AUinstrux Apx1
AUinstrux Apx1
AUinstrux Apx1
Numeric Values
Numbers should be rounded to reflect the precision of the instrument or measurement. Numbers that
result from calculations, such as means and standard deviations, should be expressed to no more than 1
significant digit beyond the accuracy of the instrument. Thus, the mean (SD) of a quiz grade of
individuals quizzes on a scale accurate to 1 point should be expressed as 62.5.
p Values
When possible, report the actual p value (p=0.074) versus a threshold (eg, p<0.01). Very large and very
small p values should always be expressed as p>.99 and p<.001, respectively. P values should be
expressed to 2 digits to the right of the decimal point (regardless of whether the p value is significant),
unless p<0.01, in which case the p value should be expressed to 3 digits to the right of the decimal point.
One exception to this rule is when rounding p from 3 digits to 2 digits would result in p appearing
nonsignificant, such as p=.046. In this case, expressing the p value to 3 places may be preferred by the
author. The smallest p value that should be expressed is p<0.001, since additional zeros do not convey
useful information. When any p value is expressed, it should be clear to the reader what parameters and
groups were compared, what statistical test was performed, and whether the test was 1-tailed or 2-
tailed (if these distinctions are relevant for the statistical test). Because the p value represents the result
of a statistical test and not the strength of the association or the clinical importance of the result, p
values should be referred to simply as significant or not significant; terms such as highly significant and
very highly significant should be avoided.
The Results section should include the number of individuals or other data units initially eligible for
study, the number at its inception, and the number who were excluded, dropped out, or were lost to
follow-up at each point in the study. Authors should provide descriptive statistics about the sample and,
if appropriate, the individual subgroups. Primary outcome measures should be discussed after the study
population is described, followed by secondary outcome measures. If one statistical test has been used
throughout the manuscript, the test should be clearly stated in the Methods section. If more than one
statistical test has been used, the statistical tests performed should be discussed in the Methods section
and the specific test used reported along with the corresponding results.
Percentages are also most clearly displayed in parentheses with no decimal places:
Nearly half (49%) of the sample was married.
Chi-square statistics are reported, the Pearson chi-square value (rounded to two decimal places), and
the significance level:
The percentage of participants that were married did not differ by gender, (c2=0.89, p=0.35).
t Tests are reported like chi-squares. Following that, report the t statistic (rounded to two decimal
places) and the significance level. There was a significant effect for gender (p<0.001) with men receiving
higher scores than women (85% vs 72%).
Are reported with the significance level:
The two variables were strongly correlated, r=0.49, p<0.01.
Results are often best presented in a table. Results section, you should at least present the
unstandardized or standardized slope (beta), whichever is more interpretable given the data, along with
the t test and the corresponding significance level. It is also customary to report the percentage of
variance explained along with the corresponding F test. “Social support significantly predicted
depression scores, =-.34, p<.001. Social support also explained a significant proportion of variance in
depression scores, R =.12, p<.001.”
Are useful if you find that a paragraph has almost as many numbers as words. If you do use a table, do
not also report the same information in the text. It's either one or the other.
Effect sizes
Are useful to term practical significant (eg, treatment effect such as Cohen’s D, regression coefficient,
odds ratio). Deviations above the average performance in the “lecture” course); the question then
Significant Digits
For numerical issues, please report numbers according to or in close proximity to significant digit rules.