National Institute of Technology Rourkela Mid - Term Examination, 2019
National Institute of Technology Rourkela Mid - Term Examination, 2019
National Institute of Technology Rourkela Mid - Term Examination, 2019
Subject code: CE 6134 Subject Name: Earth Retaining Structures Dept. Code: CE
No. of pages: 02 Full Marks: 30 Duration: 2 Hours
3 A retaining wall has a vertical back and is 8.5 m high. The soil is sandy 5
loam of unit weight 18.1 kN/m3. It has a cohesion of 15 kN/m2 and φ =
30°. Neglecting wall friction, determine the passive thrust on the wall. The
upper surface of the fill is inclined at an angle of 10ο with respect to the
kN/m3; soil friction angle, φ= 30°; and δ =15°. Estimate the active force,
Pa, per unit length of the wall using Coulomb’s theory. Also, state the
direction and location of the resultant force, Pa.
5 A cantilever sheet pile wall penetrating a clay layer (Figure 1). Sand 5
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b. The minimum size of sheet pile section necessary. Use σall = 172.5
Figure 1
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