A Meta-Analysis of The Prevalence of Dental Agenesis of Permanent Teeth

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Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2004; 32: 217–26 Copyright  Blackwell Munksgaard 2004

All rights reserved

Bart J. Polder1, Martin A. Van’t Hof2,

A meta-analysis of the Frans P. G. M. Van der Linden1 and
Anne M. Kuijpers-Jagtman1

prevalence of dental agenesis Departments of 1Orthodontics and Oral

Biology, and 2Cariology and Preventive
Dentistry, University Medical Centre,
Nijmegen, The Netherlands
of permanent teeth
Polder BJ, Van’t Hof MA, Van der Linden FPGM, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM.
A meta-analysis of the prevalence of dental agenesis of permanent teeth.
Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2004; 32: 217–26.  Blackwell Munksgaard,

Abstract – Objective: To gain more insight into the prevalence of dental

agenesis. Methods: Data from Caucasian populations in North America,
Australia and Europe were included in a meta-analysis. For the prevalence of
African American, Chinese and Arab groups only indications could be reported
because of a limited number of studies. Results: Agenesis differs by continent
and gender: the prevalence for both sexes was higher in Europe (males 4.6%;
females 6.3%) and Australia (males 5.5%; females 7.6%) than for North
American Caucasians (males 3.2%; females 4.6%). In addition, the prevalence of
dental agenesis in females was 1.37 times higher than in males. The mandibular
second premolar was the most affected tooth, followed by the maxillary lateral
incisor and the maxillary second premolar. The occurrence of dental agenesis
was divided into three main groups: common (P2i > I2s > P2s), less common Key words: dental agenesis; meta-analysis;
(I1i > I2i & P1s > Cs & M2i) and rare (M2s & M1s > Ci > M1i & I1s). Unilateral prevalence
occurrence of dental agenesis is more common than bilateral occurrence. Bart J. Polder DDS, Department of
However, bilateral agenesis of maxillary lateral incisors is more common than Orthodontics and Oral Biology, University
Medical Centre Sint Radboud, PO Box 9101,
unilateral agenesis. The overall prevalence of agenesis in the maxilla is
6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
comparable with that in the mandible, but a marked difference was found Tel: +31 243 614 005
between both jaws regarding tooth type. Absence of one or two permanent Fax: +31 243 540 631
teeth is found in 83% of the subjects with dental agenesis. A practical e-mail: orthodontics@dent.umcn.nl
application of the results of the meta-analysis is the estimation of dental Submitted 13 May 2002;
treatment need. accepted 5 November 2003

prevalence of missing teeth and dental consump-

Introduction tion seems obvious. The actual number of dental
Various definitions are used to describe the phe- agenesis in a community is therefore not only
nomenon of congenitally missing teeth: hypodon- interesting for dentists but also for public health
tia, oligodontia, anodontia, congenitally missing departments and health insurance companies. In
teeth and dental agenesis. Anodontia stands for most studies the sample size is too small to reach
patients with complete absence of teeth, oligodon- valid conclusions regarding the distribution of
tia for patients with the absence of six or more agenetic teeth for gender and site. The data
teeth, apart from the third molars (1). The authors presented in the literature have not been analyzed
prefer the term dental agenesis as it describes more by an integrated approach. The aim of this study is
accurately the developmental disorder involved. to increase the insight in the prevalence of dental
Large differences in the prevalence of dental agenesis and its implication for dental consump-
agenesis have been reported, varying from 0.3 tion in communities by the method of meta-
(2) to 36.5% (3). The relationship between the analysis (4, 5). In addition, meta-analysis enables

Polder et al.

the study of determinants such as gender, site and

race for the prevalence and more reliable predic- Populations in the meta-analysis
tions of dental consumption because of the number One study concerned two different European
of teeth to be replaced. populations and could be split up into two
substudies: schoolchildren and students (54). In
two reports concerning White as well as African–
American populations, the studies were split up to
Materials and methods
evaluate White and African–American populations
Source of material, inclusion and separately (46, 48).
exclusion criteria The data of two papers could not be used
In November 2002 a literature search of prevalence completely (see Table 1, references 42 and 51). The
reports on dental agenesis, catalogued in Medline, group of 6–8-years old children was not radio-
Silverplatter and EMBase, was conducted with the graphically examined and could not be included
key words ‘hypodontia’, ‘oligodontia’, ’anodontia’, in the meta-analysis (51). In another report con-
‘agenesis’ and ‘prevalence or incidence’. Papers cerning orthodontic patients as well as a random
dealing with patients with craniofacial syndromes sample, only the data of the latter was used (42).
or developmental disorders were excluded. After Two reports regarded the same population (50,
this search 125 papers remained. Two independent 43). Only the final study was included (43). Data
observers (BP and AK) rated these papers accord- from five reports on African American, Saudi
ing to the following criteria. Arab and Chinese populations were too limited
The inclusion criteria were: for inclusion in the meta-analysis (18, 20, 24, 46,
• Presence of an English abstract 48). On these populations only the reported
• Sample is representative for the underlying outcomes and averages are presented (Table 1).
general population Finally, 28 reports on White populations from
• Diagnosis ‘dental agenesis’ based on a radio- North America, Australia and Europe could be
graphic examination used for further meta-analysis. The flow diagram
• Report presents information on the ethnic back- leading to the final sample of 28 reports is
ground presented in Fig. 1.
• Report presents prevalence of agenesis except
third molars Outcome measures and determinants
The exclusion criteria were: The studies included in the meta-analysis often
• Study limited to an orthodontic patient group, or reported on the prevalence of affected patients, the
patient groups with craniofacial syndromes or site of agenetic teeth, the average number of
developmental disorders missing teeth per patient and unilateral versus
• Isolated populations were regarded as non-rep- bilateral agenesis. Influencing determinants for the
resentative recorded prevalence of agenesis may be: age,
• Incomplete radiographic examination gender, maxilla versus mandible, continent (North
• Report with no proper data analysis America, Europe and Australia) and the year of
• A second report on the same population publication (1936–2002). The data needed for the
An excellent interobserver agreement was analysis were retrieved from tables, figures or text;
obtained (inter-observer kappa ¼ 0.96) and 35 pub- sometimes calculations were needed.
lications were included. Furthermore, literature
references in the 125 papers reporting on preval- Consideration of bias
ence of hypodontia were checked. The result of this A large variation in sample sizes of the studies is
manual search was 16 papers. seen, varying between 396 and 36 000 (Table 1). It is
The concerning 51 publications are presented in more likely to overlook dental agenesis in larger
the reference list (6–56). The next step was a samples, especially when agenesis is not the only
thorough evaluation of the whole text of these aim of the study (see Table 1; aim). The observed
papers by the same two observers. prevalence of dental agenesis therefore may vary
From the 35 computer searched papers 19 were with sample size, leading to information bias.
excluded, from the 16 manual searched papers one Furthermore small studies resulting in a low
was excluded, resulting in a total of 31 papers prevalence of dental agenesis are less likely to be
(inter-observer kappa ¼ 1.00). submitted or accepted for publication. Considering

Table 1. Included studies on prevalence of dental agenesis (% of persons with one or more agenetic teeth) by first author, country, sample composition, aim of the study,
age range of observations, sample size, gender distribution, number of affected teeth and percentages of prevalences. In addition the tables and figures of the present study
that deal with the analysis of the material as indicated later on are specified
Literature Sample Prevalence
Year Author Country number Population Aima Populationb Age size Males Females Affected (%) Table Figure
1936 Dolder Switzerland 56 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 6–15 10 000 ? ? 340 3.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1956 Grahnen Sweden 54 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 11–14 1006 531 475 61 6.1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1956 Grahnen Sweden 54 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 17–43 1064 547 517 53 5.0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1961 Glenn USA 53 Dental clinic p Am. White 3–16 777 405 327 40 5.1 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1963 Gimnes Norway 52 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 6–15 36 000 ? ? 1626 4.5 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1963 Volk Austria 51 Schoolchildren p Am. White 9–15 9533 4801 4732 911 9.6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1964 Glenn USA 49 Dental clinic p Am. White 3–16 925 431 494 47 5.1 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1966 Castaldi Canada 36 Dental clinic p Am. White 6–9 457 226 231 19 4.2 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1967 Blayney USA 48 Schoolchildren p&o Am. White 12–14 11 713 5825 5888 450 3.8 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2
1968 Davies Australia 47 Schoolchildren p Aust. White 12–14 2170 1220 950 136 6.3 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3
1970 Muller USA 46 Students p Am. White >18 13 459 6696 6763 467 3.5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1971 Egermark-Erikson Sweden 45 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 10–16 3327 1692 1635 209 6.3 1, 2 1, 2
1971 Haaviko Finland 44 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 5–13 1041 527 514 83 8.0 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1973 Hunstadbraten Norway 43 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 7–14 1295 645 650 131 10.1 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 3
1973 Thilander Sweden 42 Schoolchildren p&o Eur. White 7–13 5459 2664 2795 332 6.1 1, 2 1, 2
1974 Bachmann Switzerland 40 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 9–10 8694 4438 4256 670 7.7 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1974 Brook UK 32 Schoolchildren p&o Eur. White 11–14 1115 572 543 49 4.4 1, 2 1, 2
1974 Thompson Canada 41 Schoolchildren p Am. White 6–12 1191 615 576 88 7.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1974 Wisth Norway 38 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 9 813 428 385 55 6.8 1, 2 1, 2, 4
1977 Bergstrom Sweden 39 Schoolchildren p&o Eur. White 8–9 2589 1314 1275 192 7.4 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1977 Magnusson Iceland 31 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 8–16 1116 521 595 88 7.9 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 4
1980 Rolling Denmark 26 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 9–10 3325 1668 1657 258 7.8 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1989 Lo Muzio Italy 22 Dental clinic p Eur. White 7–14 1529 789 740 79 5.2 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2
1990 Lynham Australia 17 Recruits p Aust. White 16–26 662 535 127 42 6.3 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2
1993 Polastri Italy 37 Recruits p Eur. White 19–26 700 700 0 25 3.6 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3
1993 Aasheim Norway 13 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 7–10 1953 993 960 127 6.5 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2
1997 Johannsdottir Iceland 10 Schoolchildren p&o Eur. White 6–7 396 204 192 17 4.3 1, 2, 4, 5 1, 2
2001 Backmann Sweden 6 Schoolchildren p Eur. White 7 739 371 368 55 7.4 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4
1967 Blayney USA 48 Schoolchildren p&o Afr. Am. 12–14 1320 682 638 54 4.1 1, 2 1, 2
1970 Muller USA 46 Students p&o Afr. Am. >18 1481 777 704 54 3.6 1, 2 1, 2
1989 Salem Saudi Arabia 20 Dental clinic p&o Arab 4–14 2393 1433 960 53 2.2 1, 2 1, 2
1990 Al Emran Saudi Arabia 18 Schoolchildren p Arab 13–14 500 500 0 20 4.0 1, 2 1, 2
1987 Davis Hong Kong 24 Schoolchildren p Chinese 12 1093 561 532 75 6.9 1, 2 1, 2
Aim of the study: p, prevalence of dental agenesis as only aim of the study; p&o, prevalence and other aims.
Am., American; Aust., Australian; Afr., African; Eur., European.

Agenesis of permanent teeth
Polder et al.

Fig. 1. Quorum statement flow diagram of literature search.

such possible effects, the influence of sample size of publication. Statistical significance was
on the prevalence has to be analyzed. established at P < 0.05. The prevalence of agenesis
per tooth type, affected patients and number of
Age at diagnosis missing teeth per patient was calculated as far as
An important issue is the age at diagnosis. Visibil- reported in the papers. For the comparison of the
ity of tooth germs on radiographs depends on their prevalence for males and females, the relative risk
mineralization stage. Major differences in mineral- (RR) was calculated (Mantel-Haenszel).
ization stages and dental age occur among subjects The number of teeth to be replaced because of
of the same chronological age. Tooth buds with a agenesis for communities with 100 inhabitants was
late onset of mineralization (mandibular second estimated. The standard error was calculated by
premolars) could give false-positive diagnosis of the ‘jack knife method’ (leave one out method).
agenesis on radiographs. On the average, the
mineralization of the mandibular second premolar
starts at the age of 3–3.5 years, but it may also
begin many years later (57, 58). A mandibular
second premolar, diagnosed as agenetic at the age The prevalence of dental agenesis derived from the
of seven showed to develop after the age of 33 studies are presented in Table 1. It was found
10 years (59, 60). The diagnosis of dental agenesis that the size of the investigated sample was
of a mandibular second premolar before the age of negatively related to the reported prevalence of
seven is probably not conclusive (61). The age dental agenesis (P ¼ 0.01). The largest study
range in the selected studies is 3–43 years. If any (n ¼ 36 000) should be regarded as an influential
relation is found between age of the investigated point for this phenomenon. After exclusion of this
populations and prevalence of dental agenesis, study the effect was no longer significant
further exclusion criteria based on age has to be (P ¼ 0.44). Therefore a correction for sample size
formulated. was not seen as necessary. No significant increase
of prevalence in populations including lower ages
Statistical analysis (7-years old or younger) was observed (Pearson
Multiple regression-analysis (weighted least correlation test P ¼ 0.42).
squares) was applied to evaluate the influence of A curvelinear relationship with publication
chronological age, sample size, continent and year year was found (polynomial regression

Agenesis of permanent teeth

Fig. 2. Plot of the calculated recorded prevalence with 95% confidence intervals of agenetic teeth in 33 publications
according to year of publication (see Table 1 for sources).

Table 2. Prevalence of dental agenesis by continent, race and gender in percentages (and 95% CI)
Males Females Total
Europe (White) 4.6 (4.5–4.8) 6.3 (6.1–6.5) 5.5 (5.3–5.6)
North America (White) 3.2 (2.9–3.5) 4.6 (4.2–4.9) 3.9 (3.7–4.1)
North America (African American) 3.2 (2.2–4.1) 4.6 (3.5–5.8) 3.9 (3.1–4.6)
Australia (White) 5.5 (4.4–6.6) 7.6 (6.0–9.2) 6.3 (5.4–7.2)
Saudi Arabia (White) 2.7 (2.0–3.4) 2.2 (1.2–3.1) 2.5 (1.9–3.1)
Chinese (Mongoloid) 6.1 (4.0–8.1) 7.7 (5.4–10.0) 6.9 (5.3–8.4)

P ¼ 0.002). Higher prevalence values were found The absolute percentage of agenesis for individ-
in studies published in the period 1970–80. The ual teeth is given in Table 3, based on 10 studies.
calculated prevalence of dental agenesis against The distribution of agenetic teeth according to
the year of publication are plotted in Fig. 2. This tooth type is presented in Table 4. The overall
figure clearly shows heterogenity of the samples. prevalence of agenesis in the maxilla is comparable
It was decided to combine the information of with that in the mandible. However, a marked
comparable populations in the meta-analysis.
Prevalence of dental agenesis appeared to be
Table 3. Prevalence in percentages and 95% CI of dental
lower in North America than in Europe and agenesis of individual teeth derived from 48 274 persons
Australia (P ¼ 0.0007). (10 studies, see Table 1)
For further research questions in this meta- Maxilla Mandible
analysis not all papers could be used, because of
lacking information. Table 1 indicates the papers Prevalence Prevalence
n (95% CI) n (95% CI)
that were used in the different questions.
The prevalence of dental agenesis for females I1 3 0.00–0.01 143 0.25–0.35
I2 804 1.55–1.78 102 0.17–0.25
was significantly larger than for males, RR ¼ 1.37
C 47 0.07–0.13 8 0.01–0.03
(95% CI for RR ¼ 1.28–1.45) As significant differ- P1 100 0.17–0.25 66 0.10–0.17
ences existed between males and females and P2 722 1.39–1.61 1479 2.91–3.22
populations, prevalence of dental agenesis are M1 17 0.02–0.05 6 0.00–0.02
M2 21 0.03–0.06 47 0.07–0.13
presented separately (Table 2).

Polder et al.

Table 4. Distribution of 11 422 agenetic teeth according sum of unilateral and bilateral agenesis provided
to tooth type in 112 334 persons (24 studies, see Table 1) the following data. Bilateral agenesis of mandibular
Maxilla Mandible second premolars was calculated as 43.5–47.7%
(95% CI), that of maxillary second premolars as
Number Percentage Number Percentage
46.3–52.2% (95% CI) and that of lower central
I1 18 0.2 403 3.5 incisors as 30.5–51.9% (95% CI). The number of
I2 2620 22.9 282 2.5
C 149 1.3 39 0.3
congenitally missing teeth in patients with dental
P1 320 2.8 161 1.4 agenesis is presented in Fig. 4 (based on 17 studies).
P2 2423 21.2 4687 41.0 In most patients dental agenesis involved only one
M1 81 0.7 31 0.3 (48%) or two teeth (35%). In 2.6% of the affected
M2 67 0.6 141 1.2
patients six or more teeth were missing (overall
Total 5703 49.7 5761 50.3
prevalence of 0.14%). Based on the included studies
in this meta-analysis the number of missing teeth
Table 5. Sequence of most to least affected teeth, divided needing replacement per 100 inhabitants was esti-
in three main groups mated for Europe 10,5 (SE ¼ 0.2) and for North
Prevalence America 6.5 (SE ¼ 0.2).
(%) Sequence
Common 1.5–3.1 P2i > I2s > P2s
Less common 0.1–0.3 I1i > I2i & P1s > Cs & M2I
Rare 0.01–0.04 M2s & M1s > Ci > M1i & I1s
s, maxilla; i, mandible. The etiology of dental agenesis is still not quite
clear. Several hypotheses have been postulated. It
difference exists between both jaws regarding the has been demonstrated that genetic factors with a
frequency of agenesis of the various tooth types marked degree of penetrance play a major role in
(Table 4). dental agenesis (54). The linkage of dental agenesis
Table 5 (based on 24 studies) shows the occur- and human genes is established. A mutation in
rence of dental agenesis subdivided into three human genes causes selective tooth agenesis
categories: common, less common and rare. (62–63). The influence of hereditary and environ-
Comparing bilateral and unilateral agenesis mental factors on the reduction of tooth number in
(based on nine studies), the occurrence of bilateral human dentitions is illustrated by the prevalence of
agenesis for the four most affected teeth was 36.5% found in a genetic and religious isolated
estimated. Bilateral agenesis of maxillary lateral population in North America (3). Developmental
incisors occurred more often (95% CI ¼ 50.9– anomalies, endocrine disturbances, local factors as
57.0%) than unilateral agenesis. For the other teeth pathology, facial trauma and medical treatment
unilateral agenesis was more common (Fig. 3). have also been mentioned as etiological factors (25,
Bilateral agenesis expressed as a percentage of the 64). A developmental relationship between nerve,


1200 n = 4626 affected patients Bilateral
Number of affected patients



Fig. 3. Unilateral and bilateral occur-
rence of agenesis for the four most
affected teeth in 10 studies (4626
affected patients) (see Table 1 for
200 sources). P2i ¼ mandibular second
premolar; I2s, maxillary lateral inci-
0 sor; P2s, maxillary second premolar;
P2i 12s P2s 11i I1i, mandibular central incisor.

Agenesis of permanent teeth

Fig. 4. Percent distribution of persons with missing teeth, by number of teeth that are missing.

oral mucosa, supporting tissues and hard tissue Studies including children under the age of
has been proposed (65, 66). This multi-factorial 7 years tended to nonsignificant counter correla-
nature of dental agenesis may explain the variab- tion i.e. a lower prevalence in younger children.
ility in reported prevalence. Such a heterogenity is This finding justified the decision not to exclude
often a problem in meta-analysis. In this situation these studies for further evaluation. The remaining
where local differences seem to play a role, the best variation of reported prevalence (3.4–10.1%) is
approach is to accept such local differences. The possibly explained by differences in sample size,
meta-analysis may then be considered as a cluster inaccurate observations and different local etiolog-
sample for Europe. ical factors. The relationship with sample size
Producing a list of published prevalence studies turned out to be weak. After leaving out the largest
without confidence intervals or critical evaluation sample, the relationship with sample size com-
is of limited value as compared with analysis of pletely disappeared.
available data. The total number of persons in this The prevalence of dental agenesis in the period
meta-analysis was large enough to be conclusive on 1936–2002, is significantly higher in the years 1971–
several issues. The difference between Europe and 80, a period dominated by studies in Scandinavian
Australia on one hand and North America on the countries. This unexpected relationship with year of
other hand was clearly significant. Ethnic back- publication may be explained by the intensity of
ground is suggested as an important factor for research in this area (12 of 28 papers). The high
prevalence of dental agenesis (2, 67, 68). Unfortu- prevalence of the large Swiss study (40), is also
nately African–American populations were only worth mentioning. This raises the question of
reported in four studies (46, 48, 69, 70). Two of common determinants for agenesis between Swit-
these four studies were included after application zerland and Scandinavian countries. Very local,
of the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The preval- genetic and environmental factors limited to those
ence reported in these two studies did not differ countries in the studied samples could be an
from the prevalence of the White population explanation of this finding. Despite this heterogeni-
studies in North America. The large variation in ty, it was decided to present an overall prevalence
prevalence of the included White population stud- for the different continents (Table 2) as local differ-
ies (3.4–10.1%) is another indication that difference ences are not important for national health policies.
in ethnic background is not the explanation of Females seem to be 1.37 times more susceptible to
differences in prevalence between populations. dental agenesis than males. Most authors reported

Polder et al.

a small non-significant sex-difference (46, 54, 55). teeth are present (42, 73). Great objective need of
Rose (71) is an exception, reporting a significant orthodontic treatment exists for patients with
larger frequency in females than in males. missing anterior teeth or with two or more missing
Although this sample of 6000 was probably large teeth in the same quadrant (13). The clinical
enough to be conclusive, it consisted of orthodontic significance of number and location of dental
patients and therefore could not be regarded as agenesis and the relation with size and shape
representative for the population. abnormalities of the other teeth is still not fully
The mandibular second premolar is clearly the clear. Most publications on treatment of dental
most frequently absent tooth, followed by the agenesis are case-presentations or anadotical
maxillary lateral incisor and the maxillary second reports. Therefore further research with emphasis
premolar. In some studies a different sequence on long-term results and cost-benefit analysis is
from most to least affected teeth is found. Sample needed.
size or incomplete examination may explain this
difference. Agenesis of maxillary central incisors,
maxillary and mandibular first molars and
mandibular cuspids are very rare. Whenever
these teeth are missing, loss of teeth because of This meta-analysis presents clear facts on dental
trauma, caries and extraction must be carefully agenesis by narrow confidence intervals. It is
excluded before the diagnosis of agenesis is shown that prevalence of dental agenesis in
confirmed. Most patients (83%) with dental agen- Europe and Australia is higher than in North
esis have absence of one or two permanent teeth. America. In addition, the prevalence of dental
The absence of more than six missing permanent agenesis in females is 1.37 times higher than in
teeth is very rare (0.14%). For patients with males for all three continents. Furthermore the
oligodontia, defined as dental agenesis of six or meta-analysis demonstrates that mandibular sec-
more teeth, other factors than only prevalence are ond premolars are affected most frequently,
important (inheritance, reduction in size and form followed by maxillary lateral incisors and maxil-
of teeth, reduction in size and shape of the lary second premolars.
alveolar process, combination with syndromes)
(1, 72).
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