CH04Inventory MGT Final
CH04Inventory MGT Final
CH04Inventory MGT Final
Inventory Management
Functions of Inventory
Types of Inventory
Inventory Management
ABC Analysis
Record Accuracy
Cycle Counting
Control of Service Inventories
Outline – Continued
Inventory Models
The Basic Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model
Reorder Points
Quantity Discount Models
Probabilistic Models and Safety Stock
Fixed-Period (P) Systems
Learning Objectives
When you complete this chapter you should be able to:
Figure 4.1
Inventory Management
How inventory items can be classified
How accurate inventory records can be maintained
How much and when to order
Inventory system
Inventory system involves;
ABC Analysis
Record accuracy
Cycle counting
ABC Analysis
Divides inventory into three classes based on annual
dollar volume, unit cost, quality and delivery problems
Class A - high annual dollar volume
Class B - medium annual dollar volume
Class C - low annual dollar volume
Used to establish policies that focus on the few critical
parts and not the many trivial ones
ABC Analysis
Percent of Percent of
Item Number of Annual Annual Annual
Stock Items Volume Unit Dollar Dollar
Number Stocked (units) x Cost = Volume Volume Class
#10286 20% 1,000 $ 90.00 $ 90,000 38.8% A
#11526 500 154.00 77,000 33.2% A
80 – A Items
70 –
60 –
50 –
40 – B Items
30 –
20 –
C Items
10 –
0 –
| | | | | | | | |
10 20 Percent
30 of inventory
40 50items60 70 80 90
Figure 4.2
ABC Analysis
Policies employed may include
More emphasis on supplier development for A items
Tighter physical inventory control for A items
More care in forecasting A items
Record Accuracy
Accurate records are a critical ingredient in production and
inventory systems
Allows organization to focus on what is needed
Necessary to make precise decisions about ordering,
scheduling, and shipping
Incoming and outgoing record keeping must be accurate
Stockrooms should be secure from non registered use, theft..
Cycle Counting
Items are counted and records updated on a periodic basis
Often used with ABC analysis to determine cycle
Has several advantages
Eliminates shutdowns and interruptions
Eliminates annual inventory adjustment
Trained personnel audit inventory accuracy
Allows causes of errors to be identified and corrected
Maintains accurate inventory records
Cycle Counting Example
5,000 items in inventory, 500 A items, 1,750 B items, 2,750 C items
Policy is to count A items every month (20 working days), B items
every quarter (60 days), and C items every six months (120 days)
Table 4.1
Inventory Costs;
Holding, Ordering/Setup and Shortage Costs
Holding costs - the costs of holding or “carrying”
inventory over time
Ordering costs - the costs of placing an order and
receiving goods. Setup costs - cost to prepare a
machine or process for manufacturing an order
Shortage costs – cost of lost profit, lost customer
will, lateness penalty…
s id e ra b l y d e p ending
o ld in g c o s ts vary con n te re s t r a t e s.
H l o c ation, a n d i
b u s in e s s , h i g h tech
on the r than 15 % , s o m e
e ra lly g r e a te th a n 5 0%.
G en ng c ost s g r e a te r
s h a v e h o l d i
Inventory Models for
Independent Demand
Need to determine when and how much to order
Basic economic order quantity
Quantity discount model
Basic EOQ Model
Important assumptions
1. Demand is known, constant, and independent
2. Lead time is known and constant
3. Receipt of inventory is instantaneous and complete
4. Quantity discounts are not possible
5. Only variable costs are setup and holding
6. Stock outs can be completely avoided
Inventory Usage Over Time
Usage rate Average
Order quantity inventory
= Q (maximum on hand
Inventory level
inventory Q
Figure 4.3
Minimizing Costs
Objective is to minimize total costs
Curve for total
cost of holding
and setup
total cost
Annual cost
Holding cost
= (S)
The EOQ Model Annual setup cost =
Order quantity
= (Holding cost per unit per year)
= (H)
The EOQ Model Annual setup cost =
S = H
Q 2
Solving for Q*
2DS = Q2H
Q2 = 2DS/H
Q* = 2DS/H
An EOQ Example
Determine optimal number of needles to order
D = 1,000 units
S = $10 per order
H = $.50 per unit per year
Q* =
Q* = = 40,000 = 200 units
An EOQ Example
Determine optimal number of needles to order
D = 1,000 units Q* = 200 units
S = $10 per order
H = $.50 per unit per year
Expected Demand D
number of =N= =
orders Order quantity Q*
N = = 5 orders per year
An EOQ Example
Determine optimal number of needles to order
D = 1,000 units Q* = 200 units
S = $10 per order N = 5 orders per year
H = $.50 per unit per year
Number of working
Expected time days per year
between orders =T= N
T= = 50 days between orders
An EOQ Example
Determine optimal number of needles to order
D = 1,000 units Q* = 200 units
S = $10 per order N = 5 orders per year
H = $.50 per unit per year T = 50 days
Total annual cost = Setup cost + Holding cost
TC = S + H
Q 2
1,000 200
TC = ($10) + ($.50)
200 2
TC = S + H
Q 2
1,500 200
TC = ($10) + ($.50) = $75 + $50 = $125
200 2
TC = S + H
Q 2
1,500 244.9
TC = ($10) + ($.50)
244.9 2 Only 2% less than the total
cost of $125 when the
TC = $61.24 + $61.24 = $122.48 order quantity was 200
Reorder Points
EOQ answers the “how much” question
The reorder point (ROP) tells when to order
Slope = units/day = d
Time (days)
Figure 4.5 Lead time = L
Reorder Point Example
Demand = 8,000 iPods per year
250 working day year
Lead time for orders is 3 working days
d= Number of working days in a year
= 8,000/250 = 32 units
ROP = d x L
TC = S + Q H + PD 2
Quantity Discount Models
A typical quantity discount schedule
Discount Discount
Number Discount Quantity Discount (%) Price (P)
1 0 to 999 no discount $5.00
2 1,000 to 1,999 4 $4.80
Table 4.2
Quantity Discount Models
Steps in analyzing a quantity discount
1. For each discount, calculate Q*
2. If Q* for a discount doesn’t qualify, choose the
smallest possible order size to get the discount
3. Compute the total cost for each Q* or adjusted
value from Step 2
4. Select the Q* that gives the lowest total cost
Quantity Discount Example
Calculate Q* for every discount 2DS
Q* =
Q1* = = 700 cars/order
Q2* = = 714 cars/order
Q3* = = 718 cars/order
Quantity Discount Example
Calculate Q* for every discount 2DS
Q* =
Q1* = = 700 cars/order
Q2* = = 714 cars/order
1,000 — adjusted
Q3* = = 718 cars/order
2,000 — adjusted
Quantity Discount Models
Total cost curve for discount 2
Total cost
curve for
discount 1
Total cost $
0 1,000 2,000
Figure 4.6
Order quantity
Quantity Discount Example
Discoun Order Annual Annual Annual
t Unit Quantit Product Ordering Holding
Number Price y Cost Cost Cost Total
1 $5.00 $25,000 $350 $25,700
700 $350
2 $4.80 $24,000 $480 $24,725
1,000 $245
3 $4.75 $23.750 $950 $24,822.50
2,000 $122.50
Table 4.3
Choose the price and quantity that gives the lowest total cost
Buy 1,000 units at $4.80 per unit
Probabilistic Models and Safety Stock
Used when demand is not constant or certain
Use safety stock to achieve a desired service
level and avoid stock outs
ROP = d x L + ss
Safety Stock Example
ROP = 50 units Stockout cost = $40 per frame
Orders per year = 6 Carrying cost = $5 per frame per year
(20)($5) = $100 $0
20 $100
(10)($5) = $ 50 $240
10 $290
$0 $960
0 $960
On-hand inventory
Q1 P