Super Puma Differences PDF
Super Puma Differences PDF
Super Puma Differences PDF
Manufacturer: EUROCOPTER
Postfach 10 12 53
D-50452 Köln, Germany
AS 332 L1
AS 332 L2
AS 332 L1e
EC 225 LP
Revision Record
• Cover ......................................................................................................................... 1
• Aircraft Pictures .......................................................................................................... 2
• Revision Record ......................................................................................................... 3
• Contents..................................................................................................................... 4
• Operation Evaluation Board – OPS-FCL .................................................................... 5
• Eurocopter & NAA’s experts involved in the process .................................................. 6
• Executive Summary ................................................................................................... 7
• Abbreviations / Acronyms ........................................................................................... 9
1. Purpose and applicability.......................................................................................... 11
2. General Description of Puma and Super Puma Fleet .............................................. 12
3. Helicopter Main Characteristics ................................................................................ 18
4. Operator Differences Requirement (ODR) Tables .................................................... 20
5. Optional specific equipment ..................................................................................... 20
6. Master Differences Requirements ............................................................................ 20
7. Type Rating List and Licence Endorsement List ....................................................... 22
8. Specification for Training .......................................................................................... 22
9. Specification for Testing, Checking, Currency & Recent experience ........................ 32
10. Specification for Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTDs) ..................................... 32
11. Application of OEB report ......................................................................................... 33
12. Appendices .............................................................................................................. 33
EASA – Section Manager
Operational Suitability Rotorcraft / Balloons / Airships
Experts department- Certification Directorate
Eurocopter Experts and NAA’s involved in the Original Report (15th 12 2009)
Michael Chairman
CAA United Kingdom
Hervé Eurocopter
JAMMAYRAC Eurocopter France
Flight Test Pilot
Head of Training
Christophe In Flight Training Eurocopter Training Services
MARCHAL Director
Gérard ETS - TRI / TRE
GAUTIER Eurocopter Training Services
Chief Flight Instructor
Flight Training
François Engineering Training Eurocopter Training Services
Hervé Eurocopter France
Experimental Test
Executive Summary
1. Manufacturer Application
The initial catch up process was conducted to check compliance of EUROCOPTER pilot training
course for the initial type rating for the EC 225LP and the differences training required between the
AS 332L2 and the EC 225LP. Subsequent to that work, Eurocopter has made an official request to
EASA, Certification Directorate, the catch up process be extended to the AS 332 Series aircraft, to
include initial Type Ratings and Difference Training courses between the types in both ways.
In April 2012 EASA Certification Directorate received another application from EUROCOPTER to
evaluate the AS332 L1e/C1e helicopters in order to consider those variants as an evolution of the
AS332 L1/C1 and to add this aircraft in the “Super-PUMA fleet”.
This “report Revision 1 “supersedes the original report called “Final Report” dated 15-12-2009.
2. OEB recommendations
The original report follows the previous draft document published on 15th September 2009 on EASA
website and takes into account a large part of comments from the industry.
This Final report Revision 1, is based on the initial report and takes into account the AS 332
L1e/C1e helicopters. Training courses have been reviewed also to consider other category and
level of FSTDs’.
During the initial catch up, one pilot, the chairman of the OEB team, was in current flying practice
on the EC 225LP aircraft, having operated the L, L1 and EC 225LP types with commercial operator
in the North Sea. Capt. J-M Sacazes has participated in the training course proposed by
Eurocopter for ground instruction and completed the type rating training course for the EC 225LP,
previously he operated the SA 330, AS 332L1 and also held AS 332L2 rating.
At that time EASA was conducting this OEB or catch up process in accordance with JAR-OPS 3,
JAR-FCL 2 and JAR-FSTDs’ requirements. This evaluation was based on JOEB Handbook and
Common procedures Document (CPD) which has been adapted to rotorcraft, and the processes
detailed in the JAA Administrative and Guidance Material, Section One, Part Two, Chapter 5 and
JAR-FCL 2 including associated appendices, AMC and IEM.
For the AS 332 L1e/C1e the evaluation process has been based on JOEB handbook and Common
Procedure Document (CPD), and in accordance with Part ORA, Part FCL and CS FSTD(H)
requirements, including associated appendices, AMC and GM.
The EASA Section Manager “Operational Suitability Rotorcraft” attended the first theoretical
difference training session delivered by the manufacturer.
EASA and EUROCOPTER experts have participated actively to this evaluation. (See page 6).
François FABRE
EASA – Deputy Head of Expert Department
Flight Grroup-Certification Directorate
Abbreviations / Acronyms
AC Alternative Current (electrical)
ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System
AEO All Engine Operative
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AHCAS Advanced Helicopter Cockpit & Avionics System
AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance
AOC Air Operator Certificate
AP Auto-Pilot
APIRS Aircraft Piloting Inertial Reference System
APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ASU Ancillary System Unit
ATO Approved Training Organization
ATPL (H) Airline Transport Pilot Licence (H)
ATR Additional Type Rating
AVCS Active Vibration Control System
CPD Common Procedures Document (for FAA-TCCA-FAA)
CPL (H) Commercial Pilot Licence (H)
CRM Crew Resource Management
CWP Caution and Warning Panel
DC Direct Current (electrical)
DGAC Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile (French Civil Aviation Authority)
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ECU Engine Control Unit
EECU Electronic Engine Control Unit
EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System
EGPWS Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System
EIU Engine Interface Unit
EMB Electrical Master Box
EPU External Power Unit
ETS Eurocopter Training Services
EU-OPS EU-Commercial Air Transportation (Aeroplane)
FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control
FD Flight Director
FLI First Limit Indicator
FLM Flight Manual
FMS Flight Management System
FNPT Flight and Navigation and Procedure Trainer
FSTD Flight Simulation Training Device
FTD Flight Training Device
FTO Flight Training Organisation
GM Guidance Material
GPU Ground Power Unit
GPWS Ground-Proximity Warning System
HIP High Increase Power
IEM Interpretative and Explanatory Material
ICS Intercommunication Control System
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IGB Intermediate Gear Box
IR Instrument Rating
ISIS Integrated Standby Instrument System
ITR Initial Type Rating
JAA Joint Aviation Authorities
JAR-FCL 2 Joint Aviation Requirements Flight Crew Licensing (Helicopters)
JAR-OPS 3 Joint Aviation Requirements Operations 3 (Commercial Transport Helicopters)
Final Report / Rev 1 Page 9 of 33
EASA Eurocopter Super Puma Fleet
The initial version of this report is based upon an evaluation of the Eurocopter Initial and additional
Type Rating courses and differences courses as by EC and substantiated by the differences
courses and Initial Type Rating courses provided by Bristow Helicopters Ltd and CHC Scotia
Data is being submitted by Eurocopter in support of the initial Operational Evaluation concerning
differences between the AS332, AS332 L2 and EC225 LP.
In addition the manufacturer provided a new comparison between the different variants including
the AS332 L1e/C1e equipped with AHCAS. The operator difference tables (ODR) provided by the
manufacturer include now a comparison of the entire “Super-PUMA fleet” (See Appendix 3)
This document:
Provides a general description of the Super-PUMAs fleet
Updates Type Rating List assigned to the AS332 L1/C AS332 L1e/C1e - AS332 L2- EC 225 LP
Makes recommendations for:
AS 332 L1e/C1e is a commercial denomination for AS 332 L1/C1 post-modification AHCAS, associated with digital
AFCS “APM 2010”.
Even if the SA 330 “ Puma” is a precursor of the Super Puma fleet, it is recognized as a different type. The
Manufacturer does not request any evaluation for the former SA 330.
This fleet is presented in the TCDS of 2012, June, 29 : EASA-TCDS-R.002_Eurocopter_SA330--AS332--EC225LP
(See Appendix 1)
The SA330, AS332 C, L, C1, L, L1e & C1e, AS332 L2 and EC225 LP belong to the ‘’Puma &
Super Puma’’ fleet. They all are heavy twin engine helicopters (with 19 passengers’ seats on
standard aircrafts & 24 passengers’ seats on stretched aircrafts) powered by 2 turbo-shaft engines.
Those helicopters are approved under the TRANSPORT category of JAR/FAR PART 29 and are
basically approved for day and night, VFR and IFR operations.
Their commercial designation is: Super PUMA (AS332, AS332L1e/C1e, AS332L2 and EC225).
Here illustrated, the successive evolutions of the “PUMAs & Super-PUMAs fleet”.
Upon Eurocopter request, the Type Certificate of both models SA330 G and SA330 F has been
revoked by EASA as of 12 November 2009 (EASA Certification Information of 16 November 2009).
Due to the fact that SA330 variants/models are not evaluated in this OEB process, only AS332
L1/C1, AS332 L1e/C1e, AS332 L2 and EC225 LP variants/models are considered in this document.
In this report, these four variants/models (L, C, L1 and C1) are named AS332.
In this report, these two variants/models (L1e and C1e) are named AS332e.
AS332 L2 variant:
National Certification Date: 12 June 1991
EC225 LP variant:
EASA Certification Date: 27 July 2004
The fuselage is of light alloy monocoque design with stressed skin and frames and includes, from
nose to aft:
The cockpit and the main structure (the cabin),
The intermediate structure,
The tail structure.
In the cockpit, the two crashworthy pilots seats are adjustable. Optional third crew-member seat,
crashworthy or not crashworthy version, can be installed.
Main Rotor
The four resin-glass laminate rotor blades (five for EC225 LP variant/model) are secured to the
rotor hub by two pins locked by safety pins. They can be equipped with electrical resistors built in
the mat covering the leading edge for a flight during icy conditions.
Rotor brake
The rotor brake is controlled hydraulically from the LH Hydraulic system. The rotor brake device is
installed on the rear transmission shaft, just behind the MGB.
Separated by a fire-wall ahead of the MGB, the two turbo-shaft engines are installed on the
mechanical deck. Even if the Makila engines delivers different power values (presented in general
description), the modular design still the same:
Engine controls
- On AS332, AS332e and AS332 L2, for each engine, the Throttles enables automatic or manual
starting of the engine, the increase in power rating after starting and manual fuel flow control in the
event of governing failure.
- On EC225 LP, the Engine Interface Units [EIU(s)] enable the interface between the engine and
the FADEC(s) which relate to the torque values, the collective pitch position and the yaw pedal
For all the variants/models, the collective pitch-anticipator eliminates the governor static droop and
reduces the engine response time when the collective pitch value is changed.
Fuel system
There are two groups of fuel tanks: 1 per engine. The engine fuel systems are completely separate:
- The group 1 (LH longitudinal and 2 rear tanks) supplies the Engine 1.
- The group 2 (RH longitudinal and 2 forward tanks) supplies the Engine 2.
(Note: on AS332 standard fuselage and AS332 C1e, the group 2 comprises the longitudinal RH
tank and one forward tank only).
- The longitudinal tank is the feeder tank, equipped with two booster pumps.
- The amount of fuel in each group can be balanced in flight by means of a transfer pump.
Hydraulic system
All the variants/models are equipped with two hydraulic systems:
- The LH hydraulic system supplies the upper cylinders of the main servo-controls and the LH
cylinder of the tail servo-control and the other hydraulic power consumer of the aircraft (L/G
retraction/extension, Wheel brakes, Rotor brake, Automatic Pilot, optional Hoist).
- The RH hydraulic system supplies the lower cylinders of the main servo-controls and the RH
cylinder of the tail servo-control. The hydraulic mechanical pump is driven by the MGB.
Electrical system
- The AC generation system comprises two alternators, driven by the MGB, to delivers 115V-
400Hz, and two transformers to delivers 26V-400Hz,
For AS332 L2 only 1 transformer to delivers 26V-400Hz,
For EC225 LP and AS332e: no 26 V-AC transformer.
- The DC generation system comprises two transformer-rectifiers energized by AC systems, one
28V main battery, and one stand-by battery which energizes users (stand-by horizon, stand-by
lighting…) in case of total failure of generators.
- AS332 L2 & EC225 LP are equipped with another Alternator and a Transformer-Rectifier
energized by an APU, or a Hydro-Alternator supplied by the LH hydraulic system.
- The electrical controls are located on the overhead panel.
Instrument panel
- Except for some recent aircrafts equipped with the optional 4 x 4 inches PFD-ND MFD 255 and
the VMS, (Vehicle Monitoring System) AS332 variants/models are basically equipped with a
conventional instrument panel.
- AS332e and EC225 LP are equipped with an “AHCAS” 6 x 8 inches PFD&NAV-D (Navigation
Display) with their controls units, and the VMS.
AS332 L2:
AS332 AS332
AS332C AS332 L AS332 C1 AS332 L1 AS332 L2 EC225
C1e L1e
Fuselage Width 3,79 m identical identical identical identical identical 3,86 m 4,10 m
Main rotor 15,60 m identical identical identical identical identical 16,20 m identical
Tail rotor 3,051 m identical identical identical identical identical 3,15 m identical
Models Makila
Makila 1A Makila 1A1 Makila 1A2
Engines (all Turboméca) identical identical identical identical 2A or 2A1
(kW MCP)
1130 kW 1185 kW 1236 kW
Fuel tanks Capacity 1541 l 2024 l 1541 l 2024 l 1541 l 2024 l 2012 l 2908 l
167 kt identical identical identical identical identical 170 kt 175 kt
Air Speed Power VNE 145 kt identical identical identical identical identical 150 kt identical
Power 265/275
AOE 265 rpm identical identical identical identical identical identical
Speed Auto-
OEI 290 rpm identical identical identical identical identical identical identical
sure 20 000ft identical 25 000ft identical identical identical 20 000ft identical
MTOW with Internal load 8 600 Kg identical identical identical identical identical 9 300 kg 11 000 Kg
MTOW with External load 9 350 kg identical identical identical identical identical 10 500 Kg 11 200 kg
8000 ft identical identical identical identical identical 7200 ft 7 400 ft (*)
Category A
8000 ft identical identical identical identical identical 6200 ft 7 400 ft (*)
Table 1
- Table is read column by column, from left to right.
(*): 11 000 ft when aircrafts are equipped with MPAI
AS332 L2 EC225 LP
4.10 m
(13.45 ft)
The Common Procedures Document (CPD) describes one acceptable method and guidelines for
conducting an Operational Evaluation of an aircraft type or a variant certificated. As such the
document offers an acceptable method for compliance with the intent of the applicable regulatory
Difference levels are summarised in the table below for training, checking, and currency. This table is
an extract only and complete descriptions of difference levels for training, checking and currency are
given in OPS/FCL Common Procedures for conducting Operational Evaluation Boards document.
The Common Procedures Document has been established basically for fixed wing evaluations, so it
appears that adaptations and alleviations to comply with JAR-FCL and to PART-FCL regulation,
specific elements dedicated to helicopter are necessary.
Numbers of regulatory OPS / FCL and operational aspects concern typically helicopter matters like:
o At least one hour flying time for Multi Engine type difference training
o Dual certification for the same helicopter type (Single Pilot VFR and Multi Pilot IFR)
o No Helicopter class Rating
o Limited number of available Flight Simulation Training Device
o Helicopter Full flight simulators are not zero-flight time training devices nowadays.
The Master Difference Requirement tables (MDR) for AS 332, AS 332e, AS 332 L2 and EC 225 LP
have been basically produced by Eurocopter.
The OEB has considered significant changes in MDR tables mainly regarding Manoeuvres to cover
training, checking and recent experiences for CAT A / Performance Class 1 for CAT A for Helipad,
rejected take-off and ground cushion and associated manoeuvres including glass cockpit, electronic
instruments, new dedicated concepts and other elements as it is mentioned in paragraph 8.7 of this
Although Master Differences Requirements are at levels E/E/D , the CUOEB has considered the
Super Puma family helicopter, and recommend to classified AS 332, AS 332e, AS 332 L2 and EC
225 LP as ”significantly different variants” and not as different types.
Operators and National Aviation Authorities should have a close control over flying dual variant as
mentioned in AMC1 ORO.FC.240 (Operation on more than one type or variant) (See Appendix 2):
1 2 3 4
Manufacturer Helicopter Licence endorsement
AS332 (C, C1, L, L1)
AS332e (C1e, L1e)
- ME Turbine - (D) AS332 / EC225
AS332 L2
EC225 LP
This table 9 matrix contains only Helicopters that have been evaluated through a JOEB, an OEB or a Catch-Up
process. Associated reports are published on the EASA –Expert Department / Certification Directorate Website and
Pilot Training courses are available from the Manufacturers
The CUOEB reviewed the course content and structure proposed by the manufacturer for the various
type rating and differences courses. It is acknowledged that the manufacturer will be expected to
provide courses that cater for varying pilot backgrounds, knowledge, culture and experience and
which are both adaptable and flexible in the training provision. All were considered thorough and
entirely reasonable and are described in brief below.
Operators who are in doubt as to the suitability of their courses, or where there are significant
differences from the recommendations of this report should seek the advice of their national
regulatory authority.
Operators Multi pilot training courses should be considered as other means of compliance as far as
operational flying training and difference training elements are integrated in the course. Such courses
will not be less than the basic training established by this report.
The initial CUOEB has confirmed that the type Rating Training courses proposed by EUROCOPTER
for the AS332, the AS332 L2 and the EC225 LP fulfilled the minimum requirements of EASA Part-
Based on the initial OEB Report (15th 12 2009) EUROCOPTER has reviewed all the type Rating
Training courses of the “Super-PUMA fleet” and has included also the AS332 L1e/C1e . Those
courses now take into account different level of FSTD’s including FFS’s and FTD’s.
The OEB recommends pilot type rating training courses are divided into the following phases for
approval in Approved Training Organisations and also for operator specific training, provided the
operator specific documentation is used throughout the course.
8.2.4. IR extension
All multi-pilot helicopter IFR extension candidates must:
• Hold a first multi-pilot qualification or be able to show a certificate of completion of a Multi-Crew
Cooperation course (MCC),
• Hold a valid IR-H for Multi-Engine helicopter,
• Satisfy to the prerequisites stated in Part-FCL.610 IR,
All elements of Section 5 of the skill test to Appendix 9 to Part-FCL.630.H IR(H) (b) (Instrument flight
procedures) should be covered during the training.
(1) Theoretical instruction elements can be covered during theoretical training course and/or during flight
training briefing phase.
(2) The pre-entry course does not apply to additional type rating, or to candidates having passed the ATPL (H)
theoretical knowledge examinations.
(3) IR MP Extension is waved for VFR Type Rating training.
(1) Theoretical instruction elements can be covered during theoretical training course and/or during flight
training briefing phase.
(2) For difference training between AS332 and AS332e, only 8h00 total (instead of 28h00) are needed to
cover items 1, 2, 3 and 4.
(3) To cover item 6, between AS332e and EC225, only 3h00 are needed.
From AS332L2 to AS332e/EC225, only 10h00 are needed.
(4) To cover item 6, from AS332e/EC225 to AS332L2, only 6h00 are needed.
(5) For some courses, up to 2h00 can be necessary for the exam.
(1) FFS level C or D, or FSTD’s having dual qualification FFS Level B and FTD Level 3 (see § 10),
(2) FTD Level 2/3,
(1) FFS level C or D, or FSTD’s having dual qualification FFS Level B and FTD Level 3 (see § 10),
(2) FTD Level 2/3,
ATOs implementing FSTDs in their training courses should observe the following recommendation:
For the particular situation of AS332e which avionics and AFCS are nearly identical to the ones of EC225, usage of an
FSTD EC225 type specific can be accepted by authorities. However, credit should be limited to two hours.
The Difference training courses (∆) are for single pilot VFR type rating.
Should the candidate require a multi-pilot rating, intending to operate the aircraft under IFR and in the
multi–pilot role, the additional Multi Pilot IR Extension is required, and a theoretical revision program
of a minimum 3h00 has to be insured before flights.
Part-FCL in AMC2 FCL.725 (d) only mandates 1 hour in helicopter for difference training on Multi-Engine
Turbine. This is clearly inadequate for such complex aircraft. Approved Training Organisations shouldn’t be
below training times given below.
∆1 ∆2 ∆3 ∆4 ∆5 ∆6
From AS332 From AS332e From AS332 From AS332 L2 From AS332 From EC225
to AS332e to AS332 to AS332 L2 to AS332 to EC225 to AS332
Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel &
only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD
Helicopter 4h30 1h30 5h30 1h30 6h00 1h30 6h00 1h30 7h30 1h30 8h00 2h00
TOTAL VFR 4h30 4h30 5h30 5h30 6h00 6h00 6h00 6h00 7h30 7h30 8h00 8h00
3h00 3h30 4h00 4h30 3h00 3h30 4h00 4h30 3h00 3h30 4h00 4h30
∆7 ∆8 ∆9 ∆ 10 ∆ 11 ∆ 12
From AS332 L2 From AS332e From AS332 L2 From EC225 From AS332e From EC225
to AS332e to AS332 L2 to EC225 to AS332 L2 to EC225 to AS332e
Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel & Hel Hel &
only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD only FSTD
Helicopter 4h30 1h30 5h30 1h30 4h30 1h30 5h30 1h30 3h00 1h30 3h00 1h30
TOTAL VFR 4h30 4h30 5h30 5h30 4h30 4h30 5h30 5h30 3h00 3h00 3h00 3h00
1h00 1h30 1h30 2h00 1h30 2h00 1h30 2h00 1h00 1h30 1h00 1h00
8.6.1 General
Within “Super-Puma Fleet”, each variant differs from the others in complexity and sophistication;
EC225 LP and AS332e should be considered as highly automated aircraft.
Several studies have identified that automation (its use and its limitations) is not well understood by a
part of the pilot community. This in turn can lead to situations where pilots are unable to satisfactorily
control the flight path of their aircraft.
This leads to two separate but connected issues:
a. Understanding how to use the automatics, what can go wrong with the automatics and how to
cope when they do go wrong, and
b. The need to retain the ability, when all else fails, to recover the aircraft manually.
Training, initial, additional and recurrent are the only effective mitigation for these issues.
Automatics and their integration with other systems should be taught holistically, rather than treating
it as a separate subject.
Training providers should ensure that pilots completing training courses for highly automated aircraft
such as the EC225 LP & AS332e and to a lesser extent, the AS332L2, have a detailed operational
knowledge of the automatic flight systems and have demonstrated competence in their use. The
Type Rating examination question paper should test a pilot’s understanding of how the automatics
affect the operation of the aircraft. Furthermore operators should have in place a programme of
training that will ensure pilots are able to retain their manual flying skills.
The EC225 and AS332e have a number of subtle differences from the AS332 & AS332 L2 variants
that could, if not fully understood, could prove critical during OEI operations. The following systems
or procedures should receive special attention in any type rating or differences course:
• The Follow up trim system.
• Ground taxiing and issues associated with the use of the collective trim function.
• Variable Nr (EC225 LP only).
• The new Avionics system and AFCS, FADEC and issues associated with FADEC software.
Reconfiguration procedures.
• The use of the Alt Acquire (Alt A) function, Altimeter pressure settings and the designation of
“master side” as indicated by inverse video on the FND/NAVD.
• Cat A profiles engine failure modes and the recommendation that the GA function is used.
Understanding of the GA upper mode functions in AEO and OEI operation when operating onshore
and offshore.
• Understanding of the Idling-Training Mode functions and associated limitations on performance
and engine indication (EC225 LP only).
In addition any TRI (H) must be well aware and familiar with the systems before any training with a
• The Flight management system (Trimble, CMA 3000, CMA 9000 or dual CMA 9000).
• CRM and multi crew aspects of operating in a highly automated cockpit. The use of Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs) is recommended and in a multi crew environment the allocation of
responsibilities must be defined. Particular emphasis should be placed on the confirmation of the
setting of autopilot upper modes.
• Electrical procedures
All electrical procedures can be demonstrated on FSTDs.
With actual aircraft, the electric procedures are limited and shall be performed only on ground when
the instruction flight is completed.
- On AS332L2 & EC 225 a specific panel, located left of jump seat position, allows simulating
essential & secondary short circuit, battery temp & emergency battery.
- AS332e & EC 225 may be demonstrated with 4 axes modes to show the SEMA supply.
- To approach on final, the upper modes shall be disengaged.
• Reconfigurations procedures
On aircraft equipped with AHCAS or IFDS, reconfigurations procedures can be demonstrated.
The FSTD allows nearly all degraded situations.
• Simulated autorotation
The full demonstration is performed only on FSTDs.
- In order to show descent path in autorotation, the flight is stabilised at Vy, at sufficient altitude,
and collective pitch is progressively decreased to the limit of de-synchronisation.
Where a Full Flight Simulator (FFS) is used the device must be approved by the NAA for the Training,
Checking and Recent experience proposed by the user.
Nowadays operators and Approved Training Organisations are in position to propose Flight Training Devices
which are or will be dual qualified as both FFS level B and FTD Level 3. With the approval of the NAA any
requirement for an FFS Level C, may be acceptable in term of training credits by a device dual qualified to FFS
Level B and FTD Level 3 if such devices meet the following elements:
o The flight test data is of a similar standard to that required for the FFS C and gathered in accordance with a
NAA approved Flight Test Programme.
o The six-axis motion base meets requirements if there is no evidence that the reduction in motion envelope
adversely affects the training or checking capabilities.
o The visual display is at least 150°H x 40°V continu ous field of view, with day, twilight and night scene
capability with sufficient scene details.
o Control forces and control travel which correspond to that of the replicated helicopter. Control forces shall
react in the same manner as in the helicopter under the same flight conditions;
o Ground handling and aerodynamic programming to include ground effect, hover and transition IGE, ground
reaction and ground handling characteristics.
o Special effects programming to include runway rumble, oleo deflections, effects of Ground-speed and
uneven surface characteristics, buffet due to translational lift, turbulence and other aerodynamic effects
and representative touchdown and translational lift cues
o All helicopter systems are accurately modelled in the normal, abnormal and emergency modes of
12. Appendices
• Appendix 0 : Cover
• Appendix 1 : EASA TCDS.N°.R.002
• Appendix 2 : Part FCL-Type rating requirements
• Appendix 3 : ODR Tables
• Appendix 4 : Super Puma Fleet-Eurocopter Type Rating Training Programs summary
Appendices are available for NAA’s by request to EASA Expert department / Certification Directorate or to Eurocopter