Pototan Campus
Pototan, Iloilo
A Portfolio of Learning
Presented to
Pototan Campus
Submitted by:
August 2016
Activiity 1:
The quotation often appears without context and with the last sentence
omitted, making Watson's position appear more radical than it actually
was. In Watson's bookBehaviorism, the sentence is provided in the context
of an extended argument against eugenics. That Watson did not hold a
radical environmentalist position may be seen in his earlier writing in
which his "starting point" for a science of behavior was "...the observable
fact that organisms, man and animal alike, do adjust themselves to their
environment by means of hereditary and habit
equipments." Nevertheless, Watson recognized the importance of nurture
in the nature versus nurture discussion which was often neglected by his
eugenic contemporaries
Not to me. ‘’life is what you make it’’ means that when things occur in
your life, its your perspective that governs your feelings about what
happens. Fate and perspective are not mutually exclusive . They function
together to form the impact that events in your life .
10.Student-centered teaching
12.Non-authoritarian to teaching
Linguistic Philosophy
15.Asking learners to draw meaning from what they are taught
This field has been very interesting and rewarding for me, so I was thinking
about finding a job in that field and continuing to specialize in it. I feel like it's
a relatively solid field which won't "get out of style" anytime soon. I've always
thought that in such complex fields it's better to be a real expert than just
another guy who superficially understand what the experts are talking about.
On the other hand, I feel that by specializing this way I really limit my future
option. I have always been a strong believer in multidisciplinary approaches to
problems. Maybe I should go search for a general programming job in which I could
gain experience in other fields, as well as occasionally apply my favorite field for
solving problems. Specializing in only one or two fields can prevent me from
thinking outside the box and cause stagnation.
I would really like to hear more opinions about this choice. The truth is I'm already
leaning towards one of the choices, so basic psychology says nothing will change
my mind, but I would still love to hear some feedback.
For the behaviourist group – Teacher tells students from the slum areas this:
“if there’s a will, there’s a way. Poverty is not a hindrance to success.”
For the existentialist group – A colleague asks you to decide for her for fear
that she may make the wrong decision.
For the linguistic philosophy group – A teacher insists on his reasoning and
does not give a chance to an erring student to explain his/her side.
D. Students will be asked to quote one (1) line about education from the
proponents of the following philosophies:
1. John Dewey and progressivism
2. John Watson and behaviourism
3. William Bagley and essentialism
4. Jean Paul Sartre and existentialism
5. Robert Hutchins and perennialism
6. Jurgen Habermas, Hans George Gadamer and linguistic philosophy
The first three decades of the 20th century represent striving toward
open systems. Certainly, the organized and disorganized efforts of
people to express collective will were politics of challenge. Political
interest groups were (and remain today) a dynamic of controversy
and confrontation. You must concede an open system to use words
like compromise, mediation and adaptation when talking about
governing or production. By the middle of the Great Depression few
people responsible for operating organizations were thinking
otherwise. The repeal of Prohibition did not mean a new morality as
much as a concession to the unmanageability of a rigid and static
meaning of law.
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equiptable, culture
based, and complete basic education whre:
Family, community and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibilty for developing life long learners.
G. The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum envision a Grade 12 graduate who is:
Holistically developed
With 21st century skills
Ready for:
- Employment
- Entrepreneurship
- Middle level skills development
- Higher education
On which philosophies of education is the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
anchored? Explain your answer/s.
has traditionally been defined as the process of designing, launching and running a
new business, which typically begins as a small business, such as a startup
company, offering a product, process or service for sale or hire.It has been defined
as the "...capacity and willingness to develop, organize, and manage a business
venture along with any of its risks in order to make a profit.While definitions of
entrepreneurship typically focus on the launching and running of businesses, due to
the high risks involved in launching a start-up, a significant proportion of businesses
have to close, due to a "...lack of funding, bad business decisions, an economic
crisis -- or a combination of all of these] or due to lack of market demand. In the
2000s, the definition of "entrepreneurship" has been expanded to explain how and
why some individuals (or teams) identify opportunities, evaluate them as viable,
and then decide to exploit them, whereas others do not, and, in turn, how
entrepreneurs use these opportunities to develop new products or services, launch
new firms or even new industries and create wealth.
Higher Education,
Activity 2.
Analyze the given example in your small groups, then answer the following
The prepared learning activities put the students into some kind of
experience, direct or simulated, for them to do their own
introspection/reflection, to feel or react, or to determine consequent actions
or decisions relevant to the learning situation. The experiential activity gives
each student an opportunity to go through a process of valuing,
understanding his feelings and thoughts about the situation and committing
himself to a consequent action. Values, therefore, are not directly taught nor
imposed, but the students are guided to 'catch' the values in the learning
A compass tells you which way leads in which direction. It doesn't tell you
which way to go, but it gives you some orientation, some sense of what will
happen when you choose a certain course of action.
Your philosophy gives you analogous guides in your life. When you say
"philosophy of education" I assume you mean your own education or your
own understanding of how you learn things. Of course, this guides your
approach to learning.
Activity 2
1. Formulate your personal philosophy of education. Do it well for this will form
part of your teaching portfolio which you will bring along with you when you
apply for a teaching job. Write it down here.
Academic learning must begin with motivation and inspiration. Students deserve
an educator's passion for both the subject at hand and learning as a whole.
Teaching and learning become a simultaneous journey for both the teacher and
students when students' energy is aroused by a teacher's genuine intensity for
learning, because everyone is ready and willing to participate in active learning. To
achieve active learning, a teacher must demonstrate enthusiasm and express
confidence in the students' abilities to learn and be successful. Employing
constructivist methods of teaching in one's classroom forces students to take an
active role in their education by making choices and assuming responsibility for
intelligent inquiry and discovery. For instance, discussions, projects, and
experiments ensure student achievement and allow students and the teacher to
discover individual student's preferences and strengths. This approach facilitates
differentiated activities for each student's distinctive ambitions, making the subject
more relevant to every student's life.
I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality
education. All youths, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, and capabilities should
have the opportunity to learn from professional, well-informed teachers who are
sophisticated and knowledgeable, both in their area of expertise and life. Certainly,
every child has different learning styles and aptitudes; however, by having a
personal relationship with every student, a teacher can give each an equal chance
of success. By recognizing every student's potential and having separate, individual
goals for each, a teacher can accommodate personal needs and abilities and
encourage the pursuit of academic aspirations.
I think that teaching and learning are a reciprocal processes. When teachers
nurture individual talents in each child, educators can build self-esteem and may
encourage a lifelong skill. By supporting these special abilities, teachers can, for
example, guide students' research, and students can, in turn, enlighten teachers
about subjects in which they may not be as knowledgebale. This mutual respect for
individual skills cultivates a professional academic relationship, leading to a give-
and-take educational alliance. This liaison allows students to feel that they are on
equal intellectual ground with their teachers, thus creating a strong academic
Activity 3
I believe that all children have the ability to learn and the right to a quality
I believe all children have the right to an enriching education! I believe all
children are unique and need a safe and enriching environment to learn and
grow, emotionally and intellectually. Education is the stepping stone to a
child's future and it is important to make sure every student learns what they
need, in order to help them succeed in their adult lives. As a future teacher,
the three areas I believe will make my classroom efficient and motivating to
my students are (1) teaching as though I am guiding my students through the
knowledge I present to them (2) giving my students the freedom to let their
curiosity take them further and (3) encouraging my students to respect their
peers and the things of the world. I plan to hold my students to the highest
expectations because I feel that is my obligation. I want my students to know
they can achieve anything, just as long as they put their minds to it. I will be
open-minded and will always encourage creative thinking. I want the
activities my students participate in to be intrinsically motivating. The
Russian psychologist Vygotsky emphasizes the idea of allowing students to
work together and help each other learn. This can be done through
scaffolding; assisting students in the early stages of learning and slowly
decreasing the assistance and letting students figure things out
independently. I want my students to learn through interactions with their
peers and be able to use their minds and construct their own ideas about
what information I give them. This idea comes from the constructivist theory
of learning; giving students the freedom to discover and apply ideas through
the information they receive. My desire is to have the students be
completely satisfied in learning new and even challenging things and that
they are fully engaged in what they are learning. I want their learning to be
of the purest nature and I want them to really enjoy every aspect of
learning. I want my students to feel comfortable in my classroom, so I plan to
come to class everyday with a smile, an open heart, and a sense of
humor. Teaching comprises many aspects, but the one aspect I feel that is
most important is stirring the minds of students, letting their curiosity take
them into learning, and allowing them to enjoy the rewards of their