Biomass and Bioenergy
Biomass and Bioenergy
Biomass and Bioenergy
Research paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, crude cellulose derived from cornstalk, after bleaching, was used as raw material for the
Received 3 October 2016 synthesis of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) by reacting with the cellulose with NaOH and
Received in revised form chloroacetic acid at 75 C for 1.5 h. Effects of alkali dosage, concentration of chloroacetic acid on the
6 March 2017
physical and chemical properties of the CMC products were investigated. It was revealed that the re-
Accepted 23 June 2017
Available online 1 July 2017
actants alkali reagent/chloroacetic acid/cellulose at the molar ratio of 4.6:2.8:1and 4:2.5:1, or at the
molar ratio of NaOH/ClCH2COOH z1.6e1.64, resulted in CMC products of relatively high water solubility.
The viscosity-average molecular weight Mv of these two CMC products obtained at molar ratios of
Crude cellulose
4.0:2.5:1 and 4.6:2.8:1 is in the range of 1.94 104e2.48 104 g mol1, and the average DS of the two
Cornstalk products are 0.57 and 0.85, respectively. As the solute concentration is above 2 wt%, the viscosity of the
Alkali reagent CMC-water solution exhibits nonlinear (exponential) increasing with increasing the solute concentration
Etherification (typical of non-Newton fluids).
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Degree of substitution (DS)
0961-9534/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
52 T. Shui et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 105 (2017) 51e58
cornstalk and other agricultural lignocellulosic biomass have been Table 1. The contents of three major components in the cornstalk
paid little attention due to their limited applications mainly as feedstock, i.e., Klason lignin (acid insoluble), a-cellulose and
organic fertilizer, silage for livestock and source for heat and elec- hemicellulose were determined in accordance with NREL/TP-510-
tricity. Therefore, there is growing interest worldwide in trans- 42618 [28]. Briefly, the extractive content (EC) of oven dried raw
forming cornstalk or other crop residues into value-added bio- cornstalk sample was first determined by soxhlet extraction in
products, such as CMC. toluene/ethanol (2:1, v/v) for 24 h. The lignin content of the oven
Effort have been made since 1980 in searching for less expensive dried cornstalk sample was then determined by a sequential acid
alternatives to expensive cotton, such as various lignocellulosic hydrolysis of the extracted cornstalk first with 72 wt% sulfuric acid
biomasses (rich in cellulose), for production of CMC. According to at 30 C for 120 min and then with 4 wt% diluted sulfuric acid at
the study of Mario et al. [19], banana pseudo stem, known as a 121 C for 60 min. The holocellulose content of oven-dried corn-
potential cellulose source, was utilized for CMC synthesis. CMC stalk was determined using a modified Chlorination method using
product with DS, viscosity, purity and crystallinity of 0.75, the extracted cornstalk sample in water-acetic acid-sodium chlorite
4033 mPas, 98.23 wt% and 38.33 wt% respectively, was achieved mixed solvent at 50e70 C for more than 24 h to remove lignin.
through alkalization using 15 wt% NaOH followed by etherification Based on the resulted solid residue, the holocellulose content (HC)
using sodium monochloracetate (MCA). Furthermore, sugar beet was determined. Furthermore, the content of a-cellulose was
pulp was applied for production of CMC (with 0.667 DS) by reacting determined by treating the obtained holocellulose sample with 17.5
beet pulp with 30 wt% NaOH solution and sodium mono- wt% NaOH solution at room temperature to remove hemicellulose,
chloracetate in isobutyl alcohol as the solvent [20]. Cellulose iso- while the content of hemicellulose was finally determined by dif-
lated from Lantana camara was converted to CMC (DS 1.22) by ference. More detailed procedure to determine the contents of
reacting with aqueous NaOH and MCA for 3.5 h at 55 C in isopropyl lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose was provided in the previous
alcohol solvent [21]. Moreover, cellulose derived from a variety of article [27].
lignocellulosic biomasses, such as orange mesocarp, water hya- The chemicals used in this study, such as sodium hydroxide (50
cinth, sugarcane straw, corncob and cornstalk, etc. was utilized for wt% solution), chloracetic acid (solid, 99 wt%), ethanol (95 vol%),
the synthesis of CMC and other cellulose derivatives [22e26]. hydrochloric acid (36.5e38 wt%), etc. were all purchased from
In our previous work published recently [27], a highly efficient Caledon Laboratory Chemicals, and were used as received.
organosolv fractionation approach was developed to fractionate
cornstalk into cellulose and lignin using a mixed solvent of acetic 2.2. Methods
acid/formic acid/water (3:6:1, v/v/v). The obtained crude cellulose
can be a source of glucose for fuel ethanol production, but a more 2.2.1. Cornstalk fractionation
valuable application of the cornstalk-derived crude cellulose is as Fractionation of cornstalk was carried out in a 100 cm3 autoclave
an inexpensive feedstock for bio-based materials. This work aimed reactor (Parr 4590), following the procedure detailed in our pre-
to utilize the cornstalk-derived crude cellulose, after bleaching vious article [27]. In a typical run, briefly, 5.0 g air-dried cornstalk,
pretreatment, as a feedstock for the synthesis of CMC. This study 25 cm3 mixed solvent of acetic acid/formic acid/water (3:6:1, v/v/v)
centered on determination of best molar ratio of the reaction re- was added into the reactor. The reactor was then sealed, evacuated
agents (alkali reagent/etherifying reagent/cellulose) for the syn- and pressurized to 1.0 MPa with N2. The reactor was heated at the
thesis of CMC using cornstalk-derived cellulose. The chemical rate of approximately 10 C min1 to 90 C under approximately
structure, water solubility, average DS as well as other physical 300 rpm stirring for 180 min. After reaction, the reactor was cooled
properties such as viscosity of the CMC product were measured. to room temperature. The gas in the reactor was vented and the
reactor was opened. The slurry in the reactor was poured into a
2. Materials and methods 250 cm3 glass beaker, and the reactor was rinsed with ethyl acetate.
The spent ethyl acetate was also transferred to the 250 cm3 glass
2.1. Materials beaker. After 15 min, mixture in the beaker was filtered, while the
filter cake was further rinsed with ethyl acetate till the filtrate
Cornstalk used in this work was supplied by Ontario Federation became colorless. The solid residue present in the filtration cake
of Agriculture (OFA), collected from a local farm in South Ontario. was then rinsed with distilled water, dried at 105 C in an oven, and
However, the chain of custody of the biomass feedstock is not designated as crude cellulose.
available, hence it should be noted that the limited information
may impose a reasonable degree of uncertainty on the reproduc- 2.2.2. Crude cellulose bleaching
ibility and repeatability of the study. The cornstalk was air-dried at Sodium chlorite was used for crude cellulose bleaching. Briefly,
room temperature to a moisture content of <10 wt%, and then 2.5 g crude cellulose, 80 cm3 hot distilled water (50 C), 0.5 cm3
ground into particles to pass 20 mesh sieve. Elemental composition acetic acid and 1.0 g sodium chlorite were added into a 250 cm3
and chemical components of oven-dried cornstalk are presented in Erlenmeyer flask. The mixture was then heated under stirring
Table 1
Elemental composition and chemical components of oven-dried cornstalk.
(150 rpm) in a water bath at 70 C for 60 min, then additional reactions: Alkalization and Etherification. In alkalization, cellulose
0.5 cm3 acetic acid and 1.0 g sodium chlorite were added. After each is modified by sodium hydroxide to produce sodium cellulosate, as
succeeding 60 min, a fresh portion of 0.5 cm3 acetic acid and 1.0 g shown in Eq. (1) below. In etherification, firstly, chloroacetic acid
sodium chlorite were added. After 7e8 h of bleaching under stir- dissolve in the sodium hydroxide to form sodium chloroacetate, as
ring, the mixture was left in the water bath for 24 h. The mixture shown in Eq. (2). Then, the chlorine in sodium chloroacetate
was then cooled to room temperature and filtered, and the reacted with the sodium cellulosate to generate CMC, as given
collected residue was further rinsed with distilled water during below in Eq. (3). Since this system is under alkaline condition, there
filtration. Then the obtained bleached cellulose (residue after are some by-products generated, such as glycolic acid, sodium
filtration) was vacuum dried at 65 C for 24 h, weighed (for glycolate, water, and sodium chloride, as shown in Eqs. (4) and (5)
bleached crude cellulose yield calculation), and then ground into [26]. It shall be noted, during the process, hemicellulose can also be
particles to pass 20 mesh sieve, subject to CMC synthesis. etherified.
It should be noted that bleaching using sodium chlorite is not
desirable for industrial application due to the environmental and C6 H7 O2 ðOHÞ3 n
þ n NaOH/ C6 H7 O2 ðOHÞ2 ONa n þ n H2 O
health concerns. The reason we bleached the crude cellulose using (1)
the acid chlorite method is to demonstrate the usability of the
crude cellulose isolated from cornstalk for CMC production. In ClCH2 COOH þ NaOH/ClCH2 COONa þ H2 O (2)
future studies, in particular for pilot-/large-scale demonstration of
this process, other bleaching methods (e.g., H2O2) will be adopted.
C6 H7 O2 ðOHÞ2 ONa n þ n ClCH2 COONa
/ C6 H7 O2 ðOHÞ2 OCH2 COONa n þ n NaCl
2.2.3. CMC synthesis
Taking into account the <100 wt% purity for the bleached
cornstalk-derived cellulose and its poorer reactivity than pure ClCH2 COONa þ H2 O/HOCH2 COOH þ NaCl (4)
cellulose, molar ratio of the etherification agent to CMC was set at
2.0e3.0, higher than the conventional molar ratio (0.5e1.5) when ClCH2 COONa þ NaOH/HOCH2 COONa þ NaCl (5)
pure cellulose is used. The CMC synthesis procedure can be
described by a block flow diagram, as shown in Fig. 1. Briefly, take
the molar ratio of 4:2:1 (sodium hydroxide/chloroacetic acid/cel-
lulose) as an example, 1.00 g bleached cellulose was weighed in a 2.3. Characterizations
50 cm3 glass beaker, treated with 0.99 g 50 wt% NaOH solution and
10 cm3 distilled water for alkalization. The beaker was then covered 2.3.1. Characterizations of crude cellulose
with aluminum foil and left in the 35 C water bath for 1 h with Bleached crude cellulose were characterized by Fourier trans-
150 rpm agitation. After that, another isometric of 0.99 g 50 wt% form infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, Perkin Elmer) at the wavelength
NaOH solution was pre-mixed with 1.17 g chloroacetic acid. The of 4000e500 cm1 with a resolution of 4 cm1, to qualitatively
mixture was diluted with 35 cm3 95 vol% ethanol and added into determine the functional structure.
the beaker. The reactor was then heated in 75 C water bath for In addition, the contents of a-cellulose and hemicellulose in the
1.5 h with 200 rpm agitation for cellulose etherification. After bleached crude cellulose were measured. Briefly, 2.0 g dried
cooling down to room temperature, all the mixture was neutralized bleached crude cellulose (also called hollocellulose) obtained pre-
with hydrochloric acid and filtered, rinsed with 95 vol% ethanol 3 viously was fed into a 100 cm3 three-neck flask, followed by the
times. The residues were then dried in an oven at 105 C for 3 h, and addition of 10 cm3 17.5 wt% NaOH solution. The mixture was stirred
the dried residues were collected as the CMC products. It shall be for 5 min at room temperature, extra 5 cm3 of 17.5 wt% NaOH was
noted that the reaction time for cellulose etherification reaction then added and the mixture was further stirred for 40 min 33 cm3
(fixed at 1.5 h in this study as mentioned above) was determined distilled water was added and the mixture was left at room tem-
based on a series of preliminary tests at a varying research time perature for 60 min. The mixture was filtered, and the filtration
(1 h, 1.5 h, 2 h, 3 h), where the results of preliminary tests revealed residue was transferred to a 250 cm3 beaker, stirred and rinsed with
that the properties of the CMC did not change significantly after 100 cm3 8.3 wt% NaOH solution at room temperature. The mixture
1.5 h under the current reaction conditions (temperature, molar was filtered. The filtration residue was rinsed with distilled water
ratios). followed by filtration. Such rinsing and filtration operations were
In the process of CMC synthesis, there are two main chemical repeated three times. 15 cm3 10 vol% acetic acid was added into the
filtration residue. After 5 min, the acid was removed through vac-
uum filtration. Residual acetic acid in the solid residue was
removed by water rinsing followed by vacuum filtration. The water
rinsing-filtering operations were repeated till the acetic acid was
completely removed from the sample (determined with pH mea-
surement). The residue was finally rinsed with approx. 250 cm3
distilled water, then dried at 105 C for 24 h, weighed and desig-
nated as a-cellulose. The a-cellulose content was then calculated
based on the wt% mass of the a-cellulose in the bleached crude
cellulose. The content of hemicellulose in the bleached crude cel-
lulose was calculated simply by difference.
resolution of 4 cm1. Furthermore, the CMC products dissolved in The DS of the CMC product was then determined by the amount of
D2O were characterized by proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H- NaOH consumed determined by titration. In this work, CMC
NMR). The 1H-NMR spectra for the CMC products were acquired at products with a DS up to 0.85 were obtained with the bleached
25 C using a Varian Inova 600 NMR spectrometer equipped with a crude cellulose (derived from cornstalk).
Varian 5 mm triple-resonance indirect-detection HCX probe. A total
of 16e32 scans were accumulated using a 2 s recycle delay and 3.6 s 3. Results and discussion
acquisition time. Furthermore, the micro-structure of the CMC
products was observed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) on 3.1. Characterizations of bleached crude cellulose
a Hitachi's Tabletop Electron Microscope TM3030Plus.
The yield and composition of oven-dried bleached crude cellu-
2.3.3. Water solubility of the CMC products lose are shown in Table 2.
Water solubility of the CMC products was measured by quan- On one hand, bleached crude cellulose with 81.3 wt% a-cellulose
tifying residual solids in 1 wt% CMC-water solution. Specifically, content was used as the cellulosic material for CMC synthesis. On
0.50 g CMC sample was weighed to mix with 50.0 g water at room the other hand, after alkalization and etherification process, 18.6 wt
temperature (25 C) in a 100 cm3 glass beaker. The beaker was then % hemicellulose is expected to be modified into short chain car-
left in the ultrasonic oscillator for 5 min followed by shaking at boxymethyl substituendum which has lower viscosity as well as
160 rpm for 24 h. The residue was collected by vacuum filtration. good water solubility compared with the commercial CMC prod-
The residue was dried at 105 C for 3 h and weighed. The dry weight ucts. Thus the viscosity of CMC-water solution would be decreased.
of the residue was then used for calculation of water solubility of However, abundant xylan generated by the hydrolysis of hemicel-
the CMC product. lulose would adhere to and mask the molecules of cellulose tightly.
A part of the cellulose molecules masked by xylan have limited
2.3.4. Viscosity and molecular weight of the CMC products access to the alkalization or etherification reactants, which would
The viscosity of the CMC-water solution and the viscosity-based result in a lower reaction efficiency and DS [26]. Taking into
average molecular weight (MV) was measured on a Rheometer AR- consideration the poor reactivity of the bleached crude cellulose
G2 at ambient conditions with a shear rate of 100s1 and an due to the masking effects of xylan, a high molar ratio (2e3:1) of
Ubbelohde Viscometer, respectively, at 25 C and 101 kPa, using the etherification agent-to- the bleached crude cellulose was
distilled water as a reference (mwater ¼ 0:8937 mPas at 25 C). For employed in this study.
measurement of MV, the time ti, taken by a solution of a certain
concentration to flow from the start point to the end set in the
3.2. Effects of the reactants molar ratio on water solubility of the
Ubbelohde Viscometer, was recorded. The intrinsic viscosity [h]
CMC products
(cm3 g1) can be calculated by two linear regression of y-x in-
tercepts, where x is the concentration wt% of the solution, while y
Water solubility of the CMC products, depending on their degree
can be calculated by:
of substitution (DS), is a key property for many applications. Thus,
effects of the reaction conditions, in particular the reactants molar
y1 ¼ 1 ci ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 ; ratio, on water solubility of the CMC products (measured by the
residues content in water) were examined in this work. To this end,
two series of the tests were performed to explore (1) effects of the
ti alkali agent (NaOH), (2) effects of the etherification agent
y2 ¼ ln ci ; i ¼ 1; 2; 3; 4; 5:
t6 (ClCH2COOH) and the best molar ratio of NaOH:ClCH2COOH:Cel-
lulose among the test conditions.
t6 in the equations above is the time cost by reference solution In series (1) tests, the molar ratios of NaOH/ClCH2COOH/cellu-
during the measurement. Theoretically, the intercepts of y1 and y2 lose were in the range of 4e5:2:1, where the ClCH2COOH: Cellulose
should be the same value and must be > 0. [h] can be then calcu- molar ratio was fixed at 2:1 in all tests for this series. The variations
lated by multiplying one of the intercepts by 1000. Viscosity-based of water solubility of the CMC products (represented by their res-
average molecular weight MV (g mol1) can be reached by: idue contents in water) with varying the amount of NaOH in the
reaction feed are shown in Fig. 2.
½h ¼ KMVa ¼ 5:37 102 MV0:73 From Fig. 2, it can be observed that effects of the alkali agent
(NaOH) on water solubility of the CMC products are minimal. While
where the constant K ¼ 5.37 102 cm3 g1, a ¼ 0.73 for CMC- increasing the molar ratio of NaOH/ClCH2COOH/cellulose from
water solution at room temperature [29]. 4.0:2:1 to 4.8:2:1, there was almost no significant change in the
water solubility of the CMC products, with over 70 wt% residue
2.3.5. Average degree of substitution for the CMC products content in water suggesting relatively poor etherification efficiency.
The average DS for the CMC products was determined by stan- Although the water solubility of the sample obtained at the molar
dard method of ASTM D 1439 [30], as briefly described below: 4.0 g ratio of 5.0:2:1 greatly improved, the obtained CMC products at
CMC was weighed, stirred with 75 cm3 95 vol% ethanol and 5 cm3 such high alkali dosage shows yellow caking appearance,
HNO3 to convert the water soluble CMC to solid particles. The slurry
was then heated and boiled for 5 min and then agitated by stirring Table 2
for 15 min. The slurry was precipitated with 80 vol% ethanol until Yield and composition of oven-dried bleached crude cellulose.
all of the acid has been removed (using diphenylamine). The res-
Yielda/wt% Components/wt%
idue was washed with a small amount of the anhydrous methanol
Celluloseb Hemicellulose
and dried. 1.0e1.5 g solid sample was weighed, mixed with 100 cm3
water and 25 cm3 0.3e0.5 mol L1 NaOH, stirred and heated to 42.56 (±1.64) 81.3 (±4.65) 18.6 (±4.83)
boiling for 15e30 min. While the solution is hot, excess NaOH was a
Yield based on the weight of the air-dried cornstalk.
titrated with 0.3e0.5 mol dm3 HCl to a phenolphthalein end point. b
T. Shui et al. / Biomass and Bioenergy 105 (2017) 51e58 55
3.5. H-NMR spectra of the CMC products
Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of CMC products, as well as the bleached crude cellulose (c).
4. Conclusions
Table 3
Appearance and viscosity of the CMC products.
The molar ratio of the reactant (Alkali/ether/ The molar ratio of alkali/ Appearance Viscosity of CMC-water solution (2 wt%, Shear rate during viscosity
feedstock) etherifying agent 25 C)/(mPas) measurement/s1
Table 4
Molecular weight, pH and DS of the CMC.
Molar ratio of the reactant (Alkali/ether/feedstock) Viscosity-average molecular weight MV/(gmol1) Intrinsic viscosity [h]/(cm3g1) Water solubility (wt%) DS
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