GingivalDisplacement PDF
GingivalDisplacement PDF
GingivalDisplacement PDF
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3 authors, including:
Atul Bhatnagar
Banaras Hindu University
All content following this page was uploaded by Atul Bhatnagar on 19 April 2017.
DK Singh1, P Gupta2,
Gingival Displacements Options in
A Bhatnagar3 Prosthodontics: A Critical Review on
Senior Lect.,
Department of Recent Advances
Azamgargh Dental Abstract
College, Azamgarh.
Assoc. Prof., Faculty of A plethora of innovations have taken place in impression-making for fixed prosthesis, all
Dental Sciences, IMS, with a singular objective to record the finish margins of tooth preparation and the
BHU, Varanasi. gingival tissues. The gingival displacement temporarily displaces the tissues laterally to
Correspondence to: adequately record the sub-gingival margins. The purpose of this review is to make an
Dr. Atul Bhatnagar, appraisal of the latest advancements in the field of tissue-displacement and analyze
Faculty of Dental their merits and demerits. A conscientious dentist is one with lucid comprehension of
Sciences, IMS, BHU,
concepts, a keen discerning eye on recent developments, well-informed choice of
treatment plan, and impeccable execution of the chosen plan.
E-mail Id: Keywords: Gingiva, Margin, Retraction, Sub-gingival.
Gingival displacement is reversible lateral and vertical deflection of the marginal gingiva
away from the tooth. Gingival displacement has been suggested to be an important and
mandatory procedure in fabricating indirect restorations, which may frequently have
cervical margins placed in the gingival sulcus (sub-gingival margins) for aesthetic and
functional reasons. This must be reproduced accurately in the impression made. A
failure will result in a compromised marginal integrity, recurrent caries and/ or gingival
inflammation and periodontal breakdown.1 Gingival displacement’s three-pronged
goals are to have adequate bulk flow of material into the sulcus, to accurately record
margin details, and to prevent impression material tear upon retrieval from the gingival
sulcus.2 The minimum lateral displacement so desired is about 0.2 mm. It is also
imperative that a small amount of impression material flows beyond the prepared
margin. This will permit accurate trimming of the recovered die.
Displacement cords are supplied in three basic designs, medicament (reduces bleeding and sulcular fluid
namely, twisted cords, braided cords, and knitted cords. seeping from the sulcus) is placed in the gingival sulcus
Selection of the cord is determined by the operator to bring about reversible gingival displacement (Fig.
preference. The largest cord that can be atraumatically 1(a,b)).
placed in the sulcus should be used. Cords are usually
pressure-packed into the sulcus using special Some of the commonly employed medicaments include:
instruments like the Fischer cord packing instrument or
1. 8% racemic epinephrine
plastic-filling instrument.
2. Aluminum chloride
Chemico-Mechanical Technique 3. Alum (aluminum potassium sulfate)
4. Aluminum sulfate
This probably is the most commonly used method of 5. 5. Ferric sulfate
gingival displacement. In this method, a cord soaked in a
Figure 1(a).Medicament Soaked displacement cord Figure 1(b).Displacement cord placement into
gingival sulcus
The displacement cord soaked in the chemical agent of devoid of systemic effects when used appropriately.12 A
choice is packed into the sulcus using a Fischer cord material available for quite some time for clinical usage
packing instrument and left in place for a period of 4-8 is Expasyl (Kaolin incorporated into an organic binder
min and then removed. This usually brings about the with aluminum chloride). It aids in soft-tissue control in
desired gingival displacement. Harrison10 compared two ways. First, the consistency of the “putty-like
plain cord, cord impregnated with two concentrations material” when injected into the sulcus aids to
of epinephrine plus zinc chloride, and cord impregnated mechanically displace the gingival tissues horizontally
with 100% alum. Cords that contained zinc chloride at 8 and vertically to open the sulcular space, effectively
and 40% concentrations caused severe tissue providing the space that mechanical cords provide. The
destruction, while the other materials brought about Expasyl paste is injected in the sulcus, exerting a stable,
reversible injury. Both 8% epinephrine and 100% alum non-damaging pressure of only 0.1N/mm. When Expasyl
were effective in the control of moderate bleeding. is left in place for 1 min, the pressure is sufficient to
Ramadan studied the length of time the sulcus obtain sulcus opening of 0.5 mm for 2 min. Second,
remained open and the width of the sulcus with plain aluminum chloride incorporated in the product is an
cord, 1/1000 epinephrine, 100% alum, and hemodent. effective hemostatic agent (Fig. 2). It has been reported
He concluded that the treated cords were effective as to have advantages like effective hemostasis, little
compared to the plain cord.11 However, de Gennaro et pressure, i.e., atraumatic, less time-consuming, easy
al.12 studied the histological responses among humans removal, and easy to dispense with the gun. Prominent
to plain cord and cord impregnated with potassium disadvantages being expensive, thickness of the paste
sulfate, hemodent, and 8% racemic epinephrine and makes it difficult to express into the sulcus and metal
concluded that there was no practical difference tips too big for interproximal areas.13 Yet another
between the cords. Aluminum sulfate causes system on the docks is matrix impression system, which
hemostasis by a weak vasoconstrictor effect in addition is a new system that requires a series of three-
to precipitation of tissue proteins with tissue impression procedure, using three viscosities of
contraction, inhibited trans-capillary movements of impression technique. It attempts to overcome the
plasma proteins, and subsequent arrest of capillary deficiencies of the older systems and at the same time
bleeding. The medicament is regarded as safe and incorporate their best features.14 A matrix of occlusal-
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registration elastomeric material is made over the tooth also forces the high-viscosity impression material along
preparations. Depending on the distribution and the preparations and into the sulcus where it cleanses
complexity of the preparations, the matrix may be made the sulcus of debris and fills it. The matrix facilitates the
in one piece or in two or more sections. The retraction formation of the optimum flange. Chances of tearing are
cord is removed and a definitive impression is made in virtually eliminated because of improved configuration
the matrix of the preparations with a high-viscosity of the sulcular flange, decreased amount of voids or
elastomeric-impression material. After the matrix contaminant in the sulcus. The system eliminates
impression is seated, a stock tray filled with a medium- chances of tearing of the sulcular flange by developing
viscosity elastomeric impression material is seated over the optimal configuration, cleaning blood and debris
the matrix and remaining teeth to create impression of from the sulcus area at critical moments, delivering
the entire arch. This system effectively controls the four impression material in the sulcus gently but with
forces that are relapsing, retraction, displacement, and increased accuracy and speed, and holding the sulcus
collapsing that impact on the gingiva during the critical open for an increased time (Fig. 3).14
phases of impression making. The design of the matrix
Gingitrac15 is a gingival-retraction paste system that uses margins. For multiple tooth preparations, a plastic tray
a preloaded syringe to apply the paste around the is first used with a firm-paste matrix over which the
margins. The paste contains aluminum sulfate as Gingitrac paste is syringed before the tray is placed over
astringent, and if necessary, a hemostatic agent can be the arch and held in position for 3-5 min. For both single
applied prior to its use. For single tooth use, a cap is and multiple tooth preparations, gingival retraction is
used to apply pressure for up to 5 min after application achieved through the application of pressure. The paste
of paste. The cap is first filled with the paste, and then is removed prior to impression-taking.
placed over the tooth and paste is syringed around the
Magic foam cord16 is a new non-hemostatic gingival- gingival sulcus without the potential traumatic and
retraction system. It is the first expanding vinyl time-consuming packing of retraction cord. The material
polysiloxane material designed for retraction of the is syringed around the crown preparation margins and a
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cap (Com-precap) is placed to maintain pressure. After 5 ready for final impression. The material claims to have
min, the cap and foam are removed and the tooth is an expansion of 160% after 5 min.
Mercocel17 is a new retraction material to displace permit measurement of the sub-gingival finish line and
gingival tissues without tissue damage before gingival surfaces of unprepared teeth. The porous and
impression making. Mercocel retraction strips are sponge-like microstructure of mercocel retraction strips
synthetic material that is specifically chemically ensures a dry environment, allowing impression
extracted from a polymer hydroxylate polyvinyl acetate material to record precise tooth preparations. Scanning
that creates a net-like strip without debris or free electron microscopy reveals absence of fibers thus,
fragments. Placement of Mercocel retraction technique decreasing the risk of post-operative complications. It is
does not require use of local anesthesia, resulting in chemically pure and can be easily shaped. It effectively
careful management of the delicate gingival tissues with absorbs intraoral fluids such as saliva, blood and gingival
improved management of the treatment. Also, mercocel fluids. It is free of any fragments without presence of
retraction device ensures sufficient gingival retraction to any debris.
Racegel18 is a new hemostatic agent that controls The bright orange color makes it easy to dispense, place
bleeding and absorbs crevicular fluid prior to and during and rinse. The gel helps to prepare the sulcus prior to
impression-taking and crown placement. Due to its impression-taking and can be used with or without
thermodynamic characteristics, the material’s viscosity gingival retraction cords. It facilitates the opening of the
increases upon contact with the tissue, providing access gingival crevice and reduces bleeding and oozing. Due to
to the gingival margin. The gel contains 25% aluminum its consistency, it rinses away quickly, leaving no
chloride, oxyguinol and excipients. The aluminum residual material, discoloration or irritation of the
chloride is clinically proven for its astringent properties. surrounding tissue.
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Stay Put19 combines the advantages of an impregnated Put. Non-impregnated stay put cord may be
braided retraction cord with the adaptability of a fine impregnated with a suitable hemostatic agent as
metal filament. Both impregnated and unimpregnated desired. Main advantages are quick hemostasis, can be
options are available for clinical use. Hemostatic agent, pre-shaped, adaptable and pliable, good contrast to
aluminum Chloride is employed for impregnated Stay gingiva, and no risk of cardiovascular problem.
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Figure 9.Laser
Azzi and colleagues21 studied the effect of retraction found that cords had the smallest effect on the gingival
cords, electrosurgery and rotary gingival curettage on and rotary curettage had the largest effect (Fig. 10(a,b)).
gingival recession and loss of attachment in dogs. They
Gingival Displacement in Digital Impressions of thin impression margins with radius less than the
contacting-probe tip.23
A major restraint of direct optical impressions is their
limitation to line of sight. A clean sulcus is a Gingival Displacementin Implants
requirement of paramount importance while making
digital computer-aided design/ computer-added The peri-implant tissue is different from that around the
manufacturing (CAD/ CAM) impressions. Retraction cord teeth. The difference between the two is listed in the
fibers that remain in the sulcus may affect the accuracy chart (Fig. 11 and Table 1). Mechanical retraction
of gingival retraction and may result in artifact- techniques are contraindicated around implants, except
generated errors. Fifteen percent aluminum chloride in in situations in which the patient’s gingival sulcus depths
an injectable matrix reduces these artifacts by leaving a are shallow, their mucosal health is impeccable and a
clean sulcus on removal. Indirect capture of digitalized robust, thick gingival biotype is present.24 This is due to
information is considered more accurate by clinicians.22 the inherent potential of damaging the gingival
On the other hand, the method of data collection is epithelial structures. Serrated packing instruments, if
influenced by thickness of impression material in the not handled appropriately, may increase the probability
sulcus area. This can result in significant errors in cases of damaging the implant collar and may create
microscopic scratches on the surface.
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Increase in surface free energy and surface roughness a critical role, is also questionable.26 Although injectable
will further facilitate biofilm formation on dental matrix technique sounds promising for implant
implant and abutment surfaces.25 The atraumatic situations, further development is needed. As compared
application of an injectable matrix certainly faces a few to the research linked to implant fixture designs, there is
limitations. Injectable matrix provides limited success relatively little research to guide clinicians about the
with peri-implant tissue retraction. Rotary curettage, appropriate use of various gingival retraction techniques
electrosurgery and all types oflasers except CO2 laser are around implant abutments.27 As implants become
not advisable for use with peri-implant soft tissues. mainstream treatments for tooth loss, this topic
Their use in anterior applications, where esthetics plays certainly deserves further research.
Table 1.Difference between perdental and peri-implant tissues
Peridental Tissue Peri-implant Tissue
Free gingival margin with buccal keratinized epithelium Free gingival margin with buccal keratinized epithelium
Gingival sulcus apically limited by the junctional Gingival sulcus apically limited by the junctional
epithelium epithelium
Keratinized epithelium at the base of gingival sulcus No keratinized epithelium at the base of gingival sulcus
Junctional epithelium adherent, less permeable, high Junctional epithelium poorly adherent, more
regenerative capacity permeable, low regenerative capacity
Cementum No cementum
Gingival fibers inserting perpendicularly in the Gingival fibers running parallel to the implant collar
Biological width of at least 2.04 millimeters Biological width of 2.5 mm±0.5 mm
Periodontal ligament No periodontal ligament
No direct contact between tooth and bone Direct contact of implant to bone
Peridental Tissue Peri-implant Tissue
Free gingival margin with buccal keratinized epithelium Free gingival margin with buccal keratinized epithelium
Gingival sulcus apically limited by the junctional Gingival sulcus apically limited by the junctional
epithelium epithelium
Keratinized epithelium at the base of gingival sulcus No keratinized epithelium at the base of gingival sulcus
Junctional epithelium adherent, less permeable, high Junctional epithelium poorly adherent, more
regenerative capacity permeable, low regenerative capacity
Cementum No cementum
Gingival fibers inserting perpendicularly in the Gingival fibers running parallel to the implant collar
Biological width of at least 2.04 millimeters Biological width of 2.5 mm±0.5 mm
Periodontal ligament No periodontal ligament
No direct contact between tooth and bone Direct contact of implant to bone
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