RelAvOpSikorskyS64OriginalAbstractEnglish PDF
RelAvOpSikorskyS64OriginalAbstractEnglish PDF
RelAvOpSikorskyS64OriginalAbstractEnglish PDF
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................4
1.1. Purpose............................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Applicability ...................................................................................................... 4
2. Brief Aircraft Description .........................................................................................4
2.1. General Information ........................................................................................... 4
2.2. Views ................................................................................................................. 5
3. Pilots type rating ........................................................................................................5
4. Master Difference Requirements (MDR) ..................................................................7
5. Pilots training specifications .....................................................................................7
5.1. Attendance requirements ................................................................................... 7
5.2. Type Rating Training ......................................................................................... 7
5.3. Operational Mode Training ............................................................................... 7
5.4. Difference Training............................................................................................ 8
6. Exams SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................8
7. Currency SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................8
8. Operational restrictions .............................................................................................8
9. Compliance with RBHA 91 and 135 .........................................................................8
10. Manuals .....................................................................................................................9
10.1. Minimum Master Equipment List - MMEL................................................... 9
10.2. Rotorcraft Flight Manual – RFM ................................................................... 9
11. Annexes .....................................................................................................................9
Annex 1 ...........................................................................................................................10
Annex 2 ...........................................................................................................................11
Annex 3 ...........................................................................................................................12
Since there was no specific operational evaluation conducted by the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) or any other civil aviation authority [i.e. European Agency for
Safety Assessment (EASA)], Erickson Air Crane (EAC) operational publications were
used as a reference, as well as a technical visit conducted by GAAS / ANAC in the
period from August 30 to September 03, 2010.
1.1. Purpose
This report:
1.2. Applicability
This report serves as a guideline for RBHA 91 and 135 operators, ANAC operations
inspectors, Training organizations certified under RBAC 142 – Training Centers
requirements and other training providers. Covers operations under RBAC 133, but
does not address the operations under RBAC 137. The S-64 aircraft DOES NOT
performs operations under RBAC 121.
The S-64 is a bi-turbine helicopter certified for VFR operations and to be used as an
"industrial flying crane". It has a minimum flight crew of two pilots, and, in some
operations, it may need a third pilot to operate the aircraft from the rear cockpit (Aft
Seat) increasing thus the accuracy of the work. The helicopter can be configured with a
firefighting module (used for firefighting and hydroseeding), with a winch (used to lift
loads on buildings or wood logging), with a hook (for external load operations with
"long line"), or several other modules cargo (characterized as external load class A).
A unique characteristic of the aircraft is the division of tasks among the crew. Unlike
other helicopters, in some operations, Pilot in Command (PIC) fly the aircraft from the
left seat using vertical reference while looks the external load through the bubble type
side window, while the Second in command (SIC) monitors the operation of the
systems and is responsible for taking control of the aircraft in case of emergencies.
The S-64 does not perform RNP or RNAV operations. The S-64 only allows the
transport of crew and technicians directly related to the operation of the aircraft. It is
NOT allowed to carry passengers.
Since the beginning of the operation, FAA has considered this aircraft as a Type
Aircraft, and established the type rating as “SK64” for both models (S--64E and S-64F)
regardless of analog or digital cockpit.
Some operations are conducted with a pilot operating the aircraft from the auxiliary
control station (Aft Seat). This station contains a seat, a joystick to control the aircraft´s
cyclic command, a collective command and some controls controls related to the load, and a
manual control to control the aircraft pedals that can be disabled.
The vertical flight reference training is required for external load operations and for
using the "pound snorkel" to fill water tank fire fighting module in small water sources
(reservoirs smaller than the helicopter size).
From the study of different possible operations with the aircraft and from information
obtained in flight familiarization and interviews with the Chief Pilot of Erickson Air
Crane (David A. Ford) and the company's Head of Education (Randy Erwin), it was
found that the aircraft has the basic operation characteristics common to other large
helicopters, which require normal operations and emergencies specifics trainings.
Should be noted that the unusual size of this helicopter requires special adaptation since
pilot seats are located in very high position, modifying, thus, visual references of
hovering within ground effect and landing. The large dimensions also demand learning
about the special characteristics of taxi and ground maneuvers, since while in the
hovering, S-64 produces winds incompatible with the presence of other aircraft or light
objects nearby.
In other hand, the routine operations conducted by S-64 are very complex, and require
much accuracy and training. These operations can be divided into two main groups:
external loads and firefighting.
Additionally, the pilot´s qualification to operate each of the four variants (S-64E and S-
64F with analog and digital cockpits) has specific details which should be covered in
Considering the training needs and the complexity of some operations, the AEG-SK64
suggests that the aircraft is defined as a Type Aircraft.
The type rating definition for the S-64 should make it clear that a pilot qualified in a
particular variant of the S-64 is not immediately eligible for other variants with a
registration note or remark of specific operational restrictions. Thus, the Aircraft Type
Rating Table update proposal would be as follows:
In order to be elegible for the training program to obtain SK64 Type Rating as a Second
in Command, pilot must:
In order to be elegible for the training program to obtain SK64 Type Rating as a Pilot in
Command, pilot must:
In order to be elegible for the training program to obtain SK64 Type Rating as a Pilot in
Command without previous SK-64 SIC experience, pilot must:
In order to obtain SK64 Type Rating, the pilot must complete the training described at
“Training Course Outline for SK64 Type Rating” manual, whose summary is found on
Table 1. For additional details, please consult Annex 1.
In order to operate the S-64 in one operational mode (firefighting, external load), the
pilot must receive specific training for this purpose.
Each operator interested in providing training differences should develop the program
and submit for ANAC approval.
Proficiency check ride is not needed for changing between other variants.
If the pilot has completed the training differences concerning analog and digital
cockpits, recent experience in a variant (analog or digital) warrants recent experience in
Regarding the difference between the S64E and S64F variants, it is recommended that
the pilot performs a revision of the aircraft operational limitations.
It´s not recommended the use of NVG during operations.
The third pilot shall only operate auxiliary control station with two other pilots in their
proper positions. The AEG-SK64 does not recommend that the SIC leave his position to
assume auxiliary control station.
The AEG-SK64 recommends that, if there is need for an observer to the external load, it
can occupy the aft-seat since the flight controls are not used by this non-pilot crew.
It is recommended that auxiliary control station pilot be, at least, S-64 PIC, with proper
training to operate the aircraft from this position.
The SK64 Brazilian RFM, approved by GGCP/SAR (ANAC type certification office),
must be used by Brazilian operators as a base in order to develop their own operation
The following annexes are classified as reserved. They can be obtained from the
Superintendence of Operational Safety or from Erickson Air Crane.