Consciousness and The Alien Mind Ebook 1

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The key takeaways are that the book discusses the author's experiences communicating with aliens and light beings to gain insights into consciousness and the nature of reality.

The book discusses the author's experiences over many years quietly working with his spirit guides and channeling insights from aliens about existence and perspectives beyond our own.

The author's childhood psychic abilities were reawakened after his son's tragic death, which led him to reconsider societal values and regain his passion for painting and spiritual contact.


and the
Alien Mind
Expanding Awareness
Through Communication

Robert Lomax

Copyright © 2019 Robert Lomax
All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any

electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and
retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author,
except by reviewers who may quote brief pages in a review.

Robert Lomax the author does not dispense medical advice or

prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for
physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a
physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is
only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your
quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any
of the information in this book for yourself, the author assumes no
responsibility for your actions.

Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or

links contained in this ebook may have changed since publication.

Dedicated to all those that have spoken with love and understanding,
enabling me to peer into parts of myself and other worlds in greater clarity.

I would like to thank the following for their
assistance in making this book possible:

Psychic artist Janet Oakman

Cover design Chandler Book Design
Graphic artist Nicholas Walsh Designs
Editor Anne Gillion, ASG Editorial

Preface............................................................................................. vii
Introduction .................................................................................... ix
ONE................................................................................................... 1
TWO ............................................................................................... 57
THREE ............................................................................................. 78
FOUR .............................................................................................. 94
FIVE ................................................................................................145
SIX ..................................................................................................153
SEVEN ...........................................................................................194
EIGHT ...........................................................................................221
NINE ..............................................................................................232
Glossary ........................................................................................242
References ....................................................................................246
About the author ........................................................................247

The Andromedan Perspective by Antemedi

Antemedi is an observer of humanity and, through his

‘outreach role’, provides unusual insights into our way of being.
He outlines potential growth in mind and spirituality and gives
different perspectives on our scientific understandings.
While communication already exists with several alien species,
the Andromedans wish to demystify the subject. They wish to
make themselves known and bring forward consciousness
knowledge so that it is available to everyone.
This approach is one of many, and it has been carefully
planned by one of their communication groups. The ongoing
contact will continue and the level of information will increase
as our society becomes more settled in its reactions and
This mental communication is open to all of us, as you will see
in the following pages.

Portrait of Antemedi as drawn by
psychic artist Janette Oakman

We have all been told before that the mind is an incredibly
powerful tool. But without knowing more of its capabilities, we
are stuck in first gear altering the engine speed. Of course, it
has more gears, but did you know it was capable of hyper-
speed and inter-dimensional travel?
The mind is an extension of our heart and soul, not the other
way round. Some people ‘think’ their way through life,
believing feelings can be controlled by the mind. Society tends
to value higher cerebral functions over the emotional. But we
cannot think our way out of emotions – if we subjugate them
to become an extension of the mind, we cause conflict.
Feelings and thoughts have many forms of consciousness.
Feelings are not what you think, they are more than that.
Feelings don’t just inhabit the brain, they exist in the cells of
the body as well as the ethereal energies in our aura. These
energetic bodies are both internal and external to the physical
one. Our feelings and minds are multidimensional, and this
enables them to access other dimensions and realms.
Antemedi and his colleagues will show that our thoughts and
feelings can be processed differently. Because our way is
natural to us, this doesn’t mean it is the most beneficial way.
It’s difficult to think differently if our current way is
entrenched, and this means we are prisoners of our own
thoughts while thinking we are free.
How can we begin to know or understand different thought
programs if we don’t understand how we presently process the
things that we do? We can only understand different ways of
thinking through the ones that we have at present. And if we
are shown alternative thoughts, these could be tainted and
moulded to fit our existing perceptions. Any humanoid that
thinks differently to us could be misunderstood. Their looks
may be a little unusual but their thoughts would certainly be
alien to us. So the Andromedans and their helpers are putting
great efforts into avoiding that.
You may be surprised to learn that there is much ongoing
contact with many of us. Because this takes place upon our
multidimensional soul levels, we are not fully aware of it.
To assume there is no contact with other alien cultures could
not be further from the truth.
Robert Lomax

Antemedi gives some background to his understandings. He
explains that knowing the way we think enables him to
know much about us. He provides a brief insight into our
development and evolution, which currently excludes
consciousness and inter-dimensional involvement. This leads
into our soul connections with other entities.

Antemedi and you

“Hello, I would like to get to know you,” or as we
Andromedans say, “Conapaney.”
That may sound odd when you were probably thinking you
would like to get to know me, particularly as I am the one
reaching out to you. In any event, there are so many of you,
how could I possibly know you as a separate individual?
That depends upon the definition of ‘you’. Most of you know
and accept that you plug into your earthbound collective
consciousness. It is a consciousness that reflects and adapts to
your thoughts and feelings. As an extension of you, it includes
each and every one of you that contribute to it. It is you; it is
your neighbour and the whole world. It is singular and plural at
the same time. It is one or the other depending on how you
look at it. If I am connecting to it – it is me as well as you the
many. Thus I am aware of the many, the totality or the few if I
wish. I know you well, but there is always more to know.
I am part of a group that has specifically studied other cultures.
We have our own school of learnings. I do not use the word
‘teachings’ because we learn or become aware in different ways
to you 1(see References for link to Students of Life article).
You might like to think of us as an ‘evolving university group’.
We research and provide guidance for contact with other races.
This does not impinge upon the free will of anyone to interact
with you in the way they wish. The guidance is given in love
and is accepted as information that can be used. Our prime
objective is to understand humanoids to the best of our ability
before encountering them. Though that’s not always the case.
So, we can know you by knowing how you think and what
makes you think the way that you do. There are certain
elements that are common to the way you process things. You
choose from a range of possibilities and formulate your own
program, which gives you your modus operandi, personality
and individuality. You may not fully appreciate how we can
claim to know you so well – in some cases, know you better
than you do – the you as the plural, which still contains the
singular being you the reader.
In addition, we are also connected to many of you at higher
soul levels. We have a union and communication there. At
those levels, we are some of you and some of you are us. But
who is who and what does this mean for you in your plural or
singular? I have a perspective on this and I am happy to share
it with you.
Robert says existing contact between humans and aliens
already exists. much of which is at soul and mental levels.
However, your governments have secret space programmes
and have direct communication with different species. The
amount of contact is hidden from the populous. You have
plenty of researchers and experiencers on earth who are well
versed in a wide variety of alien facts. I will not add to those
for it would distract me from my purpose.
Part of my outreach is to show each of you what
communication you are capable of as individuals and how you
may interact with us. Some of those ways I will mention in due
course. Before undertaking them, reading to the end of the
book will be useful.
If you accept you are a full part of the wider ‘us universe’, this
will allow you to feel you are a member of a much bigger
family. This may help when we talk about co-created
relationships and a brief synopsis of your unknown history.
I believe the level of these explanations has been set so that no
one is excluded from understanding them. Every person who
reads this material will have different capabilities, and I am
conscious not to lose anyone while explaining my perspectives.
At the same time, I hope it will be stimulating for those who
are more familiar with other alien disclosures. I can, however,
promise some new insights for them. The aim is: to advance
communication and benevolent interaction with other cultures. We can do
this with you because we have connected mutual pasts and
So, introductions and aims completed; perhaps we should look
at your initial thoughts. After all, I did claim to know your ways
for many reasons!
The subject of contact with aliens comes loaded with many
preconceived ideas. Your first thoughts are likely to be where is
the proof that I actually exist, and is it really me talking to you?
It is a very valid question that should rightly be asked.
Proof may seem to be a simple yes or no. You see it or don’t
see it, experience it or don’t experience it. Consensus beliefs
are not proof for or against alien existence. While there are a
few physical contacts, the majority of experiences are mental
and emotional. How many individual accounts will there need
to be to make facts tangible? Perhaps no figure will suffice
because it is still not your proof – not your individual
experience. If you put aside your personal need for proof, can
other people be believed?
The problem with that is it takes us back to ‘believing’ as a
method of proof again. The current consensus is not helpful,
either – it both accepts and disregards those that have alien
experiences. Ultimately, it is your personal choice to accept or
reject other people’s experiences.

None of what I have said is proof – what can be measured and
against what? Should proof be ‘apparent truth’, which your
media informs you according to their agenda? Perhaps mass
sightings – but you have already had these. Why should so
many people lie about personal experiences? Is it a
phenomenon in the collective consciousness, a deeply held
desire for more, or is it a glitch in your program?
Perceptions and interpretations are involved when you look for
truth. If I am sad, could I prove that to you? You will perceive
me by using as many of your information receptors as possible.
You would look at my demeanour, my face and perhaps the
way I hold myself. An understanding of my circumstances and
the reasons why feel this way would help. I say I am sad, and
the supporting information appears to support this. Because
you compare it to your own experiences of sadness, you accept
that I am sad. You have used your comparable feelings and
knowledge on the inside of you, but it is not proof that
someone else is sad. You superimpose your personal
judgements and, on balance, accept it as proof.
You may empathise and your ‘heart will go out to me’; this will
create a deeper emotional experience for you but the emotional
intensity can cause a blindness. It’s happening to you and it’s
your reaction to me, but it is not actual proof of my feelings.
It’s compelling enough and it might be a truth. What I am
saying is, I cannot prove to you what I am thinking or feeling.
You can interpret and make your own conclusions based upon
the general context. But even that is incumbent upon what you
think as a weighted balance. The feeling of truth is something
that can be trusted but only you can gauge that. So I hope you
will begin to feel that through the experience of encountering
me and the others who will participate in this communication.
As I speak ‘in Robert’ – he is typing my words to you – the
words that flow are mine as if they are his. I share my sight and
my experiences with him as if we are the same you as each
The credibility to trust what you feel as an ‘inner knowing’
depends on your experience and use of that as a sensor. This
inner knowing is an attachment to the soul and the Isness of all.
That which is untrue shows itself against the light. It cannot
cloak itself in that which it is not. When you exclude beliefs,
answers seem to be as much about perceptions and receptors
as anything else. In your search for truth and credibility, you
might like to consider the following:
The totality or amount of information I am making available.
 The gravity and unusual detail of what is provided.
 The cohesive way of looking at the universe, science, mind and
 The clear distinctions between the thinking of humans and other
benevolent aliens.

Who are ‘you’?

History can give a background to alien-human connections. It
can be used as a backdrop or curtain upon which to view some
of my perspectives. Your history is, however, very different
from what you have been told.
Earth has been colonised by humanoids for longer than you
think. Your human DNA is made up of contributions from 23
different alien species. You are looked upon by many other
races as having a grand heritage and huge potential in all areas
of life.
There are jumps in evolution that cannot be explained by
Darwinism alone. That is a theory based upon the relationship
of certain pieces of information. Echoing my previous words,
Darwinism it isn’t proof of who you are and how you got here.
It is a theory that disregards mind, consciousness programs and
other universal energies 2(see References for the link to
Plausibility article).
Smatterings of your history remain like shadows in different
cultures: cataclysmic events; the end of the Golden Age; fallen
angels (large humanoids); bird people; hieroglyphs and carvings
of strange objects; handed-down stories of the gods in the
skies carried by chariots (the spacemen in their ships). The
amount of information is overwhelming and it is a well-
documented subject.
It is covered by many authors, some of whom have direct alien
contact. Part of this history covers the descent of man and the
reduction in the number of DNA strands to two. Not only
does DNA provide information to form the body but it also
exists, simultaneously, as an energetic receiver and transmitter.
Wisdom, understanding and inter-dimensional faculties were
lost. There was manipulation of man’s psyche by ‘regressive
entities’. The earth became toxic with negative energies of fear,
hatred and power. So, it was quarantined in an energetic shell
to protect other parts of the Milky Way. Humanity reinforced
its negative energy through its deeds, which darkened the
collective consciousness. Humanity was culpable in creating
negative energy, so it had the responsibility to face the residues
and work through them generation by generation.
Unfortunately, some still continue to create negative energy.
Many of you call this earth ‘karma’ – though that is a very
simple understanding because negative possibilities do not
need to be energised when you see them for what they really
This is a very brief historical backdrop. I have only provided it
to give a flavour of the fact you are not who you believe you
are. However, your world is evolving and changing
energetically and physically. There are challenges and birthing
pains ahead as some of these old ways are thrown off. The
containment fields are reduced and the part of the galaxy you
now travel through provides enriching energy waves.
These energy waves are vibrational but not as you may imagine
them. They are information and mental programs that affect
everyone – the collective consciousness, plants, animals and
A tipping point will be reached, producing a major upgrade in
consciousness and physicality. At the moment, mental
energetic vibrations are becoming less dense so more people
are awakening.
As they wake up, their psychic abilities increase. This will help
more minds and hearts reach into other realities telepathically.
These are some of the reasons why so many races are taking an
interest in your evolution at this time.
This is only a linear history and a physical description of what
is, in reality, your mentally created holographic world. To the
linear description, you will need to add reincarnation and the
multidimensional nature of soul.
You have much wider connections with the universe and to
other beings than you realise. Many of these beings have
unifications at deep soul levels with you.

Soul connections
Have you ever wondered about the nature of soul – the nature
of you? You may have a concept in your mind but it will be a
variation of ideas postulated over a long period of time. Some
ideas are distorted by ideology and religions. Entrenched views
exist, and there is wacky as well as enlightened spirituality.
Proof of soul can be illusive at lower levels, so the exploration
of it is only as definitive as you decide it is. You interpret my
perspective in your own way because you see it through the
autonomy of the individual. You believe you are ‘fully
individual’, but that is a feeling, existing in isolation from the
completeness of soul. The over-arching or wider soul is so
diverse that it encompasses all.
When viewed from separation, the greater unification of soul
can feel like a loss of self – the consumption of individuality
and the existence of you. Coping with the ‘I am you and you
are me’ in its fullness is a strange concept. It is an outside
perspective of the inside while you experience isolation from it.
The veil of forgetfulness and the constraints of linear time also
hinder your ‘full knowing’ of soul.
My perspective is based on personal experiences. I interact
with inter-dimensional aspects of myself and I talk and
commune with highly evolved entities. These are not beliefs
that exist within my culture but understandings, as we live and
experience them in that way. Knowing the origin of the
information is useful because it can show a bias or purpose.
Everyone’s standpoint has a bias.
What you think about depends upon your sponsoring thoughts
some of which you do not see. Like proof, truth and unbiased
perspective can be illusive. It would be good if you could say
that you trust yourself, but can you do so implicitly or are you
filled with conflicting doubts?
For me, trust in myself and the soul is not an issue. I know
myself in greater fullness and I do not need to use doubt in the
same way that you do. I live in a community where I have no
need to distrust. We have a way of knowing when truth does
not exist. We have no need to hide or take advantage of
someone else. Trust is a knowing within the heart that leads us
You may believe there are degrees of trust or love, but that is
measurement or comparison. True love is beyond measure.
Your heart at the depth of soul knows all and it can be trusted
beyond the need to believe. At those levels of soul it exceeds
trust – it ‘just is’. We use the word ‘Isness’ as the totality or
composite of the connected ‘just is’.
The autonomy of self is a matter of perspective. Your
understanding of autonomy is limited to what you are able to
conceive and accept. We do not have fixed viewpoints and we
are more fluid, which allows us greater closeness to the Isness.
I will explain this in greater detail when I talk about our minds.
Many of you will be familiar with the words higher self and over-
soul perhaps as some form of personal god-self or the seat of

your soul. Your soul, however, is not the single individual that
you think it is. You are one part of a twin flame – there is
another part of you in the opposite sex having an experience
separate to yours. Hermaphrodite union has split in order to
have individuation experiences as male and female. Take a
moment to imagine what it might feel like to be a unified male
and female – two energies as one. Is it absorption of more to
you or is it the loss of you into another? Where is your
autonomy, identity and individuality? In reality, it is all those
things and none of them. It is all a matter of which perspective
you look from. At the moment, you are looking from the
individuated you.
We can go a little further down the rabbit hole. Higher self or
over-soul projects itself as six hermaphrodites (twelve
individuations male and female) to its make-up. There are
twelve higher selves in a Monad and 144,000 Monads in a soul
group. That figure some of you have heard before in religious
teachings. There are, of course, many soul groups, and there
are no limitations in reaching higher dimensions.
Communication exists between all the aspects of soul. Which
part you feel you are is a matter of singular or higher multiple
focus. I do not have a singular fixed perspective so you might
think my fluidity allows me to live with the loss of identity. It’s
not a loss, it’s more a way of accepting my multidimensional
nature and perspectives. I am still me but my definition of me
is different. The definition of you we touched on earlier needs
fluidity added to it. When you connect to these other aspects
and higher levels, you will be able to share wisdom. At the
moment, it may be difficult to feel the fuller self that you are. It
may be more comfortable for you to see ‘other aspects’ of your
soul as ‘someone else’.
Higher vibrating soul self can be sensed or seen as ‘light
bodies’. This is the light of soul on ever-increasing levels of
love, wisdom and potential. You are a soul and you are
multidimensional. That’s not easy to conceptualise until you
become co-conscious of the greater fullness. Past lives and
reincarnation are somewhat easier to accept because they are
part of a linear progression, something you are familiar with.
The past doesn’t compromise the current idea of individual self
but as soon as you add ‘future self’ to the mix, that can be
unsettling. Who is who, what definition are you and when?
Yes, when? Because a ‘future you’ can talk to a ‘past you’ and
change the energy of that timeline. These fluid relationships
you have with your soul are unknown to you.
To grasp this more easily, we will need to explore the energetic
and holographic nature of soul and universe. Before we do so,
you are probably beginning to join the dots together and see
that Robert and I share experiences. We are parts of the same
soul and we share energies. He has had experiences of other
worlds in other humanoid forms including Andromedan, some
which I have shown him.
Our soul (he, I and the composite) chose to help itself by
undertaking a retrograde experience on earth. But, like many
others, it became karmically attached to the earth, needing to
reincarnate several times to expunge and clear the negative
energy it created. The soul can have as many experiences as it
wishes, including what you might consider to be negative ones.
On earth, this is compounded by the veil of forgetfulness and
the collective consciousness, so it’s very easy to slip into
repeating the same old patterns. Because of these difficulties
and your detachment, spirit guides provide mental and
emotional guidance to help you navigate the earth plane. Some
people can sense or hear them while to others are they are
unperceivable and become viewed as no more than their own
thoughts. They are usually thought to be discarnate and
between lives, which is a comforting way to think of them.
I followed this format with Robert until he was able to accept
me not only as alien but also as part of our soul expression.
The words he types now are mine, and he is able to accept that
I am him without causing any problems. He is not subservient
to me nor am I to him. That said in my role of this particular
life relationship, I have greater awareness, wisdom and
foresight. I can say such things without boasting – that’s just
how they are. He does seek advice sometimes and I have to be
careful what I say to maintain sufficient degrees of free will.
We can have quite lively discussions where he will argue
against my viewpoints. His questions can, at times, dictate the
direction we move in and slow up the delivery of my insight.
Yet he loves and trusts me beyond doubt so when I say, “It’s
time to listen; don’t question,” he does. In this way, he receives
a different answer to a question he hadn’t thought of. This
means I can also reveal parts of his psyche, which contain the
sponsoring thoughts.
His frustrations can spill over at times, yet my demeanour is
unaffected. I have never yet lost an argument nor have I won
one. There is no winning or losing, only variations in
perspective from different vantage points. It is the different
perspectives that I am revealing. I do not stumble I am more
connected to the ‘Isness’ than he, and I have easier access to
different levels of higher collective consciousness. I am
instantly available to him because my consciousness works on
several levels at once. I can say all these things because it is just
how things are. Just is!
If you had a sudden energetic opening and saw alternative
realities, it would take a while to become accustomed to it. If
an alien being said that it was you, that might appear as a form
of psychosis to other people.
So, there are several steps of self-reconditioning needed before
for these multidimensional perspectives could sit comfortably
with you. Only when you leave present understandings on the
doorstep can you consciously walk over a threshold into
different vibrational realities.
You are likely to have many questions. Why is this alien
information coming out now? What does this mean for your
individuality and autonomy? If you are to be more, what is the
totality of you? Where have you been before and what have
you experienced?
Thoughts expand exponentially and the mind can trip from
one mental possibility to another. This would be searching to
find meaning and substance. It is a desire to collate or match
what I have said against your existing understanding and
database. But they cannot be answered in the present way you
resolve problems because there is no match to your current
Comparisons and measurement will be ineffective. You will
need to exceed measurement and see soul essence and its part
in the multidimensional universes.

Nature of reality and its relationship to soul

All the subjects I and other presenters talk about are
intrinsically interconnected. I cannot separate sentience from
science or soul from mental and emotional vibrations.
Everything is linked with consciousness programs, which work
upon different vibrational levels. You might compare the word
‘program’ to your use of computer technology, however, you
will need to include consciousness and entity. Different
programs run different aspects of your life including your body
function. Consciousness programs underpin creation and
matter in the different densities and dimensions of the
I am not giving a technical description for your concept of
God the creator. You could use it that way if you wish. That
would be to superimpose your words and understandings over
mine. We look at things differently to your god concept, as you
will come to see. There are many types of programs and some
of them you would be quite surprised to learn about. For
example, our technologies and engineering have a level of
conscious awareness.
Our crafts do not use electrical circuits in the same way that

yours do. They have a consciousness that we interact with and,
in this way, the craft becomes an extension of our thoughts
and of ourselves. Many of you associate sentience as
individuals having soul, mind and consciousness. That needs to
be revised to include things like your planet earth because,
while it is a program, it is also conscious and it is sentient. Like
you and me, it is also multidimensional –vibrating at different
rates in different dimensions.
Sentience means something different to Andromedans, so
making comparisons from your existing database will slant the
We can also say you are an extension of the earth’s
consciousness and it is an extension of yours. To be sentient
with soul requires both separation and union. Higher realms
would show your reality as being ‘the appearance of separation’
played out upon different levels of consciousness.
Humans’ group and collective consciousness is not the only
one on your planet. Animal consciousness, herd instinct, insect
hive levels of consciousness are but a few. Bird flight patterns,
homing instincts and even the growth of plants and flowers are
part of a system of consciousness.
At times, the words consciousness and programs seem
interchangeable, though there is a tendency to associate
consciousness with sentience. So, there are many different
levels and types of programs. They can also allow quick
changes or longer adaptations. Programs exist everywhere,
from the smallest of particles to the very universe itself – from
free-flowing thoughts to complex beings. We will show you
other diverse programs as we move forward. Now, however, I
would like to show you the basic building blocks of dimensions
and matter and their part in programs.
Information fields: This is a term we use instead of program.
Program and information are not the same things. Information
fields also create a good metaphor in your mind’s eye. They
give not only a grasp of the beautifully complex ‘potential’ laid
out before you but the description gives a feeling that is
tangible. The information can be dormant or active. There is
potential for everything, but only that which suits the
information of the program is used, otherwise matter would be
Pulse energy: This is the underlying energy; once created, it
became self-sustaining. We will talk about ‘initial origin energy’
later. Pulse energy is a high-intensity fluctuation. It goes from
off to on and off and on again, repeatedly. The energy is here
and not here – created and not created.
It may take a while to get your head around this. It is not easy
to conceive that we all live in worlds that are ‘here and not here
at the same time’. Your experience tells you that your world is
solid when it is actually fluid and in constant flux. The
fluctuations are so fast that they are unseen without the use of
advanced technology.
Because we vibrate faster, we can also use our minds to look
into solid objects and see them at their energetic levels. Solid is
energy and what you see is ‘the way you see’; it is how you are
used to seeing it in your reality.
Harmonies: As the pulse energy fills or ignites the
information fields, energetic harmonies occur – resonances if
you like. This you know from singing with someone else; when
you hit the same pitch, your vibrations will match.
The sum of your vibration modulates, increasing the intensity.
This example, however, is only supplied to give you a feeling of
what is happening. I do not wish to compare modulating or
sine wave energies (oscilloscope: up-and-down waves) with
pulse ‘on-off’ energies.
These harmonies interact with other harmonies that have been
created in the same space. So, we have the collision or the
formation in the same space of several harmonies. A while
back, we showed Robert bubbles of harmonies, which he
painted in order to show these points of intensity.

Bubbles of Harmonies by Robert Lomax,
showing the points of intensity
Let us collate and expand upon the framework I have laid out.
It might become more cohesive and comprehensive for you at
the same time.
Information, Pulse and Harmonies form the parts of atoms, as
you have been taught. Atoms appear and disappear incredibly
fast. They form from pulse in predetermined shapes which
accords with the information. The information instructs or
informs what should form and where. Atoms are basically
energy in a program – everything is energy. Some of you talk
about the holographic universe; however, that does not
describe the process we have outlined. A hologram is merely
pictorial information in a similar context to information fields.
Mass is a program, and the solidity of your energetic world is
the resistance and interactions of its energies within particular
programs. At many vibrational levels, your world is not solid. If
you look at it as energy, it will become another way to interact
with it. Try to imagine that you are modulating energy and all
around you is a similar program. It may take quite a lot of
practice or meditation to reach this stage, but it is one way for

you to see objects differently at a distance and to see their
inner make-up remotely. Our minds are extremely pliable in
comparison to yours and we can enhance our attributes with
technology to see many overlays.
If you change the information fields, you will change the
resultant harmonies. For example – if one of our small craft
travelled at great speed through your atmosphere, there would
be problems of friction, temperature and stress.
However, when we alter the ‘information of the atmosphere’
to not be there, it will not be created in the pulse. Literally, it
doesn’t exist for us. It could be said we remove the atmosphere
as we approach it and reform it as we move away. But that is to
see it as the relationship between two physical objects. Try to
shift your mind to think about everything as ‘energy and
information’; perhaps temporarily forget the physical nature of
our craft and imagine it as light energy.
The spacecraft of different aliens can move exceptionally fast,
and at times they can appear and disappear. It’s as if they have
increased in velocity so significantly that their movement can’t
be seen with the naked eye.
This is where they shift between one dimension and another,
so in some ways, you are right in thinking they have
disappeared, but only from one dimension to another. We do
not experience excessive G-force, either, because we alter
gravity and the ‘moment of now’ conditions. Perhaps you can
begin to see how we can change some programs to suit our
None of this is magic and it’s not beyond your comprehension
when put forward in the right way. At the moment, I am giving
a basic perspective on energies and programs but will show
more complexity as we move along.
Hopefully, by seeing the universe in a different way, you may
begin to see and appreciate yourself in a new way because you
are part of it.

Diagram illustrating torus energy
I have given a few examples of energy as it appears ‘to be
form’, but the underlying energy can also form other energies
by following ‘energy programs and shapes’. One example of
this is where pulse energy can also present or form torus
energy (folding self-perpetuating sphere). Pulse also has spiral
energies either side of its formation and cessation, but I will
explain those another time.
Because the pulse energy is ‘on-off’, it may appear as if it
comes from somewhere different to this space. Pulse energy
comes directly from the centre of the universe, but you will
need to shift your 3d perspective – so don’t over-think it. Feel
that the centre of the universe is everywhere at the same time.
Feel that every part of you is the centre of the universe – that
would be a new way to perceive yourself.
You might like to take a moment and try this observation for
yourself. Look at one of your fingers while you move it. You
can see it flex fast or slowly. You are seeing what you believe is
movement. It is only movement according to your perception
and your beliefs. Belief, as we said earlier, is not proof. I can
assure you it is not movement but it is an illusion and to help
with that, we need to look at your perceptions.
You have made these movements by deliberate choice, so they
cannot be devoid of consciousness. Are you more aware of
body movements at slow speeds? Are they more perceivable
than when typing fast? If this is the case then speed or
awareness of movement is about focus or concentration within
consciousness. When typing, your focus is not on the fingers
which ‘seem to move’ to your mental bidding. Your focus is on
the words you want to type or the one beyond the next one
that forms. The fingers comply with a form of consciousness
program. Your heart pumps but you don’t need to focus on
that program unless you wish. The brain helps with body
function but it is also a tool of consciousness.
Yet what credence do you give to awareness which exists
within the whole body self? The very nature of your body has
consciousness within it, so focus and perception are not as
straightforward as it first appears. Because you continue to
perceive all things at the material level, it is easy to lose sight of
layers of perception and the pulse.

Fingers recreated – sketched by Robert Lomax

Your fingers do not need to be your focus in order to use a
keyboard with your ‘typing program’. There are many
consciousness programs but none of them has to be your point
of focus. The pulse need not be a part of your focus. But at its

energetic level, your fingers are pulsing ‘on and off’. Your
fingers are being recreated constantly. The atoms of your
fingers are here and not here but formed in a different place. I can
then say movement does not exist – it is all about perception
– you are being recreated in a different relative position all of
the time.
If you can begin to see this then I can say you are making a real
difference to your perception. I did say I could assure you that
movement was an illusion!
If we look at rotating earth, its orbit and spin on the edge of
the Milky Way, we can begin to see that pulse in its simple
complexity shows us wonder, order and inter-connectedness.
It gives us the appearance of movement and what glorious
beauty it is to be part of the Isness. Every one of my words is a
step, and that takes you towards a deeper appreciation of your
greater energetic pliability.
As your perspective changes, it is more likely you will
understand how different mine is. In this way, you may come
to know me by the WAY in which I think. Not what I think or
say. We have already challenged objectiveness as being
subjective with a bias. Your bias is based upon your current
ways of thinking, and I have a different bias. As you change
your thinking, it will have an alternative bias.
I would like to show you different WAYS that you can think.
This may help you create different programs for yourselves, if
that’s what you wish. It’s not so much that you should do that
but if you do not know there are alternatives, that can be rather
debilitating. This is one of my primary outreach tasks, helping
humans to understand our differences by understanding the
WAY in which other humanoids think. You can only get to
know me by stepping into my shoes and walking my footsteps.
By this ‘knowing’ which is also a feeling, you can be better
informed to see the difference.
To be fair, you could look to see the similarities between us;
perhaps expand upon soul connectedness, love and hopes. If
you look at your commonality to fellow humans, this may help
your society. Much of your history shows that when you
looked for differences, it created divisions and conflict.
However, if you look for similarities between you and me from
what you presently know, you can only see similarities that
compare to your present data. That is a limited viewpoint. We
have other similarities, but the details about that we have yet to
impart to you because you might find them difficult to
comprehend at this juncture.
The whole universe is interconnected; it lives in tandem with
the inter-connectedness of soul beings. These are large topics
so my presentation may vary considerably and, at times
perhaps, seem random. Often, the themes may appear circular
with the potential for repetitiveness. There will be no repetition
– it is, by design, building layer upon layer. Knowledge can be
subtle and it is not a straight line, so neither is the gaining of it.
You may wish to grasp for knowledge, but what would you
take hold of first? If you are to receive a new gift of
knowledge, but your hands are full, it would mean that you
would need to put down and let go of that which you hold
dear to yourself. Your ideas are important to you – otherwise,
you would not be holding them. How would you understand
new knowledge? Through what level of a database – what
blinkers – what bias?
You have your ideas of freedom and we certainly do not judge.
So, if you wish to gain knowledge by grabbing the first thing
that comes to mind, then do so. That is one definition of
freedom within your program and if you wish, exercise it.
When you express desire, you are using it to form your actions
but not always what you initially wished for. In this instance
above, the desire to assimilate knowledge in any order would
require you to face ‘why you grasp from where you are lacking’.
If you found an enlightened aspect of information which said
‘nothing really moves’, it would make no sense unless you had
sufficient context.
Now that you have the context, it is not nonsense. So the order
is helpful, and as a guide also for Robert, I know how best to
advance his understanding. As your guides will for you.
Advancing or bringing forward knowledge is not always about
hard work or a wish to know more. There are ways of thinking
that do not require a desire to drive you forwards – where a
database is not needed to understand or know. This is all very
different from the way you think.
These are quite some claims, and among others yet to come.
So who am I that I should say such things with certainty and
candour? To dare to say, “I know what you are by the WAY
that you think.”
One simple explanation is that I am a version of you – a
version of soul. I claim to be no more than that – a servant of

The way that you think in duality

In order to know the WAY, I think it is incumbent upon you
to know the WAY you think. You think you know what you
think, but do you really know the WAY that you do it?
You have many good psychologists who will recognise much
of what I say but take issue with other aspects of my
presentation. In part, that might be because I am talking about
this on energetic levels. For some of you this may feel
somewhat trite, but for a few these are new or unknown
mental constructs. I do not intend to leave the few behind.
I have lived long, studied and lectured much. I have access to
ancillary wisdom and different ways of accessing it than you
do. I do not propose to hold back, and I will say it as it is – as
we Andromedans see it. Your phrase is ‘to drive the nail hard’.
If you are offended by what I say or the way I say it, I could
apologise, but I would only be doing so to assuage your
feelings – and that would be rather pointless. Is it not the sign
of true friendship to give with honesty and love? Though
already we have hit a hurdle because we have different
definitions of love.
Your program is akin to walking into a hallway of mirrors –
warped, bent, broken or dulled. When you look at your
reflection, it is distorted. You believe it is true because you
have no other information to the contrary. The program keeps
you in the program. That is its design until you decide
otherwise. This insidious program works through your
counterpart lives in the subconscious.
(That last sentence will require context to fully understand it.) I
will use your term ‘subconscious’ as the description of your
default or mainframe running program. It is your way of being,
despite what you sometimes wish. You already know many
parts of your subconscious programs.
The things and ideas that you are not aware of, I will refer to
with the use of your term ‘unconscious’. These are the things
that you are not aware of at your current level of focus. You
are also unconscious of parts of your subconscious program.
In other words, you won’t know all your subconscious
programs. Your awareness also depends upon your levels of
focus and what you believe you are conscious of.
Counterpart lives within the subconscious programs are the
freewill accorded to your thoughts and feelings. These can
believe they are separate in the same way you believe you are
separate and individual in the universe. They have the
autonomy to create constructs and coping strategies, which in
turn affect you because they are you – though you may be
unconscious of them.
We have already used the terms collective consciousness,
universal and higher consciousness. While I have been talking,
you have probably realised that your idea of ‘free will’ is being
challenged. I spoke of the program to keep you in the program.
I talked about the connectedness of all things. So if you are
connected to all things then you cannot be free of them. I
would say, “I am free from thinking that I am not free.” It is not
on my radar because it has no meaning or relevance to my life.
There are other ways to think about this including freedom
doesn’t exist. In which case, I would say freedom is a restrictive
concept and only exists by virtue of and for those that seek it.
This is not easy to understand and sounds as if it is double
speak or nonsense, but it’s worthwhile spending some time on
it. Duality is a huge stumbling block to humanity and it means
you are not free from some of the programs of the collective
and subconscious. The thought of moving from your current
program may seem a little daunting, however, it is only a
‘different way of thinking’. It will only become a different way
of being if you choose another method for processing. How
could you know that there are different WAYS of thinking
when the existing ways hold you tightly in their program? All
this because it fits your definition of life, therefore it seems the
only way. As to your freedom, what is that within a jail of your
own construct? You cannot easily see the way out, as it is also
hampered by separation and counterpart lives.
Some of you will think freedom, free will and autonomy must
exist; they are the counterparts and regulators of bullies,
financiers and oppressors. Of course, oppression should not be
accepted – assuming there is agreement upon what it is or
where you see it. Many wars are fought in the name of
freedom, only to have alternative oppression rolled out by the
leaders of the victors. A ‘revolution’ is to go round and round.
Evolution is to evolve and if you want that there is no better
place to start than in the heart and your subconscious. ‘True
freedom from oppression’ is not needing freedom from oppression –
freedom from oppressors need not then exist. You might think
that is not possible, but it is. It is the way we live in harmony
and love.
Freedom and free will can also be illusive, particularly if they
come at the price of compromise. When do your free will and
desire become an imposition upon another person? If they
acquiesce to you because of a distorted fear program in their
subconscious, does it mean you have taken advantage of them?
If your subconscious is clear of any negativity and you are able
to see their default programs then the answer could be yes.
Though only you can be the judge of yourself, and if your
subconscious were that clear then your current earth life would
be out of kilter to the rest.
As Andromedans, if we were to take advantage of other gentle
souls, it would cause us emotional and physical pain because
we would be taking advantage of ourselves (in the wider sense).
So, can you be an oppressor or dictator? In denial or
gentleness, you might like to think not, but you do control your
feelings and thoughts.
Feelings have their own need to be free from oppression. It
may help to look upon these counterpart lives in much the
same way, as we are a counterpart life of our higher
multidimensional selves. They have responsibility and love for
us in a similar way that we should have for our feelings and
How you treat feelings in your subconscious creates
adaptations to your run program. What you exercise internally
becomes your external expression. Then the outside world
reflects back to you your initial or sponsoring thoughts. What
you see on the outside is yourself. The universe does this
because it is an extension of you and you of it. You feel, think,
act and that is one of the processes of creation.
No doubt you have heard concepts like this before, but have
you ever really considered that your thoughts and feelings have
self-awareness? That they are autonomous within you? One of
your sayings is ‘freedom is a god-given right’. If that is so then
it should be that way for ‘every part of you’, otherwise it is
restricted or partial. That is difficult for some of you because
you do not trust your own selves as individuals.
Freedom can come in many forms and you may choose to use
‘the freedom to be an oppressor’. It is a widely held view that

you need to be master over your feelings. Being in control
doesn’t seem wrong; you certainly wouldn’t want to be out of
control or for feelings to dictate to you. Because you control
yourself in order to be who you want, then a part of you
becomes dictated to.
You are both the dictator and the dictated.
It may be easier to grasp this by reminding yourself of the
earlier statement ‘that all is energy’. That includes thoughts and
emotions, some of which you keep at arm’s length. Your desire
to be an individual with self-autonomy is blended with many
other feelings and thoughts in the subconscious. These
thoughts and feelings are only partially known to other
thoughts and feelings, and often you are unconscious of them
(not fully conscious). Sometimes you do not know the true feel
of a feeling, which I will cover in a moment.
The reasons for partially known thoughts may include the
following: a lack of evolution or enlightenment; a desire to
escape self-responsibility (usually hidden under the veil of
freedom when in fact it is a way of removing yourself from
pain or difficulty); a singular or one-sided outlook on
multifaceted situations.
Imagine yourself as an entity completely aware of all aspects of
yourself, but your wisdom is limited to your present
knowledge. You are the self and ‘all of you’ is your domain.
Bring to your mind a planet floating in space with its own
orbiting debris field. The planet would be a metaphor for your
head, encircled by rocks, which are thoughts and emotions.
Every rock is its ‘own self’; it is an individual as it bumps and
crashes around. Yet each of them is a part of you, but you only
know them as they know themselves in their limited
experience. Their experience is hampered by separation and
autonomy from the whole self (the planet plus the rest of the
debris field). This all exists within an area of space that
contains duality programming.

You will know the following examples well in their singularity
or opposition.
 I want to be happy.
 I want to be loved more.
 I like being helped and encouraged.
 I want to have these feelings as much as is possible.

Like the bumping rocks, the feelings in the debris field or

subconscious can link themselves to each other because of a
past experience. For example, ‘Being helped means I am loved and
that makes me happy’. But in singularity and autonomy, these
feelings are not often aware of the opposite or alternative
perception – the one that exists in duality or paradox.
If you ‘want to be happy’ that must come from the perspective
that you are not – otherwise, you would be happy and you
would not desire it. The same applies to the other examples
given. In order to be loved more, it means you are not loved
enough. To desire help is to be in a position where you need to
be helped or made to feel better. All these positive desire
feelings have a counterpart within paradox or duality. The last
one being ‘to have these feelings as much as possible’ shows you do
not know what you are wishing for.
Do the positive desires know that they have a counterpart,
which is as much a part of them as they are of it; do they know
that they are you and you are them? One cannot exist without
the other. Showing you the planet and rock field gives
ownership of feelings and thoughts – it is a part of your
program and you are also it. You are every one of these
separate autonomous rocks. You are the complete system.
However, accepting it in this way does raise a few questions.
If you do not choose happiness, is there ‘no happiness’? That,
however, is the illusion of choice (something we will cover). It
is duality running rampant in your subconscious and it is a life
in paradox. It’s just as impossible to grasp water from a

running tap. Do you believe that you think differently to this?
Would it be good to wish you were strong and brave – perhaps
brave in every moment? Yet in order to be brave, you must be
afraid. If you were not afraid you could not be brave. Bravery
does not exist without fear – this way of thinking means you
create fear constantly with the wish to be brave in every
moment. Remember it is you that creates but often have little
idea of what you create.
Words can be used flippantly – for example, ‘anxious’.
Somehow it’s more acceptable to use that word than ‘fear’. A
little anxious – a measurement – as if you should welcome or
be pleased that it is only small. Do not fear to say fear. Nor
find that being a little anxious is acceptable.
As well as a predisposition to grasp for positive ideals, you can
do the same with negative thoughts. Many hold on to fear as a
form of protection – that is bizarre, isn’t it? But it’s true.
Imagine you live a reasonable life and manage with a few
mental conflicts or a little anxiety. That’s what life is – isn’t it?
It’s always been the same. Stick to the status quo, it’s easy, why
change thoughts? It could be worse (there we have negative
thought used as a form of comfort). So, if there is no
demonstrable harm or threat, why move from where you are?
You have all you need within your current mental boundaries.
These can be high stonewalls that form protection, safety in
mild suffering. But there is always a way out of such a thought
trap, for in one corner exists a locked door. You have always
had the key in your pocket; you are after all the key to your
own mind. Beyond the walls, all manner of wonderful or
terrible things could exist. Surely fear doesn’t rule all things?
What harm can it do to take a peek in the subconscious – what
will it say?
It might be dangerous; you might be given a temptation you cannot resist –
you might forget who you are and where you came from, then you would be
lost. If you do not have your fear of the unknown, your innocence will be
your undoing.
So hold tightly to fear as it keeps you safe, and if we follow this
in duality it ultimately leads to, ‘I fear the loss of my fear.’ You may
not be conscious of it as a program but it is a thought trap,
which is difficult to escape.
Upon reflection, you can see you are safe in your fears as well
as unsafe; they co-exist side by side as a paradox that has no
solution. There are many thoughts in the collective that are
passed among you. Often they are seen as motivational: ‘to
aspire to be better is a good thing’. Hold a yardstick (measuring
stick) next to you; make sure it is one inch taller than you are,
then you will always have something to aspire to. But,
consequently, you will always feel you are never good enough.
Lack of enlightenment is prevalent in all such thoughts, yet you
allow these to run your subconscious programs! How often do
you think you are feeling the pertinent feeling for a particular
experience? All the time is probably the answer. But you often
feel one feeling through another one.
During loss or bereavement, feelings can surge up and down
like a roller coaster. Sadness is not welcomed by anyone,
particularly when it flows back with full force after a respite.
Because the subconscious can experience counterpart lives,
many rocks in the debris field can be either afraid generally or
specifically of sadness. Very few people welcome sadness and
not wanting its return means you have a ‘fear of sadness’ – that
is to feel sadness through fear. Sadness by itself is just sad; it is
nothing to be afraid of. The more you allow yourself into the
sadness without resistance, the less it becomes a bush of
emotional thorns.
You often feel one feeling through another without knowing
that you do, and these feelings can arise as if from nowhere –
not relevant to your current situation. This can cause great
confusion – sometimes there is a sense of ‘unknown feelings’,
which in turn create more worry. Not only can feelings become
attached to each other but also experiences and vice versa.
These also inform your subconscious programs.
If you were rebuked or told off when you were a child, that’s a
perfectly normal thing. Privileges might be withdrawn and the
verbal chastisement will cause emotional pain. How would this
event impact upon your subconscious if you had done nothing
wrong and, despite protestations, you were not believed? You
had no ability or power to change the situation, all because you
had done nothing wrong. You would likely become angry and
wounded banished to your room to brood and suffer in silence
to stay there until you are able to say sorry. Life is so unfair and
so unjust. If there is no reason for life to be so cruel, perhaps it
has no meaning.
These beliefs will form deep grooves in a vinyl record, and the
more the record is played the deeper the grooves will become
until the needle has no way out. The feelings become attached
to one another and are reinforced by other events as life goes
on. But you are older now; you know yourself and you are
wiser. You cut your foot on the broken glass that you did not
clear away yesterday. You feel pain – you are angry with
yourself – yet somewhere there is a feeling that it’s unfair, not
your fault. When fairness or deserving is irrelevant, you feel you are
being punished for a mistake, not an intention. But punishment
has no part of the situation – it is cause and effect. Yet the pain
feels like punishment.
You need to feel better – so seek reassurance and love from
another. Even if they give comfort, it doesn’t really heal these
disparate feelings that course around you. They are your
feelings and cannot be taken away by someone else. But at least
you can let them know of your pain.
The loving sympathiser turns the tables, “It’s your own fault,
you should have cleared it away yesterday.” But you forgot to
because you were distracted by helping the potential
sympathiser and if you respond to that it will cause an
argument – so best keep quiet and suffer in silence even if it’s your fault
– this is so unfair.
You will be amazed at what feelings can become attached to a
particular event. It works the other way round as well. If you
feel an injustice as an adult, your mind can be transported back
to the suffering and ruminations in the childhood bedroom.
Old events often pop into the mind as if from nowhere. Until
you work through the attachments, that is.
Duality and paradox can create some unusual effects in the
subconscious. You are both the programmer and the program.
The program works instantaneously – there is no delay – all
your thoughts and possibilities are instantly accessed. Often the
program is on ‘repeat run’ as if it controls you. We see this
‘play auto’ response when people become angry or aggressive.
Such people are afraid – they do not want arguments or
confrontation so they choose weak people to have in their
lives. By creating a prickly and aggressive persona, those
lacking in confidence acquiesce to their demands. However,
using such programs with others who are not weak causes
arguments and confrontation. Then they have created the very
thing they wished to avoid – they face their fear, the very thing
that can help them change and grow.
Paradox extends its tentacles into depression, which might be
viewed as the inability to feel better or get better. There is no
answer/no solution is a depressing feeling but few see the depth
of the conundrum. Paradox has no answer – that is the nature
of a paradox and duality. Some people do not wish to get
 When I try to get better it always fails – at some stage, I always
return to this low point.
 There is no point in trying – when I do get better, I fall back and
I feel worse again.
 There is nothing worse than things getting worse – so if things
can’t get any worse that is a good thing – that is safety!
 If I stay at the bottom of my pit in the deepest darkest crevice, I
can live in my suffering but at least here it can’t get any worse.
 Let me seek and live in the worst of the worst.

While this seems crazy, these feelings are perfectly logical and,
at their level of individuality and counterpart awareness, they
make sense in the subconscious. You can only see the rationale
is one side of a duality program when it comes out into the
conscious awareness. These mini aspects of you have free will
to think and feel. Your feelings create programs but they are
not fully conscious nor are you fully conscious of them till you
A process of counselling, education or enlightenment can bring
them into the light. Often people talk of hurts or problems and
that helps. But do not leave the issues as exposed washing,
flapping and making a noise on the drying line. To talk without
reaching an understanding of the depth of the ‘causes in
duality’ is to fall short of reprogramming the mind. Actions
and deeds do turn negative situations around, but
understanding and healing within duality are not only
enlightening, but they also change the way you think. If only
you could see what difference these changes make to your
energy, perhaps then you would wish to know yourself more
How do you escape duality’s opposing thoughts in a paradox?
The answer is simple – you don’t; that’s the answer in a
paradox – you don’t do anything! This is very different to a
therapist saying “it’s about letting go” – it’s about not
energising it to then have to let it go. It’s about not having it in
your choices or on your radar because it’s not split in duality.
In this way, you do not even need to walk the middle path
between opposing desires or thoughts. Otherwise, that’s still
having them and trying to keep some kind of equilibrium.
For equilibrium, imagine a seesaw where you can place variable
weights at different distances on a beam either side of a central
pivot. It is a duality balance in the subconscious, which can be
maintained and weighted accordingly. It holds many complex
thoughts and issues (providing the beam is strong enough). But
one small challenging experience could put things out of kilter.
As the seesaw beam begins to tilt in one direction, all the
weights on both sides will start to slide and could cause a major
imbalance. That requires quick reactions to reverse the
situation. In haste it is easy to over-compensate, causing the
beam to veer from the initial tilt to the opposite one. We could
use your term ‘bi-polar’ for this action.
So what can be done with all these weights needing to be
balanced? I did say do nothing with paradox. That was in
relation to not needing the weights, not energising the
potential. After ‘clearing or enlightening’ your unknown
thoughts that corrupt the subconscious, you will need nothing.
There will be no need to maintain a balance – there will be
nothing to balance; there will be no thoughts that oppose
themselves and no seesaw. Imagine how much extra energy
you will have when you have dispensed with this way of
If you believe you are free of duality, I would say you are not
prepared to accept the understanding of who you are. Oh, I
can hear challenges such as, “I am here to move earth forward
and to change the electromagnetic vibration of my family’s
DNA and karma.” Yes, but that is through doing the work that
I have outlined above. Many ignore or turn away from such
tasks – fearing them or believing they are too difficult.
So, no weights to balance and no beam to hold them, or
certainly a less complicated system of weights, while you
continue to work on it. Just because paradox exists doesn’t
mean you have to keep trying to solve the unsolvable. That’s
distraction solving to give greater value to something else in
order to avoid a particularly difficult issue. Most of the time
you will not see the avoidance only hard work and pressures
elsewhere. Your mind has an incalculable arsenal of opposing
thoughts in duality. But if you need a few more, don’t forget
you are plugged into the collective consciousness of your
planet – you are a part of everything.
That brings in an interesting observation. The thoughts you
think now – are they yours or the collective? Have they been
thought before? Is there new thought or just different ways of
doing the same things in a different context?
I could have started this part of my dialogue by saying, “Is
there any such thing as original thought?” Like earlier
comments this challenges concepts of self, separateness and
individuality. If you find a new unconscious thought, did you
discover it? Because even if you found it within you or the
universal consciousness, it existed before you found it. Does
invention exist without pre-thought; if so what is pre-thought?
The answers to these are another way to unravel individuality
and head towards the connectedness of all.
The question of invention needs to be seen in its relationship
to – multidimensionality and non-time as well as creating anew,
which will be talked about later. There are different answers on
different dimensions to these thoughts. It is also paradoxical –
how can it exist if it doesn’t exist? The answer is also yes and
no at the same time, and it will challenge thought boundaries
and current concepts.
Of course, there is ‘individual expression and experience’; you
think you experience that but, nonetheless, the basic building
blocks of the human way of thinking still exist.
They can be divided or chopped up; they can be multiplied and
clumped together in different concepts. But when you look
into a complex thought process you will still see the interaction
of individuation and the feelings based in duality.
Your personal individuality is your expression it is not the same
thing as ‘the way of processing possibilities’. Humanity has many
creative and artistic people in all areas of life. So how do you
experience inspiration – the ‘aha moment’ when perhaps a
missing link has been found? Years of hard work lead to one
moment of inspiration. A musician might wake in the morning
with a fully formed tune in their head. Did that just happen or
have they just remembered what they did in their sleep and if
so, were their multidimensional selves involved? Was it a
program that runs till algorithms form and creates a melody? It
may have happened as if in a moment, but that was just the
awareness of it presented in your daily consciousness. And all
this happened in the ‘moment of now’ without time being
I have posed many questions so when is a question an answer?
Providing unusual answers or more questions to paradoxical
questions may perplex you. In order to see a greater fullness
within my words, you will need to have a good understanding
of ‘several different ways of thinking’.
If you changed your ways of thinking, you would have greater
mental pliability. You would be able to see from unfixed and
non-linear points of focus. At the moment, you see through
your current beliefs but you might loosen your grip on them if
you are shown other ways.
To help, I will talk about other beings and ‘their way of
processing’, then later you will see us take Robert to visit
entities he has not previously encountered, where again
completely different ways of thinking will be shown.

Other ways of thinking and being

Aside from the differences in my body compounds, I do not
think like you nor do I act from the same stimuli. My life is not
less interesting or more interesting than yours. Is it more
fulfilling? That depends on what you regard as fulfilling, we
would have very different ideas on that. One of your biggest
hurdles is that you measure things and make judgements in
I do not compare and value things in the ways that you do, I
function perfectly well without. Note that I have not said this
makes me happier or better than you – that would be a
comparison. I exist and live without judgements. I am using
your words ‘comparison and judgement’ to convey my
meaning, so I need to make sure my use of them is the same as
Comparisons: Measuring things that are relevant to you in
ways they relate to you, which exist as programs in the
subconscious. A bully in the playground sees someone feeling
better than they do, so they see their own unhappiness in
greater in starkness. Logic says if someone else feels worse
than you then you must be feeling better than them. A simple
case of comparing emotions relative to one another and the
rationale for making someone else cry is formed. Having long
passed through the playground, you all know someone else’s
unhappiness doesn’t make you internally happy, but it does
show how comparisons can be distorted while using them in
Judgement: Right and wrong – I feel bad therefore I am bad, so I
might as well be bad and carry on doing the same thing. Sooner or later
in life, that rope gets pulled in all the way, only to find there is
nothing on the end of it! The essence of good or bad often
revolves around thinking you are not good enough or that
being punished puts things right.
Good or bad does not exist for me. That is a form of
measurement that excludes love and understanding. Mistakes
are made by everyone – that is the ability to look back at what
you have done and say I could have done that differently. It is
not a matter that you could have done it better – better is a
value and connects with good or bad.
Feeling and believing you are what you feel creates a further
detachment from the reality of a situation. If you held a bag of
ice in your hand, you would experience cold – you sense or
detect it. You don’t say I’m feeling cold therefore I am cold
when it’s only affecting your hand. You can feel anger but you
have the choice to be angry or not. This is not about the
suppression of feelings. If your choice is based in wisdom and
balance you won’t have subconscious emotions that override
decisions. You can still have the feelings if you wish, but they
can become enlightened and a trusted part of your psyche in
harmony with you.
Your body make-up is different to mine – your hormones,
electrical and chemical processes also reflect in your body what
you feel. In return, they give you the bodily experience and this
feeds back to you. If you are not based in love, this can be an
explosive experience. We experience some negative emotions
but they do not have the same effect nor do we need to act
upon them. This does not mean we are dull or bland or that we
cannot act in any way we wish.
We have personality and individuality; we all express ourselves
to the mental and emotional programs that we chose. The use
of the word programs may sound rather mechanical and I could
have used your word, subconscious – but to us, it is not an
‘unknown domain’ being sub or below our conscious. For us, it
is more integrated. We don’t need to control the way we
function because we are more harmonious. That is why I used
the word program to show our differences. I could have used
the term ‘control over’ to show the difference between us,
where you are not in full control or at times out of control.
Our subconscious has been programmed so that it is not
unknown, and it fully enters our conscious harmony. From
such ways of being, we create our way of living and loving.
I have been careful in describing the ‘way’ we view you and
your ‘ways’. We can see that there are several self-awareness
issues that impair the human’s ability to be the best expression
of themselves. This lack of self-awareness is like living under
veils of cloth – it limits your perception of finer vibrations and
higher functioning souls. This is not an insult because even the
‘Robert me’ does not function as this me.

Different ways
You have such great potential in so many areas but you are
what you believe you are – till you are not. By that I mean you
can be like other beings who have exceeded the need to let go of
mental constraints – they just don’t have them. You could be like

other beings and exceed your own beliefs in who you are because
beliefs are limiting.
‘Non-locality perspective’ A phrase I have not defined. Sounds
interesting but does it have relevance to your perspective? Let
us see in a while.
There are connections between your different levels of
consciousness, but many of these you are unaware of. You
work from your database constrained by what you know. It’s
like carrying heavy stepping-stones just in case you encounter a
stream in a desert.
You might not agree with that and think your ‘way’ seems to
work perfectly well. That understanding or learning grows
from your foundations and one thing builds upon another.
However, that depends upon the material you use for the
foundations. If the material is anything like your subconscious,
you might think again. I might appear to be working from
foundations with my explanations, but I am using overlays.
Your way of growing is to use your evolving database as a
stepping-stone to promote your next move or direction. I am
providing dimensional layers and interconnected matters – a
bit like looking at plans of different levels in the same place.
You can only create or think of things based upon current
beliefs and knowledge because you work from what you
already know. The foundations you have will only get you so
far. I am not saying your way is wrong – there is no judgement

Different feelings
Andromedans are part of a loving collective where there are no
lies and no reasons to lie. No fragile egos or loss of face but
unfettered interaction without judgement. We do not seek
betterment over one another; we love each other as we would
ourselves, in fullness. This is a joyous feeling; it is a heightened
spiritual life and not an ecstasy removed from reality. Perhaps
it would be useful if the Robert ‘me’ can impart what our
society feels like from the human perspective rather than my
Andromedan bias.

Robert (R): When I am in close proximity or viewing their

living world, it feels like I am entering a utopian realm. I am
aware that my understanding of utopia is my perspective and
for them, it would not compute. Utopia would be a
comparison and value.
I know their world can change if it needs to adapt, even though
it seems to be a wonderful expression already. The contrast
between our worlds is difficult to describe. I don’t have to ‘try
at doing anything’ nor look at myself as I do on earth.
Achievement or measurement of self does not exist in the
collective consciousness; it is just not relevant. It feels that the
burdens we all individually carry have evaporated without
deciding to dispense with them. I know that I know their
places, people and information, but I can’t always access those
memories. Either the processor isn’t there to connect to or this
level of my consciousness is incapable.
Being welcomed is an understatement for what I feel and my
words seem to fall short; we need a new vocabulary. It’s a place
of unconditional love. I feel as if everybody loves me as their
prime process and without any question as to my inadequacies
or lower vibrations. There is a sense of oneness and
connection with all things – even the plants and animals feel as
if they are extensions of me.
Some of the plants make vibrations you can hear or sense and
they respond to my thoughts. Everything is so interconnected
that you can see instant energetic reactions to what is said or
done. At times, my earthly thoughts seem incongruous and out
of place. My earth mind seems so shallow and some of my
thoughts have no relevance. There is great intelligence but all
of that seems to be an extension of spirituality. It feels like
home but it’s much more than that – it’s like I already belong
there and I am only here on earth for a short visit despite the
previous lives I’ve had. The thought of returning to my earth
consciousness sometimes fills me with a tinge of sadness.
Being with the Andromedans is not a sweet and fluffy
automatism to pre-set programmed ways of living. Far from it,
there are many cutting edge conversations (well for me). Love
here is forthright, honest and challenging because it ‘just is’ and
that’s so refreshing. That has helped me see myself in different
ways, though some interactions can be quite humorous.
For one of my first Andromedan mental trips, Antemedi took
me to a female who was just ‘sightseeing’; she was on vacation
observing humanity out of interest. Well, why not, I thought!
She showed me her mental enhancement devices, explaining
that she could locate souls of a different frequency with
specific signatures and inter-connectedness.
My music was playing in the background and I asked her what
she thought of it. She said, “You are all so creative but your
music and the lyrics are so sad. In some ways, you see love so
differently to us. At times you wallow in sadness; you see
escaping from sadness as a form of release – as if it is a joy to
escape turmoil and heartache. To us this is not joy nor love of
the self, this is just escaping from pain. Why not live in the
fullness of love then you will not have to seek it?”
I could see the sense in that and it made me realise how limited
our lives are. She explained that her music was based around
harmonics of higher feelings, vibrational tones and universe
resonances. I tried to hear what she projected but I could not
attune to it.
Talking of love reminds me of the time I was taken to an
educational exchange. I was asked to give my human definition
to those present in one of the rooms of the ‘multifunctional
building’. You know all the usual definitions of love without
my need to repeat them. A few of the participants were,
however, absolutely shocked to hear me say that some humans
also ‘trade love’ like a commodity.
They value it depending on the reason it’s given or the esteem
in which they hold the person who gives it. Often it’s given in
anticipation that it should be returned. If it doesn’t come back
in the way or the amount wanted, we could withdraw our love
to punish or show we are wounded.
All this is to get what we want, which is to make us feel loved
and appreciated. A couple of the participants could not
comprehend this and had difficulty processing it because it felt
energetically dark and alien to their way of thinking. It was
certainly not their experience of love. I try to be respectful of
others but on one occasion my human feelings caused me great
I met a female Andromedan called Argoney after she had
finished a lecture. To say she was spellbinding does not do her
justice. She was so attractive on so many levels but it was her
energetic resonance that was so captivating. I tried not to look
at her face or engage with her eyes – what I was feeling was so
inappropriate and so strong. She was very tactful and gentle
and tried to make light of the situation, obviously knowing
what was going on for me.
She explained that it was perfectly normal for lower light
frequency individuals to be drawn to higher frequency male or
female beings who emit unconditional love. Add to that mix
our human endorphins and electro/chemical systems
(mentioned earlier) and there was quite an overload. They are
fully aware this could be an issue during any encounters
between the races and sexes.
Though they do have technology that can project mental and
emotional programs to overcome that. She talked about my
misconceptions of society values and was happy to show me
two children playing with vibrational jigsaw pieces.
It was a toy designed to help them think and see in vibrational
harmonies; in that way, it would become a knowing and one of
their ways of being.

The multifunctional building, as painted by Robert Lomax
‘Communing’ is yet another type of feeling. I was walked up on
to the sloped roof of the multifunctional building. The access
ramps to this area slide out from the edge of the fascia (left-
hand side of painting). The roof then reaches down to the
external ground floor. There are also lifts and steps within the
main foyer that go up to the roof. Automatic foldaway covers
open to reveal very comfortable seating.
As in the lecture and meeting rooms, the chairs contain several
technical devices including holographic projectors. They are
quite intense and you feel you are able to lose yourself inside
them, to actually be where you are looking, though they can be
used for diagrams and other information.
However, they were not needed, and when we were all settled,
the chairs reclined so that our heads pointed towards the
highest edge of the roof. It wasn’t a joint meditation it was a
meeting by union with everyone else’s energy. I was a part of
everyone else who was there.
I had never felt anything like that before. Waves of energies
rolled from side to side, sometimes unfolding in the heart. It
was soporific and joyous with no loss of consciousness.
Apparently, in some events, they concentrate and project love
energies to help specific universal developments – though
technology can be used to enhance projections. After the
event, there was an orderly exit and I was taken down steps
through the main foyer or lobby to several levels below. We
came to a transportation hub of ‘floating plates’ with handrails.
Antemedi showed me how to place our hands on the rail. An
energetic bubble of some kind surrounded both the plate and
us. It took off, swiftly moving from one tube to another
without the feeling of acceleration or turning. It interacted with
his thoughts and arrived where he desired to be.
There are a wide variety of experiences as well as feelings that
are different to everyday human ones. Resonance chambers fall
into this category and are quite extraordinary when used for
energetic healing. Negative thought patterns can be discharged
or removed so that new or alternative energies can be inserted.
These contain information including thoughts and emotions. I
could ‘feel’ the sound of these intensities and occasionally there
would be dragging or drawing sensations from certain parts of
my body, usually tickly or just weird. The incoming energies
often felt like pinpricks or dull pains. Nothing very
uncomfortable, quite exciting as it usually meant some new
thought concepts to look at when the energy had settled. I
hasten to add that this process is nothing like other alien
abductions and experimentation.
Another uplifting feeling for me is the energetic body merging.
This doesn’t have to be technology-based. It’s not frightening
but as you feel yourself in a different body shape it makes you
realise everything is just a matter of perception and energy. It’s
all very gentle and done with permission.
It’s happened several times, either to broaden my feelings or as

a form of education. Twice I have met with an amphibian
Cytith called Trito. I was able to enter an energy ‘over-form’
and have an incredible experience swimming in water with
huge arms and legs. The breathing was different and he seemed
to have gills as well as the ability to breathe air. I had an
awareness of a big lung capacity that could be squeezed by
strong ribs to reduce buoyancy and change depths. Coming
back on to a rocky shore was easy using dextrous gripper pads
and retractable talons in the palms.
The fingers, however, were very dextrous and delicate – rather
at odds with his overall appearance. He had great humility and
a deep wide feeling of natural pride that didn’t seem
unbalanced in his stature. I was quite taken by those two
encounters so I recorded them at the time. (See References
for links to 3Cytith Aquatic Humanoid and 4Second
Meeting Cytith.)
Another merge was with Telenatey, an Andromedan botanist
working with plant energies. It was extraordinary the way
plants were able to interact through some form of energetic
consciousness. One old tree, in particular, had no more room
for root growth next to buildings and had decided to throw out
new suckers for the first time in order that it could die to feed
its offspring.
Telenatey showed me how they create new plant variations
using ‘objective information’ as a vibrational program. Sort of
jumping forward in evolution using the energy information of
a new environment to adapt or create a plant. The information
of the plant could ‘form’ to suit the circumstances. This meant
they could help vegetation to recover or adapt to new
environments. He showed how they used consciousness
programs to see the outcomes of plant interactions with
existing vegetation or reproduction cycles of new plants.
I have more to say but, hopefully, that’s sufficient to show my
personal human perception.

The Moment of Now diagram shown by Antemedi
Antemedi (A): Your description is a little more effervescent
than we would have used. Our vibrations are finer, which
means there is a greater contrast; this is what you felt and
commented on.
I have given my perspective on how we are not like you but
only a glimpse of the ‘way’ we think. So at this juncture, it
would be useful to look at other ‘ways’ of thinking.
The figure on the left represents you and your human method
of looking forwards. You have a bag of data and a program
system to make comparisons and measurements. This is
projected into the future to see or create new possibilities;
always planning and preparing for the next moment and for
what is wanted or not.
The three figures together represent the moment of now. On
the left, past now is looking forward with past data towards the
central moment of now figure. The figure on the right is the

future now, looking back towards the central moment of now figure.
The moment of now contains all three figures and has been
drawn to conceptualise different perspectives or ways of
I think it will be useful to look at one of your old thought
puzzles, which asks, “How long is the moment of now?” If
you were able to measure it, would it be one second, a
millionth of a second or even smaller than that?
Are you thinking in the now or are you just catching up with
your thoughts from before? You view the moment of now in a
human perception within a linear dimension.
Some think the moment of now exists in between the past and
the future because they feel they can’t exist in the past or the
future, but that is not the case. As soon as the past is finished
the future starts. There is no time or space between the past
now and the future now you can’t even get a thought concept
between them, let alone a piece of paper. In order to exist, you
must be in both. You have a foot in each camp and you
straddle time, existing in both the future and the past. You can
put your awareness into any aspect of the moment of now, but
remember you exist in non-space and are multidimensional;
but that’s a different topic to ‘ways of thinking’.
For a moment, let us put aside ‘pulse’ and ‘no movement’. The
figure in the middle represents a span of consciousness in the
moment of now with feet either side of the pivot in past and
future. The other two figures represent ways of thinking.
Memory is a way of recalling an event. Humans tend to see the
past as fixed or gone and that’s a description of history,
whereas life itself is an experience that is happening or about to
happen. It’s all about what is coming, and this is what gives
you the feeling of being able to create and experience what you
plan for.
The future is observed by looking towards it. By looking
towards it you automatically place your focus or vantage point

in the ‘past moment of now’. But you are only seeing
possibilities from your current fixed perspective. In this way,
you limit the ‘future you’ and your possibilities to the
definitions in your current perspective within the ‘past moment
of now’. You create from what you are, and what you create is
a replication or a mirror of your fixed position; it is a form of
blindness. I hope this shows you that the Andromedan
observations I made earlier were from a more fluid position.
Andromedans can allow themselves to be in the moment of now in
a similar way to you, but we can also turn our focus backwards
in order to see our way forward.
When humans look back, you look at history from the position
on the left of the diagram. If we place our focus on the right-
hand figure of the diagram, we can look to the left, back over
the moment of now from ‘forward focus in the moment of now’.
(Note: it is also possible to look forwards from the forward now
right-hand position; this is to look at the unlimited from the
unlimited – that is different again)
If we had a problem to solve we would believe that we had
found the solution or were living it. We would be in the
‘knowing’ or ‘just is’ without constraints. We look back at what
enabled us to be where we are (in the future if you like) and
retrace the formative route.
In your human experience, if you imagine or wish to create
something, you hold it in your mind. You can look at the steps
you need to take to get there, but what you create is still
bounded by your point of focus and your knowledge. Nothing
wrong with that, it serves many humanoids – including us –
well. However, we have more data and enhanced ways of
accessing it. We are not bound by duality or corrupted
subconscious programs. We are less attached and not
formulaic so we experience your way of thinking at another
If you have no specific desires for an outcome, it is easier to

take yourself forward with love and openness. In this way, you
do not distort or influence what you see. The options that
come to you from alignment with the Isness are far greater
than you could imagine. You will not be overloaded with
information and there is no need to filter because that would
Looking back as a way of looking forwards sounds counter-
intuitive. All of this comes through trusting higher self and the
universe, which is you. This way of thinking is as natural as
breathing the next breath. It means we are ‘open to the desires
of others’ which has great harmonious possibilities. As
individuals, we would not put ourselves into a freethinking
position only to limit it by a personal desire. These harmonious
possibilities might seem like a loss of self -interest but that’s
not how we think.
From an open perspective, we can also see the likely outcome
of events and what we are to encounter, provided (that’s a big
proviso) we don’t alter actions or events significantly. If we
choose to live in that mode, we need to be very loving and very
much attuned to the Isness.
If you become aware of a future event that would have a
significant personal impact, you would have difficulty coping
with the duality emotions and seesaw subconscious programs.
For those that can and choose to live this way, it adds another
Humanity and some other races tend to live in the immediacy
of the now moment. You create cause and effect and
experience it for the first time without pre-knowledge. There
are more programs involved with pre-knowledge but you don’t
experience it that way. It all appears fresh and not pre-
programmed as if you are in charge of yourself within the
moment. It is one of the attributes of your dimension. You do
not consciously use the union of the multidimensional self, nor
are you really aware that this union can actually exist.
Many of my experiences have been from the perspective that
you inhabit, but I do not need to live that unless I wish. I
experience a sort of ‘re-experience’. I live with a deep
awareness of what is likely to be. This is not from a database so
it may be difficult for you to imagine. I am balanced with it and
I have no need to change anything that is beginning to unfold
in advance. It gives me an objective viewpoint if anyone can
ever have such a thing. I can see the event occurring for its
relevance to those around me. This is living in a love with deep
reasoning, seeing why an event has a meaningful purpose. Not
everyone does but those who practise this are able to welcome
events. You might think it’s like watching the past coming
towards you, but it’s a wonderful unfolding which embraces
you. It’s not intrusive when you feel it’s not.
Living with likely outcomes is a different way of experiencing
the moment. To you, it might feel as if the now is stretching its
span. What I describe is not the same as seeing timelines;
information about those will follow later.
I know Robert is keen that we write about Orlacka and the
Arcturian perspective of love because that differs again. She
has different ways of thinking that are not the same as the ones
I have described. I said to Robert that Orlacka’s input would
not be helpful at this stage and her perspective will be more
easily accepted in later submissions. It is good that he not only
hears me well but knows me beyond the need to trust.
What comes to mind when I say the word alien? Perhaps extra-
terrestrial types that use technology for their own divisive ends
or benevolent races observing man’s transition.
What was very unlikely to come to mind when I said the word
alien was ‘alien consciousness’ and its interaction with your
consciousness at lower and higher dimensions’. You are
reading those interactions now, as they clearly exist between
‘myself Antemedi’ and ‘myself Robert’. Awareness of
consciousness can change and develop new fruits.
There comes a time of harvest if it is wished for. A seed that is
sown grows into a plant, which produces more seed and, like
the soul, it lives to express. Are the sweet fruits more cherished
or they enhanced by their difference to sour? Yet some fruits
can be so sweet they are sickly on the palette.
You might think that is an unusual analogy. It is one of several
I shall give, but though it seems out of context it has
connotations on several levels. Could you find one word to
sum up what this analogy means? Perhaps you would need to
invent a word for the blending of the sweet and sour of love
and evolution that ‘just is’. I am trying to unfold ‘feeling an
understanding’ or new ideas. You do not have words for some
of our concepts and feelings. If you do not know them then
you cannot describe them.
Or can you?
In order for that possibility to exist it means you have access to
your multidimensional self. At those levels, you will understand
different concepts and have the relevant words. But what if I
turned this all on its head and said that descriptions were a
waste of time? Then everything I had said up until now would
become pointless. That’s probably an unexpected twist in the
Let me show you that I am not deranged but alien. By now you
see how your database and subconscious create and inform
your choices. It would be fair to say that descriptions are part
of the information they contain. We have been widening the
description of ‘yourself’ to include multidimensional selves. It
was not possible to describe them without unfolding the
awareness that they exist. In which case we can say that a lack
of knowledge informed the previous description of yourself.
Again, that is a description of your current perception. Since
saying descriptions are a waste of time, I have used the word
description continuously in all my sentences. You cannot
function without description. It informs most of what you do.
In the face of this, how can I continue to assert that
‘description’ is so restrictive it wastes time? Because that’s the
difference between our perceptions. This is why analogies and
metaphors are so necessary. We could say that an analogy is
another description and I am using it for a specific purpose to
impart information. Yet, my position remains unaltered and so
I suspect does yours. There are chasms between some of our
ideas, so understanding each other isn’t straightforward. I will,
however, be showing pathways of understanding that can
bridge the gaps, even if you remain routed on one side of the
The difference we are presently encountering is ‘primary
focus’. You stand in a place and put your focus on to the
particular thing you wish to focus upon. You don’t need to
remain in the same perspective all the time because there are
many standpoints from which you can look at an object. You
can then describe any differences from alternative viewing
points. Having a wide variety of descriptions is like ‘trying to
know the object from as many views as possible’, and in doing
so you have captured its essence. The feeling of an
understanding is not the same as understanding. What you feel
is very important to what you understand, and distortion
between the two creates unbalanced objectivity.
We can see this with Victorian naturalists who felt close to ‘the
understanding of their items’ in their collections – merely by
having them in the same room. They had captured not only the
animals but their essence as well. Of course, studying the
animals increased knowledge and there was a great desire to
understand, describe and capture. A sense exists in your psyche
about the power of knowledge and that to gain more is a good
But I would contend in many instances you are just gaining
more description. You have functioned well with this as your
program, which you believe, has flexibility because you can
change descriptions.
I still stand by what I said. There may be many descriptions in
your database in the bag that continues to grow. You could say
there are many descriptions upon which to stand and this gives
many viewpoints to look at something.
So, can you freely look at what you don’t know?
If you let go of your descriptions, your focus would be fluid it
would have nowhere to look from – it could be nowhere or
everywhere at the same time. You could look at what you don’t
know and ‘understand or know it’ without the need to describe
Whatever you look at in the world is a reflection of yourself.
When you do not look to see yourself, as yourself – the world
will have nothing of you or your thoughts to reflect back to
you. When you are no-thing – nothing – you have no reflection
in a mirror. You describe yourself and in your world you are
something, so the universe reflects that back to you – a
feedback of energy.
In order to release the tight hold you have on believing who
and what you are, I shall pull apart some of your words.
Everyone clearly wants to be ‘something’ and not nothing
(extinct). But why a thing? An object an item of description. You
are energy love and expression, you are not a thing. The Isness
cannot be described in fullness and you are part of it the
Isness. It is you and you are it, therefore you are also beyond
description. Your energy and consciousness have such
potential that neither you nor I would be able to conceive or
comprehend it in fullness. It is never full nor is it empty, it is
unlimited potential unless you experience it as restricted by
whatever program or way of thinking you use.
I am trying to impart that these levels of perception are a more
complete way of understanding and knowing while being in a
certain state of mind as well. If you can see yourself as fluid
beyond description – beyond the need to describe – you
become more at one with that which you cannot describe. You
can then know it by being at one with it.
In this way, access to universal information and other
possibilities is not limited.

The universe is information and it is you, so all you need do is
be the information. You, my friends, are not limited in your
potential – you are only limited to what you believe is your
potential. It is a very different place from where to live and
operate. There are subtleties in what I have said that you may
not have seen or understood. But I can assure you that the way
I think and live is very different on this side of the divide.
With this information, I hope you can begin to see why
descriptions or the descriptive state of mind can be restrictive
at this particular level of Andromedan thinking. Oh, and the
fruit in the metaphor; replication of what appears to be the
right way for the right purpose because that seems to be the
nature of the world or the universe. The seed is the
information, the description, for the fruit trees to follow in their
growing programs. It seems fruitful to continue using the same
ways even if some fruit is too sweet or too sour and not fit for
purpose. If it is not badly broken, do not fix it. Your world is
thus and so are you by the way you think.
The more you come to understand love, then the more you
know it exceeds description. It’s not a greater love – that would
be putting a value on it – then it becomes description and
restriction again.

Different levels
Will I need to use description and information to talk about
different levels? Yes, in part; that’s because your present
consciousness can’t access the information by the knowing of
information through its present type of connection to the
Isness. I will use description to explain this information but the
crucial point is this knowledge was not sought or found
through description and data. I am mindful that to understand
our level from yours requires the use of feeling sensors as well
as intellect.
Your present awareness inhabits your plane with a veil of

forgetfulness. It is one of your consciousness programs, and
the ‘apparent separation’ stops you receiving conflicting
information from other realms. Your world is a level of
consciousness, and within it, there are levels of consciousness
from murderers and drug dealers to the Dalai Lama. Suffice to
say, the vibrational levels of people can be very wide. What
each of you perceives of your world is a reflection of yourself
and your description of who you are.
You know that ‘like attracts like’ and this happens on a
vibrational level. You can feel and know the divisions of levels
in your dimension, but they are only one small section of a
much wider waveband. There are even lower vibrational levels
with some pretty nasty entities, but unless you vibrate in a
similar way or you want to go there you are going to be as safe
as you currently are. You might think that fear of the unseen
lower levels will keep you away from devious desires, but it is
really a matter of vibrational equality. Those low levels feed
upon themselves or on the energy generated by very low-level
light beings. Connections can occur to humans if they have an
excess of negative thought energy. Those negative thought
energies coagulate (like to like) and can appear as a separate
entity. But it is a collection of your counterpart subconscious
Jung’s term ‘shadow self’ is an ideal description of that.
Usually, it is through this negative part of self that connections
are made to the lower realms, so fear of it will not keep you
any safer. These connections can be for karmic reasons, and if
you know anyone who has such an attachment you will know
how draining it is. Destructive energy will consume itself if left
to its own devices. These are rare situations and you are
protected by your aura, which is also a multidimensional energy
Going in the other direction, one of your expressions is, ‘They
light up the room when they enter,’ this describes the faster-
vibrating energy existing in that person.
The light on higher planes above you can create a pull, an
aspiration and a need to belong to something greater. Part of
that is the feeling of going home, which is going back to
yourself or higher levels of self. The pulse is active on those
levels with higher intensity of information. Higher dimensions
have form and purpose but the rules, programs and
parameters, which they follow, are different. The soul
experiences and the ways that entities think also reflect the
programs; they are intertwined.
You and the universe have different vibrational levels. Your
other dimensions don’t sit there like empty voids waiting for
you to evolve and activate them. They are alive and actively
involved in their own way of being as well as interacting with
you. How much knowledge of that you have in your present
awareness is about what you can perceive and accept as being
possible. In some cases, it would appear that knowing it would
have no benefit.
For your consciousness to reach higher dimensions, complete
with its awareness, requires a degree of tuning up. What you
see or encounter is dependent upon your vibrational
resonance, though it’s also possible for entities to tune down
and project to you. Humans can think or meditate themselves
to higher levels, but they do not often fully engage with their
consciousness existing on those levels.
Our perception of you in that state will be fuzzy incomplete
energy. We can, however, engage with your ‘higher
dimensional self’ and that part of your consciousness will
undertake guidance for the whole of itself. This is one of the
ways we are consciously engaging with many of you.
As you vibrate faster, your present awareness will change and
vice versa. Time will feel different as if it need not exist – there
is time enough for all things at a soul level.
The me you are listening to at this particular moment is still
Antemedi – but from one of my higher soul levels. When I say
it that way, it makes it sound like I am not him in his
dimension or that you are engaged with a part of his higher
consciousness he is not fully aware of. Not so – it is all a
matter of focus and what is relevant to the experience in the
moment. He lives and experiences in his ways – in the ways
that I have been talking about. I am him; I know all of him as I
know all of Robert, for they are me. It may seem confusing to
you but it’s not – it’s just knowledge that’s on the edge of
human comprehension. Who is who, after all, and at what level
and when? These are the same questions and prompts I used
earlier. By the time you read the last page of this book, you
should be more able to understand those questions and the
consciousness programs that interact and create.
You vibrate faster when you do not describe yourself, otherwise,
you will keep to a narrow railway line rather than being fluid.
R: I am now struggling a little I don’t know which bit of me is
where and aware of what!
A: That’s the point isn’t it? It’s all one and the same and you
are superimposing or trying to describe or ascribe meaning to it
– to fit it into the picture you have already. I am using my
consciousness to talk to myself (you) in another level of
consciousness experience.
The reasons for me to remain unknown to you are no longer
necessary for your life purpose. It may not be easy, but you can
know me as I know you because I am you. Furthermore,
because you are looking at this in an unhelpful way it doesn’t
mean it has to be difficult. That is a perception – you are still
trying to see new knowledge through old knowledge.
R: I have a lot of questions running through my mind but I
know they will slow down reception.
A: Listen attentively even when new information seems
strange. It is very difficult for you to see me as I see myself.
For a start, you still inhabit your earth body despite being able
to visit other levels in your mind and heart.
You are a little confused about me, Antemedi, in my
‘functional form’ and me in my functional form on a faster
dimension level where I have switched focus to speak to you
from. Your questions arise: ‘Which higher consciousness
program are you conversing with? Does the functional part of
me have to be fully conscious of everything?’
To help let’s look at that from your experience. You reprogram
your subconscious and let it work for you – you create or
change programs and let them run. The program is the
programmer, it is a way of thinking. You are the program and
the programmer.
Your questions came from a desire to define yourself and that
created restriction. You were putting your energetic programs
at arm’s length, and you were not fully accepting that they are
as much you as is love and soul. It’s not easy to accept that you
are a program.
All parts of Antemedi speak to you – he is multidimensional so
many aspects will be involved. Yes, it would be much simpler
to say you are speaking to him/me as an individual.
Because that’s comfortable, it doesn’t mean you should miss
the opportunity to see more. Being fluid will allow you to
consciously enter greater depths of multidimensionality beyond
your current understanding.

Arksar talks about the original universal energy that evolved
from a paradox containing all and nothing. He calls it
Mowhar and ascribes feelings to the now-defunct aspect
that formed into the self-sustaining pulse energies of
different dimensions.

Robert (R): That was an interesting way to achieve some of

your aims, by showing how our own consciousness programs
interact with each other. It reminds me of when people meet a
deity such as Michael of the Blue Ray – or Archangel Michael
(as he is commonly known) – they are having a personal
interaction experience, but it’s with that being’s consciousness
programs. That is why so many people can meet and interact
with a deity.
Antemedi (A): Yes, true, but what you have said is from your
earth perspective. In your language, ‘program’ removes person
or spirituality and leaves a stale electronic computer term.
“Etena Quanah”, I would say as my expression for such an
interaction, but again that has no reference for you. If our
words have no meaning for you, what good is that?
At the moment I am introducing wider meanings and
feelings to the words you use. That may be a little laborious but
at least I can impart something deeper.
If I say that you are an ‘entity’, that seems to negate soul
from the equation. Your word ‘soul’ has limiting descriptions
attached to it so in order for you to grasp the next concept we
will use the word entity.
R: At this point, Arksar, Orlacka and Aqueena appear around
me as I am typing.

Arksar (AR): All things must change in order for there to be
real change. Humanity has been held back, its time is here. You
are not who you think you are and you no longer need to
forget. By saying the word ‘entity’ Antemedi has widened the
subject so we can talk about ‘multidimensional entity’. We will
bring our own individuality and outlook to help with this
R: Entity is something that exists separately from other things
and has a clear identity of its own, whereas soul by your
definitions is interconnected to all and is multidimensional.
Entity seems to be a divergence from what you have previously
said about soul and unity of all.
AR: At the start of this presentation, you and Antemedi gave a
good introduction to duality, also known as paradox. My words
after this sentence may sound like a feeble explanation but the
fullness will follow.
You are soul as well as entity. You are both and neither and
all of them; it’s just a matter of perspective. However, your
perspective can change from the ones you currently hold. It
doesn’t mean the previous ones were wrong, merely that new
information allows you to see them differently.
I am an entity, as are you, and when we meet we can interact
from the perspective of being separate entities. If you choose
to forget that you are united and connected, you create a self-
experience. When you try to feel the truth of union from a
position in separation, you will not be able to.
Only within union will you be able to experience the feeling
of full union. Union will clash with what you currently believe
because you feel you are an entity. From separation, it feels like
there is no point in union or even that it’s possible. Great
mystics have already unfolded some of this information about
your nature, but it has little relevance or meaning to you or
cultural life. The you includes all of you and the typist of these
words. By forgetting union and embracing separation, it has
given you a vast range of experiences.
Portrait of Arksar by Janette Oakman
Being told that ‘you are all one’ might feel as useful as an
evaporated raindrop in a desert. The feeling of oneness all of
the time is different from any sporadic feelings that you have
of it from time to time.
I am not talking about the Andromedan communing or even
Orlacka’s Arcturian trans-dimensional abilities. I want to show
you how the universe is an entity not just a mass of energetic
interactive programs.
I shall use emotional story-telling terminology. Do not
disregard this simplicity because, by the end of the story, I
hope you shall feel the magnificence of Mowhar and
understand the concept of what she was.
Mowhar: Mother of all things: the one that unites; the one
that is expansive; the one that gave birth and generated the

pulse. We can trace the unlimited potential in all the
dimensions back to Mowhar. She is not god, she had no
interest in such things – she is the beginning of the beginning.
She slept ‘unaware’ that she slept for more years than could be
remembered. Until one moment she awoke and became the
first creator – the creator of the pulse. To some in the old
stories, it was as if she screamed.
The vibrations penetrated beyond the ideas of herself,
beyond even the idea of boundaries. It was the birth and the
death of her. She awoke and then fell back into nothingness.
She was a paradox. She was and she wasn’t.
R: Oh, that’s so moving – I can feel the intensity of the
awakening then the realisation that she could not exist and that
she was born to die. Presumably, there are some parallels to
pulse ‘here and not here’?
AR: These are the old stories of my Cormaynian race passed
down from when we do not know. It is also a residual memory
vibration, still reverberating in every part of the pulse in the
universe. That is why you felt it as you did. An awakening of
awareness – a joyous expansion and the sorrow of death.
Several years ago, during May 2015, Antemedi had a
conversation with you about pulse and you shared this in a
website article Colombeye all that is universe. He told you that the
start was like a spent casing, which formed the pulses of
different dimensions. Over a longer period, this was explained
as initial creator pulse and you were given diagrams to
conceptualise shapes of pulses, which you have also shared.
The pulses formed to have their own self-sustaining energies.
Their repeating pulses did not need a starter or creator pulse
anymore. If starter pulse or Mowhar continued its initial
creation, then initial creation would last forever and all there
would be is initial creation. The universe would be chaos with
continuous initial creation.
The old stories say that Mowhar died so that her children
could live forever. These stories show that she was an entity
until she wasn’t. We need to be careful with words used to
explain the self-perpetuating dimensional pulses as ‘on-off’ and
not use ‘born-die’. But on the basis of what I have told you,
that is not the case with Mowhar. While these are ancient
stories about the initiation energy, they do help to partially
understand the process.
The science behind this initial creative program or formula is
exceptionally complex. In part, it’s because a paradox is
difficult to work with – it will reflect back to you any tool or
thought you try to understand it with. You can’t fully
encapsulate the concept of ‘never-ending potential’ because
you will never get there. How can you comprehend that ‘trying
to understand’ has no such ability? A paradox cannot be
understood with an enquiring mind. One understanding of it is
that it has no understanding at all. Instead, you can just allow
the paradox to ‘be of importance’ and ‘no importance’.
The entity Mowhar is the universe, but Mowhar can no
longer exist in the form as the creator of creators. It is not so
much her children that live on, as it is herself. It was as if the
entire total potential for joy was her but so was all the
suffering. Mowhar was a paradox. Only from a paradox could
Mowhar come forth. That is what she was – she was the
paradox – is and is not. Perhaps you can begin to feel this
understanding – there would have been nothing without ‘is and
is not’.
This union of opposing ideals or forces is a theme that has
been reflected in discussions about thoughts and feelings,
levels of conscious, higher realms and, of course, you being all
these things. Because the dimensions of the universe were
created from paradox, they contain paradox in every part of
pulse, information, harmonics, matter, souls and soul enlightenment.
Even feeling is Mowhar, but she no longer exists – not in
the sense you can understand existence. She could not exist
other than as a paradox without life and, paradoxically, she
could only exist as a creative expression. That is not like your
life or any kind of life that you could comprehend. We all have
paradox within us, but not the initiation or creator paradox.
Why re-create the creation that would be paradoxical like the
birth and death of Mowhar?
We are all Mowhar reborn, we cannot go back to the union
of paradox to any or all of that – it could not even be
conceived. A baby cannot return to its mother’s womb after it
has taken its first breath. We rejoice in her death in joy and
pain we love her because she is you and us. This is not the ‘big
bang’ as your theorists put forward. The universe will not fall
back in on itself, that is to assume it came from one particular
point when in fact the centre of all is everywhere. The
universes did not come from chaos but from ultimate paradox.
Perhaps it might help if you envision this as ‘energy and its
own opposite energy’.

Antemedi touched upon individuation and the human
experience of subdivision. One of your beliefs is that you
would find the answers to the big questions about your
existence and the universe by dividing things into the smallest
common denominators – perhaps in that way you could find
source. Though as you can now see, source is paradox.
Your meaning of individuality is part of your subconscious
programs but it can be corrupted, leading to thoughts about
‘the actual division of self and loss of self’. Paradox or duality
also divides your subconscious (the seesaw beam). Scientific
disciplines and the search for even more that is divisible throws
up good discoveries. But the same does not apply to you as an
individual. You do not create more of you when you divide
yourself. Your sub-consciousness is the repository for much of
the divided feelings and rationale.
Of course, you have the ability and the limitless capacity to
do whatever you wish. Humanity experienced ‘forgetting its
full self’ and in part, this was by agreement with negative
forces. But in this blindness, man carried the ‘separation
program’ on his shoulders as he marched forward at an
unstoppable pace to find the ‘all’ in the ‘smallest’.
That is why you (Robert), on one of your spiritual journeys,
had the experience of ultimate self-division. To reach and
know what was at the bottom of yourself. Wanting to know all
and everything of yourself that you could.
R: That was a terrifying experience. In reaching for the
understanding of all, I could not ignore the smallest. I wanted
to know what was at ultimate division and I bloody well found
it because you helped me!
AR: It was something you wanted to do and we also helped
you return. The belief behind this was that if you could find
the worst of you then you could extinguish it and no longer be
fearful it might exist. The potential for something bad in you
would never be known unless you searched for it.
So, we helped you cut away the overlaying thought programs in
order that you could do that.
R: Your advice at the time was very insistent that there was no
need to look, but I felt I could not rest until I had found out
for myself. It began by sinking deeper and deeper into my
lower consciousness.
By giving up my conscious or present self, I began to feel
there was less and less of me. I felt smaller and smaller. I was
either giving away parts of myself or they were being taken
away. The plummeting increased exponentially and I became
extremely frightened. I was being pulled apart and I thought, I
am going to become extinct, destroyed for all time. When I got to what
felt like the smallest part of me, the last piece, I wept and I
pleaded: “I cannot be divided anymore, there is nothing more
to give, what do you want from me?” It felt as if I was in the
presence of some all-consuming negative entity. It seemed to
last for eternity, time had been taken away and this was it –
forever in some endless torture – the intensity of isolation was
unbearable – there was nothing else and no one.
I was helped back (thank you), and when I looked at my
watch only a few minutes had passed; so very different to my
experience. I wasn’t able to take on board your explanation
until the following day when I had been calmed.
The only way I could find out if there was a hidden negative
part of me was by removing all and everything of me that was
good. In this way, it would reveal that which was not good. But
the power of thought and creation also acts in duality. So
instead of seeing myself pull me apart as if I was an observer, I
became the experience instead. The being with whom I
pleaded was me; it was my energetic thought to remove all that
was good and have the experience.
My thoughts in paradox; I wanted to find what was left so all
good was taken away – I created the experience. There was
nothing evil or negative hiding and I could not be divided any
further and yet my sponsoring thought was still saying, Take all
that is good away. That was the feeling of becoming extinct.
AR: It would have been difficult for you to get there and back
without our help, but we respected your needs and wishes.
R: I wouldn’t recommend it as an experience and no way
would I do it again. But it certainly stopped any thoughts that
answers could be found in the ultimate division. I had reached
the wrong end of the telescope. The point to all this? Perhaps
there is none. There is no need to be inside a telescope to look
from either end – the two vantage points are fixed viewpoints
of a paradox. They will only show you the other end but,
ironically, you don’t ever see the other end because the inside
lenses reflect back to you yourself. It will only show you where
you are looking from. Pointless when you know – but I
suppose the point is to know that – and that’s a paradox.
AR: I think I led you into that nicely – from the creator pulse
of Mowhar the paradox – to splitting current duality or
paradox into its smallest part only to find that it is still YOU
and you are still Mowhar paradox.
We do have calculus theories but technical information
cannot connect you or make you feel any more connected to
Mowhar. Formulas do not create feelings. If you can accept
that Mowhar is gone and we are a reflection of her, then you
have an understanding. We do use other paradoxical energies,
and we have technical programs that work within the
information fields to create them.
All of these we create within the existing dimensional pulses.
This means we can use technology inter-dimensionally for all
sorts of purposes. We thought it was useful to know that there
are connections between technology and paradox in self-
perpetuating flux.
As our theme is ‘communication with the alien self’, you now have
an alien name for paradox. Perhaps instead of paradox you can
use our word Mowhar to feel and express its greater depth as
an entity, not a just a concept. After all, she is everywhere.

Fresh information and new starts

AR: Let’s begin at the start. We could say what particular start.
Some starts are created by endings but is there such a thing as a
fresh start? A change in direction is only the appearance of a
fresh start. A makeover is not a fresh start. But is a start a
R: This is somewhat pedantic
AR: For good reason. You knew most of the subject matter
transcribed from Antemedi in the early part of this book
because you had worked on it before. We know the way your
mind processes and accepts things that’s why I am priming
your consciousness.
You have kept to our advice to ask us questions and not to
research material on the Internet unless you feel you have to.
The Internet would take you in different directions to the ones
we have planned. It also informs or distorts the way you
interpret what we say because you will compare it to external
data. It is beneficial to receive information as we present it
because we know you and can see from a forward position.
This leads me back to the ground I was preparing for you –
fresh information and a fresh start. It is not fresh information
for your other layers of higher consciousness. We could say it’s
starting to have an effect but you will have no idea until I tell
you what ‘it’ is. In this instance, it is you – in the singular sense
and the wider human collective.
While there are more people awake, generally, your societies’
soul-level communications with other races do not appear in
human waking consciousness. There is an overriding desire to
meet us in the flesh as opposed to mental communication. You
have lots of different races on earth so you should be able to
comprehend that there are also many different types of alien
humanoid. My race, Cormay, is very small in numbers and acts
under the umbrella of the Andromedans. The best form of
introduction is usually a gentle process. Andromedans have
made themselves known in the flesh to some contactees and
helped retrieve alien life memories for others. There will be
more open contact but it will be when and with humans of our
choosing. That is not to say we are manipulating but we do not
wish to engage directly with certain political élites. Contact will
be much greater after your transition.
Humanity will have its fresh start – the shift or the
upliftment, as it’s called, will change the basis of everything.
Having outlined to you the dimensional and spiritual vibrations,
you all will be more able to understand this fresh start. It will
change your essence and affect your way of thinking. It is a
fresh start not a rehash from your existing ideas. Depending on
when people read this information, many things may have
begun to unfold or have happened. Some people are aware of
uplift’s imminent arrival and have provided their own take on
when and what is to happen. It was a shock to Robert when we
said it would be instantaneous.
Of course, there is a build-up till a critical mass is reached
but the critical mass required is actually quite low. Not only
does the earth have consciousness but so do the other planets
and your sun – it is the same for the rest of the universe. Plans
or consensus will form by many layers of consciousness
interacting with programs. Time is a ‘when’ and when is
defined by windows of events as they change. These events will
happen and the harmonics of the earth will change. The
information will change in the on-off pulse so it will be
instantaneous. This means physical matter will alter slightly and
so will DNA and your consciousness. It is all part of a greater
universal agreement. Perceptions will change as veils fall and
blockages disperse. Senses shall be heightened and you will just
know more than you did before. It will be easier to know if
someone is being untruthful and it will be easier to challenge
that which is unacceptable. There will be no hiding, for
corruption will be seen as it is.
We will be able to help with several technologies and free
energy generation if that is your wish. You have that ability
already but it is withheld for financial and control agendas.
These uplifts will challenge financial structures and those that
have the most to lose.
The upgrade or higher frequencies shall affect your
subconscious programs, which will be partially re-set. You
won’t think in quite the way you used to. Your thoughts will be
more community based than selfish. You will still be you, but it
shall be as if the sun shines on a new spring morning with
many old and false concerns gone. A few may struggle and
wish to remain as they were, but they will have choices to
mentally locate elsewhere. Some may wish to leave their earthly
bodies and a few will ‘disappear’ by their own free will. At the
moment, karma is seen as the consequence of what you do in
one lifetime, you face in another. It is an often misunderstood
form of cause and effect. It is more about the energy you
create by your deeds – that energy belongs to you because you
created it. It’s what you then do with the energy that matters. A
murderer doesn’t have to become an innocent victim in
another life.
Cause and effect will be faster with little delay.
Duality still affects your spiritual growth within your current
mental constructs and programs. An example would be: ‘You
can never understand betrayal unless you have been both the
betrayer and the betrayed.’ Often these patterns repeat even if
the understanding is there; then they become more cause and
effect. There is no karmic debt, just your energy, which you are
responsible for. In the case of the example above, when you
take charge of the energy with love, the need to be on either
side of betrayal falls away from your life experiences. It no
longer has relevance and it just isn’t there for you.
One of your difficulties is being locked into a collective
consciousness program that tells you to repeat deeds and
actions when you no longer need to. Karma then becomes run-
repeat consciousness, which has been manipulated by negative
The subconscious upgrades in the uplift will mean that you
do not need to repeat patterns and you can step outside some
of them. Your negative vibrations will reduce and you will have
a finer light body of energy. Your mental agility and psychic
abilities will increase, allowing greater communication with
other beings.
Like Antemedi I shall keep my focus on communication and
not delve further into the subject of the shift. However, it was
necessary to show its great impact on your ability and ways of
communicating not only with aliens but also humans.

Direct communication
AR: What do we mean when we think about direct
communication? We on this side and you on the other?
Telephones, real-time video or meeting face to face is a very
narrow bandwidth. It excludes intuition, the deeper ‘knowing’
sixth sense to the five (sight, sound, touch, taste and smell).
This sixth sense can contain all of the preceding five and
include information and ideas as well. You are all likely to have
had such experiences. You might remember when you smelled
a cigar or a rose, only to find there were no smokers or flowers
nearby. You might have seen something out of the corner of
your eye or heard strange voices. These five senses in the sixth
can be quickly dismissed in order that ‘normal life can
Have you ever thought of someone only to find they
telephone you in the next moment? How often has your space
been invaded – you feel it because someone has moved into
your closer auric energy. You might say personal space is more
to do with what you find consciously acceptable. However, if
someone were to approach you stealthily from behind you
would still know they were there.
The point I am bringing you to is about the value you place
upon the different types of communication and how that
affects your use of them. Lack of familiarity doesn’t help and
some imply that ‘knowing’ is not to be trusted. They say it is
the home of charlatans disguised as clairvoyants. To be fair,
some are, but there are discord and duplicity in many other
areas of life as well.
There is a sense you might not be able to trust this self-inner
knowing. You may doubt that you have it or that you won’t be
able to use it. When you observe from a place of doubt, you
will superimpose it upon what you see. It’s the same as putting
the word fear on a pair of spectacles; whatever you see in the
world you will see through that.
Now, ‘doubt’ is very interesting because you believe that it
has a use. It is valid to ask, “Have I got this right? I need to
check it through.” Checking is a form of reassurance and that
is something warm and comforting to seek. Doubt and
reassurance are bedfellows in duality. Doubting your decision
is ‘doubting yourself’, which is then projected onto the outside
Because psychic attributes are not often used, they have
become flabby. Like all things, there are a few pitfalls. Wishful
thinking can influence what you think you want to see. The
example of Robert’s thinking and wish to remove all good to
see what might be hidden is a prime example. It also shows the
power of the mind, but the experiences it brings are not
necessarily revealed in the way you had hoped. They do,
however, reflect the initial sponsoring thoughts or desires.
What I have said might undermine thoughts of expanding
these abilities. But such thoughts and feeling are preconditions
or ‘preference settings’, which affect the outcome. A clear
mind and heart are ideal but not always necessary. The
objective way to proceed would be to keep things simple,
trusting that what comes is meant for you. The universe is you
and it loves you, it will give you what you need. Of course,
what you need is totally different from what you may want
upon your platform of desires.
My definition of direct communication would be ‘direct
communication with yourself’. In this way, you are connected
to everything else and not dependent on a third party. There is
nothing to fear from getting in touch with yourself. You may
encounter your own interpretations of ‘fear programs’, but if
you remember to see them as programs, they have less of an
effect on you.
Direct communication can be used for many things: self-
healing; accessing information; problem-solving;
positive/creative thinking; freethinking; relaxation; distant
viewing; human psychic interactions, and inter-dimensional
Your mind and heart are very powerful tools, and they can
be used in positive ways. So, I am giving a short list of
methods that can be used at your level to assist or experience
life differently.
Observing the mind is quite a simple process; in a similar
way to meditation, you disengage the gears that connect you to
the subconscious program. There are lots of books or
YouTube videos that give guidance on different techniques. In
reality, you only need to be able to still the mind.
Try not to search for anything or ask closed questions – just
see what transpires. Don’t worry if nothing happens; it’s as
much about knowing what is possible and gaining familiarity
through practice.

Inter-dimensional contact: If you would like to link with us
but feel the need for a little assistance, then try the following
YouTube videos: 5Antemedi Andromedan perspective 6 and
Antemedi Andromedan perspective 7. (See References for links to
these videos.)
These are guided meditations and are pathways of light that
can be followed. The more people that travel on them, the
more energy is added. These mental pathways link to the
consciousness on our levels. What you see or interpret will be
specific to you, and you can do this as many times as you like.
Another way is to set an intention such as I would like my
guides to help me see a safe alternative realm of benevolent beings. After
stilling yourself, imagine you are coming out of your physical
body and floating above it. See yourself moving upwards, out
of your house, looking at the roof, then at the landscape as you
move higher. Drift up through the clouds until the earth gets
smaller; keep floating away until you feel you can’t go any
further. Know in your heart you are somewhere safe, and look
around you – take it gently and see what forms in your mind.
It’s possible to be in another realm with other light beings or
on a craft or biosphere. If you do this with your spirit guides,
then the people you meet are likely to be connected to you in
some way.
Self-healing: You can mentally locate yourself inside an organ
or a part of your body that is causing you discomfort. It is
similar to the previous floating away, but this time you move
your focus inside yourself. Much illness relates to problems of
energy, and disease is mind and body not at ease. Diseased
thoughts are primarily energy and information, so they affect
the information fields that instruct the formation of your body
matter. With practice, you will find that your body speaks to
you from its level of consciousness. Often it will be
metaphorical images and stories, designed to be understood in
the way it knows best. It is also a good way of healing the
subconscious ‘seesaw’ energies and thought processes.

Accessing information: Your first thought might be that the
Akashic records hold all the information you need. But don’t
forget that self-healing is accessing information about yourself.
The hall of Akashic records is a place to focus upon – a
construct or program that can be used for a specific purpose. I
will expand on this shortly. The ability to access information
boils down to intent and sponsoring thoughts, which are not
always seen. Is your purpose honourable with loving intent? If
it isn’t pure, you will get back a reflection of your desire or a
meaningless jumble. Your higher self is aware of desires and it
is unlikely to allow a connection to information that could be
Problem-solving: You have seen the importance of intent
when expanding your communication because it influences
outcomes. Problem-solving depends on the type of problem;
for example, if it’s inter-personal then see Human psychic
interactions (one of the follow on headings).
Let us say your cat has gone missing and, depending on your
skill level of stillness, you might be able to sense where it is.
However, if you needed to have an emotional experience of cat
loss it’s unlikely to work. If you are a natural worrier, you are
unlikely to find kitty through such a program, as it will
influence what you sense. Why not explore the reason behind
the excessive worry? All that you are will filter what you see.
Stilling the mind can help solve problems, but it will not
necessarily give a direct solution if you need to have the
experience of the problem.
If you have a desire to overcome problems, you will see
events as problems in order to overcome them. The more you
see problems the more you have the opportunity to overcome
them. Consequently, you may solve many problems, which on
the face of it seems to be a good thing. These problems you
will find located on your seesaw.
R: I remember a Mandarin sage came in several years ago to
give his take on that. He said: “To every problem, there is a
solution. The solution may be palatable or unpalatable. Then
you may say that life is a series of solutions.
“The trouble with this is that solutions can only exist by
virtue of a relationship to problems. Do not see life as
problems nor solutions but as a series of experiences from
which to learn. Accept them with love because they are given
with and created by it.”
While that is true, it’s one hell of a statement to accept if
your nearest and dearest have been mowed down in a road
traffic incident.
AR: The problem with problems! You are now talking about
sorrow and loss as being a problem. Many seek a reason why,
but often the lack of an answer to that question becomes a
problem. Many problems are more about the way they are seen
and interpreted. I do not experience problems and they are not
challenges to be overcome; that would create problems. I see
outcomes from a position of love and acceptance and have no
reason to avoid or to run from communally formed events.
But, we digress.
Positive or creative thinking: This is where you imagine
yourself having already found a parking space in a crowded
street – also known as cosmic ordering. If it works in conjunction
and in harmony with the universe, then so be it. You arrive as
someone just leaves their space; it’s all part of a consciousness
program. It’s also possible to view the area within your mind;
the mind will then show you where spaces are.
But if the positive thinking comes from a desire to avoid the
feelings associated with not finding a space, then it is more
likely to be wishful thinking, and what you try to avoid will
present itself.
If you play the lottery at some level, you wish to win. That’s
not winning. What you may not see is that you have created the
experience of wishing to win. Winning or losing is secondary
to the ‘experience of wishing’ that you have created.
But ‘I will believe I have won,’ isn’t going to work either;
that’s pretence based in self-interest. Do you really believe it, or
is it a mantra to repeat to help you win because there is doubt?
Imagining yourself as having won is the way, but it’s still
unlikely to work. Everybody else is also part of the same
universe and it has to take their wishes into account as well. It
is also easy to lose sight of the sponsoring thought and
personal feelings behind the desire to win, as these also affect
Positive thinking based in love creates more love for you; it
also helps family, friends or the wider world. Light-workers do
this differently – they can project or manifest energy to
specifically help or heal a situation. It doesn’t mean their
energy overrides the recipient, but it can boost energies as well
as helping thought processes.
Freethinking: This happens when you do not have a specific
wish or outcome in mind. Ask yourself an open question
which does not tie you to duality. “Please can you show me
what I can do to help this situation.” It removes the context
that it’s a problem and the desire for the outcome doesn’t need
to fit your database parameters. Your thinking is then free
from personal desires. Not any easy thing to do if you are
trying to solve a problem. Thinking free from your desires
allows you to see different outcomes and different ways of
achieving them. Obviously, you have to be in the right state of
Objects can be observed in the mind by freethinking. You
can rotate, look inside or see inaccessible areas. You can use it
for interpretation or seeing what would otherwise be hidden. It
can be useful with discoveries or inventions.
The Akashic records are said to contain all past thoughts and
all future thoughts. That is another definition of the Isness. To
have this as a library means you can walk into the building and
look for a specific book on a particular theme to help you. This
library is a mental construct filled with energy information – it
is a tool but foremost it is an energetic program. It is a way to
see something so that your mind can have access to it. It does
and doesn’t exist for us – we don’t need to see information in
that way in order to access it. For us, it is intuitive knowing or the
flow and acceptance of information. Fluidity is where we know
we are the information and in that way, it manifests inside us.
That is our way of freethinking.
None of this information is about power, wealth or
advantage; that is of no consequence. There are some earth
humans who can reach these levels and have to be very honest
with themselves about the reasons they seek such information.
These programs of information often have sub-programs,
limiting access to only those seekers who have a clear intent.
Relaxation: You need to be relaxed to experience relaxation.
It has an element of freethinking, but it’s more about being at
one with the oneness of yourself and the universe. You could
bathe or swim in its energy. In your mind, you could walk from
a sunny beach and feel the coolness of the sea.
You could go underwater without the need to hold your
breath or sit in a lush garden overflowing with birds and
butterflies. Try floating from one mountaintop to another.
Whatever comes to mind, if this is what relaxes you. An
alternative is to remain still and seek nothing – just be with
yourself in moments of connection and peacefulness.
These moments of stillness can be used as energy restoration
or regulation. For such an occasion you could lie down and ask
for assistance. If this happens, you may feel tingling or muscles
twitching. In this way, it can be a form of healing. Energy
regulation is instantaneous for us because of our connections
to finer levels of light energy.
Distant viewing: I only mention it in order not to exclude it
as a psychic attribute. It is the ability to move the mind’s point
of awareness to a particular point of focus. Your governments
have used it for espionage. Purpose, however, defines the
outcomes, so your intent is what you create.
Loving intent means you can see with an open focus. It allows
you to look at another person who might be on the other side
of the world. Viewing their energy is best by permission and
can enable access to information for healing or enlightenment.
Human psychic interactions: Light-workers who heal
trauma in others practise open observational viewing, which
can be used to heal as well as help seekers to evolve and move
along their pathways. This form of sensing will become much
easier after the uplift.
So, I would like to round off with ways to communicate that
can be used practically for energy release and growth. It is
something anyone can do providing it’s used with love.
Let’s say you have a problem with a family member and you
are at an impasse, unable to see each other’s point of view. You
are both feeling wounded, so it is difficult not to act or create
from those feelings. Bring to mind that you can meet with the
energy of the other person but at a higher level of
consciousness – one that is more considerate. With your eyes
closed and in your stillness bring them into your mind and
imagine they are in front of you. They can do no harm to you
at that level of consciousness. Explain in gentleness how you
feel and what makes you feel the way you do. This has several
effects – you will know you are being heard – it will be easier
to articulate and express yourself – you can let go of your fears
and vulnerability and you will receive no physical reaction.
Having expressed yourself – wait for a response. You may
find there is an acceptance of part of your views or suffering.
In return, you will need to hear their feelings. If you are unable
to interpret, allow yourself to sense or feel it. Know in your
heart that they act from wounds or distorted subconscious.
Remind yourself that it’s a program they experience, and they
are acting from that. If you can do so, accept and give
understanding in love – see them as the person behind or
afflicted by an energetic program. Offer them love to help with
their program and you may in return receive love from them.
This really works on the energetic levels, and you will see
this reflected in any subsequent physical meeting.

It’s a good way of dealing with an aggressive person. It can
heal deep wounds where you have been hurt on a regular basis.
If you are afraid of such an individual, you could interact
through an intermediary. In which case, bring someone else
into your mind that would stand between the two of you. If the
energy of your hurt was truly created by the other person, it
actually belongs to them. Imagine a suitcase containing your
hurt and pass it back to them or via the intermediary. This is
cause and effect and it is only right that you do not keep
holding for them that which is theirs.

Antemedi uses metaphorical constructs to help us access
and understand unknown information. He introduces
timelines, explaining how we can experience them. (These
themes are expanded in subsequent chapters). He shows
what observer information feels like when partially removed
from human constraints. Aqueena adds perspectives to
enhance understanding.

Antemedi (A): Arksar skimmed through the last subjects quite

quickly. I know Robert has concerns that it’s not relevant to
the theme consciousness, communication and the alien self. However,
we believe it is important to share knowledge, not only about
the way that you think but also the way that you can think. The
human psyche can be alien to itself if it is only partially known.
We are not meddling in your thought processing but sharing
our knowledge of what is possible. I didn’t say I would restrict
it to comparisons between your current ways and ours.
Robert (R): I was concerned that some people might flounder
if they tried a few of those techniques.
A: Indeed they will, but some of them will not. We can see
your society evolving and becoming more at one with itself.
Functioning with, as many internal communication processes
as possible will allow a greater flow of external communication.
Arksar talked of Mowhar, the founding paradox energy.
There are many other types of energy. There is one that we call
Siscilla. To explain that will require me to talk about timelines
and all-time – or the moment of now.
We have already toyed with the ideas of starts and
beginnings or if indeed, there is anything new. If all things are
possible and nothing is new, it would mean they have already
been thought of. Of course, that is paradoxical because we
have always said the Isness is unlimited in potential, and that it
is impossible to describe it in its fullness. Therefore, how can
everything have been thought of? While the Isness is unlimited
within you, you limit it and live within those boundaries. A
little bit like putting reins on a horse.
R: Really?
A: Let me continue. By limiting potential you can see the
direction in which you are heading. It gives contextual
relationship when otherwise there would be everything and
nothing, which seems confusing. I shall expand upon my
metaphor about the horse; still your mind and let it appear.
Look at this wonderful beast, as it stands before you ready
to ride. Put your feet in the stirrups and climb onto the saddle.
There are no reins, just a saddle horn. She will take you on a
journey into the universe.
R: We are on a flat plane composed of energy and energy lines;
there is nothing but energy. The horse picks up speed and we
hurtle forward, faster and faster, greater than any speed a horse
could gallop. There are no jerky movements, just speed; the
horizon remains in the same place and the plane never ends.
The horse is an energetic program and not bound by the
physical. It will keep speeding forwards forever until it does
not. So I bring it to a halt to have a look at the environment –
we might as well while we are here.
Antemedi is standing where I have stopped. We are now so
far away from where we began that we can’t see the starting
point. There is a strange feeling that we are where we always
were despite the movement forwards. Looking backwards, we
can see the energy of where we have been. Along our route are
small packages and I wonder if they fell from the panniers on
the back of the horse.
Out of inquisitiveness, we walk back over our route to
collect them. Fairly soon, both our arms are full and more
remain, so it’s obvious we are picking up in excess of what
could have fallen from the bags. Upon returning to the horse,
we inspect the bags to find that the buckles are secure and
nothing is missing. Something has been created as we moved
through the Isness.
They look like cubes of golden energy but they are programs
of information. They are placed at the intersections of long
golden threads, which show the route we took with the horse.
But as I scan around there are more travel lines than the
original one we travelled on.
A: Let’s take one of these energy programs and walk forwards,
past where the horse has stopped. If you look ahead, you can
see there are more energy programs on the ground in front of
us. It’s as if they have already been placed here; you can see
other golden threads in all sorts of directions connecting them.
If we look above us, we can see there is another flat plane
similar to ours. It is clear like glass and we can see ourselves up
there and we are doing the same things.
Looking below us, there is another plane where we can see
the top of our heads as we replicate our movements. We are
seeing activation on three levels with the past behind us and
the future laid out in front of us. The fast, forward-moving
horse created the appearance of the flow of time. Because it’s
no longer moving, we can walk backwards or forwards on our
route, but it will still feel the same wherever we tread.
We can move quite a distance sideways to our right or left,
but no matter how far we go, the horse is always within arm’s
reach when we look back for it. The experience is that of no
distance – that distance does not exist. Everything you are or
connected to is always with you and you cannot escape it or it
from you.
Let us walk forward in front of the horse again. As we
encounter the first energetic program, it will show an energetic
presentation of us several feet in front. It’s like we have come
up behind ourselves where we would be in the future. If you

look beyond this first program, you will see that there are more
programs that stretch out in front of us. Each one has a series
of mirrored images of us stretching out into the distance. As
we walk on, we enter the next energetic program of ourselves
and it feels just like us. As we proceed further, we meet
ourselves again and again. They become us and we become
them. We can now perceive that each version of us knows
something different.
We will slow down our walking speed so our awareness can
change. While we head in the same straight direction. every so
often there will be a shimmer. It’s an energetic doorway in
which we automatically move sideways. What appeared to be a
straight timeline travelled by the horse isn’t so. The straight
route is shifting, it has always been shifting. It has been
imperceptible and you cannot see it unless you either know it is
there or you have been shown it.
R: If we are going slower, are we covering distance at slow
speed? Speed x distance = time taken, but I thought time had
stopped here?
A: Movement does not have to relate to time, nor does
movement have to relate to distance. This metaphor has been
created for entirely different reasons. I have already shown that
movement is an illusion in your realm. For this metaphor, we
can use our word, Silenka. You do not comprehend what our
word means, that’s why I am showing you this long
metaphorical explanation. Your questions are slowing us down.
R: Now that’s funny because I am typing this on earth in
flowing time, and I’m slowing you down where there is no
A: Indeed, but you are in the perception of time, which is a
program, and anyway the grip of time is changing in your
In my metaphor, we are appearing to move because we have
energy constructs around us that keep changing. In this
construct, there are different versions of you and me. They
may appear as energetic shadows to you, but in essence, they
are the same as you.
R: But they are not moving.
A: Not for this particular exercise. If you look to our right, you
will see we also have a mirrored reflection. If you wave you can
see yourself waving also. All our movements are reflected back
at us. But we can only see this happen because we are aware
that we can.
Let us shift our focus to the original concept of open space
and the energetic lines we started with. We are in the place we
stopped and we are able to see more than ‘one view’ in the
same space. It is the former and it is not both at the same time.
What we see is what we choose to see. It is and it isn’t – these
are the same concepts we used in paradox but you are now
able to see them as dimensions of different focus in the same
place. As concepts and dimensions, they all exist in the same
I have changed what we see again, this is a new view. There
are reflections quite close on our left and right. It now feels like
we are in a rectangular glass tunnel. But because we know these
are holographic energetic reflections, our minds are not
restricted by what we see – so we may pass through them.
As we walk through the side of this energetic tunnel, the
reflections disappear. We have returned to the scene where we
are in front of the horse, looking forward at the images of us in
the future. However, we can now see that these different
programs of our selves are also placed around us, not just in
front. The images of both you and I are waiting for us to
experience them. On closer inspection, you can see they are
interconnected by the shimmering energy. It’s the same energy as
the fluid mirror glass or holograms, but more of a wisp or a
shimmer because it slips us from one timeline to another – one
version of us to the next as we experience life. There are no
boundaries, but now we have the appearance of movement
when we shimmer into another version of ourselves.
When we look at the realms above and below, they seem to
have similar attributes – but they do not have the same focus
or way of interpreting their environment program. They are
within their own constructs but they are still us. The one below
is unaware of us but the one above is looking down upon us.
Perhaps the one looking down on us is also a reflection of
you and I, here and now?
R: It’s your metaphor, you should know!
A: It is and it isn’t and it can be both but this is your metaphor
as well because you are me. Let’s delve deeper into this
explanation. All of these things are happening in the same
moment. That may sound impossible and you may wonder
how can your consciousness be split into so many parts.
R: I suppose that depends on how big or complex it is
A: Or how small! Big isn’t necessarily the way to go; it’s about
how many selves or autonomous programs you can have. And,
like the universe, that’s unlimited; all you have to do is create
R: Wow, that really does show what unlimited potential is! Are
we having the same moment over and over again but in a
different form each time?
A: Not really. I am showing the evolution of a program. A
program that changes its parameters – a program that thinks
and has degrees of sentience. This is all you, it is the way you
live and the way you are. The nuggets of energy are program
alterations, changing your timelines and options around you.
R: But these are all reflections or possibilities of this me
because I look the same.
A: If you had been bald in one, would you not be bald in
another? Try to see everything around you as programs and
energy – don’t even see yourself – let yourself go – you are a
R: Interesting – there is no need to understand the just is or
Isness. In essence, we are all-peaceful and all-knowing. Yet I feel
I do not know enough and I need to know more even though I
am also just is.
A: Good, a desire to evolve and learn. That is one of the key
parts of the program otherwise there would be little expansion
of consciousness. While consciousness has expanded its
possibilities, some parts of it have not.
R: Doesn’t all of the soul eventually have to be evolved?
A: Not if it doesn’t want to. But would you leave a part of your
consciousness adrift in your subconscious, either causing chaos
or creating negative energies? It would be like eating rotten
food every day when fresh food is available.
I can see you are having problems with the concept of who
is in charge of all this. The answer is no one and everyone. It is
your particular way of seeing this new information. You are not
interpreting it wrongly, it’s just that it has many ways to be seen
and experienced.
As well as self-experience, there is also the experience of
observation. You can observe yourself from within the
construct of you and from afar. From the self and from what
appears to be another self.
If we float up and shift our focus to the dimension above,
we are in a position to be aware of everything we were doing
below. Take a moment to travel there with me. From this
higher vantage point, we can look further ahead and see all the
timelines laid out below. We could see the likely routes, which
are more energised, or the variation possibilities. These routes
will all end at the death of Robert on earth. Everything you do
below on that plane you can experience here – but differently.
Pick up one of the nugget programs and observe it. This higher
plane is ‘observer perspective’.
R: There is a feeling of being casually aware of the programs
and feelings, but I am removed and somewhat distant. I am
observing while away from that part of me that’s active and
living down there. This experience of observing is different
from observing myself when I am actually in the experience.
The struggles and programs on the level below do not affect
me here. Love exists here, but it does not have to suffer and
struggle with the same programs below. What is this casual
A: It is attached and not attached, it is the sense of observation
that is not restricted by the programs below. When below, you
believe you observe yourself. You see what you do and think
and within that level of you, it feels like observation. It is a
restricted observation, whereas here you feel detached from
your reality. You feel like a casual observer, unaffected by the
intensity of feelings because duality does not have its own hand
and its own way. It exists, but we do not need to see things
divided up. We see the wholeness of those paradoxes and they
become something different again, which is quite gentle.
Look at yourself below, picking up another energetic nugget
and, as observer here, do the same below. When you observe
here, it has no hold over you – so you are neither drawn to it
nor pushed away.
R: Bizarre. I wonder if it’s similar to the feelings a baby has
when it begins to experience the world around it.
A: Well, as an observer here of early baby life, it would have a
few comparisons, but the ‘here observer’ will also change as
they invest more consciousness during the growth of the child.
There is an energy attached to each incarnate body called body
life force, which keeps the body functioning and growing. That
is an energy life force and a program of life force.
Gradually, more conscious awareness comes to the child and
its consciousness begins to interact with your collective
programs and, in that way, becomes more like you. Similar
things happen during prolonged deaths. A dying person’s body
may appear to be in pain, but they are not always consciously
aware of that pain. They are in an elevated consciousness
program while the body life force is a program that just
supports the body to keep it alive.
Consciousness used for observation here is not restricted
nor is it dulled. I know you are referring to the feeling, the free
curiosity, that exists at this level.
(At this point, Antemedi’s energy partially fades and Aqueena comes
forward to greet me.)
Aqueena (AQ): You are making more of this than need be. I
can say that because you are. You think you will have difficulty
understanding such unusual concepts, so you create that
experience. You do not need to experience these presentations
through that particular program. If we said to use the program
‘easy’– that would cause different difficulties. There would be
comparisons and ‘more easy’ would lead to wondering if what
we explain is ‘too easy’ and those last two words diminish the
value of the word easy and, of course, everything we say to
you. Then, what we say may be simple and not worthwhile.
Measurements and descriptions distorting the free flow of
An observer is not hampered by such subdivisions. It is
neither easy nor hard – It doesn’t have to be either.
With each word we say, you can understand more and more
the nuances between the earth and the dimensions above. One
of the purposes of these submissions is to show how and why
thought programs hamper communication. The main issue will
be humanity’s interpretation of us and not the other way
So back to observation without constraints.
We created an image that looked exactly like you in order
that you could feel comfortable being observer energy at this
level of self. The ‘earth dwelling and feeling’ part of you was on
a plane below in a different program. As you know, I am a part
of your higher consciousness, and I previously explained that I
also live my life as ‘I wish to express’. I am not some entity
whose sole purpose is to observe and guide you towards me. I
wish to explain this more openly, but I would like you to enter
a less tangled perspective before I do that. I am sorry that this
communication is causing pain in your head, but we are
pushing energy through some of your interpretation programs
and database.
At the moment, to you, this realm seems detached and
unconnected. In some ways that is correct because we are not
directly connected to and immersed by your earth programs of
interpretation. We are not like you and so you do not always
feel connected to us, even though we are part of the same
consciousness. I can assure you we are and that, as you
progress, you will feel more attached and at one with our
vibration. This observer sensation and interpretation will also
I have shown you some of the places where I work or relax.
Neither of those words adequately describes my experiences
and what I do. Work is a joy and, as a relaxation, it is also the
other way round. On one visit I brought you to a council
chamber/meeting room though those two words fall short of
the full description. Some readers might think a council has
more importance than a meeting, but that is an earth definition
based upon a council having more influence or power. In that
meeting, I appeared as a speaker giving a lecture to several
beings including some earth shadow states of consciousness.
Instead of lecture, let me use the word interface even though it
has both computer and technology connotations for you. It is
the unhindered exchange of concepts and feelings, without
value, given to speakers or recipients. Everyone is equal in
love, and the living consciousness programs allow interaction
between any one of us or indeed for all.
On that occasion, we spoke about the energetic damage
caused to the consciousness of animals during human warfare.
A particularly destructive example was in the fields of Flanders
where horses were emotional traumatised when their flesh was
ripped and torn by ammunition. We explained that because
humans created that energy, they had responsibility for it. What
you create in energetic terms doesn’t just go away by itself.
Your world may be different from that now in the physical, but
the trouble is when you only look at that one, you do not see
the energetic worlds. As Arksar said about karma. “All that is
energetically created exists until it is changed.”
This example is only one of an unseen multitude of energies
that affect your world. Your world energy may not seem dark
to you, but to certain types of beings, it would be insufferable.
To those with knowledge and wisdom of it, that’s another
The meeting showed the breadth of our awareness and the
energies we choose to become involved with. This is not work
in the sense that you define work – it is another way in which I
choose to express myself.
We view such things with compassion, understanding and
emotion but without emotional ‘exaggeration’ in the ways you
do. With this explanation I am trying to harmonise your initial
experience of observation, to settle it by showing you how it’s
used by me.
Observer Robert in this vibration has a different program to
'the earth you'. So when you are here, you can observe yourself
in what seems a more ‘dispassionate’ or objective way. This
consciousness observation program of yours sees things in
energetic terms. Feelings, concepts, thoughts, or whatever you
wish, can be seen without utilising duality, measurement and
We have taken you here before. We challenged you before
by saying, “You are nothing – literally no-thing not even
yourself.” That is not a comfortable concept for anyone when
presented with it for the first time.
After much arguing with Antemedi, you were more
accepting, so he prepared a package of emotional information
for you. You downloaded this and wrote without stopping for
most of one day. In that day, you were more him than you. He
put the constructs of being nothing and approaching
nothingness into a format that you could easily accept.
You are not who you think you are – you have no value and
you are valueless.

R: Yes – thank you all for that. Perhaps a reader might be
rather concerned at your last statement. To have no value and
be valueless is quite soothing to me. It is having no need for
value for measurement – for comparison. It is a freedom from
value with no attempt to describe oneself. It made such a big
difference, allowing me to be closer to you all through that
process of accepting nothingness.
I am finding it difficult to explain the wonderful feeling I
have of being of no value. It’s as if you fully need to accept you
have no value in order that you can let go of any value of
Only then can you live without requiring value. Your words
and expressions may sound quite unusual to some readers, but
they are heartening to me. Though, because of the earth
consciousness, I don’t often live in that state of mind.
AQ: Those particular words from Antemedi were designed for
you after being aside from us for so many years. It was not an
abrupt introduction, but nonetheless, it did not sit so easily at
first. However, we are pleased that you shared the experience
of the download from him in 7The Boy, the Beast and the
Nothingness (See References for YouTube link). It was a
watershed in your consciousness while it was still constrained
by earth programs. It also detached you from the construct of
belonging to anything, including yourself; it enabled you to
hear us from where we currently are.
It has already been said that higher levels of self have lives of
their own as well as having the life of you. Try to let go of the
idea that my consciousness is split into separate entities, and
instead see that I undertake different tasks at different points
of focus. This includes being able to talk to myself at many
levels – this is the way we all are.
I can see you pondering about your evolution, wondering if
on death your energy increases and you join or become these
higher aspects like me? After all, we have said you are an idea
of who you are and the representative energy of that. How

many more times would you like to reincarnate – when, where
and as what? Some future upgraded earth, perhaps; past or
future lives as another type of humanoid?
There are timelines in timelines and overlays to overlays, but
as I give this explanation it makes you feel even more
detached; that you are some pawn or whimsical subterranean
expression of a mass consciousness. You understand most of
the things we present to you. We give you more, but that
doesn’t mean every time we do so you shall feel lost. This ties
in with the way you need to see these conversations and
disclosures as being difficult. Instead, it can be about knowing.
There will always be something more to know until you do not
wish to know any more.
R: You are speaking in riddles.
AQ: You can see it that way if you wish, but it’s information
that you presently cannot contextualise within your mind. It’s
not difficult, it’s not necessary to feel lost or insignificant, they
are not of the essence of what I am saying.
R: You know my thoughts, for which I am glad, and your
presence warms me when the way forward is unclear.
AQ: Yes, so let us start again. When you were observer
consciousness, you felt that experience was very different from
your earth one. Primarily, you felt as if you had no particular
will. You could see the earth consciousness and programs as
energies. That’s because an observer energy/program doesn’t
need to be tainted. The observer energy is an aspect of my
consciousness in a similar way your subconscious programs are
to you.
You cannot make these and higher observations like I can,
because your program has no parameters for such a focus. You
are not denied, you are welcome, but the information required
would be inaccessible to you because you would still see it
through your intact earth programs.
R: That seems to be a common repeating theme!

AQ: Yes, vibrational compatibility. Let us come back to my
observation of your thought, Where does Robert’s consciousness go
on death? My reply would be, “Where ever you wish, within
your focus of vibrational compatibility.”
The current understanding of your world is that when you
leave your earth body, some might encounter energetic icons
pertinent to their beliefs during their transition. Many expect to
be greeted by old relatives and friends. But that transition
realm, like earth, has levels within levels where like attracts.
Those with caustic thoughts would exist alongside similar
people to learn and, hopefully, vibrate a little faster with more
love and understanding.
What initial levels you vibrate at or advance to will give the
experience of thought creation and desire gratification. These are
similar to earth desires, except they can be fulfilled because
anything can be created by you. On earth, many did not see
what they were creating or fulfilling. Some people will engorge
and indulge themselves with unlimited opportunity for
There are no drugs, only energies to be used with love and
skill. Drugs are an earth way of using chemicals to temporarily
detach consciousness from the human body. If someone gets
‘high’ it is an experience of his or her higher vibrational levels.
Any demons they experience upon return are their negative
constructs seen within their own subconscious and psyche.
Don’t forget, chemicals have an energetic vibration, which
interacts with the vibrations of the mind and body.
Desensitising addictive behaviours here is a separate matter.
After a short period in transition, consciousness will adjust,
and those who exercised choice to over indulge begin to see
that none of that matters. Not only would it fail to make them
feel good but would make them feel ill at the outcomes. It is
rare, but some do not process this if they have a distorted
In general, you become more aware of your thoughts and

are able to observe them. The energy you create can become
conscious and act on your behalf. The way of thinking is seen
and you can energise different thought programs.
Guidance is always available from more evolved beings.
They can explore with you the opportunities to alter the
energies you created in previous lives. You would be shown
timelines of possibility and how they interact with others.
Parents will be mutually chosen as they in tandem choose
children. These are the ways you can have the energy and
DNA that you wish to experience.
And so life experience begins again. As a baby begins to
grow, there may be adverse human feelings and sometimes a
struggle to let go of who it was before. At times, the negative
energies of the earth are too difficult to manage, or there has
been a plan mutually agreed for the experience of bereavement.
At those times, the soul has free choice and does not have to
proceed with its birth.
When born, the baby begins to fill with more and more
consciousness. There are several points of consciousness
transition, but there comes a point when the required amount
passes beyond the veil of forgetfulness. In this way, you have a
different experience of believing you are someone else. And so
this type of life goes on unless you wish to seek higher levels of
light – and that is another matter.
A few humans think they have the veil removed because
they have memories of lives on other planets, but that is
memory program. We can choose to remember whatever we
wish but only if it was part of the prepared timeline. It gives an
experience of memory, which may take them on a personal
discovery or to other planned experiences. If you existed aside
from the earth collective consciousness and veil program, the
additional stimuli would be substantial and life compatibility
would not be, as you know it.
While you inhabit your earth body, you may learn or know
that it is only a projection from yourself. You cannot feel it in

the way that I do outside of your construct. If you did, you
would be thinking and feeling like me. You would see the
projection of yourself and be happy with whatever it was
experiencing. You would be happy that you had allowed it the
illusion of being separate. That is how I feel – my vibration is
not compatible with living in the form you take.
All of our energies are connected, so responsibility for the
energy we create is very important. It cannot be destroyed but
it can be converted to something else – not necessarily through
karma as per previous comments.
(Turning and looking at me Aqueena says)
You are not Robert he is a temporary experience – you are a
part of my consciousness – I am allowing you to think you are
separate. All of these things create such a wide variety of
experiences. At the moment you are creating energy through
thought and deed upon a timeline alongside others. Evolution
is the ability to change the energy created by soul experiences.
When you return here you will see very quickly that you
were an energetic projection into a life force. You will see what
impact you had made on previous energetic projections.
Accepting the energies of past creation does not need to mean
suffering. Orlacka previously told you how she lives and
experiences her dimension. She will expand upon the life that
she lives in order to explore different ways of working with
R: Thank you.
AQ: I am welcome!

Orlacka is an Arcturian and she starts the dialogue by
introducing us to the relationship of energy and form
(including her appearance). She explains how restrictive
energies exist in the mental space between the current us
and the future us beyond transition.

Painting of Orlacka and profile sketch by Robert Lomax

Orlacka: Hello my dearest boy, I can see all is well with you.
Robert: It’s been a while since I’ve been called a boy!
O: Yes that statement was relative to my perspective and
focus. As to my age and appearance, readers may find that
somewhat unusual – so best I begin with that. Robert has
shown several overlays of energy in the coloured painting. As
you will realise by now, energy can take form, but it doesn’t
have to. For me energy and form are interchangeable. In this

way, you can see several aspects of me in the same space.
There are different levels of light and vibration around my
head, which are active in several dimensions.
In profile, Robert has shown these energies, which look like
fleshy projections around my head connecting to where you
would expect my ears to be but again this is an energy
function. I am a ninth-density being but that description is
meaningless without context. Your third-density world has
what you describe as dimensions of width, height and depth,
plus time, but these four measurements do not make it fourth
dimensional. I would describe dimensions as vibrational
realities that have differing base programs. You appear to live
in your program dimension, but you are also able to ‘access’
others with your present awake consciousness as well as your
unconscious. Each of these reality programs, or dimensions,
has a function more related to a way of being or thinking.
As your energetic vibration or ‘light’ becomes finer, you are
more able to resonate with other densities or dimensions. You
can reach higher dimensions when meditating, but you may not
necessarily have full awareness or compatibility. Your soul
already exists upon those dimensions. What you might begin to
appreciate is that the representation of your soul upon those
vibrations may look less like you than you might have thought.
We have been challenging your concepts of what you believe
you are and the way you think. The soul has a very wide
spectrum of existence – Robert and I are aspects of an
expression of our soul.
Not everyone involved in communication with Robert is an
aspect of our soul. A pertinent example of this theme is Oritie.
He is one of the ‘key sweepers’ between the third and fifth
dimensions. It sounds a very grand title but it’s just a role. He
and other light beings are helping to sweep or refine
humanity’s consciousness in the zones between those densities.
What exists between the zones can be seen in all manner of
ways, depending upon the database of the viewer. The viewer
can create distortions within them. The distance of the zones
could be miles, or the blink of an eye as if it never existed as a
partition. If there were no concept of partition or resistance,
there would be none. There is nothing to keep you away from
higher densities – only vibration and what you believe or fear.
Part of Oritie’s role involves changing a few concepts of
transition. The uplift will be very swift, but the mind could
make the experience more difficult than need be. That, of
course, depends upon the way the mind views the change.
These I would describe as potential energetic mental
resistances. These levels of mind are not constrained by time,
so the concept of difference or change can create energy or
occupy more space than need be, just by being aware of it.
There are levels of sweeping or clearance that involve angelic
and higher dimensional light beings as well.
Concepts of duality can interfere with the transition as you
can see from the following. Do you want to change to be different?
What are you going to lose? What is the way and how do you get to the
other side? Is this your decision because it feels as if it’s happening without
involvement? Do you have no choice? How can you be something if you
don’t know what you are to be? If you have no control, will you feel out of
Unconscious programs work incredibly fast – in an instant,
like a very fast computer. It is these programs and your
interpretation or thinking about such programs that appear as
R: Did I hear correctly?
O: Yes, that is one of the reasons but it is also to do with the
vibrational nature of your realm alongside the appearance of
separation. It’s all part of that level of the program. The
transition will be instantaneous, but your experience of it will
relate to the energy you use to interpret it. It will be quick and
easy because the greater part of your life force knows what is
to come. It has been waiting for the change because a part of
you is already there. There will be many energies and forces
involved with such a change. These will be on a cosmic level as
well as your collective consciousness, which will be ‘flipped’.
Those with less light, who are willing to be a part of the
change, will flow with the rest.
There have been many alien and human preparations
working in tandem for this cosmic event. Concepts of resistance
or acceptance of change are not required because they are two sides
of duality or paradox. One cannot exist without the other,
which is why sweeping and clearing by light beings is carried
out. The transition will energetically charge the conceptual
boundaries between these dimensions so that they become
irrelevant or complete. In this way, one becomes the other with
nothing in between – instantaneous vibrational upgrade for all
things on the planet. Third-density will no longer be energised.
Common sense might suggest it would be helpful to
understand and know the differences between these densities?
R: Pardon! I thought it would have been wise to let people
know what to expect or what is different about the densities.
Already many spiritual investigators and psychics have given
guidance on the differences.
O: Is that using their database or copying and embellishing
what someone else has said? Expectation creates a preformed
idea of what will be received. You need to remember how
powerful the mind is and what it creates or interprets. What I
have said appears to be counter-intuitive to discovery through
R: But the mind will be changed or the way of thinking will.
O: These anticipations are in advance of the event and are part
of your current database perspectives. There is no need to
project current perspective upon the new. Those trying to keep
their old programs after the change will remain in fourth
density for longer. The idea is to have as many functioning in
fifth-density as soon as possible. The fourth is transitional and
different from the initial upgrade that Oritie and other
sweepers are working on. I said counter-intuitive because, in
some ways, actually talking about the uplift creates an
expectation of certain things.
R: But if more people know about it, it will help to bring it
into reality because of the mass-mind effect. What we believe
comes into existence.
O: That is true but as I said earlier your database will constrain
the energies as to what could form.
R: I see what you are saying, but can you say something that
won’t create pre-thoughts and distort the energies?
O: Well, let’s put things into a different context. We can start
from another reality, which is that each person’s consciousness
already exists in those dimensions.
R: If they follow through previous discussions, that
consciousness is also energy with the appearance of body form,
it might cause difficulty. It will not be easy if they are
concerned that they exist ‘in form’ there.
O: Well they don’t need to worry because they won’t look like
me or anyone else. Some of their consciousness exists there,
but how much there is makes a difference to the amount of
manifestation. For the main, this will be energetic – you are
hung up on form as being someone else or seeing a physical
As consciousness upgrades, the human body will also follow.
Let us describe them as energetic blueprints that already exist
there. These will become more alive and because they are part
of the new body information program – so the body will
transform as well. You effectively become who you are
programmed to be. I could omit the description ‘transition’ and
say ‘inevitability’.
Or I could say, “You will just remember what you already
are and how you already exist at that vibration.” These
vibrational programs are being filled with more light energy all
the time but are still in part dependent upon the activity of
human consciousness. I could also say, “It’s something that’s
already happened because you are already there, and it’s more a
question of shedding a shell than getting a new one.”
R: Okay, I understand; the variety of our expressions correlates
to the human paradoxical nature. But I also get the definite, the
unquestionable, the no-doubt element of what is to be because
it already exists at some level. However, people will still want
to know the attributes of the different dimensions or densities.
O: Take time to reflect on what I have said. Do I need to say
what is to be?
R: Well, it’s a bit like intending to give a proclamation and then
withholding what you know.
O: I don’t think so.
R: I can’t accept that – you know the difference between the
way you and I exist, and you explain them as best as I can
receive them.
O: But we are the same.
R: Clearly not in looks or the way we think.
O: I shall try a different tack then. You are looking at
difference-making comparisons and evaluations. These you are
processing through your database. It may be a database with a
degree of understanding about the topic I speak of, but
nonetheless, that is what you are doing.
R: I am just asking for you to explain the differences between
the vibrational densities.
O: And I am trying not to show divergence because it is better
for people to be calm and accepting and see that the universe is
them. Otherwise, it’s easier not knowing about the change at all
because of the influence of database pre-thoughts and fears.
People will still be themselves, but they will have an enhanced
‘knowing’ and they will feel more loving and less judgemental.
Earlier in the book, we said of timelines: “When you move
on to a new one, your past seems to alter to configure with
your present.” We were showing you a concept of timelines

and dimensions with the ‘shimmering’. On the horse, the
timeline initially appeared straight, but it jumped about to
different positions. This was imperceptible to you and the way
you live your life.
Before we finish this book, we will introduce other ways to
see timeline concepts. That will give a greater understanding,
which will be more compatible with the totality of what we
wish to impart. I remind you that all has been planned with
these presentations and all information is in an order to help
you best understand. All you need do, Robert is to type what
we say and sketch what you see.
We do not wish to follow other people’s explanations and
descriptions of the vibrational densities. We wish to provide
other insights and ways of looking at them.
R: Very well, I shall follow your lead.
O: When the uplift takes place, it will be a bigger shimmer than
the timeline shimmers you constantly undertake at the
moment. It will be as if it had always been that way because
you will be in that consciousness on the new timeline.
R: So did that timeline always exist, and was it just a matter of
getting on to it? If it already existed, did it have a different
origin? If that’s my logic then the same must apply to all of
them, even the small shimmers in our daily lives.
O: Some good observations and interesting questions: these
shimmers are part of the infinite possibility of the Isness and
the ability to change direction. If an alcoholic gives up the
drink, he moves on to a different timeline, and the potential
timelines as a drunk do not then get used.
R: But he will still have the memories of his past life, in
contrast to what you were saying.
O: Memories and memory timelines are different. What you
refer to is a memory, which flows with the timeline. In the case
of the now teetotaller, his memory will appear to be a straight
line back, even though it isn’t. I am talking about memory

programs of timelines and what actually needs to be
The uplift will create a big evolution; there will be memories
that you did not have before. You will be able to access them
in preference to the prior memories. The updated memories
will be cognisant to the new experience.
R: I notice you are using specific words, which are coming to
me more slowly. I need to look up ‘cognisant’ in the dictionary
(it means having knowledge or awareness of); so did they exist
as memories that can now be accessed?
O: Not in the way you think. In this new consciousness, you
will have a different database. Much of the old ways of how to
think will not be there either. You will think and feel in
different ways, therefore you will interpret your database in
new ways.
In addition, your database will have been upgraded as well.
You will have a different way of interpreting different
information. That will change memories because you will have
different ways of interpreting your memories and the
information about them will also be changed.
So, it’s not a memory that was formed on another timeline,
but it is your total adjustment or transformation to a new
vibrational density. All things, including memory, adjust to it.
R: But will my old life be forgotten?
O: Do you want to remember it?
R: I’m not sure. At the moment it feels like a loss because
those experiences made me who I am. So who am I without
O: That is part of the reason why Oritie and others have been
working in the void, disentangling the concepts of loss and loss
of self.
These are very powerful thoughts and they exist as a very
necessary part of the self-protection programme in your
current consciousness. What is the point of a memory?
R: I suppose, to define the self. I have other life memories, but
they feel so far back they don’t seem to define me now.
O: I would say you remember what you need to.
R: You mean access what I need to, as some sort of specific
program for the memory?
O: Excellent, I could not have put it better myself – though, in
fairness, that is what I am doing! As our minds become closer,
you access me as I access you. This appropriately returns us to
the point raised by Antemedi: “What is an original thought?”
Nothing is lost, as such; it’s a matter of what light or energy
you keep in which memories. This is not the same as the
residual energies you created by doing things.
Why do you need to access all of the past?
R: Sorry to alter course, I just had a thought and if I don’t ask I
might forget. What about all the history books?
O: Ah, history, now that’s different from memory. Historians
are constantly rewriting history as they uncover new
information and see events from different perspectives. As you
know, histories are written by the victors, not the vanquished.
Point taken though!
You will see what’s written through the new way of thinking
and disseminate it through a different database, which will
change the outlook on written material. You will see
falsehoods and the reasons why people have said particular
things. In that way, the perception of history becomes undone.
However, it is possible for wording, objects or people not to
be there on a new timeline. It will be hard to remember or
know those people who were there before because they would
be proceeding on a different timeline. Furthermore, your
memory timeline program will have altered to suit your new
circumstances. That’s the way it’s programmed for you on that
level, although my memory programs work in different ways to
R: That’s an incredible program!
O: It’s one of millions – the soul is incredible.
R: So, with some people and things not being on the new
timeline, you are talking about something quite radical.
O: Yes and no. It depends on why that timeline of omissions
came about and what was intended to be created by their
omission. Let’s say, with counselling and confrontation of
fears, a person can overcome PTSD. The energy of that event
can be changed but not necessarily the memory.
Stress is often perceived as a memory that forces itself upon
the victim – however, the energy of the actual experience is
accessed through memory to process it. But, the processing of
the energy doesn’t always happen, because it’s difficult to
process it through duality in the subconscious.
So, to define further, it is the mind that accesses the specific
past experience or trauma. It’s not in this moment, but it is
allowed in and recreated because it’s attached to an event. It is
the energies of the initial experiences. These are the residual
energies created by yourself or others. This energy can be
transmuted by changing it to another form – or by no longer
needing to hold it for whatever reason. Those may include
blame and guilt or apparent bad luck. In the section about
healing, Arksar gave an example of how residual energies can
be given back to the perpetrator and that is one way of healing
PTSD on an energetic level.
If people are moved on to another timeline, they can still
have residual created energy from the previous ones. They can
undertake the work to heal it, or their higher self could remove
it so that it can be dealt with at some later stage in different or
easier circumstances. It depends on the experiences they
require on the new timeline. Remember you are all constantly
‘shimmering’ anyway.
If any of you are moved to a timeline where you cannot
access that memory you won’t be able to access the residual
energy through the memory. You may still have the energy and
not be fully aware of its influence. Alternatively, you may have
unknown feelings and no record of why they are there. Your
science does not currently accept that energy created in a past
life can affect you, particularly when hidden by a forgetfulness
program. Perfect examples of this are the times when
Antemedi took Robert back to over ten recent past lives, not
all on earth. He was helped to transmute the energy he created.
In one, he murdered his master during a period of the Roman
Empire and in another, he suffered as a beleaguered and
beaten slave. The reason he was given access to these
memories was so that he could fully connect with how the
negative energies were created and transmute them to positive
energies. This happens when there is a willingness to take
responsibility for energy in any or all lifetimes.
After the uplift, some may live the remainder of the new life
with a changed memory access program. This means they will
not have to feel the angst and terrors associated with past
trauma. Each higher self can decide what is best to experience
in their life.
R: Could hypnosis work?
O: In part, but the residual energy would have to be dealt with
properly at some stage. Some timelines will have no access at
all to trauma energy. Each to their own choice, as I just said.
The new uplifted levels will be changed so that cause and
effect will be more instantaneous. People will be very aware of
their thoughts and actions. There will be no need to suffer in
order to learn, though it’s not the end of suffering. In any case,
suffering needs redefinition and understanding. You will not
need to suffer to transmute energy. Who says there has to be
suffering? ‘There has to be suffering’ is one of your programs
that will fall by the wayside.
Anyway, back to my point about why a timeline means
something is removed or forgotten. That said, in the cases I
have spoken about, people would not have the awareness to
know about the forgetting or program removal.
To understand more, you all need to consider the questions:
Why is the timeline being created by your higher consciousness? and What
is it creating for you to experience next, by removing what was before?
Maybe the answer is that nothing more can be gained from the
previous types of experience.
At present, your experiences are constantly changing. They
are part of self-aware programs of soul consciousness, but you
don’t experience them as changing. You’re still on the horse
going in a straight line.
R: An absolutely fantastic playground of choices. We have set
the parameters for a program, but we can change it to a
different game.
O: Within degrees. Sometimes individuals have directly
interfered with an earth-common timeline of many people. It
can rectify itself or its direction be returned. That can be
monitored and interventions put in place to stop that. There
are programs that cover this.
R: How do you undertake interventions if by doing so alters a
O: Ah, but we do, as part of other programs. I will review, but
my answer will be different from the sponsoring thought of
your question. Yours had the parameters of thinking that there
is a correct timeline!
We are going into a subject area that you might find
extremely obtuse or hard to believe. I can see you have a
program constraint that says if information appears hard to
believe, you will only follow it so far.
R: Okay, I will try to accept without interjecting.
O: Return to the previous images of the horse and the
multitude of choices, namely the small, golden nuggets. The
energy of these programs flashes and creates the shimmering
from one timeline to another.
If you look at the plane above, you can see similar zigzag
movements, but not in the same places or directions. We
already said that at higher dimensions of your soul, we have

our own lives as well as the programs that interact with you.
Excuse me for a moment, I can see reverberations going
much further afield. In the future, more people will find
difficulty with the word ‘program’ than I anticipated. I thought
my previous explanation might carry it through. Even if I use
my word ‘arkarna’, that doesn’t complete the gap in the bridge.
Much has been said about these interactive self-aware
thought processes, but I’m only able to use your word
‘program’ to come close to my concepts. I could have said
‘love programs’, but that doesn’t cover the complicated
interactions and the lives being experienced. If we join them
together as ‘arkarna programs’, then we will have a shared
commonality and broader, more-encompassing description. I
can see that sits much better.
Now then, what we have said so far has been quite matter-
of-fact with direction and pace – we knew what you were to
type and in what order. That is also part of an arkarna
program. But what you have just seen, is me questioning an
initial assessment of using the word ‘program’. The ‘excuse me
for a moment’ was an interruption to that flow, an apparent
change to what was planned. We could say that it’s an
alteration to the timeline. Perhaps I am just showing you the
ability to change my mind and giving you the experience of
seeing me do it.
But was it always planned like that and, if so, what is its part
in the overall creation of this presentation? Is it one of those
thoughts or all of them? Has it interrupted the deeper
explanation I was to give on the nuggets and the shimmering?
What we have in effect just done is to look at one of these
energetic nuggets or programs. It seems as if we have slowed
the whole process down by looking at one particular part of
the arkarna program. It is our focus and what we are focused
In many ways this is how you can experience life – it is a
matter of focus as you question what you do. That’s why you
create another shimmer and another route; constantly changing
focus points and observations all from different thoughts
within you. We could say you have millions of energy points of
observation. It is a matter of which one you are drawn to, as
much as which choices or observation points are placed near
to you. You may choose any one of them, but the one that
would be more helpful to your evolution is always closest to
Even if you don’t choose it, it is there in the next moment in
another form. This is the arkarna program guiding you. It is
self-adapting and it has awareness; it is part of the soul in the
wider sense.
R: That doesn’t seem obtuse.
O: Hold on to your socks! In the same metaphor, you and I
can be side by side. We can walk forward in front of the horse.
If you had a pair of white fluffy socks and the ground was
sticky, tiny fibres would be left behind. We could see these as
residual energies created by our choices and deeds. Perhaps
every so often you might leave the old socks and change to a
thicker pair in another colour with more fibre. In this way, you
will deposit larger chunks of energy. Some of this energy could
be an individual action, like the murder we spoke of, or a
cumulative experience such as the slave in the quarry.
Energy at times sticks in clumps because like attracts like.
Not all of it is negative, as it intermingles with loving energy.
This can return to you in some form further down your
timeline as part of cause and effect. Some of the negative
energy that returns as cause and effect can help growth
through a negative experience. We need to leave judgement out
of this explanation because good or bad deeds will hinder us. It
was mentioned earlier that you could return in time to alter the
energies of a timeline, so let's explore that.
A sponsoring thought informed by your database creates an
action and becomes creative energy, which leaves behind
residual energies. Energy cannot be destroyed once created – it
can only be transmuted. That which you create remains until
you change it. It affects you and informs your experiences on
your timelines, which are also part of your arkarna and those
around you.
I am you and you are the embodiment of me returning in
time to change the energies I created on my timeline. That will
bring in some unusual thoughts!
It could mean I have sent back a projection of myself and I
am talking to it (you) from the future or another timeline. You
think the problem with that is as follows: Orlacka is what she is
now because of what she experienced. Therefore, if she went
back in time, it would change who she is now. So – did you
have a life without my interjection, or is this a repeat life with
me now coming back to it?
It’s not so much altering the timelines but transmuting the
residual energies on them.
Unfortunately, that does not correlate with the life you live and
the way you live it. Our consciousness is so diverse that you are
experiencing an apparent ‘future you’ talking to you and
changing your present outlook. But surely all of that is part of
the timeline experience anyway – because it’s a timeline that
can be changed.
One of your other thoughts is that I have either come back
to speak to myself or I have somehow moved on without your
part of my consciousness.
R: Yes, very obtuse now, and blowing the socks off hasn’t
made this understandable.
O: Going back to the metaphor, we can see that the timelines
or arkarna programs on other dimensions, above and below,
have different directions and different life expressions as well
as experiences. In order for all this to be compatible, you feel it
has to be a program of different programs, with one being an
over-arching program, even though the programs can change.
In this lifetime, you have changed some of the residual
energies you created in previous lifetimes. Those residual
energies were, in part, informing this lifetime experience. Such
as when you were the slave: It doesn’t matter if I plead, argue or
barter, I will never get my own way, so what I think or do has no matter
or effect. Those were some of the base programs that you were
living early in your life as Robert. But you changed the energy
of them on the level that they were created. You met and
challenged those people and those old experiences on the
‘same-level current consciousness’. Consequently, those
thoughts no longer have energy within to inform your
subconscious programs.
R: Perhaps you could have just changed it more easily with
your greater wisdom and energy.
O: Well I did, through you. Like needs to meet like – acid
needs an alkali to neutralise it. Wise words by themselves are
insufficient and the energy you are changing does not vibrate at
my level for ‘like to like’. That ‘hurt and damaged energy’
existed at your level and had to be dealt with there, by facing
up to those deep feelings and changing them.
You needed to fully accept the hurt as an experience and not
as a reason to continue suffering. Self-appraisal and wisdom
were insufficient and you needed to experience giving back the
injustice and pervasive negative energy to the perpetrators.
This is the responsibility to heal yourself and regulate the
negative energy you created. When you do this, it will feel like
good energy flowing back to you. But it doesn’t, it’s your
energy, it was always with you because you created it and it
belongs to you. It’s about accepting that you are the totality of
your energy. It or you reside in the dimension in which you
created it. It’s up to you to decide what to do with it.
R: I can feel the deeper meaning of that now. Previously, I
would have not seen it as my energy or your deeper definition
of me. While it is transmuting energy, I can more fully see I am
transmuting myself. Thank you, my responsibility is accepted,
and I am grateful to those of me who have helped. I can see
the relevance of repeating themes because when they are
explained in new ways it gives different meanings.
But how does this tie in with the ‘obtuse’ changing the past
residual energies without affecting the future self? And, of
course, how Robert’s life fits into this?
O: Indeed, let us become obtuse. I shall show you some
unconscious thoughts. As much as I try, I can’t see the way forward
– frustration gets in the way and makes me more frustrated. Because there
seems to be no answer, there is only one choice, which is to carry on doing
the same until things change, even though it feels they won’t.
This is both about knowing and not knowing what it is
possible to know. You have your frustrations, which you are
placing at my feet. It is not for me to solve your frustrations. I
thought you had agreed you would be responsible for the
energy you created.
R: Ouch! That is true, but I was expecting you to unfold
something more interesting or incisive.
O: You think this is not incisive because you don’t understand.
R: Ouch again! But isn’t it your responsibility to give guidance
through this process?
O: I am, but you are interpreting me through frustration. If we
agreed to say you need nothing, no more wisdom and no more
insight, then we can stop this dialogue here and say nothing
R: Then that would be pointless I would be rather marooned.
O: I want to take you towards true pointlessness. No worth,
no reasoning, no way forward or back, nothing to change. No
growth, no evolution – a beautiful world but nothing of any
value to you. Again we bring you to the same doorway, and
you place yet another value on its threshold.
R: But did we have to go through all the above just to say “let’s
go past the threshold of value again”?
O: Well that was dependent upon your hope, anticipation and
expectations, which you needed to give up as they affected
your value systems.

R: Yes, thank you – that was my frustration at having
expectations deflated or not fulfilled. But for a book entitled
Communication and the Alien Mind, we seem to have gone
off-piste a little.
O: That’s your perspective. I repeat earlier thoughts, The alien
mind is unknown to you, and your mind is also alien because it is
unknown to you. Take a moment and we will deal with this
R: (After a short while spent releasing these programs energetically with
Orlacka, I return)
O: Value has no efficacy, it is not a consideration – love exists
but not in the way you think or anticipate. We have repeated
that often to you for good reason. Arksar talked of the
Mowhar paradox and this in part defines your approach to the
subject. There is nothing to value in these realms, that’s why
you couldn’t proceed because you were filled with anticipation
and hope. You did not know what you could hope for.

The symbol for Mowhar, the never-ending circle

Arksar pops in and he draws a circle with a line looping in and then back
He says, “This is our symbol for Mowhar, the never-ending
circle – all things as one. Within the sphere, you begin to
experience all that is paradox, but you do not fully know it.
When you know it for what it is, you can exit with that
knowledge. You then enter nothing and you don’t know what
to do. You are not prepared for it because ‘you are unknowing
of anything else’ at that level. So, you may re-enter paradox
from nothing, but this time you know what you will encounter.
“As you do, you realise that Mowhar holds nothing more
than a different version of the same and you can’t go back to
what you were – learning Mowhar would be repetition. If you
now exit her, you do so knowing there is nothing more she can
give to you and you have no reason to return. At this point,
you can be free of Mowhar even when you work within a
collective consciousness that is attached to it.
“Nothingness is only the barrier formed on the outer edges of
paradox because paradox was born in nothingness. It is a
symbol and it signifies ‘that which was’ now holds nothing of
relevance to different ways of being.”
At this point, Arksar fades away.
O: Let us return to the previous metaphor of the horse and its
journey. It has connections with the symbol supplied by Arksar
because we shall be returning to a previous understanding –
but with a very different outlook.
As we enter the metaphor, you may move around freely and
experience it. When you were previously riding the horse, you
felt you were experiencing life because you were so immersed
in it. You also experienced higher level observing, which felt
dispassionate and quizzical. So what I now propose is that we
shall join these two aspects together.
You and the readers of this article might think you live life
and you observe it. That’s your sense of it in your way of
thinking and you hold to this. We have shown you that your
thinking can blind you and that’s why our ways of observing
seemed so unusual.
R: You haven’t fully shown your way of thinking yet!
O: I am aware of that. But back to my delivery. You create an
action which you then experience and, if you wish, you can
reflect upon your deeds. This is observation in arrears. When
you think about what you want to do, it is database driven but
duality constrained. So your observation in arrears is limited to
database and duality.
We are now entering the holographic metaphor on the
higher plane where we can observe without those constraints.
Previously, as an observer, you felt detached from expectation,
desires and hopes, perhaps even humanity itself.
That my dear soul counterpart (Robert) is actually much
closer to clear viewing than you have ever been before and far
more perceptive than what you can see with your eyes. It does
not filter, direct or set parameters from any database. The
observation pays no value to your current thoughts. Not only
do the thoughts have no value but they are also valueless in a
place that does not see from those constraints. The parameters
of love are different as well.
Because this is such a long way from the way you think, it
seems unfathomable. You feel it is a major reduction in your
senses. But here loss cannot exist and neither can gain. Love
cannot be lost nor regained; it cannot be ascribed or described,
so it is very different from your human feel of it. That does not
mean it has less worth than your love because you do not
understand or feel it in the same way. There is neither suffering
nor can there be an escape from suffering – nothing to be
uplifted from and there is nothing to aspire to. No wonder you
struggled again at the threshold.
So how can I place context upon this place and give a sense
of what it is like for me? We are not talking at cross-purposes
but about very alien experiences to the ones you currently
process. As observer, you are at a much higher dimensional
vibration, so we must proceed with descriptive caution. More
so than before because you can only partially understand who I
am and what is possible. It is all good news if you are to put a
measure upon it. I can say that to you, and its effect on you is
neither good nor less good. Arkarna love is much more diverse
than you could imagine.
If I were to say that I love Robert unconditionally, it simply
means with no preconditions. But it’s not the same kind of
love that you are used to (feeling good by the giving and
receiving or being uplifted). While there are higher dimensions
than this, if I go there I am not uplifted nor do I have no more
worth or love. I choose the consistency of my words so that
they act as a mirror reflecting back your own values.
So let me begin to show you from here what is here. Your
phrase would be: ‘Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes to know
For this next exercise, let us all stand at the last shimmer of
your current knowledge. We are aware that our lives proceed
and we live on several dimensions. But as we enter this
particular program, we can all move forward in unison. We all
take a step at the same time and in that program and this
moment we are at one, we are the same. While we are ‘one and
the same’, our experience of that depends upon the arkarna
program that we exist in.
It is easier to see dimensional programs without earthly
constraints, so we will go even further than your previous
heightened observer experience. As you take a deep breath,
suck and draw energy through the top of your head. On the
out-breath, push it out through your feet. You will begin to feel
yourself rising upwards (R: this is known as fluting). You can
look down at where you came from, but be aware of the new
vibrations we have reached. We have left the reflective mirrors
to the lower dimensions.
Brighter beings – light in the shape of human bodies come
towards us. Different arkarna programs mean that timelines
exist, but they are more fluid – changing with every footstep
we take. There are no nearby choices or patterns to follow as
the next best. The layers of golden threads fold over one
another. Let yourself be surrounded by these souls and feel
their presence. They have peace and gentility, they are curious
and have no fear, shame or mistrust. They are trusting but they
are not ignorant to the point that innocence makes them
vulnerable. They cannot be offended by your reactions – they
are free from that.
I can see you are so overwhelmed by their purity and love
that you have failed to detect their great wisdom and power.
Your world does not often see compatibility between the two.
R: (Orlacka is elaborating on my feelings she is explaining what I am
feeling – it’s as if she is me talking)
O: As we follow these beings, you can see that they produce
golden threads as they walk. These are the places we were all
due to walk today. Even our threaded path intermingles with
Gulwah is the name of the person I would like to introduce
you to.
Gulwah (G): Welcome to you all – I say that because I know
and understand there is a wider audience. I am aware of the
need to be precise.
What you have been shown by Orlacka are metaphorical
interpretations. These have been specifically prepared so that
you may understand certain concepts. You will still see these in
your reference terms, so we would like to help you see them in
ours. We haven’t provided the full picture because we cannot
provide the best explanation in your terms alone.
Obtuse was a word used earlier; perhaps ‘a new field of
vision unconstrained by current understandings’ would be
more helpful. Observation ‘anew’ in each moment without
relationship to previous thoughts. There is nothing to hold to
and nothing to compare to. It is a way of being and thinking
and it is the way we think as Arcturians. Orlacka has been
leading you here gently so you are more likely to feel what it's
like to be at one with us.
After all, a deeper and more open way of sharing
experiences is the best way to know someone else.
You have seen the limitations of your own ways. Your limits
give you the experiences you require and desire but I do not
judge what I observe.
Come closer to me and share with me at my vibrational
R: I am connected to Gulwah, and I can feel so much
unlimited love, there are literally no limitations to it, the energy
is boundless. There is bounty for everything that we want to
think and do in any program, but more can be accessed if
needed. And yet, there is no need to do anything, which means
discernment has no limitations. The self is selfless but all is well
with that. There is great companionship within a compatible
union; they embrace a love of all things. Events do not have
our pain in them and there is a joy in expression and living. No
grasping, no need, so desire and the decision-making process
form naturally as part of the loving arkarna program. I was
about to say arkarna at this level but he is showing me it’s what
they have all created to reflect who they are.
He says other races of beings on similar densities do not all
think and act in exactly the same way as Arcturians, even
though their vibrations are very similar. I wonder if it is their
race’s best expression of what it means to be Arcturian.
G: Of several expressions of Arcturian; we do not all appear
the same. We do take on board other race experiences,
particularly where we are inter-soul related. That is a form of
loving responsibility for the energy at those other arkarna levels
of soul.
R: Thank you for the correction. Being with you, there is a
greater sense of creating and adapting your arkarna programs
directly, then allowing the arkarna to work for you. Your
program is a way of ‘just being’, your fluid consciousness does
not need to gravitate to specific requirements. In fact, it is a
program that requires you to have no specific requirements;
parameters that exceed Mowhar and duality, if indeed they are
G: We have no requirements, we have no needs, we are not
fixed as you say, and we are fluid thinking but also fluid with
each other. We are not a hive, we are still individual, but we
share a greater depth of thought. This works through our
You have seen how your earth programs work. You
program yourselves to believe you are free, but you still feel the
need to escape because something is missing.
Your arkarna programs give you the information that
accords with your way of being. If it gave you different
information, you would be different beings. One is the other,
and vice versa. It’s a form of control and manipulation because
you are programmed to believe you are free within it.
Your freedom is a sense of self-individualisation. In which
case, some of you will sense our arkarna realm as non-
individual because we share so much more in common.
That may be at odds with your ideas of freedom. Yet, you
have your own commonality in a collective consciousness and
a unified arkarna, so are you as individual as you believe you
are? Like us, you also share with one another your thoughts
and feelings, but yours is at your disclosure or comfort and to
your program. Some of you think that others do not sense and
know you fully because of individual autonomy.
But they are blind in seeing that if they deny feelings and
subconscious programs, they will leech out around themselves.
They deny their own energy by not seeing that it is in common
with one another. We have no such discomfort and have
nothing to hide because our subconscious thoughts are not
constrained by limitations of duality and paradox – those are
not active within us.
Yes, our way of being is far away from your way of being.

Our joy and understanding may be unfathomable to you. For
example, we have no compassion for you, only love.
Compassion requires empathy to feel for you. We do not feel
in the same ways so that is a big difference. To empathise, I
would also need to feel as you feel in yourself and give
consideration to your suffering. But we do not suffer. Why do
we need to feel your suffering? That will not help you and that
will not help us. We understand and we know the parameters
of your arkarna, your way of thinking and being. To revert to
your way of being will not help – only you can help yourselves.
There is always guidance and choice and with the uplift, there
is great opportunity to be different.
Our love works in a broader fashion, perhaps a bigger
picture you might say, and we help in ways we are yet to
explain. Discovering who we are is a process and one that is
ongoing; it cannot happen within a few words of this book.
Communication and understanding inter-dimensional beings is
a massive undertaking because you so easily slip into seeing
others from your perspective, not theirs. That is omnipresent
with you; it is always there, that is the way you are it is your
You might like to see reminders about your way of thinking
being given to you more gently. But without rigorous
challenges, you are more likely to be asleep to ‘why you keep
thinking like that’. So, I make no apologies for repeating
observations when appropriate. It is said with love; but if it
causes frustration or pain, that is your arkarna interpretation of
my observation.
Our minds span dimensions in ways you could not imagine.
Your vibrations have no effect on us unless we tune ourselves
down to you. We scan and view in an objective way. We see
things in terms of energetic production, thought and arkarna
programs. We help you energetically with what we can but so
often that is dissipated and overwhelmed by darkness in your
collective consciousness.
We take part in an intergalactic presence and communicate
with you alongside many others. Much of this work takes place
on your higher vibrational levels. Agreements take place about
what you wish to assimilate individually or collectively. It is not
a matter of persuasion but showing possibility.
This responsibility is taken on under an umbrella of our type
of love. We are also in part responsible for the energy you have
generated. It’s not a responsibility where we take yours away
from you but to help and guide.
Orlacka spoke about going back to change the residual
energy of an event where some of your energy has been
distorted or damaged. Often, it can be healed permanently
without needing to prolong the process. Rather than working
backwards through a series of resultant energies in the form of
recent events, the wound energies can be worked on directly by
visiting the energy of past lives many times before. Not only do
we heal and replenish the energies of the past, but we can also
go back in time to when they took place and not only change
the energy but the event. Movement through time has already
been mentioned and you wondered what effects that may have.
I will start by saying that time runs at different rates in
different parts of the universe. It can be slowed or stopped, be
relevant or not exist. These functions are part of the arkarna
programs, which are an extension of group consensus relative
to each dimension. There are also different time periods in
different parts of the universe, but that is my way of fitting
information into your linear view that time always goes
We can relocate our selves into different periods – our
vibration allows us to do that. We do not just heal the energies
of the past, but we can alter choices made in the past or push
one timeline on to another. This is usually where choices are
ambivalent or where the wisdom to make an informed choice
has not had the opportunity to energise.
R: All my previous questions still stand – if you alter your past,
will it change your future now?

G: What if it’s possible to alter your past without affecting the
future. Orlacka said that part of the past timeline is that it
would be altered.
R: So by altering it, you’re not actually changing things because
the alteration was due to happen?
G: Your awareness of what it means ‘to alter’ is rather limited.
In the horse rider metaphor, you were initially unaware of the
shimmers or the altering timelines.
R: OK, point taken; there is a constant shimmering on the
lower timelines and we are unaware of the changes while in the
experience. Whereas you are aware of them in a different way.
But I can’t see this correlates with manifesting in different
portions of time.
G: You do that now. Where are your thoughts? You can
spread them over the moment of now which contains past and
R: That is not putting myself back into a past event.
G: That is so, but I wanted to begin with the pliability of mind.
By moving ‘up in yourself’ and above the earth self, you have
been able to view your life and the shimmers it contains, be
they past or future. In order to do that, you are not specifically
located to yourself but within a collective mind/arkarna that is
also pliable and not time dependant.
Look in front of you. I am showing you several parallel lines
that represent the same life in the same space, but they are
alternative lives of experience. Upgrade the metaphor to
include the shimmers appearing all over the place. Rather than
lots of possibilities laid out in one large plane, see instead
energetic corridors with shimmers, which show the actual
route. Take a moment to allow that into your mind.
Another way to grasp the concept is to see a corridor as a
straight line but the floor moves or relocates within the
corridor at each footstep and if you focus forwards you will
not feel you are moving all over the place. Shimmers appear
within the corridor and you are then on any possible timeline
that the shimmers take you to – or take to you.
Our metaphor has changed slightly, but it had to be the way it
was initially in order that you could get to this point right here
in the now. There is no wrong metaphor, we give you only
different ways that are useful. We could say that this metaphor
is on a different timeline to the previous one.
R: That’s stretching the information to fit the point you make.
G: That is because you are sceptical of what I am saying and
the way I am overlaying information on the previous. As we
get further along, you will see that what I have said now
becomes superseded and just a part of the route to another
Concentrate – let us float up so you can look down on the
same corridors, which will now be below us in a slightly
different way.
You will be able to see the resultant corridors walked. There
are many of them because they now encompass different
lifetimes and incarnations. By being outside of them we can see
them in a different way.
R: The lives all seem to run in one direction and are
concurrent, all happening on the same plane.
G: That will do as an explanation for the moment. From where
we observe, we can put our focus into any one of these lives.
R: Yes I can feel and see some of those incarnations but it’s
not the same as going back into the past.
G: We are getting there! At the moment, we are presenting
concurrent incarnation corridors with energetic edges, which
do not obscure your view. The experience in the lifetime
means the view within the ‘corridor of energy’ creates its own
reflective environment. The life experience is restricted and
contained to the one experience. We can literally focus on
whichever one we wish at whatever point we wish. It matters
not if you believe they are past or future.
Your only determination of past and future is how it relates
to your particular point in time in your current life. What
appears to be before it or afterwards is not relevant at our
level. From the observer here you are seeing the energetic
outlay of them all. They are all being lived energetically as
R: But I can’t be in all of them at every point in time.
G: It’s all a matter of focus. Your original linear focus on the
horse was towards the future in a straight line, but we have
already shown that is an illusion and you jump on to different
timelines through the shimmers. Time can be changed or made
non-existent. It is only your focus and way of thinking that
keeps it linear.
Focus back in the corridor where the shimmers happen and
the floor moves or reappears in a different place. In this way,
you can view timelines as constantly shifting. As you stand
there, which portion of time do you think it would be?
R: Not sure it matters.
G: Good you can sense how that question has no importance
or relevance to the observer. It’s all a program that is shifting
and then interpreted by you and your arkarna program to give
you the experience you need.
R: OK, I can see why you are building this in layers – I hope
no one reading this is lost!
G: Try to think of this all as arkarna. A constant evolving self-
aware shifting program that is an extension of soul and part of
the great pulse which is on all dimensions in different ways on
R: Wow! Now that’s really interesting; the metaphor has
disappeared and I can see human figures in the same place.
They are all me and they are fluctuating as they stand there. I
am watching the energy of them changing. They are flashing
from child to adolescent to old man and back again, then
repeating; but perhaps with just one minor alteration.
I get it – you’re showing me that nothing is fixed including
timelines, though there are some with more probabilities than
others. The arkarna is constantly evolving. The program is
constantly changing. Is it more a question of when we jump in
to experience it? Do we do that when there are not many
changes to make or when it fits in with other people?
G: You are picking up on me well but there are nuances still to
grasp. It is possible to focus on any lifetime and in any order.
R: (At this moment I have finished the book and I am checking for typos
when I am thrust back into the metaphor to gain another perspective) We
have all these lives at once but somehow the arkarna give us the experience
of one lifetime at a time?
A: Yes, that’s why you are also seeing the corridors or lifetimes now
overlapping because they are crossing the same energy points. Each time,
the energy at a shimmer can be revisited and changed; this is how you deal
with resultant energies or karma. There is progression, which you see as
linear, but it’s actually just a series of overlays that keep changing. You
are creating and changing resultant energies. At higher levels, you are
already who you are; that’s why Orlacka and Gulwah said changing the
past doesn’t change them.
R: It is so clever of you to put multiple meanings in this metaphor. I am
inserting new information in this book that didn’t happen when first
constructed. It’s an example of changing the resultant energies of the first
typing – changing the book and some of its direction. What was said
before is beginning to make more sense now; it’s ‘just a program’, all I am
is a bloody program – that’s all Robert is. I am moving my focus about all
of the time and rewriting timelines to alter resultant energies; what an
incredible program – what an incredible consciousness to be able to do that.
It’s mind-boggling! At some level, this is all done but at the same time, it's
still being created?
A: Yes Mowhar shows her creation everywhere, here and not here.
R: So, how are we going to get back to the book without altering its flow?
A: Well we have changed its timeline, so the way in which you continue
with your typo checking will be changed. You will have another perspective
in which to view what was said.
R: That means rephrasing some sections then?
A: Is that not an example of timelines constantly changing? Each one of
us who took part in this book is available to you at any moment; we are
part of its timeline.
So as you can see – you now have an answer to your previous question:
“Does it mean that the alteration to a timeline is already known and part
of its timeline?” On one level it is complete, on another, it is being revised
and revised. And between revisions, you can be aware of them being
revised. It seems as if I have come from another version of our experience in
the future to alter the current one and the past one because we will be
altering some sections of the book.
R: So this is how you are a future version of me as is Orlacka but at
another one, you are also both programs that our soul dips in and out of in
its focus. That’s how it continues to create.
A: Yes and no; that is only part of it.
R: Thank you, I was having the feeling that something was missing from
this book and that the explanations were not full enough.
A: Everything for a reason.
R: So I just return to checking typos how is that going to work?
A: You will find out when you do; that’s the point of an experience on a
timeline that’s constantly changing. Though now you have the experience
and awareness of how it happens.
R: Thank you.
A: I am welcome.
G: Hello Robert, I see you are back. All the time you were checking for
typos and making minor adjustments, we were with you in your thoughts
helping you. That is after all the beauty of an arkarna program that is
consciously aware. Perhaps you can use this additional fluidity that you
now feel and allow things to unfold with ease.
R: Do we need to show what was in the previous book and what
information has changed?
G: Does that really matter? That’s part of what we are getting over to
you. Constantly changing timelines and then revisiting them to change them
again. It’s all fluid.
R: I know who you are now. You are Gunther who gave me some of the
initial information at the start of the first articles written for my website.
At that stage, I was unaware of my soul connection to Arcturians and
would have been challenged by your appearance and name as Gulwah. In
the same way, I did not want to accept your appearance at my bedside
when I was a young boy because I thought some of you were monsters and I
was frightened.
G: And how did you know that information?
R: I just did – it was unwavering beyond all doubt – perhaps you helped
by giving a nudge in my mind in the present.
G: All of those – the arkarna programs are most wonderful are they not?
R: Yes, magnificent. I feel more rounded on these subjects. Though a
question, either from you or me, has formed in my mind, namely that this
doesn’t cover time travelling in a physical way from one moment to another.
G: That is also part of an arkarna program and another experience as
part of the greater arkarna programs. I understand, however, that you
would like to know the physical process behind that, even though it is part
of the fluxing pulse.
R: Does going back to a past time on earth mean it has to be there in
physical form?
G: That question shows that your pliability needs more refinement.
Remember, it’s all a program. It’s a matter of focus; you dip in and out of
your life constantly, but your experience of it in an arkarna program is one
moment to the next. You think Robert’s life is a constant flowing from one
moment to the next when it is not.
R: So what about future telling and psychic viewing of future events.
G: You mean which version will you see, and why are you seeing the right
version or the most likely in its revisions? Not forgetting that at another
level it's already complete!
R: I partially see what you mean because I haven’t grasped the fullness of
G: No but you will. However, I will not say when because that may spoil
the unfolding. Arkarna programs are also meant to be enjoyed as an
R: So we now just dive back into the reading for typos. I’m a bit
concerned it won't make sense.
G: Ah! This intervention means it will make more sense. It also gives the
feeling of fluid time to the readers; after all, the feeling of knowing is part
of a way to the full knowing, i.e. ‘just knowing’. They will know more
easily and understand the older typing. They will experience it as a form of
‘observing’ the previous book. They have advance knowledge of what was
not explained or gained by you at that time. They will see you trying to
gain some concepts that they now hold. In any event, not all the
information will be about the topic of fluid timelines.
R: OK, so the next typing of G for Gulwah is the previous typing.
G: Yes, let’s see how it goes!

G: The meaning of retrograde can be misunderstood – it refers

to a lower density experience. It’s not a lower-value experience,
as we do not ascribe values to such differences.
This raises a point – what is a life experience if it can be
different versions within the evolving arkarna program?
Furthermore, it can be out of step from what you consider to
be an order and not flow from one life to the next in date
R: This is mind-bending stuff, difficult to grasp and accept.
G: But you know there is truth in what I say, even if you do
not see the whole picture.
R: I don’t doubt what you say, and you are all bringing this
story together in your own different ways. It would be easier to
retreat into what I can understand because it is more
comfortable. But I want to understand that which I can’t.
G: You will not be able to understand some things because of
the vibrational fields that you look from, but there is still a lot
more that you can understand. I shall press on now because
you have absorbed the new groundwork. It will add to a
revolution in thought and a way of thinking.
R: You talked about movement between different lives and out
of apparent order.
G: Yes – that fascinates humanity doesn’t it? What if your
focus could be in any of the lives and it wasn’t restricted to one
or another? What if one moment you are in Robert and in

another moment you are Arksar or one of your other apparent
past lives. What if you flit between them all – in and out of
R: Good grief! What a crazy life, as if you couldn’t make up
your mind where to be or what to do next. There has to be
some over-arching arkarna program to all these lives. But it
would mean lives last forever or as short or long as you wish.
It’s certainly not how I experience this life. This information is
extremely obtuse; you have achieved what you said you would.
It has no correlation to my life and its linear appearance.
G: That’s as maybe.
R: You have said it’s not travelling back into the past but it’s
travelling into different lives, which have “apparent flow in
time”. That is not time travel.
G: Not as you may think of it but we can I expand upon that at
another stage. At the moment, I will say that technologies can
be used to move about in time – to jump from one period
physically to another, or to another place or location. That is
not in the natural flow of timelines and shimmers and the
arkarna levels of soul. There are also portals that exist which
allow physical movement through non-space, but this moves
the subject away from my explanations of arkarna.
We have been showing you many types of energy and
different types of focus. Experience arkarnas – observing
arkarnas – over-viewing or planning arkarnas – the ability to
place a focus into different dimensional realities of life. A large
gamut of possibilities and probabilities for expression.
R: Mind-boggling.
G: Yes, that could be your experience of it if you were not
coached properly. I am placing a different energy above your
crown chakra, which I would like you to pull through your
head and push out through your feet. This will enable you to
float into another more rarefied atmosphere. You are also
attached to my vibration, so you may also focus through my

thoughts and me. In that way, you will be able to interpret
things which would otherwise be beyond your comprehension.
R: After taking in the energy, we both float together and enter
an arena where there are humanoid beings walking from one
side to the other.
G: Belenque – you know this Andromedan word means ‘good’,
but you also understand it has a much deeper and more
expansive meaning. Mowhar and arkarna programs are
different from each other but, in a similar way to belenque,
there are other depths to their realities.
This next experience will be one of those. You will
experience it as an exchange. I remind you that everything is
open to you and there is no limit to what you may experience.
The rationale behind this particular arkarna is a free exchange
of experience. It allows participants to show each other the
energies they have experienced and what it is possible to
experience. They can then see what the additional energies will
do for them as individuals or for their group soul energy.
R: You have exceeded obtuse.
G: It may appear so. It’s my way of showing soul interaction
and connectedness. Soul knowledge and experience is shared
but we view it as energetic resonance. You choose what
resonance you wish to vibrate at or bring forth for the benefit
of the soul group. It is an arkarna program that acts like a
combined entity, which serves the soul groups. The arkarna is a
part of all that is here so participants may observe how altered
resonances will function.
We previously referred to ‘over-arching programs’ and
‘programs within programs’, and we said by vibrating faster
you will be in communication with higher aspects of the soul.
When you do this, you will be more aware of your eleven other
individuated parts of the higher self. This is not a sideways
communication from you to them but through the higher self,
which contains you all.
Each twelfth part can have as many experiences within
different arkarnas as it wishes, even if they correlate or are very
similar to the other eleven parts. These experience programs
are part of higher self arkarna, so with faster vibrations, you
may access the general experiences and the ‘program of
learning’. Aqueena is the ‘vibratory compilation’ of the six
female souls in your higher self and she is the half equivalent to
the female/male entity higher self.
R: I thought that male and female twin flames united.
G: They can do but while they have individuated experiences
they may access higher self in its most female or male
expression because that’s more comforting. So all-6 female
individuated souls would see Aqueena as their higher self. This
is a ‘communication arkarna’ so as well as being a program it is
also a way of communicating. To see yourself in different guises
or as different beings in different situations is a part of
I am talking to you, but in order for this communication to
work, you have to understand it within your earth arkarna and
parameters. Some of the information is being processed
through your mind and some through the physical brain. Good
communication is about good understanding.
How you interpret these levels is down to our guidance and
a belenque (a good way) is to give you metaphorical constructs
one upon another.
R: So what we see here isn’t necessarily what is here?
G: Oh, yes it is – it can be anything if it gives you the
understanding you need. What is really here? That is what you
are thinking and it is all part of your conundrum.
The answer to that is arkarna soul connectedness and infinite
possibility. In order for that to exist in that particular way,
there has to be an infinite number of ways of seeing existence.
If things ‘exist and don’t exist’, ways of seeing them become
more fluid.
R: Is there a consensus way of seeing?

G: Yes, there can be, but that is more to do with what you are
comfortable with. A person from a strict religious background
looking into the subject of soul connections might be happier
with interpretations relative to their teachings rather than
strange alien beings.
R: But once those constructs are gone and the database is not
in gear, is there a consensus?
G: In terms of vibrations and the loving intent of
communication – yes. The interplay is within the higher
collective consciousness or arkarna of the higher self.
Everyone has these channels of arkarna working in their daily
lives. Most are unaware of them because that would serve them
no purpose. It is a functioning, loving entity program, but it is
also you and the joint souls within it.
Our more aware contact with it has a purpose. We
understand its higher functional existence as well as the ability
to communicate directly with it.
When you know what it can do, you can extend your use of
it. It’s not like shopping for what you want because these
arkarnas respond to intent and action.
Higher self arkarnas will present themselves to you in order
to correspond with the more personal arkarna programs you
use. Conceptualising higher self, as a form of humanoid, is
common; it can then be seen as the embodiment of the
individuated souls. Please remember that, as an over-arching
arkarna program, it is also you.
R: What other things can it teach or give us.
G: I am glad you did not say, “Can I ask it questions?” because
the arkarna would reflect back to you your desire and reason of
asking. Such questions born from your level of asking would
meet you at your level, and you wouldn’t learn much about
them. This level of arkarna is functioning way above your
needs and desires. Its awareness spans much further and
includes lifetimes and timelines.
R: Explanations about the relationship of all these lives in the
same moment of now seems a little lacking.
G: That is so – however understanding a little more about the
arkarna higher self program is part of that explanation.
Communication with this arkarna is more about what it has for
you ‘as itself’ and what it ‘gives to itself’.
It may sound strange to be communicating with a loving
program that is self-aware, but it is a function of you – your
interactive awareness. I am trying to show its vast capabilities
and attributes. In truth it is not an ‘it’ nor is it a ‘him/her’ and
your language limits explanation of its expansive nature. For
your benefit, I will refer to this entity program as ‘her’. Let us
proceed further and see what she has to say to you.

Higher self Arkarna program (HSAP) starts speaking

HSAP: It is useful to see the difference between the
embodiment of me and the function of me. Any part of me
can have an interaction with me. It can be likened to your own
conscious programming that exists with you now and the
experience of you being Robert. I am situated within you and
without you. Non-locality is not a problem for me.
You have been learning about non-locality through
metaphorical communication. You think there are some holes
in the present information, so I can help with what you think.
Non-linear and non-time vibrational realities take you to
some unusual concepts that are difficult to relate to your
current experience. I start by reminding you that you are
energy and your body exists within the pulse; it is ‘there and
not there’. Your mind is also non-local, but it is also
compartmentalised in order that you may have many different
You now have a construct that your future and past lives are
some kind of program that you dip in and out of. This is a
comfortable way of seeing that energy format.
If I say that you are all these arkarna programs and they are
alive at the same time, then every version of you in every

moment would have to exist in the moment. To you, that
seems nonsense because of your current experience. The
inordinate amount of information and energy that’s required to
undertake such a thing is beyond your comprehension.
Orlacka explained about changing residual energies that
you/we have created in the past. Dealing with those created
energies sits comfortably with you.
In your current incarnation, you have experienced going
back to previous lives to change residual energy. You have also
visited the lives of others where you have directly intervened,
making suggestions for changes to that life. This was done in
conjunction with me as higher self arkarna. I presented the
situations to you (my compartmentalised self) in order to have
experience and change my/our residual energy.
In a similar way, interventions are happening to you at this
moment from outside the timeline that you are experiencing.
This is how it is with all souls.
You experience linear time and a form of consciousness. It
shows itself in your world as a constant, even though you are
within pulse and connected to all that came from Mowhar.
Your consciousness is inter-dimensional with apparent
segregations. It is not with you all of the time. Your mind is in
tune with other dimensions vibrating to their own specific
pulse. Your focus is not inside your body in the constant way
that you feel it. It is elsewhere.
I am you and you need not say, “where else is elsewhere?”
because my answer would be when else?
Let us pull together these diverse understandings so they
become cohesive. You have begun to accept that you are many
forms of arkarna with a multitude of focus possibilities and
different ways of communicating.
Time travel, as you see it, is to take your physicality out of
your current world through non-time space in order to locate it
in a different place and time. Your current body forms within
your dimensional pulse; it is there by virtue of the information
fields and the harmonies. It is and it isn’t; this is the way of
things. There are several technologies in various forms that can
recreate the information of you in a different moment or place.
But that is still all part of a program, and using technology
means the new time or place has had its information changed.
To you, this sounds very plausible because everything is energy
that can take on form or be converted to another kind of
energy expression.
But what of your consciousness? Certainly, it can follow
your intent to the new flux. But when is consciousness in or
not in a particular flux expression? If you go elsewhere, you
will still have the arkarna program attributes that you came
with, including the program of the veil of forgetfulness and
compartmentalisation. But you would also experience the
arkarna programs of the new ‘elsewhere’.
Arkarna programs are also communication and forms of
‘sensing’. Some of these are associated with psychic abilities. So
it shouldn’t be too much of jump from your current reality to
imagine that you can be in several different periods of time at
the same moment. However, you presently do not understand
their relationship to ‘no time’ and to each other.
As we communicate, try to feel comfortable with the fact
that you are conversing with yourself in your many diverse
projections in different mental realities. You interact with me
as if I am another person in my own right, not just an arkarna.
The last sentence was constructed so you did not think that
you are ‘self’ and the rest of you is a program. You are
different entities and you interact with them, enabling this
information to become conscious in your dimension.
The word ‘program’ was used to show how you can function
in other ‘entity levels’ at the same time. Seeing yourself as a
variety of arkarna ‘entities’ will now be a more helpful context.
R: I am still struggling with the past and future being more
than energetic programs. You create the impression it is an
omnipresence of everything.
HSAP: Yes, I know – I can see that. I also know that when
you express the struggle, it is your way to release the
immediacy of that frustration. Life does not always have to be
about immediacy or slow speed.
Let's focus on focus. There are multiple positions of focus
and ways of focusing or observing. Your present awareness is
predisposed to point your focus on to what you are thinking
Think not of points of focus but that focus exists in all
things as part of the fabric of arkarna entity programs. The
focus is everywhere all of the time because it’s a part of the
‘all’. That’s why you can move your awareness or allow it to be
in any focus anywhere. Your focus is already there, but you
don’t have it in your mind to see it that way. Your awareness is
partially hampered by concentrating upon the focus in Robert.
If I change my description from HSAP to higher self-
awareness HSA I become more like an entity. However, I am
also a program of awareness as you are a program of Robert
awareness. I am your awareness with the abilities to see and
take part in the formation of timelines.
To help you with information about who I am and how I
function I will talk about the omnipresence of all things in all
Aqueena is not taking part in the higher self-awareness you are
presently talking with. She is me, so she can be here if you
think her into our presence. Aqueena is a soul embodiment
expression at this level. As well as awareness and focus, she can
express herself and create wonderful residual energies.
You are at a different arkarna awareness where you express
and create residual energies. These things you find acceptable
because you view them as energy created within the universe
by you. But what you do not understand is that energy of this
kind can be focus as well as awareness. You are creating within
a dimension containing focus and awareness. You can bring
your awareness into multiple points of focus.
How does your present Robert awareness compare to our
other points of awareness?
R: I think that would be about my perception, which keeps me
to one awareness even though it pulses on and off within that
HSA: Prior to this book, we gave you diagrams that showed
how the pulses of other dimensions fitted into the non-
energised part of your dimensional pulse. On that occasion, we
were showing that pulse does not have to be ‘one beat on and
one beat off’ – that faster beats of some other-dimensional
realities can exist within the off mode of your pulse.
In addition to ‘pulse bursts of form’, awareness has to have a
program that fits its bursts of awareness together into a
continuous string. When you are in phase with a dimensional
pulse, your awareness programs can create residual energies. If
you are not in the ‘on’ of your earth pulse, you are in the
conscious awareness of other fluxes – even though you don’t
remember them. The awareness there would not serve the
experience of your current pulse, which is strung together on
earth. The fluctuations or pulses are, of course, incredibly fast
– but you are in all of them, all of the time, despite what you
feel or what the earth arkarna provides for you.
If we move away from pulse to non-time, we can observe
awareness as if the pulse was there or not there. This is
awareness and focus existing outside of pulse. At one stage,
you questioned if you could enter non-time by slowing down
focus until pulse stopped. You were told that the opposite was
true and, by vibrating faster, you were able to exceed its
vibration. In this way, it allows you to detach focus from the
pulse awareness and the ability to create energy within it.
From our current vibration, we could reinsert awareness
anywhere into pulse and alter an event to change the residual
energies. From our perspective, it’s more like a field of energy
that we can enter while not being dictated to by stimuli.
R: It feels so calm, but you say we are not in the ‘off’ of the
HSA: You feel as though time has stopped. Think of it this
way – you and your awareness are vibrating so fast that you can
now see several dimensions in the same place. It may help to
imagine a sphere with lines of energy that flow around the
outside and enter at the poles. A torus shape where time flows
in and out of itself. Time appears as a straight line, but it bends
around the surface of the sphere to disappear into itself. If the
torus pulses on-off, then so will time. Gravity is as much a part
of an arkarna program as is time.
All of these descriptions are metaphorical and designed to
break down your current mental barriers. At present, we are
only tilling the soil; we have yet to plant the seeds of ideas and
see them flourish.
The occurrence of events in sequence is your experience, but
it is only a program to give you that perception. So, let us take
things a little more out of sequence. The shimmers could
literally take you to somewhere else or give you a different
sequence, like a broken glass bottle re-forming.
R: But that’s time reversal
HSA: It would appear so because that’s the way you look at it
– through time. Let us change your perspective. Look in front
and you will see large sphere different to the previous one.
This time it is a mass of clouds twisting and turning as if
unable to escape from a large glass ball. What’s on the inside is
obscured by the misty swirls across the surface. If ‘thought’
exists within the centre of the sphere, it will have no external
or internal reference to time. Even the moving clouds are
chaotic and have no sequential or rational actions.
If we now change the sphere into a torus, the clouds will
disappear. A framework of energetic lines will form from the
centre of the sphere. Now whatever is ‘thought’ at the centre
affects the whole object. The torus is formed from the pulse
and vibrates to the pulse. The energy that moves around in the
sphere does so because it’s constantly being re-formed in the
pulse as part of a program. Yet, we have a fast pulsating sphere
that shows lines of movement or sequential events. In this way,
you can see that sequential events are also illusory because they
are part of a program for movement within the pulse.
If we go back to the past, which one should it be?
R: Presumably, to the timelines that we walked, which
shimmered between options where residual energy was created
en masse or by an individual.
HSA: Not the other possibilities that hadn’t been walked?
R: They wouldn’t be my past they would have only been
HSA: But if you went back to your past, would you know that
you had?
R: Sorry, this is becoming a really bizarre conversation. Are
you saying, if I went back with the current memory of what
had been before to a point before it happened?
HSA: But if you didn’t do that, you wouldn’t be you right now
– doing what you are doing.
R: But that’s paradoxical because I can’t be doing it for the
first time and then do it again. That would be doing the same
thing two or more different times.
HSA: So, as I was saying, which time?
R: Surely you can’t have multiple times of wanting to do the
same thing? The implication was that we could have multiple
ways of experiencing the creative and residual energies. But
that’s not the same thing as this explanation of time, is it?
HSA: Remember time is illusory, caused by a programme of
sequence. If we alter the program of sequence, you could have
groundhog day. How would you make sense of non-sequential
or apparently random events?
R: I couldn’t, and it would be chaos.
HSA: So, we have sequential events as a program, which you
see as time. In order to time travel, you come out of one
sequential event and reinsert into another. You can do that as
often as you like.
R: That’s not my experience.
HSA: Oh really, what are you doing now?
R: Sequentially tapping keys while listening to you.
HSA: And if you make a spelling typo, you go back
sequentially to alter it. If you re-read it and want to change a
word to a more helpful one, you do so.

R: I am checking typos and I wish to take issue again, but this time with
the wording. At this point, what had been written the first time feels a
little repetitive because it now follows the ‘previous interjection’. It shows
the original struggling with concepts when we have gained some of the
answers to those struggles by the previous interjection. To me, it’s an odd
feeling of repetition – it’s like crossing the same timeline or shimmer but
from a different direction.
A: I know you are keen not to repeat information but is it actually a true
repetition? You rightly surmised the feeling of passing through a small part
of the same shimmer. But you are getting hung up on the fact all things
should be sequential when, in fact, moving forwards and backwards is also
a form of sequential movement experience. What we have all helped to
write, you feel has been dramatically changed by a large information
interjection. That everything we wrote and said allowed you to come to a
more comprehensive awareness of ‘stitching together shimmers and
experiences’. That realisation should have followed at the end of the book,
as it would have been in the right time order. But the truth of the fact is:
unless we were helping you to re-read and check spellings, it would not have
come into your awareness at all. So in that respect, it is in the right order.
What we are doing right now shows how awareness can move into another
focus of information within the all. It’s like looking at different versions of
a breaking bottle but not in sequential order.
Your perception of this is going to be different from that of a reader because
you know what’s already been written. They are reading it for the first
time, so they are not aware of your sequential experience. The interjection
sits perfectly well in the flow of information to be read for the first time.
This clearly shows the difference in perspectives – you will not be able to see
this from the reader’s perspective. Whereas I can see the energetic resonance
that exists in it as information to be consumed.
R: Perhaps I shouldn’t have interjected this time.
A: Well have you learnt anything from it?
R: Yes it could have disrupted the flow, but I would have difficulty
ascertaining that because I am not coming at this as a reader. It also
shakes up what is meant by a correct and meaningful sequential order.
A: Good, some learning then! It does, however, show that a sequence is all
a matter of an awareness program. That layering information and
experience requires some of the same shimmers to be re-entered.
R: Till it’s right and then it’s experienced.
A: No this is the point we need to reinforce. All is happening all has
happened as shimmers. You can return to transmute residuals by crossing
and creating on the same shimmers. However, it is more a question of
trying to see the shimmers as a mental and emotional grid that interacts
with itself. See it as your mental and emotional ‘state’ not a discordant or
ancillary program but the very inner workings of who you are. It that way,
you are discovering who you are while creating who you are. The actual
events are not that important compared to creating and discovering you.
However, that doesn’t square with the paradox that in discovering
yourself, you have already done so. But that’s the reflection of Mowhar,
and I think that’s best left for another time.
R: Thank you, those last few sentences have helped.
A: Good, just pick up the typo check where you left off it will all become
another aspect of the same subject – a perspective of the same shimmers on
another vibration.
R: Straight back into questioning the comparison between typos and life.
R: Okay, I get the analogy – but typing is not the same thing as
a ‘life program’.
HSA: Well, the text exists as a program in your computer; the
information is stored in the hardware but it is also subject to
pulse, which re-forms the hardware as it was in the previous
pulse – or with the new word alterations. You can visit other
timelines – call up other Word documents and alter those.
R: But that’s still not my experience of my pulsating life, which
appears sequential.
HSA: That’s to do with your focus and your arkarna program.
R: Are you really saying that everything is random and it’s only
our focus programs that make sense of it?
HSA: Well, you accepted the shimmers in the metaphor!
R: Yes, you all explained that brilliantly, but that was about
possibilities and the treading of my timeline.
HSA: It was all about possibilities but within a ‘program of
sequential events’ or changes. However, you can also alter your
experiences by changing the way you think about them.
Because time is an illusion, if you do not want or need it, you
can de-select the time program but retain ‘sequential re-
forming’ within the pulse.
Try to see everything around you re-forming in bursts –
become aware of the here and not here. To do this you need to
vibrate exceptionally fast. We can be ‘in phase’ with ‘pulse on’
but when ‘in phase’ in the off moment we are not in the same
realm. When your awareness returns with each pulse of your
world, you are back. Your focus and awareness are in all
dimensions to varying degrees. Remember, focus is part of all
things, but it is awareness programs that create the experiences
within them.
The mind travels when it vibrates fast enough to loosen
awareness from where you are – you can then go to another
point of sequence: a before or after where you are. Time
becomes excluded from sequence.
R: But that’s not physical time travel.
HSA: Not in so many words. Physical time travel is also the
illusion of physical movement or travel – everything is illusory,
it’s just a matter of what interpretation arkarna you use.
Energies are re-formed in a different place all the time and,
despite what we have explained repeatedly, you slip back easily
into your previous thoughts about physical matter.
When you don’t focus upon your pulse as a physical reality
you start seeing it as a program. What was once a thing can
now be viewed as an energetic format like a hologram
blueprint. You can walk within it and through the blueprints of
objects. Not only will you see additional things, but you will
also sense them differently. It is more like melding with their
essence and knowing them for what they are by their energetic
As we look before us, we can see the objects of your world
pulsing on and off in holographic form. With our mind, we can
spin forward through the fluctuations as if time doesn’t exist. It
is only our mind that perceives this movement. We can go
back or forth and the hologram will change to suit the timeline
we are reviewing.
From where we are now, observe it as just a program. We
can again stop in any sequence, move and look around in a
program of sequential events.
R: What you present to my mind is very clear. Thank you.
HSA: What part of mind energy do you think it is?
R: I don’t know – yours?
HSA: Any part of the mind that vibrates to that level of
arkarna program – that is us. Awareness can be in any part of
‘everywhere focus’, it’s part of the varied programs that you
can choose.
You have an earth arkarna program running which provides
you with certain types of awareness and information. That
arkarna is also the blueprint for how you communicate
including the way to think. By unplugging part of your mind
from that, you are able to be here with me and other entities.
You are able to access this information because other
awarenesses and entities ‘of you’ – are presenting this
information to you in a way that sidesteps some of your
arkarna constraints. Your frustration is beginning to wane. I
remind you that in order for this information to arrive in your
dimension, you are decoding what we present – simple bite-
size pieces that make sense of some highly complex ideas.
It is so fluid here that not only can we move between
different arkarnas but we can change the programs within
them. We even have arkarnas that seem not to exist.
Look at the scene I am now presenting to you. There is
nothing here other than an arkarna program of just the two of
us as we stand together. Your mind is presenting itself to you
as a ‘being’ when I am an ‘entity arkarna of knowledge’. These
levels of creator possibilities are not the same as ‘experiencer
levels of self’, where you transmute energies through
experience and deed.
R: That’s a good explanation, thank you – so how does
Orlacka, for example, change her residual energies?
HSA: Well, that’s where you also come in, by clearing your
thoughts and feelings. Some of them were created in your past
lives and some of them in hers. She can direct you to certain
energies, thoughts and feelings, which you can then transmute.
She is able to change the ones you are dealing with because she
is you.
R: I understand what you say, though I don’t think I always get
the fullness of what you mean. Thank you for the explanations,
but these time-travel concepts do not feel complete.
HSA: How can we time travel if it time does not exist for us?
Orlacka’s energy, as well as Antemedi and Arksar, are with you.
R: So are you saying that I am interfacing with an arkarna
program for Antemedi, Arksar and Orlacka?
HSA: Yes, in the main, but not always. You are getting very
hung up on holding to ‘what you believe you are as Robert’.
You are a variety of arkarnas as well as a soul that is inter-
dimensional. Arkarna is so very different from your word
program. I could have used ‘interface’, as you did, but that
seems to give it a mechanical function rather than a mental and
emotional one. The more that you see yourself in the way we
describe ourselves, the more like us you are.
R: So, to use your terminology – Orlacka is not a time traveller
because she exists outside of time, but she can experience
sequential movement if she wishes – she can drop one focus to
have another one, which may be in any order. In that way, she
can have entirely different experiences to me. I remember she
said revisions to the past (me) wouldn’t change who she is now
unless she wants it to. So what was her past?
HSA: You, now, right here! And some other incarnations. You
only believe that you are you because it suits you. Then you
have the experiences you need. These are to face the energies
created by you and your family and those of your wider ‘soul
group’. Incarnating is also a responsibility for several levels of
soul – not that the responsibility needs to be a burden.
You are struggling because you still focus on the physical
element of your worldview. I remind you again – here, time
does not exist and you can reinsert focus back into the
hologram without being bound by time. Orlacka as soul can
vibrate to form a different energetic shell and change an event
by pinpointing mind focus on to a particular shimmer or
thought that you or she has had in a sequence. In that way, it
doesn’t really affect who she is in her dimensions.
You are all spanning many vibrations, but it’s a question of
what focus experience you wish and what you create and
transmute. If she wished, she could reinsert herself into a
section of the hologram with dual consciousness, then it’s a
question of what form she wishes to take or how much energy
and consciousness to put into either. You are in several
consciousnesses – look at you taking notes while viewing and
interacting with me.
You are just an experience of who you believe you are and
what you transmute. Robert doesn’t exist, he is an arkarna
program of fluctuating pulse energy. After death, you are
helped to let go of the idea of being who you were – that is
why there was a problem accepting that earlier!
R: Presumably Orlacka had other lives as Arcturian in different
dimensions? Has she chosen not to remember while in part
focusing here as me? Am I in part her, interfacing with her
arkarna program and not always her as an entity?
HSA: In the main, for your experiences.
R: So, is it a program that goes back to change her past.
HSA: Yes and no, it depends on what she wants to experience
and what energy she wants to transmute. It’s nothing to be
disappointed about – the arkarna is still hers, as are you. It’s the
value you place on these things that gives you the difficulty you
experience. It’s also your belief about who and what you are
that alters interpretations. Try not to see yourself as Robert but
that you have a focus in a holographic illusory world of pulse.
In this way, you can maintain a higher functioning awareness
that’s more fluid. Become more aware of the ‘love interface’
with the arkarna programs of yourself. At your core you are
soul, but you are an arkarna because you are all these things.
Orlacka has awareness of you while in entity, not just the
arkarna. You are not always aware of her direct input to you
through your Robert program. Neither are you aware of the
steps she sometimes takes to alter your/her experiences.
See yourself less as Robert and more as a fluid
consciousness. I am happy now to pass you back to Orlacka
who will talk about her direct contact with you.
R: Thank you.

Orlacka provides us with a metaphorical parable to help us
understand our multidimensional lives as well as the ways
we can experience them and receive enlightenment. She
says the energy of the story can reside in an individual and
awaken parts of the unconscious awareness.

Orlacka: While you are communicating through arkarna

programs, I reiterate that I am very much with you. You can
see me in shadow form as I stand in front of you.
There have been many times that I have assisted with
different energies or thoughts – sometimes during
bereavements, other times during stress or moments when you
needed encouragement.
I explained that I can ‘relocate’ myself very easily. I am not
constrained by the need to think in any particular way.
However, I am here today to take you on a different path not
related to recent topics. I wish to present a multi-layered fable.

The beginning is the end

A long time ago, there was a boy who set out on a journey
across a very wide desert – he was told that all would be well
and he had no reason to suppose it would be any different.
However, he encountered various hardships and times of great
doubt. After many years, he eventually reached the other side
of the desert, but as a man and all the better for enduring a few
He arrived as a much stronger and wiser person. Indeed all was
well for he was taken in by a village as their guest. He spent
many hours talking to children about the things that he had

learnt. However, there were many elders who were set in their
ways and did not like the new ideas being told to keen and
eager minds. The ideas threatened their current way of thinking
and the order of things.
So, the man was banished to the desert and forbidden to speak
to the children. Just out of sight, he managed to survive a
reasonable distance from the village. He would help and guide
other travellers in exchange for provisions. Children from the
village brought him water and food so that they could listen to
more of the stories and teachings.
When the town’s elders heard this, they forbade the man to
remain within a day and a night’s walking distance of the
village. However, there were two teenagers who would not be
put off. And so, they occasionally made the arduous walk
together when time would allow. By now the man was getting
very elderly, but he continued to teach the boy and girl all that
he knew. One day, when all was complete, the old man who
was nearing the end of his life said, “You must make your own
way in the world – wisdom has no meaning if you do not use
it. Live your life and show it to others.” He gave them his
blessing and asked them not to return.
So the teenagers lived their lives in their different families.
They used some of the knowledge, but life and family
responsibilities took their toll. As they grew into a man and a
woman, they did not live their life according to the wisdom
they had been taught. Many years passed and everyone forgot
about the old man who had long since died.
One day, the man who was once the teenager and was now a
widower came across a tree in the desert when searching for a
lost animal. It was exactly one day and one night’s walk from
the village. At once he knew it to be the place where he used to
meet the old man. So he sat at the base of the tree. He relaxed
in the comforting memories allowing what he had forgotten to
return. A speck of energy gradually formed a portal, which
gently opened to encompass the tree and him. The man could
hear the voice of the old man, and when he brought his full
awareness upon him he was able to see and speak with him. He
travelled through the portal to a different world but he was not
perturbed by the fact the old man’s appearance had changed.
The old man looked remarkably like he did as if he were a
reflection of himself. Everything that one man did was
mirrored by the other. They both sat down opposite one
another and the widower realised that they both knew what the
other was thinking. They did not need to speak nor say
anything, there was nothing that they could give to the other
that they did not have already.
After a while, a very tall, thin man approached them and asked
that they should walk with him. The tall man took them to a
group of ‘innocent people’. They were very inquisitive and had
no prejudices or fears. They wanted to know how the two men
had become so compatible. It seemed to this group that there
was no difference between the two men.
The taller man looked unusual because of his exceptional
height, but he had nonetheless many characteristics and
similarities in common with the two men. His demeanour and
wisdom were so enchanting, he was quite intoxicating. He said,
“One of these men is what he is because he has been tested and he has
gained what he has. The other has been taught the same things and has the
wisdom of who to be. But neither one of them is valued any more or less
than the other – in my eyes, they are both the same. Who did what or
before the other is of no relevance when they are one and the same – who
here wishes to judge them and see a difference?”
There was no answer, but the tall man could see a boy hiding
at the back of the crowd with his face tilted in shame. The
crowd parted for the tall man as he walked towards the boy.
The boy did not want to look at the tall man or at either of the
two men. He was frightened that he would ‘see a difference’
and that he would be seen and judged for doing so. The two
men left the side of the tall man and came forward in love.
They said to the boy that he was no greater or worse than they
were. They told him of Mowhar and a different way of
thinking. They explained it in ways that only the boy could
grasp. The boy listened intently and he became filled with new
ideas and possibilities. He wanted to put these to use and have
the different experiences that they would bring.
So, the tall man brought forth a camel and gave it to the
inquisitive boy. It had sufficient supplies for all the years he
would take to cross the desert. He told the boy all would be
well because it already was. The tall man said that when he
reached the other side of the desert, the boy would be a man.
The boy did not fully understand, but he had no reason to
suppose it would be any different because in his heart he knew
he could trust the tall man. As the boy waved goodbye and
started his journey, the energies changed – they shimmered and
re-set themselves.
The man who was once looking for his animal began to change
his awareness. He was moving back through the portal
remembering who he was and that he had a family to return to.
At the thought of this, he awoke at the bottom of the tree next
to his lost animal with no time lost.
Upon returning to his village, the man found a commotion. It
seems a traveller had just found his way there on a camel. He
must have come from distant worlds because he spoke in
different languages. He looked most unusual with strange eyes
and glowing clothes. Because he was so different, many in the
village became fearful and wanted him to go away.
The man who had returned from the portal knew in his heart
who the other was. He smiled at the traveller who was once a
boy, and each knew the other’s thoughts as if they were their
own. The villagers were still perturbed by such an odd human,
so the widower took him home to his children and wider
family. They made the stranger most welcome without
judgement and fear. The stranger and the widower sat together
as two men would. For many days they spoke with each other,
but their lips did not move. They were more than a reflection
of each other. They knew each other and how they thought.
They knew how their hearts made them act and that filled
them with love and joy.
Then, one day soon after, a shadow cast itself across the
ground in coldness. This feeling made the traveller and the
man stand erect in knowingness. This time they spoke aloud
each other’s languages as if they were their own. They knew
they were needed by the villagers, despite being shunned. A
crowd muttered and cowered by the edge of the one and only
water well. Angst and foreboding formed deep furrows in the
brows of the villagers, but it did not stop the two men from
peering over the edge.
At the bottom, a reptile writhed and thrashed in the dark,
spoiled water. It had defecated and was poisoning the village
supply. It could not be left in there any longer so the widower
lowered the unusual traveller to the bottom whereupon he
spoke to the reptile.
The reptile could not instil fear in the traveller whose very
body began to shine brightly with light. He put the beast upon
his shoulders and climbed out of the well.
When the sun struck the reptile, it leapt from the traveller’s
shoulders and changed into a wicked angry man of the past. It
strode about cursing and making threats. It created misery for
all in its reach. Its breath was vile and black and the villagers
became more afraid.
Only the man and the traveller, who could speak other
languages, came forward. They tried to reason and assist the
beast of a man. But the reptile man was so angry he even
despised the men who were trying to help him. The creature
was so filled with bile and vitriol that its own liquids began to
consume him. The two men shrouded the reptile man in a
cloak in order that he would not leave his stain upon the land.
Though the reptile man knew he was destroying himself, he
would not change – he could only hate and consume.

The two men kept the remnants of the creature in a cloak and
took it to the tree in the desert whereupon a different portal
opened. This time, the connection was to a faraway realm
made of the same bile and vitriol as the creature. What was left
of the reptile man became a part of that world and it travelled
there through the portal. The cloak, however, was left behind,
tarnished by the vileness. The man and the traveller laid the
garment upon the ground. Light poured forth from the hearts
of the men and the stains faded. The cloak transformed and
became an energetic tapestry of words. It floated unseen in the
ether, extolling wisdom and new thoughts. It was available in
the minds of villagers if they cared to look.
The two men did not seek reward or thanks. Neither were they
given nor offered. The widower’s children were full-grown so
he had no dependants or reasons to stay.
It is said that the man and the strange man travelled far away to
discover other worlds. They have not been seen since, but then
again no one can really be sure.
Some say that they talk in their minds to them.

R: That’s unusual, not sure what to make of it.

O: It is different from our usual conversations. I know you are
not keen on it as a fable, but there are layers of insights we can
draw out. It was a way to walk you through the beginnings of
some new thoughts.
The reptilian influence was discovered in its hiding place –
and once it was seen for what it really was, it disguised itself as
a human. To many, through millennia, it will have appeared in
human form. Despite its disguise, anyone with awareness could
still see its vileness. The two men were not afraid of it. The one
from the faraway lands knew all about the creature because he
had met such beasts before. Without fear of the creature, he
was able to escort it back to its own vibrational density.
At the beginning of this story, the first man became very
learned through his endeavours as he journeyed through the
desert. He shared the wisdom he gained so that others did not
need to undertake the same tasks. Unfortunately, not many
wanted to hear his words, but a male and female progeny were
primed. Listening to something new changed their thoughts
and genetics. They became filled with intent, even if it did not
always transpire. They had children of their own with other
villagers. They were filled with more light, so it changed all
who bred with their offspring – influencing all society. It did
not matter they had forgotten the task the old man had set
them. This was the deed that they were set to do.
When the widower came upon the land of the old hermit, he
instantly remembered all he knew. The old man was able to
reach from another realm and transport the man. Once there,
he saw that they were the same person but with separation
experiences. Their purpose was to be both a teacher and a
student to each other and to learn from their different
experiences. But only by separation could they learn such
things. When the total realisation came, they could both accept
they were each other. They would always know what the other
was thinking.
Yet, there were still many other lives they could live in
separation; one even as an unusual humanoid, so different he
could not be understood.
This brings us to the boy who set out across the desert. Was
he the boy that became the old man at the beginning of the
story? Had we slipped time and returned to see the old man
start his initial quest again? Or was this a shimmer and a
repeating pattern of thought?
The boy was clearly someone who needed the experience of
the desert. He took charge of depleting his old ways of
thinking. He travelled to other worlds beyond the desert and
was gone for such a long time that when he returned, he had
become a different person. When he emerged from the desert,
the ideas of who he was had changed so much that he became
unrecognisable – except to the one person who had seen him
leave as a boy. His travels and experiences in other worlds were
so varied that it enabled him to remove the shimmers and
repeating patterns.
The reptile man was deleted from the program of existence.
Because there was no more that could be seen or done for the
villagers, the student and the teacher became as one.
There are many more meanings hidden within the words
above, some of which will trigger different thought processes
in the readers as they relate it to other thoughts in their own
inner knowing.

Orlacka and Antemedi introduce Robert to an energetic
surgeon who helps him to see in a new way by removing
comforting and familiar reference points. Antemedi then
takes him to a past energy where other aliens have tried
unsuccessfully to engage humans in constructive dialogue.
Tecca shows them their vessel and some of their

Orlacka: I have Antemedi with me, he wants to say a few

words of encouragement.
Antemedi: These writings were never going to be easy. They
require effort on your part but they are within your capabilities.
It is what you have been trained to do. While you may not see
the significance of Orlacka’s story it does have correlations
with many people’s lives.
It was good you typed it, as shows you are open to what we
have to say. The story contains energy, as do all words that are
given with intent. It will reside in the subconscious as another
energetic platform for anyone that takes an interest in it.
Just trust that it was given for good reason. When I said,
“you have been trained”, I mean that – it is the culmination of
the years you have been listening to us all. Many of the ideas
we are putting forward now can be expanded upon in the
Robert: Thank you.
A: To other matters – Orlacka and I shall remain with you so
that we can hold your energy securely between us.
O: Look at me, what do you see?

R: A welcoming face though it is so very different from my
O: I could change it.
R: No it’s fine as it is – something about getting used to how
someone is.
O: Then you are reading the energies we are holding you in.
Familiarity is what we wish to look at; it usually brings comfort
or a sense that all is well. (Orlacka moves to my rear where
Antemedi is.) We are walking you forwards into a new energy,
you will be bound by our thoughts. However, we are also
standing here to keep you steady so you do not retreat!
R: (The scene) A large humanoid looms up in front of me it then
stares deep into my eyes before moving behind me to join the
others. The energy pushing from behind me becomes very
forceful. It moves me forward with a feeling that nothing can
halt our passage, and while the movement is rather abrupt, I
feel safe with all these energies around me. We come to a door
and all file through except for the large person.
There is a small wooden table and stool in the middle with of a
room. I know someone is here even though I can’t quite see
them yet.
Person unknown (PU): Welcome to a lesson on distraction.
Communication can have elements of distraction; this is when
you don’t listen properly or where there is too much
information. It is the familiar that distracts you from the
You are predisposed to see what you know or expect – the
database has been explained. Your current way becomes
familiar because you get used to expecting certain experiences.
We would like to help you dispense with as much familiarity as
is comfortable. Put your head forward so that we may inspect
the energetic triggers. Are you happy for me to do this?
R: Yes my trusted people brought you in.
PU: They have sought me out because of my skills with
energetic surgery. You will need to stop typing for a short
R: (The scene) I lay face down on the lounge carpet and feel
various changes taking place with minor pains. The surgeon
removed what he referred to as ‘dumbers’. He did this at
various chakra points all the way along my body.
I became aware of several energies and thoughts being pushed
to one side. For example, the removal of concepts like ‘hard
work, success and failure’, which are forms of duality traps. I
thank the energetic surgeon and he leaves, pleased to have
been of help.
A: Good, let’s see what we can bring you without the use of
the familiar. No need to expect because you do not know what
or even if there is anything to expect. Keep to the stillness, feel
this energy – this way of being – just like the observer energy
in the metaphor.
There is no time schedule, no needing to get on with typing
in order that it should be finished. It doesn’t require dedication
or commitment nor for you to put other things aside. There is
no judgement as to what is or isn’t valuable. Information just is
and can be part of the Isness within you. You do not need to
look for new things or new ways of seeing them. If you have
no filters to the words we say, then what we present will follow
its course. If there are opportunities for you to grow a little
within the book dictations, we will help you take them.
I do not need to explain what the surgeon did nor what it
means. The drivers and dumbers are the familiar pedals and
keys on the piano. There is no searching and there is nothing
to search for. What comes is all part of your arkarna programs
which work in conjunction with us.
Now then – please walk forwards away from Orlacka and
R: (The scene) As I walk forwards my awareness splits in two –
one is forward and one is back here with Antemedi and
Orlacka. My forward focus comes back to me where I was but
then moves to my rear about 20ft away. That awareness of me
looks exactly like I do. He/me moves around me until he has
increased my auric bubble. This part of my awareness returns
to me and helps me feel very relaxed. I am imbued with the
feeling that familiarity has no meaning or benefit.
In the distance, I see a man who walks towards me. He doesn’t
stop and goes straight through me and out the other side. As
he does so an essence of him is left inside me – a particularly
weird feeling!
Next, there are men and women coming from all directions
and they also walk into me. The weird feeling cumulates; it is
most peculiar – they are all in me as separate entities, but they
are also the composite of me as well.
A: This energy will help with your periphery observation in a
variety of ways. Let us move on and walk forward again.
R: (Observing) I remind myself that I should not be searching or
trying to see what is here. After a short while, I feel that I have
reached the edge of my understanding of what makes my
world what it is. The previous programme of familiarity was
also a containment field. Without it, I would have no familiar
normal life boundaries, and prior to today’s event, its removal
would have caused great uncertainty and worry.
We continue forwards and there is a sense that we are walking
over burning embers but the heat has no effect on us. We
arrive at a distorted place with folded planes and sharp corners.
We pass through these planes, which I can now see are
energetic lines of force. We have entered a government or
specialist building associated with space discovery and cutting
edge science.
We are in a large square concrete room with a flat dense
ceiling. The wall on the left has a window that starts at
shoulder level, rising to the ceiling. It runs the full length of the
wall with intermediate supports. Looking out of the high
window is a man wearing a white technician’s coat. He seems

pleased with himself, quite ebullient and rather pompous
because he has an alien in this secure monolithic room.
A: We cannot be seen for who we are because we are within
our soul group awareness of this past event. However, you may
talk with this alien being because our communication is not
time dependant – the being is called Tecca.
R: (Observing) Tecca is sitting on a plywood chair with metal
legs at a table in the same style. Behind Tecca on the opposite
side of the room to the high-level window are a series of glass
containments which span from floor to ceiling so several
rooms can be seen at the same time. The man in the
technician’s coat has a desperation to know what Tecca is
R: (I say to Antemedi) What is this place and why am I here in
what appears to be a past event?
A: It’s okay, just flow with the energy – experience this as if
you were the soul that was here when this happened. Though it
will be an alteration in part because of your involvement.
R: Should I talk telepathically with Tecca?
A: I have introduced myself – he can see that you are here in
another vibration.
R: Hello, Tecca. I hope they are treating you well.
Tecca (T): As well as you would expect in a place like this.
Several of us arrived here of our own free will. I remained,
wishing to speak to a human earth consciousness that would
understand what I was saying. I can communicate with these
people including the person you see. But they really can’t
understand why I say the things that I do – they don’t have the
conceptual ability and flexibility of mind to understand me.
Of course, the dialogue is all about what they want. We are a
race unknown to them and they wonder how we are
compatible with their atmosphere. My vibrational existence
here does not rely upon what they think. They are obviously

very cautious about contamination, so this building is about
containment as well as incarceration. They are unable to accept
that germ growth is vibrational and dependent on the body’s
acceptance of that vibration.
Let me show you these two energies, which look like white
rods. These energies cannot be seen or detected by the
humans. They can be placed in opposing corners of this room
when it is time for me to leave. The rods will disrupt time
within the space between them. At the moment they appear in
slow motion before activation. When I activate them I will be
relocated. The humans will have no idea that this is possible
nor realise we can alter timeline programs so that memory
becomes inaccessible.
We will be leaving no trace of our visit and the humans will
not remember us; our friends the Andromedans are well aware
of our presence. Perhaps another time we may meet different
humans and our presence will be more welcomed. Thank you
for bringing your consciousness here. I can see your thought
processing is interesting – it makes me realise that beyond the
time you are experiencing, there are future possibilities for
better communication. When I return would you like to come
with me?
R: Yes, but this moment I am not entirely sure what this
meeting has been about and why I’ve been taken back to this
A: Well, there has been much consternation about the
proliferation of nuclear weapons. At different times many
beings have tried to help humanity to see the futility of these
devices. As Tecca says, humans only want to hear what is
beneficial to nations’ and individuals’ self-interests.
We may now go with him. We are not fully resonant here
and as unseen we can help place these resonators around the
room. Tecca did this by himself before. He mentally projected
the rod energies to those opposing positions.
He did it in a different dimension to the concrete buildings.
The rods were energised then he was relocated.
R: This really is sci-fi stuff.
A: Not really, it depends on which dimensional reality you are
interacting with.
R: There is no corroborating evidence to show any of this is
real – does it even have a place in the communication book
that you are presenting?
A: Let us go with Tecca and see what he says.
R: (The scene) As the rods do their work there is a soft vibration
of white light. When it settles, we find ourselves in a craft of
some kind. It has unusual curved sweeping edges and ceilings
with different variations of grey and cream. There’s plenty of
light but I can’t see any lighting units – the light just seems to
exist by itself. Obviously, I’m only there in a part of my
consciousness and continue to type on the keyboard. I feel a
bit ‘wobbly’ in the consciousness in their dimension, so they sit
me down to help regulate my energies. Tecca is quite a bit
smaller than us and his presentation is more ‘light’ than
anything else.
A: Reformatting – It’s similar to what Orlacka talked about
before – specific focus and energising vibrational patterns.
R: With or without technology?
A: Technology can enhance certain vibrational patterns. It is
part of the reason for you to be shown the events today –
listen to what he has to say.
T: Now that my energy is vibrating as a more complete focus
and not tuned into that lower dimension, you can see my
fullness. I understand you have been having conversations
about time, the greater abilities of mind and how the mind can
work in conjunction with technology. I know you have been
told about technology and the self-aware programs.
Indeed, self-aware programs are part of the function of
technology and vice versa. Protocols exist as part of that but
they can be overridden.
Anyway I shall put that aside for the moment. I wish to say
“welcome”, it gives us joy to have a human consciousness on
board with us – I have brushed up on my teaching skills.
R: Because we moved from a previous timeline, what time
frame are we in now or what sequential event?
(Agghhh! got a high pitch noise in my ears!!! – Quite painful.)
T: There – that was helpful; you should be able to hear me
better now. We are not in time. You are stuck trying to locate
‘where and when’, and that holds you back to those
R: So was any of this real? Though I guess that’s to do with
comprehension of different mental realities.
T: I know you have had conversations like this one already.
We have similar technology to the Andromedans, which allows
us ‘information access’ which will be pertinent to what we wish
to know. We can accesses this mentally or through technology
reinforced programs that run alongside our own arkarnas. I am
happy to use the word arkarna for I am aware of your
limitations even in your totality.
I am not within your particular soul relationship but I am
still able to download or attach myself to the ‘knowing of you’.
It is all part of arkarna at this level. It flows in the moment like
the shimmers you have seen. Things adjust to suit the
circumstances. The ‘knowing’ works according to the different
dimensions and to the particular parameters of the species
using them.
I know all this sounds fantastical – that’s understandable.
While you were given help to let go of some familiarities,
‘dimensionality’ isn’t an easy thing to see in completeness from
your level. I am, however, happy to try some different
explanations. I have been briefed about you while in another
arkarna program, which was all a part of the rationale for this
Our realms of consciousness have very different rules that
govern them. Come follow me to where it’s a little less busy.
R: (The scene) There’s a lot of activity with various members of
crew or passengers with tasks. They are fully aware of our
focus and vibration so give us the appropriate space. Antemedi
and I lower our heads, as the doors and openings are designed
for smaller occupants. The ceiling in the first room seemed to
stretch up and up, perhaps part of an optical illusion caused by
the light ‘just existing’.
We are now in an elongated room with a much lower ceiling.
At various points there are holographic screens floating above
a long table.
They initially appear flat but the energetic aspect of the screens
moulds its projections to suit the operator’s needs. At one, a
female has extended both her hands and forearms into the
hologram. From the side view, it is a ‘sketchy energetic image’
and her hands are moving about in wispy energies. She is
engrossed with what appears to be a planting scheme.
As I pass behind her the hologram has a more intense
energetic projection. It becomes ‘formative’ just like a 3d reality
and I feel I could actually walk into it. The colours are so vivid
and it’s so real that she must actually have her hands in another
reality. Perhaps the energy of the screen wraps around like
gloves into another world.
She turns and smiles at me, hearing my thoughts. She is very
petite with dark hair and very wrinkly skin. She seems to be a
different race to Tecca. She refocuses and by thought is able to
roll forward the image within the screen. This means she
moves much further into where she is working while still being
seated. She is moving around in another reality while she is still
T: Seeing something is better than a description. This lady is
not one of our usual crew, she is here to help with a replanting
scheme for an ancient walkway. It was designed to radiate
different energetic resonances. Each plant has different tones
and sounds so as you pass them you can detect the various
vibrations. It is a way of making a musical or harmonic walk.
I hasten to add it is not your earth world.
R: As we move along, the ceiling gets lower still. Tecca moves
to the other side of a table and I sit opposite him with
Antemedi on my left.
I am aware of Orlacka’s energy on my right, but it is faint.
T: Welcome properly.
R: He shows us a diagram of the vessel. It has an elliptical
shape and that’s why the spaces near the edges get smaller. It
has several levels and compartments but this is the functional
floor. He explains the edges radiate a specific energy, which
encapsulates everything. It’s a large enough vessel but
apparently, it can alter in shape!
T: I know you don’t yet understand dimensionality
fluctuations. Space is non-local. That means it’s the same
everywhere but perceived differently because of the flux or
pulse of different dimensions. If you perceive a single point,
then that single point is everywhere and it is everything.
However, there are even levels beyond that form of oneness.
At the moment this vessel is vibrating to a dimensional level
of oneness. We are everywhere and nowhere because there is
no location relative to other things around us. However, we are
slightly distorting the Isness because we have created a point of
space within it. Actually, the whole of our ship is many points
in the Isness because of its fluctuation in pulse. It is a
dimension within another dimension – not in its usual or
casual dimension.
Outside the ship ‘the everywhere and nowhere’ is all the
same before it gets different at deeper levels within the Isness.
It’s a bit like a mirror of a mirror in all directions. But let’s keep
it to these levels of non-locality. As I said, we are residing in a
different dimension within that. We are not travelling anywhere
because there is nowhere here and nowhere to go, but at the
same time it’s an interconnection to everything that you can’t
see – so in a way it’s everything. If we wish to materialise we
change the vibration and the shape of the craft to suit the
dimension. You could see it as an energetic suit, which we can
phase up or down.
It is unusual and you don’t understand all I am saying. If I
lift up my arm, I extend the energy of the ship because it
moves with my arm. I said a short while ago that it could
change shape if it needs to because it is interactive with us.
Changing shape can be for several reasons, but what I have
shown is intent. The awareness programs of our vessel interact
with us. We would not normally do this and I only did so to
show you what is possible.
R: So your vessel isn’t solid.
T: Come on Robert! I thought you were past that – everything
that’s solid is a programme of energy. It depends at what level
of programs you are working at, which in turn corresponds to
the relevant vibrating energy and information.
R: I can’t get my head round that.
T: You are here with me and you believe your solid part is on
earth typing as we experience these things. That’s because you
have become used to the phrase ‘pliable mind’. That keeps you
to bending and moving what you know or believe. Of course,
that is true for what you currently know in terms of the
ownership of self.
In this instance, it’s more useful to see the mind as a variable
fluxing energy. When talking with us or viewing things at
distance, you are there by virtue of being connected to all space
through non-space. A place and a concept that is everywhere at
the same time. To help, you could imagine it as similar to the
‘nothing’ before the formation of Mowhar and the creation of
perpetual pulses.
R: Okay, at one level we are ‘everything’ but we can be in
different focus points by virtue of the fact we have non-space
within us and outside of us. No distance can be measured
because there is nothing to measure it with and there is no
space. I still find it difficult to comprehend and conceive.
Should I accept that like nothingness there is no way to
conceive of it because it doesn’t exist, otherwise it would be
something? But paradoxically it must exist as ‘non-existence’.
Why am I seeing the outside of the craft as a creamy beige
T: What is non-space meant to look like if it exists as non-
R: So is this to do with the rates of pulse?
T: A place of no pulse and non-creation – the place before
R: From nothing is everything.
T: And vice versa, it is paradoxical.
R: If you can be anywhere, why is the vessel still in nowhere?
How do you locate a place you want to go to when you have
no reference point in non-space?
T: Good question, but you have been shown that concept
before when you reach for a place and the rest of you follows
the reaching. It is clear to see that your memory access is not
like ours. However, to widen that answer I would say it also
depends on the dimension you wish to create in non-space and
what one you wish to exist at.
R: Interesting – that wasn’t on my radar.
T: With previous explorations, you have entered finer
dimensions by vibrating faster. You have felt this to be going
inwards as if entering your centre; a bit like heading towards a
small door at the end of a tiny corridor. Things get smaller and
smaller, but when your mind passes through the door
everything gets incredibly big.
Bigger than the dimension you came from because having
gone through to your centre, you find that all centres are
connected to all centres everywhere – infinite. That is your
perception about vibrating in another dimension when you are
in the same vibration as it.
R: You know a huge amount about what I’ve been thinking.

I find it extraordinary you know me so well.
T: Programs within programs and accessible arkarna programs
working in conjunction with mine. I know you find that hard,
but it is none the less true. I know everything about you to the
smallest detail as well as knowing nothing about you. The
information forms as I need it because the arkarna programs at
these levels allow us to interact with one another – as if we are
the other having full knowledge of them. Like the
Andromedans and Arcturians, we can use technology to
enhance programs.
Initially, your mind has conceived that we are in a craft that
creates a bubble within non-space. An alternative, more helpful
way to see that is creating a bubble of no space around us but
that it has no outer edge. One shows ‘infinite and nothingness
contained’ in a bubble whereas the other is ‘nothingness with
no desire to see if it has a boundary’. The latter best suits the
situation because of the way your mind ‘seeks things’ and of
course, seeking in nothingness is futile. We are in a bubble of a
bubble with no edge.
R: But if you are in non-space you must have flux or pulse to
T: Yes. I will help you with your feelings because if you feel
‘you understand’ you won’t be feeling that ‘you don’t
understand’. I do however need to expand upon ‘the reaching’
for the benefit of the reader.
Now then – let’s say you look out of a window and see a star
that you would like to travel to. Feel that you are reaching your
arm all the way across space because your arm also exists in
non-space and non-space exists with it. When you have your
fingers on the tiniest spec of space dust next to the star you
want to go to – you have created a link through non-space.
You have your connection you can see it – all you then do is
pull on the dust particle and allow the rest of your body to
enter non-space and catch up to where your finger is. A bit like
turning yourself inside out or pulling a jumper off your head.
R: That had slipped my mind. The metaphor is the same one
Antemedi used when explaining the process to me. It really
helped me to ‘feel I could understand’ even though the
technological process behind it would be incomprehensible to
T: Yes, it is a good metaphor and yes, you do have a poor
memory. If you were like me and had a better ‘access interface
to knowledge’ then your memory would be no problem, it
wouldn’t be needed for that way of thinking. How do you
think you would cope with accessing all current knowledge
that’s been shared by humanoids?
R: There would be differences between accessing what I knew
and had forgotten and what I wasn’t aware of. Any new
information that was way beyond my boundaries would be
difficult to comprehend unless there was context. I would need
the right arkarna programs in place to deal with accessing
information like that. I take your point ‘just accessing’ is a very
different way of thinking and certainly falls within the theme of
this book.
T: There are levels of you that undertake these tasks I have
described. There are many, including Orlacka next to you,
whose consciousness is not at full volume.
R: Tecca, this has been great, it’s helped a lot. But I still
struggle with the ‘not being me’. It’s not easy to accept that
Robert is an experience. I realise I am looking to see which
part of me I am and I haven’t fully entered a focus to see that I
am all those aspects of me.
T: You can’t think your way out of a feeling. Maybe you
should work on changing your feelings. You have been told
about the timeline shimmers and entering a program that
forgets. These are vibrations where you have no need to
remember. Becoming more fully conscious is very comfortable
when you let go of yourself. It is a feeling that you are coming
home and remembering what home was.
Remembering that you are other beings, a series of beings or
lifetimes past and future. It may take a little adjustment to a
new series of memories, but it will be pleasant. It will be the
same as you do every morning. Initially, you wake and think,
“Where am I? – oh yes, I’m in my bedroom and I am me”.
R: Getting in touch with that feeling of being home in myself
is making me a bit emotional. Thank you for all your efforts. I
still have lots of questions such as – why did we meet in the
particular circumstances we did?
T: Because I wished to interact with and experience the
consciousness of evolving human energy. I am glad to have
assisted, and there will be more I can help with. Orlacka will be
here very shortly, her energy is becoming more focused.
R: Tecca, did you infer previously or did I mishear that there
was another element to non-space – a sort of reverse side?
T: Indeed I did. Orlacka and I will outline that if you like.
R: Can you tell me more about you?
T: I am not keen on definitions ‘being this or that’– it is a
focus of comparison. You will put me in a box when in reality
I am multidimensional and can move easily within different
projections – I have many lives. That is not what you wanted
to hear but it is far better to place no values on the difference
between us. The information I supply is more beneficial than
trying to be specific in describing what is difficult to describe.
In any event, you would not understand some of the
descriptions of us nor our ability to interface in different
forms. These levels are exceptionally fluid, and a simple
definition will not suffice.
As more unfolds in these sessions, you will understand and
the descriptions will feel more specific because they need to be
all-encompassing. Specific to a point but all-encompassing, and
so Mowhar shows herself again. Of these things and more of
me, you will learn in the months ahead.
O: That is so, there will be more revelations. Tecca and I could
be considered as good friends. We are not of the same race,
and our understandings are complementary but not necessarily
the same. When we meet, we can see possible alterations that
are worth implementing in our arkarna programs. This mainly
involves inter-race communication.
You have been given some concepts of non-space. All
possibility and no possibility with no distance or separation.
However, you feel this space is a general emptiness and you
have an ambivalence to it as if it has no worth.
R: Well surmised.
O: It’s not entirely like that. When we talk of higher vibrations
or faster-vibrating energies you try to locate them in their
relationship to one another. Higher isn’t up and lower isn’t
down; they are all intermingled within the same space.
The sea has salt in it and is also made of oxygen and
hydrogen but on the face of it, it’s a liquid. We could say that
water is a dimension and that aquatics are intermingled within
it. There are places where the water dimension doesn’t exist,
where instead there is land and air. All of this is within pulse
‘here and not here’, all a vibration.
There are other vibrational dimensionalities that can exist in
the same places, but they do not have to. Humans have
connectivity with other dimensions through their
multidimensional self. This means several dimensions exist
within your aura. These are external to your physical body
(within the air) and internal within the flesh, bones, nervous
systems and DNA. The multidimensional nature of things does
not need to occupy the same places.
A place is a specific location, whereas space is bounded even
if it is a void. Some dimensions don’t exist everywhere, but
even though there may be pockets or voids, they are still all
connected by non-space. It is as if there is no space between
them – that they are one and the same and there is no division.
In addition to connection by soul multidimensionality, there
are portals and other connections. Some portals connect to
similar vibrating densities others connect to different
vibrations. It is possible to see some of these as energetic
threads. Like the silver cord from your mother’s dying body to
where she stood removed from the body pain.
Different cords exist within thoughts, particularly when
thinking about other people or by linking to them. Another
example would be concerts or places of joyous meetings. The
cords from the people might appear to be complex but at the
same time quite beautiful as certain emotions are shared and
released. Joint meditations and spiritual singing also produce
cords. This is inter-dimensional energy, which moves through
We explained that filters were once placed around the earth
to contain its negativity. These filters also inhibited the
connecting cords and portals as well.
The more we describe the ‘way of energy’ the easier it will be
to accept you are beings of light utilising a body shell in a
pulse. In a comparable way, higher dimensional beings have
‘light projections’ as bodies. As you accept this you will begin
to see that your physical body is a manifestation of your
vibrational resonance – what you think, believe and feel you
are. You are light beings every one of you.
Perception is another matter. Some vibrations are close to
one another and can appear as a combined unit.
Metaphorically, for example, space encompasses the sun,
moons, planets, water, air and land because they are all part of
that dimensional pulse. Yet, there are other dimensions of the
earth that are not seen because they are vibrating differently.
Of finer vibrations within a vibration, we have already
mentioned that earth will upgrade to a fifth-density resonance.
You have heard how this will impact upon the mental and
emotional self as well as the arkarna body programs for your
physical projections. This means that there will be no pockets
left of what was before.
After progressing through fourth, the fifth-density energies
will be omnipresent, just as third-density once was. Anything
that remains of before will not be ‘seen’ as a pocket within – all
will be connected through non-space and it won’t be seen for
the reasons I explained above. However, there will be historical
points of the earth where portal connections existed to other
densities both higher and lower.
The later ones will fade or be closed up by specialised energy
workers. The energetic chords between you all, I likened to
mini portals of connection in non-space. In the future, there
will be no pockets to go through by way of non-space. That
which becomes fifth-density will become all.
T: Not only can planets upgrade to finer vibrational densities
but so can other higher density realities. It has been a
commonly held thought that all densities exist within exactly
the same places. That is not so – dimensional light beings have
within their aura ‘portals and connections’ to their other-
dimensional self-projections, which can be in a different place
and space. What is consistent is non-space inside and outside
the self, it is everywhere and nowhere.
There are places on earth and other planets where ethereal
and subterranean beings exist in alternative vibrations. Being
below in the bedrock and stone has no effect upon them. It
just doesn’t exist; it is a completely different realm.
Others can use minds to alter information fields to create or
change that which is around them – including their own
projection and form. I am not referring to the regressives, who
live in underground tunnels or those that vibrate just beyond
third-density. Any that try to remain will be in their own
dimensional pockets and not part of fifth-density. Their
dimensional vibration pockets can be taken through non-space
to places where like is of like (by the work of other benevolent
So you may wonder what is this non-space we have been
trying to describe and is there anything beyond that?
I could start by saying it’s a reversal of what is currently
known – an upside-down or back-to-front. If I said it was
another universe, then how many non-spaces are there and are

they interconnected? Do they occupy spaces in the same way
we have just described or do they have other parameters?
I am giving you questions to which I have the answers – the
questions are ‘possibilities and free’; as soon as you try to
disseminate and understand them you start to restrict
possibility which is the possibility of me to answer in a fuller
Is it the other side the ‘off-pulse’? The other valve of a
beating heart? How many connections are there to alternative
realms on the other side of your own? The word Mowhar
seems to have similarities in the here and not here of the pulse
and the nowhere and everywhere of non-space. Paradox seems to
contain creative and destructive energies because that’s your
take on things good or bad. You might come to the idea of
creative or not-creative energy. But try to see it as energy pulse and no
energy – that it is perpetual and self-perpetuating. New matter
can form in parts of the universe but that is the transformation
of energies within pulse.
The creation of pulse no longer exists. The dimensional
pulses have a degree of similarity to Mowhar and paradox. The
energy of the on-pulse is neutral and can be used or
transformed according to needs and arkarna programs. The
creations are the degrees of blending between positive and
negative energies when are then made live by the pulse. You
can see that positive and negative division exists in everything
on earth as it struggles to evolve. It is often said you could not
find your way in the light unless there were shadows to show
you the way.
Souls move against entropy towards the light that exists on
one side of non-space. The word entropy, unfortunately,
signifies chaos and disorder, which is in part true, but the
arkarnas are order and meaning so entropy does not need to
exist when you no longer need it.
On the other side of non-space, there is darkness, which can
only exist by feeding from light or upon itself. It is the
antithesis of the other side. Some refer to these as ‘dark
dimensions’, but that infers they exist on one side of non-
space. It’s more a question of how the portals through non-
space affect the other side.
This negative had to form, it was a part of Mowhar and thus,
you might think, ultimately a part of us. We know one could
not exist without the other. It seems to be a good choice to be
a creator rather than a consumer of light. But good or bad
doesn’t come into it. It’s about the choice of what to give or
accept as you move through aspects of paradox. It’s about
what you wish to experience – to create and nourish or not.
Within a ‘blending of paradoxical expressions’, some beings
have extinguished much of their light but have been known to
reverse their demise. Others, like the example of the reptile
man, decide otherwise.
The dimensions where significant blending occurs are places
of major conflict between dark and light.
As a light being, I have no fears in the way that you do. I
know what my mind and heart are capable of and darkness
could not take a droplet of energy from me. Some regressives
within and on the edge of the blended areas are able to feed
upon fear energy and emotional negativity. They create fear in
others because it sustains them.
The energy of personal actions/creations leaves resultant
energies, which inform your arkarna programs. So if resultants
can be removed and different programs put in place, then
future negative creations are less likely to form. Some of the
negative energy created has been consumed by regressive
entities that regurgitate it as their resultant energy-containing
corrupted programming. They link and feedback to humanity
to create more of the same.
A good way to look at this would be to use a metaphor of an
inflated party balloon tied off at the mouthpiece. The middle
of the knot would be non-space as there is no space for the air
to escape. The small wrinkly section one side of the knot you
would have blown through, would be the negative energy
potential on the other side of non-space knot. The balloon
cannot be popped and has ‘space’ to grow and change within.
The wrinkly side is open-ended and cannot be filled with light
nor can it contain anything. ‘Regressive’ simply means to
devolve – the opposite of evolve. When there is no light and
no energy converted from neutral into fear, there is nothing to
sustain the darkness. The only thing that can be consumed is
others similar to itself. Gradually, like the end of an umbilical
cord, the knot will shrivel and fade. Your need to feed and link
to such places will fade.
Each of you can link to what you wish; it’s not just the
arkarna of mankind. You can create your own portals by intent.
Of course, if one wants to go retrograde, that’s still possible
but that will be by choice and not external influence and
manipulation in the future. Your free will cannot be interfered
with, though many a light being would come to show where
choices lead you. Other doorways and portals that exist to
higher dimensions will be easier to access as each of them
becomes filled with more and more light. When fear and
distortion are no longer part of your arkarna, you will need a
different metaphor to the balloon in order that you may
encompass that new way of being.
R: A very good metaphorical representation. What of other
dimensions and portals?
T: As I said, energy can be transformed to generate new
possibilities. While the balloon was part of an explanation, you
need to remember that there are pockets. Points with
connections to both sides of non-space and some portals are
connected with some very unhelpful humans that seek to align
themselves with what they think is a power for their own use.
Let me dispel fears that these darker realms can have their way.
There is no need to put thought energy into ‘fear that this is
not to be’ – Just follow the heart.
Our use of non-space is different from the above
metaphorical description because it has no connections to
lower dimensions and is completely neutral for us. That’s why I
said it would need a revised metaphor to encompass the
removal of ‘fear and no fear’ from your dimensional arkarna
In addition to creating pockets for craft, we can also create
mini-worlds with no other exit portals than the ones we intend.
These could be viewed as managed containment pockets with
only an exit to ‘like’ vibrations. This is similar to the portal for
the remainder energy of the reptile man. We also talked about
pockets in fifth-density during the transition.
R: Could the regressives get through those portals or pockets
that have lower density exits?
T: It’s an impossibility. We utilise altered arkarna programs.
Our speed is so fast it doesn’t exist in the slow rates of such
darkness and in any event, we are not in their space.
The subject of negativity did need a sufficiently wide
explanation. That’s because it is relative to ways of thinking. We
thought it could be understood more easily by placing it against
the backdrop of non-space. Let it be as I have said. You may
now move to other matters of stimulation.
O: Thank you Tecca it was good for Robert to hear this from a
different source. Using different visuals you showed other-
dimensional communications, non-space, connections through
portals and vibrational pockets (At this point Tecca fades away)
R: Can you give more insightful descriptions of Tecca?
O: These are beings of resonance and they stretch much
further over time and beyond it than I do; they can be seen in
lots of different ways and lots of incarnate forms. But what is
incarnate? For them, it is only a projection, and they have no
concern as to how you may see them. They are seen as blue
wafts of energies – sometimes as feathers or wings.
They are known by different names for different
appearances. At times you may see beyond and through them
to the cream/gold energy beyond. That is why they are not
often seen because they resonate beyond any concept of self. If
you were primarily viewing them at one of their higher
projections through your ideas of self they would simply ‘not
exist for you’. But, as Tecca said, he will give more expansive
explanations in the months ahead.
R: In the previous dialogues other Mowhars and other
universes were mentioned.
O: Well that moves quite a way from ‘consciousness and alien
communication’ so I would like to move back to a previous
theme already covered – life after death.
R: I thought that was comprehensively covered; it
encompassed how choices of next life were part of many levels
of communication.
O: It may have been sufficient for you but not necessarily so
for all others. Because you have seen and spoken with deceased
individuals, you accept this as a matter of fact. Most people
don’t experience life and communication in quite the same way
you do.
So, I am going to be quite factual. There is no need to
reassure or give someone continual assurance. One begets the
need for the other. On death, no one will go to the non-space
portal but instead to internal ones that lead to the light.
Between incarnated lives, there still exists levels within levels
but the veil program of forgetfulness does not hamper these.
These levels are attached to the vibratory nature of inner-self
and higher guidance. While there is time for reflection, there is
also relaxation, joy and learning. There are no pressures and
love abounds. Other vibratory levels exist within this over-
arching arkarna where like energy will be drawn to like. Thus
some areas have less light than others, though it is all the same
reflective plane. It is not a place to live eternally, it is a place of
transition towards the source or the altering of what you were
into a program of what you want to be.
Not everyone returns to earth, but some souls on the
transitional plane are already eager to revisit it when it becomes
fifth-density. More people are interacting with guides who are
showing alien humanoid connections. As more of them are
born on earth, they will raise awareness of our souls’ wide and
varied connections.
The guidance is given within loving arkarna programs, but
individuals end up choosing by their own free will. They
cannot move to a vibration that they are not willing to become
compatible with. On the transition realm, it is also possible to
explore further afield. It’s easier to become aware of ‘exceeding
the self’ and interacting with higher density beings and realms.
Souls can also let go of the reincarnation loop within the
parameters outlined above. Tecca explained how the loss of
self could be a gentle awakening.
R: You haven’t really said much more than you did previously.
O: Well I was recapping in order to provide slightly different
overlays. For those that ascend to their hearts they may as they
wish. But their hearts may then desire to express in different
ways. There are multiple choices but ‘love of self’ is so much a
part of arkarna that the self may become totally at one with
Some will transcend to higher vibrational densities where
their consciousness already exists in freeform (as we have
shown with other beings living in higher arkarnas). The
‘morning awakening’ was a gentle way to describe this, but in
order for this to happen there has to be a purging and a
complete letting go of self before the process starts. It also
requires the actual ideas and concepts of self to become
dysfunctional and redundant. You will need to transmute every
part of who you are by your own choice. It could be seen as a
process of assimilation, but those words convey insignificance
of self instead of magnificence.
Like you we will not live forever, we will transmute again –
very few wish to continue as the same expression. Yes, our
lives may be counted in thousands of years compared to your
own, but sooner or later we feel that we have done what we
need to. Sometimes that can be the re-unification of our lower
split consciousness returning to us. Unification energy transfers
work both ways during your earth experience enlightenment.
Don’t get hung up on who you are or when you are.
R: Just as you said that my memories of Cytith and
Andromedan lives came to me, but there is no sense of
sequence one before another.
O: In a way, that depends upon your ability to accept several
points of focus without the desire to remain a particular
R: Well the Robert version will disappear.
O: Undoubtedly, as will the Orlacka version and all of those
that you have talked to in their projections. Arksar showed you
several very different dimensional expressions of himself which
you sketched.
R: And you are hermaphrodite, but Aqueena isn’t?
O: You want a definition that fits the parameters of what you
have learnt to date. Because you don’t see it any other way
doesn’t mean you can put the wrong peg in the wrong hole.
Let us now enter a space with gentleness and the minimum
of description. The sublime is full of knowing as if it already
exists for you.
R: So at some level, I’ve already done this?
O: Gentleness is the key – let my words flow slowly with
purpose and without disturbance. Whatever exists in my
communication does – let it not be questioned, referenced or
distorted. I have no need to challenge you at this particular
moment. My thoughts for you are not conditional upon any
outcome unless it is bound in love of thyself by the whole self.
There comes a time when all transmute to something else –
to another aspect of themselves. When you see someone dying
in peacefulness, often they have already let go of anything that
mattered to them – they have little attachment to your world.
They know in all their knowingness that all is well and that
they are ready for transition. They are wrapped in love and
nothing has significance to the peaceful simplicity of being at
one. Much of what you still question, talk about and view is far
from the oneness I have described. You are still so much you –
so much so that you cannot feel and know what else you are.

Journey Through the Land of Mirrors, a painting

by Robert Lomax
We have taken you on journeys to release you from concepts
of belonging – through the land of mirrors, which show only
you until you see you are nothing. We show you what exists
beyond yourself. It doesn’t mean that you do not
exist but that you hold to no description of who you are. You
know that in any moment you are able to experience what
comes without the desire to have it or not have it.
All experience can be welcomed and the experience does not
need to define you. Fear does not exist in that state nor does
doubt or desire. You felt this as blandness, but I can assure you

it is no such thing. The mind and heart are free because they
are not constrained by your levels of arkarna.
Beyond your reflection, you can see your past creations,
born of the need to express in order that you become someone
or something. Once you realise these were the old ways, they
can only but abate and fade. The further from these realms you
move, the closer you become to others. They become
extensions of you as if you are an extension of them.
There is no division – you are they and there is nothing
between you. There is nothing that needs to be put in place or
What we have then in common is the desire to change the
programs of the past, which are the programs of the future at
the same time. It’s all laid out in its grandness – the future and
the past and what we can be. Variation does not occur from
any value of the past because we have removed that energy
from those programs. Even though such programs could exist,
they have no light and no purpose.
If this were not so, the future you would be a definition based
upon the parameters of self and the need to be. The future you
no longer has the need to exist and he doesn’t come into
existence because you put no light in him. In this way, the past
and the future become irrelevant for us – for me. Who I am is
not so much irrelevant as ‘not relevant’; only by clearing the
past and the energy of the past could we ever exceed time and
its limitations. The future and the past become constructs.
They constrain us to specific parameters and here we have
none – except paradoxically ‘the parameter is that we have no
R: So your purpose is to evolve – to unify?
O: I have ‘no purpose’ as well ‘as purpose’ but neither of these
can define me. I don’t make decisions in the way that you do. I
am decision and I am not. As soon as you hold to one you
have the other. Duality has no foothold in me, none
R: I always thought that singularity would be the answer or the
release from duality.
O: Not in the way that you see it as an answer. I repeat there is
no future me. I do not evolve. I may change the parameters of
my arkarna programs. I may transmute my energy to another
dimensional reality. But I do not evolve – what should I evolve
to? Certainly, nothing constrained by time. It is evolution that
has its feet in time. If I am to evolve more, it means I am not
evolved enough now – that definition says I am not enough. I
am evolved to the point of not seeing that I am evolved or not.
It has no significance in these levels of love.
R: You have exceeded every concept I once held of you. I am
glad you have taken the ‘time’, if I can use that word, to keep
repeating these things until I was more able to grasp the
chasms between our worlds. Every time I think something is
ground-breaking something else dumbfounds me – Incredible
concepts and arkarna programs beyond humanity’s concepts.
O: I have all the time in the world because it is not relative to
evolution or progress.
R: If I am still evolving does it mean that at some level you are
held back because we are of each other?
O: If I am evolved there is no more to evolve into – there is
no more to be and no infinity but that cannot be so because
paradoxically there is no limit. Evolution is a word that has no
context here – evolution is still a value by virtue that it is
comparison with its feet stuck in time.
As for our connectedness, that has no bearing on me. If I am
not bound by time while you are – it has no comparable effect
to be made by stating it.
R: All my words and thoughts unravel in your presence. I am
not offended, perhaps surprised, that such things can exist like
this. All that you have challenged has enriched my life.
O: Now that you listen in gentleness and love, perhaps so. No
need to determine thoughts and questions – what is presented
is ‘what is’. At last, you hear me as I wish you to hear me –
more as I know myself. In doing so you will be more able to
meet the next beings I wish to introduce.
R: It is just so peaceful, everything seems to be in the right
place or that there is no wrong place. (Coming towards us are three
very tall lanky beings that are only just perceivable in the light that
surrounds them.)
O: These are twelfth-dimensional souls. I will use your
language even though it is not appropriate. I could say these
are very ancient beings but they have existed outside of time in
their realms for so long that they no longer need concepts of
what you may consider as being life. It is as if what you are
does not compute.
You have assumed that all higher beings understand lower
dimensions. It is not that they don’t or can’t understand
because they have no knowledge. It is that they do not choose
to have it in their consciousness mainframe anymore because it
serves them no purpose. For me, understanding serves a
purpose even though I am not bound by time or your reality.
You might think of them as angelic but angel form does not
create residual energy by expression. Angels are extensions of
your soul in purity – they have unconditional love and
understanding for humanity. But that is another matter from
the one I wish to present.
I will be interceding between you both and buffering some
of your excesses. I would like you to be as calm and accepting
as you can be. Initially refrain from asking questions or even
trying to process what you are hearing. They would not
welcome some of the darker thoughts you have.
Even though you are kind of heart and bear them no malice
you appear to them as a dark shadow. See I am showing you
how you appear to them.
R: Ooh! That’s grim I look distant and empty and full of
O: At times I will show you what they see and feel. This will
help you to understand more about them by allowing some of
your energy to mix with them through me. It is in part my
energy but as we share a commonality of self, there shall be no
disparity or confusion.
R: (They welcome us both but look to Orlacka to communicate.)
O: They ask what you hope to gain from this meeting?
R: A little more understanding of their realm and whether we
have any relationship to it. But I am happy to let go of my
questions and be open because I do not know what is possible
to be gained by either of us. (I can see them nodding. Orlacka tells
me that we are to follow them into a greater resonance that will enhance
our communication. After a while, I can see a room with a window
looking out on to the universe. They have green lumpy skin and large
purple eyes. They have long arms and insect heads – a mantis/humanoid
meld. Mantoid (M) speaks via Orlacka.)
M: He has accepted our appearance, which means he can
accept our wisdom and understanding. Welcome traveller, we
think Orlacka has been a little too cautious about our
sensibilities; we are more robust than she made out. However,
we can see the gentility and calming was more for your
willingness and the ability to trust her so that you were not
startled by our appearance.
We see the reasons why – and yet she is correct – what you
hear as a direct communication from us is in part through her.
Not so much a third party transfer as a mutual connection
between us all. There is so much you do not know and so
much possibility that exists across the universe. Your mind
could not conceive or hold as a possibility such varieties of
expressions and form. Much of this form expresses itself in
dimensions much finer than your own vibration.
R: (One of them opens up a bony hand with long fingers and
shows me a bright sparkling orb, which creates ‘visions’.
Within it, I can see vegetation and two of the mantoids walking
side by side inspecting flowers and plants.

It reminds me of the harmonic plant walking areas I saw being
reconstructed earlier.)
M: Everything you are being shown has a degree of inter-
connectedness; you did not come here by chance. We and
other beings are able to interact on levels that affect different
dimensions of realities in the same space. That is to say that
some dimensions are reflections of each other in either
We interact quite freely with different species that are
emotionally and mentally compatible. There is a great deal
more blending of communication and help than you might
think. This is done through love because at our core we are the
same. There are degrees of separation but conflict has no part
in any thought patterns.
We share technology and energetic understandings but
where does energetic resonance end and technology begin? To
what degree is a walking stick or a wheel a form of physical
intervention or help? You do not consider them to be
technology because you judge them lowly against some other
great advancement.
You are very hung up on spirituality being only mind and
heart – that is not so because everything is interwoven. You
were also thinking that the finer or higher the vibrations and
the more evolved a spirit being, the less need they would have
for technology. That somehow the higher mind would have its
true power and need nothing else. You have in part understood
that arkarnas are conscious programs, but even these can be
enhanced by technical intervention.
Antemedi told you the Andromedans use technology on the
outer edges of their craft and biospheres to filter out negative
emotional energies and thought patterns. When they come
across such energies, they do not need to encounter them just
because they are there. It’s also easier for them to walk on your
planet using some degrees of filtering. They can do it without
and the technology doesn’t have to be used, but is it not easier

to walk up a steep mountain with a walking stick than without
R: Thank you for correcting my conceptions of higher
vibrational realms. It’s just I thought the higher the realm the
more ethereal and the less like humanity they would become.
O: (Speaks directly to me) Well the mantoids are less man-like!
But I take the point of your inner thinking. Moving through
‘needing nothing’, ‘wanting nothing’ seems as though it may
end in a realm very unlike humanity. Some of the different
ways of thinking that we have put forward might imply that.
Let us proceed.
R: A tight energy like a wide elastic band has been put around my head
and I can now hear the mantoids directly or just more clearly through
M: Because we look so strange doesn’t mean we have no love.
Yes, we are very different but surely we can be equal in your
eyes? You do not know us or the way that we live nor how we
treat others and ourselves. You are certainly not in a position
to validate yourself to us or use any form of crude comparison
R: They give me one of the small spheres to hold. Surprisingly it’s very
heavy and it seems to slow down the moment of now, but I suspect that’s
just a feeling when actually the vibrations are getting faster. As they move
closer, they tell me my resonance is mingling with theirs. At this point, I
fall asleep.
On waking, I think directly to Orlacka “You are a ninth-density
being utilising light as a source and yet these twelfth-density
beings appear in what seems to be a lower form projection.”
(That thought was rather silly because my prejudgements had overcome love
and rationality to the point I had forgotten that they would know
everything I was thinking.)
M: Would you wish us to show a different appearance, perhaps
one that might accord with your idea of a higher dimensional
being? We can change our appearance to you if you wish.

Remember you initially saw us as sylph-like gentle humanoids.
We are showing our heritage through some of our expressional
forms. Do not be deceived by our appearance and
misconceptions viewed against your earth idea of insects.
There are several dimensional projections of humanoid mantis,
you happen to be talking to us on this one. Orlacka has
brought you to us to help break down some of your more rigid
expectations. Come hold my hand. I will introduce you to
some of our elders (as you might think of them).
R: (The scene) There are lots of strange noises and many
mantoids reach out to touch me as we move forward. It’s clear
what Orlacka first said was more to make me feel comfortable
with them than the other way round.
Apparently, they seem unfazed by what I emit as if
somehow it delights them to share in another’s energy. It’s not
sexual or erotic but they are clearly enjoying it as a different
experience. A most peculiar direct connection so uninhibited –
I am totally exposed and vulnerable but the love and trust
allow it to sit easily!
I find myself seated in front of what I perceive as an elderly
mantoid, maybe someone to whom they defer or respect.
Perhaps it is their order of things.
Mantoid elder (ME): I see you have come far and travelled
with one of your soul partner aspects. Our energetic make-up
is different from yours. It could be said that in our evolution
we faced very few trials and tribulations in order to vibrate in
this dimension. In part that is down to creating very few
negative residual energies for ourselves, which we would have
subsequently needed to transform. Your energetic make-up is
more diverse. It is not better or worse but more diverse.
From your point of view, I can see that you feel a more
diverse experience is greater than one than which is not. If it’s
about memories and an abundance of success badges – then
that is so, but they have no currency here. Perhaps you need to
acknowledge that much of your experience is repetition in a
different form. If someone passes through schooling without
faltering should they be less valued than a pupil that struggles
and eventually succeeds? That is to say, there is greater value in
striving from failure rather than being focused and unwavering
in the lessons of light.
You might say that experience has got you to the levels that
you have, and it has. But did it need to be like that, did you
need to suffer so much? Suffering may be a part of life for you,
but it is not a prerequisite. You do not have to accept it in
order to move through it and then not have it by letting go of
it. I can understand your races seeking such diversity. But yours
is like flipping a coin to see one of the two sides. You carry on
to see if the proportion can change to something other than
50/50. Even if it were possible, it would be a pointless
experience from our perspective.
Yet as a race here we are – we are not bound by duality or
time. This level and our perspectives are similar to many
others. We are at a level where it matters not how you got here
or what you did or will do – none of that matters. I can see and
know you. You think what I am saying is of little significance
and meaning. You felt the same for Orlacka’s observer outlook
before you experienced the outcomes. It is just that you cannot
comprehend our ways and us.
R: I take your point and will follow your lead.
ME: We are not stupid nor can we be fooled. We can see what
is – we have achieved this in a different way to you and your
kind. We have a knowledge that some aspire to have and this
stands us apart from the seekers. Our knowledge is gained
through a less tainted approach to the light.
We are a very peaceful race, though our appearances may say
otherwise to you. I might look like a figure of hierarchy as if ‘to
give the lead’. I am not dominant or indomitable, it is your
interpretation of a different social structure. I speak my mind
and you think I do so without concern for its impact?
What is there to be offended about and who needs to take
it? Offence only exists through a fragile ego-self or not
understanding the true sharing of information in frankness. Do
not give more value to me as a person because I am the one
that speaks. That would be to say no depth of wisdom could
exist in a quiet or mute person. Often it is the contrary. I have
said my piece, what say you now to me?
R: Thank you for your candour I am not offended by what you
say. I see your observations exist without the need for value
and I like your plain speaking.
ME: Good – then may I continue?
R: Yes, please.
ME: For us, you are a quizzical race. We are aware that
deception can be accepted as part of life when it bears no
service to the manipulator or the receiver of it. Some of your
people seem unaware of what that creates and what they
ultimately have to re-experience in energy. For those that are
aware, is it acquiescence? Or do others truly not care that they
hurt themselves?
R: It may be true for a few but not all humans are like that.
Our arkarnas have been sabotaged and interfered with. What
of you, sir? What gems of your realms or pearls of wisdom do
you think can be shared for our benefit?
ME: I was sharing my observations – do they not help?
R: I see what you say – look at ourselves before we can see
another, otherwise we are blind to them. And that last thought
is that yours or mine?
ME: Does ownership of a thought have any meaning? If a soul
offers an alternative view and we adopt it into our way of
thinking, should we hail them, should we thank them, be
grateful to them?
R: What about acknowledge them?
ME: Why? Do they need it; are they not comfortable in giving
all that they have to all? They are the extension of all and only

give to themselves. We give no accolades they have no value.
R: You have nothing of value. That concept has been
explained to me before, but I slipped into an old way of
thinking. Love has no value it can’t be valued. You are indeed
very different from us. You said, “They are an extension of
all”; is that a matter of ‘a unitary mind’, a ‘collective’ or a ‘hive’
ME: You believe you are individual thought, but you choose
not to recognise your collective consciousness in every
moment. Whereas we accept we are collective with
R: Very interesting and very true.
ME: It can be no other way, we have no deceptions.
R: To your previous point we have a social etiquette where we
thank one another. It is pleasant when someone thanks me
when I am not searching for it and it is also a part of our
ME: Why do you need to thank yourself for giving to yourself?
There is no me in that sense of separation – other than I am a
part of what is. In any case, what is courtesy? A protocol for
saying you appreciate.
R: But I can appreciate what I do for myself.
ME: Why – why move from one state to another – do you not
love yourself all of the time?
R: My observations seem so futile! I am no nearer to seeing
you in the way that you do. Perhaps that gap is too wide for
me, but I would like to continue.
ME: Walk with me a while I will shower you with some
energetic thoughts. Imagine one day you are one thing and the
next day you are something else. What are you if you are not
what these two days showed you? What if every day for a
hundred days you were something different; who would you
be? Instead of being you or somebody different you would, in

fact, be the essence of several different bodies.
You have already been told you are nobody otherwise you
could not be here interacting with these thoughts. You are no
body – that could be no energetic body (because energy and
body are the same). I could say you are ‘nobody in particular’.
In your world that would be an insult yet, it’s meaning to us is
‘you have no particular body and no body as well’.
In that way, you do not belong to something – not even to
yourself. I could say that I do not belong here and that would
be true – I do not belong anywhere. This is what you would
see as a ‘freedom from belonging’ this would be ‘an
enlightenment’. But you have already been told freedom is an
illusion. How can you belong to something you like or don’t
like? I am repeating concepts you have heard before in
different ways.
But there is another edge to this – ‘no edge’. All paradoxical
elements come to a point where they have no relationship to
each other unless you wish that they do.
This you wish in order that they give you a path or backdrop
upon which to see and compare. I am form and not form – I
cannot be compared. In order to see the magnitude of ways
that you cripple yourselves, you may wish to read again what I
have just said.
A while back Orlacka talked of leaving herself in the past
and the future as a perpetuating program. She stated that she
was not evolving. What did you think would come after that?
R: Nothing or certainly nothing that could be measured. To
me, it feels like you don’t have pleasure and that doesn’t seem
like a good evolution or being what you want.
ME: Well that depends on what you want and what you find
nutritious. That is the only word of yours that I can say for our
state of being. Curious perhaps, but we have no need to follow
our curiosity or to nurture or feed it. We are not simple
creatures who move from one state to another and if we did, it
would not be without awareness.
R: Using your terms and words I would say, “You are curious
to me, but unlike you, my curiosity drives me forward to know
more about you.”
ME: So that is an emotion-led driver system. What will make
curiosity satisfied? When will it have done enough? Has it ever
done enough?
R: So what are your motivators? Interesting, I can see your
involvement in returning my thought to me. In my
prejudgement, I am expecting you to say you have no drivers
because you are so different and almost the opposite of me!
ME: I wouldn’t say something just because it’s the opposite – I
would only say what is true – and in this instance, your
prejudgement is true to me. I have no motivation, or should I
say I have no need for motivation – to do or even just to be.
R: Whoa! That sounds like teetering on the edge of existence.
ME: I did say that there was no edge.
R: Good grief you are either very clever with your words or
you know mine in advance – perhaps you have given them to
me before I am able to use them.
ME: Am I now more interesting than you thought I would be?
Even your thoughts above – your realisations and postulations
– they have no belonging. Perhaps it is all that you say and
none. What if there is no edge of existence and what if nothing
R: Back to The Boy, the Beast and the Nothingness that
Antemedi dictated to me?
ME: No, that was you accepting you are presently a series of
reflections in duality. Fine that you have seen it, but you do not
need to keep looking at it to remind you that you are a
reflection of your thoughts. When you no longer need
reminding, you can accept you are nothing in human duality.
That is another step – I would say that is neither backward nor
forwards. You have progressed no more forward here than you
were before you started. Because – absolutely nothing matters
– there is no value. I know you have been told that before.
However, accepting that you can exist without motivation –
exist without everything, means you have no edges. You
become a different mathematical shape. The mathematics of
no-shape, no-form and no relationship to anything else. At
these points you don’t have concepts of the all nor feel that
you are it. There is no realisation that you are the all. Instead,
you know you have always been that way without question or
I can assure you it is a very different way of ‘being the all’
and oneself to anything that you have ever encountered. There
are no divisions, there is nothing between anything – no
separation. I am all – I am arkarna – interactive with all but not
needing to or desiring to. I have no desire – I can be nothing
else other than the all.
R: I have nothing to say. I am getting some of the feelings you
are wrapping me in. As you say, it is different from ‘being’, it is
‘not being’ at the same time. The ‘not being’ is something that
goes against every fighting fibre to be something. With that, I
realise we are back to your previous words of be some-thing. I
now see them in a different light. You are a most unusual
entity. If I were not introduced in the way I was, I could have
misconstrued you as being some other form of deity.
ME: Who do you think you are interacting with?
R: Ah!! If I follow your teaching – should say myself?
ME: Good, but I would say ‘myself’ does not exist. That is
your ‘myself’, and my ‘myself’ has no sense of self.
R: Wow! when you say such things they come to me with an
intense, overwhelming energy. It’s taken a lot of explanation to
understand and accept what you are saying. I just hope anyone
reading this will feel some of the same feelings.
ME: I have led you in and you have followed – you, like many
others, follow such paths. I know some will feel what you feel
when they follow your words – they will feel some of the

energy that I am and we all are.
R: To follow your thoughts – it should not matter if anyone
else were to feel those feelings, but I was so overjoyed I
desired it for others.
ME: Yet, you are not overjoyed now?
R: That moment has passed. Perhaps too much analysis or
even the thought of explaining it closed that arkarna from me.
ME: That is so and quite correct. If you wish to evolve within
loving arkarnas for the right reasons, then one day you will find
yourself at such a place as this. What was once sustainable as
life or being, then becomes unsustainable. It is neither one nor
the other or all – something not fleeting either.
R: And there is more of the Isness?
ME: Is it complete? It cannot be complete or incomplete. It is
beyond even that. But yes there are other dimensions different
to this one. They are not more evolved, they cannot be. I have
no point of reference that would be able to compare this part
of me to those other dimensions for you. I cannot be
referenced. I can be referred to perhaps from areas such as
yours that believe they can reference things – and that they do.
They have their references and that suits them till it doesn’t.
R: So you are not a twelfth-dimensional progression
represented by some mantoid experiences.
ME: I am and I am not – they are labels. Orlacka had this in
her mind bringing you here in order to break your ties and
bonds to reference points as human. To show you that there
are other ‘being experience types’, who vibrate to other-
dimensional realities and arkarnas. I have had several but what
I have said about the difference between mantoid and human
experiences of sufferance are still true.
R: Thank you. Is there anything I can do to help or show
gratitude in any way.
ME: I have already given my perspective on ‘thank you’.

Hold my hand and forever in your heart know that you
know me. It is not even a statement that you will – or you
always will. You do.
R: Again the feeling is overwhelming. Orlacka shows me the
way out and as we move through the same crowd I know that
in holding the ‘elder’s hand’ I am in fact holding all of their
hands. Perhaps that’s why I felt the unusual feeling of being
touched by so many inquisitive hands on arrival. Though now,
the feeling goes somewhat deeper than it did that first time.

Orlacka returns Robert to a childhood distortion to release
a hidden thought to protect himself and others by forgetting
and ignoring entity contact. Orlacka shows how that formed
a small doubt and an awareness that something was missing.
This impacted upon his reflections about the meeting with
the mantoids.

Robert: I was not aware of the mantoids until your

introduction, so I researched them on the Internet. I am a little
disturbed by some comments that describe them as negative
and manipulative.
Orlacka: Some of the lower dimensional mantoids are like
humans; is that a problem?
R: It’s not good to give contrary information to make them
out as benevolent.
O: It is not the wrong information. There are different insect
races and different levels of them. The ones I introduced you
to have not been involved in abduction or mistreatment.
R: So why don’t they do something about it? Surely they have
the power?
O: Why don’t you do something about humanity’s
mistreatment of other animals and other humans? You have
the power!
R: It’s not the same.
O: Oh, so humanity is a special case? It imposes itself on other
beings for its own gain.
R: Okay, I accept your point, but wouldn’t we be leaving the
wrong impression.
O: What is wrong with saying the truth? Some insectoids
undertook a path of peace and love. Things are not always
black and white. If the universe took that view of humanity, it
would have been consigned to the trashcan long ago. Soul life
is about self-determination, self-appraisal and the choice to be
what you believe you are. That shouldn’t be interfered with.
R: Well, we were interfered with and negative entities had an
impact on us.
O: You are presently unaware that suffering was part of a
choice that humanity made. That may be hard to accept, but
these are interactive experiences, just like man’s terrible
treatment of other men, women and children.
Don’t forget, humanity devolved to the lowest dimensions
in order to have those lowly experiences. It is now having the
experience of escaping them. Within you, I see the pride you
have in working yourself away from negative energies and
oppression. These glimmers of pride exist, even though you
wish it were not so.
I took you to a particular group of mantoids to show you
their life ethos. They have no need for pride or other human
desires – those would be seen as encumbrances. They live in
joyousness, neither seeking it or not. They have no need to
move away from it in order to have the pleasure of regaining it.
This has been a challenge for you. This is part of evolution on
the road to not evolving that I explained before. I have some
other entities I should like to introduce you to – are you happy
to proceed?
R: Not sure, to be frank.
O: Doubts of your own become doubts about what I say.
Look into my face, and as I put my hands on your shoulders
you can do the same with me. In this way, we will make a good
energetic connection. Be steady in my energy; I am taking you
to someone you know.
R: (The scene) We walk over and I find my deceased father
digging vegetables with his reduced-size spade, worn down
through years of use. He has worked up quite a sweat, having
turned over a lot of soil.
Malcolm (M): There is a lot of satisfaction that can be had
from simple tasks. I get exercise and a sense of achievement.
R: (At this point I see that Orlacka has changed her appearance to that
of a young woman – a past girlfriend of mine that my father knew. He
gestures to her.)
M: Your friend here has told me all about the communication
work you are undertaking. It’s good to see you are not bound
by society’s expectations. It was rather different in my day;
expectations were much tighter. It’s not surprising that others
‘judgemental finger-pointing’ and my inability to talk about
feelings made me very stiff and reserved. I just wanted to say
well done and don’t let anything stand in your way. Live to
your truth.
R: I thank him. We talk a little more and, after a hug and a tear
he fades away. I say to Orlacka, “Why were you disguised as
that young woman who died many years ago?”
O: She was a soft and gentle girl, and your father remembered
her as being like that. Her demeanour reminded your father of
his sister, who died when he was a boy. Both she and your ex-
girlfriend had short human lives. It is a period of sadness he
resonates with and, in part, that made him who he was. It is
something he is currently working through.
R: But you took her image.
O: My arkarna had interacted with your father’s higher self and
it desired to superimpose the young girl’s image upon me – it
made him most comfortable. He would not have been at ease
with my normal appearance. It was a past connection to what
was a comfortable time of life when you were a teenager and
he was much happier. Emotions of the self are tied to events,
and he chose a pleasant era rather than one when he was
emotionally unwell.
R: But you were happy to take her image!
O: She was happy to share it – she is here.
R: (I will call her X to respect her family’s anonymity.)
X: I am much better now – I have it in mind that I can change
resultant energies from events of the past. If the situation arises
and you meet my family again, please be open and candid
about what I have said. I would like them to know what I feel.
As some of them get older, they will become more reflective
on mortality. They will ponder more about death and how I am
doing in my mind and heart. I wish them to know what I
became. What I was then is no longer the same version of me
R: I shall not seek them, but if the situation presents itself then
I will speak openly with them. (She thanks me and leaves)
O: Nice young lady, much willingness to learn. Look at me
again so we can go to the past of you that needs to be seen.
R: (The scene) Orlacka takes me to my childhood bedroom
where I can see myself under the bed covers hiding from ‘the
other people’ (i.e. her and other spirit guides at the time). We
come into the room in a swirling portal arriving at the foot of
the bed. Despite what we say to the ‘young boy me’, he is still
frightened of us. I am a little perplexed because, after all these
years, I thought I had dealt with those boyhood emotions.
The only way to reach him is by being him inside his head. I
reassure him that I am his thoughts and there is nothing to
fear. But he doesn’t want to listen because I am imposing upon
his thoughts. So instead, I sit opposite quietly in reflection.
After a while he accepts the fact I mean no malice and
gradually stirs out of bed to put his little hand on me, “It’s
okay, it will get better – they keep telling me that all the time.
The other people say it’s all right to believe they are real. But I
am frightened to believe in case no one believes me.
“Dad says I’m silly, there is no one in the bedroom. I can’t
tell him any more because he will worry about me and he has
too many worries of his own. The best way to help him is to

keep quiet and tell the people to go away. They say when they
go away it will still be okay and there will be nothing to fear,
but I don’t believe them. If I don’t believe in them then they
will have to go away.”
I thank that young part of my mind-programming for
trusting and speaking up at last. It was an invaluable insight for
my adult mind to see that particular child perspective. I have at
last been able to see the reasons for keeping things to myself – it
wasn’t the fear of the people at the end of my bed, but what it
would do to Dad if I spoke up. I had to protect him because
no one else could.
There is a release of energy and we blend together. This
event always felt a little obscure, I knew there was something I
could not remember or did not want to. I didn’t realise that
part of my child psyche had kept it to myself and it was still
there in that way of thinking. In keeping a secret in my
childhood self I had kept it from the rest of me for all my life.
O: There is a lot you did not realise at the time. This was so
you could have the experiences you did. This was an early
attempt to suffer for someone else, thinking it would make them feel
better because it seemed the only way you could help them It became a
working part of your subconscious. It is common to many and
still exists within the arkarna programs of earth.
Your summation was correct and your subconscious
doubted if this episode was true. Because it was linked to
protect others and keep things to yourself, it became a kernel
of wisdom that could not be touched or seen because it was
protecting others – including you. It became a paradoxical
conundrum and a prison. You do not doubt us anymore and
you no longer doubt. What is – is.
R: Thank you.
O: Good we can explore more – see how that small piece of
hidden doubt made you doubt and question a wonderful and
uplifting experience with the mantoids. So where to next –
more of your impaired beliefs or the worlds beyond them? It is
worth noting that you had a slight deflation in expectations
when you were presented with your old childhood
subconscious. That was because you placed a higher value
upon the meaning of the upper ethereal potentials we show
you than those of self-awareness.
R: Truth and incisiveness as always, thank you.
O: There are many levels at play here. This book is about
communication and what is alien or unknown. While there are
still unknowns of yourself, that does not stop the progress of
what we write. It shows how even the smallest of value systems
impacts upon self-communication as well as external
communication. So what we bring comes in the truth of what
we see – importance has nothing to do with that truth.
As I stand before you – you can see me in my glory. I have
no other word that you would understand. Unfortunately, glory
can be imbued with a sense of relativity or greatness. Not so;
but by the light in me that shines, so do I share what I have
freely, without encumbrance or caveats.
So I welcome all who read these words.
R: (Orlacka shows me a glowing sphere cupped in her hands. I can see
another world within it. Threads of light dance outwards waiting to connect
with me.)
O: Explorations of inter-dimensionality have shown the
concept of ‘separation of conscious awareness within the same
soul self’. I wish to help with that. Allow your energy – the
very essence of you to merge with mine and explore deeper
with me.
R: (I wonder if I am to enter the ball of light she holds, but the reverse
seems to happen and her energy enters me. I feel that she has become me. I
am exceptionally calm though a little disjointed because I feel the same
threads of energy in my head that were in the sphere.)
O: You will require a short sleep because I need to take you
much deeper. When you reawaken in earth consciousness, I
will help you re-experience your other states of mind.
R: (I instantly zonk out and return within a few minutes.)
O: On earth, there is much hidden within the corridors of
power. Some that stride through those areas know the inner
workings of the mind and how it can be manipulated. Energies
not within general human awareness have been at play for a
long while. Not all man’s thoughts came from his current level
of self. While you are caged you believe freedom exists because
it is part of your ‘now program’ and distractions create your
apparent normal.
We would like to help by taking people out of their current
mindset. This is another reason why we are showing those
possibilities in this communication. Human potential can be
expanded when you communicate with your unknown-self.
Unless you experience something different, then there is little
or no awareness of other possibilities. Fear can restrict
movement, but there is coming a time when people will be
fearful of remaining how they are. People will begin to
understand that ‘the way of thinking’ is part of a control
R: This topic was covered earlier.
O: Indeed, but this is deeper. We talked about freedom and
being free from the need to be free. One of the constraints to a
free mind is a program placed within your collective
consciousness, which maintains the status quo. It keeps you
from changing the way you think. Instead, you have the
appearance of change, of which we spoke before.
Stepping outside of oneself sounds quite radical as if you are
leaving the safety of yourself behind. In reality, it is leaving
behind your own shackles.
R: I can’t see how you are going to do that in a few words.
O: You do not have my perspective or wisdom. But what is
true change and do you know what you are changing from?
R: This is a repetition of what you have said before – know
yourself before you can change yourself or know another.

O: But the inevitable progression of your summary will say,
“To fully understand another way or person will require you to
leave yourself and to become the other person.” To ‘not be
yourself’ is a way of changing the way to look around you.
When everyone begins to accept they have inter-dimensional
states of consciousness, it widens their horizons. When they
see their existence has speed restrictors and vibrational
mufflers, would they not want to cast them aside?
R: Yes but it’s one hell of a jump to ‘not be oneself’. It’s like
relying on the hope that a heavy juggernaut travelling at speed
will turn itself around when the wheel, the engine management
system and the driver are all part of a manipulated program.
O: That also depends on what can be seen through the
windscreen – which choice of reality you see and how it’s
This subject I have introduced is in its formative stages and
your interpretations are not helping. The actual experience is so
much better, so let’s clear the landscape.
R: (The scene) Things seem to slow down and Orlacka waves her
hand slowly in a big arc. Her energy creates a new landscape in
front of us. We are standing on a flat plane with nothing in any
direction. As we walk forwards, I become aware of a ceiling or
plane above. The upper and lower planes seem to be
connected on the horizon. We continue walking but instead of
the horizon constantly extending forwards it comes into view.
As we get closer to it the plane we are standing on begins to
disintegrate. The energy of it flows upward like an inverted
waterfall. It feels as if we are looking through the back of a
waterfall to something ahead of us. Where we stand makes
everything feel like it’s a ‘replication’ or a reflection of the
plane above. Our ability to know this only exists where the two
planes meet. The ‘awareness of replication’ is also changing the
planes. They can no longer sustain what they once were.
The horizons to our sides and rear and begin to shrink and
what was great distance is no longer. The plane that we were
standing on and the one above begin to meet one another and
shrink the area that we can occupy. A crescendo of light and a
loud roaring noise encircles us. I become aware of my
limitations and repetitions – what were my limited horizons are
no longer. My only choice is to move forward with Orlacka
into the waterfall of energy between the planes. In doing so I
become separated from what was and I no longer have any
desire to return to it (see book cover image).
The energy we are moving through is most invigorating. As
we step further into it, I feel that I am walking in all directions.
Like being in the centre of a circle splitting into 360 degrees
and walking in each direction at the same time. Front or back
seems to be twisted. It’s a very new feeling and I am struggling
to cope with the eye-information feed from all directions.
O: The energy will move around your back and then to your
front where it will pour into all your chakras and out at the
back of them. You will be able to see that your whole body
becomes a torus with many sub-torus or vortex fluctuation
points. To see yourself as energy is to know the nature of soul.
This space may be as small or large as you wish. Other people
may enter and interact with you. All that is here is you.
Exceeding contextualisation beyond the need for concepts will
allow the soul to show itself to you. It shows itself to itself.
R: It’s quite a light show! (Orlacka shows me the same sphere as
before cupped in her hands).
O: Do you wish for more of the same? Do you wish to move
forward by questioning me – with questions that create
parameters? Or do you wish to step away from self and see
what comes with no conditions?
R: So many times you say this and so often I fall back to the
default position – humanity’s definition of ‘the way to think’.
O: We shall say no more on the matter and I hope not to
remind you so often. Let my thoughts become yours as if they
are yours. You have no need for doubting yourself or have
concern for slipping. Doubt will ensure that you slip back.
How you presently hear is an extension of soul self. Do not
question yourself, instead observe your thoughts and your
mind. Look without judgement or discernment and see what
soul brings you. There is no need to filter thoughts – you know
what you need and you only need to observe. I have used the
word you and not higher self or soul because all of you is equal
to yourself. It is possible to complicate ‘observation’ with
discernment. It is easier without, then there is nothing in the
Despite your protestations and questions, we are able to
bring you new realisations. The more we do this, the more
your program will change and you begin to observe and not
react. Observation does not require action.
You wonder – how will you know when observation has
provided its fullness? That is something you cannot question,
as that will restrict it. It will be what you allow it to be.
There is no reckoning in observation – nothing should exist
between you and what you observe. Most of all, nothing
should exist between you and yourself if you are to observe
yourself. You are what you observe and focus exists in all
So – what can you bring to yourself that you have not
If I say there was nothing to observe that sounds as though
there is nothing more to see. But it is your ‘act of observing’ – you
think this is how to do it but observing is neither an act nor a
doing or thinking of doing. That’s why observing felt so odd
and detached in the experiential ‘horse metaphor’.
Within that unencumbered mental space, we can observe
one another because other-selves are ‘our self’, of course. We
have nothing to gain or lose from this; everything is here and
nothing is missing. It is a matter of free access and the
awareness that you have free access. ‘You cannot know’ until
you do, so there’s no sense in trying to see what’s here for all
the reasons we have repeated; that’s the old way which is trying
to be an observer and not being it.
Allow yourself to feel my body movements and my
demeanour. Walk forward into me and become the observer
within me.
R: (The scene) I am within her. I feel the soft flowing blue robes
with energetic yellow trimmings. Her energy is golden and it
wafts in soft gestures like slow, gentle hand movements. An
energetic belt at her waist holds the inner tunic in place, the
remainder of the garment stops at knee level. Floppy silky
trousers swish back and forth as we walk forwards. She pushes
open a dark grey-black padded door. Hinged on the right it
opens in front of us ‘at her thoughts’.
We enter a much larger room and in the distance, figures are
silhouetted in front of pale yellow lighting. Many of the
Arcturians are dressed similar to Orlacka, but some have
purple and gold or emerald green and gold energetic robes.
Apparently, it’s not a dress code as such but an energy
manifestation into apparel. As I inspect the garments more
closely, they seem to have other colours within them. The
green contains red and yellows and the purple is red and blues,
whereas the blue has pinks and a myriad of smaller coloured
energy threads. I am entranced just looking at the light show in
the garments that pass me by. Orlacka regains my
concentration on what she wants to show me.
There are several groups of Arcturians who surround
various speakers standing on small podiums or platforms
created by thought. Energetic threads are linking the people in
the groups with each other and the speakers that they gravitate
to. It’s clear to see that information is being shared among
As we walk in further, we are acknowledged by people who
know Orlacka. I could not have done this by myself because
there is a ‘complexity’ of energy, which contains information
that seems indecipherable to me. After a short while, we walk
up and onto a large stage and join others who are already
standing there. A quietness falls over most of the people and

the energetic threads connecting them become steady as they
fluctuate less. They orientate concentration to look at the main
stage where we stand.
There is a variety of energies within the crowd, some have
more vibration than others. The ones looking less bright do
not have their full consciousness with them but they are
downloading information in energy form that can be processed
later. It’s interesting to see the arkarna programs of these
beings interacting and working with each other. At some stage,
they might be here in ‘more consciousness’ in a different
moment but at present, it’s as if they can still hear and speak as
if they were fully here.
The arkarna programs of those who are more present have a
different feeling. Because I am within Orlacka, she says I am
interpreting this information through her. She assures me that
whatever arkarna people are in, it is the same as if they were
fully here. She also points out that interactive programs require
a deeper explanation but we should not distinguish between
consciousness levels. We should interact as if everyone were
fully conscious of everything.
The event is all quite matter-of-fact. There are no
ceremonies and the speakers have no more importance than
the interactive audience. It’s more a sharing of information
than giving any insight or talk.
Standing within Orlacka, we are located on the left side of
this very wide podium. Her energy is swirling and mixing with
the others around us. I wonder if this how our human
thoughts look because we don’t see the energy of them. She
still has the ‘energetic orb’ cupped in her hands. Five similar
beings stand on our right. She raises the orb in her right hand
at the same time as the others raise theirs. The energy
vibrations of all six orbs connect with each other. Threads flow
from the orbs to the participants below.
The energy of the audience returns making a heightened
vibrational resonance. It is an enormous feeling of expansion
with a powerful inter-connectedness. One of the beings that is
two down from us on the podium starts speaking.
Podium voice (PV): “All gathered here today in whatever
form or whatever dimension, be you at one and let one be with
you. I speak for the group of six souls – we wish to share
experiences with you. If our energies are compatible, let them
be at one with you. Let us be as we are – one and all together”
R: (The scene) The hands of the six come back down and the
orbs are placed in front of their chests. Purple light streams out
joining the six hearts together before it streams out to the
participants again. In response, the audience reaches back to
us, enabling me to bathe in this feeling of no separation. I
know full well that I can only do this by residing in the
experience of Orlacka.
PV: “We all come to share in the wish that others may benefit
from our separate thoughts and experiences. We are all aware
that there are many planes and many ways in which to
experience them. Light to light and like to like. Everyone from
any world can travel to be with us. We share with open hearts
so others may see from our perspective that which is unknown
to them. That which is yet to come is that which has been –
the past and future are expressions of belief. We have
tenderness and awareness for our soul connections in lower
vibrational domains.”
R: At this point, Orlacka quietly explains that it is a very short delivery
but she is conveying a much longer interpretation to me so I can
PV: As ‘one’ we have a duty of ‘one’ to be as ‘one’ to think as
‘one’. Remember our hearts do beat as ‘one’ while we
experience degrees of other soul self. Other aspects of our soul
do not do our bidding to give us experience. Free will exists
within consciousness separation. We cannot be imbued or
enhanced by our souls’ actions in those domains – betterment
has no purpose to us. Our souls are one while they are not and
yet there is no difference in what we are – it is as if we are still
one. Separation is only an aspect of the soul, it is a program
and an illusion. The six of us standing here have enhanced the
vibrations of our other soul-selves. They are not aware of our
capabilities or of what we are to them.
We do this for our lower soul-selves because they are us.
They feel separate from us though we have no such feelings.
We do not experience the intensity of their struggles. Today,
we have enhanced their energies and it is not often that we
have six aware consciousnesses capable of being in the same
vibration as us.
R: Orlacka and the five other Arcturians step back from the other lower
vibrational entities like me. I am no longer inside Orlacka.
I feel intense sadness, separation and vulnerability. Everyone
can see everything in me; there is nowhere to hide my thoughts
or deeds. But as I become more attuned with the unconditional
love, it calms and extinguishes those feelings. I am aware of
chatter forming in my head. There are many participants
communicating with me. It seems this level of arkarna can be
experienced in different ways and I can be aware of as much of
it as I need or want to.
The program is incredible, many are communicating with me
at some level and I with them but it’s going on without my
direct awareness. Yet at the same time, the program allows me
to be aware of specific individuals. I have not chosen them but
it doesn’t seem random, so the program must be highly
evolved in order that it gives my soul exactly what I need from
an interaction. Without asking or enquiring, it provides exactly
what I need because I am a part of it.
One particular Arcturian focus (AF) in the crowd reaches
me through the arkarna.
AF: Are you fully aware that we know all your types of
thoughts? We can also see your events as they will and do
unfold. We see them as the timelines of the ‘full souls’ that
stand upon the podium. This is because we are all you and you
us. Orlacka could have explained our encounter in advance but
that would not have been the same as the current experience. I
can see all of you but I do not need to focus upon any part of
you in order to know you. Knowing someone is not the same
for you as it is for me.
At the moment, in order to know and understand others at
this level, you are being helped to join our throng. Because I
am at one, I have access to all that I need; we are as one so I
have no enquiries of you. You are having an experience with
me and while I am not directly connected with your soul, there
is still nothing between us.
R: Yes this is most heart-warming it’s as natural as my own
thoughts. At this point, Orlacka returns but keeps her energy
partially separated from me. I realise this is to give me a less
filtered or enhanced perception. Perhaps it’s to allow me to feel
my presence here isn’t totally dependent on her. We descend
into the throng of participants and head towards the way we
came in. As we progress, it partly reminds me of the
observational touches by the mantoids. As well as me getting
knowledge and experience, they gain something by a direct
feeling of my energetic presence in this arkarna.
O: It’s a more of an enhanced contact or a willingness to touch
you unconditionally at your level.
We will be meeting a specific group of Arcturians who have
an interest in human interactions. We will pass through a
couple of doorways, which is my way mentally and physically
moving you to a desired space. It is not so much a place as a
space that exists in non-locality not subject to time and
restrictive mental constructs.
R: (The scene) We go through another set of padded doors and
are immediately greeted by more Arcturians on our arrival.
Orlacka energetically removes (mentally changes some of her
garments) and she feels less adorned, less formal. Not that
formality would be the right description I suppose.
O: You suppose correctly.
R: (The scene) We move to our right and she sits on one of

several informal round cushions (cylinder shapes with the
circular ends at the top and bottom). Orlacka slants her legs to
her right with feet pulled back from her knees. What we might
think of as ladylike. She smiles at my thoughts.
O: Come, sit next to me. You will be with my energy and
therefore able to focus. Look forward – remember you will
understand through the arkarna programs as they best interact
with you. You will hear the same as the rest of us but only as
much as falls within or just outside your vibration.
R: (The scene) There are several speakers who are on the ‘same
wavelength’; they walk among those that are seated. They are
saying the same things but in different ways. It doesn’t feel like
a lecture because the audience is interacting through the mental
arkarna programs. I begin to hear the projections from one of
the orators who is standing a few Arcturians in front of us.
Orator: Human expression is an unusual thing. They need to
express as individuals and to explain themselves to others in
the desire that they may be understood by each other. Some
humans suppress their needs because they are bound by fear,
and they let others overrule their desire to express. They will
have difficulty understanding that our ways of expressing are
very different.
For a start, we do not do things in order that we are
recognised as worthy individuals. None of that has any
significance because we express as oneness – as one beating
heart. It is difficult for them to see how an individual can exist
in such an environment. Our individuality does not require
itself to be seen as an individual. It requires no recognition in
order for it to exist or not to exist.
R: I think, That is so poignant and powerful. What he says is so true –
all that clatter and noise just to know that we are who we are as humans
– clatter and noise – no wonder it has no satisfaction. The male orator
has heard this in me and acknowledges that by looking directly
at me.
Orator: We have desires that will not be understood by man.
We doubt some would be recognised as desires because we are
so removed from their ways. However, there is no intention to
say that we are remote and separated from them.
R: (Observing) He focuses on my face and I know that he knows
– that I am recording what he is talking about on my laptop.
Orator: Your presence and typing is a part of what has
happened and is in alignment with my expression within this
R: (Observing) He either places more focus on to me or I am
drawn deeper into his arkarna because I can see he is still
interacting with others while having a direct interaction with
me at the same time.
Orator: Is this incisive interpretation by you? Or are you
allowing the information to flow to you? If so then that has
nothing to do with self – it is instead a function of the oneness
upon this plane. So it could be said your ability to ‘see yourself’
inhibits your understanding of our realm and us. What good is
‘yourself’ here in the oneness? You would be an outsider –
remaining within yourself.
R: (Observing) I see him focus on Orlacka and I sense they are
discussing within their arkarna programs what’s the next
appropriate encounter.
Orator: This will perplex you. Did I already know what was to
be said in this moment or did that become influenced by my
discussion with Orlacka? If so, was that a change or was it
already part of what was due to happen? It might be, that
everything you do here with us has already happened and you
are accessing it through a set of arkarna programs.
If so, is it the first time for you or is this is just a review of
what has already happened? Seeing the ‘future of what is to be’
or the ‘past of what was’ does not hold value for us. It does for
you because it relates to your frailty within a sense of self. With
all this being possible, how then does life exist on these realms?
Where and upon what do we put our awareness?

I have said how your understanding of my words will be
hampered. One way to overcome this is to disconnect your
consciousness from the lower arkarnas. That will disable your
current interpretation methods. It’s a little like the information
that passes straight to your core when you resonate with the
energy of a powerful enlightened speech. However, there is no
point in giving great insights if it cannot be understood in your
context. You may think you understand what has been said but
often it is not the same as was intended or actually given.
Examples of that exist throughout this dialogue. What is given
through any higher arkarna has to be relative to your
terminology in order to be understood.
In addition to disconnecting to lower arkarnas, you may
allow yourself to be guided to new ones and the information
they have. You have the freedom to think and to ask questions
despite their pitfalls. Bringing more consciousness to higher
realms adds and expands more of human ‘light connection’.
There is now a window to peer through when before it did
not exist. It could not be known because your mental radars
were not of the frequency to see it or understand it. Each of
you will see this, as you desire to experience it. For some, it is
an opportunity for others an impossibility and maybe for most,
it is just not relevant to earth life.
I am aware that I have not answered the conundrum I
placed before you. But I am hoping you can begin to see that
it’s more about the ‘order of awareness’ or the ‘order of focus’
and how the arkarnas give you an experience. For me, position
in a sequence is not relevant because that’s a determination of
the type of experience you wish for. Yours would be the desire
for sequential experience because you have the inability to
alternate awareness in the many points of focus that you are
having at the same time.
You are remembering this realm because it took place in
your last night’s sleep. Unfortunately, you may see that as a
sequential order because your now subsequent full awareness
appears at a later stage in your time arkarna. It doesn’t have to
be in a particular order. You place emphasis on when – when
it’s not relevant to living within wonderful arkarna programs of
multiple interactions. I have no night or day in the same way
you do. You need sleep in order to be removed from sequence
and encounter other levels of arkarna awareness. You might
wonder how that fits in with these levels of collective arkarna.
Because time is not relative, it doesn’t matter when you interact
with this arkarna. Nor does it matter when we interact with
others – it’s about our awareness of it and there isn’t a ‘when’.
You might think we need not be aware of everything that we
do within our arkarna because they are self-propelling
programs. But that would be to dismiss arkarnas as function
and not entity because you are yet to understand their full
nature and glory.
You are not asking questions, so am I talking as I wish? Am
I aware of what you would ask and giving you those answers in
my next words? How could I do that unless we were ‘at one’?
You are helping by deciding that ‘you are not separate’ by way
of interpretation. Of course, there are many points that I have
not explained to full satisfaction; that is why we are still
You comprehend some of what I say but you dance around
the edge of other understandings. It would help if you could
see them more holistically without time and value.
Then I will boldly say that none of this matters – it matters
not for a single moment in time, it never did and it never will.
Does even understanding have importance? If you can’t
understand the totality of your soul or the way of the universe
it does not stop your function. Nor does it stop you from
being whom you decide you are.
Yet even though I have drawn this line in the sand, you still
gravitate to the thought, it would be good if I could understand more.
Distilled to say that the purpose of our conversation is for you
to know more.
R: Yes, that’s how it feels.

Orator: You mind trips on an old whisper in the breeze. It is
not good or bad to know more or less. You are back to the
desire for personal evolution again. Do you require better
definitions or their removal? Both of those will inhibit.
R: You see the cards I hold in my hands and the edge of new
games that I have faltered at.
Orator: Then it is only a game. Games have no reflection on
value and there is no winning or losing.
Where did the picture of a hand of cards come from? Was it
your internal intuition or did I place that thought in order that
I could answer it in the way that suited best? Whose thought is
whose and when? Does it matter whose it is when it is actually
‘not individual’ in that sense?
R: If I have listened to you correctly, none of that matters. So
do answers and questions actually exist for you or is the
Mowhar paradox somehow involved?
Orator: Questions and answers abandoned. Your own
thoughts are on the right lines but are they following my
thoughts. Should I say, “Well done for your thinking?” or
“Well done for allowing my thoughts to form in you as if they
were yours and mine at the same time?” Do not give me credit
for this and give it not to you either. Should you say well done
for the program that makes the sun rise every morning?
This is the crux of the matter. How do we define you or me
or us and our combined thoughts?
R: If ‘we, the, us’ cannot be defined, then can arkarnas be
Orator: And, of course, that does not matter, as I have alluded
to – but to you it does. Things that defy explanation still
require a reason as to why they should be unexplainable. If
there is a good reason for ‘no answer’ then that is the answer.
That is to do with your inability to satisfy yourself with the fact
that there is no answer.
If all things are from Mowhar – the flux, the dimensions,

and the information fields, then so are the ways we use or bend
paradox to live within its possibilities, all of which are endless.
That is neither an answer nor a good reason, that is about the
way you use paradox within a paradox. Unlimited potential
extends beyond anything you can currently hold as a concept.
Limitlessness exceeds concepts while having none of them at
the same time.
If we are to look a little deeper into arkarna programs, we
must start from the premise that all things are possible.
However not all things need to be made into possibilities no
matter how likely or unlikely they are. We could say that is a
limiting factor or that those words are part of an arkarna
program. It is part of the premise that all things are possible
including not needing some possibilities. And there we have a basic
paradoxical program within the Isness. It would seem sensible
to say ‘that nothing came before anything else’. But nothing is
not even ‘non-existence’ because that exists by relationship to
We are struggling to use your word ‘nothing’ for a ‘non-
concept’ that cannot be described in relation to other things or
in relation to itself because it does not exist. The phrase
‘nothing comes before anything else’ is wrong; it cannot come
from before because there was no before. You do not have a
word for ‘that which is not’. So imprint upon your enquiring
mind that there is only IS – and it IS all possibility. This is why
the Andromedans use the term The Isness
R: You previously mentioned un-chosen possibility. Can you
define it?
Orator: It is just what it says.
R: So un-chosen possibility is not what wasn’t there – ‘the
nothing’ that can’t even be a concept, so it must be a part of
the Isness.
Orator: Correct – But for an understanding of ‘un-chosen’ we
need to look at its relationships within your subconscious
minds. Some people believe that which is not chosen is to be
feared. As if something evil can exist in the un-chosen lying in
wait for anyone making a foolish or innocent choice. For those
who think like this, it would be a good reason not to choose
the unknown. What they don’t realise is they have already
chosen fear above all other possibilities. In this way, fear exists
everywhere even the un-chosen.
The Isness is all possibilities but not all things are desired
into being. It’s all a matter of choice within the context of each
dimension. The dimensions can ultimately affect one another,
but free will on each of them and inter-dimensional soul
connections keep vibrations in check. There are no restrictions
but arkarna parameters. If you wished to see that as a
restriction, you may do so – that is a personal choice of the
many options available in your arkarna.
R: That’s an interesting way to put it – does it mean all arkarna
programs are basically the same but the choices we make
define our dimensions and adapt the arkarna?
Orator: That is part of the reality but the choice to make the
arkarna programs in this way was done at the time of their
creation. They have in part been adapted, but that was not a
matter of when or sequential choices. There are other
Mowhars and other universes with variations of arkarna.
We have said that our universe is connected to the rest of
itself and non-locality. In addition, there are connections
between what was Mowhar and other Mowhars of other
universes, some of which function well and some of which did
not. They became ideas and no more than that and would have
disintegrated. When we look at arkarnas we cannot exclude
anything. We need to view them holistically in terms of
potential, pulse energy, dimensions and how minds and souls
are an intrinsic part of the same system.
Your arkarna, while being holistic, runs on programs
adapted to your choices and beliefs. When you choose one
particular route or action, that may be seen as a restriction to
another. Choices are paradoxical but that’s also about the way
you chose to see them. Instead of seeing wonderful infinite
choices to experience, you have reinforced your arkarna
program with thoughts like What am I restricted from? The
universe answer is absolutely nothing, but you will continue to
look through restriction unless you alter or upgrade your
thoughts. In this way, you would continue to see restriction
even though there is none.
Imagine if you could choose everything at the same
moment. Not only would there be chaos but no way of
understanding the chaos. That would, in effect, be a failed
Mowhar – no order and no choice. Choosing everything is a
paradox because that’s choosing to have everything when you
already have it.
There are some very fine subtleties within paradox, so it just
goes to show the wonderful nature and the complexity of the
amazing arkarnas.
Choice is not restrictive and having multiple experiences is
to have multiple lives on different dimensions.
Do not reference any of your feelings to that which is ‘un-
chosen’; it needs no such reflection. There is no need to be sad
for that which did not come into existence – it did not know
that it could or that it was not one of your choices. There is no
need for that which you do not need. Arkarna programs are
beautifully complex but simple at the same time; they would
be, they are from Mowhar.
As I begin to conclude, I would like to draw your attention
to the constructive use of paradox while living within its
unconstructive elements. I would like you to begin to accept
that you are an arkarna. It’s easy to see that you are ‘Robert
Arkarna’. You conform to your own rules and programs
including the breaking of rules because that is one of the rules.
You are a living consciousness of complex programs working
on a variety of levels. We could have described this as soul, but
that would be insufficient because your definition of soul
doesn’t include its complexity and ability.
Can you see how far you have moved from the initial
descriptions of soul at the beginning of this book?
Refer to our holistic description of arkarna and try to see
you are the originator of the arkarna programs and the being
that experiences them. You are a multifaceted program
working on several different dimensions at the same time. This
you can conceptualise and accept as the ‘current expression of
yourself’ – you – your soul and your programs – you are one
and the same.
However, you are also other arkarna programs, but in order
to have your current experience, your awareness of those
programs is very limited as they run contiguous with yours.
We experience arkarna differently to you because we are
more at one with our multidimensional nature. Neither do we
experience you as you experience yourselves. It’s a matter of
choice and the choices made within the multiple arkarna
R: Thank you, but unfortunately, it seems as if we are back to
square one alongside the other descriptions of ‘the appearance
of separation’. I don’t feel much further forward nor that I live
within the union.
Orator: Despite what you feel, you have seen and taken on
board the fullness of a few more paradoxical choices at other
arkarna levels. Stop trying to understand through your earth
programme ‘that which you cannot’. Instead, when you wish or
choose, you may be here with us in our arkarna – as one of us.
Everything you need is brought into being for you by arkarna,
and she is the consciousness of all of us and she is us. You no
longer need proof of this – that is constant proof, which is
reassurance. Just choose and do not seek proof, as that will
distort what you see through it.
R: That facet could be added to Antemedi’s initial exploration
of proof.
Orator: Be mindful of my delivery, not a previous one.
Imagine and feel that you are me – sense my energy and
arkarna as if we are one. I am without frustration because
progression and result are not what I choose to see within the
multitude of choices. Everything has its place within my mind,
within the greater arkarna/me. I have no desire to move you
forward – I have no desire to see you evolve. If you could
choose to see ‘no values’, you would indeed be more like this
dimension and me.
R: And that is the stumbling block, there seems to be a limit to
what I can fully understand. (So, in frustration I stopped typing and
walked away for a while – when I came back I immediately fell into a
deep sleep. I awoke feeling very relaxed, in a different zone. I re-read what
I had written in readiness to start again.)
Orator: When you have frustration you believe you have
reached your limit. That is only a feeling and a belief.
R: Your feelings don’t get in the way like ours do.
Orator: That is so they do not. As for you – take all the pain in
the following words deep into your heart and feel the intensity
of them:
There is nowhere to go from here – there is nothing more to say – you have
reached the limits of your understanding.
Those words could be a sign of achievement but you see
them as a failure. You believe there is a limit to what your
arkarna programs can deal with; that is why we tweaked your
program when you were asleep. The program that you have
now is different because there is a little more energy around;
you have given up on giving up – another little subtlety in your
program. This means there is no trying, no needing, and no
wanting to. You are relaxed, unlike before. There is nothing
more you can do in the old program. Nothing more you could
do as Robert the program.
R: True, I am not vexed but that’s not giving up on Robert,
that’s giving up on one of my programs, it’s not the same
Orator: When is it the same thing? When are you no longer

R: When I die
Orator: No! It’s when you decide you are no longer Robert.
R: That’s similar to what’s been said before but when there are
so many stimuli to the contrary, how is that possible? In any
event, I am functioning in an earth arkarna.
Orator: All that is so but it is still a matter of choice. Choosing
from the Isness of possibilities that is where I came in today.
Choices you could not take because they would either create
chaos or cancel out other possibilities. In addition, you have
choices believed not possible when in fact they are.
R: I know what you say is true, but something eludes me.
Orator: You elude yourself.
R: How do I not? – Our conversation is beginning to sound
like Confucius or Yoda, who says the same things backwards.
Orator: I hear you, so let me review things in a practical way.
Here you sit in your lounge typing on a laptop – you can see
inter-dimensional beings. Not only can hear their thoughts but
you are cognisant of their true essence. You can discuss and
interact with them as if you are in the same time period.
Some of these beings have told you that they are ‘you’. They
have provided you with experiences and information that is
not commonly available. You know you are not psychotic and
the only thing you have is a slight struggle with accepting more
and more the loss of yourself as Robert.
R: Put like that it sounds quite normal. I feel as if I am
touching the edge of something tangible that I cannot reach.
Orator: Then more of you has to die to be it. I use the word
die to show the enormity of what I say. This is not an exercise
in jousting with concepts or testing boundaries and theories.
This is real – are you to reconcile this? If I were to say it is ‘a
walk in the park’, it would give no gravity to the gravity of what
you are doing.
What if we walked along a path in the park and partway

through I stopped and turned you around. I could open your
eyes to that peaceful transit but then reveal the walk I had
hidden – another route on a swaying tightrope spanning a deep
crevasse containing ‘fears of destruction’. Would a more
dangerous walk result in greater meaning and discovery?
It might show foolishness or, alternatively, your faith and
trust in me. But you no longer need to test your faith in us, it is
beyond question. What value is there in walking new paths
through old value systems that test your mettle? You cannot be
guided towards yourself by experiencing something different
than it really is. That is false pretences for good intent.
The outcome would mean that you had not, in true
awareness, reached this place – right here now with me. We
could not drag you nor insist, and if we lifted you up without
gaining the wisdom, you would fall back again. That is not our
R: Your words and wisdom have found their marker within
me. I am made happy through your wisdom, and I am glad you
are all a part of my life as I am of yours. The struggle to be one
or the other, or the all, has faded – it just is the way it is and
one day it will be another ‘just the way it is’.
(I see part of my previous programming falling away from me. The energy
that Orlacka previously cupped in her hands she now places into the centre
of my head.)
O: You do not need to react to situations in order to be
yourself. Choose who you wish to be regardless of what the
stimuli say. Frustration did not need to exist within the process
of discovery. Feelings did not need to dictate to you.
Frustration is a mere veil to be pulled back easily and discarded
– this you did not see.
Keep relaxed and in contact at the highest vibration. You
can and we will show you higher pathways.
(Antemedi appeared a few moments before Orlacka departed.)
Antemedi: Time to leave some of the rarefied levels and
return to more practical aspects of communication.
Antemedi presents some unusual concepts that we might
like to accept into our future arkarna programs. Some of
these help to remove our anchors in ridged structured
thinking. He takes us deeper into the arkarnas of Isness. He
and higher levels talk about our imagination and how
everything is ‘made up’ within that.

Antemedi: ‘As things begin so they will’. It sounds like

‘something in nothing’, which the Arcturians have pointed it
out as an impossibility. We have been through discussions
about ‘what is a beginning’ and what is ‘new’ or a ‘start’. So
let’s do something different that can ‘just be’ without the need
to clarify it first or see the variable ‘ways we think’ about it.
Robert: That is still an introduction!
A: And what’s wrong with an introduction? Should I not talk
as I walk you through a new doorway?
R: (We enter a busy room with workstations and interactive monitors. He
introduces me to Karliene.)
Karliene: Welcome both. Come with me; I have something
Antemedi wishes me to show you.
(He presents an ornamental curved sword secured in a scabbard and places
the scabbard sash around my neck – most bizarre and completely out of
A: ‘What is – is’ were my previous words.
R: (Energy begins to revolve around the sword and sash creating a circle
around me.)
A: You heard me say ‘sword of destiny’, but you refrained
from typing it thinking it was a mythical object that was not
real. If such a thing were true, why would it be presented to
I did this to shock and obtain your attention so that you
would listen to my words with care. Of course, the sword is a
representation, but it showed your unwillingness to type what
might look like nonsense or be some egotistical jaunt swelling
from the depths. If you look in front of you, we have all sorts
of mythical objects made ‘apparent’. They are imbued with
certain energies. But there is nothing magical or mystical about
them. Their appearance is only a portrayal of the energy that
exists here.
Over time your histories have told of such powers.
Humanity had no way of explaining or understanding how
these energies came into being. It was easier to interpret and
depict them as mythical objects. Do you think objects like this
are no longer needed because we have provided explanations
for mental and energetical prowess?
Are the metaphors we used in our explanations so different
from the ancient sagas with amulets and talismans,
representing forces of goodwill? The horse metaphor could
have been likened to Pegasus. Orlacka’s energy orb could be
compared to a crystal ball with inter-dimensional aspects.
Energies of chakras can be shown in patterns, dress code and
jewellery. If an amulet is supposed to possess powers, how
deep does the belief in it need to be in order for the amulet to
imbue its power? Is the object the power or is it the focus for
your belief that creates the power?
These energy explanations are interchangeable and there are
connections between all that I have said. I know you think this
seems out of context, but what I say is for good reason.
I want to explore further with you ‘the power of acceptance’.
It is the place of no doubt existing beyond the need for belief.
What is – is. There are no questions about it because when you
are there you have no questions. They are answered and not
answered in the same moment of paradox. Questions are
pointless. There is every point and no point to them. Concepts
lose their validity the closer we get to the Isness, its power and
(Karliene wraps up several talismans into an energy vortex, which
gradually expands and engulfs Antemedi and me. There is a great
peacefulness. From the horizon, a winged horse moves swiftly towards us.
It is symbolic because it is the means by which to travel to other worlds.
As it approaches, a space vessel appears on our right.)
A: Which has more power or prowess? The reality of a
mystical entity or a spacecraft developed over millennia. What
weight do you put on a living machine that has management
‘self-aware programs’ interacting with our arkarnas?
R: I guess it depends on your take on life. Both of these would
be quite unbelievable to most people.
A: Well you are not most people. I am asking about your
R: Well Pegasus, despite being mythical, seems more of an
entity whereas the craft, though quite marvellous in its
energetic connections, seems a little more mechanical.
A: The craft is function and a result of us working and
advancing within our arkarna.
R: But the horse does not seem to be a function of what you
or we could have done.
A: You think there is no ‘value bias’ from where you view and
that you are comparing an entity to a ‘created form’, which will
supply our need for travel. But what is form and what is
function? What is energy – how should energy represent itself
in form if it is not to be seen as essence energy? The essence
energies cannot be seen by the average human eye so for them
they may as well not exist. In order to interact with energy at
lower densities, it has to have form and function like the craft.
R: Yes, but at whose bidding and whose inventive creation?
A: Was not Pegasus created ‘for your bidding’ in the same way
that you create your technology – at your bidding for your
purpose? If you had encountered benevolent mantoids in years
gone by without recording devices, you could have only
explained such beings with carved figures and statues. Verbal
traditions would pass through so many generations that the
origin would be unknown, and in that way, they would become
R: OK, I gather that you are showing similarities between
function and purpose. That mythical objects, beings or stories
are an extension of function and form, possibly created for our
own purpose of trying to understand or record.
A: So how do you know that the mantoids were not a creation
of your imagination or of ours?
R: Because I trust what I am seeing and what you say; because
it’s all been beneficial and you have never lied.
A: That is true but it is not quite what I meant. We are talking
about energies and their representations. The mantoids could
have been seen as a type of human-like being. At their essence
soul, they are able to take a different form.
R: Do you mean, are we are making them up or moulding
them in our imagination to fit what we want?
A: There is that possibility but it is not so. Let’s look at form as
a representation of energy. An insect on earth has a form
adapted to its environment, but primarily it is an energetic part
of an insect self-aware arkarna and a part of the environment
and earth arkarna. The form is the best fit for the integration
of that energy within the environmental arkarna. So which
comes first? Certainly not the chicken or the egg! It will always
be the energetic intent, which interacts with the energetic
program of the environment.
The insects provide a valuable input into the totality of the
environmental function. The arkarna ‘nature life’ programs can
change very quickly or over long periods, this is then perceived
as physical evolution. It is the same with humanoids and
mantoids. There are different arkarna programs across the
universe that give rise to a wide variety of beings. Naming a

mantis as a mantoid is to align it with your humanoid soul
nature and not a hive of ants.
R: Yes, but this doesn’t square with your question – how do
we know that the mantoids were not a creation of your
imagination or ours?
A: In part, that’s to do with your interpretation of the word
‘imagination’ it being imaginary made up and not real. What I
am trying to bring you to is a better acceptance and
understanding of creative thought beyond the need to believe.
We touched on this with ‘creative thinking’.
R: Are you saying, because we are all interconnected, it means
the mantoids are a creation of us and we of them.
A: That is in part true but not what I wanted to bring to you.
Inspect an apple in your mind and look at where the red
colours intermingle with the greens. There are degrees and
areas of blending. However, the mind tends to see the red and
the green sections and not often the mix. You could look at
thousands of apples but your mind imagines ‘the red-green
split’ without much blending even if it’s not what your eye
perceives as light. In part, you imagine what you see or expect
to see.
Now then – is that a true image or not? Putting this ‘in’ your
mind is the same as putting an ‘in’ after the ‘g’ of image; it
makes the word ‘imagine’. In the case of the apples, your mind
distorts or creates what you see in your mind. It is not
necessarily a true eye image. In which case what you imagine
and what you image are both a function of the mind. Energy
has form and you can select how you view the image. If it
brings what is needed then why get hung up on what you see?
R: Because I would prefer to see what’s projected rather than
putting my interpretation upon it.
A: But you always do – that’s how interpretation works.
R: We have moved away from ‘creative thought’ existing
beyond doubt and the need to believe.
A: It’s all part of the same subject – creative imagination.
When you have created something from your imagination you
give it form from the energy of thought. You allow images to
come into your head and muse upon them, rolling them
around looking at them from several positions, and then you
paint them in oils on canvas.
R: Yes, but they are not real they might be concepts or
feelings, not real places (though some are).
A: And that is what you portray – concepts and feelings that
come into your mind from yourself. What is real? We have
constantly reminded you about the information fields,
harmony and pulse. We are entering a different energetic space,
but you are bouncing off its edges and not passing into it. We
are getting closer to another aspect of the Isness and creativity
– the use of energy to create form without doubt or belief.
That statement seems an extraordinary possibility for you. So
much so that it has appeared as a tiny smudge of doubt, which
you haven’t detected yet. But I can see it because the possibility
now exists to create both negative form as well as positive
form from energy.
Dispense with that thought; it is only a doubt do not give it
energy. Only by clear thinking can you enter these arkarnas of
The reason I talked about the mantoids is because they live
and work from this aspect of the Isness.
I can see you pondering – ‘If I could create from such places
what would I create?’ Well, like everybody else, you do – from
the multidimensional part of you that already vibrates and
exists there.
I would like to help by connecting you to that part of ourself
so ‘you may explain more to yourself’. It is an aspect of your
higher self arkarna and entity with a fluid energetic
presentation of form.
Creative Higher Self: CHS (another attribute of higher self
or a different higher self arkarna programme) In what form
would you like me to present myself?
R: The form you wish. (She comes forward as a fluctuating
presentation containing all the people I am closely linked with – they are
all part of higher self though there are several I do not know.) One
image has no more preference than another.
CHS: I have some images of our self.
R: (She shows me Trito the Cytith.)
CHS: Antemedi was trying to convey that form is of no concern
but to those that have concern about form. To be here, one needs to
be free from such concerns or comforts. There is nothing to
comfort or not to comfort and those thoughts do not form
part of this vibration. You may allow into your consciousness
different forms and projections that suit the arkarnas of many
dimensions and densities.
R: (At this point I feel her all around and within me. What were her
flickering lights and ‘projection of forms’ are now around me. What a
strange feeling this is. I feel transformed as I become images of different
body forms. Some bodies are just energy without the need to form, but
others seem more solid or more explored.)
CHS: Let us begin talking about what you were, are, and will
be. These terms describe past, now and future and are relative
to the appearance of movement. Soul creations are not
informed by or restricted by those parameters, and at these
levels of arkarna we talk about overarching other arkarnas. You
might think that creativity requires some thought or thinking
about creative possibilities. But it does not. Thought of this
kind creates a boundary in a similar way to your database.
Here, every possible creation exists as a possibility. It does
not need to be ‘thought up’, an arkarna can formulate
possibilities by allowing possibilities within the framework of
unbounded love and expression. The possibilities ‘coalesce’
from additional parameters and links with other souls’
arkarnas. As the possibilities naturally adhere to one another
they create timelines on lower dimensions. Possibilities are

endless and any life force or field can be encountered or
As you focus on this energy you will see its ‘vibratory
fluctuations’ and feel no need to do anything. There is nothing
to do and nothing to be. There are no needs to satisfy – you
need not be satisfied. What comes – comes. Yet, it is not
random, despite the wide variation in what can be evoked.
Another word for creating is ‘imagined into being’. As creators
So yes – it’s made up – it’s all made up. The very thing that
you baulked against, wanting things to be real and not
imaginary. The link between imagination and ‘imagined into
being’ was as if one was a truth and the other a lie. Here we
could say there is only truth and no lies, but there are many
variations of what is true. You cannot hold one aloft and say
this is the ultimate truth because you might need to change it
to fit an alternative situation. Everything is made up!
R: Wow – now that’s a strange feeling. It’s like everything is a
lie – nothing is real only energies that can take different forms.
There are no truths and there are no lies because they would
restrict what is possible. It makes perfect sense in its rationale
and irrationality. This puts Antemedi’s introductory talk about
truth in another dimension – literally!
CHS: So there you have it and only after a few words of
communication! Truth does not exist in the way you think it
does. Even to say the soul is fluid energy is a description so is
that a truth? For you, truth is something that’s immovable until
further discovery means it can be revised to another
monolithic statement. Your perception of truth does not
accord with this realm.
R: I am just beginning to realise what that means: I no longer
need to search for the truth. It is an intrinsic part of enlightenment
but only to a certain point. It is also an appearance of progress
until it is not. What we create on earth is only part of our
arkarna program there or on that level. It is of little effect upon
the soul at these levels. I am an experience of creating residual
energies and the experience of clearing them up.
CHS: You are beginning to see that these new thoughts will
free you from attachments. It is certainly a different
perspective to see that nothing is real. You have been ascribing
meaning to ‘reality’ as somehow existing on the truth side of
‘truth and lies’. If you cannot find truth, can you find reality?
So is love real? It is certainly a created experience and one that
we would prefer. As the soul creates this, we could say that it is
real because it creates and expresses itself. But if it’s all ‘made
up and created’ that could be said ‘not to be real’.
R: Mowhar again. Invent, imagine, create and make up. It no
longer feels like an untruth or an unreality, so how do we
define what is real and tangible internally? Certainly not by
another person’s external measure of truth! And to that
question of Antemedi: “How do we know that the mantoids
were not a creation of your imagination or ours?”
HSC: Well that demonstrates quite clearly that you were
hearing it through the filter of ‘what is truth?’ when there
should be no such filter. It challenged you and your thought: It
must be a truth I have seen them – they were introduced by my trusted
guides and they gave some great information. It’s got to be true it cannot be
imagined. When in fact the ‘free flow’ of imagination is part of
creativity. We only reflected your doubts to yourself. There is
no more in that question than that. It was a prompt as an
intrinsic part of accepting these realisations.
There was no deeper meaning than the one we have given.
What greater depth could there be than the one we have just
shown you? Antemedi’s question was meant to perplex you
and if we can use the word, truth – that is the truth of it as a
Unless you are prepared to accept there is no ‘definable’ or
‘ultimate’ truth, it will restrict your access to certain levels of
the Isness. Who wants to restrict unlimited potential to specific
definitions of truth?
R: Understood. Thank you. (Antemedi becomes the focal point.)
A: Now things will begin to pick up a pace!
Keep with and around you the awareness of the fluctuating
energetic body projections. This will help loosen your Robert
sense of self. We will then be able to converse with ‘less’
between us. Take a pause with me before returning to the
R: (During the pause, we spoke at depth and here is the summary) Over
the last few minutes, you explained there is no sense of ego-self
while we exist and walk within that higher awareness; yet when
I return to awareness in the earth arkarna, it seems the sense of
self returns..
A: And so it does but you can choose how you let it affect you.
As to picking up a pace, let us proceed. My words flow as if
they are free to be themselves – you do not need to seek any truth
within my words. There are many readers who will now
understand those words. Who would have thought it was
possible to accept that their way is not to seek the truth in my
words? Certainly there would have been a lot less at the
beginning of this book.
‘Tempaney – coowahlah – satenisay’ basically means that
energetic resonances are attached to words and their meanings
– these will become known in due course.
R: We are quite some way into a growing word count; is there
a book ending you have in mind?
A: Yes and yes, but there are a few more things we would like
to cover so please concentrate on what I say it will help me to
be more succinct.
When you speak with intent it will create energy; this can be
projected to one or more individuals. This was shown in your
meeting with the Arcturian Orators. I would like you to
consider that you have a voice and it can convey energetic
resonances. You think that when this book ends the effort will
be sufficient and that the message is finished. That is your
desire to be finished with the typing. But we have other
information to convey over sequential events, so there will be
more to type in the months ahead – everything in its place.
R: Okay, I will go with the flow but you know that already.
A: Yes – just a little mental preparation that as one thing ends
another takes over.
Keep your awareness full within ‘your other-selves energies’;
that will anchor you more within those levels. That is a sound
place from which ‘to be’. There is nothing you have to do and
there is no failure and no success.
R: Thank you, I understand what you are saying.
A: Let’s take a moment to consider where things are heading.
We have said much, though there is more to say. Our prime
objective was to raise awareness of information that has not
been explored in any great depth before. This, we believe, we
have done in ways that can be grasped and understood. The
ideas will raise other questions in the shallows and in the
People have always had questions of themselves and many
seek answers to the ‘way of things’ and their origins. This
delivery is part of one of many similar communications from
other entities. It coincides with the energetic changes around
your planet. So as I say, everything in its place.

Antemedi talks about removing reference points from our
minds in order that they can be free and fluid. He explains
that we can move forward without anticipation or
precursors, but we have to be careful about what we wish
to create. Robert stumbles forward in an old way of
thinking distorting what he creates.

Robert: Last time, we spoke about creating form from energy.

Antemedi: You think there are some secrets we can give you?
R: No, I just didn’t feel as though the topic was completed.
A: All in its time – there are no secrets, it’s all about the nature
of mind. Not what the mind is in control of, but how free it is
with no parameters or lurking doubts.
Imagine a flat landscape with straight energetic lines in a grid
pattern to give reference and scale. That’s quite a
straightforward concept of unlimited freedom until the lines
start moving about. But if the mind is free, it has to be free
from the reference points we have created. To cope with the
moving lines you could impose your will and change them, but
what would you change them to? This type of freedom does
not fit your constructs, so you don’t know what can be created
from it.
Creation in freedom needs no reference points, so any
helpful reference points are unhelpful. This is difficult for you
because your mind still wants me to locate you, particularly
when I know where I am taking you.
You believe this will be easier because your logic says that if
a path exists it must go somewhere – then it feels tangible. In
that way, you will have missed the point.
This is about freeing your mind not following me.
R: What about our connected unification? (You are me and I am
you, so can we use that?)
A: Doesn’t work like that. Every part of us that wants to be
free has to free itself. My guidance is always here for you but as
a particular aspect of our mind, I cannot free another part of
our mind which is self-autonomous. I can show you what your
restrictions are and how to leave them but the choices are still
If you are happy to make the choice let us step forward over
the threshold and accept that this next vibrational level has no
reference points not even to ourselves – there can’t be.
Feel the completeness, the stillness and peacefulness. There
is an abundance of energy here. If we give out a thought, it
returns to fulfil our desires and sponsoring thoughts. If we
think colours, we are immediately surrounded by colours of all
shades. If we think people, we are surrounded by them.
Whatever we think, the Isness provides.
R: I see what you meant earlier about reference points and
their ability to restrict. The feeling here, while peaceful, is
meaningless to human life. Past ways of thinking seem
unfulfilling; it would be to have everything that we wanted
created from a shallow repetition of the past. It would be
welcome to have something out of the blue – different, not a
remake from the same parameters.
A: In order to avoid a rehash, all thought parameters need to
be dispensed with. Let us have no parameters so we can walk
forward without ‘expecting’ or without ‘not expecting’ because
either would be a parameter.
R: (We are moving through dangling tapes suspended high
above. They remind me of cinema filmstrips because there are
sequential pictures on each tape. We can look at any one of
them and review the action.)
A: Thought becomes a deed and the outcome of the deed is

energy. The filmstrips show potential scenarios that can be
joined together to make the experiences you need. But these
are still reflective of your existing database arkarna. You get
more of the same because you haven’t asked for anything
R: Okay, please let it change.
A: But that is still asking from your existing program.
R: Okay, then show me how not to.
A: That’s the point I can’t show you – I have already explained
why that is.
R: Okay, let me use the power of thought. I am going to keep
walking through this maze of ribbons until it ends and then I
can see what is on the other side. (After a while moving forwards I
realise it’s not going to end because my intent is to keep walking. I
know what I wanted but I created competing thoughts within my
statement.) So I desire to stop walking and be free from the
ribbons. I realise it’s an exercise in seeing not only the power
of the mind but of having clear thoughts and intent.
As the ribbons fade, we enter a grey cylindrical enclosure
and we move into its centre. Light swirls around us and we
float upwards. It’s a liberating feeling but I get somewhat light-
headed. New thoughts begin to fill missing places in my mind.
I wonder what is the point of desiring when it can only be fulfilled
according to the desire, which is a parameter? Can it be that to exceed
or have no parameters, one should not even desire to exceed
them? Otherwise, the desire to exceed parameters becomes a
reflection as well. Antemedi said expectations are parameters
so that must mean desires are as well. What a strange place this
is – in order to exist to its function one has to let go of all
things – hope, love, satisfaction and the self. I am still all I was,
but do I now exist as potential? I have no need to ignite any of
the potentials that exist here.
Many times before, I would have felt comfortable standing
in awe soaking up the wonderful energies. Those were limited
and restricted appreciations, fleeting for only a few moments.
The true nature unfolds – all is here ready to do my bidding in
a different way. I am quite dumbfounded and I do not know
what to desire. Is it even possible to live in such a way?
Creative Higher Self: You listen well to yourself – to the me
of you. Most desires are for satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Some may say they desire knowledge for knowledge’s sake, but
that is to hide the satisfaction in learning more. Whatever label
humanity wishes to put on its actions – it is a desire. To offer
one’s help or to selflessly save others is noble. But that, too, is
a value system and those that are noble who may say they do
not value their efforts, still do so because they devalue them,
and that is the other side of duality – it is still a human desire.
There is no one on earth that does not have desires and who
lives according to them. Antemedi said, “Any parameter or
format that is directive, sponsors what you create.” Yes, you
may look at your desires in the context we have placed them
and you might allow the needs of love to surpass desire.
Remember, ‘like comes to like’ so all misunderstandings will
return and show themselves in every moment.
So, desire – what next? It is, as you understand it. If you
desire to see beyond desire’ it still remains as desire. In which
case, it is a conundrum.
R: Not desiring to have desire is a catch 22. Maybe it’s another
reflection of Mowhar. But desire, as you point out, is a basic
human building block. I am not sure how or even if it is
possible to live without desire.
CHS: That would be to observe and act to your observations
without engaging desire. It is not a way that corresponds with
your idea of life. It is another form of arkarna but it is also
entity living as well. The fact that it is so removed from your
ideals does not make it less worth living. We would not accept
it unless it fulfilled our ideas of love. It is not possible for you
to shed your desires while inhabiting a land of desires. In any
event, would you really want to do that?
R: I can’t think of a good reason, so why then are you showing
this way of living and thinking? It doesn’t seem to achieve
CHS: Achievement is, of course, desire and measurement.
Does it have to achieve anything?
R: In your realm, perhaps not, but in mine we live very
differently. This book is supposed to help to achieve an
appreciation of different ways of thinking.
CHS: We are showing you a different way of thinking at the
moment, but you can’t see the benefit of it. It is of no benefit –
it is beyond that. I am giving an explanation through the
feeling of these concepts. If it can never be of benefit to you in
the way that you see ‘benefit’, then it seems pointless.
R: Yes, a construct that seems to have little relevance here on
CHS: But it has relevance here and to many other societies; it’s
not just a process of the higher self. On earth, everyone places
emphasis on desire and gratification. Often it’s been said that
you seek something because you do not have it. There are
many states of being beyond gratification. Many beings you
have encountered exist without the trauma of desires needing
to be fulfilled.
Take a step within me and give no consideration to purpose
or answers. We have no purpose and no function other than to
be. There really is nothing else – we have no whimsical nature
or anything to seek. We need nothing. Tranquillity is a word
that could be used, but then again it stands in reference to that
which is not. Here we have tranquillity, but it is not in
reference to anything else.
R: This is very hard to grasp, but I would expect you to say
there is nothing to grasp.
CHS: You have forgotten about the fluctuations within your
aura, and you have slipped a little too much into Robert. Focus
on the energy of your different expressions into soul in order
to be more fully with me. Expect nothing and become at one
with your other projections. This is a place of all things and no-
things. It is a place where you are many people and many
projections. Our projections may have their desires on their
dimensional levels, but we cannot have desire here because that
would not allow our projections to have their freedoms.
R: But you were intimating that the freedom from desire is
more desirable because of the trauma desire creates.
CHS: You create in your ways and we do here in ours. You
create through desire, and we do not. We create for our whole
self for each and every part of the fluctuating projections. Our
desire would override yours if we were to function with it. The
truth is we cannot function with it unless we are the projection.
You are beginning to see that desire has limitations and a
degree of pointlessness. This is because your desires are having
less relevance to your way of being. What about joy for the
sake of joy? Joy not bound by fulfilling desires. Without
‘random desire’ you will not get pulled in all sorts of odd
directions. Desire awareness is something different.
R: I am beginning to think this is too hard or just not possible
to fully grasp. I hear and understand what you say, but there is
a big disconnect somewhere, and this dialogue is unlikely to
make easy reading.
CHS: So are we to put this right so that you may forgo your
struggle? We cannot let desire get in the way.
R: Get in the way of what?
A: Let’s try this by connecting more deeply with your
fluctuations. Connect with all the expressions in your aura and,
when calm and connected, listen without the desire to
CHS: At this level, we can see our projections having their
desires fulfilled without our need to be involved. We
experience pleasure that they may have their desires fulfilled.
We have joy in seeing what we have created as you, and what

has created itself within the arkarnas. Our expressions into
forms are varied. Those like Orlacka undertake life in loving
responsibility without desire taking a heavy hand. Here,
responsibility does not exist because that is a function of
desire. There is the joy in allowing and watching and being
with others who are similar. There are many others who allow
creation and create without desire.
We can rejoice in being at one with ourselves and our like-
minded souls. It is splendid without comparison because it has
no need for desire – it is wondrous. You could say that our
desires are fulfilled in totality to the point that we have no need
for them. It is a state of being and it is not temporary and
neither sustainable nor unsustainable. It is wonder without
bounds. We can stretch across many lands and more. The
arkarnas at this level do as they do yet we are still entities. We
are you beyond the constraint for desire and its expression. So
feel this feeling as best you can. We are individual entities as
well as one entity we are you. There is no preference to be in
one focus or another – to be an individual or the greater
oneness. It is a joy to be and share and love with no ifs or buts.
R: Thank you, I am encapsulated by some of those feelings
and now get a small glimpse of what it might be like here. Joy
and completeness without desire. This is a much deeper feeling
and makes more sense as a way of being. It’s neither my
feelings obscured nor a temporary touch on the outside surface
of this inner realm. It’s the inside as best can be seen and felt.
I know for my living on earth this moment shall still be a
temporary experience, but this level doesn’t feel distant
anymore. It is not untouchable in unknowingness. There is a
feeling to this belonging. I feel equivalent to higher self with no
value system in the way. I am one of my experiences, which is
beyond value.
CHS: Then we have joy in your joy, which is my joy that I feel
within me – you may return to desire as much as you wish.
R: Thank you.
Antemedi reflects on an ending summation that does not

A: You think we had better start summing up and putting an

order and context to things. But there never was going to be an
end because the spiritual universe cannot be tidied and boxed-
up complete.
Does it go on forever? Well, that depends on what it is. For
the soul, there is no end because there was no beginning – no
before. There are certainly many ways to describe or see the
same things so description goes on. Everyone will have a
different take on what we have said and there will be topics
that they find more interesting or more compelling than others.
What is heard and understood of all that’s given is another
matter. It’s more about where people are at ‘in their head’ and
what they are going through. What’s being received from us is
superimposed on existing measurement systems so what
people get will vary enormously.
We don’t think a synopsis is actually a very good thing
because it would take snippets out of context and diminish the
depths of feelings generated by the full metaphors. If an item is
of that much interest, it can always be re-read.
R: Not the summing up I was expecting.
A: Very rarely can you see what I say in advance. You feel we
are coming to a flat ending as if the tap has been turned off.
That is certainly not so for you because we will continue with
our communications as usual. You are musing on the potential
for a more dramatic or uplifting ending. Even you do not listen
to my words without the interference of desire. In my first line
above, I said it would not end – so how then could I provide
an uplifting ending?
R: An uplifting partial ending.
A: But it’s not even partial, it continues. I can’t stop being who
I am or what I become and neither can you or the readers. We
don’t end.
R: But you take my point this book will end; it can’t continue.
A: Of course I do, your typing needs to leave the laptop. Look
to what I reflected about endings and read it again.
R: Forever appreciated.
A: That is the way of things when seen without the constraint
of time.
There are a couple of things I would like to offer for
consideration at this stage. The practices I have outlined at the
beginning of this submission do not need to be entertained for
an individual to progress. How each of you develops, or at
what rate, will fit in with life’s demands and interests. There is
no have to or should do, the life of soul expression isn’t based on
what someone else says you should do. Life, its growth, and
love are presented daily in everyone’s personal arkarna, even if
the multidimensional connections are ignored.
There is no guilt attached to how evolved anyone should be,
and after all, who should set the standards and measurements?
That would be yet another reflection of the way humanity
thinks. Guilt is an imposed internal and external form of
judgement and pain. It is used as a means, as a driving force for
apparent good or change. Though cause and effect return your
created energy in very diverse ways.
There are changing influences upon your societies and there
is a lot more hidden dirty washing that needs to come out.
There will be pressures from those currently holding power
who ignore their guardianship of others. It would be
magnificent if you were no longer under the yolk of
indoctrination. That would be freethinking to the level of your
arkarna. There is no escape or running away that is to
misunderstand and not see you are trying to run away from
yourself. Changing your thoughts and arkarnas is neither easy
or hard it is only a measurement that you make of possibilities.
We have shown you different ways of thinking but if I can
leave you with anything, it would be to believe in yourself. It
could be that you could exceed belief in yourself and live
beyond belief or the need to believe and not be frightened of
fear. But that is the reality of my world, which is not the same
as yours.
Many different ways of thinking will be beyond you at
present but the pathways are open if you want to explore.
Not many have full sight or belief in who and what they are.
You are all free thinkers if that’s your wish – it’s just a matter
of which WAY you wish to think and what will suit you best.

An explanation of some of the more common terms used
throughout Consciousness and the Alien Mind

Access interface to knowledge: The ability to understand

information in a context without the need to reference it to
other information. Information that does not need to be
compared in order understand its fullness. While it can be the
knowledge from past experience, it is more the ‘coming into
existence of knowledge’ being able to just know. This can be
done on energetic metal levels with or without technology
enhancement. It shouldn’t be forgotten that information is part
of the construction of the universe as well as the souls within
it. The two are inseparable so universal information is an
intrinsic part of a higher dimensional being.
Arcturians: Humanoids from the planets surrounding the star
Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. Their body forms are
sustained by light and they are active in several different
dimensions. A highly evolved benevolent race.
Andromedans: Humanoids of many different types from the
Andromedan galaxy. With or without hair and different
coloured skin tones and body sizes, they exist on many planets
in their galaxy and beyond. They have huge biospheres several
miles across which can relocate in different parts of the
universe. An evolved benevolent race.
Arkarna Programs: A generic term for an interactive entity
program that has many facets or attributes. Programs are an
intrinsic part of the universe and soul. Arkarnas work at
different vibrations with different parameters for different
levels of awareness. They are involved in function and form as
well as a determination of the type of interface between minds
and beings. The arkarnas are a part of us and we of them. They
are the underlying ethos and expression of the universe.
Dimensional vibrational pockets: When dimensional
blending alters and a dimension vibrates faster, some of the
original lower vibrations can still exist. However, they do so in
their own dimensional pockets. They coagulate in pockets but
they do not have access to the upgraded vibration. They can
access each other’s vibration through non-space and exist in
the same space. To you it will be as if they are not there
because they cannot interface beyond their own boundaries.
Eventually these pockets will disappear because like attracts
Essence energy: Used as another term for etheric or auric
being the information and emotion energy that underlies the
appearance of form seen as matter. In effect, it’s what you
would see at another dimension level if the physical form were
Flux: Another term for pulse energy but one that may have
modulations or slight variations to the rates of pulse.
Harmonies: Created from pulse and information. The
energetic harmonies or bubbles interact with each other in
accordance with the information fields. An energy burst occurs
where they interact which becomes the basic energetic
representation or form in that dimension.
Higher vibrational densities: A term that can cover several
things. In the main, a lower vibration will feel heavier or denser
when compared to a higher density vibration. The higher
density will have a faster vibration, which will be less restrictive
and much lighter. Higher vibrational densities can also mean
the same thing as a higher vibrational dimension but it depends
on context. However a higher vibrational dimension can still
have a variation of faster or slower vibrations relative to that

Humanoid: A simple term that gives a large degree of
similarity to form and shape, mostly two legs two arms and
eyes. Often there may be DNA similarities of some kind. DNA
also exists as a form of vibration which can be viewed as
information, This information exists throughout the universe
and is one reason for similarities. In addition, genetical
manipulation and creation of humans is undertaken by other
beings. The vibrational and physical DNA information is able
to adapt to the arkarnas of particular environments.
Information Fields: Part of the construct of matter pertinent
to each vibrational dimension. It is information that gives
instruction to pulse energy in order to create harmonies.
Alternatively, you may view it as the information being filled
with pulse. The information remains as is but it alters to the
requirements of any arkarnas that have programs of movement
or change. Advanced beings can also use technology to alter
information to transform their environments.
Isness: That which is as opposed to that which is not or that
which never came about. It is a universal structure that requires
nothing and has no needs – it is a function of itself. It will
reflect back to you what you show it and place no value upon
interaction with it. It is purity of vibrational energy. It is a
vibrational place where all things are at one beyond even the
need for harmony or balance. If you have read Isness in the
main text it will be within a context that gives it a feeling. The
feeling of Isness is important to understanding it. It is not an
easy concept for us to be at one with and appreciate its deeper
Light being: A generic term for a being that vibrates or
resonates at high frequency. When viewed from our lower
vibrations we see them more as light even though they have a
form. Light beings will be more fluid than our own form and
exist cognisant in several dimensions.
Mantoid: A being that looks like a mantis but seems to have
elements that we would associate with humanoid. (I have the
same mantoid from earlier with me while I am explaining this
particular term.) He says, “Humans have elements that are
similar to them – surely it’s all a matter of perspective and who
compares who to whom?”
Mowhar: Start or original creation energy. Paradoxically, it
came from nothing and something at the same time. Like
opposites that cancelled each other out but never existed until
they did.
Non-space/no space: Something that does not exist in our
terms yet to our mind it exists as nothing. Like infinity and
limitlessness. it is difficult for us to conceive nothingness from
our constructs.
Pulse energy: Is also described at times as on-pulse and off-
pulse, which are the states of the dimensional energies as it
pulses or fluxes.


1 Students of Life: (p1)
2 Plausibility: (p5)
3 Cytith Aquatic Humanoid: (p43)
4 Second Meeting Cytith: (p43)

5 Antemedi Andromedan perspective 6: (p71)
6Antemedi Andromedan perspective 7: (p71)

7 The Boy, the Beast and the Nothingness: (p89)

About the author
Robert Lomax lives in Norfolk, England, and considers
himself to be a normal family man. However, when his third
child, Ralph, died in a tragic accident, aged nine months, it
caused him to reconsider the values that society imposes upon
us. In the aftermath of that devastating loss, his childhood
psychic abilities were reawakened and he regained his passion
for painting.
This invigorated spiritual contact allowed him to spend more
than two-and-a-half decades quietly working away with his
spirit guides, looking at his existing thought-processes in the
context of self and beyond.
Throughout this period, he has given his time freely to help
bereaved people and provide spiritual healing to others.
Whenever possible, he continues to do this alongside his near
daily channelling and writing. This, however, is the first time
his close spiritual contacts have helped him construct a book
containing some of their alien insights.
As with all of Robert’s previous written articles and drawings,
this book is free over the internet. Any royalties from the
printed version will be used to promote alien messages from
his spirit guides. Robert and his wife have three grown up sons,
daughters-in-law and a first grandchild.

Visit Robert’s website to find out more:


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