Analysis of Total Organic Carbon: Umass Environmental Engineering Program
Analysis of Total Organic Carbon: Umass Environmental Engineering Program
Analysis of Total Organic Carbon: Umass Environmental Engineering Program
Prepared by:
David A. Reckhow 413-545-5392
18 Marston Hall
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Table of Contents
Analysis of Total Organic Carbon.................................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Standard Operating Procedures ...................................................................................................................... 3
Analysis of Total Organic Carbon.................................................................................................................. 3
Scope .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
Method Overview....................................................................................................................................... 5
Detailed Procedures.................................................................................................................................... 6
Basis for Method .................................................................................................................................... 6
UMass Detailed Procedures.................................................................................................................... 7
Sample Preservation and Pretreatment ............................................................................................... 7
Selection of TOC Analyzer ................................................................................................................ 7
Startup of TOC Analyzer.................................................................................................................... 8
Shimadzu TOC-5000A Analyzer .......................................................................... 8
Shimadzu TOC-V/TN Analyzer............................................................................ 9
Analysis of samples/standards.......................................................................................................... 11
This guidance document was prepared to assist research assistants, post-docs and
lab technicians in conducting analysis of TOC and DOC in the UMass Environmental
Engineering research laboratories. It aspires to outline our standard operating
procedures, as they exist at the present time. It also emphasizes elements of quality
control that are necessary to assure high quality data. Please help me keep this document
current by alerting me to any errors or long-term changes in methodology or equipment.
Special thanks to Ken Mercer for help with preparation of version 2.
Dave Reckhow
Faculty QC officer for TOC analysis
This method has been used in the UMass Environmental Engineering Laboratory
for analysis of TOC and DOC in clean water samples (i.e., drinking water, surface waters
and uncontaminated groundwaters). It has been found to meet data quality criteria with
all waters of these types for which it has been tested. This method should not be used for
other media without further validation.
Recoveries using the high temperature oxidation method are generally considered
to be complete (i.e., ~100%)1. Most tests with purified standards have shown complete
recovery within the range of error. The compounds that have been reported to be
incompletely recovered are summarized in the table below.
Recoveries are, of course, all based on an assumed 100% recovery of Potassium Acid Phthalate
This compound has been shown to be completely recovered by the UMass Shimadzu 4000 (Kim, 2005)
Based on N-recovery
Some have analyzed complex environmental carbon source and compared these to
results from classical elemental analysis. Notably, Aiken and co-workers (2002) found
that the carbon in aquatic humic and fulvic acids was about 92% recovered on average.
Wallace and co-workers (2002) recovered 100% of the carbon in a terrestrial humic acid.
From: Wallace et al., 2002
From Alvarez-Salgado e tal., 1998
Method Overview
Reproduced below is a simple, step-by-step outline of our TOC method for quick
Detailed Procedures
We use a protocol that is closely aligned with Standard Method 5310B, “Total
Organic Carbon: High Temperature Combustion Method”. Please refer to the latest
version of this method (currently from the 20th edition, dated 1999; attached as Appendix
1) for all details. However, the analyst should keep in mind that we have occasionally
made some specific modifications. Such modifications are itemized below in Table 4.
Table 4. UMass Protocol Specifics and Departures from Standard Method 5310B
Nitric acid may be used with UV-persulfate systems, but should be avoided in pyrolytic ones (corrosive N2O4 is formed and
incompletely removed by scrubber, sulfuric acid should be avoided due to formation of SO3 in both types of systems (this gas will
interfere with CO2 detection); see Tekmar-Dohrmann application note or Wallace, 2001 [WQTC proceedings]
chloride will scavenge radical oxidants in UV/persulfate systems.
This must be done at least 1 hour before starting sample analysis
As long as the pressure from the tank is OK, this setting should be correct. If it is not correct, and the pressure at the tank is within
range, there may be some blockages in the gas lines
This must be done at least 1 hour before starting sample analysis
As long as the pressure from the tank is OK, this setting should be correct. If it is not correct, and the pressure at the tank is within
range, there may be some blockages in the gas lines
Analysis of samples/standards12
# Sample group number. If all samples are to be analyzed under the same conditions, all
information is entered under sample group number 1. For multiple sample groups, enter
information in more than one group number.
Type Type of analysis. Choices are NPOC (non-purgeable organic carbon), TC (total carbon)
and IC (inorganic carbon). Most work will use #4, NPOC to analyze for TOC and DOC.
Note that for TOC analysis, use #4, NPOC (not #3, TOC).
IS Initial Sample. The vial number of the first sample.
FS Final Sample. The vial number of the final sample.
C1-C3 and C1-C3 specify the generation of calibration curve from standards in the autosampler.
F1-F3 F1-F3 specify using a calibration curve that was previously generated and stored in a file.
In general, when the analyzer has been shut off and turned back on, a new calibration
curve must be created. However, if more than 16 samples (capacity of tray) are to be
analyzed, a curve can be initially generated, stored in a file, and used for all samples.
To specify use of a calibration curve from file, enter the number of the calibration curve
under F1.
To create a new calibration curve, enter the number under which the new curve will be
stored under C1 (from 2 to 18). The Calibration (ASI)/Conditions screen will appear.
Enter the following information and select “Return” when completed:
TYPE 1 (1=TC for NPOC; 2=IC for IC)
1st STD CONC, VIAL # Enter the conc. in ppm and vial # for each
etc. standard. Standards must be in conc. order with
the highest conc. standard first
RANGE Automatically set based on standard conc’s
INJ VOL Automatically set based on standard conc’s
NO OF INJECTS 3 (The # of injections for repetitive measurement
of each standard)
typically requires 10 hours of analyzer time for a run of 30 samples
c) Choose “Next”. At this point the “ASI Conditions” screen appears. Here you
can set conditions which control the autosampler. Enter information as
d) Choose “Next”, and press the “START” button per instructions on the screen.
4. Validation of QC data
a) The graduate QC officer or his/her designee then must compile the analyst’s
data into the running QC data files, and examine the updated control charts.
b) The graduate QC officer or his/her designee then must send an email message
to the faculty QC officer stating whether the QC data are within control limits,
and if they are not, what actions will be taken.
• Again, the subject line of this email message must simply read “TOC QC
• This must be done as soon as possible, but no later than 24 hours from the
time of receipt of the detailed QC report (per #3).
Clean Up
• All glassware used for TOC analysis must be “organic-free”
• All the vials and any glassware should be rinsed with tap water, let them soak
in soapy water overnight and then rinse with RO water and leave them in the
acid bath overnight. Then take them out, rinse them with distilled water (3
times) and once with super Q water. Dry them in the oven (The graduated
glassware should be placed in the cooler oven)
• Pipette tips may be rinsed with water and super Q water, and let them dry
• Acid baths must be cleaned and refreshed on a weekly basis
typically requires 20 minutes
Preparation of QC Samples
a) Prepare Spiked samples for determination of matrix recovery (laboratory
fortified sample matrix). Select 10% of analytical samples and set aside an
additional 30 mL aliquot of each. Add requisite volumes of the intermediate
stock so that the TOC will approximately double.
b) Prepare a continuing calibration check standard at a mid-range concentration.
c) Prepare any other QC samples as needed (see Table 6, page 26)
i. Dilute chondroitin sulfate stock to a theoretical TOC level of 5 mg/L.
Integrator Paper
Ink Cartridges Fisher: 07-684-61 $15.20 each
DIUF Water Fisher: W2-20 $32.29 Not normally used
Assuming about 30 samples analyzed
General Approach
Quality assurance is an essential and integral part of a research study. The
purpose of any QA plan is to insure that valid and reliable procedures are used in
collecting and processing research data. The procedures outlined are designed to
eliminate or reduce errors in experiments, sample preparation and handling, and
analytical methods. Emphasis must be given throughout one’s lab work to incorporate
the plan into the research project by all research personnel.
Any equipment and experimental procedures that are used to provide numerical
data must be calibrated to the accuracy requirements for its use. Records are to be kept of
all calibrations. Calibration schedules are generally established for all aspects of physical
and chemical measurements and these must be strictly followed. Physical standards and
measuring devices must have currently valid calibrations, traceable to national standards.
Most chemical standards are acquired from commercial suppliers, and they should be of
the highest purity available. When necessary, unavailable standards should be
synthesized using the best methodology available.
As a general rule, experiments should be replicated to assure reproducibility. All
data reported should include a statement of its uncertainty, and the means for the
determination and assignment of such limits. Standard reference materials are used for
this purpose where possible. Statistically established confidence limits and an analysis of
sources of systematic error are to be used in the absence of experimental demonstration
of limits of inaccuracy.
All data will be subject to review by the faculty QC officer before release. The
analysts involved will certify reports as well as all who review them. All analysts and
QC officers must attest that the data and associated information contained in the report
are believed to be correct and that all quality assurance requirements have been fulfilled,
unless exceptions are approved and noted. Careful and detailed laboratory records will
be maintained by each analyst, including source of reagents, meticulously detailed
procedures (referring to an SOP, and any departures or clarifications), instrument and
conditions of analysis, failed experiments, etc. Data output will be archived.
Regular meetings will be held to review the results and project progress, and to
plan further experiments. The results will be analyzed promptly and summarized by
means of internal reports or formal reports for external review. The experimental and
analytical procedures will be reviewed for their performances and changes will be made
as necessary. The quality assurance program as described in this document must be
strictly observed.
General Procedures
General sample collection and handling will be in accordance with the guidelines
of Section 1060 of Standard Methods (APHA et al., 1999). All previously established
analytical methods used in laboratory research will follow approved methods in the
standard compilations (e.g., ,APHA et al., 1999; USEPA-EMSL, 1990, or ASTM, 1994).
Reagent grade chemicals or higher quality when needed will be used throughout
the research. Super-Q water (purified by reverse osmosis, deionization, and carbon
adsorption) will be used for preparation of reagents, sample blanks, and dilution water.
Where necessary, this water will be further purified using batch UV irradiation. All
glassware used in the experiments and in analytical analyses will be thoroughly cleaned
with a chromium-free sequence of detergent, oxidant and acid to prevent interferences
from trace contaminants.
Precision may be expressed as the relative percent difference (RPD) from
duplicate measurements (C1 and C2) of the same sample:
C1 − C 2 x100%
(C1 + C 2 ) / 2
When three or more replicates are available, the relative standard deviation (RSD)
should be used:
RSD = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ x100%
⎝ y⎠
where the standard deviation (s) is determined from:
( yi − y )2
s= ∑
i −1 n −1
Accuracy is best assessed by analysis of a standard reference material (SRM)
prepared in the matrix of interest. It is quite rare that such materials are available, so two
possible compromises may be used instead. These are the laboratory-prepared matrix
spikes, and the independent SRM prepared in a standard matrix. One or both may be
analyzed and the percent recovery (%R) calculated as a measure of accuracy.
⎛ S −U ⎞
% R = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ x100%
⎝ C sa ⎠
S = measured concentration in spiked aliquot
U = measured concentration in unspiked aliquot
Csa = actual concentration of spike added
⎛C ⎞
% R = ⎜⎜ m ⎟⎟ x100%
⎝ C srm ⎠
Cm = measured concentration of SRM
Csrm = actual concentration of SRM
s7 = standard deviation of 7 replicate analyses where the mean is no more than 10
times the MDL
t(n-1,1-α=0.99) = Students’ t-value for a one-sided 99% confidence level and a
standard deviation estimate with n-1 degrees of freedom.
The calibration curve linearity (L) is defined as the ratio of the slope using the
highest standards (SU) divided by the slope determined from the lowest standards (SL) as
The highest standards shall be all those that fall within the top 50% of the
calibration range including the 50% standard if it is used. If only one standard falls
within that range, the SU shall be calculated based on the top two standards. The lowest
standards are all those that fall within the bottom 50% of the calibration range including
the 50% standard if it is used. Least squares linear regression is used to determine slopes.
Sampling Custody
In most cases analyses will be performed immediately upon return from the field
or after preparation of samples in the laboratory. Problems with sample custody are
minimized, because the same people who receive (or sometimes, collect) the samples also
analyze them. In general sample collection, handling, and preservation will be in
accordance with the guidelines of Section 1060 of Standard Methods (APHA et al.,
1999). All samples must be fully labeled with the sample identity, date, and name of
General Analytical QC
Many types of QC procedures are required as indicated under standard method
5310B. The guidelines below are prepared assuming that samples are run in groups,
whereby a “daily” frequency refers to once every day that the analytical method is being
These are generally done using the calibration compound (e.g., KHP). Spike recovery studies may also be done with a “challenge”
Standards standards
Challenge To test the method Irregular: e.g., when % recovery
standard17 with a “difficult” catalyst is changed
Unknowns or This is what you As many as desired Mixed Relative
“samples” really want to throughout day standard
measure deviations
Special QC Tests
The following are “special” tests that are not part of the normal QC protocol.
They are used when first learning this analytical method (e.g., IDC), and they may be
used when there are suspected problems or there is a need for method performance
Prepared from the calibration solution (eg., KHP stock)
these are compound that are not as easily oxidized, such as caffeine, dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, and chondroitin sulfate.
Sometimes standard solutions of humic substances can be used.
a) Prepare a full standard curve
b) Perform an MDL test for TOC and DOC (DOC can be skipped if it is not an
analyte of interest)
c) Prepare 3 sets of samples with matrix spikes, and evaluate spike recovery in 3
different matrices
IDC results are expected to meet the LFM and MDL QC criteria from Table 8.
a) Secure a 1000 mL sample with a low level of TOC (preferably below 1
mg/L). This may be a bulk sample of tap water diluted 50/50 with Super-Q
b) Separate this into 7 aliquots of 30 mL each.
c) Analyze each for TOC on the same day.
d) Determine MDL based on the standard deviation of these 7 sets of
measurements (refer to section on: MDL calculations on page 28 of this
e) Repeat, but analyze all 7 for DOC (not necessary if you do not plan to
measure DOC in your work)
We expect that MDLs for TOC and DOC will be below 0.1 mg/L. It is expected
that MDLs for DOC would be slightly higher than the MDLs for TOC due to possible
sample contamination during filtration.
QC Criteria
Quality control data must be analyzed as soon as possible. The best practice is to
have the QC data tabulated and evaluated as the run is underway. However, it is
recognized that there will be times when this is impossible. QC and calibration data must
always be analyzed and reported within 24 hours of completion of a run (see section on
Data Analysis & QC Reporting, page 16). Quantitative criteria (Table 8) must be
applied, and violations must be immediately reported to the faculty QC officer. The
graduate and faculty QC officer along with the analyst will then work out a plan for
returning the analysis to acceptable levels of QC. Table 8 lists some typical corrective
action, however the actions taken may differ depending on the particular circumstances.
Excursions from QC criteria can be quite complex, and many analytical characteristics
and conditions must be considered before a decision can be made on the most effective
steps to be taken.
In several cases, quantitative criteria are based on long term trends, and these
must be monitored by means of appropriate control charts. Calibration check standards,
spike recovery and blank water values are documented over time in this way. All
summarized QC data (tabular and graphical) must be kept in a notebook in the Marcus
Hall TOC room (Rm 5). A duplicate set must be deposited with the faculty QC officer
(D. Reckhow).
Prepared from the currently-used calibration stock (less than 1 month old)
Prepared from the previously-used calibration stock II
Change cartridges
Unknowns or As many as Mixed RSD or RFD for replicate analyses Re-run samples and/or
“samples” desired throughout ≤20% discard outliers20 until
day precision can be brought under
Estimated concentration in Re-run samples with higher
unknowns must not exceed highest level standards
standard Dilute and re-run samples
If within 150% of max
standard, concentrations may
be flagged as tentative
Literature Cited
Aiken, George, Louis A. Kaplan, James Weishaar (2002) Journal of Environmental Monitoring 4:70-74.
Alvarez-Salgado, Xose, and Axel E.J. Miller, (1998) Marine Chemistry 62: 325-333.
Spyres, Georgina, Malcolm Nimmo, Paul J. Worsfold, Eric P. Achterberg and Axl E. J. Miller (2000)
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 19(8)498
Wei, Ying, JimReavis, curtis Meadows, Lillian Woung and Jim Greenlee (1998) WQTC Proceedings
using Dixon’s Q Test, or some logic test (e.g., monotonic increase with timed data series; unlikely sudden changes in natural