Seminar 1
Seminar 1
Seminar 1
Every country requires sufficient amount of electricity for their development. In fact, the
world needs a renewable, an efficient and sustainable energy production to safeguard our
future earth. We documented it, for the people around the world to know about this
fascinating technology of young innovative company, Plant-e bringing creative projects to
life. It is based on, living plants in Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC) along with bacteria to
convert solar energy into in-situ electricity. Plants photosynthesize organic matter for its
growth by carbon dioxide, water and thereby capturing solar energy. A significant part of
this organic matter is excreted into the soil via the roots as a waste product. In the soil,
naturally occurring electrochemically active bacteria break down the organic matter, and
produce electrons, which are used for electricity by Plant-e technology. The main advantage
of Plant Power is that living plants can capture solar energy naturally and generates
electricity 24 hours per day, unlike artificial solar panels. Hence, we can consider it as a
“Natural Solar Power.” Plant-e Company also established a business platform for the P-MFC
as a promising new bio-energy source and clean technology for applying across the world.
For the countries development and economic growth, energy is considered as one of
the most important factors. With increasing electricity demand and problems with fossil
fuels, scientists are looking for alternatives to fossil fuels. Researchers say that World-
wide1.2 billion people have no access to electricity at all. We are not just concerned about
producing electricity but providing it in a way more renewable and economical way. An
unexpected source of new, clean energy has been found from living plants which are part of
the Mother Nature. More importantly, the researchers say the system doesn’t affect the
plant’s growth or harm its environment. In this work, we report on the use of plants as not
only to give oxygen, food, fuel, flowers, wood, medicines, aesthetic values et al., but also
produce electricity. After the rise of solar energy, wind energy, there is a new renewable and
sustainable energy from the living plants. Yes, plants can also produce electricity with the
Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC) technology developed by a company called Plant-e.
fig 1 Photosynthetic organism (Plants) in a P-MFC
Living plants generate electricity; all it requires plants and bacteria in a fuel cell as shown in
Fig.1. Plants are natural solar radiation absorber, and during photosynthesis, they produce
organic matter. A large portion of the organic matter produced by plants is excreted into the
soil via the roots. Microorganisms that live around the roots in the soil consume this organic
matter. Thereby, electrons are released as a result of this consumption. By placing an
electrode near the roots, these energy-rich electrons are used as electrical energy. In this
study, we propose rich solar radiation intensity in India may increase the power output of P-
MFC. We analyzed the green business that entered into electricity market contributing to
renewable energy production. We designed a schematic model diagram to know the basic
process involved in P-MFC. We also developed a mind map for the better understanding of
this futuristic renewable energy.
Chapter 2
Literature survey
Electrochemical cells and systems play a key role in a wide range of industry
sectors. A large number of electrochemical energy technologies have been developed in the
past. These systems continue to be optimized in terms of cost, life time, and performance,
leading to their continued expansion into existing and emerging market sectors. The more
established technologies such as deep-cycle batteries and sensors are being joined by
emerging technologies such as fuel cells, large format lithium-ion batteries, electrochemical
reactors. This growing demand (multi billion dollars) for electrochemical energy systems
along with the increasing maturity of a number of technologies is having a significant effect
on the global research and development effort which is increasing in both in size and depth.
A number of new technologies, which will have substantial impact on the environment and
the way we produce and utilize energy, are under development. It presents an overview of
several emerging electrochemical energy technologies along with a discussion some of the
key technical challenges [1]
The renewable based electricity generation technologies were assessed against a
range of sustainability indicators using data obtained from the literature. These indicators are
cost of electricity generation, greenhouse gas emissions and energy pay-back time. All the
three parameters were found to have a very wide range for each technology. For grading
different renewable energy sources a new figure of merit has been proposed, linking
greenhouse gas emissions, energy pay-back time and cost of electricity generated by these
renewable energy sources. It has been found out that wind and small hydro are the most
sustainable source for the electricity generation [2].
The current climate change threat by CO 2 emission from combustion of fossil fuels
increases the urgency for alternative energy production based on reliable and renewable
sources such as solar energy and biomass. The bio-energy contained in plant biomass has
solar origin and may encompass considerable shares in future sustain- able renewable energy
production. Current systems for the production of bio-energy, such as green or bioelectricity,
bio-ethanol, and biodiesel still have some drawbacks. They
compete with food production for arable land and fertilizers, require an additional energy
input, and are less ‘sustainable’ or ‘green’ than consumers demand. In this paper propose a
plant microbial fuel cell (plant-MFC) concept, which lacks these disadvantages and promises
high yields. The plant-MFC aims to transform solar radiation into green electricity in a clean
and efficient manner by integrating the roots of a living plant in the anode compartment of a
microbial fuel cell. The plant-MFC is based on two proven processes, rhizodeposition of
organic compounds by living plants and electricity generation from organic compounds in
the microbial fuel cell [3].
Microbial solar cells (MSCs) are recently developed technologies that utilize
solar energy to produce electricity or chemicals. MSCs use photoautotrophic
microorganisms or higher plants to harvest solar energy, and use electrochemically
active microorganisms in the bio-electrochemical system to generate electrical
current. Here, we review the principles and performance of various MSCs in an effort
to identify the most promising systems, as well as the bottlenecks and potential
solutions, for ‘‘real- life’’ MSC applications. We present an outlook on future
applications based on the intrinsic advantages of MSCs, specifically highlighting how
these living energy systems can facilitate the development of an electricity-
producing green roof [4].
In a Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell anode-conditions must be created that are
favorable for plant growth and electricity production. One of the major aspects in
this is the composition of the plant-growth medium. Hoagland medium has been
used until now, with added phosphate buffer to reduce potential losses over the
membrane because of differences in pH between anode and cathode. We developed a
new, improved plant-growth medium that improves current production, while the
plant keeps growing. This medium is a nitrate-less, ammonium-rich medium that
contains all macro- and micro-nutrients necessary for plant growth, with a balanced
amount of bicarbonate buffer. Sulphate presence in the plant-growth medium helps
to keep a low anode-potential. The Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC) offers the
possibility to produce bio-electricity while the plant is growing concurrently.
Concurrent bio-electricity and biomass production enables us to produce bio-
electricity that is nondestructive and can be combined with other applications for
biomass [5].
Chapter 3
The first and foremost thing is to have basic knowledge about photosynthesis of
plants which we have studied in the class of 6th standard during schooling. We need to
recollect it once again, to understand this technology. The magic of Mother Nature is that it
converts sunlight energy into food. Photosynthesis has been around for thousands of years,
creating oxygen for all living creatures to thrive on earth and it is vital for our future on this
planet. One of the most significant systems on earth, crucial for keeping most human and
animal life forms alive is Photosynthesis. The prefix “photo” means light. The suffix
“synthesis” means the production of compounds made from simpler substances.
Plants just have a special way of retrieving food from the elements around them and
produce their nutrients on the inside. For plants to make their food, they need carbon
dioxide(CO2), sunlight, and water(H2O). Photosynthesis is the process by which plants
make their food. Plants make food in their leaves. The leaves contain a pigment called
chlorophyll, which colors the leaves green. Chlorophyll is a green chemical that absorbs the
sun's energy into plants' leaves so they can produce their food. The leaves are where the
majority of photosynthesis takes place and are made up of tiny structures called chloroplasts.
Plants take water from the soil through their veins, which are called xylem. The water goes
to the leaves. The leaves take carbon dioxide from the air into the plant through tiny pores
called stomata. Carbon dioxide is caused by respiration, decomposition, as well as the
burning of fossil fuels and other human-related causes. The carbon dioxide mixes with the
water. Once all three components are absorbed into the plant's leaves, the process of
photosynthesis can begin. When water, light energy, and carbon dioxide get absorbed, the
water molecules are divided into hydrogen(H) and oxygen(O2). The oxygen is released
through the leaves leaving the hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Energy from the sun helps this
process along and turns the combination into a sugar called glucose(C6H12O6) as shown in
(1). The glucose is plant food. It gives the plants energy to grow.
3.2 Proof of Principle
6 O2 + 24 H + 24 E → 12 H2O (3)
The proof of principle was published in 2008. Carbon dioxide is fixed by plant leaves
using solar energy. Part of the fixed carbon is transported to the roots and released as small
molecular weight components. These so called rhizodeposits are partly utilized by
electrochemically active microorganisms yielding bicarbonate (HCO3) as carbon dioxide,
protons, and electrons as shown in (2). Carbon dioxide is returned to the atmosphere.
Electrons are transferred by electrochemically active microorganisms to the anode for
gaining metabolic energy shown in (3). The anode is coupled to a cathode. The electrons
flow from the anode through an electrical circuit with a load to the cathode.
Fig 2 Schematic diagram of P-MFC technology
3.3 Technology
3.3.1 Plant Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC)
A Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) also called as Biological Fuel Cell is a bio-
electrochemical system. It drives a current by using bacteria and mimicking bacterial
interactions occurred naturally in nature. A microbial fuel cell is a device that converts
chemical energy to electrical energy by the catalytic reaction of microorganisms. Broadly,
MFC's are classified mainly into two types: 1) Mediator MFC. 2) Mediator-less MFC. 1)
Mediator microbial fuel cell: In Mediator MFC, most of the microbial cells are
electrochemically inactive. In this fuel cell, the mediators are responsible for electron
transmission from microbial cells to the electrode. Few examples of mediators are Thionine ,
Methyl Viologen, Methyl blue, Humic acid, and Neutral red. Most of the mediators used in
this type of MFC's are costly and also toxic substances. 2) Mediator-free microbial fuel cell:
In mediator-less MFC, no mediators are utilized in the process of generation of electricity.
Mediator-free MFC'S do not require a mediator but these cells use naturally occurring
electrochemically active bacteria to transfer to the electrode, and these electrons are carried
directly from bacterial respiratory enzyme to the electrode. Examples of the mediator-free
MFC's are Plant Microbial Fuel Cell (P-MFC).
P-MFC's planted with these species generated comparatively high amounts of power
and produced even significant quantities of biomass that could frequently be harvested.
Oryza sativa (also called as Asian Rice, which is cultivated across the world) and grass have
very high power density with P-MFC technology. A deficiency of one or more of nutrients
immediately affects plant growth and health. List of few plants is shown in the Fig.4.
Researchers found that grasses are most promising plant species for P-MFC’s since they can
overcome certain limitations of the P-MFC systems and can produce high shoot biomass
during the operation of it. This biomass might further be used for other purposes like biogas
production and also as animal feed. Prerequisites for plants are
• Use plants for indoor use when planning to put the system indoor and local outdoor species
when planning to put the system outside.
• When using the system indoors, make sure the plants receive enough daylight as we know
solar radiation is one of the important factors for P-MFC output.
Naturally occurring bacteria are responsible for the electrons generation when they break
down the organic matter for their energy. Some of the electrochemically active
microorganisms participating in this technology for Shewanellaputrefaciens, Aeromonas
hydrophilia, et al. And bacteria which have pili on their outer membrane can transfer their
electron production via these pili.
Fig 3 Suitable plants list which can be used in P-MFC’s
Chapter 4
Fig 4 Benefits of P-MFC technology
This paper sheds new light on to show living plants are one of the most promising
applications of renewable energy technologies to electrify remote areas and un-electrified
villages. With this in mind, we tried to compare this novel PMFC technology with other
renewable energy sources and also investigated to know its potential to contribute to the
future electricity generation. This paper also serves as the base paper for future researches
related to this technology. This study ends with a discussion of the future design of this
technology and possibilities of plant-e to become a successful technology in a market. Future
work will concentrate on PMFC output in rich solar energy resource country like India by
taking Oryza Sativa into account. We hope that future tests will confirm our findings. If we
compare a modern day phone and 50 years back telephone, a car from today and a car from
150 years ago had a big difference; it took more than 50 years for a battery to fit into a small
phone. Thus, any new technology needs time to emerge and explore its full potential. In the
next few years, every agriculture sector and every place with living plants will become a
power generating plant to electrify remote areas and un-electrified villages.
[1] Badwal SPS, Sarbjit S. Giddey, C Munnings, Anand I. Bhatt and AF. Hollenkamp
"Emerging electrochemical energy conversion and storage technologies," Frontiers in
Chemistry, 2014.
[2] Varun, R. Prakash and I.K. Bhat, “Energy, Economics and Environmental impacts of
renewable energy systems,” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2009.
[3] Strik DPBTB, Hamelers HVM, Snel JFH, Buisman CJN, “ Green electricity
production with living plants and bacteria in a fuel cell” International Journal of Energy
Research,2008, in the press.
[4] Strik DPBTB, Timmers RA, Helder M, Steinbusch KJJ, Hamelers HVM, Buisman
CJN, “Microbial solar cells: Applying photosynthetic and electrochemically active
organisms,” Trends in Biotechnology, in the press.
[5] Helder M, Strik DPBTB, Hamelers HVM, Kuijken RCP, Buisman CJN “ New plant-
growth medium for increased power output of the Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell,” Bio-
resource Technology, 2012, in the press.
[8] Marjolein Helder “Design criteria for the Plant-Microbial Fuel Cell: Electricity
generation with living plants – from lab to application,” Ph.D. thesis Wageningen
University, in the press.
[9] “International Energy Outlook 2016” U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2016, in
the press.