3 - U III WCM Inv
3 - U III WCM Inv
3 - U III WCM Inv
• The need for and nature of inventory
• Techniques of inventory management
• Need for analyzing inventory problem as an
investment decision
• Process for managing inventory
Meaning of Inventory
Inventories are unconsumed or unsold goods purchased
or manufactured. According to AS 2 ( revised )
inventories are assets :
Held for sale in the ordinary course of business
In the process of production for such sale or
In the form of materials or supplies to be
consumed in the production process or in the
rendering of services.
Nature of Inventory
• Stock of items kept to meet future demand
• Purpose of inventory management
– how many units to order
– when to order
Stocks of manufactured products and the material
that make up the product.
Components: types of firms
i. raw materials
ii. work-in-process (partially completed) products (WIP)
iii. finished goods (being transported)
iv. stores and spares (supplies)
Need for Inventories
• Transaction motive
• Precautionary motive (for usage & delivery )
• Speculative motive (for price changes)
Objectives of Inventory Management
Safety stock
stock:: buffer added to on hand inventory during lead
Stock out
out:: an inventory shortage
Service level
level:: probability that the inventory available during
lead time will meet demand
An effective inventory management
Reorder point, R
Demand for items used to produce final
Tires stored at a Goodyear plant are an
example of a dependent demand item
Demand for items used by external customers
Cars, appliances, computers, and houses are
examples of independent demand
Inventory and Quality Management
• Customers usually perceive quality service as
availability of goods they want when they
want them
• Inventory must be sufficient to provide high-
quality customer service in TQM
Inventory Control Systems
– optimal order quantity that will
minimize total inventory costs
• Basic EOQ model
• Production quantity model
Assumptions of Basic EOQ
Reorder point, R
Annual ordering cost =
Annual carrying cost =
Total cost = +
Q 2
EOQ Cost Model
Ordering Cost = Q
Safety stock
buffer added to on hand inventory during lead time
an inventory shortage
Service level
probability that the inventory available during lead
time will meet demand
Variable Demand with
a Reorder Point
Inventory level
point, R
Reorder Point with
a Safety Stock
Inventory level
point, R
Safety Stock
Objectives of Inventory Valuation
Determination of Income :
Gross profit is the excess of sales over cost of goods sold.
Cost of Goods sold = Opening Inventory + Purchases – Closing
Determination of Financial Position:
The inventory at the end of the period is to be shown as a
current asset in the Balance Sheet of the business. In case
the inventory is not valued properly, the balance sheet will
not disclose the correct financial position of the business.
Inventory Systems
Periodic Inventory System: The quantity and value of
inventory is found out only at the end of the accounting
period after having a physical verification of the units in
hand. No information is provided regarding quantity and
value of materials in hand on a continuous basis. No
accounting is done for shrinkage, losses, theft and wastage.
Perpetual inventory System : Also known as automatic
Inventory System. It is ‘ A method of recording inventory
balances after every receipt and issue to facilitate regular
checking and to avoid closing down for stock taking.’ Details
about quantity and value of stock are available on a
continuous basis.
Methods of Valuation of Inventories
Inventory should be valued at the lower of ‘ historical cost’ and
‘net realizable value’.
Historical Cost : It is the aggregate of cost of purchase, cost of
conversion and other costs incurred in bringing the
inventories to their present location and conditions.
The various methods of assigning historical costs to inventory
and goods sold are as under:
i. Specific Identification Method: Each item of inventory is
identified with its cost. The total of various costs so
identified, constitutes the value of the inventory. This
technique of inventory valuation can only be adopted by a
company handling a small number of items. For a large
number of inventory items, it is nearly impossible to
identify the cost of each individual item. 40
Methods of Valuation of Inventories ( Contd )
ii. First In First Out ( FIFO ): It is assumed that the material first
received is the first to be issued or sold. Thus the inventory at
any point of time is presumed to be composed of items most
recently acquired.
i) It values stock nearer to current market price.
ii) It is based on cost, hence no unrealized profit enters into
the financial accounts of the company.
i) Involves complicated calculations and hence increases the
possibility of clerical error.
ii) Comparison between different jobs using the same type of
material gets sometimes difficult. A job commenced a few
minutes after another job may have to bear a different
charge for material because the first job completely
exhausted the supply of material of the particular lot.
Methods of Valuation of Inventories ( Contd )
Last In First Out ( LIFO ): The last item of material purchased is the
first to be issued or sold. Hence, inventory consists of items
purchased at the earliest cost.
Advantages :
i) It takes into account the current market conditions while valuing
material issued to different jobs or calculating the cost of
goods sold.
ii) The method is based on cost and hence no unrealized profit or
loss is made on account of use of this method.
FIFO, LIFO and market fluctuations:
In periods of rising prices :FIFO will result in lower cost of goods
sold and higher closing stock of inventory. Thus profits will be
inflated and there will be a higher tax liability. Using LIFO will
result in lower closing stock of inventory, higher cost of goods
sold, lower profitability and hence lower tax liability.
Methods of Valuation of Inventories ( Contd )
In Periods of falling prices : FIFO will result in higher cost of
goods sold, lower profitability and lower tax liability.
Reverse will be the case if LIFO is followed.
iv. Highest in First Out : Materials or goods purchased at the
highest prices are treated as being first issued or sold,
irrespective of the date of purchase.
v. Base Stock method :Based on the contention that each
enterprise maintains a minimum quantity of material in its
stock. This base stock is deemed to be created out of the
first lot purchased and therefore valued at this price and is
carried forward as a fixed price. Any quantity over and
above the base stock is valued in accordance with any
other appropriate method. LIFO method is generally used
for the same.
Methods of Valuation of Inventories ( Contd )
iv. Next in First Out :Issues are made at the price of materials
which has been ordered but not yet received. The attempt
is to value material issued at a price which is nearest to
market price.
v. Weighted Average Price Method: Based on the assumption
that once the material is put into a common bin, it loses its
separate identity. Hence the inventory consists of no
specific batch of goods. It is priced on the basis of average
prices paid for the goods, weighted according to the
quantity purchased at each price.
Methods of Valuation of Inventories ( Contd )
Net Realizable Value :Net realizable value means ‘the estimated
selling price in the ordinary course of business less costs of
completion and less costs necessary to be incurred in order
to make the sale’. Ascertainment of net realizable value and
its comparison with historical cost can be done using any of
the following methods :
i. Aggregate or total inventory method : The total cost price of
the different items of inventory is calculated and compared
with the total of net realizable value of the different items of
inventory. Valuation is done at the price lower of the two.
ii. Group Method: Groups are formed of homogenous items of
inventory . The cost and net realizable value of each group is
ascertained. The lower of the two is taken for inventory
iii. Item by Item method: The cost and net realizable of each
item is found out and valuation is done at the lower of the
Inventory Valuation for Balance Sheet Purposes
If Inventory is taken on a date after the balance sheet date: Ex. If
the Balance Sheet is prepared on 31st December 1991 and
inventory is taken on 31st January, 1992, the following
adjustments will be required:
Inventory as on 31st Jan, 1992
Less : Purchases made between 1st Jan, 1992 to 31st Jan, 1992
Less : Sales returns ( at cost price) 1st Jan 1992 to 31st Jan 1992
Add: Sales ( at cost price ) 2nd Jan 1992 to 31st Jan 1992
Add: Purchase Returns 2nd Jan 1992 to 31st Jan 1992
Value of inventory as on 31st December 1991
If Inventory is taken on a date before the balance sheet date: In
this case, the above adjustments will be done in a reverse
Calculate the value of Cost of Goods Sold and Closing
Inventory by using Average Cost Method of valuation of
inventory in perpetual system. Data is given below:-
If there is increase in prices in last few months and
management wants to show higher profits than which
inventory method should be used why?
Date Purchases/ Issue No. of Units Cost/ Unit
Mar-01 Inventory in Hand 300 units Rs. 10
Mar-04 Issued 200 units
Mar-08 Purchases 800 units Rs. 11
Mar-18 Issued 700 units
Mar-25 Purchases 300 units Rs. 12
Mar-28 Issued 300 units
Mar-31 Purchases 500 units Rs. 13
Apr-01 Issued 300 units