Craft An Artificial Intelligence Strategy

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Whit Andrews
16-20 minutes

The promise of AI will be fulfilled only by establishing a clear,

coherent link between AI and business value. This Gartner
Special Report will help CIOs incorporate AI into their strategic
planning and evaluation processes for business transformation.

Opportunities and Challenges

Artificial intelligence (AI) isn't an end in itself, but rather a

strategic capability that organizations can develop and mature to
achieve specific, measurable and transformative business

Only 4% of CIOs say their organization has deployed AI, but we

expect a substantial increase in deployments as one-fifth say
they are experimenting with AI, or have short-term plans for AI.

Moving from pilots and short-term plans to large-scale

implementations of AI is a daunting task that requires sound

Organizations will need new or updated strategies as vendors

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exploit AI capabilities within business suites, enterprise

applications, platforms, infrastructure support services and the
customer experience.

What You Need to Know

Start by prioritizing critical business scenarios and outcomes,

before assessing the extent to which the use of AI in IT solutions
could help you achieve desired outcomes.

Normalize strategy development for AI capabilities, as you have

for other advanced technologies, while identifying AI's unique
requirements, which include data scientists, very large datasets
and natural-language understanding.

Use AI especially for tasks that require classification and

prediction on an unprecedentedly large scale, which range from
granular text autocorrection to strategic sales forecasting.

Foster a culture of AI innovation by taking a "bimodal IT"

approach that enables your organization to rapidly plan, test,
assess and innovate with AI capabilities developed either in-
house or integrated into vendors' software applications, services
and platforms.

You Already Have What It Takes to Make AI Work for Your


Whit Andrews , Vice President and Distinguished Analyst

As a CIO, you don't need to be a mathematics genius or have a

PhD in software engineering to make sense of AI for your
business. You don't have to make massive investments in

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infrastructure and personnel in order to start applying AI's

potentially transformative technologies.

Instead, you can draw on the experience and expertise you

already have, in two key ways. First, you can assess which
business outcomes would benefit most from AI. Second, you can
evaluate AI as simply the latest advanced analytical technology
that might help achieve those outcomes. Your main goal is to
normalize AI planning and development for your whole
organization, including leaders of data and analytics, applications
and lines of business.

This Gartner Special Report aims to help you initiate

development of an AI strategy by focusing on three key tasks.
First is linking AI with the "big picture" of business priorities and
outcomes, business content, and key business and technology
trends. Second is tactical planning — redefining application
strategy and exploiting AI for IT operations, marketing and
specific business opportunities. Third is facilitating the transition
from AI planning to production by learning lessons from early AI
projects, avoiding pitfalls and protecting your intellectual property
in third-party AI contracts.

You can hasten progress by taking a "bimodal IT" approach. This

is the practice of managing two separate but coherent styles of
work. "Mode 1" focuses on the predictable, on improving and
renovating in well-understood areas. "Mode 2" is explorative — it
involves experimentation to innovate and overcome new
challenges. Mode 2 is ideally suited to rapidly evolving AI
capabilities that could help grow and transform a business.

Effective strategic planning will help you set realistic

expectations, and realizable objectives, for AI in your

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AI Is Here, but It Demands a Strategy

CIOs are struggling to accelerate deployment of AI. Only one in

25 says their organization has deployed AI, according to
Gartner's 2018 CIO Survey. However, one-fifth claim to be
experimenting with AI or to have short-term plans for it, and one-
quarter say that AI is among their mid- or long-term plans.

Such ambition puts these leaders in a challenging position. AI

efforts are already stressing staff, skills and the readiness of in-
house and third-party AI products and services. One danger lies
in treating AI mainly as a technical and tactical project, or as an
end in itself. Instead, you should understand AI as technological
capability that can enable applications that could not be
implemented previously. This understanding ensures a clear link
between AI and business priorities and outcomes. Without
effective strategic plans for AI, organizations risk wasting money,
falling short in performance and falling behind their business

An effective AI strategy defines how AI should be used to help

your organization succeed in its business context. It requires
you, as a CIO, to work closely with business leaders, exploit AI
where it can help achieve desired business outcomes, plan
tactically for specific use cases, and implement best practices to
move from plan to production.

As a CIO, you have the expertise and skills to make strategic

planning for AI the norm. Together with your chief data officer (if
you have one), you can initiate an AI strategy by incorporating AI
into existing planning and development processes (see Figure 1).
You can also begin to foster a culture of experimentation that

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encourages IT and business teams to test what AI can offer and

identify its measurable value to your business.
Figure 1. Artificial Intelligence Strategy Starts With the CIO and Chief
Data Officer

Source: Gartner (January 2018)

The Big Picture: Include AI in Your Strategic Planning

You can think of AI as a basket of advanced, sometimes exotic

technologies that are evolving rapidly. AI is attracting a huge
amount of often wildly misleading hype, but, for you as CIO, AI
poses the same challenges to your IT and business as any
emerging technology. Your organization needs to gain experience
of what AI can, and cannot, do, and what business value it can
deliver. You, along with your chief data officer (if you have one),
should take the lead in incorporating AI into your strategic
planning process for IT and business.

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Proving AI's worth means proving its value to your business. The
following Gartner publications will help.

Related Research

"The CIO's Journey to Artificial Intelligence: Learn Then Leap" —

Given the hype about AI, many CIOs are rightly cautious about
promoting its potential value to their business. But they can learn,
by experimentation, about the reality of AI, and then, by
influencing their CEO's strategy, make the leap to exploiting AI's
power to disrupt markets and remake business models.

"Predicts 2018: AI and the Future of Work" — AI will have a

profound impact on how we work. Some jobs will become
obsolete, others will be created, most will change. To derive
business value from AI, IT leaders must orchestrate key changes
in the enterprise workforce.

"How to Boost Artificial Intelligence With Content (and Vice

Versa)" — AI can derive transformative insights from a wealth of
unstructured enterprise content sources that are otherwise
difficult to access, untrusted or unready for analysis. Curated
content is the fuel of AI, which in turn enables far more effective
content curation. This document identifies best practices for
unlocking the value of content for AI.

"How CIOs Can Analyze the Strategic Possibilities of AI" — At

present, most AI applications deliver only incremental
improvements to operations. But CEOs who are aware of AI's
strategic potential are demanding more value. This document's
AI strategy framework will help CIOs prepare strategic AI
investment options for presentation to their CEO.

"Artificial Intelligence Demands That CIOs Foster a Data-Literate

Society" — AI uses algorithms to make sense of and act on

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diverse, complex and fast-moving data. CIOs should help ensure

success with AI by encouraging, promoting and facilitating a
culture of data literacy.

Get Tactical: Embed AI in Business and IT

Unlike most other technological advancements, AI has broad

applicability to many types of use case. It's rapidly permeating
new and often unexpected business scenarios, and influencing
the way IT departments operate. As a result, it's vital to
organizations' pursuit of digital business.

Take, for example, the desire of companies and governments to

benefit from what amounts to the conversion of physical
businesses into digitally agile operations. Here, AI promises to be
the engine of large-scale intelligent automation, spanning
industrial, IT and customer use cases. Gartner predicts that, by
2022, 40% of customer-facing employees and government
workers will consult an AI-powered virtual agent every day for
decision-making or process-related support.

AI capabilities are coming from two main sources: internal

development, coupled with cloud-based AI platforms and
features, and vendors that are racing to add AI to established
and new software products. Strategic thinking about AI enables
targeted tactical planning, evaluation and piloting, with both
sources in mind. The following Gartner publications will help you
plan a course of action.

Related Research

"Redefine Your Application Strategy to Exploit Conversational AI

for Digital Business Success" — Application leaders have
traditionally favored a mobile- or digital-first strategy for the user

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experience, but conversational AI redefines both. They should

prepare to put "AI first" in their application strategy for digital
business by creating new product management and design
practices that use conversational AI.

"12 Steps to Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations Excellence"

— To derive maximum value from AI for IT operations platforms,
infrastructure and operations leaders must radically modify IT
operations tasks and processes. This document identifies 12
steps they should take.

"Three Questions Marketing Leaders Should Ask Before

Approving an AI Plan" — Marketers need guidelines to
accelerate decision making about AI and manage the associated
risk without stifling innovation. This document presents a
practical method by which marketing leaders can assess the
risks and benefits of AI proposals.

"Artificial Intelligence Creates New Semiconductor Business

Opportunities" — The rise of AI systems creates opportunities for
new custom and semicustom semiconductor devices, especially
for the demanding parallel processing needed to train neural-
network models efficiently. Technology strategic planners at
semiconductor vendors must establish the partnerships and tools
to seize this opportunity.

"Automation and AI Will Slash Access Layer Downtime and the

Reliance on Network Administrators" — Network administrators
struggle with the seemingly ever-growing burden of larger and
more complex networks, which the Internet of Things will
increase. Automating network administration tasks by employing
machine learning and emerging AI for IT operations platforms
must therefore be a priority. This document outlines initial actions
for infrastructure and operations leaders to take.

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"Improve Your Sourcing Organization's Processes in 3 Easy

Steps by Adopting Intelligent Automation" — The emergence of
AI in intelligent automation services (IAS) will give sourcing and
vendor management leaders new capabilities to digitize and
automate the business, and to improve the speed, cost and
efficiency of the sourcing organization. This document advises
how to assess organizational maturity, establish a business case
for IAS and initiate proofs of concept.

"Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on Financial Management

Applications" — AI will enable organizations to predict financial
results on the basis of trends and market data, and ultimately
recommend actions to optimize financial and business outcomes.
Application leaders should therefore prepare to exploit AI in their
financial management application portfolio.

Get Practical: Prepare for the Shift From AI Plan to AI


There is a positive feedback loop between planning and

implementation. Organizations gain practical experience from AI
pilots, experiments and early production systems. They can then
use this experience to revise strategic and tactical plans, and to
set more realistic expectations and objectives. This revision, in
turn, can guide future AI prioritization, metrics, development and
deployment. The following documents offer practical guidance on
how to make planned AI deployments effective.

Related Research

"Six Pitfalls to Avoid When Planning Data Science and Machine

Learning Projects" — Organizational and process pitfalls in data
science and machine learning projects can undermine success

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and erode confidence in these powerful techniques. This

document will help data and analytics leaders sidestep the six
most common planning pitfalls.

"Market Insight: Let Customers Make Smarter Products Using AI"

— Using AI within a network-effect-based feedback loop can help
translate customer usage trends and needs into better personal
technology products and services. This document will help
technology strategic planners infuse products with "personal AI"
by establishing an improving product-planning process.

"Lessons From Early AI Projects" — Only 4% of CIOs have

deployed AI, but these early adopters are learning from their
experiences, as Gartner client surveys and interviews show. This
document outlines important lessons for CIOs as they plan, pilot
and deploy AI.

"Negotiate AI Contracts to Prevent Loss of Your Valuable

Intellectual Property to Vendors and Competitors" — Many
standard contracts for AI solutions can put ownership of the client
organization's intellectual property at risk. For example, common
definitions of customer data often fail to establish clearly that
datasets created by AI systems that learn belong to the
customer. Sourcing and vendor management leaders must
minimize this risk by negotiating expanded ownership of datasets
and improved models.

Table 1. Related Priorities

Priority Focus

Customer CRM and customer experience are

Relationship business strategies that optimize
Management and profitability, operational efficiency, customer

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Priority Focus

Customer satisfaction and loyalty by implementing

Experience customer-centric processes.

The focus of this initiative is on the

Analytics and BI
strategies, practices, technologies and
products needed to create business value.

Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem

that includes things — communications,
Internet of Things applications, data and analytics. Its uses
range from transforming business
operations to new revenue generation.

Source: Gartner

The 2018 Gartner CIO Survey was conducted online from 20

April to 26 June 2017 among Gartner Executive Programs
members and other CIOs. Qualified respondents were the most
senior IT leaders (typically the CIO) in their overall organization
or part thereof (such as IT leaders of a business unit or regional
unit). In all, there were 3,160 respondents, with representation
from all major regions and industry sectors (public and private).
The survey was developed by a team of Gartner analysts and
reviewed, tested and administered by Gartner's Research Data
and Analytics team.

Table 1 shows the percentage breakdown of responses to the

question "What are your organization's plans in terms of artificial

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Table 1. What Are Your Organization's Plans in Terms of

Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Percentage of

No interest 14%

On the radar, but no action planned 35%

In mid- or long-term planning 25%

In short-term planning or actively


Have already invested and deployed 4%

Source: Gartner (January 2018)

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