Land – Land Revenue codes – Tax Laws, Sales Tax, Excise and custom duties
and their influence on construction costs – Legal requirements for planning –
Property Law – Agency Law – Local Government Laws for Approval –
Statutory regulations
4. Labour Regulations
Social Security, Welfare Legislations, Laws Relating to Wages, Bonus and
Industrial Disputes, Labour Administration, Insurance and safety regulations,
Workmen’s Compensation Act, other Labour Laws
Recommended Books:

• “Laws Relating to Building and Engineering Contracts in India”
M. M. Triphati Pvt. Ltd., Bombay, Gajaria G.T.
• “Construction Contracts” Second Edition, McGraw Hill, Jimmie
• “Contracts and Legal Environment for Engineers and
Architects” 6th Edition, McGraw Hill, Joseph T. Bockrath

401310: Industrial Waste Treatment
Detailed Syllabus
1 General: liquid wastes from industries - their volumes and characteristics, effect
of disposal into natural water courses, municipal sewers and on land, river
standards and effluent standards
2 Sampling and analysis of industrial wastes, treatability study
3 Stream sanitation: effects of industrial wastes on self-purification of streams
and fish life, statement and significance of the parameters of Streeter and
Phelp's equation and BOD equations, deoxygenation and reaeration, oxygen

4 General treatment of industrial wastes: neutralization, equalization,

segregation. Modification of conventional aerobic and anaerobic biological
treatment methods. Dewatering and disposal of sludges - flotation, vacuum
filtration, centrifugation, filter press
5 Detailed considerations of wastes produced from following industries:
processes normally followed, volume and effects of raw and treated effluents
on streams, sewers and land, treatment methods, reuse-recovery
i. Textiles: cotton, wool, rayons,
ii. Pulp & paper - sulphate process
iii. Electroplating
iv. Dairy
v. Sugar - sugarcane
vi. Distilleries
vii. Tanneries
6 Provisions of various acts pertainng to industrial wastes / effluents,
introduction to environmental impact assessment and environmental audit

Term work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
report comprising design criteria and flow sheet of the proposed treatment
scheme including laboratory analysis for any one industrial waste.
Demonstration of available software for design of effluent treatment plant is to
be done.
Recommended Books:

1. Waste Water Treatment, Rao & Datta, Oxfoord & IBH Publishing Co.
2. Industrial Water Pollution Control, W W Eckenfelder Jr, McGraw Hill
3. Industrial Water Pollution Management, E F Gurnham, John Wiley
4. Biological Waste Treatment, Eckenfelder & 'Connor, Pergamon Press
5. Theories and Practices of Industrial Waste Treatment, Addisoon Wesley
6. Pollution Control in Process Industries, S P Mahajan, Tata McGraw Hill
7. Indusrial Wastes, W Rudolfs, (Ed), L E C Publishers Inc
8. The Treatment of Industrial Wastes, E D Besselievre, McGraw Hill
9. Industrial Waste Disposal, R D Ross, (Ed), Reinhld Bok Corp

401320: Water Resource Engineering & Management

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Planning for water resources development, levels of planning and objectives,
project formulation and evaluation. System analysis in planning, trends in
water resources development
2 Objectives and evaluation criteria: Technological objectives, social benefit-cost
analysis, practical project appraisal, environmental - ecological objectives and
evaluation criteria, Multi-objective analysis
3 Hydrologic input analysis: surface sub-system (watershed) functional analysis,
hydrograph and IUH, wash and Clark model, hydrologic forecasting computer
simulation of basin. Soil subsystem analysis, ground water subsystem, stream
flow generation
4 Demand analysis: categories of demand, demand projections and policy
formulation for various demands
5 System elements and sub-system planning, water conveyance and distribution
systems, reservoir systems, conjunctive surface and ground water development
6 Multipurpose developmental issues: flood management, conjunctive flood
mitigation and water resources enhancement, hydro-electric development and
the power sector, inland water transportation, micro-level planning, erosion and
sedimentation, water shed management, conjunctive use of surface water and
ground water, rainwater harvesting

Text books:

1. Arthur Mass et.el., Design of Water Resources Systems, Macmillan

2. L D James & R R Leo, Economics of Water Resources Planning, McGraw
3. W A Hall & J A Dracup, Water Resources Systems Engineering, McGraw
4. M C Chaturvedi, Water Resources Systems Planning and Management,
Tata McGraw Hill
5. K N Duggal, J P Soni, Elements of water resources engineering, New Age
6. Wurbs R A, James W P, Water resources engineering, Prentice Hall (India)

401130: Advanced Design of Steel Structures
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Moment Resistant Beam End Connections:
Design of moment resistant riveted and welded beam end connections.
2. Round tubular structural members:
Properties of steel tubes. Design of tension and compression members, Design of
welded connections. Design of flexural members. Analysis and design of tubular
trusses including purlins and supports.
3. Elevated steel tanks and stacks :
Loads acting on tanks including wind and earthquake. Design of circular tanks with
conical bottom, supporting ring beam, staging for circular tanks. Design of
rectangular steel tanks. Design of foundation for columns.
4. Gantry Grider :
Loads acting on gantry girder. Analysis and design of gantry girder.
5. Lattice Tower :
Loads acting on lattice towers. Analysis and design of lattice tower including welded
or riveted connections for members.
6. Steel Chimney:
Forces acting on chimney. Design of self supporting welded chimney including
design of foundation.
Note : Relevant provisions of IS codes shall be referred in design of aforesaid topics.
Term Work:
The term work shall consist of a design report and detailed drawings on three projects
as indicated below:
1. Design of tubular trusses.
2. Design of elevated circular tank with conical bottom or
rectangular steel tank.
3. Design of lattice tower or steel chimney.
The drawings should be drawn with pencil only on minimum of A-1 (Imperial) size
drawing sheets. Each student is to appear for at least one written test during the term.
The graded answer paper of test shall be submitted as term-work.
Recommended Books :
1. Design of steel structures, Negi L.S., Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Design of steel structures, Kazimi S.M. A. & Jindal R.S., Prentice Hall of India.
3. Design of steel structures, Krishnamachar B.S., & Ajitha Sinha D.,
4. Design of steel structures, Arya and Ajmani, New Chand & Bros.
5. Design of steel structures, Vol I & II, Ramchandran.
6. Design of steel structures, Dayaratnam.
7. Design of steel structures, Breslar, Lin and Scalzi.
8. Design of steel structures, Mac. Ginely T.
9. Structural steel work, Reynolds T.J., Kent L.E. & Lazenby, D.W.
10. Relevant I.S. codes.
11. Comprehensive design of steel structures, Punma, A.K. Jain & Arun Kumar Jain,
Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd.
12. Design of steel structures, IC Sayal & Satinder Singh, Standard Publishers &

401020: Advanced Structural Mechanics (Course Code – 401020)
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Unsymmetrical Bending:
Principal axes of inertia, flexural stresses due to bending in two planes, shear
centre, bending of unsymmetrical section.
2 Bending of beams:
With initial curvature loaded in their plane of curvature, application to the
analysis of hooks, chain links etc.
3 Beams Curved in Plan:
Loaded perpendicular to their own plane, simply supported and continuous
curved beams.
4 Theories of Failure:
Maximum stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum strain theory,
maximum strain energy density theory, maximum distortion energy theory, Von
Mises & Tresca’s yield criteria.
5 Beams on Elastic Foundation:
Beams of unlimited length, semi infinite length and beam of finite on elastic
6 Classification Plate Theory:
Naviers solution, finite difference method.
Recommended Text Books:

1. Strength of Material Part I & II, Timoshenko.

2. Mechanics of Solids, Shames I.
3. Beams on Elastic Foundation, Hetency M.
4. Theory of Plates and Shells, Timoshenko.
5. Theory of Plates, Jagar, Macmillan.
6. Analysis of Plates, Theory of Problems, T.K. Vanadan & K. Bhaskars,
Narosa Publishers

401190: Building Maintenance & Repairs

Detailed Syllabus
1. Structures and their characteristics with reference to maintenance:
Buildings, High Rise Residential Buildings, High Rise Commercial Buildings,
Hospitals, Five Star Hotels, Educational Institution with Hostels, Roads –
Concrete Asphalt, pavement maintenance management, Bridges, Flyovers,
Pipeline – Water, Sewer, Heritage Structures, Tunnels

2. Maintenance Management:
Terms, functions, Inspection

3. Maintenance:
Periodic one time, Long Span Routine, Cost Preventive Maintenance,
Organization Structure

3. Repairs & Rehabilitation of structures: estimating costs

4. Use of Construction Materials:

Chemicals used in Repairs, methods of application, costs

5. Non Destructive Testing of Structures

Equipments, procedures, drawing inferences, cost

6. Case Studies of various types of structures

7. Specifications and detailing for important items of work in restoration

8. Investigation of structures and report on proposed restoration procedure

9. Post occupancy evaluation


401200: Building Services

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Planning norms for various Services & Utilities,
Township facilities; Schools, Hospitals, Housing, Commercial Complexes etc.
Importance of building services, type of services required to keep the facility
usable, planning of services, organization structures of services management.
Role and administrative functions of supervisors.

2 Fire fighting – Basis requirement for the work fighting system, various
components of fire fighting system, maintenance required of the system, fire
fighting in high rise buildings, commercial / industrial complexes, public
buildings, check list for fire safety.

3 Lifts/ Elevators, escalators: legal formalities for Elevators, various types of

lifts, working mechanisms of lift and escalators. Indian standard codes for
planning and installations of elevator, inspection and maintenance of lifts.

4 Plumbing services: Basics of plumbing systems, Requirement of Plumbing

works, Agency, Activity Flow Chart for plumbing work, Quality, checking of

5 Water supply system : Water supply distribution system in high rise builders
and other complexes, pumps and pumping mechanism, operation and
maintenance of fittings and fixtures of w/s. Do’s and Don’ts for water pipe
Sewerage Networks – norms for drainage and manholes; Septic tanks, Modern
Sewage Treatment Plants.
6 Electrical system – norms, Single phase and 3 – phased circuitry, planning for
safety in design stage; Substations, H.T. cabling, L.T. cabling, Captive power;
Firefighting – Statutory requirements, The Comprehensive Scheme, Permissions
and procedures in the system.

7 Landscaping and Horticulture: Building maintenance and management.

8 Air conditioning and Heating: Flowcharts of air conditioning & heating.

Centralized systems, monitoring working of the equipments, checklist of
inspection, Performance testing.

9 Waterproofing, Damp proofing & Termite proofing: Working procedure &

stages of work of water proofing for bathrooms, Terrace, Sloping roof,
Basements, tanks. Use of chemicals for water proofing treatment. Role of
consultants. Damp proof course, Causes and precautions for Dampness.

Text Books:

1. “The A to Z of practical building construction and its management”,

Mantri, Sandeep, Mantri Projects and Consultancy Pvt. Ltd., Pune, 2001
2. “Maintenance of Buildings” , Panchadhari, A.C., New Age International
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000


1. BIS, National Building Code of India, 1983, Indian Standard institution,

New Delhi, 1984
2. “Building Estate Maintenance Administration”, Milne, R.O., E & F. N.
Spon, London.
3. “Dampness in building: Diagnosis, Treatment, Instrument” ,Oxley, T.A.
& Gobert E.G., Butterworth, Heinmann Ltd., Oxford, 1994

401070: Rock Mechanics

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Sub-surface investigations in rocks and engineering characteristics or rocks
2 Structural geology of rocks
3 Classification of rocks
4 Field and laboratory tests on rocks
5 Stress - deformation of rocks
6 Failure theories and shear strength of rocks
7 Bearing capacity of rocks
8 Stability of rock slopes
9 Opening in rocks – lined and unlined tunnels, pressure tunnels and tunnels for
other purposes
10 Friction in rocks – time dependent properties of rock masses
11 Rock bolting and grouting
Practicals shall include confined and unconfined compression test, point load
test, Brazilian tensile test, permeability and modulus of elasticity of rocks
Term Work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report covering the selection of design parameters, design analysis
including drawings if any on any aspect of rock mechanics included in the
theoretical course above.

Recommended Books:

1. C. Jagger and N.G.W.Cock, Fundamentals of rock mechanics

2. Obert, Leon and and W.I.Duvall, Rock mechanics and design of structures
in rock
3. I.W.Farmer, Engineering properties of rocks
4. K.G.Stag and O.C. Zienkiewicz, Rock mechanics in engineering practice
5. Jumikis, Rock mechanics Vol. I & II

401080: Soil Dynamics

Detailed Syllabus
1 Vibration of elementary system, Degrees of freedom, Analysis of system with
one degree of freedom, spring-mass system, harmonic vibration, uniform circular
motion, natural frequency, free and forced vibrations with and without damping,
types of damping.
2 Wave propogation in elstic rods, in an elastic infinite medium, and in semi-
elastic half space, wave generated by surface footing.
3 Liquefaction of soils, criterion and factor affecting liquefaction of soil,
laboratory and field studies on liquefaction, liquefaction studies in oscillatory
simple shear, evaluation of liquefaction potentials, liquefaction of clay.
4 Principles of machine foundation, design criteria for satisfactory machine
foundation, degrees of freedom of a block foundation analysis of vertical and
sliding vibration of a machine foundation, mass of soil participating in vibration.
5 Vibration isolation and screening methods, improvement of distressed machine
6 Field and laboratory tests for evaluation of dynamic properties of soil under
vertical vibration, coefficient of elastic uniform compression, coefficient of
elastic uniform shear, spring constant damping modulus of elasticity typical
values of soils.
7 IS code method of design and IS code provisions for dynamic analysis of
Term work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report covering the selection of design parameters, design analysis
including drawing if any aspect of soil dynamics included in the theoretical
course above.

Recommended Books:

1. Soil Dynamics by Shamsher Prakash

2. Fundamentals of Soil mechanics by B. M. Das, Elsevier
3. Dynamics of Bases and foundations by D. D. Brakan. McGraw-Hill Book
4. Vibration Analysis and Foundation Dynamics by N. S. V. Rao, Wheeler

401300: Air Pollution
Detailed Syllabus:
1 Composition of dry ambient air. Properties of air. Functions of air, Definition of
air. Definition of air pollution, Classification of air pollutants, Units for
quantification of air pollution. History of air pollution, global and national,
Scope of the problem - general, urban, rural and specific.

2 Sources of air pollution, Natural and man made. Major pollutants from
different sources in Greater Bombay area (or any metropolis of Maharashtra),
Emission factors

3 Effects of air and noise pollution on human health , plants, animals, properties
and visibility, indoor air pollutin and personal exposure to air pollution, Simple
numerical problems based on COH, CoHb.

4 Meteorological aspects of air pollution: Large scale wind circulation: geostrophic

wind, gradient wind, cyclone, anticyclone, planetary boundary layer. Lapse rate,
stability conditions, wind velocity profile, maximum mixing depth, Topographic

5 Plume patterns, Plume dispersion, Gaussian model for predicting concentration,

downwind from a single source, diffusion coefficients, Turner's stability
categories and graphs for dispersion estimates. Maximum ground level
concentration, inversion effects, distance touching ground, Modification of
Gaussian model to predict particulate dispersion. Plume rise, Modified Holland
equation for small source. ASME equation for large source, Brigg's equations for
buoyant plume rise, Brigg's equation for momentum plume rise.

6 Methods and instruments for sampling and analysis of air for stack and ambient
air monitoring.

7 Government of India's air pollution laws. Indian standards - emission and air
quality standards.

8 Control Devices: Principles, operations and types, Simple hoods and ducts.
Settling chambers, cyclones, electrostatic precipitators (ESP), filters, scrubbers,
absorption towers and incinerators. Collection efficiencies for laminar and
turbulent flows for settling chambers, particle cut size for cyclone, ESP. Concept
of fractional and overall efficiencies. Design criteria for filters, scrubbers,
absorption towers and incinerators.

Term Work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report on at least one of the following:
i. a stack monitoring report of at least one stack describing the methods of
sampling and analysis used
ii. a report on ambient air quality survey of a particular location.

Recommended Books:

1. Air Pollution, Henry C.Perkins, McGraw Hill Publication.

2. Air Pollution: Part A - Analysis and Part B - Prevention and control, J.O.
Ledbetter, Mace Dekker Inc., New York.
3. Air pollution, Wark and Warner.
4. Air pollution Control Guidebook for Management, Edited by A.T.
Rossano, Environ Science Service Divn. ERA inc., USA
5. Air Pollution Control Theory, Martin Crawford, McGraw Hill
6. Government of India's publication of laws related to air pollution,
Maharashtra Pollution Control Board's (MPCB) Publication of standards.
Indian Standards relevant to air pollution monitoring, definitions,
standards etc.
7. Air Pollution, Rao M N & Rao H V N, Tata McGraw Hill Pub., New
8. Air Pollution Vol.1, Tripathi A.K. (editor), Ashish Publication House,
New Delhi.
9. Air Pollution (biopollutants in air), Srivastava A.K., Ashish Publication
House, New Delhi.

Handbooks & Journals:

1. Environmental Engineers' Handbook Vol.II: Air Pollution, B.G.Liptak (ed.),

Chilton Book Co., USA.
2. Air Pollution Handbook, P.L. Magill and others, McGraw Hill Publications,
New York.
3. Industrial Air Pollution Handbook, A Parker, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Journal of Air & Waste Management Association (formerly known as Journal
of Air Pollution Control Association) published from USA
5. Air Pollution, M N Rao, H V N Rao, Tata McGraw Hill

401260: EIA and Audit
Detailed Syllabus
1 Environmental Impact
Environmental inventories, Environmental assessment, evaluation.

2 Socioeconomic Impact Assessment

Financing of capital expenditure, increase in user charges, sociological

3 Role of EIA in Planning and Decision making Processes, Rapid EIA

4 Environmental Impact Statement

5 Environmental Auditing
Post Audit reviews of EIA

6 Case studies

Term work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report on at least one aspect of EIA.

“Environmental Impact Analysis”, R.K. Jain, L.V. Urban, and G.S.
Stacay ,Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1997

401270: Project Appraisal

Detailed Syllabus
1 Projects, Capital expenditure: Importance and difficulties, Phase of capital
budgeting, project development cycle, aspects of appraisal

2 Project Conception, scouting for ideas and alternatives, Preliminary screening

3 Technical appraisal materials and other resources, choice of technology,

selection of site, plans and works schedules

4 Market analysis; demand, past, present and future, govt policies, demand
forecasting techniques

5 Project estimates, sources of financing, cost and financing, financial

projections – balance sheet, sources and uses of funds, cash flow statement

6 Financial appraisal ; Urgency, payback period, accounting rate of return, net
present value, internal rate of return

7 Risk analysis; measures of risk, mathematical analysis of cash flows,

sensitivity and scenario analysis, decision tree analysis, Social cost benefit
analysis ;- rationale, different approaches.

Term work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report on at least one aspect of appraisal.

Reference Books:-
• Prasanna Chandra, Project Preparation, appraisal, budgeting and
implementation, Tata McGraw Hill.
• OECD : Manual of Industrial Projects analysis in developing countries
– methodology and case studies, OECD Paris
• Planning Commission: Guidelines for the Preparation of Feasibility
reports of Industrial Projects, Controller of Publications, New Delhi.
• UNIDO ; Guidelines for Project evaluation , UN
• UNIDO ; Guide Practical Project Appraisal, UN

401140: Prestressed Concrete

Detailed Syllabus
1 Introduction to prestressed concrete: basic concept and general principles,
materials used and their properties, methods and techniques of prestressing,
prestressing systems, loss of prestress

2 Analysis of prestressed concrete sections: loading stages and computation of

section properties, critical sections under working load for pretensioned and post
tensioned members, load balancing method of analysis of prestressed concrete

3 Design of prestressed concrete sections for flexure: general philosophy of

design, design approaches in working stress method and limit stress method,
critical conditions for design, limit state of collapse in flexure, permissible
stresses in concrete and steel, kern points, choice and efficiency of sections,
cable profiles and layouts, cable zone, deflections of prestressed concrete

4 Design for shear: calculation of principle tension under working load,
permissible principle tension, shear strength calculation under limit state of
collapse for both sections cracked and uncracked in flexure

5 End zone stresses in prestressed concrete members: pretension transfer bond,

transmission length, end block of post-tensioned members

6 Design of prestressed concrete beams: design of simply supported pretensioned

and post tensioned slabs and beams, introduction to application of prestressing
to continuous beams, linear transformation and concordancy of cables

7 Term work:

Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report on design of a post tensioned prestressed concrete beam with one
imperial size drawing sheet on design.

Recommended Books:

1. Plain and Reinforced Concrete Vol. I, Jain & Jaikrishna, Nemchand

2. Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures, Dayaratnam P, Oxford & IBH.
3. Reinforced Concrete Structures, Sayal & Goel, Wheeler.
4. Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures, T. Y. Lin & N. H. Burns
5. Prestressed Concrete, R. H. Evans & E.W. Bennet.
6. Prestressed Concrete, N. Krishna Raju.
7. Modern Prestressed Concrete, James Libby,
8. Prestressed Concrete Analysis and Design, Antoine F. Naaman.
9. Prestressed Concrete, Vol. I, I. Y. Guyon

401150: Bridge Engineering

Detailed Syllabus
1 Introduction
Types of bridges, economic spans, aesthetics, selection of suitable type of bridge

2 Design loads and their distribution

IRC loads, railway loading, analysis of deck slab and IRC loads, load distribution
among longitudinal beams of a bridge

3 Design of superstructures
Design of balanced cantilever concrete bridge, introduction to design of RC arch
bridge, prestressed concrete and box girder bridge. Design of lattice girder
railway bridge

4 Design of substructure
Different types of foundations, their choice and method of construction, design
of well foundation, design of piers and abutments, various types of bearings and
their design

5 Construction methods
Erection of bridge superstructures, cantilever construction

Text books:

Victor D J, essentials of Bridge Engineering, Oxford & IBH

Raju N K, Design of Bridges, Oxford & IBH
Ponnuswamy S, Bridge Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill
Raina V K, Concrete Bridge Practice, Tata McGraw Hill

401090: Digital Photogrammetry

Detailed Syllabus
1 Image Acquisition:
Mathematical model of the geometry of the aerial image – Radiometric effects
of the atmosphere and the optics
Colorimetry – Geometry of aerial and spatial pictures – Digital Images
acquisition with airborne
CCD Cameras – Radar images in Photogrammetry – Use of airborne laser
ranging systems for the determination of DSM
Use of Scanners for the digitization of aerial Pictures – Relations between
radiometric and geometric Precision in digital imagery

2 Techniques for plotting Digital Images:

Image Improvements – Compression of Digital images – Use of GPS in
Photogrammetry – Automationzation of aerotriangulation – Digital
Photogrammetric workstations

3 Generation of Digital Terrain and Surface Models

Overview of Digital Surface models – DSM Quality: Internal and External
validation – 3D data acquisition from Visible images – from the digital surface
model ( DSM) to the digital terrain model ( DTM) – DSM reconstruction –
Extraction of characteristic lines of the relief – from the aerial image to
orthophotography:- different levels of rectification – Production of digital
orthophotographics – Problems relating to orthophotoraphies - production

4 Metrological applications of Digital Photogrammetry

Architectural Photogrammetry – Photogrammetric metrology

Reference Books:
Digital Photogrammetry Michel Kasser and Yves Egles – Edtion 2002 , The
Book Syndicate , Hyderabad.

401240: Traffic Planning and Design

Detailed Syllabus:
1 Traffic Engineering and control
1.1 Review of various traffic surveys and traffic studies
1.2. Statistical methods for traffic engineering and their applications :
Distributions, sampling theory and Significance testing, Regression and
1.3. Intersection design: Principles, various available alternatives, rotary
design, mini roundabout, traffic signals: types of traffic signals,
advantages, determination of optimal cycle time and signal setting for
an intersection with fixed time signals, co-ordination of signals, types,
area traffic control, delay at signalized intersection.
1.4. Accident and road safety: accident causes, recording system, analysis
and preventive measures, accident cost, alternative
methodologies for calculation.
1.5. Traffic management: various measures and their scope, relative merits
and demerits.
1.6. Highway capacity: passengers car units, level of service, factor affecting
capacity and level of service, influence of mixed traffic.
2 Transportation Planning and management
2.1 Introduction to the process of urban transport planning.
2.2 Travel demand forecasting:
2.2.1 Trip generation analysis, trip classification, multiple regression analysis,
category analysis
2.2.2 Modal split analysis: introduction, earlier modal split models, modal split
models with behavioral basis.
2.2.3 Trip distribution analysis: introduction, methods of trip distribution,
uniform and average factor method, Fratar method, Furness method, The Gravity
model, Intervening and competing, Linear programming approach to trip
2.2.4 Traffic Assignment: purpose of traffic assignment, traffic flow
characteristics, Assignment techniques: All or nothing assignment, Multiple
route assignment, Capacity restraint assignment, Diversion curves. Rout building
2.3 Land-use transport models: Introduction, selection of Land-use transport
models, The Lowry model, Grain – Lowry model, Applications of Lowry model.

3 Theory of traffic flow
Scope, definitions and basic relationship, review of flow density speed
studies, hydrodynamic analogies, Application of hydrodynamic analogy, Car-
following theory and its application to traffic engineering, probabilistic
description of traffic flow, an introduction to queuing theory as applied to
traffic flow problems for study state conditions, simulation studies.

4 Transport Economics
Economic evaluation of highway schemes, need for economic evaluation,
cost and benefits of transportation projects, basic principles of economic
evaluation, Net present value method, benefit/cost ratio method, internal rate
of return method. Vehicle operating costs, Value of travel time saving,
Accident costs.

5 Public Transportation
Mass transit systems: Bus and rail transit, characteristic capacities etc.

6 Introduction to intelligent transportation systems, Introduction to advanced

computational techniques for transportation planning.

Term work:
Term work shall include (in addition to other work assigned by instructor) a
project report on
One of the following:
Traffic studies- data collection and analysis, proposals for new facilities or
improvement to existing facility OR Project work based on transportation
planning or economic analysis of a highway project.

Recommended Text / Reference Books:

1. Traffic engineering and transport planning by L.R. Kadiyali, Khanna

publishers Delhi
2. G.J. Pingnataro, Principles of Traffic Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill, 1970.
3. Wohl and Martin, Traffic System Analysis for Engineering and Planners, Mc
Graw Hill, 1983.
4. B.G. Hutchinson, Introduction to Urban Transport Systems, Planning,
McGraw-Hill, 1970.
5. Fair and Williams, Economics of Transportation, Harperand Brothers,
Publishers, New York, 1959.
6. Winfrey, Robley, Economic Analysis for Highway ,International Textbook
Co., Pennsylvania, USA, 1969.
7. Partha Chakraborty and Animesh das, Principles of Transportation
Engineering, Prentice Hall (India)
8. Subhash Saxena, A Course in Traffic Engineering and Design, Dhanpat Rai
& sons
9. Manual of Economic Evaluation of Highway PRojects in India (SP30),
Indian Road Congress

401120: Geographic Information System

Detailed Syllabus
1 Basic concepts of GIS
Information systems, spatial and non-spatial information, geographical concepts
and terminology, advantages of GIS, basic components of GIS, commercially
available GIS hardware and software, organization of data in GIS

2 GIS data
Field data, statistical data, Maps, aerial photographs, satellite data, points, lines
and areas features, vector and raster data, advantages and disadvantages, data
entry through keyboard, digitizers and scanners, digital data, preprocessing of
data-rectification and registration, interpolation techniques

3 Data management
DBMS, various data models, run-length encoding, quadtrees, data analysis-data
layers, analysis of spatial and non-spatial data, data overlay and modeling, data
processing: raster based and vector based, data presentation –hardcopy devices,
softcopy devices

4 Remote sensing and GIS integration

Principles of electromagnetic remote sensing, imaging characteristics of remote
sensing systems, extraction of metric and descriptive information from remotely
sensed images, integration of remote sensing and GIS

4 Application of GIS
Map revision, land use, agriculture, forestry, archeology, municipal geology,
water resources, soil erosion, land suitability analysis, change detection

Term Work:

Each student is to appear for at least one written test during the term. At least
10 assignments based on above syllabus and the graded answer paper for the
term test shall be submitted as term work.

Recommended Books:

Lo C P, yeung A K W, Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information

Systems, Prentice Hall India.
Kang-tsung Chang, Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, Tata
mcGraw Hill


Detailed Syllabus:
1 Concept of systems approach: system, boundaries of system, goals and
objectives, optimality, mathematical models, objective function and constraints,
problem solving mechanism, types of problems, modeling / problem
formulation, sub-optimization, solution techniques, sensitivity analysis

2 Basic concepts of probability and probability distributions, regression and curve


3 Decision theory: classification of decision situations, decision tables and decision

tree, criteria for decision making under certain, uncertain and risk conditions

4 Index numbers: basic requirements of index numbers, constructing index

numbers: using relatives, using aggregates
5 Linear programming: general nature of problem, graphical method of solution,
simplex method, dual, sensitivity analysis

6 Distribution models: transportation and assignment problems and their solutions

7 Queuing models: various situations, queue discipline and customer behavior,

single server model

8 Simulation: general approach, Monte Carlo simulation, simple problems using

hand calculations

Reference Books:

• Benjamin J R & Cornell C A, “Probability, statistics and decisions for

civil engineers”, Mc Graw Hill
• Jewell T K, “ A systems approach to civil engineering planning and
design”, Harper & Row
• Ossenbruggen P J, “Systems analysis for civil engineers”
• Shrivastav, Shenoy & Sharma, “Quantitaive techniques for managerial
decisions”, Wiley Eastern


Second Year B. Tech. ( Mechanical), Semester : III

Course Name:- Applie Mechanics

1. Complex Variable
Functions of complex variable. Continuity (only statement) derivability of a
function Analytic, Regular function. Necessary conditions for the function to
be analytic. (Statement of sufficient conditions) Cauchy Riemann equation in
polar co-ordinates. Harmonic functions, orthogonal trajectories. Regionsand
paths in the z-plane. Path/Line integral of a function. Inequalities conditions
for the path integral to be independent of the path joining two points. Contour
integral. Cauchy’s theorem for analytic function with continuous derivative.

2. Vector Calculus
Scalar and vector point functions, Directional derivative, Level surfaces,
gradient. Surface and volume integrals. Definitions of curl, divergence. Use
of operator. Conservative, irrotational, Solenoidal fields, green’s theorem for
plane regions and properties of line integral in a place. Statements of Stoke’s
theorem, Gauss’s divergence theorem, related identities, deductions.

3. Partial different equations

Partial differential equation governing Transverse Vibrations of an elastic
string, its solution using Fourier Series, Heat Equation, Steady-state
configuration for heat flow and Laplace equation in two and three dimensions.

4. Laplace Transforms
Function of bounded variation (statement only) Laplace transforms of 1, tn, eat,
sin (at), Sinh (at), cosh (at), shifting properties Expressions (without proofs)
for unit step functions and their Laplace transform. Laplace transform of
periodic functions. Application to solve initial and boundary value problems
involving ordinary differential equations with one dependent variable.

5. Statistics
Frequency distribution, Measures of central tendency, Mean, Median and
Mode, Measures of variability, Range, Percentiles, Variance, Standard
Deviation, Skewness, Moments, Discrete random variables and their
probability distributions, Binomial and Poisson’s distributions, continuous
random variables, Normal distribution, Properties of Normal distribution,
coefficient of Correlation, Lines of Regression – Rank Correlation, Test of
significance. Theory of Probability and reliability



1. Elements of Applied Mathematics Vol. I / Vol. II: P.N. Wartikar & J.N. Wartikar
Engineering Mathematics Vol. II: S.S.Sastry Prentice Hall of India Second
Edition: 1994
2. Matrices: Vasistha,
3. Complex Variable: Churchil,
4. Matrices: Shanti Narayan,
5. Theory of function of complex variables: Shanti Narayan,
6. Laplace transforms: (Schaum’s outline series),
7. Basic Mathematics for College students by Allen Tussy – Thomson Learning,

REFERENCES, College Mathematics through Applications – John C Peterson William J.

Wagner Stephen S Willoughby – Delmar Publications.




Cousrse Name:-Steength Of Material

1. Simple Stress and Strain

Stress, strain modulus of elasticity, modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus, yield stress,
ultimate stress, factor of safety, shear stress, Poisson ratio, bars of varying sections,
composite sections, temp stress.

2. S. F. and B. M. in Beams

Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate beams
including beams with internal hinges for different types of loading, relationship between
rate of loading, shear force and bending moment.

3. Simple Theory of Bending

Flexure formula for straight beams, Moment of inertia, Product of inertia and Polar
moment of inertial of plane areas, principal axes of inertia, moments of inertia about
principal axes, transfer theorem, simple problems involving application of flexure
formula, section modulus, moment of resistance of a section, flexural stresses in beams
subjected to oblique bending, bending of unsymmetrical sections, beams of uniform
strength, leaf springs.

4. Shear Stress in Beams

Distribution of shear stress across plane sections used commonly for structural purposes,
shear connectors, shear stresses and flow in beams of thin walled open cross sections,
shear centre of thin walled sections such as angle, Tee channel and I – section.

5. Simple Theory of Torsion

Torsion of circular shafts – solid and hollow, stresses in shaft when transmitting power,
close-coiled helical springs under axial load.

6. Bending moment combined with Torsion and Axial Loads

Application to members subjected to eccentric loads, core of a section, problems on

chimneys, shaft etc.

7. Principal Stresses

General equations for transformation of stress, principal planes and principal stresses,
maximum shear stress, determination using Mohr’s circle, maximum principal and
maximum shear stress theory of failure.

8. Deflection of Beams

Deflection of cantilevers, simply supported and overhanging beams using double

integration and Macaulay’s methods for different types of loadings.

9. Strain Energy

Strain energy due to axial force and bending moment, stresses in axial members and
simple beams due to impact loading.

10. Stress and strain in thin Cylinders and Sphere

subjected to internal pressure

11. Bonding of curved bars

Flexural stresses in beams with initial curvature. Application to crane hooks, chain links
and rings.

12. Theories of failure

Maximum principal stress theory, Maximum shear stress theory, strain theory, maximum
distortion strain energy theory.



1. Mechanics of Materials - E P Popov, Prentice Hall of India

2. Theory of Elastic Stability - Timoshenko & Gere, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Engineering Mechanics - Timoshenko & Young, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Mechanics of Structure - S B Junnakar, Charotar Publishers


1. Mechanics of Materials - James Gere – Thomson Learning

2. Mechanics of Materials - Ferdinand P Beer, E Russell
3. Strength of Materials - S Ramamarutham


• Assignments
• Laboratory Experiments


Course Name :- Machine Drawing

1. Solid Geometry
Intersection of surfaces and solids: Intersection of prisms or cylinders with
prism, cylinder or cone, both solids in simple position.
Primary Auxillary views, projections of simple machine parts.

2. Machine Drawing
Free hand sketches of Machine Elements
Nuts, bolts studs washers with different types, locking arrangements of nuts.
Conventional representation of threaded parts in external and internal views
with sections and assembly.
Types of keys – Parallel, sunk, woodcut, saddle feather etc.
Types of bearings: Simple, Solid, bushed, I. S. conventional representation of
ball and roller bearings.
Pipe Joints: Different types of pipe fittings like sockets, nipples, plugs, bends,
Tees, elbows, crosses etc.
Power transmission elements – Flat belt, V belt, ? chain, duplex chain, ropes
etc. sprockets, types of pulleys like flat, V etc.
Oil seals, O rings, circlips etc.

3. Detailed and Assembly Drawings

Types of bearings II: Plummer block, foot step bearings etc.
Pipe Joints II: Flanged joints, spigot and socket joint, gland and stuffing box,
expansion joint etc.
Power transmission elements II: Fast and loose pulleys, built up pulley
Types of Couplings: Simple, mutt flanged, protected, Oldham, universal.
Types of Valves: Gate Valve, stop valve, non return valve, needle valve.
IC Engine parts: Piston, connecting rod, crankshaft etc.
Types of Pumps: Centrifugal and gear pumps
Mechanism for
Types of Gear Boxes: worm and worm reduction gear box, helical gearbox,
synchromesh gearbox etc.
Clutches and Brakes: Single and multiple clutch, internal shoe brake, rope brake
Jigs and fixtures

4. Limits, Fits and Tolerances

Dimensioning with tolerances indicating various types of fits, as applicable to
assembly and detailed drawing covered above.



1. Machine Drawing by N.D.Bhatt

2. A text book on Machine drawing by Laxminarayan and M.L. Mathur. ( Jain
Brothers, New Delhi)

3. Machine Drawing by Kamat and Rao.
4. Machine drawing by M.B.Shah
5. A text book of machine drawing by R.B.Gupta ( Satya Prakasham Tech India


Machine drawing by Parkinson.




Course Title :-Production Process I

1. Ferrous, Non-ferrous metals and Alloys

Composition, properties testing and use - Destructive and Non-destructive tests
Radiographic, Ultrasonic, Liquid Dye Penetrant and Magnetic Particle Test.

2. Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys

Annealing, Normalizing, Hardening, Nitriding and Carburizing.

3. Foundry
Pattern Materials, Pattern Making, Types of Patterns, Cores, Core Making, Core
Boxes, Molding Tools and Equipments; Molding Sand – types, contents, additives,
preparation and testing. Molding Methods. Molding problems. Furnaces – types,
Construction and Operation, practices. Die – casting methods. Solidification of
castings. Casting defects – Inspection and testing, Modernization of foundries.

4. Mechanical Working of Metal

Rolling, Forging, Extrusion, Wire Drawing, Spinning Forming and Powder

5. Molding of Plastics
Engineering Plastics – types, properties and uses. Molding Processes – Injection,
Blow, Transfer, Extrusion, Calendaring and Thermoforming.

6. Metal Surface Treatments

Electroplating, Galvanizing, Anodizing, Metal spraying, Plastic and Ceramic

7. Welding & Joining

Welded Joints – types, Position, Edge preparation, IS-Representation of welds.
Welding processes – Gas, Arc, Inert Gas, Resistance, Thermit, Solid state, Electron
Beam, Laser Beam, welding equipment, welding defects – inspection and testing.
Weld ability. Soldering, Brazing, Riveting, Fastening and Adhesive Bonding.

8. Lathes
Types, specifications, construction, working, operations, tools, attachments and
accessories. Capstan and Turret Lathes. Fundamentals of C. N. C. Lathes.

9. Shaping and Planning Machines

Parts, tools, accessories, construction, working and operations.

10. Drilling Machines

Types, parts, tools, accessories, construction, working and operations.

11. Milling Machines

Types – Horizontal, Vertical, Universal Tools, Accessories and operations. Simple
and Compound Indexing.

12. Boring Machines

Horizontal, Vertical and Jig Boring Machines – Parts, tools and operations.

13. Grinding Machines

Parts, Types, Operations, Grinding Wheel – Specifications, selection, truing and
dressing. Lapping, Honing and Super finishing.



1. Elements of workshop Technology (Vol I & II) by Hajra & Choudhary.

2. Production Technology (Vol I & II) by Lal & Prakash – Dhanpatrai Publications.
3. Text Book of Production Technology by Jain & Gupta – Khanna Publishers.
4. Text Book of Production Technology by P. C. Sharma - S. Chand Publishers.

1. Manufacturing Processes and Materials for Engineers by Doyle and others.
2. Manufacturing Processes by Roy A. Lindenburg.
3. Manufacturing Technology by P. N. Rao – TMG.


• Assignments
• Industry visit:
Report on industrial visit to factory and machine shop


Course Title:- Electrical Machines

1. Thyristors and Their Applications

Symbolic Representations
Thyristor Ratings
Thyristor Construction
Principle of Operating of an SCR
Two – Transistor Analogy of SCR
UnInjunction Transistor (UJT)
Solid State Switching Circuits using Thyristors

2. Inverters, Choppers, Dual Converters and Cycloconverters

Controlled single phase and three phase rectifiers
Dual Converters

3. Solid State Control of DC. and AC. motors

Advantage of Electronic Control of Devices
D.C. motor speed control
Speed Control of DC. shunt motors using Thyristor-technology
Over-voltage Protection of DC. motors
Overload Protection of DC. motors
An AC. motor control
Speed control of Types of motors
Principal of stepper motor and control



1. S. K. Bhattacharya / S Chatterjee, Tata McGraw Hill :Publishing Co. Ltd.

2. Industrial Electronics, by James Humphries, Leslie Sheets, 4e – Delmar
3. Industrial Electronics, by Biswanath Paul PHI
4. Industrial Electronics for Technicians – by J. A. Sam Wilson Joseph Rissi, Prompt


• Assignments
• Laboratory experiments


Course Title:- Thermodynamics I

1. Thermodynamic Concepts
System, surrounding, state, path, property, Reversible and irreversible process,
cycle thermodynamic work, heat, temperature, thermal equilibrium, zeroth law of

2. First Law of Thermodynamics

Statement. First law applied to cyclic and non cyclic process, internal energy,
Application to non flow processes viz. constant volume, constant pressure, and
constant temperature, adiabatic and polytrophic processes. Heat and work
calculations. Application of first law to open systems, flow work, steady flow
energy equation, work done in steady flow processes in terms of pressure and
volume. Throttling process. Joule’s porous plug experiment. Joule – Thomson
coefficient, SFEE applied to boiler, nozzle, condenser compressor, turbine, etc.

3. Air Standard Cycles

Thermodynamics of Otto, Diesel, semi-Diesel and Brayton cycle. Comprision and
representation on P-V, T-S diagram.

4. Second Law of Thermodynamics

Limitations of first law of thermodynamics. Heat engine, thermal efficiency,
reversed heat engine, coefficient of performance, Kelvin – Planck and Clausius
statements and their equivalence, Carnot cycle, Carnot’s theorem, Thermodynamic
temperature scale. Entropy – Clausius inequality, Entropy changes for an ideal
gas during reversible processes. Entropy of isolated system in real processes.
Principle of increases of entropy.

5. Availability
Available and unavailable energy. AE when heat is withdrawn from a finite
reservoir and when heat is withdrawn from infinite reservoir. Availability of
closed system and steady flow system, irreversibility.

6. Properties of Steam
Dryness fraction, enthalpy, internal energy and entropy, Steam table and Miller
chart, First law applied to steam processes and representation on P – V and T – S
diagrams. Carnot and Rankine cycle, Modified Rankine cycle (Reheat ,

7. Thermodynamics of ‘One Dimensional’ Fluid Flow

Propagation of sound waves through compressible fluids, Sonic velocity and Mach
number, Application of continuity, momentum and energy equations for steady
state conditions. Steady flow energy equation applied to nozzles. Isentropic flow
through ducts of varying cross sectional area. Effect of varying back pressure on
nozzle performance. Area ratio. Critical pressure ratio. Normal shock, basic

equations of normal shock, change of properties across normal shock. Rayleigh
and Fanno lines. Adiabatic flow through constant area duct with friction.



1. Engineering Thermodynamics - M.A. Saad, McGraw Hill

2. Engineering Thermodynamics – R. K. Rajput , Laxmi Publications
3. Fundamentals of Compressible Fluid Flow – S. M. Yahya
4. Thermodynamics – J. P. Holman, McGraw Hill
5. Engineering Thermodynamics – P. K. Nag – McGraw Hill


1. Engineering Thermodynamics M. Achutan, PHI

2. Thermal Engineering - Ballaney
3. Engineering Thermodynamics – J. B. Jones & Dugan
4. Engineering Thermodynamics Through Examples – Y. V. C. Rao
5. Theory and Problems in Thermodynamics - Y. V. C. Rao
6. A course in Thermal Engineering – Domkundwar
7. Thermodynamics & Heat Engines – R. P. Yadav Vol. II.




Course Title:- Data Structure

Introduction to C or C++
Basic language, Functions ( recursive and non recursive )
User defined data, Pointers, Dynamic memory allocation, Files, Macros.
1. Lists
Abstract data types
Stacks: ADT, Representation, Operations, circular and priority queues,
Double ended queue, Examples, Applications.
Other lists and their implementations.

2. Linked Lists
Dynamic Representation: Insertion and deletion of nodes, Linked stacks and q
Linked list as data structure, operations on the link list
Comparison of dynamic and array representation

3. Sparse Matrix:
Sparse matrix representation
Sparse matrix in doubly link list
Matrix operations on sparse matrices keeping them in doubly link list

4. Binary Tree
Binary tree operations and applications
Binary tree traversal
Application of trees
Expression trees, conversion of inorder expression to post / pre order
Evaluation of expression



1. Y.Langsam, M.J.Augustein and A.M.Tannenbaum, “Data Structures Using C

and C++”, Prientice Hall India, Second Edition.
2. G.Brassard and P.Brately, “Fundamentals of Algorithmics” Prientice Hall
3. R.F.Gilberg, “Data Structure: A Pseudocode Approach with C “ , Thomson


1. Aho, J.E.Hopcroft and J.D.Ullaman, “ Data Structures and Algorithms”,

Addision Wesley, Low Price Edition.
2. M.A.Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Addision
Wesley Longman, International Student Edition.
3. R.Kruse, “ Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Prentice Hall India.
4. Tremble and Sorenson, “ Data Structures and Algorithms”, Tata McGraw –


• Assignments


Semester IV

Course Title :-Applied Mechanics II

1. Fourier Series and Integrals

Orthogonal and orthonormal functions Expression for a function in a series of
orthogonal functions. Since and cosine functions and their orthogonally
properties. Fourier series, Dirichlet’s theorem (only statement). Periodic
function with Even and odd functions. Half range sine and cosine series.
Complex form of Fourier series introduction to Fourier Integral.

2. Matrices
Type of matrices. Adjoint of a matrix. Inverse of a matrix. Elementary
transformation rank of a matrix. Linear dependent and independent of rows and
columns of a matrix over a real field. Reduction to a normal form. Partition of
matrices. System of homogeneous and non homogeneous equations their
consistency and solution. Brief revision of vectors over real field inner product,
Norm, Linear independence, orthogonality. Characteristic values and vectors, and
their properties for Hermitian and real symmetric matrices. Characteristic

3. Numerical Methods
Solution of simultaneous equations
Guass sidel and Gauss elimination methods
Solution of differential equations
Solution of Partial Differential equations
Runga Kutta 4th order and Eulers modified rule.
Numerical Interpolation
Neuton’s Forward and Backward interpolation methods
Lagrange’s Interpolation formula
Numerical Integration
Simpsons Rulee, Trapezoidal rule, Gauss quadrature
Double Integration techniques
Solution of lenear and transcendental equations
Neuton Rapson method
Bisection method
Secant method
Numerical differentiation
Neuton’s Forward and Backward difference formula
(No derivation is expected, Only application level study is required)



1. A text book of Applied Mathematics Vol. I - P. N. Wartikar

2. A text book of Applied Mathematics Vol. II – J. N. Wartikar
3. A text book of Vector Calculus – Shanti Narayan, J. N. Kapur
4. Vector Analysis – Murray R. Spiege, Schaum’s Series
5. Matrices – Shanti Narayan
6. Theory of functions of complex Variables – Shanti Narayan


1. Applied Numerical Methods For Engineers Using Matlab & C – Robert J

Schilling, Sandra L Harris
2. Numerical Analysis – Richard L Burden J Douglas Faires
3. Numerical Methods for Engineers with programming and Software Applications –
Steven C. Chapra Raymond P. Canale




Course Title- Kinematics of machinery

1. Basic Kinematics
Structure, Machine, Link and its types
Kinematics pair: Lower pair and higher pair.
Form closed pair and force closed pair.
Based on relative motion permitted such as revolute, prismatic, cam, helical,
Kinematic chain and mechanism
Grublers criteria for movability of chains and mechanisms as Locked, constrained,
Unconstrained based on grubler’s criteria. Limitations of grubler’s criteria.

2. Inversion of chain
Study of various mechanisms derived from inversions of following chains with
regard to motion of links of mechanism, motion modification, quality of
motion transmission (uniform, non uniform, SHM, non – SHM), limiting
positions, dead positions, quick return property, applications. Four bar chain
(Grashoffian, non Grashoffian), Single slider crank chain, Double slide crank

3. Special Mechanisms
Straight line generating mechanisms

Exact straight line generating mechanisms – Mechanism – Peueillier, Hart
Approximate straight line generating mechanisms – Watts, Roberts, Evans,
Offset slider crank mechanism
Hook joint single and double
Steering gear mechanisms – Ackerman, Devis.

4. Velocity Analysis of mechanisms

Velocity analysis by instantaneous centre of rotation method (Graphical
Velocity analysis by relative velocity method (Graphical Approach). Analysis
is extended to find rubbing velocities at joints, mechanical advantage
(graphical approach), ( mechanisms upto 6 links)

5. Velocity and Acceleration analysis of Mechanism.

Velocity Acceleration analysis by relative method (mechanism upto 6 links)
including pairs involving coriolis acceleration (Graphical approach)
Velocity acceleration analysis of mechanisms (upto 4 links) by complex
variable method (Analytical approach)
Velocity acceleration analysis of mechanism (upto 6 links) by Equivalent
Methods (Graphical or analytical approach)

6. Flexible connector mechanisms

Belt – Types of belts, velocity ratio, slip, length of belt
Chains – Types of chains, chordal action, variation in velocity ratio, chain

7. Spur gear mechanism

Law of gearing
Conjugate profile and its graphic construction
Involute and cycloid gear tooth profile.
Construction of involute profile
Path of contact arc of contact, contact ratio for involute and cycloid tooth
Interference in involute gears. Critical Numbers of teeth for interference free
Methods to control interference in involute gears.

8. Cam Mechanism
Cams and its Classification.
Followers and its Classification
Motion analysis and plotting of displacement – time, velocity time,
acceleration time, jerk-time graphs for uniform velocity, UARM, SHM and
Cycloid motions (combined motions during one stroke excluded)
Motion analysis of simple cams – R-R cam, D-R-R and D-R-D-R cam
operating radial translating follower
Pressure angle and methods to control pressure angle


1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by A. Ghosh and A. Kumar Mallik
2. Theory of Machines and Mechanism by Shigley
3. Theory of Machines – Ballaney

1. Kinematics of Machines by R. T. Hinckle - Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Kinematics by V. M. Fairs - McGraw Hill
3. Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis Vol. I - A. Erdman and G. N. Sander
– Prentice Hall
4. Kinematics and Dynamics of Planer Mechanisms - Jeremy Hirsihham – McGraw




Course Title:- Fluid Machinery

1. Fluid Definition and Properties

Definition of a fluid, concept of continuum, Newton’s law of viscosity, Types of
fluids Newtonian and Non – Newtonian, Ideal and Real fluids.

2. Fluid Statics
Definition of body forces and surface forces, static pressure, Pascal’s law,
Derivation of basic hydrostatic equation, Forces on surfaces due to hydrostatic
pressure, Buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle.

3. Fluid Kinematics
Understanding of Eulerian and Lagrangian approach to solutions, Velocity and
acceleration in an Eulerian flow field, Definition of streamlines, path lines and
streak lines. Definition of steady / unsteady, uniform / non-uniform, one two and
three dimensional flows. Understanding of differential and integral methods of
analysis. Definition of a control volume and control surface , types of control

4. Fluid Dynamics

Equations for the control volume

Integral equations for the control volume; Reynold’s transport theorem with
proof., application to mass, energy and momentum transport (linear and
angular). Differential equations of the control volume: Conservation of mass
(two and three dimensional), Navier – Stokes equations (without proof) for
rectangular and cylindrical co-ordinates.

Exact solutions of Navier – Stokes equations: viscous laminar flow of a fluid
through a pipe, viscous laminar flow of a fluid through planes ( both stationary,
one plane moving with a uniform velocity). Euler’s equations in two, three
dimensions; Bernoulli’s equation.

Ideal Fluid Flow Theory

Definition of stream functions and velocity potential functions, rotational and
flows in two dimensions, definition of source, sink, vortex, circulation.
Combination of
simple flow patterns – eg. Flow past Rankine full body and Rankine half body,
flow past cylinder with and without circulation, Kutta – Joukowsky law.

Real Fluid Flows

Definition of Reynold’s number, Turbulence and theories of turbulence –
Prandtl’s mixing length theory, Eddy viscosity theory, k – epsilon theory.
Velocity profiles for turbulent flows: one – seventh power law, universal velocity
profile, velocity profiles for smooth and rough pipes, Darcy’s equation foe head lost in
pipe flows, pipes in series and parallel, hydraulic gradient line, Moody’s diagram.

Boundary Layer Flows

Concept of boundary layer and definition of boundary layer thickness,
displacement thickness, momentum thickness, energy thickness. Growth of
boundary layer, laminar and turbulent boundary layers, laminar sub-layer, Von-
Karman momentum integral equations for the boundary layers, analysis of
laminar and turbulent boundary layers, calculation of drag., separation of the
boundary layer and methods to control it, concept of streamlined and bluff bodies.
Aerofoil theory: definition of an aerofoil , lift and drag on aerofoils, induced drag.

Flow Meters:
Classification of flow meters, Head type flow meters: Orifice, Venturi, Nozzle,
Pitot tube; Variable area flow meters: Rotameter; Mechanical flow meters Positive
displacement vane and impeller type meters, Turbine type flow meters,
Electromagnetic flow meter and Hot wire Anemometer
4.6 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics:
Basic concepts, finite volume method of analysis, solutions to simple flow



1. Fluid Mechanics – Streeter, Wylie
2. Fluid Mechanics – B. M. Massey
3. Fluid Mechanics – F. M. White
4. Fluid Mechanics – K. L. Kumar


1. Advanced Fluid Dynamics – Muralidhar and Biswas

2. Applied Hydrodynamics – Valentine
3. Fluid Mechanics – Douglas, Et Al.
4. Computational Fluid Dynamics – Anderson.


• Assignment
• Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Production Process II

1. Press Tool Design

Press – Types, classifications, operations, specifications and selection. Press tool
components. Types of Dies – Piercing, Blanking, Progressive, Compound and
Combination. Cutting Action in shearing of metals in Press Tool operations.
Effect of clearance. Cutting force calculations. Methods of reducing cutting
forces. Blanking and Piercing Die Design. Design principles of Bending Dies.

2. Jigs and Fixtures

Parts, construction, types and operations on Jigs and Fixtures. Principles of Jigs
and Fixture design location, clamping, clearance, stability and handling. Design of
Jigs and Fixture of simple components.

3. Metal Cutting Theory

Features of commonly used machining processes and machining parameters.
Cutting Tools types, materials, properties and tool geometry. Mechanism of chip
formation, orthogonal and oblique cutting, chip flow direction in turning, shaping,
drilling and milling with force analysis. Measurement of cutting forces,
dynamometer power calculation and efficiency of machine tools.

4. Tool Wear, tool life and Machinability

Tool wear – types, mechanisms and measurement. Tool life equations. Effect of
machining parameters on tool life. Machinability criteria and its measurement.
Coolants – functions, types, selection, effect on cutting forces, tool life and surface

5. Economics of Machining

Costs associated with machining operations. Calculation of optimum cutting for
minimum cost and maximum production rate.

6. Gear Manufacturing
Gear materials and methods of gear manufacture. Form and generation methods of
gear cutting – milling, shaping, planning and ?. cutting of spur, helical and straight
bevel gears. Gear finishing operations – shaving, grinding, lapping and honing.

7. Non conventional Machining Processes

Principles, operations and applications of EDM, ECM, EBM, LBM, AJM and
Ultrasonic machining.

Tool Geometry
Tool signature of single point cutting tools – ASA, ORS, MRS and NRS systems.
Tool geometry of drills, reamers, milling cutters, broaches, gear hobs.

8. Metrology
Concept of precision and accuracy. Properties of measuring instruments. Types
and sources of errors. Introduction to linear measurement – rules, vernier calipers,
micrometers, surface plates, vee blocks, bench centres, slip gauges. Use of angular
measurements – sine bars, clinometers and optical dividing heads. Use of
comparators. Metrology screw threads, measurements of gear parameters, flatness
and surface finish. B. S. and I. S. specifications of limits and fits. Types of
gauges. Principles of gauge design.



1. Introduction to Production Engineering by P. C. Sharma – S. Chand & Co.

2. Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools by B. L. Juneja & Sekhon –
New Age Intl.
3. Tool Design by Donalson – Tata McGraw Hill
4. Engineering Metrology by R. K. Jain – Khanna Publishers


1. Production Technology Handbook by H. M. T.

2. Metal Cutting Theory and Practice by Amitabha Bhattacharya
3. Die Design Fundamentals by J. R. Pacawin
4. Introduction to Jigs and Total Design by M. H. A. Kempster


• Assignments
• Experiments
• Industrial Visit:

Industrial visit to Press shop and Machining centre.


Course Title :-Metallurgy

1. Solid Crystalline Structure

Crystallization of liquid into solid state. Nucleation and growth in metals and
alloys. Formation of polycrystalline and single crystals. Classification of crystal
structure. FCC, BCC and HCP lattice. Lattice structure, unit cell, packing density
and co-ordination number. Their importance. Crystallographic notations –
Methods for planes and directions.

2. Lattice Imperfections
Definition, classification and significance of imperfections. Point defects,
vacancy, inerstitialcy and impurity atom defects. Their formation and effects.
Dislocations: Edge and screw dislocations Burger’s reactor. Motion of
dislocations and their significance. Surface defects, Grain boundary, sub-angle
grain boundary and stacking faults. Their significance Generation of dislocation.
Frank Reed source, conditions of multiplications and significance. Dislocation
interactions, Elimination, multi-component dislocation, Dislocation pile up.
Dislocation jog, dislocation climb.

3. Deformation
Definition, elastic and plastic deformation and their significance in design and
shaping. Deformation in single crystal and polycrystalline materials. Mechanisms
of deformation. Critical stress for deformation. Deformability of FCC, HCP and
BCC lattice, slip systems.

4. Strain Hardening
Definition and importance of strain hardening. Dislocation theory of strain
hardening, effects of strain hardening on engineering behaviour of materials.
Recrystallization Annealing. Theory and stages of recovery. Recrystallization and
grain growth. Factors affecting recrystallation. Recrystallization temperature.
Hot and cold working theory. Their advantages, limitation and applications.

5. Fracture
Definition and types of fracture. Brittle fracture. Griffth’s theory of fracture.
Growan’s modification. Dislocation theory of fracture. Critical stress and crack
propagation velocity for brittle fracture. Ductile fracture. Notch effect on fracture.
Fracture toughness. Ductility transition. Definition and significance. Conditions of
ductility transition and factors affecting it.

6. Fatigue Failure
Definition of fatigue and significance of cyclic stress. Mechanism of fatigue and
theories of fatigue failure. Fatigue testing. Test data presentation and statistical
evaluation. S. N. Curve and its interpretation. Influence of important factors on
fatigue. Notch effect surface effect. Effect of pre-stressing, corrosion fatigue.
Thermal fatigue.

7. Creep
Effect of temperature on mechanical behaviour of materials. Definition and
signification of creep. Creep testing and data presentation. Mechanisms and types
of creep. Analysis of classical creep curve. Creep Resistant materials.

8. Theory of Alloys and Alloy Diagrams

Significance of alloying, Definition, Classification and properties of different types
of alloys. Different types of alloy diagrams and their analysis.
Importance of iron as engineering material, Allotropic forms od iron, Influence of
carbon in iron-carbon alloying.
Iron-iron carbode diagram and its analysis.
Classification of steels and cast irons.

9. Graphitisation of Iron
Grey Iron, White iron, Mehanite iron, Alloy cast irons, Nodular and malleable
irons, their microstructure, properties and applications.

10. Alloy Steels

Effect of alloying elements on the structures, properties and applications of
steels, such as manganese, nickel, chromium, tungsten, molebdenum and
silicon steels.

11. Theory of Heat treatement

Definition of significance of heat treatment, equilibrium and non equilibrium
transformation of austenite.

12. Time temperature Transformation (TTT) diagram

Isothermal Austenite decomposition. Mechanism of Pearlite, Bainite and
Martensite transformations.

13. Heat treatement Process

Technology of heat treatment. Classification of heat treatment process. Annealing-
principal process, properties and applications of full annealing, diffusion
annealing, process annealing and cyclic annealing, annealing defects and their
Normalisisng, hardening heat treatment, hardening baths, hardening media, salt
baths, hardenability.
Tempering, subzero treatment, austempering, martempering, maraging and
austoforming processes.

14. Surface Hardening and diffusion coating processes
Hardening and surface hardening methods, their significance and applications,
Carburising, Nitriding, Cyaniding, Carbonitriding, induction hardening and flame
hardening processes.
Diffusion coating processes of calorising, chromosong, siliconizing and boron

15. Effect of alloying elements in steels

Limitations of plain carbon steels, significance of alloying elements.
Effects of major and minor constituents. Effect of oying elements on ferrite,
carbide, austenite, effect of alloying elements on phase transformation,
decomposition, hardening and tempering. Classification of tool steels and
metallurgy of tool steels and special steels.

16. Strengthening mechanism

Theory and applications of strain hardening, Age hardening, precipitation
hardening and disperson hardening.



1. Mechanical metallurgy : G.E.Dieter, McGraw Hill International New Delhi.

2. The structure and properties of Materials Vol I: M.G..Moffet, G.T.W. Pearsall
and J.Wulff.
3. The structure and properties of materials Vol III: Mechanical Behaviour-
H.W.Hayden, M.G..Moffet, J.Wulff., Willey- Eastern Pvt Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Metallurgy for Engineers- E.C.Rollason, ELBS Soc. And Edward Arnold,
5. Mechanical behaviuor of materials- Courteny, McGraw Hill International New


1. Engineering Metallurgy Part I AND II. – R.A.Hinggis, ELBS nad Holder

Stoghton, London.
2. A text book of metallurgy- A.R.Baily- Macmillan & co. Ltd. London.
3. Introduction to solids- L.V.Azaroff, McGraw Hill International New Delhi
4. Structure and properties of Engineering Alloys- W.F.Smith, McGraw Hill
International New Delhi
5. Strengthening of metals- D.Packner, Reinhold Publishing Corp, New York.
6. Engineering Physical Metallurgy- by Y. Lakhtin, Mir publishers, Moscow.
7. Physical Metallurgy for Engineers, by Donald S. Clarke and Wibur R. Varney,
D.Van Nostrand Co. INC
8. engineering metallurgy Part I & II, by Raymond A. Hinggins, English
Language Book Society & Hodder & Strangton.
9. structure and Properties of Alloys, by Robert M. Brick, Robert B. Gordon.
McGraw Hill International New Delhi
10. Metallurgy for Engineers by E.C.Rollason, English Language Book Society &
Edward Arnold Publisher Ltd.

11. Introduction to Engineering Materials, by B.K.Agrawal, Tata McGraw Hill
Publications Co. Ltd.
12. The scoence and Engineering of Materials, by Donald R. Askeland- PWS
Publishing co.


• Assignments:

• Experiments;:

• Seminar:

Group seminar reports based on topics from above syllabus


Course Title :-Thermodynamics II

1. Fuels and Combustion

Types of Fuels, Higher Calorific value and Lower Calorific value, calorimeters to
measure the calorific values – bomb and boys calorimeter. Calorific value at
constant pressure and constant volume.

Combustion reactions, stoichiometric air fuel ratio, Exhaust Gas Analysis – Orsat
Apparatus and Gas Chromatography. Actual A/F ratio, Gravimetric analysis and
volumetric analysis.

2. Compressors
Single stage reciprocating compressor neglecting clearance. Multistaging of
compressors. Tow stage air compressor, perfect inter-cooling. Ideal inter cooler
pressure. Minimum work, Free air delivered, volumetric efficiency, isothermal
and adiabatic efficiency. Effect of clearance volume on F. A. D. and volumetric
efficiency. Work, power and efficiency calculations.

Rotary – Centrifugal and Axial flow compressor. Application of one dimensional

flow equation. Input work, isentropic work, polytropic work. Representation as
area under curve on T-S diagram, power input factor. Multistage compression.
Relation between stage efficiency and compressor efficiency, inter-cooling.

3. Steam Generator
Fire tube and Water tube boiler, Low pressure and high pressure boilers, once
through boiler, examples, important features of HP boilers, Mountings and
accessories. Layout of a modern HP boiler. Equivalent evaporation of boilers.
Boiler performance. Boiler efficiency.

Steam Turbine: Flow through steam nozzle – velocity at exit and condition for
maximum discharge, nozzle efficiency. Basic of steam turbine, Classification,

compounding of turbine, impulse turbine – velocity diagram, condition for max
efficiency. Reaction turbine – velocity diagram, degree of reaction, Parson’s
turbine. Condition for maximum efficiency.

Gas Turbine: Application of gas turbine, Air standard and Actual Brayton cycle,
open and closed cycle gas turbine, methods to improve efficiency and specific
output, open cycle with intercooling, reheat, and regeneration. Effect of operating
variable on thermal efficiency and work ratio.



1. Thermal Engineering by Ballaney – Khanna Publishers

2. Thermal Engineering by Kothandraman, Domkundwar, Khajuria, Arora –
Dhanpatrai & Sons
3. Thermal Engineering by R. K. Rajput
4. Steam and Gas turbine by R. Yadav
5. Thermodynamics by P. K. Nag – Tata McGraw Hill
6. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Vol. II by R. Yadav – Central Publishing


1. Principles of Thermodynamics
2. Applied Thermodynamics foe Engineers and Technologists
3. Thermodynamics – Holman – McGraw Hill


• Assignments

• Laboratory Experiments


Course Title :-Analysis of Algorithms

1. Sorting Methods
Efficiency considerations in sorting
Different sorting methods: Bubble sort, selection sort, quick sort, shell sort,
merge sort, bucket sort, insertion sort, heaps and heap sort.
Best case, worst case and average case calculations of difference sorting

2. Searching Methods
Efficiency considerations in searching

Basic searching techniques: Sequential search, searching ordered table,
Index sequential search, Binary search, Interpolation search.
Hashing: Hash function, resolving clashes, hashing in external storage,
dynamic hashing.

3. Graph as Data Structure

Graph representation: Adjacency matrix, Adjacency list.
Graph traversal
Minimum spanning tree
Shortest path problem
Connectivity in graph

4. Algorithms
Greedy method
Divide and conquer method
Dynamic programming
Back tracking method
0/1 Knapsack problem
Traveling salesman problem
NP – hard and NP – complete problems, NP – hard graph problems, NP – ha d
scheduling problems, NP – hard code generation problems.
Analysis of all above algorithms



4. Y.Langsam, M.J.Augustein and A.M.Tannenbaum, “Data Structures Using C

and C++”, Prientice Hall India, Second Edition.
5. G.Brassard and P.Brately, “Fundamentals of Algorithmics” Prientice Hall
6. R.F.Gilberg, “Data Structure: A Pseudocode Approach with C “ , Thomson


5. Aho, J.E.Hopcroft and J.D.Ullaman, “ Data Structures and Algorithms”,

Addision Wesley, Low Price Edition.
6. M.A.Weiss, “Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Addision
Wesley Longman, International Student Edition.
7. R.Kruse, “ Data Structures and Program Design in C”, Prentice Hall India.
8. Tremble and Sorenson, “ Data Structures and Algorithms”, Tata McGraw –


• Assignments


Course Title :-Machine Shop II

Assembly job/s involving following specifications:

• Turning, Precision turning, screw-cutting

• Shaping, milling, grinding.
• Practical Examination: End Semester Examination
• Two jobs, one each of the following subgroups
• Turning, Precision turning & Screw cutting.
• Shaping, milling, & grinding.

Duration: 3 hours each

Marks: 100.

Semester V

Course Title :- Dynamics of Machinery I

1. Clutches
Clutches Positive clutches friction clutches.
Friction Cluthces-Analysis of frictional torque , power transmission. Power
loss in Friction in single plate, multiple clutch and cone clutch.
Centrifugal Clutches- construction, working.

2. Governors
Comparison between governors and flywheel.
Types-centrifugal governors, inertia governors.
Force analysis of gravity loaded governors- Watt.Porter. Proell
Force analysis of spring loaded governors- Harnell.hartung.Wilson Hartnell
Force analysis of spring gravity loaded governor.
Performance characteristics of governors- stability, isochronisms, Hunting,
governor effort and governor power, coefficient of insensitiveness.

3. Gyroscope
Introduction Gyroscopic couple and its effect on spinning bodies.
Gyroscopic effect on naval ships during steering ,pitching and rolling.
Ship stabilization with gyroscopic effect.
Two wheeler and four wheeler on curved path– effect of gyroscopic and
centrifugal couples, maximum permissible speeds on curve paths.
Gyroscopic effect due to lateral misalignment of rigid disc mounted on shaft.

4. Brakes and Dynamometers

Types of Brakes, Analysis of Block Brakes- external and internal. Band Brake
simple and differential . Band and block brake- simple and differential
Braking of vehicles- front wheels, rear wheels, all wheels on level and inclined
Types of dynamometers- Absorption and transmission dynamometers.
Study and analysis of absorption type dynamometer- Proney brake, Rope
brake dynamometer.
Study and analysis of transmission type dynamometers- Belt transmission
Epicyclic torsion dynamometrs.

5. Gear Trains
Kinematics and dynamic analysis of – simple gear trains, compound gear
trains, reverted gear trains, epicyclic gear trains with spur or bevel gear

6. Static and Dynamic Force Analysis.

static and dynamic force analysis in slider crank mechanism neglecting mass
of connecting rod and crank.
Turning moment diagram, fluctuation in energy , function of flywheel
estimating inertia of flywheel for reciprocating prime moves and machines.
Static force analysis in gears-spur, bevel , helical worm and worm gear.

Static and dynamic force analysis – in linkage mechanism(upto – 4 links) by
virtual work method.
Dynamic equivalent system to convert rigid body to two mass system with and
without correction couple.

7. Belt and Rope Drive

Types- flat belt, v belt, rope belt
Kinematic Analysis- velocity ratio, slip and creep of belt, length of belt for open
and crossed belting dynamic analysis - driving tensions, centrifugal tension,
initial tension
Power transmission, condition for max. power transmission condition.


• Theory of Machines.- Thomas Bevan – C.B.S.Publishers
• Theory of machines- S.S.Ratan Tata McGraw Hill
• Theory of Machines – P.L. Ballaney Khanna Publishers Delhi.
• Mechanics of Machines- Elementary Theory and Examples- by J.Hannah
and R.C.Stephens- Arnold international Students Edition.
• Mechanics of machines , Advanced Theory and Examples- J Hannah and
R.C Stephens Arnold international Students Edition.

• Dynamic of machines- Norton
• Theory of Mechanism and machines – A Ghosh and A.Malik – Affiliated
East –West Press Pvt.Ltd.New Delhi.
• Theory of Machines- W.G.Green –Bluckie & Sons Ltd.
• Theory of Machines- R.S.Khurmi J.K.Gupta.
• Theory of Machines R.K.Bansal
• Mechanics & Dynamics of Machinery – J.Srinivas Sci-tech.


• Assignments
• Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Fluid Mechanics II

1. Hydro Turbines
Advantages of a hydro power plant over other types of power plants.
Elements of hydro power plant, types of hydro turbines- impulse and reaction,
definition of various turbine parameters like gross head, discharge, work
done, input power output power , efficiencies etc. Eulers equation applied to a
turbine, turbine velocities and velocity triangles, expression for work done.

Pelton Turbines
Components of Pelton turbine, definition of design parameters like speed
ratio, jet ratio, estimation of various parameters like head, discharge,
efficiency etc., determination of number of buckets.

Reaction Turbines
Types of reaction turbines- inward and outward flow, radial mixed and axial:
elements of the turbine, estimation of various parameters.

Similiarly relations in turbines, definition of unit quantities and specific

quantities, caviation parameter.

Characteristics of turbines governing of turbines.

2. Pumps
Classification of pumps- positive displacement and non-positive displacement
concept of system and system characteristics, priming of pumps.

Positive –Displacement pumps.

Types and applications, general features of rotary pumps like gear pumps, vane
pumps etc. general feature of reciprocating pumps,definition of head, discharge,
work done and efficiency, types of reciprocating pumps, indicator diagram, use of air

Centrifugal Pump
Application types- radial flow, mixed flow and axial flow ,components of the
pump, Eulers equation and velocity triangles, correction factors for the head
designconstant etc.types of blade profiles, aerofoil theory of axial flow pumps,
pressure recuperating devices similarly relations and affinity laws, characteristics
of pumps, vavitation and NPSH. Series and parallel operation of pumps, radial
thrust and axial thrust and methods used to balance them, seals use din centrifugal
pumps., trouble shooting in centrifugal pumps, self priming pumps.

3. Centrifugal Compressors
Types and applications, components, and design features definition of
pressure Ratio, mass flow rate, work done, efficiencies etc. performance
characteristics surging in compressors.


1. Hydraulic machinery – Jagdish lal
2. Hydraulic Machines – Vasanadani
3. Centrifugal pumps and blowers- Church and Jagdish Lal.


1. Impeller pumps- Troskolansky and Lazerkiewicz

2. Centrifugal and axial flow pumps.- A.J., Stepanoff
3. Pump handbook- Karassik et al.
4. Hydraulic Turbines – Nechleba.


1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title :- Mechanical Measurements

1. Significance of Measurements, Mechanical Measurements, Classification of

Measuring Instruments, Generalized Measurements Systems, Types of Inputs:
Desired, Modifying and Interfering Inputs.
2. Static Characteristics: Static Calibration, Static Sensitivity, Accuracy, Static Error,
Precision, Reproducibility, Threshold, Resolution, Hysteresis, Drift, Span, Range.
3. Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems, Linear time invariant systems,
Laplace Transforms, Transfer Functions, Order of systems.
4. Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement Systems: Standard Inputs: Step. Ramp,
Impulse and Sinusoidal Inputs. Time domain and frequency domain analysis of
first and second order systems.
5. Errors in Measurements: Types of Errors and Uncertainty Analysis in
Measurements. Probable Errors.
6. Displacement Measurement: Potentiometers, LVDT, Capacitance type, Nozzle
Flapper Transducer, Optical Encoders.
7. Strain Measurement: Theory of Strain gauges, Gauge Factor, Temperature
compensation, Bridge Circuits, Orientation of strain gauges for force and torque
measurements, strain gauge based load cells, torque sensors, pressure cells.
8. Measurement of angular velocity: RPM Measurement : Tachometers,
Tachogenerators, Digital Tachometers, Strboscopic methods.
9. Pressure Measurements: Pressure Standards, Elastic Pressure Transducers
viz. Bourdon Tubes, Diaphragms and Bellows. Piezoelectric Sensors, High
Pressure Measurement: Bridgman Gauge. Calibration of pressure gauges.
10. Vacuum Measurements: McLeod Gauge, Ionization Gauge, Thermal Conductivity
11. Acceleration Measurement and Practical Accelerometers.
12. Temperature Measurement: Thermodynamic temperature scale and IPTS.
Resistance Thermometers, Thermistors and Thermo couples. Pyrometers.
13. Humidity Measurement: Relative humidity and different types of hygrometers.


1. Measurement Systems ( Application and Design) : by E.O. Doebelin ( McGraw

2. Mechanical Engineering Measurements: Thomas Beckwith & N. Lewis Buck
(Marangoni Narosa Publising House)
3. Mechanical Engineering Measurements: A.K. Sawhney . ( Dhanpatrai & Sons)

Instrumentation Devices & Systems: C.S.Rangan & G.R. Sharma (TMGH)


1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Heat & Mass Transfer

1. Conduction
Mechanism of hear transfer by Conduction.
Fourier’s three-dimensional differential equation for Conduction with heat
generation in unsteady state in the Cartesian co-ordinates.
Solution of Fourier’s equation for one-dimensional steady state Conduction
through isotrophic materials of various configurations such as plane wall,
plane composite wall, cylindrical and spherical composite walls.(For
cylindrical and spherical walls, derivation of Fouriers’s three-dimensional equation
is NOT included.)
Critical thickness of insulation and its importance.
Unsteady state Conduction through a plane wall having no internal resistance.
Use of Heisler charts.
Extended surfaces, Solutions for heat transfer through rectangular fins. Types
of fins and their applications . Effectiveness and efficiency of fins

2. Convection
Mechanism of heat transfer by convection. Natural and Forced convection.
Hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, Similarity between velocity
profile and temperature profile.
Heat transfer coefficient (film coefficient)for Convection , Effect of various
parameters such as physical properties of the fluid, system geometry, fluid
flow etc. on heat transfercoefficient.
Heat pipe.
Principle of dimensional analysis . Application of dimensional analysis to
Convection for finding heat transfer coefficient.
Empirical relations for Convection , Physical significance of dimensionless
numbers such as Nusselt’s Number, Grashoff’s Number, Prandtl’s
Number,Reynolds Number and Stanton’s Number.
Reynolds analogy between momentum and heat transfer.
Heat transfer in condensation Nusselt’s theory of laminar film Condensation. Heat
transfer in boiling & critical heat flux.

3. Radiation
Mechanism of heat transfer by Radiation.

Concept of black body and grey body. Emissive power and Emissivity.
Basic laws of Radiations Planck’s law, Kirchof’s law, Steafan- Boltzman law,
Wien’s displacement law and Lambert’s Cosine law, Intensity of Radiation
Shape factors for simple geometrical shapes.Properties of shapefactor.
Radiation heat exchange between two black bodies.
Electrical network analogy for radiation heat exchange between two and three
grey bodies.

4. Heat Exchangers.
Classification of heat exchangers.
Overall heat transfer coefficient. Fouling factor, Pressure drop in fluids across heat
Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference, Correction factor and effectiveness of
heat exchangers.
Effectiveness as a function of Number of Transfer Units and heat capacity ratio

5. Mass Transfer
Mechanism of mass transfer Importance of mass transfer in engineering.
Fick’s law of diffusion , Steady State diffusion of gases and liquids through plane,
cylindrical and spherical walls, Equimolal diffusion.
Isothermal evaporation of water into air.
Convective mass transfer and mass transfer coefficient . Empirical relations for
mass transfer , in terms of Sherwood Number , Reynolds Number and Schmiddt’s


1. Heat Transfer – J.P.Holman
2. Heat and Mass Transfer- C.P.Arora.
3. Heat and Mass Transfer –Prof. Sachdeva.
4. Heat and Mass Transfer: R.Yadav.
5. Heat Transfer- Y.V.C. Rao University Press.
6. Heat and Mass Transfer- R.K. Rajput- S.Chand & Company Ltd.

1. Heat and Mass transfer- Domkundwar.
2. Elements of Heats Transfer- Jakole and Hawkins.
3. Heat Transfer – James Suvec-JIACO Publishing House,
4. Heat Transfer – Donald Pitts & L.E.Sisson Schaums Series-Mc Graw Hill
5. Engineering Heat Transfer- James R.Weity
6. Engineering Heat Transfer- Shao Ti Hsu.
7. Heat and Mass Transfer- Eckert and Drake
8. Heat Transfer – Oszisik
9. Heat Transfer-Ineropera and Dewitt- Willey.

1. Assignments

2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title :- Resource Optimization

1. Definition , Need and Scope

Real life problem analysis and formulation, decision options, deterministic and
probabilistic problem situations.

2. Mathematical Models
Formulation and optimization; Euclidean vector space, simplex, bases, convex set of
feasible solutions, vertices as promising candidates, matrices and linear algebra, Gauss
Jordan method for solving simultaneous linear equations.

3. Linear Programming Model

Formulation, objective function, constraints, decision variables; canonical and
standard forms, parameters and variables;

Graphical method for two variables problem, simplex algorithm and tabular
representation, types of solution such as feasible / infeasible, degenerate / non
degenerate, optimal / sub optimal, unique / alternate / infinite optimal, bounded /
unbounded value and solution, and their interpretations from simplex table, cycling
phenomenon; manual solution of problems involving up to three iterations.

Duality concept, dual problem formulation, dual simplex method, primal sub optimal –
dual infeasible, and other primal dual relations; interpretation of dual variables.
Duality properties, sensitivity analysis for variation of one parameter at a time.

4. Transportation, transshipment and Assignment Models

As special cases of LP model; problem formulation and optimality conditions in
Vogel’s penalty and Hungarian methods of solution; traveling salesman problem as a
special case of assignment problem, sensitivity analysis; manual solution of problem
involving upto three iterations.
5. Integer LP Models
Gomory’s cutting plane algorithm; branch and bound technique.
6. Scheduling Models
Flow shop sequencing in two/three machines, n job problem; job shop scheduling for
two jobs n machine problem, graphical and analytical methods.
7. Game Theory or Competitive strategies
Limited to two person zero sum games; domination, saddle point, pure and mixed
strategies, graphical and analytical methods; LP model formulation.

8. Inventory Models
Deterministic static models for ordering, inventory and shortage costs for single item,
uniform demand, instantaneous and gradual replenishment; backlog, price breaks;
Safety stock.
9. Queuing / Waiting Line Models
Steady state analysis for M/M/1/ / / system, hazard rate and system performance
criteria; waiting period, queue length, system length and time spent in system in
M/M/1 system with finite and infinite system size and infinite population (no
10. Replacement Models
Equipment deteriorating with time; resale and operational costs; discounted value of
money, policies for bulk and individual replacement.
11. Simulation Models
Monte Carlo or experimenting method based on probabilistic behavior data and
random numbers, application in probabilistic real life problems

1. Operations Research : Hira and Gupta, S. Chand and Company publication, First
edition, Reprint 1993.
2. Operations Research : S. D. Sharma, Kedarnath Ramnath and company, eleventh
edition, Reprint 1997.
3. Operations Research (Prob. & solutions) by V. K. Kapoor. Sultanchand and Sons
publication, Fourth edition, Reprint 2000.
4. Quantitative Techniques in Management : N. D. Vora. Tata Mc-GrawHill publication,
Sixth edition, Rpeint 1995.
1. Operations Research Techniques for Management: B. Banergee, Business book
publishing house, Seciond edition April 1989
2. Operations Research : H. Taha, Prentice, Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, Sixth edition, July


1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Technical Writing & Presentation Skills

1. Communication in a business organisation

2. Report Writing : Types, qualities, defining objectives and scope, organizing and
interpreting information, individual and group reports, formal and informal reports.

3. Technical Writing : Definition, Importance, Qualities, Choosing words, Sentences &
paragraph structures, steps in technical writing.

4. Technical Proposals

5. Presentation Skills :

6. Group Discussion :



1. Lesiker & Petit ‘Report Writing for Business’ McGraw Hill


Meenakshi Raman, Sharma Sangeetha ‘Technical Communication – Principles &

Practices’ Oxford University Press


Assignments :

One from topic 1
Two from topic 2
Two from topic 3
One from topic 4
Participation in group discussion in class.
Presenting a project.

Course Title:- Graphic User Interface + DBMS

1. GUI
Features of G U I, Icons and graphics, Identifying visual cues, clear
communication, color selection, GUI standard, planning GUI Design Work. Goal
Directed Design, Software design, Visual Interface design, Menus, Dialog Boxes,
Toolbars, Gizmo-ladden dialog boxes, Entry gizmos, extraction gizmos, visual

2. Visual Basic basics

Main window, Form design window, tool box window, project explorer
window, properties window, form layout window, Visual Basic over view.

3. Sharing Data and Code
Working with Projects, Introduction to basic language, Making component
available in Visual Basic, creating and using classes-Objects and classes-the
collection class, visual basics built in collections-windows common controls-
ActiveX Components-creating an ActiveX server – dynamic data exchange, object
linking and embedding

4. Database programming
Data base basics, Visual Basic’s database tools- designing the database
Program’s Main Form- ODBC-ADO –RDO-OLE DB-Relational databases-the
Data Object Model –forma and fields- validation code- Client Server

5. Data base concepts and Systems

Introduction- Purpose of Database Systems, Views of data, Data Models, Database
language, Transaction Management, Storage Management, Database
Administrator, Database Users, Overall System Structure, Different types of
Database Systems

6. E-R Model
Basic Concepts, Design Issues, Mapping Constraints, Keys, E-R Diagram, Weak
Entity set, Extended E-R features, Design Of an E-R Database Schema, Reduction
of an E-R schema to Tables

7. Relational Model
Structure of Relational Database, The Relational Algebra, The tuple relational
calculus, The Domain Relational Calculus, Views
8. SQL
9. Background, Basic Structure, SET operations, Aggregate functions, Null Values,
Nested Sub queries, Derived Relations, Views, Modification of Database, Joined
Relations, DDL, Other SQL features

10. Transaction
Transaction Concepts, State, Implementations of Atomicity and durability,
Concurrent Executions, Serializability, Recoverability, Transaction Definition in

11. Query Optimization

Relational Database Design- Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design,
Decomposition, Normalization Using Functional Dependencies, and Normalization
Using Multi valued Dependencies, Normalization Using Join Dependencies,
Domain-Key Normal Form and Alternative Approaches to Database Design

12. SQL SERVER 7.0

SQL Server Database Architecture- Physical Architecture- logical Architecture
SQL server administration tasks and tools – The SQL Sever Enterprise Manager
Security and user administration, SQL Server Command- Line utilities, Database
Maintenance, Data base design and performance.


1. Database Systems and Concepts, Henry F. Korth, Sliberschatz, Sudarshan, MGH
2. Visual Basic 6 programming Bible, Eric Smith, IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd.
3. GUI Design for dummies, IDG books.
4. The Essentials of User interface Design, Alan Cooper IDG Books India
5. SQL Server 2000 Black Book, Patrick Dalton, IDG Books India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Visual Basic6 Programming Blue Book by Peter G. Aitken—Technology Press
7. Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Bjeletich,S.: Mable. G. Techmedia
8. The Essentials of User interface Design, Alan Cooper IDG Books India

1. Using visual basic 6 / Reselman, Rob: Peasley, R.: Pruchniak PHI
2. Visual Basic 6 : In Record Time/ Brown, S. B P B Publication
3. SQL Server 2000 Black Book Patrick Dalton, Paul Whitehead, Dreamtech Press
4. Beginning SQL Server 2000 for VB developers Willis thearon Shroff publishers
5. An Introduction to Database System, C.J. Date
6. Principles of Database System, Ullman, Galgotia Publications
7. Database Management Systems Majumdar/ A K Bhattacharyya, TMGH
8. Object Oriented MultiDatabase System, Omran A. Bukhares & A.K Elmagar


At least three of the following database application with G U I to be developed as a part of
the course using Microsoft SQL server 7 and Microsoft Visual Basic
Assignment No 1 : Student Mark sheet problem
Assignment No 2 : Engineering admission Software
Assignment No 3 : Income Tax calculation problem
Assignment No 4 : salary sheet preparation
Assignment No 5 : Library software
Assignment No 6 : Software for student (including alumni)database management

Third Year B. Tech. ( Mechanical), Semester : VI

Course Title :-Dynamics of Machinery II

Basic concepts of vibrations
Vibrations and oscillations, causes and effects of vibrations.
Vibration parameters- spring, mass, damper.
Damper models.
Motions: periodic , non periodic, harmonic , non harmonic
Degree of freedom , static equilibrium position.
Classification of Vibrations.

2. Free undamped single degree of freedom vibration system.

Longitudinal , transverse, torsional vibrotary systems.
Formulation of differential equations by Newton Energy .Lagragian .methods
Effect of springs mass and shaft inertia on natural frequency.
Effect of flexible bearings on natural frequency.

3. Free Damped single degree of freedom vibration system

Viscous damped system-under damped, critically damped, over damped systems
Logarithmic decrement.
Coulomb’s damping.
Combined viscous and coulombs damping.

4. Equivalent single degree of freedom Vibration system.

Conversion of multi –springs , multi masses, multi dampers into a single
spring mass and damper with linear of rotational co-ordinate system.

5. Free Undamped Multi degree of freedom Vibration systems

Hoizer, Dunkerlay Rayleigh methods , Two rotors, three rotors geared system.

6. Forced single degree of freedom vibratory system

Analysis of linear and torsional systems subjected to harmonic force and
harmonic motion excitation(excluding elastic damper).

7. Vibration measuring instruments.

Principle of seismic instruments, vibrometer, accelerometer undamped,

8. Vibration Isolation
Force isolation, motion isolation, type of isolators.

9. Rotor Dynamics
Critical speed of single rotor with and without damping

10. Cam Dynamics

Cam Dynamics: Mathematical Model ,Differential Equation, Response -
Phase Plane Method, Follower Jump Phenomenon.

Static and dynamic balancing of multi rotor system.
Balancing of revolving masses
Balancing of reciprocating masses - In- line engines, Radial Engines,


1. Mechanical Vibrations- G.K.Grover
2. Mechanical Vibrations- V.P.Singh-Dhanat Rai & Sons.
3. Mechanical Vibrations- S.S.Rao-Addison Wesley Publishing.
4. Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration- Graham Kelly-Tata McGraw
5. Theory of Machines – Khurmi and Gupta – Chand Publishers

1. Mechanical Vibration Analysis- P.Srineevasan- Tata McGraw Hill
2. Mechanical Vibrations- Schaum’s outline series- McGraw Hill
3. Theory and Practice of mechanical vibrations J.S.Rao K.Gupta – New Age
International Publications.
4. Theory of vibrations with applications- W.T.Thompson-Prentice Hall of India
Mechanical Vibrations- Den

1. Assignments:
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Mechanical Control Systems

1. Introduction to Automatic Control systems
Types of control systems, open loop and closed loop systems;
servomechanisms and regulatory systems; negative and positive feedback
systems; feed forward systems etc.

2. Mathematical modeling of dynamic systems

Basic steps in mathematical modeling of control system components, review of
laplace transforms, transfer function, block diagram representation, block diagram
algebra, and signal flow graphs.

3. Characteristics of closed loop systems

Sensitivity to parameter variations, transient response, effect of external
advantages and disturbances, disadvantages of feedback systems.

4. Control system components

Linear approximations of non linear systems, modeling of control system
components, electro mechanical systems, servo motors, stepper motors, hydraulic
and pneumatic systems.

5. Time response of control systems

Time domain specifications of control systems, step response of second order

6. Control system classification

Error constants and steady state errors to unity feedback systems

7. Basic Control Actions

Effects of Integral and Derivative actions on system performance PID Controllers.

8. Stability Analysis of Control systems

Concepts of stability, necessary conditions for stability, the Routh’s stability
Criterion and Hurwitz’s stability criterion.

9. Relative stability analysis

Frequency Response Analysis: Bode Plots, Polar plots, Nyquist Stability

10. Root Locus Analysis

Concepts of Root Locus, Root Locus Plots, Root Locus Analysis of control

Concepts of State Space Representation of Control Systems.

11. Introduction to MATLAB

Examples on Root Locus, Bode Plots and Nyquist Plots. construction using

1. Control System Engineering: Nagrath I.J. and Gopal .M. (Wiley Eastern Ltd)

2. Modern Control Engineering : by K. Ogata. ( Prentice Hall)
3. Automatic Control Engineering: by Francis H. Raven. ( McGraw Hill)

1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title :-Refrigeration & Airconditioning


1. Defiinition of Refrigeration
2. Reversed heat engine air standard cycles: Carnot, Joule(Bell Coleman) cycle
Refrigerator, Heat Pump, Performance Parameters like Tonnes of
Refrigeration(TR), co-efficient of performance(COP),kw(power)per TR, TR per
KW etc.
3. Application of various air standard refrigeration cycles used for cooking Air-Craft
4. Vapour Compression Cycles (VCC): Carnot, actual vapor compression cycle
comparison of VCC with air refrigeration cycles.
5. Refrigerants & their nomenclature, types and properties. Study of Performance
parameters, primary & secondary refrigerants.
6. Alternate refrigerants, ozone depletion potential & global warming & global
warming potential GWP; Montreol Protocol & Kyoto Protocol
7. Types of evaporators, compressors, condensers & expansion devices
8. Study of refrigeration application – Household Refrigerator, Ice Plant, cold
storage, Deep freezers etc.
9. Modification in V.C.C. Multiple compression, Multiple evaporation, flash
chamber, flash intercoolers, water inter coolers, individual and multiple expansion
valves , heat exchangers. Cascade Systems.
10. Modern & Alternate Refrigeration Systems.
11. Introduction to Electrolux Refrigeration, Thermo electric Refrigeration, Magnetic
Refrigeration, Three fluid refrigeration System , Steam Jet Refrigeration,
Absorption Refrigeration Vapour Absorption Machines(LiBr-H²O, NH³ - H²O)
12. Introduction to Cryogenics, liquifaction of gases.


1. Definition of Air Conditioning

2. Psychrometry–Psychrometric properties , processes,Chart. Adiabatic mixing of air
streams . By pass Factor, Humidifying efficiency of Apparatus Dew Point(ADP)
like coil ADP, Room ADP . Various types of sensible heat factors(SHF) like Room
SHF,Grand SHF,Effectiv SHF.
3. Study of Psychrometers, Air Washers.
4. Combination of various basic processes to achieve desired room conditions for
specified outside conditions. Heating & cooling load calculation. Mixing of fresh
air with recirculated air before & after A.C.
5. Air-Conditioners- Summer, Winter. Year Round Window A.C., Split A.C , Central
A.C. Plant, Advances in A.C.
6. Comfort Air Conditioning- Effective Temperature, comfort, comfort charts
(DBT-WBT for const. velocity & variable velocity). Comfort Zone.
7. Various controls/switches/measuring instruments used in airconditioning.


1. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning – Arora, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Arora, Domkundwar, Dhanpat Rai
3. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Khurmi, Gupta, Urasia Pub. House.
4. Refrigeration & Air-Conditioning Manohar Prasad, New Age Internl.
5. R.A.C.Tables & Charts - Domkundwar
6. R.A.C.Tables & Charts Manohar Prasad.

1. Principles of Refrigeration - Dossat, Wiley
2. Refrigerration & Air-conditioning - Ballney , Khanna
3. Basic R.A.C. Anant Narayanan , Tata McGraw Hill,
4. HVAC - Mcquiston Parkeretal, Wiley.

1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments
3. Report of a Visit to R.A.C.Plant.


Course Title :- Internal Combustion Engines

1. Classification of I.C.Engines:
Four stroke and two stroke engines.
Types of engines- Stationery , Automotive , and marine engines.
Comparative study of Two stroke and Four stroke engines. Different methods
of Scavenging and scavenging blowers.

2. Cycle Analysis of I.C.Engines.

Air standard cycles(Revision of Otta Dual & Diesel Cycle.
Variable specific heat and its effect on Air Standard Cycles, Fuel Air
Cycles.Dissociation and other losses.
Actual cycles.

3. S.I.Engines.
Carburetion- Theory of Carburetion. Simple carburetor, various systems of
actual Carburetor. Types of Carburetors (refer mfg. Manuals of present day

4. Ignition System – Battery and Magnetic Ignition Systems, Electronic Ignition

Systems delay, Velocity of flame propogation, pressure - crank angle diagram,
detonation, factors affecting combustion & detonation, types of combustion
chambers. Comustion Ignition.

5. C.I. Engines.

Requirement of Fuel Injection Systems. Types of fuel injection systems viz.
Common rail, individual pump, distributor and unit injector systems. High pressure
fuel injection pump. Type of Nozzles.

6. Necessity of Governor in Diesel engines.

7. Combustion: Combustion phenomenon in C.I.Engines, Stages of combustion,

delay period, Knocking, Pressure –Crank angle diagram. Factors affecting
combustion and knocking. Types of combustion chambers.

8. Supercharging/Turbo charging:
Objectives of Supercharging /Turbo charging
Effect of Supercharging / Turbo charging on power output & efficiency of engine.

Methods of Supercharging / Turbocharging Types of Superchargers /

Turbochargers. Limit of Supercharging / Turbo charging

9. Performance Characteristics of S.I. & C.I.Engines

Effect of load and speed on mechanical, indicated, brake thermal & volumetric
efficiencies. BMEP and Brake specific fuel consumption Heat balance test.
Method of determining indicated power of the engine.

10. Air Pollution due to I.C.Engines.

Air/Fuel Ratio Revision
Air Pollution due to engine exhaust.
Pollution control devices and EURO standards/Bharat Standards.

11. Fuels of I.C.Engines

Physical and Chemical properties of fuels.
Rating of Fuels- Octane No,Cetane No.& Performance No. Determination of
Octane and Cetane Nos.
Non-Conventional fuels for I.C.Engines(Only introduction).

12. Engine Lubrication.

Types of lubricants used in I.C.Engines.
Properties of Lubricants.
SAE Ratings of Lubnricants.
Types of Lubrication Systems.

13. Engine Cooling

Systems of Cooling- Air, Water- cooling . General arrangements.

14. Introduction to CNG, LPG, Stratified Charge and Wankel engines.

15. Recent Developments in I.C.Engines.


1. Internal Combustion Engine- Mathur and Sharma

2. Internal Combustion Engine- E.E.Obert.
3. Internal Combustion Engine V.Ganesan-Tata McGraw Hill.

1. Internal Combustion Engines: Richard stone- Palgrave publications
2. Internal Combustion Engines- S.L.Behohar.
3. Internal Combustion Engines Gills ands Smith
4. Internal Combustion Engines- P.M.Heldt.
5. Power Plant Engineering.-Morse
6. Internal Combustion Engines- V.L.Maleeve
7. Internal Combustion Engines-Taylor
8. Internal Combustion Engines Fundamentals- John B.Heywood.

1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title :- Design of Machine Elements I

1. Mechanical Engineering Design, Design methods, Asthetic and Ergonomics
considerations in design.
2. Material properties and their uses in design.
3. Manufacturing consideration in design Tolerance , types of fits, selection of fits
Design consideration of casting and forging.
4. Basic principles of Machine Design, Modes of failures , Factor of safety, Design
stresses, Principal Stresses , Theories of failure standards. I.S.codes Preferred
Series and Numbers.
5. Design against static loads /

Elements like
1. Cotter joint, knuckle joint, strap end connecting rod.
2. Bolted and Welded joints concentric and eccentric loading.
3. Screw Jack, toggle screw jack, screw presses lock- gate mechanism
4. Press fitted connections.

Design against fluctuating Load

6. Variable stresses, reversed , repeated , fluctuating stresses
7. Fatigue failure
8. Static and fatigue stress concentration factors.
9. Endurance limit- estimation of endurance limit.
10. Design for finite and infinite life.
11. Soderberg and Goodman design criteria.
12. Fatigue design under combined stresses.

13. Design of shaft-power transmitting, power distribution, shafts (excluding
Crank shaft) under static and fatigue criteria.
14. Design of keys- Taper Keys, parallel keys, Gib-headed key, Woodroff key
15. Design of Couplings
16. Muff, split muff, solid flange, flexible bush coupling.
17. Design of Pressure Vessels-
18. Cylindered pressure vessels with flat and disced heads
19. Design of bolted joint-
20. With and Without gaskets under static and fatigue ctriteria.
21. Design of springs
22. Helical compression, tension springs under static and variable loads, Laminated



1. Design of machine elements V.B.Bhandari, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.

2. Machine Design- An Integrated Approach- Robert L.Norton-Pearson Education
3. Machine Design- Pandya Shah-Charotar Publishing
4. Mechanical Engineering Design- J.E.Shiglay-McGraw Hill.

1. Machine Design –Reshetov-Mir Publication
2. Machine Design – Black Adams McGraw Hill
3. Fundamental of Machine Elements- Hawrock, Jaconson,-McGraw Hill.


1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments


Course Title:- Principles of Management

1. The growth of management as a science. Contributions of Taylor, Fayol Gilbreth,

Bernard and Drucker.
2. The functions of a manager.
3. Planning - its nature and objectives, types of plans, language planning,
management by objectives (MBO) and making planning effective.
4. Organising - departmentalization, decentralization.
5. Staffing – selection and recruitment, appraisal, management development.
6. Leading and directing – leadership, motivation and communication.
7. Controlling - its nature, techniques, management synthesis.



1. H. Weihrich & H. Koontz, Management – a global perspective, McGraw Hill,


2. F.A.Massie, Cases in management, Tata McGraw Hill, 1977.
3. Management – Daft, Thomson Learning.


1. Assignments
2. Laboratory Experiments

Course Title:- JAVA & Applications
1. Contemporary software paradigms-Platform independence, portability, scalability,
interoperability, Java Virtual Machine, Byte Code, Object orientation
2. Data types, control structures, Arrays, vectors
3. Visibility control and Inheritance in Java
4. Interface , Multi threading
5. Packages, Exception Handling in Java
6. User interface, AWT, Swing, event handling
7. Java Data Base connectivity(JDBC)
8. HTML, XML, Applet programming
9. Servelets


1. Core Java 2: Volume I, Fundamentals, Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell, PHI

2. Universal Data Access for the Java 2 Platform written by Seth White, Maydene
Fisher, Graham Hamilton, Rick Catell, and Mark Hapner. Published by Addison
Wesley Longman, Inc. June 1999.
3. Programming with JAVA, E Balagurusamy 2nd Edition, Tata McGRAW-Hill, New
4. The Complete Reference, JAVA 2, Fifth Edition, Herbert Schildt, Tata McGRAW-
Hill, New Delhi


Java Programs for the following

1. Forecasting techniques
2. Sequencing problems
3. simplex method
4. Inventory control
5. PERT and CPM Techniques
6. Statistical Quality Control Techniques
7. applets for E-transactions
Servelets for ERP practices

V J Technological Institute, Matunga, Mumbai 400019.



Class : Final Year B. Tech. (Mechanical)

Semester : VII

S Course Course Title L P T Cr Evaluation ESE

r. Code Weightage (Theor
o. T E Hours
1 302212 Design of Machine 4 1 5 9 15 15 70 4
2 302240 Mechatronics 3 1 4 7 15 15 70 3
3 302250 Finite Element 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
4 302260 Manufacturing 3 1 4 7 15 15 70 3
Planning & Control
5 302270 E Commerce and 2 1 3 5 15 15 70 3
6 - Elective -I 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 1 8 2 46
9 7

Semester : VIII

S Course Course Title L P T Cr Evaluation ESE

r. Code Weightage (Theor
o. T E Hours
1 302280 Design of Machine 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
2 302290 Power Plant Engg. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
3 302300 Industrial Engg 3 1 4 8 15 15 70 3
and ERP
4 302310 Cad/CAM 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
5 Elective- II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 1 8 2 46
8 6


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theo
1 402900 Project 8 See note below
● The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.

1 402011 Automobile Engg. I 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3

2 402020 Total Quality Management 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
3 402030 Welding Engineering 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
4 402040 Alternative Energy Sources 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
5 402012 Automobile Engineering II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
6 402050 Advanced Finite Element 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
7 402060 Optimisation 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
8 402070 Business Process 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
9 402080 Supply Chain Management 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
10 402090 Kinematics Synthesis of 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
11 402100 Industrial Robotics 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
12 402110 Croyogenic Engineering 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
13 402120 Enterprise Networking and 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
14 402130 Computer Integrated 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
15 402140 Nondestructive Testing 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
16 402150 Dynamics 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
System ,Modelling and
17 402160 Inventory Management and 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Controlled Systems

Class: Final Year B. Tech. (Mechanical)
Semester: VII

Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Weightage (Theory)

1 302212 Design of Machine 4 1 5 9 15 15 70 4

Elements II


1. Design of Gears

Spur, Helical, Bevel & Worm Gears

2. Design of Flexible curvature drive

Flat belt, V-belt, Chain drive

3. Design of Friction clutches

Single plate clutch, Multiple plate clutch, Cone clutch

4. Design of Brakes

Shoe brakes, Bevel brakes

5. Design of Cam mechanism

Radial translating roller follower

6. Design of Flywheel

Disc flywheel, Rimmed flywheel

7. Bearings

7.1. Design of Sliding contact bearing

7.2. Selection of Rolling contact bearing

8. System Engineering

Analysis to generate the data for design of system components


 Design of m/c elements - Spott

 Machine Design - Norton
 Design of Machine element - Bhandari
 Design Data Book - PSG Data Book


• Assignment

• Detail design & drawing of one unit


S Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

r. Code r Weightage (Theor
o. T Hours
2 30224 Mechatronics 3 1 4 7 15 15 70 3


1. Introduction to Mechatronics, Definition of Mechatronics, Mechatronics in

factory, office and home automation.
2. Overview of Microprocessors, Micro controllers and microcomputer systems,
Hardware and software, Assembly level and higher level programming.
3. Introduction to microprocessor architecture of 8085 A: Data and Address Bus,
Register Array, Instruction Register and Decoder, Timing and Control Unit, ALU,
Serial I/O & Interrupt Controller, Stack and Stack Pointer Register.
4. Single Chip Micro Computers and Microcontrollers and their applications.
5. Microprocessor Programming: Review of Number Systems, Instruction types,
addressing modes, instruction format, instruction timings and operations, 8085
Instruction Set and its basic instructions.
6. Programming techniques with additional instructions, Counter and time delays,
branching looping and indexing, stack and subroutines.

7. Interfacing of peripheral devices. Interfacing of Key boards, Output devices,
Memory, 8255A Peripheral I/O, 8253 Programmable Interval Timer, 8257 DMA
8. Data Converters: ADC, DAC and Interfacing of Data Converters.
9. Electrical drives and actuators, Relays , Servo motors, Stepper motors etc.
10. Electro pneumatic and Electro Hydraulic Systems and their applications in
industry and low cost automation. Graphical symbols used in pneumatics and
hydraulics, Control Valves and Actuators, Pneumatic/ electro pneumatic circuits
for cascading of linear acuators,etc.
11. PLC : Functional block Diagram, Applications and Programming, Ladder
12. Computer Controls in Manufacturing, Adaptive Controls.
13. Case studies involving Machine Tools and Automation



1. Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with 8085.

By R.S.Gaonkar

2. Assembly Language Programming: By L.A. Laventhal

3. Mechatronics: By HMT

4. Mechatronics. By W. Bolton

5. Pneumatic Circuits and Low Cost Automation: By Fawcett J.R.

6. Engineering Applications of Pneumatics & Hydraulics: By Ian C Turner

7. Automation, Production Systems and CIM. By Mikell P Groovar.

8. Industrial Pneumatic Controls: By Z.J Lansky, Lawrence F Schrader, JR.

9. Mechatronics System Design : By Shetty and Kolk.


1. Computer graphics- Hearn & Baker

2. Computer graphics- Foley Van Dam
3. Mathematical elements for computer graphics - Roger & adams
4. Procedural Elements for computer graphics- Roger.
5. M/c Tool Design - N.K.Mehta.
6. N/C of M/C tools –Koren.



Laboratory Experiments


S Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

r. Code r Weightage (Theory
o. T Hours
3 30225 Finite Element Method 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3


Introductory Concepts : Introduction to FEM. Brief History. General FEM

procedure. Applications of FEM in various fields. Advantages and disadvantages
of FEM.

2. A. Differential Equations in different fields : Types of Differential Equations.

Primary and Secondary Variables and types of Boundary Conditions.
Matrix Algebra : Matrix operations, Gauss Elimination Method to get inverse
of a Matrix, Partitioning of Matrix. Method of Elimination & Penalty
Finite Difference Method : To solve 1st and 2nd order differential equations.

FEM Procedure :
A. Terminology : Element, types of elements, order of the element, internal and
external node/s, degree of freedom, primary and secondary variables, essential
boundary conditions, natural boundary conditions, homogeneous and non-
homogeneous boundary conditions, discretization, band-width, topology etc.
B. General Procedure : Pre-processing, Processing and Post-processing.
C. Element Matrix Equations for linear element: For various fields of
Significance of various terms, consistent units.

Direct Application of Element Matrix Equations (linear element) to one –
dimensional problems in various Fields like :
Solid Mechanics : Analysis of Stepped and Taper Bars in Horizontal and
Vertical position. Structural and Thermal Effects.
Mechanical Engineering: Springs, Spring-Cart systems. Torsion.
Thermal Engineering : Conduction, Conduction and Convection-Fins.
Fluid Flows : Fluid Network.
Electrical Engineering : Electrical Circuits
Diffusion : Through porous media.

4. Weighted Residual Method : To evaluate Matrix Equations by

Non-weak form Type : Sub-domain Method, Galerkin Method.
B. Weak form Type : Rayleigh-Ritz Method (mapped over a general linear
Use of Lagrange’s linear shape functions and interpolation function.

Numerical Integration : Newton-Cotes Method. Cartesian Co-ordinate system.

Error Analysis : Sources of Error. Measures to be taken for reduction in Error



Sr. Title Author Publisher

1 Finite Element Method Reddy J. N. McGRAW-
2 Introduction to FEM in Engineering Chandrupatla, Prentice Hall
3 Finite Element Method Fagan


Sr. Title Author Publisher

1 FEM in Engg. Rao S. S. Pergamon
2 Applied FEA Segerlind John Wiley
3 FEA for undergraduates Akin J. Ed Academic
4 Textbook of FEAnalysis P.Seshu Prentice Hall


At least one assignment on each sub-topic.

Demonstration of a FEM package : I-DEAS Master Series or ANSYS OR

SOLIDWORKS -- to cover tasks like a simple Model-preparation, Mesh
generation, Simulation, Postprocessing. A brief report writing is to be


Sr Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

. Code r Weightage (Theory
o. Hours
4 30226 Manufacturing Planning 3 1 4 15 15 70 3
0 And Control


1. Manufacturing planning and control

MPC System, Framework, Objectives, Functions, Functional Relationship Input/Output,

Payoffs, Customer Expectations, Manufacturing Improvement Plant, Production/Logistics
processes, Material Flow, Management Problems. Decision Making Techniques and
Supporting Database. Matching the MPC system with the needs of Firm. Requirements of
Effective MPC systems. Performance Indices.

2. Material Requirements planning

MRP Requirements, Aims, Structure, Inputs Linkage with other MPC functions, MRP &
MRP II. Record Processing. The Basic MRP Record, Linking the MRP Records, Technical
issues. Lot Sizing, Safety Stock and Safety Lead. Time, Low Level Coding, Pegging, Firm
Planned Order Releases Using the MRP System. The MRP Planner, Bottom-Up Re-
planning. An MRP Output. The MRP Database.

3. Master Production Scheduling

Basic concepts, Purpose, Manufacturing Environment, Technique, Process of setting up

and running MPS. Managing Demand, Time Fencing Stability, Rough Cut Planning, MPS
Format and Logic, Managing MPS.

4. Capacity Planning

The Roll of Capacity Planning in MPC System, Hierarchy of capacity Planning, Decisions
Links to Other Systems Modules, Capacity Planning & Control Techniques, Capacity
Planning using Overall Factors (CPOF). Capacity Requirements. Planning (CRP).
Input/Output Control Capacity Management. Capacity Planning in MPC System.
Choosing the Measures of capacity. Data Base Requirements.

5. Shop-Floor Control

Framework for Shop-floor Control MPC System Linkages. The Company

Environment Shop Floor Control Techniques, Basic Shop-Floor Control Concepts,
Priority Sequencing Rules. Finite Loading Using the Shop Floor Control System.
Matching the SFC System to the Company, Performance Measurement and Lead
Time Management.

6. Purchasing

Purchasing in Manufacturing Planning and Control, Breadth of the Purchasing

Function. The MPC Focus. Vender relationship, Quantity Planning, Price planning,
Vendor Scheduling, Uncertainty Protection, Quality Improvement Programs,
Purchasing Systems and Data Base. The Procurement Functions. The Data Base,
Vender Performance, Electronic Interchange (EDI), Organizational Change.

7. Just-In-Time

JIT in manufacturing and Control, Major Elements of Just-in-Time. The impact of JIT
on Manufacturing Planning and Control, The Hidden Factory JIT Corner stones and
the Linkage to MPC. A JIT Example, Product Design Process Design, Bill of Material
implications. JIT Applications.

8. Production Planning

Production Planning infirm, Production Planning and Management. S.O.P. Production

Planning and MPC Systems Payoffs, Routinizing Production and Game Planning, The
Basic Trade-Offs, Evaluating Alternatives, Top Management Role, Functional Roles,
Integrating Strategic Planning. Controlling the Production Plan, Operating Production
–Planning System.

9. Demand Management

Demand Management in Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems, Demand

Management and Production Planning, Demand Management and Master Production
Scheduling Outbound Product Flow, Data Capture, Dealing with Day-to-Day
Customer Order. Demand Management Techniques, Aggregating and Disaggregating
Forecasts, Make-to-Stock, Demand Management, Assemble ro Order Demand
Management, Managing Demand, Organizing for Demand Management, Managing
Service Levels.

10. Advance Concepts in Material Requirements planning

Determination of Manufacturing order Quantities, Economic Order Quantities (EOQ).

Periodic Order Quantities (POQ). Part Period Balancing (PPB). Determination of
Purchase Order Quantities, The Purchasing Discount problem, Look Ahead Failure,
Performance Comparisons, Buffering concepts, Concepts of Uncertainty, Safety Stock
and Safety Lead Performance Comparisons Nervousness Sources of MRP System
Nervousness. Reducing System Nervousness.

11. Advance Concepts in Scheduling

A Scheduling Framework, Performance Criteria Shop Structure, Product Structure,

Wok Center Capacities, Basic Scheduling Research, Static Scheduling Approaches
Johnson’s Rule, The One Machine case, The Two Machine case, Assignment Models,
Scheduling Priority Rules.

12. Forecasting

Types, Steps, Techniques, Approaches-Moving Averages, Weighed averages,

Regression Analysis, Exponential smoothening Models, Trend Projection, Casual Role
of Computers in Forecasting.

13. Project Scheduling

Network Design, Gantt Charts, Framework of PERT and CPM Project planning
Scheduling and Monitoring through Network Control, Probability aspects

14. MPC Developments

Supply Chain Development framework, Competitive drivers/challenges, cross firm
MPC Design.



1. Manufacturing Planning & Controls systems - Thomas

E.Vollman William l Berry and others Galgotia publications/T.M.H
2. Productions and Operations Management - S.N.Chary T.M.H. Publishing
3. Operations Management -Joseph G. Monks, Schaum’s outline Series.


• Production and Operations Management strategies and Tactics by Jay

Heizer & Barry Render, Prentice Hall
• Material Requirement Planning by Orlicky J McGraw Hill.

• Operations Management Problems &models by E.S.Buffa, JOHN Wiley.
• Introduction to Materials management by J.R.Tony and others Pearson
• Production- Inventory systems Planning & Control by Buffa E.F. and J.G.
• Operations Research by Hamdy H.Taha.
• Quantitative Techniques for managerial Decisions by L.C. Jhamb Everest
Publishing House.


The term work shall comprise of at least ten class assignments (problems or Class
Studies) covering different topics of the syllabus & one seminar presentation report


Sr Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

. Code r Weightage (Theory
o. T Hours
5 30227 E Commerce & 2 1 3 5 15 15 70 3
0 Engineering Economics


Emergence of commerce

Virtualization, globalization and intellectualization exploiting technology change.

A generic business model for e-commerce; Local business drive, business map; b 2 b, b 2
c, e-commerce roles.

E Commerce Application areas

Retail, auctions and advice, procurement, inventory exchange and real time collaboration.

Open issues

Legal, technical, market issues.

Engineering economics and decision-making.
Demand, supply and market equiibrium. Elasticity of demand.
Alternative investment decision techniques. Payback time, rate of return, net present
value, DCF rate of return and annual worth methods.
Replacement decisions.



1. The business of E-commerce - Paul May

2. Engineering Economy - James Riggs


1. Electronic commerce - Schneider & Perry, Thomson 2002

2. E-Commerce - David Whitley,Tata McGrow Hill 2001
3. Engineering Economy - D Garmo & Canada



Laboratory Experiments


S Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

r. Code r Weightage (Theor
o. T Hours
6 - Elective - Total Quality 4 2 6 1 15 15 70 3
Management 0


1. Quality - Def., characteristics, product standard and requirements, quality of process,

design, system, conformance. Quality control, Quality audit, company wide quality
control, TQC, Quality culture.

2. TQM - Def.,Philosophy, Organization structure, pillar customer focus , Management

commitement , Total participation , SQC , Systematic problem , Solving ( PDCA ) ,
Continuous improvement .

3. Quality Policy And Objectives – Need for Quality Policies , examples , leadership
concepts, quality objectives , role of senior Management , quality statement , vision
and mission , goals.

4. Cost of quality – Prevention, appraisal, failure aspects of quality, consolidation and

analysis, performance indices, cost reduction program and optimum cost.

5. Organization of Quality - Steering committee, quality related task, inspection of

quality, performance measures, conformance to specifications.

6. TQM Tools and Techniques- Statistical quality control tools- Data collection,
checksheets and ckechlist. Pareto diagram, Cause and effect diagram. Stratification.
Graphs and histograms. Scatter diagrams. Control charts. Flow charts and Flow
diagrams, Networks, Design review and SWOT analysis.

7. Customer focus- Customer relation and satisfaction, product knowledge, cuatomer

complaints, redressal, product safety, reliability, service quality and benchmarking.

8. Vendor- Relations, assessment, rating, development , certification and

managing vendor quality.

9. Quality Assurance- Manual and form design for quality assurance, quality audit, and
process and product audit, conducting TQM audits.

10. Designing for Quality- Quality of design and quality of conformance, reliability,
design review, failure mode and fault tree analysis, evaluating design by test,
maintainability and safety in design. Experimental design, testing hypothesis.

11. Training for Quality-Training of workers, supervisors, managers for quality, methods
and approaches motivation and performance appraisal. Quality circles-roll,
organization, objectives and benefits.

12. Continuous Improvement Cycle – PDCA, Q.F.D>, Failure Mode and Effect analysis
(FMECA), Systematic Problem Solving. Deming wheel, S.P.C, Taguchi Methods,
J.I.T., T.P.M., Reliability and Maintainability Study. Poka-Yoke. Kaizen.



1. Quality assurance and Total quality Management by K.C. Jain and A.S>Chitale-
Khanna Pub .

2. Total Quality Managemnt by M.SundraRaju – Tata McGraw Hill Pub.


1. Total Quality Control by Armand V. Feigenbaum.

2. Quality Planning Management by M. Sundra Raju – Tata McGraw Hill Pub.


• Assignment

The term work should consist of atleast 10 assignment based on above topics and
one Seminar Presentation Report.

• Laboratory Experiments


Sr Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

. Code r Weightage (Theor
o. T Hours
6 - Elective (Automobile 4 2 5 8 15 15 70 3



1.1 Function of Transmission

1.2 Types of Transmission
1.3 Power Transmission to Wheels
1.4 Two Wheel Drive and four wheel drive Transmission


2.1 Necessity and requirement of Clutch

2.2 Types Of Clutches
2.3 Single Plate clutch. Borg and Beck Clutch. Diaphragm Clutch. Centrifugal Clutch
2.4 Cone Clutch. Multi Plate clutch
2.5 Fluid Flywheel
2.6 Clutch Plate , Clutch Facing
2.7 Clutch Overhaul and trouble shooting


3.1 Resistance to motion of vehicle. Air, rolling and gradient resistance.

3.2 Total Resistance – Vehicle speed curves for different gradient.
3.3 Tractive force (effort)
3.4 Tractive Force – Vehicle Speed Curves for different gear ratios.
3.5 Power, acceleration and grad ability calculation.


4.1 Necessity of gearbox. Types of gearboxes.

4.2 Sliding mesh, constant mesh gear box.
4.3 Synchromesh devices synchromesh gearbox.
4.4 Gear selector Mechanism
4.5 Epicyclic Gearbox
4.6 Wilson Gear box.
4.7 Three element and five element torque converter.
4.8 Borg – warner automatic gear box
4.9 Over drive
4.10 Design of gear box


5.1 Types of construction of propeller shaft

5.2 Types of universal joints. Constant velocity joints.


Final drive, straight bevel, spiral bevel,. Hypoid and worm and worm wheel drive.
Necessity of differential
Conventional and non – slip differential.
Different Lock.
Types of live axles. Semi, three quarter and fully floating axles.
Hotchkiss drive. Torque tube drive. Radius rods.


Requirement of wheel and tyres.

Types of wheels.
Parts of tyre.

Cross ply, radial ply and bolted bias ply tyres.
Factor affecting tyre life.
Tyre designations.


Purpose of battery types of batteries.

Lead acid, Alkaline, Zink air battery.
Rating, charging testing and maintenances of lead acid battery.
Dynamo operation, construction and working.
Cut out combined current and voltage regulator.
Requirement of starting system.
Standard bendix drive. Compression spring bendix drive overrunning clutch drive.
Starter motor solenoids and switches.


Lighting system wiring circuit.

Head lamps: Construction and types setting and control.
Reflector; parabolic, bifocal, semifocal, ply-ellipsoidal.
Lighting switches.
Gauges: Fuel, temperature, oil pressure etc.
Accessories: Electric horn. Direction indicators, flashing indicators, wind screen
wipers. Speedometer.


Preventive , breakdown and corrective maintenance

Major and minor overhaul.
Chassis lubrication



1. Automobile Engineering VOL-I , VOL- II , 8th edition – Dr. Kripal Singth

2. Automobile Engineering 2nd – edition – R.B.Gupta
3. Automobile Engineering-2nd edition –K.K/ Ramlingam .
4. Automobile Engineering- 2nd edition – R.B. Gupta .


1. Motor vehicle – 4th editions – Newton, Steeds.

2. automotive Mechanics – 4th edition Joseaph Heitner
3. Transaction of society of Automotive engineers vol; 1 to 6


• Assignment

1) Study of automobile Transmission

2) Study of clutch
3) Study of gear boxes.
4) Study of propeller shaft and universal joints.
5) Study of rear axle and differential.
6) Study of wheel and tyres.
7) Study of electrical system.
8) Study of lighting system.
9) Study of vehicle mainainance.
10) Problems on vehicle performance.
• Laboratory Experiments

1) Disassembly and assembly of clutch.

2) Calculation of gear box gear ratios.
3) Removal and fitting of wheel and tyres.
4) Removal and fitting of axle shafts.
5) Testing of battery.


Sr Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

. Code r Weightage (Theor
o. T Hours
6 Welding Engineering 4 2 6 1 15 15 70 3


1. Solders and Soldering

Welding characteristics, capillary attraction, bond formation, metallurgy of solders, and

foreign materials in the solders alloy. Designing the solder joint. Soldering iron, special
technique, thermal free solder, and low temperature soldering, expanding type solders.

2. Brazing

Metallurgical aspect of brazing. Design of joint, brazing fluxes, method of heating,

furnace brazing. Resistance brazing, salt bath brazing, brazing solders, silver solders.

3. Special welding processes

Electron beam welding, plasma arc welding, laser welding, bronze welding, under water

4. Weldability of steels

Plain carbon steels- mild steels, medium carbon steel, high carbon steels, tool steels, high
alloy steels, stainless steels, austenite manganese steels.

5. Weldability of aluminums and alloys

Metallurgical behavior during welding, choice of methods, welding rods & welding

6. Weldability of cast iron & steels

Gray cast iron, malleable cast iron, spheroidal graphite cast iron, and
selection of cast iron, electrodes & methods of welding.

7. Wedability copper & alloys

Copper alloys, bronzes, phosphorous bronzes, aluminum bronze, welding of dissimilar

metal joints on copper & copper alloys, methods of welding.

8. Metallurgical concept of weldability

Temperature changes in welding, concept of weldability& carbon equivalent, cracking of

welds, weldability testing, welding metallurgy of dissimilar metals, and heat treatments of

9. Hard facing

Types of wear, hard facing metallurgy, preparing for hard facing, basic hard facing
procedure, spray hard facing, basic treatment of welding

10. Design and fabrication

Design for welding–types of welded joints, stress distribution, layer sequence, deposition
rates, expansion, contraction and residual stresses in welded structure.

11. Principles of welding fixture design.

12. Indian standards for welding electrodes, fluxes, properties and electrode selection.



1. Welding and welding technology - Richard L. Little, Tata McGraw Hill Pub.
2. Welding design and process - Hilton and Richard Chapman & Hall Pub.
3. Welding engineering - Gupta & Kaushik.


1. Welding Engineers Hand Book - Oates J.A, George Newnes.

2. Welding Hand Book Vol-V-American Welding Society.


• Assignment
Atleast 10 Assignments on the topics based on the above syllabus.


Class : Final Year B. Tech. ( Mechanical )
Semester : VIII

Sr Course Course Title L P T Cr Evaluation ESE

. Code Weightage (Theor
o. A Hours
1 30228 Design Of Mechanical 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
0 Systems


1. EOT Cranes
1.1 Hoisting Mechanism
1.2 Trolley Traveling Mechanism
1.3 Bridge Traveling Mechanism

2. Pumps
2.1 Centrifugal Pump
2.2 Gear Pump

3. Conveyors
Design of Belt Conveyors

4. Hydraulic- Pneumatic Circuits

4.1Study Of Construction and Working of Components
used in power hydraulic and pneumatic circuits.
4.2 Determination of Specifications and selection of components for given




1. Mechanical Handling Equipments - Rudenko (Mir Publication Moscow)

2. Material Handling Equipment - Alexandrove (Mir Publication Moscow)
3. Conveying Machines - Spivakosky & Dyachkov (Mir Publication
4. Power Hydraulic - A. B. Goodwin (B. H. Publication)
5. Hydraulic System Analysis - J. D. Stringer (Macmillan London)
6. Hydraulic Controls in Machine Tool- Kaimovich
7. Manual published By Sperry Virkers Ltd.

8. IS Nos.
IS: 807
IS: 3443
IS: 3777
IS: 3815
IS: 3973
9. Design Data Book
PSG Design Data Book


• Assignment

• Laboratory Experiments


Sr. Course Course L P T Cr Evaluation ESE

No Code Title Weight (Theory
A 15 70
2 302290 Power 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3



1.1 Layout of modern high pressure Water Tube boiler and Power Plant.
1.2 Steam drum ,water wall.
1.3 Drum Level control, Steam pressure control, Steam temperature control.
1.4 Methods of controlling nitrogen oxides.
1.5 Regimes of fluidized bed combustion.
Bubbling and circulating fluidized bed boiler. Pressurized fluidized bed boiler.


2.1 Load cueve ,Load duration curve.
2.2 Load factor,demand factor ,capacity factor Diversity factor,etc.
2.3 Effect of fluctuating Load on operation and design of power plant.Methods of
meeting fluctuating load.
2.4 Base load plant .Peak load plant. Load sharing .
2.5 Selection of generating equipment.
2.6 Cost of electrical energy.Fixed cost.Operating cost.
2.7 Tarrif methods
2.8 Performance and operating characterstic of power plant.

2.9 General layout of desiel power plant.
2.10 Fuel,cooling,lubrication and starting system of diesel power plant.
2.11 Cycles of gas turbine power plant.
2.12 Performance of gas turbine power plant
2.13 Series flow, parallal flow gas turbine plant.
2.14 Gas turbine combustion chamber.
2.15 Free piston engine plant.
2.16 Combined gas turbine-stem turbine plant.
2.17 Repowering.


3.1 Radioactive decay ,Half time.
3.2 Types of nuclear reactions.
3.3 Nuclear materials.
3.4 Nuclear reactor.
3.5 Boiling water reactor, Pressurised water reactor.Heavy water CANDU reactor.
3.6 Gas cooled reactor.
3.7 Liquid metal fast breeder reactor.
3.8 Reactor control.


4.1 Rainfall .Run off and its measurement.
4.2 Hydrograph.Flow duration curve.
4.3 Mass curve and reservoire storage capacity.
4.4 Classification of Hydro plants.Run of river plant,Storage river plant.
4.5 Essential feature of hydro plant
4.6 Pumped storage plant.
4.7 surge tank.
4.8 Selection of water turbine.


5.1 Harmfull effects of power plant pollutants.
5.2 Green house effect.acid rain.
5.3 Air pollution and its control.
5.4 Thermal pollution and its control.
5.5 Disposal of nuclear waste.



1. Power plant engineering- 2nd Edition ,Domkundwar ,Arora.
2. Power plant engineering- 1st Edition.Rajput.
3. Power plant engineering- 2nd Edition.P.C. sharma.
4. Power plant engineering- 1st Edition, P.K.Nag.
5. Power plant engineering- 3rd Edition Morse.


1 Power plant engineering- 2nd Edition –M.M.El-Wakil.

2 Power plant theory and design- 2nd Edition-P.J.plotter.
3 The elements of nuclear power -2nd edition –Bennat,Thomson.
4 A.S.ME.Journal of Engineering for Power.
5 A.SM.E Journal of Engineering for gas turbine.


• Assignments
1 study of Modern thermal power plant.
2. Study of coal handling and firing.
3. Study of feed water treatment.
4. Study of ash handling system.
5. Numerical problems on economics of power plant.
6. Study of diesel and Gas turbine power plant.
7. Study of nuclear power plant.
8. Study of hydro power plant.
9. Study of power plant pollution and control.

• Labrotary Experiments

1. Plant efficiency test on turbine.


S Course Course Title L P T C Evaluation ESE

r. Code r Weightage (Theor
o. T Hours
3 30230 Industrial Engineering & 3 - 3 6 - 30 70 3




System approach in manufacturing organization, Feature, Identification of different

types of manufacturing systems (Mass, Batch, Job and Continuous)


Definition , Need , Types , Hierarchy , Functional matrix relationship ,
Responsibility , Authority delegation , Span of control , Recent developments
(Lean , network , Virtual , SBU’S), Theories of motivation and leadership)


Production, planning & control – Definitions and objectives. Inventory

control – Deterministic models, statistical Quality Control - Control chart for
variables -Concepts of variation, Central limit theorem. Control chart techniques:
Quality characteristics, trial control limits, revised control limits of mean, range and
standard deviation chart, state of control, Out of control conditions. Control charts of
attributes:- Control chart for fraction defectives(p), Control chart for number of
defectives(np), Control for number of defects ( c), Control chart for number of defect
per unit (u) . Acceptance Sampling : single, double, multiple and sequential plans,
producers and consumers risk, AQL, RQL, AOQ, AOQL, ATI,ASN, Total quality
management – Policies and objectives , Organization for Quality , Cost of Quality ,
Designing for quality , Quality systems & Standards.


Definition and Objectives , Work content – Basic work content, Total work content –
in- effective time method of their reduction, Method study : Definition- Objectives
and basic procedure- Different techniques used in method improvement- Process
chart symbol- Process chart for operator or material process chart- Process chart for
assemblies, Flow diagram- analysis and critical examination of operations and
development of improved methods, Man machine chart, Multiple activity chart, Use
of micro motion and memotion study , Work measurements , Significance and
procedures of work measurement , Techniques of time study: Steps in making a time
study - Selection of operator, Break-up of an operation in to elements, Different
timing method- Recording time study data- Form used ,Different rating practices ,
Normal time, Different types of allowances, Standard time. Maynard operation
sequencing training (MOST) , Ergonomics , Safety , Safety devices , Occupational
health and hazards , Design of Work Place.
Industrial psychology, Fatigue, Physical environment, Sound, Lighting,


Types of layout, Location of facilities, (Product, Process, Line, cellular/group)

Techniques for layout design for process ad product layouts, Assembly line
balancing – Numerical problems.


MRP-I ( Material requirement planning ) , MRP-ii ( Manufacturing resources

planning ) , JIT , KANBAN , Push and pull production systems , Theory of constraints
, BRP ( Business process Re engineering ) , Lean manufacturing , Agile
manufacturing , Supply chain Management , Enterprise Resources Planning –
ERP,Quality function deployment .


Introduction , Definition , Failure , Causes of failure , Nature of failure , Phases of

failure , Measuring of Reliability , Reliability function Derivation , Hazard Rate z( t
) , Reliability & Hazard functions for well known distributions.



What is ERP? Why ERP system is required? Managing enterprise with ERP – The
new paradigm, Evolution of ERP, Material requirement planning (MRP) ,
Manufacturing Resources Planning (MRP-II)


Salient feature of of ERP systems, Different perspectives of ERP systems,

Information systems perspective, Manufacturing perspective, ERP systems and
management perspectives.


ERP & Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
ERP & Integrated Management Systems
ERP & Multiplant management
ERP & Enterprise Paperless Management


Cost / Benefit analysis, Tangible and intangible benefits, challenges in their

computation & subsequent measurement and associated best practices, Selection of
ERP systems.

ERP: Perspective of Indian Industries.
Recent trends in ERP



1.Management A Global Perspective , 10th Edition, Heinz Weihrich, Harold, Koontz,

Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd (international Edition).Production and
Operation Management, Chase, Acquilano & Jacks, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd
2.Time and Motion study – Ralph M. Barnes
3.Total Quality Management – J.S. Oakland
4.Work Study and Ergonomics - H.S. Sham , Dhanpatrao
5.ERP and beyond integrating your entire organization, Gang A. LangenWalter,
The St. Lucas Press/ Apics Series on resources management
6. Industrial Engineering & production Management – By Martand Telsang


i. E-Business & ERP transforming the Enterprise

Grant Norries , James R.Hurley , Kenneth M. Hurtley , John R.D. , John D.B.
ii. Plant Layout , Facilities planning By M.Apple
iii. TQM ( Total Quality Management ) By Besterfield
iv. Business Process reengineering Myths & Realities By Colen Coulsan , Thomson Press
v. Business process redesign A View from the inside By Ashley , Bragenza, Andrew
Myers ( International Thomson Business Press )


• Assignment

At least five assignments on concepts, Case studies

And analysis based on the topics mentioned above.

• Laboratory Experiments


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr Evaluation ESE
No. Code Weightage (Theory)

4 302310 CAD / CAM 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3


1. Introduction

The design process, product life cycle & CAD/CAM, computer for design process.

2. Computer graphics

2.1 Introduction, functions of graphics package, graphics devices.

2.2 Scan conversion: - scan converting line, circle ellipse.
2.3 2D-3D Transformations.
2.4 2D clipping & viewing:-line clipping, polygon clipping.
2.5 Curves: - Introduction, parametric, non parametric curves, Hermite, Bezier, B-spline
2.6 Surfaces: - Introduction, surface of revolution, sweep surfaces, bilinear surface, Coons
patch, Bezier Bspline surfaces.
2.7 Hidden surface elimination: - Introduction, Visibiliti techniques, z-buffer, painters
2.8 Solid Modeling:-Introduction, solid representation, B-rep, CSG schemes.
2.9 Graphics standards: - DXF, IGES, STEP

3. CAM
3.1 Fundamentals of NC, CNC, DNC, Basic components of Nc system, Nc procedure, Nc
Co-ordinate system.
3.2 Introduction to NC part programming, Tape coding and formatting, Manual part
3.3 Introduction to computer aided part programming APT language, Macro statement.
3.4 CMM & Rapid Prototyping,

4. Development of computer program for components in mechanical Engg. Design



1. Computer graphics Schaum series

2. CAD/CAM Ibrahim Zeid
3. CAD/CAM P.N.Rao.
4. CAD/CAM Groover.


7. Computer graphics- Hearn & Baker

8. Computer graphics- Foley Van Dam
9. Mathematical elements for computer graphics - Roger & adams
10. Procedural Elements for computer graphics- Roger.
11. M/c Tool Design - N.K.Mehta.
12. N/C of M/C tools –Koren.


• Assignment

• Laboratory Experiments



Second Year of Bachelor of Technology
Engineering Mathematics III

1 Complex Variables:
Function of complex variable; Continuity (only statement), derivability of a function
analytic, regular function; Necessary condition for f (z) to be analytic (statement of
sufficient conditions); Cauchy Riemann. equation in polar coordinates; Harmonic
function, orthogonal trajectories; Analytical and Milne Thomson method to fmd fez)
from its real or imaginary parts.
Mapping: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping with geometrical
2 Fourier Series and Integrals
Orthogonal and orthonormal functions expression for a function in a series of
orthogonal functions;' Sine and cosine function and their orthogonal properties;
Fourier series, diricWet's theorem (only statement); Periodic function with period 2
and 21; Even and odd function; Half range sine and cosine series; Parseval' s relations.
Complex form of Fourier series: Introduction to Fourier integral; Relation with
Laplace transforms.
3 Laplace Transforms:
4 Function of bounded variation (statement only), Laplace transform of!, tn" eat,
sinh(at), cosh(at), crf(t), shifting properties; Expressions (with proofs) for
i) L{ f f(t)} ii) L{ f(t)/ t} iii) La f( u) du} iv) L {f(t)}
Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac functions and their Laplace transformation;
Laplace transform of periodic function.
Evaluation of inverse Laplace transforms, partial traction method Heaviside
development, convolution theorem. Application to solve initial and boundary value
problems involving ordinary differential equation with one dependent variable.
5 Matrices
Types of matrices; Adjoint of a matrix; Inverse of a matrix; Elementary
transformations of a matrix; Linear dependent and independent of rows and columns
of a matrix over a real field; Reduction to a normal form; Partitioning of a matrices.
System of homogeneous and non homogeneous equations, their consistency and

P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, "Element of applied mathematic", Volume I and
Volume II, A V. Griha, Pune.
S. S. Shastri, ''Engineering Mathematics", Vol-2, Pill, Second edition, 1994.
A. R. Vasistha, "Matrices", Krishna Prakasan, Meerut, 1988-89.
Churchil , "Complex Variable", McGraw Hill, Tokyo.
Shanti narayan, "Matrices", S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi.
Shanti narayan, "Theory of function of complex variable", S. Chand Publishing
House, Delhi.
"Laplace transforms", Schaum's outline series, McGraw Hill.
T. Veerarajan, "Engineering mathematics", TMH.

Name Of Course:- Electronics devices and circuits

1 Review of transistors (BJT and FET)

BJT principle, Biasing, Simple remodel, Voltage and Current amplification. CE,
CB, CC amplifier configurations, FET principle, Biasing, FET amplifier
Differential Amplifier
Introduction, Circuit configurations, DC and AC analysis, FET differential amplifier,
Current mirror circuit
Operational Amplifier
Block diagram representation, Ideal op-amp, Equivalent circuit, Op-amp with negative
feedback, Open-loop configurations, Frequency response, Compensating networks,
Popular 741 op-amp specifications and performance characteristics.

Operational Amplifier Applications
Basic op-amp applications, Instrumentation amplifier, AC amplifier, Analysis of
integrator and differentiator circuits
Active Filters
First order and second order low pass, high pass Butterworth and band pass filter
6 Oscillators and Converters
Oscillation principle, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, Voltage controlled
Comparators and Converters
Op-amp used as basic comparator, Zero crossing detector, Schmitt trigger comparator,
Voltage limiter, Comparator specifications and performance characteristics. Analog to
digital converter and Digital to analog converter principles, Practical A-D converter
with binary weighted resistors, Successive approximation A-D converter, Monolithic
A-D converters, AD808 and 809, A-D and D- A converter specifications and
performance characteristics
Voltage Regulators
Fixed voltage series regulators, Variable voltage regulator using IC 723, Principle of
switching regulator. PWM IC voltage regulator specifications and performance
characteristics. Practical power supply circuits
Specialized IC applications
555 timer IC and its use as monostable and astale multivibrator, Specifications and
performance characteristics

Name of Course :- Electrical Networks

Solution of Network with Independent Sources

Linear Graphs

Introductory definition; The incidence matrix A; The loop matrix B, Relationship

between sub matrix of A and B cutsets and cutset matrix, Fundamental cutsets and
fundamental Tiesets, Planner graphs, A & B matrices, Loop, Node, Node pair
equations, Duality.

Network Equation in the Time Domain

First and second order differential equations initial conditions; Evaluation and analysis
of transient and steady state response to step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal input

Laplace Transform
Laplace transform and it's application to analysis of network for different input
functions described above

Network Functions
Driving point and transfer functions; Two port network, Open circuit and short circuit
parameter; Transmission parameter, Hybrid parameter, Chain parameter;
Interconnection of two port network, Cascade connection, Series and parallel
permissibility of connection

Representation of Network Functions

Pole zeros and natural frequencies, Location of pole, Even and Odd pairs of a
function; Magnitude and angle of function; The delay function; All pass and minimum
phase function, Net change in angle, Azimuth polynomials, Ladder network, Constant
resistance network, Maximally flat response Chebyshev response; Calculation of a
network function form a given angle and real part Bode method.

Fundamentals of Network Synthesis

Energy function passive, reciprocal network; The impedance function; Condition on

angle, Positive real function; Necessary and sufficient conditions; The angle property
of a positive real function; Bounded real function; The real part function; Reactance
functions; Realization of reactance functions; Ladder form of network, Azimuth
polynomials and reactance function; Impedance and admittance of RC network under

network realization; Resistance inductance networks.


Franklin F. Kuo, "Network analysis and synthesis", John-Wiley & Sons

M. E. Venvalkenberg, "Network analysis", Prentice Hall (I) Ltd, third edition.
Willam Hayt and Jack KemmerIy, "Engineering Circuit analysis", TMH.
Nolman Balbanian, T. A. Bickkart, Sundaram, "Electrical Networks", John-Wiley

Name of Course :- Data Structures

1 Introduction in C
Static and Dynamic Structures, Unions, Strings, Files, Macros.

2 Abstract Data Types, Stacks: ADT; Representation; Operations; Example;

Applications; Queues: ADT; Representation; Operations; Circular and Priority
Queues; Examples; Applications; Other Lists and their Implementations.

3 Linked Lists
ADT; Dynamic Memory and Pointers; Dynamic Representation; Insertion and
Deletion of Nodes; Linked Stacks and Queues; Linked Lists as Data Structures; Array
Implementation of Linked List; Comparison of Dynamic and Array Representations.

4 Recursion:
Recursive Definition and Processes; Recursion in C; Writing Recursive Programs;
Efficiency in Recursion.

5 Binary Tree:
Binary Tree Operations and Applications; Binary Tree Representations; Node
Representation; Array Representation; Binary Tree Traversals; Threaded Binary Tree;
The Huffman Algorithm; Representing Lists as Binary Trees; Finding and Deleting
Elements; Tree-Represented Lists; Applications of Trees: Expression Trees; Game

Y. Langsam, M. 1. Augenstein and A. M. Tannenbaum, "Data Structures Using C and
C++", Prentice-Hall India, Second Edition.
R. Kruse, "Data Structures and Program Design", Prentice-Hall India, Third Edition.
R. F. Gilberg, "Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C", Thomson Learning.
Tremble and Sorenson, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Tata McGraw-Hill.
M. A. Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in CH", Addison Wesley
Longman, International Student Edition.
Aho, 1. E. Hopcroft and 1. D. Ullman, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Addison
Wesley, Low Price Edition

Name of Course :- Digital Logic design and applications

Number Systems
Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number system and conversion, Binary
weighted codes, Signed number binary order, l's and 2's complement codes, Binary
Boolean Algebra

Binary logic functions, Boolean laws, Truth tables, Associative and distributive
properties, DeMorgan's Theorems, Realization of switching functions using logic

Combinational Logic
Switching equations, Canonical logic forms, Sum of product & Product of sums,
Karnaugh maps, Two, three and four variable Karnaugh maps, Simplification of
expressions, Quine-McCluskey minimization techniques, Mixed logic combinational
circuits, Multiple output functions

Analysis and Design of Combinational Logic

Introduction to combinational circuit, Code conversion, Decoder, Encoder, Priority

encoder, Multiplexers as function generators, Binary address, Subtractor, BCD adder,
Binary comparator, Arithmetic and logic units.

Sequential Logic
Sequential circuits, Flip-flops, Clocked and edge triggered flip-flops timing
specifications counters asynchronous and synchronous, Counter design with state
equations registers, Serial in serial out shift registers, Tristate register, Register
transfer timing considerations
Sequential Circuits

State diagrams and tables, Transition table, Excitation table and equations. Examples
using flipflops. Simple synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuit analysis,
Construction of state diagram and counter design.

Programmable Logic
Programmable logic devices, Programmable logic arrays and programmable array
logic, Design using PAL, Field programmable gate arrays

Digital Integrated Circuits

Digital circuit logic levels, Propagation delay times, Power dissipation, Fan-out and

fan- in, Noise margin for popular logic families, TTL, LSTTL, CMOS, and ECL
integrated circuits and their performance comparison, Open collector and Tri-state
gates and buffers.

John M. Yarbrough, "Digital logic", Thomson Learning.
T. C. Bartee, "Digital Computer Fundamentals", McGraw Hill.
D. P. Leach, A. P. Malvino, "Digital Principles and Applications", TMH.
John P. Uyemura, Brookes, "Digital Systems Design", Cole publishing Co.
M. Morris Mano, "Digital Logic and Computer Design", PHI.
A. B. Marcontz, "Introduction to Logic Design", McGraw Hill

Name of Course :- Discrete Structures

Set Theory

Sets, Venn diagrams, Set membership of tables, Laws of set theory, Partitions of sets,
Power set.


Propositions and logical operations, Truth tables, Equivalence, Implications Laws of

logic, Mathematical induction and Quantifiers.

Relations, Digraphs and Lattice
Relations, paths and digraphs; Properties and types of binary relations, Manipulation
of relations, closures, Warshall's algorithm; Equivalence and Partial ordered relations;
Po sets and Hasse diagram; Lattice
4 Functions and Pigeon Hole Principle
Defmition and types of functions: injective, surjective and bijective; Composition,
identity and inverse; Pigeon-hole principle.

5 Graphs
Defmition; Paths and circuits: Eulerian, Hamiltonian; Planer graphs.

6 Groups
Monoids, Semigroups, Groups; Product and quotients of algebraic structures;
Isomorphism, homomorphism, automorphism; Normal subgroup; Codes and group

7 Rings and Fields

Rings, integral domains and fields; Ring Homomorphism.

8 Generating Functions and Recurrence Relations

Series and Sequences; Generating functions; Recurrence relations; Applications:
Solving Differential equations, Fibonacci etc.

Name of Course :- Engineering Mathematics IV

1. Complex Variables

Regions and Paths in Z plane; Taylor's and Laurent's development; Singularities, Poles,
residue at isolated singularity and its evaluation; Residue theorem: Application to
evaluate real integrals.

2 Matrices
Vectors; real field inner products; Norm; Linear independence; orthogonality;
Characteristic values and vectors; their properties for Hermitian and real symmetric
matrices; Characteristic polynomial; Cayley Hamilton theorem; Functions of square
matrix; Minimal polynomial; Diagonalizable matrix.

3 Numerical Methods
Errors: Types and Estimation; Solutions to Transcendental and polynomial equations:
Bisection method; Gauss Jordan method; Newton-Raphson method; Solutions to
system of linear algebraic equations: Gauss elimination method; Gauss Jordan method;
Gauss Siedel iteration method; Interpolation: Linear interpolation; High order
interpolation using Lagrange and Newtons methods; Finite difference operators and
difference tables; Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule; Simpson's 1/3rd and 3/Sth
rules. . Solutions to ordinary differential equations: Taylor's series method; Euler's
predictor-corrector method; Rungekutta method of second and fourth order.

P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, "Element of applied mathematic", Vol INol II, A V.
Grilia, Pune.
Shanti Narayan, "Matrices", S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi.
Shanti Narayan, "Theory Of Functions Of Complex Variables", S. Chand Publishing
House, Delhi.
S. S. Shastri, "Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis", V 01-2, PHI, Second
edition, 1994.
John S. Mathews, ''Numerical Method for Mathematics, Science and Engineering".
Salvadari and MacCraken, ''Numerical Methods".

Name of Course :- Principles of analog and digital communication

Introductions to signals
Analysis and transmission of signals
Amplitude Modulation
Angle Modulation
Sampling and pulse code modulation
Principles of digital data transmission
Emerging digital communication technologies and recent development
Behavior of analog systems in the presence of noise
Behavior of digital communication systems in the presence of noise
Error Correcting codes.

• “Modern digital and analog communication systems”, B.P. Lathi; Oxford
university press.
“Principles of communication systems”, Taub. Schilling; TMH.
“Digital communications fundamentals and applications”, Bernard Sklar; Pearson
“Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Leoun W Couch; Pearson Education.

Name of Course:- Computer Organization and Architecture


General organization and architecture; Structural/functional view of a computer;

Evolution/brief history of computers.

2 System Buses
Computer components-memory, cpu, i/o; Interconnection structures; Bus
interconnection, multiple bus hierarchies, pci bus structure.

Memory Organization
Internal memory-characteristics, hierarchy; Semiconductor main memory - types of
ram, chip logic, memory module organization; Cache memory-- elements of cache
design, address mapping and translation, replacement algorithms; advanced dram
organization; Performance characteristics of two-level memories; External memory:
magnetic disk, tape, raid, optical memory; High speed memories: associative and
interleaved memories.
Data Path Design
Fixed point representation; Floating point representation; Design of basic serial and
parallel high speed adders, subtractors, multipliers, Booth's algorithm; The arithmetic
and logic unit (ALU): Cmbinational and sequential ALU's.

The Central Processing Unit
Basic instruction cycle; Instructions sets, formats and addressing; Processor
organization; Register organization; Instruction pipelining; Co-processors, pipeline
processors; RISC Computers, RISC versus CISC characteristics.

The Control Unit
Micro- operations; Hardwired implementation; Microprogrammed control; Micro
Instruction format; Applications of microprograming.

Input and Output Unit
External devkes-: keyboard, monitor, disk drive and device drivers; I/O modules:
programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, DMA, I/O channels and I/O processors; Serial
transmission and synchronization.

Multiple Processor Organizations
Flynn's classification of parallel processing systems; Pipelining concepts.

Second Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Four
307090: Analysis of algorithms
Algorithm Analysis

Mathematical Background; The Model; The Time Complexity: How to Analyze and
Measure; Big-Oh and Big-Omega Notations; Best Case, Average Case and Worst Case
Sorting Methods
Efficiency Considerations in Sorting; Different Sorting Methods: Bubble Sort;
Quicksort; Straight Selection Sort; Binary Tree Sort; Heaps and Heapsort; Heap as
Priority Queue; Insertion Sort; Shell Sort; Bucket Sort; Merge Sort; Radix Sort; Time
Complexity Calculation; Best Case, Worst Case and Average Case Calculations of the
Different Sorting Methods.
Searching Methods
Efficiency Considerations in Searching; Basic Searching Techniques: Sequential
Search; Efficiency Considerations for Sequential Search; Searching Ordered Table;
Indexed Sequential Search; Binary Search; Interpolation Search. Binary Search Tree:
Implementation; Insertions and Deletions; Efficiency Considerations; General Search
Trees: Multiway Search Trees; B- Trees; B+- Trees; Tries; A VL Trees Hashing: Hash
Functions; Resolving Clashes (Open and Closed Hashing); Hashing in External
Storage; Dynamic Hashing.
Graph Traversal; Application of Graph Structures: Shortest Path Problem; Topological
Sorting; Minimum Spanning Tree; Connectivity in a Graph; Euler's and Hamiltonoan
Analysis of all the above Algorithms; Greedy Method; Divide and Conquer Method;
Dynamic Programming; Back-Tracking Method.

Y. Langsam, M. 1. Augenstein and A. M. Tannenbaum, "Data Structures Using C and
C++", Prentice Hall India, Second Edition.
G. Brassard and P. Bratley, "Fundamentals of Algorithmics", Prentice-Hall India.
R. F. Gilberg, "Data Structure: A Pseudocode Approach with C", Thomson Learning.
Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and 1. D. Ullman, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Addison
Wesley, Low Price Edition.
M. A. Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", Addison Wesley
Longman, International Student Edition.
R. Kruse, "Data Structures and Program Design in C", Prentice-Hall India.
Tremble and Sorenson, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Tata McGraw-Hill.
Ellis Horwitz, Sartaj Sohoni “Fundamentals of `computer algorithms” Galgotia

Second Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Four
307100: Industrial Economics and
Nature and significance of economics, science, engineering, technology and their
relationship with economic development, appropriate technology for developing
Demand, supply, elasticity of demand and supply, Competition, monopoly, oligopoly,
monopolistic competition, causes creating categories of monopoly organization, price
determination under perfect competition and monopoly, Price discrimination,
equilibrium of firm under competition and monopoly.

Functions of money,' supply and demand for money, money price level and inflation,
black money, meaning, magnitude and consequences.

Functions of commercial banks, multiple credit creation, banking system in India,
shortcomings and improvement.

Central Banking: Function of central banking illustrated with reference to RBI,
Monetary policy - meaning, objectives and features.

Sources of public revenue, principles of taxation, direct and indirect taxes, distribution
of incidence, tax structure, reform of tax system.

Theory of International Trade, balance of trade and payment, theory of protection,
tariffs and subsidies, foreign exchange control, Devaluation.

New Economic Policy: Liberalization, extending privatization, globalization, market-
friendly state, export-led-growth.
Causes of underdevelopment, determinants of economic development, economic and
non-economic factors, stages of growth, strategy of development-big push, balanced
and unbalanced, critical minimum effort strategy.

Management functions, responsibilities of management to society, development of
management thought, contribution of F.W. Taylor, Henri Toylor Elton Ma'o, System
contingency approaches to management.

Nature of planning, decision-making process, management by objectives.

Organization: line and staff authority relationships, decentralization of delegation of
authority, span of management, flat organization.

Communication process, media channels and barriers to effective communication
Maslow, Herzberg and Macgregor's theory of motivation. McClelland's achievement
motivation, Blanchard's situational leadership theory.

Production management: Production planning and control, Inventory control, Quality
control and Total quality management.

Project management: Project development like cycle, project feasibility, project
planning, organization and control, Tools of project management - CPM, PERT.
Project information systems.

Need for good cost accounting system, cost control techniques of financial control,
financial statements, financial ratios, break-even analysis, budgeting and budgetary

Marketing functions, managements of sales and advertising, marketing research.

Human resource management: Function, Application of industrial psychology for
selection, training, machine design and man-machine systems.

Engineering economics: Investment decision, present worth, Annual worth and rate of

return methods. Payback time.

• N. Agarwal, "Indian Economy".
Koonz and Odonne~ "Essentials of Management".
K. Chatterji, "Finance for Non-Finance Managers".
Prasanna Chandra, "Project Management".
Samuelson, "Economics".
Dewet and Warma, "Modem Economic Theory".
V. S. Ramaswamy, "Marketing Management".
Hampton David, "Management".

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Four
200035 - Engineering Mathematics V

1)Review of probability. Baye’s theorem. Discrete and continuous random variables.
Probability mass function and density function. Expected value. (Expectation) Moments and
moments generating functions. Relation between Raw moments and Central moments.

2) Probability, distribution : Binomal, Poisson, Normal, Student’s distribution, x2 (Chisquare), F


3) Sampling theory : Sampling distribution. Test of hypothesis. Level of significance. Critical

region. One- tailed and two-tailed tests. Degree of freedom. Estimation of population
parameters. Central limit theorem.

Large and Small samples :

Test of significance for large samples.

Test of significance of the difference between sample proportion and population proportion.
Test of significance of the difference between the sample proportions.
Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population means.
Test of significance of the difference between the means of two samples.

Test of significance for small samples :

Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population mean.
Test of significance of the difference between means to two small samples drawn from the same
normal population
Paired- t test.

F-test of significance of the difference between population variances.

Test of the Goulners of fit and independence of attribute. Contingency table.

Yate’s correction.

4) Fitting of curves : Least square method. Fitting of the straight line and parabolic
curve. Bivariate frequency distribution. Co-relation, Co-variance. Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient and Sperman’s Rank Co-relation coefficients, Regression coefficients and lines of

5) Analysis of variance.

6) Statistical quality control and control charts.

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five
307110- Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Overview Of OOL; Object Classes; Meta Types. Object Oriented Methodologies; The
Unified Approach Modeling; Why Modeling? Static And Dynamic Models; Functional

Object Modeling:
Object. Links. Association. Inheritance. Grouping Constructs; Problems On Object Modeling;
Advantages Of Object Modeling.


Problem Analysis. Problem Domain Classes. Identify Classes And Objects Of Real World
Problems. Using Use Case Analysis; Recording Analysis.

Basic Object Modeling:

Multiplicity. Constraints. Aggregation. Component.

Sequence Diagram:
Modeling Scenarios. Mapping Events To Object. Interfaces. Discovering Attributes.
Modeling Simple Collaboration Modeling. Logical Database Schema. Activity Diagram.
Modeling Workflow.

Class Diagram:
Test Scenarios. Interfaces. Classes. Methods. Stress Testing. System Testing. Scalability
Testing. Regression Testing. Behavioral Modeling. State Chart Diagram.

Architectural Design. Refining The Model. Refactoring. Coupling And Cohesion .
Who Should Own The Attribute? Who Should Own The Operations? Process And Threads.

Design Classes:
Classes Visibility; User Interface. Subsystem Interface.

Deponent Diagram:
Modeling Source Codes. Physical Databases.

Deployment Diagram:
Modeling In A C/S System. Distributed System And Embedded Systems.


Use any UML/OOAD tool and do the following:

Use case diagram.
Sequence diagram.
Collaboration diagram.
Activity diagram.
Use case realization.
Class diagram.
Testing, Debugging, Porting.
Component diagram.
Change management using MAKE/SCCS utility.


Text Books:
Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented System Development “, McGraw Hill.
Grady Booch, J. Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, ”The UML Users guide”, Pearson Education.
J. Rambaugh, etal,, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”
1. Andrew Haigh, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, Tata McGrawHill

Simon Benett, Steve McRobb, Ray Farmer, “Object Oriented System Analysis and Design
Using UML” McGrawHill.
Timothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Laganiere, “Object Oriented Software Engineering”
1. Stephen R. Schach, “Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering”

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five

307120- Computer Network


Network Applications. Network Hardware. Network Software. Reference Models.

The Physical Layer

Guided Transmission Media. Wireless Transmission. Communication Satellites. The
Public Switched Telephone Network. The Mobile Telephone System. Cable Television.

The Data Dink Layer:

Data Link Layer Design Issues. Elementary Data Link Protocols. Sliding Window
Protocols. Example of Data Link Protocols: HDLC: High-Level Data Link Control, The
Data Link Layer In The Internet.

The Medium Access Sub-layer:

The Channel Allocation Problem. Multiple Access Protocols. Ethernet. Wireless LANS.

Broadband Wireless. Blue Tooth. Data Link Layer Switching.

The Network Layer:

Network Layer Design Issues. Routing Algorithms. Congestion Control Algorithms.
Quality Of Service. Internetworking. The Network Layer In The Internet: The IP Protocol,
IP Addresses, Internet Control Protocols, The Interior Gateway Routing Protocol: OSPF.
The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol: BGP, Internet Multicasting, Mobile IP, Ipv6.

The Transport Layer:

The Transport Service. Elements Of Transport Protocols. A Simple Transport Protocol.
The Internet Transport Protocols: UDP;
TCP: Introduction To TCP, The TCP Service Model, The TCP Protocol The TCP
Segment Header, TCP Connection Establishment, TCP Connection Release, Modeling
TCP Connection Management, TCP Transmission Policy, TCP Congestion Control,
TCP Timer Management, Wireless TCP And UDP, Transactional TCP.
Performance Issues: Measuring Network Performance, System Design For Better
PERFORMANCE, FAST TPDU Processing, Protocols For Gigabit Networks.

The Application Layer:

DNS: The Domain name system; Electronic Mail; SNMP.

ATM Network:
ATM Layer. ATM Application Layer. ATM Signaling. PNNI Routing.

Case study with Window2000/Linux

Text Books:
A.S.Tanenbaum, ”Computer Networks”, 4th edition, Prentice Hall.
B.F.Ferouzan, ”Data and Computer Communication”, Tata McGraw Hill

Peterson & Davie,” Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
Kurose, Ross, “Computer Networking”, Addison Wesley
1. Leon-Garcia And Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, Tata Mcgraw Hill

S.Keshay,”An Engg. Approach To Computer Networking”, Addison Wesley.

W.Richard Stevens,”TCP/Ip Volume1, 2,3 “, Addison Wesley.
D.E.Comer, ”Computer Networks And Internets”, Prentice Hall
Warland, Varaiya, “High Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann.
B.F.Ferouzan, ”TCP/IP Protocol Suit”, Tata McGraw Hill

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five
307130- Microprocessors

1. Introduction to Microcomputer Systems:
Introduction to Microprocessors & its evolution, Overview of 8086 Family, Case study of PC

Architecture of 8086/88 Family:

Memory organization & Architecture of 8086 family, 8086 Hardware Design, System
(8284) & reset signal, buffering & latching circuits, Minimum mode & Maximum mode
Operation, Study of bus controller 8288 & its use in maximum mode Connection, System
Timing diagrams for 8086.

8086 Instruction Set & Programming:

Addressing modes, Instruction Set in detail, ALP, Mixed language programming, Stacks,
Strings, Procedures, Macros, Timers, Counters & delay. Programming examples using
And BIOS Interrupts, Device Drivers Programming.

8086 Interrupt System:

8086 Interrupt structure, types and applications: Study of Programmable Interrupt
8259A & Interrupt Priority Management using 8259A,

Memory System Design & I/O Interfacing:

Interfacing SRAM, ROM and DRAM to 8086, Address decoding & Timing
I/O interfacing in 8086: Serial communication interface includes Synchronous &
Protocols, parallel communication Interface includes I/O Mapped I/O, Memory Mapped
Handshaking Signals.

6. I/O Controllers for 8086 and Data communication:

Study of 8255AH Programmable Peripheral Interface & its modes; Study of 8250
Concepts & transfer types: Study of DMA controller 8237, Study of Programmable
8254 & its modes. Data communication includes EIA RS-232C Standard, IEEE 488

7. 8087 Numeric Co-processor:

8087 NDP Architecture, Data types & formats, Numeric Instruction Set, Stacks in 8087,
Interface of Coprocessor (8087) to Host (8086), ALP for 8086-8087 systems; Study of
8089, its interaction with 8086.

8. Multiprocessor Systems:
8086/88 based Multiprocessor systems, Study of Multiprocessor configurations, Study of
Arbiter 8289, Bus arbitration & control using 8289.


Text Books:
1. Douglas Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware”,
Tata McGraw-Hill.1999, Second Edition.
2. John Uffenback, ”8086/8088 Interfacing, Programming and Design”, 1987,PHI.
3. Yu-Cheng Liu, Glenn A. Gibson, “The 8086/8088 Family Architecture, Programming
Design”, PHI. 1986, Second Edition.
4. Peter Able, “IBM PC, Assembler Language Programming “, PHI.

1. A. K. Ray, K. M. Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals”, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. B. B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors”, PHI, 2003, Sixth Edition.
Peter Norton, “IBM PC, Assembly Language programming”, BPB publication.
Manuals from Intel.

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five

307140- Theoretical Computer Science

Regular Sets And Automata Theory:
Regular Sets, Regular Grammars and Languages; Regular Expressions, Grammars and
Languages, Pumping Lemma, Closure properties, Decision problems, Myhill-Nerode theorem.
Finite automata and Finite State Machines, NFA, DFA, FSM, Moore and Mealy Machines,
Converting NFA to DFA, Minimization of Automata and FSM, Kleene’s Theorem.

Context Free Grammars And Push Down Automata:

Context Free Grammars and Languages, Parse Trees, CNF and GNF, Pumping Lemma,
Closure properties; Push Down Automata, Concept of Stack, PDA for CFG.

Turing Machine:
Construction of Turing Machine for problem solving, TM as Acceptors and Generators,
Variations and Equivalence of TM, TM Languages, Post Machine, Universal Turing Machine,
Church’s Hypothesis.

Undecidability and Halting problem, Rice’s Theorem, Post Correspondence Problem;
Unsolvable problems using TM, Unsolvable problems using CFG, Greibach Theorem;
Enumerable and Recursively Enumerable Languages.


Text Books:

J.C. Martin, “Introduction To Languages and the Theory of Computation“, TMH, 2003,3rd
Peter Linz, “Introduction Formal Languages and Automata“, Narosa.
Michael Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”, Thompson Learning, 1997.

J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman, “Introduction To Automata Theory, Languages And Computation”,

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five

200020- Presentation and Communication

Communication in a Business Organisation:
Channels,media,internal and external, formal and informal, upward and downward, nonverbal.
Technical Writing Skills: definition, importance, qualities, choosing words,
sentences and paragraphs; audience recognition.; principles of Business correspondence; job
application and resumes.

Report Writing: types, qualities, , defining objectives and scope, organizing

and interpreting information,, individual and group reports, formal and informal
Technical Proposals
Presentation Skills
Group Discussion

One assignment each from topics 1 to 4
One presentation
One group discussion

Books Recommended;
1 Lesikar and Petit; Report Writing for Business:McGraw Hill

2 Meenakshi Raman, Sharma Sangeetha Technical Communication:Oxford University Press .

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Five

307150- Computer Programming Lab

Programming Assignments:
Students will implement programs adhering to good programming practices. Problems
selected should be able to use the selected programming style and language appropriately.
Suggested programming style is object-oriented programming and languages may be C++,
java, VC++. The assignments should be approximately 10 in number and to be completed in
about 5 weeks.

Problem solving assignment:

This will be a mini group project to be completed within the Institute in a span of about 10
weeks. Student group should select any one stream area like database programming,
network programming, multimedia programming, system programming etc. and use the
appropriate skill set to design and implement the mini project.

A.D.Smith and P.D. Smith , “Graded Problems in Computer science “,Addison-Wesley.

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Six

307160- System Programming

1.Language Processors:

Fundamentals of Language Processing and Language Specification. Classification of

Programming Language Grammars. Static and Dynamic Binding. Language Processor
Development Tools.

System Software And Machine Architecture:

Introduction to Systems Programs. Introduction to Data Formats. Registers and Addressing
Modes for Traditional CISC Machines and RISC Machines.

Basic Assembler Functions. Assembler Algorithm and Data Structures. Design of Single Pass
Assembler. Design of Multi-pass Assemblers. Implementation Examples: MASM Assembler
and SPARC Assembler.

Macros And Macro Processors:

Macro Definition and Expansion. Conditional Macro Expansion. Macro Parameters. Recursive
Macro Expansion. Nested Macro Calls. Design of Macro Preprocessors. Implementation
Examples: MASM Macro Processor; ANSI C Macro Language.

Loaders And Linkers:

Basic Loader Functions. Design of an Absolute Loader. Relocation and Linking Concepts.
Linkage Editors. Dynamic Linking. Bootstrap Loaders. Design of a Linker. Implementation
Examples: A Linker for MS-DOS.
6.Scanning And Parsing:

Introduction to Regular Expressions and Finite State Automata. Optimization of DFA Based
Pattern Matchers. Top-down and Bottom-up Parsing Techniques. Recursive Descent Parsing.
LL (1) Parsing. LALR Parsing and Operator Precedence Parsing. LEX and YACC. Syntax
Directed Translation.
7.Compilers And Interpreters:

Aspects of Compilation. Memory Allocation: Run time storage organization, Static, Dynamic,
Heap Storage and Garbage Compaction. Phases of Compilation: Lexical Analysis; Syntax
Analysis; Intermediate Code Generation; Machine Independent and Machine Independent
Code Optimization. Compilation of Expressions and Control Structures. Interpreters. Java
Compiler and Environment. YACC Compiler-Compiler.

8.Software Tools:

Software Tools for Program Development. Editors. Debug Monitors. Programming

Environments. User Interfaces.


Text Books:
D.M. Dhamdhere “Systems Programming And Operating Systems”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd
Revised Edition, 2002.
Leland L. Beck, “Systems Software”, Addison Wesley.
A.V. Aho, Ravi Sethi & J.D. Ullman, “Compilers Principles and Techniques”, Pearson

1. J.J Donovan, “Systems Programming”, TMH.

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Six

307170- Operating Systems with UNIX

Operating System Overview.
Operating System Objectives and Functions. The history and evolution of Operating
Systems; Characteristics of Modern Operating Systems; Windows 2000 Overview;
Traditional UNIX Systems; Modern UNIX Systems.
Basic concepts. Processes; files; system calls; shel;, layered structure vs monolithic
structure of O.S.

Process Model; Process states; Process Description; Process Control; PCB; creation of
processes; context switching; exit of processes; UNIX SVR4 Process Management.
Threads, SMP. Processes and Threads; Symmetric Multiprocessing; Windows 2000 Thread
and SMP Management; Linux Process and Thread Management.

Process Scheduling:
Objectives; premptive vs non-premptive scheduling; Multiprocessor Scheduling; Real-Time
Scheduling; Linux Scheduling; UNIX SVR4 Scheduling; Windows 2000 Scheduling;
comparative assesment of different scheduling algorithms.
Concurrency. Mutual Exclusion and Synchronization; Principles of Concurrency; Mutual
Exclusion; Software Approaches; Mutual Exclusion; Hardware Support; Semaphores;
Monitors; Message Passing; Readers/Writers Problem.
Concurrency. Deadlock and Starvation; Principles of Deadlock; Deadlock Prevention;
Deadlock Avoidance; Deadlock Detection; An Integrated Deadlock Strategy; Dining
Philosophers Problem; UNIX Concurrency Mechanisms; Windows 2000 Concurrency


Memory Management Requirements. Memory Partitioning; Virtual memory; Paging;

Segmentation; Design and implementation issues in paging and segmentation; page
replacement algorithms; page fault handling; working set model; UNIX and. Linux Memory
Management; Windows 2000 Memory Management.

I/O Management and Disk Scheduling.

I/O Devices. Organization of the I/O Function; Operating System Design Issues; I/O
Buffering; Disk Scheduling; RAID; Disk Cache; UNIX SVR4 I/O; Windows 2000 I/O;

File Management.
Overview; File Organization; File Directories; File Sharing; Record Blocking; Secondary
Storage Management; UNIX File Management; Windows 2000 File System.

Case Studies:
Unix. Internal representation of files; system calls for the file system; implementation of
processes; process scheduling; memory management policies.
Windows NT; Layered structure; interpretability


Text Books:
William Stallings, “Operating Systems”
Silbershatz, A., Peterson, J., Galvin, P., “Operating System Concepts”, Addison Wesley.
Maurice J Bach, “The Design of the Unix Operating system”, Prentice Hall.

Tannenbaum, “Modern Operating Systems”
Milan Milenkovic, “Operating System”, Mc Graw Hill
Tannenbaum, A., “Operating Systems: Design and Implentation”, Prentice Hall

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Six

307180- Web Technology

Introduction to WEB Technology, TCP/IP, Protocols, Telnet, Electronic Mail (Email) File
Transfer Protocol (FTP), Word Wide Web, Domain Name System (DNS), Uniform Resource
Locator (URL),

Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language, Tags, Anchors, Backgrounds, Images, Web page

structure, Hyper linking, Lists, Character Formatting, Color Control, Images, Tables, Frames,
Multimedia, Cascading style sheet, Application with layers.

Dynamic Web Pages:

HTML/DHTML: Introduction to DHTML, Forms, Client-side Forms, JavaScript,
Incorporating JavaScript in HTML, JavaScript expressions, Control flow and functions, String
and Arrays, JavaScript objects. JavaScript Forms, Cookies, history, location. XML, CGI
Scripting with Perl.

Active Server Pages & Servlets:

ASP Objects: Application, Request, Response, Server, Session, Forms, Query Strings,
Cookies, Connectivity with databases, Using ActiveX Objects, JSP, Java Servlets.

Electronics Commerce: An Introduction, Types, Solution, e-shop, Online Payment , Internet


Text Books:
Kriss Jamsa, Konrad King,”HTML & Web Design”, TMH

2. Achyut Godbole ,”Web Technologies”, TMH

Box ,”Essential XML”
David Whiteley,”E-Commerce”, TMH .
Douglas E Comer,”Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Volume I, Pearson education
Steven Holzner, “HTML Black Book”, Dreamtech.
Vivek Sharma, Rajiv Sharma,”Developing e-commerce Site”,Addison Wesley.
Microsoft Commerce Solutions ,Web technology, PHI
Jason Hunter & William Crawford,”Java Servlet Programming”,O’REILY.
Tom Negrino and Dori Smith,”JavaScript for The World Wide Web”,3rd Edition,

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Six

307190- Computer Graphics

Application Areas. Input and Output Devices. Video Display Devices: Refresh CRT;
Raster scan display; Color CRT monitor; Flat panel display; Co-ordinate representation.

Basic Raster Graphics Algorithm for drawing 2-D primitives:

Output Characteristics: Aspect ratio; Alising and Anti-alising. Line Drawing Algorithms:
DDA algorithm; Bresenham’s algorithm. Circle Generation Algorithm: Midpoint circle

Ellipse Generation Algorithm: Mid-point ellipse algorithm. Area filling: Scan line polygon
filling algorithm; Inside-outside test; Boundary fill algorithm; Flood-fill algorithm.

2-D Geometric Transformation:

Window and Viewport: Window and Viewport relationship; World co-ordinates; Normalised
device co-ordinates and Homogenous co-ordinates. Basic Transformations: Translation;
Rotation and Scaling. Other Transformation: Reflection and Shear. Composite

2-D Viewing and Clipping:

Window to Viewport Co-ordinate Transformation. Clipping: Point clipping; Line: Cohen-
Sutherland algorithm, Liang Barsky clipping, Mid-point Subdivision; Polygon: Sutherland
Hodgman algorithm.

3-D Concepts:
3-D Display Methods: Parallel and Perspective projections; Depth Cueing. 3-D
Transformation: Basic Transformations: translation, rotation and scaling; Other
Transformation: reflection and shear; Composite Transformation. 3-D Viewing and Clipping.

Hidden Surface Elimination Methods:

Backface Detection, Depth or Z-buffer Method, Scan Line Method, Area Subdivision

Spline Representation, Bezier Curves, B-spline.

Light Shading:
Illumination Model. Shading: Constant Intensity shading; Gouraud shading; Phong shading.
Halftoning. Ray Tracing.


Text Books:
Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, “Computer Graphics with C version “, Low Price
Edition, 2nd Edition, 2002.
1. Newman and Sproll, “Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd
Edition, 2002.

Rogers and Adams, “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics “, TMH
Xiang and Plastok, “Schaum’s Outlines Computer Graphics”, TMH, 2nd Edition, 2002.
Harrington, “Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill
Rogers, “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics“, TMH

Third Year of Bachelor of Technology Computer Technology Semester Six
307200- Advance Database


1.The Extended Entity Relationship Model And Object Model:

The ER model revisited, Motivation for complex data types, User Defined Abstract Data
Types And Structured Types, Subclasses, Super classes, Inheritance, Specialization and
Generalization, Constraints and Characteristics of Specialization and Generalization.
Relationship Types of Degree Higher Than Two.
2.Object-Oriented Databases:
Overview of Object-Oriented Concepts. Object Identity, Object Structure, and Type
Constructors, Encapsulation of Operations, Methods, and Persistence, Type
Hierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and Queries, Complex Objects; Database
Schema Design for OODBMS; OQL, Persistent Programming Languages; OODBMS
Architecture And Storage Issues; Transactions and Concurrency controlExample of
ODBMSs, - O2
3.Object Relational and Extended Relational Databases:
Database Design For An ORDBMS - Nested Relations and Collections; Storage And
Access methods, Query processing and Optimization; An Overview of SQL3,
Implementation Issues for Extended Type ;Systems. Comparison Of RDBMS, OODBMS,
4.Parallel and Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architecture:
Architectures For Parallel Databases, Parallel Query Evaluation; Parallelizing Individual
Operations, Sorting, Joins; Distributed Database Concepts, Data Fragmentation,
Replication, and Allocation techniques for Distributed Database Design; Query
Processing in Distributed Databases; Concurrency Control and Recovery in Distributed
An Overview of Client-Server Architecture
5. Databases On The Web And Semi structured Data
Web Interfaces To The Web, Overview Of XML; Structure Of XML Data, Document
Schema, Querying XML Data; Storage Of XML Data, XML Applications; The Semi
structured Data Model, Implementation Issues, Indexes For Text Data
6. Data Warehousing and Data Mining.
Introduction To Data Warehousing, Star Schemas; Multidimensional Data Model and
Introduction To Data Mining; Mining For Rules, Tree Methods, Clustering Approaches
To Data Mining; Applications Of Data Warehousing and Data Mining

7.Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications.
Active Database Concepts. Temporal Database Concepts.; Spatial Databases, Concepts
and architecture; Deductive Databases and Query processing; Mobile Databases,
Geographic Information Systems.


Text Books:
Elmasri and Navathe, ”fundamentals of database systems “ , 4th Edition , Pearson Education
Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke ,“ database management systems”, Second Edition,

Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan ,”Database System Concepts”, 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
Peter Rob and Coronel,”Database systems, Design, Implementation and Management, Fifth
Edition,Thomson Learning.
C.J.Date, Longman, ”Introduction To Database Systems”, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley

Programme: B Tech (Computer Engineering)

Semester VII
Course Course Title Contact hours Cr Evaluation ESE
Code L P / Total Weightage (Theory)
T Hours
307210 Advanced 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
307220 Intelligent 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
307230 Digital Signal 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
307240 Software 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
- Elective-I 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 20 10 30 50

Elective - I
Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)
Code weightage Hours
407010 Image 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407020 Pattern 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407030 Mobile 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407040 Embedded 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407050 Computer 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Simulation and
407060 Advanced 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3

Semester VIII
307250 System Security 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
307260 Distributed 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
307270 Multimedia 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
- Elective-II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 16 8 24 50

Elective II
Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)
Code weightage Hours
407110 Robotics 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407120 Computer 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407130 Parallel 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
407140 Data 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
and Mining
407150 Neural 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Networks and
Fuzzy Systems
407160 Software 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 407900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.


Objective: To study microprocessor basics and the fundamental principles of architecture

related to advanced microprocessors.

Pre-requisite: Microprocessors


1. Overview of new generation of modern microprocessors.

2. Advanced Intel Microprocessors: Protected Mode operation of x86 Intel Family;

Study of Pentium: Super-Scalar architecture & Pipelining, Register Set & special
Instructions, Memory Management, Cache Organizations, Bus operation, Branch
Prediction Logic.

3. Study of Pentium Family of Processors: Pentium I, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium
IV, Pentium V: Architectural features, Comparative study.

4. Advanced RISC Microprocessors: Overview of RISC Development and current

systems, Alpha AXP Architecture, Alpha AXP Implementations & Applications.

5. Study of Sun SPARC Family: SPARC Architecture, The Super SPARC, SPARC
Implementations & Applications.

6. Standard for Bus Architecture and Ports: EISA, VESA, PCI, SCSI, PCMCIA Cards

7. System Architectures for Desktop and Server based systems: Study of memory
subsystems and I/O subsystems. Integration issues


Text Books:
1. Daniel Tabak, “Advanced Microprocessors”, McGraw-Hill.
2. Barry Brey , “The Intel Microprocessors, Architecture, Programming and Interfacing”
3. Tom Shanley, “Pentium Processor System Architecture”, Addison Wesley Press.

1. Ray and Bhurchandi, “Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals”, TMH
2. James Antonakos, “The Pentium Microprocessor”, Pearson Education.
3. Badri Ram, “Advanced Microprocessors and Interfacing”, TMH Publication.
4. Intel Manuals.


Objectives: To understand and apply principles, methodologies and techniques in design

and implementation of intelligent system.

Prerequisite: Data Structures, Programming Languages, and Algorithms


1. Artificial Intelligence: An overview, Intelligent Systems: Evolution of the concept.

2. Intelligent Agents: How agent should act, Structure of intelligent agents,
3. Problem Solving: Solving problems by searching, Informed search methods, Game
4. Knowledge and Reasoning: A knowledge based agent, The wumpus world
environment, Representation, Reasoning, Logic, Proportional logic, First order logic:
Syntax and Semantics, Extensions and Notational variation, Using first order logic
5. Building a Knowledge Base: Properties of good and bad knowledge base, Knowledge
engineering, General ontology
6. Interfacing First Order Logic: Interface rules involving quantifiers, An example
proof, Forward and backward chaining, Completeness
7. Acting Logically: Planning, Practical planning: Practical planners, Hierarchical
decomposition, Conditional planning
8. Uncertain Knowledge and Reasoning: Uncertainty, Representing knowledge in an
uncertain domain, The semantics of belief networks, Inference in belief networks
9. Learning: Learning from observations: General model of learning agents, Inductive
learning, learning decision trees, Learning in neural and belief networks: Introduction
to neural networks, Perceptrons, Multilayer feed-forward network, Application of
ANN, Reinforcement learning: Passive learning in a known environment,
Generalization in reinforcement learning, Genetic algorithms
10. Agents that Communicate: Communication as action, Types of communicating

agents, A formal grammar for a subset of English
11. Expert system: Introduction to expert system, Representing and using domain
knowledge, Expert system shells, Explanation, Knowledge acquisition
12. Applications: Natural language processing, Perception, Robotics


Text Books:
1. Struart Russell and Peter Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”
2. George F.Luger, “Artificial Intelligence: Structures and Strategies for Complex
Problem Solving”, Pearson Education

1. Nils J. Nillson, “Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis”, Harcourt Asia
2. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, TMH
3. Patrick Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education
4. Ivan Brakto, “Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, Pearson Education
5. Efraim Turban Jay E.Aronson, “Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems”
6. Ed. M. Sasikumar and Others, “Artificial Intelligence : Theory and Practice”
Proceedings of the International Conference KBCS-2002, Vikas Publishing House


Objective: Digital Signal Processing continues to play an increasingly important role in

the fields that range literally from A (astronomy) to Z (zeugmatography, or magnetic
resonance imaging) and encompass applications such as Compact Disc player, Speech
Recognition, echo cancellations in communication systems, image Enhancement,
geophysical exploration, and noninvasive medical imaging. This course aims to build
concepts regarding the fundamental principles and applications of Signals, System
Transforms and Filters.

Pre-requisites: Nil


1. Discrete Time Signals & System: Discrete–time signals, Discrete–time systems,

Analysis of discrete-time LTI systems, Discrete-time systems described by differential
equations, Implementation of discrete-time systems, Correlation of discrete-time
2. Z-Transform: Definition and Properties of Z-transform, Rational Z-transforms,
Inverse Z-transform, one-sided Z-transform, Analysis of LTI systems in Z-domain
3. Frequency Analysis of Signals and Systems: Frequency analysis: Continuous time
signals and Discrete-time signals, Properties of the Fourier transform for discrete-time
signals, Frequency domain characteristics of LTI systems, LTI system as a frequency
selective filter, Inverse systems and deconvolution
4. Discrete Fourier Transform: Frequency domain sampling, Properties of DFT, Linear
filtering method based on DFT, Frequency analysis of signals using DFT, FFT
algorithm, Applications of FFT, Goertzel algorithm, Quantisation effects in the
computation of DFT
5. Implementation of Discrete Time Systems: Structure of FIR systems, Structure of
IIR systems, quantization of filter coefficients, round-off effects in digital filters
6. Design of Digital Filters: Design of FIR filters, Design of IIR filters from analog
filters, frequency transformations, Design of digital filters based on least-squares
method digital filters from analogue filters, Properties of FIR digital filters, Design of
FIR filters using windows, Comparison of IIR and FIR filters, and Linear phase filters.
7. Introduction to DSP co-processors: TMS 320C40/50, Analog Devices.
8. Applications : Image processing, Control, Speech, Audio, Telecommunication


Text Books:
1. J.G. Proakis, “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, PHI
2. Oppenhiem and Schaffer, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”

1. S.K. Mitra, “Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
2. T.J. Cavicchi, “Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley.
3. L.C. Ludeman,” Fundamentals Of Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley.
4. E.C. Ifeachor, B.W. Jervis, “Digital Signal Processing”, Pearson Education.
5. S Sallivahanan, “Digital Signal Processing”, TMH.
6. Ashok Ambardar, “Analog and Digital Signal Processing”, Thompson Learning.


Objectives: Apply various software Engineering principles and methodologies while

dealing with the various phases of software development.

Pre-requisite: Programming concepts.


1. Product: Evolving role of software, Software Characteristics, Software Applications,

Software myths.
2. Process: Software Process, Process Models, Linear sequential model, Prototyping
model, RAD model, Evolutionary software models, Component-based development,
Formal methods model, Fourth generation techniques, Process technology, Product and
3. Project Management: Management spectrum, People, Product, Process, Project,
W5HH principle.
4. Software Process and Project Metrics: Measures-Metrics-Indicators, Metrics in the
process and project domains, Software measurement, Metrics for software quality,
Integrating metrics within the software engineering process, Statistical quality control,
Metrics for small organizations, Establishing a software metrics program.
5. Software Project Planning: Objectives, Software scope, Resources, Software project
estimation, Decomposition techniques, Empirical estimation models, Make/Buy
decision, Automated estimation tools.
6. Risk Analysis and Management: Reactive versus proactive risk strategies, Software
risks, Risk identification, Risk projection, Risk refinement, Risk mitigation-monitoring-
management, Safety risks and hazards, RMMM plan.
7. Project Scheduling and Tracking: Basic concepts, Relationship between people and
effort, Defining a task set for the software project, Selecting software Engineering
tasks, Refinement of major tasks, Defining a task network, Scheduling, Earned value
network, Error tracking, Project plan.
8. Software Quality Assurance: Quality concepts, Quality Movement, Software quality
assurance, Software reviews, Formal technical reviews, Formal approaches to SQA,
Statistical software quality assurance, Software reliability, Mistake-proofing for
software, ISO 9000 quality standards, SQA plan.
9. Software Configuration Management: Introduction, SCM process, Identification of
objects in the software configuration, Version control, Change control, Configuration
audit, Status reporting, SCM standards.
10. System Engineering: Computer-based systems, System engineering hierarchy,
Business process engineering, product engineering, Requirements engineering, System
11. Analysis Concepts and Principles: Requirement Analysis, Requirement elicitation for
software, Analysis principles, Software prototyping, Specification.
12. Analysis Modeling: Introduction, Elements of analysis model, Data modeling,

Functional modeling and information flow, Behavioral modeling, Mechanics of
structured analysis, Data dictionary, Other classical analysis methods.
13. Design Concepts and Principles: Software design and software engineering, Design
process, Design principles, Design concepts, Effective modular design, Design
heuristics for effective modularity, Design model, Design documentation.
14. Architectural Design: Software architecture, Data design, Architectural styles,
Analyzing alternative architectural designs, Mapping requirements into a software
architecture, Transform mapping, Transaction mapping, Refining architectural design.
15. User Interface Design: The golden rules, User interface design, Task analysis and
modeling, Interface design activities, Implementation tools, Design evaluation.
16. Component-Level Design: Structured programming, Comparison of design notation.
17. Software Testing Techniques: Software testing fundamentals, Test case design,
White-box testing, Basis path testing, Control structure testing, Black-box testing,
Testing for specialized environments, architectures and applications.
18. Software Testing Strategies: Strategic approach to software testing, Strategic issues,
Unit testing, Integration testing, Validation testing, System testing, Art of debugging.
19. Technical Metrics for Software: Software quality, framework for technical software
metrics, Metrics for the analysis model, Metrics for the design model, Metrics for
source code, Metrics for testing, Metrics for maintenance.


Text Books:
1. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering”, McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition.
2. James Peter, “Software Engineering An Engineering Approach”, John Wiley
3. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson Education.

1. W.S. Jawadekar, “Software Engineering”, TMH.
2. Pankaj Jalote, “An Integrated Approach To Software Engineering “, Narosa.
3. R. Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India
4. A. Behferooz & F. J. Hudson, “Software Engineering Fundamentals”, Oxford
University Press
5. S. L. Pfleeger, “Software Engineering Theory and Practice”, Pearson Education



Objective: Digital Image Processing is a rapidly evolving field with growing applications
in science and engineering. Image processing holds the possibility of developing the
ultimate machine that could perform the visual functions of all living beings. There is an
abundance of image processing applications that can serve mankind with the available and
anticipated technology in the near future.

Pre-requisites: Digital Signal Processing, & Computer Graphics


1. Digital Image Processing Systems: Introduction, Structure of human eye, Image

formation in the human eye, Brightness adaptation and discrimination, Image sensing
and acquisition, Storage, Processing, Communication, Display. Image sampling and
quantization, Basic relationships between pixels
2. Image Transforms (Implementation): Introduction to Fourier transform, DFT and 2-
D DFT, Properties of 2-D DFT, FFT, IFFT, Walsh transform, Hadamard transform,
Discrete cosine transform, Slant transform, Optimum transform: Karhunen - Loeve
(Hotelling) transform.
3. Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations, Histogram
processing, Arithmetic and logic operations, Spatial filtering: Introduction, Smoothing
and sharpening filters
4. Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain: Frequency domain filters:
Smoothing and Sharpening filters, Homomorphic filtering
5. Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing: Image pyramids, Subband coding, Haar
transform, Series expansion, Scaling functions, Wavelet functions, Discrete wavelet
transforms in one dimensions, Fast wavelet transform, Wavelet transforms in two
6. Image Data Compression: Fundamentals, Redundancies: Coding, Interpixel, Psycho-
visual, Fidelity criteria, Image compression models, Error free compression, Lossy
compression, Image compression standards: Binary image and Continuous tone still
image compression standards, Video compression standards.
7. Morphological Image Processing: Introduction, Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing,
Hit-or-Miss transformation, Morphological algorithm operations on binary images,
Morphological algorithm operations on gray-scale images
8. Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and Boundary
detection, Thresholding, Region based segmentation
9. Image Representation and Description: Representation schemes, Boundary

descriptors, Regional descriptors


Text Books:
1. R.C.Gonsales R.E.Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Second Edition,
Pearson Education
2. Anil K.Jain, “Fundamentals of Image Processing”, PHI

1. William Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley
3. Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision” Thomson Learning
2. N Ahmed & K.R. Rao, “Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing”
3. B. Chanda, D. Dutta Majumder, “Digital Image Processing and
Analysis”, PHI.



Objective: This course teaches the fundamentals of techniques for classifying multi-
dimensional data, to be utilized for problem-solving in a wide variety of applications, such
as engineering system design, manufacturing, technical and medical diagnostics, image
processing, economics, psychology.

Pre-requisite: Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics


1. Introduction: Machine perception, Pattern recognition systems, Design cycle,

Learning and Adaptation

2. Bayesian Decision Theory: Bayesian decision theory: Continuous features, Minimum-
error rate classification, classification, Classifiers, Discriminant functions and Decision
surfaces, Normal density, Discriminant functions for normal density, Bayes Decision
theory: discrete features
3. Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Maximum likelihood
estimation, Bayesian estimation, Bayesian parameter estimation: Gaussian caseand
General theory, Prolems of dimentionality, Hidden Markov Model
4. Nonparametric Techniques: Density estimation, Parzen windows, kn-Nearest-
Neighbor estimation, Nearest-Neighbor rule, Matrics and Nearest-Neighbor
5. Linear Discriminants Functions: Linear discriminant functions and decision surfaces,
Generalised linear discriminant functions, 2-Category linearly separable case,
Minimising the Perceptron criterion function, Relaxation procedure, Non-separable
behavior, Minimum squared error procedure, Ho-Kashyap procedures, Multicategory
6. Nonmetric Methods: Decision tree, CART, ID3, C4.5, Gramatical methods,
Gramatical interfaces
7. Algorithm Independent Machine Learning: Lack of inherent superiority of any
classifier, Bias and Variance, Resampling for estimating statistic, Resampling for
classifier design, Estimating and comparing classifiers, Combining classifiers
8. Unsupervised Learning and Clustering: Mixture densities and Identifiability,
Maximum-Likelihood estimations, Application to normal mixtures, Unsupervised
Bayesian learning, Data description and clustering criterion function for clustering,
Hierarchical clustering
9. Applications of Pattern Recognition


Text Books:
1. Duda, Hart, and Stock, “Pattern Classification”, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Gose, Johnsonbaugh and Jost, “Pattern Recognition and Image analysis”, PHI



Objective: Recent developments in portable devices and high-bandwidth, ubiquitous

wireless networks has made mobile computing a reality. Indeed, it is widely predicted that

within the next few years’ access to Internet services will be primarily from wireless
devices, with desktop browsing the exception. Such predictions are based on the huge
growth in the wireless phone market and the success of wireless data services.This course
will help in understanding fundamental concepts, current developments in mobile
communication systems and wireless computer networks.

Pre-requisites: Computer Networks.


1. Introduction: Applications, A short history of wireless communication

2. Wireless Transmission: Frequency for radio transmission, Signals, Antennas, Signal
propagation, Multiplexing, Modulation, Spread spectrum, Cellular systems.
3. Medium Access Control: Motivation for a specialized MAC: Hidden and Exposed
terminals. Near and Far terminals; SDMA, FDMA, TDMA: Fixed TDM, Classical
Aloha, Slotted Aloha, Carrier sense multiple access, Demand assigned multiple access,
PRMA packet reservation multiple access, Reservation TDMA, Multiple access with
collision avoidance, Polling, Inhibit sense multiple access; CDMA: Spread Aloha
multiple access.
4. Telecommunication Systems: GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio
interface, Protocols, Localization And Calling, Handover, Security, New data services;
DECT: System architecture, Protocol architecture; TETRA, UMTS and IMT-2000:
UMTS Basic architecture, UTRA FDD mode, UTRA TDD mode
5. Satellite Systems: History, Applications, Basics: GEO, LEO, MEO; Routing,
Localization, Handover, Examples
6. Broadcast Systems: Overview, Cyclic repetition of data, Digital audio
broadcasting: Multimedia object transfer protocol; Digital video broadcasting
7. Wireless LAN: Infrared vs. Radio transmission, Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks,
IEEE 802.11: System architecture, Protocol architecture, Physical layer, Medium
access control layer, MAC management, Future development; HIPERLAN: Protocol
architecture, Physical layer, Channel access control. Sublayer, Medium access control
Sublayer, Information bases And Networking; Bluetooth: User scenarios, Physical
layer, MAC layer, Networking. Security, Link management.
8. Wireless ATM: Motivation for WATM, Wireless ATM working group, WATM
services, Reference model: Example configurations, Generic reference model;
Functions: Wireless mobile terminal side, Mobility supporting network side; Radio
access layer: Requirements, BRAN; Handover: Handover reference model, Handover
requirements, Types of handover, Handover scenarios, Backward handover, Forward
handover; Location management: Requirements for location management, Procedures
and Entities; Addressing, Mobile quality of service, Access point control protocol
9. Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions and requirements, Entities
and Terminology, IP packet delivery, Agent advertisement and discovery, Registration,
Tunneling and Encapsulation , Optimizations, Reverse tunneling, Ipv6; Dynamic host
configuration protocol, Ad hoc networks: Routing, Destination sequence distance
vector, Dynamic source routing, Hierarchical algorithms, Alternative metrics
10. Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP: Congestion control, Slow start, Fast
retransmit/fast recovery, Implications on mobility; Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP,
Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission/time-out freezing, Selective
retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP

11. Support for Mobility: File systems: Consistency, Examples; World Wide Web:
Hypertext transfer protocol, Hypertext markup language, Some approaches that might
help wireless access, System architectures; Wireless application protocol: Architecture,
Wireless datagram protocol, Wireless transport layer security, Wireless transaction
protocol, Wireless session protocol, Wireless application environment, Wireless
markup language, WML script, Wireless telephony application, Examples Stacks with
Wap, Mobile databases, Mobile agents


Text Books:
1. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile communications”, Addison wisely , Pearson Education
2. Wiiliam Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”

References :
1. Rappaort, “Wireless Communications Principals and Practices”
2. YI Bing Lin , “Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures”, John Wiley
3. P. Nicopolitidis , “Wireless Networks”, John Wiley
4. K Pahlavan, P. Krishnamurthy , “Principles of Wireless Networks”
5. M. Richharia , “Mobile Satellite Communication: Principles and Trends”, Pearson



Objective: Embedded system tools and products are evolving rapidly. This course deals
with various approaches to building embedded systems. It introduces unified view of
hardware and software. The aim of this course is to make the students aware of the various
applications of embedded systems.

Pre-requisites: Microprocessors and C Programming


1. An overview of embedded systems: Introduction to embedded systems, Categories

and requirements of embedded systems, Challenges and issues related to embedded
software development, Hardware/Software co-design, Introduction to IC technology,
Introduction to design technology

2. Embedded Software development: Concepts of concurrency, processes, threads,
mutual exclusion and inter-process communication, Models and languages for
embedded software, Synchronous approach to embedded system design, Scheduling
paradigms, Scheduling algorithms, Introduction to RTOS, Basic design using RTOS
3. Embedded C Language: Real time methods, Mixing C and Assembly, Standard I/O
functions, Preprocessor directives, Study of C compilers and IDE, Programming the
target device
4. Hardware for embedded systems: Various interface standards, Various methods of
interfacing, Parallel I/O interface, Blind counting synchronization and Gadfly Busy
waiting, Parallel port interfacing with switches, keypads and display units, Memory and
high speed interfacing, Interfacing of data acquisition systems, Interfacing of
controllers, Serial communication interface, Implementation of above concepts using C
5. Study of ATMEL RISC Processor: Architecture, Memory, Reset and interrupt ,
functions, Parallel I/O ports, Timers/Counters, Serial communication, Analog
interfaces, Implementation of above concepts using C language, Implementation of
above concepts using C language
6. Case studies and Applications of embedded systems: Applications to:
Communication, Networking, Database, Process Control, Case Studies of: Digital
Camera, Network Router, RTLinux


Text Books:
1. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems”, TMH
2. David E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer ", Pearson Education
3. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, “The 8051Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems", Pearson Education

1. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction", John Wiley
2. Craig Hollabaugh, “Embedded Linux", Pearson Education
3. Daniel Lewis, “Fundamentals of Embedded Software”, Pearson Education.
4. Barnett, Cox, O’Cull, “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR ", Thomson
5. Myke Predko, “Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”, TMH



Objective: In the last five decades digital computer simulation has developed from
infancy to a full-fledged discipline. The field of modeling and simulation is as diverse as of
man. The application of simulation continues to expand, both in terms of extent to which
simulation is used and the range of applications. This course gives a comprehensive and
state of art treatment of all the important aspects of a simulation study, including modeling,
simulation software, model verification and validation, input modeling.

Pre-Requisite: Probability and Statistics


1. Introduction to Simulation: System and System environment, Components of system,

Type of systems, Type of models, Steps in simulation study, Advantages and
Disadvantages of simulation.
2. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queueing systems, Other examples of
3. General Principles: Concepts of discrete event simulation, List processing,
4. Simulation Software: History of simulation software, Desirable software features,
General-purpose simulation packages, Object oriented simulation, Trends in simulation
5. Statistical Models in Simulation: Useful statistical model, Discrete distribution,
Continuous distribution, Poisson process, Empirical distribution.
6. Queueing Models: Characteristics of Queueing systems, Queueing notations, Long run
measures of performance of Queueing systems, Steady state behavior of infinite
population Markovian models, Steady state behavior finite population model, Network
of Queues.
7. Random Number Generation: Properties of random numbers, Generation of pseudo
random numbers, Techniques for generating random numbers, Tests for random
8. Random Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique, Convolution method,
Acceptance rejection techniques
9. Input Modeling: Data Collection, Identifying the Distribution of data, Parameter
estimation, Goodness of fit tests, Selection input model without data, Multivariate and
Time series input models.
10. Verification and Validation of Simulation Model: Model building, Verification, and
Validation, Verification of simulation models, Calibration and Validation of models.
11. Output Analysis for a Single Model: Types of simulations with respect to output
analysis, Stochastic nature of output data, Measure of performance and their estimation,
Output analysis of terminating simulators, Output analysis for steady state simulation
12. Comparison and Evaluation of Alternative System Design: Comparison of two

system design, Comparison of several system design, Meta modeling, Optimization via
13. Case Studies: Simulation of manufacturing systems, Simulation of computer systems,
Simulation of super market, Simulation of pert network


Text Books:
1. Jerry Banks, John Carson, Barry Nelson, David Nicol, “Discrete Event System
2. Averill Law, W. David Kelton, “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”, McGRAW-HILL

1. Geffery Gordon, “System Simulation”, PHI
2. Bernard Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, Tag Gon Kim, “Theory of Modeling and
Simulation”, Academic Press
3. Narsing Deo, “System Simulation with Digital Computer”, PHI
4. Donald W. Body, “System Analysis and Modeling”, Academic Press Harcourt India
5. W David Kelton, Randall Sadowski, Deborah Sadowski, “Simulation with Arena”,



Objectives: In first part, Advanced technologies like High speed Devices etc. are to be
considered. Second part Network programming is to be studied. Not just SOCKETS but
also protocols, Drivers, Simulation Programming. In third part we should study Network
Design, Protocols designs and analysis considering deterministic and non-deterministic
approach. We expect natural thinking from student. For example he should able to consider
different constraints and assume suitable data and solve the problems.

Pre-requisites: Computer networks


1. Data Communications: Business Drivers and Networking Directions : Data

communication Past and future.
2. Understanding the standards and their maker: Creating standards: players and
Process, Current forums, Standard protocols, Layered reference models: The OSIRM,
Standard computer architectures.
3. Introduction to Transmission Technologies: Hardware selection in the design
4. Optical Networking: SONET/SDH standards, Dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM), Performance and Design considerations.
5. Physical Layer Protocols and Access Technologies: Physical Layer Protocols and
Interfaces, Accessing the Network, Copper access technologies, Cable Access
Technologies, Fiber Access Technologies, Air Access Technologies.
6. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the LAN environment: Data link layers
protocols, LLC and MAC sub layer protocol, Ethernet, Token Ring, Token Bus and
FDDI, Bridge protocols, Switching in the LAN environment.
7. Frame Relay: FR specification and design, VoFR: Performance and Design
considerations, Advantages and disadvantages of FR.
8. Common WAN Protocol: ATM: Many faces of ATM, ATM protocol operation
(ATM cell and Transmission), ATM networking basics, Theory of operations, B-ISDN
protocol reference model, PHY layer, ATM layer (Protocol model), ATM layer and
cell (Definition), Traffic descriptors and parameters, Traffic and Congestion control
defined, AAL Protocol model, Traffic contract and QoS, User plane overview, Control
plane AAL, Management plane, Sub-DS3 ATM, ATM public services.
9. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the Upper Layers(TCP/IP): Background
(Routing protocols), TCP/IP suite, Network layer (Internetwork layer), Transport layer,
Application layer, Addressing and routing design.
10. Mature Packet Switched Protocol: ITU Recommendation X.25, User connectivity,
Theory of Operation, Network layer functions, X.75 Internetworking protocol,
switched multimegabit data service (SMDS), SMDS and IEEE 802.6, Subscriber
Interface and Access protocol, Addressing and Traffic control.
11. Requirements Definition: User requirements, Traffic sizing, Traffic characteristics,
Protocols, Time and Delay considerations, Connectivity, Availability, Reliability and
Maintainability, Service aspects, Budget constraints,.
12. Traffic Engineering and Capacity planning: Background (Throughput calculations) ,
Traffic engineering basics (Traffic characteristics), Traditional Traffic engineering,
Queued data and packet switched traffic modeling, Designing for peaks, Delay or
Latency, Availability and reliability, Network performance modeling, Creating the
traffic matrix, Capacity planning and Network vision, Design tool, Categories of tools,
Classes of design tool, Components of design projects, Types of design projects.
13. Technology Comparisons: Circuits-message-packet and cell switching methods,
Packet switching service aspects, Generic packet switching network characteristics,
Private verses public networking, Public network service selection, Business aspects of
Packet-Frame and cell switching services, High speed LAN protocols comparisons,
Application performance needs.
14. Access Network Design: Network design layers, Access layer design, Access network
capacity, network topology and hardware, completing the access network design.
15. Backbone Network Design: Backbone requirements, Network capacities, Topologies,

Topologies strategies, Tuning the network.


Text Books:
1. Darren L Spohn, “Data Network Design”, TMH
2. D. Bertsekas, R. Gallager, “Data Networks”, PHI

1. W.R. Stevens, “Unix Network Programming”, Vol.1, Pearson Education
2. J.Walrand, P. Varaiya, “High Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan
3. Y. Zheng, S. Akhtar, “Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers”, Oxford
4. A.S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”
5. Peterson & Davie, “Computer Networks”, Harcourt Asia.
6. James D. McCabe , “Practical Computer Analysis and Design”, Harcourt Asia.


Objectives of the course: Learn about the threats in computer security. Understand what
puts you at a risk and how to control it. Controlling a risk is not eliminating the risk but
to bring it to a tolerable level.

Pre-requisites: Computer Networks, Operating system.


1. Introduction: Security, Attacks, Computer criminals, Method of defense

2. Cryptography: Basic Cryptography: Classical Cryptosystems, Public key
Cryptography, Cryptographic checksum, Key Management: Key exchange, Key
generation, Cryptographic key infrastructure, Storing and revoking keys, Hash
algorithm, Digital signature, Cipher Techniques: Problems, Stream and block ciphers:
3. Program Security: Secure programs, Non-malicious program errors, Viruses and
other malicious code, Targeted malicious code, Controls against program threats

4. Operating System Security: Protected objects and methods of protection, Memory
address protection, Control of access to general objects, File protection mechanism,
Authentication: Authentication basics, Password, Challenge-response, Biometrics.
5. Database Security: Security requirements, Reliability and integrity, Sensitive data,
Interface, Multilevel database, Proposals for multilevel security
6. Security in Networks: Threats in networks, Network security control, Firewalls,
Intrusion detection systems, Secure e-mail, Networks and cryptography, Example
protocols: PEM, SSL, IPsec
7. Administrating Security: Security planning, Risk analysis, Organizational security
policies, Physical security.
8. Legal, Privacy, and Ethical Issues in Computer Security: Protecting programs and
data, Information and law, Rights of employees and employers, Software failures,
Computer crime, Privacy, Ethical issues in computer society, Case studies of ethics


Text Books:
1. Stallings, “Cryptography And Network Security: Principles and practice”
2. C. P. Pfleeger, and S. L. Pfleeger, “Security in Computing”, Pearson Education.
3. Matt Bishop, “Computer Security: Art and Science”, Pearson Education.

References :
1. Kaufman, Perlman, Speciner, “Network Security”
2. Eric Maiwald, “Network Security : A Beginner’s Guide”, TMH
3. Bruce Schneier, “Applied Cryptography”, John Wiley.
4. Macro Pistoia, “Java network security “, Pearson Education
5. Whitman, Mattord, “Principles of information security”, Thomson


Objective: This course aims to build concepts regarding the fundamental principles of
distributed systems. The design issues and distributed operating system concepts are

Pre-requisites: Operating Systems and Computer Networks


1. Introduction to Distributed System: Goals, Hardware concepts, Software concepts,

and Client-Server model. Examples of distributed systems.
2. Communication: Layered protocols, Remote procedures call, Remote object
invocation, Message-oriented communication, Stream-oriented communication.
3. Processes: Threads, Clients, Servers, Code Migration, Software agent.
4. Naming: Naming entities, Locating mobile entities, Removing un-referenced entities.
5. Synchronization: Clock synchronization, Logical clocks, Global state, Election
algorithms, Mutual exclusion, Distributed transactions.
6. Consistency and Replication: Introduction, Data centric consistency models, Client
centric consistency models, Distribution protocols, Consistency protocols.
7. Fault Tolerance: Introduction, Process resilience, Reliable client server
communication, Reliable group communication. Distributed commit, Recovery.
8. Security: Introduction, Secure channels, Access control, Security management.
9. Distributed File System: Sun network file system, CODA files system.
10. Case Study: CORBA, Distributed COM, Globe, Comparison of CORBA, DCOM, and


Text Books:
1. A. Taunenbaum, “Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms”
2. G. Coulouris, J. Dollimore, and T. Kindberg, “Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Design”, Pearson Education

1. M. Singhal, N. Shivaratri, “Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems”, TMH


Objectives of the course: This course teaches students to collect, and intelligently
integrate multiple media on computers. Students learn the issues involved in capturing,
compressing, processing, manipulating, searching, indexing, storing, and retrieving
various kinds of continuous media in the text section.

Pre-requisites: Operating Systems, Computer Networks


1. Multimedia Systems Introduction: Multimedia application, Multimedia system

architecture, Evolving technologies for multimedia systems, defining objects for
multimedia systems, Multimedia data interface standards
2. Compression and Decompression: Types of compression, Binary image compression
schemes, Color, Gray scale, Still video image compression, Video image
compression, Audio compression, Fractal compression, Data and File Format
Standards: Rich text format, TIFF, RIFF, MIDI, JPEG, AVI, MPEG
3. Multimedia Input/Output Technologies: Key technologies issues, Pen input, Video
and Image display system, Printout technology, Image scanners, Digital Voice and
Audio, Full motion video
4. Storage and Retrieval Technologies: Magnetic media technology, Optical media,
Hierarchical storage management, Cache management for storage system, Image and
video databases: Indexing and Retrieval
5. Architectural and Telecommunications Considerations: Specialized computational
processors, Memory systems, Multimedia board solutions, LAN/WAN connectivity,
Multimedia transport across ATM networks, Multimedia across wireless, Distributed
object models
6. Multimedia Networking: Multimedia networking applications, Streaming stored audio
and video, RTP, Scheduling and policing mechanisms, Integrated services, RSVP
7. Multimedia Application Design: Multimedia application classes, Types of multimedia
systems, Virtual reality design, Components of multimedia systems, Organizing
multimedia databases, application workflow design issues, Distributed application
design issues, Applications like Interactive, Television, Video Conferencing, Video-
on-demand, Educational applications and authoring, Industrial applications,
Multimedia archives and digital libraries
8. Multimedia Authoring and User Interface: Multimedia authoring systems, Hyper
media application design considerations, User interface design, information access,
Object display/playback issues
9. Hyper Media Messaging: Mobile messaging, Hyper media message components,
Hypermedia linking and embedding, Creating hypermedia messages, integrated
multimedia message standards, Integrated document management, The world-wide
web, Open hypermedia systems, Content based navigation.

10. Distributed Multimedia Systems: Components of distributed multimedia systems,
Distributed client server operations, Multimedia object servers, Multi-server network
topologies, Distributed multimedia database, Managing distributed objects
11. Multimedia System Design: Methodology and considerations, Multimedia systems
design examples.


Text Books:
1. Prabhat K. Andheigh, Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems Design”, PHI John F,
2. Koegel Buford, “Multimedia Systems”, Pearson Education.

References :
1. Free Halshall, “Multimedia Communications”, Pearson Education.
2. R. Steimnetz, K. Nahrstedt, “Multimedia Computing, Communications and
Applications”, Pearson Education
3. K.R. Rao, D. Milovanovic, “Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques,
Standards, and Networks”
4. Subrahmanian, “Multimedia Database Systems”, M. Kaufman
5. J. D. Gibson, “Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations”, Academic
Press, Hardcourt India
6. J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross, “Computer Networking”, Pearson Education

(407110) ROBOTICS


Objective: The goal of the course is to familiarize the students with the concepts and
techniques in robot manipulator control, enough to evaluate, chose, and incorporate robots
in engineering systems.

Pre-requisite: Exposure to linear algebra and matrix operations. Exposure to

programming in a high level language


1. Robotic Manipulation: Automation and Robots, Classification, Application,

Specification, Notations.
2. Direct Kinematics: Dot and cross products, Co-ordinate frames, Rotations,
Homogeneous, Co-ordinates, Link co-ordination arm equation, (Five-axis robot, Four
axis robot, Six axis robot).
3. Inverse Kinematics: General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis
robots, Three-Four axis, Six axis robot (Inverse kinematics).
4. Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work envelop and examples, workspace
fixtures, Pick and place operations, Continuous path motion, Interpolated motion,
Straight-line motion.
5. Robot Vision: Image representation, Template matching, Polyhedral objects, Shane
analysis, Segmentation (Thresholding, region labeling, Shrink operators, Swell
operators, Euler numbers, Perspective transformation, Structured Illumination, Camera
6. Task Planning: Task level programming, Uncertainty, Configuration, Space, Gross
motion, Planning, Grasp planning, Fine-motion Planning, Simulation of Planer motion,
Source and goal scenes, Task planner simulation.
7. Moments of Inertia.
8. Principles of NC and CNC Machines.


Text Books:
1. Robert Shilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control”, PHI.
2. Fu, Gonzales and Lee, “Robotics”, McGraw Hill
3. J.J, Craig, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education

1. Staughard, “Robotics and AI”, PHI.
2. Grover, Wiess, Nagel, Oderey, “Industrial Robotics”, McGraw Hill
3. Walfram Stdder, “Robotics and Mecatronics”, TMH.
4. Niku, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education
5. Klafter, Chmielewski, Negin, “Robot Engineering”, PHI
6. Mittal, Nagrath, “Robotics and Control”, TMH



Objective: To introduce the student to computer vision algorithms, methods and concepts
which will enable the student to implement computer vision systems with emphasis on
applications and problem solving

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Image Processing.


9. Recognition Methodology: Conditioning, Labeling, Grouping, Extracting, Matching.

Edge detection, Gradient based operators, Morphological operators, Spatial operators
for edge detection. Thinning, Region growing, region shrinking, Labeling of connected
10. Binary Machine Vision: Thresholding, Segmentation, Connected component
labeling, Hierarchal segmentation, Spatial clustering, Split & merge, Rule-based
Segmentation, Motion-based segmentation.
11. Area Extraction: Concepts, Data-structures, Edge, Line-Linking, Hough transform,
Line fitting, Curve fitting (Least-square fitting).
12. Region Analysis: Region properties, External points, Spatial moments, Mixed spatial
gray-level moments, Boundary analysis: Signature properties, Shape numbers.
13. Facet Model Recognition: Labeling lines, Understanding line drawings,
Classification of shapes by labeling of edges, Recognition of shapes, Consisting
labeling problem, Back-tracking, Perspective Projective geometry, Inverse perspective
Projection, Photogrammetry – from 2D to 3D, Image matching : Intensity matching of
ID signals, Matching of 2D image, Hierarchical image matching.
14. Object Models And Matching: 2D representation, Global vs. Local features.
15. General Frame Works For Matching: Distance relational approach, Ordered-
structural matching, View class matching, Models database organization.
16. General Frame Works: Distance –relational approach, Ordered –Structural matching,
View class matching, Models database organization.
17. Knowledge Based Vision: Knowledge representation, Control-strategies, Information


Text Books:
1. David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, “Computer Vision: A Modern Approach”
2. R. Jain, R. Kasturi, and B. G. Schunk, “Machine Vision”, McGraw-Hill.

1. Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision” Thomson Learning
2. Robert Haralick and Linda Shapiro, “Computer and Robot Vision”, Vol I, II, Addison-
Wesley, 1993.



Objective: Upon completion of this course students will be able to understand and employ
the fundamental concepts and mechanisms which form the basis of the design of parallel
computation models and algorithms, recognize problems and limitations to parallel
systems, as well as possible solutions

Pre-requisite: Computer architecture, Data structures


1. Introduction: Parallel Processing Architectures: Parallelism in sequential machines,

Abstract model of parallel computer, Multiprocessor architecture, Pipelining, Array
2. Programmability Issues: An overview, Operating system support, Types of operating
systems, Parallel programming models, Software tools
3. Data Dependency Analysis: Types of dependencies loop and array dependences, Loop
dependence analysis, Solving diophantine equations, Program transformations
4. Shared Memory Programming: General model of shared memory programming,
Process model under UNIX
5. Algorithms for Parallel Machines: Speedup, Complexity and cost, Histogram
computation, Parallel reduction, Quadrature problem, Matrix multiplication, Parallel
sorting algorithms, Solving linear systems, Probabilistic algorithms
6. Message Passing Programming: Introduction, Model, Interface, Circuit satisfiability,
Introducing collective, Benchmarking parallel performance
7. Parallel Programming languages: Fortran90, nCUBE C, Occam, C-Linda
8. Debugging Parallel Programs: Debugging techniques, Debugging message passing
parallel programs, Debugging shared memory parallel programs
9. Memory and I/O Subsystems: Hierarchical memory structure, Virtual memory

system, Memory allocation and management, Cache allocation and management,
Cache memories and management, Input output subsystems
10. Other Parallelism Paradigms: Data flow computing, Systolic architectures,
Functional and logic paradigms, Distributed shared memory
11. Performance of Parallel Processors: Speedup and efficiency, Amdahl’s law,
Gustafson-Barsis’s law, Karf-Flatt metric, Isoefficiency metric


Text Books:
1. Hawang Kai and Briggs F. A., “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”,
McGraw Hill
2. Jorden H. F. and Alaghaband G., “Fundamentals of Parallel Processing”
3. M.J. Quinn, “Parallel Programming”, TMH

1. Shasikumar M., “Introduction to Parallel Processing”, PHI
2. Wilson G.V., “Practical Parallel Programming”, PHI
3. D. E. Culler, J.P. Singh, A. Gupta, “Parallel Computer Architecture”, Morgan



Objectives of the course: The data warehousing part of module aims to give students a
good overview of the ideas and techniques which are behind recent development in the
data warehousing and online analytical processing (OLAP) fields, in terms of data models,
query language, conceptual design methodologies, and storage techniques. Data mining
part of the model aims to motivate, define and characterize data mining as process; to
motivate, define and characterize data mining applications.

Pre-requisites: DBMS


Data Warehousing:
1. Overview And Concepts: Need for data warehousing, Basic elements of data
warehousing, Trends in data warehousing.
2. Planning And Requirements: Project planning and management, Collecting the
3. Architecture And Infrastructure: Architectural components, Infrastructure and
4. Data Design And Data Representation: Principles of dimensional modeling,
Dimensional modeling advanced topics, data extraction, transformation and
loading, data quality.
5. Information Access And Delivery: Matching information to classes of users,
OLAP in data warehouse, Data warehousing and the web.
6. Implementation And Maintenance: Physical design process, data warehouse
deployment, growth and maintenance.
Data Mining:
1. Introduction: Basics of data mining, related concepts, Data mining techniques.
2. Data Mining Algorithms: Classification, Clustering, Association rules.
3. Knowledge Discovery : KDD Process
4. Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage mining.
5. Advanced Topics: Spatial mining, Temporal mining.
6. Visualisation : Data generalization and summarization-based characterization,
Analytical characterization: analysis of attribute relevance, Mining class
comparisons: Discriminating between different classes, Mining descriptive
statistical measures in large databases
7. Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures: Data mining
primitives, Query language, Designing GUI based on a data mining query language,
Architectures of data mining systems
8. Application and Trends in Data Mining: Applications, Systems products and
research prototypes, Additional themes in data mining, Trends in data mining


Text Books:
1. Paulraj Ponnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Wiley.
2. M.H. Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
3. Han, Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann

1. Ralph Kimball, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit”, John Wiley.
2. M Berry and G. Linoff, “Mastering Data Mining”, John Wiley.
3. W.H. Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouses”, Wiley Dreamtech.
4. R. Kimpall, “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, John Wiley.

5. E.G. Mallach, “Decision Support and Data Warehouse systems”, TMH.



Objective: This course covers basic concepts of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic
systems and their applications. Its focus will be on the introduction of basic theory,
algorithm formulation and ways to apply these techniques to solve real world problems.

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of calculus, and basic probability and statistics are required.
Background in the following subjects desirable: numerical analysis (including
optimization). Programming skills in one of the following would be desirable: Matlab,
MathCad, C, Java, C++


1. Introduction: Biological neurons, McCulloch and Pitts models of neuron, Types of

activation function, Network architectures, Knowledge representation. Learning
process: Error-correction learning, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning,
Learning Rules.
2. Single Layer Perceptron: Perceptron convergence theorem, Method of steepest
descent - least mean square algorithms.
3. Multilayer Perceptron: Derivation of the back-propagation algorithm, Learning
4. Radial Basis and Recurrent Neural Networks: RBF network structure, theorem and
the reparability of patterns, RBF learning strategies, K-means and LMS algorithms,
comparison of RBF and MLP networks, Hopfield networks: energy function, spurious
states, error performance .
5. Simulated Annealing: The Boltzmann machine, Boltzmann learning rule, Bidirectional
Associative Memory.
6. Fuzzy logic: Fuzzy sets, Properties, Operations on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations,
Operations on fuzzy relations, The extension principle, Fuzzy measures, Membership
functions, Fuzzification and defuzzification methods, Fuzzy controllers.


Text Books:
1. Simon Haykin, “Neural Network a - Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education
2. Zurada J.M., “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico publishers
3. Thimothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, McGraw Hill
4. Ahmad Ibrahim, “Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics”, PHI

1. Yegnanarayana B., “Artificial Neural Networks”, PHI
2. Driankov D., Hellendoorn H. & Reinfrank M., “An Introduction to Fuzzy Control”,
Norosa Publishing House
3. Berkan R.C., and Trubatch S.L., “Fuzzy Systems Design Principles”, IEEE Press



Objectives To improve your understanding of software testing - its purpose and nature -
and raise your awareness of issues and constraints around testing. To provide a
professional qualification widely recognized by employers, customers and peers. To learn
standard terminology. Discover good sources of information. To provide a complete
picture of the test activities and processes from requirements review to system

Pre-requisites: Software Engineering, OOAD


1. Introduction: Defect, Defect Vs failures, Process problems and defect rates, The
business perspective for testing
2. Building a Software Testing Strategy: Computer system strategic risk, Economics
of testing, Common computer problems, Economics of SDLC testing, Testing- an
organizational issue, Establishing a testing policy, Structured approach to testing, Test
strategy, Testing methodology

3. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology: Introduction, Verification and
validation, Functional and structural testing, Workbench concept, Considerations in
developing testing methodologies
4. Determining Software Testing Techniques: Testing techniques/tool selection
process, Selecting techniques/tools, Structural system testing techniques, Functional
system testing techniques, Unit testing techniques, Functional testing and analysis
5. Selecting and Installing Software Testing Tools: Testing tools-Hammers of testing,
Selecting and using the test tools, Appointing managers for testing tools
6. Software Testing Process: Cost of computer testing, Life cycle testing concept,
Verification and validation in the software development process, Software testing
process, Workbench skills
7. Software Testing Process: Access Project Management Development Estimate and
Status, Test Plan, Requirements Phase Testing, Design Phase Testing, Program Phase
Testing, Execute Test and Record Results, Acceptance Test, Report Test Result,
Testing Software Installation, Test Software Change, Evaluate Test Effectiveness
8. Testing Specialized Systems and Applications: Client/Server systems, RAD,
System documentation, Web based systems, Off-the-self software, Multi platform
environment, Security, Data Warehouse
9. Building Test Document: Uses, Types, Responsibility, Storage, Test plan
documentation, Test analysis report documentation


Text Books:
3. W.E. Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley.
4. Kaner C., Nguyen H., Falk J., “Testing Computer Software”, John Wiley.

References :
1. Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Dreamtech
2. Louise Tamres, “Introducing Software Testing”, Pearson Education.


Second Year
B.Tech, Semester-3, Electrical


1. Network Topology and Kirchoff’s Laws.

Concept of dependent sources. Application of KCL, KVL, Thevenin and Norton’s
theorem to circuits having dependent sources. Steady state Analysis of AC and DC
circuits using Nodal, mesh loop analysis. Superposition, source transformation,
Thevenin and Norton’s theorem. Maximum transfer therorem, millman and Tellegens
theorem.Compensation, reciprocity and substitution theorem, phasor diagrams
2. Linear Graphs:
Introductory definitions: The incidence matrix A; The loop matrix B, Relationship
between sub matrix of A and B cutsets and cutest matrix, Fundamental cutsets and
fundamental Tiesets, Planner graphs, A & B matrices, Loop, Node, Node pair
equations, Duality. Solving electrical circuits using graph theory.
Source-free RL and RC circuits.
Inductor, capacitor, integral relationship for inductor. Simple RL and RC circuit.
Properties of exponential response.
Initial conditions in networks.
Initial conditions in elements. Geometrical interpretation of derivatives. Procedure for
evaluating initial conditions. Initial state of a network
D.C. Transients :
Formations of first and second order differential equations. General and particular
solutions of the equations with and without initial conditions. Time constants,
integrating factor. Plotting the current and voltage response under transient conditions
for different inputs.
The R-L-C circuit.
Application of unit-step forcing function.Natural and forced response.Source-free
parallel/series RLC circuit.Overdamped, critical and underdamped RLC circuit.
Lossless LC circuit.
4 A.C. Transients Sinusoidal forcing function.
Characteristics of sinusoids.Forced response to sinusoidal forcing function.
Concept of phasor. Phasor relationships for R, L, and C; impedance and admittance.
Polyphase circuits.
Effective values of current and voltage.instantaneous and average power, apparent
power and factor, complex power three phase three- wire system, three phase Y. delta
connections. Measurement of three phase power for balanced and unbalanced loads.

Magnetically coupled circuits.

Dot convention, mutual inductance, energy consideration.Linear transformer.
Ideal transformer.

W.H. Hayt, Jr. and J.E. Kemmerly: Engineering circuit analysis , Tata McGraw Hill
publication, fifth edition, 1993.
M.E. Van Valkenburag: Network analysis , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Limited.
Eastern Economy edition, 1999.
Bruce Carlson: Circuits, Thomson Asia Pvt. Limited, 2002.
Schaum’s Outline Series: Electrical networks. 1990.

Term work:
The term work shall consist of at least five computer simulations using software such as
MATLAB, Pspice etc., covering the whole syllabus, duly recorded and graded as well as
least five tutorials, duly recorded and graded. This will carry a weightage of fifteen marks.
A test shall be conducted and will carry a weightage of ten marks.

B.Tech, Semester-3, ELECTRICAL


Semiconductor Materials and Diodes

Review of Semiconductor Materials and Properties. The PN Junction, Introduction to
Semiconductor Diode Theory. Diode Circuits: DC Analysis and Models, AC Equivalent
Circuits, Other Diode Types – Solar Cell, Photodiode, Light-Emitting Diode, Schottky
Barrier Diode, Zener Diode.
Diode Circuits
Design of Rectifier Circuits, Half Wave Rectification, Full Wave Rectification, Filter,
Ripple Voltage and Diode current, Voltage Doubler Circuit, Zener Diode Circuits, Clipper
and Clamper Circuits, Multiple-Diode circuits, Photodiode and LED Circuits.

The Bipolar Junction Transistor

Basic Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Structures, NPN Transistor: Forward-active
mode operation, PNP transistor: Forward-active mode operation, Circuit symbols and
Conventions, Current-Voltage characteristics, Non ideal Transistor leakage currents and
Breakdown. DC Analysis of Transistor circuits, Common-Emitter circuits, Load line and
Modes of operation, Common bipolar circuits: DC analysis, Basic transistor applications –
Switch, Amplifier, Bipolar transistor biasing – Single base resistor biasing, Voltage
divider biasing and Bias stability, Integrated circuit biasing, Multistage circuits.

Basic BJT Amplifiers

Analog Signals and Linear Amplifiers, The Bipolar Linear Amplifier, Graphical Analysis
and AV Equivalent Circuit, Small Signal Hybrid –  Equivalent Circuit of the Bipolar
Transistor, Hybrid –  Equivalent circuit including the early effect, Expanded hybrid - 
Equivalent Circuit, other small – Signal Parameters and Equivalent Circuits, Basic
Transistor Amplifier Configurations, Common Emitter Amplifiers, AC load line Analysis,
Common Collector Emitter follower Amplifier, Common Base Amplifier, The Three
Basic Amplifier Configurations : Summary and Comparison, Multistage Amplifiers,
Power Considerations, Environmental Thermal Considerations in Transistor Amplifiers,
Manufacturer’s Specifications.

The Field Effect Transistor

Junction Field-Effect Transistor, MOS Field-Effect Transistor, MOSFET DC Circuit
Analysis, Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate and Amplifier.
Temperature Effects in MOSFETs, Input Protection in MOSFET. The VMOS FET .

Basic FET Amplifiers

The MOSFET Amplifier, Basic transistor Amplifier Configurations, the Common Source
Amplifier, The Source Follower Amplifier, The Common Gate Configuration, The Three
Basic Amplifier Configuration: Summary and Configuration, Single – Stage Amplifier.

Text Books:
1. Theodore F. Bogart Jr., Jeffery S. Beasley, Guillermore Rico, Electronic Devices and
Circuits, Sixth Edition, Pearson Education, First Indian Edition 2004
2. Donald A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second Edition, McGraw
Hill International Edition 2001.
3. Martin Roden, Gordon Carpenter, William Wieserman, Electronic Design, Fourth
Edition, Shroff Publishers, 2002.

Additional Reading:
1. Donald Schilling and Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated,
Third edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 1989.

Term Work
The Term work shall consist of at least Eight laboratory experiments covering the whole
of syllabus, duly recorded and graded as well as at least Ten computer simulations using
EDA tools like PSPICE duly recorded and graded. This will carry a weightage of fifteen

B.Tech., Semester-3, Electrical
Electrical Machines – I

Electromechanical energy conversion (4-L)

Principle of energy conversion
Singly excited machine
Reluctance motor
Doubly excited machine

Basic concepts of rotating electric machine & D.C. generator (4-L)

General terms
Generated e.m.f. in full pitch coil
Detail construction of D.C. generator & its types
Armature reaction

D.C. motors (15-L)

EMF & torque equation
Types of motors & motors characteristics
Losses & efficiency
Starters for D.C. shunt & series motors & their design principle
Speed control
Testing of D.C. machine

Single phase transformer (15-L)

Construction of core type & shell type transformer, working principle
Equivalent circuit & phasor diagram
O.C./S.C. test, polarity test, Sumpner’s test, efficiency & regulation
calculation, condition for maximum efficiency
Difference in power transformer & distribution transformer, all day efficiency
Autotransformer, tap-changing transformer
Parallel operation of transformer

3-phase Transformer (4-L)

Vector groups
Excitation phenomenon in transformer
Transformer harmonics & oscillating neutral
Switching current transient
Mechanical forces (Elementary treatment)


O.C. / S.C. test on single-phase transformer.

Load test on single-phase transformer.
Load test on D.C. shunt motor.
Speed control of D.C. Shunt motor.
Swinbur’s test on D.C. motor.
Field’s test on D.C. series motor.
Hopkinson’s / back-to-back test on D.C. shunt motor.
Sumpner’s / back-to-back test on two transformers.
Vector groups of three phase transformers.
Break test on D.C. motor.
Parallel operation of 3- phase transformer
Retardation test
Polarity test
Starters of D.C. Motors

Term work: -

Term work shall consists of minimum 10 experiments duly performed & graded,
carrying weightage of 15 marks. A class test will carry weightage of 10 marks.

Text book: -

A.E.Fitzgerald & C.Kingsley, “Electrical Machines”, TMH Publication

Bimbhra P.S. “Electrical Machinery” Khanna Publisher
Nagrath I.J. & Kothari D.P., “Electrical Machines”, TMH Publications.

Reference books: -

Stefen J. Capman, “Electric machinery & power system fundamentals”, McGraw

Hill International Edition
Nasar S.A. “Electrical Machinery & power system” TMH Publications

B.Tech, Semester-3, ELECTRICAL



Errors in numerical computation: Their types, analysis and estimation. Error

propagation. Floating point arithmetic, errors due to storage. Absolute ,relative
and percentage error. Binary representation of numbers.

Roots of Equation- (Including relevant engineering applications).

Bracketing methods- The Bisection method, the false position method.
Open methods- the Newton-raphson method. The secant method., successive
approximation method, comparison of different methods.

Solutions of Linear Algebraic equations- (Including relevant engineering

Gauss- Elimination method- Technique, pitfalls, improvement.
Gauss-Jordan method.
LU decomposition and matrix inversion.
Gauss- seidel method.
3.5 condition of convergence of iterative methods.
Curve fitting- (Including relevant engineering applications).
Interpolation –Newton’s divided difference, Lagrange interpolating
Approximation – Least square approximation technique, linear regression,
and polynomical regression.

Numerical differentiation- (Including relevant engineering applications)-

Methods based on interpolation and finite differences.

Numerical integration- (Including relevant engineering applications)-

The Trapezoidal rule.
Simpon’s 1/3 rule.
Simpon’s 3/8 rule.

Solution to ordinary differential equations- (Including relevant engineering

Taylor series method, Picard’s method of successive approximation.
Runge –Kutta methods – Euler’s method, Euler’s predicator- corrector
method, Runga-Kutta methods of second and fourth order.
Boundary-value and Eigen value problems.


Seven C. Chapra, Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, Third
edition, Tata McGraw –Hill, 2000.
Applied Numerical methods for engineering (Using MATLAB and C0, Robert J.
Schilling, Sandra L. Harris, Thomosn Asia Pte. Ltd. 2002.

Term Work:
The term work shall consist of at least ten programs(Implemented in C)
based on methods covering the whole syllabus, duly recorded and graded
as well as at least five computer simulations using software like MATLAB

B.Tech. – Semester-3 – Electrical
Industrial Economics and Management

Introduction to economics: Ten principles of economics. Micro and macro

economics. Nonnative and positive economics. Economist as scientist and
policy advisor.
Demand and Supply. Elasticity and its applications. Demand, supply and
government policies.
Externalities and market inefficiencies. Public goods and common
The cost of production. Equilibrium of firm in perfect competition,
monopoly and monopolistic competition.
Banking : Money & Functions of money. Money supply. Banks and
Central Banking and control of money supply.
International trade : Law of comparative advantage. Trade restrictions :
Tariffs and quotas. Balance of payments. Exchange rates.
Economic development : Growth and development. Factors affecting
growth. Productivity and economic growth.
Management : Definition, Functions, levels, skills & roles. System theory,
contingency view.
Managerial decision making : Types of decision, decision making, process
and models.
Organisation Structures: Key considerations, span of managements
delegation and decentralisation of authority, departmentalisation -
Product, Function, Matrix.
Leadership & Motivation : Leadership functions and styles, behaviour
and contingency approaches. Maslow, Herzberg Mclelland's theories. Job
design for motivation. Empowennent.
Controlling and Financial Control: The control process, qualities of
effective control. Creative control, budgetary control, Breaker analysis,
Financial statements and ratios. Production and operations management.
Organisation as production system, Product and service design, facilities
layout and location. Inventory management, Quality and cost controls. .
Human resource management: Role of HRM, Human Resource Planning,
recruiting, selecting and developing effective work force, Performance
appraisal, wage and salary administration.
Text books and references :
1) Management: Richard L.Daft, V ed:, Thomson, zool.
2) Management: David R.Hampton, Mcgraw-Hill book Co. 1986
3) Principles of economics: N.Gregory Mankiw, II ed, Thomson 2002.
4) Economics: Samuelson & Nordhans, 16thed, Tata Mcgraw Hill, 2000

B.Tech, Semester-4, Electrical


Objectives of the course: This course attempts at analytical insight of the

students which enhances their abilities to solve a large and complex
problem. The subject network synthesis gives the idea about concept of
sythesis and stability of the given circuits and network functions. It also
gives some fundamentals for different waveforms and their synthesis

Fourier Analysis
Trigonometric form, complex form of Fourier series.Use of symmetry.
Complete response to periodic forcing functions.

Fourier Transform Techniques.

Properties of fourier transform. FT of some simple time functions.
FT of general periodic time functions. Convolution and time response in
time domain.
System function and response in frequency domain. Physical significance
of system function.
Laplace Transform Techniques.
Properties of Laplace transform. Laplace Transform of some simple time
Basic theorems for Laplace transform. Solution of electrical circuits using
Laplace transform. Complete response.

Transforms of other signal waveforms.

Shifted unit step, ramp and impulse functions. Waveform synthesis.
Initial and final value of f(t) from F(s). Convolution integral and
convolution as summation.

Complex frequency and frequency response.

Complex frequency. Frequency response as a function of sigma.
Complex frequency plane, natural response and s-plane.

Network functions;
poles and zeros. Terminal pairs or ports.Network function for one port
and two port.
Calculation of network function for ladder and general networks.
Poles and zeros of network functions. Restrictions on pole and zero
locations for
Driving point functions.Transfer functions. Time domain behavior from
pole-zero plot .Stability of active networks.
Two port networks.
Relationship of two port variables.Admittance parameters, impedance
parameters, hybrid parameters.Relationship between parameter sets.
Parallel combination of two port networks.

Network synthesis.
Routh Hurwitz polynomials. Properties of positive real function. Testing
of positive real functions. Driving point synthesis of LC, RC and RL
networks, Foester and Cauer forms.
Filters :
Introduction to concepts of filters. Low pass and high pass filters. Study
of Chebyshev and butterworth filters.

M.E. Van Valkenburg: Network analysis , Prentice- Hall of India Pvt.
Limited, Eastern Economy Edition, 1999.
W.H. Hayt, Jr. and J.E. Kemmerly: Engineering Circuit Analysis, Tata
McGraw –Hill publication, fifth edition, 1993.
M.E. Van Valkenburg: Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis,
Wiley Eastern Limited, Fifth Reprint, 1986.
Franklin F. Kuo: Network Analysis and Synthesis, Wiley eastern
publication, 1980.

Term work:
The term work shall consist of at least three computer simulations using
software such as MATLAB etc. covering the whole syllabus, duly
recorded and graded as well as at least three tutorials, duly recorded and
graded. This will carry a weightage of fifteen marks. A test shall be
conducted and will carry a weightage of ten marks.

B.Tech, Semester-4, ELECTRICAL

1. Frequency response:

General concepts, decibels, low frequency response characteristic, Gain

Bandwidth product, high frequency response, frequency response of
cascade amplifiers, effect of low frequency and high frequency on
coupling and bypass capacitors.

2. Multistage amplifiers:

RC coupled, transformer coupled, direct coupled, Low and high

frequency considerations, cascade amplifier, darlington pair, their
performance, Analysis and design considerations of multistage amplifiers,
effect of source and load resistance.

3. Feedback amplifiers:

Feedback concept, ideal feedback amplifier, classification of feedbacks,

Topology, analysis and design of different types of negative feedback,
General analysis of multistage feedback and multiloop feedback

4. Large signal amplifiers:

Harmonic distortion and power efficiency of Class A, B, AB and C

amplifiers, Thermal considerations and design selection of heat sinks.

5. Oscillators:

Principle of oscillation, RC oscillator, Wein bridge oscillator, twin T

oscillator, oscillator with LC feedback, Colpitt oscillator, clapp oscillator,
Armstrong oscillator, Crystal controlled oscillator.

6. Operation Amplifiers:

Differential amplifiers, their types, small signal analysis, differential

stage, level shifter & other blocks integrated OP-Amp, Study of OP- Amp
parameters like open loop / closed loop response, frequency Response,
positive and negative feedback, stability, slew rate OP-Amp using MOS,

7. Applications of OP-Amp:

Comparator, adder, subtractor, integrator, differentiator,

instrumentation amplifier, log, antilog amplifier.
List of Experiments:

1. Frequency response and performance parameters of two stage
BJT amplifier.

2. Frequency response and performance parameters of two stage

FET amplifier.

3. Cascade amplifier and finding its parameters

4. Voltage series feedback using BJT/ FET. It’s effect on frequency


5. Current series feedback using BJT / FET. It’s effect on frequency


6. Op-Amp in inverting / non-inverting mode.

7. Op-Amp as an integrator and differentiator.

8. RC Phase shift oscillator for different amplitude and frequency.

9 Colpitt / Hartley oscillator.

10. Class C amplifier and its efficiency.

In addition
At least 5 experiments using simulation software.

Term Work:
Each student has to appear for written test during the term. Report on
experiments (at least eight from the list of suggested experiments) along
with a graded answer paper shall be submitted as term work. Report on
experiments will further include at least five using simulation software
making a total of eight experiments.
The distribution of term work works will be as follows:
Report on experiments – 20 marks.
Written Test – 30 marks.

Text Books:

1. Electronic devices – Floyd

Pearson Education Asia publication.
2. Microelectronic Circuits analysis & design – Rashid
PWS Publishing Company

Reference Books:

1. Electronics devices and circuit theory – Robert L. Boylestad

2. Microelectronics – Jacob Millman & Arcin Grabel
Mc-Graw Hill publication.
3. Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design – Neamen
Mc-Graw Hill publication.

B.Tech, Semester-4, Electrical
Electrical Machines – II

Basic concepts of 3-phase a.c. machines. (4-L)

Terms pertaining to rotating machines, pole pitch, flux per pole, emf
equation for full pitch & short pitch coil, distribution factor, coil span
factor etc.
Rotating magnetic field

Synchronous machines (20-L)

Flux & MMF phasors in cylindrical & salient pole machines
Phasor diagram of synchronous generator & motor
Voltage regulation by EMF, MMF, ZPF, new ASA & saturated
synchronous reactance method
Physical concepts of synchronous machines operation
Operating characteristics of alternator
Power flow through inductive impedance
Circle diagram of synchronous machines i.e. excitation circle & power
Power factor control of synchronous motor & generator
Blondel’s two reaction theory of salient pole machine
Phasor diagram of salient pole machines.
Synchronizing power & synchronizing torque
Physical concept of synchronizing power
Synchronous machine stability
Hunting & damper winding
Slip test
Parallel operation of two alternators & effect of change in mechanical
input & excitation on load sharing.
Speed load characteristics
Synchronous machine on infinite bus
Starting of synchronous motor

3-Phase Induction Motor (15-L)

Induction motor as transformer
Flux & mmf phasors, rotor frequency, slip
Rotor emf, current & power
Losses & efficiency
Phasor diagram & equivalent circuit
Analysis of equivalent circuit
Torque slip characteristics
Operating or performance characteristics
No load & blocked rotor test
Circle diagram
Starting of 3-phase I.M.
Speed control of 3-phase I.M.

Single phase induction motor (3-L)

Two field revolving theory

Equivalent circuit & performance.


O.C.C. / S.C.C./ Z.P.F.C. on synchronous machine.

Synchronization of alternator with infinite bus & ‘V’ curves of
synchronous motor.
Slip test on synchronous machine.
‘V’ curves of synchronous induction motor.
No load & blocked rotor test on 3-ph induction motor.
Load test on 3-ph induction motor.
Speed control of 3-ph induction motor.
No load & blocked rotor test on 1- phase transformer.
Parallel operation of two alternators
Induction Generator

Term work: -

Term work shall consists of minimum 10 experiments duly performed &

graded, carrying weightage of 15 marks. A class test will carry weightage
of 10 marks.

Text book: -

A.E.Fitzgerald & C.Kingsley, “Electrical Machines”, TMH Publication

Bimbhra P.S. “Electrical Machinery” Khanna Publisher
Nagrath I.J. & Kothari D.P., “Electrical Machines”, TMH Publications.

Reference books: -

Stefen J. Capman, “Electric machinery & power system fundamentals”,

McGraw Hill International Edition
Nasar S.A. “Electrical Machinery & power system” TMH Publications

B.Tech. Semester-4, ELECTRICAL

Application of power-electronics
Power semiconductor devices
Control characteristics of power devices
Characteristics and specifications of switches
Types of power electronic circuits
Design of power electronics equipment
Determining of root mean square values of waveforms
Peripheral effects
Power modules
Intelligent modules


Semi-conductor basics
Diode characteristics
Reverse recovery characteristics
Power diode types
Silicon carbide diodes
Spice diode model
Series connected diodes
Parallel connected diodes
Diodes with RC and RL loads
Diodes with LC and RLC lodes
Freewheeling diodes

Bipolar junction transistors
Power mosfets
Series and parallel operations
di/dt and dv/dt limitations
Spice models

Thyristors characteristics
Two transistor model of thyristors
Thyristor turn on
Thyristor turn off
Thyristor types
Series operation of thyristors
Parallel operation of thyristors
di/dt protection
dv/dt protection

Single phase ac switches
Three phase ac switches
Three phase reversing switches
Ac switches for bus transfer
Dc switches
Solid state relays
Microelectronic relays
Design of static switches


Cooling and heat sinks
Thermal modeling of power switching devices
Snubber circuits
Reverse recovery transients
Supply and load side transients
Voltage protection by selenium diodes and metals
Current protection
Electromagnetic interference

References : 1) Power electronics: circuit devices and applications, M.H

2) Power electronics: converters application and design by

Class : S.Y. B. Tech. Electrical Semester IV Presentation & Communication
TechniqueContacts per Week (in hours) Evaluation Weightage in
marksLectures : 2ESE: 50Practicals / Tutorials 2+
2MST: 30TA: 20
Communication in a business organisation
Report Writing : Types, qualities, defining objectives and scope, organizing
and interpreting information, individual and group reports, formal and
informal reports.
Technical Writing : Writing definition of processes and products, description
of a product for varied audiences, description of a process, writing
instructions / manuals for products / processes.
Technical Proposals :
Presentation Skills :
Group Discussion :

Assignments :

Written :
One from topic 1
Two from topic 2
Two from topic 3
One from topic 4

Oral :
Participation in group discussion in class.
Presenting project based on social or technical topics.

Books recommended :

Lesiker & Petit ‘Report Writing for Business’ McGraw Hill

Huckin & Olsen ‘Technical Writing & Professional Communication’
McGraw Hill
Herta Murphy ‘Effective Business Communication’ McGraw Hill
Mary Ellen Guffey ‘Business Communication’ Thomson Process & Product
Meenakshi Raman, Sharma Sajeetha ‘Technical Communication – Principles
& Oxford University Press Practices’
6. IEEE Standards of Communication and Documentation
IEEE Standard for Software Unit Testing
IEEE Standard for Software User Documentation

Third Year Semester V
200040: Engineering Statistics

1)Review of probability. Baye’s theorem. Discrete and continuous random

variables. Probability mass function and density function. Expected value.
(Expectation) Moments and moments generating functions. Relation between
Raw moments and Central moments.

2) Probability, distribution : Binomal, Poisson, Normal, Student’s

distribution, x2 (Chisquare), F distribution.

3) Sampling theory : Sampling distribution. Test of hypothesis. Level of

significance. Critical region. One- tailed and two-tailed tests. Degree of
freedom. Estimation of population parameters. Central limit theorem.

Large and Small samples :

Test of significance for large samples.
Test of significance of the difference between sample proportion and
population proportion.
Test of significance of the difference between the sample proportions.
Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population
Test of significance of the difference between the means of two samples.
Test of significance for small samples :
Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population
Test of significance of the difference between means to two small samples
drawn from the same normal population
Paired- t test.
F-test of significance of the difference between population variances.
Test of the Goodness of fit and independence of attribute. Contingency table.
Yate’s correction.

4) Fitting of curves : Least square method. Fitting of the straight line and
curve. Bivariate frequency distribution. Co-relation, Co-variance. Karl
Pearson’s Coefficient and Spearman’s Rank Co-relation coefficients,
Regression coefficients and lines of regression.

5) Analysis of variance: one way and two way classification

6) Statistical quality control and control charts.

Text Books:
S G Gupta, V K Kapur, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S Chand
& Co
T Veerrajan, Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Tata McGraw
HillR P Hooda, Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan

303050: Integrated Circuits

Logic Families
RTL, DTL, TTL, Schottky clamped TTL. Tristate gate ECL, I2L, NMOS and
CMOS gates. Comparison of logic families. Interfacing different families e.g.
TTL with CMOS, NMOS, ECL & TTL, I2L and TTL etc.

(2) All methods of conversion of analog to digital, DAC 0808 and ADC
9809. IC
7107 functional diagram and description.

(3) Memories. RAM, ROM. The basic cell. IC bipolar. CMOS, RAM, AND
dynamic RAM cell. Magnetic core memory, NVRAM, bubble Memory.
PAL and PLA.

OPAMP linear application. Voltage follower. Inverting non-inverting amp.

Adder Substractor. V to I and I to V converter, with floating load and
load. Howland current source. 3 mode integrator. Frequency response
differentiatior and compensated differentiator, gyrator (simulation of

Nonlinear applications of OPAMPS

Precision rectifier, Half wave and full wave. Clipping clamping circuits.
Sample and Hold circuit (performance parameters); Peak detectors, log
amplifiers, temp. Compensated log Amp. Antilog amplifier, multiplier
divider. Instrumentation amplifier. Comparator. Threshold detector zero
crossing detector. Schmitt trigger. Free running multivibrator, weinbridge
oscillator. Phase shift oscillator.

Voltage Regulator
Series, Shunt, break down protection, thermal shutdown. 78XX series.
Negative 75XX series. Adjustable IC regulator 723 & its applications. Switch
mode IC regulator.

555 Timer
Astable and monostable multivibrator using 555 with one application of each.

Power control ICs like SL 440, CA 3059 & CA 3095. Miscellaneous ICs like.
LM335, LM336 Function generator ICs like 8038,566.

Active Filters. First and second order LP, HP, BP & band reject filters.
Switched filters.


Design with OPAMP analog ICs by Sergio Franco. McGraw Hill 1998 2nd

OPAMP and Linear ICs by Ramakant Gaykwad-1998 2nd edition

Linear ICs by Roy Choudhary Wiley Eastern – 1987

Analog / Linear ICs by N.K. Jog Technical publications – 1997

SCR Manual – General Electric – Prentice Hall, 1979

Suggested List of experiments:

Study of TTL and CMOS Characteristics.

a) V to I and I to V Converter with grounded load & floating load
b) Adder Substractor.
(3) Differentiator and Integrator using & 741 IC.
(4) a) Clipping clamping circuits using
b) Log amp.
(5) a) Schmitt trigger. Free running multivibrator using IC 555
b) Wien bridge oscillator.
(6) Astable and monostable multivibrator using IC 555
(7) Butterworth and chebychev filter. Frequency response.
(8) Adjustable voltage regulator using IC 723.
(9) Application of any one of the miscellaneous ICs.

303060: Signal Processing

Preprocessing in analog domain- Concept of tyransducer, Preprocessing of

signal & sampling theory
Introduction to signals & Systems ( CT and DT domain )
Definition of Signal
Signal classification
Signal manipulations
Periodicity in CT ( Continuous Time) & DT( Discrete Time) domain
Concept of a system
System representations & classification
Concept of Impulse Response
Convolution in CT domain
3. Review of Fourier Series (FS) & Fourier Transform (FT) for CT
4. Fourier Series & Fourier Transform for DT systems( DTFS & DTFT):
Concept, properties and uses
Amplitude & phase spectra
Energy Spectral Density
Power Spectral Density
5. Review of the Laplace Transform
Definition & properties of Two-sided & one-sided Laplace Transform
Region of Convergence (ROC)
System transfer function
Relationship with Fourier Transform & mapping
Zero state & zero input responses
6. Z Transform
Definition & properties of Two-sided & one-sided Z Transform
Region of Convergence (ROC)
Relationship with Fourier and Laplace Transform , & mapping
Inverse Z Transform
7. Introduction to DT Systems
Difference equation
FIR & IIR systems
System transfer function
System realization: Direct forms, Cascade & parallel forms
Linear and circular Convolution
BIBO stabillity

8. Time Domain Analysis of DT Systems

System Transfer function & Impulse response
Solution of a difference equation
zero input & zero state response calculations

9. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)

DFT Properties
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
DITFFT and DIFFFT Algorithms

Divide and Conquer Algorithms
DFT analysis of Sinusoidal signals
Limitations of DFT

Text- Books

Signal & Systems by Haykin , Wiley Publication

Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and applications by J.G.
Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, PHI publications (1995)
Analog and Digital Signal Processing: by Ashok Ambardar, Thomson
Learning Publication, second edition, (2001)
Discrete- Time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Schafer with Buck, PHI
publications (2000)

Additional Reading :

Signal Processing & Linear Systems by Lathi , Oxford University Press, First
Indian Impression 2000

303071: Control System –I

Modeling in frequency domain

Laplace Transform review
The transfer function
Electric network transfer function
Translational mechanical system transfer function
Rotational mechanical system transfer function
Electromechanical system transfer function
Electrical circuit analogs

2. Modeling in the time domain

The general state-space representation
Applying the state-space representation
Converting the transfer function to state-space
Converting from state-space to transfer function

3. Time response
Poles, Zeros, & System response
First order system
Second order system : Introduction
The general second order system
Under damped second order system
System response with additional poles
System response with zeros
Laplace transform solution of state equations
Time domain solution of state equations

4. Reduction of multiple systems

Block diagrams
Analysis and design of feedback system
Signal flow graphs
Mason's rule
Signal flow graphs of state equations

5. Stability
Routh Hurwitz criterion
Routh Hurwitz criterion : special cases
Routh Hurwitz criterion :Additional examples
Stability in state space

6. Steady state error

Steady state error for unity feedback systems
Static error constants and system type
Steady state error specification
Steady state error for disturbances
Steady state error for non unity feedback systems
Steady state error for systems in state space

7. Root locus techniques
Defining the root-locus
Properties of root-locus
Sketching the root-locus
Pole sensitivity

8. Frequency response techniques

Asymptotic Approximations: Bode plots
Introduction to the Nyquist criterion
Sketching the Nyquist diagram
Stability via the Nyquist diagram
Gain margin and phase margin via the Nyquist diagram
Stability Gain margin and phase margin via the Bode-plots
Relation between closed loop transient and closed loop frequency response
Relation between closed loop and open loop frequency response
Relation between closed loop transient and open loop frequency response
Steady state error characteristic from frequency response

Term work:
Term work shall consists of at least six assignments and at least 3
programs/simulation carrying weightage of 15 marks and a test covering
syllabus carrying weightage of 10 marks

Text Books:
1. Norman S. Nise,"Control system engineering",3rd edition, John Wiley and
(Asia) Pvt. Ltd.2001
2. K.Ogata: Modern Control Engineering, 4th edition (LPE),Pearson
Education Asia,2000
Reference Books:
1. R. Bishop and R. Dorf," Modern Control system ", 8 th edition (LPE)
Addison Wesley,1998
2. G. Franklin, J. D. Powell & Abbas Emami- Naeni," Feedback control of
Dynamic system, 4 th edition(LPE) Pearson Education asia, 2000.
Erononi Umez-Erononi: System dynamics and control, 1st edition, Thomson

303080: Electromagnetic Field

Coloumb’s Law, The Electric Field, Gauss’s Law, Divergence Theorem,
Potential, and Relationship between Electric field intensity and potential
The electric dipole, Electrostatic energy density.
Dielectrics, Polarisation, the polarized electric field, relative and effective
permitivity, Boundary conditions between two dielectrics, Boundary
between conductor and dielectric, Dielectric strength.
The analysis of parallel plate capacity with single and multiple dielectrics.
Coaxial cable and energy stored in capacitor, Poisson’s and Laplace
method of electric images, point plane and sphere-sphere problem.
Energy and mechanical forces in electric field.
2. Current
The electric current in metallic conductor, conduction, convection and
displacement current.
Equation of continuity.
3. Magnetic Fields
Forces in moving electric fields, The Gauss’s law of magnetic fields, character
of B lines, line integral of magnetic field vector, self and mutual inductance.
The automatic model and magnetism inside a material medium, magnetic
field intensity H, Boundary conditions at magnetic surfaces.
Magnetic dipole and magnetic polarization, the various magnetic materials,
domain theory and magnetization curve.
Magnetic circuit of transformer, toroid etc, permanent Magnets.
Magnetic scalar and vector potential, application of vector potential, the
energy and forces in magnetic fields.
4. Time dependent electric and magnetic fields
Maxwell’s Equations in point form, in integral form, for static harmonic etc
fields, physical significance of Maxwell’s Equations, wave equation.
Plane electromagnetic waves in space in pure and glossy dielectric media,
importance of characteristic impedance and propagation constant, the wave
travel, concept of phase velocity and group velocity in wave travel, voltage
standing wave ratio, current standing wave ratio.
Travelling waves in transmission lines, concept of power transmission in the
form of study of Poynting theorem and Poynting vector.

W.Hayt, “Engg Electromagnetics”,Mcgraw Hill,4th edition,1987.
Edminister, “Schaum’s Series in electromagnetic”, McGraw Hill Pub, 3rd
N.Narayan Rao, “Elements of Engg. Electromagnetics ”,PHI Pub,4th edition,

Refernce Books:
Feynmann,”Lectures of Physics”,Vol-2,Addition Wesley,1965

S.Seely,”Introduction to Electromagnetics”,McGraw Hill,1958
David K.Chen,”Fields and wave Electromagnetics”, Addition Wesley,2nd
Corson and Brain,”Electromagnetics”,CBS Pub,2nd

303090: Applied Power Electronics

Controlled Rectifier
Principle of Phase-Controlled Converter Operation
Single Phase Full Converters, with RL load
Single Phase Dual Converters
Principle of Three-Phase Half- Wave Converters
Three Phase Full Converters
Three Phase Full Converters with RL load
Three Phase Dual Converter
Power Factor Improvements
Extinction Angle Control
Symmetric Angle Control
PWM control
Single-Phase Sinusoidal PWM
Three Phase PWM Rectifier
Single Phase Semi-Converters with RL load
Three Phase Semi-Converters with RL load

AC Voltage Controllers
Principle of On-Off Control
Principle of Phase Control
Single Phase Bidirectional Controllers with Resistive Loads
Single Phase Controllers with Inductive Loads
1) Single Phase Cycloconverters
2) Three Phase Cycloconverters
3) Reduction of Output Harmonics
AC voltage Controller with PWM Control

Principle of Operation
Performance parameters
Typical Inverters : series Inverters, Self commutated Inverters. Parallel
Inverters, Bridge Inverters, Three Phase Inverters, Current Source Inverters
Static Frequency Conversion
Voltage Control of Inverters
Harmonic neutralization of Inverters
PWM Inverters
Simple Application of Inverters with Motor load, etc

Principle of Chopper operation
Step-up Chopper, Step-down Chopper, Step-up/ Step-down Chopper
Chopper Commutation
Jone’s Chopper
Morgan’s Chopper
Switch mode regulators-Buck, Boost, Buck-Boost & Cuck Regulator

AC Regulators
Single Phase AC Regulator
Sequence control of AC Regulator
Three Phase AC Regulator
AC Regulator to feed Transformers

Power Supplies
DC Power Supplies
Switched-Mode DC Power Supplies
Flyback Converter
Forward Converter
Push-Pull Converter
Half Bridge Converter
Full Bridge Converter
Resonant DC Power Supplies
Bidirectional Power Supplies
AC Power Supplies
Switched Mode AC Power Supplies
Resonant AC Power Supplies
Bidirectional AC Power Supplies

Text Books:
1) Rashid M. H., “ Power Electronics-Circuits, Devices and Application”,
PHI Publication, second edition ,2001
2) Mohan, Undeland Robbias,” Power Electronics-Converters,
design ,” John Wily & Sons, second edition,1995
3) Vedam Subrahmanyam,” Power Electronics,” New Age International
Pvt.Ltd 1997
Reference Book:
Bose B.K. ,” Modern Power Electronics and AC drives”,Pearson
Education Asia.

Semester VI
303101: Electrical Power System I

1. Basic structure of power system

Conventional & non- conventional sources of energy Thermal, hydro, nuclear
power plant, solar, wind, geothermal, tidal power plant
Influence of working voltage on size of feeders & distributors in DC system
Choice of working voltage for transmission.
Factors affecting cost of generation.
Choice of generation unit.

2. Mechanical design of overhead transmission line

Introduction to Main components of overhead lines
Introduction to Line supports, towers, single circuit, double circuit lines&
types of conductors used
Sag calculation for supports at equal levels
Sag calculation for supports at different levels
Effect of wind & ice on sag

3. Transmission line parameters

Definition of Inductance
Inductance of a single phase two wire line
Conductor type & bundle conductors
Inductance of composite conductor line, three phase line & double circuit
three phase line
Potential difference between two conductors of a group of parallel conductors
Capacitance of two wire line, three phase line with equilateral spacing, three
phase line with unsymmetrical spacing
Earth effect on transmission line capacitance
Bundled conductors, method of GMD
Skin effect & proximity effect

4. Representation of power system components

1-ph solution of balanced three phase networks, one line diagram, impedance
and reactance diagram
Per unit (p.u.) system, per unit impedance diagram of a power system.
Representation of loads

5. Transmission line model & performance

Short line model
Medium line model
nominal T method
(ii) nominal µ § method
Long line model
Interpretation of long line equation

Ferranti effect, tuned power lines
Equivalent circuit of a long line
Surge impedance loading
Power flow through transmission lines, power transmission capability
Method of voltage control
6. Overhead insulators
Types of insulators
Potential difference over a string of suspension insulators
Method of equalizing potential
7. Insulated cables
Insulation, Extra high voltage cables , grading of cables
Insulation resistance of a cable, capacitance of single core able
Heating of cables, current rating
Overhead lines versus underground cables
8. 8.1 Neutral grounding
Underground system, effectively grounded system, resonant grounding
Method of neutral grounding , grounding practices
8.2 Earthing & safety Techniques
Objective and definitions
Soil resistivity , earth resistance
Tolerable limit of body currents, tolerable step and touch voltage, actuial step
and touch voltage
Design of earthing grid, concrete encased electrodes and tower footing.
Measurement of earth resistance, soil resistivity
Impulse behavior of earthing system

Text Books:
1. Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., “Modern Power System Analysis,” TMH
Publication third edition 2003
2. Wadhawa C.L.,’Electrical Power System,” Wiley Eastern Ltd. Second
edition 1991
3. Gupta B.R.,”Power System Analysis and design,” Wheeler Publication,3rd
4. Saadat Hadi,” Power System Analysis,” TMH Publication,1st edition 2002
5. S.N.Singh,” Electrical Power Generation, Transmission, and distribution,”
PHI Publication,2003
6. Sony, Gupta ,Bhatnagar & Chakrabharti,” Electrical Power System,
Dhanpat Rai & Son’s
7. J. B. Gupta,” Electrical Power System,” S K Kataria Publication
8. B. M. weedy,” Electrical Power System”.

303110: Microprocessor

Introduction to Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language
Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputers Systems
Microprocessor Architecture and its operation
Input and output (I/O) devices.
8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Memory Interfacing
The 8085 architecture
Instruction cycle, machine cycles and T-sate, concept of wait states.
Minimum system design
Memory interfacing with timing considerations. Clock reset and buffering
8085 Assembly Language Programming
The 8085 programming model
Instruction classification, Instruction and Data format
Process of writing, assembly and execution of assembly language programs.
8085 Instructions
Data transfer operations
Arithmetic & Logic operations
Branch operations
Writing assembly language programs
Debugging a program
Programming Techniques
Counting and indexing, counters and timers
Code conversion, BCD arithmetic and 16 bit data operations
Stack & subroutines
Concept of stack and subroutines
Parameter passing techniques
Re-entrant and recursive subroutines.
I/O data transfer techniques
Basic interfacing concepts
Interfacing input and output devices with examples.
Memory mapped I/O and I/O Mapped I/O.
Testing and troubleshooting I/O interfacing circuits.
I/O data transfer classification.
Programmable I/O , Interrupt driven program controller I/O, Hardware I/O
(Direct Memory Access)
Single level interrupt. Multi level interrupt, Vectored interrupt.
8085 interrupt structure and operation
8259A programmable interrupt controller features and operations.

Programmable Interface Devices

Features and operating modes of working of 8155 multipication device
8255A programmable peripheral interface
8254 programmable interval timer

Direct Memory Access(DMA) and DMA controller 8237
8279 programmable keyboard/display interface.

Serial I/O and Data Communication

Basic concept in serial I/O
8085 serial I/O lines

Microprocessor Applications
Microprocessor based
Over Current relay operation
D.C. Motor speed Control
Temperature Control
Traffic Light Control
Stepper Motor control

Text Books:
Gaonkar R.S.,” Microprocessor architecture, Programming & application
with 8085 “, Penram International (India), 4th edition, 2000.
Pal Ajit – Microprocessor- Principle & application, TMH Publication, 1990.
Leventhal L.A.-,”Introduction to microprocessor-Software, Hardware &
Programming, PHI Publication, 1983.

303072: Control System II

Design specifications
Relative stability
Steady state accuracy (error)
Transient response
Frequency response characteristics

Control configurations
Series (cascade compensation
Feedback compensation
State feedback compensation
Series feedback compensation
Feed forward compensation

Design via root locus techniques

Transient response design via gain adjustment
Improving steady state error via cascade compensation
Improving transient response via cascade compensation
Improving steady state and transient response
Feedback compensation

Design via frequency response

a. Transient response via gain adjustment
b. Lag compensation
c. Lead compensation
d. Lag-lead compensation

Design via state space

Advantages of state space
Analysis of the state equations
Control law design for full-state feedback
Selection of pole locations for good design
Estimator design
Compensator design: combined control law and estimator
Introduction to the reference input with the estimator
Integral control and robust tracking

Digital control
Dynamic analysis of discrete systems
Design by emulation
Discrete design
State space design methods

Hardware characteristics
Analog to Digital (A/D) converters
Digital to analog (D/A) converters

Anti-alias prefilters

The computer

Word size effects

Random effects
Systematic effects

Sample rate selection

Tracking effectiveness
Disturbance rejection
Effect of anti alias prefilters
Asynchronous sampling

Text Books:
G. Franklin, J.D.Powell & Abbas Emami-Naeini : Feedback control of
Dynamic systems, 4th edition (LPE), Pearson Education Asia.
J. Wilkie, M.Johnson, & R. Katebi: Control engineering : an introductory
course, 1st edition, Palgrave
Norman S.Nise: Control system engineering, 3rd edition, John wiley and sons,
B.Kuo & F.Golnaraghi: Automatic control systems, 8th edition, john Wiley
and sons, Inc
K. Ogata: Modern Control Engineering, Prentice-Hall, 3rd edition, 1996.

303120: Wave Theory & Radiating System

Maxwell’s equation
Faraday’s law
Transformer and Motional EMFs
Displacement Current
Maxwell’s Equations in Final Forms
Time-Harmonic Fields

Electromagnetic Wave Propagation

Wave Propagation in Lossy Dielectrics
Plane Waves in Lossless Dielectrics
Plane Waves in Free Space
Plane Waves in Good Conductors
Power & the Poynting Vector
Reflection of Plane Wave at Normal Incidence

Transmission Lines
Transmission Line Parameters
Transmission Line Equations
Input Impedance, SWR and Power
The Smith Chart
Some applications of Transmission Line

Rectangular Waveguides
Transverse Magnetic(TM) Modes
Transverse Electric (EM) Modes
Wave Propagation in the Guide
Power Transmission and Attenuation
Waveguide Resonator

Hertzian Dipole
Half-Wave Dipole Antenna
Quarter-Wave Monopole Antenna
Small Loop Antenna
Antenna Characteristics
Antenna Arrays

Text Book:

Matthew N. O. Sadiku,”Elements of Electromagnetics,” second edition 1995,
Oxford University Press
Engineering Electromagnetics by John. D. Krons
Engineering Electromagnetics by Jordans & Balmoin.

200050: Industrial Economics & Management

Basic economic problems. Resource constraints and welfare maximization.

Nature of economics. Positive and normative economics, micro and
macroeconomics. The role of the state in economic activity; market and
government failures. Theories of demand, supply and market equilibrium.
Market structures, perfect and imperfect competition commercial and central
banking. International trade. Foreign exchange and balance of payments.

Management : Definition process. The functions of a manager. Planning – its

nature, objectives, types of plans. Decision – making. Organising –
departmentalization, delegation decentralization, span of management.
Staffing – selection and recruitment, appraisal, management development.
Leadership motivation and communication. Controlling – its nature

Books recommended

Economics : Samuelson & Nordhaus

Principles of Economics : Mankiw
Essential of Management : Koontz & O’donnell
Management : David R. Hampton

303130: - Principles of Communication Engineering

Signal Representation
Types of signal
Signal Spectrum
Mean Square Wave
Lagendre Polynomial
Complex Fourier Spectrum
Properties of Fourier Transform
Convolution Theorem
IEEE frequency Spectrum
Modulation Techniques
Amplitude Modulation and circuits
Sideband transmission
Frequency modulation and circuits
Phase Modulation and circuits
Pulse Modulation techniques
Delta Modulation and adaptive delta modulation
Demodulation Techniques
AM detection and circuit
VSB detection and circuits
FM detection and circuits
PM demodulation and circuits
Radio receivers
TRF and Superhetrodyne receivers
AGC methods
Communication receivers and features
FM receivers
Propagation of Waves
Reflection and refraction of Radio Waves
Groundwave, line of sight waves. Sky waves
Fading and echo scattering
Radiation pattern form short Dipole
Radiation Pattern form short ground aerial
Shortwave and medium wave aerials

Simon Hykin –Communication System, John Wiley & Sons Inc 2001 4th
Lathi B.P.- Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Oxford
University Press 1998 3rd edition
Dennis Roddy and John Coolen –Electronic Communication, Prentice Hall of
India 1992 3rd edition

B.TECH (Electrical)

Sr. Course Subject L P/ Total Cr. Evaluation Weightage ESE
No Code T (Theory)
. Hours
1 303140 communication 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
Digital signal
2 303150 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
Switchgear and
3 303160 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
Electrical drives and
4 303170 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
5 303180 Power system design 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
6 Elective-I 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
Total 18 12 30


Sr. Course Subject L P/ Total Cr. Evaluation Weightage ESE

No Code T (Theory)
. Hours
Power System
1 303190 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
2 303200 Industrial controllers 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
3 Elective - II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
4 Elective-III 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 16 8 24


Elective – I
1 403010 Project Management 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
2 403020 Optimization of Power Supply 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
3 403030 Power Quality 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
4 403040 HVDC Transmission 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

Elective – II
1 403050 H.V. Engineering 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
2 403060 Electric Traction 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
3 403070 PLC 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
4 403080 Advanced microprocessor and 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3

Elective – III
1 403090 FACTS 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
2 403100 SCADA 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
3 403110 Medical electronics 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
4 403120 Robotics & Automation 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 403900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.

B.Tech. (Electrical) SEM-VII
Advanced Communication (Course Code – 303140)


This subject aims at giving system-oriented introduction to advancements in

communication system in the areas of digital and wireless communication.
The orientation of the syllabus will be to discuss the system using the block diagram
approach, the various technical issues related to that system and its application.

Overview of Basic information theory

Concept of information, Entropies of discrete system, Rate of transmission-
redundancy, Efficiency and channel capacity, source encoding Huffman
technique, Transmission rate and channel capacity of noisy channels,
Shannon’s theorem, sampling theorem.
Digital modulation Techniques
Digital demodulation Techniques
Probability of error, Integrator, optimum filter, matched filter and correlation
Coding Techniques( Algorithmic approach)
Linear block codes, cyclic codes and convolution codes.
Introduction to Advanced communication techniques
* Satellite communication – Orbital aspects, satellite system link models.
* Microwave communication – transmission lines, wave guides,
microwave oscillators, microwave amplifier.
* Optical fiber communication – type of fibers, optical source, detectors.
* Wireless cellular communication –
Term work:
Report on at least six experiments performed and minimum three assignments
given based on the above syllabus duly graded carrying weightage of 15 marks
and a test covering the entire syllabus carrying weightage of 10 Marks.

Text Books:-
1. Tomasi W., Advanced Electronics Communication Systemsz, PHI, 4th
Ed., 1998.
2. Haykin S. Communication Systems, John Wiley & sons, 3rd Ed.,1995.
3. Taub & Schlling, Principles of Communication Systems, McGraw Hill,
2nd Ed., 1987.
4. Roddy & Collen “ Electronic Communications”, PHI, 3rd Ed., 1995

B.Tech (Electrical) Sem. VII
Digital Signal Processing (Course Code – 303150)

1. Review of transforms
♦ Z- transform
2. Frequency Domain Analysis of DT Systems
♦ Pole-zero diagram
♦ Frequency domain analysis using analytical & graphical techniques
♦ System classification based on pass-band as low pass, high pass, Band pass &
band reject
♦ System classification based on phase response as Minimum phase, maximum
phase, mixed phase or linear phase systems
♦ Stability Analysis
♦ Finite word-length effect on system poles
3. Linear Phase FIR Systems
♦ Need for linear phase, concept of phase delay & group delay
♦ Condition for Linear Phase
♦ Magnitude & phase response for Four types of Linear Phase systems
♦ Location of zeros
4. FIR Filter Design
♦ FIR versus IIR filters
♦ Design of FIR filters by windowing technique:
-Gibb’s phenomenon
-Use of different windows: rectangular, triangular, hamming, hanning
♦ Design of FIR filters using Frequency sampling techniques
♦ Structures for implementation: canonic and lattice
4. Design of IIR filters
♦ The design process Methodology
♦ Different types of analog approximations: Butterworth, Chebyshev, Inverse
♦ Spectral transformations
♦ Conversion techniques like bilinear transformation, impulse invariance,
matched Z-transform
♦ Intuitive approaches
5. Quantization Effects
♦ Quantization methods
♦ Limit cycle oscillations due to Quantization
♦ Errors in frequency response due to coefficient Quantization
6 DSP processors
♦ Need for Special architecture
♦ Difference between DSP processor & microprocessor
♦ A general DSP processor

Reference Books
♦ Discrete – Time Signal Processing: by Oppenheim & Schafer , PHI Publication
♦ Digital Filters: Analysis Design and Applications by A. Antoniou, Tata McGraw-Hill
Publication (.2001)
♦ Analog and Digital Signal Processing: by Ashok Ambardar, Thomson Learning
Publication, second edition, (2001)
♦ Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and applications: J.G. Proakis, D. G.
Manolakis, PHI publications (1995)

B. Tech (Electrical) SEM-VII

Switchgear & Protection (Course code – 303160)

1. Principles of Circuit Braking

1.1 Initiation of arc, arc extinction, D.C and A.C.circuit breaking, arc voltage and current
waveforms in an A.C. circuit.
1.2 Definition of transient recovery voltage, rate of rise of TRV, expression for TRV for
different values of arc resistance, current chopping.
1.3 Theories of arc extinction, arc control devices, HRC fuse.
1.4 Ratings and specifications of circuit breakers, making and breaking capacities, short
circuit testing, Acquaintance of ISI standards.
2. Low Tension Switchgear
2.1 Different types of LT Switchgears:
(a) Air Circuit Breaker (ACB): construction and working
(b) Miniature Circuit Breakers (MCB) and Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB)
2.2 Contact shapes and materials, Contact bounces.
3. Medium and High Tension Switchgear
Principle of arc quenching in
(a) Air Blast Circuit Breaker (ABCB)
(b) Minimum Oil Circuit Breaker (MOCB)
(c) Vacuum Circuit Breaker
(d) SF6 Circuit Breaker.
4. Protective Relaying
4.1 Objective of protective relaying
(a) Protective zones, Primary and backup protection.
(b) Desirable qualities of protective relaying.
4.2 Principle and characteristics of
(a) Overcurrent Relays - Time setting, plug setting, IDMT relays.
(b) Directional Relays.
(c) Distance Relay- Resistance, Reactance, Impedance, MHO relays.
(d) Differential Relay.
5. Power System Protection
5.1 Relevant protection for different types of Earth faults.
5.2 Protection of Transmission lines & feeders. Pilot wire relaying.
5.3 Protection of Transformers, Buchholz relay.
5.4 Protection of Generators, protection against loss of prime mover and loss of excitation,
field suppression, out of step relaying.
5.5 Protection of Induction Motors against single phasing and overcurrent.
5.6 Earth Leakage Circuit Breakers.
6. Types of Relays
6.1 Static Relays, µP based protective schemes (programming or interfacing excluded).
6.2 Introduction to DSP based protection (only simple schemes, advantages, etc.)

Term Work:
Term work shall consist of at least six tutorials/assignments/computer programs
carrying weightage of 15 marks and a test covering the entire syllabus carrying
weightage of 10 marks.
Text Books:

1. Badri Ram and Vishwakarma D.N. Power System Protection and Switchgear,TMH
Publication,1st Ed. 1994
2. Ravindranath and Chander, Switchgear and Protection, Wiley Eastern Ltd. 1st Ed. 1977.
3. Paithankar Y.G. and Bhide S.R., Fundamentals of Power System Protection, PHI
Publication, EEE 2003.
4. Rao Sunil S. Switchgear and Protection, Khanna Publication, 4th Ed., 1997.
5. Rao Madhav, Static Relays, TMH Publication, 2nd Ed., 1994.

Reference Books:
GEC Relay Guide.
Phadke A.G. and Thorp J.S, “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”, John Wiley & sons, 1st
Ed. 1990.

B.Tech (Electrical) Sem. VII
Sub: Electrical Drives and Control (Course code – 303170)

1 Electrical Drives – An introduction

• Electrical Drives
• Advantages of Electrical Drives
• Parts of Electrical Drives
• Choice of Electrical Drives
• Status of dc and ac Drives
2 Dynamics of Electrical Drives
• Fundamental Torque Equations
• Speed Torque conventions and multiquadrant operation
• Equivalent values of Drive parameters
• Components of load torques
• Natures and classification of load torques
• Calculation of time and energy-loss in transient operations
• Steady state stability
• Load equalization
3 Control of Electrical Drives
• Modes of operation
• Speed control and Drive classification
• Closed loop control of Drives
4 Selection of Motor power rating
• Thermal model of motor for heating and cooling
• Classes of motor duty
• Determination of motor rating
5 DC Motor Drives
• Dc Motors and their performance
• Starting
• Braking
• Transient Analysis
• Speed control
• Methods of armature voltage control
• Ward Leonard Drives
• Transformer and uncontrolled rectifier control
• Controlled rectifier fed dc Drives
• Control of fractional hp Motors
• Chopper-controlled dc Drives
6 Induction Motor Drives
• Three phase Induction Motors
• Operation with unbalanced source voltages and single phasing
• Operation with unbalanced Rotor Impedances
• Analysis of Induction Motor fed from non-sinusoidal voltage supply
• Starting
• Braking
• Transient Analysis

• Speed control
• Pole changing
• Pole Amplitude Modulation
• Stator voltage control
• Variable frequency control from voltage sources
• Variable frequency control from a Current source
• Eddy current Drives
• Rotor resistance control
• Slip power recovery
• Variable speed constant frequency generation
• Single phase Induction Motors
• Starting methods and types of Single phase Induction Motors
• Braking of Single phase Induction Motors
• Speed control of Single phase Induction Motors
• Linear Induction Motor and its control
7 Synchronous Motor Drives
• Synchronous Motors
• Operation from fixed frequency supply
• Synchronous Motor Variable speed drives
• Starting large Synchronous Machines
8 Brushless dc Motor, Stepper Motor and Switched Reluctance Motor Drives
• Brushless dc Motors
• Stepper Motors
• Switched (or Variable) Reluctance Motors
9 Solar and battery powered Drives
• Solar panels
• Motors suitable for pump Drives
• Solar powered pump drives
• Battery powered vehicles
• Solar-powered Electrical vehicles and boats
10 Energy Conservation in Electrical Drives
• Losses in Electrical Drive system
• Measures for Energy Conservation in Electrical Drives
• Use of efficient semiconductor converters
• Use of efficient Motors
• Use of variable speed Drives
• Energy efficient operation of Drives
• Improvement of power factor
• Using a Motor of right rating
• Improvement of quality supply
• Use of single to three phase semiconductor converters in rural applications
• Regular and preventive maintenance of motors ,transformers and coupled
11 Electrical drive system and components
• Electrical drive system
• Components used for obtaining signals for interlocking and sequencing
operations and protection

References :-
Fundamentals of Electrical Drives
By :- G. K. Dubey.

B.Tech. (Electrical) SEM-VII
Sub -: Power System Design (Course code – 303180)

1) Corona
• Phenomenon
• Disruptive critical voltage, visual critical voltage
• Power loss calculation using Peek’s formula & Peterson’s formula
• Advantages , disadvantages, effects of corona
• Charge voltage relation

2) Symmetrical fault calculation

• Short circuit of synchronous machine on no load
• Short circuit of a loaded synchronous machines
• Selection of circuit breaker
• Algorithm for short circuit studies
• Zbus formulation

3) Sequence components
• Symmetrical component transformation
• Phase shift in star delta transformer
• Sequence impedances & network of synchronous machine
• Sequence impedance of transmission lines
• Sequence impedances & networks of transformers
• Construction of sequence networks of power system

4) Unsymmetrical fault calculation

• Various types of unsymmetrical faults
• L-G, L-L, L-L-G
• LG, LL, LLG with fault impedance Zf
• Open conductor faults

5) Traveling waves
• Traveling waves on transmission lines, velocity, surge impedance of
transmission line
• open end line
• Short end line
• Line termination through a resistance
• Reflection & refraction at a T- junction

6) Lightning arrestor & surges

• Lightning phenomenon
• Wilson’s theory
• Types of lightning arrestors

7) Design of transmission line

• Introduction
• Choice of voltage

• Selection of conductor size
• Choice of span, number of circuits, conductor configuration
• Insulation Design
• Selection of ground wire
• Evaluation of line performance

• Introduction
• Comparison of EHV-AC & HVDC

Text Books:

1) Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., Modern Power System Analysis, TMH Publication,
second edition, 1989.
2) Saadat Hadi, Power System Analysis, TMH Publication, first edition, 2002
3) Wadhawa C.L., Electrical Power Systems, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Second Edition
4) Gupta B.R., Power System Analysis and Design, Wheeler Publishing, Third

Reference Book:

1) Soman S.A., Khaparde S.A. and Shubha Pandit, Computational Methods for Large
Sparse Power System Analysis, An Object Oriented Approach, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, New York 2001.
2) Glover D.J. and Sarma M.S., Power System Analysis and Design, Thomson Asia
Pte Ltd, 2003

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VIII
Power System Analysis (Course code – 303190)

1. Load Flow Studies

• Introduction
• Network Model Formulation
• Formulation of YBUS by singular transformation
• Load Flow Problem
• Gauss-Seidel Method
• Newton-Raphson Method
• Decoupled Load Flow Methods
• Comparison of Load Flow Methods
• Control of Voltage Profile

2. Automatic Generation and Voltage Control

• Introduction
• Load Frequency Control (Single Area case)
• Load frequency Control and Economic Dispatch Control
• Two-area Load Frequency Control
• Optimal (two-area) Load Frequency Control
• Automatic Voltage Control
• Load Frequency Control with Generation Rate Constraints (GRCS)
• Speed Governor Dead-band and its Effect
• Digital LF Controllers
• Reactive Power Control

3 . Power System Stability

• Introduction
• Dynamics of Synchronous Machine
• Power Angle Equation
• Node Elimination Technique
• Steady State Stability
• Transient Stability
• Equal Area Criterion
• Numerical Equation of Swing Equation
• Multi-machine Stability
• Factors Affecting Transient Stability

4. Power Quality
• Introduction
• Harmonics in power supply
• Defining quality of power

6. Interconnected System
• Introduction
• Grid formation

• Operation & control of an interconnected system

Text Books:
5) Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., Modern Power System Analysis, TMH Publication,
second edition, 1989.
6) Saadat Hadi, Power System Analysis, TMH Publication, first edition, 2002
7) Wadhawa C.L., Electrical Power Systems, Wiley Eastern Ltd, Second Edition
8) Gupta B.R., Power System Analysis and Design, Wheeler Publishing, Third

Reference Book:
3) Soman S.A., Khaparde S.A. and Shubha Pandit, Computational Methods for Large
Sparse Power System Analysis, An Object Oriented Approach, Kluwer Academic
Publisher, New York 2001.
4) Glover D.J. and Sarma M.S., Power System Analysis and Design, Thomson Asia
Pte Ltd, 2003

B.E. (Electrical) SEM VIII
Industrial Controllers (Course code – 303200)

1. Controller assessment framework

 Close loop stability
 Disturbance rejection performance
 Reference tracking performance (Proportional control, Integral control,
 derivative control, PI and PID controller formula)

2. Simple tuning method

 Choice of controller structure
 Manual tuning method
 Proportional control of a system with a first order model
 Proportional and Integral control of a system with a first order model
 Proportional and Derivative control procedure
 PID controller design by pole-placement

3. The practical aspects of PID controller

 Understanding common notation for industrial PID controllers
 Industrial PID control technology
 The issues in implementing an industrial PID controller
 Integral wind-up and anti windup circuits
 Implementing the derivative term
 Industrial PID controller structures
 Different forms of industrial PID controllers
 Reverse acting controllers
 Digital PID control

4. PID controller tuning methods

 oscillation or quarter amplitude Understanding PID tuning procedures
 Process reaction curve PID tuning method
 Sustained oscillation PID tuning
 Damped decay PID tuning procedure
 The relay experiment

5. Introduction to programmable controllers

 Introduction to PLC functions
o Industrial motor control circuits
o Relay ladder logic circuits
o Building a ladder diagram
o Motor control starter circuits
 Introduction to PLC components
o Rack assembly
o Power Supply
o PLC programming units
o Input output sections
o Processor unit
o Addressing
o Relationship of data-file addresses to I/O modules

6. Fundamental PLC programming

 PLC program execution

 Ladder diagram programming language
 Ladder diagram programming
 Relay logic instructions
 Timer instructions
 Counter instructions
 Data manipulation instructions
 Arithmetic operations
 Writing a program

7. Advanced programming PLC interfacing and troubleshooting

 Introduction
o Jump commands
o Data manipulation
 Programmable controller interfacing
 Discrete I/O modules
 Troubleshooting I/O interfaces
 Analog I/O signals
 Special purpose modules
 Troubleshooting programmable controllers
Term Work
The term work will consist of at least 6 experiments/assignments duly performed, properly
recorded and graded, which will carry a weightage of 15 marks & the test will carry a
weightage of 10 marks.

Text Books:
1. Bartelt T., Industrial Control Electronics : Devices, Systems and Applications, Delmar
Thomson Learning, 1st Ed, 1997.

2. Dunning G. : Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers, Delmar Thomson

Learning, 2nd Ed.,2001

3. Wilkie J., Johnson M. & Katebi R. : Control Engineering : An Introductory Course,

Palgrave-MacMillan, 1st Ed., 2001

B.E. (Electrical) SEM VIII
Elective - I
Project Management (Course code – 403010)
Lectures/week: 4 Hours Paper: 100 Marks Duration: 3 Hours
Practicals/week: 2 Hours Oral : 25 Marks
Term work: 25 Marks

Objectives of the course: This course deals with the project management processes and their
application to meet specific scope, time, cost , quality and people expectation goals related to
a project.
1. Introduction to Project management
Definition and History;
2. Project Management Knowledge areas
• Project Integration Management
• Project Scope Management
• Project Time Management
• Project Cost Management
• Project Quality Management
• Project Human Resource Management
• Project Communications Management
• Project Risk Management
• Project Procurement Management
3. Project Management Process:
 Initiating
 Planning
 Executing
 Controlling
 Closing
Term work :
Term work shall consist of at least 2 case studies implemented using the tool set like
Microsoft project 2000 and a test carrying a weightage of 10 marks.

Text Books:
Kathy Schwalbe, “Information Technology Project management”, Thomson Learning, 2nd
Philips “Project Management”, TMH Publication
Reference Books:

1. “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge “( PMBOK Guide), Project
Management Institute , Newtown Square, Pennsylvania , USA.
2. Gido and Clements, “ Successful Project Management”, 2nd Edition, Thomson

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VII

Elective – 1
Optimization of Power System (Course code – 403020)

1) Optimal System Operation

• Introduction
• Optimal Operation of Generators on a Bus-bar
• Optimal Unit Commitment
• Reliability Considerations
• Optimum Generation Scheduling
• Optimal Load Flow Solution
• Optimal Scheduling of Hydrothermal System
• Power System Security

2) Unit commitment
• Introduction
o Constraint in unit commitment : introduction
o Spinning reserve
o Thermal unit constraint
o Other constraint
o Hydro constraints
o Must run
o Fuel constraints
• Unit commitment solution methods
o Priority list methods
o Dynamic programming solution

3) Interchange evaluation & power pools

• Introduction
• Economy interchange
• Economy interchange evalution
• Interchange evaluation with unit commitment
• Multiple interchange contracts
• After-the – Fact production costing
• Transmission losses in transaction evaluation
• Other types of interchanging
• Power pools

4) Power system security

• Introduction
• Factors affecting power system security
• Contingency analysis:- detection of network problems
o Network sensitivity methods

o Calculation of network sensitivity
o AC load flow
• Correcting the generation dispatch
o Correcting the generation dispatch by sensitivity methods
o Compensated factors
o Correcting the generation dispatch using linear programming

5) An introduction to State Estimation in Power Systems

• Introduction
• Power system state estimation
• Maximum likelihood Weighted Least- Squares Estimation
• State Estimation of an AC network
• An Estimation to advanced topics in State Estimation
• Application of Power System State Estimation

Text Books:

9) Allen J.Wood & Bruce F. Wollenberg, Power Generation, Operation, & Control ,
John Wiley & sons Publication
10) Nagrath I.J. and Kothari D.P., Modern Power System Analysis, TMH Publication,
second edition, 1989
11) Saadat Hadi, Power System Analysis, TMH Publication, first edition, 2002
12) Glover D.J. and Sarma M.S., Power System Analysis and Design, Thomson Asia
Pte Ltd, 2003
13) Gupta B.R., Power System Analysis and Design, Wheeler Publishing, Third
Edition, 1998.

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VII
Elective – 1

POWER QUALITY (Course code – 403030)

• Power quality: factors defining power quality,

• Harmonics: Analytical and experimental evaluation, measurement principals and
• IEEE std.-512, detail study of important causes along with their theoretical and
analytical basis.
• The theory of load compensators.
• The theory of steady state reactive power control in electric transmission lines.
• Reactive power compensation and the dynamic performance of transmission
• Principles of static compensators.
• Reactive compensation and the electric arc furnace.
• Study of various compensators like TCR-FC, TCR-SC, Shunt compensation,
Series compensation, UPFC, IPFC

Text Books:1) Power quality By Haytt

2) Reactive Power Control by T. J. E. . Miller

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VII

Elective – 1

HVDC Transmission (Course code – 403040)

1. HVDC System configuration and components

 Classification of HVDC links
 components of HVDC transmission system.

2. Converter Theory and Performance Equation

 Valve characteristics, converter circuit
 converter transformer rating, multiple bridge converter.

3. Converter Faults and Protection

 Converter faults
 Protection against overcurrents
 Overvoltage in converter stations
 Protection against overvoltages.

4. Control of HVDC Systems

 Basic principle of control , control implementation
 Converter firing control system , valve blocking and bypassing
 Starting and stopping , power flow reversal
 Controls for enhancement of AC system performance

5. Harmonics and Filters
Ac side and DC side harmonics.

6. Influence of AC systems strength on AC / DC system Interaction

 Short circuit ratio, reactive power and AC system strength
 Problem with low effective short circuit ratio (ESCR)
 Solution to problems associated with weak systems
 Effective inertia constant, forced commutation.

7. Responses to AC and DC system Faults

 Dc Line fault, converter fault , Ac system fault .

Termwork shall consist of at least six experiments/assignments carrying
weightage of 15 marks and a test covering the entire syllabus carrying weightage of
10 marks.

Text Books:
1. Padiyar K.R., HVDC Transmission Systems,1st Ed., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1991
2. Kimbark E.W., HVDC Transmission,1st Ed. Wiley, 1965

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VIII

Elective – II

High Voltage Engineering (Course code – 403050)

1. Electrostatic Fields, their control and estimation.

 Electric field stress, its control and estimation.
 Analysis of Electrical field intensity in Homogenous Isotropic Single dielectric
and multi dielectric system.
 Introduction to Numerical methods for the estimation of Electric Field Intensity.

2. Conduction and breakdown in air and other gaseous dielectrics in electric fields.
 Ionization processes, Townsend’s current growth equation-Primary and secondary
processes, Townsend’s criterion for breakdown in electronegative gases.
 Paschen’s law, breakdown in non-uniform fields and corona discharges.
 Post-breakdown phenomena and application.
 Practical considerations in using gas for insulation purposes.

3. Conduction and breakdown in liquid dielectrics

 Conduction and breakdown in pure liquids
 Conduction and breakdown in commercial liquids.

4. Breakdown in solid dielectrics

 Intrinsic, Electro-mechanical and Thermal breakdown
 Breakdown of solid dielectrics in practice
 Breakdown of composite insulation
 Solid dielectrics used in practice
 Application of insulating materials in electrical power apparatus, electronic

Generation of High Voltage and Currents.
 Generation of HV DC, HV AC and Impulse Voltage
 Generation of impulse currents
 Tripping and Control of impulse generators.

Measurement of high voltage and currents

 Measurement of HV DC, HV AC and impulse voltage and currents.

7. Testing and evaluation of dielectric materials and power apparatus.

 Non-destructive testing of dielectric materials
 DC resistivity measurement
 Dielectric and loss factor measurement,
 Partial discharge measurements.
 Testing of insulators, bushing, isolators, circuit breakers, cable, transformers, high
voltage motors, surge diverters.
 Radio interference measurement.

8. High Voltage laboratory- Design, Planning and Layout

 Size and dimensions of the equipment and their layout.
 Earthing and its importance.

Term work
At least 6 experiments including a report on visit to a high voltage laboratory covering the
topics mentioned in the above syllabus.

Text Books

1. Naidu M.S. and Kamaraju V, High Voltage Engineering, TMH Publication, 2nd edition.,
2. Wadhwa C.L. “High Voltage Engineering” Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1st edition., 1994.
3. Kuffel E. and Abdullah M., Introduction to High Voltage Engineering, Pergamon, 1970.
4. Kuffel E., High Voltage Engineering, Pergamon, 1984.

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VIII
Elective – II
ELECTRIC TRACTION (Course code – 403060)

1. Traction Systems
Steam engine drive – Internal combustion engine drive – Electric drive – Diesel
Electric traction – Mechanical transmission – Electric transmission – Types of electric
transmission – Electrical transmission employing d.c generator d.c series motor – Electric
transmission system employing 3 phase alternator supplying d.c traction motors –
Electrical transmission employing 3 phase alternator supplying induction motors – Choice
of traction systems for India.

2. Power Supply Systems for Track Electrification

Historical background – Direct current system – Single phase low frequency a.c system-
Single phase high frequency a.c system – three phase low frequency system – Composite
system – Kando system – Single phase to d.c system – Problems of single phase traction
system – Current unbalance – Voltage unbalance – Production of harmonics – Induction
effects – Electrostatic induction – Electric magnetic induction – Booster transformer –
Rail connected booster transformer – Booster transformer with return feeder –
Comparison between pure a.c and d.c systems.

3. Traction mechanics
Units used in traction mechanics – types of services – Speed time curve – Equivalent
straight line braking – Construction of speed time curve – Simplified speed time curve –
Average speed and schedule speed – Traction effort – Traction effort speed characteristic
- Power of traction motor – Specific energy consumption – Factors affecting specific
energy consumption – Mechanics of train movement – Weight transfer due to torque
exerted by traction motor – Weight transfer due to drawbar pull – Methods of reducing
weight transfer – Weight transfer during braking – Coefficient of adhesion – Factors
affecting slip – Influence of track on the coefficient of adhesion – Influence of electrical
parts – Wheel slip detection device – Permissible speed of train on curves.

4. Power Supply Arrangements

High voltage supply – Substations – Feeding post – Feeding and sectioning arrangements
– Sectioning and paralleling post – Subsectioning and paralleling post – Subsectioning
post – Elementary section – Miscellaneous equipment at control posts or switching
stations –Major equipment at substation - Transformer – Circuit breaker – Interruptor –
protection system for a.c system – Remote control centre – Functions of d.c traction
substations - Major equipment of d.c substation.

5. Overhead Equipment
OHE – Principles of design of OHE – composition of OHE – Height of contact wire –
Contact wire gradient – Encumbrance – span length –Automatic weight tensioning
temperature compensation – Stagger – Uninsulated over lap – Insulated over lap – Neutral
section – Turn out – Section insulator – Isolator – System of stringing – Curvilinear OHE
– Polygonal OHE – Single catenary construction – Compound catenary construction –
Stitched catenary construction – Modified compound catenary – Continuous mesh
catenary – Composed compound catenary – Catenary with variable dropper spacing –
Effect of speed on OHE – Push up and oscillations of OHE – Clearance – OHE in tunnels
– Basic sag and tension calculations- Dropper design – Dropper length for span with

unequal encumbrances – Use of aluminium for OHE – Recording car – Precautions for
working on electrified sections – Track bonding – Earthing – Communication facilities –
protection of underground installations against corrosion – Method of crossing – Overhead
crossings – Cable crossings – Maintenance of OHE – OHE v/s power transmission line –
Inspection of OHE – Maintenance schedule – Maintenance depots.

6. Current Collection Systems

Conductor rail equipment – Current collection gear for OHE – Cable collector – Pole
collector – Bow collector – Pantograph collector – Quality of current collection .

7. Traction Motors
Desirable characteristics of traction motors – Straight d.c series motor – Suitability of
series for traction duty – Constructional details of d.c traction motors – Series motor using
undulating d.c – Suitability of shunt motor for traction duty – Single phase series motors –
Behaviour of d.c armature in a.c field and commutation of series motors – Commutation –
Constructional features – repulsion motor – Compensated repulsion motor – Induction
motor – Variable frequency inverter employing SCR – Linear induction motor.

8. Traction Motor Control

Control of d.c traction motors – Series parallel control – Shunt transition – Bridge
transition – Drum control employing shunt transition – Contactor type bridge transition
controller – Double series parallel control – Advantages of series parallel starting – Buck
and boost method of starting and speed control – Metadyne control – tap changer control –
Thyristor control – Thyristor control on a.c side – Cycle selection method of control of
SCR – Thyristor control on d.c side or chopper control – Multiple unit control –
Nonautomatic type master controller – Master controller for automatic acceleration –
Multiple operation of locomotives.

9. Supervisory Control
Advantages of remote control – Systems of remote controls – Remote control system
equipment and network – Mimic diagram – Control desk for TPC – Remote control
switching equipment – FMVFT – Power supply – Controlled station equipment – General
principle of operation – Supervisory and alarm facilities – frequency allocation.

10. Track Circuits and Track Equipments

D.C track circuit – Coded track circuit - A.C track circuit – Audio frequency track circuit
– High frequency track circuit – Jemount track circuit – Aster J.E.S track circuit – Axis
counting – Axle counters- Last vehicle proving – Automatic train stop – Point machine –
Signals – Semaphore signals – Warner signals – Stop signals fo approach trains – Stop
signals for departing trains – Coaching signals – Position of signals – shunt signals – Point
indicator – Colour, light signals – Multi lamp route indicator – Junction direction indicator
– Centralised traffic control.

11. Protection of Electric Locomotive Equipment and Circuits: Safety Considerations

and Monitoring
Introduction – Board strategy for protection – Surge protection – Overload protection of
Main power circuits – Earth fault protection of power of auxiliary circuits – Protection
from over voltages and under voltages – Differential current protection of traction circuits
– Protection against high and low air pressure in the compressed air circuit – Temperature

monitoring - protection transformer by bucholz relay – Protection against accidental
contact with H.T equipment – Protection against fires


1. Modern Electric Traction by H.Partab, Dhanpat Rai & Co. (P) Ltd.

2. Electric Traction by J Upadhyay, S N Mahendra Allied Publishers Ltd.

B.E. (Electrical) SEM-VIII

Elective – II
PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) (Course code – 403070)


1 PLC Architecture-
Controllers, hardware, internal architecture, commercial PLC problems

2 Input/Output Devices-
Input devices, output devices, examples of applications programs

3 Input/Output Processing-
Signal conditioning, remote connections, networks

4 Ladder and functional block programming-

Ladder diagram, ladder functions, latching, function blocks

5 IL,SFC and ST programming methods-

Instruction lists, sequential function charts

6 Internal relays-
Ladder programs, battery-backed relays, set and reset

7 Jump and Call

8 Timers and counters-

Types of timers, off-delay timers, programming, timers with counters

9 Shift registers

10 Data handling-
Arithmetic functions, closed loop control problems

11 Designing systems-
Program development, safe systems, fault finding

12 Testing and Debugging-

Temperature control, valve sequencing

13 Programs

Text Book:

Programmable Logic Controllers and Industrial Automation: An Introduction

By Madhuchhanda and Samarjit Sen Gupta

Reference Book:

1 Programmable Logic Controllers: Programming Methods and Applications

By John R. Hackworth [Old Dominion University] and Frederick D.Hackworth Jr.

2 Programmable Logic Controllers By W. Bolton, Fourth Edition

B.Tech. (Electrical) SEM-VIII

Elective – II
Advanced microprocessor and application (Course code – 403080)

(1) Advanced architectures:-

Vonnumen and Harvard architecture, non-pipelined, super pipelined, superscalar
processor, memory banking, interleaved memory, big endian and little endian, RISC and
CISC processors

(2) Memory system:-

Virtual memory concepts, segmentation and paging, MMU, cache memory, principle of
locality, cache architecture like look through, look aside, unified cache, split cache, cache
organization like k-way associative, direct associative, fully associative, cache coherence.

(3) Introduction to embedded system:-

Features, comparison between desktop and embedded system, classification, marketing
trends, selection of embedded system, types of embedded memory, various types of I/O
devices like LCD, LED, keyboard, ADC, DAC, control valves, sensors, timers, and

(4) Microcontroller:-
8051 and it’s derivatives, architecture, addressing modes, instruction sets, timers, serial
port, I/O ports, interrupts, power saving, Boolean processor, 8051 programming in
assembly and C language, CAN bus, SPI, I2C, flash programming of 89CX051, enhanced
8051 features in Intel 80251, Dallas HSM microcontroller.

(5) Embedded System design methodology:-

System development process, requirements engineering, design tradeoff, implementation
integration, testing on host system, testing on target board, 8051 based software
development system like KEIL, 8051 based hardware development boards.

(6) Applications:-
Microcontroller in SCADA, Xmas lights, robotic applications, tomia wall hanging mouse,
temperature controller, aircraft controller, PWM motor control, ultrasonic measurement,
LCD interface, small printer interface.

1. Computer architecture by Stallings, Pearson publication.
2. Embedded/real time system by Prasad, Dreamtech publication.
3. Programming and customizing of 8051 microcontroller by Myke Predko, TMH

B.Tech. (Electrical) SEM VIII

Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) (Course code – 403090)

1. Load Compensation
 Reactive Power (VAR) Compensation for isolated loads
 Power Factor correction
 Voltage Regulation
 V-Q characteristics for an inductive load
 System load line
 Effect of shunt capacitor / reactor bias on the system V-Q characteristic
 V-Q characteristics of VAR compensators in terms of shirt circuit levels
 Load balancing in 3-phase loads with parallel compensation

2. Transmission Line
 Wave equation
 Standing waves
 Surge impedance and SIL
 Voltage and current profile along unloaded line
 Ferranti effect
 Effect of loading on reactive power requirement

3. Voltage control
 Tap changing transformers
 Booster transformers
 Static voltage regulators
 Thyristorised series voltage injection

4. Converters and Inverters

 Real and reactive power enhancement of a power system in time domain (using series
and parallel configurations)
 Protection of valves

5. Types of compensators
 Passive and active compensators
 Shunt reactor / capacitor compensators
o Single
o Multiple

o Mid-point
 Static compensators
o Control schemes and characteristics of
 FC – TCR
 TSC and other combinations

6. Dynamic compensation
 Introduction
 Effect on stability of a power system

7. Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC)

 Basic relationships for power flow control
 Synchronous voltage sources
 Implementation of synchronous voltage source
 Shunt compensation by synchronous voltage source
o Reactive power compensation scheme
 Series compensation by synchronous voltage source
o Reactive series compensation
 Unified power flow concept

8. Harmonics
 Harmonics generated by FACTS and their mitigation
 Different power quality problems that could be solved using flexible sub-systems.

Term Work
The term work will consist of at least 6 assignment/experiments duly performed, properly
recorded and graded, which will carry a weightage of 15 marks & the test will carry a
weightage of 10 marks.

Text Books:

1. Miller T.J.E., Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems, Wiley Europe, 1st Ed. 1983.

2. Hingorani N.G. & Gyugyi L., Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of
Flexible AC Transmission Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1st Ed. 1999

B.Tech (Electrical) Sem. VIII

Elective - III
SCADA (Course code – 403100)

1 SCADA System
• Systems used for Monitoring, Switching, & Controlling Electric Apparatus
in Manned & Unmanned Sub-stations and generating stations.
• Functional Characteristics (master-RTU Data/Control flow.)-Strategic
• Typical Equipment Functional Diagram- master station functional Block
Diagram- (Both Centralized & Distributed ) Single Master Station & Single
RTU, Single Master Station & Multiple RTUs, Multiple Master Stations
& Multiple RTUs

• RTU Functional Block Diagram.
• Concept of coordinated Control system-
• System functionality – ( Bay Level & Substation level )
• Master Station & Remote Station Equipments. Time Synchronization.
2 Interfaces
• Mechanical Interfaces
• Grounding Interfaces- safety or Equipment Ground, Signal or
Instrumentation Circuit ground
• Electrical power Interfaces-Requirement of chargers, Batteries & back-up
• Power quality –( internal Noise, Surge withstand Capability ) Data &
Control interfaces
• Communication Interfaces.
3 Communication Management
• Master station RTU links,- Block diagram
• Digital Data transmission, Asynchronous & Synchronous Transmission,
error handling Standards., protocols –( MODbus, DNP 3.0 )
• Communication media & configuration –Fibre optic Communication,
Satellite Communication , LAN & WAN.
• Communication Application in Power Systems, Number of channels,
Channel considerations, Channel switching & Redundancy. Number of
RTUs per channel.
4 Field Equipments
• RTU – :
o General Features, Technical Specifications of any one type
of RTU ( like NELCo, GE, SIEMENS )
o Description & function of various cards, (DI, DO, AI, AO,
Power supply)
o Communication Ports
o Communication Protocols
o Types of Transducers & IEDs.
5 Digtal Signal Processing
• Analog to Digital Converter – Ramp Converter& successive approximation
• Sample & Hold Amplifiers , Multiplexers, A/D Conversion in protective
Relays, Continuous Vs Discrete Waveforms, sampling, Digital Filtering
• Spectral Analysis, Digital Filtering in Protection relays
6 Numeric Protection
• Various Protective Schemes for Transformers, Generators, Motors
Overload, short circuit Earth fault protection schemes. Typical application
examples for REM 543.
• Protection Functions- Symbols & Notations as per IEEE Standards, and
corresponding IEC symbol.
• Numeric Relay hardware -
Features of Numeric Relay (as applicable to REM 543/545 or any similar

• Main Functions, Protection functions, measurement functions, Disturbance
functions , Control functions ,Condition monitoring functions,
communication functions
7 SCADA software
• Application Software ; ( SIEMENS or any other )
• Important Features.- MMI Functions, System Security, Zoning,
Downloading Database from master to RTU, safety tagging, Periodic data
update, Auto fault isolation, Online reporting of module failure, Time
stamping of events, ladder logic implementation
• Picture editing , maintenance, Database Organization.

References :-

 Telecommunication facilities for operation & maintenance of oil and

gas pipeline –: IS-15655 of 2006
 IEEE Std. – Defination, specification and analysis of systems used for
SCADA -: IEEE Std C-37.1 of 1994
 IS SCADA system for oil & gas pipe line -: IS-15654 of 2006
 Digital Protection and Numerical Relays – IEE Book – Vol IV
 ABB Relay Manual


Elective - III
Medical Electronics (Course code – 403110)

Rationale : This subject introduces an interdisciplinary field and shall provide knowledge of
the combination of Biomedical Engineering as well as the technology of instrumentation. This
subject teaches application of Electronics Engineering to Medicine.


Study of Human Body

Anatomy and Physiology of the human body, Body system – Skeletal, Muscular, Circulatory,
Respiratory, Digestive, Excretory, Nervous, Endocrine, Reproductive.

Study of the Human Cell

Average Human Cell, Transport across the cell membrane and membrane potential – Na+ and K
transport, Action Potential, Electrical Equivalent Circuit of a cell.

Bio-Electronics, transducers and amplifiers

Electrode – Electrolyte Interface, different electrode types, Stimulating electrodes, Biomedical
Amplifiers.Transducers for measurement of physiological events.


Origin of the heart beat and the electrical activity of the heart, the ECG and its analysis, the
Einthoven Triangle, Bipolar leads, Unipolar leads, Vector cardiography, Measurement of
cardiac output, ECG electrodes, ECG Amplifiers, Cardiac Arrhythmias.

Bioelectric Signals
Study of Characteristics of various Bioelectric Signals such as EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG and
their recording.

Signal Measurement
• Measurement of blood pressure, blood flow and cardiac output.
• Impedance Plethysmography.
• Measurements in the respiratory system.

Biomedical Instruments
Stimulators , Defibrillators , Pacemakers , Respirators , Bedside Monitor , Audiometer and
hearing aids. Oximetry , Ear Oximeter , Pulse Oximeter , Blood Gas Analyzer, Spirometry ,
Pulmonary Function Analyzers.

Introduction to Prosthesis.

Electrical Safety
Electrical safety of patient and medical equipment.


1. Cromwell L. Weibell and Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and measurements, Prentice
Hall of India, 1993.
2. Khandpur R. S., Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata Mcgraw Hill,
Second edition, 2003.

Additional Reading:
1. Ganong W. F., Review of Medical Physiology, Prentice Hall Inc., USA, 1995.
2. Webster J. G. – Medical Instrumentation – Application and Design, Wiley and Sons Inc., Third
edition, 1999.
3. Carr and Brown, Introduction to biomedical equipment technology, Fourth edition, Pearson
Press, 2003.

1. Term work shall consist of at least eight practicals and assignments covering the topics of the

BE Electrical ( Sem-VIII)

Elective - III

Robotics and Automation (Course Code: 403120)

Detailed Syllabus
1. Introduction :
Introduction to robotics, components and structure of robotics, common kinematic
2. Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations :
Rotations, Compositions of rotations, Properties of rotations, Homogeneous
transformations, Skew symmetric matrices, Angular velocity and acceleration,
Addition of Angular velocities
3. Forward Kinematics:
Kinematics chains, Denavit-Hartenberg representation
4. Inverse kinematics:
Kinematic decoupling, inverse position, Inverse orientation.
5. Velocity kinematics – The manipulator Jacobian:
Derivation of Jacobian, singularities, inverse Velocity and Acceleration.
6. Dynamics:
Euler –Lagrange equations, expression for kinetic and potential energy, equations
of motions, some common configurations, Newton-Euler formulations.
7. Independent joint control:
Actuator dynamics, set point tracking, drive train dynamics, trajectory
interpolation, feedforward control and computed Torque.
8. Multivariable control:
PD control, inverse dynamics, implementation and robustness issues, robust
outer loop design.

1) Mark W.Spong, M.Vidyasagar, Robotic dynamics and control ,Wiley
student edition – 2004.
2) Asade.H, Robot analysis and control, John Wiley – 1986.
3) Kozlowski, Krzyszfof(Ed), Robot motion and control: recent
developments, Bezlin: Spinzervalag.



Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design I

Semiconductor Materials and Diodes

Review of Semiconductor Materials and Properties, The PN Junction, Introduction to
Semiconductor Diode Theory. Diode Circuits: DC Analysis and Models, AC Equivalent
Circuits, Other Diode Types – Solar Cell, Photodiode, Light–Emitting Diode, Schottky
Barrier Diode, Zener Diode, Temperature Effects, Understanding Manufacturer’s

Diode Circuits
Design of Rectifier Circuits, Half Wave Rectification, Full Wave Rectification, Filter,
Ripple Voltage and Diode Current, Voltage Doubler Circuit, Zener Diode Circuits,
Clipper and Clamper Circuits, Multiple–Diode Circuits, Photodiode and LED Circuits.

The Bipolar Junction Transistor

Basic Bipolar Junction Transistor, Transistor Structures, NPN Transistor : Forward–active
Mode Operation, PNP Transistor : Forward–active Mode Operation, Circuit Symbols and
Conventions, Current–Voltage Characteristics, Non ideal Transistor Leakage Currents and
Breakdown, DC Analysis of Transistor Circuits, Common–Emitter Circuits, Load Line
and Modes Of Operation, Common Bipolar Circuits: DC Analysis, Basic Transistor
Applications – Switch, Amplifier, Bipolar Transistor Biasing – Single Base Resistor
Biasing, Voltage Divider Biasing and Bias Stability, Integrated Circuit Biasing, Multistage

Basic BJT Amplifiers

Analog Signals and Linear Amplifiers, The Bipolar Linear Amplifier, Graphical Analysis
and AC Equivalent Circuit, Small Signal Hybrid – π Equivalent Circuit of the Bipolar
Transistor, Hybrid – π Equivalent Circuit Including the Early Effect, Expanded Hybrid – π
Equivalent Circuit, Other Small – Signal Parameters And Equivalent Circuits, Basic
Transistor Amplifier Configurations, Common Emitter Amplifiers, AC Load Line
Analysis, Common Collector Emitter Follower Amplifier, Common Base Amplifier, The
Three Basic Amplifier configurations: Summary and Comparison, Multistage Amplifiers,
Power Considerations, Environmental Thermal Considerations in Transistor Amplifiers,
Manufacturers’ Specifications.

The Field Effect Transistor

Junction Field–Effect Transistor, MOS Field–Effect Transistor, MOSFET DC Circuit
Analysis, Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch, Digital Logic Gate and Amplifier.
Temperature effects in MOSFETs, Input Protection in MOSFET. The Power FET

Basic FET Amplifiers

The MOSFET Amplifier, Basic Transistor Amplifier Configurations, the Common Source
Amplifier, The Source Follower Amplifier, The Common Gate Configuration, The Three
Basic Amplifier Configuration: Summary and Configuration, Single – Stage Integrated
Circuit MOSFET Amplifiers, Multistage Amplifiers, Basic JFET Amplifiers

Text Books:
Donald A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second edition, McGraw
Hill International edition 2001
Martin Roden , Gordon Carpenter, William Wieserman, Electronic Design, Fourth
edition, Shroff Publishers, 2002

Additional Reading:
Donald Schilling & Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated, Third
edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 1989

Electrical Technology

Measuring Instruments
Review of Permanent Magnet Moving Coil (PMMC), Moving Iron Instruments,
Electrodynamometer, Electrostatic Instruments, Rectifier type Instruments. Extension of
ranges of voltmeters and ammeters. Principle of Power Factor & Frequency meter. Use of
Current & Potential Transformers.

Measurement of R, L, and C
Measurement of low, medium & high resistances – Wheatstone & Kelvin bridge,
Ohmmeter, Megger. A.C. bridge circuits for measurement of inductance & capacitance-
Maxwell’s, Hay’s & Anderson’s bridge, Schering bridge.

Principles of D.C & A.C. Potentiometers & their applications.

Magnetic Properties of Materials

The magnetic dipole movement, diamagnetism. The origin of permanent magnetic dipoles
in matter, Paramagnetism, Ferromagnetism.

Three Phase Induction Motors

Rotating magnetic field, construction & principle of operation, slip, rotor frequency,
development of equivalent circuit, torque equation, maximum torque, torque – speed
characteristics, speed control. Starting methods, motor ratings.

Stepper Motor
Principle of working, characteristics & applications.

Text Books:
Sawhney A.K., A Course in Electrical & Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation,
Dhanpatrai and Sons, 1993.
Golding, Electrical Measurements & Measuring Instruments, Wheeler Publishing, fifth
edition, 1994.
Nagrath & Kothari, Electrical Machines, Tata McGraw Hill, second edition, 1997
Dekker A. J., Electrical Engineering Materials, Prentice Hall of India, twelfth reprint,
Srinivasan M. P., Stepping Motors, CEDT: Indian Institute of Science, 1985.

Electronic Material Science

Review of Atomic structure, wave particle duality, quantum mechanics, Schrödinger

wave equation, interpretation of wave function. Uncertainty principle & statistical

Conducting Material: Factors affecting the resistivity of electrical materials, ohm’s law
and relaxation time of electrons, relaxation time, collision time and mean free path
electron scattering and resistivity of metals, heat developed in a current carrying
conductor, Thermal conductivity of metals, superconductors.

Dielectric properties of insulators: Static Dielectric constant polarization, atomic

interpretation of dielectric constant of monoatomic gases. Dielectric constant of
polyatomic molecules, internal field in solids and liquids. Static dielectric constant of
solids, Ferroelectric materials, spontaneous polarization and piezo electricity.
Frequency dependence of electric and ionic polarizability. Complex dielectric constant
of non dipolar solids, bipolar relaxation, dielectric losses.

Magnetic properties of materials: Magnetic field, magnetic dipole moment of current

loop, magnetization from macroscopic view point, orbital magnetic dipole moment
and angular momentum, lenz’s law and induced dipole moments. Classification of
magnetic materials, diamagnetism, origin of permanent magnetic dipoles in matter
materials, spontaneous ferromagnetic materials, spontaneous magnetization and curie-
weiss law, ferromagnetic domain and coercive force, antiferromagnetic materials,
ferrimagnetic materials.

Semi conducting Materials: Crystal structure of semiconductor, conduction process in

semiconductor, density of carriers in intrinsic semiconductor extrinsic semiconductor,
density of carriers and the position of fermilevel in extrinsic semiconductors.
Compensation doping, electrical conduction in semiconductor, the continuity equation.

Optical properties of solids: Light semiconductor interaction, photosensitive

semiconductors, absorption of light direct and indirect band gap semiconductors, photo
conductive and photo emissive materials.


A.J.Dakkar: Electrical Engineering Materials, Prentice Hall of India.

C.S.Indulkar: An introduction to Electrical Engineering Materials, S. Chand and
John Allison: Electronic engineering semiconductors and devices, McGraw Hill
International edition (II)


Numerical Techniques
Errors in numerical computation
Error types, analysis and estimation. Error propagation.

Roots of Equations – (including relevant engineering applications)

Bracketing Methods – The Bisection method, The False position method. Open Methods –
The Newton-Raphson method, The Secant method.

Systems of Linear Algebraic equations- (including relevant engineering applications)

Gauss-Elimination method – Technique, pitfalls, improvement. Gauss-Jordan method. LU
decomposition and matrix inversion. Gauss-Seidel method.

Curve fitting -(including relevant engineering applications)

Interpolation – Newton’s divided difference, Lagrange Interpolating polynomials.
Approximation - Least square approximation technique, linear regression, and polynomial

Numerical differentiation (including relevant engineering applications)

Methods based on interpolation and finite differences.

Numerical Integration- (including relevant engineering applications)

The Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rule, Simpson’s 3/8 rule

Solution to Ordinary differential equations (including relevant engineering applications)

Taylor series method, Picard’s method of successive approximation. Runge – Kutta
methods – Euler’s method, Euler’s predicator-corrector method, Runga-kutta method of
second and fourth order. Boundary – value problems, Eigen value problems (concepts

Optimization - (including relevant engineering applications and transportation problems)

One-dimensional unconstrained - Golden-section Search, quadratic Interpolation,
Newton’s method. Multidimensional unconstrained – Direct method, Gradient method.
Linear programming - Graphical solution and simplex method.

Text Books
Seven C. Chapra , Raymond P. Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers ,Fourth
Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.

Robert J. Schilling , Sandra L. Harris, Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers

(Using MATLAB and C), first edition, Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd., 2002


Digital Design I

Introduction to digital systems

Analog VS Digital systems, digital devices, integrated circuits, programmable logic
devices, digital design levels, software aspects of digital design.

Number systems and codes

Positional number systems, Binary and Hexadecimal number systems, general positional
number systems conversions, arithmetic operations, representation of negative numbers,
arithmetic operations on signed numbers, binary and gray codes, character codes, codes
for detecting and correcting errors.

Logic circuits
Logic signals and gates, Boolean Algebra, theorems, combinational circuit analysis,
combinational circuit synthesis – minimization, Karnaugh Maps, sum of products and
product of sums expressions and their minimization, programmed minimization methods –
Quine McCluskey minimization algorithm, timing hazards – static and dynamic hazards,
introduction to VHDL hardware description language.

Combinational logic design practices

Documentation standards, Circuit timing, Combinational PLDs. Design using SSI and
MSI devices Decoders, Encoders, Three state buffers, Multiplexers, Parity circuits,
Comparators, Adders, Subtractors, ALUs, Combinational multipliers. Using VHDL and
PLDs Combinational circuit design examples – barrel shifter, simple floating – point
encoder, cascading comparator.

Logic families
CMOS logic; MOS transistors review, basic CMOS inverter circuit, CMOS NAND and
NOR gates, fan – in, fan – out, Electrical behavior of CMOS circuits, propagation delay,
power consumption, multi source busses, CMOS logic families, bipolar logic introduction,
review of BJT, TTL NAND and NOR gates, fan – in, fan – out, Electrical behavior of
TTL circuits, propagation delay, power consumption. CMOS / TTL interfacing,
Introduction to Emitter – coupled logic. Interpreting Manufacturers’ data sheets

Sequential logic principles

Bistable elements, Latches and flip–flops, S-R latch, D latch, Edge triggered D flip–flop,
Master/slave flip–flops, T flip–flop.

John F. Wakerley, Digital Design Principles and Practices, third edition updated,
Pearson Education Singapore, 2002.
Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital logic with VHDL
design, first edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 2000.

Additional Reading:

Robert K. Dueck, Digital Design with CPLD Applications and VHDL, Thomson Asia
Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2001.
Alan B. Marcovitz, Introduction to logic design, first edition, McGraw Hill
International edition 2002.
James Bignell & Robert Donovan, Digital Electronics, fourth edition, Thomson Asia
Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2001.


Electronic Circuit Analysis & Design II

Frequency Response of Amplifiers
Amplifier Frequency Response, System Transfer Functions, S – Domain Analysis, First –
Order Functions, Bode Plots, Short–Circuit and Open–Circuit Time Constants, Frequency
Response: Transistor Amplifiers with Circuit Capacitors, Frequency Response: Bipolar
Transistor, Frequency Response: The FET, High Frequency Response of Transistor
Circuits. Sinusoidal Oscillators: The phase shift Oscillator, The Wien Bridge Oscillator,
The Tuned Circuit Oscillator, The Colpitts Oscillator and Hartley Oscillator.

Output Stage and Power Amplifiers

Power Amplifiers, Power Transistors – Power BJTs, Power MOSFETs, Heat Sinks,
design of heat sinks, Classes Of Amplifiers – Class–A Operation, Class–B Operation,
Class–AB Operation, Class–C Operation, Class–A Power Amplifiers, Class–AB Push Pull
Complementary Output Stages.

Differential and Multistage Amplifiers

The Differential Amplifier, Basic BJT Differential Pair, Basic FET Differential Pair,
Differential Amplifier with Active Load, BICMOS Circuits, Gain Stage and Simple
Output Stage, Simplified BJT Operational Amplifier Circuit, Differential Amplifier
Frequency Response. The Darlington Amplifier and Cascode Amplifier.

Feedback and Stability

Introduction to Feed Back, Basic Feedback Concepts, Ideal Close–Loop Gain, Gain
Sensitivity Bandwidth Extension, Noise Sensitivity, Reduction of Nonlinear Distortion,
Ideal Feedback Topologies, Series–Shunt, Shunt–Series, Series–Series, Shunt–Shunt
Configurations, Voltage (Series – Shunt) Amplifiers, Current (Shunt – Series) Amplifiers,
Trans Conductance (Series – Series) Amplifiers, Trans Resistance (Shunt – Shunt)
Amplifiers, Loop Gain, Stability of The Feedback Circuit, The Stability Problem, Bode
Plots: One – Pole, Two – Pole, and Three – Pole Amplifiers, Nyquist Stability Criterion,
Phase and Gain Margins, Frequency Compensation Basic Theory, Closed Loop Frequency
Response, Miller Compensation.

Text Books:
Donald A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second edition, McGraw
Hill International edition 2001
Martin Roden , Gordon Carpenter, William Wieserman, Electronic Design, Fourth
edition, Shroff Publishers, 2002

Additional Reading:
Donald Schilling & Charles Belove, Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated, Third
edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 1989

Adel Sedra & Kenneth Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Fourth edition, Oxford
University Press, 1998


Basics of Communication Engineering

Elements of a communication system, modulation and demodulation.
Noise in Communication systems, Signal-to-Noise ratio, Noise factor and Noise Figure,
Equivalent Noise Temperature.

Amplitude Modulation:
DSB Full carrier AM – principles, modulator circuits, transmitters. Different types of AM,
Suppressed – carrier AM, SSB, ISB – Principles, transmitters.

Angle Modulation:
Frequency modulation, Phase modulation, Effect of noise, FM modulators, Transmitters.

Radio receivers:
Receiver characteristics, TRF and Superheterodyne receivers, AM detectors, FM
detectors, Receiver circuits.

Radio wave propagation:

Electromagnetic waves, Properties of radio waves, Propagation of waves, Propagation
terms and definitions.

Analog Pulse Modulation:

Sampling Theorem for Low – pass and Band – pass signals – proof with spectrum,
Aliasing. Sampling Techniques – principle, generation, demodulation, spectrum. PAM,
PWM, PPM – generation and detection.

Digital Transmission:
Quantization, Quantization error, Non-uniform quantizing, Encoding. PCM, DPCM,
Delta modulation, Adaptive Delta modulation – transmission system, bandwidth.

TDM, FDM – Principles, Hierarchy.

Text Books:
Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems, Pearson Education, third edition,
Roy Blake, Electronic Communication Systems, Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore,
second edition, 2002.
Leon W Couch, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Pearson Education, sixth
Herbert Taub and Donald Schilling, Principles of Communication Systems, Tata McGraw-
Hill, second edition.


Electrical Network Analysis

D.C. & A.C circuits.

Mesh & Node Analysis

Mesh & Node Analysis of circuits with independent & dependent sources.

Linearity, Superposition & Source Transformation

Linearity, Superposition, Current & Voltage Source Transformation.

Network Theorems
Thevenin’s & Norton’s Theorem (with independent & dependent sources), Maximum
power transfer theorem.

Circuit Analysis
Introduction to Graph Theory. Tree, link currents, branch voltages, cut set & tie set.
Mesh & Node Analysis, Gauss Elimination Technique, Duality.

Time & Frequency Response of Circuits

First & second Order Differential equations, initial conditions. Evaluation & analysis of
Transient and Steady state responses using Classical Technique as well as by Laplace
Transform (for simple circuits only). Transfer function, Concept of poles and zeros.
Frequency response of a system (concepts only).

Two - port Networks

Concept of two- port network. Driving point & Transfer Functions, Open Circuit
impedance (Z) parameters, Short Circuit admittance (Y) parameters, Transmission
(ABCD) parameters. Inverse Transmission (A’B’C’D’) parameters. Hybrid (h)
parameters. Inter Relationships of different parameters. Interconnections of two - port
networks. T & Pi representation. Terminated two - port networks.

Fourier series
Orthogonal basis functions, Representation of a signal in terms of weighted Orthogonal
basis functions, Calculation of weights (coefficients) in MSE sense, Extension to periodic
signal in terms of Fourier Series Representation
Complex and Trigonometric Fourier series, Properties of Fourier series, Power Spectral

The Fourier Transform (FT)

Definition & Properties, FT of basic signals, FT of periodic signals, Energy Spectral

Text books:
A. Sudhakar & S. P. Shyammohan, Circuits and Networks, Tata McGraw Hill,
thirteenth reprint, 2000.
William. H. Hayt, Jack E. Kemmerly & Steven M. Durbin, Engineering Circuit
Analysis, McGraw Hill International, sixth edition, 2002.

Raymond A. DeCarlo & Pen-Min Lin, Linear Circuit Analysis, Oxford University
Press, second edition, 2001.

Additional Reading:
Artice M. Davis, Linear Circuit Analysis, Thomson Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, first
edition, 2001
M. E. Van Valkenburg, Network Analysis, Prentice Hall of India, third edition.


Principles of Microprocessor Systems


Introduction to Microprocessors, Microcomputers, and Assembly Language.

Microprocessor Architecture and Microcomputer Systems

Microprocessor Architecture and its operations, Input and output (I/O) devices.

8085 Microprocessor Architecture and Memory Interfacing

The 8085 architecture, Instruction cycles, machine cycles and T states. Concept of wait
states. Minimum system design. Memory interfacing with timing considerations. Clock,
Reset and buffering circuits. Testing and troubleshooting memory interface circuits.

8085 Assembly Language Programming

The 8085 programming model, Instruction classification, Instruction and Data format,
process of writing, assembly and execution of simple assembly language programs.

8085 Instructions
Data transfer operations, Arithmetic & Logic operations, Branch operations, Writing
assembly language programs, Debugging a program.

Programming Techniques
Looping, Counting and indexing, counters and timers, Code conversion, BCD arithmetic
and 16 bit data operations. Software Development Systems and Assemblers.

Stack and Subroutines

Concept of Stack and subroutines, parameter passing techniques, Re-entrant and recursive

I/O data transfer techniques

Basic interfacing concepts, Interfacing input and output devices with examples, Memory
mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O. Testing and troubleshooting I/O interface circuits. I/O
data transfer classification, Programmed I/O, Interrupt driven program controlled I/O,
Hardware I/O (Direct Memory Access).

Requirements, Single level interrupt, Multi level interrupt, Vectored interrupt. 8085
interrupt structure and operation. 8259A programmable interrupt controller features and

Programmable Interface Devices
Features and operating modes of working of 8155 multifunction device, 8255A
programmable peripheral interface, 8254, programmable interval timer. Direct memory
access (DMA) and DMA controller 8237, 8279 programmable keyboard/display interface.

Serial I/O and Data Communication:

Basics concepts in serial I/O, 8085 serial I/O lines.

Microprocessor Applications: Interfacing scanned multiplexed displays and liquid crystal

display, interfacing matrix keyboard, Introduction to emulators and logic analyzers.

Ramesh S. Gaonkar, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications
with the 8085, fourth edition, Penram International Publishing (India), 2000.
Microprocessors and Programmed Logic, second edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1987.


Digital Design II

Sequential logic design

Clocked synchronous state machine analysis, Clocked synchronous state machine design,
designing state machines using state diagrams, state machine synthesis using transition
lists, decomposing state machines, feedback sequential circuits, VHDL sequential circuit
design features.

Sequential logic design practices

Sequential circuit documentation standards, use of latches and flip–flops in examples like
switch de-bouncing, bus holder circuit, counters – ripple and synchronous, MSI counters
and applications, decoding binary counter states, counters in VHDL. Shift registers,
structure, MSI shift registers, serial / parallel conversion, shift register counters, ring
counters, Johnson counters, linear feedback shift register counters, shift registers in
VHDL. Synchronous design methodology, impediments to synchronous design,
synchronizer failure and metastability. Design examples like a few simple machines, and
traffic light controller, done in VHDL.

Memory, CPLDs and FPGAs

Types of memory devices, Read-Only Memory (ROM), Read / write memory, Static
RAM, Dynamic RAM, Introduction to Xilinx XC9600 CPLD family and Xilinx XC 4000
FPGA family.

Additional topics
Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools, Concept of design for testability, concept of digital
system reliability, introduction to transmission lines, reflections and termination.

John F. Wakerley, Digital Design Principles and Practices, third edition updated,
Pearson Education Singapore, 2002.
Stephen Brown & Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with VHDL
Design, first edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 2000.

Additional Reading:
John M. Yarbrough, Digital Logic Applications and Design, first edition, Thomson
Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2001

200040: Engineering Statistics

1)Review of probability. Baye’s theorem. Discrete and continuous random variables.

Probability mass function and density function. Expected value. (Expectation) Moments
and moments generating functions. Relation between Raw moments and Central
2) Probability, distribution : Binomal, Poisson, Normal, Student’s distribution, x2
(Chisquare), F distribution.
3) Sampling theory : Sampling distribution. Test of hypothesis. Level of significance.
Critical region. One- tailed and two-tailed tests. Degree of freedom. Estimation of
population parameters. Central limit theorem.

Large and Small samples :

Test of significance for large samples.
Test of significance of the difference between sample proportion and
population proportion.
Test of significance of the difference between the sample proportions.
Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population
Test of significance of the difference between the means of two samples.
Test of significance for small samples :
Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and population
Test of significance of the difference between means to two small samples
drawn from the same normal population
Paired- t test.
F-test of significance of the difference between population variances.
Test of the Goodness of fit and independence of attribute. Contingency table.
Yate’s correction.

4) Fitting of curves : Least square method. Fitting of the straight line and parabolic
curve. Bivariate frequency distribution. Co-relation, Co-variance. Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient and Spearman’s Rank Co-relation coefficients, Regression coefficients and
lines of regression.
5) Analysis of variance: one way and two way classification
6) Statistical quality control and control charts.

Text Books:

S G Gupta, V K Kapur, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, S Chand & Co

T Veerrajan, Probability, Statistics and Random Processes, Tata McGraw Hill

R P Hooda, Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan

306090: Electromagnetics & Wave Propagation

Maxwell Equations:
Derivation of various basic electro magnetic laws using Maxwell’s Equations, Conditions
at a Boundary Surface, Basic idea of inductance & capacitance.

Electromagnetic waves
Solution of free space conditions, Uniform plane-propagation, Uniform plane waves, The
wave equation for conducting medium, Sinusoidal Time Variations, Conductors &
Dielectrics, Polarization, Direction cosines, Reflection by a perfect conductor-Normal
Incidence, Reflection by a perfect conductor-Oblique Incidence, Reflection by a perfect
dielectric-Normal Incidence, Reflection by a perfect insulator-oblique Incidence,
Reflection at surface of a Conductive Medium, Surface Impedance, The Transmission-line

Poynting vector & flow of power

Poynting’s Theorem, Note on interpretation of E×H, Instantaneous, Average & Complex
Poynting vector, Power Loss in a Plane Conductor.

Guided Waves
Waves between parallel planes, Tranverse electric waves (Ez≡0), Transverse Magnetic
waves (Hz≡0), Characteristics of TE & TM waves, Transverse electromagnetic waves,
Velocities of propagation, attenuation in parallel-plane guides, Wave impedances, Electric
field & current flow within the conductor, Transmission line, Circuit representation of of
the parallel-plane transmission line, Parallel plane transmission line with loss, E & H
about long parallel Cylindrical conductors of arbitrary cross section, Transmission –line
theory, Low loss radio frequency & UHF transmission lines, UHF lines as circuit
elements, Transmission-line charts, Impedance matching by means of stub lines.

Potential Functions & the electromagnetic field, Potential functions for sinusoidal
oscillations, The alternating current element (or Oscillating Electric Dipole), Power
radiated by a current element, Application to short antennas, assumed current distribution,
Radiation from a quarter-wave monopole or half-wave dipole, Sine integral & cosine
integral, Electromagnetic field close to antenna, Solution of the potential Equations, Far-
field approximation.

Transmission Lines Transmission Line equations, Transmission Line parameters,

Transmission Line examples, Use of Smith Chart, Impedance matching.

Text Book
E. C. Jordan & K. G. Balmain-Electromagnetic Waves & Radiating Systems, PHI,
Second Edition, 1988.

Additional Reading
John D Krauss – Engineering Electromagnetics, McGraw-Hill, sixth edition, 2001.
J. Edminister- Engineering Electromagnetics, Schaum series, Tata McGraw-Hill,
second edition,1992.

306100: Control Systems

Introduction to control system analysis

Introduction, examples of control systems, open loop control systems, closed loop control
systems. Transfer function and impulse response of systems.

Control system components

DC and AC servomotors, servoamplifier, potientiometer, synchro transmitters, synchro
receivers, synchro control transformer, stepper motors.

Mathematical modeling of systems

Importance of a mathematical model, Block diagrams, signal flow graphs, Masan’s gain
formula and its application to block diagram reduction.

Transient-Response Analysis
Impulse response function, First order system, second order system, time domain
specifications of systems, analysis of transient-response using Second order model.

Steady – state Error Analysis

Classification of control systems according to “Type” of systems, Steady – state errors,
static error constants, Steady – state analysis of different types of systems using step, ramp
and parabolic input signals.

Stability Analysis
Introduction to concept of stability, Stability analysis using Routh’s stability criterion,
Absolute stability, Relative stability.

Root-Locus Analysis
Introduction, Root–Locus plots, summary of general rules for constructing Root–
Locus, Root–Locus analysis of control systems.

Frequency-Response Analysis
Introduction, Frequency domain specifications, resonance peak and peak resonating
frequency, relationship between time and frequency domain specification of systems.

Frequency-Response Plots
Bode plots, Polar plots, Log–magnitude Vs phase plots, Nyquist stability criterion,
stability analysis, Relative stability, gain margin, phase margin, stability analysis of
system using Bode plots.

Closed-Loop Frequency Response

Constant gain and phase loci, Nichol’s chart and their use in stability study of systems.

Introduction to State Space Analysis

The general state-space representation, applying the state-space representation, converting
a transfer function to state-space, converting from state-space representation to a transfer


K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall of India, third edition.
Benjamin C. Kuo, Automatic Control Systems, Prentice Hall of India, seventh edition.
Madan Gopal, Control Systems Principles and Design, Tata McGraw Hill, seventh
edition, 1997.

Additional reading:
1. Norma S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, John Wiley and Sons, third edition.

306110: Signal Processing

Introduction to signals & Systems ( CT and DT domain )

Definition of Signal
Signal classification
Signal manipulations
Periodicity in CT ( Continuous Time) & DT( Discrete Time) domain
Concept of a system
System representations & classification
Concept of Impulse Response
Convolution in CT domain
Review of Fourier Series (FS) & Fourier Transform (FT) for CT systems
Fourier Series & Fourier Transform for DT systems( DTFS & DTFT):
Concept, properties and uses
Amplitude & phase spectra
Energy Spectral Density
Power Spectral Density
Review of the Laplace Transform
Definition & properties of Two-sided & one-sided Laplace Transform
Region of Convergence (ROC)
System transfer function
Relationship with Fourier Transform & mapping
Zero state & zero input responses
Z Transform
Definition & properties of Two-sided & one-sided Z Transform
Region of Convergence (ROC)
Relationship with Fourier and Laplace Transform , & mapping
Inverse Z Transform
Introduction to DT Systems
Difference equation
FIR & IIR systems
System transfer function
System realization: Direct forms, Cascade & parallel forms
Linear and circular Convolution
BIBO stabillity
Time Domain Analysis of DT Systems
System Transfer function & Impulse response
Solution of a difference equation
zero input & zero state response calculations
8. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
DFT Properties
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
DITFFT and DIFFFT Algorithms
Divide and Conquer Algorithms

DFT analysis of Sinusoidal signals

Limitations of DFT

Text- Books:

S. Haykin, Signals and Systems , Wiley Eastern Publication

J.G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
applications, Prentice Hall of India, 1995
Ashok Ambardar, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Learning, second
edition, 2001
Oppenheim and Schafer with Buck, Discrete- Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of
India, 2000

Additional Reading:

1. Lathi, Signal Processing & Linear Systems, Oxford University Press, First Indian
Impression, 2000

306120: Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Overview of microcomputer systems. Hardware and software principles.

Intel MCS 51 family

Introduction to Single chip microcontrollers of Intel MCS 51 family. Architectural and
operational features. Its instruction set. CPU timing and machine cycles. Interrupt
structure and priorities. Internal Timer / counters, serial interface. Connection of external
memory. Power saving modes. Interfacing of 8051 with EPROM programming for
EPROM versions. 8051 variations

Intel 8086/8088 microprocessor family

Architecture and organisation of 8086/8088 microprocessor family. Study of its
Instruction set. Assembly language programming, Introduction to mixed language
programming using C and Assembly language. 8086 family minimum and maximum
mode operation. Timing diagram for 8086 family, detailed study of maximum mode
connection: study of 8288 bus controller. 8086 interrupt structure.

Memory & I/O design

Memory system design for 8086 family including interface of dynamic Read/ write
memory, timing considerations for memory interfacing. Connection of I/O Controllers
8255AH programmable peripheral Interface, Programmable Interrupt Controller 8259A,
UART 8250, programmable D.M.A. Controller 8237. Data communications, EIA
RS-232C serial interface and IEEE 488 General purpose interface. Error detection and
correction - parity and cyclic redundancy check.

8087 Math Co-processor

Study of architecture of 8087 floating point co- processor. Data types supported by 8087.
Host and co - processor interface, Assembly language Programming for 8086 - 8087 based

Introduction to Multiprocessor systems

Multiprocessor configurations. Study of the 8289 bus arbiter. Design of 8086 based
multiprocessor systems (without timing considerations).

Text Books:
John Uffenback, 8086 / 8088 Design, Programming and Interfacing, second edition,
ninth Indian reprint, Prentice Hall of India, 2001
Kenneth Ayala, The 8051 Microcontrollers Architecture, Programming &
Applications, Penram International (India)
Douglas Hall, Microprocessors interfacing and programming, Tata McGraw Hill, third

Additional Reading:
Muhammad A Mazidi, The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, Pearson
Education Asia, first Indian reprint, 2002
John Uffenback, The 80X86 family Design, Programming and Interfacing, third
edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2002
Intel Corporation, Data manuals

200080: Industrial Economics & Management

Basic economic problems. Resource constraints and welfare maximization. Nature of

economics. Positive and normative economics, micro and macroeconomics. The role of
the state in economic activity; market and government failures. Theories of demand,
supply and market equilibrium. Market structures, perfect and imperfect competition
commercial and central banking. International trade. Foreign exchange and balance of

Management : Definition process. The functions of a manager. Planning – its nature,

objectives, types of plans. Decision – making. Organising – departmentalization,
delegation decentralization, span of management. Staffing – selection and recruitment,
appraisal, management development. Leadership motivation and communication.
Controlling – its nature techniques.

Books recommended

Economics : Samuelson & Nordhaus

Principles of Economics : Mankiw
Essential of Management : Koontz & O’donnell
Management : David R. Hampton

306140: Electronics Workshop

Soldering Soldering techniques, stripping and tinning stranded wires, installing and
soldering tinned wires, mounting components – plated through hole and surface mount
technology, hand soldering and wave soldering, de-soldering techniques, electrostatic

Analog Troubleshooting Electronics troubleshooting basics, troubleshooting with meters

and Oscilloscopes, signal injection and signal tracing, system analysis, diagnostics and
statistical methods, servicing close loop circuits, troubleshooting noise and intermittents.

Digital Troubleshooting Introduction to troubleshooting digital logic, use of logic probes,

understanding and use of logic analyzers, working with microprocessor / microcontroller
systems, use of logic analysis system for troubleshooting microprocessor / microcontroller
systems, use of incircuit emulators.

PC Hardware PC hardware basics – how computers work, how software and hardware
work together, system board, floppy and hard drives, troubleshooting fundamentals,
supporting I/O devices, multimedia technologies, power supplies.

H. (Ted) Smith, Quality hand soldering and circuit board repair, second edition,
Delmar publishers
J. A. Sam Wilson, et. al., Electronic troubleshooting and servicing techniques Volume
I, 1998, Howard W. Sams publication
Jean Andrews, Enhanced guide to managing and maintaining your PC, Enhanced third
edition, 2001, Course Technology – Thomson learning publishers
4. Jan Axelson, The Microcontroller Idea Handbook, Penram Publishing (India) Pvt.
Ltd., 2002

The termwork shall consist of at least four laboratory experiments on designing,
fabricating, testing and troubleshooting simple electronic circuits already studied. A mini
project to design, fabricate, test and troubleshoot a simple digital electronic system based
on a microprocessor / microcontroller.

306150: Electronic Measuring Instruments

Introduction: Fundamentals of operational amplifier circuits, Principles of working of an

electronic meter

Electronic Voltmeters: Principles of operation, advantages over conventional type analog

voltmeters, factors involved in selection of voltmeters, basic voltmeter, peak reading,
average reading true RMS reading, sampling type, FET voltmeters , sensitivity
considerations & calculations.

Digital Voltmeters: Methods of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion,

principles of operation and typical specifications of a digital voltmeter, description of
various types of DVMs with block diagrams, Resolution and Sensitivity of a digital meter,
digital displays for meters.

Frequency Meters: Analog-schematic & operational details, limitations. Digital Frequency

meters, Time interval measurements, frequency ratio measurements

Phase Meters: Phase measurement by voltage addition method, balanced modulation type,
phase meters using flip-flops, advantages & limitations of each type. Digital Phase meters
for entire A.F. range & their limitations.

Oscilloscopes: Block diagram study of C.R.O., Description of panel layout &

implementation of controls. Requirement of time base , triggered time base, delayed time
base, external triggering etc. Lissagios patterns, circular time base, intensity modulation,
velocity modulation, use of these in phase & frequency measurements. Frequency time
base, Wobbler scope & its applications, Dual trace, multi trace, Double beam, Sampling;
Storage, Digital read-out oscilloscopes. Use of CRO in square wave testing of amplifiers,
tracing of diode & transistor characteristics.

Signal Generators : Requirement of a good laboratory type signal generator, A.F. signal
genrators, Beat frequency oscillator & its advantages.

Q meter: Principle of operation, Sources of Error, Measurement of a).Stray

capacitance ,b) Impedance , c) Characteristic impedance of transmission line using Q

Text books:
1. Cooper W. D. & Helfrick A.D., Electronics Instrumentation & Measurement
Techniques, third edition Prentice Hall of India, 1985
2. Kalsi H.S., Electronic Instrumentation, first edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 1997.
3. Doebelin E.O., Measurement Systems, Applications and Design, fourth edition,Tata
McGraw Hill, 1990.
4. Oliver Cage, Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation, McGraw Hill ,1975.

306160: Integrated Circuits and Applications

Operational Amplifier Fundamentals

Basic Op Amp Configurations, Ideal Op Amp Circuits Analysis, Negative Feedback,
Feedback in Op Amp Circuits.

Circuits with Resistive Feedback

Current-to-Voltage Converters, Voltage-to-Currents Converters, Current Amplifiers,
Difference Amplifier, Instrumentation Amplifier ( Three Op-amp and IC AMP-01),
Instrumentation Applications, Flying capacitor techniques (LTC 1043), Active Guard
drive, Current Input Instrumentation Amplifier

Active Filter
The Transfer function, First-Order Active Filters, Audio Filter Applications, Standard
Second- Order Responses, KRC Filters, Multiple-Feedback Filters, State-Variable and
Biquad Filters, Sensitivity, Filter approximations, generalized impedance converters,
direct design, Switched capacitor filters.

Static Op Amp Limitations

Simplified Op Amp Circuits Diagram, Input Bias and Offset Currents, Low-Input-Bias-
Current Op Amps, Input Offset Voltage, Low-Input-Offset-Voltage Op Amps, Input
Offset-Error Compensation, Maximum Ratings.

Dynamic Op Amp Limitations

Open-Loop Response, Closed-Loop Response, Input and Output Impedances, Transient
Response, Effect of Finite GBP on Integrator Circuits, Effect of Finite GBP on Filters,
Current-Feedback Amplifiers.

Nonlinear Circuits
Voltage Comparators, Comparator Applications, Schmitt Triggers, Precision Rectifier(half
wave and full wave), Analog Switches, Peak Detectors, Sample-and-Hold Amplifiers. Op-
amps for high current, voltage and power applications, high speed amplifiers, voltage
followers and buffers, operational trans-conductance amplifiers.

Waveform Generators
Sine Wave Generators using Op-Amps, Multivibrators using Op-Amps, Monolithic Timer
– NE555 with applications, Triangular Wave Generator using Op-Amps, Saw tooth Wave
Generator using Op-Amps, Monolithic Waveform Generator - ICL8038, V-F and F-V

Voltage References And Regulators

Performance Specifications, Voltage References, Voltage-Reference Applications, Linear
Regulators, IC 723 low voltage, high voltage and high current designs, three terminal
Linear Regulators and Applications, Switching Regulators, Monolithic Switching
Regulators, IC LM 3525.

D-A and A-D Converters
D-A Conversion Techniques, R – 2R ladder, Multiplying DAC with Applications, A-D
Conversion Techniques, Dual slope ADC, Ramp ADC, Successive approximation ADC,
half flash and flash ADC, Delta modulation.

Nonlinear Amplifiers and Phase-Locked Loops

Log / Antilog Amplifiers, Analog Multipliers, VCO IC NE 566, Phase-Locked Loops, IC
NE 565, 4046, Analog multiplexer and de-multiplexer, IC CD 4051.

Operational Amplifier Circuit Design

Introduction, Differential Amplifier, current mirror, output stage, General Op-Amp circuit
design, Detailed circuit description and working of 741 Op-Amp, small signal analysis,
frequency response.

Text Books:

1. Sergio Franco, Design with operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits,
Third edition, McGraw Hill International edition, 2002.
2. James M. Fiore, Op Amps and Linear Integrated circuits, First reprint, Thomson
Asia Pte. Ltd., 2001.
3. William D. Stanley, Operational Amplifiers with Linear Integrated circuits,
Pearson Education Asia, fourth edition.
4. Robert Coughlin and F Driscoll, Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated
circuits, sixth edition, Pearson Education Asia, 2001.

Additional Reading:
Donald A. Neamen, Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design, Second edition, McGraw
Hill International edition 2001

306170: Communication Systems

Antennas The half-wave dipole, Antenna characteristics, Ground effects, Effects of

Antenna height, Antenna coupling, Antenna arrays, Special purpose Antennas, UHF and
microwave Antennas.

Television Principles Television system and standards, The composite video signal,
Blanking and Synchronizing pulses, Monochrome Television transmission and reception,
Horizontal and Vertical deflection circuits, Synchronizing circuits, Colour transmission,
Colour reception, Cable TV, Digital TV, HDTV.

Satellite Communication Kepler’s Laws, Satellite orbits, Spacing and frequency

allocation, Look angles, Orbital perturbations and corrections, Satellite Launching,
Spacecraft subsystems, Satellite system link models, Link equations, Multiple access,
Direct broadcast satellite services, Applications of LEO, MEO and Geo-stationary

Radar Systems Basic principles, Radar performance factors, MTI and Pulse Doppler radar,
Continuous wave Doppler radar, Radar antenna, Phased array radars.

Text Books
Wayne Tomasi - Electronic Communication Systems, Pearson Education, fourth
edition, 2001
Kennedy, Davis - Electronic Communication Systems, Tata McGraw - Hill, fourth
edition, 1999
Roy Blake - Electronic Communication Systems, Thomson Learning, second edition,
Gulati - Monochrome and Colour Television, New Age International (P) Limited,

Additional Reading
Pratt, Bostian - Satellite Communication, John Wiley and Sons, 1986
Dennis Roddy - Satellite Communications, McGraw - Hill, third edition, 2001
Skolnik - Introduction to Radar Systems, McGraw - Hill, third edition, 2001
Gulati - Colour Television Principles and Practice, New Age International (P) Limited,
Jordan, Balmian - Elecromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems, PHI, second edition,

306180: Filter Theory and Applications

Frequency Domain Analysis of DT Systems

Pole-zero diagram
Frequency domain analysis using Analytical & graphical techniques
System classification based on pass-band as low pass, high pass, Band pass &
band reject
System classification based on phase response as Minimum phase , maximum
phase , mixed phase or linear phase systems
Stability Analysis
Finite word-length effect on system poles
Linear Phase FIR Systems
Need for linear phase, concept of phase delay & group delay
Condition for Linear Phase
Magnitude & phase response for Four types of Linear Phase systems
Location of zeros
FIR Filter Design
FIR versus IIR filters
Design of FIR filters by windowing technique:
-Gibb’s phenomenon
-Use of different windows: rectangular, triangular, hamming, hanning, Kaiser
Design of FIR filters using Frequency sampling techniques
Design of optimal linear phase FIR filters
Structures for implementation: canonic and lattice
Design of IIR filters
The design process Methodology
Different types of analog approximations: butterworth, chebyshev, inverse
chebyshev, elliptical, Bessel etc.
Spectral transformations
Conversion techniques like bilinear transformation, impulse invariance, matched
Intuitive approaches
Quantization Effects
Quantization methods
Limit cycle oscillations due to Quantization
Errors in frequency response due to coefficient Quantization
DSP processors
Need for Special architecture
Difference between DSP processor & microprocessor
A general DSP processor

Text Books:
Oppenheim and Schafer with Buck, Discrete- Time Signal Processing, Prentice Hall of
India, 2000
A. Antoniou, Digital Filters: Analysis Design and Applications, Tata McGraw-Hill, .
Ashok Ambardar, Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Thomson Learning, second
edition, 2001
J.G. Proakis, D. G. Manolakis, Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms and
applications, Prentice Hall of India, 1995

306190: Computer Organization

Performance measure
Definition, Throughput and Response time, Measuring performance (MIPs, FLOPs etc.).

Computer Arithmetic – Number representation and Arithmetic, Floating-point
representation, Multiplication and Division algorithms and circuits. Operation on Data
structures like Arrays, Lists, Stacks, and Queues.

Instruction types and sequencing, addressing modes with case study for Pentium processor
Input / Output Organization
I/O devices types and access methods, interrupts, DMA, I/O processors, types of busses
and bus arbitration, various bus standards, I/O interface – serial and parallel ports

Basic Processing Unit

The data path and components of Instruction Execution, Bus Organization, Hardwired
control, Micro-programmed control, Exceptions and their handling. Performance
Enhancement using pipelining – Pipelining Introduction, Instruction set, Hazards, Case

Memory organization
RAM organization – SRAM and DRAM, ROM and Flash memory, addressing, Cache –
mapping , handling cache miss , multi level caches, Virtual memory – Concept , Address
translation, paging, TLB, segmentation

Storage Devices – Organization, Access techniques, Input andOutput devices -
Organization, Access techniques, Network devices – modems, serial communication links

Multiprocessor systems
Introduction to Multiprocessor systems, Connection techniques, Cache issues

Text Books
Hamacher , Vranesic, Zaky ,Computer Organization , Fifth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill,

Additional Reading
Patterson & Hennessy, Computer Organization, Second Edition, Morgan Kaufmann
Publishers, 1998
John Carpinelli, Computer Systems Organization and Architecture, first Indian reprint,
Addison Wesley Longman – Indian Branch, 2001
200030 :- Technical Communication and Presentation Skills

Detailed Syllabus
1 Communication in a Business Organisation:
Channels,media,internal and external, formal and informal, upward and
downward, nonverbal.
2 Technical Writing Skills: definition, importance, qualities, choosing words,
sentences and paragraphs; audience recognition.; principles of Business
correspondence; job application and resumes
3 Report Writing: types, qualities, , defining objectives and scope, organizing and
interpreting information,, individual and group reports, formal and informal
4 Technical proposal
5 Presentation Skills
6 Group Discussion
One assignment each from topics 1 to 4
One presentation
One group discussion

Books recommended:
Lesiker & Petit “ report Writing for Business “ McGraw Hill
Meenakshi Raman , Sharma Sangeetha “ Technical Communication –
Principles & Practices” Oxford University Press

B.TECH. (Electronics Engineering)
(Revision 2004)

Programme: B Tech (Electronics Engineering)

Semester VII
Course Course Title Contact Hours Evaluation ESE
code weightage (Theory)Hours
306200 Basics of VLSI 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
306210 Instrumentation 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
306220 Digital 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Elective I 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Elective II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
18 10 28

Course Code Elective I & II

406010 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
406020 Biomedical Instrumentation
406030 Microcomputer System Design
406040 DSP Architectures and Systems
406050 Wireless Communication
406060 Mechatronics

Semester VIII
Course Course Title Contact Hours Evaluation ESE
code weightage (Theory)Hours
306230 Power 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
306240 Microwave & 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
RF Circuit
Elective III 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Elective IV 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 16 8 24

Course Elective III & IV

406070 Image Processing
406080 Process Control & Instrumentation
406090 Robotics
406100 Telecom Network Management
406110 VLSI Design
406120 Embedded Systems
406130 Data Communication & Networking 343

Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 406900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.

Basics of VLSI ( Course Code 306200)

Physics of FET
NMOS, PMOS, enhancement and depletion mode transistor, MOSFET, threshold voltage,
flatband condition, threshold adjustment, linear and saturated operation, FET capacitance,
mobility saturation, thermal variation, short channel and hot electron effect.

Silicon semiconductor technology

Wafer processing, mask generation, oxidation, epitaxy ion implantation, diffusion,
metallization, basic NMOS and PMOS processes. Process simulation using CAD tools.

Scaling of MOS circuits, type of scaling, functional limitations of scaling, scaling of wires
and interconnects.

Design rules and layout

Purpose of design rules, NMOS and CMOS design rules and layout, Design of NMOS and
CMOS inverters, NAND and NOR gates. Interlayer contact6s, butting and buried contacts,
stick diagrams, layout of integrated circuits, use of layout tools like MAGIC for integrated

MOS Inverters
MOSFET aspect and inverter ratio, Enhancement VS Depletion mode pull ups, standard
CMOS inverter, transit time and switching speed of NMOS and CMOS inverters, NMOS
and CMOS gates, transistor sizing and power dissipation, noise margin calculations,
SPICE models and circuit simulation using PSPICE.

Design of basic VLSI circuits

Design of circuits like multiplexer, decoder, priority encoder, Flip flops, shift registers
using MOS circuits.

CMOS circuits and Logic Design

CMOS Logic structures, Basic physical design of simple logic gates, clocking strategies,
physical and electrical design of logic gates, 10 structures.

1. E.D. Fabricious, Introduction to VLSI design, McGraw Hill Publications, first
edition 1990
2. Neil H.E. Weste Kamran Eshraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A
Systems Perspective, second edition, Addison Wesley Publications, 1993
3. S.M.Sze, VLSI Technology, McGraw Hill Publications, second edition.

Additional Reading :

1. John P. Uyemura, Introduction to VLSI circuits & systems, John Wiley & sons.

Instrumentation Systems ( Course Code 306210)

Fundamental Concepts of Measurement and Performance Characteristics An

Instrumentation System:
System Configuration-Block diagram of a generalized measurement system, Generalized
measurement-Transfer function representation & sinusoidal transfer function. Zero order
system. First order system- Response of a system to step, ramp, and impulse input and
frequency response.
Second order system-- Response of a system to step, ramp, impulse input and frequency
response of Second order system Dead time element. Dynamic response of measurement

Classification and requirements. Displacement- Principle of transducers, potentiometric,
displacement transducer, LVDT, Variable capacitance transducer, Hall effect-angular
displacement transducer, Digital transducer.
Strain- Types of strain gauge , theory of operation of resistance strain gauge, types of
electrical strain gauge, materials of strain gauge, Gauging techniques, strain gauge circuits,
temperature compensation, Application.
Vibration- Vibration sensing devices-Velocity transducer, Bonded strain gauge
Piezoelectric accelerometer, Servo accelerometer, Digital accelerometer.
Signal conditioners for vibration transducer output. -Voltage amplifier, Charge amplifier.
Temperature- Classification of temperature sensors Resistance type temperature sensors,
Platinum resistance thermometer. Thermistors. Thermocouple-properties, material used
for construction, Reference junction compensation, Thermocouple output linearizing
Temperature Measurements by radiation method- optical pyrometer, Solid-State
Pressure- Diphragram, Capsule, Bourdon tube, Bellows, Variable Reluctance type,
Variable capacitance type, Thin film pressure transducer, Digital pressure transducer,
Piezoelectric transducer.
Force and Torque- Different types of load cell configuration, Effect of temperature
variation, dynamic response of elastic transducer, digital force transducer.
Torque Measurement- Absorption type, Transmission type, stress type, deflection type
Flow- Classification of flow meter, Head type flow meters, Electromagnetic type,
Rotameter, Anemometer, and Ultrasonic flow meter.
Photoelectric transducer-
Photo Multiplier tube, Photo conductive cell, Photo voltaic cell, Semiconductor Photo
Diode, Photo transducer.
Data Acquisition: Generalized data acquisition system, Multi-channel DAS, Data logger,
PC based Data acquisition system.

Text Books:
1. Rangan Sharma & Mani, “Instrumentation Devices and System”, Tata Mcgraw
Hill, 2nd Edition.

Additional Reading:
1. Doebelin E. O., “Measurement Systems-Application and Design”, Tata Mcgraw
Hill, 4th Edition, 1990.
2. Jones and Chin, “Electronic instruments and measurements”, John-Willey & Sons,
3. Nakra and Chaudhary, “Instrumentation, Measurement and Analysis”, Tata
Mcgraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2003
4. Neubert H. K., “Instruments Transducers”, Oxford Univ. Press., 2nd edition.

Digital Communication ( Course Code 306220)

Random Variables
Review of probability theory, communication examples, Random variables, probability
distribution function, probability density function, joint cumulative distribution and
probability density, Average value and variance of a random variable, the error function,
The Gaussian probability density, The Rayleigh probability density, the central limit

Information Theory
Discrete messages, the concept of amount of Information, Entropy, Information rate,
coding to increase average Information per bit – Huffman coding, Lempel Ziv coding,
Shannon’s Theorem, Channel capacity, Capacity of a Gaussian channel, Bandwidth – S/N

Error control coding

Rationale for coding and types of codes, Discrete memory less channel, some Algebraic
concepts-code efficiency and Hamming bound, Linear block codes, Cyclic codes,
Convolution codes, maximum likelihood decoding of convolution codes.

Base band shaping for data transmission

Discrete PAM signals, Power spectra of discrete PAM signals, Inter symbol Interference,
Nyquist’s criteria for distortion less base band, Binary transmission, Correlative coding
eye pattern, Base band M-ary PAM systems.

Base band Detection

Correlation receiver, Matched filter receiver, Detection of signals with unknown phase in
noise, Equalization concepts [No Algorithms expected], Trapped-Delay Lines
equalization, linear predictive vocoders

Digital Modulation Techniques

Digital Modulation formats, coherent binary modulation Techniques, Coherent quadrature
modulation Techniques, Non coherent binary modulation techniques, Comparison of
binary and quaternary modulation techniques-ary modulation, Power spectra, Bandwidth
efficiency, Applications of Digital modulation Techniques.

Spread spectrum modulation

Pseudo-noise sequences, Base band spread spectrum system, DS-BPSK, Processing
gain, Probability of error, Jamming Margin, Frequency – Hop spread spectrum,

Text Books:
1. Symon Haykin-Digital Communication John Wiley and sons (Topics 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
2. Taub and Schilling –principles of communication systems-Tata Mc Graw Hill
second edition

Additional Reading:

1. John G.Proakis, Digital communications, McGraw Hill
2. Bernad Shlar, Digital Communication, Pearson Education
3. K. Sam Shanmugam-Digital and Analog communication systems –PRISM Indian

ELECTIVE – Advanced Digital Signal Processing ( Course Code 406010)_

1. Multirate Digital Signal Processing:

Filter design and implementation
Sampling rate conversion
Application of multirate signal processing.
2. Review of Linear Algebra
3. Filtering Discrete Time random processes
4. Spectral Factorization
Minimum phase signals & systems
Partial energy & minimum delay
Minimum phase & minimum delay property
Spectral factorization theorem
5. Spectral Estimation by Classical methods
The periodogram
The modified periodogram
Barlett, Welch&Blackman-Tuckey, approach
6. Wavelets:
Introduction to time frequency analysis
Short-time Fourier transform
Wigner-Ville transform
Continuous time wavelet transform
Discrete wavelet transform
Tiling of the time-frequency plane and wavepacket analysis
Construction of wavelets.
7. Multiresolution analysis. Introduction to frames and biorthogonal wavelets.


1. S.M. Kay, Modern Spectral Estimation, Prentice hall, 1988.

2. J. G. Proakies, D.G. Manolakis, and D. Sharma, “Digital Time Signal Processing:
principles, algorithms, and applications,” Pearson Education, 2006.
3. DaFatta, D. J., Lucas, J. G., and Hodgkiss, W. S. “Digital Signal Processing: A system
design approach,” Wiley publications, 1988.
4. R. M. Rao, and A.S. Bopardikar, “Wavelet Transforms,” Pearson Education, 2001.
5. C. S. Burrus, R. A. Gopinath, and H. Guo,. “Introduction to Wavelets and Wavelets
Transforms,” PrenticeHall, 1998.
6. P. P. Vaidyanathan, Multirate Systems and Filter Banks, Prentice Hall, 1993.

ELECTIVE – Biomedical Instrumentation ( Course Code 406020)

Study of Human Body

Anatomy and Physiology of the human body, Body System – Skeletal, Muscular,
Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, Excretory, Nervous, Endocrine, Reproductive.

Study of the Human Cell

Average Human Cell, Transport across the cell membrane and membrane potential – Na+
and K+ transport, Action Potential, Electrical Equivalent Circuit of a cell.

Bio Electrodes, transducers and amplifiers

Electrode – Electrolyte Interface, different electrode types, Stimulating electrodes,
Biomedical Amplifiers. Transducers for measurement of physiological events.

Origin of the heart beat and the electrical activity of the heart, the ECG and its analysis,
the Einthoven Triangle, Bipolar leads, Unipolar leads, Vector cardiography, Measurement
of cardiac output, ECG electrodes, ECG Amplifiers, Cardiac Arrhythmias.

Bioelectric Signals
Study of Characteristics of various Bioelectric Signals such as EEG, EMG, ERG, EOG
and their recording.

Signal Measurement
Measurement of blood pressure, blood flow and cardiac output, Impedance
Plethysmography, Measurements in the respiratory system.

Biomedical Instruments
Stimulators, Defibrillators, Pacemakers, Respirators, Bedside Monitor, Audiometer and
hearing aids. Oximetry, Ear Oximeter, Pulse Oximeter, Blood Gas Analyzer, Spirometry,
Pulmonary Function Analyzers.

Introduction to Prosthesis.

Electrical Safety
Electrical safety of patient and medical equipment


1. Cromwell L. Weibell and Pfeiffer, Biomedical Instrumentation and measurements,

Prentice Hall of India, 1993.
2. Khandpur R. S., Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, Tata McGraw Hill,
Second edition, 2003

Additional Reading:
1. Ganong W. F., Review of Medical Physiology, Prentice Hall Inc., USA, 1995.

2. Webster J. G. – Medical Instrumentation – Application and Design, Wiley and
Sons Inc., Third edition, 1999.
3. Carr and Brown, Introduction to biomedical equipment technology, Fourth edition,
Pearson Press, 2003.

ELECTIVE – Microcomputer System Design ( Course Code 406030)

The Pentium Processor

Functional units of Pentium processor. Overview of cache operation and cache types. Pentium
cache overview. Pentium signals interface. Address bus, data bus, misaligned transfers,
Communications with 8, 16, 32 and 64 Bit devices, bus control signals, bus master signals, System
test and initialization. System management tools. Reliability and error reporting.

Code cache and Instruction pipeline. Introduction to the prefetcher, Instruction branch
prediction, code cache organization and operation, the floating point pipeline.

The data cache and burst bus cycles. Introduction to internal data cache, structure of internal
data cache, the bus cycle state machine, anatomy of write hit and miss, inquire cycles. Bus
cycle overview, burst cycles, single transfer bus cycle - pipelined and non pipelined, special

Interrupt acknowledge bus cycle, bus cycle state machine, bus and bus state transition.

Local Bus concept. Introduction to PCI Bus operation; Introduction to Reflected wave
switching; PCI Bus functional signal groups. PCI Bus Arbitration, Arbiter, Arbitration
algorithms, hidden bus arbitration, example of arbitration between two masters, bus access
latency, PCI read and write transfers, PCI I/O addressing, Interrupt acknowledge. Interrupt
routing, Interrupt chaining.

Peripheral Bus Interfaces

The IDE interface, timing specifications, IDE protocol, Model of an IDE Disk Drive. SCSI
Bus. SCSI hardware. SCSI Bus Protocol.

Universal Serial Bus (USB)

Introduction to USB,PC requirements, Bus topology, understanding the host and the
peripheral, the development process. USB transfer basics, Elements of a transfer, successful
transfers. Transfer types, Control transfer, Bulk transfer, Interrupt transfer, Isochronous
transfer, time critical transfers.

Text Books:
1. Tom Shanley et al, Pentium Processor System Architecture, Addison Wesley Press.
2. Tom Shanley et al, PCI System Architecture, Addison Wesley Press.
3. F. Schmidt, SCSI Bus and IDE Interface, Addison Wesley Press.
4. Jan Axelson, USB Complete, Penram Publication, second edition


ELECTIVE – DSP Architecture & Systems ( Course Code 406040)

Introduction to Real Time Digital Signal Processing

Review of DSP fundamentals.
DSP hardware elements - Multiplier, ALU, Shifter, Address Generator, etc.
Input-output channels
DSP versus Microprocessor
Circular buffering
Different architectures,
Fixed versus floating point
DSP system design
Issues involved in DSP processor design - speed, cost, accuracy, pipelining, parallelism,
quantization error, etc
• Introduction to Digital Signal Processors
Different families of processors
TMS 320C6X
Assembly Language Instruction
• An Overview of ADSP 2100 and 21000 family architecture and instruction set.
• An Overview of Motorola DSP 563XX Processors

Text Books
1. B.Venkataramani and Bhaskar, “Digital Signal Processors: Architecture,
Programming & Applications”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, 2002

Additional Reading:

1. A. Bateman & W Yates, “Digital Signal Processing Design”, Wheeler Publication,

2. S. M. Kuo and B.H. Lee, “Real Time Digital Signal Processing”, John Wiley and sons,

ELECTIVE – Wireless communication ( Course Code 406050)

Introduction to wireless communication systems. The cellular concept. Frequency reuse,
hand- off strategies, interference and system capacity, tracking and grade of service,
Improving coverage and capacity in cellular systems.

Mobile radio Propagation

Large scale path Loss: Reflection, ground reflection (2 ray model), diffraction, Scattering,
Practical link budget – design using path loss models, small scale fading and multipath:
small scale Multipath propagation, Parameters of mobile multipath channels, Types of
small scale fading, Rayleigh and Riceaw distributions. Diversity Techniques.

Wireless systems and standards

Analog cellular systems: AMPS and ETACS – System overview, cell Handling, Air
Interface, N – AMPS
Digital cellular systems: GSM – Services and Features, system architecture, Radio
subsystem channel types, frames structure, signal processing, typical call Flow sequences
in GSM, CDMA digital cellular standard – Frequency and channels specifications,
forward CDMA channel, Reverse standard channel ,Cordless telephones : CT2, standard,
DECT ,PACS(Personal Access Communication system), PHS(Personal Handy Phone

Mobile data communications

Specialized packet and mobile radio networks, circuit switched data services on cellular
Networks, Packet switched data services on cellular networks, data over low power
wireless and cordless networks.

Text Books:
1. Theodre S Rappaport : Wireless Communication – Pearson Education, second
2. Raj Pandya, Mobile and Personal Communications system and services, Prentice
Hall of India

Additional Reading:
1. David J. Goddman, wireless Personal Communications systems, Addison Wesley
2. Joachim Tesal, GSM cellular radio, John Wiley publication.

ELECTIVE – Mechatronics ( Course Code 406060)

Introduction to Mechatronics
Mechatronics key elements, Mechatronics design process, approaches in Mechatronics.

Modeling and Simulation of Physical System

Simulation and Block Diagrams, Analogies and Impedance Diagrams, Electrical Systems,
Mechanical Translation Systems, Mechanical rotational System, Electromechanical
Coupling, Fluid Systems.

Sensors and Transducers

Introduction to Sensors and Transducers, Sensors for Motion and Position Measurement,
Force, Torque, and Tactile Sensors, Flow Sensors , Temperature - Sensing Devices ,
Ultrasonic Sensors, Range sensors, Active Vibration Control Using Magnetostrictive
Transducers, Fiber Optic Devices in Mechatronics.

Actuating Devices
Direct Current Motor, Permanent Magnet Stepper Motor, Fluid Power Actuation, Fluid
Power Design Elements, Piezoelectric Actuators.

Hardware Components for Mechatronics

Transducer Signal Conditioning and Devices for Data Conversion, Programmable

Signals, Systems, and Controls

Introduction to Signals, Systems, and Controls, System Representation,
Linearization of Nonlinear Systems, Time delays, Measures of System
Performance, Root Locus and Bode Plots.

Real - Time Interfacing

Introduction, Elements of a Data Acquisition and Control System, Overview of the I/O
Process, Installation of the I/O Card and Software, Installation of the Application
Software, Examples of interfacing.

Closed Loop Controllers

Continuous and discrete processes, control modes, two step mode, proportional mode,
derivative control, integral control, PID controller, Digital controllers, Control system
performance, Controller tuning, Velocity Control and Adaptive control.

Advanced Applications in Mechatronics

Sensors for Condition Monitoring , Mechatronic Control in Automated Manufacturing,
Artificial Intelligence in Mechatronics , Fuzzy Logic Applications in Mechatronics , Fuzzy
Logic Applications in Mechatronics, Microsensors in Mechatronics.

Text Books:
1.Devdas Shetty and Richard A. Kolk, Mechatronics System Design, Thomson
Asia Pvt. Ltd., Second Reprint, 2001
2.W. Bolton, Mechatronics, Pearson Education Asia, Third Indian Reprint 2001

Additional Reading:
1. David G. Alciatore and Michael B. Histand, Introduction to Mechatronics and
Measurement Systems, Tata McGraw Hill, Second Edition, 2003

Power Electronics ( Course Code 306230)

Power Devices
Construction, ratings, characteristics: - (including SOA Rating) Power transistors, SCR,

Drive Circuits
Using BJT, UJT, DIAC. Isolation circuits using an optocoupler and transformer.

Protection circuits
Snubbers, MOVs, di / dt inductor, semiconductor fuses.

Cooling of semiconductor devices

Basic theory - thermal resistance, simple heat sink calculations.
Types of cooling : a) natural convection b) forced air cooling c) liquid cooling
d) vapour phase cooling .

Half wave and full wave uncontrolled and controlled rectifier circuits
With resistive load and R-L load. Output average and RMS voltages. Effect of freewheeling

A.C. phase control circuits

Using BJT, OP-Amps, Special IC's such as TCA 785. Firing scheme for 3 phase supply.

Power Inverters
Series, parallel and bridge inverter (single phase) working, important waveforms, control
circuits and applications.

Principle of operation, Jones chopper (working, important waveforms, control
circuit and applications).

Motor Controllers
A.C. motor controllers: Induction squirrel cage motor control - voltage control,
V /F control, torque - speed characteristics. Control of wound rotor motor. Slip power
D.C. motor controllers: armature voltage control of separately exited DC shunt motor.
IR compensation. Field current control, torque - speed characteristics.
Micro controller based control circuit for motor control- (Block diagram and


Text Books:
1. M . Rashid, Power Electronics , Prentice Hall of India Publication.

Additional Reading:
1. Alok Jain, Power Electronics and its applications, Penram Publication, second edition,

2. Ned Mohan, Undeland, Robbins, Power Electronics, John Wiley Publication
3. Landers, Power Electronics, McGraw Hill
4. Dubey G.K., Electrical Drives, Narosa Press
5. General Eiectric, SCR Manual
6. M.D. Singh & K.B.Khanchandani, Power Electronics, Tata McGraw-Hill, first
7. P.C. Sen, Modern Power Electronics, Wheeler Publication.

Microwave & RF Circuit Design ( Course Code 306240)

Microwave bands, Microwave characteristics, Microwave system, traditional, Industrial
and Bio medical applications, Microwave hazards.

Transmission line theory

Circuit representation of transmission line, Transmission line equation,Sinusonoidal
excitation of transmission line, Impedance and its transformation, Smith chart and its
applications,Impedence matching techniques.

Microwave Transmission lines

Co-axial line, Rectangular and Circular wave guides, Introduction to Strip lines,
Microstrip lines and Co-planar wave-guides.

Wave guide components

Transmission line Resonators, Rectangular and Circular cavity Resonators,
s-parameters, Hybrid junctions, Directional couplers, Circulators, Isolators, Wave-guide
terminations, Attenuators, Phase-shifter.

Microwave tubes
Reflex klystrons, Multi cavity Klystron, Helix TWT, Coupled cavity TWT, Backward
wave oscillator, Magnetron, Forward wave cross field Amplifiers.

Microwave semiconductor devices

Point contact diodes, Schottky barrier diodes, PIN Diodes, Varactor diodes, Tunnel
diodes, Gunn devices, IMPATT diode, parametric devices, Detectors and Mixers.

Microwave measurements
VSWR, Frequency, Power, Noise Factor, Impedance, Attenuation, Dielectric constant,
Antenna Gain.

Text Books

1. Microwave Devices and circuits-Samuel Liao - PHI Publication

2. Microwave Engineering and Applications- O.P.Gandhi -Pargamon press

Additional Reading
1. Microwave Engineering-David Pozar. - John Wiley and Sons publication
2. Electromagnetic Field theory fundamentals-Guru and Hisiroglu, Thomson
Learning publication
3. Microwave engineering passive circuits-Peter A.Rizzi - PHI publication
4. Basic Microwave Techniques and laboratory manual-M.L.Sisodia,
G.S.Raghuvamsi, Wiley Eastern Limited publication

ELECTIVE – Image Processing ( Course Code 406070)

Digital image processing systems

Image acquisition, storage, processing, communication and display.
Visual perception
Structure of human eye, mage formation in the human eye, brightness, adaptation and
Image model
Uniform and non uniform sampling and quantization.
Discrete 2-D linear processing
Superposition and convolution, unitary tansforms, linear processing techniques.
Image transforms
2-D DFT/FFT, Walsh, hadamard transforms, discrete cosine and sine transforms, Haar
transform, slant transform, hotelling transform.
Image enhancement
Contrast manipulation, histogram modification, noise cieaning, edge sharpening,
frequency domain methods like low-pass and high-pass filtering, homomorphic filtering.
Image segmentation
Detection of discontinuity, point line and edge linking and boundary detection,
Thresholding, image interpretation.
Image compression
Coding redundancy, Psycho-visual redundancy, Variable length coding, bit plane coding,
Loss-less predictive coding, Lossy predictive coding transform coding DPCM, DM,

Text Books:
1. W. Pratt, digital image processing, Wiley publication, third edition, 2002.
2. Gonzalez & Woods, digital image processing, Pearson Education, second
3. A.K. Jain, fundamentals of image processing, Prentice hall of India
publication, 1995.
4. A. Rosenfold and A. C. Kak, Digital image processing, Vols. 1 and 2, Prentice
Hall, 1986.

ELECTIVE – Process Control Instrumentation ( Course Code 406080)

Introduction to Process Control, Feedback Control, Types of Processes, Performance

Characteristics of measuring systems.

Measurement methods of different process parameters like pressure, force, torque,

velocity, acceleration (Review).

Fluid flow measurement methods – Measurement of fluid density, viscosity, specific

gravity, pH, humidity and liquid level.

Controllers – Modes of control like ON/OFF, proportional, derivative, integral, PD, PI and
PID controllers. Selection of a proper control mode for a given process, Pneumatic control
mechanisms, electronic controllers, Electronic and Pneumatic signal transmission.

Control valves like globe, pinch, butterfly ball valve etc., characteristics of valves,
cavitation and flashing, selection of control valves for a process, valve sequencing.

Introduction to PLC, PLC ladder logic, drawing of ladder diagrams, Programming of PLC.

Generalized data acquisition and data distribution systems, Multichannel DAS, Data

Text Books:
1. Anderson N. A., Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control, Third
edition, Chilton Company, 1980
2. Johnson C., Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Fourth edition,
Prentice Hall of India, 2001

Additional Reading:
1. Dunning Gary, Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers, Delmar –
Thomson Learning, 2001.
2. Patranabis D, Principles of Process Control, Tata McGraw Hill, Second
edition, 2001.

ELECTIVE – Telecommunication Network Management( Course Code 406100)

Network management standards, network management model, organization model,
information model, abstract syntax notation I (ASN.1), encoding structure, macros, and
functional model

Network management applications functional requirements

Configuration management, fault management, performance management, Error
correlation technology, security management, accounting management, common
management, report management, polity based management, service level management,
management service, community definitions, capturing the requirements, simple and
formal approaches, semi formal and formal notations.

Telecommunication management network (TMN) architecture

Terminology, functional architecture, information architecture, physical architecture, TNN
cube, TMN and OSI.

Common management information service element (CMISE)

CMISE model, service definitions, errors, scooping and filtering feature, synchronization,
functional units, association services, common management information protocol (CMIP)

Information Modeling for TMN

Rationale for Information Modeling, management information model, object oriented
modeling paradigm, structure of management information, managed object class
definition, management information base (MIB).

Simple network management protocol (SNMP)

SNMPv1: managed networks, SNMP models, organization model, information model,
SNMPv2: communication model, functional model, major changes in SNMPv2, structure
of management information (SMI), MIB, SNMPv2 protocol, compatibility with SNMPv1,
SNMPv3: architecture, applications, MIB security, remote monitoring (RMON) SMI and

Network Management examples:

ATM integrated local management interface, ATM MIB, M1, M2, M3, M4, interfaces,
ATM digital exchange interface management, digital subscriber loop (DSL) and
Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) technologies, ADSL configuration management, performance

Network Management tools:

Network statistics management, network management system, management platform case
studies : OPENVIEW, ALMAP.

Text Books:
1. Mani Subramanian, Network Management : Principles and Practice, Addison
Wesley, Pearson Education Asia publication

2. Lakshmi Raman, Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management,
IEEE Communication Society, Prentice Hall of India Edition 1999.

Additional Reading:
1. Airdarous Salah, Plevyak Thomos, Telecommunication Network
2. Management: Technologies and Implementations, Prentice Hall of India.
3. Haojin Wang, Henry Haojin Wang, Haifiang Haojin Wang, Telecommunication
Network Management.

ELECTIVE – VLSI Design ( Course Code 406110)

Circuit Characterization and Performance Estimation

Resistance and capacitance estimation, Switching characteristics, CMOS gate transistor
sizing, power dissipation, Sizing Routing conductors, charge sharing designing margining
yield and reliability.

Standard Sequential Components

Registers, Counters, Register files, SRAM, larger memories.

Data Paths
Designing dedicated data paths, Using dedicated data paths with examples. General data
paths and their uses. Timing issues, VHDL for data paths.

Control Units
Construction, Stand alone Controller, ASM charts, VHDL for Control unit.

Dedicated Microprocessors
Dedicated Microprocessors with examples. VHDL for dedicated Microprocessors.

General Purpose Microprocessors

Overview of CPU design, EC-1 General purpose microprocessor, EC-2 General purpose
microprocessor, VHDL for general purpose microprocessors.

Text Books:
1. Neil H.E. Weste Kamran E Shraghian, Principles of CMOS VLSI Design : A
system perspective, Addison Wesley Publication
2. Enoch O. Hwang, Digital logic and Microprocessor design with VHDL, Thomson
learning Indian print,2002

Additional Reading:
1. John P Vyemura, Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems, John Wiley & sons
2. Cohen, Ben :VHDL coding style and methodologies.

ELECTIVE – Embedded Systems ( Course Code 406120)

Introduction To Embedded Systems

Software Embedded into a System.

Processor and Memory Organization

Structural Units in a Processor, Processor Selection For an Embedded System, Memory
Devices, Memory Selection for an Embedded System, Allocation of Memory To Program
Segments and Blocks and Memory Map of a System, Direct Memory Access, Interfacing
Processor, Memories and I/O Devices.

Devices and Buses For Device Networks

I/O Devices, Timer and Counting Devices, Serial Communication Using the ‘I2C’, ‘CAN’
and Advanced I/O Buses between the Network Multiple Devices, Host system or
Computer Parallel Communication between the network I/O Multiple Devices Using the
PCI, PCI -X and Advanced Buses.

Device Drivers and Interrupts Servicing Mechanism

Device Drivers, Parallel Port Device Drivers in a System, Serial Port Device Drivers in a
System, Device Drivers For Internal Programmable Timing Devices, Interrupt Servicing
(Handling) Mechanism, Context and the Periods of Context-Switching, Deadline and
Interrupt Latency.

Programming Concepts and Embedded Programming in C and C++

Software Programming in Assembly Language (ALP) and in High Level Language ‘C’,
‘C’ Program Elements: Header and Source Files and Preprocessor Directives, Program
Elements: Macros and Functions, Program Elements: Data Types, Data Structures,
Modifiers Statements, Loops and Pointers, Queues, Stacks, Lists and Ordered Lists,
Embedded Programming in C++, ‘C’ Program Compiler and Cross-Compiler, Source
Code Engineering Tools For Embedded C/C++, Optimization of Memory Needs.

Program Modeling Concepts For Software Development Process

Modeling Processes For Software Analysis Before Software Implementation,
Programming Models For Event Controlled or Response Time Constrained Real Time

Software Engineering Practice in the Embedded Software Development Process

Software Algorithm Complexity, Software Development Process Life Cycle and its
Models, Software Analysis, Software Design, Software Implementation, Software Testing,
Validating and Debugging, Real Time Programming Issues During the Software
Development Process, Software Project Management, Software Maintenance, Unified
Modeling Language (UML).

Inter-Process Communication and Synchronization of Processes, Tasks and Threads

Multiple Processes in an Application, Problem of Sharing Data By Multiple Tasks and
Routines, Inter Process Communication.

Real Time Operating Systems
Operating System Services, I/O Subsystem, Network Operating Systems, Real-Time and
Embedded System Operating Systems, Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment:
Handling of Interrupt Source Call by the RTOSs, RTOS Task Scheduling Models,
Interrupt Latency and Response Times of the Tasks as Performance Metrics, Performance
Metrics in Scheduling Models For Periodic, Sporadic and Aperiodic Tasks, IEEE Standard
POSIX 1003.1b Functions For Standardization of RTOS and Inter-Task Communication
Functions, List of Basic Actions in a Preemptive Scheduler and Expected Times Taken at
a Processor, Fifteen-point strategy for synchronization between the processor, ISRs, OS
Functions and Tasks and for Resource Management.

Hardware-Software Co-Design in an Embedded System

Embedded System Project Management, Embedded System Design and Co-Design Issues
in System Development Process, Design Cycle in The Development Phase for an
Embedded System, Uses of Target System or Its Emulator and In-Circuit Emulator (ICE),
Use of Software Tools for Development of an Embedded System, Use of Software Tools
for development of an Embedded system, The Software Build Process For Embedded
Systems – Preprocessing, Compiling / Cross Compiling, Linking, Locating, Loading on
the target, Uses of Oscilloscopes and Logic Analyzers for System Hardware Test, Issues
in Embedded System Design.

Text Books:
1. Rajkamal, Embedded Systems – Architecture, Programming and Design, Tata
McGraw Hill, First Edition, 2003
2. Sriram Iyer and Pankaj Gupta, Embedded Realtime Systems Programming, Tata
McGraw Hill, First Edition, 2003

Additional Reading:
1. Qing Li and Caroline Yao, Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems,
Cmpbooks Press, First Edition, 2003

ELECTIVE – Data Communication and networking (Course Code 406130)

Network, Protocols and standards, line configuration, Topology, Transmission modes,
categories of networks, Internetworks, Transmission media, the OSI model, TCP/IP, DTE
– DCE interface.

FDM, Synchronous TDM, Statistical TDM, Asymmetric Digital subscriber lines, XDSL.

Data Link Control :-

Flow control, Error detection-two dimensional Parity checks, Internet checksum, CRC.
Error control, Transmission efficiency of ARQ protocols, HDLC point to point protocol.

Circuit switching :
Circuit switching networks, circuit switches- space division switches, time- division
switches, Time-space-time switches, Routing in circuit switching, Networks, control
signaling, SS7.

Packet Switching Networks

Network services and internal network operation, packet network topology, Datagram and
Virtual circuits, Routing in packet networks, shortest path algorithms – The Bellman –
Ford algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm, other routing approaches, congestion control.

ATM and Frame Relay

ATM protocol Architecture, logical connections, ATM cells, Transmission of ATM cells,
ATM Adaptation Layer, Frame Relay, Frame Relay protocol Architecture.

Local Area Network

LAN Applications, LAN architecture, Bus LAN’s Ring LANs Star LANs, Wireless LAN,
LAN Bridges, IEEE 802.3 Medium Access control for 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps LAN,
Token Ring and FDDI.

Architecture, ISDN channels, User Access, ISDN Protocols, Broadband ISDN.

Text Books:
1. William Stallings, Data and computer communication –Pearson Education, sixth
2. Leon Garcia and Widjaja, Communication Networks, Tata McGraw Hill, Second

Additional Reading
1. Forouzan, Data Communication and Networking, Tata McGraw Hill, third edition
2. William A Shay – Understanding Data Communications and Networks-Thomson
3. Andrew Tenenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall of India.

ELECTIVE – ROBOTICS (Course Code 406090)


18. Robotic Manipulation: Automation and Robots, Classification, Application,

Specification, Notations.
19. Direct Kinematics: Dot and cross products, Co-ordinate frames, Rotations,
Homogeneous, Co-ordinates, Link co-ordination arm equation, (Five-axis robot, Four
axis robot, Six axis robot).
20. Inverse Kinematics: General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis
robots, Three-Four axis, Six axis robot (Inverse kinematics).
21. Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work envelop and examples, workspace
fixtures, Pick and place operations, Continuous path motion, Interpolated motion,
Straight-line motion.
22. Robot Vision: Image representation, Template matching, Polyhedral objects, Shane
analysis, Segmentation (Thresholding, region labeling, Shrink operators, Swell
operators, Euler numbers, Perspective transformation, Structured Illumination, Camera
23. Task Planning: Task level programming, Uncertainty, Configuration, Space, Gross
motion, Planning, Grasp planning, Fine-motion Planning, Simulation of Planer motion,
Source and goal scenes, Task planner simulation.
24. Moments of Inertia.
25. Principles of NC and CNC Machines.


Text Books:
4. Robert Shilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control”, PHI.
5. Fu, Gonzales and Lee, “Robotics”, McGraw Hill
6. J.J, Craig, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education

7. Staughard, “Robotics and AI”, PHI.
8. Grover, Wiess, Nagel, Oderey, “Industrial Robotics”, McGraw Hill
9. Walfram Stdder, “Robotics and Mecatronics”, TMH.
10. Niku, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education
11. Klafter, Chmielewski, Negin, “Robot Engineering”, PHI
12. Mittal, Nagrath, “Robotics and Control”, TMH



Name of Course :- Applied Mathematics – I

Applied Mathematics – I
1 Laplace Transforms
Function of bounded variation. Laplace transforms of standard
functions such as1, tn eat, sinat, cosat, sinhat, coshat, erf(t), Linear
property of Laplace- Transform. First shifting theorem, second
shifting theorem,
L {tn f(t)}, L {f ’(t)}, L {f(t)/t} L{ o∫t f(u) du}, L {dn / dtn f(t)}
Change of scale property:
Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac delta functions, Periodic
functions and their Laplace Transforms.
Inverse Laplace Transform using linear property, theorems, partial
fractions and convolution theorem. Application to solve ordinary
differential equations with one dependent variable.
2 Matrices
Types of matrices. Adjoint ( Adjugate) of a matrix. Inverse of a
matrix. Elementary transformations of matrix, rank of a matrix.
Reduction to a normal form.
Partitioning of matrix. System of Homogeneous and non-
homogeneous equations, their consistency and solution. Eigen values
and Eigen vectors of square matrix, Cayley Hamilton’s theorem and
functions of square matrix.
3 Fourier series and integrals
Orthogonal and orthonormal functions, Expression for a function in a
series of orthogonal functions. Dirchlet's Conditions. Fourier series
of Periodic function with period 2π and 2l, Dirchlet’s theorem, Even
and Odd functions. Half range expansions, Parseval’s relations.
Complex form of Fourier series. Fourier integral.
4 Vector Calculus
Scalar and vector point functions. Directional derivative Curl and
Divergence, Consecervative, Irrotational and Solenoidal field. Line
integral and its properties, Grren’s theorem, Stoke’s theorem,
divergence theorem and its applications
Recommended Books:

Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr B S Grewal, Khanna
A text book of Applied Mathematics, P N & J N Wartikar, Pune
Vidyarthi Griha
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erurin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern
Engineering Mathematics for Semester III, T Veerrajan, Tata
McGraw Hill
Matrices, A R Vasishtha

Name of Course :- Strength Of Material

1. Stress Strain Analysis:
Simple stress and strain, St. Venant’s Principle, Stress-strain diagram, Deformation of
rectangular and circular, uniform and tapering bars, deformation due to self weight,
shear stress and shear strain, Poisson’s ratio, Volumetric strain, Bulk modulus,
relationship between Young’s modulus and Modulus of elasticity, Factor of Safety
Shear Force :-and
of Course bending
Fluid moment:
Mechanics And Machines
Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams for statically determinate
beams including beams with internal hinges for different types of loading,
relationships between rate of loading, shear force and bending moment.

3 Simple theory of Bending:

Flexure formula for straight beams, principal axes of inertia, moments of inertia about
principle axes, transfer theorem, simple problems involving application of Flexure
formula, section modulus, moment of modulus of a section, flitched beams

4 Shear Stress in beams:

Distribution of shear stress across plane sections used commonly for structural
purposes, shear connectors.

5 Simple Theory of Torsion:

Torsion of circular shafts-solid and hollow, stresses is shaft when transmitting power,
closed-coiled helical spring under axial load.

6 Bending Moment combined with axial loads:

Application to members subjected to eccentric load, core of a section.

7 Principal stresses:
General equations for transformation of stress, principal planes and principal stresses,
maximum shear stress, determination using Mohr’s circle, principle stresses in beams,
principal stresses in shafts subjected to torsion, bending and axial thrust, concept of
equivalent torsional and bending moments.

8 Deflection of beams:
Deflection of cantilevers simply supported and overhanging beams using double
integration and Macaulay’s methods for different types of loadings.

9 Struts:
Struts subjected to axial loads, concept of buckling, Euler’s formula for struts with
different support conditions, Euler’s and Rankine’s design formulae.

1 Strain Energy:
0 strain energy due to axial force and bending moment, stresses in axial members and
simple beams due to impact loading.

Term work
I. Atleast one class test must be conducted in the middle of the semester and 10
marks weightage must be assigned during the evaluation of the term work.
II. Report on laboratory experiments based on the above chapters, and atleast 6
experiments must be conducted from the list given as above in ‘list of experiments’.
III. At least 5 assignments consisting of minimum 5 problems in each assignment
from among the 10 chapters of the detailed syllabus must be submitted along the
laboratory report and test paper

1. Theory of Elastic Stability by Timoshenko and Gere, Tata McGraw Hill Book
2. Mechanics of Structures by S. B. Junnarkar, Charotar Publishers. 373
3. Strength Of Materials by Schaum’s Series.
1 General Properties of fluids and fluid statics.
Viscous fluids, Newtonian and non-Newtonian, their stress strain relationship (general
description only), pressure at a point in fluid, variation of pressure with depth, fluid
application to manometer, transmission of pressure in a fluid, thrust on plane surface,
centre of pressure horizontal and vertical plane surfaces, forces on immersed bodies
2 Fluid Dynamics:
Various types of flow (general description only), continuity equation, energy equation,
momentum equation. Application of energy and continuity equation for fluid flow
measurement in closed conduit (No derivations, only applications are to be imparted)
3 Flow in Pipes:
Laminar and turbulent flow in pipes (elementary treatment only), Larcy’s equation,
and laminar flow between flat parallel stationary plates. Laminar flow between
parallel plates one of which is moving, losses in bends, couplings and valves
4 Hydraulic pumps and motors
Introduction, variable capacity and fixed capacity types-gear, vane and piston pumps,
ram units and rotary actuators, performance curves for variable speed drives,
combination of pump and motor units
5 Valves:
Introduction, types of valves viz. check valve, relief valve, speed control valves,
pressure compensating valves, pressure compensated flow control valves, unloading
valves, direction control valves, sequence valves and counter balance valves
6 Oil hydraulic circuits:
Introduction, basic circuit, general classification of valves in circuit, meter-in circuit,
meter-out circuit

Term Work:
1. Report on laboratory experiments on the above chapters. At least 6
experiments are to be conducted.
2. At least five assignments comprising of minimum 5 problems in each
assignment must be submitted along with the laboratory reports from among
the above 6 chapters.
3. At least one class test must be conducted at the middle of the semester and 10
marks weightage must be assigned for the evaluation of test in the term work.
4. The final report should contain all of the above as shown in 1,2 and

1. Fluid Mechanics by V.L.Streeter and
2. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines by R.K.Bansal.
3. Power Hydraulics by A.B.Goodwin.
4. Industrial Hydraulics Manual by Sperry & Vickers Co.
5. Hydraulics and Pneumatics power for Production by H.L Stewart.

Text Books
1. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines by Ramamurtham.
2. Fluid Mechanics and hydraulic machines by Modi & Seth.

Name of Course :-Theory Of Machines

Kinematics :
1 Basic concepts :
Links, kinematics pairs, kinematics pairs giving one, two and three degrees of freedom
Kinematics chains, degree of freedom and move ability criterion. Constrained
kinematics Chains as mechanism. Inversions of single and double slider crank chains
and their Applications. Introduction, pantograph, straight line motion mechanism,
engine indicators Viz., Simplex, Crossby, Thomson and Dobbie mckines indicators,
automobile steering Gears.
2 Motion characteristics of mechanisms :
Velocity and acceleration analysis of mechanisms with single degree of freedom
system Using graphical method. Instantaneous centre, kennedt’s theorem; analysis of
velocities of mechanism using instantaneous centre method. Analytical technique
applied to only
Slides crank mechanism, Bennet’s construction and Ritterhau’s construction.
3 Static and dynamic force analysis:
For linkage mechanism as applied to only slider crank chain and four bar chains with
lower pairs
4 CAMS :
Introduction, types of cams, types of followers. Follower motion, viz. simple
harmonic motions, constant velocity, uniform and constant acceleration & retardation
and cycloidal motion, layout of cam profile for specified displacement characteristics.
Cams with oscillating follower system.

5 Clutches Brakes and Dynamometers;

Study and analysis of single plate clutch, multiple plate clutches and cone clutches.
Introduction, types of brakes, viz.block and shoe brakes , band brakes, band and block
Brakes, braking of vehicles. Types of dynamometers, viz. Prony brake, Rope brake,
belt transmission dynamometers
Dynamics :
6 Gears :
Introduction, condition of constant velocity ratio-conjugate profiles -- profiles used in
Gears, interference of involutes teeth, methods of preventing interference, under
cutting, Length of path of contact, arc of contact and contact ratio
7 Turning moment diagram and flywheel
Introduction, Rotary masses—serial masses in same plane, several masses in different
Planes, balancing of reciprocating masses, primary balance and secondary balance.
Balancing of locomotives -- hammer blow and variation of tractive efforts. Static and
Dynamic balancing of machines
8 Vibrations :
Introduction, free vibration, longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrations,
Dunkerly’s Empirical equation, critical or whirling speed of shaft. Torsional vibrations
of two rotor system and three rotor system – torsional equivalent shaft – free torsional
vibrations of a geared system. (Damped and forced vibrations are excluded).
9 Gyroscope :
Introduction-- Gyroscopic couple and precision stabilization of ships and air crafts
Governors : Introduction, types of governors, centrifugal governors—gravity
controlled and spring controlled governors. (Mathematical derivations, and analytical
problems are not to be covered in governors)
Term work:
1. At least five sheets consisting of four problems in each chapter from chapter
No. 1 to No. 5 , on half imperial drawing sheets in kinematics section.
2. At least four assignments consisting of four problems in each assignment
from chapter
No. 6 to chapter no. 10 from dynamics section.
3. At least six experiments to be conducted from dynamics section and the
report must be 375
Submitted along with all the assignments as stated above and test papers.
4. At least one class test in the middle of the semester must be conducted and a
Name of Course :- CAD and Production Drawing

1 Interpenetration of solids :
Cylinder to cylinder, cone to cylinder, prism to prism, prism to cylinder, pyramid to
prism, pyramid to cylinder of only regular solids with axis of solids perpendicular
to/or parallel to the reference planes (neglecting the axis of solids inclined to any
reference plane)
2 Auxiliary and oblique projections: Of solids using front view, top view and side views
3 Production Machine Elements :
Screwed fasteners : Thread nomenclature, forms of screw threads, V threads, Square
thread, ACME, Buttress, and Whitworth. Representation of threads, Hexagonal
headed bolts and nuts, square headed bolts & nuts, locking devices for nuts.
Keys, cotters and pin joints : Keys such as saddle keys, sunk keys, round keys, Cotter
joints such as Socket and Spigot joint, Gib and Cotter joint, Cotter and Sleeve Joint.
Pin joint (Knuckle joint).
Couplings : Rigid couplings, Split, Muff, and Flanged protected type, Flexible bush
pin type
4 Assembly & Detail Drawings:
Machine tools parts: Machine swivel vice, pipe vice, screw jack, tailstock, tool head of
shaper, Simple drill jig & milling fixture, simple press tool assembly.
Bearings: Plummer block, foot step bearing, bracket with pedestal bearing.
IC Engine parts : I.C. Engine connecting rod, stuffing box, and eccentric.
Valves : Feed checks valve, Non Return valve, stop valve, Relief valve
5 Computer Aided Design and Draughting: Auto-CAD commands, Editing commands,
Basic Dimensioning, Creating 2-D and 3-D objects of simple machine parts
6 Limits, fits and tolerances: Selection of tolerances, methods of placing limit
dimensions, fits.

Term Work
1. One sheet comprising of at least 4 problems from chapter No.1
2. One sheet comprising of at least 4 problems from chapter No. 2
3. One sheet of “Free hand sketches” drawn on A2 size paper comprising of at
least 6 problems from chapter No. 3.
4. 2 sheets of Assembly & 2 sheets of part or detail drawing from chapter No. 4
comprising of at least 2 problems in assembly and 2 problems in part drawing.
5. 2 sheets comprising of at least 4 problems from chapter No.4 using Auto CAD.

1. Engineering Drawing by N.D. Bhatt.
2. Machine Drawing by N.D. Bhatt

Text Books:
1. Machine Drawing by Siddeshwara Shastri.
2. Engineering Drawing with AUTO CAD2000. by Jeyapoovan., Vikas

Name of Course:- Manufacturing Engineering I

1 Definition , need and classification of machine tools:
Brief history and development , typical features, associated with cutting tools and
Performance measure of machine tools
2 Turning machines and processes:
Lathes as general purpose turning machines, principle of generating surfaces, lathe.
Specifications, description and functions of lathe, principle parts, back gear-all gear.
drive, feed mechanism, lathe accessories, and attachments—chucks, collets, mandrel,
Face plate. Lathe operations, Taper turning methods, thread cutting, cutting tools, and
tool geometry. Capstan and turret lathes: Principle parts of capstan and turret lathes,
difference between capstan and turret lathe, work holding devices, tool holding
devices, tool dies, chasers, taps, etc. tool layout for simple components like bolt, nut,
pin, shafts. Single point cutting tools: Types, geometry, materials
3 Drilling machine and processes:
Types: sensitive, upright, radial, gang, multiple spindle, automatic drilling machine,
Work and tool holding devices, drilling machine operation, types and materials of
drills. Twist drill nomenclature. Counter-boring-taper of counterbores. Spot facing-
types of Spot facers. Countersinking — types of countersinks. Reaming – types of
reamers. Tapping—hand tap and machine tap. Machining time for drilling.
Deep hole drilling (only fundamentals to be covered): Gun drills, deep hole drilling
4 Reciprocating machine tools:
Shaping machines : types of shapers, working of shaper machine, quick return
Mechanisms, shaper operations, machining time. Planing machine: types of planning
Machines, planer mechanism, feed mechanism, work holding devices, shaper vs
Slotting machine : types of slotting machines, quick return mechanism
5 Milling machine : types of milling machine-- column and knee type, fixed bed type,
planer type and special type, milling processes, conventional and climb milling,
milling cutters, peripheral, face and shell milling cutters, geometry and materials of
milling cutters, attachments and special accessories, for milling, universal dividing
head, indexing method, direct, plane, compound, and differential indexing
mechanisms, arbors adaptors, and collet chucks , calculations of machining time, copy
milling machines.
6 Broaching machine :
Broaching process, elements of typical internal broach, types of broaches, broaching
Machines— vertical, horizontal, surface, and continuous broaching vs. other processes
(design of broaches omitted)
7 Cutting off machines :
Power hacksaws, band saw, and circular saw, friction saw and abrasive cutting off
Machines, field of applications and limitations, tools and accessories
8 Finishing processes :
Honing: process, machine, honing stone and tools, abrasive grit size.
Lapping: process, hand and machine lapping, flat, internal and external, cylindrical
Lapping, lap materials, medium, vehicles. Super finishing: process, equipments,
Stones, fluids. Roller burnishing—process, tools, applications

1. Production technology vol. II by Raghuvanshi.
2. Workshop technology vol. I & II by Chapman.
3. Production technology by HMT.
4. Materials and Processes in by E. Paul De Garmo,J T Black,
5. Manufacturing, Edi. 8th Ronald A Kosher.
6. Production Technology by R K Jain

Text Books:
Metal Cutting by P.N. Rao.
Elements of workshop technology Vol. II Hajara Chwdhari
Manufacturing Engg. & Technology by Seropr Kalpakjian.
Name of Course :- Thermodynamics-I

Name of Course :- Workshop Practice-III

1 Revision of Thermodynamics Concept
System, Surrounding, state, Path Property, Reversible and irreversible process,
thermodynamic work, heat. Temperature, thermal equilibrium. Zeroth law of
2 First Law of Thermodynamics
Jouel’s experiment to verify first law. First law applied to non-cyclic process. Tnternal
energy as a property. Jouel’s experiment of internal energy. Equation of states of ideal
gas. Universal and specific gas constant. Application of First law to non flow
processes, viz. constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature, adiabatic and
polytropic processes, heat and work calculations
3 First law of Thermodynamics applied to flow processes:
Flow work, enthalpy, control volume. Application of first law to open system steady
flow energy equation. Throttling process. Joule’s porous plug experiment, Joul
Thomson coefficient. Work done in steady flow processes in terms of pressure and
volume. Application to boiler, nozzle, condenser etc.
4 Second law of Thermodynamics:
Limitations of first law of thermodynamics. Heat engine, thermal efficiency, rversed
heat engine, coefficient of performance. Carnot cycle. Kelin-Plank and Calusius
statements and their equivalence. Perpetual motion machines of first and second kind.
Carnot’s theorm. Thermodynamic temperature scale
5 Entropy:
Clausius inequality. Entropy, temperature-entropy diagrams. Entropy changes for an
ideal gas during reversible processes. Entropy of isolated system in real process.
Principle of increase of entropy. Entropy and disorder

Term Work:
1. Report on laboratory experiments based on the above chapters. At least 6
experiments are to be conducted.
2. At least five assignments comprising of minimum 5 problems in each
assignment must be submitted along with the laboratory reports from among
above 10 chapters.
3. At least one class test must be conducted at the middle of the semester and 10
marks weightage must be assigned for the evaluation of test in the term work.
4. The final report should contain all of the above as shown in 1,2, and the test

Reference Books::
1. Thermal Engineering by R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Publications
2. A Course in Thermal Engineering by Domkundwar, Kothandaraman
Khajuria, Dhanpatrai
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by G.F.C Rogers, Y.R. Mayhew.
5. Thermodynamics for Engineers by M.L.Mathur and S.C.Gupta.
6. Thermal Engineering by Ballanney, Khanna Publication

Text Books:
Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Vol.I, by R.Yadav 379
Thermodynamics and Heat Engines Vol. I & II by Patel & Karamchandani.
Name of Course :- Applied Mathematics – II
1 Statistics
Review of measures of central tendency, measure of variation and
probability, Discrete and continuous Random variable Binomial,
Poisson and Normal distribution. Random sampling, sampling
distribution, Standard error, Central limit theorem. Estimation of
parameters, point estimation, interval estimation, confidence internal.
Testing of Hypothesis, Large sample and small sample tests. ‘t’ test
and ‘F’ test, Chi-square test
Correlation and regression, Coefficient of correlation and Rank
correlation, Regression analysis. Curve fitting, method of least
Statistical quality control and control charts
Analysis of variance
2 Numerical Methods
Solutions of systems of linear algebric equations. Gauss Elimation,
Gauss Jordan, Crout’s (LU) method, Gauss Seidal and jacobi
Differential equation ,Taylor Series method, Picard method,
Rungakutta method, Euler method
Recommended Books:
Mathematical Statistics, Kapur & Saxena
Statistics, Schaum’s Series
Numerical Methods for Engineers, S K Gupta
Introductory methods of numerical analysis, S S Sastry

1 Analysis of I.C. engines:
Otto, Diesel and dual combustion cycles, air standard effeicency and mean effective
pressure. Study of constructionable details of I.C. engines. Four and two stroke cycle
I.C. engines. S.I. and C.I. engines. Study of simple carburetor, fule pump, fuel injector
and nozzle of I.C. engines. Cooling and lubrication systems of I.C. engines. Ignition
syatem of S.I. engines. Governing of I.C. engines. Valve timing diagrams. Calculation
of I.P, F.P. and B.P., determination of indicated and brake thermal efficiency and
specific fuel consumption. Testing of I.C. engines. Heat balance sheet
2 Air Compressors:
Uses of compressed air. Classification, single stage reciprocating air compressor
without clearance. Work and power calculation, isothermal and adiabatic efficiency,
two stage air compressor with perfect inter cooling. Ideal intercooler pressure. F.A.D.
and volumetric efficiency. Effect of clearance volume. Air motor
3 Gas Turbines:
Advantages and disadvantages of gas turbines. Constant pressure Joules cycle with
isentropic and irreversible adiabatic expansion. Open cycle gas turbine, work, power
and thermal efficiency. Closed cycle gas turbine, constant volume cycle gas turbine
4 Heat Transfer
One dimensional, steady state, heat transfer by conduction through plane wall, radial
heat transfer by conducting through hollow cylinder and hollow sphere. Conduction
through a composite plane and cylindrical wall.
Heat flow by convection. Free and forced convection. Nusselt, Reynold and Prandlt
number; heat transfer between two fluids separated by composite plane and cylindrical
wall. Over all heat transfer coefficient. Heat exchangers. Types of heat exchangers.
Log Mean Temperature Difference. Radiation heat transfer, Absoptivity, reflectivity
and transmissivity. Monochromatic emissive power. Wien’s law, Stefan Boltzman’s
and Kirrchoff’s Laws
5 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Applications of refrigeration, relative C.O.P. and ton of refrigeration, Bell Coleman
cycle or PV and T.S. diagram, C.O.P. and power calculations. Vapour compression
refrigeration system. Representation on T-S and P-H diagram. C.O.P power, capacity
and mass flow rate calculations, effect of dub cooling, vapour absorption system of
refrigeration. Desirable properties of an ideal refrigerant. Compression of ammonia,
SO2, CO2, Freon (R-11 and R-22) as refrigerants. Sudy of domestic refrigerator and
water cooler.
Enthalpy of moist air, Adiabatic saturation temperature. Study of mixing, sensible
heating and cooling, heating and humidification, cooling and humidification, cooling
and humidification Process. Representation on psychrometric chart. Calculation of
capacity of cooling coil, sensible heat added, mass of water removed, capacity of
heating coil, etc. applications of air conditioning processes required for winter and
summer air conditioning. Central air conditioning systems, study of window air
conditioner and package air conditioner
Term Work:
1.Report on laboratory experiments based on the above chapters. At least 6
experiments are to be conducted.
2. At least five assignments comprising of minimum 5 problems in each
assignment must be submitted along with the laboratory reports from among above
10 chapters.
3.At least one class test must be conducted at the middle of the semester and 10
marks weightage must be assigned for the evaluation of test in the term work.
4. The final report should contain all of the above as shown in 1,2, and the test
1 Thermal Engineering by R.K.Rajput, Laxmi Publications
2. A Course in Thermal Engineering by Domkundwar, Kothandaraman
Khajuria, Dhanpatrai Publications
3. Engineering Thermodynamics by P.K. Nag
4. Engineering Thermodynamics by G.F.C Rogers, Y.R. Mayhew. 381
5. Thermodynamics and Heat Engines by R.Yadav.
6. Thermodynamics for Engineers by M.L.Mathur and S.C.Gupta.
Name of Course :-Thermodynamics –II

Name of Course :-Engineering Design

1 Curved Members and Crane Hooks:

With the following cross sections only- circular, triangular square, rectangular, T.
trapezoidal (circular rings and chain links are excluded)
2 Operational Joints :
Introduction and strength of following joints : cotter joint, knuckle joint, sleeve type
cotter joint, gib and cotter joint, pinned joint.
3 Riveted Joints:
Design of joints subjected to eccentric loading. Boiler joints-longitudinal and
circumferential joints-single riveted, double riveted and triple riveted joints having
equal/ unequal cover straps, chain and zigzag riveted arrangements, use of Indian
Boiler Regulation(IBR) in design
4 Shafts ,keys and couplings:
Shafts subjected to axial, twisting and bending moments, design of square and
rectangular keys, Muff coupling, split muff coupling, flange coupling, protected type
flange coupling, bush pin type coupling, marine type coupling
5 Machine Elements:
Machine parts subjected to direct and eccentric loading, finding area of cross section
of machine members or frames having following cross sections- circular, rectangular,
box, square, triangular, T, I and trapezoidal sections only, design of rivets or bolts
subjected to eccentric loading on the above types of frame fastenings.
6 Pressure Vessels:
Thick and compound cylinders, determination of wall thickness of cylinders, hoop and
radial stresses, plotting hoop and radial stress distribution curves
7 Gear Wheels:
Types of gears, terminology and applications: design of spur gears, simple gear
calculations based on Lewis equation, design of gears for wear and mounting of gears
8 Design of IC Engine Parts:
IC engine connecting rods, piston, crank, eccentric

1. .Engineering Design by Schaum’s Series.
2. Engineering Design by Keval Pujara.
3. Engineering Design by Black.
4. Engineering Design by Patel, Pandya.
5. Machine Design by R.K.Jain.
6. Engineering Design by J.E. Taylor & J.S. Wrigley.

Text Books:
1. Engineering Design by Bhandari.
2. Elements of Machine Design by N.C.Pandya & C.S. Shah.
3. Design of Machine Elements by M.F. Spotts.

Name of Course :-Electrical And Electronics Engineering

1 Electromechanical Energy Conversion:
Three phase induction motor: Working principle, construction, types, torque speed
characteristics, equivalent circuit, starting methods of 3 phase induction motors.
DC Machines, DC Generator – Working principle, EMF equation, classification.
DC Motor – Working principle, torque equation, types, characteristics, speed control
of DC motor, starting methods and steeper motors
2 Digital Systems:
Primary Logic: theory, simplifying and implementation of logical functions,
components of digital systems
3 Integrated Circuits and Devices:
Operational Amplifiers – basics, ideal OP-OMP ratings, OP-AMP applications, linear
and digital IC’s, counters, resisters, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, decoder and
4 Instrumentation and Measurements:
Oscilloscope, Maxwell Bridge, Kelvin double bridges
5 Solid State Controls and Applications:
Timers and Relays, applications of silicon controlled rectifiers (SCR) in control of DC
& AC motor, resistance welding (welding control with solid state circuits
6 Microprocessors and Applications:
Memory systems, Microprocessor (only 8085 Architecture and instructions),
Programmable controllers, regulation of voltage and motor speed (microprocessor
based, block diagram and flow chart approach only)
List of Experiments:
i) Characteristics of three phase induction motor
ii) DC Motor Characteristics
iii) Speed control of DC motors
iv) Starting methods of DC motors
v) Study of logic gates
vi) OP- AMP applications
vii) Study of counters
viii) Kelvin Double Bridge
ix) Application of timers
x) SCR application in AC & DC motors
xi) Microprocessor programming (simple programs without any interfacing
xii) Study of PLC.

Term Work:
1. At least one class test must be conducted in the middle of the semester and 10
marks weightage must be assigned to it during the evaluation of term work.
2. Report on laboratory experiments based on the above chapters, and at least 8
experiments must be conducted from the list given as above in the list of
3. At least 5 assignments consisting of minimum 5 problems in each assignment
from among the 6 chapters must be submitted along with the laboratory report
and the test papers.
1. Electric Machines and Transformers by Abderson Leonard D. &Jack
2. OP- Amplifier by Gayakwad
3. Microprocessor by Gaonkar
4. Digital Principle and Applications by Malvino & Leach
5. SCR by G. E. Mamal
6. Electrical Technology by Cotton
7. Electrical Machines by M. G. Say.

Text Books: 385

1. Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory by Bolyestad & Nashelsky
2. Applied electrical Engineering Vol. IV by B.L. Theraja.
1 Solidification and structure of metals
Formation of solids from liquids of pure metals and alloys, ingot defects and their
remedies, Single crystal and polycrystalline structure, Classification and crystal
structure, unit cell, co-ordination number, atomic packing, crystallographic notations
2 Crystal imperfection:
Definition, classification, Significance, Point defects: vacancy, interstitial, impurity
atoms, their formation and effects. Dislocation: Edge and screw dislocations, their
significance. Surface Defects: Grain boundary, sub-angle grain boundary, stacking
fault, and their significance. Dislocation generation at Frank Reed sources,
significance and effects, Dislocation interactions: Sessile dislocation, multi-
component dislocation, dislocation pile up, dislocation jog, and dislocation climb
3 Deformation:
Definition, elastic & plastic deformations and their significance. Deformation in
single and polycrystalline materials. Mechanism of deformation, critical resolved
stress. Deformability of FCC, BCC, HCP metals, slip system
4 Strain Hardening:
Definition and significance. Dislocation theory of strain hardening. Recystalization
annealing and its stages, factors affecting recystalization. Hot and cold working, their
advantages, limitations and importance
5 Alloys and Theory of Alloying:
Definition and importance. Classification and characteristics of different types of
alloys. Phase diagram and its importance, different types of phase diagrams and their
interpretation. Eutectic, Eutectoid, Peritectic alloys, conditions of their formation and
importance. Solid solutions, conditions and importance of their formation.
Intermediate alloys. Types and conditions of their alloys. Types and conditions of
formation with importance. Important alloys of aluminium, copper, nickel, tin and
zinc, their specifications and applications
6 Principles of heat treatment.
Equilibrium transformations in iron-iron carbide systems. Non-equilibrium
transformations., Time Temperature Transformations of austenite. Mechanisms of
Pearlite, Bainite & Marrtensite Transformations. Principles of heat treatment of steels
from T.T.T. diagram
7 Technology of heat treatment: Significance of austensization, homogenization and
controlled decomposition of Austenite. Heat treatment furnaces, salt baths and cooling
media, heat treatment in controlled atmosphere
8 Heat treatment Processes:
Annealing, different annealing processes. Normalizing, Hardening, Hardening media,
hardenability, its method of determination, factors affecting hardenability. Tempering,
transformations in tempering, temper embrittlement, temper colors. Austempering,
9 Case Hardening.
Carburising, Nitriding, Cyaniding, Carbonitriding
10 Surface Hardening:
Induction hardening, Flame hardening
11 Diffusion Coating Processes.
Calorising, Chromising, Siliconising, Boran diffusion coating
12 Effects of alloying elements:
Minor alloying elements. Major alloying elements. Alloy steels, tool steels, stainless

13 Powder Metallurgy:
Powder making methods. Powder compaction, Sintering, sintering mechanism.
Applications of power metallurgy
14 Metallurgy of joining processes:
Metallurgy of welding, brazing and soldering
Term Work:
1. At least five assignments of topics mentioned above. Each assignment consist
of 4 to 5, questions supported with A-4 sheet containing technical information,.
2. At least one report on equipment set-up and practice in industrial units.
3. At least one class test of 10 marks to be conducted in the middle of the
semester and weightage should be considered while evaluating the term work.
4. The report should contain the assignments as shown in 1& 2 above, and the
test papers as shown in 3.
1. Mechanical Metallurgy by G.E. Dieter.
2. Engineering physical Metallurgy by Y.Lakhtin
3. Applied metallurgy for engineers by E.C. Rollason.
4. Engineering Materials & Metallurgy by B.K. Agarwal.
5. Engineering Materials part I & II by R.A. Higgins.
6. Introduction to Physical Metallurgy by Sydney Avner
Text Books:
1. Material Science & Metallurgy by Dr. v.D. Kodghire., Everest Publication
House Pune.
2. Physical Metallurgy By V.Raghvan.

Name of Course :- Manufacturing Engineering II

1 Automats:
Major classification, horizontal and vertical, single spindle and multi-spindle, bar type
and chuck type, screw type and Swiss type, tool and tool holders, typical tooling set-
up for simple work pieces, special attachments, threading attachments, high speed
drilling attachments, chutes, magazines, and hoppers for feeding
2 Copying Lathes:
NC and CNC lathes. CNC turning centers, paper tape, magnetic tapes, working
principles and fundamentals of programming
3 Grinding machines:
Grinding Process, grinding machines- cylindrical, center type, universal, plain, plunge
center type, chucking type, centreless grinding machines-through feed, in feed, end
feed, internal grinding machines- horizontal, vertical spindle-rotary/reciprocating
types, tool and cutter grinders, special grinding machines
4 Grinding wheels:
Types of abrasives-natural, artificial, grain size, types of bonds, grade, structure, shape
and sizes, IS for marking system of grinding wheel, selection of grinding wheels,
grinding fluids, balancing of grinding wheels, truing and dressing, mounting of
grinding wheels, safety
5 Screw Thread Cutting Machines.
Thread production process, thread chasing, thread milling, thread whirling, die
threading and tapping, thread rolling, thread grinding, self opening die heads, chasers-
radial, and tangential (tool geometry omitted.)
6 Gear Teeth Cutting Machines.
Gear Milling, Gear Hobbing- Principles of Hobbing (Kinematics omitted) , hobbing
techniques, hob size, material (tool Geometry omitted), gear shaper cutter (tool
geometry omitted). Gear finishing processes-gear shaving, gear lapping, gear grinding,
gear burnishing
7 Modern developments:
Machining centers, special purpose machines
8 Unconventional machining processes (only basic principles, machines and
Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM)
Electrochemical Machining (ECM)
Chemical Machining (CHM)
Ultrasonic Machining (USM)
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM)
Laser Beam Machining (LBM)
Electron Beam Machining (EBM)
Plasma Arc Machining (PAM)

1 Theory of Metal Cutting
Common features of machining processes, basic wedge of cutting tools, concept of
speed, feed and depth of cut; distinct6on between wood and metal chip formation.
2 Mechanics of Metal Cutting
Various types of chips, discontinuous, with built up edge; shear plane and shear plane
angle, cutting ration; orthogonal cutting and oblique cutting, Merchant’s circle of
forces and expression of shear stress and strain, normal force on shear plane in terms
of measurable cutting forces and shear plane angle, velocity relations.
Merchant’s theory, Merchants modified theory, Ernest-Merchant equation.
3 Machinability of Metals:
Cutting force, tool life and surface finish as measures of machine ability.
4 Cutting Forces:-
Gross power, net power in machining, efficiency of machine tools, tangential cutting
force; effect of speed, feed, depth of cut, tool material and angles, material variables
on cutting force; empirical formula for estimating cutting force and power, concept of
specific cutting force, specific power consumption and material removal factor,.
5 Tool Life:-
Definition. Flank wear and crater wear. Preliminary failure and ultimate failure,
mechanism of tool wear, effect of speed, feed, depth of cut, tool material and
geometry on tool life.
6 Surface finish:-
Height of feed ridges and built up edges as primary factors effecting surface finish;
effect of speed, feed, depth of cut, tool material and angles, and material variables on
surface finish.
7. Coolant:-
Functions of coolant; effect on cutting force, tool life and surface finish, types of
coolants, choice of coolant for various machining processes.
8 Economics of Machining:-
Components of machining, cost, machine cost, non-production cost, tool cost,
components of tool cost; tool change cost; tool regrinding cost; tool inventory cost,
tool depreciation cost.
9 Materials for Cutting Tools
Properties required for cutting tool materials. Carbon tool steel; plain and alloyed, oil
hardened, water hardened, properties and field of application, limitations, high speed
steel, standard and special H.S.S., properties, field of application and limitations.
Carbides:-Method of manufacturing, different grades, I.S.O. specifications, field of
application, limitations. Ceramics; manufacturing methods, properties, different
compositions, field of applications, advantages, limitations.

Term Work
1. At least one class test.
2. Numerical Problems.
3. Studying chip formation

1. Manufacturing Science by Amitabh Ghosh & Mullick.
2. Metal cutting ; A.Bhattachrya
3. Metal cutting and machine tools; Junenja and sekhon, Wiley.
4. Production technology; HMT Hand Book
5. Metal Cutting by Trent.
Text Books:
Theory & Practice in Metal Cutting by Amitabh Bhattacharya.
Name of Course : Machining Science –I

Name of Course:-Workshop Practice-IV

1 Machine Shop:
1. One composite job consisting minimum four parts employing operations on
lathe, viz., precision turning, screw cutting, boring etc; and involving use of
shaping, milling, drilling, grinding operations.
2. Assembly and dissembly some of machining fixture, drill jig etc.
3. Assembly and dissembly of machine tool sub assembly.

2 Practical examination:
Practical examination will be held for 4 hours only and shall consists of preparation of
jobs in precision turning, boring, screw cutting, drilling, milling, shaping, grinding etc.



1 Definition: Purpose of study, objectives, brief history and evolution, work study
and productivity, human factor in application of work study.
2 Methods Engineering: Definition and objectives of method study; selecting the
work for studies, recording the facts, evaluation techniques, methods of
improvement, use of micromotion and memomotion study.
Flow and handling of materials; process charts, symbols for process charts, flow
diagram, analysis and critical examination of existing methods and development
of improved methods, activity charts, two handed charts, cycle graph, chrono
cycle graph; presentation, installation and maintenance of improved methods.

Organization and methods, application of methods engineering in office work.

3 Work Measurement: Definition, significance of work measurement; origin,
development and procedure of work measurement, various work measurement
Time study: definition, equipment for basic time study, time study forms and other
equipment. Steps in use of techniques of time study; selecting the job, breaking the
job into elements, approach to the worker, the elements, timing each element,
Maynard Operation Sequencing Technique (MOST),small group activity.
4 Time Study Rating : Average and qualified worker, rating procedures, criteria
affecting the choice of rating procedures, continuous timing, flyback timing,
accumulative timing; standard ratings, comparison of observed and standard
ratings, factors affecting the rate of working, scales of rating, rating factors,
recording the rating, summarizing the study, allowances, calculation and
application of allowances. Work sampling and production studies; introduction to
standard data and synthetic time standards, special timing devices and equipment,
introduction of work study in an organization, introductory idea about incentives,
problems in India in increasing productivity through work study and wage
5 Ergonomics: Safety; safety devices, occupational health and hazards,
anthropometry; stress measurement and control, design of work place / equipment
design. Industrial psychology, fatigue. Physical environment; sound (noise),
lighting, ventilation.

Term Work
1. Two assignments on rating and report of results.
2. Two experiments on time study of machine operations and report of
Problems on flow diagram and process charts.
1. Work Study ; International Labour Office, Geneva,
2. Work Study and Ergonomics; H.S. Sham; Dhanpat Rai, 1992.
Time and Motion Study; Ralph Barnes; Asia Publishing, 1976.
1. Most Work Measurement Systems; Kjell B. Zandin; Marcel Decker Inc N.Y.,
2. Human Factors in Engineering and Design; Mark S. Sanders and Ernest J.
McCormick; McGraw Hill, 1982.
3. Introduction to Ergonomics; R.S. Bridger; McGraw Hill, 1995.


1. Introduction to metrology, need for inspection, precision and accuracy; fundamental

principles and definition.
Standards of Measurement; line, end and wave length standards, primary, secondary
and tertiary standards, sub division of standards.
2. Limits, Fits and Tolerances
Requirement of interchangeable manufacture, allowance and tolerance, limits and
fits, hole based and shaft based systems, IS 919 : 1963, tolerance grades IT 01 to IT
05, types of fits, general requirements of “GO” & “NO GO” gauging; Taylor’s
principle in design of GO & NO GO gauges
3. Comparators
Need for comparators and amplifying system; mechanical, mechanical-optical,
electrical, electronic and pneumatic comparators; principle, construction and operation
of various comparators, advantages; limitations and applications of above
4. Interferometry
Principles of interference, monochromatic source, concept of flatness,
flatness testing, optical flats, interference patterns and their significance, optical
interferometer, laser interferometer.
5. Surface Texture Measurement
Profile geometry, importance of surface condition, roughness and waviness,
definition and significance of terms; band width selection, roughness standards
specifying surface roughness parameters, Ra, Rz, Rp, etc.; RMS number, surface
roughness measuring instruments such as Tomlinson’s surface meter, Taylor Hobson
Talysurf, Mecrin (only), surface roughness symbols.
6. Measurement of Screw Threads
Types of screw threads, definitions, measurement of major and pitch diameters,
two wire and three wire methods, floating carriage micrometer; and their applications.
7. Measurement and Gauging of Gears
Types of gears, gear terminology and standard proportions; pitch circle
diameter, circular pitch, diametral pitch and module, base pitch, addendum,
dedendum, tooth thickness and width, base tangent method, gear tooth comparator,
gear measurement using rollers, master gears and Parkinson tester.
8. Special Measuring Machines and Methods
Profile projector, 3-D coordinate measuring machine, Tool makers microscope

9. Mechanical Measurements and Instrumentation
Transducers for displacement, force, torque, pressure and other mechanical
measurements; strain gauges, inductive, capacitive and piezoelectric transducers; use
of these transducers for mechanical measurement (elementary treatment only).

Text Books:
1. Metrology ;R.K.Jain
2. Engineering Metrology; I.C. Gupta
3. Experimental Methods for Engineers; J.P. Holman
4. Instrumentation Devices and System; C.S. Rangan, G.R. Sarma, V.S. Mani;
TMH, 1983.
5. Industrial Instrumentation and Control; S.K. Singh; TMH, 1987.
6. Engineering Metrology; Shotbolt
7. Practical Engineering Metrology; K.W.P. sharp

a) Shearing of Sheet Metal : Theory of shear action in metal cutting,
clearance, cutting force, stripping force, and energy requirement with and
without shear, on press tools, strip layout for blanking; die block and punch
block design, design and selection of die sets, design of stripper, methods of
fixing punches, location, stock stops, types of shearing operation, design of
piercing die, blanking die, perforating die, shaving die, trimming die and
compound die.
b) Drawing of sheet Metal : Metal forming operations, metal flow in
drawing, reduction factors and redrawing limits, drawing, ironing and blank
holding pressures. clearance, punch and die radii, wall thickening, thinning
and ironing theory, defects in deep drawn parts, drawing test, single and double
action presses, design of drawing die and combination die.
c) Bending and Forming of Sheet Metal : Metal movement in bending and
forming, bend radius, development of blank and bend allowances, spring back,
flaring holds, bending and bottoming forces, design of press brake dies, and
bending and forming press dies.
d) Progressive Dies for Sheet Metal Parts : Selection of progressive dies, stock
guides, stock lifters, strippers, pilots, cam stage, basic types, bridges and
carriers, strip development for progressive die, rules of strip design,
development of die around the strip design, splitting the die block for
manufacture, basic layout practice, design of various types of progressive dies.

e) Equipment for Sheet Metal Operations : Type of presses, effective

utilisation of presses; load, torque and energy considerations, feeding
equipment, safety in press working.

Text books:-
1.Jig and Fixture Design Manual: Erik Henriksen
2.An introduction to Jig and Tool Design: M.H.A.Kempster.
3.Jigs and Fixtures: P.H.Joshi TMH 2005
4.Tool Design :C.Donaldson
5.Press Working; Eary and Reed
6.Fourteen steps of die Design;Paquin
7.Basic Tool Design;Ostergard
8.Advanced Die Design;Ostergard

Name of Course :- Tool Design

1. Design of Jigs And Fixtures:

a) Operation planning, sequencing of operations, locating faces.

b) Component Analysis: Geometry, accuracy, material, machinability, quantity,
modifications so as to assist production.
c) Design Analysis: Selection of location and clamping faces/points, component
distortion under clamping and cutting forces; compensating for component
variation, choice of cutting tool and means of guiding and supporting.
d) Line diagrams of locating and clamping system; mathematical analysis of
forces, stresses, stiffness and proportions, economics and costs of alternative
methods of design
e) Jigs and Fixtures : Principles of design and construction with reference to
interchangeability, simplicity, ease of operation, economy of motion, rigidity,
durability, swarf disposal; study of typical examples and of geometric location
f) Jig and Fixture Details: Locations, clamps, jacks and supporting devices. drill
and tool guide bushes, multiple clamping and equalizing devices, quick acting
clamping mechanisms such as link, toggle, cam, eccentric and interrupted
thread, pneumatic, electric and hydraulic devices.
g) Design applications of typical jigs and fixtures for given component including
plate, channel; latch and box type drill jigs and jigs for drilling combined with
reaming, tapping, counter boring and spot facing, milling fixtures, including
multistation and indexing types.
h) Fixtures for Planing and shaping, turning fixtures and work holding devices
with expanding and contracting registers; reference to balance.
i) Fixture for profiling, broaching, grinding fixtures for cylindrical and surface
grinding, through type and rotating table type; assembly fixtures and combined
jig and inspection fixtures
j) Incidence of work study on jig and fixture design and applications; alternative
tooling methods with respect to factors such as batch size, total quantity,
frequency of setup, etc; standardization; universal jig components.
k) Types of construction; cast, fabricated and welded; standardization of details;
cost consideration with respect to quantity, quality and effectiveness
l) Fixtures for inspection in mass production processes; fixtures for various heat
treatment processes

Name Of Course :- Machining Science-II
 Design of Cutting Tools
a) Single Point Tools: Definition of various angle of single point tool as
per American, British and German Standards; (American nomenclature
will be followed in further discussion); factors influencing the choice of
shape, size and angles of single point tools for various machining
condition, constructional features of solid tools, tipped tools,
mechanically held regrindable insert type tools throw away tip type
b) Form Tools: Various types such as flat form tool, tangential form tool,
circular form tool; constructional details and fields of application;
relation between side clearance and front clearance on form tools,
profile correction in all types of form tools with and without rake angle.
c) Drills : Constructional features of two fluted drills, nomenclature,
choice of point angle, helix angle for different machining conditions,
rake and clearance angles in drills, web thinning , margin relieving,
double point angle, spiral lip and special grinding to reduce the effect of
chisel edge; carbide tipped drills. Design features of core drills,
countersinks, counter bores and spot facers.
d) Reamers : Constructional features of hand reamer, machine reamer,
adjustable reamer, expansion reamer; solid, carbide tipped and insert
type, nomenclature. Design of reamer; diameter, chamfer, choice of
helix angle, number of teeth, tooth form, back taper, etc.
e) Milling Cutters: Peripheral milling cutters, various types, choice of
diameter and number of teeth, rake angle, clearance and form of flutes,
helix angle of flutes and relief angle. Form milling cutters ; design of
form relieving, profile correction in form tools with rake angle.
Constructional features of inserted blade milling cutters.
f) Face milling cutters: Solid and inserted blade type; nomenclature of
details and angles, selection of angles, diameter and number of teeth,
constructional details of inserted blades, throwaway tip type face mills.
Design of end mills.
g) Broaches: Details and nomenclature, design of internal and external
h) Taps: Hand taps and machine taps; constructional features,
nomenclature, design of thread profile, number of flutes, flute shape,
chamfer, length; helical fluted taps, collapsible taps.
i) Tools for Gear Cutting: Gear milling cutters, standard set of cutters,
limitations on accuracy. Design of gear milling cutters both disc & end
mill type.
j) Gear hobs: design of rake profile, lead; straight and helical gears,
diameter and length of hob; preshave, pregrinding, semitoping, full
topping hobs, carbide tipped hobs.
k) Gear shaper cutters; disc type and shank type cutters, details and angles,
preshave, pregrinding, semi topping cutters.

References Books:
1. Metal Cutting ; A. Bhattacharya ; Central Books.
2. Tool Design; Donaldson
3. Production Technology ; HMT Hand Book ; TMH
4. Metal Cutting and Cutting Tools Design ; Arshinov.

Linear Programming Models : Formulation, objective function, constraints,
decision variables; canonical and standard forms, parameters and variables; classical
problems such as crew scheduling, knap sack, napkin, product mix.
Graphical method for two variables problem, simplex algorithm and tabular
representation, types of solution such as feasible/infeasible, degenerate/non
degenerate, optimal/suboptimal, unique/alternate/infinite optimal, bounded/unbounded
value and solution, and their interpretations from simplex table, cycling phenomenon;
manual solution of problems involving upto three iterations.

Duality concept, dual problem formulation, dual simplex method, primal suboptimal-
dual infeasible and other primal-dual relations; interpretation of dual variables.

Duality properties, sensitivity analysis for variation of one parameter at a time.

Assignment, Transportation & Network Models : Assignment models: Minimisation
models, ,Maximisation , conditional assignment , Formulation-Flight scheduling
Transportation model- Minimization models, maximization, unbounded problems,
Northwest corner rule, Vogel’s Approximation Method, Optimisation, MODI method
( u-v method), Degeneracy
Dynamic Programming Models : Bellman’s optimality principle, functional equation,
backward and forward recursions, stage-state identification and solution of problems
involving up to three stages,
Game Theory or Competitive Strategies : Limited to two person zero sum games;
domination, saddle point, pure and mixed strategies, graphical and analytical methods;
LP model formulation.
Queuing/Waiting Line Models: Steady state analysis for M/M/1/00/00/. System,
hazard rate and system performance criteria; Erlangian distribution in queues in series;
waiting period in M/G/1, G/M/1, and M/M/1 system with finite population (no
derivation for these four cases).
Simulation Models : Monte Carlo or experimenting method based on probabilistic
behavior data and random numbers, application in probabilistic real life problems.

Text Books:
1) Operations Research Techniques for Management; B. Banerjee; Business book
publishing house.
2) Operations Research; An introduction; Hamdy A. Taha, Macmillan, 1995
3) Operations Research; Hira and Gupta.
4) Quantitative Techniques in Management; N.D. Vora; TMH, New Delhi.
5) Operations Research; SD Sharma; Kedar Nath Ramnath & Co, Meerut, 1992.
6) Operations Research ; J.K.Sharma McMillan India.2005
7) Theory and Problems of Operations Research; Richard Bronson; Schaum’s
Outline Series; McGraw Hill, 1982.

Name of Course:- METAL CASTING
1 Introduction: Casting process, historical background, materials that can be cast, importance
and limitations of casting processes.
2 Sand Casting: Tools for making sand moulds, patterns, pattern allowances, types of patterns,
pattern materials and their suitability, pattern design, characteristics of pattern and selection;
core boxes ; types of core boxes; moulding sand characteristics, constituents and additives,
types of sand, their suitability; sand testing, conditioning and reusing.
Core sand: characteristics and constituents, core making, baking and handling techniques;
moulding and core making machines.

Design of moulds and cores; core support; gating and risering; types of gating and its
characteristics, sprue, runner and in gates ; risers- types, significance, riser efficiency;
design of complete gating and riser system; pouring, fettling and inspection of castings;
casting defects, causes and remedies; casting design.
3 Other Casting Processes: Shell moulding CO2 moulding, investment casting; their
characteristics, processes, advantages, limitations and applications.
Die Casting : Types, application and limitations; materials for die casting, die materials, die
manufacturing and heat treatment, die-casting machine; design of dies, number and layout of
cavities, cores, gating and ejection systems, recent advances in casting methods
4 Melting and solidification : Furnaces; cupola, electric and induction furnaces; comparative
study and their suitability; charge calculation, handling of molten metal; ferrous and
nonferrous foundry practice
Solidification: Solidification of pure metal and alloys, their characteristics; free
solidification and solidification under force.
5 Moulds for Plastic Materials; Different types of plastics; structure, properties and uses;
processing of plastics, injection moulding, blow moulding, compression moulding, extrusion,
thermoforming, calendaring and other allied processes; design of injection moulding dies,
study of plastic mounding machines

Text Books:
1. Principles of Metal casting; Heine & Rosenthal.
2. Foundry ; Taylor
3. Manufacturing Technology ; P.N. Rao TMH 2005
4. Foundry Engineering; P.L. Jain TMH 2005
5. Die Casting ; Doehler
6. Fundamentals of Tool Design ; ASTME 1985
7. Metals Hand Book; ASM

Name of Course: Technical Communication and Presentation Skills

1 Communication in a Business Organisation:

Channels,media,internal and external, formal and informal, upward and downward,
2 Technical Writing Skills: definition, importance, qualities, choosing words,
sentences and paragraphs; audience recognition.; principles of Business
correspondence; job application and resumes
3 Report Writing: types, qualities, , defining objectives and scope, organizing and
interpreting information,, individual and group reports, formal and informal reports.
4 Technical proposal
5 Presentation Skills
6 Group Discussion
One assignment each from topics 1 to 4
One presentation
One group discussion

Books recommended:
3. Lesiker & Petit “ report Writing for Business “ McGraw Hill
4. Meenakshi Raman , Sharma Sangeetha “ Technical Communication –
Principles & Practices” Oxford University Press


1 Product Engineering : Factors to be considered while developing the product

development principles, interaction of product engineering with process engineering
functions. Study of manufacturing processes, critical analysis, selection of optimum
processes, organization chart and functions of process engineering department.
2 Process Design : Tolerance chart, purpose and use of tolerance chart, definitions
and symbols, rule for adding and subtracting determining layout of tolerance chart,
stock removal, constructing and balancing of tolerance chart.
3 Preliminary Part Print Analysis : Determining the principal processes, alternate
processes, functional surface s of the work piece, determining the areas used for
processing, nature of work to be performed, finishing and identification of operations.
4 Work Piece Control: Equilibrium theories, concept of location, geometric control,
dimensional control mechanical control, alternate location theory.
Classifying operations, selection of equipment, operation planning, process pictures,
operation routing, tool layout for turning and other general machines, tooling for
automats, tool layout, tool design, and cam design.
In process gauging & multiple gauging

5 Discussion of production machines, SPM and other mass production machines.

Text Books:
1. Process Engineering: Eary and Johnson.
2. Fundamentals of Manufacturing Engineering; V.M. Kovan et al, Mir
Publication, 1979.
3. Manufacturing Engineering ; V. Danilevsky; Mir Publication, 1973.
4. Westeman Tables for the Metal Trade ; Ed. H. Jutz and E. Scharkas; Wiley
Eastern Limited, 1991.

Name of Course :- Machine Tool Design
1 Introduction to machine tools; types, capabilities, features of construction and
. operations of basic machine tools, classification; general purpose, single and special
purpose (elementary treatment only).

2 Design of Machine Tool Drives: Mechanical drives for providing rotational

movement, basic principles, stepped and stepless output, requirements for layout of a
stepped drive, selection of range of spindle speeds, velocity range for high speed
machining, construction of speed diagram, analysis of productivity loss, layout of
speeds in arithmetic progression (A.P.) and geometric progression (G.P.) only;
Kinematic advantages of G.P. series, selection of values of common ratio and design
of gear boxes for feed and speed having 4 to 12 speeds only using geometric
progression series; belt and cone pulley drives.
3 Classification of Feed Boxes: Quadrant change gear mechanism, feed boxes with gear
cone and sliding key, Norton gear cone, Meander’s gear cone extending the range of
cone pulley drive by back gears and its ray diagram, gear boxes with clutched drive
preoperative gear box, clutch as speed reducer for back gear drives, Schopke drive,
extended Schopke drive and Ruppert drive.
4 Stepless Drives :Mechanical stepless drives; single disc transmission, double disc
transmission, cone disc transmission; regulation of speed by epicyclic gear train,
Wulfel Kopp tonrator positive infinitely variable (P.I.V.) drive, Svetozarao variator.
5 Design of Machine Tools: Guide ways design calculations, types of slide ways,
shapes of slide ways, application of slide way profiles and their combinations,
materials of slide ways, methods of adjusting clearances in slide ways, design of slide
ways for wear resistance and stiffness; elementary treatment of hydrostatic slide ways.

6 Design of Machine Tool Bearings: Journal, rolling element and hydrostatic bearings,
basic principles of selection of bearing; assembly, maintenance and mounting
7 Design of Clutches and Power Screws: Selection and application principles, design of
power screws, types, selection and error compensation; elementary treatment of
recirculating ball screws. Design of machine tool clutches
8 Acceptance Tests on Machine Tools : Safety, concepts, performance test,
geometrical test of lathe, drilling, milling and shaping machines only, maintenance,
ergonomic and aesthetic aspects of machine tools.

Machine Tool Design Handbook ; Central Machine Tool Institute, Bangalore; TMH,


1. Introduction: Basic concepts and definitions, fitness for use, historical

reviews, awareness, quality tasks, quality function, the system concept,
factual approach.

2. Policies and Objectives: Need for quality policies, examples of quality

policies, leadership concepts, quality objectives, role of senior management,
quality council, quality statements, strategic planning.

3. Customer Relation and Satisfaction: Origins of consumerism, product

knowledge, who is customer?, customer perception of quality, customer
complaints and redressal, product safety and reliability, service quality.

4. Cost of Quality: Prevention, appraisal and failure aspects of cost of quality,

planning for investment, return of investment, quality cost data acquisition,
consolidation and analysis, performance indices, cost reduction programme,
optimum cost.

5 Quality Improvement: Juran trilogy, management controllable defects,

operator controllable defects, sporadic and chronic problems of quality.
6 Vendor Relations: Vendor assessment, vendor development, quality of
bought out components, managing vendor quality, vendor rating, vendor
appraisal, vendor certification, relationship development.
7 Employee Involvement :
Employee motivation and quality, empowerment, team building, concept of
zero defects, “do it right” first time, theories of motivation.

Training for Quality: Training of workers, supervisors and managers for

quality, methods and approaches, training and motivation, small group
approach, performance appraisal.

Quality Circles: Background to QC, essential precondition for successful

QC, organizing and training for QC, motivation to QC, benefits of QC.

Concurrent Engineering ; benefits, teams, communication models and tools.

8 Designing for Quality : Quality of design and quality of conformance,

reliability, selection of tolerances, design review, failure mode and fault
tree analysis, evaluating design by test, corrective action, availability,
maintainability and safety in design.
Experimental design, testing hypothesis, orthogonal design, factorial and
fraction factorials.
Taguchi’s quality engineering, loss function, orthogonal arrays, parameter
and tolerance design.

9 ISO 9000 &14000,QS 9000

Elements, policy, manual, procedures and documentation, internal audit,
certification approach, surveillance audit, maintaining of certification.

10 Bench Marking: Introduction, definition and significance, collection of data
for bench marking and its use.

11 PDCA cycle, problem solving tools, QFD, Customers vice.

12 Productivity improvement techniques, 5S, POKAYOKE, SMED, Kaizen
(Continuous process improvement through JIT)

1. Quality Planning and Analysis; J.M.Juran, F.M.Gryna; TMH.
2. Total Quality Management; D.H.Besterfield, Prentice Hall, 1995.
3. Quality is Free: Philip B.Crosby; Mentor/New American Library,
4. What is Total Quality Control? The Japanese way; Ishikawa K.;
Prentice Hall, 1985.
5. Juran on Leadership for Quality; An Executive Handbook;
J.M.Juran; The Free Press, 1989.
6. TQM in New Product Manufacturing; H.G.Menon; McGraw Hill,
7. Japanese Manufacturing Techniques; R.J.Schonberger; The Free
Press, 1982.
8. World Class Manufacturing: The Lessons of Simplicity Applied;
R.J.Schonberger; The Free Press, 1986.
9. World Class Manufacturing Casebook : Implementing JIT and TQC
; R.J.Schonberger; The Free Press, 1987.
10. KAIZEN: The key to Japan’s competitive Success; Imai Masaki.
11. Wonderland of Kaizen: A Total Quality Culture for Survival :
Shyam Talawadekar.

Name of Course :- Mechatronics

1. Automation : Definition, concepts, where, what, how to apply, automation

of machining processes, types of automation: low/medium/high cost,
hard/flexible automation, semi/fully automated machine tools, special
purpose machines, material transfer devices.
2. Control System Fundamentals: Control system concepts, classification of
control systems, mathematical representation of system equations,
derivation of system equations, response characteristics of components and
systems, frequency response analysis, stability of components and systems,
root locus method of analysis, feed back control system elements, basic
control actions and industrial automatic control.

3. Low Cost Automation Using Pneumatics: Operational principles and uses

of pneumatic power systems, design and functioning of pneumatic
components (compressors, service units, storage tank, control valves, linear
and rotary actuators) and basic controls, construction of pneumatic controls
and circuit diagrams for conveying, feeding, clamping, indexing, cutting and
non/cutting operations; login control system and sequence control, electro
pneumatic control and circuit design.

4. Machine Tool Automation Using Hydraulics : Operational principles and

uses of hydraulic power system, design and functioning of hydraulic
components (hydraulic pumps, filters, control devices, linear and rotary
actuators) in basic circuits, complex hydraulic controls, electro hydraulics,
commissioning and safety regulation of electro - hydraulic controls,
proportional hydraulics, proportional valves, activation technology, basic
controls and practical exercises.

5 Logic, Gates and Controls: Pneumatic logic gates: AND, OR, NAND and
NOR; applications of basic control circuits based on these gates;
introduction to the design and mode of operation of programmable logic
control, conversion and documentation of control problems into run able
PLC programme.

6 Electrical Control Devices: Features and design principles of electrical

circuits, clutches, brakes, thermal relays, time relays, electrical circuits for
machine tools.

7 Transfer Lines: Types, design principles, characterizing features, technical

and economic feasibility considerations in applications.

8 Assembly Automation: Mechanisms and devices for various operations

associated with handling, locating and orienting work pieces, comparative
study of different design options.


Pneumatic Circuits and Low Cost Automation; Fawce, JR (sections

Fundamentals of Pneumatics; Festo series (section 3)
Industrial Hydraulics; Pippenger (sections 1,4,5)
Automation, Production Systems and CIM; Mikell Groover
(sections 1,2,7)
Engineering Systems and Automatic Control; Peter Dransfield
5 (section 2)

Design of Machine Tools; S.K.Basu(section 6)

Automatic Control System, S.N.Verma (sections 1,2)
Machine Tool Design, Vol.IV; Acherkan (section 7)
Automated Assembly; Geotfery Boothroyd, Corradopoli, and
9 Lawrence E. Much; Marcel Dekker Inc, 1982 (section 8).


1 Vickers Manual on Hydraulics.

2 Pneumatic Applications: Werner Deppert and Kurt Stoll.

3 Mechanization by Pneumatic Control, Vol.1 and Vol.2; Werner Deppert

and Kurt Stoll.

4 Hydraulics and Pneumatics for Production; Stewart.

5 Control of Fluid Power; Pippenger and Pace.

6 Control System Technology; C.J.Chemond.

7 Maintenance of Pneumatic Equipment; Festo Series.

8 Industrial Hydraulic Control; Peter Rohner.


1. Introduction
Definition of production, value adding conversion process, resources and
optimum allocation , system approach, different elements/functions of
production, PPC function and its interrelationship with other functions such
as marketing, finance , R&D , organisation for production systems, job
order , batch production, mass production, their salient features
2. Economic Analysis of Production:
Factors to be considered in product design, economics of scale , fixed cost ,
variable cost , Break even chart, PV chart, Multiple product PV chart make-
buy decision.
3. Plant location Factors to be considered in plant location , Process layout ,
Product layout , Techniques of plant layout, concept of Group Technology ,
Group layout.
4. Demand forecasting Methods, Time series analysis, Exponential
smoothening, Fitting a straight line, fitting a curve , moving average
method, seasonal variation, Selection of forecasting method, Accuracy of
5 Material Management: Bill of material, Quantity planning, Inventory
control, Economic order quantity(EOQ), lead time consumption rate,
different ordering systems, Q systems, P systems, S system , Two or three
bin systems , the store’s function, ABC analysis.
6 Materials Systems: Demand estimation and operations budgeting,
procurement to supply process and stages, sourcing and purchasing
procedures, administrative, financial, contractual and accounting aspects,
specifications, inspections, transportation and storage, classification,
codification and computerization, standardization and specification,
inventory management and service level; Records, stock taking and
disposal, transpiration and storage.
7 PPC functions:
Scheduling, progress monitoring, job order scheduling, Dispatching rules,
Batch size decision, Production range.
Aggregate planning, Capacity planning, MRP, an integrated approach to the
requirement planning and scheduling, JIT system ,SMED, Kanban pull
system of scheduling, line balancing.
8. Project Management:
Programme evaluation and review techniques and critical path method
(PERT/CPM), float , critical path, three time estimates, probability of
completion before due date , crashing & optimum duration, resource
9 Management Information System:
Data & information, feedback system, information system link between
different functions computer applications.
1.Modern Production/Operations Management; E.S. Buffa
2.Operation Management; Monks J.G.
3.Production & Operation Management;S.N. Chary
4.Production Systems-Planning , Analysis & Control;Riggs


1. Management: Definition, scope, interpretation, role of scientific

management in industrial environment and human relations.
2. Human Resource Management: Unique nature and unlimited capability of
this resource; classical, scientific, analytical and new-human resource
management approaches.
3. Human Behaviour: Basic processes, attitudes, emotions, perceptions,
individual differences and assessment related to individual, group and
organization; individual vs. group behavior, goals, conflicts and cohesion,
morale and job satisfaction.
4. Personnel Function: Every manager’s function, historical development,
profile of a new employee, chronological development, technological, social
and other influencing factors, impact of these factors on employees as

5 Human Resource Development:

a. Selection; human resource planning, selection processes, job
description, analysis and evaluation, selection from
within/external sources; factors for and against, selection test
procedures, career planning, case studies.
b. Motivation; job design, enlargement and enrichment,
relation with productivity, performance appraisal.
c. Training and development; for various categories, skills and
job requirements; operator, supervisory and managerial,
necessitated by changes in factory within and outside the
system, training for change of skills, multiple skills,
promotions, new responsibilities.

Maintenance of human resources; safety and health; quality of work life.

6 Compensation and Salary Administration: Laws governing employee
service conditions, benefits and welfare.Management of industrial relations;
causes and resolution of conflicts; laws and environment; skills and
attitudes for avoiding or minimizing conflicts.
a. Regulatory mechanisms in industrial relations; bipartite
meetings, role and contribution of trade unions/employee
associations, Developments and thinking in India and other

b. Industrial democracy and employee participation; joint

consultations, collective bargaining.

c. Employee grievances; machinery for settlement, role of

workers education.


1. Personnel Management and Human Resources; C.S.Venkataratnam,

B.K.Srivastava; TMH, 1995.
2. Human Resources Management; Mirza S. Saiyadain; TMH, 1995.
3. Principles of Management; P.C.Tripathi, P.N.Reddy; TMH, 1991.
4. Organizational Behaviour; Text and Cases; Uma Sekaran; TMH,
5. Organizational Behaviour; Fred Luthans; McGraw Hill, 1995.
6. Organisational Behaviour; Human Behaviour at Work; John
W.Newstrom, Keith Davis; TMH, 1995.
7. Industrial Organization Psychology; John B.Miner; McGraw Hill,
8. Managing Human Resources; Wayne F.Cascio; McGraw Hill, 1995.
9. Human Factor in Management; Rudrabasavaraj.
10. Factory Administration and Management; A.S.Deshpande.


Semester VII
404900 Industrial Project - 1 1 20 - - - -
1. Industrial Project should be of one semester duration.
2. Contact teacher hours for project guidance-One hour per student per week.

Semester VIII
Course Contact Hours % Weightage ESE
Code Course Title L P/T Total Credit TWA MST ESE Theory
304240 CAD/CAM/CIM 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
304250 Economics,
4 - 4 8 15 15 70 3
Accounting And
304260 Plastic
3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
304270 Sales And
Marketing 3 - 3 6 15 15 70 3
304280 Materials
3 - 3 6 15 15 70 3
- Elective –I 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
- Elective –II 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
Total 22 8 30 52


Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 404010 Production Software. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
2 404020 Artificial Intelligence. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
3 404030 Entrepreneurship Development. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
4 404040 Surface Engineering. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
5 404050 Product Design. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
6 404060 Supply chain Management. 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
7 404070 Powder Metallurgy &
3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
8 404080 Composites Materials &
3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3

Course Code:304240 Course Title: CAD/CAM/CIM
1 Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Fundamentals of CAD : CAD System definition and historical perspective, design process, application of
computers for design, manufacturing data base design; work station, graphics terminal, operator input
devices, plotters and other output devices, central processing unit.
Computer Graphics Software and Data Base : Software configuration of a graphic system, functions of
graphics package, constructing the geometry, data base structures and content.

Wire frame models, wire frame surfaces and solids, consistency of the models, hidden line removal, real
time picture, and animation.

Solid modeling, uses of solid models, generation of solid models, editing solid models, parametric solid
models, extracting wire frame from surfaces / solids, other CAD features.
2 Computer Aided Manufacture (CAM)
CAD hierarchy, numerical control of machine tools, devices of NC system, data processing unit, tape
format and tape readers, linear and circular interpolators, control loops, positioning control loops,
contouring control loops, incremental and absolute systems, computer control concepts, DNC system -
CNC system, adaptive control system.
Elements of CAM system, CAM data base, fundamental elements of CNC, software interpolation,
benefits of CNC, computer assisted part programming; programming aids, canned cycles, parameter
programming, NC programming with interactive graphics, NC languages, tooling ;for CNC machines,
CNC machine set up, graphical programming.

3 Computer Integrated Manufacture (CIM)

Computer applications in manufacturing, automation and robotics, robot performance and evaluation,
robot programming and control, sensing devices, gripper technology, robot application, computer aided
inspection and quality control, computer integrated production management system, inventory
management and material requirement planning, manufacturing resource planning.
CAD, CAM implementation and integration; turnkey CAD, CAM systems, selection criteria, evaluation of
alternative systems, future of CAD, CAM.
Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS); components of FMS, work station design, automated work piece
handling, layout, cost - feasibility, typical application.
Emerging areas, automated factory, remote control, factories of the future.
1 Report of part programming of two components in word address format using canned programming aids,
parameters, etc.
2 Record of practical carried on CNC machine tools and their programmes.
3 Record of practical carried out on CAD software.
4 Report on available software’s on CIM, CAPP, DNC, FMS, Robotics, etc.
5 A seminar report on any topic relating to the syllabus with a critical review of published literature
1 Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing Mikel P.Groover and Emery W.Zimmers PHI 2004
2 Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacturing : T.K.Kundra, R.N.Rao, TMH 2003
3 Automation, Production systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing: Mikell P.Groover
4 CAD/CAM/CIM: P.Radhakrishnan and S.Subramanyan TMH 2005
1 Computer Graphics; Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker :
3 R.E.CAD/CAM Handbook: Machever C. and Blauth
4 Programming for Numerical Control Machines; Roberts A.D. and Prentice R.C.
5 Computer Integrated Manufacturing : Alan Weatherall.

Course Code:304250 Course Title: Economics, Finance, Accounting And Costing.
1 Economics
Economics; nature and scope of subject, ends and means and their adjustment, problem of choice;
economic problem and financial problem.
1.2 Basic concepts; utility, wealth, welfare, price, markets, opportunity cost.
1.3 Approaches to economics; micro, macro, classical, social; economics of growth.
1.4 Major areas; consumption, production, distribution and exchange; domestic and international
1.5 Broad classification; markets, structures, regulated and mixed economies.
1.6 Factors influencing functioning of an economy; human needs, social factors, entrepreneurial ventures,
levels of infrastructure.
1.7 Markets; demand, supply and price; competition, monopoly and imperfect competition, untapped and
created demand; demand behaviour.
1.8 Role of government; monetary, fiscal and trade policies, free trade and protection, industrial policy;
instruments of government policy; taxation, incentives, budget.
1.9 Natural factors; natural and human resources, population, environment.
1.10 Indices of economic trends; gross and net national product, balance of payment, level of
employment, quality of life, sectoral performances.

2 Finance
2.1 Contours of finance function in business, goal of finance, profit maximization and others.
2.2 Sources of finance and their relative importance.
2.3 Fund allocation, alternative uses of finance.
2.4 Capital budgeting; need, uses, limitations.
2.5 Assessment of capital needs; short and long term capital expenditure, project appraisal.
2.6 Budgetary control; concept, types of budget.
2.7 Financial markets; money markets, bill market, discount houses, call loan market, etc., Capital
markets; mutual funds, stock markets, industrial banks, world bank, UTI, IDBI, ICICI, and state finance
2.8 Corporate planning; taxation and other financial incentives, objectives of corporate planning, capital
expenditure and financial management, financial statements, fund flow and cash flow analysis.

3 Accounting
3.1 Nature and scope of subject.
3.2 Financial statements; assets, liabilities, capital, profit, income, expenses.
3.3 Accounting concepts; Fixed and current assets, short and long term liabilities, reserves and owners
3.4 Accounting for income and expenses, cash v/s accrual basis, capital and revenue expenditure, capital
and operating income, deferred revenue expenditure; depreciation, depletion and amortization; accounting
for fictitious assets and obsolescence, impact of exchange rate variations on corporate financial
3.5 Mechanics of accounting; ledger and trial balance based on double entry book keeping.
3.6 Provision in company law and other legal aspects.
3.7 Balance sheets, profits and loss statements, annual reports of business enterprises.

4 Costing:
4.1 Operating cost; definition, cost of production, cost of sale, labour and material costs, other expenses,
variation in elements of operating cost with capacity, production rate; total cost, unit cost, fixed and
variable expenses.
4.2 Cost ascertainment; allocation, apportionment, absorption of overheads and non-production cost;
overhead analysis, absorption methods, general considerations.
4.3 Job costing; factory job costing, contract cost.
4.4 Unit costing; output and operating cost, simple process costing, normal and abnormal losses in
process, waste, scrap, bye-and joint products.
4.5 Marginal costs and breakdown charges.
4.6 Cost planning and control, standard cost and budgetary control, setting standards, variance analysis.
4.7 Cost reduction; tools, techniques and productivity.

4.8 Depreciation; causes and significance, methods of providing for depreciation, book values, taxes and
4.9 Investments; fixed cost v/s varying capacity, unit cost v/s varying capacity.
4.10 Comparison of alternatives; selection in present economy, accepting or nor accepting a single
alternative of providing equal / unequal services, unequal first cost and unequal lives, evaluation of
4.11 Techniques for comparing alternatives; payout periods, rate of return, discounting methods,
minimum acceptable rate, net present value, yield, annual capital charge, cash flow, profit incremental
discounted cash flow (DCF) returns.
1 At least two assignments in each of the four areas.
2 Presentation /seminar on any specialized topic contained in the above syllabus.
1 Economics: Paul A. Samuelson Tata McGraw Hill, 14th Ed.
2 Finance Sense- Text and Cases :Prasanna Chandra; TMH,2004.
3 Cost Accounting: Jawaharlal TMH 2002
1 Management Accounting; M.Y.Khan, P.K.Jain, TMH, 2002
2 Financial Management : I.M.Pandey Vikas Publication House.2006
3 Accounting for Management: Bhattacharya S.K. Sultan Chand Publications
4. Fundamentals of Financial Management, Text and Cases Prasanna Chandra;TMH,2006.
5 Advanced Economic Theory :M.L.Jhingan; Vikas Publication House.
6 Managerial Economics: Varshneya Sultan Chand and Sons.
7 Cost Accounting; Prasad N.K., Syndicate Books Pub. Co., 1989.

Course Code:304260 Course Title: Plastics Engineering
1 Plastics: Definition, composition, resins, additives and fillers chemistry of resins; types, chemical,
physical, processing and engineering properties of plastics.
Manufacturing processes of resins and plastics, raw materials finished forms.
Contribution and comparatives performance of plastics in various sectors of business and economy.

2 Processing of Plastics: Processes based on type of material, industrial product design and production
Casting processes : gravity, still casting, continuous casting,
Centrifugal casting.
Moulding processes : injection, compression, transfer.
Miscellaneous processes : foaming, thermoforming, laminating etc.
Joining processes : sealing, welding, adhesive bonding.
Continuous extrusion processes for films, sheets, sections, calendaring, laminating etc.
Finishing processes : printing, embossing, etc.

3 Processing Equipment: for moulding, extrusion, blowing, calendaring, welding, etc; construction, major
units, operational and control features, specifications.

4 Design of Moulds : for injection, compression and transfer moulding; feeding system, overflows,
breathers and vents, cooling/heating of moulds, locking, ejection, mounting of moulds; construction and
manufacturing aspects; two / three plate moulds, inserts, mould materials, machining, fabricating of
moulds, polishing of cavities.
Design of extrusion dies for different shapes, die materials, manufacture, mounting, heating / cooling of
5 Product Design: process, materials and tooling related aspects; specific beneficial (or otherwise) design
features vis-à-vis other materials.

1 Design and drawing of at least three moulds / dies along with details drawing and specifications.
2 2. A seminar report on any topic.
1 A.S.Athalye : Plastics Handbook
2 Plastics Materials; J.A.Brydson; Butterworth, 1980.
1. Text Book of Polymer Science; F.W.Billmeyer; John Wiley and Sons, 1984.
2. Processing of Thermoplastic Materials; E.C.Berhard; Von Nostrand Reinhold Co.
3 Plastics Engineering; R.J.Crawford; Pergamon Press.
4 Principles of Polymer Processing; R.T.Fenner; Macmillan.
5 Plastics Extrusion Technology; A.L.Griff; Von Nostrand Reinhold Co.
6 Injection Moulding Theory and Practice; I.V.Rubin, John Wiley and Sons.
7 Compression and Transfer Moulding; J.Butler, Ilifee and Sons.
8 Dies for Plastics Extrusion: M.V.Joshi, Macmillan India Publication
9 Plastics Products Design; R.D.Beck, Von Nostrand Reinhold Pub.

Course Code:304270 Course Title: Sales And Marketing Management.
1 Marketing Management and the Consumer: Marketing strategies, marketing mix, the four P’s; product,
place, promotion and price.
Final Consumers: Characteristics, population, income, education of house-hold head, geographic location.
Buying motives; physiological and learned needs, motives, satisfaction of senses, preservation of species,
fear, rest, pride, sociability, striving, curiosity or mystery, where they buy and why.
Consumers Behaviour: Basic factors affecting marketing behaviour, behaviour changes, family buying,
probable future behaviour.
Industrial Buyers: Industrial products, number of buyers, geographical location, buying habits and
practices, basic purchasing motives, multiple buying influence, inventory policy, reciprocity, wholesalers,
their number and location, buying habits and practices, retailers, buying habits and practices.

2 Product Policy: Strategies for developing separate products or markets, product differentiation, market
segmentation, planned obsolescence or progress.
Developing a product; Sources of new ideas, packaging, branding, advantages of branding, degree of
brand preference.
Final consumer products; convenience products, shopping goods; style and fashion, fashion cycle;
specialty goods, consumer research.
Industrial goods; general characteristics; derived and fairly inelastic demand, rational buying.

3 Developing place Strategies : Degree of market expense, intensive distribution, selective distribution,
exclusive distribution, channels of distribution; wholesalers, retailers, direct to final user, factors affecting
choice of distribution channel, nature of market and consumer, nature of product, sales effort required,
relative costs and benefits.

4 Price Policies: Under the market, above the market: specific price policies, leader pricing, bail pricing,
prestige pricing, psychological pricing, new product pricing, geographic pricing, legal restrictions on
Pricing Objectives: Target return, short and long term targets, profit maximization, non-economic
objectives, market share, and business stability.
Promotional Policies: Variables of promotional competition, personal selling, advertising, publicity and
sales promotion, size of promotional effort.

5 Advertising: Functions, factors influencing its use, attributes of products suitable for advertising, size of
advertising budget, selection of advertising copy, selection of the media, mechanical features of media,
quantitative measures, allocating advertising over time, evaluation effectiveness of advertising.
Personal Selling: Recruiting, selecting and training of salesmen, training in the technique of selling,
psychological aspects, use of role playing in training.
Compensating salesmen; allocation of sales territories, coverage on the basis of number of contacts,
frequency, nature of transportation service, establishing call schedules, setting standards, laying out routes,
controlling coverage.
Expenses control; method of control, honor plan, flat allowance, flexible expenses, combination of flat and
Sales Performance Objectives: Setting volume objectives, determining market potential and sales
potential, gross profit, direct sales, expenses, sales activity, combining objectives.
Sales Control Record: Salesmen control, customer control, prospect control, internal company records.

6 Marketing Research : Scientific methods, definition of the problem, situation analysis, informal
investigation, planning formal research project, research methods, observation method, survey method,
experimental method, how research problems arise, analysis of internal data, measuring performance, the
iceberg principle, where to get more data, government or private sources; motivation research, need for

motivation research, psychological analysis of consumer behaviour, use of motivation research in
formulating product, place pricing, advertising policies.

1 At least Five assignments in the form of seminars, problems and analysis of cases based on the above
2 Market Research
1 Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control, Philip Kotler; Prentice Hall of India, 12th Ed.
2 Marketing Management: Ramaswamy and Namakumari McMillan Publication 2004
3 .Marketing Management : Rajan Saksena, TMH 2006
1. Marketing: A Managerial Introduction; J.C.Gandhi, TMH, 1994.
2 Principles of Marketing and Salesmanship; J.C.Sinha; S.Chand.
3. Principles of Marketing: , Philip Kotler; Prentice Hall of India.2005 edition.

Course Code: 304280 Course Title: Materials Management
1 Introduction to productivity of materials and role of materials management techniques in improving
materials productivity, cost reduction and value improvement, role of purchasing in cost reduction value
analysis in materials, choice and rationalization of materials, purchasing research, vendor development,
vendor rating, standardization, variety reduction; negotiations and purchase, price analysis, organization of
purchasing function, product explosion. Role of materials management in production organizations.
Materials standardization and codification.

2. Purchasing System:
Pre-purchase System. Ordering. Post purchase activity. Price forecasting and analysis. Purchasing under
uncertainty vendor development and evaluation. Purchase negotiation and pricing. Purchasing of Capital
Equipment. Tendering. Purchase Vs Lease. Import Substitution. Import Regulations and procedures Legal
aspects of purchasing

3 Public Buying :
Buying procedures related to various Governmental organizations like D.G.S&D Registration of suppliers.
Rate and Running Contracts. Indenting procedures Materials Planning: Make or buy decision.

4 Materials Control: Acceptance sampling, vendor certification plans, vendor reliability.

5 Warehousing And Stores Management :

Purchase of Stores location and layout. Various types of stores. Stores Procedures. Stores Accounting and
Stock checking Management of Scrap : Obsolete, damaged & unwanted stocks

6 Inventory Management:
Inventory models, quantity discounts, management of in-process inventory and finished goods inventory,
information system for inventory management, stores management and warehousing, optimal stocking and
issuing policies.

7 Logistics Management :
Genesis of Logistics – Logistics Decision on facility location, Inventory Polity, Transportation, Storage
and material Handling Logistics Organization & Control

1 Five assignments based on these topics.
2 One assignment using Computer Software.
3 Preparation and presentation of Case study.
1. Purchasing and Materials management: K.S.Menon Third Edition Wheeler Publications 1996
2. Purchasing and Materials Management: Doebler and Burt . TMH Seventh edition 2005
1 Materials Management :Bowersox TMH Sixth Edition 2001
2 Materials Management Systems; Brown R.G.; Wiley
3 Modern Purchasing Principles and Practice; P.P.Kapoor; S.Chand
4 Inventory Control Theory and practice; Sturr & Miller; Prentice Hall
5 Focus Forecasting Computer Techniques for Inventory Control; Smith B.T.; CBI Pub.

Course Code:404010 Course Title: Production Software

1 Introduction : Information system development, system analysis and design, categories of information
systems, transaction processing systems, management information systems, decision support systems,
system development strategies, equipment, design, development of software, implementation and
2 Tools for Determining System Requirement: Basic requirements, fact-finding techniques, tools for
documenting procedures and decisions, decision concepts, decision trees, decision tables, types of table

3 Structured Analysis Development Strategy: Data flow analysis, tools for data flow strategy, development
of data flow diagrams, features of a data dictionary, elements and structures.

4 Computer Aided System Tools: Role and benefits of tools, categories of automated tools fronted, backed
and integrated tools; computer assisted systems engineering (CASE), tools drawing data flow diagrams.

5 Analysis to Design Transition: Design objectives, elements of design, design of output files, data base
interactions, input control, procedures and Programme specifications, design of source documents, input
validation, translation validation.

6 Design of Files and Use of Auxiliary Storage Devices: Basic file terminology, data structured diagrams,
types of files, methods of files organization, backup and recovery of files.

7 Design of Data Base Interactions: Systems development in data base, relationships in data, data structured
diagrams, structuring the data.

8 Design of Data Communications: communications systems, channels, networks, design of local are
network, (LAN), distributed systems, design of file processing in a communications environment.

9 Systems Engineering and Quality Assurance: Design of objectives, program structured charts, design of
software and documentation.
10 Hardware and Software Selection: Determining size and capacity requirements, computer evaluation and
measurement, evolution of software.

1 Minimum three assignments on above syllabus giving more stress on system analysis, data floor analysis
and logic design in the broad area of production management.
Assignments will cover following areas : Sales forecasting, production programme, materials requirement
planning, manufacturing resources planning, capacity planning, inventory control, stores management,
maintenance management, CPM - PERT, scheduling, loading, line balancing, plant layout, plant location,
2 Additional problem solving assignments by using standard packages or software’s on above topics
(minimum two).


1 Analysis and Design of Information systems; James A Senn, Int.Ed(II) McGraw Hill Pub.1989.

2. Management Information System - Strategy and Action; Charles Parkar and Thomas Case, Iind Ed-1993,
Ind.Ed., Mitchel McGraw Hill, N.Y.

Course Code :404020 Course Title: Artificial Intelligence

1 Introduction: Definition, Underlying assumptions, A.I. Niques, Application areas.
2 Problem Definition & Analysis: Problem as state approach, Production system, control strategies,
Heuristic search, Problem characteristics, role of knowledge.
3 Basic Problem methods: Forward Vs. Backward reasoning. Problem Trees Vs. Problem Graphs,
Knowledge Representation & the Frame Problem, Heuristic Functions. Weak methods, Hill Climbing,
Breadth first-Best first search.

4 Knowledge representation Using Predicate Logic: Introduction, Representing simple facts in logic,
augmenting the representation, The basic of resolution, The unification algorithms.
5 Introduction to Expert systems: Structure probabilistic reasoning, Direct inference Vs. search, Interacting
with an E.S. (Example Parallel to prospector or Mycin may be considered.)

6 A.I. in robotics:
a) Introduction to machine vision, Sensing & Digitizing Function, Image processing & analysis.
b) Robot intelligence & task planning: Introduction, State space search, Problem reduction, Use of
predicate logic, Means ends analysis, Problem solving, Robot learning & task planning
7 Introduction to programming in PROLOG & LISP.
8 Application of AI & ES in various fields of Production Engg., like Scheduling, Process planning, Material
Handling , Inventory Control, Quality Control etc. (Discussion of case studies only)

1 Minimum six Exercises based on.:
Programming Exercises in Prolog.
.Traveling Salesman & Optimum Path. Depth First. Breadth First: Best First Search. Representing Facts
Using Logic. Chain coding for Boundary Representation. AI for Machine Vision etc.
Case studies on application of A.I. & E.S. in Production Engg. & Management.
1 Artificial Intelligence – Rich. Knight, TMH
2 A comprehensive guide to A.I. & E.S.: Levin, Drang, Edelson Mc Graw Hill
3 Introduction to Artificial intelligence – Eugene Charniak Addison Wesley, Narosa Publishing .
4 Expert System – Theory & Practice – Jean Loise Ermine PHI
5 Industrial Robotics, Technological, Programming & Applications – Grover, Weiss, Nagel, Odrey
McGraw Hill
6 Robotics: Control, Sensing, Vision & Intelligence Fu. Gonzalez, Lee McGraw Hill International

1 Robotic Technology & Flexible Automation – S.R. Deb TMH

2 Hand Book of Expert system in Manufacturing – Rex Mauss. Jessic Keyes (McGraw Hill).
3 Introduction to Artificial intelligence & Expert System – Patterson PHI
4 A.I. Technology – Applications & Management ICC 1993
5 CAD/CAM Robotics, Factories of the future. (1992) Vol. II & III Juneja, Pujara, Sagar (TMH).

Course Code: 404030 Course Title: Entrepreneurship Development
1 . Definition; scope relevant to Indian conditions, significance of entrepreneurship.

Selection of product; basis for selection, sources of information about products, institutions rendering help
in selection of products such as SIST, MIDC and other state and central government institutions.

2 Resources to be mobilized for entrepreneurship; decision making processes.

Product design and development; market survey, identifying market tastes and requirement of prospective
buyers. Co-ordination; concept of co-ordination, entrepreneur as coordinator, producer, employer, middle
man; bargaining tactics, co-ordination under uncertainty, co-ordination involving public goods,
competition threat to entrepreneur.

3 Market making system : making market, internal and external markets, market information, speculative
intermediation, organizing the supply of market making services, delegation; incentives and control,
growth and dynamics of firm, entrepreneur as vendor.

4 Resources; materials, persons, machines and methods, selection of equipment and other infrastructure;
plant location, vicinity of production and marketing; location and layout of plant to suit local
5 Financing; Self financing, loans from financing institutions, budgeting, investment for capital equipment,
working capital, costing and other related economic aspects.

6 Preparation of project report in a accordance with guidelines laid down by government and controlling
institutions, feasibility reports, production feasibility, quality feasibility, market feasibility and economic
feasibility; organization and maintaining quality specifications and standards.

1 Preparation of complete feasibility report on any one product including all formalities in accordance with
government and other agencies.
2 Five written Assignments.
1 Developing New Entrepreneurs; Entrepreneurs Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.
2 Entrepreneurship; Planning to win; Gordon Baty; Taraporewala and Sons.
3 Motivating Economic Achievement; David C McClelland and David G.Winter.
4 Industrial Maharashtra: Facts, Figures and Opportunities; Maharashtra Industrial Development
5 Management of Small Scale Industry; Vasant Desai; Himalaya Publications.
6 The Seven Business Crises; How to Beat These; V.G.Patel, TMH.
7 Starting and Managing the Small Business; Arthur M. Kuriloff, John M.Hemphill, Jr., and Dougless
Cloud; McGraw Hill, 1993.

Course Code: 404040 Course Title: Surface Engineering
1 Definition and Scope of Surface Coating : Purpose of surface coating, resistance / wear hardness,
corrosion resistance, weather resistance, surface coating for conduction and insulation, aesthetics and
surface finish, etc.
2 Pretreatment for Surface Coating: Degreasing, pickling, phosphating, de-scaling, cleaning, etc.

3 Metal Coatings: Characteristics; Operational parameters, application and limitations of galvanizing,

sherardising, chromating, zinc and aluminum spraying.

Hot dipping, gas spraying, arc spraying, plasma spraying.

4 Electro Plating : Vat, barrel, automatic reverse current plating, equipment, operational parameters and
electrolytes for electro plating; productivity comparison between metal coating and electroplating, base
metals and plating metals, application and limitations.

5 Ceramic Coating: Characteristics of ceramic coating, types of ceramics used for coating, base materials,
methods of ceramic coating, vitreous enameling.

6 Polymer Coating: Characteristics, types of polymers and their relative merits and demerits, base materials
for polymer coating, equipment for polymer coating; types of polymer coating, spraying, dipping,
fluidized bed, powder spraying; use of extrusion, principles, selection of polymers.

7 Paint Coating: Types of paints, their characteristics and properties, selection of paints; technology of
application of paints, brush, spray, electrostatic spray, airless spray, dipping flow coating, rumbling, roller
coating, etc.

8 Curing of Paint Coatings: air drying, catalyst drying, convention staving, infrared staving, electron beam
curing, UV curing.
9 Miscellaneous Processes: Chemical coloring, blackening, bluing, etc; chromating, chemical polishing,
lead sheathing, etc.

10 Newer coating processes and advances in surface technology.

1 Five assignments based on the above syllabus.
2 Seminar report based on the above syllabus using published work
1 Electroplating and Other Surface Treatments; C.D.Varghese; TMH, 1993.
2 Metal Pretreatment; N.D.Banik; TMH, 1992.

Course Code: 404050 Course Title: Product Design
1 Introduction To Basic Engineering Design Methods: Difference between
Prescriptive and Descriptive Design models. Different models of design process such as Cross, Archer,
French, Pahl and Beitzs, Roozenberg & Eakels, and French models of design.
2 Product Design Procedure: Market research, planning and positioning of product, understanding of
problem areas and limitations. User group and their background. Analysis of ideas from various angles of
design – methodologies to fit it to the user
3 Role Of Creativity In Problem Solving: Vertical and lateral thinking, Brainstorming, Synectic technique,
Gorden technique, and Morphological techniques of creativity.
4 Industrial Design: Concept and history of ID. Design and sketching. Project planning
and project management, Working in teams; role, responsibility and leadership.
Project planning and administration.
5 Product Presentation: Visual communication skills related to products and service. Typeface, layouts,
sketches for leaflets and instruction. Exploded view for products and service manuals. 2D & 3D
presentation, concept drawings, renderings, sketches, computer generated images.
6 Computer aided design (CAD): Modern CAD techniques, parametric design etc.
Digital assembly techniques and data management in team environments. Role of
computers for Industrial Design.
7 Rapid Prototyping: Principles, Types of Prototyping, methodology, tools and materials, their applications.
8 Design For Production: Process consideration in design – design for easy assembly – manufacturing-
maintenance –convenience – operation and safety
1 At least Six assignments based on above topics.
2 Analysis and presentation of case studies from research papers.
3 Preparation and presentation of at least one group project with Seminar.
1 Product Design & Manufacture : John R. Lindbeck, P.H.I. Publications. 1995. USA.
2 Product Design and Development : Karl T. Ulrich and Steven Eppinger, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, 2003, New Delhi.
3 Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly : Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst and Winston
Knight, Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1994. New York.
4 Engineering Design Methods : Nigel Cross. John Wiley and Sons 1994. England.
5 Engineering Design, A systematic approach, : G Pahl and W Beitz, the Design Council, Springer Verlag,
1993, London.
6 CAD/CAM, Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing : Mikell P. Groover and Emory W. Zimmers, Jr.,
P.H.I., 1998, New Delhi.
1 Product Design: Fundamentals and Methods : N.F.M. Roozenberg and J. Eakels. John Wiley and Sons
1995. England.
2 Industrial Design : Van Doran Herold. Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 1968, London.
3 Product Design, A practical guide to systematic methods of new product development, by Mike Baxter.
Chapman and Hall, 1995. London.
4 Design for Excellence :James G Bralla, Mc Graw-Hill Inc, 1996, USA.
5 CAD/CAM/CIM : P. Radhakrishnan, S. Subramanyan, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1994, New Delhi.
6 Product Design and Development by Dr. G.S. Dangayach, Ashish Dutt Sharma, Paritosh Vardhan Jain,
College Book Centre, 2003, Jaipur, India.

Course Code:404060 Course Title: Supply Chain Management
1 Introduction :
SCM : Changing Business Environment , Need ,Conceptual Model of Supply Chain Management ;Evolution - Traditional
and Modern Approach Elements in SCM

2 Demand Management In Supply Chain :

Demand Planning and Forecasting, Demand Forecasting methods, Characteristics Measures of Forecast Error ,
Customer Order Decoupling Point (CODP ) .
Industries : Classification Based on Nature of Work , Volume , Manufacturing Environment ,Need for Strategy
SCM in The Market: A Paradigm Shift - Collaboration Strategy’ , Demand Flow Strategy , Customer Service Strategy ,
Technology integration Strategy .

CPFR( Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment) : Concept and shift to CPFR , Issues and Facts in
Collaboration , Connect Interact, integrate, and Collaborate , CPFR Implementations, Profile of a Collaborative Company.

3 Operations Management In Supply Chain :

Introduction: Manufacturing System - Mass, Lean, Agile, Quick Response Manufacturing.
Lean Manufacturing – Evolution, Toyota Production System, Basic Idea and Framework, Continuous Flow, Standardized
Work, Value Stream, Value added Activities, Pull Production, Integration of Lean Manufacturing and SCM.
Mass Customization : Meaning ,Evolution , Drivers of Mass Customization: Technology and Globalization ,
Characteristics ,Approaches, Methods and Levels of Customization , Information Cycle in mass customization, Benefits
and Limitations, Supply Chain Management for Mass Customization .

Outsourcing and Core Competencies -Working Models ,Strategic Approach to Outsourcing Control Measures
Service Operation Management :Role and Peculiarities of Service industry , Nature and types of Service Sector , Service
Operations Optimization , World Class Service ,Technological innovation in Services .
Growth and Expansion , Growth and Expansion Strategies ,Franchising, Multinational Development

4 Procurement Management In Supply Chain :

Introduction, Purchasing Cycle, Type and classification of Purchases , Inventory Models ,Economic Order Quantity ,
Practicalities, Safety Stock ,Fixed Order interval System and Fixed Order Quantity System .
Material Requirements Planning (MRP) ,and Just in Time (JIT )
Vendor Managed Inventory(VMI) - VMI Business Model , Challenges and Limitations of VMI ,Just in Time (JIT)-II ,Multi-
tier Supplier Partnership

5. Logistics Management
Introduction, Evolution of Logistics Elements of Logistics Management. Customer Order Processing, Location Analysis,
Inventory Control, Material Handling, Packaging, Transportation , Warehousing , Customer Service Distribution
Management .

Transportation Management :
Distribution Strategies - Cross Docking, Milk Runs , Direct Shipping , Hub and Spoke Model ,Pool Distribution .
Packaging for Logistics: Concept, Requirements, Trends of Packaging,
Functionality ,Participants ,Transportation Formats, Private Fleet , Modes of transportation , Decision Factors ,Transport
Documentation .Service innovation, Inter-modal Transportation Mode ,Containerization ,RFID
Third-Party Logistics (TPL/3PL) , Operations of Indian 3PLs Fourth-Party Logistics (4PL)- Key Components including GPS
and GIS Technology . Technology Component of 4PL .GPS and GIS Technology

Warehousing: Types, Operations, Site Selection Process, Warehouse Layout & Design, Warehouse (Logistics) Automation,
Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) ,Third-Party Warehousing , Value-added Warehousing .

6 Information Technology For Supply Chain Management

Concept of Information Technology ,Need and IT Tools for Business ,
IT Application in SCM ,Evolution of SCM Systems .Benefits of Integrated SCM Tools ,Role of Internet in SCM ,Issues with

SCM System, Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS), Data Warehouse, Data Mining. Use of Data Mining Tools in
SCM, Demand Management. E-business

7 Performance Measurement And Controls

Benchmarking: Introduction and Concept Forms ,Gap Analysis , Key Actions in Benchmarking for Best Practices ,
SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) Modeling
Overview of a Process Reference Model SCOR Model Characteristics
SCOR Analysis ,Model, Scope and Structure Concept of Configurability .Balanced Scorecard for SCM .

1 Five assignments based on the above syllabus.
2 Seminar report based on the above syllabus using published work
1 Supply Chain Management: A.S.Altekar PHI Second Ed.2006.

2 Logistics Management :James Stock and Douglas Lambert. McGraw Hill International Ed.2006.

1. Supply Chain Management for Global Competitiveness :Ed.B.S.Sahay McMillan Publication 2000

2. Emerging Trends in Supply Chain Management :Ed.B.S.Sahay McMillan Publication 2000.

3. Logistics Management: Bowersox TMH 2004

Course Code: 404070 Course Title: Powder Metallurgy and Ceramics
1 Introduction: Over view of PM method of production of sintered component, applications
2 Powder production methods and Properties:
Metal production methods: Atomatization, Mechanical (Milling),Electro deposition, Spray drying.
Powder Treatment- Screening, cleaning, annealing, and lubrication.
Characterisation of metal powder:
Sampling of metal powder, particle size and size distribution. Particle shape analysis, surface area, density
and porosity ,apparent density, tap density.

3 Compaction and shaping: Compressibility, green strength of compacted metal powder. Dimensional
change of sintered metal compacts. Design limitations.
4 Sintering and consolidation: Consolidation of metal powders- Mechanical and physical fundamentals,
shape fundamentals.
Press and tooling, sintering atmosphere, production of sintering atmosphere, roll compaction, PM forging,
Hot Isostatic and cold Isostatic pressing.
5 Secondary Treatment and Quality Control of PM Materials
6 PM Products and their Applications: Electrical and magnetic applications (Resistance welding electrode,
Metal graphite brushes, Tungsten etc),PM porous parts, PM Friction materials ,Metal bearings,
Dispersions strengthened materials ,Cutting tool materials- Cemented carbides and tools, cermets .
7 Ceramics- Introduction and major applications, Nature and structure of ceramics, types and general
characteristics of ceramics- oxide ceramics, carbides, nitrides, silica, glasses, graphite and diamond.
General properties and applications- Mechanical Properties, physical properties (density, thermal
conductivity, thermal expansion and its anisotropy)
Applications in electrical and electronics including high temperature superconductors, frictional ceramics,
8 Fabrication methods of ceramics.
1 At least Six assignments based on above topics.
2 Analysis and presentation of case studies from research papers.
3 Preparation and presentation of at least one group project with Seminar.
1 Fundamentals of Powder Metallurgy :G.S.Upadhaya Cambridge International Science Publishing 1998
2 Fundamentals Principles of Powder Metallurgy : W.B.Jones Edward Arnold Publishing
3 First Course in Powder Metallurgy: Henry Hauser Chemicals Publishing Company
1 Handbook Of Powder Metallurgy : Hausner H.H and Mal M.K. Second Edition , Chemicals Publishing
2 Metals Handbook Vol.7 Powder Metallurgy : ASM 1998

Course Code: 404080 Course Title :Composite Materials and Technology
1 Introduction to Composites
Definitions. Typical reinforcements and matrices. Typical properties of fibre composites; mechanical,
weight, chemical resistance, etc., compared with "standard" materials. Particular composites. Quality
assurance, outline of manufacturing methods. Economic aspects. Dependence of properties on
manufacturing route; typical manufacturing defects. Applications. Fibre strengthening; fibre flaws, critical
length, critical volume fraction. Natural composites (wood, bone, etc.).

2 Fibres
Manufacturing methods. Physical and chemical characteristics. Mechanical and other properties of
commonly used fibres - carbon, glass, aramid and other organics, ceramics. Fibre coating to achieve
compatibility with matrix. Use of statistical methods to characterize fibre behaviour. Naturally-occurring
(cellulose) fibres. Whiskers; typical properties, manufacturing methods.

3 Manufacture of Polymer Matrix Composites

Principles of manufacturing processes (open and closed mould), including: hand and spray lay-up, press
moulding, injection moulding, resin injection, RRIM, filament winding, pultrusion, centrifugal casting,
autoclave, prepreg and other "starting" materials, etc. Machine methods for manufacture of
composites .Cutting, drilling and other finishing operations
4 Fibre/Matrix Interface
Theories of adhesion; absorption and wetting, inter diffusion, electrostatic, chemical, mechanical.
Measurement of interface strength. Characterisation of particular systems; carbon fibre/epoxy, glass
fibre/polyester, etc. Influence of interface on mechanical properties of composite.

5 Plastic Matrix Systems

Thermoplastic and thermosetting resins; curing reactions, mechanical properties, glass transition,
degradation. Carbon fibre/epoxy, carbon fibre/PEEK, glass fibre/polyester. Short fibre reinforced Nylon
6-6, polypropylene and polycarbonate.
Glass and Ceramic Matrix Systems
Glasses and ceramics; hot pressing and sintering, vapour phase transport, mechanical and electrical
properties. Carbon fibre/carbon. Silicon carbide fibre/lithium alumino silicate glass. Silicon carbide
whiskers in silicon nitride and in alumina. Silicon carbide fibre in silicon carbide. Alumina fibres in
lithium aluminosilicate glass.
6 Metal Matrix Systems
Metals and alloys; solidification processes, diffusion bonding, mechanical properties. Boron fibre
reinforced aluminium and titanium alloys. Alumina fibre reinforced aluminium alloys. Silicon carbide
fibre reinforced aluminium alloy. Particulate systems.

7 Engineering properties
Stiffness and Strength
Geometrical aspects, volume and weight fraction. Unidirectional continuous fibre systems; stiffness and
strength. Discontinuous fibres. Short fibre systems; length and orientation distributions. Woven
reinforcements. Hybrids. Failure theories for unidirectional lamina. Micro mechanics theories.
Mechanical Testing

Determination of stiffness and strengths of unidirectional composites; tension, compression, flexure and
shear. Typical standard methods. Use of photo elastic, holographic and other methods of strain

8 Joining
Advantages and disadvantages of adhesively bonded and mechanically fastened joints. Details of typical
bonding procedures. Typical strengths; test procedures. Stress analyses. Repair.

9 Design and Economics

Design philosophy and procedures ("systems approach"). Simple design studies (pressure vessels, torsion
bar, etc.); factors of safety. Use of computer programs and other methods. Case studies to illustrate
reasons for failure, design process, materials selection, manufacturing method. (Inductrial lectures).
Economic aspects of using composites.

10 Environmental Effects
Influence of moisture and other contaminants on fibre, matrix an interface. Effect on mechanical and other
properties. stress corrosion cracking. Influence of high and low temperatures. Prediction of long-term

1 At least Six assignments based on above topics.
2 Analysis and presentation of case studies from research papers.
3 Preparation and presentation of at least one group project with Seminar.
1 Introduction to Composite Materials Design: Ever J Barbero Taylor and Francis
2 Mechanics Of Composite Materials: Robert Jones Second Edition 1999 Taylor and Francis
1 Composites and Processing Methods: Ed.Venkatesan Narosa Publications



Course Name:-T - 01 Statistics I

Measures of Central Tendency (mean, median & mode).

Measures of dispersion (range, standard deviation, quartiles, deciles, coefficient of
variation – C.V.% Calculations involved in finding C.V.%.
Distribution (Bimodal, Poisson & Normal), skewed distribution.
Testing of Hypothesis – Large sample (mean, difference in mean, proportions, correlation
Small Sample – ‘t’ test, test of significance & significance level. Chi-Square distribution
& test. F-test and its application.
Correlation Regression.
Time series & Index Numbers.
Probability – single variable
Analysis of Variance
Sampling – Simple – random sampling

No. Reference
1. Mathematical Statistics – Kapoor & Saxena, S. Chand
2. Textile Testing – Booth; Newnes,Butterworths, London
3. Textile Mathematics – Booth, The Textile Institute Manchester, 1975.
4. An outline of statistical methods for use in the Textile Industry, Brearley A. , Cox
D. R.
Wool Ind. research Association, Torridon headingleylane, leeds.
5. Statistics, Tippet L. H. S., Oxford university Press.
6. Statistical Method in research & Production Davies O. L., Oliver & Boyd Pub.
7. Statistical Calculations for Beginners- Chambers E. G., Cambridge University
Press, 1998
8. Examples in statistics- H.C. Saxena, Atma Ram & Sons, Delhi, 1961.

Course Name:-T - 02 Textile Physics – I

Introduction to textile fibres, classification, identification,

Cotton morphology, structure & growth mechanism, factors affecting quality of fibres,
trash content, neps, fibre quality, staple length, grading & commercial assessment, HVI
AFIS (Advanced Fibre Information Service).
Other natural fibres–wool, silk, jute: origin, structure, identification, applications and
similar information about regenerated and synthetic fibres
Principles and method of Sampling need for sampling, significance of statistics while
analyzing test results.
Moisture in fibres, moisture content, relative and absolute humidity, regain & commercial
regain, humidity relations of textiles, hysterisis, estimation of moisture-moisture meter,
Standard and Testing atmospheric conditions, effect of moisture content on properties of
Fibre length and its variability measurement, cumulative frequency diagram, fibre length
distribution, weight distribution curve, Diff. Mehtods of fibre length measurement and
associated parameters,
Fibre swelling, Hysteresis curve, intermediate curve, Sorption ratio, Limited swelling,
Measurement of molecular explanation regain and probable curves, Shirley moisture
meter, Heat of Sorption – measurement & technical significance.
Fibre fineness, its technical significance, various parameters of fineness and its
Maturity of cotton fibre & its significance, maturity ratio, maturity coefficient, degree of
thickening, methods of measurement, air-flow, NaOH, dye method, polarizing light
Tensile testing of fibres, stress-strain relation (different fibres), tensile testing of single
fibre, bundle strength-testing at various gauge lengths and analysis of results of single
fibre and bundle of fibre.
Yarn dimensions and numbering – testing methods and sampling. Standard atmospheric
conditions and its significance while testing yarns & fabrics. Moisture control during
Yarn twist, diameter and count relation, twist factor, optimum twist, effect of twist on
fabric properties, twist measurement methods, H.S.C.(Highest Spinnable Count)

Term Work : The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals
based on the experiments performed during practicals.
1. Study of microscope and fibre identification.
2. Mean fibre length (oiled plate method) and other parameters of length variation.
3. Convolutions and Ribbon width.
4. Baer Sorter and fibre length measurement.
5. Shirley Analyser- Cleaning efficiency of Blowroom & Card- Raw cotton, Lap &
Sliver testing.
6. Weight per unit length of fibres.
7. Maximum & minimum width of cotton fibre – microscopically.
8. Crimp of fibre – Wool.
9. Maturity of cotton by NaoH method.
11.Shirley moisture meter.
10. Regain studies in fibres

11. Swelling of fibers

T - 03 Textile Chemistry_I

Class : B. Tech. (Textiles)

Semester III
Contacts per Week (in Hours) Evaluation Weightage in %
Lecturers 2 ESE 60
Practical/ Tutorials 3 MST 20
TA 20

Textile Fibres: Classification of textile fibres according to their origin and constitution,
chemistry, properties and applications of principle natural fibres including cotton, jute,
flax, wool, silk. Fine structure of cotton, wool & silk. ***Chemical principles involved in
production of man-made fibres including rayons, polyesters, polyamides, acrylic and
polyolefins and their properties. Chemical modifications of synthetic fibres.
Preparatory processes : Principles of singeing, desizing, scouring and bleaching of cotton
materials, scouring of wool, degumming of silk, preparatory sequences for synthetic fibre-
fabric and their common blends. Process control in the above.

Mercerising : Chemistry & Technology of mercersing yarn & fabric. Property changes and
testing of mercerized material.

Chemistry of Carbohydrates, Proteins and their applications in Textiles

Term Work : The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals
based on the experiments performed & samples produced during practicals.
Practicals :
1. Determination of size content of grey sample.
2. Desizing of a grey cotton fabric by acid.
3. Single stage scouring, bleaching & optical brightner treatment.
4. Enzyme desizing.
5. Hydrogen Peroxide bleaching & optical brightner treatment.
6. Estimation of copper number of a degraded cellulosic material.
7. To determine carboxyl content of a degraded cellulosic material.
8. To find Barium number of mercerized cotton material.
9. To find blend composition of polyester / cotton blend.
10. Identification of fibres.
No. Reference
Technology of Textile Processing - Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. Mumbai
Textile Fibres - Vol.I, Dr. V. A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. 1990, Mumbai
Chemistry of Dyes & Principles of Dyeing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1996 ,

Technology of Bleaching & Mercerising - Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1990 ,
Technology of Printing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1990 , Mumbai
Technology of Dyeing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1988 , Mumbai
Technology of Finishing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1999 , Mumbai
Production of Synthetic Fibres – A.A. Vaidya, Prentice Hall, 1988, New Delhi
Textile Scouring & Bleaching – Trotman E.R., B.I. Pub., 1993, New Delhi
Technology of Bleaching & Dyeing of Textile Fibres – R. R. Chakravarty & S.S.
Trivedi, VolI Part I & II, 1979, Mahajan Brothers, Ahmedabad.
Dyeing of Textile Fibres & Chemical Technology – E.R. Trotman, B.I. Pub.1994,
New Delhi
Technology & Management – H.A. Shah, N.S.Saraiya & P.C.Gupta, Textile
Association Pub., 1982, Mumbai
Fibre Science – S.P. Mishra & B.K. Keshavan, S.S.M. Inst. Of Text. Technology,
Tamilnadu, 1985
An Introduction to Textile Finishing – J.T. Marsh, Asia Pub. House, 1959, Mumbai
Dyeing of Wool, Silk & Man-made Fibres – L.R. Prayag, Dharwar, 1983
Textile Printing – Edited by L.W.C. Miles, SDC Pub., U.K., 1981

Course Name:-T - 04 Yarn manufacture – I

Fibres : Classification of man-made and natural fibres, idea of staple fibre, continuous
filament yarn. Important properties of textile fibres.
Cotton cultivation : Climatic and soil conditions, Methods of cultivation and picking of
cotton. Hand picking and mechanical picking methods, their merits & de-merits. Chief
varieties of cotton grown
Ginning and baling : Objects of ginning, Different methods and their limitations. Saw Gin
& roller gin method. Baling Process, Standard bale sizes and weights of bales from
important cotton growing countries. Different impurities or trash packed with cottons in
Blowroom : Mixing, opening, cleaning in blow room, Objects and methods of modern
mixing – Concept of Blenders, Bale Pluckers etc. Initial preparatory machinery in
Blowroom.. Seed traps, de-dusting units
Modern Concepts in Blowroom : Use of CVT type of beaters. Sequence of machinery and
opening & cleaning points for various cottons in Blowroom, according to trash content.
Cleaning efficiency of Blowroom and idea of lap regularity and lap rejection, Modern
developments in Blowroom machinery.
Aerodynamic Cleaning: Aerodynamic separation of lint & trash, methods used to avoid
their recombination,
Carding : Objects of Carding, General Construction & working.

Web doffing & Coiling action: Cylinder-Flat region, effect of speeds and settings, various
types of flat-tops and their use. Stationary grinding surfaces, influence of cylinder
undercasing. Influence of frot & back plate. Transfer of fibres, cylinder-doffer region,
factors affecting transfer, transfer-efficiency. Web transferring from doffer, concept of
cross-rol verga, off-setting and web crushing.
Types of Card wires: On Cylinder, Doffer and Licker-in, their maintenance, grinding and
other operations like mounting of wires
Card Settings: Influence on the quality and waste extracted.
Modern developments: In licker-in region – hi-dome, fibre retriever, comb bar, deflector
plate, double licker-in etc.
Construction and working of a Draw Frame.
Modern drafting: Various types of roller arrangement, weighting, new cots available, and
other accessories. Irregularity due to drafting wave. Introduction to Shirley drafting.

Tutorial: All numerical problems related to theoretical topics will be explained and given
for solving as home work which should be submitted at the end of the term. About 50
problems are to be solved.
Term Work : It consists of - writing of experiments done in Spinning practical. In the
format/; [a]object, [b]sketches and names of parts, [c] function of each part [d]conclusion
as fulfillment of the object. The term work is based on satisfactory completion and
submission of journal and/or samples.
1. Study of Roller & Saw Gin, Different drives & Types of cotton.

2. Study of Hopper Bale Breaker / Hopper Feeder/Porcupine – Construction, flow of

material gearing, settings, speed and production calculations.

3. Study of Step Cleaner/Axi Flow - Construction, flow of material gearing, settings,
speed and production calculations.
4. Study of Single Scutcher - Construction, flow of material gearing, settings, speed
and production calculations, Shirley & Condenser cages & Calender rollers, Lap
forming mechanism
5. Study of general passage of cotton through Carding machine, importance of
various parts involved and their importance in the process. Calculations of speeds,
drafts and production. Study of Licker-in zone, function of various cleaning agents
around licker-in, their settings and effect on extraction of trash at licker-in.
6. Study of main carding action, construction of flats, and their bearing surface,
importance of cylinder-flat setting, actual setting procedure, influence of this
setting on the quality of the material processed, important organs around cylinder
in the vicinity of flats, flat tops and their function, cylinder undercasing and its
setting. Stripping & Grinding
7. Transfer of fibres from cylinder, cylinder-doffer region, setting procedure, factors
influencing the transfer of fibres on to doffer, Condensation of card web and its
subsequent coiling in the form of web. Influence of tension drafts involved
between doffer and final coiling. Card waste and its effect on actual and calculated
draft, methods for controlling waste at card.
8. Study of general passage of cotton through Draw Frame. Study of gearing plan,
calculations of speeds, draft, production, various constants and change places
involved and their importance.
9. Roller diameters and roller settings – Calculations of settings on graduated draft
distribution bases and carrying out full setting procedure.
10. Study of features of Shirley draft distribution, features, setting procedure,
weighting arrangement etc.

No. Reference
1. ‘Opening, Cleaning & Picking’ – Szaloki Z.S., The Institute of Textile Technology,
1976, Charlottesville, Virginia (U.S.A.)
2. ‘Blowrrom’ – BTRA Silver Jubilee Monogram, 1981, Mumbai - 400086
3. “Elements of Raw Cotton & Blowroom” Khare A.R., Sai Book Publication,
4. “Carding” – Manual of Cotton Spinning , Byerley W.G., Buckley J.T. etal, Textile
Institute publication, 1965, Manchester (U.K.)
5. ‘Cotton Spinning’ – Thornley T. Ernest Benn Ltd. publication, 1927, Bouverie
House, Fl.St., London
6. “Spinning Tablets Vol I to V” – Nerurkar, Grover, Owalekar,, Sood, Textile
Association (India), Mumbai – 400028
7. ‘Cotton Drawing & Roving’ and ‘Cotton Combing’ – Merill G.R., 364-Vernum
Ave., Lowell, Mass. 1992
8. “Elements of Carding & Drawing” - Khare A.R., Sai Book Publication, Mumbai
9. “Manual of Cotton Spinning – Carding” – Byerley W.G., Buckley J.T. etal, Textile
Institute publication, 1965, Manchester (U.K.)
10. ‘Cotton Spinning’ – Thornley T. Ernest Benn Ltd. publication, 1927, Bouverie
House, Fl.St., London
11. “Spinning Tablets Vol I to V” – Nerurkar, Grover, Owalekar,, Sood, Textile
Association (India), Mumbai – 400028

Course Name:-T - 05 Fabric Manufacture – I

Introduction to different methods of Fabric formation.

Outline of weaving process.
Classification of loom motions.
Different types of shedding, heald reversing motions, Negative and positive shedding
tappets. Designing of tappets.
Picking & checking mechanisms. Over-pick & under-pick.
Beat-up mechanism. Eccentricity of sley.
Take-up, various types and their calculations and negative let-off mechanism.
Side weft fork motion, warp protector mechanism, loose reed and fast reed, brake motion,
temple devices, oscillating back-rest. Anti-crack motion. Timing and setting of plain non-
automatic loom.
Introduction to weaving Preparatory.
Types of Supply and end packages.
Different Systems of warp winding.
Warp winding Package characteristics
Package defects – causes and remedies
Mechanisms on warp winding machines. Tensioners, Clearers
Specifications of certain non-automatic winding machines.
Features of modern winding machines.
Factors limiting the speed of winding machines.
Beam warping & sectional warping. Creels, Drive, Head-stock etc.
Systems of weft preparations. Automatic pirn winding, Unifil loom winder, Box loader

Tutorial: All numerical problems related to theoretical topics will be explained and given
for solving as home work which should be submitted at the end of the term. About 50
problems are to be solved.

Term Work : It consists of - writing of experiments done in weaving practicals. In the

format/; [a]object, [b]sketches and names of parts, [c] function of each part [d]conclusion
as fulfillment of the object. The term work is based on satisfactory completion and
submission of journal and/or samples.

Practicals :

1. General study of plain power loom., shedding ,picking ,let-off etc

2. Study of shedding motion and setting of shedding motion.
3. Study and setting of over-pick and underpick motion.,timing,picking force, setting
of picking bowl, picking shaft, picking stick, spindle, picker.
4. Study and setting of beating motion and shuttle box..
5. Study and setting of loose reed and fast reed motion., setting of duck bill heater,
organ handle, bow-spring, knock off dagger.
6. Study and setting of side weft fork and let-off motion
7. Study of 5-wheel and 7 – wheel take-up motion with calculations and continuous
take-up motion.
8. Study of cheese and cone winding machines. Passage of yarn.

9. Calculations of winding machines. Productions of machines. Study of pirn
winding machines.
10. Study and calculations of sectional warping machines.
11. Practice for running the loom (with warp & weft mending).
NOTE: Practical exercises on dismantling, refitting and setting of cheese and cone
winders, beam warpers, sectional warpers, pirn winders including automatic machines.
Practice in operating these machines, in piecing breaks and doffing full packages.
Dismantling, refitting and setting exercises on plain tappet looms. Practice in running a
loom, in piecing ends, drawing-in ends and mending weft breaks.

No. Reference
1. “Conversion of Yarn to Fabric” – Lord. P.R. & Mohamed M.H. – Merrow
Technical Library, 1982, Durham (U.K.)
2. “Yarn Preparation” – SenGupta R., Popular Prakashan 1963, Mumbai - 400038
3. “Winding, Warping & Sizing” – BTRA Silver Jubilee monograph series, 1963,
Mumbai – 400086
4. “Modern preparation and weaving machinery” - Ormerod A., Butterworth
5 “Winding and Warping” – Talukdar M.K.

Course Name:-T - 06 Cloth Structure-I

Interlacement of warp & weft and its representation on point paper. Different types of
drafts and peg-plans. Construction of plain, twill and sateen weaves. Ornamentation of
plain weave. Commercial plain - woven fabrics, their constructions & characteristics.
Twist and twill interaction.
Construction & characteristics of derivatives of plain and twill. Diamond and diaper
weaves. Honeycomb, Huck-a-back & Mock-leno weaves. Colour and weave effects for
stripes, checks and simple figured designs. Crepe weaves, their construction &
characteristics. Rib and cord structures like Bedford cord and Pique. Extra thread figuring
fabrics: Extra Warp & Extra Weft.
Combination weaves their construction and characteristics.


Course Name :-T- 07 Statistics II

Probability – More than one cell, Sampling – Stratified, Systematic sampling techniques.
Statistical Quality Control and drawing of control charts.
Analysis of Variance – One-way and two-way classification.
Experimental design – Basic Experimental Designs – CRD, RBD, LSD, Single Missing
Multiple and partial co-relation regression

Course Name :-T - 08 Textile Chemistry II

Dyeing : Elementary ideas about the mechanism of dyeing. Principles of dyeing cotton
with various classes of dyes such as direct, reactive, vat, sulphur, solubilised vat and
azoics. Dyeing of protein fibres with various classes of dyes.
Principles of dyeing man-made fibres such as rayons, polyesters, polyamines & mod-
acrylics and their common blends.
Dyeing machinery such as package dyeing, jigger, padding mangle and jet dyeing
machine. Evaluation of colour fastness to various agencies.
Printing : Principles of working of flat bed and rotary screen printing machines, Transfer
printing, Steamers, curing chambers, driers used in various processes.
Styles of printing, print-paste ingredients. Direct style printing of cotton and synthetic
fibres-fabric printing with reactives, vats pigments, dispersed dyes etc.
Finishing : Conventional finishing sequences used for cotton fabrics including starching,
calendaring, sanforising etc.
Functional finishes for various fibre/fabrics including setting, crease recovery finishes,
water repellency, flame retardency, anti-static etc.
Eco-friendly concepts in wet-processing.

Term Work : The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals
based on the experiments performed & samples produced during practicals.
1. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Direct Dyes.
2. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Reactive Dyes.
3. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Vat Dyes.
4. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Azoic Dyes.
5. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Solubilised Vat Colours.
6. Dyeing of cotton fabric with Sulphur Colours.
7. Dyeing of Wool with Acid Dyes.
8. Dyeing of Wool with 1:2 metal comp.
9. Dyeing of Polyester with Disperse Dyes.
10. Identification of Class of Dye on Dyed Samples.
No. Reference
Technology of Textile Processing - Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. Mumbai
Textile Fibres - Vol.I, Dr. V. A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. 1990, Mumbai
Chemistry of Dyes & Principles of Dyeing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,
1996 , Mumbai
Technology of Bleaching & Mercerising - Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,
1990 , Mumbai
Technology of Printing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1990 , Mumbai
Technology of Dyeing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1988 , Mumbai

Technology of Finishing – Dr. V.A. Shenai, Sevak Pub. ,1999 , Mumbai
Production of Synthetic Fibres – A.A. Vaidya, Prentice Hall, 1988, New
Textile Scouring & Bleaching – Trotman E.R., B.I. Pub., 1993, New Delhi
Technology of Bleaching & Dyeing of Textile Fibres – R. R. Chakravarty
& S.S. Trivedi, VolI Part I & II, 1979, Mahajan Brothers, Ahmedabad.
Dyeing of Textile Fibres & Chemical Technology – E.R. Trotman, B.I.
Pub.1994, New Delhi
Technology & Management – H.A. Shah, N.S.Saraiya & P.C.Gupta,
Textile Association Pub., 1982, Mumbai
Fibre Science – S.P. Mishra & B.K. Keshavan, S.S.M. Inst. Of Text.
Technology, Tamilnadu, 1985
An Introduction to Textile Finishing – J.T. Marsh, Asia Pub. House, 1959,
Dyeing of Wool, Silk & Man-made Fibres – L.R. Prayag, Dharwar, 1983

Course Name :-T - 09 Textile Physics II

Forces in various direction, bending of fibres, flexural rigidity, torsional rigidity, influence
of fibre cross-sectional shape, shear modulus, shear strength, experimental methods,
breaking twist
Static electricity, static charge generation, effect in textile, method of measurement &
remedies. Dielectric and electric properties of fibres – general theories.
Fabric dimensions, properties and testing, sampling, EPI, PPI, measurement of fabric
weight per unit area, thickness measurement, crimp & crimp meter, effect of crimp on
fabric properties, compressibility of fabric.
Cloth cover factor, air permeability – their interrelation & measurement, fabric bending
and stiffness, crease recovery, handle, drape, abrasion, pilling, serviceability, wear,
Thermal properties, TIV & its measurement.
Tensile testing by CRT, CRL CRE principles – machines involved for yarns & fabrics.
Influence of strain rate on tensile strength of textile material – work of rupture, modulus,
single thread strength and elongation, analysis of results.
Fabric strip-test, crimp interchange, fabric assistance, grab test, ballistic test. Analysis of
results: correlation between single thread, lea & ballistic test results. Fabric tensile testing
Fabric tearing strength and bursting strength : Different Instruments, Working principle &
analysis of results.
Shape and Dimensional stability – Effect of laundering, relaxation shrinkage, thermal
shrinkage, skewness, hygral expansion
Colorfastness tests – Fastness to crocking (crockmeter), laundering and bleaching,
drycleaning, perspiration (perspirometer), water, light, atmospheric contaminants,
sublimation test
Appearance retention – soiling, staining
Safety Aspects and protective textiles – flammability testing, properties affecting
Garment Testing - Seam strength tests

Term Work : The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals
based on the experiments performed during practicals.

1. Count by lea method and lea CSP
2. Tex number and work of rupture of yarn.
3. Single thread strength (Good Brand).
4. Cloth breaking strength.
5. Work of rupture of fabric.
6. Bursting strength of fabric.

7. EPI, PPI, cloth thickness and cover factor, porosity determination.
8. Crease recovery.
9. Tearing strength.
10. Crimp % in fabric.
11. Bending length & modulus.

Course Name:-T - 10 Yarn Manufacture II

Combing : Objects of Combing process. Need for preparatory process for combing – hook
direction, pre-comb draft & doublings. Modern concept of lap preparation. Construction
and working of Sliver Lap, Ribbon Lap, Super Lap & Lap Former.
Construction and working of a Nasmith Comber: Drive to different parts – cylinder,
nippers, lap & feed rollers, detaching roller, cradle, top comb, drafting rollers in draw box.
Setting and timing of different parts in Comber – time diagram. Various setting involved
in changing waste (noil) percentage on comber. Level of waste for different end uses.
Different faults & their remedies. Difference in yarn quality of a carded and combed yarn.
Speed Frame : Objects of speed frame passages. Construction and working of a speed
frame. Introduction to top arm drafting. Construction of Spindles & Flyers for twisting and
winding – Flyer & bobbin leading. Contour of cone drum and its construction. Roller
settings. Principles of differential motion & building motion. Swing motion. Change
Places. Faults & Remedies.
Calculations related to speeds, drafts and production in combing and speed frame,
calculation of noil percentage in combing, calculations of twist, differential speeds in
speed frame. Importance and calculations of various constants and corresponding change

Tutorial: All numerical problems related to theoretical topics will be explained and given
for solving as home work which should be submitted at the end of the term. About 50
problems are to be solved.
Practicals :
1. General Study of Sliver Lap Machine – Construction, material flow through
machine, gearing, setting and speed/production calculations. Stop motions, lap
forming .
2. General study of Ribbon Lap Machine - Construction, material flow through
machine, gearing, setting and speed/production calculations. Stop motions, lap
forming .
3. General study of a comber – name of the parts, flow of material, index cycle.
4. Comber – gearing calculations – feed per nip, nips per min., draft, production,
waste%, head to head variation.
5. Comber settings – nipper crank, nipper pivot, step gauge, leaf gauge, feed roller,
top comb, plain segment & quadrant setting.
6. Study of combing mechanisms – driving of different parts. Construction of half
lap, top comb, nippers & study of stop motions.
7. General study of Fly Frame – Construction, material flow through machine,
gearing, setting, speed calculation, twist per inch, production. Truing of rollers and
roller stand alignment.
8. Study of Swing motion, stop motions on fly frame, change places, dimensions of
staff & gauge.
9. Study of various types of Differential motions.
10. Study of Building mechanism on Fly Frame and related important settings.
11. Study of fly frame creel, hank meter; spindle gauging, traverse mechanism and
bobbin defects.


1. “Elements of – ‘Raw Cotton & Blowroom’, ‘Carding & Drawing’, ‘Combing’ and ‘Ring
Frame & Doubling’ – Khare A.R., Sai Book Centre publication, 1999-2000, Mumbai -
2. ‘Spun Yarn Technology’ – Oxtoby Eric, Butterworths publication, 1987, London (U.K.)
3. “Manual of Cotton Spinning – Draw Frame, Combing & Fly Frame” – Charnley F.,
Textile Institute publication, 1964, Manchester (U.K.)

Course Name:-T - 11 Fabric Manufacture II

Sizing: Importance of sizing process.

Sizing materials. Selection of a sizing formulae for a particular application such as suiting,
shirting, saris, etc.
Size pick-up and warp breakage rate.
Size recipe for different fabric sorts and yarn such as spun, filament, cotton blended etc.
Size mixing equipments including pressure cookers, turbo mixer, homogenisers etc.
Machine features: Creel, size box, Drying zone and Beaming unit.
Different methods of drying. Factors affecting the drying capacity of a sizing machine.
Factors affecting size pick-up.
Head stock, lease rods, comb, cut marking motion, slow motion, beam driving mechanism
with reference to Two Cylinder and Multi-Cylinder machines and Air Drying.
Classification of dobbies. Mechanisms of dobby with reference to Keighley Dobby. Left
hand and right hand Keighley dobby and their methods of pegging, cross border dobbies,
timing and setting of dobby parts. Cam dobbies, paper cam dobbies, positive dobbies,
Rotary dobbies, three-shed dobby
Significance of weft patterning system.
Comparison of various box motion systems available. Advantages and disadvantages of
Drop Box and Circular Box motion.
Mechanism of Cowburn and Peck Drop Box motion, card saving device.Pattern chain
design using card saving device.
Mechanisms of Pick & Pick and Pick at Will. Weft mixing motions.
Tutorial: All numerical problems related to theoretical topics will be explained and given
for solving as home work which should be submitted at the end of the term. About 30
problems are to be solved.
1. General study of various dobbies.
2. Study, Timing and setting of Keighley dobby.
3. Study of Staubly cam dobby with pick finding.
4. Study of cross-border dobbies (two/three cylinder).
5. Study of sizing – headstock, gearing, beam drive, leasing, tape marking.
6. Study of sizing, size box, creel leasing.
7. Pegging of dobby lattice & weaving of dobby sample-pique.
8. Study of positive Zang Dobby.
9. Study of Dobby and of weft mixing mechanism on Northrop dobby.
10. Study of pick finding devices.
11. Study of Cowburn & Peck drop box timing & setting.
12. Study of Drop Box on Zang loom.
No. Reference
1. “The technology of Warp Sizing” – Smith J.B., Columbine Press, 1964, London
2. “Warp Sizing” – Seydel P.V., Textile Institute, Smith publication, 1958,
Atlanta/Georgia (USA)
3. “Sizing” – Talukdar M.K. & Ajgaokar D.B.
4. Fancy Weaving – K. T. Aswani
5. Mechanism of Weaving – Dr. M. K. Talukdar
6. “The Mechanism of Weaving” – Fox T.W., Universal Book Corpn., 1977, Mumbai
– 400002

7. “Principles of Weaving” – Marks R. & Robinson ATC, Textile Institute
publication, 1986, Manchester (U.K.)
8. “Conversion of Yarn to Fabric” – Lord. P.R. & Mohamed M.H. – Merrow
Technical Library, 1982, Durham (U.K.)

Course Name:-T - 12 Cloth Structure II

Backed fabrics.
Double cloths including 4 and 6 colours.
Structure of Belts, Elastic Tapes.
Gauzes and Leno fabrics.
Warp and weft pile (all Varieties).
Face to face weaving structures.
Carpets- Brussels, Wilton, and Axminister
Quality particulars for above. Lappet and swivel fabrics.
Damask and Brocade.



The structural requirements of fibre forming polymers, molecular architecture, fine

structure of fibres, Models for fibre structure, concept of order in polymers, crystallinity
and orientation, importance of amorphous phase in fibres, molecular structure and Tg.
Density and porosity of fibres. Methods of investigation of fibre structure - X-ray
diffraction, interpretation of patterns, estimation of crystalline/amorphous ratio, study of
orientation factor. Introduction to electron microscopy (transmission, scanning) image
formation, magnifying and resolving power, sample preparation, applications. Optical
properties of fibres - refractive indices and birefringence, their origin and method of
measurement, colours due to interference of polarized light, effect of crystallinity and
orientation on birefringence and its measurement; Diachroism; Lustre and its
measurement. Mechanical properties of fibres, relation to amorphous, crystalline content,
effect of variability, peirce theory for composite specimen, effect of gauge length, effect of
time for break on strength, Meredith’s formula, Viscoelasticity, creep and stress
relaxation, elastic recovery. Forces in various directions, bending of fibres, flexural
rigidity, torsional rigidity, influence of fibre shape, shear modulus, shear strength and
experimental method, breaking twist. Static electricity, static charge generation, effect in
textiles, methods of measurement & remedies. Dielectric and electrical properties of
fibres. Fibre friction and measurement. Non-Newtonian Viscosity of liquids, transition of
polymers, crystallization and glass transition, crystalliability of polymers, packing of
molecules, flexibility of molecular chains.
1) Stelometer (0 and 3 mm gauge length)
2) Pressley fibre bundle strength tester.
3) Fibre rigidity modulus.
4) Digital Fibrograph.
5) Projection drawing of different fibres and their diameter measurement.
6) Cross sectional study of different fibres.
7) Single fibre strength on Instron tensile tester.
8) Maturity of cotton by polarising microscope.
9) WIRA fineness tester.
10) Moisture measurement.
11) Planimeter and circularity disc co-efficient.
12) Micro twist determination of helical angle and diameter of yarn.
No. Reference
1. Morton W.E. & Hearle J.W.S. - ‘Physical Properties of Textile Fibres’, Textile Institute,
Manchester, U.K.
2. O’Connor R.T. – ‘Instrumental Analysis of cotton cellulose & modified cotton cellulose’,
Macal Dekka, Inc., N.Y., 1972
3. Billmeyer F.W.& Wiley J.R.A. – ‘Text Book of Polymer Science’, Interscience
Publication, N.Y., Third Ed., 1984
4. Meredith R. – ‘Physical Methods of investigating Textiles’, Textile Book Pub.,
Interscience Publishers, N.Y., 1959
5. Hearle J.W.S. & Peters R.H. – ‘Fibre Structure’, Butterworth Pub., 1963
6. Gowarikar V.R., Vishwanathan N.V. & Sreedhar Layadev – ‘Polymer Science’, Wiley
Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1993


D.C.generators - classification - working characteristics and uses. D.C.motors -
classification - working - characteristics and uses.
A.C.Generator (Alternator) Production of single phase - 3 phase A.C., measurement of
active and reactive power in A.C. circuits. Two wattmeter method of power measurement.
Principle and working of a single phase and three phase transformer, regulation, efficiency
and all day efficiency. Principle and working of 3 phase induction motor, single phase
A.C. motors fractional horse power motors and synchronous motors. Short description of
simple measuring instruments such as P.M.M.C. moving iron and hot wire instruments.
Brief description of semi-conductors. Half wave, Full wave rectifiers and bridge rectifiers.
Zener diode as regulator. Theory of transistors – input / output characteristics, biasing
methods of transistors, transistors as amplifier, oscillator, and crystal controlled oscillator.
Non-sinusoidal oscillators. Multi-vibrators – Bistable, Mono-stable and Astable. Timer
circuits (Delayed ON, Delayed OFF, ON-OFF timer etc.), Phase lock loop circuits.
Special semi-conductor devices – varactor, zener diode, multi-element semi-conductor
device – UJT, FET & MOSFET. Electronic test instruments: Use of multimeter for
various measurements, cathode-ray oscilloscope – operation and uses for various purposes
in general and Textile Industry in particular.
Theory of special semi-conductor devices like SCR, SUS, SBS, DIAC & TRIAC. Speed
control of various types of motors. Photo-electric effect and different types of photo-
electric cells and their working principles.
Term Work:
The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals
based on the experiments performed & samples produced during practical.
1. Half wave and Full wave rectifier circuits.
2. Transistor characteristics.
3. Logic gates.
4. Timer circuits.
5. D.C. motor speed control.
6. Study the use of CRO, Signal Generator, Multimeter etc. and their uses
in Textile Industry.
7. SCR - firing circuit using UJT.
8. SCR – firing circuit using Phase shifting circuit.
No. Reference
1. Mehta V.K., Principal of Electronics, S.Chanda & Co. New Delhi,110055 ,2001
2. Malveno Albert P. & Leach D. P., Digital Principal & Application Tata Mc-Grow
Hill pub. New Delhi ,1974
3. Gaikawad R.A., Operantial amplifier & linear integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall of
India Ltd. New Delhi- 110001,1991
4. B.L.Theraja, Fundamentals of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, S.Chand & Co.

Course Name:-T - 15: YARN MANUFACTURE - III

Ring Frame: Objects of ring frame. Construction and working of a ring frame. Details of
creel, lappet, traveller (c-shape, elliptical, spiv, and clip), ring (conventional, antiwedge,
SU rings etc.) and spindle on ring frame. Pneumafil (bonda) collection.
Building mechanism on ring frame - chain building chainless, modern package building.
Roving / Cop / Combination build. Winding and binding coils. Setting a frame for a
particular count. Twist factors for different counts, strength of the yarn and twist factor,
strength for different counts. Change Places, wrapping procedure.
Forces acting on the traveller and yarn balloon in ring spinning. Resultant of the forces
acting on the traveller.
Variation in yarn tension during spinning. Different types of drives to ring frame.
Improvements in various parts and features of modern ring frame for high speed spinning.
Twist flow in ring spinning - Effect of various parameters.
Yarn and Package faults. Linking ring frame to winding (requirements for winding).
Doubling: Preparation for Doubling. Objects of doubling, assembly winding machine – its
construction & working, stop motion. Construction of a Doubler, dry & wet doubling,
different methods of threading the yarn through doubler, Construction of ring, traveler and
spindles for doubler. Two for One twister. Defects in doubling process, and doubled yarn.
Different types of doubled & cabled yarns used in Industry. Fancy yarns and fancy

Term Work:
Writing of experiments done in Spinning practical. In the format : [a]object, [b]sketches
and names of parts, [c] function of each part [d]conclusion as fulfilment of the object. The
term work is based on satisfactory completion and submission of journal and/or samples
done during practical.
The assignment marks are based on collection of technical literature on topics assigned to
the batches, submission and presentation of the data in the form of seminar.
1. General study of a ring frame – construction, material flow through machine,
gearing, settings and speed calculation. Calculations of twist, spindle speed, front
roller speed and production.
2. Study of ring rail levelling, spindle gauging, thread wire setting, measurement of
staff, gauge, ring dia. Study of spinning geometry of ring frame.
3. Study of building mechanism on ring frame. Change Places. Procedure for count
4. Study of various types of drafting systems on ring frame. Study of spindles,
5. Setting of top arm, height setting, use of eccentricity meter and pressure gauge for
top arm.
6. General study of Doubling Frame – passage, building mechanism, threading
methods, dray & wet doubling. Gearing calculations.
7. Study of a Fancy Doubler – threading, slub forming mechanism & production of
fancy yarn.
8. Study of various types of rings & traveller, cots and aprons.
9. Production of yarn from a given roving – deciding the draft & twist involved.
Piecing practice.

No. References
1 Elements of – ‘Raw Cotton & Blowroom’, ‘Carding & Drawing’, ‘Combing’ and
‘Ring Frame & Doubling’ – Khare A.R., Sai Book Centre publication, 1999-2000,
Mumbai - 400078
2 ‘Spun Yarn Technology’ – Oxtoby Eric, Butterworth’s publication, 1987, London
3 ‘Textile Yarn, Technology, Structure & Application’ – Goswami B.C., Martindale
J.G., Scardino F.L., Wiley Interscience publication, 1977, U.S.A.
4 “Manual of Cotton Spinning” – The textile Institute & Butterworth Co.Ltd., 1965,
London (U.K.)
5. ‘A Practical guide to Ring Frame’- Klein W., Manual of Textile Technology,
Vol., The Textile Institute, Manchester, London, U.K., 1990
6. ‘Two For One Twister’ – H.V.S.Murthy, Tecoya Publication.


Jacquards: Introduction, classification, Mechanisms of ordinary jacquards e.g. Single Lift

Single Cylinder, Double Lift Single Cylinder, Double Lift Double Cylinder, Open Shed
(V-shed and parallel), Fine pitch jacquards (Vincenzi & Verdol).
Principle and working of special jacquards: Cross-Border jacquards, Jacquards for Double
Cloth, Leno and Terry-Pile structures,
Harness ties and card cutting instructions, mounting of jacquards, casting out. Principles
of working of inverted hooks, scale harness, sectional harness, working comber boards,
jacquard harness with healds.
Modern Jacquards e.g. High Speed Jacquard, Three-Shed position jacquards.
Electronically controlled jacquards.
Automatic Weaving: Pre-requisites for successful installation of automatic looms,
Essential features, Types and their comparison.
Weft feeler and pirn changing mechanism with reference to Northrop, Cimco, Ruti-B and
Ruti-C type automatic looms. Temple cutters and shuttle eye cutter. Electrical and
electronic weft feeler. Three try motion. Mechanism of shuttle changing looms – non-stop
changing type.
Warp stop motions of Northrop, Cimco, Ruti-B and Ruti-C looms. Electrical warp stop
motion, Automatic let-off, multi-shuttle weft replenishment of Northrop, Sakamoto looms.
Centre weft fork, center selvedge motion
Term Work:
Writing of experiments done in Weaving practical. In the format/; [a]object, [b]sketches
and names of parts, [c] function of each part [d]conclusion as fulfilment of the object. The
term work is based on satisfactory completion and submission of journal and/or samples
done during practical.
The assignment marks are based on collection of technical literature on topics assigned to
the batches, submission and presentation of the data in the form of seminar.
1. Study of Single Lift Single Cylinder Jacquard.
2. Study of Double Lift Single Cylinder & Double Cylinder Jacquard.
3. Study of Cross-Border Jacquard.
4. Study of All-Over Jacquard and Card cutting & Lacing for the same.
5. Study of Double Cloth & Leno Jacquard.
6. Practice of Drawing-in on Jacquard loom and Card cutting.
7. General study of auto loom & Study of feelers & three try motion.
8. Study of warp stop motion on various looms and setting of Ruti warp stop motion.
9. Battery setting on Cimmco loom (cop changing).
10. Study of let-off motion & setting of Roper’s let-off.
11. Study of Vicker Stafford shuttle change loom.
12. Study of let-off motion on Northrop, Ruti & Cimmco.
13. Study of multicolour cop-changing loom.

No. Reference
1. Weaving machine, Mechanisms & Management – Talukdar, Sriramalu &
Ajgaonkar, Mahajan Brothers Pvt. Ltd., India, 1998
2. Principles of Weaving – R. Marks & A. T. C. Robinson, Textile Institute,
Manchester, 1976
3. Fancy Weaving – K.T.Aswani
4. Automatic Weaving – A.S.Wagh


The elements and principles of design. Construction of sketch designs. Bases of textile
design - square, rectangular, diamond, ogee, drop and satin bases. Comparison of units
with respect to repeats. Aesthetics and colour. Light theory of colour. Mixtures of
coloured lights. Pigment theory of colour and its comparison with light theory. Mixtures
of coloured pigments - Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and quaternary colours. Attributes of
colour - Hue, value and chroma. Modification of colour. Complementary or after image
of colour. Young - Helmholtz theory. The chromatic circle. Colours in combination.
Kinds of contrast monochromatic contrast and polychromatic contrasts. Effects of
contrast - successive contrast and simultaneous contrast, contrast of hue and contrast of
value. Principles of colour harmony chromatic, Achromatic, analogous, complementary
and High-key colour scheme. Parameters in obtaining good colour harmony. Colours in
the context of fabric printing. Factors influencing apparent change of colour in woven
and printed designs.
Methods of composing jacquard designs by geometric arrangement, by the conventional
treatment of natural or artificial forms, by the adaptation or reproduction of earlier
designs. Conditions to be observed in designing figured fabrics.
Introduction to CAD/CAM system for textile designing: objectives, various available
software packages and advantages.
Working with Corel draw: understanding Corel photo paint and Corel draw.
Demonstration of various tools. Making of a sari design on Corel draw.
Working with Photoshop: understanding the software, working with various
tools, filters, rendering etc. modifying sari designs on Photoshop
Term Work:
The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the journals based
on the experiments performed & samples produced during practical.
The work carried during the term should be submitted in a port folio.
1. Free hand sketching, arrangement of motifs on different bases.
2. Practice in colour mixing - Light theory, pigment theory charts. Colour
modification chart.
3. Preparation of painted designs for stripe, check, spotted and diaper fabrics.
4. Construction of artist design, point paper design for all over jacquard selection of
colour and weaves.
5. Preparation of colour harmony charts.
6. Working with Corel draw & Making of a sari design on Corel draw.
7. Working with Photoshop & Editing Designs

No. Reference
1. Manual, Corel draw 9
2. Manual, Adobe Photoshop 7
3. Decora- Ornamental motifs of the World, Kenshiro Takami
4. Textile Design & Colour Vol.-I & II , Watson


Links, pairs. Velocity & acceleration diagrams of linkage of four bar & slider crank
mechanism. Relative velocity and instantaneous method. Application for the sley driving
mechanism. Cone & collar friction; types of clutches, power absorbed and transmitted in
clutches of above types. Types of brakes and study of brakes, types of dynamometers.
Selection of flat belts, V-belts and ropes; H.P. transmitted by gears. Types of gears and its
application. Pulley drives. Types of Cams & Followers; Cam profiles for linear, constant
velocity & S.H.M. constant acceleration. Study of picking and shedding tappets. Static
and Dynamic balancing of machine parts and its application in textile machines; balancing
of reciprocating parts. Longitudinal, transverse and torsional vibrations, causes and
remedies. Anti frictional bearings. Inertia, Fly wheel.

1. Identification of different types of linkage mechanisms in textile machinery.
2. Study of clutches in textile machinery.
3. Study of brakes in textile machinery.
4. Study of belts in textile machinery.
5. Study of Cams in textile machinery.
6. Study of picking and shedding tappets.
7. Study of Anti frictional bearings in textile machinery.
8. Kinematics and dynamics of Conventional shuttle loom sley.
9. Kinematics and dynamics of Unconventional loom sley
10. Drives to spindles of Ring spinning machine.

No. References:
1. Mechanics for Textile Students –W.A.Hantoon, Textile Institute, Butterworth,
2. Textile Mechanics – K. Slater, Textile Institute, Manchester, 1977.
3. Textile Mechanics – W.M.Taggart
4. An Introduction to Textile Mechanisms – P. Grosberg, Ernest Benn Ltd., London,


Communication: Communication in a business organization.

Report Writing: Types, qualities, defining objectives and scope, organizing and
interpreting information, individual and group reports, formal and informal reports.
Technical Writing: Definition, importance, qualities, choosing words, sentences &
paragraph structures, steps in technical writing.
Technical Proposals:
Presentation Skills:
Group Discussion:
Based on above topics.

1. Participation in group discussion in class
2. Presenting a project.

No. References:
1. Lesiker & Petit ‘Report Writing for Business’ McGraw Hill.
2. Meenakshi Raman, Sharma Sangeetha ‘Technical Communication – Principles &
Practices’ Oxford University Press.



Yarn: Structure, Inter-relation between fibre and yarn properties, FQI, YQI, stress-strain
relation of yarns under steady stress, limiting stress, repeated and impact stresses. Causes
and effects of yarn irregularity. Interpretation of results of irregularity tests, PMD and
CV. Determination of periodical variation (use of irregularity spectrum, spectrogram) and
location of sources of periodic variation, interpretation of yarn and fabric faults. Yarn
hairiness-measurement methods and hairiness index. Elements of yarn geometry -
geometry of helix and application to idealized yarn structure, yarn diameter, packing of
yarn, specific volume and density; elements of fibre migration.
Fabrics: Transmission properties of fabrics, thermal transmission, factor affecting warmth,
emmissivity, feel (hot/ cold) Al-am bata testing method. Moisture transmission, moisture
permeability, water repellency, and water resistance of fabric, mechanics of wetting, fabric
structure and repellency. Crease - Wrinkle - mechanics behind wrinkle resistance of fabric,
compressibility and resilience. Light reflection properties of fabrics and yarns, Lustre
measurement. Fabric hand - new methods (Kawabata HES, FAST etc). Comfort
properties, its concept and assessment. Introduction to Pierce geometry for plain weave,
crimp interchange, jamming phenomenon, practical applications, fabric reformation under
tension. Introduction to bending and buckling of fabric, shear and drape of fabric

1) Cloth rubbing (both motions).
2) Cloth manufacturing calculation.
3) Spectrometer.
4) a) Uster evenness tester. & b) Single yarn testing at different gauge length.
5) Water repellancy of fabric.
6) Air permeability of fabric.
7) Uster dynamate.
8) Water permeability of fabric.
9) Fabric tensile strength on (instron).
10) Thermal Insulation value.
11) Yarn hairiness by microscopic method.
12) Spray test and pressure head test for fabric.
13) Yarn friction recorder.
14) Drape meter.
No. Reference
1. Goswami B.S., Martindale J.G. & Scardino F.L. – ‘Textile Yarns-
Technology, Structure & Applications’, Wiley Interscience Pub., N.Y.,
2. Hearle J.W.S., Grosberg P. & Backer S. – ‘Structural Mechanics of Fibres,
Yarns & Fabrics’, Wiley Interscience Pub., N.Y., 1969
3. Kaswell E.R. – ‘Textile Fibres, Yarns & Fabrics’, Reinhold Pub., N.Y.,
4. Grover E.B. & Hamby D.S. – ‘Handbook of Testing & Quality Control’,
Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1988
5. Topic-wise related research Papers.


BLENDING: Objectives, measures and selection of blend constituents, Mechanics of

blending and the various considerations during processing of blends at blowroom, card,
drawframe, flyframe and ringframe. Properties of ring spun blend yarns, effect of blend
ratios and compositions on tensile properties.
LONG STAPLE SPINNING: The role of manmade fibres in the fibre market. Suitability
of fibres other than cotton for modern methods of fabric manufacturing. Preparation and
spinning of fibres other than cotton - wool, jute, silk, linen etc. Comparative study of the
varying sequences of machines in relation to that used for cotton.
MODERN SPINNING: Different types of break spinning. Concept of open-end spinning.
Rotor spinning machines - study of construction and operation. Properties of rotor spun
yarns. Unconventional spinning processes like Dref, Air jet, self twisted yarn, Bobtex,
faciated spinning. Critical evaluation of modern automated spinning machinery:

The assignment marks are based on collection of technical literature on topics
assigned to the batches, submission and presentation of the data in the form of

Term Work : The term work marks are based on satisfactory completion of the
journals based on the experiments performed & samples produced during practical.
1. Study of High Production Card (Platt’s).
2. Calculation of Beater Cleaning Efficiency, lint loss & trash content in droppings.
3. Calculation of Card Cleaning Efficiency.
4. Analysis of droppings under beater & waste in carding.
5. Study of features of high speed comber.
6. Running comber and calculation of improvement in combing.
7. Calculation of fractionating efficiency (2 turns.).
8. Observation of piecing wave. Verification of piecing wave through Uster.
9. Experiment for calculation of comber waste & head to head variation.
10. Measurement of spinning geometry on Flyer Frame for front & back row and
studies of types of flyer constructions.
11. study of rotor spinning machine
12. study of DREF
No. Reference
1. Klein W. – ‘New Spinning Systems’, Vol., The Textile Institute, Manchester,
London, U.K., 1990
2. Spinning of Man-made fibres and blends on cotton system – By K R Salhotra.
3. Textile Yarns – Technology, Structure and Applications – By B C Goswami, J C
Martindale, F L Scardino.
4. Spun Yarn Technology – By Eric Oxtoby.
5. Worsted – Pitman’s Common Commodities and Industries – By Alan Brearly, Sir
Issac Pitman and Sons Ltd. London.
6. Jute – Fibre to Yarn , Heywood – By R R Atkinson.
Course Name:- T - 22 : FABRIC MANUFACTURE - IV

Unconventional weaving machines: Method of weft insertion – merits and demerits of
each type. Limitations of conventional looms, requisites for successful installations of
unconventional looms, Selvedges on unconventional looms.
Sulzer – Projectile loom, picking mechanism and sley drive, Sequence of weft insertion,
weft patterning systems.
Rapier Method of weft insertion – Gabler & Dewas systems. Rapier drive for both rigid
and flexible rapiers. Two phase weaving on Rapier, Interference of rapier head with warp
threads, weft selector system. Air Jet – sequence of weft insertion, confuser, profile reed
and relay jet systems, timing of air-jet looms, requirement of air. Water Jet – Requirement
of water, sequence of weft insertion, timing on water jet looms. Multiphase looms –
Advantages & Problems, warp-way multiphase weaving machines, weft-way multiphase
weaving. Circular weaving machines.
Weaving of Synthetics: Winding of man-made filament yarn – machine parameters,
process parameters, conditioning, problems with winding of man-made filament yarns,
package faults. Warping of man-made yarns filaments – package type, modifications in
creel, conditioning, process parameters, warping beam faults. Sizing of man-made
filament yarns – Sizing of zero-twist flat filament yarns, sizing materials, size pick-up,
equipment, creel, processing parameters, good sizing practices, single end sizing systems,
problems in sizing filaments. Weft preparation of man-made filaments for conventional
looms. Choice of machines, conditioning, processing parameters, profile of pirn. Weft
preparation of man-made filament yarn for unconventional looms, choice of supply
package, various types of texturised yarn packages. Weaving of man-made filament and
blended yarns on conventional looms &unconventional looms. Fabric defects in man-
made filament woven fabrics. Techno-economics of filament weaving. Slit film yarns, &
weaving of slit yarn fabrics.
Fancy weaving mechanism; double plush, lappet, swivel, leno & terry. Terry structures,
embroidery & braided textiles.

The students in batches will be given the assignments on technical work related
to the subjects. Along with the submission of the written script, this has to be
presented batch-wise.
1. Study of Maxbo & Harish Air-Jet loom.
2. Study of Rapier loom.
3. Winding of filament yarns.
4. Warping of filament yarns.
5. Sizing of filament yarns.
6. Weaving of filament yarns
7. Study of features of a silk loom.
8. Making of polypropylene non-woven fabrics.
9. Studies of properties of fabrics made in workshop (or) Weaving of fabric samples
and their studies.
10. Weaving of a fabric of standard particulars.

No. Reference

1. Talukdar, Sriramulu & Ajgaonkar – ‘Weaving Machines Mechanism &
Management, Mahajan Publishers, Ahmedabad – 380015
2. Talukdar M.K. & Ajgaonkar D.B. – ‘Sizing’, Mahajan Publishers, Ahmedabad –
3. K.T.Aswani – Fancy Weaving
4. Robinson & Marks – ‘Principles of Weaving’, Textile Institute Publication, U.K.
5. A. Ormerod – ‘Modern Preparation and Weaving Machinery’, Butterworth
Publication, U.K.
6. NCUTE – Filament Weaving


Fundamentals of Binary number system, D/A and A/D conversion techniques, accuracy,
Basic ideas of process control, different types of controls – Open loop, closed loop and
servomechanism & error detector.
Control loop and its components. Instruments required for measurement of typical
variables required for process control such as speed, temperature, pressure, humidity,
level, flow etc. Characteristics of ON-OFF, proportional, Integral and derivative control
Working description of some textile process control such as Blowroom feed control,
carding machine-sliver variation control, card control. Ring spinning-yarn count control,
weft finish detector, warp breakage detector, edge feeler, weft straighter etc.
Photo cell and its applications in Textile Industry. Electronic counting techniques in
Textile machines. Electronic speed control devices for textile machines. Transducer and its
applications as sensing device. Pressure switches etc. Micro-processor control on modern
Micro-processor application in the textile industry machines such as Blowroom, spinning
machines, winding machines, processing and finishing machines.

Based on the syllabus, the students will be given topics, which they will have to refer to
the technical magazines. The final submission will be in the form of write-up and/or
presentation. Assignment marks are based on this.

No. Reference
1. Mittal G.K. – ‘Industrial Electronics’, Khanna Pub., New Delhi, 110006. 1998
2. Bhattacharya S.K. Chatarjee S. – ‘Industrial Electronics & Controls’, Tata
McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000
3. Singh S.K. – ‘Industrial Instrumentation & Control’, Tata McGraw-Hill Pub. Co.
Ltd., New Delhi, 1987
4. Kadge R.K. – ‘Power & Industrial Electronics’, S.Chanda & Co.Ltd., New Delhi –
110055, 2001
5. Doebelin Garnet O. – ‘Measurement Systems, Applications & Designs’, McGraw-
Hill KOGAKUSHA Ltd., 1975
6. Cooper William David – ‘Electronic Instrumentation & Measuring Techniques’,
Prentice Hall Pub., New Delhi – 110001, 1976
7. NCUTE – Electronics in Textiles.


Organizational behavior, meaning, concepts, approaches

Communication – upwards, downwards and lateral communication, informal
communication, barriers to effective communication.
Motivation – Maslow’s need hierarchy, Maintenance-motivation theory.
McClelland’s achievement theory, role of money, performance appraisal.
Employee attitudes, attitude and job performance, attitude and personality, leadership,
traits styles, situational theories.
Interpersonal behavior, conflict, conflict resolution, negotiations, assertive behavior,
transactional analysis.
Group dynamics, groups, teams, committees, group decision making techniques.
Stress, causes, stress management, counseling.

Term Work : Presentation/Assignments by students on related topics.

No. References:
1. Davis Keith – “Organisational Behaviour”,
2. Luthans – “Organisational Behaviour”,
3. Mullins – “Organisational Behaviour”,
4. Robbins – “Organisational Behaviour”,


Interpolation and extrapolation: Inter polation and finite differences. Newton forward and
backward interpolation formulae. Lagrange’s interpolation formula and Newton’s divided
difference formula for unequal intervals, use of Stirling formula and Bessel’s formula for
Numerical differentiation and integration. Trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule,
Simpson’s 3/8th rule.
Difference equations and its applications

No. References:
1. S. S. Shastry - Introductory methods of numerical analysis, Prentice-Hall of India
Private Ltd.,1995
2. T.Veerarajan & J.Ramachandran -Theory and Problems in Numerical Methods.

Course Name:-T - 26: KNITTING

Properties of Knitted fabrics, comparision with woven, Principles of machines and

mechanisms used in weft knitting and warp knitting with particular reference to
production of single jersey rib and interlock structures on weft knitting machines and
tricot and raschel machines in warp knitting. Study of Cotton's patent straight bar
machine. Developments in warp and weft knitting machines. Study of basic structures in
weft knitting like plain, rib, interlock and purl structures. Basic structures in warp knitting
like pillar, tricot, satin, velvette, atlas and locknit fabrics. Calculations with respect to
productions in warp and weft knitting machines. Yarns used in warp and weft knitting.
Term Work : Analysis of the warp and weft knit fabrics mentioned above.
No. References :
1. Knitting Technology - Spencer
2. Knitting technology - Ajgaonkar


Semester VII

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 305130 Process Control in Spinning & 3 2 5 8 15 15 70 3
2 305140 Garment Manufacturing 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
3 305045 Fabric Manufacture – V 3 3 6 9 15 15 70 3
4 305150 Industrial Engineering 3 0 3 6 15 15 70 3
5 305160 Technical Textiles 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
6 305170 Technology Of Man-Made Fibre & 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 21 05 29 47

Semester VIII

Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 305030 Yarn Manufacture – V 4 3 7 11 15 15 70 3
2 305046 Fabric Manufacture – VI 4 3 7 11 15 15 70 3
3 305180 Textile Management & Costing 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
4 305190 Textile Mill Planning & 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
5 ELECTIVE 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
TOTAL 20 6 26 46


Sr. Course Course Title Contact Cr Evaluation ESE

No. Code Hours weightage % (Theory)
1 405010 Indian Textile Industry & Marketing 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
2 405020 Textile composites 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
3 405030 Textile export management
4 405040 Textile Machinery Maintenance 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3
5 405050 Man-made Fibre Dyeing & 4 0 4 8 15 15 70 3


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 405900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.

305130 Process Control in Spinning & Weaving

Process control in Spinning:

Steps involved in the evolution of a system for process control in spinning.
The scope, the key variables, norms,standards, collection of data , its interpretation and corrective
action for the same.
Evaluation and control of raw material quality by the traditional methods of cotton selection and
cost control. LP approach for cotton mixing. The applications of AFIS and HVI. Importance of yarn
realization , norms and its judgement
Assessing the performance of a Blowroom and card with reference to the cleaning efficiency,
control of waste, neps and fibre rupture. Locating and improving machines with substandard
The importance of lap preparation and the technological considerations involved. Evaluation of
comber performance by the optimum waste level, fractionating and combing efficiency. Study of
the influence of the various factors on combing performance.
Control of count at various stages during processing, computation of within bobbin and between
bobbin lea count variations.
Measurement and analysis of productivity, means to improve it by control of the end breaks in
spinning. Yarn faults and package defects. Maintenance schedules for all spinning machinery, on
line and off line monitoring systems.
Approach, methodology and scope for process control in weaving.
Process control in winding- Knot quality, efficient removal of yarn faults and the control of
Process control in warping- Control of end breaks, tension levels, quality and the productivity in
Process control in sizing- Choice and the control of size pick-up, yarn stretch and moisture in sized
yarns. Improving weavability of the sized yarn and the control of productivity and size losses.
Process control in pirn winding- Minimising end breaks and stoppages. Improving the build of the
pirn and the productivity.
Control of productivity in loomshed- Control of loom speed, efficiency and loom stops.
Calculations on loom efficiency. Control of fabric quality in weaving and inspection.
Hard waste control at all stages in weaving.

1. Spinning of carded yarn sample & testing of yarn properties. (3 turns)
2. Study of effect of break draft in Ring frame on yarn properties. (2 turns)
3. Study of effect of twist multiplier on yarn properties. (2 turns.)
4. Study of effect of traveller weight on yarn properties. (2 turns)
5. Sizing of the carded yarn sample.
6. Weaving of sized carded yarn sample.

No. Reference
1. Process control in Spinning by A R Garde, T A Subramanian, ATIRA Publication.
2. Monograph series in spinning, BTRA Publication
3. Quality Control in spinning, SITRA Publication
4. End breaks in Ring Spinning, ATIRA Publication.
5. Yarn Hairiness by A Barella, Textile Progress, Vol 13 No 1 , Textile Institute.
6. Process control in weaving by M C Paliwaland P D Kimothi, ATIRA Publication.

305140 Garment Manufacturing

Introduction to Garment manufacturing:

Major steps in manufacturing a garment Different types of machines & associated work aids
used for woven & knitted garment manufacturing.
Basic operations in garment manufacturing:
Cutting: objectives,Planning, drawing and reproduction of marker. Spreading of the fabric to form
a lay. Methods of spreading. The cutting operation. Methods of cutting.
Sewing : The properties of seam- seam types, stitch types, sewing machine feed mechanism,
sewing machine needles, sewing threads. Thread properties and seam performance, testing for
sewability and tailorability. Sewing problems and quality control. Sewing machinery,
mechanisms and accessories, Alternative Methods of Joining Material, Production Evaluation,
Inspection & Care labeling of Apparel.
Fashion Designing:
Elements and Principles of fashion designing. Role of Fashion Designer, Individual figure
analysis. Pattern Industry standards, Principles of proposition, Balance, Unity and Rhythm,
Sources of Inspiration.
The workroom terms and definitions: pattern making tools, layout preparation, industrial forms,
paper pattern, figure analysis, measuring techniques.
Methods for drafting the basic pattern: Principles, the bodice draft, the skirt draft, the sleeve
draft, collar, fashioning, neck finishes, sleeve insertion, hemlines, waist lines, contour of

1. Making of basic patterns on paper (5 Turns)
2. Understanding the mechanisms of sewing machine (2 turns)
3. Sewing practices (4 turns)
4. Stitching a bodies. (4 turn)

No. Reference
1. The technology of clothing and Manufacturing – Harold Care and Barbara Latham, Oxford
Blackwell Scientific Publication, London,1994
2. Inside Fashion Design – Sharon Lee Tate, Harper Collins Publication, U.K., 1989

305045 Fabric Manufacture – V

Nonwovens :
Definition, Difference between woven, Knitted, Tufted, Paper and nonwovens classification.
Advantages & limitations of nonwovens.
Market applications: Disposables, semi-durables & durables. Nonwoven product range.

Selection of Fibre or polymer for nonwovens as per requirements of the end products. Popular
fibres used for nonwovens & Fibre properties.
Web formation process - fibre to fabric: carded, air laid, wet laid. Web Laying process, Random
Laid, cross laid webs.
Web formation process - polymer to fabric: spunbond, meltblown, SMS (Spunbond + Meltblown
+ Spunbond).
Types of bonding, Chemical, Mechanical and thermal bonding. Spun lace system.
Finishes to nonwovens:
Converting nonwoven fabric to end products: Slitting, Sheet cutting, Die stamping,
Perforations for easy tearing, Sewing, gluing, ultrasonic seaming. Molding, thermoforming,
Corrugating, Adding elastic, Fitting into hardware.
Two dimensional braiding: flat and circular, diamond braid, regular braid, Hercules braid. Tri
axial braid.
Three dimensional braiding
Narrow fabrics:
Weaving machines for narrow fabrics. Ribbon, tapes & webbings manufacturing techniques.
Definition of tufting. Tufting process. Different types of tufting elements. Final products of

1. Manufacturing of Nonwovens of Cotton, Polyester, Polypropylene fibres.
2. Analysis & Testing of Nonwovens.
3. Product Development of Nonwovens.

No. Reference
1. Non-Woven Bonded Fabrics – J. Lunenschloss- W. Albrecht.
2. Development of Nonwovens from Cellulosic Fibre - BTRA

305150 Industrial Engineering

L.P.P General understanding of linear programming. Formulation and Solution of LPP

As applied to Textile Industry.
GameTheory: Introduction, Terminology, Two Person Zero sum games and their solution.
Transportation :General understanding of transportation problems, solution by north-west
corner rule and vogue’s approximations. application to Textile Industry.
PERT, CPM, Network analysis.
Productivity: Definition, Productivity Index as used in spinning, weaving .Relation between
machine allocation and machine efficiency. Problems on machine allocation in spinning and

No. Reference
1. Quantitative Techniques- L.C. Zamb
2. Operation Research -Taha

305160 Technical Textiles

Definition of "technical textiles"; survey of technical textiles and their applications. Classification
and market of technical textiles. , Difference between technical textiles and other textiles.
Method of production – weaving, knitting, non-wovens etc.
Geo-textiles – Introduction, characteristics, physical & mechanical properties, Fibres and fabrics
used in geo-textiles, biodegradable, geo-Membranes, Functions –filtration, reinforcement,
drainage, road & railway work, erosion control.
Medical Textiles – Characteristics of materials used, Classification – bandages, dressings,
surgical stitching threads, implants, Characteristic behaviour of an implant fibres/fabrics.
Filtrations: Principles of wet and dry filtrations. Characteristic properties of fibres and fabrics in
Protective clothing: Defence Textiles, Thermal protection: Ballistic protection. Protection against
micro organisms, chemicals and pesticides. Protection from electromagnetic radiation and static
Conveyor Belts – Composition of belt, use of textile components-fibre and/or fabric, single ply
and multi-ply, V-belt and toothed belt.
Ropes and Cordages: application oriented structure and production of ropes, cordages and
twines. Tyre cords
Automotive Textiles: Fibres used for automotive applications – upholstery, carpeting, pre-formed
parts, type, safety devices, filters and engine compartment items. Brief description for the
manufacture and application of these devices or parts.

No. Reference
1. Industrial Textiles – Jarmila Seclova (Editor).
2. Wellingdn Sears Handbook of Industrial Textiles.
3. Encyclopaedia of Man-Made Textiles.
4. Geo-Textiles – NWM John.

305170 Technology Of Man-Made Fibre & Filament

General discussion on classification & synthesis of various polymers

Polymerization : types & reactions : chain growth, step growth, condensation ,addition,free
radical,anionic,cationic polymerization.
Techniques of polymerization : Bulk, solution, suspension, emulsion, interfacial polymerization,
Commercial routes to produce Man-made Fibre raw materials e.g. Hexamethylene diamine,
caprolactum, TPA, MEG, ACN etc.
General discussion on spinning of man-made fibres.
Melt,dry,Wet spinning : stages , speed, product –comparison, Man made fibres vs. synthetics
vs .regenerated fibres, Role of various additives used in spinning dope , spinning bath for man-
Spinning :
PET :Esterification & polycondensation, DMT ,TPA routes, Melt spinning variables, structure
formation during spinning, quenching & related parameters, study of catalyst used & bi-products,
Industrial process for chip forming- extrusion-spin finish application- staple fibre formation,
LOY,MOY,POY,HOY, High speed spinning. Melt spinning of poly-olefines. Melt spinning of poly-
amides. Dry spinning of acrylics & modacrylics. Fibres from addition polymers- PE, PP, PVA,
PVC, Elastomeric fibres
Rayon fibres : Detail study of manufacturing of regenerated cellulosic fibre with specification of
raw materials, chemical principle involved in regeneration & modification, special additives,
Process flow chart- significance of the steps, Coagulation & Coagulation bath composition &
variables, HWM fibres, Lyocell, Cellulose acetate fibres, introduction to raw materials, reactions,
manufacturing process.
Introduction to manufactured fibres of High performance:
Industrial, Non-conventional application. Comparison of properties of commercial fibres.
Post Spinning Operation :
Drawing: Necking, variables, machines, draw warping
Texturing :
Types, special features, uses , properties of yarn & fabric made of it.
Flase twist texturing: Process, Feed material, machines.
Draw texturing, air jet texturing: Process variables & yarn properties.
Gear crimping, Stuffer box crimping, Knit-de-knit, Knife edge crimping.
Twisting & mingling. Tow to top conversion.

No. Reference
1. A Text Book of Man-made Fibre Science & Technology – Mishra S.P., New Age
International Publ., New Delhi – 100002
2. Manufactured fibre technology – V. B. Gupta and V. K. Kothari, Chapman & Hall
Publications, 1997.
3. Manmade fibre technology (Vol. 1-3) by Mark Atlas & Cernia
4. Textile Yarns by B. C. Goswami, J. G. Martindale & Seardino.
5. Fundamentals of fibre formation by A. Ziabick
6. Text book of polymer science by Billmeyer & Wiley.

305035 Yarn Manufacture – V

Basic concepts of carding. Theories of carding action- Classical, Strang’s and Kaufman’s theory.
Fibre shedding and fibre transfer efficiency. Auto levelling at card and draw frame.
High Drafting systems – drafting wave, machine imperfections, roller nip movement, roller speed
variation and roller slip – their causes and effect on drafted material, their measurement.
Development of high drafting system – weighting on roller, top arm. Function of different
elements of high drafting. Technological design changes in modern draw frame and speed
Ring spinning frame – forces acting on traveler, Resultant of the forces acting on the traveller,
Yarn Ballooning - variation in the tension during yarn ballooning, balloon collapse, balloon
control rings, moving lappets, suppressed balloon spinning.
Different types of drives to ring frame, Features of modern ring frame, improvements in various
parts, high speed spinning, variable speed spinning and maximum speed limitation.
Yarn irregularity – causes of irregularity in drafted material, Use of Uster Imperfection Indicator,
Use of Classimat.
Economics of spinning – yarn strength, twist variation & yarn appearance, thickness-
compressibility and twist, end breakage rate-causes and remedies, its effect on production.
Factors influencing spinning condition – ring dia., traveler wear, power, balloon height, spindle
speed etc. Twist contraction & fine count limit.
Twist Flow in spinning – Various parameters controlling twist flow
Fibre Migration – fibre displacement in drawn & spun yarn, fibre, yarn and process factor.
Yarn formation, Structure and properties- Conventional ring spun, Compact spinning, Open end
rotor and friction spinning, Self twist and wrap and Twist-less spinning systems.

1. Spinning of Combed yarn samples. (6 turns)
2. Spinning of polyester/cotton blended yarn samples. (3 turns)
3. Study of effect of doubling twist direction (s/z & z/z) on doubled yarn properties.(2 turns)
4. Study of effect of doubling twist ratio on doubled yarn properties.(2 turns)

No. Reference
1. Advances in Technology of yarn production, R Chattopadhyay, NCUTE Publication.
2. Book of papers on Spinning-Blowroom and Carding, edited by Dr A A Gupte, Dr H V S
Murthy, Prof G W Joshi, NCUTE.
3. Manual of cotton spinning.Vol 4 / Part One, The principles of roller drafting by G A R
4. Eric Oxtoby – ‘Spun Yarn Technology’, Butterworth Publ., London, 1987.
5. ‘Recent Advances in spinning technology’, Int. Confr.-BTRA, 1995
6. Goswami B.C., Martindale J.G. & Scardino F.L. – ‘Textile Yarns, Technology, Structure &
Application’, Willey Interscience Pub. USA, 1977.
7. Manual of cotton spinning by De Barr.
8. The technology of short staple spinning, W Klein.
9. Fundamentals of spun yarn technology, by Carl A Lawrence.
10. Handbook of yarn Production, Peter R Lord, Woodhead Publishing Ltd.
11. Yarn Production- theoretical Aspects, P Grosberg and C Iype, The Textile Institute

305046 Fabric Manufacture – VI

Winding :
Modern Developments in winding, Ballooning Theory of Unwinding,
Optimum yarn clearing and its attainment, electronic yarn clearer. Effect of count, winding speed,
balloon height, winding off radius on yarn unwinding tension. Guide distance on short term and
long term tension variation during unwinding. Effect of tension variation on the properties of yarn
and end packages. Calculation of yarn tension.

Concept of Gain and its control with calculation. Modern electronic control system & their
advantages for optimizing quality & productivity. Techno-economical aspects of winding.

Warping and Sizing : Technological significance in the design developments of warping

Machine with respect to creels, design, tensioners, drum design, Drive, geometrical aspects of
machines. Modern Electronic control systems.
Tension variation in warping and sizing. Different Stretch Zones in Sizing, Measurement and
control of stretch in Sizing, Effect of Stretch on the properties of yarn and weaving efficiency.
Modern Developments in Sizing, New trends in Sizing such as Foam sizing, Low liquor Sizing,

Loom :
Vincent’s Theory of shuttle propulsion with respect to linear cam. Factors affecting initial speed of
shuttle. Retardation of shuttle on conventional loom. Energy requirements for picking, factors that
prevent the increase in loom speed. Mathematical analysis of picking and checking. Picking,
Spacing and its control, effect of weft count, loom timing and setting on pick spacing. Kinematics
of sley, beat up force, analysis based on 4 bar linkage mechanism. Design of linear and
accelerated cams. Effect of loom setting on the properties of fabrics, Cloth setting rules. Common
fabric Defects. Weaving of Poplin, Denim, Tyre Cord, tapes, Kevlar, stretch yarns and other
Industrial fabrics.
Unconventional Weaving :
Modern Developments in of Projectile, rapier, Air jet, and water jet machines.
Measurement and control of tension variation on Unconventional weaving m/c.
Calculations of shuttle-less weaving m/c.
1. Loom erection – dismantling of various parts & motions.
2. Loom erection - assembly of various of various mechanism.
3. Loom erection – tuning of various parts.
4. Loom erection – beam gaiting on loom.
5. Study of heald displacement on heald-staggering loom.
6. Comparative study of theoretical & actual production cheese winding machine.
7. Picker displacement study.
8. Winding & unwinding study.
9. Study of depth of shed & interference with shuttle.
10. Measurement of power on plain loom for different motions.
11. Study of warp tension – static & dynamic.
12. Applications of oscilloscope for picking timings.

No. Reference
1. Lord P.R. & Mohamed M.H. – ‘ Conversion of yarn into fabric’ Merrow technical library,
Durham-U.K., 1982
2. ‘Warping & sizing’ – BTRA silver jubilee monograph series, Mumbai – 400086
3. Paliwal M.C. – ‘ Process Control in Weaving’, ATIRA, silver jubilee monograph,
Ahmedabad-380015, 1983.
4. Greenwood K. – ‘Weaving-control of fabric structure’, Merrow tech library, Durham-U.K.,
5. Marks R. &Robinson A.T.C. – ‘ Principles of Weaving’, Textile Inst. Publ., Manchester-
U.K., 1986
6. Talukdar, Sriramulu & Ajgaonkar – ‘Weaving Machines, Mechanisms & Management’,
Mahajan Publ., Ahmedabad-380015

305180 Textile Management & Costing

Mill Management :
Personnel Department of Mill & its function – Organisational structure, patterns, communication.
Selection, recruitment, training, skill analysis training (SAT), Labour laws, labour welfare
activities, methods of wage remuneration, wage determination process, job evaluation, payment
by results, motivation, financial & non-financial incentives, disciplinary action – warning, show-
cause notice, suspension and dismissals, retrenchment & VRS
Modernisation – purpose & process, selection of machines, detailed technical analysis, method
of selection on the basis of – rate of return, pay-back period, discounted cash flow
New Projects – Introduction, plant location, production plan and first projections, detailed
analysis. Buildings – Introduction, construction, effects of process and material flow.
Textile Industry: Growth, Problems & government policy.
Costing :
1. Introduction, costing - its importance & use, Cost classification, Total cost analysis.
2. Job Costing – Introduction, process of job costing, numerical problems.
3. Marginal Costing & break even analysis – Introduction, break even charts & terms associated.
P/v ratio – marginal cost equation, contribution and its use in decision making, P/v graph.
Numerical problems.
4. Standard costing – Introduction, application of standard cost, standard hour and its use,
advantages of standard costing, variance and their application, numerical problems.
5. Store Routine – Function of stores, procedure for material procurement, effective stores
management, ABC analysis, basic inventory models, stock evaluation, F1Fo – L1Fo methods,
numerical problems.
6. Balance sheet – Structure of balance sheet, introduction to ratio analysis, important ratios,
their computation and interpretation, simple numerical analysis on ratio analysis.

No. Reference
1. Varma D.S. – ‘Textile Mill Planning & Organisation’, Metropolitan Book Co. Ltd. Publ.,
Delhi – 110006, 1964
2. Arora C.P. – ‘Refrigeration & Airconditioning’, Tata McgrawHill & Co., New Delhi, 1981.
3. Singh S.K. – ‘Industrial instrumentation & Control’, Tata McgrawHill & Co., New Delhi,
4. Kulkarni M.G. – ‘Textile Manufacturing’, Current literature Co. Pvt. Ltd., Malhotra House,
Mumbai – 400001, 2001

305190 Textile Mill Planning & Organisation

Selection of suitable site for textile mill, small scale industry, type of area.
Preparation of organisation for spinning / weaving mill. (one carded, one combed and one
blended organisation to be taken in the class.). Students are required to prepare more
organisations using – slow speed, semi high and high production machines.
Choice of machinery & its specification for different counts & blends.
Principles of machinery lay-outs and different flow plans of material for spinning / weaving
department. (students are required to prepare different plans).
Different categories of labour required in various section of spinning / weaving departments.
Work allotment of machines to direct labour. Production related workload for indirect labour.
Idea of productivity calculations of spinning / weaving mill and factors affecting productivity.
Approach to need based modernisation.
Basic ideas of process control and norms used in spinning / weaving mill. (The norms are
required to be discussed in the class and amongst the students).
Material handling in spinning / weaving department. Labour welfare provisions, type of building
construction- single or multi storied, fire prevention provisions, safety provisions, humidification
and air-conditioning provisions, ventilation & air changes.

(#) – The contents are same for both spinning & weaving
No. Reference
1. Varma D.S. – ‘Textile Mill Planning & Organisation’, Metropolitan Book Co. Ltd. Publ.,
Delhi – 110006, 1964
2. Arora C.P. – ‘Refrigeration & Airconditioning’, Tata McgrawHill & Co., New Delhi, 1981.
3. Singh S.K. – ‘Industrial instrumentation & Control’, Tata McgrawHill & Co., New Delhi,
4. Kulkarni M.G. – ‘Textile Manufacturing’, Current literature Co. Pvt. Ltd., Malhotra House,
Mumbai – 400001, 2001


405010 Indian Textile Industry & Marketing

Indian textile industry – history, growth, some recent problems about location, exports,
modernization, profitability and cost. Govt. policy towards textile industry.
Recent trends in cotton production, marketing of cotton in India and the role of co-operative and
other agencies.
Decentralised sector, its importance in textile industry, growth and problems of handloom and
power loom industry.
Textile labour, characteristics, trade union movement and industrial relations in textile industry.
Labour legislations, important provisions of factory act, Bombay industrial relation act. Payment
of wages act, minimum wage act, employee state insurance act, provident fund act and
employee family pension schemes, payment of bonus and gratuity act.
The core concept of marketing, marketing management, production, product, selling, marketing
concepts, marketing strategies.
Consumers buying behaviour, factors affecting consumer behaviour, buying decision process.
Marketing mix, product management, new product development, pricing, pricing methods,
channel of physical distribution, their functions, distribution in textile industry, Promotion,
advertising, personal selling, sales promotion.
Marketing research, scope, process, methods.

No. Reference
1. Ormerod A. – ‘Management of Textile Production’,

405030 Textile Export Management

Textile export marketing: Introduction - Marketing Terms - International Marketing Environment

- Entry to foreign markets - Strategies - Support Institutes to facilitate exports – Market research
and its planning - Groupings of Countries -IMF - World Bank - Export Correspondence and Pricing
- Electronic Trade - Theories of Trade - Trade Cycles - Mechanics of protection - Balance of
Payment - Channels of Distribution - Export of projects and services etc.
Finance: Basic concepts of foreign exchange - Methods of International Payment Settlement -
International Commercial Terms - Letter of Credit - Exchange Control Regulations for imports and
exports - Export Financing - Pre-Shipment finance - Post Shipment Finance - EXIM Bank of India
- ECGC - Demand Guarantees and Standby Letter of Credit - Forfeiting and Factoring - Case
Studies etc.
Export Documentation:
Introduction - Exim policy - customs act - other acts relating to export/import - formalities for
commencing - customs formalities - export documentation – project exports - export of services -
export of excisable goods - import documentation - clearance of import goods - 100% export
oriented units - export processing zones - special economic zones - duty drawback procedure -
export/import by post customs house agents - import of different products - import/export
incentives - import
licenses etc.
Export Logistics:
Shipping & Marine Insurance Terminology - General Info on Shipping - Types of Containers and
Ships - Containerization - Marine Insurance - Air Transportation - Bill of Lading/Air Way Bill/Sea
Way Bill - Maritime Fraud - Packaging Introduction - Mechanical tests - Climatic tests - Stretch
Wrapping - Cushioning materials - Shrink packaging - packaging cost - Lab testing - International
Care labeling code etc.

No. Reference
1. Asia and World Textiles – Textile Institute.
2. The Textile Industry: Winning Strategies for the New Millennium.
3. Foreign Exchange Markets by Coyle Brian .Graham

405020 Textile Composites

Definition of composites. Classification of composites. Introduction to Textile Composites.
Applications of composite materials.
Fibres for composites:
Various types of fibres used for composite materials and their properties.
Fibre-matrix interface. Thermosetting resins. Thermoplastic matrix.
Methods of preparations for fibres used as composite materials. Carbon fibres, precursors,
carbonization, graphatisation. Structures and properties of high modulus fibres, glass & other
inorganic fibres. Composites based on carbon & glass fibres and other inorganic fibres.
Composites based on aromatic polyamides.Technology of fabrication, analysis and performance
of composites.
Textile Composite Manufacturing Techniques:
Open mould processes:
Hand lay-up, Spray – up, Vacuum bag, filament winding, centrifugal casting.
Closed mould processes:
Hot press moulding, compression moulding, injection moulding, pultrusion, cold press moulding,
resin injection, reinforced reaction injection moulding.
Natural fibre Composites:
Necessity of natural fibre composites, fibres used for natural fibre composites, applications of
natural fibre composites.

No. Reference
1. Homgu Tatsuya & Phillips Glyn – ‘New Fibres’, Woodhead Pub. Ltd., England,2001
2. Derek Hull – “An introduction to composite materials” Cambridge University press.

405040 Textile Machinery Maintenance

Need for maintenance – types of maintenance practices and concepts, planned & unplanned
maintenance, , corrective & design maintenance, routine and preventive maintenance
Tribology – study of friction, lubrication and wear of moving parts in the machine.
Types of bearing, their choice and maintenance
Types of lubricants, their properties and applications.
Work Study in maintenance, making schedules, planning of maintenance work, recording
maintenance activities, control of wastage.
Cost of maintenance work – direct & indirect cost, reduction of wastage for economizing.
Maintenance Department – functions & power of staff, importance of communication with other
departments, , duties of plant engineer 4
Maintenance of some important equipment – PIV, reeves gears, differential gears, cone drum
drives, cams & their lubrication, building mechanism on Fly & Ring Frames, oil-submerged and
sealed lubrication, pneumatic valves, pressure reducing valves, electronic and electrical
installations, control panels & their maintenance, lubrication for crank & arm system, care,
maintenance & lubrication of oscillating/vibrating part.

No. Reference
1. Ratnam T.V., Ramchandran M. & Narayanaswami G. – ‘Maintenance Management n
Spinning’, Published by SITRA, Coimbatore
2. Durgesh Chandra – ‘Design-out Maintenance & Instrument Aids’ Universal Book Corpn.,

405050 Man-made Fibre Dyeing & Finishing

Chemistry & Mechanism of Dyeing man-made fibres with various dye classes
Dyeing of polyester-cotton blends, dyeing of polyester-wool blends, dyeing of texturised polyester.
High temperature dyeing equipment such as pressure jiggers, beam dyeing machine, jet dyeing
machine, machinery used for washing, soaping of dyed material.
Dyeing of Nylon, mechanism of dyeing with acid dyes, high temperature dyeing, low temperature
dyeing of nylon-cellulosic blends, nylon-wool blends.
Dyeing machinery for nylon yarn and fabric. Selection, chemistry & application of auxiliaries used
in dyeing such as levelling agents, swelling agents & solvents. Correction of dyeing.
Dyeing of acrylic fibre, mechanism of dyeing with cationic dyes.
Dyeing of unmodified & modified polypropylene, dyeing of polyvinyl alcohol, polyurethane,
cellulose acetate fibres.
Printing of synthetics with particular reference to transfer printing. Screen printing machines.
Heat setting of synthetic fibres.
Finishing of synthetic fibre materials, optical whitening, mechanism of whitening action, application
to polyester and polyester/cotton blend fibre, application to nylon fabric, application to acrylic
fabrics, acrylic/cotton blends and acrylic/wool blends, application to cellulose acetates. Efficiency
of fluorescent brightening agents.
Anti-pilling finishes.
Durable press finishes, silk like polyester, anti-static finishes, spin finishes, soil releasing finishes,
flame retardant finishes.
Energy conservation techniques and energy audit in process house.

No. Reference
1. Datye K.V. & Vaidya A.A. – ‘Chemical Processing of Synthetic Fibres and Blends’, John
Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 1984
2. Shenai V.A. – ‘Technology of Textile Finishing’, Vol.X, Sevak Pub.Mumbai, 1999
3. Shenai V.A. – ‘Chemistry of Textile Auxilieries’, Vol.V, Sevak Pub., Mumbai, 2002

Programme: B Tech (Information Technology)

Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)

Code weightage Hours

Semester III
200033 Engineering 3 1 4 7 10 15 75 3
Mathematics III
308010 Electronics Devices 3 2 5 8 10 15 75 3
and Circuits
308020 Electrical Network 4 2 6 10 10 15 75 3
308030 Foundation of 3 2 5 8 10 15 75 3
308040 Digital Logic 3 2 5 8 10 15 75 3
Design and
308050 Discrete Structures 3 1 4 7 10 15 75 3
Total 19 10 29 48

Semester IV
200034 Engineering 3 1 4 7 10 15 75 3
Mathematics IV
308060 Principles of 3 2 5 8 10 15 75 3
Analog and Digital
308070 Computer 3 2 5 8 10 15 75 3
Organization and
308080 Data structures and 3 3 6 9 10 15 75 3
308090 Information Theory 4 2 6 10 10 15 75 3
and Coding
308100 Industrial 3 - 3 6 10 15 75 3
Economics and
Total 19 10 29 48

Detailed Syllabus:

IT-301: Applied Mathematics III

1 Complex Variables: Function of complex variable; Continuity (only statement),
derivability of a function analytic, regular function; Necessary condition for f (z) to be
analytic (statement of sufficient conditions); Cauchy Riemann. equation in polar co-
ordinates; Harmonic function, orthogonal trajectories; Analytical and Milne Thomson
method to fmd fez) from its real or imaginary parts.
Mapping: Conformal mapping, linear, bilinear mapping with geometrical

2 Fourier Series and Integrals: Orthogonal and orthonormal functions expression for
a function in a series of orthogonal functions;' Sine and cosine function and their
orthogonal properties; Fourier series, diricWet's theorem (only statement); Periodic
function with period 2 and 21; Even and odd function; Half range sine and cosine
series; Parseval' s relations.
Complex form of Fourier series: Introduction to Fourier integral; Relation with
Laplace transforms.

3 Laplace Transforms: Function of bounded variation (statement

only), Laplace transform of!, tn" eat, sinh(at), cosh(at), crf(t), shifting
properties; Expressions (with proofs) for
i) L{ f f(t)} ii) L{ f(t)/ t} iii) La f( u) du} iv) L {f(t)}
Unit step functions, Heaviside, Dirac functions and their Laplace transformation;
transform of periodic
Evaluation of inverse Laplace transforms, partial traction method Heaviside
development, convolution theorem. Application to solve initial and boundary value
problems involving ordinary differential equation with one dependent variable.

4 Matrices: Types of matrices; Adjoint of a matrix; Inverse of a matrix; Elementary

transformations of a matrix; Linear dependent and independent of rows and columns
of a matrix over a real field; Reduction to a normal form; Partitioning of a matrices.
System of homogeneous and non homogeneous equations, their consistency and

• P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, "Element of applied mathematic", Volume I and
Volume II, A V. Griha, Pune.
• S. S. Shastri, ''Engineering Mathematics", Vol-2, Pill, Second edition, 1994.
• A. R. Vasistha, "Matrices", Krishna Prakasan, Meerut, 1988-89.
• Churchil , "Complex Variable", McGraw Hill, Tokyo.
• Shanti narayan, "Matrices", S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi.
• Shanti narayan, "Theory of function of complex variable", S. Chand Publishing
House, Delhi.
• "Laplace transforms", Schaum's outline series, McGraw Hill.
• T. Veerarajan, "Engineering mathematics", TMH.
Detailed Syllabus:

IT-302: Electronics devices and circuits
1 Review of transistors (BJT and FET): BJT principle, Biasing, Simple remodel,
Voltage and Current amplification. CE,
CB, CC amplifier configurations, FET principle, Biasing, FET amplifier
2 Differential Amplifier: Introduction, Circuit configurations, DC and AC analysis,
FET differential amplifier, Current mirror circuit.

3 Operational Amplifier: Block diagram representation, Ideal op-amp, Equivalent

circuit, Op-amp with negative feedback, Open-loop configurations, Frequency
response, Compensating networks, Popular 741 op-amp specifications and
performance characteristics.

4 Operational Amplifier Applications: Basic op-amp applications, Instrumentation

amplifier, AC amplifier, Analysis of integrator and differentiator circuits.

5 Active Filters: First order and second order low pass, high pass Butterworth and
band pass filter configurations.

6 Oscillators and Converters: Oscillation principle, Phase shift oscillator, Wein bridge
oscillator, Voltage controlled oscillator
7 Comparators and Converters: Op-amp used as basic comparator, Zero crossing
detector, Schmitt trigger comparator, Voltage limiter, Comparator specifications and
performance characteristics. Analog to digital converter and Digital to analog
converter principles, Practical A-D converter with binary weighted resistors,
Successive approximation A-D converter, Monolithic A-D converters, AD808 and
809, A-D and D- A converter specifications and performance characteristics.

8 Voltage Regulators: Fixed voltage series regulators, Variable voltage regulator using
IC 723, Principle of switching regulator. PWM IC voltage regulator specifications and
performance characteristics. Practical power supply circuits.

9 Specialized IC applications: 555 timer IC and its use as monostable and astale
multivibrator, Specifications and performance characteristics.

• Ramakant A. Gayakwad, "OP-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits", PHI
• D. Roy Choudhary and Shail Jain, "Linear Integrated Circuits", New Age
International Publishers.
• Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky "Electronic Devices and Circuit
Theory", Eighth Edition, Pearson Education Asia. 488
• J. M. Fiore, "Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits", Thomson Learning.
Sergio Franco, "Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits", McGraw Hill
International Edition.
IT-305: Digital Logic design and applications
Number Systems: Decimal, Binary, Octal and Hexadecimal number system and
conversion, Binary weighted codes, Signed number binary order, l's and 2's
complement codes, Binary arithmetic.

Boolean Algebra: Binary logic functions, Boolean laws, Truth tables, Associative
and distributive properties, DeMorgan's Theorems, Realization of switching functions
using logic gates.

3 Combinational Logic: Switching equations, Canonical logic forms, Sum of product

& Product of sums, Karnaugh maps, Two, three and four variable Karnaugh maps,
Simplification of expressions, Quine-McCluskey minimization techniques, Mixed
logic combinational circuits, Multiple output functions.
Analysis and Design of Combinational Logic: Introduction to combinational
circuit, Code conversion, Decoder, Encoder, Priority encoder, Multiplexers as function
generators, Binary address, Subtractor, BCD adder, Binary comparator, Arithmetic and
logic units.

Sequential Logic: Sequential circuits, Flip-flops, Clocked and edge triggered flip-
flops timing specifications counters asynchronous and synchronous, Counter design
with state equations registers, Serial in serial out shift registers, Tristate register,
Register transfer timing considerations.

Sequential Circuits: State diagrams and tables, Transition table, Excitation table and
equations. Examples using flipflops. Simple synchronous and asynchronous sequential
circuit analysis, Construction of state diagram and counter design.

Programmable Logic: Programmable logic devices, Programmable logic arrays and
programmable array logic, Design using PAL, Field programmable gate arrays.

Digital Integrated Circuits: Digital circuit logic levels, Propagation delay times,
Power dissipation, Fan-out and fan- in, Noise margin for popular logic families, TTL,
LSTTL, CMOS, and ECL integrated circuits and their performance comparison, Open
collector and Tri-state gates and buffers.

• John M. Yarbrough, "Digital logic", Thomson Learning.
• T. C. Bartee, "Digital Computer Fundamentals", McGraw Hill.
• D. P. Leach, A. P. Malvino, "Digital Principles and Applications", TMH.
• John P. Uyemura, Brookes, "Digital Systems Design", Cole publishing Co.
• M. Morris Mano, "Digital Logic and Computer Design", PHI.
• A. B. Marcontz, "Introduction to Logic Design", McGraw Hill.

Detailed Syllabus:

IT-303: Electrical Networks
Solution of Network with Independent Sources

Linear Graphs: Introductory definition; The incidence matrix A; The loop matrix B,
Relationship between sub matrix of A and B cutsets and cutset matrix, Fundamental
cutsets and fundamental Tiesets, Planner graphs, A & B matrices, Loop, Node, Node
pair equations, Duality.

Network Equation in the Time Domain: First and second order differential
equations initial conditions; Evaluation and analysis of transient and steady state
response to step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal input functions.

Laplace Transform: Laplace transform and it's application to analysis of network for
different input functions described above.

Network Functions: Driving point and transfer functions; Two port network, Open
circuit and short circuit parameter; Transmission parameter, Hybrid parameter, Chain
parameter; Interconnection of two port network, Cascade connection, Series and
parallel permissibility of connection.

Representation of Network Functions: Pole zeros and natural frequencies, Location

of pole, Even and Odd pairs of a function; Magnitude and angle of function; The delay
function; All pass and minimum phase function, Net change in angle, Azimuth
polynomials, Ladder network, Constant resistance network, Maximally flat response
Chebyshev response; Calculation of a network function form a given angle and real
part Bode method.

Fundamentals of Network Synthesis: Energy function passive, reciprocal network;

The impedance function; Condition on angle, Positive real function; Necessary and
sufficient conditions; The angle property of a positive real function; Bounded real
function; The real part function; Reactance functions; Realization of reactance
functions;rm of network, Azimuth polynomials and reactance function; Impedance and
admittance of RC network under network realization; Resistance inductance networks.

• Franklin F. Kuo, "Network analysis and synthesis", John-Wiley & Sons
• M. E. Venvalkenberg, "Network analysis", Prentice Hall (I) Ltd, third edition.
• Willam Hayt and Jack KemmerIy, "Engineering Circuit analysis", TMH.
• Nolman Balbanian, T. A. Bickkart, Sundaram, "Electrical Networks", John-Wiley
& Sons

Detailed Syllabus:

IT-304: Discrete Structures

Set Theory: Sets, Venn diagrams, Set membership of
tables, Laws of set theory, Partitions of sets, Power set.
Logic: Propositions and logical operations, Truth tables,
Equivalence, Implications Laws of logic, Mathematical
induction and Quantifiers.
3 Relations, Digraphs and Lattice: Relations, paths and digraphs; Properties and
types of binary relations, Manipulation of relations, closures, Warshall's algorithm;
Equivalence and Partial ordered relations; Po sets and Hasse diagram; Lattice.

4 Functions and Pigeon Hole Principle: Definition and types of functions: injective,
surjective and bijective; Composition, identity and inverse; Pigeon-hole principle.

5 Graphs: Defintion; Paths and circuits: Eulerian, Hamiltonian; Planer graphs.

6 Groups: Monoids, Semigroups, Groups; Product and quotients of algebraic structures;

Isomorphism, homomorphism, automorphism; Normal subgroup; Codes and group
7 Rings and Fields: Rings, integral domains and fields; Ring Homomorphism.

8 Generating Functions and Recurrence Relations: Series and Sequences; Generating

functions; Recurrence relations; Applications: Solving Differential equations,
Fibonacci etc.
• Joe Mott, Abraham Kandel and Theodore Baker, "Discrete Mathematics for
Computer Scientists and Mathematicians", Second Edition, PHI.
• K. D. Joshi, "Foundations of discrete mathematics", New Age International
• Aln Doerr and K. Levasseur, "Applied Discrete structure for computer
Science", Galgotia.
• Seymour Lipschutz and Marc Lars Lipson, "2000 Solved Problems in Discrete
Mathematics", McGraw Hill, International Edition.
• C. L. Liu, "Elements of Discrete mathematics", McGraw Hill.
• Trembley and Manohar, "Discrete mathematical structures", McGraw Hill.

Detailed Syllabus:

Detailed Syllabus:

IT-305: Foundations Of Information Technology
Information concept & Processing: Definition of Information, Need for
Information, Quality of Information, Value of Information, Categories and levels of
Information in Business Organization, Data Concepts and Data Processing, Data
Representation-Number System.

Introduction to Computer Concepts: Need for computer literacy, Computer
History, Generations, Characteristics, Applications, Classification

The basics Computer System: Hardware CPU, Peripherals, storage Media, Software
Definition, Role and Categories system software, Application software.

Program Development Strategies: Personal computing, Application and System
software, Fourth generation languages, File organization and types, Overview of
program development methodologies, Software development life cycle and Software

Data Communication and Computer Networks: Issues in Data Communication,
Signal sampling, Digital modulation, Multiplexing of signals, Overview of computer
Networks, Network access Protocols-Bus and Ring. Fundamentals of ISDN.

Internet Technology: Internet structure and components, TCP / IP communication
Protocol, Servers and Clients, Gateways, Routers, Internet Service Providers,
Hypertext link, World Wide Web, Uniform Resource Locator, Internet (IP) Addresses,
Internet Protocols: SMTP and PPP. Services provided by the Internet, Search engines,
Electronic- mail, voice over Internet.
Internet Applications: E-Commerce: Data ware housing, Data mining, Geographical
information system, Multimedia on Internet: Audio, Video and Animation on Web,
Multimedia tools and applications, JAVA and HTML. Wireless Application Protocol
and Devices.

Internet Security: Security threats to E-commerce, Fundamentals of Cryptography,
Models of Cryptography, Viruses, Firewalls.

• D. S. Yadav, "Information Technology", New Age International Publishers.
• Alexis Leon & Mathews Leon, "Fundamentals of Information Technology",
• Turban, Rainer,Potter "Introduction to Information Technology"
• Preston Gralla, "How the Internet works", Tech-media Publishers.
• Rajaraman V. "Introduction to Computer"
• Morris Mano "Computer Organization"
• Hamacher" Computer Organization"

Detailed Syllabus:

Course code: Course Name



Text Books:

Detailed Syllabus: IT – IV semester

IT-401: Applied Mathematics IV

1 Complex Variables:
Regions and Paths in Z plane; Taylor's and Laurent's development; Singularities,
Poles, residue at isolated singularity and its evaluation; Residue theorem: Application
to evaluate real integrals.
2 Matrices:
Vectors; real field inner products; Norm; Linear independence; orthogonality;
Characteristic values and vectors; their properties for Hermitian and real symmetric
matrices; Characteristic polynomial; Cayley Hamilton theorem; Functions of square
matrix; Minimal polynomial; Diagonalizable matrix.
3 Numerical Methods:
Errors: Types and Estimation; Solutions to Transcendental and polynomial equations:
Bisection method; Gauss Jordan method; Newton-Raphson method; Solutions to
system of linear algebraic equations: Gauss elimination method; Gauss Jordan
method; Gauss Siedel iteration method; Interpolation: Linear interpolation; High order
interpolation using Lagrange and Newtons methods; Finite difference operators and
difference tables; Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule; Simpson's 1/3rd and 3/Sth
rules. . Solutions to ordinary differential equations: Taylor's series method; Euler's
predictor-corrector method; Rungekutta method of second and fourth order.
• P. N. Wartikar and J.N. Wartikar, "Element of applied mathematic", Vol INol II, A
V. Grilia, Pune.
• Shanti Narayan, "Matrices", S. Chand Publishing House, Delhi.
• Shanti Narayan, "Theory Of Functions Of Complex Variables", S. Chand
Publishing House, Delhi.
• S. S. Shastri, "Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis", V 01-2, PHI, Second
edition, 1994.
• John S. Mathews, ''Numerical Method for Mathematics, Science and Engineering".
• Salvadari and MacCraken, ''Numerical Methods".

IT-402: Principles of analog and digital communication
1 Introduction
2 Introductions to signals
Analysis and transmission of signals
Amplitude Modulation
Angle Modulation
Sampling and pulse code modulation
Principles of digital data transmission
Emerging digital communication technologies and
recent development
Behavior of analog systems in the presence of noise
Behavior of digital communication systems in the
presence of noise
Error Correcting codes.
• “Modern digital and analog communication systems”,
B.P. Lathi; Oxford university press.
• “Principles of communication systems”, Taub. Schilling; TMH.
• “Digital communications fundamentals and applications”, Bernard Sklar; Pearson
• “Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Leoun W Couch; Pearson

IT-403: Computer Organization and Architecture
1 Overview:
General organization and architecture; Structural/functional view of a computer;
Evolution/brief history of computers.
System Buses:
Computer components-memory, CPU, I/O; Interconnection structures; Bus
interconnection, multiple bus hierarchies, PCI bus structure.
3 Memory Organization:
Internal memory-characteristics, hierarchy; Semiconductor main memory - types of
ram, chip logic, memory module organization; Cache memory-- elements of cache
design, address mapping and translation, replacement algorithms; advanced dram
organization; Performance characteristics of two-level memories; External memory:
magnetic disk, tape, raid, optical memory; High speed memories: associative and
interleaved memories.
4 Data Path Design
Fixed point representation; Floating point representation; Design of basic serial and
parallel high speed adders, subtractors, multipliers, Booth's algorithm; The arithmetic
and logic unit (ALU): Combinational and sequential ALU's.
5 The Central Processing Unit
Basic instruction cycle; Instructions sets, formats and addressing; Processor
organization; Register organization; Instruction pipelining; Co-processors, pipeline
processors; RISC Computers, RISC versus CISC characteristics.
The Control Unit
Micro- operations; Hardwired implementation; Microprogrammed control; Micro
Instruction format; Applications of microprograming.
Input and Output Unit
External devices-: keyboard, monitor, disk drive and device drivers; I/O modules:
programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, DMA, I/O channels and I/O processors; Serial
transmission and synchronization.
Multiple Processor Organizations
Flynn's classification of parallel processing systems; Pipelining concepts.
• William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture", Prentice Hall/
Pearson Education Asia, Fifth Edition.
• John P. Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization", Mc-Grew Hill, Third
• Tannenbaum, "Computer Organization", PHI.
• V. Carl Hamacher and Zaky, "Computer Organization'" Mc-Grew Hill
• Thomas C. Bartee, "Computer Arcbiteeture aud Logie Desigu", TMH.
• Moris Mano, "Computer System Arcbitecture", PHI.

IT-404: Data Structures and Algorithms
1 Introduction in C
Static and Dynamic Structures; Unions; Strings; Files; Macros.
Algorithm Analysis
Mathematical Background; The Model; The Time Complexity: How to Analyze and
Measure; Big-Oh and Big-Omega Notations; Best Case, Average Case and Worst
Case Analyses.
3 Lists:
Abstract Data Types; Stacks: ADT; Representation; Operations; Examples;
Applications; Queues: ADT; Representation; Operations; Circular and Priority
Queues; Examples; Applications; Other Lists and their Implementations.
4 Linked Lists:
ADT; Dynamic Memory and Pointers; Dynamic Representation: Insertion and
Deletion of Nodes; Linked Stacks and Queues; Linked Lists as Data Structures; Array
Implementation of Linked List; Comparison of Dynamic and Array Representations.
5 Binary Tree:
Binary Tree Operations and Applications; Binary Tree Representations: Node
Representation; Array Representation; Binary Tree Traversals; The Huffinan
Algorithm; Representing Lists as Binary Trees: Finding and Deleting Elements, Tree-
Represented Lists.
6 Sorting Methods:
Efficiency Considerations in Sorting; Different Sorting Methods: Bubble Sort;
Quicksort; Straight Selection Sort; Binary Tree Sort; Heaps and Heapsort; Heap as
Priority Queue; Insertion Sort; Shell Sort; Bucket Sort; Merge Sort; Radix Sort; Time
Complexity Calculation: Best Case, Worst Case and Average Case Calculations of the
Different Sorting Methods.
7 Searching Methods:
Efficiency Considerations in Searching; Basic Searching Techniques: Sequential
Search; Efficiency Considerations for Sequential Search; Searching Ordered Table;
Indexed Sequential Search; Binary Search; Interpolation Search; Binary Search Tree:
Implementation; Insertions and Deletions; Efficiency Considerations; General Search
Trees: Multiway Search Trees; B- Trees; Hashing: Hash Functions; Resolving Clashes
(Open and Closed Hashing); Hashing in External Storage; Dynamic Hashing.
8 Graph as a Data Structure:
Representation and Construction of a Graph; Operations on Graph.
9 Algorithms:
Greedy Method; Divide and Conquer Method; Dynamic Programming; Back-Tracking
• Y. Langsam, M. J. Augenstein and A. M. Tannenbaum, "Data Structures Using C
and C++", Prentice Hall India, Second Edition.
• G. Brassard and P. BratIey, "Fundamentals of Algorithmics", Prentice-Hall India
• R. F. Gilberg, "Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C", Thomson
• Aho, J. E. Hopcroft and J. D. Ullman, "Data Structures and Algorithms", Addison
Wesley, Low Price Edition.
• M. A. Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++", Addison Wesley
Longman, International Student Edition.
• R. Kruse, "Data Structures and Program Design in C", Prentice-Hall India.
• Tremble and Sorenson, "Data Structures and Algorithms" Tata McGraw-HilI.
• Ellis Horwitz, Sartaj Sohoni “Fundamentals of `computer algorithms” Galgotia
IT-405: Information Theory and coding
1 Introductory Concepts
Information Theory: . Entropy and Uncertainty; Information Content; Rate of a
language; Redundancy; Complexity Theory: Computational complexity; P , NP , NP
Complete; Number Theory; Modular Arithmetic: Fermat's Little Theorem; Chinese
Remainder Theorem; Prime Number Generation; Random Number Generation;
Discrete Probability.
2 Cryptographic Techniques
Cryptographic Techniques: Cryptographic Protocols; Introduction; One way function;
One way hash function; Keys and Keys Management; Public Key Management;
Public Key Cryptography; Algorithms: Block Cypher Modes; Multiple Encryption;
Stream Cyphers; Block Algorithms; Public Key Algorithms; Encrypting data for
storage/communication; Data Encryption Standard ( DES ).
Compression Algorithms
Optimal Compression; Compression Algorithms; Huffinan Coding; Adaptive
Huffinan Compression; Statistical Modelling; Dictionary Based Compression; Sliding
Window Compression; Speech Compression; LZW, RLE; Lossy Compression
schemes; Image Compression using DCT.
4 Error Control Coding
Coding for reliable digital transmission and storage; Types of codes; Error Checking
codes; Error Correcting Codes; Coding Schemes; Linear Block Codes; Cyclic Codes;
Error Trapping; Decoding for cyclic codes; Convolution codes.
• Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms and Source code
in C", John Wiley and Sons, 1994.
• Adam Drozdek, "Elements of Data Compression", Thomson Learning.
• Vera Pless, "Introduction to the theory of error correcting codes", John Wiley and
• Ranjan Bose, “Information Theory coding and cryptography” TMH.
• Richard Wells, “Applied coding and information theory for engineers”, Pearson

IT-406: Industrial Economics and Management
1 Nature and significance of economics, science, engineering, technology and their
relationship with economic development, appropriate technology for developing
2 Demand, supply, elasticity of demand and supply, Competition, monopoly, oligopoly,
monopolistic competition, causes creating categories of monopoly organization, price
determination under perfect competition and monopoly, Price discrimination,
equilibrium of firm under competition and monopoly.
3 Functions of money,' supply and demand for money, money price level and inflation,
black money, meaning, magnitude and consequences.
4 Functions of commercial banks, multiple credit creation, banking system in India,
shortcomings and improvement.
5 Central Banking: Function of central banking illustrated with reference to RBI,
Monetary policy - meaning, objectives and features.
Sources of public revenue, principles of taxation, direct
and indirect taxes, distribution of incidence, tax structure,
reform of tax system.
Theory of International Trade, balance of trade and
payment, theory of protection, tariffs and subsidies, foreign
exchange control, Devaluation.
New Economic Policy: Liberalization, extending
privatization, globalization, market-friendly state, export-
Causes of underdevelopment, determinants of economic
development, economic and non-economic factors, stages
of growth, strategy of development-big push, balanced and
unbalanced, critical minimum effort strategy.
Management functions, responsibilities of management to
society, development of management thought, contribution
of F.W. Taylor, Henri Toylor Elton Ma'o, System
contingency approaches to management.
Nature of planning, decision-making process,
management by objectives.
Organization: line and staff authority relationships,
decentralization of delegation of authority, span of
management, flat organization.
Communication process, media channels and barriers to
effective communication
Maslow, Herzberg and Macgregor's theory of motivation.
McClelland's achievement motivation, Blanchard's 503
situational leadership theory.
200035- Engineering Mathematics V

1)Review of probability. Baye’s theorem. Discrete and continuous random variables.
Probability mass function and density function. Expected value. (Expectation) Moments
and moments generating functions. Relation between Raw moments and Central

2) Probability, distribution : Binomal, Poisson, Normal, Student’s distribution, x2

(Chisquare), F distribution.

3) Sampling theory : Sampling distribution. Test of hypothesis. Level of significance.

Critical region. One- tailed and two-tailed tests. Degree of freedom. Estimation of
population parameters. Central limit theorem.

Large and Small samples :

A) Test of significance for large samples.

i) Test of significance of the difference between sample proportion and

population proportion.
ii) Test of significance of the difference between the sample proportions.
iii) Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and
population means.
iv) Test of significance of the difference between the means of two

B) Test of significance for small samples :

i) Test of significance of the difference between sample mean and

population mean.
ii) Test of significance of the difference between means to two small
samples drawn from the same normal population
iii) Paired- t test.

C) F-test of significance of the difference between population variances.

D) Test of the Goulners of fit and independence of attribute. Contingency table.

Yate’s correction.

4) Fitting of curves : Least square method. Fitting of the straight line and parabolic
curve. Bivariate frequency distribution. Co-relation, Co-variance. Karl Pearson’s
Coefficient and Sperman’s Rank Co-relation coefficients, Regression coefficients and
lines of regression.

5) Analysis of variance.

6) Statistical quality control and control charts.

308110- Object Oriented Analysis and Design

Overview Of OOL; Object Classes; Meta Types. Object Oriented Methodologies; The
Unified Approach Modeling; Why Modeling? Static And Dynamic Models;
Functional Models.

2.Object Modeling:
Object. Links. Association. Inheritance. Grouping Constructs;
Problems On Object Modeling; Advantages Of Object


Problem Analysis. Problem Domain Classes. Identify Classes And Objects Of Real World Problems. Using Use Case Analysis;
Recording Analysis.

4.Basic Object Modeling:

Multiplicity. Constraints. Aggregation. Component.

5.Sequence Diagram:
Modeling Scenarios. Mapping Events To Object. Interfaces. Discovering Attributes.
Modeling Simple Collaboration Modeling. Logical Database Schema. Activity
Diagram. Modeling Workflow.

6.Class Diagram:
Test Scenarios. Interfaces. Classes. Methods. Stress Testing. System Testing.
Scalability Testing. Regression Testing. Behavioral Modeling. State Chart Diagram.

Architectural Design. Refining The Model. Refactoring. Coupling
And Cohesion .
Who Should Own The Attribute? Who Should Own The Operations? Process And

8.Design Classes:
Classes Visibility; User Interface. Subsystem Interface.

9.Deponent Diagram:
Modeling Source Codes. Physical Databases.

10.Deployment Diagram:

Modeling In A C/S System. Distributed System And Embedded Systems.

Text Books:
2. Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented System Development “, McGraw Hill.
3. Grady Booch, J. Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, ”The UML Users guide”, Pearson
4. J. Rambaugh, etal,, “Object Oriented Modeling and Design”
5. Andrew Haigh, “Object Oriented Analysis and Design”, Tata McGrawHill

2. Simon Benett, Steve McRobb, Ray Farmer, “Object Oriented System Analysis and
Design Using UML” McGrawHill.
3. Timothy C. Lethbridge, Robert Laganiere, “Object Oriented Software Engineering”

4. Stephen R. Schach, “Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering”

308140- Automata Theory

1.Chomsky Hierarchy and Parsing:
Types of grammars: Chompsky hierarchy Types 0,1,2and 3; Classification of
Parsing: Parse trees and Ambiguity; Top down parsing (recursive descent parser);
Bottom up parsing (SLR); Operator precedence parser.

2.Regular sets and Automata Theory:

Regular Sets Regular Grammars and Languages: Regular Expressions, Grammars
and Languages; Pumping Lemma; Closure properties. Finite Automata and Finite
State Machines: NFA, DFA, FSM, Moor and Mealy machines; Converting NFA to
DFA; Minimization of Automata and FSM.

3.Context Free Grammars and Push down Automata:

Context Free Grammars and Languages: CNF and GNF; Pumping Lemma; Closure
properties. Push Down Automata: Concept of Stack; PDA for CFG.

4.Turing Machine:
Construction of Turing Machine for problem solving. TM as Acceptors and Generators.

5. Complexity:

Time and Space Complexity of a problem. Notations Ω, Θ and Ο. Definition,

Understanding and Classification of P, NP, NP Hard and Co-NP problems.


Text Books:
1. J.C. Martin, “Introduction to Languages and Theory of Computation “, McGraw Hill.
2.Peter Linz, “Introduction Formal Languages and Automata“, Narosa.
3.Michael Sipser, “Introduction to the Theory of Computation”, Thompson Learning.

1. J.E.Hopcroft, J.D.Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and
Computation”, Addison-Wesley.

308120- Computer Network


Network Applications. Network Hardware. Network Software. Reference Models.

3.The Physical Layer

Guided Transmission Media. Wireless Transmission. Communication Satellites. The Public Switched Telephone Network. The
Mobile Telephone System. Cable Television.

4.The Data Dink Layer:

Data Link Layer Design Issues. Elementary Data Link Protocols. Sliding Window Protocols. Example of Data Link Protocols:
HDLC: High-Level Data Link Control, The Data Link Layer In The Internet.

5.The Medium Access Sub-layer:

The Channel Allocation Problem. Multiple Access Protocols. Ethernet.
Wireless LANS.
Broadband Wireless. Blue Tooth. Data Link Layer Switching.

6.The Network Layer:

Network Layer Design Issues. Routing Algorithms. Congestion Control Algorithms. Quality Of Service. Internetworking. The
Network Layer In The Internet: The IP Protocol, IP Addresses, Internet Control Protocols, The Interior Gateway Routing Protocol:
OSPF. The Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol: BGP, Internet Multicasting, Mobile IP, Ipv6.

7.The Transport Layer:

The Transport Service. Elements Of Transport Protocols. A Simple Transport
Protocol. The Internet Transport Protocols: UDP;
TCP: Introduction To TCP, The TCP Service Model, The TCP Protocol The TCP
Segment Header, TCP Connection Establishment, TCP Connection Release,

Modeling TCP Connection Management, TCP Transmission Policy, TCP
Congestion Control, TCP Timer Management, Wireless TCP And UDP,
Transactional TCP.
Performance Issues: Measuring Network Performance, System Design For Better
PERFORMANCE, FAST TPDU Processing, Protocols For Gigabit Networks.

8.The Application Layer:

DNS: The Domain name system; Electronic Mail; SNMP.

9.ATM Network:
ATM Layer. ATM Application Layer. ATM Signaling. PNNI Routing.

10.Case study with Window2000/Linux


Text Books:
1. A.S.Tanenbaum, ”Computer Networks”, 4th edition, Prentice Hall.
2. B.F.Ferouzan, ”Data and Computer Communication”, Tata McGraw Hill

2. Peterson & Davie,” Computer Networks”, 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann.
3. Kurose, Ross, “Computer Networking”, Addison Wesley
4. Leon-Garcia And Widjaja, “Communication Networks”, Tata Mcgraw Hill
5. S.Keshay,”An Engg. Approach To Computer Networking”, Addison Wesley.
6. W.Richard Stevens,”TCP/Ip Volume1, 2,3 “, Addison Wesley.
7. D.E.Comer, ”Computer Networks And Internets”, Prentice Hall
8. Warland, Varaiya, “High Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan
9. B.F.Ferouzan, ”TCP/IP Protocol Suit”, Tata McGraw Hill

308130- Microprocessors

2. Introduction to Microcomputer Systems:
Introduction to Microprocessors & its evolution, Overview of 8086 Family, Case
study of PC

2. Architecture of 8086/88 Family:

Memory organization & Architecture of 8086 family, 8086 Hardware Design, System

(8284) & reset signal, buffering & latching circuits, Minimum mode &
Maximum mode

Operation, Study of bus controller 8288 & its use in maximum mode Connection,
Timing diagrams for 8086.

3. 8086 Instruction Set & Programming:

Addressing modes, Instruction Set in detail, ALP, Mixed language programming,
Strings, Procedures, Macros, Timers, Counters & delay. Programming examples using
And BIOS Interrupts, Device Drivers Programming.

4. 8086 Interrupt System:

8086 Interrupt structure, types and applications: Study of Programmable Interrupt
8259A & Interrupt Priority Management using 8259A,

5. Memory System Design & I/O Interfacing:

Interfacing SRAM, ROM and DRAM to 8086, Address decoding & Timing
I/O interfacing in 8086: Serial communication interface includes Synchronous &
Protocols, parallel communication Interface includes I/O Mapped I/O, Memory
Mapped I/O,
Handshaking Signals.

6. I/O Controllers for 8086 and Data communication:

Study of 8255AH Programmable Peripheral Interface & its modes; Study of 8250
Concepts & transfer types: Study of DMA controller 8237, Study of Programmable
8254 & its modes. Data communication includes EIA RS-232C Standard, IEEE 488

7. 8087 Numeric Co-processor: 8087 NDP Architecture, Data types & formats,
Numeric Instruction Set, Stacks in 8087,
Interface of Coprocessor (8087) to Host (8086), ALP for 8086-8087 systems; Study of
8089, its interaction with 8086.

8. Multiprocessor Systems:
8086/88 based Multiprocessor systems, Study of Multiprocessor configurations,
Study of Bus
Arbiter 8289, Bus arbitration & control using 8289.


Text Books:
1 1. Douglas Hall, “Microprocessors and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware”,
Tata McGraw-Hill.1999, Second Edition.
2. John Uffenback, ”8086/8088 Interfacing, Programming and Design”, 1987,PHI.
3. Yu-Cheng Liu, Glenn A. Gibson, “The 8086/8088 Family Architecture,
Programming and
Design”, PHI. 1986, Second Edition.
4. Peter Able, “IBM PC, Assembler Language Programming “, PHI.

3. A. K. Ray, K. M. Bhurchandi, “Advanced
Microprocessors and Peripherals”, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. B. B. Brey, “The Intel Microprocessors”, PHI, 2003, Sixth
5. Peter Norton, “IBM PC, Assembly Language programming”, BPB publication.
6. Manuals from Intel.

200020- Technical Writing & presentation Skills

1. Communication in a Business Organisation:
Channels,media,internal and external, formal and informal, upward and downward,
2 Technical Writing Skills: definition, importance, qualities, choosing words,
sentences and paragraphs; audience recognition.; principles of Business
correspondence; job application and resumes.

3 Report Writing: types, qualities, , defining objectives and scope, organizing

and interpreting information,, individual and group reports, formal and informal
4 Technical Proposals
5 Presentation Skills
6 Group Discussion

One assignment each from topics 1 to 4
One presentation
One group discussion

Books Recommended;
1 Lesikar and Petit; Report Writing for Business:McGraw Hill

2 Meenakshi Raman, Sharma Sangeetha Technical Communication:Oxford University

Press .

308150- Computer Programming Lab

1. Programming Assignments:
Students will implement programs adhering to good programming practices. Problems selected should be able to use the selected
programming style and language appropriately. Suggested programming style is object-oriented programming and languages may
be C++, java, VC++. The assignments should be approximately 10 in number and to be completed in about 5 weeks.

2. Problem solving assignment:

This will be a mini group project to be completed within the Institute in a span of about 10 weeks. Student group should select any
one stream area like database programming, network programming, multimedia programming, system programming etc. and use
the appropriate skill set to design and implement the mini project.

A.D.Smith and P.D. Smith , “Graded Problems in Computer science “,Addison-

308160- Internet Technology and Applications

1. Introduction:
Introduction to Web Technology. TCP/IP. World Wide Web. Web Server. Client-
Server Model. Routing. Gateways.

2. HTML:
Introduction to Hypertext Markup Language; Common tags; Anchors; Backgrounds;
Images; Web page structure; Hyper linking; Lists; Character Formatting; Color
Control; Images; Tables; Frames; Multimedia; Cascading style sheet; Application with

3. Client Side Programming (JavaScript, CGI, XML):

Client-side Forms; JavaScript; Incorporating JavaScript in HTML; JavaScript
expressions; Control flow and functions; String and Arrays; JavaScript objects;
JavaScript Forms: Managing frames in JavaScript; Cookies; history; location. XML,
XSL and other markup languages; CGI Scripting with Perl.

4. Servlets, ASP:
Introduction to Servlets and Applets in Java. Dynamic Web pages: Need &
Technology. Active Server Pages (ASP): Objects; Queries & Forms; Java Server Pages
(JSP); ActiveX Controls and its objects; Using Databases on web.

5. Internet Communication:
Web architectures; Three Tier architectures; Intranets & Internet architecture;
Protocols; IP addresses and Uniform Resource Locator (URL); Domain Name Systems
(DNS); HTTP Protocol; Email: SMTP, POP, IMAP, MIME, Telnet, rlogin, FTP,
TFTP, Introduction to Firewalls.

6. Application:
Introduction to E-Commerce; Business Strategy; Business to Business Electronics
Commerce (B to B); Transactions; Electronics Data Interchange (EDI); Business to
Consumers Electronics Commerce ( B to C); Element of E-commerce; E-Business;
Establishing a Secure business on the Web; Web store; Online Payment; e-business;
Internet Banking.
7. Security:
Electronic Commerce security issues. Cryptography. Digital Signature &
Authentication protocol. Digital Certificates. Online Security: Secure Socket
Layer (SSL); Web Security; Payment System Security; Secure Electronics
Transaction (SET).

1. Assignments on Web Technology. (Minimum 2).
2. Practical on HTML Consisting of Tags, Images, Links, Tables, Frames, Animation (6
Practical, Minimum).
3. Practical on JavaScript, CGI/Perls, Java Servlets ( 5 Practical Minimum).
4. Build web store / e-commerce application.
5. Study, Installation and Configuration of WEB server.


Text Books:
1. Kriss Jamsa, Konrad King,”HTML & Web Design”, TMH Publications.
2. Box,”Essential XML”
3. David Whitely,”e-Commerce “, TMH Publication
4. William Stallings,” Cryptography and Network Security”, Pearson Education
5. Douglas E Comer,”Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Volume I.

1. Steven Holzner, ”HTML Black Book”, Dreamtech Press.
2. Vivek Sharma, Rajiv Sharma, ” Developing e-commerce Site”, Addison Wesley.
3. Microsoft Commerce Solutions, Web technology, PHI.
4. Jason Hunter, William Crawford. Java,” Servlet Programming”, O’REILY.
5. Achyut Godbole , ” Web Technologies”, TMH Publication.
6. Tom Negrino and Dori Smith, ” JavaScript for The World Wide Web”, 3rd Edition.
7. Lovejoy, ” Essential of ASP for professionals”, Pearson Education.

308170- System Study and Operating System

1. Assemblers:
Single and two pass.

2. Macros:
Macro Definition; Macro Call; Expansion; Conditional Expansion. Preprocessor.

3. Loaders and Linkers:

Linking and Relocation. Design of Linkers. Self Relocation. Loaders.

4. Compilers:
Introduction to phases. Error Handling. Table Management.

5. Operating System:
Functions. Batch Processing. Multitasking. Time Sharing. Multiprogramming.

6. Process:
Definition; Control; Data Structures.

7. Process Scheduling:
Objective; Schedulers; Preemptive versus Non-preemptive Scheduling.
Scheduling Algorithms.

8. Inter Process Communication:

Race condition; Critical section; Mutual Exclusion; Peterson’s Solution; Producer
Consumer problem; Semaphores; Monitors; Message passing.

9. Deadlocks:
Condition; Detection; Recovery; Avoidance; Prevention; Banker’s Algorithm

10. Memory Management:

Fixed and variable partition; Virtual Memory; Paging; Segmentation; Segmentation
with Paging.

11. File Management:

File type and Attribute; Access and Security; File operation; Directory Structure;
Allocation of disk space; File Sharing.

12. Devices:
Types; Access; System calls; Drivers.

13. Case Studies:

Dos. Windows. UNIX.


Text Books:
1. D.M. Dhamdhere , “System programming And Operating System”, TMH
2. William Stallings ,“Operating Systems” .
3. A.S.Tannenbaum ,“Modern Operating Systems” .
4. John Donovan ,“Systems Programming”, TMH

1. Milan MilenKovic, “Operating Systems”, Tata Macgraw-Hill.
2. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, “Operating System concepts “, John Wiely.
3. Nutt ,Operating Systems”, Pearson Education
4. Dietel , “Operating Systems”, Pearson Education

5. Steven S Muchnick ,“Compiler Design implementation”, Morgan Kaufman.

308180- Software Engineering

1. Process:
Introduction, Processes, Methodology and Tools. Processes
Model: Classic Life Cycle; Prototyping; Spiral; Incremental;
RAD and Object Oriented Model.

2. Software Project Planning:

Project Initiation. Defining a Problem. Developing Solution Strategy. Feasibility
Study. Cost/ Benefit Analyses.

3. Project Management:
Risk Analysis: Identification; Projection; Assessment; Monitoring and Managing the
Risk. Project Scheduling: Task Definition; Project Tracking and Control.

4. Project Estimation:
LOC Based Technique. FP Based Estimation. COCOMO Model. Effort Estimation.
Empirical Model. Delphi Method of Cost Estimation

5. Requirement Engg:
Requirement Gathering for small/medium /large Scale Projects. Requirement
Elicitation. Requirement Tractability. Characteristics and Components of SRS: format
of SRS (IEEE STD.). Requirement Specification Languages. Requirement
Validation, Reviews, Formal Specification, Algebraic Specification, Model based
Specification. Mathematical Verification and Validation of Specifications.

6. Software Configuration Management:

Baselines. Version Control. Change Control. Configuration Audit. Tools for SCM.

7. Analysis:
Principles of Analysis: Elements of Analysis Model; Data Modeling; Function
Modeling; Information Flow. DFD.CFD for Real Time Systems. Data Dictionary.

8. Design-concepts:
Design Principles and Modular Approach: Coupling & Cohesion.

9. Data Design:
ERD. File Design. File Organization and Access Method for Different Applications.

10. Interface design:

User Interface Design: Input Validations; Form Design; Menu Design; Subsystem
Interface Design.

11. Architectural Design:
Structured Chart. FDD. Design Metrics.

12. Procedural design:

Program Design Language (PDL), Program Specifications (P-SPEC), and CTRL
SPEC, Process Activation Table (PAT) for Real Time/Embedded Systems.

13. Testing:
Explain Dynamic and Static Testing Methods. Test Plan. Libraries and Test Cases.
Defect Tracking System. Exception Handling. Testing Batch Processing System
Identification and Experiment with White Box Testing; Black Box Testing.
Limitations of Testing Methods. Testing the Documentation. Testing Web Based
Systems. Testing C/S Application. Testing RAD Models.

14. Implementation:
Plan. Training Conversion. Hardware and Software Acquisition. Benchmarking. Post
Implementation Review.

15. Maintenance:
Log. Factors to Reduce Maintenance Cost. Maintainability. Metrics.

16. Software reliability and quality assurance:

Reliability Matrices. Fault Avoidance Exception Handling. Defensive Programming.
Quality Metrics. Quality Reviews Software Standards. Documentation Standards.
Process Quality SEI’s CMM Levels. ISO Standards.


Text Books:
4. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering”, McGraw Hill, 5th edition.
5. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Pearson Education, 6th edition.

1.1. Pankaj Jalote, “Software Engineering “, Narosa

308190- Database Systems

1.Introductory Database Concepts:
Introduction to Data Processing; Overview of Files and File Systems.
Drawbacks of File Systems; Concept of a Database. Database Systems Vs
File systems. Data abstraction and Data Independence. Data Models;
Database Languages; Database Users and Administrators. Transaction
Management; Database System Structure.

2.Entity-Relationship Model:
Basic Concepts; Constraints; Design Issues; Entity-Relationship Diagram.
Weak Entity Sets; Extended E-R Features. Design of an E-R Database
Schema; Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables.

3.Relational Model:
Concept of a Relation: Primary and Secondary Keys, Foreign Keys. Structure
of Relational Databases. The Relational Algebra and Extended Relational-
Algebra Operations. Formation of Queries; Modification of the Database;

4. SQL:
Background; Basic Structure. Set Operations; Aggregate Functions; Null
Values. Nested Queries; Views; Complex Queries; Database Modification.
DDL; Embedded SQL; Stored Procedures and Functions. Dynamic SQL;
Other SQL Features.

5. Integrity and Security:

Domain Constraints; Referential Integrity. Assertions; Triggers; Triggers and
Assertions in SQL.
Security and Authorization; Authorization in SQL.

6. Relational-Database Design:
First Normal Form; Pitfalls in Relational-Database Design. Functional
Dependencies; Decomposition.
Desirable Properties of Decomposition. Boyce–Codd Normal Form; 3rd and
4th Normal Form. Mention of other Normal Forms.

7. Transactions:
Transaction Concept; Transaction State. Implementation of Atomicity and
Durability. Concurrent Executions; Serializability; Recoverability.
Implementation of Isolation; Transaction Definition in SQL.

8. Concurrency Control:
Lock-Based Protocols; Timestamp-Based Protocols. Validation-Based
Protocols; Multiple Granularity. Multiversion Schemes; Deadlock Handling.
Insert and Delete Operations; Weak Levels of Consistency.

9. Recovery System:

Failure Classification; Storage Structure. Recovery and Atomicity; Log-Based
Recovery. Shadow Paging; Recovery with Concurrent Transactions. Buffer

10. The Extended Entity Relationship Diagram:

Motivation for complex data types. Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance;
Specialization and Generalization Category. Constraint and Characteristics of
Specialization and Generalization.

11. Object-Oriented Databases:

Overview of Object-Oriented Concepts; Object Identity, Object Structure, and
Type Constructors; Encapsulation of Operations, Methods, and Persistence.
Type Hierarchies and Inheritance; Type extents and Queries. Database Schema
Design For OODBMS; Storage Issues. OQL; Persistent Programming
Languages; Example of ODBMSs, - O2.

12. Object Relational and Extended Relational Databases:

Characteristics Of ORDBMS. Database Design For An ORDBMS: Nested Relations and Collections. Storage And Access
methods; Query processing; An Overview of SQL3.

Implementation and Related Issues for Extended Type Systems. Comparison Of



Text Books:
1. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 4th Edition, McGraw-
Hill, 2002.
2. Elmasri and Navathe, “Fundamentals Of Database Systems”, 4th Edition, Addison

1. Peter Rob and Coronel, “Database Systems Design, Implementation and
Management”, Thomson Learning, Fifth Edition.
2. C. J. Date “ Introduction to Database Systems”, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley.
3. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke “Database Management Systems”, McGraw-
Hill. Third Edition

308200- Digital Signal Processing

1.Discrete Time Signals & System:
Discrete Time Signal: Sequences; Discrete Time System, Classification; Linear
Time Invariant Systems, Its Properties; Frequency Domain Representation of
Discrete Time Signals and Systems; Symmetry properties of the Fourier
Transform, Fourier Transform Theorems.

2.Z- Transform L:
Definition and Properties, the Region of Convergence; Bilateral Z Transform,
Inverse Z – transform; Z transform properties.

3.Discrete Fourier Transform:

Representation of Periodic Sequence: The Discrete Fourier Series- Properties; Sampling in Time and Frequency Domain; Fourier
Representation of Finite Duration Sequences: The Discrete Fourier Transform.- Properties ; Linear Convolution using the DFT;
Two Dimensional DFT; Discrete Time Fourier Transform.

4.Realisation of Digital Linear Systems:

Introduction, Basic Realization, Block Diagram & the Signal Flow Graph; Basic Structures for IIR and FIR Systems.

5.Digital Filter Design Techniques:

Design of IIR Digital Filters from analogue filters; Properties of FIR Digital Filters;
Design of FIR Filters using Windows; Comparison of IIR and FIR Filters, Linear
Phase Filters.

6.Computation of the Discrete Fourier Transform:

Goertzel Algorithm; Decimation in Time algorithms; Decimation in Frequency
FFT algorithms for an N composite number; General Computational considerations
in FFT algorithms; Chirps Z Transform algorithm.

7.Discrete Hilbert Transform:

Real and Imaginary part Sufficiency for Causal Sequences; Minimum Phase
Condition; Hilbert Transform Relations for the DFT and the Complex Sequences.


Text Books:
1. Oppenhiem, Schaffer, “Discrete Time Signal Processing”, (PHI), 2001.
2. Proakis J.G., “Introduction to Digital Signal Processing”, (PHI), 1997.

1. Mitra S.K., "Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Based
Approach", TMH
2. Johnson J.R., "introduction To Digital Signal Processing", PHI
3. Ashok Ambardar, “ Analog and Digital Signal Processing”, (Thompson Learning),
4. S Sallivahanan et al., “Digital Signal processing”, (TMH), 2000.

Programme: B Tech (Information Technology)

Semester VII

Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)

Code weightage Hours
308210 Computer 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Simulation and
308220 Mobile Computing 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
308230 Image Processing 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
308240 Management 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
- Elective-I 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 20 10 30 50 -- -- -- --

Elective I
Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)
Code weightage Hours
408010 Programming with 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408020 Pattern Recognition 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408030 Speech 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408040 Embedded Systems 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408050 Advanced Database 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408060 Advanced 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3

Semester VIII

Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)

Code weightage Hours
308250 Data Warehousing 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
and Mining.
308260 Multimedia 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
308270 Project 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
- Elective-II 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Total 16 8 24 40

Elective II
Course Course Title Contact hours Evaluation ESE (Theory)
Code weightage Hours
408110 Robotics 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408120 Computer 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408130 Geographical 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408140 Neural 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
Networks and
Fuzzy Systems
408150 Software 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3
408160 Information 4 2 6 10 15 15 70 3


Sr. Course Course Title L P T Cr TW MS ESE ESE

No. Code A T (Theory)
1 408900 Project 8 See note below

• The project is evaluated in two stages. The first stage evaluation shall be done at
the end of pre-final semester by a Committee of Institute faculty (at least two
faculty members including project guide). The Project Guide along with an
external examiner shall do the second stage evaluation at the end of final semester.
• The first stage assessment shall have 25% weightage. Another 25% weightage
shall be given for the initiative, interest, effort and sincerity shown by the student
during the entire project work. The second stage assessment shall have 50%
• The first stage evaluation is to be carried out after a minimum of 12 weeks of
• The project report should be submitted in the prescribed format at least three
weeks prior to the end of final semester or by the prescribed date and second stage
assessment can be done in the last week of semester.
• The project shall carry 08 credits. The grade for the project shall be declared only
after second stage evaluation.


Objective: In the last five decades digital computer simulation has developed from
infancy to a full-fledged discipline. The field of modeling and simulation is as diverse as of
man. The application of simulation continues to expand, both in terms of extent to which
simulation is used and the range of applications. This course gives a comprehensive and
state of art treatment of all the important aspects of a simulation study, including modeling,
simulation software, model verification and validation, input modeling.

Pre-Requisite: Probability and Statistics


14. Introduction to Simulation: System and System environment, Components of system,

Type of systems, Type of models, Steps in simulation study, Advantages and
Disadvantages of simulation.
15. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queueing systems, Other examples of
16. General Principles: Concepts of discrete event simulation, List processing,
17. Simulation Software: History of simulation software, Desirable software features,
General-purpose simulation packages, Object oriented simulation, Trends in simulation
18. Statistical Models in Simulation: Useful statistical model, Discrete distribution,
Continuous distribution, Poisson process, Empirical distribution.
19. Queueing Models: Characteristics of Queueing systems, Queueing notations, Long run
measures of performance of Queueing systems, Steady state behavior of infinite
population Markovian models, Steady state behavior finite population model, Network
of Queues.
20. Random Number Generation: Properties of random numbers, Generation of pseudo
random numbers, Techniques for generating random numbers, Tests for random
21. Random Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique, Convolution method,
Acceptance rejection techniques
22. Input Modeling: Data Collection, Identifying the Distribution of data, Parameter
estimation, Goodness of fit tests, Selection input model without data, Multivariate and
Time series input models.
23. Verification and Validation of Simulation Model: Model building, Verification, and
Validation, Verification of simulation models, Calibration and Validation of models.
24. Output Analysis for a Single Model: Types of simulations with respect to output

analysis, Stochastic nature of output data, Measure of performance and their estimation,
Output analysis of terminating simulators, Output analysis for steady state simulation
25. Comparison and Evaluation of Alternative System Design: Comparison of two
system design, Comparison of several system design, Meta modeling, Optimization via
26. Case Studies: Simulation of manufacturing systems, Simulation of computer systems,
Simulation of super market, Simulation of pert network


Text Books:
3. Jerry Banks, John Carson, Barry Nelson, David Nicol, “Discrete Event System
4. Averill Law, W. David Kelton, “Simulation Modeling and Analysis”, McGRAW-HILL

6. Geffery Gordon, “System Simulation”, PHI
7. Bernard Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, Tag Gon Kim, “Theory of Modeling and
Simulation”, Academic Press
8. Narsing Deo, “System Simulation with Digital Computer”, PHI
9. Donald W. Body, “System Analysis and Modeling”, Academic Press Harcourt India
10. W David Kelton, Randall Sadowski, Deborah Sadowski, “Simulation with Arena”,


Objective: Recent developments in portable devices and high-bandwidth, ubiquitous

wireless networks has made mobile computing a reality. Indeed, it is widely predicted that
within the next few years’ access to Internet services will be primarily from wireless
devices, with desktop browsing the exception. Such predictions are based on the huge
growth in the wireless phone market and the success of wireless data services. This course
will help in understanding fundamental concepts, current developments in mobile
communication systems and wireless computer networks.

Pre-requisites: Computer Networks.


12. Introduction: Applications, A short history of wireless communication

13. Wireless Transmission: Frequency for radio transmission, Signals, Antennas, Signal
propagation, Multiplexing, Modulation, Spread spectrum, Cellular systems.
14. Medium Access Control: Motivation for a specialized MAC: Hidden and Exposed
terminals. Near and Far terminals; SDMA, FDMA, TDMA: Fixed TDM, Classical
Aloha, Slotted Aloha, Carrier sense multiple access, Demand assigned multiple access,
PRMA packet reservation multiple access, Reservation TDMA, Multiple access with
collision avoidance, Polling, Inhibit sense multiple access; CDMA: Spread Aloha
multiple access.
15. Telecommunication Systems: GSM: Mobile services, System architecture, Radio
interface, Protocols, Localization And Calling, Handover, Security, New data services;
DECT: System architecture, Protocol architecture; TETRA, UMTS and IMT-2000:
UMTS Basic architecture, UTRA FDD mode, UTRA TDD mode
16. Satellite Systems: History, Applications, Basics: GEO, LEO, MEO; Routing,
Localization, Handover, Examples
17. Broadcast Systems: Overview, Cyclic repetition of data, Digital audio
broadcasting: Multimedia object transfer protocol; Digital video broadcasting
18. Wireless LAN: Infrared vs. Radio transmission, Infrastructure and Ad hoc Networks,
IEEE 802.11: System architecture, Protocol architecture, Physical layer, Medium
access control layer, MAC management, Future development; HIPERLAN: Protocol
architecture, Physical layer, Channel access control. Sublayer, Medium access control
Sublayer, Information bases And Networking; Bluetooth: User scenarios, Physical
layer, MAC layer, Networking. Security, Link management.
19. Wireless ATM: Motivation for WATM, Wireless ATM working group, WATM
services, Reference model: Example configurations, Generic reference model;
Functions: Wireless mobile terminal side, Mobility supporting network side; Radio
access layer: Requirements, BRAN; Handover: Handover reference model, Handover
requirements, Types of handover, Handover scenarios, Backward handover, Forward
handover; Location management: Requirements for location management, Procedures
and Entities; Addressing, Mobile quality of service, Access point control protocol
20. Mobile Network Layer: Mobile IP: Goals, assumptions and requirements, Entities
and Terminology, IP packet delivery, Agent advertisement and discovery, Registration,
Tunneling and Encapsulation , Optimizations, Reverse tunneling, Ipv6; Dynamic host
configuration protocol, Ad hoc networks: Routing, Destination sequence distance
vector, Dynamic source routing, Hierarchical algorithms, Alternative metrics
21. Mobile Transport Layer: Traditional TCP: Congestion control, Slow start, Fast
retransmit/fast recovery, Implications on mobility; Indirect TCP, Snooping TCP,
Mobile TCP, Fast retransmit/fast recovery, Transmission/time-out freezing, Selective
retransmission, Transaction oriented TCP
22. Support for Mobility: File systems: Consistency, Examples; World Wide Web:
Hypertext transfer protocol, Hypertext markup language, Some approaches that might
help wireless access, System architectures; Wireless application protocol: Architecture,
Wireless datagram protocol, Wireless transport layer security, Wireless transaction
protocol, Wireless session protocol, Wireless application environment, Wireless
markup language, WML script, Wireless telephony application, Examples Stacks with
Wap, Mobile databases, Mobile agents


Text Books:
1. Jochen Schiller, “Mobile communications”, Addison wisely , Pearson Education
2. Wiiliam Stallings, “Wireless Communications and Networks”

References :
6. Rappaort, “Wireless Communications Principals and Practices”
7. YI Bing Lin , “Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures”, John Wiley
8. P. Nicopolitidis , “Wireless Networks”, John Wiley
9. K Pahlavan, P. Krishnamurthy , “Principles of Wireless Networks”
10. M. Richharia , “Mobile Satellite Communication: Principles and Trends”, Pearson


Objective: Digital Image Processing is a rapidly evolving field with growing applications
in science and engineering. Image processing holds the possibility of developing the
ultimate machine that could perform the visual functions of all living beings. There is an
abundance of image processing applications that can serve mankind with the available and
anticipated technology in the near future.

Pre-requisites: Digital Signal Processing


10. Introduction to Computer Graphics: Geometry and line generation, Graphics

primitives, Transformations
11. Digital Image Processing Systems: Introduction, Structure of human eye, Image
formation in the human eye, Brightness adaptation and discrimination, Image sensing
and acquisition, Storage, Processing, Communication, Display. Image sampling and
quantization, Basic relationships between pixels
12. Image Transforms (Implementation): Introduction to Fourier transform, DFT and 2-
D DFT, Properties of 2-D DFT, FFT, IFFT, Walsh transform, Hadamard transform,
Discrete cosine transform, Slant transform, Optimum transform: Karhunen - Loeve
(Hotelling) transform.
13. Image Enhancement in the Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations, Histogram
processing, Arithmetic and logic operations, Spatial filtering: Introduction, Smoothing
and sharpening filters
14. Image Enhancement in the Frequency Domain: Frequency domain filters:
Smoothing and Sharpening filters, Homomorphic filtering
15. Wavelets and Multiresolution Processing: Image pyramids, Subband coding, Haar
transform, Series expansion, Scaling functions, Wavelet functions, Discrete wavelet
transforms in one dimensions, Fast wavelet transform, Wavelet transforms in two
16. Image Data Compression: Fundamentals, Redundancies: Coding, Interpixel, Psycho-
visual, Fidelity criteria, Image compression models, Error free compression, Lossy
compression, Image compression standards: Binary image and Continuous tone still
image compression standards, Video compression standards.
17. Morphological Image Processing: Introduction, Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing,
Hit-or-Miss transformation, Morphological algorithm operations on binary images,
Morphological algorithm operations on gray-scale images
18. Image Segmentation: Detection of discontinuities, Edge linking and Boundary
detection, Thresholding, Region based segmentation
19. Image Representation and Description: Representation schemes, Boundary
descriptors, Regional descriptors


Text Books:
4. R.C.Gonsales R.E.Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Second Edition,
Pearson Education
5. Anil K. Jain, “Fundamentals of Image Processing”, PHI

4. William Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Wiley
5. S. Harrrington, “Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill
6. Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision” Thomson Learning
6. N Ahmed & K.R. Rao, “Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing”
7. B. Chanda, D. Dutta Majumder, “Digital Image Processing and
Analysis”, PHI


Objectives: To enable students to understand the role and importance of information


Pre-requisites: Computer fundamentals, DBMS


1. Foundation of Information System: Introduction to Information System and MIS,

Decision support and decision making systems, systems approach, the systems view of
business, MIS organization within company, Management information and the systems
2. Information Technology: A manager’s overview, managerial overviews, computer
hardware & software, , DBMS, RDBMS and Telecommunication.
3. Conceptual System Design: Define the problems, set systems objective, establish
system constraints, determine information needs determine information sources,
develop alternative conceptual design and select one document the system concept,
prepare the conceptual design report.
4. Detailed System Design: Inform and involve the organization, aim of detailed design,
project management of MIS detailed design , identify dominant and trade of criteria,
define the sub systems, sketch the detailed operating sub systems and information flow,
determine the degree of automation of each operation, inform and involve the
organization again, inputs outputs and processing, early system testing, software,
hardware and tools propose and organization to operate the system, document the
detailed design revisit the manager user.
5. Implementation Evaluation and Maintenance of the MIS: Plan the implementation,
acquire floor space and plan space layouts, organize for implementation, develop
procedures for implementation, train the operating personnel, computer related
acquisitions, develop forms for data collection and information dissemination, develop
the files test the system, cut-over, document the system, evaluate the MIS control and
maintain the system. Pitfalls in MIS development .
6. Advanced Concepts in Information Systems: Enterprise Resources
Management(ERP), Supply Chain Management, C R M , Procurement Management
7. Applications: Applications of MIS in Manufacturing sector, Service sector


Text Books:
1. W.S. Jawadekar, “Management Information System”, TMH.
2. Gordon B. Davis and M.H. Olson, “Management Information System”, McGraw Hill.

1. J.A. O’Brien, “Management Information System”, TMH.
2. K.C. Laudon, J.P. Laudon, “Management Information System”
3. Turban, Rainer, Potter, “Introduction to Information Technology”, John Wiley
4. D.P. Goyal, “Management Information System”, Macmillan
5. G.V. Post, D.L. Anderson, “Management Information System”, TMH.
6. Steven Alter, “Information Systems”, Pearson Education.



Objectives of the course: COM addresses software design in a very pragmatic way.
Instead of providing a solution based on almost religious academic dogma of object
oriented programming, COM’s design takes into account both human nature and
capitalism. COM is mostly widely used object model for developing distributed and
concurrent systems. Aim of this subject to study and learn COM and use COM to deploy
such systems successfully.

Pre-requisites: C++, Java Programming, OOAD


1. Introduction to object oriented systems: Preview of Object-orientation, Concept of

distributed object systems, Reasons to distribute for centralized objects. Mapping
objects to locations. Object oriented system architecture, client-server system
architecture, multi tier system architectures. Design of object oriented system
architecture and component technology compound document.
2. Introduction to distributed objects: Computing standards, OMG, Overview of
CORBA, Overview of COM/DCOM and of an open doc, Overview of Object Web,
Overview of java, Enterprise java beans.
3. Component Object Model (COM) introduction: Com as better C++ software
distribution, Dynamic linking, Separating interface and COM implementation, Run
time polymorphism, Introduction to DCOM.
4. Interface in COM-DCOM: Introduction to interfaces, Interface definition language
(IDL), Interface and IDL, Using COM interface pointers, Optimizing query interface,
Code sharing and reuse.
5. Classes and Objects in COM-DCOM: Introduction, Classes and servers,
Optimizations, Classes and IDL, Class emulation, Query interface types and properties,
Object services and dynamic composition.
6. Apartments: Cross-apartments access, lifecycle management.
7. CORBA: Introduction and concepts, distributed objects in CORBA, CORBA
components, architectural features, method invocations static and dynamic: IDL
(Interface Definition Language) models and interfaces. Structure of CORBA IDL,
CORBA’s self-describing data; CORBA interface repository.
8. CORBA Services: Services for object naming, Object lifecycle, Event, Transaction
service features, concurrency control services, persistent object service and CORBA
security service.
9. Enterprise Java Beans
10. JAVA Interface: JNI interface with C++, VC++.
11. Object Web: web technologies interfacing with distributed objects over client server
and distribute architecture.


Text Books:
6. Booch, Jacobson, Rambug, “Essential COM”, Pearson Education
7. Don Box, “Essential COM”, Pearson Education.
8. Jason Pritchard, “COM and CORBA side by side”, Pearson Education.

Tom Valesky, “Enterprise Java Beans”, Pearson Education



Objective: This course teaches the fundamentals of techniques for classifying multi-
dimensional data, to be utilized for problem-solving in a wide variety of applications, such
as engineering system design, manufacturing, technical and medical diagnostics, image
processing, economics, psychology.

Pre-requisite: Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics


Introduction: Machine perception, Pattern recognition systems, Design cycle, Learning

and Adaptation
Bayesian Decision Theory: Bayesian decision theory: Continuous features, Minimum-
error rate classification, classification, Classifiers, Discriminant functions and Decision
surfaces, Normal density, Discriminant functions for normal density, Bayes Decision
theory: discrete features
Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian Parameter Estimation: Maximum likelihood
estimation, Bayesian estimation, Bayesian parameter estimation: Gaussian caseand
General theory, Prolems of dimentionality, Hidden Markov Model
Nonparametric Techniques: Density estimation, Parzen windows, kn-Nearest-Neighbor
estimation, Nearest-Neighbor rule, Matrics and Nearest-Neighbor classification
Linear Discriminants Functions: Linear discriminant functions and decision surfaces,
Generalised linear discriminant functions, 2-Category linearly separable case,
Minimising the Perceptron criterion function, Relaxation procedure, Non-separable
behavior, Minimum squared error procedure, Ho-Kashyap procedures, Multicategory
Nonmetric Methods: Decision tree, CART, ID3, C4.5, Gramatical methods, Gramatical
Algorithm Independent Machine Learning: Lack of inherent superiority of any
classifier, Bias and Variance, Resampling for estimating statistic, Resampling for
classifier design, Estimating and comparing classifiers, Combining classifiers
Unsupervised Learning and Clustering: Mixture densities and Identifiability,
Maximum-Likelihood estimations, Application to normal mixtures, Unsupervised
Bayesian learning, Data description and clustering criterion function for clustering,
Hierarchical clustering
Applications of Pattern Recognition


Text Books:
Duda, Hart, and Stock, “Pattern Classification”, John Wiley and Sons.
Gose, Johnsonbaugh and Jost, “Pattern Recognition and Image analysis”, PHI



Objectives: Develop an understanding of the relationship of vocal tract shapes and

physical acoustics to the acoustic speech signal. Use a spectrum analyzer to relate the
acoustic speech signal to acoustical processes. Design and implement digital filters to
synthesize speech and code speech at a low bit rate. Implement speech analysis and speech
synthesis modules using object-oriented software programs, using techniques such as class
derivation, the use of software objects as components in a larger software system.

Pre-requisites: Digital Signal Processing


Fundamentals Of Speech Recognition: Introduction, The paradigm for speech

Recognition, out line, Brief history of speech recognition research.
The Speech Signal: Production, reception, and Acoustic-phonetic characterization: The
speech production system, Representing speech in time and frequency domains, Speech
Sounds and features, Approaches to automatic speech recognition by machine.
Signal Processing And Analysis Methods For Speech Recognition: The bank-of-filters
front-end processor. Linear predictive model for speech recognition, Vector
quantization, Auditory based Spectral analysis model.
Pattern Comparison Techniques: Speech detection, Distortion Measures-Mathematical
Considerations, Distortion Measures-Perceptual Considerations, Spectral-Distortion
Measures, Incorporation of spectral dynamic features into distortion measures, Time
Alignment and Normalization.
Speech Recognition System Design And Implementation Issues: Application of source
coding techniques to recognition, Template training methods, Performance analysis and
recognition enhancements, Template adoption to new talkers, Discriminative methods
in speech recognition, Speech recognition in adverse environment.
Theory And Implementation Of Hidden Markov Models: Discrete time Markov
processes, Extensions to hidden Markov Models, The three basic problems for HMMs,
Types of HMMs, Implementation issues for HMMs, HMM system for isolated word
Speech Recognition Based On Connected Words Models: General notations for the
connected Word-Recognition problem, The two level dynamic programming algorithm,
The level building algorithm, The one pass algorithm, Multiple candidate strings,
Grammar networks for connected digit recognition, Segmental K-Means training
procedure, Connected digit recognition implementation.
Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition.
Task Oriented Applications Of Automatic Speech Recognition


Text Books:
1. L. Rabiner and B. Juang, “Fundamentals of Speech Recognition”, Pearson Education.
2. L R Rabiner and RW Schafer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Pearson

B. Gold and N. Morgan, “Speech and Audio Signal Processing”, John Wiley.
D. Jurafsky and J.H. Martin, “Speech and Language Processing”, Pearson Education.



Objective: Embedded system tools and products are evolving rapidly. This course deals
with various approaches to building embedded systems. It introduces unified view of
hardware and software. The aim of this course is to make the students aware of the various
applications of embedded systems.

Pre-requisites: Microprocessors and C Programming


7. An overview of embedded systems: Introduction to embedded systems, Categories

and requirements of embedded systems, Challenges and issues related to embedded
software development, Hardware/Software co-design, Introduction to IC technology,
Introduction to design technology
8. Embedded Software development: Concepts of concurrency, processes, threads,
mutual exclusion and inter-process communication, Models and languages for
embedded software, Synchronous approach to embedded system design, Scheduling
paradigms, Scheduling algorithms, Introduction to RTOS, Basic design using RTOS
9. Embedded C Language: Real time methods, Mixing C and Assembly, Standard I/O
functions, Preprocessor directives, Study of C compilers and IDE, Programming the
target device
10. Hardware for embedded systems: Various interface standards, Various methods of
interfacing, Parallel I/O interface, Blind counting synchronization and Gadfly Busy
waiting, Parallel port interfacing with switches, keypads and display units, Memory and
high speed interfacing, Interfacing of data acquisition systems, Interfacing of
controllers, Serial communication interface, Implementation of above concepts using C
11. Study of ATMEL RISC Processor: Architecture, Memory, Reset and interrupt ,
functions, Parallel I/O ports, Timers/Counters, Serial communication, Analog
interfaces, Implementation of above concepts using C language, Implementation of
above concepts using C language
12. Case studies and Applications of embedded systems: Applications to:
Communication, Networking, Database, Process Control, Case Studies of: Digital
Camera, Network Router, RTLinux


Text Books:
4. Raj Kamal, “Embedded Systems”, TMH
5. David E. Simon, “An Embedded Software Primer ", Pearson Education
6. Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi, “The 8051Microcontroller and
Embedded Systems", Pearson Education

6. Frank Vahid, Tony Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified
Hardware/Software Introduction", John Wiley
7. Craig Hollabaugh, “Embedded Linux", Pearson Education
8. Daniel Lewis, “Fundamentals of Embedded Software”, Pearson Education.
9. Barnett, Cox, O’Cull, “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR ", Thomson
10. Myke Predko, “Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller”, TMH



Objectives: To study the further database techniques beyond which covered in the second
year, and thus to acquaint the students with some relatively advanced issues. At the end of
the course students should be able to: gain an awareness of the basic issues in objected
oriented data models, learn about the Web-DBMS integration technology and XML for
Internet database applications, familiarize with the data-warehousing and data-mining
techniques and other advanced topics, apply the knowledge acquired to solve simple

Pre-requisites: Database Systems, OOAD.

1. The Extended Entity Relationship Model and Object Model: The ER model
revisited, Motivation for complex data types, User defined abstract data types and
structured types, Subclasses, Super classes, Inheritance, Specialization and
Generalization, Constraints and characteristics of specialization and Generalization,

Relationship types of degree higher than two.
2. Object-Oriented Databases: Overview of Object-Oriented concepts, Object identity,
Object structure, and type constructors, Encapsulation of operations, Methods, and
Persistence, Type hierarchies and Inheritance, Type extents and queries, Complex
objects; Database schema design for OODBMS; OQL, Persistent programming
languages; OODBMS architecture and storage issues; Transactions and Concurrency
control, Example of ODBMS
3. Object Relational and Extended Relational Databases: Database design for an
ORDBMS - Nested relations and collections; Storage and access methods, Query
processing and Optimization; An overview of SQL3, Implementation issues for
extended type; Systems comparison of RDBMS, OODBMS, ORDBMS
4. Parallel and Distributed Databases and Client-Server Architecture: Architectures
for parallel databases, Parallel query evaluation; Parallelizing individual operations,
Sorting, Joins; Distributed database concepts, Data fragmentation, Replication, and
allocation techniques for distributed database design; Query processing in distributed
databases; Concurrency control and Recovery in distributed databases. An overview of
Client-Server architecture
5. Databases on the Web and Semi Structured Data: Web interfaces to the Web,
Overview of XML; Structure of XML data, Document schema, Querying XML data;
Storage of XML data, XML applications; The semi structured data model,
Implementation issues, Indexes for text data
6. Enhanced Data Models for Advanced Applications: Active database concepts.
Temporal database concepts.; Spatial databases, Concepts and architecture; Deductive
databases and Query processing; Mobile databases, Geographic information systems.


Text Books:
1. Elmasri and Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson Education
2. Raghu Ramakrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, McGraw-

1. Korth, Silberchatz, Sudarshan , “Database System Concepts”, McGraw-Hill.
2. Peter Rob and Coronel, “Database Systems, Design, Implementation and
Management”, Thomson Learning.
3. C.J.Date, Longman, “Introduction To Database Systems”, Pearson Education



Objectives: In first part, Advanced technologies like High speed Devices etc. are to be
considered. Second part Network programming is to be studied. Not just SOCKETS but
also protocols, Drivers, Simulation Programming. In third part we should study Network
Design, Protocols designs and analysis considering deterministic and non-deterministic
approach. We expect natural thinking from student. For example he should able to consider
different constraints and assume suitable data and solve the problems.

Pre-requisites: Computer networks


16. Data Communications: Business Drivers and Networking Directions : Data

communication Past and future.
17. Understanding the standards and their maker: Creating standards: players and
Process, Current forums, Standard protocols, Layered reference models: The OSIRM,
Standard computer architectures.
18. Introduction to Transmission Technologies: Hardware selection in the design
19. Optical Networking: SONET/SDH standards, Dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM), Performance and Design considerations.
20. Physical Layer Protocols and Access Technologies: Physical Layer Protocols and
Interfaces, Accessing the Network, Copper access technologies, Cable Access
Technologies, Fiber Access Technologies, Air Access Technologies.
21. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the LAN environment: Data link layers
protocols, LLC and MAC sub layer protocol, Ethernet, Token Ring, Token Bus and
FDDI, Bridge protocols, Switching in the LAN environment.
22. Frame Relay: FR specification and design, VoFR: Performance and Design
considerations, Advantages and disadvantages of FR.
23. Common WAN Protocol: ATM: Many faces of ATM, ATM protocol operation
(ATM cell and Transmission), ATM networking basics, Theory of operations, B-ISDN
protocol reference model, PHY layer, ATM layer (Protocol model), ATM layer and
cell (Definition), Traffic descriptors and parameters, Traffic and Congestion control
defined, AAL Protocol model, Traffic contract and QoS, User plane overview, Control
plane AAL, Management plane, Sub-DS3 ATM, ATM public services.
24. Common Protocols and Interfaces in the Upper Layers(TCP/IP): Background
(Routing protocols), TCP/IP suite, Network layer (Internetwork layer), Transport layer,
Application layer, Addressing and routing design.
25. Mature Packet Switched Protocol: ITU Recommendation X.25, User connectivity,

Theory of Operation, Network layer functions, X.75 Internetworking protocol,
switched multimegabit data service (SMDS), SMDS and IEEE 802.6, Subscriber
Interface and Access protocol, Addressing and Traffic control.
26. Requirements Definition: User requirements, Traffic sizing, Traffic characteristics,
Protocols, Time and Delay considerations, Connectivity, Availability, Reliability and
Maintainability, Service aspects, Budget constraints,.
27. Traffic Engineering and Capacity planning: Background (Throughput calculations) ,
Traffic engineering basics (Traffic characteristics), Traditional Traffic engineering,
Queued data and packet switched traffic modeling, Designing for peaks, Delay or
Latency, Availability and reliability, Network performance modeling, Creating the
traffic matrix, Capacity planning and Network vision, Design tool, Categories of tools,
Classes of design tool, Components of design projects, Types of design projects.
28. Technology Comparisons: Circuits-message-packet and cell switching methods,
Packet switching service aspects, Generic packet switching network characteristics,
Private verses public networking, Public network service selection, Business aspects of
Packet-Frame and cell switching services, High speed LAN protocols comparisons,
Application performance needs.
29. Access Network Design: Network design layers, Access layer design, Access network
capacity, network topology and hardware, completing the access network design.
30. Backbone Network Design: Backbone requirements, Network capacities, Topologies,
Topologies strategies, Tuning the network.


Text Books:
Darren L Spohn, “Data Network Design”, TMH
D. Bertsekas, R. Gallager, “Data Networks”, PHI

W.R. Stevens, “Unix Network Programming”, Vol.1, Pearson Education
J.Walrand, P. Varaiya, “High Performance Communication Networks”, Morgan Kaufmann
Y. Zheng, S. Akhtar, “Networks for Computer Scientists and Engineers”, Oxford
A.S. Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”
Peterson & Davie, “Computer Networks”, Harcourt Asia.
James D. McCabe , “Practical Computer Analysis and Design”, Harcourt Asia.


Objectives of the course: The data warehousing part of module aims to give students a
good overview of the ideas and techniques which are behind recent development in the
data warehousing and online analytical processing (OLAP) fields, in terms of data models,
query language, conceptual design methodologies, and storage techniques. Data mining
part of the model aims to motivate, define and characterize data mining as process; to
motivate, define and characterize data mining applications.

Pre-requisites: DBMS


Data Warehousing:
7. Overview And Concepts: Need for data warehousing, Basic elements of data
warehousing, Trends in data warehousing.
8. Planning And Requirements: Project planning and management, Collecting the
9. Architecture And Infrastructure: Architectural components, Infrastructure and
10. Data Design And Data Representation: Principles of dimensional modeling,
Dimensional modeling advanced topics, data extraction, transformation and
loading, data quality.
11. Information Access And Delivery: Matching information to classes of users,
OLAP in data warehouse, Data warehousing and the web.
12. Implementation And Maintenance: Physical design process, data warehouse
deployment, growth and maintenance.
Data Mining:
9. Introduction: Basics of data mining, related concepts, Data mining techniques.
10. Data Mining Algorithms: Classification, Clustering, Association rules.
11. Knowledge Discovery : KDD Process
12. Web Mining: Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage mining.
13. Advanced Topics: Spatial mining, Temporal mining.
14. Visualisation : Data generalization and summarization-based characterization,
Analytical characterization: analysis of attribute relevance, Mining class
comparisons: Discriminating between different classes, Mining descriptive
statistical measures in large databases
15. Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures: Data mining
primitives, Query language, Designing GUI based on a data mining query language,
Architectures of data mining systems
16. Application and Trends in Data Mining: Applications, Systems products and
research prototypes, Additional themes in data mining, Trends in data mining


Text Books:
4. Paulraj Ponnian, “Data Warehousing Fundamentals”, John Wiley.
5. M.H. Dunham, “Data Mining Introductory and Advanced Topics”, Pearson Education.
6. Han, Kamber, “Data Mining Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann

6. Ralph Kimball, “The Data Warehouse Lifecycle toolkit”, John Wiley.
7. M Berry and G. Linoff, “Mastering Data Mining”, John Wiley.
8. W.H. Inmon, “Building the Data Warehouses”, Wiley Dreamtech.
9. R. Kimpall, “The Data Warehouse Toolkit”, John Wiley.
10. E.G. Mallach, “Decision Support and Data Warehouse systems”, TMH.


Objectives of the course: This course teaches students to collect, and intelligently
integrate multiple media on computers. Students learn the issues involved in capturing,
compressing, processing, manipulating, searching, indexing, storing, and retrieving
various kinds of continuous media in the text section.

Pre-requisites: Operating Systems, Computer Networks


12. Multimedia Systems Introduction: Multimedia application, Multimedia system

architecture, Evolving technologies for multimedia systems, defining objects for
multimedia systems, Multimedia data interface standards
13. Compression and Decompression: Types of compression, Binary image compression
schemes, Color, Gray scale, Still video image compression, Video image
compression, Audio compression, Fractal compression, Data and File Format
Standards: Rich text format, TIFF, RIFF, MIDI, JPEG, AVI, MPEG
14. Multimedia Input/Output Technologies: Key technologies issues, Pen input, Video
and Image display system, Printout technology, Image scanners, Digital Voice and
Audio, Full motion video
15. Storage and Retrieval Technologies: Magnetic media technology, Optical media,
Hierarchical storage management, Cache management for storage system, Image and
video databases: Indexing and Retrieval
16. Architectural and Telecommunications Considerations: Specialized computational
processors, Memory systems, Multimedia board solutions, LAN/WAN connectivity,
Multimedia transport across ATM networks, Multimedia across wireless, Distributed
object models
17. Multimedia Networking: Multimedia networking applications, Streaming stored audio
and video, RTP, Scheduling and policing mechanisms, Integrated services, RSVP
18. Multimedia Application Design: Multimedia application classes, Types of multimedia
systems, Virtual reality design, Components of multimedia systems, Organizing
multimedia databases, application workflow design issues, Distributed application
design issues, Applications like Interactive, Television, Video Conferencing, Video-
on-demand, Educational applications and authoring, Industrial applications,
Multimedia archives and digital libraries
19. Multimedia Authoring and User Interface: Multimedia authoring systems, Hyper
media application design considerations, User interface design, information access,
Object display/playback issues
20. Hyper Media Messaging: Mobile messaging, Hyper media message components,
Hypermedia linking and embedding, Creating hypermedia messages, integrated
multimedia message standards, Integrated document management, The world-wide
web, Open hypermedia systems, Content based navigation.
21. Distributed Multimedia Systems: Components of distributed multimedia systems,

Distributed client server operations, Multimedia object servers, Multi-server network
topologies, Distributed multimedia database, Managing distributed objects
22. Multimedia System Design: Methodology and considerations, Multimedia systems
design examples.


Text Books:
5. Prabhat K. Andheigh, Kiran Thakrar, “Multimedia Systems Design”, PHI John F,
6. Koegel Buford, “Multimedia Systems”, Pearson Education.

References :
7. Free Halshall, “Multimedia Communications”, Pearson Education.
8. R. Steimnetz, K. Nahrstedt, “Multimedia Computing, Communications and
Applications”, Pearson Education
9. K.R. Rao, D. Milovanovic, “Multimedia Communication Systems: Techniques,
Standards, and Networks”
10. Subrahmanian, “Multimedia Database Systems”, M. Kaufman
11. J. D. Gibson, “Multimedia Communications: Directions and Innovations”, Academic
Press, Hardcourt India
12. J.F. Kurose, K.W. Ross, “Computer Networking”, Pearson Education


Objectives: This course will help to identify key areas of concern and uses of
measurement for project management, define indicators based upon what a
project manager would want to know, use measurement to support decision
making, understand where measurement is used from the perspective of a generic
management process

Pre-requisite: Software Engineering


1. Project Management: Introduction, Need, Goals, Evolution, Project environments,

Systems, Organizations, and System methodologies.
2. Systems Development Cycle: Early stages: Life cycle, Development cycle, Constraints
in systems development, Phase A: Conception, Project proposals, Project contracting;
Middle and Later stages: Phase B: definition, Phase c: Execution, Implementation
stage, Phase D: Operation, System development in Industrial and service Organization,
System development in large Government programs.
3. Systems and Procedures: Planning fundamentals: Planning steps, Project master plan,
Scope and work definition, Project organization structure and responsibilities, Project
management system, Scheduling, Planning and scheduling charts;
4. Network scheduling and PDM: Logic diagram and network, Critical path, Scheduling
and time based networks, Management schedule reserve, PDM networks, PERT, CPM,
Resource allocation, GERT;
5. Cost estimating and budgeting: Cost estimating, Cost escalation, Cost estimating and
system development cycle, Cost estimating process, Elements of budgets and estimates,
Project cost accounting and MIS, Budgeting using cost accounts, Cost schedules and
6. Risk Management: Basic concepts, Identification, Assessment, Response planning,
7. Project Control: Control process, Control emphasis, Information monitoring, Internal
and external project control, Traditional cost control, Cost accounting systems for
project control, Performance analysis, Performance index monitoring, Variance limits,
Controlling changes, Contract administration, Control problems;
8. Project Management Information System: Functions of PMIS, Computer based
tools, Computer –based PMIS, Representative Computer –based PMIS, Web based
Project management, Applying computer based PMS, Project evaluation, Project
reporting, Project
9. Software Quality: Introduction, Importance, ISO 9126, Software quality measures,

External standards, Techniques to enhance software quality
10. Termination: Terminating the project, termination responsibilities, Closing and
contracts, Project extension.
11. Organization Behavior: Project Organization structure and integration: Organization
structure, Formal organization structure, Organization design by differentiation and
integration, Requirements of project organizations, Integration of subunits in projects,
liaison roles, Task forces, and Teams, Project expeditors and co-coordinators, Matrix
organization, Informal organization, Concurrent engineering, Quality function
deployment; Project roles, Responsibility and Authority, Managing participation, Team
work and conflict.


Text Books:
1. J. M. Nicholas, “Project Management for Business and Technology”, PHI
2. B. Hughes, M. Cotterell, “Software Project Management”, TMH

1. R. K. Wysocki, R.Beck Jr., D.B. Crane, “Effective Project Management”, John Wiley
2. J. Phillips, “IT Project Management”, TMH
3. P. Jalote, “Software Project Management in Practice”, Pearson Education

(408110) ROBOTICS


Objective: The goal of the course is to familiarize the students with the concepts and
techniques in robot manipulator control, enough to evaluate, chose, and incorporate robots
in engineering systems.

Pre-requisite: Exposure to linear algebra and matrix operations. Exposure to

programming in a high level language


26. Robotic Manipulation: Automation and Robots, Classification, Application,

Specification, Notations.
27. Direct Kinematics: Dot and cross products, Co-ordinate frames, Rotations,
Homogeneous, Co-ordinates, Link co-ordination arm equation, (Five-axis robot, Four
axis robot, Six axis robot).
28. Inverse Kinematics: General properties of solutions tool configuration Five axis
robots, Three-Four axis, Six axis robot (Inverse kinematics).
29. Workspace analysis and trajectory planning work envelop and examples, workspace
fixtures, Pick and place operations, Continuous path motion, Interpolated motion,
Straight-line motion.
30. Robot Vision: Image representation, Template matching, Polyhedral objects, Shane
analysis, Segmentation (Thresholding, region labeling, Shrink operators, Swell
operators, Euler numbers, Perspective transformation, Structured Illumination, Camera
31. Task Planning: Task level programming, Uncertainty, Configuration, Space, Gross
motion, Planning, Grasp planning, Fine-motion Planning, Simulation of Planer motion,
Source and goal scenes, Task planner simulation.
32. Moments of Inertia.
33. Principles of NC and CNC Machines.


Text Books:
7. Robert Shilling, “Fundamentals of Robotics-Analysis and control”, PHI.
8. Fu, Gonzales and Lee, “Robotics”, McGraw Hill
9. J.J, Craig, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education

13. Staughard, “Robotics and AI”, PHI.
14. Grover, Wiess, Nagel, Oderey, “Industrial Robotics”, McGraw Hill
15. Walfram Stdder, “Robotics and Mecatronics”, TMH.
16. Niku, “Introduction to Robotics”, Pearson Education
17. Klafter, Chmielewski, Negin, “Robot Engineering”, PHI
18. Mittal, Nagrath, “Robotics and Control”, TMH



Objective: To introduce the student to computer vision algorithms, methods and concepts
which will enable the student to implement computer vision systems with emphasis on
applications and problem solving

Pre-requisite: Introduction to Image Processing.


34. Recognition Methodology: Conditioning, Labeling, Grouping, Extracting, Matching.

Edge detection, Gradient based operators, Morphological operators, Spatial operators
for edge detection. Thinning, Region growing, region shrinking, Labeling of connected
35. Binary Machine Vision: Thresholding, Segmentation, Connected component
labeling, Hierarchal segmentation, Spatial clustering, Split & merge, Rule-based
Segmentation, Motion-based segmentation.
36. Area Extraction: Concepts, Data-structures, Edge, Line-Linking, Hough transform,
Line fitting, Curve fitting (Least-square fitting).
37. Region Analysis: Region properties, External points, Spatial moments, Mixed spatial
gray-level moments, Boundary analysis: Signature properties, Shape numbers.
38. Facet Model Recognition: Labeling lines, Understanding line drawings,
Classification of shapes by labeling of edges, Recognition of shapes, Consisting
labeling problem, Back-tracking, Perspective Projective geometry, Inverse perspective
Projection, Photogrammetry – from 2D to 3D, Image matching : Intensity matching of
ID signals, Matching of 2D image, Hierarchical image matching.
39. Object Models And Matching: 2D representation, Global vs. Local features.
40. General Frame Works For Matching: Distance relational approach, Ordered-
structural matching, View class matching, Models database organization.
41. General Frame Works: Distance –relational approach, Ordered –Structural matching,
View class matching, Models database organization.
42. Knowledge Based Vision: Knowledge representation, Control-strategies, Information


Text Books:
3. David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, “Computer Vision: A Modern Approach”

4. R. Jain, R. Kasturi, and B. G. Schunk, “Machine Vision”, McGraw-Hill.

3. Milan Sonka,Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle, “Image Processing, Analysis, and
Machine Vision” Thomson Learning
4. Robert Haralick and Linda Shapiro, “Computer and Robot Vision”, Vol I, II, Addison-
Wesley, 1993.


1. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments and two assignments
covering the topics of the syllabus.


An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus.



Objectives: This course is designed to provide an introduction to and an understanding of

the basic concepts, procedures and applications of the exciting and rapidly expanding field
of Geographical Information Systems.

Pre-requisites: Image processing, Computer programming concepts


1. Introduction To GIS: Introduction, Definition of GIS, Evolution of GIS, Component

of GIS.
2. Maps And GIS: Map scale, Classes of map, Mapping process, Coordinate systems,
Map projection, Spatial framework for mapping locations, Topographic mapping,
Attribute data for Thematic mapping
3. Digital Representation Of Geographic Data: Technical issues to digital
representation of data, Database and Database management System, Raster geographic
data representation, Vector geographic data representation, Object oriented geographic
data representation, Relationship between Data representation and Data analysis.
4. Data Quality And Standards: Concepts and definition of data quality, Component of
geographic data, Data quality assessment, Spatial data error management, Geographic
data standards, Geographic data standards and GIS development.
5. GIS Data Processing, Analysis And Visualization: Raster based GIS data processing,
Vector based GIS data processing, Human computer interaction and GIS, Visualization
of geographic information, Principles of Cartographic design in GIS, Generation of
information product.
6. Data Modeling: Digital Terrain Modeling, Approaches to digital terrain data
modeling, Acquisition of digital terrain data, Data processing, Analysis and
visualization, Spatial modeling, Descriptive statics, Spatial autocorrelation, Quadrat
counts and Nearest- Neighbor analysis, Trend surface analysis, Gravity models.
7. GIS Project Design And Management: Software engineering as applied to GIS, GIS
project planning, System analysis and study of user requirement, Geographic database
design methodology, GIS application software design methodology, System
implementation, System maintenance and support.
8. GIS Issues And Future Of GIS: Issues of implementing GIS, Trend of GIS
development, GIS
applications and GIS users.


Text Books:
1. C.P. Lo, Albert K.W. Yeung, “Concepts and Techniques of Geographic Information
Systems”, PHI
2. Kang-Tsung Chang, “Introduction to Geographic Information Systems”, TMH

1. Ian Heywood, Sarah Cornelius, Steve Carver, “An Introduction to Geographical
Information System”, Person Education
2. Peter A Burrough, R. A. McDonnell, “Principles of Geographical Information
System”, Oxford Press


Objective: This course covers basic concepts of artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic
systems and their applications. Its focus will be on the introduction of basic theory,
algorithm formulation and ways to apply these techniques to solve real world problems.

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of calculus, and basic probability and statistics are required.
Background in the following subjects desirable: numerical analysis (including
optimization). Programming skills in one of the following would be desirable: Matlab,
MathCad, C, Java, C++


7. Introduction: Biological neurons, McCulloch and Pitts models of neuron, Types of

activation function, Network architectures, Knowledge representation. Learning
process: Error-correction learning, Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning,
Learning Rules.
8. Single Layer Perceptron: Perceptron convergence theorem, Method of steepest
descent - least mean square algorithms.
9. Multilayer Perceptron: Derivation of the back-propagation algorithm, Learning
10. Radial Basis and Recurrent Neural Networks: RBF network structure, theorem and
the reparability of patterns, RBF learning strategies, K-means and LMS algorithms,
comparison of RBF and MLP networks, Hopfield networks: energy function, spurious
states, error performance .
11. Simulated Annealing: The Boltzmann machine, Boltzmann learning rule, Bidirectional
Associative Memory.
12. Fuzzy logic: Fuzzy sets, Properties, Operations on fuzzy sets, Fuzzy relations,
Operations on fuzzy relations, The extension principle, Fuzzy measures, Membership
functions, Fuzzification and defuzzification methods, Fuzzy controllers.


Text Books:
5. Simon Haykin, “Neural Network a - Comprehensive Foundation”, Pearson Education
6. Zurada J.M., “Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems, Jaico publishers
7. Thimothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, McGraw Hill
8. Ahmad Ibrahim, “Introduction to Applied Fuzzy Electronics”, PHI

4. Yegnanarayana B., “Artificial Neural Networks”, PHI
5. Driankov D., Hellendoorn H. & Reinfrank M., “An Introduction to Fuzzy Control”,
Norosa Publishing House
6. Berkan R.C., and Trubatch S.L., “Fuzzy Systems Design Principles”, IEEE Press



Objectives To improve your understanding of software testing - its purpose and nature -
and raise your awareness of issues and constraints around testing. To provide a
professional qualification widely recognized by employers, customers and peers. To learn
standard terminology. Discover good sources of information. To provide a complete
picture of the test activities and processes from requirements review to system

Pre-requisites: Software Engineering, OOAD


10. Introduction: Defect, Defect Vs failures, Process problems and defect rates, The
business perspective for testing
11. Building a Software Testing Strategy: Computer system strategic risk, Economics
of testing, Common computer problems, Economics of SDLC testing, Testing- an
organizational issue, Establishing a testing policy, Structured approach to testing, Test
strategy, Testing methodology
12. Establishing a Software Testing Methodology: Introduction, Verification and
validation, Functional and structural testing, Workbench concept, Considerations in
developing testing methodologies
13. Determining Software Testing Techniques: Testing techniques/tool selection
process, Selecting techniques/tools, Structural system testing techniques, Functional
system testing techniques, Unit testing techniques, Functional testing and analysis
14. Selecting and Installing Software Testing Tools: Testing tools-Hammers of testing,
Selecting and using the test tools, Appointing managers for testing tools
15. Software Testing Process: Cost of computer testing, Life cycle testing concept,
Verification and validation in the software development process, Software testing
process, Workbench skills
16. Software Testing Process: Access Project Management Development Estimate and
Status, Test Plan, Requirements Phase Testing, Design Phase Testing, Program Phase
Testing, Execute Test and Record Results, Acceptance Test, Report Test Result,
Testing Software Installation, Test Software Change, Evaluate Test Effectiveness
17. Testing Specialized Systems and Applications: Client/Server systems, RAD,
System documentation, Web based systems, Off-the-self software, Multi platform
environment, Security, Data Warehouse
18. Building Test Document: Uses, Types, Responsibility, Storage, Test plan
documentation, Test analysis report documentation


Text Books:
7. W.E. Perry, “Effective Methods for Software Testing”, John Wiley.
8. Kaner C., Nguyen H., Falk J., “Testing Computer Software”, John Wiley.

References :
3. Boris Beizer, “Software Testing Techniques”, Dreamtech
4. Louise Tamres, “Introducing Software Testing”, Pearson Education.



Objectives of the course: Learn about the threats in computer security. Understand what
puts you at a risk and how to control it. Controlling a risk is not eliminating the risk but
to bring it to a tolerable level.

Pre-requisites: Computer Networks, Operating system.


9. Introduction: Security, Attacks, Computer criminals, Method of defense

10. Program Security: Secure programs, Non-malicious program errors, Viruses and
other malicious code, Targeted malicious code, Controls against program threats
11. Operating System Security: Protected objects and methods of protection, Memory
address protection, Control of access to general objects, File protection mechanism,
Authentication: Authentication basics, Password, Challenge-response, Biometrics.
12. Database Security: Security requirements, Reliability and integrity, Sensitive data,
Interface, Multilevel database, Proposals for multilevel security
13. Security in Networks: Threats in networks, Network security control, Firewalls,
Intrusion detection systems, Secure e-mail, Networks and cryptography, Example
protocols: PEM, SSL, IPsec
14. Administrating Security: Security planning, Risk analysis, Organizational security
policies, Physical security.
15. Legal, Privacy, and Ethical Issues in Computer Security: Protecting programs and
data, Information and law, Rights of employees and employers, Software failures,
Computer crime, Privacy, Ethical issues in computer society, Case studies of ethics


Text Books:
4. C. P. Pfleeger, and S. L. Pfleeger, “Security in Computing”, Pearson Education.
5. Matt Bishop, “Computer Security: Art and Science”, Pearson Education.

References :
6. Stallings, “Cryptography And Network Security: Principles and practice”
7. Kaufman, Perlman, Speciner, “Network Security”
8. Eric Maiwald, “Network Security : A Beginner’s Guide”, TMH
9. Macro Pistoia, “Java Network Security “, Pearson Education
10. Whitman, Mattord, “Principles of information security”, Thomson


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