Essay Type Questions Unit-I
Essay Type Questions Unit-I
Essay Type Questions Unit-I
14. Define insulators, semiconductors and conductors?
15. Estimate the ratio of electron densities in the conduction bands of silicon
(Eg=1.14ev) and Germanium (Eg=0.7ev) at 400K?
16. Define Nano science and Nano technology? What is Quantum confinement?
17. Define Quantum dots. Write about crystal structures?
18. Explain about dendrimers?
19. The effective mass m∗ of an electron or hole in a band is defined by
1 1 𝑑2 𝐸
= . where k is the wave number (k=2π/λ). For a free electron
𝑚∗ ℏ2 𝑑𝑘 2
show that 𝑚 = 𝑚.
20. Briefly explain Bio nano materials?
21. Explain about cones?
22. Define Polymer. Explain about Polymerization?
23. The molecular weight of haemoglobin is about 65,000 g/mol. Haemoglobin
contains 0.35% Fe by mass. How many iron atoms are there in a haemoglobin
24. Write the molecular weight of polymers? Write the applications of
25. Explain about Teflon?
26. Write a short note on Gyroscopes?
27. Suppose that the Fermi level in a semiconductor lies more than a few kT
below the bottom of the conduction band and more than a few kT above the
top of the valence band, then show that the product of the number of free
electrons and the number of free holes per cm3 is given by
ne nh=2.33x1031T3e-Eg/kT where Eg is the gap width.
28. Write a note on Semi-conductors?
29. Discuss about stainless steel and its alloys?