K Peters-Tech Paper-Upheaval Buckling
K Peters-Tech Paper-Upheaval Buckling
K Peters-Tech Paper-Upheaval Buckling
lateralbucklingof embedded
K. Peters
Due tothe temperature and pressureloads, and due to friction betweensoil and pipe wall a compressiverestrainingforce F*" is
generatedfor soil fixed pipeline sections:
3R int€rnaiional- Internationat
For moderalely rough alignments(h'(x)<<1)we may assume:
q(x) = -:-: (x) . F.r"1. (Zl
Definition:The profile h(x) is called an "EquilibriumProlileof the First Kind" if and onty if R > lq(x)lfor each choice of x.
The well known theory of Palmeret al assumesthat the alignmentcurve is gained by elastic deformationof the pipeline. Elemen-
tary beam theory deliversthe following conditionto establishlocal eouilibrium:
- - r,".,, - er4r*rI
" I| {1*l
dx' dx" I
Definition:The profile h(x) is called an "equilibriumprofile of the Palmertype" il and only if equation (3) is fulfilted for each chojce
of x.
With respect to upheaval buckling and elastic deformationh due to pipeline weight W(x) per unit length, we have the lollowing
Therefore and in the case of upheaval buckling, Palmer'sequilibrium does not introduce a tudher relief. lt is obviously always
allowed 10 lake into account the pipeline weight as a resistanceagainst upheaval buckling, also in the case of manufactured
overbends. The weight might be consideredas a pad of soil resistance.
Both types of equilibrium are "local" in the sense that for each position x the forces perpendicularto the pipe axis are balanced.
Assuming rigid-plastic soil resistancebehaviour,no pipelinedeformationis needed io achieve equilibrium.Formally.no soil resi-
stance is required in the case of a straight line. The classical buckling problem is therefor€not included, and the;xistence of a
lower limit R.h > 0 for the soil resistanceis essentialfor the validityof local theories,
The real problem is to decide upon the higher difierentialsof h(x). ldeas have been developed concerningdimensionlessdown-
load and dimensionlessimperfectionlength parametersgained for special profiletypes to characterisean altowed ,,roughness"of
a profile (see I2l and [3]). But it remains difficult to develop or control a profile wiih the help of these characteristicvilues. lt is
sometimes proposed to gain th€ ditferentialsof h by measurementsof the trench sole or pipe top respectiv€ly.lt is my opinion
that this is not a simple task due to the fact that higherorder numericaldifferentiationbased on discretevalues is an ooeration of
extreme inaccuracy.The inaccuracydemands a smooth interpolationscheme as an intermediatestep. The only interpolationof
physical significanceis cubic spline interpolationhcs which simulatesan elastic beam forced into the measured'positionsby for-
ces P" concentrated at the measuredchainagelocations.As a consequenceof the principle of minimum potential energy,t'his is
,rlhe interpolationof minimum integralcurvature.
.l-et now (x", hJ.-,. ., be the measuredprofile points:
49,,,=igu1--,"1 (4)
Equations (2) and (6) show that, for practical purposes and depending on the interpolationschem€, the palmer Equilibriumcan
into an Equilibriumof the First Kind. The problem is attacked by Palmeret al by considering "typical,'deformations.
For an Equilibrium Ptofile of the First Kind or an elasticallypre-deformed pipeline in a trench of ihe palmer type buckling js
obviously excluded and the pipeline is fixed. The loadingvia F-.r,does not lead to any displacements.On the other hand it is;ot
always practicable to produce First Kind or Palmer equilibrium profiles for signific;ntly loaded onshore pipelines. ln general,
3R inlemational. International
manufactured or field bends are involved.To deal with this problem is he intentionof the theory to be developed.In this sense it
is an alternative.tothe classical(Palmer)approach which is modelled for otfshorepipelinesusuallylaid without using manufactu-
red bends or field bends.
a potential buckling situation is described. lt is presupposedthat the spring S is relaxedfor the height h (e.g. if
e(h) representsa
manutacturedlateral bend or overbend).
To produce an equitibriumsituation,a displacementDh must necessarilyoccur.lf ah representsan equilibrium,the principleof vir-
tual work delivers the following condition (6 a virtual displacement):
0 = 2F,""1.
. an. o)- ,o(r,
. a$ - e(n))(,{n . *'))l- eo
For modestly rough proJiles(h<<U2) we may assume jn linearapDroximation:
4h 4(h * oh) 4(h r Ah + 6)
e(h) I
q(h + Ah) = '' -
,(h * or' . o)
Tu-* 00)
inherent pipe stiffness.For h=O and p-4 formula(1O)rcveatstfrat € rs theEuterbuckling force of the systemaccording to
Figurcl. L
10 3R internatronatInternatronat
Edrton 2006
' r e s l r_, j i : _ p
t^h F .^/h\-D
::: - L - :lss--i1:il---- ( 11 )
L 45-
-i-rrestr 4 5 --
-- rrestr
Buckling is excluded (i.e. M is finiteand positive)if the localtack of "soit resisknce" P is limited to a length
- L < 1' = 3L. Here
1, mean-sthe buekling tength with respeci to F*",
This is the type of theorems to be expected also for the more complex situation of an embedded line. The always existing first
4^hr 4s _
ordersolution ]' :- =Fr""tr'q(h)-P is obviouslynot sufficient(see(11))andonly usefulfor the case L << )' (a case of les-
ser interest). L L
Embedded lines
The Figure 2 below shows a possiblebuckling situationfor an embedded pipeline.R means the maximum soil resistance(rigid-
=1 it lxl39-l
@(x)= g q16trw;t.
4t^l . a' 4t")- Fo"t,o(x) ro,, ! (13)
Equation (13) now allows to solve for L and lhe Fourier-coefficients An (n : 1):
R-: Fo.t,-9=0 or R L=Fresrr'Q (15)
bucktinglengthf =./g't' is greaterthanL (equation(l6)).
Especiatly, (15)and(16)includeEulelsbucklingtheory'
I 'resv
It mioht be of some interestto look at the Fourier-coefiicientA, for r - 0
,=fos. * f =o (18)
This is the case of an Equifibrtum Profile of the First Kind (local equilibium).
Although th€re is no equation for ihe Fourier-coetficientAnthe maximum displacementAh can be evaluated.
: (1s)
-rl i |=Lo"
lt' =r1o1 - L(-rt" n" =rLorn-'
l9l L/ Ll
\-,/ n=0 n=0 n=0
1,1"* #^.J (20)
t?,,'u t-",, ,
1-=: w i t h0 < r t < 1
1 Fr""u R
2 1 lnn I
tn -t.nl- / (22],
4 ..
I nz ,l
( r." )
| - 2sinl:i rrpI 2sin|,4rel
;;m\n^ ) (23\
lMl It-,)"".
\n- l t'r' )
12 - Intenational
3Rinternalional Edition
For mitrejoints(r * 0),equations(21)and(23)deliverthe followingconservative (o-* meansthe maximumbsnding
r , , ,-l, . , . r . / r , " o ,i
, , l< r i rIl r har
lI r rha( n = r . . ,- 3 - $ n' (241
r--'o _ n, F,""r,
1412 El frn, fi n2_ q2
Sincethe equations
€ ,2 t (. cos-)
).-:.-=: l1-rq.: l=el and
- z \ srntq ,/
n=1-n' rl'
i^"n' - nt^=+
ztt f'--."?.ql=0,
I sinnq /
0 o < I(eJ< 1 foro< 0,<-(i = 1,2),equations
n"u" uniqu"rolutions (z1)and(24)maybeused
to decide upon an allowabledeflectionangle q".(1,)
on a buckling length 1,il the ultimate soil resistanceR and the allowableben-
ding stress o., are given,
to decide upon the requiredultimatesoil resistanceR.a observingthe bending stress o"r if the detlection angte
E*=; i' 'T,#J=?*r (25)
Due to the fact that (25) is gained by the conservativeassumption that height defleciions mighl be reatisedalso by mitre joint6,
any reasonableinterpolationhd (x) for measuredprofile data (x", h) (e.g. cubic spline)is sufficientlor the angles e(I,x) to be avai-
It is worthwhile to remark the rcduced profile information employed compared to the information needed to apply local equitibium
For th€ validity of {26),it is obviouslyto be assuredthat there is a reasonablysmall distance between measuredchainagelocati-
ons, e.g. about one or two buckling lengths.
A realisticexample
The implicationsunder(25)are especiallyusefulto controlthe As-Builtprofilesof embeddedpipelines.For onshorelines,the
heightprofileh(x)is usuallydocumented by T(op)O(f)P0pe)
measurements onceperspoot.
As an example,a typicalgas injectionlineas operatedin oil fieldsis chosen:
E = 2. 101t[N/m,l
D" = 0,273[m]
t = 0,022[m]
p = 449 lbarg]
AT = 6s llq
= s,s .. 106[N]
I = 17,8[m]
R = 23780[N/m]for the upwarddirection
= 1,5..103[N/m,]
€ n2 ^...F
*;? ;l;;t=o'40348
+1=0'4575 en
;4 ; =:-+L-=0,56015
I-n-n'-rl' Da E x)
= rt=0,3173 (28)
F -,^/1 v\
R'"qu=r!:jllTP= 54099 [N /m]
A concludingremark
It is wamedonceagainthatfirstordercalculations
(although profiles)
ottenusedto controlor specifyalignment arein general
not sufficient. Nevertheless,no calculalion is needed at all if bending radii r > ftsq- can be observed (locat equitibrium,see
equation(l8)).Thismightbe a firsttry to specifya profiledesign.Elaborated
arethenrestriciedto specialtopotogi-
cal siluationsusingthe methodaccordingto chapters2, 3, 4 & an appropriate (secondorder)generalor specialpurposepiping
program(e.9.t4l, I51,t6l).
[1] H. Saadawi: "Upheaval Buckting of Gas Injection pipelines Onshore Abu Dhabi _ A Case
study" 2001 spE Middte East oit show spE 68224
[2] A.C. Palmer,C.P Ellinas,D.M. Bichards, J. cuiit: 'Design of Submarine pipelinesAgainst
_. Upieaval Buckling"- Pfoceedingsof the 22- Annual OffshoreTectrnologyConference,-1990
[3] A.C. P-almer,R.A.King:,,Subseapipeline Engineering,,.pennWeltCorpoiition, Tutsa,Oktah_ Dr. K. Peters
oma. 2004 TECHNIP Germany
[4] F,J.Klever,L.C. van Helvoirl,A.C. Stuyterman:"A DedicatedFiniteEtementModet for Analy- Drisseldorf
Sng.UpheavalEuckling Responseof Submarinepipelines,,.proceedingsof the 22. Annual
OtfshoreTechnotogyConference,j 990
I5l r+k ConsultingEngineers/Expert D€sign Systems b.v.: pLE-micro-CAD Tel.+49(0)21
lol srgma Ingenieurgeseschaft mbH: Roh12 Email:
fl WblframResearch,Inc.: Mathematica" kpeters@lechnip,qom