Homework 2
Homework 2
Homework 2
Ptt − 16Pxx = 0
in the domain {(x, t) | − ∞ < x < ∞, t > 0}, where P (x, t) is the pressure at the
point x and time t. The initial conditions at the explosion time t = 0 are
10 |x| ≤ 1
P (x, 0) =
0 |x| > 1
1 |x| ≤ 1
Pt (x, 0) =
0 |x| > 1
A building is located at the point x0 = 10. The engineer who designed the building
determined that it will sustain a pressure up to P = 6. Use d’Alembert’s formula
to determine whether the building will collapse.
c) Use the formula from a) to solve the above problem in the case when L = π,
k = 12 and f (x) = 1 + sin3 x.
Hint: note that sin3 x = 14 (3 sin θ − sin 3θ).
(3) Using the energy method, prove the uniqueness for the problem
a) Show that the eigenvalues of the problem are given by λ = µ2 where µ > 0
tan µ = 2 .
µ −1
b) Obtain an asymptotic estimate for large eigenvalues.