Instructions-Testing Kit
Instructions-Testing Kit
Instructions-Testing Kit
1 Instructions Page 1 of 15
Read this entire document carefully and follow it word for word,
else your results may not be accepted!
Hi, damysteryman here!
First of all, thanks for being a 'corper', and joining the DARK side of the Wii!
You'd like to test a few games to add to The Official DARKCORP v1.x Compatibility List,
I'm assuming you are, else why are you reading these instructions?
Hehehe... just kidding. Anyways, when people decide to test games, they omit a lot of
information, and so the result can't be added to the official list. So I've made this kit to
show people EXACTLY how to test the games, and how to extract all the data (Such as
GameIDs, and what IOS the game runs under etc.). This kit will have everything you need
to obtain all the info you need (provided your computer is running windows), and how to
format and submit it.
1. Game Name:
What's the game's title? You have to be very specific, that is, you have to specify
EXACTLY what the name is, including all “and's”, the's”, and whatnot. Just copying what's
on the game's box will usually suffice. Make sure you don't omit any words or colons or
dashes or anything similar. Make sure all letters are the correct case too. Here's how to
submit it. Here's 2 examples:
But there's one thing you don't need to include: Names of whoever made/support/endorse
it, or whatever. They seem to screw up the (kind-of) alphabetical order of the list. Here's 2
Colin McRae's DiRT 2
would be changed to just:
DiRT 2
And please don't localize names either (yet). Some games have different names,
depending on which region they are for. Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles is a good
example of this:
In USA and Europe, it's called Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles.
But in Japan and Korea, it's called biohazard: Umbrella Chronicles.
Make sure you don't localize the name, even if it's got multiple languages, such as PAL
games. Just submit the name that is the same language as your Wii, just to make it easier
if English is not your first language (that way you don't have to research the name for us,
we'll do that). If however, a game has English language support, the English name will be
used in the compatibility list, as it's default language is English. Example:
If your Wii is set to French, and you test the game with the GameID ROLP8P it will display
Mario & Sonic aux Jeux Olympiques D'hiver
but since this game has an English name, the entry in the compatibility list will be changed
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games.
However, if a game does not have an English name, then the default name submitted will
be used (Some European games are like this, and pretty much all Japanese and Korean
games too). If you are testing Japanese or Korean games, please submit the name as
both in asian characters, and in Romanized form in brackets after the asian character
version of the name (if you can type asian characters, that is), then you add the localized
name in square brackets. But don't worry too much about submitting names in asian
characters. If you can't do it, don't worry. It doesn't matter that much.
2. Game Region
This is a lot simpler than the naming convention explained above.
If it's a PAL region game, just enter “PAL”.
If it's a USA region game, just enter “USA”.
If it's a Japanese region game, just enter “JAP”.
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3. Game ID
A lot of people seem to omit this one. We need this data, as it's used to identify the game
when troubleshooting (if needed), and when people search for results in the list. It's also
used to check if the game has been hacked/patched/modified, and to check that it is an
actual Wii game, and not just a bogus joke result. It's in the tmd of the game, and you can
get it with Wiiscrubber and WiiPartitionBinChanger which are provided in this package.
How to do this will be explained later.
4. Works?
There are 4 possible choices for this field:
Additional Stuff Required
If the game seems to work fine with little or no problems (maybe a bit of lag), then enter
If however you need to patch the game, or use a “trick” to run the game, then enter
“Additional Stuff Required”. Keep in mind that it only classes as “Additional Stuff Required”
if the game will absolutely not work AT ALL without said patch/trick.
If by default (no patches etc.), part of the game works, but part of it doesn't, then enter
“Partial”. Make sure your test game isn't a bad dump or a bad burn.
If you cannot get the game working in any way at all whatsoever, no matter what you try,
then enter “No”. Make sure your test game isn't a bad dump or a bad burn.
the game doesn't work. Only 1:1 dumps are allowed for testing! Use the included
ChaosMD5 application to calculate the MD5 of the iso of the game you're testing.
8x speed?
16x speed?
4x speed?
...1x speed?!?
Test results can differ depending on what discs you use, so please tell us which ones you
do use, mainly for troubleshooting purposes if you cannot get a game working.
9. Tested by
Put your internet username here. If you have a account, please use that
username rather than any others you use.
Record all observations you see when testing the game.
Is there HEAPS of lag?
Does a certain part lag or even freeze?
Are there any problems or even slight oddities whatsoever?
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Here's a step-by-step instructions on how to properly test games and how to submit the
results. In this instructions I'll be using Super Mario Galaxy PAL as an example.
So, step 1:
Before doing anything, check all of your Wii's settings and record them:
1. System Menu version. What System Menu do you have currently installed?
2. Whether or not you have preloader (or any variants, like priiloader) or StartPatch
installed. If you do, please specify which version, and which hacks you have
3. What's your Wii's current Language setting?
4. What video mode is your Wii using? PAL or NTSC?
Some games may only work under certain settings (example Pikmin JAP version).
So open up the “DARKCORP v1.0 compatibility template.xls” file included in the package,
and record these in the “Test Conditions/Environment” field. You're going to need Microsoft
Excel or Calc installed on your pc to open this file. Chances are that if you
can view this instructions file, you'll be able to open this .xls file too.
My Wii has 4.2E, has a variant of preloader installed, and is set to English language and
PAL video mode as I am testing this, so my example looks like this:
And since I'm using a form of preloader, I have to supply all of my preloader information:
Make Sure the “Force Disc Region” and “Force discs to use IOS249” (aka “IOS
Reloading”) hacks are DISABLED before proceeding any further!
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Step 2:
Now in the “Game Name” field, put the game's name there. I'm testing Super Mario Galaxy
PAL, so mine would look like this:
Step 3:
In the “Game Region” field, put the game's region there. You do know what the game's
region is, right? (Taiwan games use JAP region)
Step 4:
Now supply the Game's ID code, which is found in the game's tmd. Use Wiiscrubber for
this. But before you do, you need to generate the excryption keys that Wiiscrubber needs
to decrypt Wii ISOs. Open MakeKayBin1.1.exe (included in this package) and type 42 in
the app window, then click the Generate button.
It will then generate the keys needed and display a message telling you this.
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Now open wiiscrubber (included in this package), and extract the partition.bin from the
DATA partition.
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Now if you go to the “tmd” tab, you'll see the 4-digit ID code, and the 2-digit publisher
code. Put the 2 together to make the 6-digit Game ID.
Step 5:
We need to know what IOS the game uses, and it's also found in the game's tmd. If you
haven't still got the tmd open in WiiPartitionBinChanger, reopen it.
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Copy it into the “IOS requested by game” field. In my case, Super Mario Galaxy uses
IOS33, so my “IOS requested by game” fields looks like this:
Step 6:
To help prevent bad dumps being tested, we require the MD5 hash of the iso that you used
in the test. use the included ChaosMD5 application to do this. The Unicode version seems
to work for all of mine. Open ChaosMD5, and drag-and-drop your iso file onto it, then click
the “Generate” button:
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Then just copy and paste the generated MD5 hash into the “MD5 hash of dump/iso used in
test” field of the result. Mine looks like this:
Step 7:
Now provide the Media used information, such as what type and brand of disc was used to
burn the ISO on to, and at what speed it was burned at.
I burned my Super Mario Galaxy ISO onto a Verbatim Inkjet Printable 16x DVD-R at 8x
speed, so I put in:
Step 8:
Now to actually test it!
With the latest DARKCORP v1.x installed, and the Wii at the Wii menu, put the disc in.
It should show in the disc channel. If it doesn't show then you have a non-corp related
problem stopping you.
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However, if your game needs additional stuff done to work, then type “Additional Stuff
Required” in the “Works?” field, then add any stuff you had to do into the “Additional Stuff
Required?” field.
My Super Mario Galaxy test screenshots (grabbed via USB Gecko):
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Well, I think the game works fine! There's a bit of lag in the cutscenes though, but this is
normal for softmods, due to the way they work. So my “Works?” field looks like this:
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Now, if you have any comments, observations, or anything else you would like to point out
about the game or the test, put it in the “Comments” field, else type a – in that field instead.
I don't have any comments to add, so I just put a – there:
Step 9:
In the “Tested by” field, specify your username. If you have a account,
specifying the username of your account is preferred over any other username. If you do
not have a account, just specify the username that you normally use while
on the internetz. That way, you get credit for the result you submitted, even if it is only a
“verification” result (that is, game was already tested, but you submitted your test anyway)!
So my “Tested by” field looks like:
OK! Now every field in your test result's “row” has been filled! Only a couple more things to
do, before testing another game.
Step 10:
Now, color your test result's “row” in, based on how well the game works.
Step 11:
Repeat entire process with every game you want to test, each game on a new row!
Step 12:
After testing all the games you wanted to test, do this: In the first cell (“DARKCORP v1.x
Compatibility Table Template”), change the “v1.x” to the version you are currently testing,
and change the word “Template” to your username, with a – in front of it. My Super Mario
Galaxy test was made while testing v1.0, so for me it looks like:
Please make sure you are testing the latest released version of DARKCORP v1.x, and
don't mix results of different versions in the same list!
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OK, so you have your compatibility list complete and ready to submit, right?
Step 13:
Submit it! Send it as an attachment to the email address
If you used any patches or tricks, or BCA data files, please bundle them all into a .zip file,
and send it also as an attachment in the same email that your list is attached to.
You won't get any reply, but your list will find its way to me, and when I have spare time, I'll
add it to The Official DARKCORP v1.x Compatibility List (providing the results aren't
missing any information).
And thank you for testing and submitting any test results (if you do, that is)!
- damysteryman.