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FPRIVATE "TYPE PICT ALT Dalail Ul Khayrat, Dalail Al Khayrat, Qasidah Burda"
FPRIVATE "TYPE PICT ALT Dalail Ul Khayrat, Dalail Al Khayrat, Qasidah Burda"
Dalalil ul Khayrat
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Seeking Allah’s Gaze, Ramadhan/Shab'an -One of the qualities that would prevent us from this
blessed gaze
from Kanz an-Najah was-Surur(The Treasures of Success and Happiness) regarding the
greatness of Sha‘bān and some of the recommended things to do during this month
Night of 14th Shaban Layla-tul Baraa'ah(Urdu Shab-E-Baraat ) -
Night Of Salvation PART 4
Arabic with English and Transliteration Version