Work Motivation and Teacher'S Performance Asneti, Edi Harapan, Destiniar
Work Motivation and Teacher'S Performance Asneti, Edi Harapan, Destiniar
Work Motivation and Teacher'S Performance Asneti, Edi Harapan, Destiniar
Abstract: This study aimed at finding out the influence of work motivation on
teachers’ performance. Data in this study were collected through distributing the
questionnaires to the respondents. The results of the questionnaire were analyzed
by using simple regression analysis through t-test. The population of this study
was 174 teachers from SMP Negeri 36, SMP Negeri 12, and SMP Negeri 25
Palembang. The sample of this study were 90 teachers consist of 30 teachers from
SMP Negeri 36, 33 teachers from SMP Negeri 12, and 27 teachers from SMP
Negeri 25 in Palembang. The results of the study showed that there was a positive
influence of work motivation towards teachers’ performance.
As an educator, the teacher has very complex tasks and responsibilities, not
only providing knowledge, but also as a guide who can improve abilities, develop
alternatives, and mobilize students in learning (Salwa et al, 2019; Fitria et al, 2019;
Fitria, 2018). Teachers are not only required to master the knowledge to be taught
and have a set of teaching knowledge and technical skills, but teachers are also
required to display personalities that are capable of being role models for students
(Kristiawan et al, 2019). For this reason, human resources must be improved,
especially teachers by paying attention to the tasks, roles, and responsibilities that
are very large, the teacher must be given support or motivation so that the
competencies they have can be implemented optimally through good performance
(Irmayani et al, 2018; Lian et al, 2018; Andriani et al, 2018).
A teacher becomes an educator because of the motivation to educate. Work
motivation gives rise to enthusiasm or encouragement and works. Therefore, in
psychology, work motivation is regarded as a morale booster (Anoraga, 2014: 84-
96). If he/she does not have a motivation, then he/she will not succeed to educate
or to teach. The success of teacher in teaching is because of encouragement or
motivation, this is a sign of what has been done by the teacher has touched his/her
needs. Teaching activities carried out by teachers whom they are interested in
because they are in accordance with their interests. Teachers who are motivated at
work will have job satisfaction because the needs of teachers that are fulfilled will
encourage teachers to improve their performance (Renata et al, 2018; Murtiningsih
et al, 2019).
In carrying out their duties as educators, teachers are required to possess and
master various competencies, not only pedagogical competencies, but also good
personalities to be role models for students and the public. By considering the
various abilities that must be possessed by a teacher, the competency or ability is a
very important pillar in determining whether the teacher's professional
performance are good or not.
On the other hand, the low performance of teachers is caused by internal
factors such as the lack of teachers in the learning process and the weakness of
teachers in creating learning communication. This is due to the needs that must be
fulfilled by the teacher. The number of necessities of life that will be achieved by
someone will affect the results of his/her work.
Qualified or unqualified teachers can be seen from the teachers’
professionalism. The professionalism of a teacher is reflected in the teacher's
appropriateness in teaching (Khasanah et al, 2019). Teachers who are worthy of
teaching are teachers who are able to master the class, able to master the scientific
field in-depth and have academic qualifications that are relevant to their area of
expertise (Sarina et al, 2019; Lian et al, 2018). So, a teacher who does not meet the
criteria for teaching is worth noting that the teacher is not qualified to teach. In this
context, the government has developed an educator certification program; a
program aims to assess the professionalism of educators, in order to determine the
eligibility of educators in carrying out their duties. As contained in regulations of
the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers
explained in Article 9 that teachers are required to have academic qualifications,
competencies, educator certificates, physically and mentally healthy, and have the
ability to realize the goals of national education.
One of the professionalism of teachers is marked by the fulfillment of
competency standards. Regulation Number 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and
Lecturers, that competency is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be
possessed, internalized, and mastered by the teacher or lecturer in carrying out
professional duties. Teacher’s competence can be interpreted as a roundness of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes that manifest smart and responsible actions in
carrying out tasks as learning agents.
The teacher has an important role in the teaching and learning process,
because the teacher has direct involvement dealing with students in teaching and
learning process. A teacher must create a conducive atmosphere so that students
are willing to be fully involved in learning activities, so that learning objectives
that have been set can be achieved effectively and efficiently (Wandasari et al,
2019). Related to teacher competence in relation to teaching activities, Hamalik
(2008: 36) argues that the learning process undertaken by the teacher and students
learning outcomes are not only determined by the school, patterns, structure, and
content of the curriculum, but are largely determined by teacher’s competency.
Professional teachers must have good basic skills, understand or master the
material and have loyalty to the task. Thus, the teacher is required to have
competencies in teaching. The competency that must be possessed by a teacher is
professional competency; this competency emphasizes sufficient knowledge and
interviews about the content of the subjects so that it is absolutely necessary to
create a good learning process. Mastery of the material is one of the prerequisites
for implementing effective learning, because the teacher is a source of knowledge
for students.
Teacher’s performance will be good if the teacher has carried out elements
consisting of loyalty and high commitment to teaching assignments, mastering and
developing learning materials, discipline in teaching, having creativity in
implementing learning, cooperation with all school members, leadership that is a
role model for students, good personality, honest, and objective in guiding the
students, as well as responsibility for their assignments (Tobari et al, 2018;
Fathurrochman et al, 2019). Related to the elements that must be carried out by a
teacher, the principal’s job as the manager should conduct an assessment of the
teachers’ performance (Apriana et al, 2019). The objective of the Principal's
assessment is as a motivational tool for the leader to the teacher and to the teacher
We choose SMP Negeri 36 Palembang, SMP Negeri 12 Palembang, SMP
Negeri 25 Palembang as research object. Based on the data obtained through a
preliminary study, it was found that in the last 3 years, the learning achievements
had not shown a significant improvement. Teachers’ performance was not optimal
in carrying out their duties as educators. For these reasons, it was necessary to
guide the teachers of State Junior High School at Kertapati Palembang so that the
problems faced by the teachers in the teaching and learning process in the
classroom were known and could be solved.
The observation results of the preliminary study showed that some teachers
had low motivation in carrying out their profession as teachers, and there were
some teachers who came late to school. In addition, some teachers taught the
lesson which was not in accordance with their educational background, some
teachers were not able to teach because of their limitations in mastering teaching
methodologies, and some teachers had not carried out classroom action research.
Based on the descriptions above, we did research influence of work
motivation on teachers’ performance. The formulation of the problem in this study
was whether there was any influence of work motivation on teachers’
1. Work Motivation
Motivation cannot be observed directly, but it can be interpreted from one’s
behavior. In carrying out tasks and work, teachers require work motivation both
from themselves and from outside. Teacher will be eager to do all activities when
there is already high motivation in work, and motivation contains understanding
that is in accordance with what is underlying it. Teacher’s work motivation means
a motivation that underlies the teacher in carrying out his/her work (Andriani et al,
According to Uno (2013: 72), teacher’s work motivation includes; (1)
responsibility in doing work, the teachers who have high motivation can be seen
from their responsibilities in doing work. The teacher will complete the work with
maximum results in accordance with the specified time limit. The teacher will
plan, carry out, and evaluate learning in accordance with applicable regulations;
(2) achievements, obtained by the teacher shows that the teacher has a high work
motivation. The achievement can be in the form of an award from the school
principal, educational institution or the work created; (3) self-development, the
teachers in carrying out their profession need to develop themselves. Teachers'
participation in trainings conducted by educational institutions shows that teachers
have enthusiasm so that high work motivation is created; (4) independence in
acting, someone who has entered the productive age certainly has an independent
nature in acting. This independence reflects the attitude of the teacher who always
does the tasks and responsibilities even if he/she is not instructed.
2. Teacher’s Performance
Hasibuan (2012: 2) stated that performance is a result achieved by someone
in carrying out the tasks assigned to him. Zalika (2010: 14) define performance as
follows, "Job performance is defined as the value of the set of employee behaviors
that contribute, either positively, to organizational goals occurance. This definition
of a job performance includes behaviors that are within the control of employees,
but places are boundary on which behaviors that are (and are not) relevant to job
performance. It means that performance is the value of a set of employee
behaviors that contribute, whether positive or negative, to the achievement of
organizational goals, which means that performance includes behaviors that are
within employee control, but are still within the limits of work behavior and are
relevant to performance.
Furthermore, performance is the result of an employee's work both in quality
and quantity that has been achieved by an employee in carrying out tasks in
accordance with the responsibilities given to him (Tobari, 2016: 74).
Operationally, to measure a teacher’s performance, the dimensions and
performance indicators are; 1) dimensions of work quality, the indicators are
accuracy, precision, skills, and cleanliness; 2) Dimensions of work quantity, the
indicators are: Regular output and non-routine output; 3) Dimensions of reliability,
the indicators are: Instruction, capability, and initiative; 4) attitude dimensions, the
indicators are; attitudes towards the organization, attitudes towards other
employees, attitudes towards work, and attitudes towards cooperation (Tobari,
2016: 74-75).
In this study, the type of research used was quantitative. Quantitative is a
research in which the data are quantitative, so the analysis used quantitative
analysis (inference). The design used was causality by using a survey to see the
relationship between the independent variable of work motivation and the
dependent variable, the performance of the teachers of SMP Negeri in Kertapati,
Palembang. The population in this study was all of teachers who taught at state
junior high Schools in Kertapati, Palembang, consist of 186 people as listed in
Table 1.
Table 1. Population of the Study
SMP Negeri 36 Palembang 57 Teachers
SMP Negeri 12 Palembang 65 Teachers
SMP Negeri 25 Palembang 52 Teachers
Total 174 Teachers
In this study, we used a systematic Nonprobability sampling technique based
on the order of the population members who had been given a sequence number
based on the odd number sequence, they were no 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, and so on
(Sugiyono, 2017: 95). Thus, the sample of this study were 90 teachers consist of
30 teachers from SMP Negeri 36, 33 teachers from SMP Negeri 12, and 27
teachers from SMP Negeri 25 in Palembang. In this study, the data were collected
from the questionnaire distributed to the teachers and data were also collected
from documentation of school profile.
The validity testing of the instrument aimed at determining the extent of the
accuracy and thoroughness of the measuring instrument in carrying out its size
function. The validity testing used in this study was Pearson Product Moment
correlation analysis, to calculate the correlation between each statement with the
total score by using Statistical Product and Service Solution version 21. The
software calculates 30 trial samples outside the research sample. The results of the
calculation of all items of the questionnaire were consulted with the "r-table" of
product moment by using a significance level of 5% r count obtained > r table, it
showed that all the items on the questionnaire were valid so that they could be
used for this research. To measure the reliability of the questionnaire in this study,
the Cronbach's Alpha technique was used with the help of Statistical Product and
Service Solution version 21. The reliability testing found that the Cronbach alpha
value was greater than 0.07. It showed that the data used in this study were reliable
and can be used for this research.
The data from the respondents in the questionnaire that had been distributed
were processed and used to provide an overview or explanation of the responses of
respondents to each item of questionnaires given. The inferential statistics used
was simple regression analysis aimed at predicting the size of the dependent
variable by using data of independent variables which were already known to be of
magnitude. The simple regression analysis technique used in this study were the
test of coefficient determination (R2), regression testing (t-test). Whereas the
classic assumption test carried out in this research were normality testing and
heteroscedasticity testing.
Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig.
Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 38.880 4.975 7.815 .000
Work .290 .062 .396 4.712 .000
Ha: β1≠ 0 : Work Motivation has a positive influence on teachers’ performance
H0: β1= 0 : Work motivation does not have a positive influence on teachers’
From Table 2, it can be seen that the t-test result for work motivation
variable (X) on teachers’ performance (Y) showed the significance value of 0,000,
meaning that the significance value was lower than the probability value of 0.05
(0,000 <0.05) and the t-count showed the value of 4.712, meaning that the t-count
was greater than the t-table (t-count 4,712> t-table 1,98729). It can be concluded
that H0 was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that work motivation had a
positive influence on teachers’ performance and it can be said that work
motivation variable had a significant influence on teachers’ performance. The
coefficient value of work motivation variable had a positive value indicating that,
if work motivation increases, teachers’ performance will significantly increase,
and contrarily if work motivation decreases, teachers’ performance will
significantly decrease as well.
Teacher’s performance is the result obtained by a teacher in carrying out the
tasks that have been given to him/her. In this study, the result of t-test of work
motivation variable on teachers’ performance found that work motivation had an
influence on teachers’ performance and it can be said that work motivation
variable had a significant effect on teachers’ performance with sig. value lower
than the probability value and t-count was greater than t-table value. It also means
that, if work motivation, shown from the diligent and diligent dimensions, work
enthusiasm, feeling of joy, attention, and a sense of belonging and confidence have
increased, then teachers’ performance will increase also and vice versa if work
motivation has decreased, teachers’ performance will also decrease significantly.
Descriptive analysis results also found that more than 50% of respondents stated
strongly agree with the statement of the research questionnaire on work motivation
variable, in other words respondents gave very good responses about work
motivation they received.
Teacher’s work motivation was quite high in Kertapati, Palembang SMP
Negeri 36, SMP Negeri 12, and SMP Negeri 25 in Palembang, which had an effect
on increasing in teachers’ performance because it was the main factor for every
teacher to carry out their professional duties in accordance with the stipulated
provisions. This study found that there was an influence of work motivation on
performance. This means that one of the factors that influences the teacher in
obtaining optimal performance was motivation. This is in line with the theory
stated by Kaswan (2011), that the factors influence a person's performance are
one's characteristics, namely (1) ability and skill, attitude, and motivation; (2)
input: understanding the need for achievement, resources, disruption of work
demands, and opportunities for achievement; (3) outputs: standards for
determining performance success; (4) consequences: positive consequences or
achievement incentives, there are not many negative consequences for
achievement; and (5) feedback: frequent and directed feedback on how the work is
done. In this case, work motivation was one of the characteristics of the teacher
that could affect performance. Therefore, work motivation is related to or has a
very close correlation with increasing teacher performance or vice versa. The
higher the work motivation, the better the teacher's performance will be.
This was in line with the opinion of Sardiman (2006: 73), which stated that
motivation is a change in the strength or energy of a person that is indicated by the
emergence of feelings and marked the emergence of responses to the existence of
a goal. Hamalik (2004: 173) stated that the origin of the word motivation is a
meaningful motive as a driving force that has an influence on readiness to start
carrying out a series of activities in a behavioral attitude. According to Jason A.
Colquitt, Jeffery A. Lepine, Michael J. Wesson (2011: 179), motivation is defined
as a set of energetic forces that originates both within and outside an employee,
initiates work-related effort, and determines its direction, intensity, and
Work motivation is an attempt to prepare a certain condition, so that
someone has the desire to do something to realize a goal. Motivation can arise
because of external factors, but that motivation also arises from within a person
(internal) so that they have the desire to change from an attitude to behavior or a
better condition than before. Problems that often occur related to work motivation
in junior high schools as a research sample were including the low motivation in
carrying out the profession as a teacher, this was seen from the writer's daily
experience during work, often there were empty hours in the classroom because
the teacher was absent in class with various reasons so that teaching and learning
activities became disrupted, the frequency of teachers who arrived late to school
was quite common. This of course was a form of attitude that was less responsible
and could affect the teachers’ performance in schools.
The motivation of a teacher in carrying out their duties needs to be
improved, because without encouragement from someone to do something, that
person will not be able to achieve the desired goals. Motivation is necessary for a
teacher, because people who have motivation will always try to finish the job on
time and in accordance with predetermined goals. Mulyasa (2013: 120) stated that
the teachers will carry out the work seriously if they have high motivation. If
he/she has positive motivation, he/she will show interest, has attention, and wants
to be involved in a task or activity. Based on this opinion, teachers who are still
unsuccessful in carrying out teaching because they lack of motivation to teach
results in the declining of teachers’ performance. Therefore, the role of the
principal is needed in motivating teachers to improve their performance.
This research was also supported by the results of Ardiana's (2017), Enri
Cofermi Batubara’s (2009), Djalil’s (2009), Mur'aniah’s (2008), Isman Komari’s
(2010), Erdi A. Hamid’s (2011), and Haryono and Arafat’s (2017) researches who
found that there was a positive and significant relationship between work
motivation and teachers’ performance.
There was a positive influence of work motivation on the performance of
teachers at SMP Negeri 36, SMP Negeri 12, and SMP Negeri 25 of Kertapati
Palembang. Motivation of teachers in Palembang is expected to be enhanced
further by giving of praise, enthusiasm, and encouragement from the principal to
these teachers in carrying out their tasks, especially teaching and learning tasks in
class for optimal performance.
We would like to express our special thanks and gratitude to Rector Universitas
PGRI Palembang, Director of Graduate Program Universitas PGRI Palembang,
and Principal SMP Negeri 36 Palembang who gave us the support to do this
wonderful project. This project was funded independent. Secondly, we would also
like to thank our friends and teachers in Graduate Program of Educational
Management and SMP Negeri 36 Palembang who helped us a lot in finalizing this
project within the limited time frame.
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