Wallstreetjournal 20151230 The Wall Street Journal
Wallstreetjournal 20151230 The Wall Street Journal
Wallstreetjournal 20151230 The Wall Street Journal
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* * * * * WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2015 ~ VOL. CCLXVI NO. 153 WSJ.com HHHH $3.00
DJIA 17720.98 À 192.71 1.1% NASDAQ 5107.94 À 1.3% STOXX 600 369.68 À 1.4% 10-YR. TREAS. g 24/32 , yield 2.310% OIL $37.87 À $1.06 GOLD $1,077.50 À $7.00 EURO $1.0921 YEN 120.45
Home-Price Growth For Fed Dove, a Swan Song
Continues to Pick Up BY MICHAEL S. DERBY while. If inflation takes off, de-
spite rate increases, Mr.
BY LAURA KUSISTO in October than in September. Narayana Kocherlakota, Kocherlakota’s arguments will
Chris Suarez, a broker in president of the Federal Re- look misguided. But if inflation
Home-price growth gained Portland, said it would take serve Bank of Minneapolis, stays low, Boston College eco-
strength in October, according less than two months to ex- leaves office this week best nomics professor Peter Ireland
to a report released Tuesday, haust the supply on the mar- known for something that al- said “Narayana’s warnings will
although other indicators sug- ket there, while nationally the most never happens with cen- seem prescient.”
gest the pace of home sales supply of homes stands at tral bankers or economists: a Mr. Ireland said there was a
has lost momentum as the more than five months—a fig- radical shift in policy views. tension between Mr. Kocherla-
year draws to a close. ure that the National Associa- He joined the Fed in 2009 kota’s academic background
The S&P/Case-Shiller Home tion of Realtors considers low. as a vociferous skeptic of its and the clarity of views
Price Index covering the entire Mr. Suarez said recently he easy-money policies, only to needed by a policy maker.
nation rose 5.2% in the 12 launched sales at a subdivision become its strongest advocate “He’s in his element when
months ended in October, with 14 new homes, expecting for aggressive action to boost working through a hard, tech-
stronger than a 4.9% increase them to sell for around the economy. It marked a rare nical problem on the black-
in September. Home price $350,000. Instead, 12 of the 14 shift from hawk to dove, in board,” Mr. Ireland said. “In
growth has steadily acceler- homes sold in two weeks for central-bank parlance, span- Departing Minneapolis Fed President Narayana Kocherlakota thinks the policy arena, though, sim-
ated throughout 2015, under- about $400,000. ning the intense debate over the central bank may have moved too soon on raising rates. ple and consistent messages
scoring that the housing mar- Demand, he said, is being how to respond to the worst tend to be more effective, and
ket is returning to normal as driven by younger people recession in decades. cies—such as holding short- spur job growth. (Inflation has Narayana was never really
the economy improves. moving to the city and earning In a recent interview with term interest rates near zero been below that target, based able to find and deliver that
The 10-city index gained 5.1% more than $100,000 a year. The Wall Street Journal, Mr. and buying bonds to lower on the price index for personal kind of message of his own, or
from a year earlier, compared After years of volatility, Kocherlakota said he changed long-term rates—would do lit- consumption expenditures, for to propose a more attractive
with a 4.9% increase in Septem- home-price growth appears to after reappraising the causes of tle to help while risking exces- 43 consecutive months.) alternative to what the Fed
ber. The 20-city index gained have stabilized at an annual high unemployment following sive inflation. Instead, Fed officials agreed has been doing since 2008.”
5.5% year-over-year compared rate of around 4% to 5%. the financial crisis. A former But over time he came to Dec. 16 to lift the target to Mr. Kocherlakota is return-
with 5.4% a month earlier. “They look much more rea- economics professor with a believe high joblessness re- 0.25%-0.50% and signaled more ing to academia soon, joining
The hottest markets, pri- sonable than the numbers we Ph.D. from the University of Chi- flected a deep shortfall of eco- increases were likely coming. the University of Rochester
marily on the West Coast, con- used to see,” said Svenja cago, he recalled he came into nomic demand, and that ag- Mr. Kocherlakota said in the faculty on Jan. 1.
tinued to show double-digit Gudell, chief economist at Zil- the job with a theoretical bent, gressive Fed efforts could help interview, after the Fed deci- Activists with the left-lean-
price gains, with San Francisco, low. “Overall 2015 was a good but was altered by experience. generate more activity and sion, that raising rates while ing Fed Up Coalition, which has
Denver and Portland, Ore., all year to put a cap on all these “The incentives in academia jobs. “I was just wrong” at the falling short of the inflation been pressing the Fed to hold
reporting 10.9% year-over-year crazy things that had been hap- are to create a set of ideas and start, he said in the interview. target was wrong. He said the off on rate rises, lamented his
gains. Twelve cities saw bigger pening…with people really try- stick to them.…You aren’t re- In the end, Mr. Kocherla- Fed should state its goals exit. Jordan Haedtler said “we
year-over-year price increases ing to bid up values.” sponsible for making decisions kota was more dovish than clearly and then do whatever are sad to see Kocherlakota go”
that affect everyday lives,” any of his colleagues and in- it took to achieve them, rather because his calls for keeping
said Mr. Kocherlakota, whose creasingly out of step with than offering vague guidance rates ultralow “showed he un-
name is pronounced Nahr-ay- them on policy. In October, he about future of rate increases. derstood the impact the recov-
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yah-nah Koach-er-lah-ko-tah. said he would be open to low- He said he “greatly ad- ery has had” on lower-income
I fly Sentient Jet. When he joined the Fed, he
believed that high unemploy-
ering the Fed’s short-term in-
terest rate-target range, which
mires” his Fed colleagues, but
worried “we might have lost
Mr. Kocherlakota will be
ment was driven largely by was then zero to 0.25%. He the credibility of our inflation succeeded by Neel Kashkari, a
877.845.0055 structural factors beyond the said the central bank should target” by lifting rates. former Treasury official and
central bank’s control. He do more to drive inflation up The Fed’s recent policy de- unsuccessful California guber-
sentient.com reckoned its ultra-easy poli- toward its 2% target and to bates won’t be settled for a natorial candidate.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | A3
military force rather than the Mr. Cruz’s campaign said he Mr. Rubio’s support of “mili- Hezbollah, who helped get
muscular use of American advocates targeted use of tary adventurism,” including those IEDs into Iraq, if they go,
power and democracy building. American power. “Cruz is try- his backing of toppling Moam- I will not shed a tear,” he said.
The rhetoric on the cam- ing to bring our foreign policy mar Gadhafi in Libya, and Messrs. Cruz and Rubio
paign trail shows a party grap- U.S. Army trainers at a military base in Taji, Iraq, in April. back to conservative princi- compared his views unfavor- also have clashed on surveil-
pling with an anti-interven- ples,” said Victoria Coates, Mr. ably with those of Mr. Obama lance policy, in what some see
tionism mood fanned by the the U.S. should use its military Complicating matters is Is- Cruz’s senior adviser for for- and former Secretary of State as another departure from the
George W. Bush administra- might narrowly, focused on lamic State and its role in ter- eign policy. Hillary Clinton, the Demo- more hawkish Republican
tion’s operations in Iraq and U.S. interests rather than hu- rorist attacks abroad. Both “Cruz is clearly trying to cratic front-runner. frame.
Afghanistan, as well as his man rights and democracy GOP wings have used its rise draw a distinction between “If you look at President Mr. Cruz backed ending the
championing of democratic promotion. On the other are to justify their prior positions. himself and what you might call Barack Obama and Hillary bulk collection of phone re-
values and confronting auto- Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), “You’ve got some candi- Republican mainstream foreign Clinton and for that matter cords, which Mr. Rubio has
cratic regimes. former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush dates who really are a depar- policy,” said Elliott Abrams, a some of the more aggressive used to paint Mr. Cruz as weak
On one end of the spectrum and New Jersey Gov. Chris ture from the Republican out- former George W. Bush and Washington neocons, they on national security. Vermont
lies Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.), Christie, who argue for a more look on things, from Reagan administration official have consistently misper- Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Demo-
Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) and muscular projection of mili- mainstream American foreign who isn’t backing any of the ceived the threat of radical Is- cratic candidate, is also a
businessman Donald Trump, tary power and the advance- policy from at least 1940, if candidates but has advised sev- lamic terrorism and have ad- strong supporter of revamping
who to varying degrees say ment of democratic values. not before,” said Eliot Cohen, eral. “His formula is to say vocated military adventurism U.S. surveillance.
ment and unite the country. terrorist attacks. His cam-
paign-launch video and stump
speeches were heavy with im-
agery from the attacks and
emphasized a need to come to- BY BEN KESLING it’s all “bull—.” about the lever they’ll pull in campaign rally, the campaign
gether as a country to combat AND HEATHER HADDON Sen. Cruz’s campaign could the voting booth. said volunteers would be on
terrorism. not immediately be reached In what appears to be hand to collect contact infor-
The former three-term gov- COUNCIL BLUFFS, Iowa— for comment. preparation for such a shift, mation and enter it into a
ernor also tried to thread the Presidential candidate Donald Mr. Trump isn’t the only Mr. Trump has begun imple- proprietary call-management
needle as a fiscal conservative Trump said he is going to candidate ramping up cam- menting a new strategy platform.
with centrist stances on social spend more money in the paigning in Iowa. aimed at ensuring that Io- Mr. Trump’s campaign has
issues. He embraced climate competition to be the GOP Sen. Cruz returns to Iowa wans who say they support largely eschewed town-hall
change as real and something nominee. His campaign has next week for a six-day bus him in polls show up Feb. 1. meetings and other tradi-
that needs to be addressed by launched a new get-out-the- tour. Ahead of him, Florida Some of his rivals have raised tional campaigning tools. Fre-
the market. He also supports vote effort. He even said he Sen. Marco Rubio campaigned doubts about whether Mr. quently covered live on na-
abortion rights and gay mar- would tone down his rhetoric in the state Tuesday, hoping to tional television, Mr. Trump’s
Former Gov. George Pataki riage. if elected president. tamp sniping from rivals that rallies have allowed the can-
With campaigning resum- his campaign efforts had been
Trump says that he didate to run a frugal cam-
ing after the Christmas halfhearted. would tone down his paign. According to the most-
break, businessman Mr. New Jersey Gov. Chris recent Federal Election
Trump, who has rocketed to Christie, also stumping here
rhetoric if elected Commission reports, Mr.
the top of the polls and re- Tuesday, challenged the idea president. Trump has spent less than $2
mained there despite break- that he is overly focused on million of his own money on
ing many of the conventions New Hampshire by testing campaigning.
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sound, just perhaps, like a tant than the antiestablish- volves not just casting a bal- likely GOP caucus voters, fall-
www.WeatherTech.com regular candidate. ment rhetoric of Messrs. lot but the more arduous pro- ing behind Mr. Cruz, accord-
Mr. Trump, in a news con- Trump and Cruz. cess of attending a public ing to a Real Clear Politics
ference on Tuesday aboard Mr. Christie for weeks has caucus meeting that could average of recent state sur-
his campaign jet, said he is said Iowa and New Hamp- last for hours on a cold win- veys.
planning to increase cam- shire voters will lead the ter night. He still leads nationally,
paign spending to $2 million transition from a “showtime” The Trump campaign is with 36% of support of likely
a week, not because he needs Republican primary, where supplementing door-knocking GOP voters and Mr. Cruz in
to but because “I have an ob- people tune in to hear the lat- with a more sophisticated second with 19%, according to
ligation to spend.” est bombast from candidates computerized voter database Real Clear Politics.
Later Tuesday at a rally, such as Mr. Trump, to a to track support. —Reid J. Epstein
volunteers in suits worked the “game time” race where they In an email to supporters and Beth Reinhard
line of people waiting in the will more carefully think ahead of the Council Bluffs contributed to this article.
wintry Iowa night, asking
them to help rally voters to
caucus in February.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | A7
Southeast Asia Launches Economic Bloc
Nations aim to forge pand the bloc to other The bloc’s debut is also
countries that have expressed stoking some fears.
trade rival to China interest, including Indonesia On a recent December day
and Japan but some and the Philippines. The pact on the Philippine “sugar bowl”
was completed in October but island of Negros, men worked
fear lower tariffs faces a difficult vote in Con- 10-hour shifts cutting cane in
gress as early as next year. the scorching sun for just
Ten Southeast Asian na- “The way the United States $2.40.
tions start an ambitious, U.S.- envisions this is you start with Once the Philippine econ-
backed experiment on Thurs- the TPP—you build the ‘gold omy’s motor, the industry has
day: integrating their standard’ for trade—and you been in decline since long be-
economies in a bid to bring slowly build that in Asia to al- fore the trade talks began.
more global sway and prosper- low better integration,” said Now, worries are rising that
ity to the region’s 622 million Carl Baker, Hawaii-based di- the bloc will worsen the plight
citizens. rector of the Pacific Forum of of a sector that still employs
the Center for Strategic and 785,000 people, including
By Ben Otto International Studies. “By 440,000 workers on Negros.
donesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Forecast Agriculture passport-free Schengen area. In Indonesia, some busi-
$0.61 Rest of
Philippines, Thailand and Viet- trillion the world 40% Barriers to cross-border ser- nesses worry that the bloc’s
nam—is a fast-expanding INVESTMENT IN BILLIONS $1.37 vices—financial and transpor- formation will hasten a brain
THAN 30 IN 2014: $0.35
home to a rising middle class, $136 trillion tation, for example—are a drain to richer countries such
but also to widespread pov- 330 MILLION trillion Services work in progress. And al- as Singapore and Malaysia.
erty and income inequality. $85 41% though Asean members have “I’m worried we could lose our
The group’s leaders hope their 2007 2014 China U.S. $0.20 trillion cut import tariffs in recent best and brightest to better
effort, which formally begins years, other barriers such as salaries overseas,” said Hary-
Thursday but will still take Sources: Asean; Asian Development Bank; World Bank THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. import quotas and language adi Sukamdani, chairman of
years to complete, will bring requirements for foreign the Indonesian Employers As-
economic well-being to more Less than a half century ago policy toward Asia, in part to In the near term, the U.S. workers will take years to dis- sociation. Those kind of con-
people in a region where they some Southeast Asian coun- address China’s increased mili- isn’t likely to clinch major mantle, experts say. cerns could slow integration,
expect a nearly $2.6 trillion tries were still at war, he tary and economic assertive- deals with the Asean commu- “The reality, we tell our some experts say, as countries
combined economy to almost pointed out. “We’ve made a lot ness in the region. The U.S. nity. Instead, American offi- members, is that you need to struggle to ratify measures.
double by 2030. of progress.” has been aiding the effort, for cials hope to launch the Trans- have both an Asean strategy The new trade group “will
“It’s a big milestone for us,” Economic integration example, by helping Asean Pacific Partnership, or TPP, a and 10 individual strategies as not change our strategy dra-
said Le Luong Minh, secretary- within the region is also at the countries to integrate their 12-nation trade accord that in- well for now,” said Alexander matically,” said Eddy Set-
general of the bloc, called the center of the Obama adminis- customs and trading proce- cludes Brunei, Malaysia, Sing- Feldman, who heads the U.S.- iawan, who heads Dow Chemi-
Asean Economic Community. tration’s rebalance of foreign dures. apore and Vietnam, and ex- Asean Business Council. cal Co.’s Southeast Asian unit.
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“During the Second World Even so, Beijing has often Instead, the Spanish leader
War, Japanese militarism dismissed Mr. Abe’s efforts to suggested at a news confer-
forcefully recruited ‘comfort repair ties as insincere, citing ence on Tuesday that he
women’ across China,” said his efforts to revise Japan’s would simply wait until So-
spokesman Lu Kang, using a pacifist constitution and cialist party leader Pedro Sán-
common euphemism for the strengthen its military. Such chez, who so far has vowed to
wartime sex slaves. “They skepticism surfaced again stand in the way, changes his
have committed a grave crime. Tuesday, when Mr. Lu, the Chi- mind. Such a strategy could
We urge the Japanese side to Visitors attended the opening of a memorial in Nanjing, China, this month to wartime sex slaves. nese foreign-ministry spokes- keep Mr. Rajoy in office during
take seriously the concerns of man, said, “We are looking a postelection political stale-
the relevant parties and deal when it comes to Chinese boosted military spending in bors in the South China Sea forward to seeing whether the mate well into next year.
properly with the issue.” comfort women, you renege on part to bolster its readiness in and Mr. Abe has taken some Japanese side will do what it Mr. Rajoy’s conservative
As part of the agreement your debts,” Chinese writer the region. conciliatory steps. has promised.” Popular Party finished first in
with South Korea, Japanese Liu Xinda wrote on his verified Relations between the Beijing and Tokyo have en- Chinese state media also the Dec. 20 election but lost
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Weibo microblog. “They are all countries were further dured often-fractious ties raised doubts about Tokyo’s its majority in parliament. The
apologized for the use of Ko- comfort women; on what strained when Mr. Abe became since the end of World War II, sincerity. The official Xinhua Socialists were a distant sec-
rean women in Japanese mili- grounds do you draw distinc- prime minister in late 2012 during and before which Japan News Agency questioned why ond, followed by two up-
tary brothels, some of whom tions between them?” and pushed for a more muscu- held large parts of the main- Mr. Abe’s wife on Monday an- starts—the antiausterity Po-
were teenagers, and provided The official comments echo lar regional stance. Mr. Abe’s land in a brutal occupation. At nounced a recent visit to Yasu- demos party and the centrist
$8.3 million in government China’s long-standing rhetoric visit to the Yasukuni Shrine in the time, Japanese troops kuni. “Taking into consider- Ciudadanos—that broke the
funds for a foundation to help against Japan, which intensi- Tokyo—which honors Japan’s forced many Chinese women ation the mixed nature of two established parties’ de-
the women. fied in 2012 over a territorial war dead—in late 2013, and into sexual slavery, a practice signals sent out by Tokyo in cadeslong domination of the
In China, many social-media dispute between the two over subsequent visits by members that was replicated across recent days, as well as Abe’s 350-seat body.
users denounced Tokyo for uninhabited islands in the East of his cabinet, have also drawn other Japanese-occupied terri- undeniable history of prevari- Since then, Mr. Rajoy has
what they saw as lack of con- China Sea. That led to anti- angry responses from China. tories. China’s antagonism also cation and obfuscation and met separately with his three
trition over similar historical Japanese protests in a number But tensions have since eased, stems from atrocities includ- habit for historical revision- rivals and won implicit sup-
wrongdoings on the mainland. of Chinese cities, including in as Chinese President Xi Jin- ing the 1937 Nanjing massacre ism, people have good reason port only from Ciudadanos. Its
“You can compensate South front of the Japanese Embassy ping shifted focus on territo- and medical experiments con- to remain doubtful,” it said in leader, Albert Rivera, has sig-
Korean comfort women, but in Beijing. Japan has recently rial disputes with other neigh- ducted on Chinese prisoners a Tuesday commentary. naled the party would abstain
rather than vote in parliament
to block Mr. Rajoy’s re-elec-
2011: admit mistakes. the PT for mismanaging Bra- at street protests. Demon- Worried a stalemate would
The 70-year-old former zil’s good fortune and driv- strators carry signs calling lead to a new election and
union leader, still Brazil’s ing the nation into its deep- for his incarceration. more uncertainty, Spain’s busi-
best-known and most charis- est downturn since the Great “I know there are people ness and media establishment
matic political figure, is Depression. More than half who do not like us. I know has urged a three-way alliance
fighting to preserve his en- of Brazilians polled in Octo- there’s disagreement,” he among the Popular Party, the
dangered legacy, thwart the ber said they would never told a crowd a few weeks Socialists and Ciudadanos.
impeachment of his hand- vote for Mr. da Silva, a ago in the poor coastal city Mr. Rajoy said he would
picked successor, President marked comedown for a of Salvador, where he was continue his effort to form a
Dilma Rousseff, rally his be- president who left office booed by some in atten- “broad-based consensus gov-
leaguered Workers’ Party— Mr. da Silva spoke earlier this month at a conference in Berlin. with a record 83% approval dance. ernment.” He said a majority
and stay out of jail. rate. Many Brazilians, includ- of voters had backed parties
Mr. da Silva is being in- eff’s administration as well. King’s College, London. “We committed mis- ing voters who once backed that oppose Catalonia’s sepa-
vestigated for allegedly Neither Ms. Rousseff nor Mr. da Silva, who de- takes,” Mr. da Silva re- the PT, express growing dis- ratist movement. “The out-
abusing his influence to help Mr. da Silva has been impli- clined to comment for this cently told a Globo News illusionment with the party come that would best match
Brazilian construction giant cated in the so-called Opera- article, appears to recog- television interviewer, refer- and its signature politician. the will of the majority would
Odebrecht SA obtain over- tion Car Wash probe, and nize that public opinion has ring to some of the PT’s eco- “They should send him to be a government with broad
seas contracts, allega- both deny any wrongdoing. shifted against him and the nomic strategies. jail as soon as they can,” support” of those parties, he
tions both he and the com- But the inquiry has damaged PT. Even as his personal The PT leadership also said Osvaldo de Barros, 51, said. But he made clear Tues-
pany deny. the former president’s credi- troubles have mounted and has taken the brunt of the a São Paulo taxi driver who day that he can afford to wait.
But his biggest concern bility and undermined the his popularity ratings have blame for a massive bribery- said he voted for Mr. da He had offered no concessions
may be a separate corrup- claim of his party, known as slipped, he has stepped up and-graft-ring at Petrobras Silva twice. to Mr. Sánchez, he said, be-
tion scandal centered on the PT, to hold the moral his public appearances to re- that flourished on its watch. Mr. da Silva still has cause their talks so far were
state-run oil giant Petróleo high ground in Brazilian pol- connect with voters and at- Prosecutors say that for at strong support, however, merely “to make contact.”
Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras. itics. tempt to do damage-control least a decade, company ex- among Brazil’s poor and Mr. Rajoy’s supporters and
The widening investigation “It’s gotten embroiled in for Ms. Rousseff. ecutives and suppliers con- working-class constituencies, independent analysts said he
has enmeshed several of Mr. all this corruption and it’s “President Dilma is a spired with politicians to who were the main benefi- is in a strong position in his
da Silva’s close friends and just become part of the sys- manager and not a politi- skim money from inflated ciaries of his presidency. His party and versus rivals. Mr.
Workers’ Party allies, bring- tem that it used to criticize,” cian, so her political support contracts at the oil firm and social programs were widely Sánchez would be more eager
ing the criminal probe said Anthony Pereira, a pro- depends a lot on Lula,” said channel some of that money credited with lifting tens of to avoid a new election, they
steadily closer to Mr. da fessor and director of the Paulo Pimenta, an influential back to the Workers’ Party millions of Brazilians out of said, as his Socialists might
Silva and tainting Ms. Rouss- King’s Brazil Institute at Workers’ Party congressman. and its allies. poverty. lose ground to Podemos.
in a U.S. airstrike in Syria, Paris attacks. person briefed on the investi- Across Europe, leaders have
eliminating an Islamic State op- In 2012, the pair were gations. been under pressure to expand
erative who had connections in stopped by French police and The Grand Place, a Unesco intelligence sharing, and have
Europe and was planning fur- charged with “conspiracy to heritage site and Brussels’ announced some initiatives to
ther attacks against the West, commit terrorist acts” as they most important tourist site, better track foreign fighters.
the Pentagon said Tuesday. planned to leave France to was constructed in the 15th Austrian police said Satur-
U.S. officials identified the wage jihad in Yemen or Af- and 16th centuries and then day they had beefed up secu-
man as Charaffe al Mouadan, ghanistan, the person said. rebuilt after being largely flat- Police officers stood guard at Brussels’ Grand Place on Tuesday. rity measures after receiving a
but declined to specify the na- Along with another friend, tened in a 1695 bombardment warning from a “friendly” in-
ture of his connection to Ab- Samir Bouabout, the pair had by the French army. The man charged with re- Several of the Belgian au- telligence service about a pos-
been radicalized on the Inter- Parts of the city’s New cruiting people into a terrorist thorities came under criticism sible terror attack in the pe-
net, and Mr. Mouadan had Year’s Eve celebrations are organization was also the for not being aggressive riod between Christmas and
Strikes killed 10 top bought paramilitary equip- also scheduled to take place in founder of the biker group and enough in their investigations, New Year’s.
Islamic State figures ment and taken shooting les- the area. Authorities said they previously convicted of armed a charge they disputed. In a statement, police in Vi-
sons at a local police club in didn’t have information about burglary, according to Belgian Raids and arrests since the enna said the intelligence ser-
in the past month, preparation for the trip, ac- a specific date for the attacks. daily La Dernière Heure. attacks have come at a quick- vice had issued a warning to
the Pentagon said. cording to the person familiar Few details of the arrests or Belgium’s Crisis Center, a ening pace in Belgium. The several European capitals in
with the investigation. In Au- investigation were released, federal agency that assesses two people arrested were the days before Christmas that
gust 2013, while under judicial but prosecutors said there was terrorism threats, advised po- among six people police ini- an attack involving explosives
delhamid Abaaoud, the Bel- surveillance in France, Mr. a serious indication of planned lice stations across Brussels to tially detained in recent days. or shootings could take place
gian-born terrorist who is Mouadan escaped to Syria. terror attacks at several prom- be on heightened alert. Unlike the November lock- in crowded places during the
suspected of coordinating U.S. airstrikes killed an- inent locations in Brussels. Six The person briefed on the down, when large events were holiday season.
the Nov. 13 rampage in Paris other Islamic State external- people were initially detained investigation said authorities canceled, Brussels plans to go At the European Union
that left 130 people dead. operations facilitator in Mosul in a series of raids in the capi- believed police and military ahead with its New Year’s Eve summit in December, leaders
French police killed Mr. on Dec. 26. The man, identi- tal and elsewhere in Belgium, personnel, who have become a celebrations, which are sched- pledged to move forward on
Abaaoud in a shootout several fied as Abdul Qader Hakim, but only two were arrested common presence on Brussels uled to include a fireworks various languishing initiatives
days later. was “a forgery specialist and and charged. streets, were to be the targets display, a sound-and-light to improve intelligence shar-
Mr. Abaaoud had earlier had links to the Paris attacks Prosecutors said Islamic of the intended attacks. show and a DJ, said a spokes- ing, expand and improve sys-
traveled to Syria and joined Is- network,” Col. Warren said. State propaganda was found The reaction to the pur- woman for the capital. As part tematic border checks and
lamic State, eventually slip- Over the past month, U.S.- during one of the raids, and ported plot to attack Brussels of additional security mea- take action on proposals to
ping back into Europe to or- led airstrikes killed 10 of the one of the two men, described during end-of-the-year holiday sures, eventgoers will only be crack down on illegal auto-
chestrate the Paris attacks. group’s leadership figures, ac- as having a leadership role, celebrations was far more sub- able to access the main site of matic weapons.
Mr. Mouadan, the man cording to the Pentagon. was additionally charged with dued than in late November, the festivities in the city cen- Terror concerns prompted
killed in a U.S. airstrike in The strikes against the so- attempting to recruit people when authorities feared there ter from a few entry points. New York City officials to add
Syria on Dec. 24, had a direct called high-value targets are into a terror group. would be a Paris-style assault Some Belgians questioned several hundred officers to
link to Mr. Abaaoud and was part of a broader effort to roll They said it was too early in the capital. whether the authorities had those providing security for
“actively planning additional back Islamic State havens in to tell whether the men were Then authorities locked managed to foil a plot or only the city’s New Year’s Eve cele-
attacks against the West,” said Iraq and Syria and curtail the simply inspired by Islamic down large swaths of the city announced the arrests in an bration on Times Square,
Col. Steve Warren, a spokes- terrorist group’s ability to State or have direct ties to the for four days, closing schools, effort to appear as if they bringing the expected total de-
man for the U.S.-led coalition conduct attacks overseas. This group. shutting down public trans- were making headway in the ployment to 6,000.
fighting Islamic State in Iraq week, Iraqi security forces Local media outlets re- portation and canceling sport- terrorism investigations. Officials said the November
and Syria. with significant help from U.S. ported late Tuesday the two ing and cultural events. “Who knows if it’s true” attacks in Paris, along with at-
Mr. Mouadan, 26, was born air power succeeded in driving men were part of a motorcy- In the wake of the lock- that there was a plot to attack tacks in San Bernardino, Calif.,
in the northeastern Paris sub- militants from Ramadi, the clist group called the Kamikaze down, some Belgians said the Brussels, said Brecht Van Dam, had put the city on increased
urb of Bondy to Moroccan par- capital of Iraq’s Anbar prov- Riders. In French, the word ka- government overreacted, 30, a hairdresser in Brussels. alert as it prepared to enter-
ents. He grew up in a nearby ince. But the group remains mikaze is commonly used to needlessly raising widespread “If they found guns and weap- tain thousands of holiday visi-
town where he became a close entrenched in other key cities. refer to suicide bombers. alarm and fears. ons it would be different.” tors.
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A10 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
A Refugee Test of National Honor BOOKSHELF | By David M. Shribman
are often bet-
ter than their
Court makes it even worse.
Toward the end of his life,
Warren said that he “deeply re-
for a moratorium on the en-
trance of all Muslims into the
U.S., 41% of his party agreed,
On Jan. 20, 1939, just two
months after Kristallnacht was
front-page news, Gallup’s
We Stand on
leaders, but
they cannot
be better than
gretted the removal order and
my own testimony advocating
it, because it was not in keep-
according to a Quinnipiac sur-
vey in mid-December. Asked
whether America should admit
American Institute of Public
Opinion made public the re-
sults of a survey asking
Guard for Thee
POLITICS their peoples. ing with our American concept 10,000 Syrian refugees, only whether the U.S. government
& IDEAS As months of
anger give
of freedom.” Whenever he
thought of the children torn
28% of Americans endorsed
humanitarian relief without
should permit 10,000 refugee
children from Germany—most
Your Country, My Country
By William
way to a win- from their homes and neigh- regard to religion, according to of them Jewish—to enter the By Robert Bothwell
A. Galston
ter of fear, it borhoods, he admitted, he was a mid-November Bloomberg country to be taken care of in (Oxford, 420 pages, $34.95)
is time for “conscience-stricken.” He had survey. Eleven percent said American homes. Sixty-one
Americans to ask themselves come to believe that “it was only Christians should be ad- percent of the people an- ith a Montreal mother and a Massachusetts father, I
some hard questions. wrong to react so impulsively, mitted, and a majority—53%— swered in the negative. The am literally the product of Canadian-American
Despite hyperbolic claims to without positive evidence of opposed admitting any Syrian next month, a bill authorizing relations, but even I recognize that the topic generally
the contrary, we remain the disloyalty.” refugees at all. the admission of 20,000 Ger- could be said to lack a certain vivacity. It is the snoozy
land of the free. But are we Granted, no public official man-Jewish children was al- Ambien of (North) American academic life, featuring sleep-
still the home of the brave? can honestly say that accept- lowed to die in a congressional inducing words like “Manitoba’’ and “cross-boundary trade’’—
According to a CNN/ORC Demagoguery plays ing the refugees entails zero committee. even though cross-border knowledge is painfully limited.
survey released on Monday, risk. But is that the right stan- That May, as the German For most Americans, Canada is an ice-encrusted realm of
45% of Americans are worried on fear. Now it is those dard? Does a truly brave peo- liner St. Louis sailed within wheat fields, hockey arenas, moose and Celine Dion. This
that they or their families will fleeing Syria who are ple do the right thing only sight of Miami, President Roo- may not be the venue to say that Canada is more interest-
become victims of terrorism. when it is risk-free? Does a sevelt could have issued an ex- ing than half of the American states (and fitted with better
With all due respect, my fellow being shunned. truly brave people exaggerate ecutive order allowing nearly supermarkets), but it is
citizens, this is absurd. During a minuscule danger into an 1,000 German refugees, nearly the place to give a tip of
the past decade, seven times existential threat? Is this the all of them Jews, to enter the the Mountie’s hat to
more Americans died from Warren had discovered what course of national honor? country. He did not. The ship Robert Bothwell’s “Your
lightning strikes in the U.S. Greek tragedians knew: Wis- The brave individual, Aristo- returned to Europe, its passen- Country, My Country,” a
than at the hands of Islamist dom usually comes too late. In tle tells us, fears the right gers left to fate as Germany book that crosses and
terrorists. 1988 President Reagan signed things for the right reasons, in overran the Continent. recrosses the boundaries
But America’s public cul- legislation authorizing financial the right way and at the right Since 2011 the U.S. govern- between the two coun-
ture, which shapes our society restitution for surviving Japa- time. The fear so many Ameri- ment has done almost nothing tries, the better to explain
and our politics, is increasingly nese-Americans who had been cans feel toward Syrian refu- to alter conditions on the each to the other.
decoupled from facts. We pre- forcibly relocated. “No payment gees does not meet that test. ground in Syria. Nor have There are, to be sure,
fer to take our bearings from can make up for those lost Demagogues manipulate European governments. Now a many things that Canada
our sentiments—often the years,” Reagan said. “What is public passions; they don’t cre- flood of refugees threatens the and the United States have
least honorable ones. most important in this bill has ate them. These would-be lead- stability of our closest allies. in common. Mr. Bothwell
Fear is a powerful motivator less to do with property than ers pander to what is worst in Thousands of refugees already notes that for most of the
but a poor counselor. Driven by with honor. For here we admit us in the service of their de- have died at sea. And yet our past century the two shared
fear, democracies make mis- a wrong.” structive agendas. leaders, backed by the Ameri- the ease that came from
takes. The World War II intern- Fear is the enemy of honor, Real leaders tell the people can people, take no responsi- “security from harm or want.” They
ment of Japanese-Americans is because it induces us to act what they need to hear. True bility for the consequences of have also shared alternating periods of liberalism and
a blot on the nation’s history. dishonorably. That was the friends of democracy don’t flat- our collective inaction. conservatism, though usually not in tandem. Thrifty Canada
That the action was demanded effect seven decades ago, and ter the people. Demagogues Even those who remember was devoutly conservative through the 1960s, while the
by California Attorney General it threatens to return today. assure the people that they are the past, it seems, are con- United States experimented with big-dreaming, big-spending
Earl Warren, authorized by When the leading candidate thoroughly virtuous and always demned to repeat it. Nothing liberalism. Then the two countries swapped positions, Canada
President Franklin Roosevelt for the Republican presiden- right. That is the core false- changes except the names of going on a liberal jag while the United States embraced a
and ratified by the Supreme tial nomination recently called hood of populism. the victims. Reaganite skepticism of government. Until recently, Canada
had a conservative prime minister to offset America’s liberal
president. Then, in November, Justin Trudeau, the head of
Chipotle Means ‘Natural’ the Liberal Party, became Canada’s new leader, upsetting
the usual do-si-do along the 49th parallel.
History viewed from a continental perspective is different
C h i p o t l e ’s unsafe, but he clearly suggests they call a deliberate cam- that irradiation neither adds from the nationalist kind, and this is where Mr. Bothwell,
troubles may that Chipotle places such a paign of misinformation about compounds to food nor takes who holds a chair in history at the University of Toronto,
provide grim priority on providing its own high-fructose corn syrup. nutrients away, and that it can excels. For Americans, the conflict of 1775-83 ended up
satisfaction customers with safe, healthy We also pointed to admira- help prevent the food-borne creating the United States. For Mr. Bothwell, it altered
for its com- food that it turns up its nose bly skeptical media reports illnesses that sicken 48 mil- Britain’s southern frontier from the Gulf of Mexico to the
petitors and at practices and ingredients about Blue Buffalo, the pet lion Americans and kill 3,000 Great Lakes and replaced Philadelphia with Quebec as the
onlookers used by its rivals. That im- food company created by a every year.” largest city in British North America. During the Revolution-
who didn’t plied assurance has now former cigarette marketer A true breakthrough would ary period, he reminds us, colonists loyal to the king often
care for the become a big problem. whose ads tout “antioxidants” be if Chipotle were to an- moved north to his remnant province. As for what they left
By Holman W.
large side of Going by its own published and “phytonutrients” to guilt- nounce that, to keep serving behind, Mr. Bothwell writes with some acerbity: “Instead of
Jenkins, Jr.
sanctimony warnings to shareholders, Chi- trip “pet parents” into switch- fresh, raw, unprocessed food, British atrocities and oppression, there was the tyranny of
served up potle has always understood ing from cheaper brands. The it would adopt irradiation in the majority and the suppression of freedom of speech and
with their calorie-laden burri- that serving up raw, unpro- company’s stock is down 30% all its kitchens. It won’t—not debate; instead of liberty, there was persecution; and instead
tos. Just possibly, though, the cessed, “fresh” ingredients since its July IPO. for safety reasons but because of freedom, for many Loyalists, there was slavery.”
company’s e-coli travails will puts customers at higher risk it would conflict with the dis-
have a socially redeeming im- for food-borne illness. Which ingenuous marketing message
pact. A new dawn of non-idiocy is fine: Customers are also at The best outcome Chipotle has worked so hard Canada—that oft-parodied frozen realm
may be aborning, wherein lexi- higher risk in sushi restau- to instill. of hockey arenas and Celine Dion—is more
cographers and the public re- rants and in high-end restau- would be if food The company’s food-illness
discover that “natural” and rants where fresh ingredients hucksters no longer crisis even raises a question interesting than half of the American states.
“healthy” are not synonyms. are hand-prepared in hit-or- about whether the Chipotle
A few months ago we men- miss conditions. found the word useful. trade-off—fresher food for
tioned that Chipotle frolics in Most cases of food poison- increased risk—remains viable. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 is, in Mr. Bothwell’s
the marketing safe harbor the ing are mild, and most go The media are on alert; fewer estimation, the decisive event in continental history. “It
U.S. courts created for “puff- unreported, so it’s likely an Lawsuits are piling up. At cases of Chipotle tummy are ensured that the United States was and would become a
ery.” No, we didn’t mean that upset tummy has always been this year’s Natural Products likely to go unnoticed. CEO Ells much larger power, with a reservoir of rich agricultural
bloated feeling you get just part of the Chipotle experi- Expo West in Anaheim, promi- admitted to the Associated land in the West, which settlers could access easily enough,
before your trip to Chipotle ence for a modest percentage nent trial attorneys were Press that he doubts the using the east-west river systems that flowed into the
Mexican Grill turns into a of customers and didn’t get enlisted to host several pan- company will ever fully Mississippi.” The upstart of 1775 would inevitably become
bout of tummy madness. Puff- the attention that has befallen els. The Food and Drug Ad- explain the recent outbreaks “larger and richer” than its neighbor.
ery is the zone of permissive- recent outbreaks (including ministration itself, after years (with some Chipotle partisans For anyone who harbored dreams of a vast continental
ness carved out by the courts 136 college students sickened of cultivating an unhelpful even murmuring about “cor- unity, the War of 1812—which involved fighting along the
for exaggerated, even absurd, in Boston this month). Where ambiguity, has opened a porate sabotage”). border, with Canada serving as a staging ground for British
advertising claims “expressed Chipotle gets in trouble is its docket aimed at settling what Of course, an alternative forces—sealed the notion that Canada and the United
in broad, vague, and commen- relentless campaign to equate “natural” means when used in would be to drop the claims States would remain separate, though not necessarily equal.
datory language” that custom- “natural” and “unprocessed” food marketing. equating “natural” and Even so, the two countries became part of what Mr.
ers instinctively know to with safer and healthier. The best outcome would be “healthy” and prominently Bothwell calls “the same moral universe,’’ an Anglo-
discount. Last time we wrote about a devaluation of the word remind customers that eating American meta-culture with a shared language, literary
Case in point: Chipotle co- this subject, Pepsi CEO Indra “natural” altogether, to the fresh, unprocessed foods in- tradition and commitment to representative government.
CEO Steve Ells’s carefully Nooyi, who has tried to steer point where food hucksters no volves risks. Then we could Happily, “Your Country, My Country” does not linger on
phrased slur on genetically her own company into greater longer find it useful. Interest- also acknowledge the flip- matters that for generations have made high-school eyes
modified foods: “They say compliance with the natural- ingly, FDA’s own proposal side: The industrialized food glaze over, and here we are speaking of Jay’s Treaty (1795)
these ingredients are safe,” he foods fad, complained about indicates a definitional safe processes that so many of us and the Webster-Ashburton Treaty (1842), both concerned
told CNN in April, “but I think millennials who think gulping harbor for food irradiation. claim to abhor were devel- with cross-border details once vexing but now lost in the
we all know we’d rather have large amounts of sugar is good Mother Jones, a lefty maga- oped partly to make it possi- mists of time. Still, American readers—defiantly ignorant of
food that doesn’t contain for them as long as it’s “natu- zine that has nobly fought the ble to distribute edible prod- Canadian history—will benefit from learning about
them.” ral” sugar. Now corn manufac- junk-science prejudices of its ucts on a commercial scale Durham’s Report (1839), the analysis of a British politician
Notice that Mr. Ells doesn’t turers have dragged sugar pro- lefty allies, points outs: “Hun- without committing serial acts who had been sent to Canada after internal fighting there
say his competitors’ food is cessors into court over what dreds of studies have proved of mass food poisoning. revealed, as he put it, “two nations warring within the
bosom of a single state.”
While Americans have been divided over race, Canadians
At Last, Some Campus Sanity: ROTC Gains have been divided over language and religion, with Catholic,
French-speaking Quebec uneasily tucked inside a broadly
Protestant, English-speaking polity. This odd conjunction,
By Jonathan E. Hillman a center for students interested campus, faculty involvement is a year. If that proposal became Mr. Bothwell reminds us, was the result of the North
And Cheryl Miller in military careers, and this indispensable. For decades, policy today, even Yale’s American component of the Seven Years’ War, which left a
year the school signed deals faculty support for ROTC was NROTC program might be cut defeated French region in British hands. To this day,
n a year marred by campus allowing students to participate limited to a courageous few, short. Thankfully, Gen. David G. Québécois are less than pleased by the arrangement, but
strife, at least one bright in Naval and Air Force ROTC such as Columbia sociologist Perkins, who oversees Army many of them have stopped agitating for secession, for now.
spot emerged in American programs off campus. Allan Silver, who died this ROTC nationwide, said earlier For American slaves escaping through the Underground
higher education: the comeback Stemming from the repeal of year. Now others must pick up this year that “ROTC is going to Railroad and, a century later, students evading the
of the Reserve Officer Training the military’s sexual-orienta- that work, and a good start have to get smaller,” but not by Vietnam-era draft, Canada has played the role of refuge or
Corps, known as ROTC, at lead- tion policy “Don’t Ask, Don’t would be granting academic “giving up certain parts of the sanctuary. Canadians, for much of their history, pleased
ing universities. Tell” five years ago, these gains credit for more ROTC courses. country.” themselves by remembering that they were, as Mr.
This year, Columbia Univer- suggest that a genuine resur- Cornell offers one model, Ultimately, students will de- Bothwell puts it, “part of a worldwide Empire, much larger
sity commissioned its first Ma- gence is under way. But to en- awarding partial credit for cide whether the ROTC renais- than the United States, and certainly much grander.”
rine officer, Patrick Poorbaugh, sure that tomorrow’s military is introductory courses and full sance continues. As former Overall Mr. Bothwell has produced a charming volume,
since 1970. Yale graduated two representative of the nation it credit for more advanced semi- Secretary of Defense Bob Gates with a minimum of minutiae. I report with some relief that
Naval ROTC officers—Sam protects, further engagement is nars. Faculty should also con- told an audience at Duke in nearly 400 pages of well-sculpted prose the phrase “soft-
Cohen and Andrew Heymann— needed from both university sider designing courses that University five years ago: “A wood lumber dispute’’ does not appear, though the reader
for the first time since Richard and military leaders. meet both ROTC and university return of ROTC back to some of with an inexplicable interest in fisheries and in pelagic
Nixon was in the White House. There are plenty of opportu- standards, such as Professor these campuses will not do sealing will not be wholly disappointed.
Yale, with 41 midshipmen, nities to improve recruitment Paul Kennedy’s popular military much good without the willing- Nor will readers who agree with Mr. Bothwell that the
boasts the largest NROTC unit efforts. Cornell, MIT and other history course at Yale. ness of our nation’s most gifted diplomatic back-and-forth between President William
in the Ivy League. Harvard universities allow prospective This engagement is even students to step forward.” But Howard Taft and Prime Minister Wilfrid Laurier in 1910-11
senior Charlotte Falletta was students to indicate their inter- more important as the military if this year’s talented graduates represented a critical passage in our shared history. Taft
recognized as one of the top 10 est in the military on their ap- continues its planned draw- are any indication, many more and Laurier, we are reminded, combined to produce an
Army cadets in the nation. plication and pursue ROTC down. To its credit, the Defense young Americans will answer important reciprocity treaty. One could say that reciprocity
Even Brown University, the scholarships. Once admitted, in- Department has embraced the that call. is still the watchword of North American relations. Mr.
last Ivy League school to move terested students receive more importance of geographic di- Bothwell has produced a page-turner on the subject. Two
beyond the Vietnam-era poli- information and guidance from versity in maintaining a truly Mr. Hillman is the chairman grateful nations should thank him.
tics that yanked ROTC pro- ROTC staff. More institutions national officer corps by resist- of Brown Alumni for ROTC.
grams from campus, is chang- should adopt this practice. ing calls to close ROTC units Ms. Miller is a freelance writer Mr. Shribman, the executive editor of the Pittsburgh Post-
ing. In 2012 Brown established After students arrive on that field fewer than 15 officers in Washington, D.C. Gazette, is a dual citizen of Canada and the United States.
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A12 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
onald Trump last week used some Then there was Monica Lewinsky, the White The more we force super special- is supported by several cardiac exam-
typically coarse language to describe House intern whose story the Clintons want ization, the greater stress we place ples with which I am personally fa-
upon rural hospitals (“New Risks at miliar, but I find it troubling that a
Hillary Clinton, who responded by ac- everyone to dismiss as a case of consensual sex Rural Hospitals,” page one, Dec. 26). claim with potential merit is weak-
cusing Mr. Trump of sexism and Bill’s runaway libido. But If all orthopedic surgery is referred ened or destroyed because the pa-
while announcing that she is If Hillary plays the no CEO in America would sur- out, then the patients who wish to re- tient cited here, an 83-year-old
unleashing Bill Clinton to sexism card, then Bill’s vive in his job if he had a pub- main local for surgery will be at woman, died of a heart attack almost
campaign for her. This was licly known affair with a sub- greater disadvantage. The woman’s a week after her knee surgery. The
too ripe an opening for Mr. behavior is fair game. ordinate, much less a 22- missed heart attack was the result of procedural volume of the hospital and
Trump, who is now attacking year-old. a nurse failing to heed a patient com- the surgeon typically have no effect
Hillary for acquiescing in When news of that affair plaint, and it could have happened at on this particular complication. Heart
Bill’s predations against women. came to light, the Clintons also waged war on her a bigger hospital. attacks occur in a small number older
Mr. Trump is rude and crude, but in this case reputation. Ms. Lewinsky “was known as ‘the As a community urologist, I have individuals subjected to surgical
never been involved in litigation, stress. No preoperative testing has
he is raising an issue that rightly bears on the Stalker,’” Mr. Clinton told adviser Sidney Blumen-
have great results and take on all been shown to reduce this risk, again
2016 election campaign and the prospect of a thal on Jan. 21, 1998, according to Mr. Blumen- cases for which I am qualified. If you demonstrated in many large studies
third Clinton term. Mrs. Clinton wants to use thal’s grand jury testimony. Mr. Clinton added take away my cases, my patients will conducted over the last several de-
her gender both as a political sword and shield that she “came at me and made a sexual demand be forced into university settings cades.
to win the White House. The purpose is to make on me,” but the President “rebuffed her” and the against their will, and I won’t have J. JOSEPH PERRY M.D.
male politicians less willing to take her on, lowly intern then “threatened him.” enough cases to maintain my skills. Salt Lake City
while reinforcing her main and not-so-subtle This smear quickly became a talking point of Complications happen everywhere. I
campaign theme that it’s time to elect the first Clinton defenders. Gene Lyons, a Clinton media have countless patients who have Outcomes in any discipline in med-
woman President. mouthpiece, told NBC that “the President was, flown up north to the university hos- icine are generally improved by in-
So she and her allies will try to spin any criti- in a sense, a victim of someone rather like the pital only to return with, unfortu- creased volume. Only when we physi-
cism as sexist. Even politically correct Bernie woman who followed David Letterman around.” nately, the same complications I have cians, in practice or in training, see
warned them “could happen” under large volumes of patients, can we be
Sanders got this treatment after he said during The Associated Press reported that a “White
my care. prepared for the myriad complica-
a debate this autumn that “all the shouting in House aide” was calling journalists to offer “in- Most of us surgeons trained at tions that our patients might encoun-
the world” wouldn’t keep guns out of the wrong formation about Monica Lewinsky’s past, her major centers learning most major ter. Quality, defined as low morbidity
hands. Mrs. Clinton later said that “I haven’t weight problems, and what the aide said was surgeries. They all have complica- and mortality, is indeed largely tied
been shouting, but sometimes when a woman her nickname—‘the Stalker.’” tions. Indeed there are a few proce- to volume, especially in highly techni-
speaks out, some people think it’s shouting.” Mr. Blumenthal denies that he spread the dures that might be better off at ter- cal surgical procedures.
Against Republicans, she’ll play the “war on Stalker tale, but the late journalist Christopher tiary centers, but let’s not throw out We must recognize that critical-ac-
women” theme non-stop. Hitchens swore in an affidavit that he had. It the baby with the bath water. cess hospitals do indeed save lives
Yet no one in American politics better per- broke up their friendship. RICHARD D. LEVIN M.D. when patients have medical emergen-
sonifies a war on women than Mrs. Clinton’s Mrs. Clinton described Ms. Lewinsky as “a Aventura, Fla.cies in which time to intervention is
husband. For readers too young to recall the narcissistic loony toon,” according to the per- associated with improved outcomes
Whenever small volumes of activ- such as heart attacks, strokes and
1990s, we aren’t merely referring to Trumpian sonal papers of Diane Blair, a close friend of Mrs. ity (as occur at rural hospitals) and sepsis. The system is broken when
gibes about female looks or “Mad Men” conde- Clinton from Arkansas. This September Mrs. rare events (death seven days after critical-access hospitals revert to con-
scension. Mr. Clinton was a genuine sexual ha- Clinton declared that “every survivor of sexual knee surgery) intersect, it can be the centrating on the provision of high-
rasser in the classic definition of exploiting his assault” has “the right to be heard. You have the inferiority of the measurement sys- revenue care.
power as a workplace superior, and the Clinton right to be believed.” But when her own access tem itself that implicates poor quality These hospitals should be reim-
entourage worked hard to smear and discredit to political power was at stake, she dismissed of care. bursed in a way that encourages
his many women accusers. the women and defended her husband. ALLEN HINKLE M.D. them to provide life-saving services
Start with “bimbo eruptions,” the phrase i i i Lebanon, N.H. and discourages them from providing
that Mr. Clinton’s Arkansas fixer Betsey Wright We rehearse all this not merely to reinforce care that should be provided where
used to describe the women who had affairs Mr. Trump’s claims of a Clinton double stan- The premise that Medicare pay- highly experienced care teams typi-
ments provide incentive for critical cally offer superior care.
with Bill. Gennifer Flowers almost derailed his dard. The point relates to the standards that
access hospitals to engage in proce- GREGORY H. BUSCH D.O.
primary campaign in 1992, until Hillary stood would prevail in another Clinton Presidency. We dures better done in larger facilities Mantua, N.J.
by her man on CBS’s “60 Minutes” and the me- know from Mrs. Clinton’s emails that Mr. Blu-
dia portrayed Ms. Flowers as a golddigger. menthal remains a trusted Clinton friend and
Many more would come forward, not least adviser who is likely to wield considerable influ-
Paula Jones, an Arkansas state employee who ence in or outside a Clinton Administration. And
testified that a state policeman working for we know from those emails that the Clintons in-
then Governor Clinton invited her to Bill’s hotel dulge his political conspiracy theories almost
Circular Firing Squad Reloads, Takes Aim
room where he exposed himself and sexually as much as he indulged Mr. Clinton’s about Kudos to Bret Stephens for the aise of Jimmy Carter was replaced
propositioned her. Ms. Jones filed a sexual-ha- Monica Lewinsky. courage he showed in his Dec. 22 by the fresh optimism and excite-
rassment lawsuit and Mr. Clinton lied under No wonder that Ruth Marcus, the Washing- Global View “Let’s Elect Hillary ment of Ronald Reagan; and Reagan,
Now.” He has correctly identified the just four years earlier, had been so
oath, resulting in his impeachment. ton Post columnist and no conservative, called
incredibly destructive Republican loathed by the Republican establish-
The Clinton menagerie did their best to de- Bill Clinton’s record with women a fair political and conservative “circular firing ment that he lost his party’s nomina-
stroy her too. “If you drag a hundred-dollar bill issue. At the very least if Mrs. Clinton wants ev- squad” that handed President Obama tion.
through a trailer park, you never know what eryone to forget about Bill’s harassment of his second term and appears to be I doubt if in the event of a Donald
you’ll find,” James Carville famously said about women, she ought to stop playing the sexism choosing the one Republican candi- Trump presidency any journalist in-
the women accusing Mr. Clinton. card, or drop Bill as surrogate, or both. date that Hillary Clinton can beat: cluding Mr. Stephens would not rel-
Donald Trump. ish the fun of getting up every morn-
As a conservative Republican for ing eager to report on the Donald’s
Meadowlark Lemon decades, I have watched with despair
as the loons on the far right dam-
latest whims and extravagances, be
they positive or negative for the na-
aged the Republican Party and ig- tion.
ilt Chamberlain called him the dominant pro team, the Minnesota Lakers.
nored William F. Buckley’s and Ron- DAVID APETZ
“most sensational, awesome, Some dismissed them as a modern minstrel ald Reagan’s advice not to attack New York
incredible basketball player” he’d show and accused owner Abe Saperstein of each other and to choose the most
ever seen. Announcers introduced him as “the exploitation. In his 2010 book “Trust Your conservative Republican who can ac- It seems to me that the more ex-
Clown Prince of Basketball.” In 1986 the most Next Shot,” Lemon offered his view: “When tually win. America and American pedient solution would be for the Re-
famous Harlem Globetrotter gained a new there were only five black players in the NBA, values have suffered horribly under publican Party to abandon any pre-
title—Pastor Meadowlark Lemon—when he Abe had more than 90 on his payroll.” President Obama the last three years tense of conservative values rather
became an ordained Christian minister. It’s an American story: A London-born Jew because three million plus conserva- than kicking party members out en
Meadowlark Lemon, who died Sunday at founds an all-black basketball team that tives didn’t vote because Mitt Rom- masse. This would achieve the same
age 83, said God’s plan for him became clear proudly calls Harlem its hometown—though ney was not conservative enough for result for the GOP—continued Demo-
at age 11 in a segregated North Carolina movie they are all from Chicago. Years later a black them. How childish and destructive cratic victories at the presidential
was that? level—while eliminating the need for
theater. There he saw a newsreel featuring the child from the Jim Crow South grows up,
These same loons are now vi- its continued charade as a conserva-
Globetrotters, a basketball team made up of makes the team, and plays across the world ciously attacking highly successful tive alternative.
talented players who had the same color skin before adoring crowds of all races, creeds and Republican candidates while they BRIAN KAGY
he did. He left the theater resolving to be a nationalities. throw their support to a carnival- Lakeway, Texas
Globetrotter. “We were part of something that America barking reality show actor who in-
In the age of iPhones and Xboxes, it can be needed at one time,” he told a sportswriter. sults the very voters Republicans I was reminded of the devastating
hard to appreciate the impact of a Globetrotters “America needed Joe Louis. America needed need to win against Hillary; and he’s defeat the Democrats took in the
game on those who watched their national road Arnold Palmer. America needed Sammy Davis the one guy Hillary can beat accord- 1984 presidential contest. The elec-
show. The Globetrotters were master entertain- Jr. and Louis Armstrong. And America and the ing to the polls. toral college score was Reagan 525,
ers with their trick shots and gags. But they world at one time needed people like the RANDY ROSSIMondale 13. If the Republicans nomi-
Grayslake, Ill.
nate Donald Trump, I would be sur-
made their reputation on basketball skill, Harlem Globetrotters and Meadowlark
prised if a single state breaks his
including a stunning 1948 upset over the sport’s Lemon.” And America is better for them. Mr. Stephens’s point is well taken way. Unlike Mondale, who at least
in that perhaps most self-described won his home state of Minnesota,
A Japan-South Korea Breakthrough conservatives and even many inde- Mr. Trump has no chance of beating
pendents are so addicted to their an- Hillary Clinton in New York, which
ger at this point that deep down hasn’t gone Republican since that
apan and South Korea agreed Monday to stuck to its position that the war’s victors they secretly wish to throw the elec- 1984 race. But don’t ask Mr. Trump
resolve one of the most divisive issues left renounced reparations in the 1951 San Fran- tion to Hillary Clinton just so they to explain the electoral college pro-
over from World War II—the Japanese im- cisco Treaty and other agreements. Experts in can keep venting at, well, everyone. cess. We’ll be subjected to another
perial army’s drafting of tens international law warned that However, I recall that even absent “nuclear triad” stream of uncon-
of thousands of wartime sex An agreement on compensation for one group talk radio and social media back in sciousness.
1980 the mood of the country was BRYAN FREDRICKSON
slaves, many of them Koreans, ‘comfort women’ will could encourage many more
much the same until the general mal- Canon City, Colo.
into military brothels. The deal demands. So the government
is an exercise in truth and rec- improve Asian security. set up a program using
onciliation that should pave donated money to help the
the way for a more cooperative survivors.
When Caregivers Are Critical for Every Need
relationship between the two democracies. Tokyo’s inflexible position turned out to be Regarding Margaret Mikol’s “How tually identical, health assessment,
The joint statement says that Japan’s Prime a mistake. The private nature of the fund Bureaucracy Hinders Help for Dis- we were informed that the environ-
Minister Shinzo Abe “expresses anew his most angered many Koreans and Chinese, including abled Children” (op-ed, Dec. 14): Our mental assessment couldn’t be per-
sincere apologies and remorse to all the women the victims, which kept the issue alive. And sister was born with Rett Syndrome, formed because the personal-care
who underwent immeasurable and painful since the Kono statement was unilateral and a global neurodevelopmental disor- plan that resulted from the first as-
experiences and suffered incurable physical and nonbinding, it allowed some Japanese politi- der. Magically, Susan charms every- sessment contains too many per-
one she meets despite her feeding sonal-care service hours.
psychological wounds.” Tokyo will provide $8.3 cians such as Mr. Abe to call for its repudiation.
tube and supplemental oxygen depen- In one month, Susan turns the age
million in aid to the 46 women still alive, and They continued to deny that the women were dencies and her inabilities to walk or that will require a third assessment
Seoul will then consider the issue’s closure forced into prostitution. talk. using the original assessment form
“final and irreversible.” The new agreement should solve those prob- We excitedly enrolled in a state and we’ll once again discuss the ne-
The shameful history of the “comfort lems. South Koreans can take satisfaction that program that solicited our participa- cessity for personal care services for
women,” as the sex slaves were known during Mr. Abe has now accepted historical facts that tion, which offered to provide per- a person who depends on caregivers
the war, was largely forgotten until the early he previously questioned. The government sonal care and address environmental for every need.
1990s when several books brought their suffer- money paid to the women shows official safety issues. JACOB AND HANNAH GRAYMAN
ing to public attention. As anger grew within responsibility, even if Tokyo still insists that it Ms. Mikol paints an accurate pic- Baltimore
the countries invaded and colonized by Japa- is assistance rather than compensation. ture of the frustration and inconve-
nience that tax the already depleted
nese forces, Tokyo agreed to investigate. In This is especially important in light of the Letters intended for publication should
supplies of emotional energy and be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
1993 Chief Cabinet Secretary Yohei Kono issued security challenges Japan and South Korea face time of families that support children of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
a statement that recognized and apologized for from China and North Korea. As U.S. defense with disabilities. A special environ- or emailed to wsj.ltrs@wsj.com. Please
the army’s coercion of the women. spending fails to keep up with regional threats, mental assessment was first delayed include your city and state. All letters
But instead of reaching an agreement with its allies must bolster their own capabilities and eight months because the initial are subject to editing, and unpublished
Seoul and other countries and compensating work together more closely. Resolving the com- health assessment was written on the letters can be neither acknowledged nor
the survivors using government funds, Tokyo fort-women issue will make that easier. incorrect form. After the second, vir-
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | A13
foods present any different or greater
espite what you may hear
from the culinary elite,
safety concerns than foods developed
by traditional plant breeding.”
genetic engineering is But if you need an anecdote for
winning the day and grad-
ually overcoming their
how the year unfolded for the anti-
GMO movement, look no further than
“Frankenfood” fear-mongering. A Chipotle. Last spring the fast food
flurry of good news this year ought company announced with great By Chad Aldeman
to convince the public, more than fanfare that it would take GMO ingre-
ever, of the safety and the tremen- dients off its menu. It was all downhill hen President Obama signed
dous promise of this technology. after that. As was quickly pointed out, the Every Student Succeeds
On Dec. 8 the Food and Drug Ad- Chipotle wasn’t being fully truthful, Act earlier this month, he
ministration approved a new chicken since its soft drinks and cheese celebrated the bipartisan support for
that has been genetically modified to contain genetically modified ingredi- the legislation—which replaced the
treat a rare and potentially fatal disor- ents, and its meat comes from animals No Child Left Behind Act—as a
der called lysosomal acid lipase defi- fed genetically modified grains. A law- “Christmas miracle.” Miracle or not,
ciency. The chicken, which won’t be suit filed in California, which is pend- the new law ended the largest school-
available as meat, produces eggs with ing, accused Chipotle of false advertis- choice program in the country.
an enzyme that replaces a faulty ing and deceptive marketing. “Public School Choice,” was the
human enzyme, addressing the under- Then cases of food-borne illnesses simple name for the program, and it
lying cause of the disease. Add it to bruise and brown when sliced. Two Scientists at Cambridge University in hit Chipotle locations across the was built into No Child Left Behind.
the small but growing class of “farma- versions of the apple, the Granny the United Kingdom are developing a country. Supporters of traditional Under the law, any school failing to
ceuticals,” including drugs made by Smith and Golden Delicious, could be genetically modified chicken that agriculture, who have felt maligned meet performance benchmarks in
transgenic goats and rabbits. in stores by the end of next year. could help stop the spread of the avian by the burrito company, started keep- reading or math for two consecutive
Okanagan Specialty Fruits, the flu that this year decimated American ing a tally of the number of people years was identified as “in need of
Canadian company that developed chicken and turkey flocks. sickened by Chipotle’s food (ongoing, improvement.” Families whose chil-
‘Farmaceuticals’ and other the varieties, is testing how to apply Predictably, anti-GMO activists are but more than 300) versus the num- dren attended one of these schools
the same technique to other highly howling. They are also spending mil- ber sickened by GMOs (zero). As the had to be offered the option to
GM products are slowly perishable fruits, like pears and cher- lions trying to force food manufac- year winds to a close, the company transfer to any other district school
being approved, despite ries, which has huge potential to turers to label products with the that once wore the restaurant indus- that was not so identified.
prevent food spoilage and waste. The meaningless letters “GMO.” But that try’s health halo is apologizing,
political scare campaigns. second-generation Innate potato, effort has suffered major setbacks. preparing for lawsuits, recentralizing
which includes a gene from a wild GMO-labeling ballot measures in Ore- its vegetable preparation and cutting Obama calls the new law a
variety that allows it to resist late gon and Colorado were defeated last locally sourced ingredients.
In November the FDA approved, blight, bruising and browning, was year; similar initiatives have failed in GMOs never looked so harmless. ‘miracle.’ Tell that to
for the first time, a genetically engi- approved in August. California and Washington state. As science advances and consumers students no longer able to
neered animal intended for human More progress is on the way. The In July the House of Representa- become more informed about genetic
consumption. After a 20-year review, rapidly developing genome editing tives passed, 275-150, the Safe and Ac- engineering’s benefits for human transfer from bad schools.
the agency gave the green light to the method known as Crispr—named this curate Food Labeling Act, which would health, animal welfare and food
AquAdvantage salmon. The fish is an month as Science magazine’s “break- pre-empt state and local GMO-labeling safety, the anti-GMO movement will
Atlantic salmon with a gene added through of the year”—holds amazing laws. Debbie Stabenow, the ranking look ever more like an outdated ideo- The program had some obvious
from a Chinook salmon that allows it potential for agriculture. Researchers Democrat on the Senate Agriculture logical crusade. Denouncing those flaws. Some districts were so small
to grow faster with less feed. It at the University of Missouri and Kan- Committee, said earlier this month three little letters doesn’t make your that they had only one school in a
makes aquaculture more appealing sas State University are breeding pigs that a similar bill is on the radar in her food safer or healthier—as Chipotle, grade level; and all of the schools in
and could ease pressure on over- that resist a viral respiratory disease chamber: “I think it will be the first and Americans, are now learning. some districts were in need of
fished salmon stocks in the wild. that kills piglets and costs the pork in- thing we have to work on in January.” improvement.
In February the Agriculture De- dustry more than $600 million a year. Last month the FDA rejected a “citi- Ms. Kelly is a contributor to the Also, the program was run by
partment approved the Arctic Apple, The pigs’ genes have been concisely zen petition,” filed by activist groups, Genetic Literacy Project and a cook- state and local bureaucrats who had
a new variety developed by silencing edited to stop the expression of a pro- demanding mandatory GMO labels. ing instructor and food writer in little incentive to make it work well.
the genes that cause the fruit to tein vital to the disease’s transmission. The FDA response noted that the peti- Orland Park, Ill. Not because it cost taxpayers any
extra money; public funds flowed
with the student to his new school,
How North Korea Became the World’s Worst Economy along with the federal funds to
transport him. Still, the program
forced school choice on districts that
By Nicholas Eberstadt North Korea’s decline was a con- when business climate is considered, fers result in any appreciable mea- might have preferred their tradi-
tinuing drama, not precipitated by North Korea no longer looks like an sure of long-term economic advance- tional assignment systems—and dis-
conomic history is a story of any particular geopolitical shock. outlier at all. ment? The work of economists Craig tricts had to send letters to parents
progress and success, but also Neither the end of the Soviet bloc, In 1970 North Korea apparently Burnside, David Dollar and Lant notifying them of their options.
of retrogression and failure. nor the reportedly disastrous flood- did a better job than China or Viet- Pritchett, published in the late 1990s As a result, the actual offer letters
Among the latter cases, the most ing of the mid-1990s, nor a succes- nam of converting human resources under the aegis of the World Bank, to parents tended to bury the most
gruesome is surely the Democratic sion of international non-prolifera- into economic output. But those two suggests an answer: Aid can have a important information—a choice to
People’s Republic of North Korea tion sanctions imposed since 2006, countries would pursue “reform negative effect on growth when a enroll their children in a better
(DPRK). Its signature catastrophe, nor any other external event ex- socialist” policies, including freeing recipient state has a bad business school, along with free busing—in
the Great North Korean Famine of plains the country’s long-term dete- up agriculture, encouraging private climate, because foreign subsidies al- obscurely worded form letters. Con-
the 1990s, was, so far as can be told, rioration. Instead, North Korea’s enterprise and promoting interna- low the regime, in the short term, to sequently, the takeup rate was never
the only famine in all of human his- economic troubles are the natural tional trade. North Korea went in the escape the consequences of its mis- high. Not even 3% of eligible families
tory to beset an urbanized and liter- consequence of the Kims’ dogged opposite direction, shifting to a rule. In such cases, the greater the transferred their children to another
ate society during peacetime. insistence on destructive policies. permanent war-footing economy, volume of aid, the bigger the harm. school, which is probably why the
Pyongyang’s descent into penury systematically eradicating the con- Unfortunately, North Korea’s hor- end of the program attracted so little
is all the more tragic considering sumer sector, and repeatedly confis- rific economic performance was attention.
that from the 1950s on into the Catastrophic policies cating any outstanding cash in enabled in part by leaders abroad On the other hand, state bureau-
1970s, intelligence from Washington private hands through “currency who sent billions of dollars to crats, under pressure from local
and Seoul suggested that North made worse by billions reforms.” Simply put: Any economy Pyongyang. Those resources allowed school districts, couldn’t wait to end
Korea’s per capita output was higher in foreign aid that masked that embraced the same disastrous the Kim dynasty to continue policies the program. The Obama administra-
than South Korea’s. An array of pub- rules as the DPRK should be ex- so patently destructive that they tion gave them that chance starting
lic data—on urbanization and its leaders’ misrule. pected to trace out a similar trajec- would have been forced to cease, or in 2012, when it began granting waiv-
energy consumption, for instance— tory of economic failure. at least to moderate, them absent ers for states to avoid the most oner-
appears to corroborate that judg- There is one final, and particu- subsidy from overseas. ous aspects of No Child Left Behind.
ment. How the once-developing North Korea appears to have the larly bitter, piece in the puzzle: the International aid workers and Without any federal pressure, nearly
DPRK went from a rapid ascent into very worst business climate of any role of foreign aid in financing and humanitarian policy makers have all of the states with waivers dropped
a stall, and then into a dreadful fully functioning nation state. On the ultimately facilitating North Korea’s always feared that foreign assis- the school-choice provision and an-
downward spiral, is a cautionary 2010 Index of Economic Freedom ruin. Mirror statistics reveal that the tance, through cascading mishaps, other provision offering families free
tale with implications far beyond compiled by the Heritage Foundation DPRK has never been self-support- might leave recipients poorer and after-school tutoring. Enrollment
the Korean peninsula. and The Wall Street Journal, the ing. To the contrary, it has relied on worse off in the end. North Korea, rates began falling. Congress killed
The ruling Kim regime suppresses DPRK earned one point out of 100, a perennial inflow of foreign re- bankrolled mainly by Moscow and both provisions when it reauthorized
data about the country’s perfor- the lowest score of all 179 countries sources to sustain itself. Since 1960, Beijing, has gone further than any the federal education law.
mance, but sufficient hard evidence ranked. Zimbabwe, the state with North Korea has reportedly received other modern state in turning this And yet this program, despite its
has seeped out to describe both the the second-worst ranking that year, more than $60 billion (in today’s nightmare scenario into reality. flaws, was a big deal. About 48,000
dimensions and the causes of its came in 20 points higher. dollars) more merchandise from students transferred to a better
continuing economic calamity. The The DPRK has no rule of law; no abroad than it has shipped overseas. Mr. Eberstadt is a resident school when the option became
most meaningful quantitative mea- established property rights; no Nearly $45 billion of that came from scholar at the American Enterprise available in the 2004-05 school year.
sure available comes from “mirror possibility for private trade; no reli- Beijing and Moscow—a figure we Institute. His latest report for the Eventually the number of students
statistics” on the country’s interna- able currency; virtually no official can treat as a rough approximation Asan Institute in Seoul is “North who transferred rose to more than
tional trade—reports by its trading social and economic information; of total Chinese and Soviet/Russian Korea’s ‘Epic Economic Fail’ in Inter- 165,000 in the 2009-10 school year.
partners on their purchases from and no internal constraints whatever financial support. national Perspective,” from which As more schools were identified for
and sales to the DPRK of various upon its monumentally ambitious Why didn’t these massive trans- this essay is adapted. improvement the number of stu-
commodities. These data provide government. dents transferring started falling,
indirect but powerful evidence about It is difficult to overstate how and it fell even more as more states
productivity, living standards and much this matters. At any point in got waivers. But even in 2013-14, the
technological attainment.
Despite a recent China-supported
the postwar era, 80% or more of the
differences between countries in per
Notable & Quotable: Dave Barry last year for which data is available,
27,126 children switched schools.
upswing in trade, North Korean per capita GDP can be predicted by From “Dave Barry’s 2015 Year in was a Volvo station wagon on the To put this in perspective, the
capita merchandise exports last year human resources plus business Review” in the Miami Herald, Dec. 23: New Jersey Turnpike. But there was Public School Choice program was,
were no higher, after adjusting for climate (i.e., institutions and poli- a lot of traffic.” A contrite Williams at its peak, more than twice as large
inflation, than in the mid-1970s. By cies). Statistical analysis of North January blames the lapse on post-traumatic as the largest provider of charter
my calculations, real per capita Korean trade underscores the point. . . . In Paris, two million people stress disorder resulting from killing schools, the Knowledge Is Power
imports in 2014 were barely three- In 2010 the DPRK’s global trade was march in a solidarity rally following Osama bin Laden. . . . Program, known as KIPP. It was
fifths of what they were in 1974. only 1/20th of what we would expect the horrific terrorist attack on the In the War on Terror, the White about six times as large as the larg-
That year marked North Korea’s all- for a country with its estimated hu- French satirical magazine Charlie House, having struck a powerful est school voucher program in the
time peak trade. man resources profile. However, Hebdo. blow with the James Taylor Tactical country, in Indiana.
Eyebrows are raised when not a Assault Ballad, boldly follows up Ultimately there was no natural
single top U.S. official attends, but by—again, this really happened— constituency supporting the Public
several days later, Secretary of State hosting a three-day “Summit on School Choice program. It didn’t cre-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY John Kerry arrives in France with Countering Violent Extremism,” fea- ate an entirely new avenue for chil-
James Taylor, who—this really hap- turing both workshops AND sympo- dren the way a charter school does.
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp pened—performs the song You’ve siums. School districts did not get any new
Gerard Baker William Lewis Got a Friend. This bold action strikes money from the federal government
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher fear into the hearts of terrorists, December or the state. And the opportunity the
Rebecca Blumenstein; Matthew J. Murray, Deputy DOW JONES MANAGEMENT:
who realize that Secretary Kerry is . . . with the Iowa caucuses and program offered parents and their
Editors in Chief; Almar Latour, Executive Editor Anna Sedgley, Chief Financial Officer; fully capable, if necessary, of un- New Hampshire primary just around children got lost amid the increasing
DEPUTY MANAGING EDITORS: Mark H. Jackson, General Counsel; leashing Barry Manilow. the corner, analysts struggle to make unpopularity of No Child Left Be-
Ashley Huston, Chief Communications Officer;
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy; Thorold Barker,
Paul Meller, Chief Technology Officer;
Meanwhile in Washington, a sense of new polls showing that, hind’s “one-size-fits-all” approach to
Europe; Paul Beckett, Asia; Christine Glancey,
News Operations and Talent; Neal Lipschutz, Mark Musgrave, Chief Human Resources Officer; drone crashes on the White House suddenly, the clear leader in both school accountability.
Ethics and Standards; Alex Martin, Enterprise; Katie Vanneck-Smith, Chief Customer Officer lawn and immediately becomes a states, for both parties, is Tom Nevertheless, the program was
Ann Podd, Global Production; Andrew Regal, OPERATING EXECUTIVES: leading contender for the Republican Brady. additional evidence, along with
Global Head of Video; Gabriella Stern, Strategic Edwin A. Finn, Jr., Barron’s; Edward Roussel,
Initiatives; Jessica Yu, Global Head of Visuals
presidential nomination. The scary part is: That wouldn’t vouchers and charters, of the demand
Innovation; Ingrid Verschuren, Data Strategy;
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page; Suzi Watford, Marketing; be so bad. for school choice. Yet Congress, in
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page Professional Information Business, Sales: February As the year finally staggers to a the name of local control, has killed
Nancy McNeill, Global; William Ashworth, . . . NBC suspends Nightly News close, Americans set aside their the largest school choice program in
Americas; Florence Lefevre, Europe; Tomasz
Trevor Fellows, Head of Global Sales;
Rustowski, Asia anchor Brian Williams after an inves- differences, if only briefly, and join the country with barely a whimper.
Chris Collins, Advertising; Christina Komporlis,
Circulation; Jason P. Conti, Legal;
tigation reveals inaccuracies in his together in the cherished, time-hon-
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Larry L. Hoffman, account of being in a military helicop- ored tradition of pretending that New Mr. Aldeman is an associate part-
Production ter under fire in Iraq. “Mr. Williams Year’s Eve is fun. So let’s raise a glass ner at Bellwether Education Part-
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: did not actually come under fire,” to toast the demise of 2015. Then let’s ners, a nonprofit consulting and re-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 states the network. “Also technically set the glass down untasted, in case search group. He was an adviser to
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
he wasn’t in a helicopter in Iraq; it God forbid it contains gluten. the Education Department, 2011-12.
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A14 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
those who’ve remained right by your side? This is what you do for people you love.
LCN -1332559-102215. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and insurance company affiliates, including The Lincoln National Life
Insurance Company, Fort Wayne, IN, and in New York, Lincoln Life & Annuity Company of New York, Syracuse, NY. Variable products distributed by broker/dealer-affiliates.
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Streakiest Team Voice of Vader
SPORTS | A20 A chat with James Earl Jones | A19
WSJ.com/NY * * * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | A15
service agency called Graham connection to her legacy?” she mostly in city contracts to
Windham. Providing foster said. serve families in Harlem, the
care, a therapeutic school and Mr. Hamilton was an orphan Bronx and Brooklyn.
counseling that tries to keep who rose to be one of Amer- In 1902 the agency built the
fragile families together, the ica’s founding fathers. Less Graham School, now a residen-
agency serves more than 4,000 than two years after he was tial-treatment center in Has-
of the city’s most vulnerable killed in a duel, Elizabeth tings-on-Hudson in Westchester
children. Schuyler Hamilton was among County. Sitting high on a bluff
Leaders of the nonprofit a small group of women who overlooking the Hudson River,
have been stunned by a surge of founded the Orphan Asylum it has more than 300 students
donations due to the spotlight Society. It rescued children in kindergarten through 12th
from “Hamilton,” and delighted who lost their parents to chol- grade trying to overcome trau-
by a bond with the performers era, yellow fever and tragedy. Please turn to page A16 Natalie, left, and Dymond, students at a school linked to the legacy of Alexander Hamilton’s widow.
Real Feel
Chain Restaurants Up the Ante—and Prices—for Revelers
9 a.m. 46° BY CHARLES PASSY “We can be warm and cozy,” Rivadeneira said she might re- brage at the phenomenon of they jump-started the chain-
5 p.m. 48° said Viviana Rivadeneira, a turn this for year’s party, even middle-of-the-road dining restaurant New Year’s Eve
Never mind the fancy hotel sales representative from if it isn’t to everyone’s tastes. spots charging such prices and party phenomenon a little
Record Low
ballrooms or trendy nightclubs: Lyndhurst, N.J., who has cele- “I personally like Applebee’s coming to dominate Times more than a decade ago. They
-13° (1917)
The hottest of hot spots on brated the new year at Ap- food, though I know it’s not ev- Square on New Year’s Eve. “To had previously stayed closed
CLOUDY, Sunrise/Sunset New Year’s Eve may prove to plebee’s twice before. Depend- eryone’s favorite,” she said. sit in a chain restaurant where on the evening of Dec. 31, with
DRIZZLE 7:20 a.m./4:37 p.m. be a casual-dining chain res- ing on her work schedule, Ms. Many are indeed taking um- a DJ is playing old-school hits the thought that revelers
taurant in Times Square. is not my idea of a New York- wanted to be on the street.
Thursday’s High It is an experience that style celebration,” said Will Apple-Metro’s chief execu-
comes with a not-so-casual McKinley, a New York-based tive, Zane Tankel, decided the
price tag. As in $109 to party writer. party idea was worth a shot.
the night away at Chevy’s. Or Some of New York City’s He found that even with the
$375 for what’s billed as an most acclaimed restaurants are high prices, demand was
N.Y. Sports Lineup “evening of a lifetime” affair at charging less than the chains. strong, since revelers liked an
either of Applebee’s two Times Dinner at the Michelin-starred indoor option, and access to a
7 p.m. Square locations. Or $899 for a Gabriel Kreuther, also located bathroom.
Wednesday “Couples Champagne VIP Pack- near Times Square, costs $175 The two restaurants, which
Nets @ Magic age” at T.G.I. Friday’s. a person for an early Dec. 31 each hold about 400 people,
Many revelers say the fun, seating. While a gala tasting now run close to capacity on
food and drinks merit the tri- menu, beginning at 9 p.m., the big night, Mr. Tankel said.
8 p.m. ple-digit expense, particularly runs $900 a couple, that is es- That translates to combined
Wednesday since the parties allow them to sentially the same price as the sales of about $250,000, which
Rangers be near the Midtown Manhat- T.G.I. Friday’s VIP package. includes full-price tickets and
@ Lightning tan ball-drop festivities with- The two Applebee’s loca- $250 admission for children 12
out having to endure hours of Applebee’s Director of Operations Sharon Valzer. The chain has a tions, operated by the fran- and under.
For N.Y. sports coverage, see A20 waiting outside. $375 New Year’s Eve special at its two Times Square locations. chise group Apple-Metro, say Please see EVE page A18
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A16 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Skelos Submits
Pension Papers
After Conviction
BY JOSEPH DE AVILA amount, according to the Em-
pire Center.
Former New York state Sen- Mr. Silver filed for his pen-
ate Majority Leader Dean Ske- sion on Dec. 1, one day after
los filed for his state pension his conviction. He also said he
less than two weeks after he plans to appeal the verdict.
was convicted of public cor- The state constitution pro-
ruption charges. tects most state employees
Mr. Skelos, a 67-year-old from having to forfeit their
Nassau County Republican, pensions even if they are con-
submitted paperwork for his victed of crimes. The Legisla-
pension on Dec. 22, according ture passed a law in 2011 that
to the state comptroller’s of- would reduce or revoke the
fice. The office declined to es- pensions of public employees
timate how much the annual convicted of certain crimes,
payments would be. His retire- but it only applies to workers
ment is scheduled to begin on who entered the state retire- Phillipa Soo, who plays Eliza Hamilton in the musical ‘Hamilton,’
Jan. 2, the office said. ment system after that law met with students at the Graham School. A plaque there, right,
went into effect. honors Mrs. Hamilton for her work founding an orphanage.
“We have a constitution
‘We have a
‘Hamilton’ Cast Gives Children a Lift
that is protecting corrupt offi-
constitution that cials when it should be pro-
tecting the citizens of New
is protecting York,” said Doug Kellogg, a
corrupt officials.’ spokesman for Reclaim New Continued from page A15 my shot” spoke to her: “He was she studied at the Juilliard enough,” sang Natalie, 17. “Ev-
York, a group that advocates mas, behavior issues and learn- telling me not to give up, to School. ery day we tell your story.”
for more government account- ing problems. keep moving forward, making Ms. Soo envisions about 10 That lunch raised more than
A federal jury in Manhattan ability. “That is something we Natalie, a 17-year-old from my dreams come true.” cast members working with 15 $400,000, agency officials said.
on Dec. 11 found Mr. Skelos shouldn’t be accepting.” Brooklyn who asked to be iden- Jess Dannhauser, president students from across Graham They said some of that money
and his son, Adam Skelos, Following Mr. Silver’s arrest tified by her first name, said of Graham Windham, said the Windham’s services, for two- will go toward “Graham
guilty of eight criminal last January, Gov. Andrew living at the campus turned agency’s tie with the cast be- hour classes on four Tuesdays SLAM,” which helps young
counts—including conspiracy, Cuomo, a Democrat, urged the her life around. “If it weren’t gan more than a year ago when in February. The core mission, people up to age 25 so they
bribery and extortion—in what Legislature to pass a law that for this place, I would be in the it received a surprise donation she said, “is to use the arts as can reach self-sufficiency:
prosecutors described as a would strip the pensions of street, dead or in jail, or not from Lin-Manuel Miranda, who a means of expression, as an Some have aged out of foster
scheme to leverage the former public officials convicted of finishing school and having ba- wrote the musical and plays outlet for personal experience, care but still need mentoring
lawmaker’s political power for corruption. The Senate ap- bies,” she said. “I wouldn’t the title role. Mr. Dannhauser and to uplift the creative or emergency money to
his son’s financial benefit. proved the measure, which want that for anybody.” said he called to thank Mr. spirit.” weather crises and settle into
The conviction triggered would require an amendment The school’s students who Miranda, who replied, “Wait She has already glimpsed jobs.
Mr. Skelos’s automatic expul- to the state constitution, but it saw “Hamilton” said hearing until you see the ending, you’ll the teenagers’ talents. At an On Monday, Mr. Miranda
sion from the Legislature. Mr. stalled in the Assembly. an allusion to their home from flip out.” Oct. 27 fundraising lunch for tweeted that “Eliza’s orphan-
Skelos’s attorney has said he U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara, stage was a thrill. Mr. Dannhauser said that Graham Windham, four stu- age lives on” and asked his fol-
plans to appeal the verdict. whose Manhattan office prose- “I felt special,” said when he saw it he was “blown dents performed songs they lowers to donate. Some did. He
The Empire Center for Pub- cuted Messrs. Skelos and Sil- Dymond, a 13-year-old who away.” had written after seeing the has also said that he will give
lic Policy, a fiscally conserva- ver, has signaled that his office loves writing poetry. Although “The Eliza Project” has been musical. Ms. Soo said their lyr- Graham Windham part of the
tive think tank, estimated that would go after the pensions of she often skipped school back in the works for months. Curi- ics, which often echoed the $625,000 he won recently from
Mr. Skelos’s annual pension convicted public officials if the in Brooklyn, she said the musi- ous about the lasting impact of show, left her speechless. the MacArthur Foundation in
payment would be up to government can’t recover as- cal motivated her to tackle Ron the strong, progressive woman “Growing up I found myself what has come to be called a
$95,590. Former Assembly sets that prosecutors allege Chernow’s biography, “Alexan- she portrayed on stage, Ms. running the streets a lot,” sang “genius grant.”
Speaker Sheldon Silver, a came from criminal conduct. der Hamilton,” with a diction- Soo visited the Graham School Dymond. “Not knowing if I “I am committed for our re-
Manhattan Democrat who was Mr. Skelos is scheduled to ary by her side. and spent hours talking with would ever make it or not, I lationship to continue to flour-
also convicted of public cor- be sentenced on March 3. The Dymond said that Mr. Ham- its students. She wanted to of- told myself…you better take ish,” he said by email. “It’s our
ruption charges, is expected to top charges carry a maximum ilton’s declaration in the show fer them the kind of ‘‘teaching your shot.” gift to make sure Hamilton’s
receive about the same sentence of 20 years in prison. that “I’m not throwing away artist” program she saw when “Eliza, you have done legacy is forever present.”
with North Shore-LIJ Health System
1996: Staten Island University Atlantic O cean
Source: Northwell Health
Hospital, South
region’s health-care field in its is affiliated. Beginning in 2008, Earlier this month, a North-
move to rebrand. In November, it established a medical school well-branded bus traveled to
the New York City Health and with Hofstra University on the health system’s hospitals,
Hospitals Corporation became Long Island. In 2013, it started with a team giving out things
Continued from page A15 NYC Health + Hospitals, saying its own insurance company. like yoga mats, pens and bot-
North Shore-LIJ says it plans the public health-care system For future expansion, Mr. tled water. At Long Island Jew-
to spend tens of millions of dol- wanted to appear less hospital- Dowling said he was looking to- ish Medical Center in eastern
lars to rebrand its infrastruc- centric and more focused on ward Connecticut, New Jersey Queens, a line of employees
ture, including signs for build- wellness. and Westchester County—with snaked out the door, waiting
ings and logos for ambulances. Mount Sinai Health System for games and a photo booth.
It plans to spend more than $12 is engaged in similar efforts. “The name can be confusing,
million next year on advertising This year, Mount Sinai Beth Is-
The health system with LIJ,” said Horatio Wallace,
10% Discount on All Camera geographic or religious limita- and visit the New Jersey ware-
Robert Goldman, the son tions of names, but the cost of house of Tiffany & Co., to study
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a student in the MBA program tional attachments to names “The worst thing you can do From You
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An article on Monday about added. ple in health care,” he said. an article in Greater New
the Goldman family incor- North Shore-LIJ’s name Dr. Rowe, who is a former York? Email us, along with
rectly said Robert Goldman is stems from the 1997 merger of executive of Mount Sinai Hospi- your contact information, at
www.willoughbys.com a student in Columbia Busi- Long Island Jewish Medical tal and insurer Aetna Inc., said gnyltrs@wsj.com. Your letter
NYC’s Oldest Photographic Emporium -Established 1898 ness School’s graduate real es- Center and North Shore Health North Shore’s apparent plan “is could be published in our
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | A17
“There’s a new world be- have been a heart attack, au- The man, who had been owner said the others were re-
cause of what’s happened thorities said. standing, went through the front NEW YORK CITY covering hours later.
with ISIS,” Mr. de Blasio said. Officer Juan Feliciano, 44 windshield and landed on the The homeowner said the prob-
Mr. de Blasio also said that years old, was delivering bicycles street, authorities said.
Shelters to Receive lem arose after his gas heater
the city had learned from the to Floyd Bennett Field for re- The glass portion of the Job-Training Funds switched on for the first time
attacks in Paris, both in No- pairs around 9:25 a.m. when he windshield didn’t break, though New York City is adding $17 this winter. No one realized its
vember and in January 2015. collapsed, police said. the entire front window broke million a year worth of job train- exhaust pipe had been blocked
He said the visit of Pope The 21-year veteran, a mem- free from the bus, according to ing and other services at home- during unrelated work in the
Francis in September also Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks ber of the 28th Precinct in Har- authorities. less shelters for single adults. basement this summer, he said.
helped the NYPD prepare. about New Year’s Eve security. lem, was rushed to Coney Island —Associated Press The city Department of —Associated Press
With 39 community center locations across the Greater New York area,
The Salvation Army provides everything from food and housing to disaster relief
and counseling to individuals and families in need. But just how much they
provide — and the impact they have on those in need — is staggering.
Clarence Hardy, left, marched in a protest earlier this month over the fate of the Slave Theater.
2,282,710 MEALS
Trying to Save a Historic Theater provided to those who were hungry in 2014
BY THOMAS MACMILLAN ater and preserve its history. along with two other proper-
Mr. Strabone said he still ties, for $18.5 million.
For years, a tattered black hopes to revive the theater, As the Slave has changed
marquee has stood over Fulton but he hasn’t been able to hands, controversy has fol-
Street in Brooklyn, confront- reach Fulton Halsey Holdings, lowed. Father and son Clarence
ing the residents of a rapidly the new owner of the building, and Omar Hardy, longtime as-
changing neighborhood with
the charged label: “Slave #1.”
whose plans for the site re-
main unclear.
sociates of Mr. Phillips, dispute
all transactions following his
588,000 DAYS
But the sign, and the build- “The owner of the property death and claim to be the of child care provided to families in need
ing it identifies—the so-called is devising a strategy that will, rightful owners of the building.
Slave Theater—may not stand through a redevelopment of the “This is a symbol and a
much longer. The theater was site, return it to uses that serve monument of the civil-rights
sold last month to a developer the community by creating jobs movement in New York City,”
who promptly applied for a and new housing,” a spokesman said the younger Mr. Hardy, 31
demolition permit, signaling
the demise of the Bedford-
for the owner said via email.
“We are actively engaged in a
years old. “It’s a pillar of the
Bed-Stuy community. We want 555,327 BEDS
Stuyvesant landmark. series of conversations with to bring it back.” provided to those in need of shelter
The century-old theater was stakeholders, which will ulti- He said his first goal is to
a vaudeville venue and movie mately be reflected in our save the Slave from demolition
house known as the Regent. It strategy as we move forward.” by the new owner.
was renamed in the 1980s as a The Slave was given its In one of his more dramatic
reminder of the harsh realities name by a civil court judge, attempts to reclaim the build- This holiday season, give hungry
of African-American history, John Phillips, who bought the ing, the 81-year-old Clarence
became a shrine to black lead-
ers and was a rallying point
building in 1984. A real-estate
investor and Kung-Fu master,
Hardy, who calls himself “the
Chief” of the Slave Theater,
and hurting families holiday joy.
for civil-rights activists. But in Mr. Phillips filled the building climbed to the theater’s mar- Through The Salvation Army’s Red Box campaign,
recent years, it has sat crum- with murals of leaders like quee on Dec. 4 and decried
bling behind locked doors. Marcus Garvey and Martin Lu- what he described as the deed a gift of just $65 provides a family in desperate need
Even as the curtain lowers ther King Jr., and screened fraud that allegedly took the
on the Slave, however, com- films there. After a black man building from him. He was ar- with a “Red Box Christmas” that includes a holiday meal,
peting interests are still fight- was beaten to death in How- rested for trespassing.
ing for its future. The theater ard Beach, Queens, in 1986, ac- A law-enforcement official toys for kids, warm clothing and other household necessities.
has become a contentious tivists like Al Sharpton began familiar with the matter said
symbol of change in a histori- hosting regular rallies there. the elder Mr. Hardy lost a civil-
cally black neighborhood in By the turn of the millen- court case on the deed issue
the throes of gentrification. nium, the glory days of the and his allegations aren’t being DONATE NOW TO
“The battle to save the Slave Slave were gone. When Mr. treated as a criminal matter. THE RED BOX CAMPAIGN
is the intersection of race, Phillips died in 2008, control of Nevertheless, the Hardys
class, history and property,”
said Jeff Strabone, chair of the
New Brooklyn Theatre com-
the building passed to an Ohio
pastor named Samuel Boykin, a
relative of Mr. Phillips, who
continue their quest. Earlier
this month, they marched on
Fulton Street with a handful of
pany, a local arts organization sold it in 2013 for $2.1 million. protesters, chanting “Save the
that had sought to buy the the- It was resold in November, Slave!”
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A18 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
advance effort. The Yours Sin- offering specials meals on Jan. 1, such menu items as a barbecue-
The Feed cerely team says recipes had to
be developed for drinks that
some of which play off the spirit
of the day.
beef-rib pizza or apple-and-al-
mond-filled French toast.
would taste fresh even if they At the Chefs Club by Food & And at Harlem’s Streetbird
stay in the kegs for days at a Wine (275 Mulberry St., chefs- (2149 Frederick Douglas Blvd.,
time. Additionally, the drinks club.com/new-york), the brunch streetbirdnyc.com), hip-hop will
must be carefully strained so is billed as a New Year’s Day be spinning throughout the day,
that they don’t clog draft lines. Hangover Cure. The $28 prix fixe with the menu featuring the res-
Bushwick Bar Crafts There is a benefit to all that menu includes such entree op- taurant’s signature brunch items,
Cocktails on Tap straining. The drinks are so clari- tions as duck hash with cara- including chicken and red velvet
While most New York water- fied, they “have an amazing melized onions and a fried egg, waffles and the aptly named
ing holes offer beer on tap, a mouth feel and go down really or a “Dutch baby” pancake with “Hot & Messy” plate with corn-
new Bushwick bar is going a dif- quick,” said Darren Grenia, an- lemon ricotta and blueberries. bread, chicken, a fried egg, pea-
ferent route: It focuses on cock- other owner. Similarly, the Garden restau- nut butter, avocado and bacon.
tails on tap. Recognizing that not every- rant at Midtown’s Four Seasons Finally, the Nolita seafood res-
Yours Sincerely, from the one is in the mood for a cocktail, Hotel (57 E. 57th St., foursea- taurant Seamore’s (390 Broome
team behind the restaurant Dear the bar offers six craft beers on sons.com/newyork) is serving a St., seamores.com), which
Bushwick, offers 20 cocktails on tap and a light food menu as New Year’s Day Recovery opened over the summer, is
tap, using a draft system that is well. Yours Sincerely, 41 Wilson Brunch with a la carte offerings launching its new brunch service
similar to that used for beer. Ave., Brooklyn such as gingerbread waffles or a on New Year’s Day. The restau-
The idea is to be able to deliver holiday hanger steak and eggs. rant is working with the Lower
a craft-worthy sip in less time Other restaurants are plan- East Side appetizing shop Russ
than it takes to make one from Yours Sincerely in Brooklyn’s Bushwick offers 20 cocktails on tap.
Brunch Options ning on adding a musical beat to & Daughters to bring in specialty
scratch. For New Year’s Day the day’s festivities. items. Look for open-faced bagel
“We have a bartender who’s The ability to do higher vol- many cocktail-oriented bars in After all that New Year’s Eve At Black Barn (19 E. 26th St., sandwiches as well as what is
managed to pour 25 drinks in five ume also translates into savings: Brooklyn and Manhattan charge. revelry, where’s a New Yorker to blackbarnrestaurant.com), the billed as “lighter, seasonal takes
minutes, which is insane,” said Ju- Yours Sincerely charges $4 to $9 Creating a menu of tap- go for brunch on Friday? Gypsy blues band La Pompe will on traditional brunch fare.”
lian Mohamed, one of the owners. for cocktails, lower than what friendly cocktails requires some A number of restaurants are perform while patrons dine on —Charles Passy
realize even narcissists have Getting a bit diverse, are come into the story and play
wants and likes and dislikes. we? [Laughs] my boyfriend again?” I said,
Although they’re warped, “OK.” And I did and I walked
they’re still real human feel- On the mostly white cast of away with an Emmy
ings. I have to bring mine to the original “Star Wars” ex- [laughs], so she wasn’t to-
his state. cept for Billy Dee Williams: tally wrong.
I try not to be judgmental Before Billy came on the
because that gets in the way scene, there was no black On being approached often
of my really understanding guy. There was a guy in by fans about voicing Darth
what’s going on. Every char- black, and I voiced him. But I Vader or Mufasa:
acter is a process. He starts, didn’t play [Darth Vader] as I love it. If a kid asks me
he breathes, he talks and he a black guy. for an autograph, whether
moves through a story. I’m But it was assumed, I it’s a helmet or a picture, I
in charge of him, but I’m guess, that whoever’s behind can’t say no. I do as many as
also responsible for him. The that mask is a black dude, I can.
audience will never under- you know? I didn’t worry I stopped receiving [re-
stand this man unless I show about that. I was given some other. OK, you have a lan- tance, that has a certain got that great look, that hor- quests] in the mail [because]
them what he’s about. very special dialogue. guage, which is Latin, Italian, stature to it—that’s the kind rible look, but the language it tends to pile up. I under-
and you go to a foreign of dialogue that George [Lu- was my only involvement in stand—not just fans, but
On actors getting out of the On how Darth Vader draws country. You gotta have a cas, creator of “Star Wars”] terms of who this man was. people who make the living
way of the work: power from the lingual ca- special language that you gave Darth Vader. It almost trading, swapping and sell-
One of the important ritu- dences of invading forces: can use, whether it’s Eng- directs itself in terms of how On his Broadway co-star, Ci- ing memorabilia. It’s OK, it’s
als beginning each play is His dialogue reminds me land, or wherever you’re it’s delivered. cely Tyson: a good job. But I can’t ac-
[when] the actor stands be- of the things they had Ro- dominating. It’s that kind of The language is the char- I knew her when she was commodate them all the
hind the dark curtain and man legions say to each dialogue—dialogue at a dis- acter for me. I mean, he’s just a kid, a very pretty girl time.
mission tickets are $250. Orga- mosphere. The anniversary party Ave., porchlightbar.com
nizers are touting an “interactive kicks off at 1 a.m. with shots
experience with live visual and magnums of Champagne, For gourmands
show.” 146 Essex St., but will still be limited to around Make the last meal of 2015 the
beautyandessex.com 80 people. Among the specialty most memorable one of the
drinks to be served that night: year. Modern American restau-
Immersive theater show Queen the Mont Blanc, featuring chest- rant Betony will serve two prix
of the Night gets the 007 treat- nut-infused Pierre Ferrand co- fixe menus on New Year’s Eve.
ment with a James Bond- gnac and Rittenhouse Rye whis- The first menu, served between
themed black-tie gala. The eight- key. Tickets are $175, plus tax 5 p.m. and 6:30 p.m., is a four
hour event begins at 6:30 p.m. and gratuity. 433 E. Sixth St.; course meal for $145 a person.
with a sit-down dinner, passed www.deathandcompany.com The later seating (from 8 p.m. to
canapés, open bar and show. 9:30 p.m., $295 per person) is an featured on the New Year’s Eve fermented huckleberries. Seat- serve breakfast from 3 a.m. to
Tickets are $450. The party, held Porchlight, Danny Meyer’s first eight-course meal with a Cham- menu at the Clocktower at the ings from 9:30 p.m. through 8 a.m. Options include the “no
at the Diamond Horseshoe at stand-alone bar, will inaugurate pagne toast at midnight. Execu- New York Edition Hotel. Execu- 10:30 p.m. 5 Madison Ave., hangover lamb stew”; home
the Paramount Hotel, is located 2016 with a New Orleans flair. tive chef Bryce Shuman will fea- tive chef Jason Atherton will theclocktowernyc.com fries with Sriracha; and resolu-
just a five-minute walk from The Chelsea bar is joining with ture dishes such as foie gras serve a five-course prix fixe tion berries topped with Avua
One Times Square, where the New Orleans bar Cure, and will torchon with black truffles and ($165 per person, with $85 op- For night owls turned Amburana whipped cream.
ball drops. 235 W. 46th St.; serve four specialty cocktails, butter poached lobster with va- tional wine pairing) that includes early birds Tickets are $100. Holiday will
queenofthenightnyc.com such as the “Jitters” (Fords Gin, nilla and turnips on both menus. dishes such as salmon tartare If, after all the Champagne also serve bacon, egg and
Meletti Anisette and Noilly Prat 41 W. 57th St., betony-nyc.com with puffed wild rice, foie gras midnight toasts, you’re still up cheese sandwiches at mid-
Downtown hotel Nomo Soho is Dry) in both locations. A $175 pot-au-feu with radishes in ver- and hungry, East Village bar night. 75 St. Marks Place,
turning over their space to an all-inclusive ticket include open Oysters, caviar and foie gras are jus and Long Island duck with Holiday Cocktail Lounge will www.holidaycocktaillounge.nyc
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A20 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
The dueling faces of glorious victory and agonizing defeat, compressed into one Knicks moment: guards Jose Calderon and Arron Afflalo at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 29.
wage gap between men and and interest, in addition to an police say. That is the kind of trated. Shares of the five ma-
women, employ- equal amount in damages. Ac- year Macau has had. jor Hong Kong-listed casino
CAREERS ers must be able cording to data cited in the The assault against Kwok operators have fallen an aver-
to prove they pay legislation, women in Califor- Wing-hung, also known as age of 48% this year as of
both genders nia earn an average 84 cents Shanghai Boy, brought a dis- Tuesday’s closing price.
equally for “substantially simi- for every dollar earned by men. mal year to an end for Macau Analysts, who previously is-
lar” work. A handful of California and its powerful VIP gambling sued reports like “Raining cash:
The rules have spurred em- companies, some in Silicon room operators. Macau’s party rolls on to
ployers to reassess the way they Valley, have been analyzing Next week when the Chi- 2020,” have found darker inspi-
pay and classify workers. Some their pay practices for a while, nese gambling city reports De- Gambling slump has jolted Macau following a five-year winning streak. ration this year, publishing re-
are puzzling over what “similar” driven not by the law but by cember monthly revenue, what search titled “Fear and loathing
means in legal terms, such as concerns about gender bias in everyone knows about Macau’s corruption and capital flight. Las Vegas Strip, the world’s in Macau,” “A falling house of
whether a marketing manager the tech industry. rotten 2015 will become offi- Revenue in November was second-largest casino market, cards,” and “Death spiral.”
and a supply-chain manager Since 2013, networking- cial. Full-year gambling reve- 16.43 billion patacas ($2.06 bil- where the gambling revenue Though few analysts expect the
have roughly equivalent jobs. equipment maker Cisco Sys- nue is expected to have fallen lion), the lowest monthly fig- haul is expected to remain slowdown to cause serious fi-
Others are conducting complex tems Inc. has had a unit that by about a third compared ure since 2010. fairly steady, hovering at over nancial problems for the still-
audits of their payrolls, seeking continuously reviews em- with last year to $30 billion, The performance stands in $6 billion for the year. Though flush casino companies, the
to uncover any disparities. Please see PAY page B5 roiled by China’s crackdown on stark contrast to that of the China’s policies have also cut Please see MACAU page B6
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B2 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Airbus Group...............B5
Al Ghurair Resources..C2
Mizuho Financial Group
..................................... C3
Freeport Mine Faces Fallout Bridgestone
Won’t Lift
Fannie Mae...........C1,C10 BY SARA SCHONHARDT
Noble Group ................ C3
FedEx...........................B2 AND BEN OTTO
American Airlines Group
Formation 8................A2
Founders Fund II.........A2
Palantir Technologies.A1 For decades, James R. Mof-
Pep Boys Bid
Anbang Insurance Group Freddie Mac..........C1,C10 People’s Insurance Co.
Freeport-McMoRanB2,C4 (Group) of China.....C10 fett guided the fortunes of the BY EZEQUIEL MINAYA
..................................... C3
Anheuser-Busch InBev Frontier Airlines ......... B1 Pep Boys-Manny Moe U.S.’s biggest mining company,
..................................... C3 G & Jack ........................ B2 Freeport-McMoRan Inc., in Bridgestone Corp. said
Apple...........................B4 Gap .............................. B5 PICC Property the crucial but sometimes Tuesday that it wouldn’t coun-
ArcelorMittal...............C4 Goodwin Procter.........C8 & Casualty................C10
tricky Indonesian marketplace. ter the latest bid for the Pep
AtWork Group.............B5 Greenland Holding
.....................................B4 The sudden resignation of Boys—Manny, Moe & Jack
B Group.........................C1
GSV Capital.................A2 Q Mr. Moffett as Freeport’s exec- submitted by billionaire inves-
Baker Hughes..............C1
H Qihoo 360 Technology B5 utive chairman, announced tor Carl Icahn earlier this
Banca delle Marche....C3
Banca Popolare Haier Group.................B5 Qualcomm...................B5 Monday, could throw a wrench week, apparently surrendering
dell'Etruria e del Lazio Hershey.......................A2 R into negotiations with the In- in what has been a continuing
..................................... C3 I Raytheon.....................B5 donesian government over the tug of war for the auto parts
Baoneng Group ........... C3 RELX Group.................A2 fate of one of Freeport’s—and and repair chain.
Barclays.......................C3 Icahn Enterprises........B2
Intel.............................A2 Rio Tinto......................C4 Indonesia’s—biggest mines, in- In a statement released on
Beijing Tianyu
Communication Invesco.........................C2 S dustry analysts say. Tuesday, the Japanese tire
Equipment.................B5 J SABMiller....................C3 At stake is a contract gov- maker said it wouldn’t re-
BlackRock....................C2 JLL ............................... C8 Salesforce ................... B5 erning the operation of Free- spond to the latest offer
Boeing ......................... B5 Johnson Controls........C8 Sidecar Technologies..B5
port’s Grasberg mine, an im- fielded on Monday by Icahn
Bridgestone.................B2 Silveus Insurance Group
Briggs & Stratton.......D1
K .....................................B3 mense open-pit excavation in Enterprises LP of $18.50 a
C KaloBios Simon Property GroupC8 the remote eastern-Indonesian share, which valued Pep Boys
Pharmaceuticals.......B2 Southwest Airlines .... B1 province of Papua. at $1 billion and topped
Cassa di Risparmio della
L Spirit AeroSystems Grasberg is one of the Bridgestone’s own sweetened
Lego.............................B1 Holdings....................B5
Provincia di Chieti....C3 Spirit Airlines ............. B1 world’s biggest producers of deal.
Cassa di Risparmio di Lehman Brothers gold and copper, and has Freeport aims to renew its contract for the Grasberg mine. Pep Boys in a news release
Holdings....................C2 Sumitomo Mitsui
LexisNexis Risk Financial Group.........C3 played a central part in Free- said its board of directors had
CBRE Group.................C8
Chesapeake Energy.....C4 Solutions .................. A2 T port’s business since 1988, departure might affect Free- ary deadline to set a price at determined Mr. Icahn’s offer
China Resources Land C3 Lockheed Martin.........B5 Tesla Motors.............C10 when exploration under the port’s business and referred which the government or state was at that time superior to
China Vanke ................ C3 Lyft..............................B5 Transcorp Hotels........A2 guidance of Mr. Moffett, a ge- questions to company repre- agencies can purchase the Bridgestone’s. Bridgestone had
Cisco Systems.............B1 M Triumph Group............B5 ologist and former wildcatter, sentatives in the U.S. stake. until 5 p.m. ET Thursday to re-
Comcast ...................... A2 Twitter ........................ B4
Macy's.........................B5 found the deposits. A U.S.-based spokesman for The mining company’s ex- spond before Pep Boys could
Consol Energy.............C4 Marathon Oil .............. A2 U
Coolpad Group.............B5 Grasberg accounted for a Freeport said in an email that periences in Indonesia mirror have terminated its agree-
Marathon Petroleum..A2 Uber Technologies.A2,B5
Cushman & Wakefield C8 McGraw Hill Financial C8 United Continental
sixth of Freeport’s copper and Mr. Moffett “will provide ad- the travails of many mining ment.
D Melco Crown Holdings....................B1 93% of its gold production in vice and consult with the com- firms that are trying to rebuild The competing companies
Daiwa Securities Group Entertainment..........B6 UpSpring ..................... A2 2014, pulling in $3 billion out pany regarding PT Freeport operations while juggling res- have been engaged in an ex-
..................................... C2 MGM Resorts V of Freeport’s $21.4 billion in Indonesia’s” continuing con- tive investors and tumbling tended bidding war for the
Deere...........................B3 International.............B6 global revenue. tract negotiations with the In- global demand for many of the chain.
Valeant Pharmaceuticals
Delta Air Lines ........... B1 Milliman......................A6
Dow Chemical.............B3 Mithril Capital
International.............C1 Mr. Moffett was “the key donesian government. His res- commodities they produce. In Pep Boys had agreed last
DTZ .............................. C8 Management ............ A2 X connector” between Freeport ignation from Freeport- August activist investor Carl week to Bridgestone’s higher
DuPont ........................ B3 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Xiaomi.........................A2 and Indonesian officials, with McMoRan’s board won’t affect Icahn revealed he had taken an takeover offer of $17 a share,
relationships and experience the company’s operations or 8.5% stake in Freeport. which had arrived just before
BY EZEQUIEL MINAYA hasn’t filed a quarterly report delivery on its two-day and expedited delivery to get gifts earlier in the week. On that
for its quarter ended Sept. 30. three-day shipping options. So by Christmas Eve. day, those companies, along
Biotech firm KaloBios In a news release, the com- by Dec. 21, UPS said packages UPS spokesman Steve Gaut with the U.S. Postal Service,
Pharmaceuticals Inc., under pany said it submitted an ap- using three-day shipping said only a very small percent- delivered an estimated 60 mil-
scrutiny following the arrest peal request on Monday. Had would miss the holiday en- age of deliveries needed the lion packages, ShipMatrix said.
of former Chief Executive Mar- KaloBios not appealed, its stock tirely, according to its holiday extra day. Ahead of the holidays, UPS
tin Shkreli, said Tuesday that would have been suspended service schedule that was Retail consultancy Kurt forecast an increase of more
an appeal of its delisting from from trading on Nasdaq at the given to customers in October. Salmon said retailers pushed UPS CEO David Abney in May than 10% to 630 million pack-
the Nasdaq Stock Market has opening of business Wednesday. The move, which was put in their last-ship date one day ages between Black Friday and
been scheduled for Feb. 25. The outspoken Mr. Shkreli place for the first time this later than last year, on aver- a last-minute surge of orders New Year’s Eve. UPS declined
The stock was halted at had been in the spotlight since year, was intended to encour- age, to Dec. 21. Overall, though in 2013, and then overcompen- to provide updated numbers.
$23.59 after the arrest of Mr. this fall, when another of his age retailers to send out more Kurt Salmon found improve- sated last year leaving the net- But early indications suggest
Shkreli earlier this month for al- companies, Turing Pharmaceu- packages the weekend before ments in on-time delivery this work underused. The company that online sales grew substan-
legedly misleading investors in ticals AG, bought the rights to Christmas to avoid swamping year to about 94% of packages spent an extra $200 million tially this year.
his hedge funds and raiding a a drug used to treat parasitic UPS’s network in the final days compared with last year’s 87%. each year as it overran budget. UPS had a rockier start to
public company to cover the infections and raised its price before the holiday. Advance UPS’s experience this year This year, UPS tried to stay the holiday season, after on-
losses. Mr. Shkreli pleaded not more than 50-fold. The 32- planning helped move the car- contrasts with rival FedEx in closer contact with retailers line orders over Thanksgiving
guilty and has denied all year-old Mr. Shkreli defended rier’s busiest delivery day to a Corp. which faced a flood of than in years previous, send- weekend and into Cyber Mon-
charges. KaloBios fired Mr. the price increases. day earlier on Dec. 21, instead last-minute e-commerce or- ing some employees to be eyes day caused delays at locations
Shkreli after he was charged. Evan L. Greebel, a lawyer of Dec. 22 of the holiday week, ders and had to send out driv- on the ground, Mr. Abney said. in the Northeast, Texas and
The delisting letter from who worked with Mr. Shkreli when it had forecast its driv- ers on Christmas day after se- In addition, UPS declined California. Following those
Nasdaq cited the charges re- and was outside counsel for ers would deliver 36 million vere weather-related delays. some last-minute packages hiccups, Mr. Abney said that
lated to Mr. Shkreli and an- KaloBios, also was arrested for packages. It also follows two years of from retailers that were trying UPS’s on-time rate stayed at
other company official as well his role in the alleged scheme. “That was a real key to our holiday troubles at UPS, when to shift volume away from between 97% and 98% through
as the fact that KaloBios He has pleaded not guilty. success the week of Christ- the carrier struggled first with other delivery companies be- last week.
at the University of California, Ms. Costa’s team was enthusi- “We just had to wait for
Davis. Ms. Sweet remains crit- astic about launching Lego the controversy to die out,”
ical. “Pinkified building sets Friends. The new sets, how- said Ms. Schinkel Stamp, the
may bring more girls into ever, immediately unleashed a senior design manager.
building but they still send the torrent of criticism from fem-
clear message that girls are inist groups. A U.S. activist
fundamentally less capable organization, the Spark
than boys when it comes to
building,” she said.
A Lego employee inspects cat figurines from the Lego Friends collection in the Czech Republic. Movement, gathered 50,000
signatures with an online pe-
SAVE $170
The first attempt to target began offering Belville sets, sought to relaunch Scala, years but pulled the plug on tition in 2012 and requested a on 15 Great Wines
girls with specific toys came which came with names such this time with dolls. Scala in 2001. meeting with Lego executives.
in 1979, when Lego intro- as “Rosita’s Wonderful Sta- “Scala was a departure In the early 2000s, Lego Another group, Feminist Fre-
duced Scala, a range of build- ble” and “Vanilla’s Magic Tea from the Lego system of faced hefty financial difficul- quency, also complained.
able jewelry. The line was dis- Party.” The sets were com- bricks,” said Jonathan Bender, ties and put new girl proj- “We were so disap-
continued a year later. patible with the Lego brick author of a book on Lego. “It ects under wrap. In 2007, pointed,” said Dana Edell, ex-
In 1992, Lego made a new system but came with larger was a different play experi- however, Ms. Costa, the de- ecutive director of the Spark
push with Paradisa, pink and pieces for an easier build. ence that didn’t fit with the sign director, said she re- Movement. “Lego was send-
pastel-colored sets focused Lego stopped offering the rest of the Lego universe.” ceived a new brief: “To make ing a message that girls get Go to
on beach life and horse rid- Paradisa line in 1997. That Lego kept Belville sets on a truly girly product that to play with hair dryers wsjwine.com/now
ing. In a parallel effort, Lego same year, the company its catalog for a few more was truly a Lego product.” while boys get to build air-
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | B3
ing the Dow tie-up. pork operations, spun off a of bumper crops and benevo-
The layoffs, which represent hedge-fund unit and acquired lent weather, according to
about a quarter of DuPont’s a Norwegian fish-feed pro- Keith Coble, a professor of ag-
Delaware-based employees, ducer, while slimming its exec- ricultural economics at Missis-
come as DuPont consolidates utive leadership team in a bid sippi State University.
some of its scientific research to make the 150-year-old com- Futures prices for corn, the
operations and moves corpo- pany more nimble. most widely grown U.S.
rate functions to other loca- Cargill Chief Executive Da- crop, have declined nearly 50%
tions that are closer to its cus- The resizing will affect a quarter of employees at Wilmington, Del., DuPont’s home for 213 years. vid MacLennan is steering the during the past three years,
tomers, Mr. Breen wrote. shift amid sharp swings in while soybean and wheat fu-
“The effect in Delaware will “Especially given that we top of the $700 million in an- save $300 million in annual Cargill’s financial perfor- tures both are down about
be significant, reflecting the are in the middle of the holi- nual savings DuPont is seeking costs. Mr. Breen wrote that the mance, as a third consecutive 40%. Other players, including
urgent need to restructure our days, we would have preferred before the merger. specialty-products company— year of declining crop prices tractor maker Deere & Co. and
cost base and, as part of that to wait until individual notifi- The cost cuts outlined in which will produce food ingre- weighs on the U.S. farm econ- biotech seed giant Monsanto
effort, reduce our corporate cations were complete before the planned Dow-DuPont dients, bullet-resistant fibers omy. Cargill in October re- Co., have sold crop-insurance
overhead costs so that we can reporting the full local im- merger, which would create an and solar-panel components— ported a 20% jump in fiscal units in the past year.
remain competitive,” he wrote. pact,” Mr. Breen wrote. entity with roughly $120 bil- will be based in Wilmington.
Delaware state law required Laid-off employees will be lion in market value, have The businesses generated a
DuPont to file a notice of the provided separation packages, stoked anxiety in both Wil- combined $13 billion in sales
layoff plans by Dec. 31, forcing career-placement services and in 2014.
the company to outline it pub- training allowances, according A. Richard Heffron, presi-
licly before all affected individ- to the letter.
The DuPont-Dow dent of the Delaware State
ual employees were told the The deal, announced Dec. 11, deal is expected to Chamber of Commerce, said
news, according to Mr. Breen. is expected to close in the sec- the news was a blow but not a
DuPont already had been ond half of 2016, pending ap-
strip out $3 billion total surprise given DuPont’s
scaling back its Delaware proval from regulators. in annual costs. stepped-up efforts to cut costs
workforce, which has declined Under DuPont’s deal with in recent years, as the com-
to about 6,100 from more than longtime rival Dow, the pair pany’s profit suffered from a
7,000 before spinning off its plan to strip out $3 billion in mington and Dow’s hometown rising U.S. dollar and slumping
performance-chemicals divi- annual costs from the com- of Midland, Mich., with both commodity prices.
sion as Chemours Co. in July. bined company before it splits cities’ histories entwined with “DuPont was Delaware,”
DuPont, which announced in into three separate businesses, the companies. said Mr. Heffron, who wel-
mid-December a plan to cut focused on agriculture, indus- Dow also has been shedding comed the news that one of
about 10% of its global work- trial materials and specialty jobs, announcing in May a re- the spinoff companies would
force, hadn’t previously out- products including food ingre- structuring that would elimi- remain in Wilmington. “On the
lined how many of the affected dients and electronic compo- nate 1,500 to 1,750 jobs, or other hand the world’s chang-
positions would be in Wilming- nents. about 2.8% to 3.3% of its 2014 ing, and you’ve got to adapt to
ton. Those planned cuts are on staff level, in a plan to help the changes.” Cargill’s CEO David MacLennan spoke in Nigeria earlier this year.
DRONES Twitter
Continued from page B1
been heavily involved in
Hires New
sketching out potential ap-
proaches to integrating drones
into U.S. airspace.
Head of
On Tuesday, an FAA official
said Mr. Walker wasn’t ex-
pressing agency policy, be-
cause the FAA “has not taken
a position regarding” the issue
and isn’t currently drafting
From Apple
any regulations mandating any BY YOREE KOH
particular technology or ap-
proach. Twitter Inc. recruited a
Nonetheless, the concept new head of diversity from
Mr. Walker sketched out also Apple Inc. in the face of criti-
is under consideration by vari- cism that its workforce, like
ous RTCA and industry advi- many of its Silicon Valley
sory groups. peers, is mostly white men.
The deliberations are still Jeffrey Siminoff, who is a
at an early stage. Reaching in- white male, tweeted on Mon-
dustry and government con- day that he will begin next
sensus on a detailed regula- month as Twitter’s vice presi-
tory framework is expected to dent of diversity and inclusion.
take at least several years, and Mr. Siminoff held a similar role
finalizing regulations could at Apple for the past 2½ years.
board,” Mr. Kirby said in a re- phabet Inc.’s Google and Yahoo
cent interview. “And that has Inc. started releasing annual di-
been an evolution.” versity reports in recent years.
The full-service airlines The picture looks largely the
Continued from page B1 “have been competing on the same: a predominantly male
big carriers were criticized for high-end business travelers,” workforce that is mostly white
much of the year by politicians said Jonathan Kletzel, a trans- or Asian. There is a severe lack
and consumer groups who portation consultant for Price- of other minorities and women,
said they were using combined waterhouseCoopers LLP. particularly in engineering and
market power created by in- They have “ignored” infre- senior management positions.
dustry consolidation to keep quent, price-conscious, leisure Twitter’s diversity is on the
fares high. travelers and now “they have lower end among tech compa-
But executives say market realized they need to stem the nies that have reported their
dynamics, not criticism, are bleeding” to lower-fare rivals. numbers. Women accounted for
causing them to adjust, as Fare fights can quickly esca- 34% of its overall staff world-
they feel increasingly com- late at big airports like Chi- wide, according to the com-
pelled to take the super dis- cago’s O’Hare, a hub for Ameri- pany’s most recent diversity
counters’ growing popularity can and United. Jim Compton, report released in August. But
more seriously. United’s chief revenue officer, when it comes to “tech” roles,
Scott Kirby, president of said recently that his airline women made up 13% of those
American, said its response to was pressured after American jobs and less than a quarter of
discounters now is “more at O’Hare started trying to leadership positions, among
comprehensive” than its prior match pricing from Southwest, the lowest percentages among
“hit or miss” approach. He which flies out of Chicago’s its peers that have reported.
said 87% of American’s cus- Midway Airport. “Once a large Fare fights can quickly escalate in big airports like Chicago’s O’Hare, a hub for American and United. Underrepresented minori-
tomers, accounting for half its competitor does that, it’s a lot ties such as blacks and His-
revenue, fly once a year or of inventory at O’Hare that’s law that limited its destina- ture” the position of being existing planes to lower panics have fared worse at
less and are largely price-sen- exposed competitively,” he said. tions from that airport was re- the lowest-cost carrier, but costs. That has reduced a key Twitter. In the U.S., underrep-
sitive, a group that is too big In Dallas, Southwest pealed in late 2014. Andrew currently is being under- metric called unit revenue— resented minorities working at
to ignore. boosted its number of seats Watterson, a Southwest senior cut by some of the ultra dis- the amount airlines take in for Twitter fell to 10% as of Au-
“We are being price com- out of Love Field by 46% this vice president, said the airline counters. each passenger flown a mile— gust 2015, down from 12% the
petitive really across the year alone from 2014, after a “certainly aspires to recap- Delta, taking a surgical ap- raising concern among inves- previous year.
proach, three years ago tors even as airlines have been Twitter is one of the few
started offering “Basic Econ- reporting record prof- companies that have laid
omy” fares on a few routes its. American expects its out self-imposed goals to in-
that overlapped with discount- fourth-quarter unit revenue to crease diversity at the com-
THE GIFT OF YOUR DREAMS IS ers as a defensive move, said
Glen Hauenstein, chief revenue
be off by 5% to 7% from a year
ago, after falling 6.8% in the
pany next year. But an essay
that ran on digital publishing
officer. Now these fares are third quarter. platform Medium by a former
available on about 450 The discounters also are senior engineer in October
routes, he said, offering mod- taking hits. Spirit’s average pointed to the kind of biases
estly lower prices but allowing one-way ticket revenue in the among the upper ranks that
no itinerary changes or ad- third quarter was down nearly tend to slow diversity efforts.
Immersive, total-body massage in The World’s Best Massage Chair. vance seat assignments. 21% from the year before— In one instance, Leslie Miley,
Incomparable, customized, pre-programmed shiatsu massage sessions American and United re- though revenue from fees the engineer who wrote the
offer you complete escape from the pressure of daily life— cently have said they plan sim- was roughly flat. Spirit’s stock post, described an alleged inci-
every day, any time, and in your own home. Melt away stress, ilar no-frills fares. Brett Hart, price, riding high at $82 in dent where he asked the senior
United’s acting chief executive, February, started sliding in vice president of engineering
find abiding calm, relieve back pain and improve your overall said its program is intended to April and hit a low of $33 in what steps the department was
sense of well-being. Act now to buy the gift of your dreams be “an elegant way to appeal mid-November. It has recov- taking to increase diversity. Mr.
and take advantage of our unprecedented to our whole base,” including ered to $42.46, up 0.6%, in 4 Miley, who is black, wrote that
$1,000 instant manufacturer rebate. customers who could fly with p.m. trading Tuesday. the executive’s response was,
Spirit or Frontier. “We service Spirit CEO Ben Baldanza said “diversity is important, but we
a broad array of customers in an interview that the big car- can’t lower the bar.”
Inada Flex 3s who are interested in different
things when they travel,” he
riers have long tried to insulate
themselves from discounters’
Responding to Mr. Miley’s
post, the engineering executive,
Model# HCP-373A said in an interview. United fares. But this year “American Alex Roetter, wrote on Me-
has “to be realistic.” has taken a more aggressive dium that the comments attri-
MSRP $7,799 While lowering fares, air- tack against Spirit, Frontier and buted to him weren’t accurate.
Our Price: lines also have added seats to Southwest, clearly,” he said. Nevertheless, he apologized
and said, “I realize that we have
$5,999 blind spots, myself included.”
SALE PRICE Costa Rica 9 Day Tour $1095 Mr. Miley was laid off in
Guided Tours Since 1952 +tax,fees Mr. Siminoff in the past has
$4,999 Guatemala, Tikal 10 days $1295
● Costa Rica 9 days $1095
promoted the inclusion of les-
bian, gay, bisexual and transgen-
$1,000 OFF Panama & Canal 8 days $1195
Nova Scotia, P�E�I� 10 days $1395
der people in the business com-
munity. He is a founding
Mention Offer Code: TW151 Canadian Rockies 9 days $1595 member of Out Leadership, a
Grand Canyon 8 days $1395 strategic advisory firm that
Volcanoes, Rainforests, and California Coast 8 days $1395 works toward the inclusion of
Beaches. All Meals Included! Mount Rushmore 8 days $1295 LGBT in senior leadership posts.
MADE IN JAPAN Caravan makes it so easy and New England 8 days $1295 But the company’s decision
affordable to visit Costa Rica. to hire Mr. Siminoff frustrated
9-Day fully guided vacation “ Brilliant, Affordable Pricing ” some on Twitter. “Not saying a
888.727.2150 · Store.InadaUSA.com package. Call for choice dates.
—Arthur Frommer, Travel Editor
white guy can’t be head of di-
—¡Hasta la vista! Free 28-Page Brochure: versity but for a company that
Save $1,000 + FREE White Glove Delivery—$450 Value! + 30-Day Home Trial hires a majority of white guys it
Instant manufacturer rebate expires December 31, 2015. Some restrictions apply. sends the wrong message,”
Delivery surcharges may apply outside metropolitan areas. Call for details. Mark Luckie, a former Twitter
employee who is also black,
wrote on Twitter on Tuesday.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | B5
based company. Investors wel-
comed the appointment,
sending the company’s share
price up more than 19% to
$40.98 on Tuesday.
An outside firm helped Gap verify what an internal audit found in 2014: that the retailer pays men and women commensurately. Mr. Crowley formerly ran a
unit of weapons maker Ray-
in streamlining operations at
Continued from page B1 these differences and confirm sponsibilities as a rationale for future,” said Jason Leverant, fective Jan. 4 from Triumph other companies, Cowen & Co.
ployee salaries to ensure that there are bona fide factors pay disparities. president of AtWork Group, a founder Richard C. Ill, who left analyst Cai von Rumohr said. “
men and women are being other than sex driving any “Most differences in pay national staffing agency based retirement in April to become Mr. Crowley is the second
paid fairly. The initial gender kind of pay gap,” said Elaine scales between men and in Knoxville, Tenn., with nine acting chief executive after the former Lockheed Martin exec-
gap in salaries was “a very Reardon, a director at Beverly women aren’t because they’re branches and about 30 corpo- departure of former CEO Jef- utive to be recruited to fix a
small percentage,” and Cisco Hills-based Resolution Eco- in the same job, but because rate employees in California. fry D. Frisby. struggling aerospace parts
adjusted pay accordingly, a nomics, which helps compa- they’re in female- or male- The firm’s outside counsel Mr. Frisby had left the com- supplier. Larry Lawson, who
company spokeswoman says, nies conduct pay audits. She dominated job categories,” in California recently gave an pany amid problems in some worked at the defense giant’s
but she couldn’t specify how estimated the process can take said Martha West, professor of employment-law update for contracts including parts for aeronautics unit at the same
much it spent in the process. three to six months. law emerita at the University AtWork’s local department Boeing’s 747-8 jumbo jet that time as Mr. Crowley, joined
Salesforce.com Inc. began Such audits may encourage of California, Davis, School of heads and divisional leaders, led Triumph to take a $152 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings
looking into pay equity earlier employers to standardize the Law. and pay legislation was cov- million charge to earnings ear- Inc. in April 2013, after his
this year after two high-rank- way they set pay, instead of Still, the law leaves open ered. “We want to make sure lier this year. Triumph at the predecessor, Jeffrey Turner,
ing women, including human- deciding it, as many companies the question of which jobs can our people are aware of this. It time had said it would seek a resigned following cost over-
resources chief Cindy Robbins, do, on a case-by-case basis, be considered similar. Is a can get pricey if you don’t permanent replacement for runs on several programs. The
suggested to Chief Executive said Caroline Simard, leader of women’s soccer coach similar comply,” Mr. Leverant. Mr. Frisby. In September, Boe- price of shares in Wichita,
Marc Benioff that the online the diversity and workplace to a men’s soccer coach? An The new law bars employ- ing said it would bring some Kan.,-based Spirit since have
software vendor examine its transformation practice at Ex- assistant manager of HR, and ers from punishing workers 747 work previously done by advanced more than 150%.
practices. An initial assess- ponential Talent LLC, a Bay one in accounting? who discuss salaries with col- Triumph in-house. Triumph Chairman Ralph E.
ment “didn’t find a lot of dis- Area consulting firm. “Stan- “It will take several court leagues. That is a potentially Triumph has been strug- Eberhart said Mr. Crowley’s
parity,” Ms. Robbins said in an dardization can be really good decisions or agency decisions significant restriction because gling despite booming busi- appointment comes “at an im-
interview this fall. But the for more equality,” she said. to work out how broadly the it could spur more workers to ness at Boeing and its Euro- portant time in our company’s
company spent $3 million this The firm helped Gap Inc. term ‘similar’ will be defined,” talk about and challenge pay pean rival Airbus. The world’s history as we look to enhance
year raising the salaries of analyze its pay data this year said Ms. West. disparities internally before two largest aircraft makers are competitiveness and profit-
some women and a few men to to verify what an internal au- The law applies to all work- pursuing complaints or litiga- poised to deliver a record ability.” He said the new CEO
reach pay parity. dit found in 2014, that the re- ers in California, regardless of tion, said Ms. West, the law number of planes this year brought “strategic and opera-
Assessing pay is difficult, tailer pays men and women their employer’s size or where professor. and have a backlog of orders tional expertise, and deep un-
according to statisticians who commensurately. the company is based, said Women need to “talk to each for some models stretching derstanding of the aerospace
specialize in pay audits, be- Gov. Jerry Brown signed Gary Gansle, a partner in the other and talk to their male col- beyond 2020. and defense industry.”
cause most HR systems don’t the Fair Pay Act into law in Palo Alto office of law firm leagues,” she said. “And if Triumph had slumped 42% Mr. Ill, who was Triumph’s
capture all the information October, expanding a 1963 fed- Squire Patton Boggs LLP. women start organizing at this year through Monday. The chief executive between 1993
needed to group similar jobs. eral regulation prohibiting Managers of small busi- work, that will put pressure on company reported net of and 2012 before returning as
Moreover, they typically lack companies from paying men nesses and companies with employers to correct differences $238.7 million on $3.89 billion acting CEO this year will re-
enough data on individual and women differently for just a handful of workers in before anyone has to sue.” in revenue for the fiscal year main a member of the board.
workers to understand equal work. The “similar the state say the law is —Georgia Wells ended March 31. Mr. Crowley Mr. Crowley also will join the
whether legitimate factors— work” provision is important, prompting discussion and contributed to this article. has a track record of success company’s board.
based company. Investors wel-
comed the appointment,
sending the company’s share
price up more than 19% to
$40.98 on Tuesday.
An outside firm helped Gap verify what an internal audit found in 2014: that the retailer pays men and women commensurately. Mr. Crowley formerly ran a
unit of weapons maker Ray-
in streamlining operations at
Continued from page B1 these differences and confirm sponsibilities as a rationale for future,” said Jason Leverant, fective Jan. 4 from Triumph other companies, Cowen & Co.
ployee salaries to ensure that there are bona fide factors pay disparities. president of AtWork Group, a founder Richard C. Ill, who left analyst Cai von Rumohr said. “
men and women are being other than sex driving any “Most differences in pay national staffing agency based retirement in April to become Mr. Crowley is the second
paid fairly. The initial gender kind of pay gap,” said Elaine scales between men and in Knoxville, Tenn., with nine acting chief executive after the former Lockheed Martin exec-
gap in salaries was “a very Reardon, a director at Beverly women aren’t because they’re branches and about 30 corpo- departure of former CEO Jef- utive to be recruited to fix a
small percentage,” and Cisco Hills-based Resolution Eco- in the same job, but because rate employees in California. fry D. Frisby. struggling aerospace parts
adjusted pay accordingly, a nomics, which helps compa- they’re in female- or male- The firm’s outside counsel Mr. Frisby had left the com- supplier. Larry Lawson, who
company spokeswoman says, nies conduct pay audits. She dominated job categories,” in California recently gave an pany amid problems in some worked at the defense giant’s
but she couldn’t specify how estimated the process can take said Martha West, professor of employment-law update for contracts including parts for aeronautics unit at the same
much it spent in the process. three to six months. law emerita at the University AtWork’s local department Boeing’s 747-8 jumbo jet that time as Mr. Crowley, joined
Salesforce.com Inc. began Such audits may encourage of California, Davis, School of heads and divisional leaders, led Triumph to take a $152 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings
looking into pay equity earlier employers to standardize the Law. and pay legislation was cov- million charge to earnings ear- Inc. in April 2013, after his
this year after two high-rank- way they set pay, instead of Still, the law leaves open ered. “We want to make sure lier this year. Triumph at the predecessor, Jeffrey Turner,
ing women, including human- deciding it, as many companies the question of which jobs can our people are aware of this. It time had said it would seek a resigned following cost over-
resources chief Cindy Robbins, do, on a case-by-case basis, be considered similar. Is a can get pricey if you don’t permanent replacement for runs on several programs. The
suggested to Chief Executive said Caroline Simard, leader of women’s soccer coach similar comply,” Mr. Leverant. Mr. Frisby. In September, Boe- price of shares in Wichita,
Marc Benioff that the online the diversity and workplace to a men’s soccer coach? An The new law bars employ- ing said it would bring some Kan.,-based Spirit since have
software vendor examine its transformation practice at Ex- assistant manager of HR, and ers from punishing workers 747 work previously done by advanced more than 150%.
practices. An initial assess- ponential Talent LLC, a Bay one in accounting? who discuss salaries with col- Triumph in-house. Triumph Chairman Ralph E.
ment “didn’t find a lot of dis- Area consulting firm. “Stan- “It will take several court leagues. That is a potentially Triumph has been strug- Eberhart said Mr. Crowley’s
parity,” Ms. Robbins said in an dardization can be really good decisions or agency decisions significant restriction because gling despite booming busi- appointment comes “at an im-
interview this fall. But the for more equality,” she said. to work out how broadly the it could spur more workers to ness at Boeing and its Euro- portant time in our company’s
company spent $3 million this The firm helped Gap Inc. term ‘similar’ will be defined,” talk about and challenge pay pean rival Airbus. The world’s history as we look to enhance
year raising the salaries of analyze its pay data this year said Ms. West. disparities internally before two largest aircraft makers are competitiveness and profit-
some women and a few men to to verify what an internal au- The law applies to all work- pursuing complaints or litiga- poised to deliver a record ability.” He said the new CEO
reach pay parity. dit found in 2014, that the re- ers in California, regardless of tion, said Ms. West, the law number of planes this year brought “strategic and opera-
Assessing pay is difficult, tailer pays men and women their employer’s size or where professor. and have a backlog of orders tional expertise, and deep un-
according to statisticians who commensurately. the company is based, said Women need to “talk to each for some models stretching derstanding of the aerospace
specialize in pay audits, be- Gov. Jerry Brown signed Gary Gansle, a partner in the other and talk to their male col- beyond 2020. and defense industry.”
cause most HR systems don’t the Fair Pay Act into law in Palo Alto office of law firm leagues,” she said. “And if Triumph had slumped 42% Mr. Ill, who was Triumph’s
capture all the information October, expanding a 1963 fed- Squire Patton Boggs LLP. women start organizing at this year through Monday. The chief executive between 1993
needed to group similar jobs. eral regulation prohibiting Managers of small busi- work, that will put pressure on company reported net of and 2012 before returning as
Moreover, they typically lack companies from paying men nesses and companies with employers to correct differences $238.7 million on $3.89 billion acting CEO this year will re-
enough data on individual and women differently for just a handful of workers in before anyone has to sue.” in revenue for the fiscal year main a member of the board.
workers to understand equal work. The “similar the state say the law is —Georgia Wells ended March 31. Mr. Crowley Mr. Crowley also will join the
whether legitimate factors— work” provision is important, prompting discussion and contributed to this article. has a track record of success company’s board.
" & % #
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The cookware sets in the re- and Coolpad Group Ltd. that sells
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call were sold from January 2011 smartphones and other products. ( '
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to September 2015 at Macy’s for Financial terms weren’t dis- + )
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© 2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. E11' 6:
includes only the frying pans. wireless technologies. believes it is acting legally. All Rights Reserved.
, )))8
# btw the hours of 11-6
According to the CPSC, Qualcomm’s announcement —Don Clark and Anne Steele
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B6 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
The city may also post the Mr. Kwok’s VIP rooms to shut, ent’s alleged gambling debt
first annual decline in main- leaving him with financial dis- and business dealings in Macau
land tourists since visa relax- putes and considerable per- and said that Mr. Kwok had “no
ations allowed individual visi- sonal gambling debts—a com- opinion” of the local media’s
tors from China, also in 2003, mon fate in Macau this year— description of him as a promi-
prompting calls for extensive one of the people said. Junket nent organized-crime figure.
diversification of tourism—a operators like Mr. Kwok have The same day of Mr. Kwok’s
pillar of the city’s economy. borne the brunt of the down- assault, top Macau and China
Luxury sales in Hong Kong turn, with VIP gambling reve- officials were celebrating the
began to decline in late 2013 Hong Kong’s luxury retailers have turned to discounting and sales promotions to draw customers. nue declining 44% this year 16th anniversary of Macau’s
after Beijing started cracking through November compared return to Chinese rule. Exactly
down on corruption and con- eight straight months on the six months ended Septem- with the overall industry’s 35% a year prior, Chinese President
spicuous consumption. Also, lower tourist spending, with Chinese in Hong Kong ber and June, respectively. fall and a 22% drop at mass- Xi Jinping visited Macau to
Chinese shoppers are increas- total retail sales down 2.7% Chinese tourists drove retail and “The city has been very fo- market gambling tables, ac- mark the handover anniver-
ingly choosing Japan over year-over-year for the first 10 commercial property growth for cused on Chinese tourists and cording to data from Daiwa sary and telegraphed the bad
Hong Kong because of a weak- months of 2015. That is years, but the inflow is slowing. shopping, and underinvesting Capital Markets. luck that would lie ahead,
ening yuan and a strengthen- steeper than the 2.6% decline Through October
in building new tourist attrac- According to the police re- warning that the territory’s
ing Hong Kong dollar, as it is recorded in all of 2003. In Oc- 50 tions and experiences,” said port, the reason for the attack overreliance on the gambling
pegged to the U.S. dollar. tober, Hong Kong saw a 38.5% Chinese tourists, Mariana Kou, an analyst at on 57-year-old Mr. Kwok is un- industry had caused “deep-
Spending by Chinese tour- drop in sales of Swiss watches, 40 in millions brokerage CLSA. “Hong Kong known and the assailant, who seated problems.”
ists has been the main driver said the Federation of the needs to transform into a fled the scene, hasn't been ar- “The situation in Macau is
of retail and commercial prop- Swiss Watch Industry. Other 30
more diversified tourist desti- rested. A police organized- like it was in the late 1990s”
erty sectors in Hong Kong in brands, like Chanel, went the nation,” she said. crime team is handling the in- ahead of the handover, said
recent years, as the number of unusual route of slashing the China’s increasingly mobile vestigation, the report said. Agnes Lam, president of Ma-
mainland tourists rose. The price of an iconic bag by over 20 and affluent middle class has A spokeswoman for Melco cao Civic Power, considered a
number of Chinese tourist ar- 24% in Hong Kong. meant big business for travel- Crown declined to comment, moderate pro-democracy
rivals was 15% lower in No- “The ‘luxury supermarket’ 10 related companies including and a spokesman for MGM said group. “Something big is going
vember compared with a year image is no longer attractive” airlines, travel agencies and the company has never had a to change. The power will
ago, the steepest decline all for Hong Kong, said Clement luggage makers. Despite a business relationship with Mr. shift,” said Ms. Lam, who is
year, extending the year-to- Kwok, chief executive at the slowing economy and a stock- Kwok. Ownership of VIP gam- also assistant dean on the fac-
date fall in Chinese visitors. Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels 2000 ’10 15 market collapse this summer, bling operations in Macau is of- ulty of social sciences at the
Hong Kong’s tourism com- Ltd., owner of the city’s iconic Sources: Hong Kong Tourism Board, CEIC Chinese tourists are projected ten opaque. A spokeswoman for University of Macau.
mission says the city’s tourism Peninsula Hotel. The Peninsula THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. to spend over $200 billion the Peninsula, which was The changing policies are
industry has “entered a con- Hotel saw occupancy rates abroad for 2015. crowded with tourists waiting coming at exactly the wrong
solidation period” after a de- drop 3% in the third quarter ers this year as the Chinese The stronger U.S. dollar has for its famous afternoon tea at time for Macau’s casino opera-
cade of growth, and says it is from a year earlier. “There is economy slowed. Milan Sta- also made traveling to Hong the time of the attack, con- tors, who are in the middle of a
now targeting “high-spending an urgent need for a new mar- tion, a vendor of secondhand Kong more expensive, as the firmed that someone had been $20 billion expansion push. In
overnight visitors” from other keting campaign to rebrand handbags, said revenue in its local currency is pegged to the assaulted at the hotel. October, Melco Crown opened
markets to help fill the city’s Hong Kong as a dynamic, ex- Hong Kong shops fell over 28% dollar. Destinations with Mr. Kwok couldn’t be Studio City, a $3.2 billion Hol-
myriad shopping malls and ho- citing and relevant modern in the first half of the year, weaker currencies such as reached for comment but was lywood-inspired resort without
tel rooms. Meanwhile, retail city,” Mr. Kwok said. while cosmetic retailers Sa Sa Japan and Europe have at- filmed by local media leaving a any VIP gambling rooms—
sales in the formerly bustling The slump in retail sales and Bonjour reported revenue tracted Chinese vacationers hospital late that night sporting something that would have
shopping hub have fallen for spread to mass-market retail- declines of 10.6% and 14.4% in there instead. one of his signature white suits been unimaginable a year ago.
Scoops. Hard News. Features. Videos. There’s always more to a story, and you get it first with the Journal.
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Value Hidden
Dow Is Energized In PICC Group
Blue chips advance 192.71 IN THE MARKETS | C4 THE STREET | C10
© 2015 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | C1
DJIA 17720.98 À 192.71 1.10% S&P 2078.36 À 1.06% NASDAQ 5107.94 À 1.33% 10–YR. TREAS. g 24/32, yield 2.310% OIL $37.87 À $1.06 EURO $1.0921 YEN 120.45 See more at WSJMarkets.com
After Ailing, Risk Transfer Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are ramping up sales of a new mortgage
security to lay off the cost of defaults on private investors.
Booster Shot
For Biotech
Bank issues …Fannie/Freddie
mortgages and Fannie bundle those
sells them to Mae mortgages into
Fannie Mae or Freddie bonds that are
Freddie Mac... Mac sold to investors
front area Greenland is in the process Big Chinese development Piper in New York who advises
PROPERTY known as West of building two large apartment companies, including Green- Chinese real-estate firms on
REPORT Bund district, a projects, one in Los Angeles land, Dalian Wanda Group and U.S. property. “People trust
group of more and the other New York, and is Oceanwide Holdings, are collec- them and they will sign on to
than 10 fami- turning to its standard client tively planning billions of dol- one of their projects in the U.S.”
lies gathered on Thanksgiving base—Chinese investors—to lars of U.S. development, in- The extent to which these
Day for a tutorial about the help fill them. cluding Chicago’s third-tallest developers are counting on Chi-
American holiday, complete Commercial-property devel- tower and a $5 billion apart- nese buyers varies by project,
with a golden-brown roasted opment in the U.S. is typically ment project in Brooklyn. Most and some rely almost exclu-
turkey. dominated by domestic compa- of the large developers have sively on U.S. buyers. But in
This wasn’t a cooking class. nies catering to local demand. ambitions to one day collect as many projects Chinese make up
Instead, the attendees were Greenland’s savory sales pitch much as 20% of their income a third or more of the buyers,
China's Greenland is building the Metropolis in Los Angeles. being sold condominiums in the offers a glimpse at a nascent ef- from international markets Please see CHINA page C8
reported that the number of crisis. off from the rest of the world
rotary rigs The energy landscape has that the gas-dedicated rig
AHEAD OF drilling for oil changed a lot since then and count now sits at the lowest
THE TAPE in North Amer- in ways that can’t be ex- recorded level going back to
ica rose for the pressed by oil prices. In 1987, when Baker Hughes be-
week ended 2008, the shale revolution gan compiling the figures.
Dec. 18, it helped push crude was just getting started, af- Plus, the Henry Hub fu-
prices to their lowest in ter all. Even with oil prices tures price, which is hover-
seven years. Surely, with this low, there still are places ing near a 16-year low for
prices down by more than where a sane person could December, doesn’t capture
70% and U.S. inventories the whole picture. There are
near their highest for this parts of the continent—the A sugar-cane plantation near Khartoum, Sudan. The country is importing more refined sugar.
time of year since the Great Feeling Unwell prolific Marcellus Shale for-
Depression, the number was
a misprint? The indicator re-
sumed its fall the following
Baker Hughes North American
rig counts
mation, for example—where
cash prices have been less
than half as much as those
Sudan Emerges as Hub for Sugar
holiday-shortened week, giv- 1,600 GAS RIGS futures recently. BY NICHOLAS BARIYO dan’s Red Sea coast. The shift for Sudan has
ing a fillip to crude prices. Like oil, natural-gas stor- Sudan is emerging as a re- been propelled by a combina-
Rigs dedicated to oil, 1,200 age recently hit a seasonal KAMPALA, Uganda—When gional sugar trading hub, with tion of market liberalization,
which have shriveled by two- U.S. record. But it also the price of sugar rose 40% in the commodity offering a demand for sugar from neigh-
thirds since September 2014, 800 threatens a situation in Sudan last year, Hussein bright spot for an economy boring countries where prices
probably will resume their which gas literally may have Adawi temporarily abandoned ravaged by decades of conflict are higher and swelling do-
downward trajectory when 400 nowhere to go next summer. his garment business to try his and the plunging price of oil. mestic consumption boosted
Baker Hughes issues its next The rig count looks bleak, luck at importing the sweet At the same time, Sudan’s im- by a record refugee influx. The
report on Thursday. That OIL RIGS but it is a tale of two hydro- commodity. Now, enjoying ports of refined sugar—a key refugee situation has pushed
could help oil prices, which carbons. hefty demand and profits, he food ingredient in the desert Sudanese demand for refined,
have firmed slightly from a ’06 ’10 ’15 is staying the course. nation that lacks natural or white, sugar to 1.5 million
pre-Christmas trough. Source: Baker Hughes Email: tape@wsj.com “Sometimes we’re over- sweeteners like fruits—is help- metric tons this year from less
whelmed by the orders,” said ing to push the global sugar- than 900,000 tons in 2014, ac-
INDEX Credit Markets.................................................C7 Exchange-Traded Funds......................... C9 Heard on the Street................................. C10 New Highs & Lows..............................C10 the 45-year-old importer who price recovery, according to cording to the International
Cash Prices...................................................C3 Currencies.......................................................... C6 Finance Watch................................................ C3 Money Rates.................................................... C7 Property Report..................................... C8 sources sugar from Thailand analysts and the U.S. Depart- Sugar Organization.
Commodities............................................. C7 Dividend News............................................... C4 Global Finance................................................. C3 Mutual Funds............................................... C10 Stock Listings........................................... C9
via Port Sudan, a city on Su- ment of Agriculture. Please see SUGAR page C2
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C2 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
default swaps—with Daiwa at fault under their swaps agree- & Marsal Inc. managed the
the time of Lehman’s 2008 ments. New York holding company’s
bankruptcy filing. In a key ruling in 2010, assets until Lehman’s exit
Daiwa used “commercially Judge James Peck, the judge from chapter 11 more than
unreasonable and bad faith then overseeing Lehman’s three years ago, when a reor-
valuation techniques, includ- Lehman Brothers contends Daiwa Securities shortchanged it on hundreds of derivatives contracts. chapter 11 case, said those ganized company, overseen by
ing deducting tens of millions clauses were so-called ipso a new board of directors,
of dollars of ‘unwind costs’ last week. multimillion-dollar receivable Lehman is asking U.S. Bank- facto provisions that deprived emerged.
that it did not incur” from its “By manufacturing ficti- that it was not entitled to re- ruptcy Judge Shelley C. Chap- Lehman of the benefit of its Lehman Holdings and its
valuations of the derivatives tious charges, Daiwa sought to ceive,” Lehman said. man for the $75 million it says in-the-money position under subsidiaries already have re-
transactions, Lehman’s law- turn a multimillion-dollar pay- A Daiwa lawyer declined to it was owed at the time the the swaps. Provisions termi- turned about $100 billion to
yers claim in the suit, filed able it owed [Lehman] into a comment. swaps were terminated, plus nating a contract solely be- creditors.
Continued from the prior page
10-year average of 22.
Even with expectations of
further biotech earnings
growth, the size of gains going
forward may be smaller. Cel-
gene shares surged 115% in
2013 and 32% in 2014. This
year, shares are on track to
rise 8.6%.
The Nasdaq biotech index’s
2015 advance is on track to be
its smallest since 2011, when it
rose 12%.
“Expectations have been
ratcheted down so that inves-
tors aren’t expecting to make
25-30% in a year” in biotech
stocks, said Sahak Manuelian,
managing director in equity
trading at Wedbush Securities.
“You just can’t keep that up,”
he added.
Several investors say that
the sector’s volatility is likely
didn’t carry Fannie or Fred- investors. the government is increasingly questions are at what price in-
die’s guarantees, but that mar- Earlier this month, the Fed- transferring that default risk vestors will buy the securities
ket dried up after the financial eral Housing Finance Agency, to private investors as well. in times of market stress and
crisis. which regulates Fannie and The new securities allocate how much issuance it will take
Proponents hope the new Freddie, set a goal for the the risk of default to different until the securities easily trade
securities could help restore companies to transfer most of tranches. The housing giants on the open market. Right
investors’ appetite for mort- their risk on many of the new typically hold the safest now, the debt trades infre-
gage risk. If it works, backers mortgages they back to private tranche and the riskiest quently and tends to stay with
think the securities could be- investors. The guidance covers tranche. Investors can buy The U.S. housing market relies almost entirely on guarantees the investor who first bought
come a mainstay of the bond mortgages of more than 20 those in the middle based on from Fannie, Freddie or other government-backed entities. it. New capital standards have
and housing markets over years where homeowners their risk and return appetites. caused banks to pull back from
time, perhaps even getting in- make less than a 40% down For example, in June, Fred- stead under the terms of the still are nascent and that the dealing in all sorts of bonds,
cluded in the major indexes payment and says the compa- die Mac sold $950 million of June deal, Freddie would lose market has yet to show how cutting off that avenue for
tracked by bond funds. nies should lay off the risk on Stacrs covering $18.4 billion of only $143 million, while the much appetite it has for the trading as well.
“To many people, mortgage 90% of the unpaid principal Freddie-backed loans. If a se- private investors would lose new securities. Fannie and Although BlackRock has
credit risk is still a bad word,” balance. vere housing downturn $225 million, Mr. Zandi said. Freddie’s early deals only pro- bought portions of the Fannie
said Laurie Goodman, director Fannie and Freddie don’t emerged in a few years, those In exchange for taking that tected them from losses be- and Freddie deals, it has done
of the Housing Finance Policy make loans. They buy them mortgages could be expected risk, in that deal investors got yond a certain level, though so on a limited basis, said
Center at the Urban Institute, from lenders, wrap them into to suffer a 2% loss, said yields of between 1.15 percent- the companies have begun to Kevin Chavers, BlackRock’s
adding that she isn’t optimis- securities and guarantee to Moody’s Analytics chief econo- age points and 7.55 percentage sell “first-loss risk” as well. managing director, on a panel
tic that the market for pri- make investors whole if the mist Mark Zandi. Without the points above a benchmark “We’re going from no place this month hosted by the Secu-
vately backed mortgage bonds mortgages default. protection conferred by the se- short-term interest rate. to some place,” said Lewis Ra- rities Industry and Financial
will revive soon. In practice, that has meant curities, Freddie would be hit Some market watchers note nieri, the financier who co-in- Markets Association, a trade
Fannie and Freddie already that investors have taken on with losses of $368 million. In- that the companies’ programs vented the mortgage-backed group.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | C3
M&A Lifts Japanese Firms Branching Out
To expand overseas lending, Japanese banks are targeting loans for a
record level of global mergers and acquisitions.
Nation’s lenders ride helped finance some of the that the money is mostly going nancing even if [the compa- Acquisitions-related loans Global M&A volume
year’s biggest deals. They in- to blue-chip companies with nies] are not Japan-related,”
merger wave, taking cluded Anheuser-Busch In- higher investment grades. “As he said.
$1,000 billion
$5 trillion
part in 59% of global Bev’s $104 billion acquisition dollar funding costs rise, fi- M&A financing on a global
banks involved*
of SABMiller, announced in nancing for deals is more prof- scale presents some challenges
deal loan packages October. The country’s top itable than normal lending,” he for banks more accustomed to
three banks—Mitsubishi UFJ said. working with well-known part- 600 3
BY ATSUKO FUKASE Financial Group Inc., Mizuho With its financial strength, ners.
Financial Group and Sumi- Mitsubishi UFJ, Japan’s largest Takahiko Yasuhara, general
TOKYO—Faced with sluggish tomo Mitsui Financial bank by assets, sees an oppor- manager of the international 400 2
domestic growth, Japan’s Group—said they provided tunity to move well beyond fi- coordination division at Miz-
megabanks are expanding their about $4 billion each to a $75 nancing acquisitions by Japa- uho Financial Group, said Mi- 200 1
role in financing global mergers billion loan package for that nese companies, said Makoto zuho works to get to know
and acquisitions, which hit a re- deal. Kobayashi, head of the banking the biggest companies around
0 0
cord level this year. That represents only a frac- unit’s financial-solutions the world so it will be pre-
Japanese banks have long tion of the big three’s total group. pared when a deal arises. 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 2011 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15
ranked among the world’s top overseas lending. The balance “We’ve seen increasing “We are often asked by an *Reflects value of total financing packages to which Japanese banks contributed
cross-border lenders and have of Mitsubishi UFJ’s overseas numbers of financing deals for acquiring company to provide Source: Dealogic THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
lent billions of dollars to Japa- lending totaled ¥42.4 trillion non-Japanese M&A activities financing for an upcoming deal
nese companies seeking ($352 billion) as of Sept. 30, this year and I feel our pres- Friday and to get back to them SMFG President Koichi Mi- on hand, Japanese bankers ac-
growth abroad through acqui- while Mizuho’s was ¥22.6 tril- ence has been more recog- with a yes or no over the yata said he tries to meet a top knowledge that they also could
sitions. Now the banks are in- lion and SMFG’s was ¥20.5 nized,” Mr. Kobayashi said. weekend. So to make a quick executive at a major company face a challenge raising U.S.
creasingly financing deals that trillion. The banks don’t dis- The bank’s alliance with decision, we have to build whenever he goes on a business dollars for overseas lending as
don't involve their compatriot close the exact amounts of Morgan Stanley has helped it close relationships with such trip abroad. “Financing deals is interest rates rise in the U.S.
companies. their contributions to M&A expand its role in global deal companies,” he said. about whether you can main- Mr. Miyata said SMFG would
Banks in Japan have had a loan packages. financing, he said. The bank Mizuho contributed to $34 tain relationships with a busi- use dollar deposits and the
hand in 59% of global M&A Still, efforts to ramp up took a 20% stake in Morgan billion in financing toward ness client…so I’m trying to commercial-paper market,
loan packages this year, up overseas M&A lending are a Stanley in 2008, and the two Teva Pharmaceutical Indus- reach out to contacts during my while trying to build dollar
from 46% last year, according positive for Japanese banks, have joint ventures in Japan. tries’ $40.5 billion acquisition business trips in Asia, the U.S. holdings by issuing dollar cor-
to data provider Dealogic. said Akira Takai, an analyst at “In global deals that Mor- of Allergan’s generic-drugs and Europe,” Mr. Miyata said. porate bonds and converting
Japanese lenders have Daiwa Securities, who noted gan Stanley advises, we get fi- businesses announced in July. Despite having ample cash yen.
countries and don’t pose a comment further. thirds over the past month, at a
threat to the nation’s financial The filing didn’t make refer- time when China’s property sec-
system. ence to Baoneng Group, a tor remains weak.
“There is no systemic risk closely held property-to-finance Wang Shi, chairman of
for Italian banks,” said Mr. conglomerate based in Shen- Vanke, has criticized Baoneng’s
Renzi during his traditional zhen, that in recent months has credibility and financing capac-
end-of-year news conference Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says there are too many banks in his country. become Vanke’s largest share- ity and said the company has a
in Rome. He added, however, holder, with a 24.3% stake poor track record of developing
that the country has too many banking system after the Eu- funds from the banking sys- ers and junior bondholders Vanke’s latest move follows projects, according to a tran-
banks, suggesting that further ropean Commission ruled out tem to rescue Cassa di Ris- spurred the government to set an announcement on Dec. 21 script of the remarks reviewed
consolidation is necessary. the use of Italy’s deposit-guar- parmio di Ferrara SpA, up a privately funded compen- that it will disclose by Jan. 18 a by The Wall Street Journal.
The Italian government has antee fund, which would have Banca delle Marche SpA, sation fund of up to €100 mil- restructuring plan that will in- Officials from Baoneng ha-
faced criticism after a €3.6 infringed the European lion as part of its 2016 bud- clude issuing an unspecified ven’t responded to questions
billion ($3.95 billion) rescue Union’s state-aid rules. At get. number of new shares, a move from the Journal regarding Mr.
of four local banks, announced Tuesday’s news conference,
‘There is no “We won’t ask for a depar- widely seen as a poison-pill Wang’s criticisms. The company
last month, caused more than Mr. Renzi said Italy is playing systemic risk for ture” from EU rules, Mr. Renzi strategy that would make a previously said on its website
10,500 shareholders and ju- by EU banking-sector rules. said Tuesday. takeover more expensive. Vanke that Baoneng “legally operates
nior bondholders to have their Last week, the Italian gov-
Italian banks,’ says The premier’s comments shares have been suspended its business, has created huge
investments wiped out. ernment published a confiden- Italy’s leader. came just days before stricter from trading since Dec. 18. value for society and its cus-
Some of those who suffered tial letter, dated Nov. 19, in rules on restructuring and Last week, Vanke stepped up tomers, and has a good name in
losses on the bank securities which the European Commis- rescuing banks in the EU are efforts to rebuff a potential the market.”
say they should have been sion warned Rome against the Banca Popolare dell’Etruria set to come into force. takeover attempt from Baoneng —Rose Yu
warned about the risks and illegitimate use of the de- e del Lazio SC and Cassa di As of Jan. 1, senior bond-
that the rescue should have posit-guarantee fund to rescue Risparmio della Provincia di holders and uninsured deposi-
protected them from losses. the four local banks. Chieti SpA. tors could face losses if a Cash Prices | WSJ.com/commodities Tuesday, Dec. 29, 2015
The rescue plan was pri- The letter pushed the Ital- Anger over the imposition bank has to be restructured or These prices reflect buying and selling of a variety of actual or “physical”
vately funded by the Italian ian government to use private of heavy losses on sharehold- wound down. commodities in the marketplace—separate from the futures price on an
exchange, which reflects what the commodity might be worth in future
fund switches in customer accounts clined to comment. As part of the holds a basket of assets like a mu-
Tuesday Tuesday
and sometimes didn’t apply sales- settlement, Barclays neither admit- tual fund but trades on an ex- Cotton,1 1/16 std lw-mdMphs-u 0.6387
commission discounts, the Financial ted nor denied the charges. change like a stock. Some of those Energy Cotlook 'A' Index-t *n.a.
Bonds Signaling
Unease Over U.S.
BY MIN ZENG Nations Federal Credit Union
in New York.
The U.S. bond market is If inflation fails to material-
flashing signs of uneasiness ize as the Fed expects and
over the strength of the U.S. economic growth “continues to
economy, as the Federal Re- languish as it has or even
serve starts raising interest weaken over the next couple of
rates amid an uncertain global quarters”, then the Fed “is
outlook and weak commodi- looking at a policy mistake,”
ties. he said.
The extra yield investors Gross domestic product, the
demanded to own the bench- broadest measure of goods
mark 10-year and services produced across
ergy gained 37 cents, or 4.7% out a gain in 2015. The S&P “Everything’s on hold, and —Riva Gold oversees $2.3 billion as chief The notes, dated Dec. 31, 2015, mature on
Dec. 31, 2020.
to 8.24. 500 is up nearly 1%, while the nobody’s taking chances, given contributed to this article. investment officer at United
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he generally upbeat mood at The Wall Street Journal’s Annual CEO Council in mid-November was tempered by
the terrorist attacks in Paris and projections of continued slow growth in the U.S.economy.In breakout sessions that
addressed these and other issues,the CEOs proposed ways to build a stronger economy through strategic investment,
innovation and competitiveness. Standard Life Investments Chief Economist Jeremy Lawson offered his
take on their recommendations.
JL: One way would be to introduce a federal sales
tax, while simultaneously lowering income tax JL: The next presidential election is very important
rates. Statutory corporate taxes ought also to be low- because the things we have been talking about —
ered and the tax base broadened so that companies immigration, education, tax reform, public infra-
are subject to a level playing field. Corporate tax The next presidential election is structure — need concrete decisions by Congress
reform should also be aimed at encouraging firms and an effective president finding ways to work
to repatriate more of their profits to the U.S. A tax very important because the things together. The nature of the current presidential de-
holiday is a temporary way of achieving this, but in
the longer term, governments should consider taxing
we have been talking about — bate has not been great. As we move into 2016, our
hope is that the candidates who emerge will be seri-
firms only on their domestically generated profits. immigration, education, tax ous about tackling the genuine problems facing
Reducing tax expenditures like mortgage interest the economy.
rate deductibility would also create room for easing reform, public infrastructure —
the tax burden in other areas, while making the over-
need concrete decisions by Can we assume you agree with the CEOs’ call to
all tax system more progressive.
make the world a safer place to do business?
Congress and an effective
Do you agree we need a change in JL: Yes. Paris and San Bernardino are tragedies that
immigration policies? president finding ways to reflect the very difficult geo-political world we’re in.
One of the challenges facing the next president will be
JL: The current system has problems, including a work together. working out an appropriate response to these security
crowding out of skilled labor. Immigration today is issues at home and abroad, and it will require close
tilted toward humanitarian or family entry, and that cooperation with America’s allies. It’s a complicated
encourages more low-skill immigration. One thing world and whoever becomes leader will have to engage
the U.S. might consider is a system that my home What about the call for regulatory certainty? very directly. You can’t bury your head in the sand and
country, Australia, and other countries have. It tries pretend that terrorism is not occurring.
JL: That’s important, and the key is finding the right
to identify skill shortages in the economy, then define
balance. When you’re putting regulations into place,
the different skills and educational backgrounds we
it is important that the benefits exceed the costs. The And business, presumably, will play a big
already have so we can prioritize the entry of people
U.S. could benefit by having regulatory impact state- role here?
who will complement our overall needs. It has also
ments drafted when new regulations are being pro-
become more difficult to get student visas, and it’s JL: We’ve talked about what government needs to
posed. In that way, you can assess the economic
getting harder for people to remain in the U.S. after do, but there’s also a strong need for business to
cost and benefits as well as the broader social cost
their education is completed. This is inefficient. The engage constructively. Major companies obviously
and benefits.
vast majority of immigrants are trying to work pro- have responsibilities to shareholders and employees,
The states and federal government have huge
ductively, but their status makes it difficult for them to but they also have a social responsibility. Businesses
amounts of bills and regulations on the books. You
properly integrate into the economy. have a greater role to play in recognizing the broader
can do an exercise by going through the existing reg-
ulatory set and asking the question, “OK, if we start social environment they operate in and engaging
The CEO task forces felt that a stronger economy from scratch, is this the regulation we would want? in ways that demonstrate this responsibility. This
requires an upgrade in education and training. Would the cost of this regulation be outweighed by takes cooperation and partnership. In some areas,
the benefits?” If it flunks the test, you can have a sys- the best thing government can do is simply create
JL: I agree. The U.S. does certain things very well
tem that forces a review of the regulation. Congress a level playing field for companies and ensure that
around university education, but there are aspects
clearly has a role here. In the area of energy policy or the environment is competitive. In others, there is a
of the secondary school system that haven’t been
climate policy, the fact that the two parties have such stronger role for regulation. As the CEO Council task
working effectively. When you examine internation-
radically different visions as to how the future should force recommendations suggest, business and gov-
al testing results, one of the things that stands out is
look means it’s often impossible to forecast the return ernment have to find the right balance and not be
that certain people do very well but there are large
of a 10-, 15-, 20- or 25-year project. It means you have ideological about it. Pragmatism — focusing on what
inequalities in outcomes. It’s important to find ways
to attach a much higher risk premium before you are works — at all levels of government and business is
to make sure that the education system is delivering
able to initiate a project. absolutely critical.
good results across the board.
The Wall Street Journal news organization was not involved in the creation of this content.
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C6 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index Nasdaq Composite Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago Last Year ago
17720.98 s 192.71, or 1.10% Trailing P/E ratio * 16.80 16.88 2078.36 s 21.86, or 1.06% Trailing P/E ratio * 22.95 19.67 5107.94 s 66.95, or 1.33% Trailing P/E ratio * 23.01 24.65
High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 16.18 15.93 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 17.47 17.25 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 20.05 19.77
trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.50 2.41 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 2.14 1.92 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.17 1.28
All-time high 18312.39, 05/19/15 All-time high: 2130.82, 05/21/15 All-time high: 5218.86, 07/20/15
Session low
18000 2050 4850
World The Global Dow 2367.63 17.78 0.76 –5.4 Catalyst Biosciences CBIO 3.52 0.92 35.38 22.61 1.89 -80.7 Capitol Acqn Corp. III CLAC 6.54 -2.96 -31.16 9.96 5.98 ...
The Global Dow Euro 2044.16 27.46 1.36 5.0 FXCM FXCM 19.80 4.06 25.79 172.50 5.26 -88.0 Aclaris Therapeutics ACRS 24.09 -4.69 -16.30 33.88 10.99 ...
DJ Global Index 311.77 2.51 0.81 –2.8 Resource America Cl A REXI 6.31 1.11 21.35 9.63 3.54 -31.0 ITUS ITUS 2.55 -0.49 -16.12 8.95 1.39 0.5
World DJ Global ex U.S. 211.88 1.23 0.58 –5.9 Sky Solar Holdings ADR SKYS 6.68 1.15 20.80 13.50 4.29 -47.0 Avinger AVGR 21.15 -3.60 -14.55 25.11 9.35 ...
Triumph Group TGI 40.98 6.56 19.06 70.68 32.82 -39.2 Hanwha Q CELLS ADR HQCL 22.24 -3.60 -13.93 28.87 7.70 90.1
Americas DJ Americas 495.40 4.67 0.95 –2.3
Sao Paulo Bovespa 43653.97 –0.25 –12.7 Qumu Corp. QUMU 2.94 0.44 17.60 15.87 1.58 -78.6 Empire Resources ERS 3.60 -0.54 -12.94 4.93 2.35 -24.3
Brazil –110.37
13245.75 –0.48 –9.5
DLH Holdings DLHC 4.28 0.62 16.94 4.47 1.85 105.8 Viking Therapeutics VKTX 3.80 -0.55 -12.64 10.23 1.89 ...
Canada S&P/TSX Comp –64.05
Auris Medical Holding EARS 5.00 0.61 13.90 7.15 3.02 25.6 Empire Resorts NYNY 18.98 -2.73 -12.57 39.70 18.40 -51.8
Mexico IPC All-Share 43391.78 –4.38 –0.01 0.57
0.25 Chesapeake Energy CHK 4.58 0.51 12.53 21.49 3.56 -76.7 Dawson Geophysical DWSN 3.27 -0.43 -11.62 7.31 2.93 -48.3
Chile Santiago IPSA 2931.28 7.39 –7.4
Xerium Technologies XRM 11.96 1.30 12.20 18.93 10.00 -24.8 China Info Technology CNIT 1.95 -0.26 -11.59 7.35 0.68 -45.7
Europe Stoxx Europe 600 369.68 5.19 1.42 7.9
Acura Pharm ACUR 2.58 0.28 12.17 6.75 1.62 13.4 Carver Bancorp CARV 3.41 -0.42 -10.97 7.60 3.35 -52.0
Euro zone Euro Stoxx 349.29 5.75 1.67 9.3
EXFO EXFO 2.87 0.30 11.67 4.06 2.12 -18.0 Anavex Life Sciences AVXL 6.28 -0.75 -10.67 14.84 0.63 685.0
Belgium Bel-20 3753.05 64.65 1.75 14.2
Chimerix CMRX 7.37 0.75 11.33 58.04 6.43 -80.5 NovaBay Pharmaceuticals NBY 2.02 -0.24 -10.62 26.25 1.63 -87.6
France CAC 40 4701.36 83.41 1.81 10.0 Midatech Pharma ADR MTP 4.63 0.47 11.30 8.09 4.09 ... The9 ADR NCTY 3.00 -0.35 -10.45 4.49 0.90 86.3
Germany DAX 10860.14 206.23 1.94 10.8 Anthera Pharmaceuticals ANTH 4.97 0.48 10.69 11.65 1.50 208.7 VelocityShares 3x Inv DWTI 187.01 -19.74 -9.55 236.65 56.32 58.0
Israel Tel Aviv 1534.59 9.92 0.65 4.8
Italy FTSE MIB 21661.33 292.18 1.37 13.9
Netherlands AEX 447.70 7.21 1.64 5.5 Most Active Stocks Volume Movers Ranked by change from 65-day average*
Spain IBEX 35 9670.40 117.90 1.23 –5.9 Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week Volume % chg from Latest Session 52-Week
Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low Company Symbol (000) 65-day avg Close % chg High Low
Sweden SX All Share 505.70 6.00 1.20 6.7
Switzerland Swiss Market 8883.01 143.65 1.64 –1.1 SPDR S&P 500 SPY 84,329 -29.5 207.40 1.07 213.78 182.40 Janus Velocity Vol Hdg LC SPXH 777 10191 29.12 1.11 31.73 26.18
6314.57 0.96 –3.8 VelocityShares 3x Lg Nat UGAZ 59,659 176.0 2.47 7.39 27.15 1.29 SPDR MSCI Emg Quality Mix QEMM 209 1943 47.84 -0.06 62.77 45.88
U.K. FTSE 100 59.93
Bank Of America BAC 45,120 -44.3 17.28 0.88 18.48 14.60 Vanguard Russ 2000 Value VTWV 101 1740 81.48 1.00 91.50 72.78
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1387.56 7.05 0.51 –2.7 iShares MSCI Emg Markets EEM 43,397 -31.5 32.80 0.09 44.19 30.00 Chimerix CMRX 14,023 1734 7.37 11.33 58.04 6.43
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5267.30 59.70 1.15 –2.7 SunEdison SUNE 42,516 -18.6 5.02 -8.56 33.45 2.55 FXCM FXCM 5,762 1690 19.80 25.79 172.50 5.26
China Shanghai Composite 3563.74 29.96 0.85 10.2
Freeport-McMoRan FCX 35,225 -10.7 6.97 1.75 23.97 6.08 Sht Term Intl Treas BWZ 413 1356 29.82 -0.17 32.45 29.25
Hong Kong Hang Seng 21999.62 80.00 0.36 –6.8
General Electric GE 32,700 -64.2 31.28 1.23 31.48 19.37 First Tr Gl Natural Rscs FTRI 183 1228 9.82 1.97 20.28 8.85
India S&P BSE Sensex 26079.48 45.35 0.17 –5.2
iPath SP 500 VIX Sht Tm VXX 32,140 -48.9 19.07 -1.65 37.35 15.48 Sky Solar Holdings ADR SKYS 73 1189 6.68 20.80 13.50 4.29
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 18982.23 108.88 0.58 8.8
Kinder Morgan KMI 30,981 -12.9 15.10 -1.05 44.71 14.22 Mkt Vectors Steel SLX 298 849 19.85 0.40 37.09 18.80
Singapore Straits Times 2888.22 12.90 0.45 –14.2 Apple AAPL 30,536 -32.4 108.74 1.80 134.54 92.00 Kornit Digital KRNT 413 844 11.35 7.79 17.50 9.91
South Korea Kospi 1966.31 2.25 0.11 2.6
* Volumes of 100,000 shares or more are rounded to the nearest thousand * Common stocks priced at $5 a share or more with an average volume over 65 trading days of at least
Taiwan Weighted 8293.91 –64.58 –0.77 –10.9 5,000 shares =Has traded fewer than 65 days
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Metal & Petroleum Futures Contract Open Currency Futures Index Futures
Contract Open Open High hilo Low Settle Chg interest Japanese Yen (CME)-¥12,500,000; $ per 100¥ Mini DJ Industrial Average (CBT)-$5 x index
Open High hi lo Low Settle Chg interest March .8322.8330 .8311 .8321 –.0004 194,141 March 17449 17660 17429 17638 200 78,778
Wheat (KC)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. June .8339.8353 .8335 .8345 –.0003 793 June 17441 17582 17441 17567 201 99
Copper-High (CMX)-25,000 lbs.; $ per lb. March 465.75 475.00 465.25 473.25 7.25 103,842
Dec 2.1265 2.1345 2.1265 2.1250 0.0585 460 July 487.00 494.75 486.25 493.25 6.50 43,879
Canadian Dollar (CME)-CAD 100,000; $ per CAD S&P 500 Index (CME)-$250 x index
March'16 2.0825 2.1480 2.0800 2.1365 0.0575 126,440 March .7195 .7240 .7174 .7238 .0040 169,092 March 2049.70 2074.00 2048.20 2072.80 24.00 78,894
Wheat (MPLS)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. June .7210 .7242 .7178 .7241 .0040 1,858 June ... 2066.20 2066.20 24.00 3,476
Gold (CMX)-100 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. March 491.25 500.75 t 490.75 497.50 5.75 33,085
Dec 1079.10 1079.70 1079.10 1077.50 7.00 589 May 503.75 509.50 t 500.50 506.75 5.50 13,889 British Pound (CME)-£62,500; $ per £ Mini S&P 500 (CME)-$50 x index
Feb'16 1068.30 1074.60 1066.70 1068.00 –0.30 274,756 March 1.4884 1.4917 1.4788 1.4831 –.0057 196,326 March ... 2074.50 2047.50 2072.75 24.00 2,490,832
Cattle-Feeder (CME)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb. June 2042.75 2067.75 2041.00 2066.25 24.00 8,936
April 1068.80 1074.80 1067.90 1068.70 –0.30 47,408 June 1.4901 1.4921 t 1.4794 1.4837 –.0057 456
Jan 162.350 163.150 161.550 162.475 –.175 7,832
June 1069.50 1075.50 1069.00 1069.50 –0.30 27,032 March 158.425 158.775 157.300 158.325 –.650 13,720 Swiss Franc (CME)-CHF 125,000; $ per CHF Mini S&P Midcap 400 (CME)-$100 x index
Aug 1072.50 1074.10 1070.20 1070.50 –0.30 10,144 March 1.0162 1.0176 1.0092 1.0126 –.0035 48,867 March 1406.90 1423.00 1406.50 1421.30 13.40 84,563
1077.50 1077.50 1072.60 1072.70 –0.20 17,624
Cattle-Live (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Nasdaq 100 (CME)-$20 x index
Dec 130.200 130.775 129.250 130.200 –.650 488 June 1.0161 1.0223 1.0140 1.0173 –.0035 143
Palladium (NYM) - 50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Australian Dollar (CME)-AUD 100,000; $ per AUD March 4617.8 4697.8 4610.5 4690.5 76.8 306,913
Feb'16 136.050 136.500 135.100 135.500 –.650 106,491
Dec 558.00 558.55 558.00 555.45 3.45 5 March .7226 .7277 .7223 .7275 .0050 100,520 June 4634.0 4691.0 4627.8 4685.3 76.8 264
Jan'16 558.00 560.40 553.20 555.40 3.40 16
Hogs-Lean (CME)-40,000 lbs.; cents per lb. Mini Russell 2000 (ICE-US)-$100 x index
Feb 59.025 59.475 58.625 59.150 .025 74,286 June .7214 .7245 .7206 .7244 .0049 473
Feb 556.40 557.75 556.40 555.95 4.45 14 Sept .7119 .7145 t .7110 .7217 .0050 29 March 1143.70 1160.00 1143.10 1159.60 16.40 364,973
April 66.225 66.225 65.375 65.875 –.175 41,014
March 551.20 559.10 550.55 556.35 4.40 23,673 Dec … .7171 .7138 .7195 .0051 8 June 1142.00 1154.00 s 1142.00 1158.60 20.40 5
June 557.80 557.80 557.80 556.45 4.45 302 Lumber (CME)-110,000 bd. ft., $ per 1,000 bd. ft. Mini Russell 1000 (ICE-US)-$100 x index
Jan 260.00 260.50 255.40 256.50 –3.00 878 Mexican Peso (CME)-MXN 500,000; $ per MXN
Platinum (NYM)-50 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. Jan .05828 .05828 .05828 .05804 .00002 2 March 1143.30 1149.50 s 1143.30 1148.40 12.60 7,296
March 259.70 260.50 253.70 254.70 –4.80 2,600
Dec 880.50 880.50 880.50 890.60 10.60 1 March .05775 .05800 .05759 .05768 .00001 137,103 U.S. Dollar Index (ICE-US)-$1,000 x index
April'16 884.40 895.70 880.50 892.20 9.60 56,881 Milk (CME)-200,000 lbs., cents per lb. March 97.93 98.48 97.84 98.17 .22 62,781
Dec 14.48 14.48 14.46 14.47 … 3,940 Euro (CME)-€125,000; $ per €
Silver (CMX)-5,000 troy oz.; $ per troy oz. June 98.04 98.51 97.95 98.26 .22 1,074
Jan'16 13.65 13.67 13.53 13.56 –.13 4,186 March 1.0996 1.1014 1.0921 1.0961 –.0038 397,653
Dec 14.020 14.020 14.020 13.917 0.044 118
Cocoa (ICE-US)-10 metric tons; $ per ton. June 1.1022 1.1044 1.0952 1.0992 –.0038 2,331 Source: SIX Financial Information
March'16 13.915 14.055 13.900 13.928 0.044 127,837
March 3,211 3,225 3,186 3,211 17 97,678
Crude Oil, Light Sweet (NYM)-1,000 bbls.; $ per bbl. May 3,212 3,220 3,185 3,207 15 45,036
Feb 36.70 37.94 36.66 37.87 1.06 444,681
Coffee (ICE-US)-37,500 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 118.85 122.40 118.40 121.45 2.30 89,437 Bonds | WSJ.com/bonds
May 39.27 40.46 39.27 40.40 1.00 77,184 May 120.80 124.60 120.65 123.60 2.20 33,505
Sugar-World (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
March 14.75 14.88 14.70 14.78 .02 388,600
Tracking Bond Benchmarks
NY Harbor ULSD (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. May 14.50 14.51 14.38 14.44 .04 183,248 Return on investment and spreads over Treasurys and/or yields paid to investors compared with 52-week
Jan 1.0860 1.1388 1.0854 1.1295 .0391 17,795 Sugar-Domestic (ICE-US)-112,000 lbs.; cents per lb. highs and lows for different types of bonds
Feb 1.1161 1.1679 1.1147 1.1587 .0379 94,208 March 25.76 25.80 25.76 25.78 .03 3,483
May 25.80 25.80 25.80 25.80 –.05 2,209 Total return Yield (%), 52-Week Range l Latest
Gasoline-NY RBOB (NYM)-42,000 gal.; $ per gal. close YTD total return (%) Index Latest Low 0 4 8 12 16 20 High
Jan 1.2355 1.2815 1.2249 1.2760 .0434 16,341 Cotton (ICE-US)-50,000 lbs.; cents per lb.
Feb 1.2403 1.2915 1.2335 1.2853 .0423 106,487 March 64.10 64.25 63.82 63.87 –.10 124,256 1821.12 0.3 Broad market Barclays Aggregate 2.620 1.920 l 2.620
Natural Gas (NYM)-10,000 MMBtu.; $ per MMBtu. May 64.87 64.99 64.57 64.62 –.10 30,778
Jan 2.238 2.387 2.235 2.372 .144 5,814 Orange Juice (ICE-US)-15,000 lbs.; cents per lb. 2460.96 -1.0 U.S. Corporate Barclays Capital 3.730 2.780 l 3.730
Feb 2.267 2.386 2.257 2.370 .114 286,042 Jan 150.10 150.90 145.75 148.30 –2.10 1,189
March 2.309 2.414 2.303 2.397 .096 211,725 March 149.95 151.25 149.30 151.05 1.10 11,228 2411.76 0.9 Intermediate 3.150 2.210 l 3.150
April 2.342 2.426 2.339 2.411 .075 107,533
May 2.383 2.466 2.383 2.451 .068 67,189 Interest Rate Futures 3129.05 -5.2 Long term 5.110 4.030 l 5.110
Oct 2.519 2.593 2.519 2.569 .051 58,633 Treasury Bonds (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 516.90 0.7 Double-A-rated 2.700 1.980 l 2.700
March 155-160 155-250 153-040 153-090 –2-11.0 505,973
Agriculture Futures June 152-200 152-200 151-150 151-310 –2-11.0 9 609.85 -2.6 Triple-B-rated 4.370 3.280 l 4.370
Corn (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
March 361.00 363.00 t 357.00 362.50 1.50 696,219 March 126-080 126-105 125-175 125-210 –19.5 2,468,899 330.45 -4.7 High Yield Constrained Merrill Lynch 8.798 5.853 l 9.073
May 367.75 369.50 t 363.75 369.00 1.25 201,514 5 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100%
118-305 118-305 118-207 118-222 –10.2 42,141
279.38 -15.4 Triple-C-rated 18.174 10.017 l 18.341
Oats (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec
March 223.75 226.00 219.00 220.50 –3.25 7,246 March'16 118-160 118-172 118-030 118-055 –11.0 2,263,922 2370.35 -5.2 High Yield 100 7.815 5.016 l 8.056
May 223.50 223.50 220.75 222.00 –2.25 1,417 2 Yr. Treasury Notes (CBT)-$200,000; pts 32nds of 100%
Soybeans (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. Dec 108-275 108-277 108-260 108-260 –2.2 12,631 303.97 -2.0 Global High Yield Constrained 8.348 5.894 l 8.519
Jan 866.50 876.25 865.00 870.00 5.00 41,805 March'16 108-207 108-212 108-175 108-182 –2.7 989,282
863.00 872.00 861.00 865.75 4.50 295,655
264.47 1.3 Europe High Yield Constrained 5.307 3.550 l 5.732
March 30 Day Federal Funds (CBT)-$5,000,000; 100 - daily avg.
Soybean Meal (CBT)-100 tons; $ per ton. Dec 99.760 99.760 99.758 99.758 –.007 89,257
99.655 99.660 99.655 99.655 … 156,886 1583.00 1.2 U.S Agency Barclays 1.640 1.110 l 1.640
Jan 267.50 270.20 267.10 268.50 1.20 13,531 Jan'16
March 269.10 271.80 268.70 270.00 .90 180,608 10 Yr. Del. Int. Rate Swaps (CBT)-$100,000; pts 32nds of 100% 1429.36 1.3 10-20 years 1.450 0.940 l 1.450
Soybean Oil (CBT)-60,000 lbs.; cents per lb. March 102.141 102.141 t 101.578 101.625 –.734 29,296
Jan 30.21 30.70 30.12 30.52 .32 18,088 1 Month Libor (CME)-$3,000,000; pts of 100% 3034.86 0.5 20-plus years 3.220 2.490 l 3.370
March 30.44 30.94 30.36 30.77 .33 169,263 Jan 99.5550 99.5600 t 99.5550 99.5625 .0075 1,421
Rough Rice (CBT)-2,000 cwt.; $ per cwt. Feb 99.5550 99.5550 s 99.5550 99.5525 –.0025 1,620 1900.91 1.3 Mortgage-Backed Barclays 2.780 2.280 l 2.900
Jan 1106.00 1175.50 1101.00 1166.50 60.50 2,313 Eurodollar (CME)-$1,000,000; pts of 100% 1881.84 1.2 Ginnie Mae (GNMA) 2.690 2.170 l 2.860
March 1132.50 1203.00 1123.50 1193.50 61.00 8,859 Jan 99.3775 99.3800 99.3750 99.3750 –.0025 206,322
Wheat (CBT)-5,000 bu.; cents per bu. March 99.2700 99.2750 99.2500 99.2500 –.0200 1,251,542 1110.97 1.3 Fannie mae (FNMA) 2.810 2.300 l 2.910
March 467.50 476.75 467.00 475.75 9.25 216,050 June 99.1150 99.1200 99.0800 99.0850 –.0300 1,167,068
July 482.25 490.25 481.00 489.00 8.00 57,377 Dec 98.7950 98.7950 98.7450 98.7500 –.0450 1,292,442 1709.87 1.3 Freddie Mac (FHLMC) 2.840 2.310 l 2.930
Borrowing Benchmarks | WSJ.com/bonds 348.26 3.3 7-12 year 1.798 1.498 l 2.144
386.11 3.8 12-22 year 2.163 1.924 l 2.636
Money Rates December 29, 2015 366.82 4.7 22-plus year 2.846 2.542 l 3.351
niche businesses that the ac- Investors and analysts ex- Banks, by comparison, are
quirers need. Many of the pect the change, slated affected by demand for loans
deals have been in the $10 for Aug. 31, to stir interest and the amount of interest
million to $100 million price among investors who might they can charge.
range, but 2015 deals also in- overlook real-estate invest- The returns of REITs and
cluded CBRE’s $1.47 billion ac- ment trusts, both in the banks can be similar, as they
quisition of Johnson Controls CBRE acquired a Johnson Controls unit for $1.47 billion this year. The firm’s L.A. office, above. months leading up to the have been in 2015, when the
Inc.’s facilities-management change and afterward. KBW Bank Index posted a 0.6%
business, Global Workplace The big firms also are buy- specializing in retail services; Cushman & Wakefield had “It increases the demand decline through Monday,
Solutions. ing because these are good Environmental Services Inc. of been an active buyer before its for real-estate securities,” said roughly on par with the MSCI
Meanwhile, 2015 also saw times in the commercial-real- Brookfield, Wis., which helps merger with DTZ, but slowed Gil Menna, a partner at Good- US REIT Index’s 1.1% drop, ac-
the mother of all transactions estate business. Property sales building owners and occupies down since the closing in Sep- win Procter LLP who is chair- cording to FactSet.
in the industry, the $2 billion activity and prices are at re- manage energy usage; and PKF tember. Management has been man of the firm’s Real Estate But the returns also can di-
merger of Cushman & Wake- cord levels in numerous mar- Consulting Inc., a Canadian focusing since then on com- Capital Markets Group. verge. In 2014, the REIT Index
field and DTZ. The merged kets. Tenants are expanding consulting firm in the hospi- bining the two global firms. Mr. Menna, who works with shot up 25% while the bank in-
company, which took the and leasing more space in tality and tourism industries. Analysts point out that some of the nation’s largest dex rose just 7.2%, according
Cushman & Wakefield name, is countries that are enjoying Just having an office in a Cushman & Wakefield might REITs, says the change has to FactSet. In 2013, banks
widely believed to be hoping economic recoveries. country “doesn’t get it done be limited in its ability to been widely discussed by exec- gained 35%, but REITs fell
to do an initial public offering The resulting fees, commis- for clients” these days, said make acquisitions because it utives in the industry. 1.4%.
in 2016 partly to put itself in a sions and other revenues have Bob Sulentic, CBRE’s chief ex- has more debt than JLL and There are 10 sectors in the REITs, which must pay out
stronger position to compete sent shares of JLL and CBRE ecutive, in an interview earlier CBRE. Also, because it isn’t a S&P 500. The new real-estate at least 90% of corporate in-
against CBRE, JLL and others soaring and given them plenty this month. “We’re now saying public company, it doesn’t sector would be the second- come to shareholders, also
for acquisitions. of cash to go shopping for [to clients], if you go to Mum- have listed stock as an added smallest by market value, at have drawn increased atten-
Deal appetite is intense smaller firms. Meanwhile, bai you know you’re going to incentive to offer owners of 2.6%, just ahead of telecom- tion from yield-starved inves-
partly because the industry is owners of the target compa- have a full suite of products.” targeted firms. munications, as of the market tors in recent years, Mr.
morphing. Commercial-real- nies are recognizing that now In 2014 and the first nine That is one of the reasons close on Nov. 30, according to Blitzer said.
estate firms are trying to rely would be a good time to sell months of 2015, JLL an- an IPO makes sense. “Their S&P Dow Jones Indices. “Everyone wants income
less on highly cyclical broker- because buyers are willing to nounced or closed 25 transac- ability to really invest in the There are 25 companies in and yield,” he said. “We’re
age commissions and more on pay high prices. tions with a total value of business is going to be con- the S&P 500 that would be in hearing it from around the
recurring fees paid by land- “It’s like when the house more than $500 million. Deals strained by how much debt the new real-estate sector. world.”
lords, corporations and other next to you sells for ‘X,’ you included the acquisitions of they have,” William Blair’s Mr. The change reflects the in- As the change looms, in-
clients for a range of consult- look at your wife and say we Oak Grove Capital, a provider Dobell said. “Selling shares to creasingly prominent role that vestment firms are rolling out
ing and management services. could get ‘X’ or better,” said of multifamily lending ser- the public and reducing that real estate plays in the stock new real-estate funds for indi-
Clients, meanwhile, are de- Mitch Germain, an analyst vices; Corrigo Inc., a pioneer debt load would give them market. vidual investors. Nine new
manding that firms have a with JMP Securities. in cloud-based facilities-man- more balance-sheet flexibility.” Though roughly 90% of the real-estate exchange-traded
greater global reach and are The commercial-real-estate agement technology; and Big A spokeswoman for Cush- commercial property in the funds opened in 2015, as many
able to tackle issues such as industry has been consolidat- Red Rooster, a retail-branding man said in a written state- U.S. is in private hands, the as in the five previous years
integrating real estate with ing for more than 15 years as and design firm. ment that the firm has a share held by REITs has grown combined, according to invest-
technology and using real es- the business has become more “What’s changing is the re- strong balance sheet and in recent decades, according ment researcher Morningstar.
tate to improve productivity global, but firms took a alization that you can use real “more than sufficient capital to real-estate-research firm It isn’t clear what the im-
and morale. “These are big breather during the financial estate more centrally as a tool available through cash flows Green Street Advisors. mediate effect will be when
trends,” said Brandon Dobell, downturn. As the U.S. econ- for running your business,” produced by the business.” Some of the nation’s largest the change occurs.
an analyst with William Blair omy began recovering, the big said Colin Dyer, JLL’s CEO. She said that Cushman’s own- landlords are REITs. Simon It is possible that funds
& Co. “The longer you are un- firms picked up where they “But to do so, you need pro- ers “have shown a strong de- Property Group, a mall owner that focus on the financial sec-
able to make acquisitions or had left off. fessional advice that hasn’t sire to also pursue larger M&A that is the largest U.S. REIT by tor and therefore hold REITs
be aggressive in hiring people, CBRE’s acquisitions in 2015 typically existed within the av- through the provision of addi- market value, is valued at will sell off their holdings,
the broader the divergence included United Commercial erage company not focused on tional equity if we feel that is roughly $60 billion, more than which could hit shares in the
from your peers.” Realty, a Dallas-based firm real estate.” better and more efficient.” some of the 30 blue-chip com- short term.
account for about 40% of
Greenland’s Los Angeles proj-
! ect, the company said, although
it expects that percentage to
fall as it continues building the
project. Wanda is expecting for-
eign buyers—the bulk of which
are Chinese—to buy about 30%
of its 94-story, 406-unit condo- A model of the Metropolis, with residential towers and a hotel
said James Losik, marketing di- after its office towers empty In China, the target market
rector at Magellan Development at 5 p.m. is the growing ranks of upper-
Group, which is Wanda’s local Just within the blocks sur- middle-class and wealthy citi-
development partner on the rounding the Staples Center zens who are looking for a
Chicago tower. arena, four developers are plan- place to invest outside of China
Chinese investors are “par-
ticularly interested in the U.S.,”
ning more than $3 billion worth
of development, largely condos
or want a place to send their
children to get a better educa-
Mr. Losik said.
The precise amount of Chi-
mixed with retail and hotel
Roy Guo, a student at Co-
nese-backed development un- The largest and furthest lumbia University in New York,
der way in the U.S. is difficult along is Greenland’s Metropolis purchased a studio apartment
to gauge because many planned project, a collection of three at Greenland’s Brooklyn project
projects are unannounced, residential towers and a hotel. for $600,000 and said he would
while others might never be- Greenland has marketing suites like to buy another apartment
come a reality. for the building in a downtown at Metropolis if he had the
But overall, Chinese pur- Los Angeles high rise and in money.
chases of U.S. commercial real Shanghai, where an American “It’s near Staples Center and
estate have soared in the past flag is perched next to models I’m a big fan of the Lakers,”
MAINE few years as companies and of Metropolis and a $5 billion said Mr. Guo, who is from
List Your wealthy individuals have been New York project named Pacific Shanghai. “I have a global per-
Property Today urged by the Chinese govern- Park Brooklyn. spective, and the yuan’s depre-
ment to diversify around the A Greenland spokeswoman ciation also means it’s impor-
(800) 366-3975 globe. said the company is bullish, tant for us to have some assets
sales.realestate@wsj.com Chinese purchases of com- given the “trend of people re- abroad. But I don’t mean to
Place an ad at:
mercial property grew to about turning to the city, confidence transfer all assets out of China.”
!" $5 billion through the third in Greenland’s brand and qual- In addition to offering les-
wsj.com/classifieds quarter of 2015, already a re- ity,” and the central location of sons on turkey and stuffing, de-
cord that is up from $2.5 billion its Los Angeles project. velopers take other approaches
in all of 2014 and $1 billion in The skeleton for the first Los to woo Chinese buyers, often
2010, according to real-estate- Angeles tower is complete and in pageant-like events with ce-
services firm JLL. the remaining pieces are sched- lebrities.
Nowhere has the interest uled to be done by 2018. In August, Wanda held a
been more concentrated than The rapid pace presents sales event in Shanghai for its
* % ' + & ' , - ./''
in Los Angeles, where at least risks for Greenland and the global projects including the
0 1#
, 2 *,%
3 4 4+ (+ &
10 Chinese developers have other developers. High-rise con- Chicago tower, complete with a
purchased large development dos are relatively new in down- cameo by Spanish soccer club
sites, all within the past two town Los Angeles, and if the Atlético Madrid, in which
" #$
% & '
( ) % years, according to JLL. housing market or foreign-ex- Wanda owns a stake. Fans hold-
The epicenter is downtown change markets—either in Los ing soccer jerseys pushed their
© 2015 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Los Angeles, which was long Angeles or in China—change way into the ballroom when the
All Rights Reserved. devoid of apartments, but re- significantly, the developers soccer players from the club
cently has begun to bustle even could face losses. streamed onstage.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. NY Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | C9
How to Read the Stock Tables Net Net Net Net Net Net
The following explanations apply to NYSE, NYSE Arca, NYSE MKT and Nasdaq Stock Market listed Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg
securities. Prices are composite quotations that include primary market trades as well as trades HarleyDavidson HOG 46.02 0.25 NY CmntyBcp NYCB 16.73 0.17 SpectraEnergyPtrs SEP 44.49 0.49 s ActivisionBliz ATVI 39.58 0.55 FfthThrd FITB 20.48 0.16 OldDomFrght ODFL 59.16 0.46
reported by Nasdaq OMX BXSM (formerly Boston), Chicago Stock Exchange, CBOE, National Stock
Exchange, ISE and BATS. HarmanIntlInds HAR 95.18 1.06 Newell NWL 44.24 -0.13 SpectrumBrndsHldgs SPB 102.77 0.53 AdobeSystems ADBE 95.33 1.13 FirstSolar FSLR 66.41 0.01 OpenText OTEX 49.39 1.00
The list comprises the 1,000 largest companies based on market capitalization. Harris HRS 88.30 1.21 NewfldExpl NFX 32.69 0.35 SpiritAeroSystemsA SPR 48.89 0.63 AkamaiTechnologies AKAM 53.33 0.15 Fiserv FISV 94.18 1.04 Paccar PCAR 48.38 0.38
Underlined quotations are those stocks with large changes in volume compared with the issue’s HrtfrdFnl HIG 44.11 0.62 NewmtMin NEM 18.03 0.12 Sprint S 3.85 0.04 AlexionPharm ALXN 191.88 2.78 FlextronInt FLEX 11.38 0.07 PacWestBncp PACW 44.27 0.44
average trading volume. HealthNet HNT 69.04 0.37 NextEraEnergy NEE 104.65 0.66 StJudeMedical STJ 62.66 1.35 AlignTechnology ALGN 66.37 0.03 Fortinet FTNT 31.78 -0.01 PaneraBreadClA PNRA 197.08 0.69
Boldfaced quotations highlight those issues whose price changed by 5% or more if their previous HelmPayne HP 54.13 0.75 Nidec ADR NJ 18.37 0.34 StanCorpFinancial SFG 114.24 0.02 s Alkermes ALKS 78.80 -1.34 FrontierComms FTR 4.82 -0.03 Paychex PAYX 54.26 0.47
closing price was $2 or higher.
Herbalife HLF 55.15 0.38 NielsenHoldings NLSN 47.34 0.38 StanleyBlDck SWK 107.92 0.93 AlnylamPharm ALNY 93.98 2.30 Garmin GRMN 37.26 0.29 PayPalHoldings PYPL 37.08 0.47
Footnotes: listing standards vj-In bankruptcy or Hershey HSY 90.98 0.59 NikeClB NKE 64.26 0.45 StrwdHtlRsrt HOT 70.87 0.68 s AlphabetClA GOOGL 793.96 11.72 Gentex GNTX 16.43 0.02 People'sUnitedFin PBCT 16.52 0.18
s-New 52-week high. lf-Late filing receivership or being s AlphabetClC GOOG 776.60 14.09
t-New 52-week low. q-Temporary exemption from reorganized under the HertzGlobal HTZ 14.51 0.37 NipponTelegraphADR NTT 40.12 0.47 StarwoodPrTr STWD 20.62 -0.18 GileadSciences GILD 103.36 1.68 PilgrimPride PPC 22.50 -0.03
dd-Indicates loss in the most Nasdaq requirements. Bankruptcy Code, or securities Hess HES 49.36 0.37 NiSource NI 19.80 0.33 StateSt STT 67.65 0.48 s Amazon.com AMZN 693.97 18.77 Goodyear GT 33.26 0.53 Premier PINC 35.12 0.25
recent four quarters. t-NYSE bankruptcy assumed by such companies. HewlettPackardEnt HPE 15.20 -0.03 NobleEnergy NBL 33.40 0.38 StatoilADR STO 14.20 0.18 Amdocs DOX 55.50 0.17 Grifols ADR GRFS 33.25 0.76 PricelineGroup PCLN 1302.40 29.44
FD-First day of trading. v-Trading halted on primary HiltonWorldwide HLT 21.79 0.01 NokiaADR NOK 7.21 0.13 s Steris STE 77.73 1.34 Amerco UHAL 391.89 4.12 HDSupplyHoldings HDS 30.50 0.33 Qiagen QGEN 27.55 0.50
h-Does not meet continued market. HollyFrontier HFC 40.56 -0.05 NomuraHoldingsADR NMR 5.68 0.04 STMicroelectronics STM 6.82 0.04 AmericaMovilClAADR AMOV 14.41 0.33 Hasbro HAS 68.43 0.78 Qorvo QRVO 52.99 0.10
HomeDepot HD 133.70 1.02 Nordstrom JWN 50.88 0.53 Stryker SYK 94.81 1.24 AmerAirlinesGrp AAL 43.50 0.27 s HenrySchein HSIC 160.50 2.01 Qualcomm QCOM 50.88 1.30
Wall Street Journal stock tables reflect composite regular trading as of 4 p.m. and
changes in the closing prices from 4 p.m. the previous day.
HondaMotorADR HMC 32.41 0.19 NorfolkSouthern NSC 85.56 -0.03 SumitomoMitsADR SMFG 7.69 0.07 AmeriCapAg AGNC 17.44 -0.13 Hologic HOLX 39.55 0.25 s QunarCaymanIslADR QUNR 54.75 1.11
Honeywell HON 105.34 1.01 NortelInversoraADR NTL 14.86 -0.30 SunLifeFinancial SLF 32.19 0.59 Amgen AMGN 164.44 2.71 JBHunt JBHT 73.51 0.63 RandgoldRscsADR GOLD 62.40 0.32
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Net Net HormelFoods HRL 80.50 0.49 NorthrpGrum NOC 191.48 1.50 SuncorEnergy SU 26.38 0.08 AmTrustFinSvcs AFSI 62.94 -0.86 HuntgBcsh HBAN 11.30 0.15 RegenPharm REGN 550.21 9.93
Net Stock Sym Close Chg Stock Sym Close Chg DR Horton DHI 32.61 0.32 Novartis ADR NVS 88.05 1.30 SunocoLgst SXL 25.12 -0.12 AnacorPharm ANAC 111.92 5.81 IACInteractv IACI 61.00 0.47 RossStores ROST 54.94 0.55
Stock Sym Close Chg
BerkHathwy B BRK/B 134.14 1.02 DeltaAir DAL 52.17 0.22
HostHotels&Resorts HST 15.93 0.35 NovoNordiskADR NVO 58.77 0.48 SunTrustBanks STI 43.81 0.64 AnalogDevices ADI 57.31 0.86 IdexxLab IDXX 74.30 0.14 s RyanairHoldingsADR RYAAY 87.64 0.32
BestBuy BBY 30.75 0.22 DeutscheBank DB 24.87 0.41
HuanengPowerADR HNP 34.60 -0.05 Nucor NUE 40.48 0.23 SynchronyFinancial SYF 30.69 0.52 Apple AAPL 108.74 1.92 IPG Photonics IPGP 91.79 0.37 SBACommunications SBAC 106.20 1.27
NYSE BioMedRealtyTrust BMR 23.70 0.06 DevonEnergy DVN 32.24 0.55
Hubbell HUBB 103.00 1.39 NuSTAREnergy NS 37.00 -0.66 SyngentaADR SYT 79.67 0.23 AppliedMaterials AMAT 19.26 0.26 t IcahnEnt IEP 61.52 -1.45 SEIInvestments SEIC 52.85 0.19
ABBADR ABB 18.23 0.07 BlackKnightFinSvcs BKFS 33.29 0.29 DiageoADR DEO 111.05 1.59
Humana HUM 179.11 1.25 OGEEnergy OGE 26.81 0.03 Sysco SYY 41.53 0.02 ArchCapitalGroup ACGL 71.24 0.30 Illumina ILMN 194.18 6.12 SS&CTechs SSNC 68.43 0.49
s ACE ACE 119.47 1.88 BlackRock BLK 343.60 1.15 s DigitalRealtyTrust DLR 77.01 0.91 HuntingtonIngalls HII 129.48 1.19 ONEOK OKE 24.05 -0.07 TEConnectivity TEL 65.75 0.54 AthenaHealth ATHN 166.49 2.64 Incyte INCY 110.72 1.04 SVBFinancialGroup SIVB 122.50 1.88
HyattHotels H 48.64 0.49 ONEOKPartners OKS 28.42 -0.25 TEGNA TGNA 26.23 0.20 s AtlassianClA TEAM 31.10 2.20 Intel INTC 35.44 0.51 Sabre SABR 28.41 0.45
ADTCorp. ADT 34.68 0.58 BlackstoneGroup BX 30.17 -0.24 DiscoverFinSvcs DFS 54.78 0.43
ICICIBankADR IBN 7.89 -0.04 OccidentalPetrol OXY 68.19 0.20 TELUS TU 28.37 0.48 Autodesk ADSK 62.22 0.36 IntrctvBrkGrp IBKR 43.66 0.47 SanDisk SNDK 75.97 0.66
AES AES 9.61 0.15 BlockHR HRB 33.50 0.06 Disney DIS 107.08 -0.17
IHSClA IHS 119.98 0.82 Och-ZiffCapMgmt OZM 6.26 -0.09 TERNIUMADR TX 12.30 -0.18 ADP ADP 86.84 1.09 Intuit INTU 99.34 1.12 SeagateTechnology STX 37.15 0.41
Aflac AFL 60.94 0.55 BdwlkPipePtnr BWP 12.43 0.05 DollarGeneral DG 72.69 0.70
IMSHealthHoldings IMS 25.67 -0.12 s OldRepublic ORI 19.02 0.16 TJX TJX 71.76 1.09 AvagoTech AVGO 147.94 1.59 IntutvSrgcl ISRG 553.37 6.26 SeattleGenetics SGEN 45.31 0.94
s AGLResources GAS 63.72 0.22 Boeing BA 147.35 2.81 DominionResources D 68.64 0.78
AT&T T 34.93 0.17 BorgWarner BWA 44.04 0.65 Dominos DPZ 112.00 1.87 INGGroepADR ING 13.87 0.08 OmegaHlthcr OHI 35.36 0.28 TableauSoftware DATA 95.09 0.03 BaiduADR BIDU 194.68 1.88 IonisPharma IONS 60.89 0.35 ShireADR SHPG 208.67 5.32
AbbottLabs ABT 45.82 0.79 BostonProperties BXP 129.82 2.10 DouglasEmmett DEI 31.59 0.97 Invesco IVZ 33.57 0.61 OmnicomGroup OMC 77.15 0.64 TaiwanSemiconADR TSM 23.08 0.07 BedBath BBBY 48.89 0.16 JD.comADR JD 32.65 0.76 SignatureBank SBNY 156.20 1.36
AbbVie ABBV 59.45 0.70 BosSci BSX 18.74 0.01 Dover DOV 62.17 -0.14 ITCHoldings ITC 38.76 -0.15 OneMainHoldings OMF 41.32 0.05 Target TGT 74.44 1.57 Biogen BIIB 309.67 5.83 JackHenry JKHY 79.25 0.83 SiliconwareADR SPIL 7.90 -0.04
AccentureClA ACN 105.32 1.24 BristolMyers BMY 69.74 0.57 DowChemical DOW 52.79 1.02 IDEX IEX 77.71 0.49 OpkoHealth OPK 10.34 0.21 TaroPharm TARO 155.48 -1.50 BioMarinPharm BMRN 106.07 0.77 JazzPharma JAZZ 142.97 1.32 SiriusXMHoldings SIRI 4.09 0.02
s AcuityBrands AYI 236.78 -2.78 BrixmorPropertyGrp BRX 25.94 0.22 s DrPepperSnap DPS 94.99 0.66 IllinoisToolWorks ITW 94.25 1.07 Oracle ORCL 37.04 0.25 TataMotorsADR TTM 29.52 0.05 BlackBerry BBRY 9.35 -0.07 JetBlue JBLU 23.41 0.13 SironaDental SIRO 111.48 1.29
AdvanceAuto AAP 152.20 1.65 BdridgeFnlSol BR 54.84 0.09 DrReddysLabADR RDY 46.77 0.70 InfosysADR INFY 16.95 0.11 OrangeADR ORAN 17.02 0.19 TecoEnergy TE 26.77 0.12 s Broadcom BRCM 58.32 0.31 KLA Tencor KLAC 69.90 0.50 SkywrkSol SWKS 80.43 1.12
AdvSemiEnggADR ASX 5.74 0.03 BrookfieldMgt BAM 32.12 0.16 DuPont DD 67.57 1.10 Ingersoll-Rand IR 56.23 0.72 OrbitalATK OA 90.98 1.33 TelecomItaliaADR TI/A 10.42 0.09 CA CA 29.35 0.41 KeurigGreenMtn GMCR 90.21 0.31 SolarCity SCTY 49.74 -1.57
Ingredion INGR 97.63 1.68 71.81 0.91 TelecomItaliaADR TI 12.92 0.06 CBOE Holdings CBOE 65.96 0.52 KraftHeinz KHC 74.69 1.27 Splunk SPLK 58.40 0.74
AegonADR AEG 5.80 0.03 BrookfieldInfr BIP 38.22 0.61 DukeEnergy DUK 72.37 0.45 OrixADR IX
ICE ICE 257.74 3.33 OwensCorng OC 47.44 0.30 Teleflex TFX 134.29 1.06 CDKGlobal CDK 49.00 -0.08 LKQ LKQ 30.03 0.34 Staples SPLS 9.56 -0.06
AerCapHoldings AER 43.51 0.76 BrownFormanClA BF/A 111.79 0.58 DukeRealty DRE 21.31 0.19
BrownFormanClB BF/B 102.01 EMC 25.98 0.07 InterContinentlADR IHG 39.49 0.20 PG&E PCG 53.81 0.29 TelefonicaBrasADR VIV 9.42 -0.09 CDW CDW 43.34 0.87 LamResearch LRCX 80.75 0.72 Starbucks SBUX 61.13 0.94
Aetna AET 110.21 1.26 0.06 EMC
BuckeyePartners BPL 62.85 30.69 0.25 IBM IBM 139.78 2.17 PNC FnlSvcs PNC 96.95 1.01 TelefonicaADR TEF 11.40 0.10 CH Robinson CHRW 63.19 0.01 LamarAdvertisingA LAMR 60.35 0.18 Stericycle SRCL 123.15 1.51
AffiliatedManagers AMG 162.66 -0.59 -0.49 ENIADR E
BG 68.92 EOG Res EOG 71.09 0.60 IntFlavor IFF 121.12 0.77 POSCOADR PKX 36.50 -1.05 TelekmIndonesiaADR TLK 45.04 -0.32 CMEGroupClA CME 92.32 0.43 LibertyBroadbandA LBRDA 51.53 0.60 Symantec SYMC 21.37 0.24
AgilentTechs A 42.36 0.58 Bunge 0.89
CBRE Group CBG 35.13 EQT 52.98 0.94 InternationalPaper IP 38.65 0.53 PPG Ind PPG 100.58 0.68 TenarisADR TS 24.25 0.02 CSX CSX 26.38 0.44 LibertyBroadbandC LBRDK 51.92 0.68 Synopsys SNPS 46.45 0.29
AgnicoEagleMines AEM 26.93 0.11 0.40 EQT
CBS/A 51.96 EQTMidstreamPtrs EQM 74.75 -0.65
s Interpublic IPG 23.65 0.15 PPL PPL 34.44 0.30 Tesoro TSO 102.88 0.46 CadenceDesign CDNS 21.27 0.06 LibertyGlobalClA LBTYA 40.25 0.79 TDAmeritrade AMTD 35.21 0.25
Agrium AGU 91.46 0.82 CBSClA -0.27
CBS 47.29 EastmanChemical EMN 69.07 0.86 IronMountain IRM 28.26 0.85 PVH Corp. PVH 74.30 1.38 TesoroLogistics TLLP 48.45 -1.85 Carlyle CG 15.78 -0.09 LibertyGlobalClC LBTYK 38.77 0.66 s TFSFinancial TFSL 19.22 0.28
AirProducts&Chems APD 133.20 0.60 CBSClB 0.46
EatonCorp.PLC ETN 53.08 0.49 IsraelChemicals ICL 4.30 -0.04 PackCpAm PKG 63.94 -0.43 TevaPharmADR TEVA 66.20 0.27 CaseyGnStr CASY 122.91 1.43 LibertyGlbLiLACAWi LILA 40.37 0.38 T-MobileUS TMUS 40.12 0.34
Airgas ARG 138.68 0.26 CFIndustries CF 42.64 0.40
Ecolab ECL 116.39 0.92 ItauUnibancoADR ITUB 6.78 0.01 PaloAltoNetworks PANW 177.77 1.13 Textron TXT 42.98 0.42 Celgene CELG 121.27 2.17 LibertyGlbLiLACClC LILAK 42.00 0.48 TRowePrice TROW 73.10 0.38
AlaskaAirGroup ALK 82.77 0.35 CGI Gp A GIB 41.02 0.65
EcopetrolADR EC 7.12 -0.10 JPMorganChase JPM 67.07 0.69 ParkerHannifin PH 99.52 0.89 s ThermoFisherSci TMO 143.03 2.33 Cerner CERN 61.85 1.23 LibertyInteractQVC QVCA 27.15 0.26 TeslaMotors TSLA 237.19 8.24
Albemarle ALB 56.73 -0.02 CIT Grp CIT 40.56 0.12 JacobsEngineering JEC 43.07 0.40 TXN 57.02 0.60
EdisonInt EIX 60.41 0.46 s PartnerRe PRE 140.00 0.12 ThomsonReuters TRI 38.67 0.50 CharterComms CHTR 185.17 3.09 LibertyVenturesA LVNTA 44.17 0.54 TX Instr
AlcatelLucentADR ALU 3.93 0.05 CMSEnergy CMS 36.57 0.16
EdwardsLife EW 79.76 -0.06 JamesHardieADR JHX 12.58 0.25 PearsonADR PSO 10.99 -0.29 3M MMM 152.89 1.67 ChkPntSftwr CHKP 83.66 1.12 LibertyMediaA LMCA 39.48 0.39 TowersWatson A TW 139.94 5.39
Alcoa AA 10.13 0.15 CNAFinancial CNA 35.74 0.10
Embraer ADR ERJ 29.86 0.27 Jarden JAH 57.25 -0.11 PembinaPipeline PBA 21.98 0.08 Tiffany TIF 77.62 1.02 CincinnatiFin CINF 60.54 0.49 LibertyMediaC LMCK 38.10 0.51 TractorSupply TSCO 87.19 1.20
AlexREEq ARE 92.00 1.01 CNOOCADR CEO 107.20 1.09
EmersonElectric EMR 48.49 0.23 JohnsJohns JNJ 104.03 0.81 Pentair PNR 50.48 0.88 TimeWarnerCable TWC 187.23 2.18 Cintas CTAS 92.82 0.80 LinearTechnology LLTC 43.91 0.52 TrimbleNav TRMB 22.06 0.16
AlibabaGroupADR BABA 83.26 1.12 CRHADR CRH 29.40 0.22
EmpresaNacADR EOC 37.23 -0.12 JohnsonControls JCI 40.52 0.63 PepcoHoldings POM 26.16 -0.06 TimeWarner TWX 64.84 0.36 CiscoSys CSCO 27.77 0.46 LinnEnergy LINE 1.39 -0.09 TripAdvisor TRIP 86.51 1.31
Alleghany Y 485.67 0.81 CSRA CSRA 29.59 0.10
EnbridgePtnr EEP 22.28 -0.38 JonesLangLaSalle JLL 160.75 2.24 PepsiCo PEP 101.45 0.77 Toll Bros TOL 33.86 0.11 CitrixSystems CTXS 77.46 1.48 lululemonathletica LULU 52.37 -0.80 21stCenturyFoxClA FOXA 27.57 0.15
Allegion ALLE 66.96 0.65 CVSHealth CVS 99.36 0.94
Enbridge ENB 33.36 0.37 JoyGlobal JOY 13.03 -0.07 s PerkinElmer PKI 54.36 0.82 Torchmark TMK 57.84 0.55 CognizantTechSolns CTSH 61.41 0.91 ManhattanAssoc MANH 69.43 0.48 21stCenturyFoxClB FOX 27.60 0.15
Allergan AGN 314.49 5.61 Cablevision CVC 31.92 0.07
Encana ECA 5.02 0.15 JuniperNetworks JNPR 28.04 0.33 Perrigo PRGO 146.59 0.75 TorntoDomn TD 40.02 0.57 Comcast A CMCSA 57.56 0.37 Markit MRKT 30.12 0.24 UltaSalon ULTA 185.31 0.54
AllianceData ADS 280.30 2.16 CabotO&G COG 17.70 0.46
EngyTrnsfrEqty ETE 13.45 -0.02 KARAuctionServices KAR 37.37 0.38 PetroChinaADR PTR 67.14 -0.65 TotalADR TOT 45.85 0.48 CommScopeHldg COMM 26.31 0.18 MarriottInt A MAR 68.75 -0.10 UltimateSoftware ULTI 196.44 2.01
AllncBrnstnHldg AB 24.69 0.14 Calpine CPN 14.58 0.23
EnergyTransfer ETP 32.96 -0.44 KBFinancialGrpADR KB 28.76 -0.15 PetroleoBrasilADR PBR 4.42 -0.03 TotalSystemSvcs TSS 51.00 0.25 CoStarGroup CSGP 210.42 0.85 Mattel MAT 27.68 0.21 UnitedTherapeutics UTHR 159.23 -1.63
AlliantEnergy LNT 63.38 0.15 CamdenPropertyTr CPT 77.45 0.60 KKR 15.66 -0.14 VRSN 88.74 0.85
Enerplus ERF 3.48 0.13 KKR PetroleoBrasilADRA PBR/A 3.42 -0.02 ToyotaMotorADR TM 124.76 0.29 CostcoWholesale COST 162.66 1.50 MaximIntProducts MXIM 38.79 0.95 VeriSign
ALL 63.19 0.55 CCJ 12.40 0.23
-0.17 VeriskAnalytics VRSK 77.77 0.60
Allstate Cameco KT 12.09 -0.34
EnersisADR ENI 12.16 -0.09 KTADR Pfizer PFE 32.83 0.41 TransCan TRP 33.27 0.39 Ctrip.comIntlADR CTRP 48.04 0.09 Medivation MDVN 47.81
AllyFinancial ALLY 18.86 0.12 CameronIntl CAM 63.76 0.10
EnLinkMidstream ENLK 16.17 -0.01 KSCitySo KSU 74.41 1.20 PhilipMrrsIntl PM 89.36 0.77 TransdigmGrp TDG 228.37 3.15 DISHNetworkClA DISH 58.05 0.15 MelcoCrownEntADR MPEL 17.10 0.23 VertxPharm VRTX 127.87 3.92
AltriaGroup MO 58.92 0.65 CampbellSoup CPB 53.68 0.09
Entergy ETR 69.20 0.34 s Kellogg K 73.51 0.64 PhilippineLgDisADR PHI 43.00 -0.39 TransUnion TRU 27.70 0.26 Dentsply XRAY 61.91 0.70 MercadoLibre MELI 115.12 1.23 Viacom A VIA 43.48 0.14
AlumofChinaADR ACH 8.39 0.05 CM 67.29 1.10
0.59 Viacom B VIAB 41.33 0.16
CIBC KEY 13.42 0.12
EntPdtsPtnr EPD 24.97 0.03 KeyCp Phillips66 PSX 82.77 0.31 TravelersCos TRV 115.02 1.54 Dexcom DXCM 82.33 0.63 MicrochipTech MCHP 48.12
AmbevADR ABEV 4.68 0.01 CanNtlRlwy CNI 56.69 0.29
EnvisionHealthcare EVHC 25.59 0.34 KeysightTechs KEYS 28.62 -0.16 PinnacleFoods PF 43.10 0.35 TurkcellIletismADR TKC 8.85 0.15 DiscoveryCommsA DISCA 26.90 0.06 MicronTechnology MU 14.34 0.15 VimpelComADR VIP 3.30 -0.01
AEE 44.12 0.08 CndNatRes CNQ 22.52 0.63 0.60 VodafoneGroupADR VOD 32.40 0.48
Ameren KilroyRealty KRC 64.17 0.72 s Microsoft MSFT 56.55
s Equifax EFX 113.61 0.54 PinaclWCap PNW 65.19 0.35 TurquoiseHillRscs TRQ 2.57 -0.02 DiscoveryCommsC DISCK 25.38 0.03
AmericaMovilADR AMX 14.48 0.27 CanPacRlwy CP 128.54 1.68
s EquityLife ELS 66.81 0.67 s KimberlyClark KMB 129.54 1.31 PioneerNaturalRscs PXD 124.46 2.88 Twitter TWTR 22.47 -0.06 DollarTree DLTR 78.02 0.78 Middleby MIDD 109.09 0.71 WPPADR WPPGY 116.89 1.95
AEP 58.89 0.29 CanonADR CAJ 30.79 0.26 0.85 WalgreensBootsAll WBA 86.82 0.98
AEP KimcoRealty KIM 26.97 0.31 DunkinBrands DNKN 42.70 0.74 MondelezIntlClA MDLZ 45.75
EqResdntl EQR 81.97 0.78 PlainsAllAmPipe PAA 23.51 -0.14 TycoInternational TYC 32.65 0.45
AmericanExpress AXP 70.55 0.79 CapOneFnl COF 73.79 0.64
s EssexProp ESS 244.29 3.46 KinderMorgan KMI 15.10 -0.16 PlainsGPHldgsClA PAGP 9.23 -0.09 s TylerTechnologies TYL 180.61 0.09 Dyax DYAX 37.73 0.16 MonsterBeverage MNST 150.17 2.01 WstnDgtl WDC 61.06 1.26
AmericanFinancial AFG 73.27 0.67 CardinalHealth CAH 90.85 0.36
EsteeLaudr A EL 89.40 0.74 KingDigitalEnt KING 17.87 ... PlumCrk PCL 48.69 0.07 TysonFoodsClA TSN 53.90 0.37 E Trade ETFC 29.90 0.33 Mylan MYL 55.28 0.95 WholeFoods WFM 34.23 -0.01
AmIntlGp AIG 62.54 0.94 CSL 89.44 0.27 0.44 WynnResorts WYNN 70.12 1.78
Carlisle Kohl's KSS 48.81 1.57 EastWestBancorp EWBC 42.45 0.33 NXP Semi NXPI 86.32
EvrstReGrp RE 187.33 2.05 PolarisIndustries PII 87.35 0.81 UBSGroup UBS 19.91 0.16
AmericanTowerREIT AMT 99.41 1.04 CarMax KMX 54.59 1.41 KoninklijkePhilADR PHG 26.33 0.28 XLNX 48.18 0.38
EversourceEnergy ES 51.90 0.06 PotashCp POT 17.73 -0.07 s UDR UDR 37.89 0.47 eBay EBAY 27.91 0.27 s Nasdaq NDAQ 59.38 0.27 Xilinx
s AmericanWaterWorks AWK 60.60 -0.01 s Carnival CCL 55.14 0.95 KoreaElcPwrADR KEP 21.35 -0.11 YHOO 34.04 0.44
Exelon EXC 27.95 0.19 Praxair PX 104.40 0.62 UGI UGI 34.43 0.36 ElectroArts EA 69.85 0.66 NetApp NTAP 26.88 0.31 Yahoo
Amerigas APU 34.05 0.03 s Carnival ADR CUK 57.52 1.00 KR 42.64 0.19 YNDX 15.82 0.18
s ExtrSpcStor EXR 90.22 1.16 Kroger
PrecisionCastparts PCP 232.09 0.96 UltraparPartADR UGP 16.04 -0.15 EndoInternational ENDP 62.49 0.67 s NeteaseADR NTES 184.73 3.00 Yandex
AmerprsFncl AMP 108.58 0.78 Carters CRI 91.28 0.79 KyoceraADR KYO 47.08 0.59 s Equinix EQIX 304.98 4.07 NFLX 119.12 2.01 ZionsBcp ZION 27.81 0.17
ExxonMobil XOM 79.16 0.42 PrincipalFinancial PFG 46.16 0.59 UnderArmour A UA 82.25 1.03 Netflix
AmeriSrcBrg ABC 104.77 0.58 Caterpillar CAT 69.19 0.61 LBrands LB 97.88 1.22 EricssonADR ERIC 9.84 0.10 NewsCorpClA NWSA 13.72 0.20 Zynga ZNGA 2.64 -0.05
FMC FMC 40.39 0.63 Procter&Gamble PG 80.36 0.44 UnileverADR UN 44.23 0.52
Ametek AME 54.55 0.61 Celanese A CE 67.64 0.59 LGDisplayADR LPL 10.60 -0.06 EXPE 127.70 1.60 NewsCorpClB NWS 14.29 0.23
FMCTechnologies FTI 29.20 0.25 ProgressiveCorp PGR 32.46 0.50 UnileverADR UL 43.96 0.53 Expedia
AmphenolClA APH 53.45 0.28 CemexADR CX 5.39 -0.04
FactSetResearchSys FDS 163.56 2.21 L-3Communications LLL 120.72 1.34 UnionPacific UNP 78.97 0.63 ExpeditrInt EXPD 45.67 -0.15 NrthnTrust NTRS 73.58 0.68
AnadarkoPetroleum APC 49.73 0.04 CencosudADR CNCO 6.05 ... Prologis PLD 43.57 0.66
FRT 149.96 0.32 LabCpAm LH 125.20 0.80 UnitedContlHldgs UAL 59.30 0.29 ExpressScriptsHldg ESRX 88.20 0.25 NorwegianCruise NCLH 59.53 1.51 BritishAmTobADR BTI 112.43 0.80
AnheuserBuschADR BUD 127.39 1.55 CenovusEnergy CVE 12.83 0.21
FedRlty PrudentialFin PRU 83.21 0.76
FDX 149.24 0.83 LasVegasSands LVS 44.38 0.26 UnitedMicroADR UMC 1.90 -0.01 F5Networks FFIV 97.55 0.55 NuanceComms NUAN 20.20 0.01 CheniereEnergy LNG 37.03 -0.23
AnnalyCap NLY 9.40 -0.05 CNC 66.74 0.68
FedEx PrudentialADR PUK 46.26 0.34
Ferrari RACE 47.93 1.50 Lazard LAZ 46.01 0.34 UtdParcel B UPS 97.72 0.72 FacebookClA FB 107.26 1.33 NVIDIA NVDA 33.68 0.54 CheniereEngyPtnr CQP 25.14 -1.26
AnteroResources AR 23.21 0.67 CenterPointEnergy CNP 18.46 0.28 PublicServiceEnt PEG 39.05 0.34
FiatChryslerAutos FCAU 14.37 0.07 LearCorp LEA 125.73 0.21 UnitedRentals URI 73.32 0.85 Fastenal FAST 41.64 0.24 OReillyAuto ORLY 258.50 2.56 ImpOil IMO 32.91 0.29
ANTM 141.85 1.82 CenturyLink CTL 25.88 0.04 s PublicStorage PSA 252.21 1.04
Anthem FibriaCelulose ADR FBR 12.99 -0.11 Leggett&Platt LEG 43.11 0.34 USB 43.52 0.73
AON 93.84 1.84 CVX 91.25 0.89 PulteGroup PHM 18.16 0.06 US Bcp
Aon Chevron
FidNtlFnl FNF 34.79 0.26 LennarClA LEN 49.60 0.43 8.20 -0.10
APA 45.45 0.53 ChinaEasternAirADR CEA 28.69 0.09 LennarClB LEN/B 40.59 Qihoo360Technology QIHU 72.83 0.09 US Steel X
Apache FNFVGroup FNFV 11.26 0.16 0.38 UnitedTech UTX 97.27 1.18
ApartmtInv AIV 40.36 0.54 ChinaLifeInsADR LFC 16.52 0.15 LennoxIntl LII 127.88 QuestDiag DGX 72.11 0.51
FidelityNtlInfo FIS 61.59 0.59 1.16 UnitedHealthGroup UNH 119.82 1.49
ApolloGlobalMgmtA APO 15.38 0.10 ChinaMobileADR CHL 56.86 0.57 LeucadiaNational LUK 17.16 0.15
QuintilesTransnat Q 70.46 0.88
58.comADR WUBA 65.88 0.49 RELXADR RENX 17.11 0.08 UniversalHealthB UHS 121.40 2.05 ADVERTISEMENT
AquaAmerica WTR 30.36 0.03 ChinaPetroleumADR SNP 61.31 0.22 FirstRepublicBank FRC 67.18 0.48 Level3Comm LVLT 54.45 0.52
RELXADR RELX 18.12 0.09 UnumGroup UNM 33.71 0.29
Aramark ARMK 32.56 0.28 ChinaSoAirlinesADR ZNH 38.38 -0.08 FirstEnergy FE 32.60 -0.04 LibertyPropertyTr LPT 31.85 ...
RPM RPM 44.59 0.39 VEREIT VER 8.05 0.09
ArcelorMittalADR MT 4.20 -0.11 ChinaTelecomADR CHA 47.27 0.24
ArcherDan ADM 37.09 0.59
AristaNetworks ANET 78.70 0.66
ChinaUnicomADR CHU 12.29
ChipotleMex CMG 489.94
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prices fell below $2.00 a gal-
lon in the week before
Rolling 12-month change in U.S.
vehicles got three miles
more a gallon than in 2000,
when prices were near a
switching to a higher gear.
At least one analyst thinks
Tesla’s fourth-quarter deliver-
vehicle miles driven
Taxpayers have borne the Christmas. trough. But turnover in the ies, likely to be announced
bulk of mortgage credit risk The question is how ac- 4% vehicle fleet is too slow to next week, will be a positive.
ever since Fannie Mae and customed economy watchers 3 do more than change things Trip Chowdhry at Global Eq-
Freddie Mac were put into should get to regular un- at the margin. uities Research wrote Tues-
conservatorship. leaded at such low levels. It 2 That isn’t the only effect day that Tesla has likely deliv-
In a twist, a plan to ease matters for many reasons, 1 on demand, though. There is ered more than 18,300 cars
this burden relies on a ver- not least that lower prices 0 evidence that road trips, dis- since Sept. 30. That would be
sion of an instrument de- boost Americans’ budgets cretionary trips to the mall above the midpoint of Tesla’s
monized in the financial cri- whether savings are spent or –1 and perhaps the propensity guidance for 17,000 to 19,000
sis—synthetic collateralized saved. The sum is about –2 to do things like carpool are deliveries. And it would be
debt obligations. Fannie’s $800 annually per household all affected. Based on the significantly higher than deliv-
Connecticut Avenue Securi- compared with a year ago most recent 12-month rolling ery totals in the past three
ties and Freddie’s Structured and $1,900 since July 2014 2000 ’10 data on vehicle miles driven, quarters. This raises a risk ex-
Agency Credit Risk instru- when prices last peaked. Sources: Federal Highway Administration; Bloomberg News (photo) Americans have rediscovered tra deliveries could cause the
ments are called risk-sharing But big swings in com- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. their love of the road. In Oc- average vehicle selling price to
bonds. They produce income modity prices are under- tober, this figure was 3.4% fall, although Mr. Chowdhry
based on the performance of stood to contain the seeds of shale or Canadian oil-sands In the U.S., in particular, higher than a year prior. The believes this was stable.
a pool of mortgages. If those their own destruction. producers. And, now, Iran where public transportation last time it rose that much Yet to be seen is whether
default, investors can lose The fact the collapse in soon may replace about as is a poor or nonexistent op- was in the summer of 2000. improved sales translate to
some or all their principal. crude oil has been so rapid many barrels of output as tion for many, people are Back in June 2014 the better cash flow. Tesla posted
But rather than own mort- and severe may not have have been lost to date from seen as slow to change driv- growth pace was just 1%. free cash flow of negative-
gages directly, investors are swayed large state-owned U.S. shale. ing habits. Car purchases are That substantial difference $1.7 billion in 2015’s first nine
buying corporate obligations oil-market players such as So what about consum- another matter as choices shows that exuberant Ameri- months. And cash burn has
of Fannie and Freddie. members of the Organization ers? Numerous studies have about fuel efficiency swing can drivers and not just de- worsened as the pace of de-
Hence, the resemblance to of the Petroleum Exporting been done on the so-called from month to month based spondent American oilmen liveries quickened. Sometimes
synthetic CDOs. Countries to cut back output. price elasticity of demand on gasoline prices. For exam- are doing their part to bring going faster doesn’t get you
The bonds have evolved in But it already has affected for gasoline—but usually in ple, in the 2009 model year the oil market into balance. where you need to be.
admirable ways since their marginal ones such as U.S. the context of surging prices. when prices were high, the —Spencer Jakab
beginnings. The companies
now share risk on about 90%
of newly acquired 30-year
fixed-rate loans. They also
have begun laying off first-
There Is Value Hidden in Chinese Insurer PICC Group
loss risk and expanded the The staid insurance world nesses is slightly north of zero. management, according to doesn’t correct the valuation
pools to include riskier has thrown up an interesting Insurance Pair It was actually negative for UBS. discrepancy on its own, Ameri-
loans. So, by the end of 2015, value play. The actors include Value of PICC Group shares and most of the past three months. Rawen Huang, founder of can International Group, a key
taxpayers will bear just 50% two of China’s top insurers and PICC Group’s stake in PICC P&C Clearly, PICC’s non-P&C hedge fund Petrel Capital, says shareholder in both compa-
of credit risk in mortgage one of America’s. businesses invite pessimism. the life and health arms should nies, could. AIG has cut its
loans, down from over three- State-run People’s Insur- $30 billion Their implied value has been at least be worth their embed- holding in PICC P&C twice this
quarters in 2010, according ance Co. (Group) of China, or PICC Group falling since 2012, because ded value, a metric that calcu- year, in an attempt to focus
to the Urban Institute. PICC Group, is China’s oldest 20 PICC’s scale in life and health lates net assets plus the pres- capital in core markets. It
Still, there is room for im- national insurance firm. Since is small, and health has racked ent value of future profits. could sell further, given that
provement. With both com- listing in Hong Kong in 2012, up losses. That makes them worth $7.4 its entities still own a signifi-
panies in government hands, its shares have been mostly P&C Stake Yet investors have rarely billion to PICC Group, in pro- cant 18.5% stake in P&C’s Hong
there seems little sense in flat. Its market value is $21.2 thought these businesses are portion of its ownership. Kong shares, or 5.7% of its to-
perpetuating two-track issu- billion. 2013 ’14 ’15 worth so little. To think so It makes sense to specifi- tal share capital including non-
ance. A common security PICC runs separate insur- Source: FactSet now is too harsh. cally invest in PICC’s life and traded shares in the mainland.
would make more sense. ance operations in property PICC Group’s life arm grew health arms by buying PICC It hasn’t sold its PICC Group
The catch: The bonds are and casualty, life and health. Considering PICC Group premiums by 15.7%, year over Group shares and selling short holding.
attractive because investors The property-and-casualty arm owns 69% of PICC P&C, the year, during the first half of PICC P&C. This has the benefit At 1.9 times book value,
essentially get the U.S. gov- is the biggest and is separately value of this stake within the 2015. Health premiums fell, but of leaving investors agnostic to PICC P&C is more expensive
ernment as a counterparty. listed in Hong Kong as PICC bigger insurance group itself market share rose while the what occurs at PICC P&C, such than the parent’s 1.2 times.
That complicates efforts to Property & Casualty. Per- comes to $20.9 billion—barely segment eked out its first as its acquisition Monday of Selling the P&C unit and hold-
overhaul housing finance forming much better than its less than PICC Group’s total profit since 2011. These busi- Deutsche Bank’s stake in Hua ing the parent would be
and could further muddy parent, PICC P&C boasts a market capitalization. That im- nesses also could benefit from Xia Bank, a midsize Chinese shrewd, both for ordinary in-
what happens to Fannie and market capitalization of $30.3 plies that the equity value of overhauled product distribu- lender, for about $4 billion. vestors and for AIG.
Freddie. —John Carney billion. PICC Group’s non-P&C busi- tion and, in one case, new If the broader market —Abheek Bhattacharya
Net YTD DivIntl 35.58 +0.38 4.7 GlBondAdv p 11.57 +0.02 -3.7 TotRetBdI 10.60 -0.03 0.1 EqIndex 55.87 +0.60 2.8 GrwthAdml 55.70 +0.65 5.1 TgtRe2015 14.33 -0.95 0.2
Fund NAV Chg % Ret DivIntlK r 35.50 +0.37 4.7 TRBdPlan 9.98 -0.04 ... Growth 54.58 +0.70 12.8 HlthCareAdml r 94.28 +1.25 14.3 TgtRe2020 27.40 -0.99 0.2
Explanatory Notes Data provided by
GroCo 139.33 +1.67 9.7 G MFS Funds Class A HelSci 69.74 +0.95 14.4 HYCorAdml r 5.53 +0.01 -1.5 TgtRe2025 15.79 -0.68 0.2
Top 250 mutual-funds listings for Nasdaq-published share classes with EmMktCorEq 15.95 +0.02-13.8 InfProAd 25.12 -0.11 -2.0
GrowCoK 139.23 +1.67 9.8 GMO Trust Class IV ValueA p 33.32 +0.33 0.8 HiYield 6.17 +0.01 -3.5 TgtRe2030 28.04 -0.84 0.1
net assets of at least $500 million each. NAV is net asset value. IntlCoreEq 11.57 +0.13 1.4 IntlGrAdml 68.21 +0.83 1.2
InvGrBd 11.02 -0.04 -0.4 IntlEq 20.44 +0.23 -3.9 MFS Funds Class I InstlCapG 29.37 +0.39 11.9 TgtRe2035 17.06 -0.64 ...
Percentage performance figures are total returns, assuming reinvestment IntSmCo 17.40 +0.20 7.1
of all distributions and after subtracting annual expenses. Figures don’t LowP r 48.30 +0.42 0.6 ValueI 33.50 +0.34 1.1 Intl G&I 13.31 +0.13 -1.4 ITBondAdml 11.23 -0.05 1.0 TgtRe2040 28.86 -0.59 -0.2
IntSmVa 18.90 +0.21 5.2
reflect sales charges (“loads”) or redemption fees. NET CHG is change in
Dimensional Fds
LowPriStkK r 48.25 +0.41 0.7 H MFS Funds Instl IntlStk 15.49 +0.13 0.6 ITIGradeAdml 9.62 -0.03 1.4 TgtRe2045 18.04 -0.42 -0.1
NAV from previous trading day. YTD%RET is year-to-date return. 3-YR MagIn 90.96 +0.97 5.8 IntlEq 20.96 +0.24 2.0 MCapGro 74.30 +0.76 8.0 LTGradeAdml 9.86 -0.12 -2.5 TgtRe2050 28.90 -0.41 -0.2
%RET is trailing three-year return annualized. US CoreEq1 17.47 +0.18 0.4 Harbor Funds MidCpAdml 150.90 +1.33 0.1
OTC 84.84 +1.16 12.8 Mutual Series MCapVal 25.34 +0.17 -1.9 TgtRetInc 12.50 -0.27 0.2
US CoreEq2 16.63 +0.16 -1.4 CapApInst 61.93 +0.86 13.0 MorgAdml 78.55 +0.92 8.7
e-Ex-distribution. f-Previous day’s quotation. g-Footnotes x and s apply. Puritn 20.53 +0.13 2.8 GlbDiscA 29.21 +0.26 -2.5 N Horiz 43.15 +0.40 6.2 TotIntBdIxInv 10.55 -0.01 1.0
j-Footnotes e and s apply. k-Recalculated by Lipper, using updated data. US Small 28.96 +0.29 -1.2 SrsInvGrdF 11.02 -0.04 -0.3 IntlInst r 60.62 +0.59 -1.9 MuHYAdml 11.31 -0.01 4.1
GlbDiscz 29.71 +0.26 -2.2 N Inc 9.34 -0.03 -0.1 WellsI 24.65 +0.02 1.8
p-Distribution costs apply, 12b-1. r-Redemption charge may apply. s-Stock US SmCpVal 31.14 +0.34 -5.8 StratInc 10.16 +0.01 -1.6 MuIntAdml 14.26 ... 2.9
split or dividend. t-Footnotes p and r apply. v-Footnotes x and e apply. USLgVa 31.29 +0.30 -2.0 I OverS SF r 9.16 +0.10 -0.7 Welltn 37.18 +0.19 1.1
x-Ex-dividend. z-Footnote x, e and s apply. NA-Not available due to Dodge & Cox
TotalBond 10.26 -0.03 -0.6 O R2015 13.79 +0.06 0.2 MuLTAdml 11.75 ... 4.0 WndsrII 34.05 +0.34 -1.6
incomplete price, performance or cost data. NE-Not released by Lipper; Fidelity Selects Invesco Funds A MuLtdAdml 11.01 ... 1.3 VANGUARD INDEX FDS
Balanced 95.37 +0.62 -1.9 Oakmark Funds Cl I R2020 19.88 +0.11 0.6
data under review. NN-Fund not tracked. NS-Fund didn’t exist at start of Biotech r 239.25 +4.52 15.3 EqIncA 9.73 +0.07 -1.2
EqtyInc 28.85 +0.16 -3.7 R2025 MuShtAdml 15.80 ... 0.5 500 191.64 +2.05 2.9
period. Income 13.27 -0.03 -0.7 15.13 +0.10 1.0
Health r 210.85 +2.76 7.9 Oakmark 63.99 +0.65 -2.2 R2030 PrmcpAdml r 105.07 +1.19 4.4 ExtndIstPl 159.42 +1.50 -1.7
Intl Stk 37.11 +0.26 -9.8 J 22.09 +0.16 1.3
Fidelity Spartan OakmrkInt 21.64 +0.20 -2.6 R2035 REITAdml r 114.43 +1.28 3.7 TotIntl 14.72 +0.15 -2.9
Tuesday, December 29, 2015 Stock 165.33 +1.72 -3.0 16.01 +0.13 1.5
500IdxInv 73.00 +0.78 3.0 John Hancock Class 1 Old Westbury Fds SmCapAdml 53.99 +0.53 -1.9 TotSt 51.62 +0.54 2.0
Net YTD Net YTD DoubleLine Funds R2040 22.91 +0.20 1.6 STBondAdml 10.42 -0.02 0.8
500IndInst 73.01 +0.78 3.1 LSBalncd 14.37 -0.83 -0.2 LrgCpStr 12.66 +0.13 0.4 SmCapStk VANGUARD INSTL FDS
Fund NAV Chg % Ret Fund NAV Chg % Ret TotRetBdI NA ... NA 39.37 +0.39 -1.3
Fidelity Spartan Adv LSGwth 15.02 -1.17 0.2 Oppenheimer Y STIGradeAdml 10.55 -0.02 1.0 BalInst 29.49 +0.14 1.4
YacktmanFd 21.14 +0.15 -4.4 TotRetBdN NA ... NA Value 31.76 +0.33 -0.1 TotBdAdml 10.62 -0.04 0.2
A AQR Funds
ExtMktAd r
+0.79 3.1 John Hancock Instl
+0.47 -1.8 DispValMCI
DevMktY 30.27 +0.12-13.0
TotIntBdIdxAdm 21.10 -0.01 1.1
DevMktsIndInst 12.04 +0.16 1.6
F 19.44 +0.19 3.6 IntGrowY 36.56 +0.41 5.4 S ExtndInst 64.60 +0.61 -1.7
American Century Inv MgdFutStrI 10.12 -0.04 1.4 IntAd r 36.55 +0.41 0.9 JPMorgan Inst Class TotIntlAdmIdx r 24.63 +0.27 -2.7
Ultra 35.66 +0.45 8.1 Artisan Funds GrwthInst 55.70 +0.65 5.1
Fidelity Advisor A TotMktAd r 59.65 +0.63 2.1 MdCpVal Schwab Funds TotStAdml 51.64 +0.54 2.1
American Funds Cl A Intl Inv 29.13 +0.34 -2.3 NwInsghtA p 26.58 +0.28 4.1 First Eagle Funds
34.49 +0.29 -0.9 P S&P Sel 32.08 +0.34 3.0 TxMIn r 12.02 +0.15 1.5
InPrSeIn 10.23 -0.05 -2.1
JPMorgan R Class InstIdx 189.74 +2.03 3.1
AmcpA p 26.33 +0.25 2.3 Fidelity Advisor I GlbA 51.90 +0.34 0.1 CoreBond Parnassus Fds ValAdml 32.33 +0.31 0.7
11.54 -0.06 0.8 InstPlus 189.75 +2.03 3.1
AMutlA p 34.37 +0.32 -1.3 B NwInsghtI 27.08 +0.29 4.4 FMI Funds JPMorgan Select Cls
ParnEqFd 38.16 +0.40 1.3 T WdsrllAdml 60.42 +0.60 -1.5
InstTStPlus 46.71 +0.48 2.1
BalA p 24.07 +0.12 2.7 BlackRock Funds A Fidelity Freedom LgCap 18.89 +0.16 -1.0 CoreBond PIMCO Fds Instl WellsIAdml 59.71 +0.06 1.9
11.52 -0.07 0.5 TIAA/CREF Funds MidCpInst 33.33 +0.29 0.1
BondA p 12.57 -0.04 0.1 FF2020 14.66 -0.40 0.7 FPA Funds AllAsset NA ... NA WelltnAdml 64.21 +0.33 1.2
GlblAlloc p 17.93 +0.08 -0.6 USLgCpCorPls 27.25 +0.30 1.4 EqIdxInst 15.32 +0.16 2.1 MidCpIstPl 164.39 +1.44 0.1
CapIBA p 56.60 +0.38 -1.6 FF2025 12.56 -0.33 0.8 FPACres 31.34 +0.20 -1.2 ShortT NA ... NA WndsrAdml 65.62 +0.68 -1.7
BlackRock Funds C Tweedy Browne Fds SmCapInst 53.99 +0.53 -1.9
CapWGrA 44.08 +0.40 -0.6 FF2030 15.40 -0.39 1.1 FrankTemp/Frank Adv L TotRt NA ... NA VANGUARD FDS
GlblAlloc t 16.35 +0.08 -1.2 GblValue 24.64 -1.01 -0.7 STIGradeInst 10.55 -0.02 1.0
EupacA p 46.01 +0.41 0.6 FreedomK2020 13.64 -0.36 0.8 IncomeAdv 2.10 +0.01 -6.9 PIMCO Funds A DivdGro 22.76 +0.20 4.2
BlackRock Funds Inst Lazard Instl TotBdInst 10.62 -0.04 0.2
FdInvA p 51.57 +0.52 5.1 FreedomK2025 14.24 -0.36 0.8 FrankTemp/Franklin A TotRetA NA ... NA GNMA 10.64 -0.02 1.1
GwthA p 41.95 +0.46 7.0
EqtyDivd 21.33 +0.21 1.5
FreedomK2030 14.51 -0.37 1.1 CA TF A p 7.52 ... 3.6 EmgMktEq 13.68 ...-18.7 PIMCO Funds D V HlthCare r 223.53 +2.97 14.3 TotBdInstPl 10.62 -0.04 0.2
GlblAlloc 18.03 +0.09 -0.3 Loomis Sayles Fds IncomeFd NA ... NA VANGUARD ADMIRAL TotIntBdIdxInst 31.66 -0.01 1.1
HI TrA p 9.35 +0.01 -7.5 FreedomK2035 14.97 -0.34 1.3 Fed TF A p 12.38 ... 2.4 IntlVal 31.65 +0.28 -4.8
ICAA p 33.90 +0.34 0.1 HiYldBd 7.14 +0.01 -4.0
FreedomK2040 15.00 -0.35 1.3 Growth A p 74.49 +0.66 3.5 LSBondI 12.92 +0.03 -6.6 PIMCO Funds Instl 500Adml 191.64 +2.06 3.1 INSTTRF2025 19.27 -0.05 NS TotIntlInstIdx r 98.48 +1.06 -2.7
IncoA p 20.45 +0.13 -0.4 StratIncOpptyIns 9.78 ... -0.2 Fidelity Invest IncomeA p 2.12 +0.02 -6.9 Lord Abbett A IncomeFd NA ... NA BalAdml 29.49 +0.14 1.4 LifeCon 17.95 -0.26 0.4 TotItlInstPlId r 98.49 +1.06 -2.7
N PerA p 36.60 +0.39 7.0 AMgr50% 16.15 +0.06 0.2 RisDv A p 48.56 +0.44 -1.9 ShtDurIncmA p 4.31 ... 0.4 PIMCO Funds P CAITAdml 11.84 -0.01 3.2 LifeGro 27.61 -0.73 0.1 TotStInst 51.65 +0.54 2.1
NEcoA p 36.54 +0.37 5.5
D Balanc 21.43 +0.13 1.4 FrankTemp/Franklin C Lord Abbett F IncomeP NA ... NA CapOpAdml r 120.56 +1.40 4.3 LifeMod 23.27 -0.54 0.3 VirtusFunds Cl I
NwWrldA 50.54 +0.33 -5.0 Davis Funds A BalancedK 21.43 +0.13 1.5 Income C t 2.14 +0.01 -7.7 ShtDurIncm 4.31 ... 0.7 Price Funds EMAdmr 27.65 +0.11-14.4 Primcp r 101.44 +1.15 4.4 EmMktI 9.02 -0.01
SmCpA p 44.12 +0.39 3.7 NYVen A 31.34 +0.36 4.5 BluCh 70.15 +0.88 8.1 FrankTemp/Temp A BlChip 73.71 +0.98 13.2 EqIncAdml 62.94 +0.62 2.5 PrmcpCor 21.18 +0.24 2.7
TxExA p 13.08 ... 3.0 Dimensional Fds Contra 100.61 +1.08 8.3 GlBond A p 11.62 +0.02 -3.9 M CapApp 25.28 +0.19 6.4 ExplrAdml 76.08 +0.76 -2.5 SelValu r 26.24 +0.27 -2.4 W
WshA p 39.03 +0.38 1.4 5GlbFxdInc 10.89 -0.02 1.4 ContraK 100.53 +1.08 8.4 Growth A p 22.22 +0.17 -5.1 Metropolitan West EmMktS 28.89 +0.02-10.3 ExtndAdml 64.60 +0.61 -1.7 STAR 23.51 -1.01 0.8 Western Asset
AMG Managers Funds EmgMktVa 20.68 -0.02-17.7 CpInc r 9.17 +0.03 -0.7 FrankTemp/Temp Adv TotRetBd 10.60 -0.04 -0.3 EqInc 28.94 +0.30 -5.1 GNMAAdml 10.64 -0.02 1.2 STIGrade 10.55 -0.02 0.9 CorePlusBdI 11.41 -0.05 1.1
© 2015 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Wednesday, December 30, 2015 | D1
is tracking body composition—the
proportion of fat versus lean.
In the parking lot of Google’s
Mountain View, Calif., campus,
there’s a semitrailer truck embla-
zoned with the words “Real Raw
Results.” Go inside, and come out
10 minutes later with a breakdown
of how much body fat versus lean
mass you are carrying around.
Inside the truck, Google em-
ployees take turns lying still on a
table as an X-ray scanner moves
slowly down the body. Bone, mus-
cle and fat each have different
densities, so the rays are absorbed
at different rates. That allows for a
reading of their volumes.
Also popular on tech corporate
campuses are traveling hydrostatic
weighing tanks. also known as
“dunk tanks,” which assess muscle
mass as an individual is sub-
merged in a pool of warm water.
Gadgets, breakthroughs Wiser Messaging Apps Body Spec, of Los Angeles, has
Your new robot BFF is just a message away. In offered dual-energy X-ray absorp-
and ideas we think will 2016, messaging stops being just a way to send texts tiometry scans, or DXA testing, at
define the state of the art and emojis to friends, but also a way to reach all- Google since early 2015. Employ-
knowing bot assistants. Beta-testers in the San ees pay $45 for each scan, or $140
in the 12 months ahead Francisco area using Facebook’s Messenger app can for a four-pack; the truck fills up
already ask “M” to book restaurant reservations, buy a for the three days a month it is
BY GEOFFREY A. FOWLER gift for a friend or simply tell you Mom’s birthday. there performing scans. “It’s like
AND JOANNA STERN Google is reportedly readying a similar app. Bots aside, somebody picked up a rock and
messaging software will also evolve to include more they all came running,” says Ari-
Entering 2016, the future never features. Just like China’s popular messaging apps, ana Strickland, a Body Spec tech-
felt more within reach. you’ll be able to pay your friends or bills, book
Science fiction will become sci- appointments, play games, translate messages and
ence fact this year when you take more.
In office parking lots,
virtual-reality va- How to get ready: A messaging app is only as good mobile units analyze
cations and your Virtual Reality Gets Real as the people using it. Gather your friends and family
body composition with
dishwasher reor- It’s marked on 2016 calendars everywhere: Virtual and try to get them on the same one—best if it works
ders its own soap. reality finally gets real. It begins with the scheduled across all devices. X-rays and ‘dunk tanks.’
Are you ready for spring arrival of the long-anticipated Oculus Rift
a drone that fol- headset, followed by HTC’s Vive and Sony ’s PlayStation
lows you around VR. Unlike less expensive smartphone-based headsets nician.
like paparazzi? like Samsung ’s Oculus-powered Gear VR, advanced In the Bay Area, mobile body-
When we sensors and imaging in dedicated headsets promise composition analysis units are
gazed ahead at immersive experiences that will make you feel like pulling up at companies including
the devices, you’re in a teleporter. (“Augmented reality,” a combined YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn and
breakthroughs view of virtual and real worlds, being developed by Cisco. The curbside testing is oc-
PERSONAL and ideas most Magic Leap, Microsoft ’s HoloLens team and others, is curring at CNN and Cox Communi-
TECHNOLOGY likely to make still a ways from home.) Games and other flights of cations in Atlanta, at Boeing and
waves, two fantasy will be key to the appeal. But thanks to Adobe in Seattle, and at corpora-
themes emerged. investments in 360-degree video and apps, you’ll also tions in Denver and Los Angeles.
One is liberation: We’re increas- get closer to not-so-far-out realities: front row at a Adobe will soon be offering testing
ingly less shackled, be it to a sold-out concert…or a seat at that meeting you’d at its Lehi, Utah, campus. Most
phone charger or a cable subscrip- otherwise miss. employers invite test vendors to
tion. The other is intelligence: As How to get ready: If you have a new Samsung campus but don’t cover the cost.
processing power and bandwidth Galaxy phone, get the $100 Gear VR. If you have an Some fans of the scans are
increase, our machines, services iPhone or another Android phone, try out the $20 looking for a new way to evaluate
and even messaging apps become Google Cardboard. A swivel chair makes it easier to their fitness. “I know I’ve made
more capable. spin through the 360-degree environments without some progress in the gym if I’ve
Here are our best picks for hurting yourself. You may also want some Dramamine. increased my lean body mass,”
what’s coming, and what you can says YouTube engineering man-
do to be ready for it. See more predictions about the most interesting ager Paul Thiel, 45, who gets
Please turn to the next page tech of 2016 at WSJ.com/PersonalTech. tested every other month. “Scale
weight can be very deceptive,” he
Please see FAT page D3
Dakota each year. “Our [motorcy- (After his story was published, he
cle club] convention will be in reports, TV producers called him
Santa Fe, N.M., in 2016,” she says. and tried to buy the vehicle. No
“Of course I expect to ride my luck—he’s not selling.)
Harley out there!” And Greg Reynolds, a Chicago
On the opposite end of the age police officer shown in June 17’s
spectrum, Talan Drake is a motor- column with vintage police cruis-
savvy 10-year old who races a 60- ers he’s restored. Mr. Reynolds
mph go-kart. The Iowan appeared took his old police cars “to a boat-
in May 20’s column, and went on load of car shows” in 2015.
to have a successful season. In his The column’s most bizarre vehi-
final competition of 2015, he won cle of 2015 has to be Ron Schnei-
his first regional race in class, in Please see CARS page D4 Kathie Conrad of Berea, Ohio, spent much of 2015 taking her Model T to car events around the country.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or www.djreprints.com
D2 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
vines made of Syrah and Viognier him, the pavilion was built in the
grapes. The legendary aristocrat 1920s but considered architectur-
named two subsets of Côte-Rôtie ally interesting enough to be listed
after the blond and brown hair of as part of the historic monument.
his two daughters. Today, E. Guigal It was also where Guigal grand-
is a critically acclaimed label that père first met his wife, who was
produces 7 million bottles of wine taking a break from work. “The re-
a year, many of them from the University of Lyon but decided sprawling French- and English- there wasn’t proper heating and gion is very hot in the summer, so
vineyards around the château. against medical school and re- style gardens. Mr. Guigal’s home electricity available, either. Due to the gardens were the only way to
“All my childhood, and my fa- turned to the vineyards. “I looked includes classic touches like a French law governing historic find fresh air,” Mr. Guigal said.
ther’s childhood, my grandmother at my grandfather and father 12th-century fireplace that can be monuments, the Guigals had to “It’s a very peaceful and romantic
talked about the château all the working so hard and could have used for roasting beef, as well as find a specially accredited archi- space.”
time,” says Mr. Guigal, who grew said it’s too demanding,” says Mr. living space for his family that tect to oversee the restoration. Mr. Guigal’s 5-year-old twin
up in Ampuis, the surrounding vil- Guigal, who is also a professional hosts a juxtaposition of modern “Every Wednesday for 11 years, boys spend an hour each day frol-
lage of about 2,500 people located ballroom dancer. “But I told myself art and period pieces. we met all the workers for two icking around the gardens and pa-
20 miles south of Lyon. Before his there were probably strong rea- When the Guigals bought the hours to talk about floors and vilion. On most weekends, Mr. Gui-
move into the château, he had sons why they worked so hard.” château it was mostly in ruins. “It stone, then other people for the gal also heads out to the pavilion.
lived just next to the manor. The château and its grounds hadn’t been restored in 150 years, woods used for the ceiling and “It’s a two-minute drive from the
Mr. Guigal studied organic span nearly 5 acres and include so you can imagine the state of the doors,” Mr. Guigal said. business,” he said. “But also a nice
chemistry and biochemistry at the the residence, a cooperage and roof,” Mr. Guigal said, adding that For all the effort making the place to relax.”
The Tech That Will Change Your Life in the Next Year
Continued from the prior page
Voice-Operated Everything
No, you’re not paranoid: The gadgets
really are listening. Voice-operated
electronics are poised for a quantum
leap in accuracy and intelligence in
2016. Talking offers a more natural
way to interact with devices that need
complex input but aren’t exactly
keyboard-friendly, such as TVs, sound
Introducing WSJ Podcasts
rious about how they stack up. teen months ago, he worked him- floats. Muscle and bone sink. A whether your right or left leg is
“It’s become the thing to compare self down to 7.8% body fat and 150 buoyancy measurement allows for more muscular.
at Friday happy hour,” says Dr. Li- pounds, “for no other reason than an assessment of the proportions Testing sessions conclude with
gouri. “It becomes competitive.” that I could,” he says. His fascina- of bone, fat and muscle in an indi- a review of findings with a techni-
Continued from page D1 The how-low-can-you-go spirit tion then became looking buff and vidual’s body. An algorithm uses cian. The report includes a calorie
says, because it leaves unclear how can inspire useful change, or it can he peaked at 188 pounds and 12% land weight, water weight and ref- target for changing or maintaining
to interpret a weight loss or gain. backfire. “The average woman is fat. Now he is focused on adding erence fat, bone and lean mass a person’s current body composi-
A weight gain of lean muscle is going to measure 25% body fat or muscle without adding more fat. density metrics derived from ca- tion. Body Spec offers nutrition
one thing, while adding fat is an- higher. That could be a little bit To monitor himself, every other davers to derive the ratio of lean consulting for an extra fee.
other; he adjusts his eating and shocking if you aren’t prepared for month Mr. Thiel submerges him- mass to fat mass. A lean body mass typically
workout plan to meet his goals. it,” Dr. Ligouri says. self in a “dunk tank,” shorthand The information gleaned from a means a chiseled physique, and
Some people getting scans are “Many people want to retest for the hydrostatic weighing tank DXA scan is more extensive “and is muscle also burns calories faster.
answering to a new fitness trainer the next week and then get frus- provided by Fitness Wave North- more accurate,” says Marialice Still, some of the value of increas-
who requests a baseline measure- trated,” he says. “There’s a risk ern California. Kern, a professor in the kinesiol- ing muscle mass may be over-
ment. A few are competitive ath- that this can lead to excessive ex- Hydrostatic testing can be un- ogy department at San Francisco hyped.
letes looking to build muscle to ercise and eating disorders.” He comfortable for people who aren’t State University. Initially devel- Watching your body composi-
improve performance or to cut recommends waiting at least three at ease underwater. It entails oped for geriatric bone-health tion probably won’t lead to quick
weight but maintain strength. months between tests. changing into a bathing suit, sub- testing in clinical settings, the DXA results, Dr. Ligouri says. To in-
Kwesi Graves, 34, in enterprise Mr. Thiel considers training a merging in a pool of warm water machine also measures bone den- crease muscle mass, the average
sales at LinkedIn, says he wants to hobby, “the way some people take and blowing the air out of your sity. The test also provides fat and person needs six to eight weeks on
know, “Am I working out right? up photography,” he says, yet he lungs. Any remaining air will add lean mass readings by body region, a muscle-building program. “Most
Am I slaving away on the treadmill admits his focus on body composi- some inaccuracy. allowing you to see where you people have trouble maintaining a
burning tons of calories, but just tion is “highly obsessive.” Eigh- Fat weighs less than water and carry your fat, and to compare program for that long,” he says.
becoming skinny fat?” He wants to
cut his fat to 20%, which is harder
than losing muscle and requires
the right mix of cardio, strength
training and dieting.
For Google engineer Alex Kim,
29, learning that his four weekly
workouts and calorie counting
with My Fitness Pal had cut his
body fat by 5% renewed his deter-
mination. “It’s motivation, yeah, to
CARS 2015
Julie Ibrahim appeared Aug. 5 Michigan, Massachusetts, and DJ system, two 7,000-watt genera- uled ahead.
with her four Ferraris. “I’m a third Pennsylvania. tors, and concert-grade amplifiers In the end, the My Ride column
generation pilot,” the South Caro- Mary Phelps of South Haven, and speakers. The group is plan- proves: No matter how exciting
lina retailer said in her story. “Not Mich., still owns her 1969 Shasta ning its next appearance with the and beautiful, or homely and
Continued from page D1 even the sensation of taking off in camper (April 29). She is planning vehicle at Squaw Valley Ski Resort strange a vehicle may be, there’s
der’s 1936 Stout Scarab (July 1), an airplane can compare to the to take her granddaughter on more in California in early March. someone out there obsessed with
designed by the eccentric Michi- sense of being carried away [in “screen free” camping trips in If the Unimog was the loudest it.
gan-based inventor William Stout her Ferrari F40].” Ms. Ibrahim has 2016. “The Shasta is still a vessel vehicle, the original Bigfoot mon- Perhaps Dr. John Gohmann says
(who also developed the first all- since added an Alfa Romeo to her for memories,” Ms. Phelps says. ster truck had to be the column’s it best. An oncologist from Lexing-
metal bodied airplane in America, collection of Italian cars. The loudest vehicle (by far!) in largest of 2015. ton, Ken., he sums up his love of
and a folding house). Mr. Schnei- Kathie Conrad of Berea, Ohio, this year’s My Ride column was The creator of the trail-blazing his rare 1953 Kaiser Dragon (July
der—owner of Leon’s Frozen Cus- still owns her 1912 Model T (she the “Mog” (Oct. 13) built by the truck, Bob Chandler of Chester- 29’s column) in two simple words:
tard in Milwaukee—still has his appeared with the car in period San Francisco art and music col- field, Mo., chronicled its history in “Eccentricity lives.”
Scarab, though it doesn’t get much costume in Feb. 25’s column). She lective Space Cowboys. The group the April 22 column. His team of
driving time in the Wisconsin win- spent much of 2015 taking “The turned a 1973 Mercedes Unimog monster trucks and drivers have Contact A.J. Baime at Face-
ter. Royal T” to car events as far off as into rolling music machine with a another year of rampaging sched- book.com/ajbaime.
Going Strong Gloria Tramontin Struck of New Jersey is a 90-year old who rides a Harley-Davidson. Snakes on a Truck Len Ramirez of California enjoyed a banner year of snake wrangling in his
She plans to take her ride to a convention in Santa Fe, N.M., in 2016. 2012 Ram Hemi.
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or WSJ.com/classifieds
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An Artist Whose Work Jumps Off the Page Henri Matisse’s ‘Circus’ pochoir,
Graphic Passion: plate II in ‘Jazz’ (1947).
Matisse and the Book
Arts Matisse’s working and fin-
The Morgan Library & ished drawings, etchings and
Museum annotated page proofs, from
Through Jan. 18, 2016 the early 1930s, for his rendi-
tion of Stéphane Mallarmé’s
BY LANCE ESPLUND “Poésies.” Three states of “The
Jinx” evolve from naturalistic
New York figuration to a distilled, dy-
f you missed the extraor- namic, almost abstract inter-
dinary, symphonic exhibi- pretation of Mallarmé’s verse.
tion “Henri Matisse: The Among other highlights are
Cut-Outs,” at New York’s Mu- illustrated letters, cut-out de-
seum of Modern Art last fall signs, covers for the periodical
and winter; or if you saw it “Verve” and numerous vibrant
and are ready for a reprise of pen-and-ink studies for ini-
Matisse’s astonishing graphic tials, as well as “Grand Visage
gifts, then head to the Morgan I (Lydia)” (1952), a bold,
Library & Museum. larger-than-life ink portrait of
“Graphic Passion: Matisse Matisse’s model, secretary, as-
and the Book Arts” is an inti- sistant and muse.
mate, ravishing show that fo- Also on view are Matisse’s
espite her wide popular-
ity in the second half of
the last century, the
German soprano Elisabeth
Schwarzkopf, born 100 years
materials were concerned, Mr. At the time, other struggling Her reputation was tar- Schwarzkopf championed tire- contrast.
t’s been said that stub- Kelly opted for the difficult— artists, such as Robert nished late in life when it was lessly, thanks to Legge’s en- Because the CDs replicate
bornly pragmatic Ameri- sticking, for instance, to oil Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, reported that she’d had ties to couragement. In later years, the original content of these
cans want five things from paint over easier acrylics for Robert Indiana and Agnes Mar- the Nazi party at the beginning the gifted Geoffrey Parsons records on LP, they run short
a work of art: 1) that it be rep- his clean, unmodulated sur- tin, lived in the neighborhood, of her career. And time’s pass- filled Moore’s role, and what by modern standards. But with
resentational; 2) that it take a faces. In a series of relief and that most reductive of the ing erodes the standing of those albums may lack in vocal 31 of them to listen to—all
special talent to create; 3) that sculptures exhibited at the Mu- Abstract Expressionist paint- most artists, even those, like bloom, they more than make newly or recently transferred—
it require a long time to make; seum of Fine Arts, Boston in ers, Barnett Newman, lived not Schwarzkopf, widely preserved up for in expressive subtlety no music lover should feel
4) that it be made of good ma- 2011 Mr. Kelly demonstrated far away on Wall Street. on record. For decades, she and textual insight. cheated. What does rankle,
terials; and 5) that its subject that he could even lovingly Recognition came somewhat was associated with EMI, Strauss is the other com- though, is the lack of texts and
matter never be repulsive or pare things down to unadorned slowly (the Whitney Museum where her husband, the Eng- poser to whom Schwarzkopf is translations in the accompany-
depressing. Ellsworth Kelly, slabs of birch and red oak. did purchase his giant, black- lish record producer Walter inextricably linked. She re- ing booklet. That would surely
who died at his home in Spen- Finally, subject matter: To and-white painting, “Atlantic,” Legge, exerted wide authority. corded his “Four Last Songs” have raised the price of this
certown, N.Y., on Sunday at the Mr. Kelly, there was none in 1957), but was eventually EMI is no more, but Warner twice commercially (in 1953 set, but the absence is keenly
age of 92, gave us all five, and grander than that of art it- fully his. The Museum of Mod- Classics purchased its classical and 1965), and connoisseurs felt in material in which lyrics
in grandly beautiful fashion. self—color and shape—and the ern Art mounted a retrospec- catalog and has recently re- have spent the ensuing years and music carry equal weight.
Mr. Kelly was an abstract quiet but unmitigated joy that tive of Mr. Kelly’s work in 1973, leased a handsome 31-disc cen- debating which version is su- Schwarzkopf, who died at
painter and sculptor—perhaps straightforward and uncompli- and the Guggenheim Museum tenary tribute to the soprano. perior or, indeed, definitive. (I age 90 in 2006, was a notori-
more abstract than any other cated examples of it can bring gave him a similar survey in “Elisabeth Schwarzkopf: still can’t decide.) This set nat- ous perfectionist, but music
20th-century American artist to an open-minded viewer. 1996—an exhibition that trav- The Complete Recitals urally contains both, as well as lovers have long been the ben-
with the possible exceptions of As a very small child in eled to the West Coast and Eu- 1952-1974” offers greater musi- an assortment of other Strauss eficiaries of her exactitude.
the “all-black” painter Ad Rein- Pennsylvania, Mr. Kelly was in- rope. Three years ago, Presi- cal variety than its title im- songs and an album of excerpts This set must be regarded as a
hardt and the Minimalist troduced by his grandmother dent Obama awarded Mr. Kelly plies, with recitals in this case from his opera “Arabella.” compendium of her artistry in
sculptor Donald Judd. Yet his on his father’s side to bird- a National Medal of Arts. meaning not just programs of Less expected is a substan- its broad variety, and thus es-
art was rooted in observation. watching, a lifelong pastime For an artist with no ico- art songs accompanied by pi- tial sampling of William Wal- sential for anyone who loves
He continually drew from life— and, not surprisingly from the nography to decode, whose ano, but also arias with full or- ton’s underappreciated opera the human voice.
leaves, stems and flowers ren- colors he saw, a profound influ- aesthetic is at least nominally chestra and even extended op- “Troilus and Cressida,” in
dered precisely in pencil and ence on Mr. Kelly’s art. After universal, Ellsworth Kelly is eratic scenes with other which Schwarzkopf, opposite Mr. Mermelstein writes for
ink, with a gorgeous economy graduating from public high nevertheless sui generis. He singers. The discs are arranged the tenor Richard Lewis, sings the Journal on classical music
of line that rivals that of Ma- school, and with reluctant sup- once said, “All my work comes chronologically (for the most the female lead—a character and film.
tisse. port from his parents, he stud- from perceiving. I kept seeing part), so the set begins with temperamentally far from
His special talent, though, ied at Pratt Institute in Brook- things that were brooding in Schwarzkopf at her freshest. those she typically portrayed.
was for color and shape in lyn for a couple of years until me. I’m not a geometric artist.” An album with the Philhar- Other surprises, at least for Pepper ...
their clearest possible manifes- he was drafted into the Army In other words, Mr. Kelly’s dis- monia Orchestra led by John those who associate this singer
tations. He favored graceful in 1943. The military put him to tilled abstraction comes from Pritchard finds Schwarzkopf’s primarily with lieder, include
And Salt
planes (conventionally work as a camouflage designer. seeing things in the real world, shimmering voice by turns gay persuasive accounts of arias by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
stretched canvases, or panels After mustering out, he at- and while his color can seem and heartbreaking in arias Puccini, Verdi, Wagner and
of wood or metal) of pure, tended the School of the Mu- off-the-shelf, the fact is it reso- from Mozart’s “Marriage of Fi- even Tchaikovsky (specifically
bright chroma and, if moved to seum of Fine Arts in Boston on nates as highly personal and garo” and “Don Giovanni.” Tatiana’s Letter Scene from
juxtapose them, preferred to the great GI Bill, and with the quirky, even as it evokes the Thanks to her husband, the so- “Eugene Onegin”).
abut singly colored parts. Mr. same underwriting, went to cosmic. prano was paired early on with Schwarzkopf appears with
Kelly’s components ranged live in Paris in 1948. “I’m not interested in the some of the 20th century’s other famous singers on a
from simple rectangles to deli- Under the influence of visits texture of a rock, but in its greatest musicians, including number of these records, most
cately wide segments of cir- to Constantin Brancusi’s stu- shadow,” is one of his more the pianists Edwin Fischer and frequently the baritone
cles, and ovals. They chime to dio, Mr. Kelly painted his own memorable pronouncements. Walter Gieseking—in Schubert Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. But
the eye as notes from Erik first abstract pictures in Paris Right now, art needs fewer and Mozart, respectively. Both nowhere does she share the
Satie do to the ear. in 1949, images derived from rock-throwers and more—two albums, now classics, are in- spotlight more gratifyingly
If Mr. Kelly’s drawings were things he’d seen, like a window or three would be wonderful— cluded here, as are “Elisabeth than on a duets album made
completed quickly, his paint- in the Museum of Modern Art celebrators of shadows. One of Schwarzkopf in Songs You with Irmgard Seefried, a much-
ings and sculpture, which of Paris. Two years later, he Mr. Kelly’s stature will proba- Love,” a beloved record, and its admired German soprano
tended to be much larger than enjoyed a solo exhibition there, bly be, however, a long time in spawn: “Songs I Love” and a never quite as celebrated, or
human-size, took a lot of but it didn’t make much of a coming. four-volume “Songbook” series. glamorous, as Schwarzkopf.
time—to plan, to execute, to ripple in the French art scene. The soprano is partnered The similarities in their voices
finish, and to install correctly. He returned to the U.S. in 1954, Mr. Plagens is an artist and with Gerald Moore, the 20th lend a seductive unity to music “At the bottom of the sea—
He lifted visual fussiness to the settling near the southern tip writer in New York. century’s pre-eminent accom- by Monteverdi, Carissimi and why, where are you?”
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D6 | Wednesday, December 30, 2015 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
The College Season of Chaos Theory
How the butterfly effect
resulted in this year’s
playoff: Clemson vs. OU;
Alabama vs. Michigan St.
hamstrings,” said Greenway, a two- ing without taxing his legs. “I in California, Colorado,”
time Pro Bowl selection. “And it’s a bought a road bike and it took off Greenway said. “I’m not at
lot more core than you would think, from there,” he said. that point but I want to
just maintaining your position on Recently, Winslow has become get into the scene and into
the bike works the core.” downright obsessed with cycling, the culture of it.”