Summer 2010
Summer 2010
Summer 2010
Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Summer/Fall 2010, Volume 20
Currents Magazine is an unofficial publication produced biannually by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Stud-
ies Public Affairs Office. This publication is for APCSS employees, alumni, Fellows and future Fellows and is avail-
able online at We use the Associated Press Style Guide when abbreviating ranks, regardless of individ-
ual service style. Contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the U.S. Depart-
ment of Defense. Questions or comments can be addressed by phone (808) 971-8916 or emailed to 3
a new
a new
wing and
15-years of
Breaking ground for a new wing: Dean Lauren Kahea Moriarty, Maj. Gen.
On September 2, the Asia- Peter S. Pawling, Senator Daniel Inouye, Lt. Gen. (Ret.) E.P. Smith, Sena-
Pacific Center for Security tor Daniel Akaka, Dean of Business Ops & Admissions Mr. Dick Sears.
Studies celebrated three impor-
former APCSS president Hank its present location. And, in this
tant milestones. The first was
Stackpole, Warren Luke and Don facility, the Center has routinely
to commemorate the Center’s
Horner attended. Also present demonstrated a set of standards
15th anniversary; second, was
were former Executive Director to all who entered that this is
to conduct a ground-breaking
Dr. Jimmy Lackey and former a special place, doing serious
ceremony for the construction
Dean, Dr. Lee Endress. work, in a unique way.
of a new wing; and lastly, to of-
ficially welcome the new Dean
Director’s remarks: “Recognizing the increasing
of the College of Security Stud-
value of APCSS to regional and
ies, retired Ambassador Lauren
“APCSS initially began full op- national security, our Depart-
Kahea Moriarty.
erations in downtown Waikiki ment of Defense decided to
using leased office space in the further invest in the important
Senator Dan Inouye, who was
Waikiki Trade Center. And from work being done here, and sig-
instrumental in getting this
the start, the staff on watch real- nificantly increased the APCSS
center established back in 1995,
ized that APCSS had a special Operations and Maintenance
provided the keynote address. It
opportunity to contribute some- funding, as well as approved
was largely due to his vision, as
thing significant to responsible $12.2 million in military con-
well as steady and loyal support
security officials in this region. struction to add a third wing to
that APCSS has been a leader
From its start, APCSS added to our existing structure.
in executive education. He was
Oahu’s tradition of being a spe-
joined by Senator Dan Akaka,
cial gathering place, regularly “Today, APCSS is one of the
who also has been a true friend
bringing important Asia-Pacific Office of the Secretary of
and advocate of APCSS.
leaders from all over the region Defense for Policy and U. S.
to learn together how collabora- Pacific Command’s multi-lat-
Representing U. S. Pacific
tion helps enable security coop- eral security-cooperation tools
Command was Major General
eration. that gets results in increasing
Peter Pawling, and representing
leader capacities, and thereby,
the Director, Defense Coopera-
“In June 2000, following the security-institutional capacities.
tion Security Agency, was Mr.
renovation of this former U.S. And APCSS has a distinguished
Jim McGaughey. APCSS Foun-
Army Reserve facility here at Ft. track record at accomplishing
dation members Gerry Sumida,
DeRussy, APCSS was moved to that.
4 CURRENTS Summer/Fall 2010
ing model, administered which formerly existed near
by adept scholar leaders, where our new wing will be
APCSS builds leader capac- built.
ity to address a broad range
of regional challenges, from “By 2013 this wing will
transnational security, to be a place where focused
terrorist and criminal net- critical thinking, analy-
works, to governance and ses of facts surrounding a
civil-military relations, to range of complex security
managing crises across all challenges, comprehensive
domains of international security policy conceptual-
power. ization, and various related
decision-aids all coalesce to
“Recent successes in ad- help Asia-Pacific security
dressing particular regional officials practice collabora-
challenges include security tion and cooperation for the
sector development work- common good.
shops with 11 nations to
Dean Lauren Kahea Moriarty greets Senator Daniel Inouye. Her date, maritime security with “And thereby, we will help
father, David Peters, served as the senator’s chief of staff for all Pacific Island nations, educate regional partners to
many years. and critical information- gather real-time knowledge
“It is also important to ac- tions positively impact the sharing between major about complex security is-
knowledge how the major security of the Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific treaty partners. sues; process and integrate
contributions of this small region, promote peace, and And all of these events have that knowledge into a more
but dynamic organization deter conflict. demonstrated the Center’s comprehensive understand-
have matured. From our unique capability to facili- ing of the issues and options
initial days in 1995 when “Today, our course Alumni tate reasonable approaches at hand; and share that new
we offered only one course, number well over 5,000 of to the diverse and complex understanding and aware-
reaching 23 executive- the region’s most influential security challenges of the ness to better secure our
level security practitioners, security elites. They include region. regional future.”
APCSS now graduates ministers of defense and in-
between 600-800 Fellows terior, commanding officers “And, in the design of our After the groundbreaking
annually from a suite of six of armies, navies and coast new wing, APCSS contin- and 15th Anniversary re-
in-resident courses address- guards, and senior officials ues to set a good example. marks, Lt. Gen. Smith for-
ing the full range of regional writing and implementing This wing will blend into mally introduced APCSS’s
security challenges. Fur- national security strategies, the traditional environ- new academic dean, Amb.
thermore, APCSS regularly policies and laws through- ment we cherish and yet be (Ret.) Lauren Kahea Mo-
extends its influence into the out the Asia-Pacific region. state-of-the-art and future- riarty. (see page 6 for her
region by further interfacing When you add participants focused. It will provide an biography). “She is a genu-
with hundreds of uniformed in conferences and work- environmentally-friendly, inely talented and caring
and civilian leaders who shops, we have had over single-story, 10,000 sq.ft. leader, scholar and role
participate in the 8-12 work- 8,000 participants from 94 building with six seminar model,” said Smith. “She is
shops and mini-courses that locations around the world. rooms, a state-of-the-art accomplished in her field,
APCSS also offers annually. And today, we have 48 ac- Information Integration highly experienced, widely
And beyond that, APCSS tive Alumni Associations in Learning Laboratory en- sought for advice and coun-
just published a series of countries across the Asia- vironment, a 108-person sel by senior officials all
faculty researched and writ- Pacific region and beyond. plenary space, and further over the world, and most
ten essays on Asian per- beautify the natural Hawai- capable of helping to lead
spectives on transnational “Using a participant- ian green space we inhabit. this small but complex orga-
security challenges today centered, activity-based, In its façade, it will respect- nization in the next critical
and ahead. Together, these technology-enhanced learn- fully connect back to an ear- phase of its evolution.”
routine APCSS contribu- lier facility, Maluhia Hall, 5
New dean brings wealth of experience from Asia-Pacific
An Asia expert and former
U.S. career diplomat, Am-
bassador Lauren Kahea Mo-
riarty joined the Center as
Dean in August.
“I like the work the Center
does to educate, empower
and connect security prac-
titioners in the Asia-Pacific
region,” said Dean Moriarty.
“I look forward to working
with the faculty and Fellows
as we pool our expertise
on politics, economics and
security to build a more
peaceful and prosperous
Asia-Pacific region.” Ambassador Lauren Kahea Dean Moriarty receives a lei from her sister, Diane Peters-Nguy-
Moriarty en. Also pictured are her son, Mana, and his fiancee Sarah Wong.
Moriarty retired from the
U.S. Foreign Service in
2007, after a distinguished two, major economies into
29-year career. She then the global economy as
spent time in Bangladesh as members of the World Trade
a community leader in Ban- Organization. Ambassador
gladesh and frequent public Moriarty also served as
speaker. deputy head of the American
Institute in Taiwan (1997-
In 2003-2005, Moriarty
1998), the institution estab-
served as U.S. Ambassador
lished by the U.S. Congress
and Senior Official to Asia-
to manage relations between
Pacific Economic Coopera-
the people of the United
tion (APEC), an internation-
States and the people of
al organization whose 21
members accounted for over
half of global production As Director of the U.S. De-
and almost half of world partment of State’s Office of
trade. She served simulta- East African Affairs (2001-
Dean Moriarty congratulated by friends after the welcoming cer-
neously as the Department 2003), Ambassador Moriarty emony.
of State’s Deputy Assistant was deeply involved in post-
Secretary-level Coordinator 9/11 security issues in the Taiwan. She shaped policy of Hawai’i and a Master
for East Asian and Pacific Horn of Africa. Earlier in on issues from multilateral of Arts in Law and Diplo-
Economic Issues. her career, she was the Dip- aid to secure trade and ac- macy (M.A.L.D.) from the
lomat-in-Residence at the tion to counter threats from Fletcher School at Tufts
Moriarty headed the Eco-
East-West Center in Hono- global pandemics and speed University. Among her
nomic Sections at the U.S.
lulu, Hawai’i. She served recovery from natural di- many awards is the U.S.
Embassy in China (1999-
additional tours at the U.S. saster. Department of State’s top
2001) and the American
embassies in China, Nepal, award for leadership and
Institute in Taiwan (1994- Ambassador Moriarty
Pakistan and Thailand and mentoring. Ambassador
1997). She provided critical holds a Bachelor of Arts
at the American Institute in Moriarty was the first U.S.
assistance to bring those (B.A.) from the University
Ambassador of Native Ha-
6 CURRENTS Summer/Fall 2010 waiian ancestry.
Recent Faculty Publications
China &
Issues for Engagement: Asian Perspectives on
India @60
Transnational Security Challenges
“China-India@60: The “Issues for Engagement: • Are the transnational
Great Game” by Dr. Asian Perspectives on security challenges this
Mohan Malik was pub- Transnational Security country faces of any conse-
lished in the July-Au- Challenges,” edited by Dr. quence for the U.S.?
gust 2010 edition of the David Fouse, is the latest
India-China Chronicle. book published by the Asia- • Is the country willing/
Pacific Center for Security interested in engaging with
His article looks at the Studies. the U.S. to deal with these
balance sheet in the issues?
bilateral relationship According to Fouse, “The
between these two na- chapters in this volume The first step in the research
tions on the anniversary analyze security priorities at for this project was carried
of their formally estab- the individual country level out in June–July of 2009.
lished diplomatic rela- and gauge each country’s During this period APCSS
tions. attempts at bilateral and conducted an online survey
multilateral security co- of its alumni regarding their
After reviewing a num- operation on transnational views on the most pressing
ber of positives and security challenges. Our transnational challenges
negatives in their rela- environment of the region
intention is to provide poli- in their own countries as
tionship over the years, and U.S. relationships (in-
cymakers and other govern- well as the best means for
Malik argues “that the cluding alliances and stra-
ment officials with a useful addressing these issues.
gulf between China and tegic partnerships) in the
and convenient reference the results of this survey
India – in terms of per- Asia-Pacific during coming
tool to draw upon to engage were then distributed to
ceptions, attitudes, and years.
specific countries in the APCSS faculty authors as
expectations – has wid- Asia-Pacific region.” background for writing the
ened over the years as Some of the questions cov-
individual country analyses.
mutual understanding of ered in this volume include:
Chapters covering Cambo- over the summer of 2009
each other remains shal- dia, Thailand, Indonesia, most of the faculty authors
low and distorted.” • What are the most signifi-
Vietnam, Singapore and then traveled to the region
cant transnational security
Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka, to conduct face-to-face in-
“Nonetheless, given challenges for this country?
Japan, South Korea, Russia, terviews with government
the negative attitudes Oceania and Afghanistan officials and subject matter
and perceptions,” stated were completed. • How do transnational se-
experts in countries covered
Malik, “it is indeed re- curity challenges stack up
in this volume, supplement-
markable that China and Each author looked at gov- against traditional security
ing the information they
India have kept their ernmental priorities in a threats for that country’s se-
have gained through their
diplomatic engagement country under study with re- curity planners?
day-to-day contact with
on course by downplay- spect to transnational secu- Asia-Pacific security practi-
ing irritants and high- rity challenges and assessed • What steps has the coun-
tioners and analysts here at
lighting the positives.” whether these priorities and try taken unilaterally, bi-
the Center. This book repre-
the resources applied suf- laterally or multilaterally
sents the culmination of this
You can read the full ficiently address the threats in order to cope with these
article on our website at: these challenges pose today. challenges? In this context, authors ex- To view this book online go
Publications/APSSS/ plored how emerging trans- • What are the most im-
India_China_60.pdf national security challenges portant “next steps” for this
may influence the security country to take? 7
Amb. Scott DeLisi, Amb. Roy Ferguson, New Zealand Ambassador to the Amb. Stephen Young, U.S.Consul
U.S. Ambassador to Nepal United States, visited APCSS in January 2010. General in Hong Kong
Rear Admiral Ty Pile, Commander Canadian Maritime Forces Pacific (3rd from left) with Lt. Gen. Ed Smith greets Maj. Gen.
Chief Petty Officer First Class Robert Cookson, the Formation Chief of Maritime Forces Sirisak, Royal Thai Air Force.
Pacific; APCSS Director Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Ed Smith; Captain Jim Heath (Canadian Navy)
Homeland Defense Officer for Commander U.S. Pacific Fleet; Professor Kerry Nankivell;
and Dr. Justin Nankivell. Rear Admiral Pile visited the Center in July and is a Senior Execu-
tive Course (SEC08-2) alumnus. 9
Hails & are Elizabeth Leong and
Lt. Cmdr. Joseph Kemp.
As in most recent sum-
mers the Center recruited a
number of young, ambitious
The Information Service and knowledgeable interns,
Department saw the arrival summer hires, temps and
and too-soon departure of volunteers to help the staff
Network Chief Jeff Shouse, and faculty while in-turn
Traditionally, summer is ell. In the Trends Analysis as well as Alan Lum and gaining some specialized
a time of heavy personnel Program Office, Lt. Col. Robert Closson. However, knowledge of the region.
movement in the U.S. De- Brian Greenstein and Ca- the Customer Service sec- This year’s group included
partment of Defense. Once rin Landry moved on and tion flourished as Clarice Jordan Clark, Ryley
again, this has proven true J. Nelson Ramos moved Say came onboard, and after Yamamoto, Tamara Pat-
for APCSS personnel. in. On the CSS staff, Robin a year away, Chris Conde ton, Jessica Clausnitzer,
Burrell and Ashely Davila- returned.
The College of Security Michael Rynders, Vidal
Lee signed in and Gina La-
Studies saw the arrival of Badua, Nicole Garcia and
Mountain and Jason Poe The Travel section lost
a new academic dean, Am- Lisa Shapiro.
signed out. the long-term experience
bassador Lauren Kahea and services of Staff Sgt. Finally, “Congratulations”
Moriarty. She is joined by In the Resource Manage- Darien Turpeau. The Hu- to the two newest addi-
newcomers, ment Department, Cmdr. man Resources Branch tions to the APCSS ohana.
Dr. Scott Derek Webster left as bid farewell to Rebecca Keo’makani Kim was born
Hauger, Cmdr. Thomas Marszalek Watson and Karin Mc- June 22 to his CSS mom,
Dr. Jeffrey assumed the duties of Chief Clain, but welcomed back Kylee Kim and her husband
Hornung, and as Senior Navy Advi- Johnette Chun, this time Randell. Jor-el Xander Kal-
Cmdr. Paul sor. Lily Abille departed for as Chief, HR. We also had el Baqurian Al-Amin was
Tech and another position. Logistics to say goodbye to Glenn
Dr. Hauger born on July 24 to Admis-
Cmdr. H. Specialist Third Class Takemoto, who spear- sions’ Chief Yeoman Jamil
Mario DeOliveira. Col. Carlo Coppa and Logistics headed our efforts to get Al-Amin and his wife,
Stephen My- Specialist Second Class our C-Wing project past the Mary-Ann.
ers joined the Copernick Louis replaced hurdles and off to a great
faculty as our Logistics Specialist Sec- start.
first Senior ond Class Greg Hammell
Service Col- and Logistics Specialist In the Front Office/Special
lege Fellow. Second Class Steven Hey- Staff sections, Sgt. Jason
Army Fellow ward. Senior Chief Danilo Lasley replaced Staff Sgt
Maj. David Cmdr. Tech Tuasan retired, relinquish- Dian Wilson. Capt. Em-
Longbine ing both his department and ily Dignan replaced Capt.
replaced Lt. Col. Wil- Senior Enlisted Advisor du- Eric Lee as the Center
liam Mc- ties to Senior Chief Jason Judge Advocate. Diana
Donough. Boggs, who then departed Kammunkun took on the
Also depart- APCSS four months later. new position of Administra-
ing were tive Management Officer.
Dr. Ehsan In Admissions, Sgt. Jerold Christine Paige retired
Ahrari, Bali replaced Sergeant after her third stint with the
Cmdr. Noel First Class Andrea Ste- Center. Lisa Berry replaced
Cmdr. phens and was later joined
DeOliveira Dahlke, Gabe Morris as our APC-
Lt.Col. Mat- by Ms. Nelly Williams. The SSLink advisor. Gabrielle
thew Schwab, Dr. Rol- Conference Branch saw the Jimenez was promoted to
lie Lal and Cmdr. Brian departure of Lt. Cmdr. Liz first lieutenant before sepa-
O’Donnell. Congratulations Tananka and Seaman Ap- rating from the Army and
to “Mr.” Justin Nankivell pretice Shanelle Scales. Col. Timothy Small joined Sergeant First Class Andrea
who became “Dr.” Nankiv- Newcomers to the branch the Executive Operations Stephens, pictured with Robin
Burrell, served at the Center
Group. since 2003 and supported 69
10 CURRENTS Summer/Fall 2010 classes.
Transnational Security Cooperation
Twenty-two Fellows from 21 countries and territories completed the Transnational Security Coopera-
tion Course in February 2010.
ASC09-2 Fellows.
While predominately
coming from the U.S.,
APOC10-1 and 10-2 also Cmdr. Jared East & Mr. Jeff Lt. Col. Seo Youngman (RoK) reviews course materials.
included Fellows from Mariano
Australia, Canada, France,
Japan, Singapore, Republic
of Korea and Taiwan.
APOC at-a-glance
Since 2007
• 10 Classes
• 687 Fellows from
12 Countries/
APOC10-2 was held in March 2010 with 77 Fellows.
APOC was the largest class of its size to date with 103 Fellows attending and was held January 25-29.
The most recent Comprehensive Security Responses to Terrorism course graduated in August 2010 with 82 Fellows.
presentation and discussion well-attended events includ- in comprehensive crisis augment the overall experi-
with Mr. David Carey, CEO ed a timely presentation by management. Intended par- ence of all Fellows. In the
of Outrigger Enterprises the head geophysicist from ticipants will consist of 10- end, objectives will con-
International and Maj. Gen. the Pacific Tsunami Warn- 11 five-person cohort teams tinue to fully support over-
Robert Lee, Adjutant Gen- ing Center spontaneously principally from throughout arching APCSS objectives
eral of the Hawaii National arranged following the tsu- Southeast Asia. which seek to educate Fel-
Guard. The experience, nami threat of February 27. lows on relevant skill areas,
stature and strategic per- APCSS looks forward to to empower them in becom-
spectives the discussants Looking to the future, a inviting 70-80 Fellows from ing strategic difference-
brought to this presentation CCM mini-course is sched- the greater Asia-Pacific re- makers, and in connecting
were extremely valuable uled to take place in Jakarta, gion to attend CCM 11-1 in them to one another and the
and quite unique for the Indonesia on December 14- June 2011. For this upcom- broader community of crisis
international Fellows, and 16. The theme of the mini- ing iteration, course leader- management practitioners.
consistent with the strategic course will be “Optimizing ship is already seeking ways
focus of the course. the Strategic Role of the to introduce a distance-
Media in Crisis Manage- learning component to the
In addition, several lunch- ment,” and it will seek to course, to enhance Internet
time presentations were of- address cutting-edge themes portal connectivity to timely
fered that supported course which underscore the rel- and useful resources, and
learning objectives. These evance of the mass media other features designed to 17
Senior Asia-Pacific Orientation Course
APCSS faculty and the 13 SEAPOC 10-1 Fellows pose for a class photo.
Mr. Mike Meserve (U.S. Army Pacific), Brig. Gen. John Broad- Mr. Kirk Skinner, Attache US Embassy Tokyo; Rear Admiral
meadow (U.S. Marine Forces Pacific), and Col. Bill Bachand Steven Ratti, Joint Interagency Forces West; Brig. Gen. TJ
(Regional Dental Command). O’Shaughnessy, 13th Air Force; and Mr. Mike Meserve (U.S. Army
SSD10-2 Fellows included representatives from the Maldives, Mongolia, Philippines and Sri Lanka.
CAIFC-APCSS team dinner at the Beijing state guest house. Informal roundtable with Tsinghua University academics. 21
Combating Terrorism in
South Asia
Reviewing terrorism trends current and former parlia-
in South Asia and strength- mentarians, ministers, diplo-
ening regional cooperation mats and academics.
to deal with terrorism was
the focus of the “South Asia Topics covered during the
APCSS Alumni Symposium Symposium included Ter-
on Combating Terrorism” rorism Trends in South
held in Male, Maldives, Asia; Countering Terror Shyam Tekwani, Kerry Nankivell and Dr. Bill Wieninger
May 25-27. Finance: Interagency Re-
sponses; Mumbai Lessons
The Asia-Pacific Center for Learned; Border Security
Security Studies co-hosted in Countering Terrorism;
the event with the Maldives Women and Combating
National Defense Force Terrorism; New Media and
and the Maldives APCSS Strategic Communications;
Alumni Association. Funded Weapons of Mass Destruc-
by the Counter-Terrorism tion Issues/Combating
Fellowship Program, the Terrorism; Maritime Coop-
three-day workshop brought eration; and International
(left to right) Commodore (Ret.) Vengalil Venugopal, India EC06-2,
together representatives Cooperation & Combating
Mr. Hamayoun Khan Pakistan EC08-2, Deputy Inspector General
from seven South Asian na- Terrorism. of Police Upendra Kant Aryal, Nepal CCM08-2, and Ambassador
tions: Bangladesh, Bhutan, (Ret) MD Anwar Chohan, Pakistan EC98-2.
India, Maldives Nepal, Pak- U.S. Ambassador to the
istan and Sri Lanka. It was Maldives and Sri Lanka, Home Affairs Mr. Mohamed expand counter-terrorism
the first time all South Asia Patricia Butenis, and the Shihab (SSD10-1), Chief of (CT) practitioner knowledge
nations had attended a U.S.- Maldives Foreign Minister Defense Forces Maj. Gen. and networks in South Asia
sponsored counter-terrorism Dr. Ahmed Shaheed offici- Moosa Ali Jaleel (EC00- and all agreed that it was
event in the region. ated over the opening cer- 3), Vice Chief of Defense highly successful in doing
emonies. Numerous senior Brigadier General Farhath so. After a series of SME
The symposium was at- officials from the Maldives Shaheer (EC99-2), Com- lectures and spirited discus-
tended by 67 practitioners attended the opening and/ mander of the Coast Guard sion both in plenary and in
and non-government experts or closing ceremonies in- Brig. Gen. Zakariyya Man- smaller breakout groups,
representing the military, cluding Maldives Defence soor (EC01-3) and Police country teams presented
police, and others including Minister Mr. Ameen Faisal Commissioner Mr. Ahmed to a high-level panel their
(TSC09-2), Minster of Faseeh (TSC09-1). key lessons learned and ac-
tion steps they intended to
Speaking of the Sympo- take upon return home.”
sium’s success, Ambassador Ultimately, the Symposium
Butenis noted that, “the was an exceptionally pro-
APCSS Symposium was an ductive event that enhanced
important demonstration of national CT capacities, built
U.S. commitment to Mal- confidence, relationships,
dives and regional security and networks to expand
cooperation.” and sustain collaborative
approaches to addressing
Dr. Bill Wieninger, academ- terrorism in a critically sig-
ic lead for the symposium, nificant region.
Professor Tekwani shares information on new media and strategic
stated, “A key goal of the
event was to invigorate and Photos by John Gasner
22 CURRENTS Summer/Fall 2010
Managing the Global Commons
“Managing the Global Com- Key speakers during the
mons” was the theme for the event of the conference
2010 Pacific Rim Security included Dr. Arun Majum-
II (PACRIM II) conference, dar, Director, Advanced
held at Stanford University Research Projects Agency
Feb. 22-24 in Palo Alto, - Energy; Dr. Michael
Calif., and co-hosted by May, Professor Emeritus
the Asia-Pacific Center for (Research), Stanford Uni-
Security Studies, the Center versity; Dr. Brahma Chel-
for Hemispheric Defense laney, professor of Security
PACRIM II conference participants on the steps of Encina Hall at
Studies (CHDS), and the Studies, Center for Policy Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. Feb. 24.
Freeman Spogli Institute for Research, India; Mr. Peter
International Studies (FSI). Schwartz, Futurist and Co-
Founder of Global Business The renowned keynote participants and profes-
PACRIM II brought to- Network. speakers and outstanding sional CHDS staff greatly
gether senior officials of panelists combined with contributed to enhance the
Pacific Rim countries from A total of 16 Asia-Pacific high-level participants from discussion.”
the security sector, the pri- country representatives Asia and the Pacific Rim
vate sector, and academia attended including repre- of the Americas produced Former U.S. Secretary of
to continue the discussion sentatives from Australia, a great synergy which was Defense Dr. William Perry
launched in 2009 on com- China, India, Indonesia, reflected in discussions over of FSI closed the confer-
mon challenges and op- Japan, Republic of Korea, three-days. One participant ence by highlighting the
portunities facing nations the Philippines, and Russia. commented that “the level successes of PACRIM II,
in the region in the global CHDS brought in country of information from the pre- but cautioned there is no
commons by PACRIM I. representatives from Canada senters as well as the partic- “one size fits all” solution.
While PACRIM I focused and South America which ipants in the audience was He also pointed out that the
more on the security of the included Mexico, Panama, superb. The way that topics key to success in all these
maritime domain, PACRIM Ecuador, Peru, Chili, and could be related to this re- endeavors will be “greater
II broadened the scope of Columbia. Senior U.S. DoD gional security of the Pacific international cooperation
discussion to include energy attendees included Lt. Gen. Rim region was extremely and collaboration.”
and environmental security Daniel Darnell, Deputy relevant. The points of view
as well as the cyber domain Commander, U.S. Pacific from participants and pre- Ultimately, PACRIM II
and pandemic disease, with Command; Amb. Paul A. senters (other than the U.S. participants agreed that the
panel sessions on: Nuclear Trivelli, Civilian Deputy position) was valuable and keys to success are enhanc-
Energy: Challenges and to the Commander, U.S. very interesting.” ing mutual understanding of
Opportunities; Building Southern Command; Gen. the challenges and opportu-
Resilience in the Face of Gene Renuart, Commander, “The exchange of ideas nities among key nations of
Transnational Threats; NORAD and U.S. North- and perspectives as they the Asia-Pacific Rim, and
Strengthening Regional ern Command; Maj. Gen. relate to the PACRIM and identifying paths forward.
Security Interfaces and Co- Lawrence Stutzriem, Plans, the Western Hemisphere
operation: U.S. Combatant Policy and Strategy (J5), was most thoughtful,” said Photo by William R.
Commander Perspectives; NORAD and U.S. Northern another participant. “The Goodwin.
Renewable Energy: Public- Command; and Lt. Gen. various dimensions, politi-
Private Cooperation; and Francis Kearney, Deputy cal, economic, security were
Future Issues in the Global Commander, U.S. Special most evident. The informa-
Commons. Operations Command. tion shared by the speakers, 23
APCSS Hosts Tri-lateral HADR Workshop
A workshop to improve
and expand coordination
between the U.S., Japan
and the Republic of Korea
during Humanitarian Assis-
tance/Disaster Management
activities was held at the
Asia-Pacific Center for Se-
curity Studies in April.
Southeast Asia: Northeast Asia and Americas Nepalese alumni formed a core
group to support the security
The alumni in the Philippines Together with APCSS, the sector development process in
and APCSS co-hosted the South Mongolian alumni co-hosted Nepal and they assisted in facil-
and Southeast Asia Alumni As- the “Emergency Preparedness itation of a workshop on “Fed-
sociations Workshop: “Enhanc- and Risk Reduction Workshop;” eralism and Security in Nepal.”
ing National Capabilities and and co-hosted with the Marshall Bangladesh alumni established
Regional Cooperation.” They Center alumni a seminar in the Institute of Peace and Secu-
also conducted a roundtable Mongolia entitled “Present and
discussion on the GRP-MILF Future Security Environment continued on page 33
peace process, and they support- in North-East and Central Asia:
ed the Southeast Asia Regional
Security Forum 2010. Alumni
created the Philippine Institute
for Peace, Violence and Terror-
ism Research and the Asia Pa-
cific Regional Security Forum,
Inc. which served as the host for
several “Multilateral Maritime
Security Conferences.”
Republic of Korea Ellalagoda Admiral K.T.S.S. Gu-
Gamage De D.W.A.S. Dis- nawardana,
Kwon, Ojeong, Silva, EC05-2, sanayake, EC05- CCM08-2, was
EC04-2, was pro- was promoted to 3, was appointed promoted to colo-
moted to colonel. air vice marshal Chief of Staff in nel.
and he is Director, Inspection the Navy.
and Safety.
R.R. Wijayas- Taiwan
P.D.K.T. undara, EC05-2, Liao, Hung-
Lee, Jingyu,
Jayasinghe, was promoted to Chieh, was pro-
EC05-2, was pro-
CSRT06-2, was rear admiral and is moted to major
moted to colonel.
promoted to group Director General general.
captain and he is of Logistics.
currently attending
Mr. Sng Seow the National De- Tanzania
Lian, EC96-1, is fense University in Pakistan. Dhammika Dias,
Head, Strategic CSRT06-3, was Peter Matagi,
Planning and Proj- Dayal Wijeratne, promoted to cap- ASC10-1, was
ects at the S. Ra- SSTR06-2, was tain; he is Com- promoted to se-
jaratnam School promoted to wing mander 4th Fast nior superinten-
of International commander. Attack Flotilla. dent of police.
Studies, Nanyang Technologi-
Continued on next page
cal University.
Sri Lanka
Vice Admiral
Thisara Samar-
asinghe, EC03-1,
was promoted as
Chief of Navy.
Air Chief
Marshal Donald
Perera, SEC04-2,
has been appoint-
ed as Ambassador
to Israel.
Ruwan De Silva,
CCM08-1, was Tonga alumni at a special Alumni Association social.
promoted to briga-
dier general. 29
More Promotions....
Mr. Surashete
EC02-1, is first
secretary, Depart-
Thailand ment of ASEAN
Ambassador Don
Ms. Chaksuda
SEC99-1, is am-
bassador to the
EC02-3, is first
U.S. in Washing-
secretary, depart-
ton D.C.
ment of European
Mr. Grisada
SSTR07-1, was
United States
promoted as
Governor of Yala Commander Noel
province. Dahlke, EC08-1,
completed his tour
Sombat Phongsri, at APCSS as the
EC08-2, was pro- College Operations
Philippine alumni during their annual APA Christmas Party
moted to colonel. Officer and is as-
held last December.
signed as the commander of
the VP-26 Tridents squadron at
the Naval Air Station Jackson-
ville, Florida.
Charivat Captain William Superintendent Daniel Vake
Santaputra, Colonel Patrick Rall, EC02-2, Rakau, EC02-1,
SEC01-1, is am- Miller, APOC took command was promoted as
bassador to Ger- 07-3, transferred of the USCGC Chief of Staff to
many. from PACOM to Healy, the U.S. the Commissioner
Italy where he is Coast Guard’s of Police.
Ambassador the Commander, largest icebreaker.
Tharit 31st Operations Group.
SEC05-2, is am- Stephan Fred Chesbro,
bassador to South Notarianni, ASC09-2, was
Africa. EC03-1, is the promoted to colo- Vietnam
Deputy Chief, nel. Phan Van Sang,
Minister Pravit Military Liaison EC04-3, was pro-
Chaimongkol, Office at the moted to senior
SEC03-1, is Di- American Em- colonel.
rector General De- bassy Rome, Vanuatu
partment of South Italy. Joshua Bong,
Asian, Middle EC08-1, was pro- Ambassador
East and African moted to colonel Doan Ngoc Boi,
Affairs. Rear Admiral and appointed as EC00-3, was reap-
Stephen Commissioner of the Vanuatu pointed as Ambas-
Mr. Theeratep Mehling, Police Force. sador of Vietnam
Promvongsanon, APOC09-1, took to Helsinki, Fin-
EC03-1, is Direc- command of the land.
tor, Central Asia 14th Coast Guard
Group. District in Honolulu. 31
Major General
EC01-2, retired
from the army.
Rear Admiral
nadige Peiris,
EC03-2, retired
from the navy and
is Director Gen-
eral Civil Defence Force.
* informal group
** Joint alumni associa-
tion with the Africa Center
Program Managers
Program Manager for Comprehensive Security Development (CSD) – Dr. Rouben Azizian
Program Manager for Transnational Security and Crisis Management (TSCM) – Dr. Al Oehlers
This publication is produced by the Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies Public Affairs Office. Questions or comments can be
addressed by phone (808) 971-8916 or emailed to
Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies * 2058 Maluhia Road * Honolulu, HI 96815 35
APCSS alumni attending the Pacific
Armies Management Seminar. Lt.
Gen. Benjamin Mixon (TSC 09-1)
and Brig. Gen. Alejandro Arancibia
(EC 07-2) were the co-hosts for this
year’s event. In addition, 11 other
APCSS alumni attended PAMS.
Please don’t forget to contact the Outreach and Alumni Coordination Branch at
if you have been promoted, changed job positions, or moved.