Lesson Plan Title: Cultural Quilt (Fourth Grade) : Lugo 1
Lesson Plan Title: Cultural Quilt (Fourth Grade) : Lugo 1
Lesson Plan Title: Cultural Quilt (Fourth Grade) : Lugo 1
Daisy Lugo
Dr. Flowers
EDU 280
11 March 2019
Concept / Topic to Teach: To teach and to allow students to teach each other about their
General Goal(s):
Students will learn and teach about their own cultures by speaking with their families, doing
research, and based on prior knowledge and will present to the class by completing a project.
Specific Objectives:
Students will create a cultural quilt of their own using pictures, objects and drawings to explain
their culture to their peers. They will present their finished quilts to the class to teach their peers
Required Materials:
• Notebooks
• Pencils
• Computers
Students will begin the lesson by participating in a class discussion, about culture. I would ask
question like, “What is culture?”, and “How does your culture play a role in your everyday
lives?”. Allow the students to take time and discuss these questions in their groups.
Step-By-Step Procedures:
This project will take up the whole week, students will begin on Monday and should be finished
with their quilt by Thursday. On Monday the students will begin by using their notebooks to
brainstorm and jot down things about their cultures. For example, holidays, traditions, clothing,
songs, food, celebrations etc. They may also use the computers to do research about their
country. At the end of the day students will take their notebooks home to their families and ask
them about their culture so that they have more information for their quilts.
Lugo 3
On Tuesday the students will be given time to continue their research, if a student is stuck the
teacher can help the student out by explaining to them or helping them out by showing videos or
websites that define cultures. Once the students feel that they are done they will use a separate
paper in their notebook to draw out a sketch of their quilt and the information that will go on
each square. Students will be given a minimum of four squares to start and can add as many
On Wednesday and Thursday, the students will begin the project by grabbing four squares of
poster paper. They will be able to write on the squares, use printed images, family pictures,
objects, and any other decorations to fill out their quilts and make them colorful and vibrant.
Once the students are finished with decorating their quilts, they will take them to the teacher and
she will approve them. From there the student will move on to the final step which is to put their
squares together using a hole punch and yarn the student will map out the order they want their
quilt in and punch at least two holes on the squares where they need to be connected with yarn.
After all the quilts have been completed, on Friday the students will get the chance to showcase
them in a gallery walk in the classroom. The students will hang their completed quilts along the
walls or leave them at their desks. Students will be given the chance to walk around the
classroom and look at their peers’ quilts. Student may choose to stay close by their quilt to
answer any questions about the quilt or the culture depicted on it. Once they have had time to do
a gallery walk the next part requires the students to grab a pencil and close to each students quilt
there will be a “comments” paper in which the students can give their peers feedback or
something they found intersting about that person’s culture or how the quilt was decorated.
Lugo 4
For this part the teacher will pass out a sheet of paper to each student. The students must write
about anything new they discovered about their own culture while completing this activity. As
well as anything intersting that they learned from their classmates’ culture quilts.
Have the whole class come back together and let them participate in a group discussion about
what they learned. Whether it’s about people who have the same cultures as them and those who
are different. Ask the students if they learned anything new by asking their families about their
cultures. Lastly, allow students to share both out loud and in their groups for this discussion.
Students were excited to learn more about thier own cultures as well as the cultures of their
classmates. By gathering information about their cultures, the students are able to teach other