CSTP 1 Cardenas 12
CSTP 1 Cardenas 12
CSTP 1 Cardenas 12
I have introduced
PearDeck into my
classroom, but I still feel
like I need to purposefully
use technology to meet all
students’ needs versus
just a few. 5/2/19
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
Promoting critical critically. content. 9/22/18 reflecting on multiple problems.
thinking though perspectives. 112/12/19
inquiry, problem
solving, and Some students respond to Students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and answer
reflection questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks questions and problems and construct questions a wide-range of complex
and comprehension. designed to promote posed by the teacher and of their own to support questions and problems,
comprehension and begin to pose and solve inquiries into content. reflect, and communicate
critical thinking in single problems of their own understandings based on
lessons or a sequence of related to the in depth analysis of
lessons. content.9/22/18 content learning.
I constantly provide Through readings about Metacognitive activities at
question narration different cultures, end of unit provide
throughout my lessons in students are reflecting on students with an
the Target Language. I similarities between their opportunity to reflect
have taught about home culture and those of deeply 5/1/20
cognates as a means to cultures presented in our
identify unfamiliar word. class. 12/12/19 Students have a space
9/22/18 digitally and on paper to
pose questions that are
Students complete daily shared out with thclasee
evaluations as means to 5/1/20
reflect upon their
Evidence involvement and
engagement in class.