TTP Final
TTP Final
TTP Final
Synapse Strengtheners
1. Prove that NCBTS Framework and code of ethics for Professional Teachers
reinforce each other show that the Articles in code of Professional
Teachers are also state basically the same things that are found in NCBTS
Framework by accomplishing the table given below.
NCBTS Domain # 1 / Strands
Domain 1 – Social Regard for Article II – The teacher and Parents
Section 2. Maintains a learning
Strand 1 Acts as a positive role environment of courtesy and respectfully
model for students. for different learners
Learners must include helping
students learn how to act with respect
toward those who are different from them.
Strand 3.1 Is familiar with learner’s Section 1. Every teacher shall actively
background knowledge and insure that teaching is the noblest
experiences profession, and shall manifest genuine
enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a
Strand 3.2 Demonstrates concern noble calling.
for holistic development of learners
Section 2. Every teacher shall uphold the
highest possible standards of quality
education, shall make the best preparations
for the career of teaching, and shall be at
his best at all times and in the practice of
his profession.
NCBTS Domain #4/Strands
Domain 4- Curriculum Article VII: School Officials, Teachers,
and Other Personnel
Strand 4.1 Demonstrates mastery
of the subject Section 2. School officials, teachers, and
other school personnel shall consider it
Strand 4.2 Communicates clear their cooperative responsibility to formulate
Learning goals for the lesson that policies or introduce important changes in
are appropriate for learners the system at all levels.
Strand 7.3 Reflects on the extent of Article VI: The Teacher and Higher
the attachment of professional Authorities in the Profession
development goals.
Section 6. A teacher who accepts a
position assumes a contractual obligation
to live up to his contract, assuming full
knowledge of employment terms and
(Page 75)
Follow the rules and teach Leaders practice the three R's
students to love the country as Respect for self, Respect for
you do too. other, and Responsibility for
their actions.
The task is to help children to
Listen to authorities, follow the climb their own mountains, as
high as possible. No one can do
rules and be wise to know your
Always show Always say thank
Appreciate their
respect and you and smile at
hard works and them, appreciate all
follow orders at
do not judge the efforts of people.
all time
No family is perfect we
Be a good neighbor argue, we fight. We even
the one who's always stop talking to each other
ready and willing to at times, but in the end,
help. Avoid having PROFESSIONAL family is family. The love
conflict in term of TEACHER is always be there. So
emergencies much of what is best in
neighbors can help. us is bound up our love
Always smile, be in family, that is remains
friendly and be good the measure of our
to others. stability because its
measure our sense of
(Page 77-80)
3. For groups 1-7 (Maintain the same groupings in #1): Your teacher education
curriculum consists of three (3) parts, namely: General Education, Professional
Education and Specialization. Examine if the teacher education curriculum you
are presently undergoing adequately prepares you for competencies contained in
the NCBTS. Pay specific attention to the Professional Education component of
the curriculum. To do this, a table like the one below can be of help. An example
is given for you.
(Page 81)
4. Study the following criteria *used by DepEd in evaluating applicants for a
teaching position in the public schools. Then explain if your pre-service
education in the College of Education or teacher education institution is relevant
and increases your chance to be hired as a teacher in the public school. Write
your comment on the space provided.
Criteria Points
A. Education (Applicant’s academic achievement indicated by 20
General Weight Average)**
B. Teaching Experience 15
C. LET/PBET Rating 15
D. Specialized Training and Skills 10
E. Interview 10
F. Demonstration Teaching 15
G. Communication Skills 15
Total 100
The criteria used by DepEd in evaluating the applicants for public teachers is
right, I believe that those equivalent points were critique by the professionals. 20 points
for General Weight Average is just right because grades matter the most, before we
enter in this course we already know that we need to do our best to have good grades
for future job application. Criteria is the base, if the applicant is worth it and can help the
children, for me pre-service education in the College of Education or teacher education
institution is relevant and increases the chance to be hired as a teacher in the public
school. We always give our best shot to gain good grades, they also practice our
demonstration on the class and evaluate our performance giving us tips and advice.
The institution also helps us in communications skills.
A piece of iron
- The teacher as a piece of iron, reflects on the teacher makes it effective,
supportive and excellent work in and out of the classroom. The way the
teacher deals with his/her students and the way he/she values time in class.
A well?
- The teacher as a well supports the health and well-being of educators in order
to transform school sites. And also truly lives up their name. They are gift to
the world of educators and all the students that we touch.
A planter?
- A teacher is a planter, teacher’s plant a seed of knowledge. This seed when
nurtured together with the student bloom into a very beautiful flower. This
flower will make the student to be successful and to overcome whatever
struggles in life.
A gardener?
- The teacher as a gardener, each time the students step into the garden it is
the responsibility of the teacher to organize those activities which enable the
students to grow strong and tall into their natural splendor.
A door?
- The teacher as a door, this is where a teacher can be helpful. They have
been outside your limited world. They have seen, done, and learned things
you don’t know or understand. But after the teacher has taught you, it’s up to
you to actually go out and do it. The teacher has opened the door, but only
you can take the step through the door.
Awake up call?
- The teacher as a wakeup call, meaning it is a warning of a threat or a
challenge especially when it means that people will have to change their
behavior to meet it. So, teachers can play many different roles and each of
the roles has a definite structure and responsibility.
A potter
- The teacher as a potter, the teacher and the potter play almost a similar role
in the sense of creating something unique. Students are like clay in hands of
a teacher who can shape them into independent and confident individuals or
into isolated rebels. And also a teacher’s role in molding the character of an
students that undeniable.
A mirror
- The teacher as a mirror, they serve as our mirrors and teach us what needs
to be revealed about ourselves. Seeing what we don’t like in others helps us
look deeper inside ourselves for similar traits and challenges that need
healing and also to be balanced.
An assessor?
- The teacher as an assessor, teachers should be able to offer feedbacks, give
correction and grades students in various ways. So that students know on
what for and how they are being assessed. It’s like the assessment and
evaluation because when teachers prepare plans to teach it is important to
know where they are going, how they are going to get there and when they
have arrived.
A nurse?
- The teacher as a nurse, because they have to do whatever it takes to help a
student. They have to look out for your best interest as a student. They are
teachers because they have to motivate you and get you involve with your
work the best way they can to make you learn. So, if you have to act out a
lesson to get you to master it. That’s what they do.
Read this poem “You are a Teacher” then answer the following
questions on page 84:
(Page 84)
How did you feel when you read your name through the lines of the poem?
Describe and explain why.
As I am reading my name through the lines of the poem, I felt
amazing. The happiness in my body is overflowing. I felt that this
is it, I am here and ready to teach. I am an educator. I will be a
best, efficient, effective and lovable teacher.
As I read the poem I’m like reading the words that make my
heart pump hard. The poem is telling me that this is me in the
future, that teacher is my destiny. I began to see my future
teaching kids and I began to understand my past teachers and
what they did. I began to feel excitement and astonished but of
course I know that there still many struggles, hardships, and
stress that will come in my way to be an educator but I am very
determined to succeed and apply what the poem is really implying
and see my students change because of it.
(Page 88-89)
Synapse Strengtheners
1. Name some problems originating from the community that are experienced by
teachers in the school, regarding:
Traffic and transportation
Population is continuous growing, Public Utility Vehicles (PUV) and
other means of transportations became a growing problem not just for our
dear teachers it’s also affect the students and other employees as well.
Many people has personal vehicle that uses to go to their works and other
destination, when the people travel at once that will cause traffic. It mostly
happens in rush hour, in morning to go to school, works, and errands and
in the afternoon when everyone is going home. These traffic can cause
delay for our dear teachers making them late for their class schedules.
This traffic jam sometimes also makes some of our teachers groggy,
haggard and sometimes in bad mood when they came to their classes.
This incidents can affects their emotions and work time causing them to
double their work, they work their unfinished task on their house in late
night and woke up early in the morning to have extension time because of
Here in our province most of the school is located near the road
and have many Public transportation that can be used by the people but
there is also a rushed hour so teachers need to wake up early and go to
school in time but there are few of the school like Guilang-guilang and
Santiago the places are in uphill, most of the teachers assigned their will
stay there for weekdays and go home weekends. It is mostly happens
when in area where Indigenous people stay. Some teachers are forced to
ride a vehicle motorcycle and jeep that made the ride more dangerous.
Some teachers need to walk for kilometers to reach their classrooms.
Because of this, some teachers are have eagerness to teach the students
well and it is a good experienced and teach the students well.
For the traffic issues, most of the complaints of the drivers are those
vehicles that park in the side of the road that can limit the space of the
road. The action is to report those vehicles in the authority because they
will break the law. Also those drivers that do not have a licensed that drive
as if they own the road and cause an accident. Those people who doesn’t
have licensed report them also in authorities and always take care. People
should have initiative to wake up early and go to school early so if there is
an accident happens or traffic jam they have extra time so that they can’t
be late.
The water and lighting system, the government can help the
teachers by ensuring the schools both far away and here in the city to have
enough lighting and water storages. During brownout especially in the bad
weather where there is insufficient light even during daytime, the
government should provide emergency lights to help the teacher and the
students to focus more. The government should also provide water tanks
for easy access to water for the teachers and the students to use. This
way, the teacher will have a comfortable life not just here and also for hard
to reach areas.
The security measures, if the government or school cannot provide
a security guard or watch man the school must cooperate to the
Barangay. In that way the Barangay captain can order people to be a
watcher in school areas and facilities, for them to keep safe and avoid
2. Describe how school and community officials work together in each of the
following events
Socio-cultural activities
In times of festivals and other ethnic celebrations, the teachers and
the community work together by taking part in the parade, dancing
competition and other activities concerning the festival. The school and
the community also work together in the activities that needs manpower
like election and other activities like the crisis that we are undergoing now,
some teachers volunteers to help as a front liners by taking part at the
check points in the provinces.
Peace and order situation
In school
The community helps the school in maintaining peace and order by
assigning watchers or security guards to schools to guard the gate and to
control the incidents inside the school areas.
Outside the school
The school and the community work together in ensuring the peace
and order not just inside the school but in outside the school also. In the
classroom, the teacher teaches the students to obtain proper behavior at
all times. The teacher will make sure that at the end of the day, the
students should know how to love everything including the community.
This will help the community to acquire better citizens and maintain peace
and order easily.
For me, these are some projects that the school and the community work
Brigada Eskwela
Tree planting
Outreach Programs
Feeding programs
Free dentistry
Adopt a School Program
Free haircut
Charity Works
3. What are some learning resources existing in the community that school
children and personnel can visit for mutual assistance and enjoyment?
Please check.
Parks ✔
Library ✔
Concert halls
Movie house
Art gallery
Factories ✔
Industries ✔
Shopping mall
Conference mall
Sports and recreational ball
Others, specify
Bike Trail
Grocery stores
internet café
Golf course
Swimming pools
Horse Riding
Poultry, Piggery and other livestock
(Page 107)
1. Survey the organizations (civic and academic) that exist in a particular city
province or town. Discuss how they assist the school.
Here in Manolo Fortich is still a developing place to be a city so some
organization is not well known. Instead I choose the city near in Manolo
Fortich which is Cagayan de Oro City that have organizations, both civic and
academic that exists
Rotary Club of Cagayan De Oro East Urban
Born out of its desire to provide humanitarian services the
“Rotary way”, the Rotary Club launched projects that are
connected to the Rotary’s mission of “enabling Rotarians to
advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the
improvement of health, the support of education, and the
alleviation of poverty. “The Club has focused its services on
education with emphasis on literacy, and humanitarian services
through adopt a community program.
Mother Theresa Foundation, Incorporated - Cagayan de Oro
Provides financial assistance by way of full scholarship
for school and college education.
This enables students to pursue a career of their choice.
Gugma Sa Kabataan, Incorporated
Goal: Preventing children from choosing the street to be their
home or place of livelihood. Objectives: (1) Providing life
shaping skills to be self-reliant. (2) Re-establishing contacts with
families and, if not feasible, to make referrals with other
organizations for custody. (3) Facilitating to integrate to formal
and informal education for a teaching-learning experiences to
enhance the cognitive, affective and psychomotor abilities. (4)
Teaching to appreciate the values or respect, trust, self-esteem,
care and compassion to families, communities and to the whole
creation. (5) Demonstrating the importance of patience and
perseverance in the achievement of one's goal. (6) Raising the
consciousness of families and communities to address issues,
problems, and prevention of street children.
Milamdec Foundation, Incorporated
Milamdec’s higher education loans are targeted to students who
have financial difficulties enrolling in academic courses. The
students who receive the higher education loans are high school
graduates from the most marginalized communities in
The loan is used to cover education expenses for semester-
long technical degree courses. The tuition component of the
loan is disbursed to the school, while the component that covers
living and transportation expenses is given directly to the
The Center of Excellence in Public Elementary Education
(CENTEX) provides holistic, quality education for bright children
from economically disadvantaged families, honing their
confidence and competencies not just inside the classroom but
also through after-hours learning in the performing arts and
other skill-building activities.
Training Institute
The Training Institute is a teacher training program that focuses
on four essential elements for lifelong learning—classroom
pedagogy, development of critical thinking skills, values
clarification, and use of technology in the classroom. The
program is conducted as parallel sessions for principals and
master teachers.
Global Filipino Schools
Global Filipino Schools (GFS) empowers schools to become
21st-century-ready educational institutions by providing them
with support systems that meet UNESCO standards. These
include sustainable ICT-proficiency training for teachers, an
ICT-equipped school environment, and committed education
Cultural affair
National Commission for culture and Arts is the overall
policymaking body, Coordinating and grants giving agency For the.
Preservation, development and promotion Of the Philippine Arts
and Culture.
Current events
The Philippine Information Agency is the official public
information arm of the Government of the Republic of the
National shrines
The Historic Sites and Education Division (HSED)
administers and maintains national shrines, monuments and
landmarks and operates interactive history museums. The HSED
also takes charge of the conduct of commemorative events and
other educational activities to observe birth and death
centenaries/anniversaries of national heroes and illustrious Filipinos
and historic events with local and national significance.
Tourist attractions
The Department of Tourism is the executive department of
the Philippine government responsible for the regulation of the
Philippine tourism industry and the promotion of the Philippines as
a tourist destination.
Classical music
Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra- a nonprofit charity
organization that gives out scholarships to young, talented and
needy musicians to further study music, in cooperation with the
Embassy of the Philippines and the Ministry of Culture of Thailand.
The PPO has premiered Filipino compositions and has featured
works by foreign composers not yet performed in the Philippines. It
continues to promote music appreciation through outreach concerts
in schools, parishes, government agencies and underserved
communities in Metro Manila and in different regions in the country.
(Page 115)
1. As a group, go to a school and ask the principal or school head for the
Outstanding School Teacher. Request for an interview with the teacher.
Among others, your interview protocol should include the characteristics
or qualities mentioned in your text. Write a report and share this with your
(Page 116)
2. Can one be global teacher, without teaching abroad? Write your insights.
3. Reflect on the statement: “As a global teacher, act locally but think globally”. Add
this reflection in your portfolio.
“Think globally, act locally” simply means that a teacher has to be
equipped with teaching strategies and techniques that can be of par with
the global teaching arena. He has to open-minded on world issues and
events that can be of benefit to his locale. For example, if a teacher
discovers a new and effective way of teaching grammar from other
countries, then she can apply it in his class. Sometimes we learn from
others to improve ourselves. However, the teacher should have a good
sense on how to differentiate teaching locally from teaching globally.
He/she should keep in mind as well that not all learning scenarios or
situations is the same in every country. He can use what he has learned
or observed from others but he should also modify it according to his
students’ needs. The teacher should always keep in mind that the
students are the center of the learning process and that they should be the
priority in choosing what to teach, how to teach and why to teach.