A Control Method For Battery Energy Storage System Based On MMC
A Control Method For Battery Energy Storage System Based On MMC
A Control Method For Battery Energy Storage System Based On MMC
Based on MMC
Abstract—A battery energy storage system based on modular voltage are discussed, which is in the topology combined with
multilevel converter is proposed in this paper, which has many MMC and BESS [6]. The optimal parameters design of MMC
advantages, including easy expansibility, simple structure and topology used in energy storage system is introduced in [7].
high reliability. The system is capable of compensating active Comparison of cascaded H-Bridge and MMC for BESS
and reactive power simultaneously, applied for high capacity application is researched in [8].
and high power situation. The mathematical model of system is
built and its circulating current suppressing control method is However, the circulating current and suppressing strategy
introduced in this paper. The circulating current is analyzed in of the combined system is not discussed so far. The
situation of different power output, and circulating current mathematical model of system is built and its control method
suppressing method is proposed. The simulation model of the is introduced in this paper. The circulating current is analyzed
system is built in PSCAD/EMTDC, the feasibility of proposed in situation of different power output, and its suppressing
control method is validated by simulation results. method is proposed. The feasibility of proposed control
method is validated by simulation.
Key word—modular multilevel converter, battery energy storage
system, circulating current, control method. II. BATTERY ENERGY STORAGE SYSTEM BASED
I. INTRODUCTION The topology of battery energy storage system based on
A large scale wind power, solar and other new energy modular multilevel converter (MMC-BESS) is shown in Fig. 1,
integration challenge the safety and stability of power system L0 is arm reactor of MMC. The storage units are connected to
because their randomness and intermittent [1]. Using large each sub-module in a distributed way, by a bidirectional DC-
energy storage system can smooth out the fluctuation of wind DC converter. The bidirectional DC-DC converter consists of
power and solar power, and solve the problem of low voltage two IGBT and two anti-parallel diodes. LDC _ bat is the link
ride through (LVRT), which can achieve the goal of new
energy access to the grid friendly and their coordination inductor of bidirectional DC/DC, ubat is DC voltage of the
control [2]. energy storage unit, R is internal resistance of the battery.
MMC is mainly used in DC transmission in the past
research and engineering applications. The hotspots of MMC
are coordinate control scheme of MMC-HVDC, voltage
balance of sub-module capacitor and circulating current
suppressing strategy. BESS has advantages of high energy
density, mature technology and low-cost [3]. Besides, BESS
can increase the capacity through casing lots of battery packs,
and high control flexibility make it more suitable for the
system of higher power and higher capacity. Because of the
advantages of MMC converter and BESS, the combination of LDC _ bat R
ina inb in c 1
2 d ⎡isd ⎤ 1 ⎡ R −ω L ⎤ ⎡isd ⎤ 1 ⎡usd ⎤ 1 ⎡ucd ⎤
⎢ ⎥= ⎢ ⎥ + ⎢ ⎥ − ⎢ ⎥ (4)
dt ⎣isq ⎦ L ⎢⎣ω L R ⎥⎦ ⎣isq ⎦ L ⎣usq ⎦ L ⎣ucq ⎦
In (4), isd, isq, usd, usq, ucd and ucq are instantaneous value of
dq component of MMC AC side current, system voltage and
Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of MMC-BESS
equivalent voltage of MMC AC side output respectively.
Applying KVL to the AC side of MMC, equation (1) can Introducing the differential operator s to (4), equation (5)
be derived. can be conducted as follow.
⎧ dia p ac = u sd isd = ∑u i
d bat (7)
⎪ L dt + Ria = usa − uca 2
⎪ dib The relationship of ibat of BESS and the d-axis component
⎨L + Rib = usb − ucb (2)
⎪ dt of MMC AC side can be revealed in (7).
⎪ dic
⎪ L dt + Ric = usc − ucc B. Analysis of Circulating Current under Different Power
In (2), L is the equivalent value of MMC connection The MMC topology is symmetrical strictly, and the current
reactor, L = 0.5 L0 . L0 is the value of MMC arm reactor. R is of upper and lower arm is equal to half of AC side current [9].
So, the internal circulating current can be shown as equation
the equivalent value of MMC arm resistance, R = 0.5 R0 .usx (8).
are voltage of grid, ix are current of grid, and x=a, b, c.
In order to design the control system, the rotation
transformation should be conducted in mathematical model of
⎧ isx = inx − i px ⎧ UdcIdc
⎨ i px + inx (8) ⎪⎪Ppa(t) =upa(t)ipa(t) = 6 (1−msinωt) ⎡⎣1+k sin(ωt +ϕ)⎤⎦
⎪ izx = ⎨
⎩ 2 ⎪P (t) =u (t)i (t) = UdcIdc (1+msinωt) ⎡1−k sin(ωt +ϕ)⎤
⎪⎩ na na na
6 ⎣ ⎦
According the KVL, the relationship of voltage and
current can be conducted as shown in equation (9). The total instantaneous power of phase a can be calculated
as equation (14),
⎧ 1 di px
⎪⎪ usx = U dc − u px − L0 − R0i px
(9) Pa =
U dc I dc mkU dc I dc
− cos ϕ +
mkU dc I dc
cos ( 2ωt + ϕ ) (14)
2 dt
⎨ 3 6 6
⎪u = − 1 U + u + L dinx + R i
⎪⎩ sx 2
dc px 0
0 nx
The DC component of the instantaneous power must be
zero, otherwise the MMC will be unstable. And the first two
The equation (10) is obtained by adding and subtracting terms of (14) are DC component, their sum is zero. So the
two equations of (9) above. total power of phase a arm can be shown as equation (15).
As an example, the voltage and current of upper and lower In (16), I 2 f is the peak value of frequency-doubled
arm of phase a can be expressed as equations (11) and (12)
respectively. circulating current. ϕ 2 f is the initial phase angle of I 2 f .
in x
The udiffx can be combined with the (10). We can get the
inner voltage and current equation of MMC as shown in (20) Figure 5. Control diagram of MMC-BESS
after applying udiffx equal to L0 zx + R0izx .
A 25-levels simulation model of MMC-BESS is built in
PSCAD/EMTDC. Assuming AC system is a single infinite
⎡udiffa ⎤ ⎡idiffa ⎤ ⎡idiffa ⎤ system, the rated voltage is 10kV, and the rated DC voltage
⎢ ⎥ d ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ (27) is U dc = ± 10.2 kV .Some important parameters of model are
⎢ udiffc ⎥ = L0 dt ⎢idiffc ⎥ + R0 ⎢ idiffc ⎥
⎢udiffb ⎥ ⎢idiffb ⎥ ⎢idiffb ⎥ listed below:
⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦
Number of sub-model N=24;
Applying (26) into (27), and multiplied by transformation Rated voltage of sub-model is 0.85kV;
matrix, equation (28) can be conducted as follow.
Arm inductance L0=6.3mH;
⎡udiffd ⎤ d ⎡i2 fd ⎤ ⎡ 0 −2ωt ⎤ ⎡i2 fd ⎤ ⎡i2 fd ⎤ Sub-model rated voltage of BESS ubat=1kV;
⎢u ⎥ = L0 ⎢i ⎥ + ⎢ ⎢i ⎥ + R0 ⎢i ⎥ (28)
dt ⎣ 2 fq ⎦ ⎣2ωt 0 ⎦ ⎣ 2 fq ⎦ Sub-model inductance of charge and
⎣ diffq ⎦ ⎣ 2 fq ⎦
discharge LDC _ bat = 0.03H ;.
In (28), udiffj is the inner unbalanced voltage ; udiffd , udiffq , The waveform of power and circulating current under one
i2 fd and i2 fq are respectively the d-axis and q-axis situation of different power output of MMC-BESS is shown in
Fig. 6. The system generates only active power 10MW before
components of udiffj and inner current under negative 1.1s, and the system generates active power 10MW and
reactive power 10Mvar at the same time after 1.1s. Then the
sequenced and frequency- doubled rotating reference frame.
circulating current control is started at 1.4s. It can be found in
The frequency- doubled circulating current can be changed Fig. 6 that circulating current increases at 1.1s when the
into two DC components after negative sequenced and system begins to generate reactive power. Circulating current
frequency- doubled rotation transformation, which is will lead to more loss and reduce efficiency, it also has impact
beneficial to design of the control [12]. The control diagram of on output of MMC-BESS. Through the circulating current
circulating current suppression control (CCSC) is shown in control at 1.4s, circulating current is suppressed to a smaller
Fig. 4. value.
i2 fd _ref = 0 +
P/ MW,Q/ Mvar
Kp +
i pj s
i2 fd
− dq
2ω L0 udiff _ ref
dq 2ω L0
in j i2 fq −
iza / kA
− Kp +
Ki abc
i2 fq _ ref = 0
Figure 4. Control diagram of CCSC Figure 6. Output power and result of CCSC
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