Aticol Cario
Aticol Cario
Aticol Cario
Minimization of polymerization
shrinkage effects on composite resins
by the control of irradiance during the
photoactivation process
Gabriel Felipe GUIMARÃES1 High levels of shrinkage stress caused by volumetric variations during
Edilmar MARCELINO2 the activation process are one of the main problems in the practical
application of composite resins. Objective: The aim of this study is to reduce
the shrinkage stress and minimize the effects caused by composite resin
Fábio Bossoi VICENTE3
volumetric variation due to the photopolymerization. In this way, this work
Carlos Roberto GRANDINI3,4 proposes a systematic study to determine the optimal dimming function
Rafael Plana SIMÕES1 to be applied to light curing processes. Material and Methods: The study
was performed by applying mathematical techniques to the optimization
of nonlinear objective functions. The effectiveness of the dimming function
was evaluated by monitoring the polymerization shrinkage stress during the
curing process of five brands/models of composites. This monitoring was
performed on a universal testing machine using two steel bases coupled in
the arms of the machine where the resin was inserted and polymerized. The
quality of the composites cured by the proposed method was analyzed and
compared with the conventional photoactivation method by experiments to
determine their degree of conversion (DC). Absorbance measurements were
performed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). A T-test
was performed on DC results to compare the photoactivation techniques.
We also used scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze in-vitro the
adhesion interface of the resin in human teeth. Results: Our results showed
that the use of the optimal dimming function, named as exponential, resulted
in the significant reduction of the shrinkage stress (~36.88% ±6.56 when
compared with the conventional method) without affecting the DC (t=0.86,
p-value=0.44). The SEM analyses show that the proposed process can
minimize or even eliminate adhesion failures between the tooth and the
resin in dental restorations. Conclusion: The results from this study can
promote the improvement of the composite resin light curing process by
the minimization of polymerization shrinkage effects, given an operational
Submitted: November 7, 2017 standardization of the photoactivation process.
Modification: February 21, 2018
Accepted: March 27, 2018
Keywords: Dental restoration. Composite resins. Light-curing of dental
Corresponding address: 1
Univ. Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, Departamento de Bioprocessos e
Rafael Plana Simões Biotecnologia, Botucatu, SP, Brasil.
Phone: +55-14-3880-7512 - Fax: +55-14-3880-7162
Univ. Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Biociências, Botucatu, SP, Brasil.
Univ. Estadual Paulista, Faculdade de Ciências, Laboratório de Relaxações Anelásticas e
Biomateriais, Bauru, SP, Brasil.
Instituto de Biomateriais, Tribocorrosão e Nanomedicina - Ramo Brasileiro, Bauru, SP, Brasil.
The composite resins emergence has provided irradiance during the activation.
higher aesthetic quality in dental restorations. However, Our hypothesis is that it can be possible to
the mechanical properties of the resins, especially the determine an optimal curve of irradiance variation
high levels of shrinkage stress caused by volumetric during the photoactivation, which will promote the
variations during the activation process, are the reduction of the shrinkage stress without affecting the
Despite the chemical advances in resins for the systematic study to optimize the dimming function
minimization of the polymerization shrinkage, this in light curing processes. The study was performed
problem persists and can allow micro-infiltrations in by a mathematical approach to determine an optimal
the adhesive interface, which harm the restoration function for the irradiance modulation at the time
aesthetics and, in some extreme cases, favor the domain. This function was incorporated in a light
growth of bacteria due to marginal leakage4. curing unit, developed by our research group, which
To achieve both efficiency and quality, various can control the irradiance according to a mathematical
efforts have been made to reduce the effects of function. The effectiveness of the optimal function was
polymerization shrinkage. Current approaches include evaluated by monitoring the polymerization shrinkage
the improvement of the chemical composition of stress during the curing process. The quality of the
the resins, the photo-initiator molecules and the resins polymerized by the proposed method was
However, studies have shown that the variation of degree of the monomers into polymers. The interface
some physical parameters can significantly change the adhesion between the teeth and resins was analyzed
resin shrinkage during the curing process, concluding by scanning electron microscopy (SEM).
All the photoactivation processes were performed testing machine (Emic DL 3000, EMIC Equipamentos
using a polymerization unit developed by our research e Sistemas de Ensaios Ltda; São José dos Pinhais,
group (patent registration number BR1020160078245, Paraná, Brazil). An adaptation using two steel bases
INPI, Brazil). This device was equipped with a was coupled in the arms of the machine, which were
second generation Light Emitting Diode (LED) (LZ4- adjusted so that the resin could be inserted and
40B208-0000, LED Engin Inc; San Jose, California, polymerized for tests10. The gap between the two stents
USA). The LED device has a typical relative spectral in which the composite was inserted was regulated with
power distribution in wavelength range of 430–480 nm a width of 1 mm. Thus, the specimen to be polymerized
(with peak at 457 nm) and power rating of 10 W. This had the following dimensions: 6 mm × 2 mm × 1
device was coupled with an optical tip (diameter of 8 mm. The LED device tip was positioned on the 6 mm
mm) and the maximum output irradiance was adjusted side of the steel base, allowing the transmission of
to be 1000 mW/cm , which was calibrated using a
light to the full extent of the specimen. The distance
radiometer (RD7, Ecel Indústria e Comércio Ltda; of photopolymerization was 2 mm. The device driver
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil). The developed device software traced the shrinkage stress curve as a function
was connected to a personal computer containing of polymerization time. This experiment was performed
a computational interface that allows the control of in triplicate for each resin brand/model.
the LED emittance along the photoactivation process Curve fitting by the least squares method was
according to a mathematical function. applied to determine the average function ,
The experiments were performed according to ISO which was considered the objective function for the
4049:2009. optimization. The mathematical minimization of the
function consisted of calculating the polymerization
Determination of optimal dimming function and shrinkage-stress rate (MPa/s), obtained by the data
monitoring of instantaneous polymerization differentiation , and with this information,
shrinkage stress determining the inverse function of the contraction
The optimal mathematical dimming function in the rate, ( )-1 . This inverse function was taken as
time domain to minimize the shrinkage stress was the optimal dimming function to minimize the effects
formulated based on the dependence of shrinkage of the polymerization shrinkage. This optimal function
stress (fc) and the time (t) in a photoactivation process was named as the exponential photoactivation method.
by applying constant luminous intensity (i). Therefore, The referred optimal function was incorporated in
the existence of a mathematical function described as the photopolymerization device, and new experiments
fc (i,t) was assumed, which models the shrinkage stress for monitoring the shrinkage stress were performed.
behavior in a conventional photoactivation process. An average function of the shrinkage stress and its
Thus, the shrinkage stress minimization can then be standard deviation was determined for each brand/
modeled mathematically by an optimization problem model of resin. The results from these new experiments
of an objective function. showed the patterns of the composite shrinkage when
Recent studies have shown that stress data can the exponential photoactivation method (iopt) was
be displayed as a continuous time function usually for applied. These results were then compared with the
30-60 min. Measurements for longer periods, such as conventional photoactivation method by applying the
24 h, are also feasible due to the stable instrument T-test for equal sample sizes and equal variance. The
electronics . However, the major changes in the
level of significance for these statistical tests was 0.05.
shrinkage-stress rate occur in the first 5 min (300
seconds). In this way, the behavior of the function fc for Evaluation of cured resin quality
a conventional photoactivation method with constant Analyses to determine the conversion degree of
luminous irradiation (1000 mW/cm2 during 35 seconds) the monomers into polymers were applied to evaluate
was determined by monitoring the shrinkage stress the quality of the cured composites. A stainless-steel
during 300 seconds, of which only the initial 35 seconds matrix with a resin insertion cavity was used to perform
(corresponding to the photoactivation interval) were this experiment. The composite resins were packed
considered for the determination of the minimization on the cavity in a single increment. They were then
function. photoactivated using the conventional and exponential
The monitoring was performed with a universal
methods. Five specimens were made for each orthodontics indication) were used to evaluate the
investigated group. The produced samples dimensions adhesion interface between tooth and polymerized
were the same as in the shrinkage stress tests (6 composites. All patients who provided teeth for the
mm × 2 mm × 1 mm). After the photoactivation, the present study completed a written consent form.
specimens were removed from the mold and stored Two teeth were used for each composite brand/
in a dry mean, in dark containers, at 37°C (±1°C) model and photoactivation method, resulting in 20
for 24 h. The specimens were then pulverized into samples for this analysis. Cavities with dimensions
a fine powder. The pulverized composite resins were similar to the specimens in the previous experiments
maintained in a dark box until the Fourier-transform (6 mm × 2 mm × 1 mm) were made in each tooth.
infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis. Five milligrams The cavities preparation was performed using water-
of the ground powder was thoroughly mixed with cooled diamond burs (4138, KG Sorensen; Barueri,
100 mg of the KBr powder salt 1,8,14
. The degree of São Paulo, Brazil), as it is conventionally performed in
conversion (DC) measurements were performed with dental restorations. A treatment with phosphoric acid
a spectrophotometer (Nicolet Nexus 470, Thermo was performed under each cavity and the remaining
Fisher Scientific; Vernon Hills, Illinois, USA) and were structure was conditioned by a primer adhesive solution
recorded in the absorbance, operating under the (Adapter Single Bond 2, 3M ESPE; Sumaré, São Paulo,
following conditions: 50 scans, a 4 cm –1
resolution Brazil). The resins were packed in the teeth cavity in
and a 300 to 4000 cm–1 wavelength. The DC was a single increment and then photoactivated for 35 s
determined according to equation: using the conventional or the exponential method. The
samples were later stored in 2% chlorhexidine solution
(1) for 1 week. Glutaraldehyde and sodium hypochlorite
were used as disinfectants after tooth extraction.
where the percentage of unreacted carbon-carbon For the SEM analyses, a longitudinal cut was made
double bonds (%C=C) was determined from the ratio in each restored tooth using a diamond cutting disc
of the absorbance intensities of aliphatic C=C (I1638cm-1) (Arotec; Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil) at 100 rpm. Note
and aromatic C–C (I1608cm-1), before and after curing that, after the cutting, the specimens did not have
of the specimen . The obtained DC results for each
their surfaces polished because the material removed
photoactivation technique were compared by applying from the teeth in this process could cover the possible
the T-test for equal sample sizes and equal variance. cracks in the interface of restoration.
The level of significance for these statistical tests was Afterwards, sputter coating for SEM was performed
0.05. by applying an ultra-thin coating of electrically-
conducting metal (gold, in this case) under each
Evaluation of adhesion interface between tooth specimen. This process was performed to make it
and resin susceptible to the emission of secondary electrons
Healthy molar human teeth (extracted by to obtain images by SEM (LS-15 EVO, Zeiss; Jena,
Figure 1- Illustration of: (a) shrinkage stress at the time domain for the conventional photoactivation method; (b) the conventional method
of photoactivation and theoretical optimized curve to minimize the effects of the polymerization shrinkage
behavior shows that the composite contraction occurs attempt the manufacturers’ recommendations for the
Figure 2- Comparison of the shrinkage stress between the conventional and exponential methods for composite resins: (a) Z-250; (b)
Z-350; (c) Charisma; (d) NT Premium and (e) Ultrafill
Table 1- Comparison of the shrinkage stress and degree of conversion for the conventional and exponential photoactivation methods
Figure 3- Scanning electron microscopy analyses of the conventional and exponential photoactivation methods for composite resins: (a)
Z-250; (b) Z-350; (c) Charisma; (d) NT Premium and (e) Ultrafill
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