11.2 Permenant Drainage Design: Several Considerations

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This drainage conceptual and design report presents the proposed drainage system based
on the Urban Storm water Management Manual for Malaysia’s (MSMA) requirements.
Generally, the design for drainage system in Malaysia is based on the standard of Manual
Mesra Saliran Mesra Alam Malaysia (MASMA) that has been introduced by Department
of Irrigation and Drainage Malaysia, DID since 2001. This manual act as a guideline to
manage and plan good storm water and drainage system especially in urban and
developed area.


According to MASMA, there are two basic approaches to computing storm water flows
from rainfall. The first approach is the Rational Method, which relates peak runoff to
rainfall intensity through a proportionality factor.
The second approach starts with a rainfall hyetograph, accounts for rainfall losses and
temporary storage effects in transit, and yields a discharge hydrograph. The Rational
Formula is one of the most frequently used urban hydrology methods in Malaysia. It
gives satisfactory results for small catchments only.

Several Considerations
There are several considerations when using Rational Method:
 Catchments area exceed 80 hectares
 Pounding of storm water in the catchments might affect peak discharge
 The design and operation of large (and hence most costly) drainage
facilities is to be undertaken, particularly if they involve storage

Limitation and Valid Applications of the Rational Method

According to the Book of Introduction to Hydrology, the precision and reliability are
always being questioned due to certain reasons:
 Assumption that the rainfall intensity, i is uniforms for the whole
catchments all the time – under estimation of peak discharge.
 Does not take into account the original catchments condition, i.e.
catchments storage. For example, whether the catchments are wet or dry
before rainfall.
 Loss of rainfall due evaporation, infiltration, interception and storage
effect in catchments and the drainage channel is considered on the one
parameter, i.e. C value only.
 This method is suitable for short storm event and small catchments such
as urban catchments and small rural catchments.

Procedure for Estimating Peak Flow

Basically there are six steps in estimating the value of peak flow:
 Selection of Design Average Recurrent Interval (ARI)
 Discrete Sub-catchments
 Estimate Time of Concentration, Tc
 Determine Average Rainfall Intensity, y I t
 Estimate Runoff Coefficient, C
Calculate Peak Flow Rate, Qy for the sub-catchments

All this procedure are being summarized in the form of flow chart above

Step 1: Selection of Design Average Recurrent Interval (ARI)

For the planning and design of urban storm water system, there is included minor and
major system. Generally, we must select to design for both minor and major drainage
systems. The MASMA’s manual has recommended that the ARI for major system is 100
years while for minor system; it depends on type of development operating in the area.
According to Chapter 4 in MASMA there are two types of drainage system:
Minor system - is intended to collect and convey runoff from relatively frequent storm
events to minimize inconvenience and nuisance flooding.
Major system - is intended to safely convey runoff not collected by the minor drainage
system to waterways or rivers.
- Must protect the community from the
consequences of large, reasonably rare
events, which could cause severe flood
damage, injury and even loss of life.
- Note that the definition of major/minor
system does not refer to size of the

Step 2: Discrete Sub-catchments

Basically in this phase, the sub-catchments are divided into segments of homogenous
land use, drainage patterns and surface slope. Sub catchments are chosen based on the
homogenous physical characteristic.

Step 3: Estimate Time of Concentration, Tc

The time of concentration, Tc for calculation is generally become the longest time of floe
to the point. But at some cases the peak flow may occur only part of the upstream is
contributing. So the Tc is often considered to be the sum of the time of travel to an inlet
plus the storm water conveyance system.

Tc = to + td
to = overland flow
td = drain time
Assumption is made that overland flow occur on both paved and unpaved surfaces. The
overland flow time is calculated based on the equation 14.1 in MASMA:
to = 107 n L1/3
to = overland sheet flow travel time (min)
L = overland flow sheet flow path length (m)
n = Manning’s roughness value for the surface (MASMA, Table 14.2)
S = Slope of surface (%)

The time for the storm water to flow along an open channel is channel flow time, t d. it can
be determined by dividing the length of the channel by the average velocity of the flow.
The allowable velocity is between 0.6m. s to 4.0m/s.
td = L
Ld = Length of channel (m)
V = Velocity of flow (m³/s)

Step 4 : Determine Average Rainfall Intensity, y I t

Rainfall intensity is the average of rainfall that occurs within the time of
concentration, tc (mm/hr). Polynomial expressions in the form of equation 13.2 have
been fitted to the published IDF curve for the 35 main cities in Malaysia.

To determine the value average rainfall intensity we must first determine the
value of ARI to be fitted in the equation below:
ln (RIt) = a + b ln (t) + c (ln t)² + d (ln t)³

R t I = The average rainfall intensity (mm/hr) for ARI and duration

R = Average Return Interval (years)
t = duration (minutes)
a,b,c,d = fitting constancies depend on ARI

It is recommended that Equation 13.2 be used to derive design rainfall intensities

duration down to a lowers limit of 30 minutes. The design rainfall depth P d for a short
duration d (minutes) is given below:

Pd = P30 – Fd (P60 – P30)

P30 = 30 minutes duration rainfall depths
P60 = 60 minutes duration rainfall depths
Fd = correction factor for time duration

Therefore, rainfall intensity:

I= Pd

Step 5 : Estimate Runoff Coefficient, C

Runoff coefficient is a function of the ground cover and a host of other
hydrologic abstractions. The runoff coefficient accounts for the integrated effects of
rainfall interception, infiltration, depression storage and temporary storage in transit of
the peak rate of runoff.
The chart 14.3 in MASMA provide the runoff coefficient for the certain intensity
and the difference types of land use which is less than 200mm/hr. The variation sub-
catchment condition can be combined to produced an average runoff coefficient using
equation 14.8 in MASMA:
C = ∑ (C x A) / ∑ A
C = runoff coefficient
A = area of sub-catchments
Generally, runoff coefficient can be up to 0.9 as the rainfall intensity getting higher.

Step 6: Calculate Peak Flow Rate, Qy for the sub-catchments

The value of peak flow rate for the surface runoff is calculated as:
Qy= C.I.A
Qy = y year ARI peak flow (m3/s)
C = dimensionless runoff coefficient

y It = y year ARI average rainfall intensity over time of concentration,

tc, (mm/hr)
A = drainage area (ha)


A few points regarding drainage information must be assumed and selected before an
actual calculation is carried out. Below are the information’s for the design assumptions
and requirements.
i. Type of drainage = half round glazed drain
ii. Overland flow = 80m
iii. Flow in an open drain = 400m
iv. Average slope = 0.5 %
v. Minor system design ARI = 5 years
vi. Major system design ARI = 100 years
vii. Full area = 9 acres
viii. Area used in design = 4 acres


For our project it we chose U-Drain Shape type A and type B. For type A size 1200x1200
and type B 600x900.


1. Structural design in accordance with requirements of BS 8110:1997 

Standard Size U-Drains - 30 MPa; Super Size U-Drains - 40

2.  Concrete characteristic strength : 

3.  Concrete cover :  Standard Size U-Drains - 25mm; Super Size U-Drains - 30mm 

4.  Loading criteria are shown below 


•  Handling : A spreader beam to be used with steel pins and lifting cables to avoid cracking at
junction of side wall and base slab. 

•  Stacking : U-drains are to be stacked on level and stable ground to avoid cracking of base slab.

•  Laying : U-drains should be laid on prepared bedding to ensure uniform support under the full
width and length of the U-drains.

•  Jointing : Butt joints.  Gaps normally to be filled up with cement-sand mortar.

•  Backfilling : Backfilling with selected free draining backfill material.  Avoid use of heavy vibratory
equipment next to side walls


Data obtained from catchment boundary drawing in appendix:
Drainage (building)
To determine the design peak for flow generated from a minor drainage of medium
density residential area of 0.65662 hectares in Ipoh, Perak. Assume 80 m of overland
flow followed by 480 m of flow in an open drain. Catchment area average slope = 0.5%.
Return period = 5 years
From table 4.1 ,
Minor system design ARI = 5 years
Major system design ARI = 100 years
Determine tc
From Design Chart 14.1 for paved surface,
to = 8 minutes.
Average velocity in the open drain should be assessed using Manning’s equation.
Assume V = 1.0 m/s.

Then td = L/V = 480 sec. = 8 minutes

Therefore total tc = 8 + 8 = 16 minutes.
Determine I and C
For ARI of 5 years,

ln( I ) = a + b ln( t ) + c (ln( t ))2 + d (ln( t ))3

a = 5.0007
b = 0.6149
c = -0.2406
d = 0.0127
From Table 13.A1 using Equation 13.2 for t = 30 minutes;

ln (5I30) = 4.8085
I30 = 122.55 mm/hr
From Table 13.A1 using Equation 13.2 for t = 60 minutes;
ln(5I60) = 4.3567

I60 = 78.00 mm/hr
Convert to rainfall depths,
P30 = 61.27 mm
P60 = 78.00 mm
Table 13.3 Values of FD for Equation 13.3, use interpolation, FD = 0.734
Pd = P30 – Fd(P60 – P30),
P16 = 49.00 mm

I16 = 183.75 mm/hr

From Design Chart 14.3, C = 0.88 (category (3))

Q16 = (C x 5I16 x A)/360

= 0.295 m3/s

Proposed Building Perimeter Drain Section

0.45 m x 0.45 m
Check :
Area of build up drain section, A = 0.2025 m2
Wetted perimeter of drain section, P = 1.35 m2

R = A/P = 0.15
S = 1 : 300 = 0.003
From table 14.2, concrete/asphalt, n = 0.011
Therefore, Qcapacity = 1.49AR2/3 S1/2 / n
= 0.424 m3/s
Qdischarge < Qcapacity
0.295 m3/s < 0.424 m3/s OK!

Drainage (boundry)

To determine the design peak for flow generated from a minor drainage of medium
density residential area of 4.89655 hectares in Ipoh, Perak. Assume 80 m of overland
flow followed by 2585 m of flow in an open drain. Catchment area average slope = 0.5%.
Return period = 5 years
From table 4.1 ,
Minor system design ARI = 5 years
Major system design ARI = 100 years
Determine tc
From design chart 14.1 for paved surface,
to = 8 minutes.

Average velocity in the open drain should be assessed using manning’s equation.
Assume v = 1.0 m/s.

Then td = l/v = 2585 sec. = 43 minutes

Therefore total tc = 8 + 43 = 51 minutes

Determine I and C
For ARI of 5 years,

ln( I ) = a + b ln( t ) + c (ln( t ))2 + d (ln( t ))3

a = 5.0007
b = 0.6149
c = -0.2406
d = 0.0127
From table 13.A1 using equation 13.2 for t = 30 minutes;
ln (5I30) = 4.8085
I30 = 122.55 mm/hr
From table 13.A1 using equation 13.2 for t = 60 minutes;
ln(5I60) = 4.3567
I60 = 78.00 mm/hr
Convert to rainfall depths,
P30 = 61.27 mm
P60 = 78.00 mm
Table 13.3 values of Fd for equation 13.3, Fd = 0

Pd = P30 – Fd(P60 – P30),

P51 = 61.27 mm
I51 = 72.09 mm/hr

From design chart 14.3, C = 0.74 (category (3))

Q51 = (C x 5I51 x A)/360

= 0.726 m3/s
Proposed building perimeter drain section
0.6 m x 0.6 m
Check :

Area of build up drain section, A = 0.36 m2

Wetted perimeter of drain section, P = 1.8 m2

R = A/P = 0.2
S = 1 : 300 = 0.003
From table 14.2, concrete / asphalt, n = 0.011
Therefore, Qcapacity = 1.49AR2/3 S1/2 / n
= 0.913 m3/s
Qdischarge < Qcapacity
0.726 m3/s < 0.913 m3/s OK!
Proposed Size of Drain Sump
Drain sump basically acting as a connection for all the drainage. Sump is defined as a
drain consisting of an outer tube which is vented to the outside with a smaller tube within
it that is attached to a suction pump. Both tube have multiple perforations that allows
fluid and air to be carried away through the suction tube.

Refer to road and drainage plan for the proposed location for all the drain sump.
Maximum flow from the drainage, Q = 0.913 m3/s
The velocity of water flow in drain, v = Q/A = 2.537 m/s
Calculation size of sump
The width of drainage size = 0.60 m

The length => 0.36 m2 / 0.6 m = 0.60 m

The minimum size of sump:
Length = 0.60 m
Width = 0.60 m
Depth = 0.60 m
Thus, the minumum size of sump is 600mm×600mm
Therefore, the propose size of sump is 1200mm×1200mm according to standard size.
Refers to road and drainage plan for the detailing sump.

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