pp1802r Tellurium PDF
pp1802r Tellurium PDF
pp1802r Tellurium PDF
Chapter R of
Critical Mineral Resources of the United States—Economic and
Environmental Geology and Prospects for Future Supply
hydrogen helium
1.008 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 4.003
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
39.10 40.08 44.96 47.88 50.94 52.00 54.94 55.85 58.93 58.69 63.55 65.39 69.72 72.64 74.92 78.96 79.90 83.79
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
85.47 87.62 88.91 91.22 92.91 95.96 (98) 101.1 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3
55 56 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
cesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
132.9 137.3 178.5 180.9 183.9 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.5 204.4 207.2 209.0 (209) (210) (222)
87 88 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
francium radium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium flerovium livermorium
(223) (226) (265) (268) (271) (270) (277) (276) (281) (280) (285) (284) (289) (288) (293) (294) (294)
57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
Lanthanide Series*
lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium
138.9 140.1 140.9 144.2 (145) 150.4 152.0 157.2 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.0 175.0
Modified from Los Alamos National Laboratory Chemistry Division; available at http://periodic.lanl.gov/images/periodictable.pdf.
Cover. Tellurium is a critical component for the development of efficient thin-film photovoltaic cells that are needed for the production of
electricity from sunlight. A 2-megawatt, ground-mounted solar photovoltaic array occupies the site of a former landfill at Fort Carson, Colo.
Photograph from the U.S. Department of Energy Western Area Power Administration.
Chapter R of
Critical Mineral Resources of the United States—Economic and
Environmental Geology and Prospects for Future Supply
Edited by Klaus J. Schulz, John H. DeYoung, Jr., Robert R. Seal II, and Dwight C. Bradley
For more information on the USGS—the Federal source for science about the Earth, its natural and living
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Although this information product, for the most part, is in the public domain, it also may contain copyrighted materials
as noted in the text. Permission to reproduce copyrighted items must be secured from the copyright owner.
Suggested citation:
Goldfarb, R.J., Berger, B.R., George, M.W., and Seal, R.R., II, 2017, Tellurium, chap. R of Schulz, K.J., DeYoung, J.H., Jr.,
Seal, R.R., II, and Bradley, D.C., eds., Critical mineral resources of the United States—Economic and environmental
geology and prospects for future supply: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1802, p. R1– R27, https://doi.org/
Abstract......................................................................................................................................................... R1
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. R1
Uses and Applications....................................................................................................................... R3
Demand and Availability of Supply.................................................................................................. R3
Geology.......................................................................................................................................................... R3
Geochemistry...................................................................................................................................... R3
Mineralogy........................................................................................................................................... R5
Deposit Types...................................................................................................................................... R6
Magmatic Copper–Nickel–Platinum-Group-Metal Sulfide Deposits................................ R6
Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposits........................................................................................... R7
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits............................................................................... R7
Porphyry Deposits..................................................................................................................... R7
Skarn Deposits........................................................................................................................... R8
Epithermal Deposits.................................................................................................................. R9
Orogenic Gold Deposits.......................................................................................................... R11
Carlin-Type Gold Deposits...................................................................................................... R12
Resources and Production....................................................................................................................... R12
Identified Resources and Reserves............................................................................................... R12
Undiscovered Resources................................................................................................................ R14
Exploration for New Deposits.................................................................................................................. R14
Environmental Considerations................................................................................................................. R14
Sources and Fate in the Environment........................................................................................... R15
Mine Waste Characteristics........................................................................................................... R15
Human Health Concerns.................................................................................................................. R16
Ecological Health Concerns............................................................................................................ R17
Carbon Footprint............................................................................................................................... R17
Mine Closure..................................................................................................................................... R17
Problems and Future Research............................................................................................................... R18
Acknowledgments..................................................................................................................................... R18
References Cited....................................................................................................................................... R18
R1. World map showing locations of selected tellurium-enriched mineral
occurrences discussed in the text, by deposit type............................................................. R2
R2. Pie chart showing major end uses of tellurium as a percentage of world
consumption in 2010................................................................................................................... R3
R3. Phase diagram showing speciation calculations for tellurium in a hydrothermal
fluid at 300 degrees Celsius (°C), as a function of pH and oxygen fugacity..................... R4
R4. Pie chart showing percentage of estimated world tellurium refinery production
in 2013, by country or region..................................................................................................... R13
R1. Tellurium-bearing minerals, many of which are mentioned in this chapter..................... R5
Conversion Factors
International System of Units to Inch/Pound
Multiply By To obtain
angstrom (Å) (0.1 nanometer) 0.003937 microinch
angstrom (Å) (0.1 nanometer) 0.000003937 mil
micrometer (µm) [or micron] 0.03937 mil
millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in.)
centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch (in.)
meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft)
meter (m) 1.094 yard (yd)
kilometer (km) 0.6214 mile (mi)
hectare (ha) 2.471 acre
square kilometer (km2) 247.1 acre
square meter (m2) 10.76 square foot (ft2)
square centimeter (cm2) 0.1550 square inch (ft2)
square kilometer (km2) 0.3861 square mile (mi2)
milliliter (mL) 0.03381 ounce, fluid (fl. oz)
liter (L) 33.81402 ounce, fluid (fl. oz)
liter (L) 1.057 quart (qt)
liter (L) 0.2642 gallon (gal)
cubic meter (m3) 264.2 gallon (gal)
cubic centimeter (cm3) 0.06102 cubic inch (in3)
cubic meter (m3) 1.308 cubic yard (yd3)
cubic kilometer (km3) 0.2399 cubic mile (mi3)
microgram (μg) 0.00000003527 ounce, avoirdupois (oz)
milligram (mg) 0.00003527 ounce, avoirdupois (oz)
gram (g) 0.03527 ounce, avoirdupois (oz)
gram (g) 0.03215075 ounce, troy
kilogram (kg) 32.15075 ounce, troy
kilogram (kg) 2.205 pound avoirdupois (lb)
ton, metric (t) 1.102 ton, short [2,000 lb]
ton, metric (t) 0.9842 ton, long [2,240 lb]
Deposit grade
gram per metric ton (g/t) 0.0291667 ounce per short ton (2,000 lb) (oz/T)
megapascal (MPa) 10 bar
gigapascal (GPa) 10,000 bar
gram per cubic centimeter (g/cm3) 62.4220 pound per cubic foot (lb/ft3)
milligram per cubic meter (mg/m3) 0.00000006243 pound per cubic foot (lb/ft3)
joule (J) 0.0000002 kilowatthour (kWh)
joule (J) 6.241 × 1018 electronvolt (eV)
joule (J) 0.2388 calorie (cal)
kilojoule (kJ) 0.0002388 kilocalorie (kcal)
Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows:
°F = (1.8 × °C) + 32
Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) may be converted to kelvin (K) as follows:
K = °C + 273.15
Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) may be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) as follows:
°C = (°F – 32) / 1.8
Unless otherwise stated, vertical and horizontal coordinate information is referenced to the
World Geodetic System of 1984 (WGS 84). Altitude, as used in this report, refers to distance
above the vertical datum.
Supplemental Information
Specific conductance is given in microsiemens per centimeter at 25 degrees Celsius (µS/cm
at 25 °C).
Concentrations of chemical constituents in soils and (or) sediment are given in milligrams per
kilogram (mg/kg), parts per million (ppm), or parts per billion (ppb).
Concentrations of chemical constituents in water are given in milligrams per liter (mg/L),
micrograms per liter (µg/L), nanogams per liter (ng/L), nanomoles per kilogram (nmol/kg),
parts per million (ppm), parts per billion (ppb), or parts per trillion (ppt).
Concentrations of suspended particulates in water are given in micrograms per gram (µg/g),
milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg), or femtograms per gram (fg/g).
Concentrations of chemicals in air are given in units of the mass of the chemical (milligrams,
micrograms, nanograms, or picograms) per volume of air (cubic meter).
Activities for radioactive constituents in air are given in microcuries per milliliter (μCi/mL).
Deposit grades are commonly given in percent, grams per metric ton (g/t)—which is equivalent
to parts per million (ppm)—or troy ounces per short ton (oz/T).
Geologic ages are expressed in mega-annum (Ma, million years before present, or 10 6 years ago)
or giga-annum (Ga, billion years before present, or 10 9 years ago).
For ranges of years, “to” and (or) the en dash (“–”) mean “up to and including.”
part per million (ppm): 1 ppm = 1,000 ppb = 1,000,000 ppt = 0.0001 percent
part per billion (ppb): 0.001 ppm = 1 ppb = 1,000 ppt = 0.0000001 percent
part per trillion (ppt): 0.000001 ppm = 0.001 ppb = 1 ppt = 0.0000000001 percent
f O2 log of oxygen fugacity
g/L gram per liter
g/t gram per metric ton
IOCG iron oxide-copper-gold
kg kilogram
kg CaCO3 / t kilogram of calcium carbonate per metric ton
m meter
Ma mega-annum
NI National Instrument
PGM platinum-group metal
ppb part per billion
ppm part per million
ppt part per trillion
Te(II) telluride
Te(IV) tellurite
Te(VI) tellurate
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
VMS volcanogenic massive sulfide
180° 135° 90° 45° 0° 45° 90° 135° 180°
Kankberg Kola Peninsula
Willow Noril’sk Sentyabr'sky
Creek Kensington
60° Pebble Hedley Ural Mountains
Golden Sunlight Metaliferi Bereznyakovskoe Sukhoi Log
Mount Milligan Mountains
50° Deer Horn Stillwater Red Lake Sandaowanzi
Getchell, Meikle Zortman-Landusky Kochbulak
Carlin, Deep Star Ortosa Elatsite Almalyk
Lone Pine Black Hills Kumtor
40° Bingham Canyon
Fortitude Skouriés
Grass Valley Joplin Rodalquilar Geodo
Cyprus Zarshuran
Mother Lode Ducktown
30° Cripple Creek
Bodie Hills Dashuigou/Majiagou
Jefferson Leadville Pueblo Viejo
Ely Ortiz Mountains Sapo Alegre
Kalamazoo LaPlata Baguio
Patagonia Telluride Lepanto
Mountains La Bambolla
Ashanti Ertsberg
R2 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
Base from U.S. Geological Survey Global 30 arc-second elevation data (1996) and from Natural Earth (2014); Robinson projection; World Geodetic System 1984 datum
Figure R1. World map showing locations of selected tellurium-enriched mineral occurrences discussed in the text, by deposit type. Tellurium is produced as a primary
Tellurium, Fig 1.
commodity from the Kankberg deposit located in Västerbotten County, Sweden, and the Dashuigou and Majiagou deposits located in Sichuan and Shaanxi Provinces,
respectively, in China. The deposit types shown here and discussed in the text are classified as follows: volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS), iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG),
orogenic gold, porphyry, epithermal, skarn, Carlin-type gold, magmatic copper–nickel–platinum-group metal (Cu-Ni-PGM), and other deposits.
Geology R3
30% Figure R2. Pie chart showing major end uses of tellurium as a
percentage of world consumption in 2010. Compiled using data
from Selenium Tellurium Development Association, Inc. (2010) and
Anderson (2015).
R4 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
The solubility and transport of tellurium in magmatic and based on the abundance of telluride minerals, include both
hydrothermal fluids are incompletely understood, particularly CO2-rich fluids that form orogenic gold and alkalic-related
at the temperatures and pressures of igneous melt reservoirs epithermal gold deposits, and CO2-poor fluids that typify most
and in high-grade metamorphic terranes. Taken together with low- and high-sulfidation precious-metal-bearing epithermal
the intrinsic low abundance of the element, the heterogeneity ores. Therefore, it is unlikely that CO2 plays a significant role
of the concentrations of tellurium within any mineral-deposit in the transport or concentration of tellurium. Furthermore,
type and the very fine granularity of telluride minerals limit although typical tellurium enrichments in ore deposits are
the ability to predict tellurium resources that might occur in assumed to reflect magmatic-hydrothermal activity, the
a specific type of mineral deposit. Tellurium has a relatively tellurium enrichment in many orogenic gold deposits, which
low solubility in aqueous solutions; fields for the dominant are widely accepted to have formed from nonmagmatic
aqueous tellurium species are shown as a function of pH and metamorphic fluids, suggests that such a magmatic association
oxygen fugacity in figure R3. Given the high abundance of is not necessary.
tellurium in some deposits, the low solubility suggests that
tellurium may be transported predominantly in the vapor 0
phase (for example, Cooke and McPhail, 2001), probably
as solvated molecular species. Tellurium occurs in volcanic
fumaroles, such as the high-tellurium amorphous arsenic-rich
sulfurite at Vulcano, Sicilia, Italy (Garavelli and others, 2013)
and in volcanic condensate sulfur from the Mendeleev volcano –10
in the Kuril Islands, Sakhalinskaya Oblast’, Russia, and the
Log oxygen fugacity H2TeO3(aq)
Mutnovskaya volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula
–15 HTeO3
(Sindeeva, 1964). Volatile transport of tellurium could also be 2–
enhanced owing to the suggested relatively high anhydrous
volatility of the element, along with that of arsenic, mercury, –20
and selenium (for example, Saunders and Brueseke, 2012),
where Hg>As>Se>Te>Tl>>Sb>Pb>Ag>Cu>Au. In addi-
tion, the common enrichment of tellurium in nonmagmatic
orogenic gold systems may indicate that carbon dioxide (CO2)
immiscibility also is an important factor leading to the gaseous –30
transport and concentration of tellurium. Mt
Py Te2–
Although tellurium varies in oxidation state from Po HTe
–2 (telluride) to +4 (tellurite) to +6 (tellurate), tellurium is 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
most soluble as tellurite in hydrothermal fluids. Hydrothermal pH
waters in the areas of epithermal gold deposits may contain
as much as 4 ppb tellurium, and some sea-floor hot springs EXPLANATION
have as much as 18 ppb tellurium (Grundler and others, Stability field for native tellurium
2013). In typical reduced hydrothermal fluids (for example, Stability field for aqueous tellurium species
log f O2 <–30), Te22– is the dominant tellurium-bearing ion Boundary of stability field for tellurium species
(Brugger and others, 2012), although under slightly more Boundary of stability field for iron-bearing minerals
acidic or very reduced conditions HTe– is dominant and
H2TeO3 could be important in very acidic and less reduced Figure R3. Figure R3. diagram showing speciation calculations
solutions (fig. R3; McPhail, 1995; Grundler and others, 2013). for tellurium in a hydrothermal fluid at 300 degrees Celsius (°C),
The Te22– activity is controlled in aqueous solutions by the as a function of pH and oxygen fugacity, with the following
solubility of native tellurium, which is commonly deposited activities: tellurium=10−10, iron=0.1, sulfur=10−4, and chlorine=0.5.
along with many telluride phases. The tellurate species are At an activity of tellurium of 10−10, a typical near-neutral to acidic,
dominant under only very oxidizing conditions, such as in reduced aqueous fluid cannot carry much tellurium, and native
near-surface weathering of telluride-rich ores (fig. R3). tellurium will be stable (shaded area in lower left side of diagram).
Some researchers have suggested that the common The low solubility of tellurium in aqueous solutions suggests
occurrence of gold-bearing telluride minerals implies the that concentration of tellurium in a vapor may be important for
transport of gold as a soluble tellurium complex (for example, mineral formation unless the fluid has a very high concentration of
Jensen and Barton, 2000; Cooke and McPhail, 2001; Brugger tellurium (that is, at an activity of Te=10−8 or greater). The oxygen-
and others, 2012), although most experimental evidence at bearing tellurate species, although with large stability fields,
magmatic conditions indicates the transport of gold either are only significant under very oxidizing conditions above a log
as a sulfide complex (Loucks and Mavrogenes, 1999) or as oxygen fugacity of about 10–29 for any pH value. After Grundler
both chloride and sulfide complexes (Frank and others, 2011). and others (2013). aq, aqueous; He, hematite; Mt, magnetite;
Hydrothermal fluids with anomalous tellurium concentrations, Po, pyrrhotite; Py, pyrite; and Te, tellurium
Geology R5
Studies of both liquid and vapor fluid inclusions from shifts, and (or) redox change, can destabilize tellurium-
porphyry and epithermal deposits have indicated concentra- bearing complexes (for example, Cooke and McPhail, 2001;
tions of hundreds of parts per million tellurium in the fluids Ciobanu and others, 2006; Maslennikov and others, 2013).
that formed some deposits (Wallier and others, 2006; Pudack Most hypogene telluride minerals probably were deposited
and others, 2009). For example, fluid inclusions in high- at temperatures of between 300 and 100 degrees Celsius (oC)
sulfidation epithermal veins in Romania contained as much as (for example, Zhang and Spry, 1994; Shackleton and others,
3 weight percent tellurium, which appeared to correlate with 2003), although in some magmatic copper-nickel-PGM
enrichments in dissolved silver and gold (Kouzmanov and deposits, palladium- and (or) lead-bearing tellurides are stable
others, 2010). Grundler and others (2009, 2013) concluded at temperatures of 400 oC (Vymazalová and Drábek, 2011).
that these unusually elevated tellurium concentrations indicate
that aqueous tellurite was transported in a highly oxidized
magmatic fluid and (or) in a fluid with basic pH (approxi- Mineralogy
mately greater than pH 8), with tellurite reduction by fluid-
rock interaction or by fluid mixing that caused precipitation The most common tellurium-bearing minerals are listed
of telluride minerals. Available information suggests that in table R1. These minerals occur in many different types of
any drastic change in fluid conditions, including a decrease ore deposits, but the minerals themselves are typically too low
in temperature, wallrock sulfidation, phase separation, pH in abundance to be sources for recoverable tellurium ore.
Table R1. Tellurium-bearing minerals, many of which are mentioned in this chapter.
Great Dyke, Zimbabwe, are arsenides and bismuthotellurides Paleoproterozoic (circa 1,890 mega-annum [Ma]) Skellefteå
(Oberthür, 2002; Mitrofanov and others, 2005). In the Late district in Västerbotten County, Sweden, was originally mined
Archean Stillwater Complex in Montana, mineralized samples as a copper-zinc deposit into the 1990s, and it was classified by
with as much as 182 ppm palladium and 52 ppm platinum some workers as a VMS deposit. The deposit has been reopened
also contain as much as 17 ppm tellurium and significant as a gold-tellurium mine that is projected to produce approxi-
amounts of arsenic and bismuth, reflecting a complex telluride mately 10 percent of the world’s tellurium, or about 41 metric
mineralogy (Zientek and others, 1990). tons per year, from 2012 to 2020 (Boliden Group, 2011). Thus,
Kankberg represents one of the few presently active mining
operations in which tellurium is a primary product and telluride
Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold Deposits minerals are the source of the tellurium. The ore averages
approximately 4.1 grams per metric ton (g/t) gold and 186 g/t
Iron oxide-copper-gold (IOCG) deposits represent a
tellurium. The sea-floor deposit is thought to be rich in tellurium
poorly defined and understood group of deposits of mainly
and is possibly a hybrid VMS-epithermal system that formed
Precambrian age (Groves and others, 2010). They are gener-
on a shallow part of the ocean floor. If this is correct, it would
ally defined as sulfur-poor magmatic-hydrothermal deposits
indicate that significant amounts of tellurium are available
with large resources of copper, gold, iron, and (or) uranium in
from sea-floor deposits and are not solely associated with the
extensional cratonic settings. There are few data on tellurium
more classic subaerial epithermal ores described below (for
in IOCG deposits. The anode slime at the refinery of the giant
example, Mercier-Langevin and others, 2013). Numerous VMS
Mesoproterozoic Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia,
deposits—both ancient ones exposed on continents and modern
Australia, which is the world’s largest identified IOCG deposit,
ones presently forming on the sea floor—may thus be associ-
averages about 3.5 percent tellurium (Moats and others, 2007)
ated with an epithermal suite of trace elements (for example,
and is a source of some tellurium production. This indicates that
Hannington and others, 2005; Berkenbosch and others, 2012)
the tellurium produced from Olympic Dam is recovered from
and potentially could be highly enriched in tellurium.
the bornite, chalcocite, and chalcopyrite ore minerals. Discrete
telluride phases at Olympic Dam have not been reported.
Porphyry Deposits
Tellurium is enriched in sulfide and (or) telluride
Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits
phases in most copper porphyry deposits and thus may be
The volcanogenic massive sulfide (VMS) deposits consist a recoverable byproduct during milling of some of these
of strata-bound sulfide minerals that formed at or near the copper ores. Porphyry deposits are shallowly formed
sea floor in association with contemporaneous volcanism. magmatic-hydrothermal deposits typically developed in the
The leading producers of tellurium in Russia are the VMS cupolas to porphyritic intrusions within active continental
deposits in the Ural Mountains, which yield about 35 metric margins above subduction zones. The deposits are generally
tons per year of tellurium (Safirova, 2012). Fine-grained characterized by stockwork veinlets rich in copper- and
telluride minerals are abundant in the Silurian and Devonian (or) molybdenum-bearing minerals. The principal source of
copper-zinc VMS deposits of the Urals (Vikentyev, 2006). tellurium in the United States and the world is as a byproduct
Maslennikov and others (2013) described a variety of of copper refining of ores from large-tonnage, low-grade
Ag-Pb-Bi-Te and Cu-Ag-Te-S solid-solution series phases and copper and copper-gold porphyry deposits. For example, the
tellurium-rich sulfosalts in ancient sea-floor chimney struc- giant Carboniferous copper porphyry deposits of the Almalyk
tures. They suggest, however, that chalcopyrite is the most district in Toshkent Province, Uzbekistan, are a source of
significant host for tellurium. In the Sibay VMS deposit in the recovered tellurium; the deposits were estimated to contain
Urals region of Bashkortostan Republic, Russia, tellurium is 1,098 metric tons of tellurium in 1996 (Levine, 2011, citing
predominantly associated with copper ores (which average 11 report from United States Trade and Development Agency,
ppm tellurium), whereas zinc-rich ores less frequently have 1996). In the Almalyk district, average concentrations in
detectable levels of tellurium (Sindeeva, 1964). In the Uchaly ore were 16 ppm tellurium at the Kal’makyr deposit and
deposit, which is also located in the Urals region of Bashkor- 7 to 8 ppm tellurium at the Dalnee deposit. In the world-class
tostan Republic, pyrite and pyrite-copper ores contain from 22 Cretaceous Pebble copper-gold-molybdenum deposit in
to 190 ppm tellurium (Sindeeva, 1964). No production data Alaska, calaverite and petzite have been observed to contain
are available for individual deposits; tellurium is recovered some of the gold. Gregory and others (2013) estimate that
from electrolytic refining of the copper-rich VMS ores, but 2.5 to 3.0 percent of the gold in the deposit is hosted by the
the discrete telluride phases are unlikely to be important two telluride phases. These phases occur as inclusions in chal-
contributors. copyrite, which is the main copper ore mineral at the Pebble
Some VMS deposits are transitional with telluride-bearing deposit. The majority of what is conjectured to be an enor-
epithermal precious-metal mineral occurrences, including mous tellurium endowment at the Pebble deposit is potentially
those as old as Archean (for example, Côté-Mantha and hosted in the structure of chalcopyrite and pyrite, however,
others, 2012). The poorly understood Kankberg deposit in the assuming these phases contain tellurium concentrations similar
R8 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
to sulfide minerals in many porphyry deposits, which provide alkalic porphyritic intrusions. These include those
much of the byproduct tellurium produced in the United States of the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic continental arc in
and the world. It is not clear whether tellurium recovery is British Columbia, Canada. The Mount Milligan copper-gold
planned if and when the Pebble deposit goes into production. deposit, which is one of the larger deposits of the group, is
Palladium is enriched in many porphyry copper-gold deposits, characterized by a late-stage “subepithermal” or intermediate-
reflecting the presence of palladium-bearing telluride minerals sulfidation overprinting event that deposited an Au-PGM-As-
as distinct grains or as inclusions in bornite and chalcopyrite. Sb-Bi-Te-Hg assemblage, perhaps by way of vapor transport
For example, merenskyite is a common tellurium-rich phase (LeFort and others, 2011). Many gold-rich epithermal
that is associated with lesser amounts of hessite and kotulskite deposits, particularly those related to alkalic igneous rocks,
in many porphyry deposits (Economou-Eliopoulos, 2005). contain significant tellurium concentrations and may reflect
Eilers (1914) reported that the Tertiary Bingham Canyon late-stage events in an evolving porphyry-epithermal
deposit in Utah contained greater than 23 to 27 ppm tellurium magmatic-hydrothermal system. The La Plata deposit in
in blister copper (the almost pure copper produced during La Plata County, Colo., may be such an example, where gold-
refining), although tellurium was not detected in the partially telluride vein and replacement deposits surround an alkaline
refined copper from the porphyry deposits at Ely, Nevada. intrusion that is rich in gold and copper (Jones, 1992).
High-grade copper-molybdenum-gold ore from Bingham Some workers have suggested that epithermal
Canyon has been estimated to average 4.8 ppm tellurium gold-silver-tellurium mineralization is closely linked to the
(Austen and Ballantyne, 2011). Economou-Eliopoulos and more molybdenum-rich alkalic porphyry deposits (Rice
Eliopoulos (2000) reported whole-rock concentrations of and others, 1985; Saunders, 1991). Spry and others (1996),
tellurium ranging from 0.33 to 2.7 ppm in mineralized samples for example, described the Golden Sunlight deposit in
from the Skouriés deposit and the adjacent Fissoka prospect Jefferson County, Montana, as an epithermal gold deposit that
in the Peloponnísos region of Greece. Tokmakchieva (2002) developed in alteration surrounding an alkaline, low-grade
and Tarkian and others (2003) reported as much as 106 ppm molybdenum-bearing Late Cretaceous porphyry intrusion.
tellurium in ore samples from the Elatsite deposit in Sofiya, They described bismuth-, gold-, and silver-rich telluride
Bulgaria. Economou-Eliopoulos and Eliopoulos (2000) also minerals in a breccia pipe that overprints the earlier stockwork
estimated concentrations of 4.0 and 18.5 ppm tellurium in two molybdenum mineralization and represents the later stages of
samples of chalcopyrite from the Skouriés deposit. Reported a magmatic-hydrothermal system. Whether or not tellurium is
differences in concentrations from the deposits likely reflect also concentrated in early-stage molybdenite and is recovered
sampling variability; higher concentrations result from as a byproduct from milling of molybdenum porphyry deposits
analyses of samples of mainly copper-bearing sulfide minerals is uncertain. In the United States, all tellurium production is
that may contain hundreds of parts per million tellurium, from ASARCO LLC’s copper refinery in Amarillo, Texas,
whereas samples of sulfide minerals in wallrock would have which processes copper ore but not molybdenum ore
much lower concentrations. (David A. John, Research Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey,
Although the main copper ± gold ores in porphyry written commun., 2013); consequently, porphyry molybdenum
deposits at Ely, White Pine County, Nevada, are not enriched deposits located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado are not
in tellurium, mineralized rock in the silver-rich halo is highly a present-day source of domestic tellurium production.
anomalous in tellurium, averaging about 100 ppm tellurium
(Gott and McCarthy, 1966). Watterson and others (1977) also
found high concentrations of tellurium in silicified rocks in a
Skarn Deposits
halo surrounding the copper ores. Chaffee (1982) identified two Copper-bearing skarn deposits that were formed in areas
zones with anomalous whole-rock tellurium at the Kalamazoo of replacement of carbonate rock by garnet, pyroxene, and
deposit in Pinal County, Arizona. The highest concentrations of other calc-silicate minerals commonly are associated with
tellurium were present in the outer pyritic halo of the porphyry porphyry copper deposits where carbonate rocks are part of the
deposit, whereas lower anomaly values corresponded with country-rock assemblage. Fuertes-Fuente and others (2000)
the copper-gold ore zone. Cox and others (1975) identified a report hedleyite in the Ortosa deposit in Asturias, Spain, and
similar zonation at the Sapo Alegre deposit in Puerto Rico. Prendergast and others (2005) report altaite, hessite, petzite,
Therefore, although much of the present tellurium production and tetradymite in the Big Gossan and Wanagon skarn deposits
is a byproduct from copper production from porphyry copper in the Ertsberg district of Papua Province, Indonesia. In the
ores, future primary resources may be considered in the altera- Darwin district of Inyo County, California, bismuth tellurides,
tion halos of many porphyry deposits if tellurium demand rickardite, and tellurium-rich sulfosalts occur (Afifi and others,
increases. Because tellurium is relatively volatile compared 1988). In many gold-rich skarns, bismuth and tellurium are
with many other elements, it is not surprising that there are both enriched (for example, at the Hedley deposit in British
high tellurium concentrations in alteration zones surrounding Columbia, Canada [Meinert, 2000]; the Fortitude deposit in
the main bulk-minable copper resources. Lander County, Nev. [Meinert, 2000]; the Stormont deposit
Many of the porphyry systems with abundant telluride in Tasmania, Australia [Cockerton and Tomkins, 2012]; and
minerals are specifically associated with subduction-related the Geodo deposit in Gangwon, Republic of Korea [Kim and
Geology R9
others, 2012]). It is unknown whether skarns contribute to the Dashuigou deposit and the Majiagou deposit [Sichuan
any of the world’s tellurium production. If large refineries that Province]) (Mao and others, 2002), and (c) Papua New Guinea
recover copper from numerous porphyry deposits also handle and Fiji (for example, in Papua New Guinea, the Porgera
some ores from surrounding skarns, then potentially some deposit in Enga Province, the Mt. Kare deposit in Enga
byproduct tellurium may have been produced from the skarns. Province, and the Lihir deposit in New Ireland Province; and
in Fiji, the Emperor deposit in Viti Levu). In the Cripple Creek
district, Gott and others (1967) reported the district-wide
Epithermal Deposits background as 2.7 ppm tellurium in volcanic rocks, with an
Epithermal gold and silver deposits may or may not be average value of 10.7 ppm tellurium in areas of anomalous
associated with porphyry deposits. They are more shallowly gold. In China, the adjacent Dashuigou and Majiagou
formed deposits commonly consisting of veins associated deposits are rare examples in which tellurium is the main ore
with volcanic activity. Tellurium typically is more abundant commodity; it is recovered mainly from tetradymite. Many
and tellurium-bearing minerals are more diverse in epithermal deposits in this alkaline subtype are typically characterized by
deposits than in porphyry and other types of magmatic a fluorine-gold-tellurium-vanadium magmatic-hydrothermal
deposits. Tellurium in epithermal deposits occurs in telluride geochemical signature (Jensen and Barton, 2000; Simmons
minerals, as native tellurium, and as tellurium-bearing sulfo- and others, 2005).
salts in unoxidized ores, as well as in the form of tellurites in Saunders and Brueseke (2012) suggested that alkaline,
secondary ores. Tellurium is enriched in both main subclasses tellurium-rich low-sulfidation epithermal deposits of the
of the epithermal type; that is, the so-called high-sulfidation Western United States are preferentially located over
and low-sulfidation epithermal varieties (for example, White Precambrian basement rocks east of the initial 87Sr/ 86Sr = 0.706
and Hedenquist, 1990). The high-sulfidation subclass, which is isopleth. They show a distinct break in epithermal ore
spatially associated in many instances with porphyry deposits geochemistry, as tellurium is more abundant than selenium
(Simmons and others, 2005), typically is characterized by an to the east and selenium is more abundant than tellurium to
alteration assemblage that includes alunite, kaolinite, quartz, the west of the ancient cratonic margin. The tellurium-rich
and pyrophyllite. The low-sulfidation subclass is typically epithermal province, which extends from Montana to New
characterized by an alteration assemblage that includes Mexico, has mainly alkalic magmatism, whereas the selenium-
adularia, quartz, and sericite (illite). Some epithermal districts rich ores occur with more typical calc-alkaline rocks. Saunders
contain both high-sulfidation and low-sulfidation types of ores. and Brueseke (2012) related the different patterns to differ-
Low-sulfidation epithermal deposits occur with a wider ences in the volatility of the metalloids within a subducting
variety of igneous rock compositions than do high-sulfidation Laramide slab; less volatile tellurium is released later and at
deposits, but they also occur in some hydrothermal systems greater depths, and thus further inboard than the selenium.
that lack any obvious magmatic input. Tellurium-bearing There are, however, notable exceptions to this pattern,
minerals may constitute economically significant gold ores, including tellurium-rich low- and high-sulfidation gold ores
such as at deposits in the Cripple Creek district of Teller County, at Bodie in eastern California (David A. John, Research
Colo., or they may be minor accessories, such as at deposits in Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, written commun., 2013).
the Telluride district of San Miguel County, Colo. Although not About 5 metric tons of tellurium were produced in the
in all cases, economically significant tellurium-bearing ores early 1960s from the Lone Pine deposit in the Wilcox district
occur in epithermal-like veins with a polymetallic character, in Catron County, New Mexico, where fluorite, gold, and
which are sometimes referred to as intermediate-sulfidation silver have also been recovered in minor amounts (Lueth and
epithermal deposits; that is, they contain significant amounts others, 1996). Low-sulfidation ores are hosted by Oligocene
of copper, lead, and zinc sulfide and sulfosalt minerals, and rhyolitic intrusions in a caldera ring complex. Telluride
are sometimes considered a transitional deposit type between minerals (krennerite?) and native tellurium are reported. The
epithermal and porphyry ores (Simmons and others, 2005). weathering of pyrite and native tellurium led to formation of
Most epithermal deposits are associated with subduction- many different iron tellurate minerals. The original hypogene
related oceanic or continental magmatic arcs. One subtype telluride mineralization was best developed at the pyrite-
of the low-sulfidation-type gold-silver epithermal deposit fluorite transition, where the deposit was upwardly zoned from
is associated with alkaline to subalkaline, light-rare-earth- pyrite to pyrite-tellurides to fluorite (Lueth and others, 1996).
element-enriched magmatism in back-arc and post-subduction Pals and Spry (2003) report that telluride minerals associ-
settings, and is notably enriched in tellurium (Jensen and ated with alkaline magmatism account for 10 to 50 percent of
Barton, 2000; Kelley and Spry, 2016). These alkaline gold the gold in the Emperor deposit at Vatukoula in Fiji’s Western
deposits include those of (a) the Rocky Mountain System Division. Sylvanite is the main precious-metal-hosting phase,
of the United States (for example, the Zortman-Landusky although the epithermal ores also include benleonardite,
district in Phillips County, Mont.; the northern Black Hills coloradoite, and native tellurium. Grab samples of these ores
of South Dakota; the Cripple Creek district in Teller County, contain as much as 345 ppm tellurium, which correlates with
Colo.; and the Ortiz Mountains of New Mexico), (b) the very high concentrations of fluorine, gold, selenium, and silver
Himalayan foreland of southwestern China (for example, (Kwak, 1990).
R10 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
The Dashuigou deposit in the alkalic magmatic province is still very speculative, however, as such a possibility is based
of southwestern China (Sichuan Province) hosts a reported solely upon a small number of drill intersections with assays
9,400-metric-ton indicated resource averaging 1.40 percent of tens to hundreds of parts per million tellurium.
tellurium and a 20,800-metric-ton inferred resource averaging High-sulfidation epithermal deposits are a significant
0.51 percent tellurium, for a total resource of 240 metric gold source, and some have produced appreciable amounts of
tons of tellurium. The indicated and inferred resources at the copper (for example, the Lepanto deposit in Benguet Province,
similar nearby Majiagou deposit in Sichuan Province contain Philippines, and the El Indio deposit in the Coquimbo region
an estimated 272 metric tons of tellurium; the average grade of Chile). The deposits are synvolcanic in the centers of
of the resources is about 2 percent tellurium. The ores contain andesite-dacite volcanic complexes. Copper-arsenic-antimony
even larger bismuth resources, reflecting the composition sulfosalts are the principal copper-bearing minerals. Tellurium
of the tetradymite (Bi2Te2S)—59.27 percent bismuth, commonly substitutes for arsenic and antimony in tennantite
36.19 percent tellurium, and 4.55 percent sulfur, by weight locally and in sufficient abundance to form the tellurian
(Behre Dolbear Asia Inc., 2009). The tellurium resource endmember goldfieldite. In all well-studied high-sulfidation
occurs in low-sulfidation epithermal veins with highly variable epithermal deposits, precious-metal telluride minerals have
grades that locally reach 8 percent tellurium (Behre Dolbear been documented, although they are generally less economi-
Asia Inc., 2009). Many parts of the orebodies consist of cally important than native gold and electrum. At the El Indio
massive pyrrhotite, which were previously mined for iron. The deposit, native tellurium is associated with high-sulfidation
ores also contain anomalous gold, which is interpreted to have alteration (Siddeley and Araneda, 1986).
been deposited after both the tellurium-bearing phases and Kesler and others (2003) documented the distribution
native tellurium (Mao and others, 2002). The current annual of tellurium in the high-sulfidation epithermal deposits of the
production of these two deposits is unknown, but Anderson Pueblo Viejo district in Sánchez Ramírez Province, Dominican
(2015) estimated it to be between 10 and 30 metric tons per Republic. They concluded that tellurium appears to increase
year of tellurium. steadily upward in the deposit. In the district’s Monte Negro
Cook and Ciobanu (2005) importantly stressed that orebody, higher tellurium concentrations generally correspond
although there is definitely a common genetic link between to higher gold concentrations, and both increase steadily
tellurium-bearing gold deposits and alkalic magmatism, many upward in the deposit. Lehmann and others (1999) discussed
low-sulfidation epithermal systems with significant volumes of the abundance of telluride minerals in the Bereznyakovskoe
telluride minerals are also associated with normal calc-alkaline high-sulfidation epithermal deposit in Chelyabinskaya Oblast’
magmatism. For example, calc-alkaline-related telluride in the Urals. They noted that precious-metal mineralization
ores are diverse and were historically economic across a was associated with a tetrahedrite-telluride hydrothermal
600-square-kilometer area in the Munţii Metaliferi (Metaliferi stage, and that mineralized and altered rock varied from tens
Mountains) in western Romania, which is one of Earth’s to hundreds of parts per million tellurium. At the Lepanto
richest epithermal ore regions (Alderton and Fallick, 2000). deposit, Benguet Province, Philippines, enargite grains were
The western Romania telluride minerals include hedleyite, noted to contain many hundreds of parts per million tellurium
rucklidgeite, and tsumoite, which are not common in most (Deyell and Hedenquist, 2011). Chaffee and others (1981)
tellurium-rich epithermal deposits and tend to occur in the analyzed stream sediment samples from the Patagonia Moun-
shallowest parts of the deposits (Cook and Ciobanu, 2004). tains in Arizona and found tellurium anomalies (>399 ppb)
Over several centuries, until 1941, the Sacarimb deposit, consistently associated with high-sulfidation alteration, as well
which is located in Hunedoara County in the Metaliferi as a high local background of 100 to 399 ppb tellurium and
Mountains, is estimated to have cumulatively produced a broader regional background of 15 to 99 ppb tellurium in
30 metric tons of gold, 85 metric tons of silver, and 60 metric samples more distal to the mineralization.
tons of tellurium from ores that averaged 20 g/t tellurium and The variety of telluride minerals in high-sulfidation
10 g/t gold. Ore minerals were mainly nagyagite and sylvanite deposits is not extensive. The common telluride minerals are
that were deposited in Neogene calc-alkaline volcanic rocks calaverite, hessite, krennerite, petzite, and sylvanite. Arribas
(Popescu and Neacsu, 2004). This deposit is also the type and others (1995) reported the occurrence of the secondary
locality for krennerite, museumite, muthmannite, nagyágite, tellurite minerals blakeite, emmonsite, and rodalquilarite at
petzite, and stutzite. The telluride minerals were deposited Rodalquilar, Andalucia, Spain.
at temperatures of between 200 and 300 oC from very dilute The Deer Horn intermediate-sulfidation epithermal
hydrothermal solutions (Cook and others, 2005). deposit in west-central British Columbia, Canada, contains
Other low-sulfidation epithermal deposits with an high gold and silver grades with abundant base-metal
abundance of telluride minerals could be future sources of sulfides and telluride minerals. A National Instrument
tellurium resources. For example, the Jefferson gold-silver (NI) 43–101 resource evaluation (Deer Horn Metals Inc.,
project, which is located a few kilometers east of the giant 2012) suggested resources of 66 metric tons of tellurium,
Round Mountain low-sulfidation epithermal deposit in as well as 2,100 kilograms (kg) (68,000 troy ounces) of
Nye County, Nev., has also been evaluated as a primary tellur- gold and 65,000 kg (2.1 million troy ounces) of silver.
ium resource (Mexivada Mining Corp., 2008). This evaluation Tellurium concentrations in drill intercepts with the highest
Geology R11
precious-metal grades are generally 150 to 250 ppm, and some resource is hosted in late-stage telluride minerals (Lindgren,
of the highest values were in the thousands of parts per million 1906; Mueller and Muhling, 2013). Many of the higher-grade
tellurium; analyses of these zones indicate a silver-to-tellurium gold zones contain hundreds of parts per million tellurium.
ratio that is generally about 1:1. Recognized minerals that concentrate gold, mercury, and (or)
The Sandaowanzi intermediate-sulfidation epithermal silver, as well as the tellurium, include calaverite, coloradoite,
deposit in Heilongjiang Province is one of the many hessite, and petzite, with a total of 19 distinct telluride phases
extension-related Early Cretaceous epithermal and porphyry identified. Mueller and Muhling (2013) described a zoning of
deposits of northeastern China. The deposit contains more telluride minerals that progressed from a core of calaverite to
than 15 metric tons of gold and has been mined since 2006. It hessite to an outer, very late coloradoite zone. Shackleton and
is almost entirely characterized by micrometer- to millimeter- others (2003) noted the telluride minerals occur as fine-grained
size disseminated and quartz vein-hosted, coarse-grained composite aggregates, massive segregations, composite grains
silver- and gold-bearing telluride minerals, with lesser with native gold, inclusions in and intergrowths with pyrite
amounts of lead- and mercury-bearing telluride minerals; the and tetrahedrite-group minerals, or inclusions in carbonates,
largest grains are 3 centimeters in diameter (Liu and others, quartz, and tourmaline. Eilu and others (1998) measured
2011, 2013). Tellurium is likely being recovered, although tellurium anomalies of greater than 10 ppm in mafic volcanic
the amount being recovered is not available. rocks for more than 100 meters (m) beyond the Western
Some tellurium-rich deposits have descriptive attributes Australia ore zones and suggested that tellurium is a very
of both low- and high-sulfidation deposits; for example, the important geochemical pathfinder for orogenic gold in the
deposit at Kochbulak in Toshkent Province, Uzbekistan. Yilgarn Craton.
Here, the telluride mineral assemblage is more diverse than Similarly, many of the world-class Archean gold deposits
is typical of high-sulfidation deposits, and the tellurium of the Abitibi and Yellowknife greenstone belts in Canada may
content of ores averages 101.6 ppm (Plotinskaya and others, have elevated concentrations of tellurium, typically in gold-
2006). In the Baguio district, Benguet Province, Philippines, bearing telluride minerals. Telluride minerals are common
both intermediate- and high-sulfidation epithermal mineral in deposits in the Kirkland Lake and Red Lake districts of
deposits are present, whereas abundant telluride minerals are Ontario, Canada. As in other deposits, the tellurides, as well
associated only with the advanced argillic alteration in the as much of the gold, are typically paragenetically late stage
high-sulfidation ores. (for example, Thomson, 1928). Native gold in the syenite-
hosted gold-bearing veins at the Kirkland Lake deposit occurs
with altaite, calaverite, coloradoite, and petzite, as well as
Orogenic Gold Deposits sericite. Highest grade ore samples of about 200 to 400 ppm
Structurally controlled gold deposits in metamorphic gold also contain about 200 to 500 ppm molybdenum and
rocks, or orogenic gold deposits, may contain high abundances 300 to 700 ppm tellurium, with a typical gold-molybdenum-
of tellurium-bearing mineral phases. High concentrations tellurium signature interpreted as representing an alkali
of tellurium are present in both Precambrian deposits in magmatic ore fluid source that is unusual in the district
greenstone belts and in Phanerozoic gold deposits hosted (Ispolatov and others, 2008). Boyle (1979) reported that the
in metasedimentary rock-dominant orogens. Similar to the tellurium in the ores of the Yellowknife mining district in
epithermal deposits, these concentrations of tellurium have so Northwest Territories, Canada, contained, in the main sulfide
far not been recovered during gold mining, although gold- stage, as much as 1,000 ppm tellurium in galena, 100 ppm
bearing tellurides can constitute a significant amount of the tellurium in stibnite, and 100 ppm tellurium in lead-bearing
recovered gold ore. In many districts, specific deposits hosted sulfosalt minerals.
by local intrusions, rather than those in widespread meta A strong gold-tellurium association is also recognized
volcanic or metasedimentary country rocks, tend to contain at Ashanti in Western Region, Ghana, which hosts the
a high abundance of telluride minerals (see the discussion world’s largest Paleoproterozoic orogenic gold deposit. Four
of Kirkland Lake and Kensington below), suggesting that microscopic telluride minerals (altaite, coloradoite, hessite,
oxidation of ore fluids by the felsic to intermediate igneous and petzite) and seven submicroscopic telluride minerals have
rocks provides, in some cases, a major control on destabilizing been analyzed at Ashanti within a hematite-quartz-telluride
hydrothermal tellurium complexes. Abundant tellurides and assemblage; the assemblage was deposited with minor
the presence of hydrothermal hematite in other deposits, such amounts of native gold that formed after an earlier event that
as the Golden Mile deposit in Western Australia, Australia, and deposited the bulk of the gold ore (Bowell and others, 1990).
the Commoner deposit in Mashonaland West, Zimbabwe, also The telluride mineral distribution is zoned from an inner
suggest some degree of oxidation of the ore fluids. coloradoite-rich assemblage in the veins to an assemblage
The world’s largest Archean orogenic gold deposit, the dominated by altaite along the vein walls and in the country
Golden Mile, which is hosted in mainly mafic metavolcanic rocks. The late telluride event was shown to reflect a cooling
rocks of the Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia, contains of fluid temperature and associated oxidation, because
1,500 metric tons of gold. Although the majority of the hypogene hematite and goethite were deposited with the
ore is hosted in arsenic-rich pyrite, about 20 percent of the telluride minerals.
R12 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
Whether the orogenic gold-tellurium deposits in Sonora, from refineries abroad. About 66 percent of the tellurium was
Mexico, are also active primary tellurium producers is not imported from China and Canada, and lesser amounts were
clear (for example, La Bambolla with a possible eastern imported from the Philippines and Belgium (George, 2014b).
extension at AuroTellurio). Importantly, prior to leaching and Global reserves of tellurium were 24,000 metric
recovery, most gold ores are roasted or subjected to other tons in the beginning of 2014, which includes estimates
pre-leaching processes. Tellurium is not recovered during of 3,600 metric tons in Peru, 3,500 metric tons in the
this pretreatment and is typically lost from later recovery. United States, and 800 metric tons in Canada (George,
The availability of economically recoverable tellurium 2014b). The lack of reserves in Chile is surprising, given
depends on the production of copper as a (or the) primary that its porphyry deposits make Chile the world’s leading
product. Reliance on mining tellurium as a primary material copper producer; this indicates the lack of publicly available
would drastically increase its cost. At least 75 percent of data for Chile, which also is characteristic of much of the
the world’s recovered tellurium is produced as a byproduct global tellurium supply. Refineries around the world are
of copper mining, although not all the mined tellurium estimated to produce 450 to 470 metric tons of tellurium
is recovered at the copper refineries (Anderson, 2015). annually as tellurium metal, crude tellurium dioxide, or crude
Tellurium can only be extracted from copper that is refined copper telluride; the latter two commodities must be further
by the electrolytic process, a technique that is cost-effectively processed to produce tellurium metal. Data for tellurium metal
applied to high-grade copper ores (Moss and others, 2011). recovered in specific countries in 2010 include 41 metric
In such a process, tellurium and other impurities, such as gold, tons from Sweden, 40 metric tons from Japan, 35 metric tons
silver, and platinum, are concentrated at and removed from from Russia, 30 metric tons from Peru, more than 30 metric
the crude copper anodes. Typically, the slimes contain from tons from China, and 6 to 10 metric tons from Canada.
1 to 4 percent tellurium, although as much as 8 to 9 percent Data from the United States are proprietary, but the British
tellurium in the slimes has been reported at some refineries. Geological Survey estimates that 50 metric tons of tellurium
These numbers reflect a recovery rate of a little less than are recovered in the United States (Brown and others, 2013).
50 percent of the available tellurium within the slimes. For Other production of tellurium metal comes from refineries in
refining lower grade copper ores, the most economical process Australia, Belgium, Chile, Colombia, Germany, Kazakhstan,
is the solvent-leach refining process, which is currently not Mexico, the Philippines, and Poland. Estimated refinery
capable of recovering tellurium. The global decrease in the production by world region is shown in figure R4.
supply of high-grade copper ores may constrain the future
supply of tellurium from copper (Moss and others, 2011).
Latin America
In addition to copper refineries, as much as 8 to 10 percent 2%
of the world tellurium supply is recovered from lead refinery North America
skimming and from the flue dust and gases of copper smelting Commonwealth
(Moss and others, 2011). Not only are data from many of these of Independent
milling operations unavailable, but also little information States
about the source of the ores is available. Concentrates are 11%
commonly shipped to a mill in a different country than that in
which the ore is mined and, therefore, the original source of 29%
the recovered tellurium is not known.
A small amount of tellurium is currently recovered from
recycled sources, such as selenium-tellurium solar cells. The Japan
leading cadmium-tellurium solar cell manufacturer has a free-
of-charge recycling program for discarded photovoltaic solar China
cell panels, which could become more important in the future. Other Asia 19%
When large volumes of currently installed panels reach their 16%
end-of-life stage, they will be recycled for secondary tellurium
or cadmium-tellurium. Pilot recycling facilities recover as
much as 95 percent of semiconductor material and can provide
feedstock for future production of photovoltaic solar panels
(Moss and others, 2011). Figure R4. Pie chart showing percentage of estimated world
In the United States, tellurium demand is met partly tellurium refinery production in 2013, by country or region.
domestically and partly by imports. Almost all the domestic Except for two primary producers in Sweden and China, which
commercial-grade tellurium production is from ASARCO’s may contribute 15 percent of the annual global production of
copper refinery in Texas, where it is recovered as a byproduct approximately 450 to 470 metric tons of tellurium, the majority of
of copper anode slimes and lead refinery skimming. Resulting global production is as a byproduct from the refining of copper
exports from the United States in 2012 were 47 metric tons of and other base-metal ores. Compiled using data from various
tellurium, whereas 36 metric tons of tellurium was imported sources, including George (2014a).
R14 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
Thurston (2012). The deposits are typically of moderate size, Alaska (Pebble deposit), respectively, and Leybourne and
having lens-like or tabular ore geometries, high grades of base Cameron (2006, 2008) investigated groundwater quality
metals, and a high potential of solid mine wastes to generate in the arid Atacama Desert of Chile. In humid settings, the
acid drainage. pH ranged between 4.1 and 8.6. Alkalinity ranged between
0 and 100 ppm calcium carbonate (CaCO3) equivalent;
sulfate, between 1 and 85 ppm; and hardness, between
Sources and Fate in the Environment 2 and 130 ppm CaCO3 equivalent. Dissolved trace element
concentrations showed a range of values, including
The abundance of tellurium in the upper continental
arsenic (<1 to 36.2 ppb), cadmium (<0.2 to 11.6 ppb),
crust is quite low (3 ppb) (Li and Schoonmaker, 2003).
copper (<0.5 to 688 ppb), iron (<20 to 15,900 ppb), lead
The low environmental concentrations of tellurium in all
(<0.05 to 18.8 ppb), molybdenum (<2 to 21.9 ppb), and zinc
environmental media are a reflection of its low crustal
(<0.5 to 68 ppb). Leybourne and Cameron (2006, 2008)
abundance. Because of its low abundance, tellurium is rarely
documented high-salinity groundwater associated with the
included in environmental surveys unless there is a specific
undeveloped Spence copper deposit in the Atacama Desert,
interest. Therefore, data on its concentration in environmental
Chile, reaching salinities of 1.0 to 5.5 percent, with one outlier
media are limited. Andreae (1984) reported concentrations of
at 14.5 percent. The pH of the groundwaters varied widely
0.51 and 3.32 parts per trillion (ppt) for rainwater. Seawater
between 4.7 and 9.2. Dissolved sulfate concentrations in
concentrations of tellurium are significantly lower and range
groundwaters were between 5,000 and 10,000 ppm. Dissolved
between 0.03 and 0.87 ppt (Andreae, 1984; Lee and Edmond,
trace element concentrations showed a range of values
1985). Under oxygenated conditions in surface water,
for arsenic (<10 to 160.9 ppb), copper (9 to 28,991 ppb),
tellurium is present as the oxidized species tellurate (Te(VI));
iron (4 to 54,454 ppb), molybdenum (2 to 475 ppb),
the solubility of tellurium at 25 °C at pH 7 is approximately
lead (0.025 to 23.8 ppb), and zinc (5 to 1,344 ppb).
25 ppb (McPhail, 1995).
The geologic and geochemical features of VMS deposits
For solid environmental media, data are available for
are manifested in the surrounding environmental media, such
tellurium in soils and plants. In the national geochemical
as soil, stream sediment, surface water, and groundwater.
survey of soil in the United States, Smith and others (2013)
Soils and stream sediments surrounding undeveloped
reported concentrations of tellurium ranging between less than
deposits can have elevated concentrations of arsenic, barium,
0.1 and 50.5 ppm, with most values less than 0.1 ppm. Cowgill
cadmium, copper, iron, lead, nickel, and zinc. The surface
(1988) documented concentrations in plants with mean values
water and groundwater data associated with undisturbed
(dry basis) that ranged between 4.2 and 25.9 ppb, and found a
VMS deposits span a range in pH from 3 to 10; a range of
strong correlation between soil and plant concentrations.
dissolved iron (a dominant cation) from <0.02 to 300 ppm;
Information on pre-mining environmental concentrations
and dissolved sulfate (also the product of pyrite or
of tellurium is lacking owing to its low concentrations. From
pyrrhotite weathering) from <0.1 to 4,000 ppm (Seal and
an environmental perspective, baseline concentrations of other
Hammarstrom, 2003; Eppinger and others, 2007; Seal and
elements of environmental interest associated with porphyry
Piatak, 2012;). Other dissolved constituents surrounding
copper or VMS deposits are of greater interest than those of
undeveloped deposits span a range of values, including for
tellurium because of the potential during mining to signifi-
aluminum (<0.002 to 100 ppm), arsenic (<0.1 to 430 ppb),
cantly elevate their concentrations in the environment. Few
cadmium (<0.1 to 600 ppb), copper (<0.003 to 20 ppm),
environmental baseline studies of porphyry copper deposits
lead (<0.1 to 500 ppb), and zinc (<3 to 200 ppm).
have been conducted, particularly with respect to the diversity
of climatic settings in which they are found; however, some
pre-mining soil and sediment information is available in mine Mine Waste Characteristics
permit applications for recently proposed mines. Studies from
diverse climates, such as the cold climates of southwestern The amount of mine waste associated with porphyry
Alaska (Anderson and others, 2011); tropical climates of copper and VMS deposits varies with the size of the deposit.
Puerto Rico (Learned and Boissen, 1973; Plaza-Toledo, 2005); Porphyry copper deposits range from 30 million metric tons to
and hot, arid climates of Arizona and Chile (Chaffee, 1976, greater than 20 billion metric tons of “ore” with a median size
1977; Chaffee and others, 1981; Leybourne and Cameron, of 250 million metric tons (John and others, 2010). Because
2006, 2008) show similar geochemical features. Soils and copper grades are typically less than 1 percent copper (median
sediments show elevated concentrations of iron, arsenic, grade is 0.44 percent copper), more than 95 percent of the
cadmium, copper, molybdenum, lead, and zinc. material mined will end up as solid mine waste of one form
Pre-mining surface water and groundwater data or another. The VMS deposits are variable in size, ranging
are also limited. Plaza-Toledo (2005) and Anderson and from 1 to 600 million metric tons; the copper, lead, and
others (2011) conducted pre-mining water-quality studies zinc ore grades are also very variable, but typically average
in the humid settings of Puerto Rico and southwestern 2 to 5 percent (Seal and Hammarstrom, 2003).
R16 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
Solid mine waste at porphyry copper and VMS deposits Approaches for managing solid waste depend upon its
typically falls into two main types: tailings and waste rock. acid-generating potential. Metals and many other trace elements
A third type, leach pad waste, is present only at those mines tend to be more soluble at low pH rather than at neutral or
where the ores are amenable to copper extraction by the high pH. Therefore, the acid-generating or acid-neutralizing
electrolytic refining process, or where a leached cap may potentials of the waste rock and tailings are of prime importance
have residual gold grades that are amenable to extraction. in identifying the potential environmental risks associated with
The electrolytic process is not amenable to tellurium recovery. mining and ore beneficiation. The acid-generating potential
Tailings are produced when the ore is crushed to a sand or of mine waste is expressed in terms of the amount of calcium
silt size to facilitate the separation of the copper sulfide and carbonate it would take to neutralize it. Therefore, the units are
other metal sulfide ore minerals using a technique known as kilograms of calcium carbonate per metric ton of mine waste
froth flotation. This technique yields a “concentrate” of sulfide (kg CaCO3/t) (Price, 2009; International Network for Acid
minerals, and a waste material, known as tailings, which can Prevention, 2011). The acid-generating potential primarily
be pumped as a slurry or trucked dry to a tailings storage resides in pyrite. Mine waste can also have acid-neutralizing
facility on site. The copper concentrate is sent to a smelter and potential that resides in carbonate minerals, such as calcite,
refinery complex, where copper and other mined commodities, and some silicate minerals, such as feldspars.
such as tellurium, are recovered. Tailings storage facilities are The rocks associated with porphyry copper deposits tend,
typically impoundments surrounded by a retaining dam. in general, to straddle the boundary between having net acid-
Waste rock is uneconomic rock that must be removed generating potential and having net acid-neutralizing potential,
to access the ore. Waste rock is disposed of on site. For open but the amount of either is relatively small compared with the
pit porphyry copper mines, waste-to-ore (stripping) ratios high acid-generating potential associated with VMS deposits.
commonly exceed 2:1, which means that for each ton of ore For example, at the Pebble porphyry copper deposit in Alaska,
mined, two tons of waste rock must be removed (Porter and the various mine waste materials are expected to span a range
Bleiwas, 2003). Porphyry copper deposits at depth can also from a net acid-generating potential of 110 kg CaCO3/t to
be mined by a method known as block caving. A vertical shaft a net acid-neutralizing potential of 27 kg CaCO3/t (Pebble
or spiral decline is built to the base of the orebody, and the Partnership, 2011, written commun.). In contrast, mine waste
ore is mined from below, leaving a large, unsupported cavity from VMS deposits typically has net acid-generating potential,
from which the ore was removed. With this type of mining, commonly ranging between 100 and 350 kg CaCO3/t, although
the amount of waste rock is minimal and the waste material is some waste can have net neutralizing potential locally
dominated by tailings. As with porphyry copper deposits, the (Lindsay and others, 2009; Seal and Piatak, 2012).
amount of waste rock associated with VMS deposits depends
on the mining method, which in turn depends on the geometry
of the orebody. Human Health Concerns
The mineralogy of the ore and waste in porphyry copper Tellurium does not appear to be an essential trace element
and VMS mines serves as the foundation for understanding for human health (Kobayashi, 2004; Ba and others, 2010).
the environmental characteristics of these deposits. In terms No information is available on the toxic effects of tellurium
of both ecological risk and human health risk, the mineralogy on humans, presumably in part because of its low natural
influences the acid-generating potential of the ores and abundance. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease
wastes and the mobility of trace elements. In porphyry copper Registry does not have a toxicological profile for tellurium,
deposits, ore minerals such as bornite, chalcopyrite, enargite, nor does the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency have
galena, molybdenite, pyrite, and sphalerite are the main hosts drinking water standards or soil guidelines for tellurium.
of trace elements of environmental concern; in total, they typi- Animal studies, using large doses of tellurium administered
cally constitute less than 5 percent of the ore (John and others, either through ingestion, inhalation, or intravenously, indicated
2010). Tellurium is typically hosted by trace amounts of gold-, the target sites for tellurium toxicity are the kidneys, nervous
silver-, or PGM-bearing tellurides. In VMS deposits, the ore system, skin, and brain in a fetus (Taylor, 1996). The reduced
minerals are dominated by pyrite and pyrrhotite, with varying species, tellurite, is more toxic than either arsenite or selenite,
amounts of chalcopyrite, galena, and sphalerite, and a variety and, tellurite is 10 times more toxic than the oxidized species
of accessory minerals (Shanks and Thurston, 2012). The tellurate (Taylor, 1996).
trace-element geochemistry of tailings reflects the mineralogy The more significant human health risks associated with
of the waste material. For porphyry copper deposits, tailings tellurium production are found with the broader aspects of
typically contain significant concentrations of arsenic, copper, mining porphyry copper and VMS deposits. Contaminated
manganese, molybdenum, and zinc (John and others, 2010). groundwater plumes associated with tailings impoundments
Tailings from copper-dominant VMS deposits can contain may pose threats to drinking-water supplies, depending upon
elevated concentrations of aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, the geologic and hydrologic setting and the engineering
copper, iron, lead, sulfur, and zinc (Seal and Hammarstrom, aspects of the mine and the waste piles for both deposit types.
2003; Seal and Piatak, 2012). Host rocks with higher neutralization potentials, such as
Environmental Considerations R17
carbonate rocks, tend to limit the mobility of metals and of copper, iron, sulfate, and zinc (Gammons and Duaime,
related compounds. Hydrologic and climatic settings that 2005). In contrast, pit lakes in the Yerington (Lyon County)
have net evaporative loss of water may cause evaporative and Robinson (White Pine County) districts, Nevada, have
concentration of solutes that may enter groundwater used as pH values that typically range from 7.0 to 8.5 with a few
drinking-water supplies in the vicinity of mines and waste outliers near 4.7, which have been attributed to discharge from
piles. Improperly constructed water-containment structures solvent-extraction operations rather than groundwater-rock
may allow contaminated mine waters to enter surrounding interactions in the vicinity of the pits (Shevenell and others,
groundwater. For both porphyry copper deposits and VMS 1999). In Nevada, total dissolved solids are generally less
deposits, elements or compounds with the greatest likelihood than 6,000 ppm; concentrations of iron reach a maximum of
of causing problems for drinking-water sources include 4.5 ppm; arsenic, less than 0.05 ppm; manganese, less than
aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, copper, iron, manganese, sulfate, 5 ppm; and selenium, less than 0.14 ppm.
and zinc. The potential for groundwater contamination depends The VMS mines are noted for their significant impacts
upon the waste- and water-management practices in place at on the aquatic ecosystem associated with abandoned historical
any given mine. mines, such as at Iron Mountain, Calif. Iron Mountain is
unique among abandoned mines in that its effluent and seeps
within the mine workings have extremely low pH (– 4 to 1.5)
Ecological Health Concerns and dissolved copper, iron, sulfate, and zinc are present in
As with the human health guidelines, no information concentrations reaching hundreds of grams per liter (Alpers
is available for tellurium and its toxic effects on aquatic or and others, 2003). The unusual chemistry of mine drainage
terrestrial ecosystems, whether through surface water, soil, or at Iron Mountain is the result of an atypical combination of
sediment. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency does factors related to its geologic, hydrologic, and climatic setting.
not have surface water or sediment guidelines for tellurium. In contrast, the pH values from mine drainage from a broader
Thus, the more significant ecosystem risks associated with spectrum of VMS mines are typically much lower than
tellurium production are found with the broader aspects of the values recorded at Iron Mountain, ranging from 2 to 8,
mining porphyry copper and VMS deposits. Many of the including concentrations of dissolved copper (<0.1 ppb to
ecological risks associated with both deposit types focus on the 3 ppm), iron (1 ppb to 3 grams per liter [g/L]), sulfate (1 ppm
ability of mine wastes to generate acid, and the ability of the to 10 g/L), and zinc (<1 ppb to 1 g/L) (Seal and Hammar-
resulting acid mine drainage to carry metals and other inorganic strom, 2003). Other trace elements found in environmentally
contaminants. As described above with respect to mine waste significant concentrations associated with abandoned VMS
characteristics, the acid-generating potential of mine waste is mines include arsenic, cadmium, lead, and nickel.
controlled by the pyrite content, which may be offset by the
acid-neutralizing potential of carbonate or silicate minerals.
Tailings are prone to water transport, particularly in the case of a
Carbon Footprint
tailings dam failure, and wind transport, because of the fine-size Tellurium extraction through mining does not have a
sand and silt grains. Thus, tailings present additional potential unique carbon footprint beyond the energy requirements of
risks to aquatic organisms through sediment contamination. mining in general. In terms of its uses, the most direct link of
Mine drainage data are available for porphyry copper tellurium to the global carbon cycle is in its use in cadmium-
deposits in British Columbia, Canada (Day and Rees, 2006); telluride photovoltaic cells (Anderson, 2015).
the Globe district in Arizona (Eychaner, 1991; Stollenwerk,
1994; Brown and others, 1998; Lind and others, 1998; Conklin
and others, 2001); the Morenci district in Greenlee County, Mine Closure
Ariz. (Enders and others, 2006); and the Sar Cheshmeh
deposit in Iran (Khorasanipour and others, 2011). Many of The nature of mine closure for porphyry copper and
these values exceed relevant water-quality guidelines for the VMS deposits depends primarily on the method of mining and
protection of aquatic ecosystems for aluminum, copper, iron, the characteristics of the waste material. Open pit mines for
manganese, and zinc (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, either deposit type display at least three different features after
2009). The pH can commonly range from 2 to 8.5, and sulfate, mining: the open pit, tailings storage facilities, and waste-rock
which is the dominant anion, can locally reach 30,000 ppm. piles. Because of the scale of mining, backfilling of the pits is
Pit lakes, particularly in porphyry copper mining districts typically not practical. If the water table is above the bottom
that are riddled with historical underground mine workings, of the pit, then it will become a lake. The water quality of
such as at Butte, Mont., which has a 140-year mining history, the lake will depend upon a number of factors, including the
can be problematic. The Berkeley Pit lake at Butte contains characteristics of the wallrocks, the extent of interconnected
more than 100 billion liters of pH-2.5 mine water (Gammons underground mine workings that open to the pit, the water
and Duaime, 2005; Gammons and others, 2005). The pit level in the pit, the local hydrology, and climate (Castendyk
lake has high dissolved solids and elevated concentrations and Eary, 2009).
R18 Critical Mineral Resources of the United States— Tellurium
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