Ee6402 - Transmission and Distribution 2
Ee6402 - Transmission and Distribution 2
Ee6402 - Transmission and Distribution 2
230/110 kV substations.
110 kV substations.
33 kV substations.
less than this kV transmissions as 22 kV and 11 kV are used for distribution.
2. List out the advantages of high voltage AC transmission.
(Nov/Dec 2012) (APR/MAY 2016)
i. Reduced line losses
ii. Reduced in current
iii. Reduction in volume of conductor material required
iv. Decrease in voltage drop and increase in transmission efficiency
v. Improvement of voltage regulation
vi. Increased power handling capacity
3. Mention the demerits of HVDC transmission. (Nov/Dec 10)
i. The dc voltages cannot be stepped up for transmission of power at high
ii. The dc switches and circuit breakers have their own limitations.
iii. Power transmission with HVDC is not economical if the length of
transmission line is less than 500km
iv. Considerable reactive power is required by converter station.
v. Maintenance of insulator is more.
4. Why transmission lines are 3 phase 3-wire circuits while distribution
lines are 3 phase 4 wire circuits? (Nov/Dec 13)
A Balanced 3 phase circuit does not require the neutral conductor, as the
instantaneous sum of the 3 line currents is zero. Therefore the transmission lines
and feeders are 3 phase 3 wire circuits. The distributors are 3 phase 4 wire circuits
because a neutral wire is necessary to supply the 1 phase loads of domestic and
commercial consumers.
5. List out the basic types of FACTS controllers. (April/May 2011)
i. Series controller
ii. Shunt controller
iii. Combined series series controller
iv. Combined series shunt controller
6. List out the practical transmission and distribution voltage levels commonly used.
Another reason for high voltage transmission is that losses can be reduced.
17. State the advantages of EHVAC transmission system
i. With the increase in transmission voltage, the transmission efficiency
increases for a given amount of power to be transmitted over a given
ii. distance
iii. Voltage regulation is improved, because of reduction in line losses
iv. The volume of conductor material decreases, being inversely proportional to
the square of transmission voltage
18. Mention the terminal equipments in HVDC system.
i. DC line inductors.
ii. Harmonic filter on DC side
iii. Converter transformers
iv. Reactive power source
v. Harmonic filter on AC side
vi. Ground electrodes
19. What is the necessity of FACTS? What are the objectives of FACTS?
(APR/MAY 2016) (NOV/DEC 2017)
The FACTS technology makes use of power electronic promotes the control of
transmission line. It also increase load on the line upto the thermal limits without
having compromise with the reliability.
10. Derive suitable expressions, draw current loading diagram and voltage drop
diagram for uniformly loaded distributor of length ‘f’ fed at one end. How is power
loss in the whole distributor computed? (Nov/Dec2015)
11. A uniform two wire DC distributor 250m long is loaded with 0.4A/m and is
fed at one end. If the maximum permissible voltage drop is not exceed 10V,find the
cross sectional area of the distributor conductor. Take ρ=1.78x10-8 Ωm.
12. Explain with a neat layout the modern EHV system. What is the highest
voltage level available in India for EHV transmission?(16) (APR/MAY 2015)
i. Interconnected System
ii. Radial distribution
iii. Ring main distribution
iv. Design consideration in distribution system. (Nov/Dec 2013)
14. An electric train taking a constant current of 600 A moves on a section of line
between two substations 8 km and maintained at 575 and 590 volts respectively.
The track resistance is 0.04 ohm per km both go and return. Find the point of
minimum potential along the track and currents supplied by two substations at
that instant.
15. Write Short notes on the following, (Nov/Dec 2014)
Ring Main Distributor
Current Distribution in a 3 wire d.c system
3 Phase 4 wire a.c distribution. (4+4+4+4=16)
16. Find the ratio of volume of copper required to transmit the power over a given
distance by overhead system using. (May/June 2013)
(i) Dc 2wire and 3 wire system,
(ii) 3phase, 3 wire AC system.
17. Explain the following,
(i) Stepped or tapered distributor
(ii) Ring main distributor
(iii) DC distributor fed at one end
(iv) DC distributor fed at both ends (Nov/Dec2012)
18. Explain the following,(Nov/Dec2012, Nov/Dec 2011, Apr/May 2011)
(i) Main transfer bus
(ii) Ring bus
(iii) Double bus bar with single breaker
(iv) Double bus bar with by pass isolators
19. (a)(i)Explain the structure of electric power system (8) (Apr/May 2016)
(ii)A two-wire dc ring main distributor ABCDEA is fed at point A with 230V
supply. The resistance of go and return conductors of each section AB, BC,
CD, DE, AE are 0.1 ohm. The main supplies the loads of 10A at B, 20A at C,1
0A at D,30A at E. Find the voltage at each load point.(8)
(b)(i)Explain the different types of FACTS controllers.(8)
(ii) Explain the different HVDC links.(8)
20. (a)(i)Explain the effect of high voltage on volume of copper and on efficiency.
(8) (Nov/Dec2016)
(ii)Derive suitable expression to determine the voltage drop and power loss in an
uniformly loaded distributor of length ‘l’ fed at both ends with equal voltage (8)
(b)(i)Make comparison between EHVAC and HVDC system based on economics. 8)
(ii) Explain the different HVDC links.(8) (Nov/Dec2016)
21. (b)(i) Compare the overhead and underground distribution system (8)
(ii) State the advantages of Interconnected system.(5) ( April/May 2017)
22. ii) Draw and explain a simple model of UPFC.(5) (NOV/DEC 2017)
23. b) i) Briefly discuss the technical advantageous of HVDC over HVAC
transmission system.(8) (NOV/DEC 2017)
ii) Explain the application of HVDC transmission system.5) (NOV/DEC 2017)
Parameters of single and three phase transmission lines with single and double
circuits - Resistance,inductance and capacitance of solid, stranded and bundled
conductors, Symmetrical andunsymmetrical spacing and transposition - application
of self and mutual GMD; skin and proximityeffects - interference with neighboring
communication circuits - Typical configurations, conductor types
and electrical parameters of EHV lines, corona discharges.
Two marks
1. Why the concept of self GMD is not applicable for capacitance
calculation? (NOV/DEC 2017)
Self-GMD of a conductor depends upon the size and shape of the conductor and is
independent of the spacing between the conductors so it is not applicable for
capacitance calculation.
1. What is meant by transposition of line conductors? (April/May 2011)
(APR/MAY 2016) (NOV/DEC 2017)
It is the exchange of position of the power conductors at regular intervals along the
line so that each conductor occupies the original position of every other conductor
over an equal distance.
2. What is skin effect?(May/June 2014) (Nov/Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec 10)
(Nov/Dec2016) State skin effect in transmission lines. Mention its effect on
the resistance of the line. ( April/May 2017)
When a conductor carries a steady or D.C current, this current is uniformly
distributed over the whole cross section of the conductor. However the current
distribution is non-uniform if the conductor carries alternating current. The current
density is higher at the surface than at the center. Thus the current is concentrated
near the surface of the conductor. This effect becomes predominant with increase in
frequency. This behavior of alternating current to concentrate near the surface of
the conductor is known as skin effect.
The skin effect causes the effective resistance of the conductor to increase at
higher frequencies where the skin depth is smaller, thus reducing the effective
cross-section of the conductor.
3. Mention the advantages of using bundled conductors. (Nov/Dec2016)
i. Reduced reactance
ii. Reduced voltage gradient
iii. Reduced corona loss
iv. Reduced radio Interference
v. Reduced surge impedance.
2. What is the need of transposition? (Nov/Dec 2011) (NOV/DEC 2017)
i. To make voltage drops equal for all the phases
ii. Reduce the disturbance to nearby communication circuits
iii. Effect of unbalanced current is neutralized.
4. Define the term critical disruptive voltage. (Nov/Dec 2013)
It is the minimum phase to neutral voltage at which the electric field intensity at the
surface of the conductor exceeds the critical value and generates corona.
5. What is proximity effect? (May/June 2014) (May/June 2013)(April/May
2011) (APR/MAY 2015)
The alternating magnetic flux in a conductor caused by the current flowing in a
neighboring conductor gives rise to a circulating current which cause an apparent
increase in the resistance of the conductor. This phenomenon is called as proximity
6. Differentiate the stranded conductor and bundled conductor.
It is the conductors made of thin It is a conductor made up of two or
wires of small cross section and more conductors called sub
1 bunched together conductors, per phase in close
proximity compared with space
between phases
2 Reactance is more Reactance is less
3 More corona loss Less corona loss
More interference with Less interference with
communication lines communication lines
7. List out the advantages of double circuit lines.
Advantages of double circuit lines:
i. Half of the load is shared by the other line
ii. The increase in load current can be easily handled
iii. In case of power failure in one circuit, the power will be supplied by the other
8. Define - Self and mutual – G.M.D.(NOV/DEC 2015)
Self -GMD (GMR): The self-GMD means self-geometrical mean distance. It reduces
the complexity of inductance calculation.
GMR = 0.7788 r
Mutual GMD: The mutual GMD is the geometrical mean of the distances from one
conductor to the other.
11. State why transposition of line conductors are needed? Or What is the
need of transposition? (Nov/Dec 2011)
In order to make voltage drops equal in all conductors, generally we
interchange the positions of the conductors at regular intervals along the line so
that each conductor occupies the original position of every other conductor over an
equal distance. Such an exchange of conductor position is called transposition.
12. What are the factors that affect the skin effect?
Factors that affect the skin effect:
Resistance: This is due to the opposition offered by the conductor to the flow of
15. List the factors that governing the capacitance of a transmission line.
Factors that governing the capacitance of transmission line:
18. Give the minimum ground clearance required for 33 KV, 66 KV, 110 KV,
220 KV lines.
For 33 KV – 5.18 m
66 KV – 5.4848 m
110 KV – 5.89 m
220 KV – 6.9 m
19. Why skin effect is absent in dc system?
When a conductor carries a steady or D.C current, this current is uniformly
distributed over the whole cross section of the conductor. That is why skin effect is
absent in D.C system
6. A 220 KV 50 HZ 200 Km long three phase line has its conductors on the
corners of a triangle with sides 6m, 6m and 12m. The conductor radius is 1.81 cm.
Find the inductance & capacitance per phase per Km. ( Nov/Dec 10)
7. A single phase transmission line has two parallel conductors 3 m apart, the
radius of each conductor being 1 cm. Calculate the loop inductance per km length
of the line if the material of the conductors is (1) copper (2) steel with relative
permeability of 100.
8. Derive the capacitance of a three-phase overhead line. (May/June 2014)
9. Estimate the corona loss for a three-phase, 110 KV, 50 Hz, 150 Km-long
transmission line consisting of three conductors each of Id mm diameter and
spaced 2.5m apart in a equilateral triangle" formation. The temperature of air is 300
C and the atmospheric pressure is 750 mm of mercury. Assume irregularity factor
as 0.85. Ionization of air may be assumed to take place at a maximum voltage
gradient of 30Kv/cm. (May/June 2014)
10. Derive an expression for the flux linkages of one conductor in a group of n-
conductors carrying currents whose sum is zero. Hence derive an expression for
inductance of composite conductors of a single phase consisting of m-strands in
one conductor and n-strands in the other conductor.( Nov/Dec 14)
11. Explain the concept of self GMD and mutual GMD for evaluating
inductance of transmission line. ( Nov/Dec 14)
12. Derive an expression for capacitance per phase for a 3 phase overhead line
when the conductors are unsymmetrical placed but completely transposed.
( Nov/Dec 12) (Apr/May 2011) (Nov/Dec 14)
13. Derive an expression for inductance per phase for a 3 phase overhead line
when the conductors are unsymmetrical placed but completely transposed.
(Nov/Dec 10) ( May/June2013)
14. Determine the capacitance and charging current per unit length of the line.
The line is completely transposed and diameter is 15mm and operating voltage is
220kV. ( Nov/Dec 14)
15. Discuss the factors which affecting corona loss (Apr/May 2011)(Nov/Dec
11) Explain the factors affecting corona loss and the methods of reducing corona
loss. ( April/May 2017)
16. Derive the expression for the voltage induced in communication lines due
to the current in power lines. ( Nov/Dec 11)
17. Explain the following,( Nov/Dec 12)
(i) Corona Effect
(ii) Disruptive critical voltage
(iii) Visual critical voltage
(iv) Corona power loss
18. Derive the capacitance of a single-phase overhead line.(May/June 2013)
19. Explain the interference between power and communication circuits
(Nov/Dec 13)
20. Explain about skin and proximity effects. ( Nov/Dec 13)
21. Derive n expression for loop inductance of a single phase transmission
system(16) ( Nov/Dec 15)
22. Derive from first principles the capacitance per km to neutral of three
phase overhead transmission line with overhead transmission line with
unsymmetrical spacing of conductors assuming transportation (16) ( Nov/Dec 15)
23. Explain the following with respect to corona(i) corona(ii) effects of
corona(iii)disruptive critical voltage(iv)visual critical voltage(v)corona power loss.
Also explain the interference with neighboring communication circuits(16) AP/MY
24. A three phase circuit consists of 7/4.5mm hard drawn copper conductors.
The arrangement of the conductors is shown in Figure.12.b.The line is completely
transposed. Calculate inductive reactance per phase per km of the system(16)
(APR/MAY 2015)
25. (a)Derive the expression for the capacitance of a three phase transmission
line with unsymmetrical spacing.(16) (APR/MAY 2016) (NOV/DEC 2017)
27. (a)(i)Derive the expression for the inductance of a three phase transmission
line with unsymmetrical spacing.(8) ( Nov/Dec 16)
(ii) A 220kV,50Hz, 200km long transposed three phase line has its conductors
on the corners of triangle with sides 6m, 6m and 10m.The conductor radius is
1.81cm. Find the capacitance per phase per km of the line.(8)
(b)Explain the formation of corona, critical voltages, corona loss, advantages,
disadvantages and methods to reduce the effect of corona. (16) ( Nov/Dec 16)
28. (b)(i) Explain the advantages of bundled conductors when used for overhead
lines (4) ( April/May 2017)
(ii) Determine the inductance of 3 phase line operating at 50 Hz and the conductor
are arranged as shown below. The conductor diameter is 0,.7cm (9) ( April/May
Classification of lines - short line, medium line and long line - equivalent circuits,
phasor diagram,attenuation constant, phase constant, surge impedance;
transmission efficiency and voltage regulation, real and reactive power flow in lines,
Power - circle diagrams, surge impedance loading,
methods of voltage control; Ferranti effect.
Where Zoc and Zsc are impedances measured at sending end with the receiving open
circuited and short circuited.
9. Define corona. (APR/MAY 2016)
When an alternating potential difference is applied across two conductors whose
spacing is large as compared to their diameters, there is no apparent change in the
condition of atmospheric air surrounding the wires if the applied voltage is low.
However, when the applied voltage exceeds a certain value, called critical disruptive
voltage, the conductors are surrounded by a faint violet glow called corona.
The phenomenon of corona is accompanied by a hissing sound, production of
ozone, power loss and radio interference. This phenomenon happens due to
ionization of air and it is called corona.
10. What is the cause of Ferranti effect?
Under light load condition or no load condition of a long transmission line, Ferranti
effect exists.
11. What are the different methods of reducing corona loss?
i. By increasing the conductor size
ii. By increasing the conductor spacing.
iii. By using hollow and bundled conductors.
12. What are the main disadvantages of corona?
i. Corona is accompanied by a loss of energy. This affects the transmission
efficiency of the line.
ii. Ozone is produced by corona and may cause corrosion of the conductor due
to chemical action.
iii. The current drawn by the line due to corona is non-sinusoidal and hence
non-sinusoidal voltage drop occurs in the line. This may cause inductive
interference with neighbouring communication lines.
13. What is the use of power circle diagram?
Circle diagram helps us to study various aspects of power transmission at sending
end and receiving end.
PR, PS, QR, Qs, ,δ,α,βcan be calculated.
14. List out the methods of representation of medium line.
i. Nominal T method
ii. Nominal п method
iii. End condenser method
15. Mention the factors affecting corona.
i. Atmosphere
ii. conductor size
iii. spacing between conductors and line voltage.
16. Define critical disruptive voltageNov/Dec 2011)
It is defined as the minimum phase voltage at which corona occurs.
17. What are the main advantages of corona?
Due to corona formation, the air surrounding the conductor becomes conducting
and hence virtual diameter of the conductor is increased. The increased diameter
reduces the electrostatic stresses between the conductors.
Corona reduces the effects of transients produced by surges.
18. Why series compensation is used in long series?
i. To increase transmission capacity
ii. To improve system stability.
iii. To obtain correct load division between parallel circuits.
19. Give any two reasons to minimize the reactive power transfer in lines.
i. Leads to voltage stability.
ii. Results in greater real and reactive losses.
20. Define Voltage Regulation of a Transmission Line. (Nov/Dec 13)
(Nov/Dec 12) (May/June 2014)
Voltage regulation is defined as the change in voltage at the receiving end (load) and
when the full load is thrown off, the sending end (supply) voltage and supply
frequency remains unchanged.
% Voltage Regulation = ((Vs-Vr)/Vr)*100
Where Vs=Sending End Voltage,
Vr=Receiving End Voltage.
21. What is the difference between nominal T and nominal π methods?
(May/June 2014)
In nominal T method, the total capacitance of each conductor is concentrated at
the centre of the line and half the line impedance is lumped on its either side.
Which is used for obtaining the performance calculation of medium lines.
In nominal π method, one half of the total capacitance of each conductor is lumped
at both the ends. Which is used for obtaining the performance calculations of a
medium line.
22. What is meant by ‘natural loading’ of a transmission lines? ( Nov/Dec 14)
The natural or surge impedance loading or SIL of a transmission line is the MW
loading of a transmission line at which a natural reactive power balance occurs. It is
the maximum power transmitted when a lossless line operating at its nominal
voltage, is terminated with a resistance equal to surge impedance of the line.
23. Why the control of reactive power is essential for maintaining a desired
voltage profile? (Nov/Dec 14)
To produce substantially flat voltage profile,
To improve the system stability,
To increase the power transfer capacity.
24. What is the range of surge impedance for over head lines? (May/June 13)
For Over head lines, surge impedance is 400 ohm.
25. What is the range of surge impedance for under ground lines?
(May/June 13)
For Underground lines, surge impedance is 40-50 ohm.
26. What is the importance of voltage control? (APR/MAY 2015)
The task of voltage control is closely associated with fluctuating load conditions and
corresponding requirements of reactive power compensation. Therefore several
voltage control methods are employed in power system to keep the voltage levels
within the desirable limits.
27. Mention the significance of surge impedance loading(APR/MAY 2016)
(APR/MAY 2017)
Surge Impedance Loading is a very essential parameter when it comes to the study
of power systems as it is used in the prediction of maximum loading capacity
of transmission lines.
28. States the condition for maximum power delivered and draw the power
angle diagram. ( Nov/Dec 16)
29. Mention the various methods of voltage control in transmission lines.
( Nov/Dec 16)
Excitation control and voltage regulators at the generating stations:
Use of tap changing transformers at sending end and receiving end of the
transmission lines
Switching in shunt reactors during low loads or while energizing long EHV
Switching in shunt capacitors during high loads or low power factor loads
22. (a)A 3ɸ, 50Hz, transmission 30km long has a total series impedance of
(40+j125) Ω and shunt admittance of 10-3 mho. The load is 50MW at 220kV with
0.8pf lag. Find the sending end voltage, current, power factor, efficiency and
regulation using nominal π-method.(16) (Nov/Dec 2016)
(b) Derive the expression for the real and reactive power flow through transmission
lines. (16) (Nov/Dec 2016)
23. What are the different methods available for voltage control and explain any
one method. (APR/MAY 2017)
24. (b)(i)Explain the meaning of performance of lines.
25. (ii) A single phase 50 Hz generator Supplies an inductive load of 6 MW at 0.8
pf lagging by means of an overhead line 15km long. The line resistance and
inductance are 0.02 ohm/km and 0.85 mH/km. The voltage at the receiving end
s 11kV.Determine the sending end voltage and voltage regulation. (8) .
(APR/MAY 2017)
The greater the string efficiency, the more uniform is the voltage distribution.
2. What is the necessity of grading of an underground cable? (Nov/Dec 10)
Grading of the underground cable is done to achieve uniform electrostatic stress in
the dielectric of cable.
The following are the two main methods of grading of cables:
i. Capacitance grading
ii. Intersheath grading
3. What are the advantages of string insulators? (Nov/Dec 2011)
i. Cheaper than pin type insulators for voltage greater than 33 KV
ii. Number of disc can be inserted depending upon the voltage that flows.
iii. Failure in any one unit will not affect the entire string. Replacement can be
done easily.
iv. More flexibility.
v. Conductor runs below the cross arm, so line conductors are less affected by
vi. Arrangements act as lightening arrestors.
8. What are the effects of grading of cables? List out methods of grading
also.(Nov/Dec 2011) (April/May 2017)
Uniform electrostatic stress in the dielectric of cable is achieved by grading of
Methods of grading
i. Capacitance grading
ii. Intersheath grading
9. List out the four main properties of insulating materials for cables.What
are the desirable properties of insulator? (NOV/DEC 2017)
i. High insulation resistance to avoid leakage current
ii. High dielectric strength to avoid electrical breakdown of the cable
iii. High mechanical strength to withstand the mechanical handling of cables
iv. Non-hygroscopic i.e) it should mot absorb moisture from air or soil.
v. Non inflammable
vi. Unaffected by acids and alkalies
r be the radius of the conductor
R be the radius of metallic sheath
Rins = =
= [ln R – ln r]
= ln ohms / m
R= ln ohms
12. Give the classification of cable for and Service with operating
i. Low tension cables - upto 1000 V
ii. High tension cables - upto 11000 V
iii. Super tension cables - from 22 KV- 33 KV
iv. Extra High tension cables - from 33 KV- 66 KV
v. Extra super tension cables - beyond 132 KV
13. Write down the expression for insulation resistance of a single core cable
(Nov/Dec 13)
R= ln ohms
14. What is the function of sheath in a cables?
The sheath does not allow the moisture to enter and protects the cable from all
external influences like chemical or electrochemical attack fire etc.
15. What is meant by serving of a cable?
A layer of fibrous material permitted with waterproof compound applied to the
exterior of the cable is called serving of a cable.
16. What is shackle Insulator? (May/June 2014)
When the low voltage transmission line meets a dead end or a corner or a sharp
curve it is subjected to a greater tension. The insulators, which are used to relieve
the low voltage line of excessive tension, are called shackle insulators.
17. What is meant by dielectric stress in a cable? (May/June 2014)
Under Operating Conditions, the insulation of a cable is subjected to electrostatic
force known as dielectric stress.
18. What are the factors to be considered while selecting a cable for a
particular service? Nov/Dec 14)
Working Voltage,
Load Current,
Short circuit current,
Load factor,
Acceptable Voltage Drop,
19. Why are insulators used with overhead lines? ( Nov/Dec 14)
Insulators are used to support the conductors and withstand both the normal
operating voltage and surges due to switching and lightning. It also provide
necessary insulation between line conductors, tower and thus prevent any leakage
from conductors to earth.
20. What is the main purpose of armouring? (APR/MAY 2015)
The main purpose of armour is to provide mechanical protection, although it can
also provide part of the earth fault path. For multi-core cables steel wire armour is
most often used.
21. What are the materials mainly used in bus bars? (APR/MAY 2015)
Alluminium busar,
Copper busbar
Alluminium coated copper busbar or tinned busbar.
22. A single core cable,1.7km long has a conductor radius of 13mm and an
insulation thickness of 5.8mm.The dieclectric has a relative permittivity of
2.8.Find the capacitance per meter length of cable. ( Nov/Dec 15)
23. How does grading improves string efficiency? (Nov/Dec 2013)
This method uniforms the potential distribution across each units in insulator
strings. Thereby string efficiency improves.
24. Define Grading of Cables. (Nov/Dec 12)
The process of achieving uniform electrostatic stress in the dielectric of cables is
known as grading of cables.
25. What are the test performed on the insulators? (APR/MAY 2016)
According to the British Standard, the electrical insulator must undergo the
following tests
1. Flashover tests of insulator
2. Performance tests
3. Routine tests
26. Classify the cables used for three phase service(APR/MAY 2016)
The following types of cables are generally used for 3-phase service :
1. Belted cables — upto 11 kV
2. Screened cables — from 22 kV to 66 kV
3. Pressure cables — beyond 66 kV.
27. Specify the different types of insulators. ( April/May 2017)
1. Pin Insulator 2. Suspension Insulator 3. Strain Insulator In addition to that there
are other two types of electrical insulator available mainly for
low voltage application, e.i. Stay Insulator and Shackle Insulator
28. What is a belted-Cable? (NOV/DEC 2017)
The conductors (usually three) are bunched together and then bounded with an
insulating paper ‘belt’. In such cables, each conductor is insulated using paper
impregnated with a suitable dielectric. The gaps between the conductors and the
insulating paper belt are filled with a fibrous dielectric material such as Jute or
Hessian. This provides flexibility as well as a circular shape. As we discussed earlier
(in Construction of Cables), the jute layer is then covered by a metallic sheath and
armouring for protection. One particular speciality of this cable is that its shape
may not be perfectly circular. It is kept non-circular to use the available space more
There are some limitations of such construction. Since the electric field is
tangential, the insulation provided is stressed. As a result, the dielectric strength
falls over time. Hence, such construction isn’t preferred for voltage levels above 11
15. What are the various properties of insulators?Also briefly explain about
suspension type and pin type insulator.Draw the schematic diagram(16) (APR/MAY
18. Explain any four insulating materials used in manufacturing of cables (6)
Nov/Dec 2015)
20. Find the economic size of a single core cable working on a 132kv three phase
system,if a dielectric stress of 60kV/cm can be allowed(10). (Nov/Dec 2015)
(ii)A three unit insulators string is fitted with a guard ring. The capacitances of the
link pins to metal work and guard ring. The capacitances of the link pins to metal
work and guard ring can be assumed to be a 15% and 5% of the capacitance of
each unit. Determine voltage distribution string efficiency.(8) (APR/MAY 2016)
(b) Explain the methods of grading of cables with neat diagrams and equations.(16)
(APR/MAY 2016)
22. (a)(i)Explain the different types of insulators.(8) (Nov/Dec 2016)
(ii)A string of five insulator units has mutual capacitance equal to 10 times the pin
to earth capacitance, find voltage distribution across various units as the percent of
the total voltage across the string and string efficiency.
(b) A 2km long 3 core, 3ɸ cable has capacitance 0.5 µF/km between two conductors
bunched with sheath and the third conductor. The capacitance between the
conductor is also measured when bunched together and the sheath and found to be
0.75µF/km. Determine
(v) Charging current if the supply voltage is 11kV,50Hz. (16) (Nov/Dec 2016)
Mechanical design of transmission line – sag and tension calculations for different
weather conditions,Tower spotting, Types of towers, Substation Layout (AIS, GIS),
Methods of grounding.
As Temperature increases then sag will increase but sag is inversely proportional to
Tension so Tension will decrease.
(iii)Grounding grids(16)
16. An overhead line has a span of 160m of stranded copper conductor between
level supports. The sag is 3.96 m at —5.50 C with 9.53 mm thick in ice coating and
wind pressure of 40 Kgf/m2 of projected area. Calculate the temperature at which
the sag will remain the same under conditions of no ice and no wind. The
particulars of the conductor are as follows:
Size of conductor 7/3.45 mm, Area of cross section 64.5 mm2 weight of conductor
0.594 Kgf/m, Modulus of elasticity 12700 Kgf/mm2, Coeficient Qf linear expansion
1.7 x 10-510 C, Assume 1 ms of ice to weight 913.5 Kgf. (May/June2014)
17. Derive the expression for sag of a line supported between two supports of the
same height (Nov/Dec 2012)
18. Explain the principle of operation of compensators used for voltage control.
(Nov/Dec 2011)
19. Derive an expression for sag calculation in a line. (Apr/May 2011)
20. (a) A transmission line has a span of 275m between level supports. The
conductor has an effective diameter of 1.96cm and weighs 0.865kg/m.If the
conductor has ice coating of radial thickness 1.27 cm and is subjected to a wind
pressure of 3.9gm/ of projected area.The ultimate strength of the conductor is
8060 kg.Calculate the sag if the factor safety is 2 and weight of 1 c.c of ice is
0.91gm. (APR/MAY 2016)
(b) Explain the methods of neutral grounding.(16) (APR/MAY 2016)
21. (a) An OHL at a river crossing is supported from two towers of heights 30m
and 90m above water level with the span of 300m. The weight of the conductor is 1
kg/m and the working tension is 2000kg.Determine the clearance between the
conductor and the water level midway between the towers. (16) (Nov/Dec 2016)
(b) Explain the methods of neutral grounding.(16) (Nov/Dec 2016)
22. i) Prove that a transmission line conductor between two supports at equal
heights takes the form of a catenary.(7) (NOV/DEC 2017)
23. ii) What is a sag-template? Explain how this is useful for location of towers
and stringing of power conductors.(6) (NOV/DEC 2017)
24. Describe about the various methods of neutral grounding in detail.(13)
(NOV/DEC 2017)
25. Describe the different types of substation layouts and list few advantages of
GIS. (APR/MAY 2017)
26. Explain the key points to be considered for tower spotting. Also list the basic
types of tower based on circuits used. (APR/MAY 2017)