The Viking Mission To Mars

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The NASA SP-334



missionto mars
Only through comparative studies of other planets and their evolution
will man truly begin to understand the forces which shaped his own being
and the world in which lie lives.
Deputy Associate Administrator

missionto mars
William R. C o r k s


Scientific and Technical Information Office 1974
I Washington, D.C.
This monograph describes the National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration’s program to explore the planet that most nearly resembles
the Earth. Americans have taken many giant steps for all mankind since
1776, but few as potentially momentous as the searoh for life on the
surface of Mars that the Vikings are scheduled to begin in 1976.
T h e recent Mariner flights by and around Mars have yielded photo-
graphic and other data packed with surprises for scientists. T h e Soviet
Union has also embarked on an extensive program to study Mars’ sur-
face. From the Viking instruments that are being readied now for use
on the surface and in orbit around Mars, much more will be learned
about the nature of the planet, possible origins of life, and the possible
fate of our own environment.
In rhis brief account of the Viking mission to Mars, Mr. Corliss has
endeavored to describe it in ways understandable to everyone.

Langley Research Center


Chapter 1
The Purpose of
Planetary Exploration
From the Great Pyramid to Palomar, man has always searched the
skies for clues to his destiny. Down the centuries the bright, wandering
orbs of the planets have captured his imagination. At first, he peopled
those spheres with his ancient gods and, later, with the exotic creatures
of science fiction. Although the Sun’s planets are devoid of those fanciful
beings, they boast something much more valuable: T h e keys to under-
standing our Earth, its geological past, and how its variegated cargo of
life originated and evolved.
T h e planets of the solar system probably had a common origin. The.
current view holds that all were formed by “accretion,” as gravity pulled
dust and rocky debris into the spherical conglomerations of matter we
now call planets. Despite their similar births, each planet is dilferent in
cliaracter. Earth teems with life; Jupiter is massive with a thick and
colorful atmosphere; Mercury is small with little atmosphere and baked
by the nearby Sun; while Mars, the most Earth-like of all the planets,
is a dry, windblown, cold desert. Their different chemistries, geologies,
and meteorologies derive from their diKerent masses and varying dis-
lances from the Sun. This diversity alone makes planetary exploration
What the planets can tell us about life is possibly even more impor-
tant. Earth, LO be sure, harbors abundant life in a relatively thin bio-
sphere only a few miles thick but is unique among the denizens of the
solar system in this regard. Data gathered from outer space-the amino
acids detected in meteorites and the observed spectra of water, ammoilia,
and organic chemicals in interstellar space-suggest that the chemical
building I)locks of life are universal. Life may be an integral, perhaps
inevitable, part OC the unfolding evolution of the universe. Very likely
sonic of the prcc~irsorsof life exist somewhere on our eight sister planets
or their several dozen assorted moons. Somewhere in the solar system,
chemical evolution may have taken that one critical additional step into
the I e a h of Me, just as it did some 3.5 to 4 billion years ago on Earth.
By esploring tile other solar system planets and their satellites, we
should be able to study the various stages of chemical and, liopelully,
biological evolution. Thereby, scientists can gain insight into the proc-


esses leading from simple molecules to man. Valuable as this detailed

insight would be, just one look at that part of the drama which reveals
some form of “other life” would make space exploration worthwhile.
Recognizing that many scientific secrets still lie hidden throughout
the solar system, NASA has a program of solar system exploration aimed
a t answering the following questions:

(1) How did our solar system form and evolve?

(2) How did life originate and evolve?
(3) What are the processes that shape our terrestrial environment?
Our astronauts have begun detailed exploration of the Moon, but we
have sent only a few instrumented spacecraft past or into orbit around
the other planets. Among the other planets, Mars is the most potentially
rewarding as an astronautical objective, especially in terms of the second
question. It is neither too hot nor too cold; it possesses carbon dioxide
and some water. Life could exist there, and scientists are eager to send
their instruments down to the Martian surface.
T h e possibility of Martian life-extinct, extant, or future-is the target
01 the Viking program that is described in detail in this publication. T h e
two Viking spacecraft, to be launched in 1975, will be Orbiter-Lander
combinations. T h e Orbiters will contribute to the science objectives
oE the mission by taking photographs and spectra over large regions of
the planet. T h e Landers will make zn situ atmospheric and meteorologi- I
cal measiiiements during descent and while on the surface. Once safely
landed, vaiious oilier instruments will analyze the soil for organic and
inorganic compounds and try to detect biological activity.
Viking is :I challenging program to explore the surface of a planet
millions of miles away. From the information in the stream of radio i
signals beamed back to Earth across that immense void, we hope to 1
learn more about Eaith through the study of the differences and simi-
larities of the planets and, possibly, to hear first signals announcing the
discovery of extraterrestrial life.

Chapter 2
The Red Planet
Through the Telescope
Mars is the third smallest planet of our solar system. Its diameter is
scarcely half that of Earth and its mass is only one-tenth that of our
globe. Yet, of all the planets that circle the Sun, Mars seems most like
Earth. Its year is twice ours-687 days-but the Martian day is almost
exactly the same--24 hours, 37 minutes, and 23 seconds. Mars has a thin
atmosphere which supports a few clouds and fierce duststorms. Because
the axis of Mars is tilted at 25” to the plane ol its orbit, it has seasons
that superficially seem like those on Earth. When spring comes to the
northern hemisphere of Mars, its northern polar cap recedes while the
southern cap grows. As the white northern cap shrinks, a wave, of dark-
ening appears to sweep south toward the equator as if Sun-released
moisture were reviving dormant vegetation. Little wonder that some
early astionomers reckoned Mars a second Earth! Scores oE science fiction
stories portrayed their heroes striding across the red sands of Mars, while
Phobos and Deimos, the two tiny moons, raced overhead.
Many facts about Mars can be verified rhrough the telescope; but the
older visions of Earth-like springtimes, greening vegetation, and a
1,iosphere like our own are unwarranted extrapolations from them. Mars
is still a mysterious planet. Each new phase of scientific exploration has
changed our picture of it substantially. Telescope, spectroscope, flyby
spacecralt, and orbiting spacecraft have in their turns revolutionized our
concept of Mars.
When an astronomer trains his telescope on Mars, he sees a fuzzy
reddish sphere capped in white at both poles. There are pronounced
light and dai k areas and, when the Earth’s turbulent atmosphere holds
still for a moment, fine details seem to crystallize. (See frontispiece.)
It was during such moments of “good seeing” that Giovanni Schiaparelli
saw and drew his famous “canali,” or channels, when Earth and Mars
were separated by a distance of less than 35 million miles during the
opposition of 1877. Today we know there are n o canals on Mars, but
we still are not able to study details of the Martian surface through a


Spectroscopic studies of Mars began in 1862 when the English astrono-

mer William Huggins first applied that technique. When a prism, or
ruled grating spreads the light from Mars out into a spectrum, dark
absorption bands can help to identify the atmosphere's constituents,
but for more than 80 years astronomers have struggled with their
spectroscopes with scant results. T h e atmosphere of Mars is so thin
that absorption bands, if present, were difficult to discern. Finally, in
1947, Gerard P. Kuiper positively identified several infrared absorption
hands due to carbon dioxide. Despite this evidence, carbon dioxide was
assumed to be a minor constituent in comparison to nitrogen, even
though nitrogen had not been detected. This assumption, based on
analogy witih the Earth's atmosphere, was proven incorrect in the
1960's. Carbon dioxide is now known to make u p most of the Martian
atmosphere. This turnabout and others to follow illustrate the difficulty
of doing planetary research at distances of 35 million miles, the closest
Mars ever gets to Earth.
The brilliant polar caps of Mars were initially assumed to be ice
or at least a layer of hoarfrost (again in analogy with Earth). Water
vapot was therefore expected to appear in Martian spectrograms. But
the chat acteristic infrared absorption bands of Martian water vapor,
it they existed, were masked by water vapor in Earth's atmosphere
above the telescope. Finally, in 1963, scientists definitely detected Mar-
tian water vapor bands by utilizing the Doppler shift caused by the
relative motion 01 Mars and Earth.
A rough idea of the Martian surface temperature was acquired by
measuiing the hcat radiation emitted (not reflected) by the planet in
the infiaied poi tion of the spectrum. Temperature mcasurernents made
in 1922 indicated that Mars was a very cold planet, but not completely
hostile to lire as we know it. Refined techniques have led to the con-
clusion that shortly after midday, surface temperatures on the equator
can rise to at least 25" C (77" F). (See table 1.)
T h e first indications that life might exist on Mars came in 1956 and
1958 when W. M. Sinton observed distinct absorption bands at 3.43,
3.54, ;ind 3.69 micrometers in light reflected from the dark areas of
Mars. Since carbon-hydrogen bonds in organic compounds display simi-
lar bands, some sort of life, probably vegetation, might occur in the
dark areas. Like the canals a half century earlier, Sinton's bands, as
they wete called, led many to conclude that Mars indeed did support life.
A rude awakening came in 1965 when two of Sinton's bands were
identified as absorption bands of the rare molecule hydrogen deuterium
oxide, HDO (a type of heavy water), in Earth's atmosphere. Once again
the limitations of Earth-bound astronomy had been emphasized. By
this time, however, a spacecraft was on its way to Mars to observe the
planet from an incomparably better vantage point as it flew past.





1 e


i 5

2.-Summary of Mariner Flights to Mars
Launch $eight, Encounter
Spaacraft date kilograms date Remarks
Mariner 3 __ Nov. 5, 1964 262 (575) .------------
In solar orbit (shroud
failure precluded
Mars flyby).
Mariner 4 __ Nov. 28. 1964 262 (575) July 15, 1965 Closest approach: 9800
kilometers (6140
Mariner 6 __ Feb. 24, 1969 414 (910) July 31, 1969 Closest approach: 3400
kilometers (2131
Mariner 7 __ Mar. 27. 1969 414 (910) Aug. 5, 1969 Closest approach: 3400
kilometers (2131
Mariner 8 __ May 8, 1971 lo00 (2200) _------------ Launch vehicle failure.
Mariner 9 __ May 30, 1971 978 (2150) NO~. 13, 1971 In Martian orbit.

The First Mariners

Mariner 4 flew past Mars on July 15, 196.5, at a distance of 9800 km
(6140 miles), snapping 22 pictures of the planet (table 2). To nearly
everyone’s surprise, the pictures revealed a heavily cratered surface like
that of the Moon (fig. 1). Furthermore, the craters showed little evi-
dence of erosion, suggesting that wind and water had scarcely touched
the surface during the geological eons. Even though Rlariner 4 had
photographed only about 1 percent of the planet’s surface (fig. 2) and
from 9800 kilometers, the scientific interest in Mars as an abode of life
quickly wavered. Mariner 4 suggested rhat Mars was geologically and
biologically dead. T o make the case for Martian life even worse, the
Mariner 4 magnetometer radioed back that there was little or no mag-
netic field around the planet. With no magnetic field and only a very
thin atmosphere to shield the surface from charged particles (and with-
out atmospheric ozone to absorb ultraviolet radiation), life on Mars
seemed unlikely indeed.
T h e conclusion was premature. From several thousand kilometers out,
Earth also appears lifeless. Additionally, Mariner 4 photographed only
a narrow strip of Mars. What did the other 99 percent look like?
Mariners 6 and 7 flew past Mars in the summer of 19G9. In addition
to cameras, they carried infrared and ultraviolet instruments to analyze
the Martian atmosphere and surface. Again, photos of the surface
showed many craters strewn across the planet’s surface, but not at ran-
dom. T h e 202 pictures (covering 20 times the area shown by Mariner
4) revealed two unexpected features: chaotic terrain composed of jum-


bled ridges and valleys unlike anything found on the Earth or Moon
(fig. 3) and wide expanses of featureless terrain where craters had been
somehow eroded (fig. 4). Mars had obviously been geologically active
in the past and possessed its own evolutionary history.
T h e camera eyes of Mariners 6 and 7 saw no canals, but where canals
were thought to be, the closeup photos revealed alinements of dark-
~ P Z K ~ C S .SOEC of the ~ ! ~ I X Z X E ~ S J be
flooi-ei:ci-aiers arid z i f f u ~dark
random but others probably have geological significance. Pictures taken
over the southern polar cap indicated a thin layer of snow which in-
frared spectra suggest is mostly frozen carbon dioxide (fig. 5 ) . T h e bulk
of the thin atmosphere also seems to be carbon dioxide, with some water
but little or no nitrogen. Atmospheric pressures were confirmed to be
very low, about 6 millibars, compared to about 1000 millibars on Earth.
Mars was thus lound to be a unique member of the solar system.
The Orbiter Phase
Collectively, Mariners 4, 6, and 7 photographed only about 10 per-
cent of the surface of Mars as they cruised past and went into orbits
about the Sun. Only a long-lived picture-taking Martian satellite could
provide a complete photographic map of Mars. This was the task of
Mariner 9, which was inserted into Martian orbit on Novembe; 13, 1971.
A planetwide duststorm concealed most of the surface when Mariner
9 arrived at its destination. It was still possible, however, to make meas-
urements of the upper atmosphere: and a spacecraft camera caught the
two moons, Phobos and Deimos, in its field of view, revealing them
as irregular, cratered chunks of rock (fig. 6 ) . In addition, infrared
spectrograms of the dust itself showed it to be similar in composition to
surface rocks on Earth. T o geologists this indicated that the lighter
materials had risen to the surface while Mars was still molten, as
probably happened when Earth was evolving.
As the duststorm slowly subsided in early 1972, Mariner 9 began
sending back thousands of high-quality pictures of the surface. This
detailed, comprehensive look a t Mars revealed several things that
telescopes could not show us and that had been missed by previous
One of the most exciting discoveries was clear-cut evidence of fluid
erosion. A meandering “riverbed” (fig. 7) and braided channels were
photographed. Except for the nearby craters, such scenes might have
been shot by satellites over the American Southwest. Equally extraor-
dinary were pits and slumps (fig. 8) resembling ice-formed features in
Earth’s poIar regions. Furthermore, the region around the southern
polar cap proved to be extensively eroded as if by glacial action. Mars
might have had an appreciable hydrosphere within the past 100 million
years with accompanying glaciation and river erosion.
To heighten the resemblance to Earth, Mars has many volcanoes.

Nix Olympica (fig. 9 ) , the largest observed in the solar system, is 500
kilometers (310 miles) wide at its base. T h e sea-covered foundation
of Mauna Loa, Earth’s largest volcanic formation, is only about half
this brcadth. Mars also has vast canyon lands (fig. 10). One great “rift
valley” is 121 kilometers (75 miles) wide and almost 6% kilometers (4
miles) deep, far greater than our Grand Canyon. Geologists see this as
‘1 great crack in the Martian surface where crustal plates are pulling

apart, much as they are along the deep fault that bisects Iceland. Like
Earth, Mars seeems to have two kinds of surface: recent, relatively fea-
tureless terrain like Earth’s sea bottoms and old, well-cratered regions
similar to terrestrial continents.
Will the similarities end with geology? Perhaps somewhere on Mars
m a r the warmth of a volcano or a similar favorable niche, life may have
survived from warmer, wetter days, Or Martian life may be prospering
in its present environment. For it is now believed, based on the Mariner
9 results, that the polar caps do contain a frozen-water deposit below
an overlay of frozen carbon dioxide, and that at the fringes of the
southernmost extremes of the northern cap temperature and pressure
conditions exist for a short period of the Martian year which would
allow even certain forms of terrestrial life to assimilate liquid water-
or Mars may truly be lifeless. We do not know.

FIGUREI.-In 1965 Mariner 4 sent back puzzling views of Mars.

FIGURE2.-Mariner 4 photographed 22 small parts of surface.

FIGURE%-Chaotic terrain was noted by Mariner 6 in 1969.

4.-Featureless terrain was photographed by Mariner 7 in


FIGURE6.-Mariner 9 obtained the first

closeup views of the two moons of Mars,
Phobos ( a ) and Deimos (6).


FIGURE 1972 Mariner 9 revealed this Martian “river bed.”

FIGURE%-Martian pits and slumps resemble some of the Earth.

FIGURE9.-Nix Olympica is a volcano pile twice as wide as Mauna Loa, the

largest volcanic pile on Earth.


FIGURE10.-Vast canyon lands were photographed by Mariner 9.

Chapter 3
The Scientific Objectives
T h e goal of the NASA Viking program is to learn more about the
planet Mars by direct measurements in its atmosphere and on its sur-
face. Additional scientific data will be acquired from the Orbiter which
will circle Mars in a synchronous orbit above the Lander after the
latter has descended to the surface. On both the Orbiter and the Lander
the primary cmphasis will be on biological, chemical, and environmental
aspects of Mars which are relevant to the existence of life.
T h e Viking sciedfic experiments are divided into four groups: Or-
biter, entry, Lander, and radio (table 3). T h e Lander carries by far the
most instruments. It is, in fact, a miniature automated laboratory. T h e
entry experiments involve instruments mounted on a protective shell sur-
rounding the Lander during its high-velocity entry into the Martian
atmosphere. The entry experiments will obviously be brief but will give
us ;i unique opportunity to analyze rhe characteristics of the Martian
atmosphere from top to bottom. After the Lander is detached, the
Orbiter plays mainly a supporting role, although it may, for selected
periods of time, break its radio ties with the Lander and commence
indcpendent scientific experiments. T h e specific instruments associated
with the four groups of experiments are listed in table 3. They will
be described in more detail in chapter 5 .

The Flight Plan

T h e Viking flight plan consists of five major phases of operations:
launch, cruise, orbital, entry, and landed. T h e operations which must
be performed during these phases, in turn, dictate the functional capa-
bility 01 the various parts of the total space vehicle system (fig. 1 1 ) .
This system is described in more detail in chapter 4 .
Launch Phase
In the summer of 1975, the launch vehicle will first propel the space-
craft into a 165-kilometer (90-nautical-mile) orbit and, after a short
coasting period, inject the spacecraft on a heliocentric trajectory which
will intercept Mars nearly a year later (fig. 12).

3.-Viking Scientific Goals and Instruments
Experiment Investigations
category Scientific goals (instruments)

Orbiter -_ _ _ _ _ - Perform reconnaissance to verify Visual imaging (2 television

or search for landing sites. cameras).
Monitor landing sites. Atmospheric water mapping
Obtain data from other areas of (infrared spectrometer) .
the planet. Sit rface tempera t itre mapping
Search for future landing sites. (infrared radiometer).
Entry ________ Iktcrminc composition and struc- Ions and clcctrons (retarding
tural profile of the ionosphere potential analyzer) .
and atmosphere. Neutral gases (mass spec-
Pressure a n d temperature
(pressure, acceleration, and
temperature sensors) .
Visually examine the landing Visual imaging (2 cameras).
site. Direct biology (3 mctabolisrn
Scarch for evidence of life. and growth detectors).
Search for and study organic
Molecular analysis (gas chro-
and inorganic compouiids.
matograph arid mass spcc-
Determine atmospheric composi-
ti-ometcr) ant1 X-ray spec-
tion and its variations with
home ter.
Determine temporal variations oE Meteorology (pressure, tem-
pressure, temperature, a n d perature, and wind sen-
wind velocity. sors).
Dctermine seismological charac- Seismology (3-axis seismom-
teristics. eter).
Determine magnetic properties of Magnetic properties (2 mag-
surface. net arrays arid magnifying
Determine physical properties of mirror).
siirface. Physical properties.
Radio ________ Conduct scientific investigations Radioscience (Orbiter a n d
using the radio and radar sys- Lander radio equipment) .

Cruise Phase
Duiing the ciuise to Mars the Orbiter rocket engines will be used to
make midcouisc trajectory corrections based on radio-tracking data.
17icqucrit :tssessnients 01 the spacecraft’s “health” will be obtained via
the Oibitei’s radio. Oibiter science instruments are to be calibrated and
used to obsei ve the planet as the spacecraft approaches Mars.
Orbital Phase
Upon insertion of the spacecraft into orbit around Mars with the
Oibitcr rocket crigincs, preparations bcgin for the separation of the
Laiider caps~ilc.D uiing this time, the Orbiter surveys piospectivc land-
ing sites chosen with the aid of Mariner 9 science data. After Lander
capsule scpiration, the Orbiter functions as a radio relay and scientific
instrunicnt p1;itlorni in support of tihe Lander capsule (fig. 13).
Entry Phase
Retrorocket engines on the aeroshell decelerate the Lander capsule
out ol‘ orbit (fig. 14). It descends to the surface sequentially braked by
the aeroshcll’s aerodynamic drag, by a parachute, and finally by retro-
rocket engines on the Lander.
Landed Phase
Scientific explorations of the Martian surface can begin when the
science instruments are activated and data can be transmitted back to
Earth directly via the Lander radio or through a radio relay link with
the Orbiter (fig. 15).
V i k i n g space vehicle b
48.5 meters

V i k i n g launch vehicle

Centaur +

I Launch Cruise Orbital Entry I Landed a
Spacecraft I
----- after M a r s I
1 I I I
I I I capsule I
- ------ I

FIGURE11.-The space vehicle system requires the functional parts indicated here fol
the mission’s five phases.


Spacecraft trajectory

Aug Sept 1975

Mars position
at arrival.
JuneSept 197 Aug.-Sept. 1975

June-Sept. 1976

Conjunction. Nov. 1976

FIGURE12.-Relative positions of Earth and Mars.

Lander separation
,(minimum coast period, 2.25 hours)

Lander e

Orbiter at
Lander I

Touchdown may occur
1 t o 6 hours from sunset

FIGURE13.-The orbital phases of the flight.

~~ ~



---. Relay
Separate Atmospheric
250 kilometers
Deploy Jettison
Peak deceleration, parachute, aeroshell
24,000 t o 30.000 meters -6400 meters
(80,OOOto 100.000 feet) (21,000 feet)
Engine ignition,
1200 meters
(4000 feet) \ Jettison

6 t o 13 minutes

FIGURE14.-How the Lander will reach the surface.

Orbiter t o Earth two-way radio link:

e Orbiter science data
0 Lander relay data
e Engineering telemetry
0 Doppler and range signals
e Commands

e Lander science data

0 Engineering telemetry

0 Lander science data

Engineering telemetry
Doppler and range signals
0 Commands

FIGURE15.-Two-way radio links will transmit information between the Earth and
both the Orbiter and the Lander.

4 Chapter
The Spacecraft
and Launchvehicle
T h e launch vehicle and spacecraft are the most novel parts of Viking.
I n contrast, the tracking stations, computers, and other equipment left
behind on Earth get little fanfare. Yet a complete understanding of
Viking demands knowledge of all pieces of interacting hardware. Viking
actually comprises the six “systems” portrayed in figure 16, three of
which never leave the ground. I n this section, each of these systems will
be described in more detail. None is independent of any other system;
parts have to fit together mechanically, common radiofrequencies must
be used, and a host of other “interfaces” have to be mutually compatible.

The Orbiter
During the long flight to Mars, the Orbiter is the dominant part of
the spacecraft. T h e Lander is maintained in a quiescent state during
these 10 to 12 months. At this time the Orbiter provides spacecraft
stabilization and maintains the only telemetry and command links with
the Deep Space Network (DSN) back o n Earth. T h e dormant Lander
also receives life-sustaining electrical power from the Orbiter. Period-
ically, the Orbiter relays “housekeeping” data from the Lander to DSN
antennas so that engineers can assess the Lander’s mechanical well-being.
T h e Orbiter is much more than a nursemaid to the Lander. As the
spacecraft approaches Mars, it is the Orbiter’s engine which slows it
down to make gravitational capture possible. After a satisfactory orbit
has been attained, the Orbiter scans several preselected landing sites
with its television cameras and other instruments to provide data to the
flight operations team for a final choice. With this decision, the Lander
is commanded to operational status and checked out for landing on the
During the separation and entry of the Lander capsule, the Orbiter
serves as the vital communication relay link with Earth. Even after a
successful landing, the Orbiter communication relay link is the primary
method of transmitting Lander data back to Earth. The Orbiter-Lander
cooperation continues through the remainder of the mission, with the
Orbiter storing data received from the Lander for retransmission to
Earth when the planet’s rotation carries the Lander to the side of Mars
away from Earth. While in orbit administering to the Lander, the Or-

Tracking and data

Deep Space Network
Jet Propulsion Laboratoi
Pasadena, Calif.

Mission control and Shroud

Orbiter system computing center Launch operations
Jet Propulsion Jer: Propulsion Laboratory Centaur Kennedy Space Centei
Laboratorv Pasadena, Calif.
Pasadena, Calif

Titan Ill

Lander system Launch vehicle system

Martin Marietta Corp. Lewis Research Center
Denver, Colo. Cleveland, Ohio

FIGUREl&-Viking systems.

Mariner-Mars 1971

FIGURE1 7 . 4 m p a r i s o n of Viking and Mariner spacecraft.

biter scientific instruments also scan Mars for data for it to telemeter
back to Earth.
The design of the Viking Orbiter is derived from the Mariner series
of spacecraft. Originally, it had been hoped that a slightly scaled-up
Mariner 9 spacecraft would suffice. The Orbiter resembles a Mariner


(fig. 17), for the arrangement of components is generally similar and

Mariner design philosophy was employed throughout. There are dif-
ferences, however, because the Viking Orbiter has tasks not on Mariner
9’s list. The whole Orbiter structure was influenced by the much larger
propellant tanks required by Viking. Not only does tlhe Orbiter have
to decelerate so that it can be captured by Mars but it also must de-
celerate the attached Lander capsule. Consequently, the propellant tanks
are three times the size of those of Mariner 9-1600 kilograms (3137
pounds) o f propellant in two tanks, each 140 centimeters (55.1 inches)
long and 91 centimeters (35.8 inches) in diameter. These tanks can be
seen in figure 18 just atop the polygonal spacecraft structure. There is
a 64-centimeter (25.2-inch) spherical propellant-pressurizing tank nested
within the structuie. I n addition to the extra “muscle” needed by the
Viking Orbiter, designers provided more brainpower than Mariner 9
had. The Orbiter, having to perform more complex functions than Mari-
ner 9, possesses two 4096-word, general-purpose computers operating
in parallel or tandem rather than the small, special-purpose computer of
its predecessor. T h e faster picture-taking rate of the Orbiter (needed for
landing-site verification) required a 2.1 12 megabits per second tape re-
corder capable of storing 55 television frames, or over half a billion bits.
Like the Mariners, the shape of the Viking Orbiter structure is a
rather flat octagonal prism. This structure has unequal sides 216 by 252
centinieteis (85 by 99.2 inches) along the diagonals. Other Orbiter com-
ponents are appendages attached to the basic octagonal structure.
Thermal control is critical for electronic and many other subsystem
components. Windowblindlike louvers around the periphery of the
octagon open and close automatically to permit individual cooling of
16 equipment bays built into it (fig. 19). T h e propellant tanks are
shielded from the direct sunlight by a multilayer blanket of insulation.
T h e propulsion module temperature is regulated by four solar energy
reflectors mounted on the rim of the octagon to direct sunlight to the
sides of the thermal blankets (fig. 18).
T h e X-shaped silhouette created by the four solar panels is a Mariner
trademark. Each panel is hinged at its base to a n outrigger structure
and hinged again halfway out. Viking solar panels thus fold double for
stowage inside the fairing of the launch vehicle instead of once like
other Mariner designs. Together, the solar panels present just over 15
square meters (23,250 square inches) of solar cells to the Sun. At the
distance of Mars, the cells generate 620 watts of electrical power. When
this amount of power is insufficient to handle peak loads, or when the
Orbiter turns away from the Sun-as it must do for the braking maneu-
ver at Mars-supplementary power is provided by two SO-ampere-hour
nickel-cadmium storage batteries.


S-band low-gain antenna

olar panel (4)

alar energy controller
Cruise Sun sensor
and Sun aate

capsule h~~~~nx~r?~ndna gas jets


Science scan platform I
meras and spectrometers I
in stowed position)

Relay antenna ’ S-and X-band
Viking Lander
high-gain antenna
capsule \/

FlCURE 18.-Orbiter (with Lander capsule attached). (a) Top view. (b) Bottom view.

Information is the lifeblood of any unmanned space mission. T h e

object is to radio as much scientific information as possible from Orbiter I
and Lander to Eart’h. The Orbiter’s telecommunication subsystem is 1
depicted in figure 20. T h e mainstay of this subsystem is a parabolic
high-gain antenna 147 centimeters (57.9 inches) in diameter, motor-
driven about two axes. T h e two degrees of freedom mean that the nar- I
row cone of radio energy emitted by the antenna can be directed right
at Earth. Communication at high bit rates at the distance of Mars
would be impossible unless the Orbiter’s transmitter power were con- I
centrated in this way.
Communication between Orbiter and the DSN must be two-way be-
cause terrestrial controllers have to send commands to the spacecraft
to carry out certain functions, such as to turn on the cameras or to
separate the Lander. In fact, spacecraft designers try to insure that it is
always possible to send commands to the spacecraft and to receive lim-

Bay 8 (visual imaging

subsystem; Mars atmospheric

owqain antenna

Canopus star tracker

E.” 5 idiiiL”d..L”lli,
and articulation cont
Bay 13lbatteried

rage subsystem)

Bay 15 Irelay radio and

Bay 3 (attitude-control
high-pressuremodule) v telemetry subsystems;

High-gain antenna

Bay 2 (central computer

and sequencer)

FIGURE19.4rbiter electronic bays.

ited telemetry regardless of whether its high-gain antenna is pointing

at Earth. (It very likely will not be during some of the Orbiter’s ma-
neuvers.) Therefore, on the sunlit side of the spacecraft (fig. 18) is a
rodlike low-gain antenna with a small cone at its tip. Not as directionally
sensitive, it allows limited two-way communications with Earth over
greater than hemispherical coverage.
The last of the Orbiter’s complement of antennas is mounted on
the end of one of rhe solar panels. This antenna is solely for communi-
cation traffic between Orbiter and Lander on the surface.
T h e Orbiter’s role as a communication relay can be seen in figure 21,
which depicts the direct communication link possible between the
Lander and DSN, and the potential links that may be established be-
tween Orbiter A and Lander B and Orbiter B and Lander A.
The Orbiter’s transmitter power is about 20 watts. Most terrestrial
commercial radio stations broadcast hundreds of times this amount of
power. How can so weak a signal be detected after traveling hundreds
of millions of miles? T h e ultrasensitive 64-meter (210-foot) diameter an-
tennas of the DSN help make interplanetary communication possible.
They have already recorded the 10-watt signals of the interplanetary
Pioneer spacecraft at well over 200 million miles. At these tremendous
distances the rate of information flow is very small. Most of the time,
the so-called “bit rate” will be only 834 bits per second from the
Viking Orbiter, which amounts to about one scientific or housekeeping
measurement per second. However, when the Orbiter’s high-gain an-
tenna is directed right at a 64-meter DSN antenna, it is planned to send
data at 4000 bits per second.

Scientific data telemetered to Earth will also come from the Orbiter's
own scientific experiments. These instruments will scan the surface of
Mars looking for warm, wet areas and checking out the preselected
landing spots prior to the descent of the Lander. T h e cameras and spec-
trometers are mounted on a scan platform similar to that used on
Mariner 9.
T h e Orbiter-Lander combination must also be pointed precisely,
while the Orbiter propulsion unit injects the spacecraft into Martian
orbit. How does the spacecraft find its actual orientation and then
change it to the desired orientation? T h e two celestial references used
are the Sun and the star Canopus. Viking's photoelectric sensors lock
onto these known objects, enabling the spacecraft to maintain a fixed
attitude in space. When either the Sun or Canopus cannot be seen be-
cause of occultation by Mars, an inertial reference unit provides the
guidance information.
Attitude-control jets are located at the tips of each of the four solar
panels, giving them lever arms (fig. 18) of 463 centimeters (190 inches).
Nitrogen gas for the jets is stored in two 30-centimeter (12-inch) bot-
tles. T h e Orbiter's attitude-control subsystem automatically commands
the opening and closing of the jet valves to release bursts of cold nitrogen
gas which are used to nudge the spacecraft into the desired orientation.
T h e Orbiter as a whole weighs 2324 kilograms (5125 pounds) at
launch, compared with Mariner 9 which weighed in at 978 kilograms

Lander prereparation data' 1.. 2 kilobits per second

Lander cruise data

117.2 bits per hour at 8.113 I
bit-per-second telemetry r a t e

Engineering data: Engineering data rate Modulation/

A n a l o g plus digttal High rate 3emodulation
Infrared science data
A n a l o g ~ t opulsewidth
~ ~~
data: 1 kilobit

per second

data: 2 . 1 1 2 megabltr

Landed {T 1. 2 . 4. 8 . 16
A -

16 kilobits Storage kiloblfl per
per second
subsystem LOW gal" S and X-band
antenna ;high gain antenna

and relay
telemetry Descent
subsystem 4 kilobits per second


FICURE2 0 . 4 r b i t e r telecommunication subsystem.


(2150 pounds). Much of the additional weight is propellant, reflecting

the bigger braking task a t Mars. But the Viking Orbiter also has to
provide for storage of data from the Lander, extra communications
tasks, and the long job of caring for the inactive Lander during flight

Orbiter B

Lander to Orbiter link:
science and engineering telemetry I

Orbiter A /
DSN/Orbiter link: /
science and engineering /
telemetry, range, 0
range rate, and
------ I

DSN station 0
range rate, and


FIGURE21.--Communication links.
from Earth. All these functions require more equipment, more power,
and, naturally, more weight.

The Lander
T h e focus of activity changes from the Orbiter to the Lander as retro-
rockets slow the Lander down and it begins to fall toward the surface of
T h e first major task oE the recently awakened Lander is its safe de-
scent through the thin Martian atmosphere to the .selected landing site.
‘I’he Martian atmosphere, though only a hundredth as dense as Earth’s,
requires that the Lander be thermally protected during the initial entry
phase when it is still traveling sixteen thousand kilometers per hour.
A second complicating factor is the necessity for “canning” or biologi-
cally isolating the Lander from the time it is sterilized on Earth until
it is outside Earth‘s biosphere. Scientists want to make sure that no
terrestrial life forms are carried along to confound their search for
native life forms on Mars or to contaminate the planet.
T h e Lander is actually in a double “can” until separation of the bio-


shield cap outside Earth's biosphere. Thus sealed and pressurized, the
Lander capsule is protected against biological invasion from the un-
sterilized Orbiter (fig. 22). T h e lens-shaped bioshield is 365.7 centi-
meters (144 inches) in diameter and 193.8 centimeters (76.3 inches)
from top to bottom. It is constructed Irom coated woven Fiberglas
0.00 13 centimeter (0.005 inch) thick. T h e material is intentionally thin
to reduce weight. T h e bioshield is pressurized and hermetically sealed
to prevent biological invasions during the launch. T h e aeroshell and base
cover nest inside tlie bioshield, as shown in figure 22. T h e aeroshell's
basic structure is 0.008-centimeter (0.034-inch) aluminum alloy lormed
into ;i 140" cone stifl'ened with concentric rings. It takes the full brunt
ol aerodynamic l'orces during entry. Bonded to its outside is a corklike
material which protects the contained Lander from the searing tempera-
tures ( 1 500" C (2'700" I;)) created by aerodynamic heating. Attached to
the aeroshell are a base cover and parachute system. The parachute slows
the Lander descent further after atmospheric drag lias reduced the
Lander's velocity to about 375 meters per second (1230 feet per second)
at 6400-meter (21,000-foot) altitude. At about 1200 meters (4000 feet)
the paracliute is jettisoned and the Lander descends slowly to the surface
using tliree terminal descent engines to retard its fall.
T h e well-protected Lander rests inside its shells like ;I butterfly in the
chrysalis stage. Its appendagcs are all retracted. When the aeroshell is
jettisoned, the Lander legs are extended, and after landing the other
;ippendages (high-gain antenna, meteorology boom, and sample arm)
are extended.
During tlie long flight from Earth, an umbilical connection through
the base cover provides power to the Lander. Housekeeping data also
flow through this connectio,n. Once small explosive charges brcak the
connections, the Lander plus aeroshell are separated from the Orbiter.
'The aeroshell is not merely a passive aerodynamic shield. Tlic two
spheres shown in figure 22 contain hydrazine monopropellant to leed
four small rocket engines located around the edge of the aeroshell. These
rockets slow down the Lander and allow it to be pulled toward Mars
by gravity. 'l'hey also provide pitch-and-yaw control to orient the aero-
shell in the proper attitude for entering the atmosphere. Aeroshell roll
control is provided by eight similar rockets colocated with the pitcli-
and-yaw engines. As the Lander capsule descends (fig. 14), a solid-state
pulsc radar transmitting at 1000 megahertz performs as an altimeter.
At about 6400 meters (21,000 feet) above the surface, tlie radar signals
a mortar housed in the base cover to fire and deploy a lightweight poly-
ester paracliute. Its diameter is 16.2 meters (53 feet), and extralorig SIIS-
pension lines separate it from the Lander by almost 30 meters (100 feet).
At about 1200 meters (4000 feet) the parachute is also jettisoned and
the terminal descent engines are fired. A continuous-wave Doppler


0 Bioshield cap

Base cover and

capsule \


Bioshield base

FIGURE22.-Exploded view of encapsulated Lander capsule.

radar, which directs four canted beams toward the Martian surface and
operates at 13,000 megahertz, measures the Lander’s horizontal veloci-
ties to within 1 meter per second. Another radar measures its altitude.
These radars provide altitude and velocity data which control the firing
of three retrorockets to finally ease the Lander down to the surface.
(The parachute alone cannot do the job in the rarefied Martian at-
mosphere.) Like the aeroshell’s much smaller rockets, those on the bot-
tom of the Lander utilize hydrazine monopropellant (fig. 23). Spaced
equidistant around the Lander’s frame, they control the pitch-and-yaw
attitude ol’ the Lander as well as braking its descent. Roll control is
provided by four other engines located on the hydrazine tanks.
The difficult problem of “site alteration” was solved by an unusual
array of 18 nozzles on each of the Lander engines. When a spacecraft
eases down to a surface with its descent engines firing, the ground under-
neath may be scoured over a wide area by the rocket blast. Further-
more, the soil is heated-perhaps killing any indigenous life forms-and
extraneous chemicals are added to the soil by the burning fuel. Ordi-


nary hydrazine, for example, can introduce hydrogen cyanide, water,

and ammonia. Originally, Viking engineers contemplated turning off
the descent engines about 2.5 meters (10 feet) above the surface and
letting the Lander fall the rest of the way. Then it was found that
ultrapure hydrazine would not contaminate the surface and that an
array of small nozzles would spread the exhaust gases out into a wide,
gentle fan that would not unduly disturb the chemical and biological
experiments to follow. T h e Lander’s descent engines will be turned off
by switches in the three strutlike legs projecting from its body. Inside
each main landing strut is crushable aluminum honeycomb material
which cushions the final impact.
T h e deorbit-descent-landing sequence presents a complex control prob-
lem. To make matters more difficult, next to nothing can be done
from Earth because, even at the velocity of light, a command will take
on the order of 20 minutes to reach the Lander. I t would take an equally
long time for the Lander to signal terrestrial controllers that it is in

S band high-gain Radioisotope thermoelectric

antenna (Lander

Radar altimeter
electronics number 1

Radioisotope thermoelectri
generator power source
(under cover) (2)
Ultrahigh frequency

Biology processor

Furlable boom

(18 nozzle configuration)




trouble. T h e only way to control the deorbit-descent-landing sequence

is by automation. T h e Lander is on its own until touchdown. I n fact,
it has in its computer memory stored instructions which could control
the first 22 days of experimentation without contact from Earth. T h e
Lander is, by today’s standards, a fairly intelligent robot.
Once on the surface with all its appendages extended, the Lander
somewhat resembles the unmanned Surveyor spacecraft NASA landed
on the Moon prior to the manned Apollo flights. The Viking Lander
owes a considerable debt to Surveyor technology, but its designers have
had to wrestle with three new problems: T h e technology of sterilization,
the requirement for a much higher degree of autonomy because of signal
time delay from Earth, and the yearlong dormant state.
NASA has always met the internationally established planetary quar-
antine requirement for payloads headed for Mars and other planets.
The internationally accepted criterion for planetary quarantine is that
1 there be only a 1-in-1000 chance (0.001 probability) of contamination
I by terrestrial organisms during the 50-year period beginning January 1,
I 1969. Because there may be many spacecraft exploring Mars within
that period, the sterilization specifications for each Viking launch are
more stringent: less than 1 chance in 10.000 (0.0001 probability). T o
achieve this low probability, the entire Viking Lander capsule sealed in
its bioshield is baked in an oven for several days. The coldest part of
the Lander must register about 112” C for sufficient time to insure tihat
I enough of the micro-organisms have been killed to meet these very
small probabilities of contaminating Mars.
1 T h e heat of sterilization not only kills micro-organisms but also risks
injury to inany Lander components. Even though many pieces of Lander
hardware were borrowed from space programs where they had proven
I themselves, the rigors of heat sterilization caused some failures during
the Viking test program that necessitated a redesign of these components
or selection of alternate components impervious to the heat levels.
, T h e “brain” behind the critical descent maneuvers is called the guid-
ante control and sequencing computer (GCSC) . T h e sequencing part
of its name refers to automation of the actions that follow a successful
landing. T h e instructions (22 days’ worth) are stored in the GCSC.
They may be updated and modified by Earth once communication has
I been established. Even under the best conditions, however, the Lander
I will be out of sight about 12 hours each day as the rotation of Mars
carries it around the far side of Mars where terrestrial antennas cannot
I communicate with it.
T h e GCSC was one of the greatest technical challenges of the Viking
Lander. It consists of two general-purpose computers with plated-wire
memories, each having 18,000 words of storage. One computer will be
operational while the other is in reserve. T h e operating computer sends
a periodic “I’m OK’ signal back to Earth. If it is not OK, the Lander

automatically goes into standby mode and waits for the reserve com-
puter to take over and begin to reactivate the Lander.
With all its appendages deployed (fig. 23), the Lander structure is
hard to discern. Basically, it is a hexagonal box 1.494 meters (58.8
inches) wide and 0.457 meter (18 inches) thick. T h e major structural
materials of the box are aluminum and titanium alloys. Landing legs,
antennas, and instrument sensors project from it.
Once safely on the surface, two vital functions of the Lander are the
supply of electrical power and the maintenance of communication with
the Earth-directly or by Orbiter relay. Let us look at the power problem
Sunlight is one-half as strong at the orbit of Mars as in Earth’s orbit,
and it is nonexistent during the frigid Martian night. The radioisotope
thermoelectric generator (RTG) was the logical choice for the Viking
Lander because it is a long-lived source of both electricity and heat.
T h e two Viking R T G s (fig. 24) convert the heat from decaying plu-
tonium-238 into 70 watts of electric power with thermoelectric elements.
The “waste” or unconverted heat is conveyed via a thermal switch to a
RTG power output
to sp
\ * r




FIGURE24.-Radioisotope thermoelectric generator.


temperature-controlled instrument compartment. A windscreen (shown

covering the R T G s in fig. 23) insures that waste heat from the RTGs
will be available for the instruments and not dissipated uselessly to t.he
environment. Heat on Mars is a valuable commodity for the Lander
because at night the atmospheric temperature may drop as low as
-120" C (-184" F).
Uata from the Lander's scientific instruments and its internai house-
keeping measurements can follow either of two routes back to Earth.
T h e highest data rate is via an Orbiter. Data stored on the Lander tape
recorder can be transmitted a t high speed (16,000 bits per second) along
an ultrahigh frequency link to an Orbiter when it passes overhead. T h e
Orbiter records this information on its tape recorder a n d retransmits
it over its S-band radio link to terrestrial DSN antennas.
T h e second electronic pathway, completely redundant to the relay
link, is the Lander's direct S-band link with Earth via its computer-
steered high-gain antenna located on top of the Lander. With this
0.762-meter (30-inch) parabolic dish, the Lander can transmit directly
to a 64-meter (210-foot) DSN antenna a t u p to 500 bits per second.
If the Viking Orbiters should fail, all Lander data would take chis alter-
nate route.

Kilograms Pounds

Lander capsule ilia 2464

(Usable Lander propellant) (139) (307)

Lander capsule adaptor 16 35

2325 5125

(Usable Orbiter propellant) (1406) (3097)


61 -

Total Viking spacecraft system 3519 7759

Titan I IIE/Centaur D-IT

FIGURE25.-Viking spacecraft allocated weights.

Four Tons to Mars
T h e weight of the Viking Orbiter and Lander plus propellants and
adaptors is about 3600 kilograms (4 tons) (fig. 25) , Mariner 9 weighed
only 978 kilograms (2150 pounds), less than one-third the Viking pay-
load. T h e Atlas-Centaur launch vehicle used for propelling Mariner 9
to Mars is much too small for Viking. On the other hand, the NASA
Saturn V launch vehicle built for the Apollo program is too big by a


factor of 2. T h e most economical approach to furnishing the require-

ments of Viking is to use the Titan 111 rocket with a Centaur upper
stage, a combination that can place about 3600 kilograms (8000 pounds)
in the vicinity of Mars.
T h e Titan "Centaur combination (fig. 26) is a relatively new
launch vehicle, although each part has been used on other missions.
Standing 48.5 meters (159 feet) high on the launch pad, the Titan
III/Centaur does not have the streamlined, monolithic look of the

Titan core,

/ stage II

Titan core,
/ stage I

FIGUREZB.-Viking space vehicle configuration.

Saturn V. T h e Titan 111 is assembled by taking a two-stage Titan I1 I
rocket for a core and strapping on two large solid rockets for added
thrust. The solid rockets are each 3.03 meters (10 feet) in diameter and
25.9 nieters (85 feet) long. Their fuel is powdered aluminum in a rubber
matrix. This is burned with ammonium perchlorate to generate about
4,S93,230 newtons (1,100,000 pounds) of thrust per rocket at liftoff. I
T h e solid rockets (called the zeroth stage) burn out after about 2
minutes and are jettisoned over the Atlantic. T h e Titan core, consisting
of a two-stage liquid rocket 3.05 meters (10 feet) in diameter, does not
ignite until just before the solids burn out. Both liquid stages burn a
blend of hydrazine and unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine fuel with
nitrogen tetroxide oxidizer. T h e first stage burns for about 2Yz min- l

utes; the second stage for about minutes. Then the Centaur upper I
stage takes over. I

T h e Centaur is one of NASA’s high-performance upper stages, de-

veloped primarily for lunar and interplanetary work. Its two engines
generate a total of about 133,452 newtons (30,000 pounds) of thrust
by burning hydrogen with oxygen. A feature of Centaur is that its en-
gines can be restarted in space, which is essential in the Viking mission.
After the Titan second stage is jettisoned, the Centaur first propels the
. .
..* . a 165-kibiiietei ~ ~ ~ -~ x ~
v I K I I mi0
~ ~ c ~~
E &it a r ~ u~
d : ~
Earth, where it waits between 6 and 30 minutes for the proper moment
to depart for Mars. When this arrives, the Centaur is restarted and
injects Viking into a heliocentric trajectory to intercept Mars nearly a
year later. Centaur’s final act is to separate itself from Viking, and, by
expelling its residual propellants, deflect itself away from the Viking
trajectory to minimize the chance that it will impact on Mars.
The Terrestrial Part of Viking
As the Titan III/Centaur lifts Viking off the launchpad, all terres-
trial ties are broken except those using electromagnetic waves. By ter-
restrial standards, Viking’s radio voice is weak (20 watts). Once it leaves
its parking orbit for Mars it would be invisible and effectively lost if
its radio transmissions could not be heard. T o pick u p the weak signals
the Earth-bound part of Viking must be correspondingly large. And if
Viking is to be followed continuously as Earth rotates, the network of
listening stations must be worldwide.
Viking’s terrestrial systems are three in number: (1) the launch and
flight operations system, (2) the tracking and data system, and (3) the
mission control and computing center system. T h e facilities that make
u p these systems-Kennedy Space Center, DSN, and JPL’s Space Flight
Operations Facility (SFOF)-are multipurpose. All NASA’s interplane-
tary and lunar missions utilize them.
Viking will be launched at the Kennedy Space Center from Launch
Complex 41. This is part of NASA’s Integrate-Transfer-Launch Facility
a t the Cape (fig. 27). T h e vertical integration building will be used to
assemble the liquid rocket Titan core and the Centaur upper stage.
T h e mated liquid stages will then be transported by rail to the solid
motor assembly building where the two big solid rocket stages will be
attached. T h e entire launch vehicle will then move by rail to the
launchpad. Rail-mounted vans containing necessary checkout equip-
ment will follow. At the launchpad, the spacecraft will be mated to the
Centaur and enclosed in the Centaur standard shroud. Following exhaus-
tive tests and checkout, the spacecraft and launch vehicle will be ready
to go.
At Cape Canaveral and on islands, ships, and planes along the Air
Force’s Eastern Test Range (ETR) , radars and optical tracking instru-
ments will follow the launch vehicle as it rises from the pad and heads
downrange toward Ascension Island in the South Atlantic. E T R will


continue to receive telemetry data from the Viking spacecraft until it

separates from the Centaur. When the spacecraft is separated from the
Centaur its radio signal will be received by the DSN stations. From
that moment on, the DSN’s tasks are to track Viking, receive its telem-
etry, and send commands to it.
T h e DSN is a worldwide tracking and data acquisition facility con-
sisting of six 26-meter (85-foot) paraboloidal antennas and three 64-
meter (210-foot) dishes (fig. 28). Tthe 64-meter dishes are critical to
Viking, for only they are sensitive enough to receive Viking data from
Mars at sufficiently high rates. These paraboloids are spaced around
Earth so that one will always have Mars in view. Their locations are
in Goldstone, Calif.; Madrid, Spain; and Tidbinbilla, Australia (fig. 29).
Amplifiers at the foci of bhe antennas are cryogenically cooled to reduce
thermally induced noise. Each site was selected on the basis of lack of
manmade radio noise. Only with antennas of such size, carefully de-
signed and sited, can the faint radio signals of the Viking transmitters
be heard over distances exceeding 200 million miles.
The DSN stations are tied together by a global communications net-
work called the NASA communications network, which uses cables,
microwave relays, and satellites to feed signals to the SFOF at Pasadena,
Calif. (fig. 30). An impressive, four-level structure, the SFOF is a multi-
mission terminal, data-processing facility, computer center, and control
center from which mission operations are controlled. A portion of the
SFOF will be turned over to the Viking program. Another part of the
Viking flight team, science analysis and evaluation, will be located in
.._“,I: + h.,:iA:-- .
1 .,.*..i .I.n:-k.
- .--- :-.-
---” -I -L----enn
FIGURE28.-DSN antennas. (a)
26-meter antenna. ( b ) @-meter




3 64- and 26-meter stations

0 26-meter station
0 Launch support station

FIGURE%.--Location of DSN stations.


30.4pace Flight Operations Facility.


Chapter 5
Scientific Explorations
The View From Orbit
Three types of optical instruments view the surface of Mars from
the Orbiter’s scan platform (fig. 31). These are a pair of high-resolution
television cameras, an infrared atmospheric water detector, and an infra-
red radiometer for atmospheric and surface thermal mapping. Together
the instruments scan strips of the surface below as the Orbiter swings
around Mars. T h e infrared instruments will pinpoint warm, wet places.
These sites can then be checked visuaIly for geoIogica1 interest and suit-
ability for landing, using the photographs taken at the same time.
Once the Lander is on the surface, large-scale observations from the
Orbiter-say, the delection of an oncoming duststorm or other regional
changes detectable from orbit-may be correlated with fine-scale meas-
urements obtained by the Lander as the phenomenon sweeps over it.

The Orbiter Cameras

Each of the two Orbiter television cameras consists oE a 1.5-inch vidi-
con, telescope, mechanical shutter, and filter wheel (fig. 32). When the
shutter of the camera is open, an electrostatic image 01 the scene below
IS formed photoelectrically on the vidicon target material, which is
then scanned by an electron beam. Neutralization by the beam converts
the image into electrical signals, Each image (or frame) consists of 1056
lines of 1182 spots (pixels). T h e intensity of each spot or pixel is trans-
mitted as a seven-bit word. Thus, each transmitted frame consists of 8.7
million bits. Each frame is scanned every 4.48 seconds. A wheel incor-
porating seven different filters can be turned by command to admit light
from different portions of the spectrum over the 3600- to 6500-angstrom
T h e camera axes are canted slightly so that a pair of pictures covers
a solid angle 3.1” by 1.51”. During actual operation each camera takes
one picture every 4.48 seconds, one camera “reading” its image, the
other erasing its last one. At an altitude of 1500 kilometers the cameras
photograph contiguous, nonoverlapping squares 80 kilometers on a side
in swaths about 500 kilometers long. Resolution will be about 40 meters


under these conditions, capable of resolving an object the size of a foot-

ball stadium.
Vidicon cameras are susceptible to changes in their response to light.
Just prior to Mars encounter, while the spacecraft is still in “celestial
lock” (that is, its navigation sensors are still locked onto the Sun and
Canopus), the cameras will take pictures of known stars for calibration
purposes. A few exploratory pictures will also be taken of Mars to see
if there have been any large-scale surface changes since the Mariner 9
photographs were taken.
T h e prelanding period will be devoted almost exclusively to checking
out the potential landing sites. Emphasis will be on mapping and geo-
logically detailing the likely spots. Following a successful landing, the
Orbiter’s periapsis will be kept near the landing site to make data relay-
ing easier. During this period the cameras will be on the lookout for
changes in the atmosphere and on the surface. Ultimately, the Orbiter
will be released from the Lander-support task and its orbit will be
varied for more comprehensive studies of the planet.

31.-Orbiter science scan platform.


FIGURE32.-Orbiter visual imaging subsystem.

Mapping Concentrations of Water Vapor

More than anything else, Viking will be looking for signs of life on
Mars, and in terrestrial t'hinking this means water. T h e presence of this
biologically important substance should, therefore, be a factor in selec-
tion of the final landing site. Mariner 9 photos leave little doubt that
liquid water has existed on the surface of Mars in the past. T h e atmos-
pheric conditions under which some of the Martian clouds prevail indi-
cate that they are formed from water ice crystals. T h e objective of the
Mars atmospheric water detector (MAWD) is to locate areas of the
surface where the concentration of water vapor (and by inference,
ground water, probably as ice or permafrost) is high. This information
will then be weighed with data on the terrain, geology, and temperature
in making tlhe final landing-site decision.
Once the Orbiter has been released from its landing-site duties, the
MAWD can inquire into planetwide variations of water-vapor concen-
tration, particularly in connection with geological features and the
diurnal cycle. Martian meteorology has become unexpectedly interesting,
and water vapor is a key factor on this unusual planet. Present atmos-
pheric conditions inhibit the accumulation of large bodies of water as
on Earbh. T h e hydrologic cycle of Mars is different from that of Earth
and what possibly existed on Mars in the past.
Water vapor is detected from orbit with an infrared spectrometer sen-
sitive to the absorption band of water vapor existing at approximately
1.38-micrometer wavelength. Traces of water in the Martian atmosphere
were first detected from Earth in this way in 1965. The optical configu-
ration of the MAWD is shown in figure 33. Infrared radiation reflected
from and emitted by the Martian surface passes upward through the


atmosphere into the MAWD. Passing through a chopper, it is collimated

and reflected back to a 12,000-line-per-centimeter grating which spreads
out the spectrum onto an array of five lead sulfide infrared detectors.
Three of these detectors are located so that they intercept wavelengths
in the absorption band of water vapor near 1.38 micrometers; the other
two are on either side of the band for reference purposes. T h e relative
amount of infrared radiation detected by those sensors i n the absorp-
tion band and outside it will be related to the amount of atmospheric
water vapor the light has passed through. T h e chopper provides an
alternating signal that is much easier to amplify than a steady signal.
T h e raster mirror indicated in the optical diagram is driven through
a cycle oE 15 steps by a small motor. This motion permits the instru-
ment to scan terrain transverse to the Orbiter’s motion. Fifteen staggered
rectangles 3.0 by 24 kilometers are seen each sweep. A very crude 15-line
“picture” of water-vapor concentration is thus formed every 4.48 seconds.
The sensitivity of the MAWD is about 1 precipitable micrometer of
water. I n other words, if the total amount of water vapor in the column
of ‘‘air’’under the Orbiter increases by 1 micrometer when condensed to
liquid, the MAWD will detect this change.
Although the principles are simple, the instrument itself is sophisti-
cated and rather large. T h e optical portion is 71 by 20 by 28 centimeters
(28 by 8 by 11 inches). Alinement is critical, and the MAWD must be
rugged to preserve alinement during launch and temperature variations.
T h e entire instrument, including the supporting electronics, weighs 15.9
kilograms (35 pounds).
Looking for Hot Spots
Another desirable feature of a landing site is warmth, for life, if
present, would likely favor warm niches. A thermal map of the Martian
surface will also give LIS much-needed information on cold spots and
the temperatures of frost layers and the tops of clouds. These data will
help explain condensation occurring in the atmosphere and perhaps
help account €or the fierce winds which whip u p the colossal Martian
duststorms. Geologists are, o€ course, interested in any hot spots detected
because they are diagnostic (on Earth, at least) for geologically active
areas such as volcanoes and hot springs.
The Viking Orbiter’s infrared thermal mapper (IRTM) measures the
infrared brightness of the surface below in several spectral bands or
channels. The spectrum of radiation emitted by a surface-even a sur-
face as cold as Mars-depends strongly on its temperature. Of course,
corrections have to be made for reflected solar radiation. I n addition,
the surface emissivity depends on its composition and roughness. Previ-
ous work with Mariners and similar instruments o n Earth weather
satellites has given scientists considerable experience in translating radia-
tion measurements into surface and cloud temperatures.


The IRTM is a four-ahannel infrared radiometer:

(1) 6 to 8 micrometers
(2) 8 to 9.5 micrometers
(3) 9.5 to 13 micrometers
(4) 18 to 24 micrometers
Additional channels for measuring the atmospheric temperature and the
reflected radiation (dbed~)ZK at 16 r n i ~ ~ ~ e tafide r s0.5 t ~5) ~ ~ i c r ~ m -
etas, respectively. A radiometer, such as the IRTM, does not disperse
the spectrum with a grating or prism. Instead, the desired portions of
the spectrum are selected by filters. The Orbiter IRTM consists of four
telescopes, each with interference-type filters which pass radiation in only
the channels Iisted (fig. 34). Bimetallic thermopiles sensitive to infrared
radiation measure the quantity of radiation in the spectral intervals
passed by the filters.
I n the Viking IRTM, each channel uses seven antimony-bismuth de-
tectors arranged in a chevron pattern. Each detector views the Martian
surface through a 0.3" field of view, which, at an altitude of 1500 kil-

Thermal strap
Head electronics \
Raster assembl
Incoming radiatio

1 ,using


housing /
Telexope m
Neon re1

F m m %.-Mars atmospheric water detection spectrometer.

ometers, is equivalent to an 8-kilometer circle on the ground. T h e tem-
perature resolution of channels (1) to (3) is less than 0.1" C; that of
channel (4) is 0.36" C. T h e scan mirror shown in figure 34 is stepped
systematically through three positions: one position allows tlhe instru-
ment to view the planet surface; a second brings into view a reference
surface at a known temperature; the third position points the detectors
at deep space. A complete cycle lasts about 1.25 minutes. The scan mir-

Telescope mount

F I G K J34.-Orbiter
I~ IRTM layout. (a) Exploded view.

ror has nothing to do with scanning the terrain; rather, it is the mo-
tion of the scan platforin which brings each segment of terrain in the
swath bclow into view of the staggered detectors, one channel after
Experiments During Atmospheric Entry
Previous hlariners made indirect measurenients of the thin layer of
gases surrounding Mars, with unexpected results. Mars has a very cold
lower atmosphere consisting almost entirely of carbon dioxidc rather
than nitrogen as was earlier supposed. I n addition, radio-propagation
experiments have indicated that a thin but fairly dense ionosphere exists
at approximately 130 kilometers. None of the Mariners came closer
than 1300 kilometers to tlie surface. Direct confirmation by in si/ii meas-
urements would be highly desirable. The Viking Lander will plunge
tliroiigh tlie ionosphere and atmosphere, giving scientists a lew precious
minutes to sample the ions, atoms, and molecules directly.
A retarding potential analyzer and a mass spectrometer will be
mounted on the aeroshcll lorward surface. Three other instruments will
providc addic.iona1 atmospheric data less directly. They are ;I pressure
cell, a sensor to measure the temperature, and the accelerometers i n the
inertial relcrence unit (fig. 3 5 ) . These instruments aIe ronccrncd pri-
marily with the aerodynamic properties of the Martian atmosphere, but
will indireclly tell LIS much about atmospheric density and pressurc whcn
the atmosphere begins to slow the Lander.

34.-&ntinued- (b) Cutaway view.

Retarding Potential Analyzer

Scientists are puzzled about electrical processes transpiring in the
upper atmosphere of Mars. Sunlight dissociates some of the carbon
dioxide to create an ionosphere, but how does the solar wind interact?
Does Mars possess a sufficient magnetic field to ward off the solar wind
before it can interact directly with the atmosphere? Or do the high-
velocity solar-wind ions penetrate deep into the atmosphere?
Retarding potential analyzers have been flown on many Earth satel-
lites and space probes. Basically, they are made from a series of wire
grids like those in an old-fashioned vacuum tube (fig. 36). As the volt-
age on the grids is swept through a range of positive and negative volt-
ages, varying portions of the population of ions and electrons in the
outside atmosphere will penetrate the grid structure. The current of
electrically charged particles traversing the grids will be measured by a
sensitive electrometer. I n essence, the grids act as an electrical filter
which admits only those particles possessing selected ranges of energies
and electrical charge.
T h e retarding potential analyzer is located near the edge of the
aeroshell. Its aperture is a 3.8-centimeter (1.5-inch) diameter circle
(fig. 3 6 ) . T h e first, second, and last of the six grids are grounded to
the spacecraft. T h e third and fourth grids are connected electrically
and make u p the so-called retarding grid. T h e fifth grid acts as a sup-
pressor. T h e 4-second instrument cycle consists of three voltage sweeps
applied to the retarding grid: 15 to 0 volts in 2 seconds, -75 to 0
volts in 1 second; and -1.5 to 0 volts in 1 second. In this way, wide


ranges of ions and electrons are sampled during the penetration of the
ionosphere and lower atmosphere. T h e analyzer will be effective for
particle concentrations between 10 and 106 particles per cubic centimeter.
Mass Spectrometer
Most of the particles in the Martian atmosphere are electrically neu-
tral. Scientists need to know their identities and concentrations as a
function of altitude to understand the chemistry and thermal structure
of the atmosphere. T h e mass spectrometer is the appropriate instru-
ment here, and once again considerable pioneering work has already
been done on scientific satellites, but there are important differences
between the Viking and typical satellite missions. Viking’s measure-
ments must be made quickly during the short entry phase; the Martian
atmosphere is very thin and measurements will be made at high space-
craft speeds.
A schematic diagram of the Viking mass spectrometer is shown in
figure 37. As the aeroshell pushes into the sensible atmosphere, gas flows
into the instrument. A beam of electrons created by the instrument
bombards the incoming neutral atoms and molecules and ionizes them.
These ions are first accelerated by grids and then pass through a slit
into a region bounded by two parallel plates. One is at a negative
voltage, the other at a positive voltage. Emerging from between the

FICURE35.-Entry sciences aeroshell instrumentation. (Accelerometers are located in-

ternally in the inertial guidance unit of the guidance and control system.)


plates, the ions enter a fixed magnetic field which makes them curve
toward two ion collectors. T h e electrostatic and magnetic fields work
together to focus ions with certain electrostatic charges and momentum.
For this reason, this type of instrument is called a double-focusing mass
spectrometer. For a given combination of accelerating voltage and poten-
tial difference across the plates, two groups of ions, each with certain
masses, will be focused into the two collectors. By sweeping the accelerat-
ing voltage and the potenriai
~ I I ~ ~-I- C
- -I- I ~C Cc I +Cl.L
h e~ n Jl q t ~ c tho ;nr+rllmpnt
yAuLb.., _._l________._
will measure ions from 1 through 50 atomic mass units. One collector
handles ohe atomic mass unit range from 1 to 7, the other covers
the range from 7 to 49 atomic mass units. T h e spectrum will be swept
every 5 seconds during entry.
The range of the mass spectrometer is broad enough to measure car-
bon (12 atomic mass units), oxygen (16 atomic mass units), carbon
monoxide (28 atomic mass units), and carbon dioxide (44 atomic mass
units). All of these should be present in a predominantly carbon dioxide

circuit boards

Front face


FIGURESB.-Retarding potential analyzer.

atmosphere subjected to bombardment by solar radiation and dissocia-
tion through mutual collisions.

Surface Science
Strategy for a Martian Laboratory
Once Viking lands on the Martian surface after years of work by
thousands of scientists and engineers, it would be tempting to turn on


Ion collectors
(high and
low mass)


Magnetic analyzer /
FIGURE37.-Double-focusing mass spectrometer.
at once all the instruments to learn as much as we could about this
intriguing planet. This impulsive approach would be self-defeating be-
cause the instruments are interdependent and experiments must be done
carefully and, above all, in the right order. Clearly an experimental
strategy is essential.
The Viking science strategy is not fully worked out yet, but some
preliminary thoughts can be presented. For example, no matter how
well conceived the engine design, the rocket descent is bound to stir up
the surface to some degree. Some of the experimentation must wait for
the dust to settle. A second delaying factor involves the engine gases
liberated during descent. No atmospheric samples should be taken for
several days to avoid detecting “the breath of the spacecraft.”
Would just a look around with the camera hurt? It might if high-
velocity winds flung sand against camera lenses, sandblasting them to
the point of uselessness. Consequently, present strategy calls for one of
the two cameras to be used approximately 10 minutes after landing to
obtain visual imaging data, while the second camera will not be used
until the meteorology instruments check and report the weather. Ex-
periments with the m a s spectrometer and biology instrument must also
be carefully planned.
Imaging data of the sample area must be obtained to assure that the
sample acquisition boom can safely acquire the sample. Soil samples
cannot be analyzed while waiting for the air to clear of spacecraft
effluents because the soil would contaminate the instrument for later
atmospheric analysis.
T h e final science strategy will manifest itself in a long series of pre-
programed instructions stored in the computer’s memory. This pre-
determined strategy may be altered upon command from Earth if
adequate communications have been established. T h e high degree of
automation insures that experiments will progress even in the face of
initial communication problems.


A good deal of forethought has succeeded in locating the scientific

instruments where their measurements are not influenced by other ex-
periments or the presence of the Lander. Most of the chosen locations
can be seen in the external view of the Lander (fig. 23). The schematic
of inlet/outlet locations (fig. 38), however, reveals some of the prob-
lems. T h e gas and liquid vents from the experiments must not be
p : a d =ear any inlets cr the samp!e acn,uisitinr? are'. G!sc, rnetenrnlngy
instruments should be mounted where they are not affected by effluents
or wind disturbance caused by the antenna. Another type of interaction
is mechanical-spacecraft motors must be off when the seismometer
is on.
T h e science strategy must also include the two Orbiters and another
Lander elsewhere on the surface. T h e Orbiter observations of storms
and other dynamic processes can be correlated with Lander measure-
ments. Even the Landers can help each other in the sense of providing
a stereophonic view of seismic events and surface weather.
A Look Around the Spacecraft
Camera eyes on Mars have exciting work to do. Their assignments
include inspecting the geology of the landing site, observing duststorms
and clouds, following the Martian satellites as they move swiftly across
the horizon, and, most important, searching for possible Martian life in
living or fossilized forms.

Biology gas exchange

waste sump vent

Gas chromatograph-mass
Biology surface sample spectrometer
and atmospheric inlet atmospheric inlet

Gas chromatograph-
mass spectrometer
I surface sample inlet

~ ~

FIGURE38.-Landed science inletloutlet locations.


T h e two stereoscopic cameras are mounted on top of the Lander

frame where they can take 860' panoramic pictures of the landing site.
They can scan upward from the Lander footpad to about 40" above
the horizon. This extensive coverage is accomplished with the help of
a scanning mirror that nods u p and down and with rotation of the
camera as a whole.
The optical image is not formed as it is on the Orbiter's vidicon
plate. Rather, the outside scene is dissected pixel by pixel by the me-
chanical motions of the scanning mirror and turret action of the
camera (fig. 39). The image is formed only when all the pixels are
assembled into a picture back on Earth. T h e principle is like that used
in transmitting newspaper pictures by facsimile.
This type of camera can be made surprisingly versatile. Light ad-
mitted through the lens falls on an array of a dozen pinholes, each
backed by a photosensor. Each photosensor generates a signal propor-

-Azimuth scan

I cl, Radio

FIGURE39.-Lander imaging concept.


tional to the amount of light falling on it. At any instant, any one of
the pinhole-sensor combinations can create a pixel of the scene being
surveyed. By using filters, colored pictures can be achieved. By adjust-
ing the distance between the lens and the sensors, objects at various
distances can be focused. Resolution near the footpad is a few milli-
meters and decreases with increasing distance to the object.
The ramm-w ran scan at two rates, one matched to the ultrahigh
frequency link to the Orbiter, 16,000 bits per second, and the other
to the direct link to the Earth, 250 bits per second. The Lander cameras,
like those on the Orbiter, generate data at a tremendous rate: 10 mil-
lion bits for a single complete panorama around the spacecraft with a
60" scan in elevation. A similar picture in color would take three times
as many bits; high resolution photography, even more.
Automated Chemical Analyse3
Three kinds of scientific investigations call for chemical analysis.
We want to know the chemical composition of fihe atmosphere and we
want to analyze the soil around the Lander for organic and inorganic
chemicals. These experiments can tell us much about the likelihood
of life on Mars-past, present, or future-and about the geological dif-
ferentiating that has occurred on the planet. This is because chemical
evolution precedes biological evolution. Even if the Lander's biological
experiments fail to detect life in the immediate vicinity, the composition
of tlhe atmosphere and soil may preserve echoes of past life or the pre-
cursors of future life.
The mass spectrometer is the best choice for atmospheric analysis
once on the surface, As in the mass spectrometer employed during the
entry phase, atmospheric molecules admitted to the instrument are
ionized and then separated according to their masses by electromagnetic
means. However, solid samples picked up from the surface must first
be volatilized. Solids will, therefore, first be transferred to an oven
and heated to volatilize and ultimately pyrolyze contained organic com-
pounds. Then the resultant gases will enter a chromatographic column
that separates various compounds by using the fact that different or-
ganic gases travel at different speeds through the materials packed in
the column. As the separated gases emerge from the chromatograph,
they are fed into the mass spectrometer for identification. It is obvious
now why atmospheric analysis must precede the study of solid samples
-the organic gases may contaminate the mass spectrometer. T h e sche-
matic for the Viking gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GCMS)
is shown in figure 40.
T h e operating principle of the Lander's mass spectrometer is similar
to that used for entry experiments. Both are of the double-focusing
type. T h e mass range, though, must be much larger for the Lander in
which the goal is to detect the heavier molecules resulting from the


heating of organic compounds. From an engineering standpoint, it is

difficult to build this type mass spectrometer to cover bofih the very
low and the higher mass numbers. I t was therefore decided to ignore
hydrogen and helium and concentrate on the range from 12 to 200
atomic mass units. Compounds containing u p to 10 carbon atoms can
be accommodated in this range. Most atmospheric molecules will also
be within range.
During atmospheric analysis, gas samples will first pass chrough a
chemical filter capable of absorbing all of the carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide. This means that well over 90 percent of the sample
will be eliminated before it enters the spectrometer, permitting the
analysis to be concentrated on the more interesting minor constituents,
such as oxygen, nitrogen, argon, and krypton. T h e chemical filter,
possessing a limited absorption capability, sets a limit of about 60
sample analyses. Unfiltered analyses will also be made to observe the
relative abundance of the more prevalent gases and water vapor.
Gases are far easier to handle than solids. Analysis of solids proceeds
thus: First a soil sample of approximately 100 milligrams is deposited
in one of several little ovens on a motor-driven holder. Then, the
oven is electrically heated to about 200" C. If the sample is rich in
organic compounds, many gases will evolve. If the sample is organically
poor, there will be little evolution, and the temperature may have to
he raised to 350" C or even 500" C. T h e higher the temperature the
more the sample will be volatilized or pyrolyzed. Since high tempera-
tures destroy the more complex organic molecules, low oven tempera-
tures are applied first.
A stream of stored hydrogen carrier gas sweeps any evolving gases
from the oven into the gas chromatograph column. This is simply a
long tube packed with coated beads or other solids that selectively
delay the passage of different gases in accordance with their adsorptive
properties. Another feature of the GCMS is the "splitter," which diverts
excess gas from che mass spectrometer to prevent overloading the ion
pump (a device used to remove ions from the gas sample to achieve the
low operating pressure required). T h e hydrogen carrier gas is also
separated at this point.
Present plans call for making two analyses for each of three soil
samples. T h e surface sampler will, of course, scoop these u p from the
most interesting areas seen through the cameras.
T h e inorganic and elemental analysis (described in more detail later)
is not a primary part of the analyses supporting the biological inves-
tigation; however, the data acquired from this analysis are of interest
to the biologists and could aid in interpreting the results OE their






ovens chromatograph
column H2 output


LLLLMass number

FIGURE40.-Gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer schematic.

The Life Detectors

While the Lander cameras may spot some unmistakable form of life,
it now seems much more probable that Martian life, if i t exists, will
be in the form of micro-organisms. During the past two decades, many
ingenious schemes have been devised for remotely detecting the presence
of micro-organisms on other planets. Most techniques involve detecting
the processes of metabolism and growth common to Earth life (and
which are expected to be common to Martian life, too). Viking sci-
entists have selected three approaches:
(1) Pyrolytic release experiment: A sample of soil is dumped into
a chamber where the Martian environment is simulated in all
aspects, except that some of the normal carbon dioxide atnios-
phere is replaced by one of carbon monoxide and carbon diox-
ide “tagged” with radioactive carbon-14 (fig. 41). Water vapor
can be added upon command. Any life in the sample should
assimilate some of this artificial atmosphere and incorporate
the radioactive atoms into the organic compounds it manufac-
tures-assuming its behavior is like that of Earth organisms.
Artificial sunlight from a xenon lamp will bathe the sample
to promote photosynthesis should these micro-organisms be
plantlike. After several days’ incubation, the sample will be
pyrolyzed at about 600” C to drive off organic vapors. T h e
vapors will be separated by a special coppcr-oxide vapor trap
and monitored for radioactivity. T h e presence of radioactive


41.-Pyrolytic release ex-

cell assemblies

Trapping column
and heater



FIGURE42.-Labeled release ex- Purge A



cell assemblies

43.-Gas exchange experi-

Two m o v a b l e
cell assemblies

Drain t o
v e n t system


organic molecules would strongly imply terrestrial-type me-

tabolism in the sample. An important feature of this experi-
ment is that it is performed under essentially Martian condi-
tions and that Martian life, if present, will not be destroyed
before it can be detected.
( 2 ) Labeled release experiment: Similar i n principle to rhe fore-
gckg esperim-cnt, this one substitutes carbon-lbtagged nutri-
ents for the tagged atmosphere. A soil sample will be moistened
by a small sample of tagged nutrients and then incubated; that
is, given time to assimilate the nutrients. Any tagged carbon
dioxide or tagged volatiles released during incubation would
imply the existence of metabolism. By measuring the amount
of tagged gases excreted as a function of time, information on
the reproduction rate and physiological state of the micro-
organisms may be obtained. This type of life detector has been
successfully tested in several desolate but life-sustaining ter-
restrial environments (fig. 42).
( 3 ) Gas exchange experiment: This experiment is based on the
fact that the atmosphere over a sample containing metabolizing
micro-organisms changes in composition with time. A soil sam-
ple will first be moistened with a rich nutrient. Periodically,
after suitable incubation, samples of the atmosphere will be
conveyed to a gas chromatograph to discover whether any
chemical changes have occurred. Methane and carbon dioxide
are likely products of micro-organisms growing in a dark,
oxygenless environment; and if the concentrations of gases
such as these change during incubation, it will be evidence
for the presence of living material in the sample (fig. 43).
It is much easier to draw the schematic diagrams of these instruments
than to build the requisite mechanical and chemical apparatus. T h e
collection of a sample, its preparation, and its transportation to the
experiments are exceedingly difficult to automate. T h e biology experi-
ments really constitute three tiny, separate laboratories that must ,handle
gases, liquids, and solids reliably on the surface of a distant planet. The
prototype model of the integrated instruments (fig. 44) reflects rhe
complexity of the engineering job.
Life detection is a new branch of biology. Its practitioners know
what to look for on Earth, but they will be at a serious disadvantage
on Mars. Mars life may be radically different from what scientists an-
ticipate. T h e Viking experiments may not ask the right questions, so
a “no” from each of the three experiments would not rule out Martian
life completely. In addition, life on Mars may be highly localized in
specialized niches-niches that terrestrial biologists might not consider
hospitable at all, or that might be inaccessible to the sampler.


44.-Biology experiment prototype model.

What Is the Surface Made Of?

The preceding experiments are concerned primarily with the chemical
evolution leading u p to life. Scientists interested in the evolution of the
solar system are also anxious to study the inorganic portion of the
Martian surface: that is, the mineralogy of the sand, rocks, or whatever
constitutes tlhe surface material. We now have extensive data on two
bodies of the solar system: Earth and the Moon. Knowing the constit-
uents of the Martian surface would give us a great deal more insight
about how bhe inner terrestrial-type planets evolved.
The return of rock samples to Earth from Mars may be accom-
plished eventually by unmanned spacecraft-as it has been done for the
Moon by the Russians-but this is beyond Viking’s capabilities, so
analysis will have to be done remotely. When only the abundance of
the elements is required (as opposed to molecular analysis), some com-
paratively simple instrumentation from the physics lab works well. T h e
physical technique selected for Viking is X-ray fluorescence. In this
approach, the sample is bombarded by X-rays from radioactive elements.
The X-rays activate atoms in the sample and induce them to emit
X-rays themselves. (This is fluorescence.) T h e emitted X-rays are char-
acteristic of the elements in the sample; each element has in effect its
own X-ray fingerprint. By measuring the numbers and energies of the


FIGURE&.-X-ray fluorescence spectrometer.

X-rays in the fluorescence spectrum, we can calculate elemental abun-
dances although not how they are incorporated into compounds, which
has to be inferred. X-ray fluorescence is a common terrestrial analytical
tool where materials must be identified without damaging the specimen.
On Viking a sample is dumped into the funnel shown in figure 45.


It falls into the measurement cavity where it is bombarded by the X-rays

from radioactive iron-55 and cadmium-109. Tche X-rays that fluoresce
from the sample are counted by four gas-filled proportional counters.
The heights of the pulses delivered by the counter are proportional
to the X-ray energies. A pulse-height analyzer sorts these pulses into an
energy spectrum that is radioed back to Earth. The Viking instrument
will detect elements with atomic numbers of 12 and higher. Each in-

Wind speed analog


Wind sensor

Error signal


FIGURE 4Ci.-Meteorology wind velocity sensor. (a) Probe. ( b ) Constant overheat


strument cycle accepts u p to 50 cubic centimeters of material from the

Martian surface and analyzes it in about 5 hours.

A Simple Martian Weather Station

Mars is now recognized as a meteorologically dynamic planet with
sand dunes, cloud formations leeward of some mountains, and similar
Earth-like phenomena. Scientists believe that Martian weather is a
simple version of our own, and that we can learn a great deal by at-
taching a few simple meteorological sensors to the Viking Lander. Of
course, the local weather will also be a factor in interpreting the other
experiments. Frequent high winds would, for example, help geologists
explain formations seen through the cameras.


Pressure, temperature, and wind velocity will be measured periodically

throughout each diurnal cycle. T h e very low pressures of the Martian
atmosphere (less than 1 percent of those on Earth) can be detected
reliably with a stretched-diaphragm-type sensor. The thin metallic
diaphragm forms one side of a n electrical capacitor, with the exposed
wall of an evacuated chamber forming the other. Any motion due to
external pressure changes will be reflected as changes in electrical ca-

Active wind

Wind ambiguity sensor

Low-level electronics

Hinge mechanism

I Viking Lander body


FIGURE (c) Boom with sensors.

pacitance. T h e diaphragm must be shielded from the wind, of course.

Present plans are to use the same pressure sensor employed during the
entry phase.
Thin-wire thermocouples will measure the “air” temperature. These,
too, must be behind a windshield. In fact, the wind velocity sensor is
essentially a thermocouple exposed to the wind. It is called a “hot-film
anemometer” and consists of an aluminum oxide cylinder or probe
about 1 centimeter long (fig. 46) heated by electrical current passing
through a thin platinum film. The higher the outside wind velocity,
the more the probe is cooled. Windspeed is determined by measuring
the electrical power required to keep the cylinder a t a certain tempera-
ture with respect to a similar unheated probe. This kind of anemometer
will be accurate to about 10 percent over the range between 2 and 150
meters per second (4.5 to 340 miles per hour). ?’lie hard aluminum ox-
ide exterior protects the probe from the effects of sandblasting.


From the vantage point of Mariner 9's cameras, Mars appears tec-
tonically active. Motion of crustal plates should generate quakes and
and microseisms. Monitoring these phenomena alone is sufficient reason
for mounting a simple seismometer on the Lander frame. (The Apollo
seismometers left on the Moon may completely change our view of the
internal structure of the Moon.) A Martian seismometer could also
register meteor impacts and perhaps determine whether Mars has a
crust/mantle/core structure like the Earth.
T h e Viking seismometer is a small, three-axis instrument mounted
on the Lander. Seismic vibrations will travel up through the Lander
legs to the frame and thence to the seismometer. Three perpendicular
components ol ground motiori are measured with the following sensi-
tivities: 50X10-6 millimeter or less at 1 hertz and 1x10- millimeter
or less at 4. hertz. During seismic quiet the seismometer will operate
at a low data rate; however, a major quake will trigger a higher data
mode, giving geologists a better look at the details of the vibrations
as they propagate around and through the planet.
Does the Martian Soil Contain klagietic Particles?
We know thxt the soils of Earth and the Moon contain several types
of magnetic particles, some from eons of meteorite bombardment and
others the result of geological processes. T h e presence of native iron,
magnetite, limonite, and other iron-bearing materials can tell us some-
thing about the separation of minerals (differentiation) during the
evolution ol Mars and the oxidization of the surface in the distant past
when the atniospliere of Mars presumably possessed oxygen.
Experience with the lunar Surveyors proved that small permanent
magnets c;ui detect magnetic particles in the soil. Simple visual inspec-
tion with a camera can lead to surprisingly accurate estimates of particle
abundance. A logical place to mount magnets on Viking is directly on
the head of the surlace sampler (fig. 47). Every time a soil sample
is collected, some ol the magnetic particles will adhere to the magnet
array. l ' h e sampler arm can be maneuvered around so that the magnet
array can be photographed directly or via a magnifying mirror. Color
pictures will help identify specific minerals. Magnets of different
strengths and shapes in the array will add versatility. Additional mag-
nets will be mounted on one of the Lander's camera calibration targets
for the detection ol windblown magnetic particles.
Physical Properties of the Martian Surface
Mars very likely has a surface layer of particles or soil much like
Earth and the Moon. By observing the activities of the surface sampler
with the cameras and the depth of the Viking Lander's footprint, engi-
neers can deduce bearing strength, porosity, grain size, adhesion prop-
erties, and similar soil properties. In addition, Viking Lander telemetry


Motor current

47.-Magnetic properties experiment. (a) Lander. (b) Enlarged view of place-

ment of magnets.


will report on surface sampler motor currents and hcnce the resistance
oE the soil to the motion of the sampler head. T h e thermocouples lo-
cated at various positions in the Lander to help assess the “health” of
the spacecraft also can help determine the temperature and thermal
inertia of the surrounding terrain.

Radio Experiments
Even if the Viking spacecraft carried only its radio transmitter and
radars, with no scientific instruments whatever, the scientific return
would be impressive. On Viking, as with most other deep-space and
satellite flights, one will be able to extract considerable information from
radio-tracking measurements and the properties of electromagnetic waves
received from the spacecraft transmitters as they are modified by matter
in space and Mars itself. Some of the planned investigations are-
(1) Tracking data will refine the orbit and mass of Mars.
(2) T h e Lander radars will measure the surface reflectivity in the
microwave range.
(3) As the Viking Orbiter swings behind Mars, its radio signals
will be distorted by the Martian atmosphere and ionosphere,
leading to estimates of electron density in the ionosphere, etc.
(4) Lander-to-Orbiter transmissions will indirectly measure atmos-
pheric turbulence.
( 5 ) Precision tracking of the Orbiter (even from Earth) will yield
estimates of atmospheric drag.
(6) T h e differences in propagation velocities of Viking radio sig-
nals at different frequencies (S-band and X-band dispersion)
will provide a measure of electron concentration between Earth
and Mars.
(7) Radio signal time delay caused by the Sun during superior
conjunction will add greatly to our verification of Einstein’s ,
Relativity Theory. I

Chapter 6
on Mars
Viking at the Cape
Before the Orbiter, Lander, and launch vehicle meet at Cape Ken-
nedy, they will already have passed a multitude of tests. These systems
and the parts from which they are constructed will have been shaken,
baked, and operated under simulated space conditions. Only acceptable
parts survive the testing and screening procedures. Final checkout and
assembly occur at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center but these procedures
will be far from routine. T h e Viking launch will be unique in that
there will be two extremely complex systems making u p the spacecraft
rather than the usual one and the Lander will have to be “canned”
and sterilized a t the Cape.
T h e all-important sterilization of the Lander occurs in the Viking
spacecraft assembly and encapsulation building. Sterilization is pre-
ceded by intensive cleaning and frequent bioassays to check the effec-
tiveness of the cleaning steps. Immediately following encapsulation, the
already well-cleaned Lander is then steriliLed by baking lor no more
than 3 days at about 112” C. T h e next living matter it contacts may be
of extraterrestrial origin.
All of these events have to be synchronized with the so-called “launch
period” for Mars, which occurs about every 26 months. During this
period, the Earth is just catching up with Mars as the two planets fly
their elliptical courses around the Sun (fig. 12). Within this period
there are daily launch “windows” when the propulsive requirements
are low and well within the capabilities of the Titan III/Centaur. T h e
daily window closes when the Titan III/Centaur can no longer propel
the spacecraft into an interception course with Mars. During August
and September 1975, a period of at least 41 days exists for Titan III/
Centaur and the Viking spacecraft.
T h e Titan I11 solids alone (stage 0) lift the launch vehicle off the
pad; the first Titan 111 liquid stage does not fire for approximately 2
minutes. After the Titan I11 second liquid stage cuts off, the Centaur
upper stage injects the spacecraft into a parking orbit about 165
kilometers (90 nautical miles) above Earth. At precisely the right mo-


ment, an onboard guidance computer initiates the second firing of the

Centaur rocket engine, which injects the spacecraft into a trajectory
which will intercept Mars in the summer of 1976.
The Long Trip to Mars
During the 305- to 360-day cruise to Mars, the Viking Lander will
be almost completely dormant and the Orbiter not much more lively.
However, several very important things must be done. T h e first is to
make sure that. the spacecraft really does intercept Mars. If rocket angles
and burn times are only slightly off during launch and the departure
from parking orbit, the miss distance at Mars may be large. T h e Orbiter
in conjunction with the DSN has the tasks of navigation and midcourse
correction. First, the Orbiter opens its solar panels and performs a con-
trolled search for the Sun using its inertial reference platform for space-
craft attitude reference. Then, it performs a roll search for the star
Canopus. T h e DSN tracking antennas. then acquire enough trajectory
data to determine how much of a midcourse correction is needed. T h e
Orbiter’s engine then fires to nudge the spacecraft into a more accurate
encounter trajectory. Up to three more midcourse corrections may be
performed if needed.
During the long flight, the Orbiter will be tracked frequently (but
not continuously) by the DSN. Housekeeping data will be recorded
and scanned to determine the “health” of both Orbiter and Lander.
Approximately every 15 days, the Orbiter will check out the Lander and
carry out simple maintenance operations.
As the spacecraft trajectory begins to converge with the orbit of
Mars, the Orbiter’s scan platform and instruments are calibrated because
they will be brought into play before the actual encounter. Approxi-
mately 10 days before encounter, the scan platform is unlatched and
pointed toward Mars. Mars will still be tens of thousands of miles away,
appearing as a small but rapidly increasing visible disk. T h e object of
Viking preencounter science is to obtain global distributions of tem-
perature and water vapor as well as pictures of the whole planet and
its two moons for navigational purposes.
Encounter will occur between mid-June and late August 1976, when
summer prevails in the northern hemisphere of Mars. As the spacecraft
nears Mars, the Orbiter gas jets will swing the double spacecraft around
so that the Orbiter engine is pointed roughly in the direction of flight.
At command from Earth, the engine will burn for a little under an
hour. T h e retrothrust reduces the spacecraft velocity by about 1480
meters per second and permits it to be captured by the gravitational
field of Mars. T h e target orbit has a periapsis of 1500 kilometers (940
miles) above the Martian surface and an apoapsis of 32,600 kilometers
(20,400 miles) and a period of 24.6 hours, the same time it takes Mars
to rotate on its axis. If this rather eccentric ellipse is not obtained


precisely, the Orbiter’s engine can “trim” the orbit, that is, adjust it
to the desired shape (fig. 13). \\’it11 this milestone, the real work of
the Orbiter begins.
In Orbit About Mars
Orbiter’s first task is to aid in final site selection. Prelaunch primary
and backup landing sites have already been selected on the basis of
i”iariner 9 pilocos* It’ikilig ~ l b i & s -.--*-- -.---.- - * --.--
w U L C L - v u p 1 dCLLLLUI,

and thermal mapping instrument will examine the sites in detail with
an eye to scientific payoff and safe descent of the Lander. If the primary
site looks risky, the Orbiter will begin examination of the backup site.
Once the final selection has been made, the Orbiter’s trim maneuvers
will fix the orbit’s periapsis right over the primary site.
Scientists would like a relatively warm, wet landing site with a thick
soil layer. There should be formations of high geological interest nearby
and no obstructions that would interfere with meteorological measure-
ments. These objectives are in some degree incompatible. Warm, wet
niches are likely to be at low elevations, perhaps at canyon bottoms.
Unobstructed areas are likely to be featureless geologically and unin-
teresting biologically.
The engineers designing the Lander have an entirely different set
of landing criteria:
(1) Thespacecraft orbit fixes the site within the latitude band of
25” S to 75” N.
(2) T h e surface cannot be too rough or have too great a slope
(more than 19”) or the landing will be endangered.
(3) T h e site must be at a low enough elevation to give the para-
chute enough dense atmosphere to slow the descent.
(4) T h e radars on the Lander require a surface with high micro-
wave reflectivity for good, clear echoes.
After weighing the scientific and engineering factors, the Mission
Director will make the final choice and give the go-ahead for landing.
This decision should be made between 10 and 50 days after the space-
craft arrives at Mars.
Given a go-ahead for landing, the Orbiter attends to the task of
reviving the dormant Lander. Preseparation checkout begins about 30
hours before the command is sent from Earth to sever the year-old
mechanical and electrical ties between Orbiter and Lander. At separa-
tion, the Lander, which is already partially “uncanned,” is separated
Crom the Orbiter and the aft bioshield is discarded. T h e aeroshell’s four
small hydrazinc engines are then ready to deorbit the Lander.
In scheduling orbital operations, it must be remembered that Viking
A will be followed by Viking E, launched 10 to 41 days later. T h e
goal here is to separate the spacecraft arrivals a t Mars sufficiently to
allow Lander .A to get down to the surfdce and send back some engi-


neering and scientific data about the descent phase and the landing
site itself. If Viking B is 10 or more days away from encounter when
these data are received, its trajectory can still be modified enough to
choose from a wide range of possible landing sites. Once in orbit, only
small latitude changes but large longitude changes arc possible due to
the differences in energy required.
Descent to the Surface
Lander separation from the Orbiter is initiated by a command sig-
nal which energizes explosive nuts and allows compressed springs to
selmxtc the two vehicles. About 10 minutes later t!ic ;ieroslwll’s foul-
hydrazine engines fire and begin the deorbit maneuver. These engines
in addition to four others for roll control are used to hold the Lander
capsule in the proper attitude so that the cork-honeycomb ablative sur-
face protects the c;ipsule from Iicat m t l pressure and gives it :I small
amount of lift during entry. Between 2 and 5 hours after separation, the
Lander encounters the sensible atmosphere at about 250 kilometers
(800,000 feet). Peak deceleration occurs between 24,000 and 30,000 meters
(80,000 to 100,000 feet; these figures are approximate became our knowl-
edge of the Martian atmosphere is still limited) (fig. 14). By the time
the spacecraft has penetrated to 6400 meters (21,000 feet) altitude, its
velocity has decreased to about 375 meters per second (1230 feet per
second). T h e parachute can be opened safely at this point. A few sec-
onds later the aeroshell is separated via explosive bolt-compressed spring
devices. (These and all other descent activities are carried out automati-
cally by the Lander because it takes too long to transmit the pertinent
atmospheric data to Earth and to return the appropriate command sig-
nal.) I n about :I minute the I ) ; ~ r ; l c l l u t e - s ~ ~ s ~ ~ eLander
I l ~ l ( ~ (drifts
l down t o
1200 nieters (4000 feet) where it is falling at a rate of about 60 meters
per second. I-Iere, the Lander terminal-phase engiiies are ignited and the
paracliute is cut loose upon signal from the radar altimeter. Touchdown
should occur at a vertical velocity of 2.44 meters per second (5.5 miles per
hour) . T h e entire sequence from atmospheric entry to touchdown takes
between 6 and 13 minutes. In this short and very crucial span of time,
all of man’s knowledge of aerodynamics and the Martian atmosphere
must be brought to bear. If successful, we will have soft landed our first
cargo of scientific instruments on another planet of tlie solar system.
Lander Operations Begin
Once safely on the surface, the Lander’s first order of business is the
estal)lisliment of communication links with the Orbiter and with the
DSN antennas on Earth. Neither link is continuous because Alars rotates
on its axis and the Orbiter’s position relative to the Lander precesses
slightly (fig. 45) . Once again, we have time windows. ’ l h c ultrahigh
frequency Orbiter relay link window is open when the Lander sees the


Orbiter 25" or more above ehe horizon and within 5000 kilometers. This
window will be open for between 10 and 40 minutes once a day. T h e
window governing the direct radio link to Earth is open for about 12
hours a day, but can be used only when the Lander's high-gain an-
tenna can contact a DSN 64-meter dish, Lander electrical power limita-
tions restrict radio communication to 2 hours a day.
Early in the mission, the direct link to Earth can transmit about 3.6
million bits of information during the daily 2-hour window. As the
M ars/Earth distance increases, the rate decreases to 1.8 million bits
daily. T h e ultrahigh frequency link to the Orbiter can carry up to 16,000
bits per second, compared to a maximum of 500 bits per second direct
to Earth. T h e relay link window, however, is not open as long, and the
maximum number oE bits per day will be about 38 million. Although


Lander horizon

Orbiter rise

48.-Lander-to-Orbiter communication geometry.

these numbers sound very large, the Lander cameras can consume as
nimy as I O inillion bits per picture. Other instruments are less voracious
in terms of bits. Obviously, priorities have to be established for the
Operating plans, too, must be carefully formulated. T h e present plan
is to keep Orbiter A with its periapsis over the site of Lander '4 for a
complete scientific cycle-about 22 days. While relaying Lander A's data
to Earth, Orbiter A will survey potential landing sites for Lander B,
some 7 weeks behind the Viking A schedule. If the promising Viking B


sites are too far away from Orbiter A's orbit, it may be commanded to
hreak off its support of Lander A and begin reconnoitering sites for
Lander B. When Viking B arrives and its Lander is successfully soft
landed, many options become possible. Orbiter A may act as a relay
for Lander Is, and Orbiter I3 may act as a relay for Lander A. Or, one
Orbiter may be delegated to serve both Landers while the other begins
scientific missions on its own. (Orbiter design life is 140 days after attain-
ing orbit. The Lander design life after landing is 90 days.) This flexibility
will be invaluable should trouble develop with any of the spacecraft.
This pairing of spacecraft and communication links and the large-scale
redundancy of spacecraft components yield a high probability of success
for the Viking mission as a whole, even if one of the spacecraft should
fail completely. A scientific bonus also results from joint Orbiter-Lander
operations in that the Orbiter can prepare the Lander for oncoming at-
mospheric disturbances and then observe the phenomena from orbit
while the Lander takes in situ measurements.

Chapter 7
TheVikinQ U

The Viking project involves thousands of people building a n d oper-
ating complex machines to achieve specific objectives within a certain
timespan for a given number of dollars. Viking differs froq other large
technological enterprises mainly in the hundreds of millions of miles
between its radio-connected systems and in its scientific objcctives-the
exploration of another planet of the solar system.
T h e human organization of the Viking project parallels the organiza-
tion of the machine; that is, eauh major Viking system has a “people
counterpart.” As illustrated in figure 49, the six Viking systems are
split neatly in two: three systems of flight hardware and three ground-
based systems which are manned by human controllers who communi-
cate with and command the flight hardware. Here we get into the realm
of management, with its organization charts, contractors, schedules, etc.
Overall program management begins at NASA Headquarters, Wash-
ington, D.C., in the Office of Space Science. T h e major portion of the
management task is delegated to NASA’s Langley Research Center, lo-
cated at Hampton, Va. Langley’s Viking Project Office, consisting
of about 250 engineers and scientists, directs the day-to-day progress of
the program. NASA Headquarters has assigned responsibility for the six
Viking systems in the following way:
(1) Lander system.-Langley’s Viking Project Office oversees Mar-
tin Marietta Aerospace’s Denver Division, the contractor respon-
sible for designing and building the Lander.
(2) Orbiter system.-The Jet Propulsion Laboratory has the re-
sponsibility for designing and building the Orbiter.
(3) Launch uehicle system.-Responsibility for this system has been
assigned to NASA’s Lewis Research Center. Martin Marietta
Aerospace builds the Titan 111 booster while the Centaur stage
is a product of General Dynamics Corp.
(4) Launch and flight operations.-Langley’s Viking Project Office
manages this operational system with design and implementa-
tion by Martin Marietta Aerospace, the Jet Propulsion Labora-
tory, and the Kennedy Space Center. Kennedy Space Center
is responsible for conducting the actual launches at the Cape.

( 5 ) Tracking and data system.-The DSN, built and operated by

the Jet Propulsion Laboratoi y under the sponsorship of NASA,
is the only U.S. network capable of tracking and communicat-
ing with spacecralt as Car away as Mars. T h e Jet Propulsion
Laboratory has management responsibility for this system.
Ground communication, i.e., transmission of data from radio
stations to control center, is achieved via landlines. T h e NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center is responsible lor this fiinrtion.
(6) Mission control and computing center system.-The Jet Pro-
pulsion Laboratory's SFOF is equipped with the computers and
displays needed Cor directing interplanetary missions. Responsi-
bility Cor this system is assigned to the Jet Propulsion Labora-
So Car, the organization of the Viking project follows traditional lines:
T h e flight hardware is divided into handy systems and assigned to spe-
cific operation components of NASA and associated industrial contrac-
tors. Systems incorporating the ground-based hardware and the incredi-
ble amount ol soltware (computer programs) have been assigned to
"systems managers." When it comes to science-which is what Viking is
all about-there has been a distinct departure from tradition. Most

Langley Research Center
Viking Project Offlce

Launch and
Lander system flight operations Mission control and
Langley Research Orbiter system Launch veh'c'e system Tracking and computing center
Center system data system
Jet Propulsion Lewis Research Langley Research system
Jet Propulsion
Viking Project Laboratory Center Jet Propulsion
Center Laboratory
Office Vlklng ProJect Laboratory

FIGURE49.-Viking project structure.

NASA space science to date has been organized around principal investi-
gators, individual scientists who propose a specific study, de\ elop an in-
strument Cor flight, analyic d'ita received, and publish results. Viking in-
btead inakes use of individual scientific teams. Each team has ;I leader
tvho represents the team to the Viking project, but the scientists in each
team participate on an equal basis.


Most of the scientific instruments are on the Lander. The associated

science teams are-
(1) Imaging
(2) Seismology
(3) Molecular analysis
(4) Biology
(5j Entry
(6) Magnetic properties
(7) Meteorology
(8) Inorganic chemical
(9) Physical properties
T h e Orbiter is also an instrument carrier and has the following science
teams assigned:
(1) Imaging
(2) Water vapor mapping
(3) Thermal mapping
Lastly, a radioscience team, which uses the Orbiter and Lander radio
signals, has been formed to study the properties of interplanetary space,
celestial mechanics, and the Martian atmosphere by means ot their effects
on radio signals transmitted back to Earth or their perturbations of the
* * x
Viking will be tlie beginning of a new phase of man’s exploration of
the unknown. He will put his machines softly onto the surface of an-
other planet and by remote control begin to study the very e w n c e of
that planet. He will try to determine tlie imprint of lile on tliat planet
(or its absence) and thereby to determine by analogy the place of his
own planet and its life forms in the universe. If life exists, he will have
created a new science of biology, based on a completely new set of data.
If life does not exist he will have a new approach to understanding the
problems of the Earth induced by its overwhelming biota; that is, he
will haye tlic comparison of a planet evolving in the absence of lile. I n
either case, man is the winner because he will be closer to viewing his
place in the Sun.

1. Michaux, C. M.: Handbook of the Physical Properties of Mars. NASA SP-3030,
2. Mars Engineering Model. NASA, Apr. 14, 1972.

Suggested Reading
Applied Optics. (Special issue), July 1969.
Astronautics and Aeronautics. (Special issue), Nov. 1969.
Glasstone, Samuel: T h e Book of Mars. NASA SP-179, 1968.
Hammond, Allen L.: Mars as a n Active Planet: T h e View From ..--riner 9. Science,
vol. 175, Jan. 21, 1972, pp. 286-287.
Icarus. (Entire issue), Feb. 1972.
Kraemer, Robert S.: Solar SJstem Exploration Strategy for the 1970’s. Papcr prescnlcd
a t the 17th Annual Meeting of the American Astronautical Socicty, Seattle, Wash.,
June 28-30, 1971. (AAS71-100) (See also IAA Abstract ,471-37930)
Martin, James S., Jr.: Project Viking. Paper presented at the Int. Astronaut. Fed.
Meeting (Vienna), 1972.
Martin, James S., Jr.: Mars Exploration With Viking. Paper presented a t the 10th
Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, Fla., April 11 through 13, 1973.
Martin, James S., Jr.; and Soffen, Gerald A.: T h e Viking Mission. Paper presented
a t the AAS 11th Goddard Memorial Symposium, Washington, D.C., March 8 and
9, 1973.
Murray, Bruce C.: Mars From Mariner 9. Scientific American, vol. 228, Jan. 1973,
p. 48.
l’onnamperuma, Cyril; and Klein, Harold P.: T h e Coming Search for Life on Mars.
T h e Quarterly Review of Biology, vol. 45, no. 3, Scpt. 1970.
Radmer, Richard; and Kok, Bessel: A Unified Procedure for the Detection of Life
o n Mars. Science, vol. 174, Oct. 15, 1971, pp. 233-239.
Sagan, Carl: Mars, T h e View From Mariner 9. Astronautics and Aeronautics, vol. 10,
Sept. 1972, pp. 26-11.
Soffcn, Gerald; and Martin, James S., Jr.: Viking Project-How We’ll Search for Life
on hlars. Popular Science, Feb. 1971.
Steinbacher, R. H.; et al.: Mariner 9 Science Experiments: Preliminary Results.
Science, vol. 175, Jan. 21, 1972, pp. 293-323.
Young, Richard S.: Automated Life Detection. Astronautics and Aeronautics, vol. 4,
Oct. 1965, pp. 7&76.


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