2000 Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination AL Physics Multiple Choice Questions

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00 AL Physics/M.C./P.

2000 Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination

AL Physics
Multiple Choice Questions

F 3.

Two books A and B are placed on a

horizontal table surface as shown. A Q P
horizontal force F is applied to A but the
system remains stationary. Which of the W
following statements is/are correct?
A light rigid rod PQ is hinged smoothly
(1) The frictional force acting on B by to the wall at one end while the other end
the table surface is greater than F. is connected by an inextensible string to a
(2) The frictional force acting on A by B point R directly above P. A weight W is
is towards the left. suspended from a point on the rod. If the
(3) The system would remain stationary rod remains horizontal, which of the
if F is applied to B instead. following change(s) would increase the
tension in the string?
A. (1) only
B. (3) only (1) Shifting the weight towards Q
C. (1) and (2) only (2) Replacing the string with a shorter
D. (2) and (3) only one and connecting it to the mid-
E. (1), (2) and (3) points of PQ and PR
(3) Replacing the string with a longer
one and connecting it to a point
2. In which of the following situations is the higher than R
magnitude of the normal reaction of the
supporting surface always equal to the A. (1) only
weight of the body? B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
(1) A ball bouncing vertically on a D. (2) and (3) only
horizontal ground is in contact with E. (1), (2) and (3)
the ground.
(2) An astronaut in a spacecraft which
performs circular motion around the 4. A student holds one end of a string to
earth. which a block of mass 8 kg is tied at the
(3) A boy standing in a lift which is other end. He raises the block with an
moving vertically upward with a acceleration by pulling the string in an
uniform velocity. upward direction. If the maximum
tension that the string can withstand is
A. (1) only 120 N, find the maximum acceleration of
B. (3) only the block before the string breaks.
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only A. 5.0 ms-2
E. (1), (2) and (3) B. 7.5 ms-2
C. 10.0 ms-2
D. 12.5 ms-2
E. 15.0 ms-2
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.2

5. A trolley of mass 0.5 kg moves with a (3) The gravitational potential energy
certain acceleration down a runway lost by the ball is equal to the strain
which is inclined to the horizontal at 15. energy stored in the spring.
If the angle of inclination is increased to
20, the acceleration of the trolley would A. (1) only
be doubled. Find the average frictional B. (3) only
force, assuming the same in both cases, C. (1) and (2) only
acting on the trolley. D. (2) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3)
A. 0.72 N
B. 0.80 N
C. 0.88 N 8.
D. 0.96 N
E. 1.04 N N

6. Two objects A and B of masses m and 2m r

respectively are initially at rest on a 
smooth, horizontal surface. If each of
them is acted upon by the same force for
the same period of time, the ratio of the mg
gain in kinetic energy of A to that of B is A car of mass m is moving with speed v
on a banked road along a circular path of
A. 2:1 horizontal radius r. The angle of
B. 1:2 inclination of the road is . If the
C. 1:1 centripetal force arises entirely form a
D. 1:4 component of the normal reaction N from
E. 4:1 the road, which of the following relations
is correct?

7. A. N cos  = mg
B. N = mg cos 
C. v2 =
sin 
D. v2 =
tan 
N mv 2
E. =
tan  r

9. X and Y are two planets. Each of them

has a low-altitude satellite revolving in a
A light spring is fixed to the bottom of a
circular orbit close to the planet. If the
vertical tube. A ball is released from rest
two satellites are observed to have the
at a height h above the upper end of the
same period, then X and Y must have
spring as shown. After rebounding
nearly the same
several times the ball eventually comes to
rest and stays on top of the spring.
A. mass.
Assume all contact surfaces are smooth
B. average density.
and the spring obeys Hooke’s law
C. radius.
throughout. Which of the following
D. acceleration due to gravity at the
statements is/are correct?
planet’s surface.
E. gravitational potential at the planet’s
(1) The compression of the spring is
proportional to the mass of the ball.
(2) The compression of the spring is
independent of the height h.
10. A small block of mass 0.1 kg is
suspended from the ceiling by a light
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.3

spring of force constant 12 Nm -1. If the A. The effect due to air resistance is not
block is projected vertically downwards negligible.
with a speed of 0.5 ms -1 from its B. The stop watch used for the
equilibrium position, what is the experiment runs too slowly.
maximum acceleration of the block in its C. The length of the string has been
subsequent motion? taken as the effective length of the
A. 5.0 ms-2 D. The experiment has been performed
B. 5.5 ms-2 at a place above sea-level.
C. 6.0 ms-2 E. The experiment has been performed
D. 6.5 ms-2 at a place below sea-level.
E. 7.0 ms-2

11. A

L 
tube 
bung On a smooth horizontal surface, a block
connected to the wall with a light spring
performs simple harmonic motion of
W amplitude A as shown. If the amplitude is
A student performing a centripetal force reduced to A/2, which of the following
experiment whirls a rubber bung attached quantities would be halved?
to one end of a string which passes
through a glass tube with smooth (1) the maximum velocity of the block
openings, and has weight W hanging at its (2) the maximum elastic potential energy
other end. The weight of the rubber bung stored in the spring
is much smaller that W. The rubber bung (3) the period of oscillation of the block
is set into a horizontal uniform circular
motion with angular speed  while the A. (1) only
length off the string beyond the upper B. (3) only
opening of the glass tube is L and this C. (1) and (2) only
portion of the string makes an angle  D. (2) and (3) only
with the vertical as shown. Which of the E. (1), (2) and (3)
following statements is/are correct?

(1) If L is kept constant,  will decrease 14. With his arms and legs outstretched, a
with . diver leaves a high-diving board with
(2) If  is kept constant, L will increase some initial angular velocity. Before he
with . enters the water, which of the following
(3) When W increases,  will increase. statements is INCORRECT? (Neglect air
A. (1) only
B. (2) only A. His angular momentum about the
C. (3) only centre of gravity remains constant.
D. (1) and (2) only B. No external force acts on him.
E. (2) and (3) only C. His loss in potential energy becomes
his kinetic energy.
D. He can decrease his moment of
12. A student used a simple pendulum to inertia by pulling his arms and legs to
measure acceleration due to gravity at the his chest.
earth’s surface. The experimental value E. He can make more turns before
was found higher than the standard value. reaching the water surface by coiling
Which of the following is a possible up his body.
reason for this?
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.4

15. E. becomes momentarily zero.

paper cone string
pendulums A of air particles
(loaded with
metal rings) heavy bob + P
The above figure shows an instantaneous
The figure shows a variation of Barton’s wave profile representing a sound wave
pendulum. A, B and C are three paper travelling to the right in air. Which of the
cone pendulums of different lengths following about the part of the wave at P
suspended from the string. The heavy at this instant is/are correct? (Take the
bob is pulled well aside and released so displacement towards right as positive.)
that it oscillates on a plane perpendicular
to the paper. The paper cone pendulums (1) P is a centre of compression.
are forced into oscillations. When the (2) The air particle at P has the greatest
motion settles down after a short time, kinetic energy.
which of the following statements is/are (3) The air particle at P is moving
correct? towards right.

(1) B has the largest amplitude among A. (1) only

the three paper cone pendulums. B. (3) only
(2) All the paper cone pendulums are C. (1) and (2) only
oscillating with the same frequency. D. (2) and (3) only
(3) A and C are approximately in E. (1), (2) and (3)

A. (1) only 18.

B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3)


Two transverse pulses travel towards each

other along a stretched string as shown. 1 cm
They are identical and symmetric in
shape but one is inverted. At the moment A dot vibrator is moving across the
the pulses pass each other the string surface of water in a ripple tank with a
becomes straight. At this moment the steady speed as shown. The figure
wave energy represents the water surface showing the
pattern of the water waves against a
A. becomes wholly elastic potential in background of centimetre squares. The
the string. speed of the water waves is 20 cms -1.
B. becomes wholly kinetic due to What is the speed of the dot vibrator?
transverse motion of the string.
C. becomes partly elastic potential and A. 10 cms-1
partly kinetic in the string. B. 8 cms-1
D. converts into internal energy and is C. 5 cms-1
dissipated as heat energy in the D. 4 cms-1
string. E. 2 cms-1
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.5

(1) The lens L must be a concave lens.

(2) The point object must lie along the
19. line OS.
(3) The image of the point object must
air be virtual.

glass A. (1) only

B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only
thin film D. (2) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3)
A glass lens is made non-reflecting for
yellow light by coating it with a thin film
of transparent material of a refractive 21.
index less than that of glass. Which of
the following statements is/are correct? +Q +q +2q

(1) The surface of the glass lens appears d d

yellow in white light.
(2) The minimum thickness of the film is In the above arrangement, two small test
¼ of the wavelength of yellow light charges +q and +2q are brought from
in the film. infinity to the positions shown. The two
(3) As a result of the destructive charges are collinear with another charge
interference between the light rays +Q and their mutual separation is d.
reflected from the two interfaces, Which of the following statements is/are
energy which would have been correct?
wasted as reflected light increases the
amount of transmitted light. (1) Charge +q is at a higher potential
than charge +2q.
A. (1) only (2) The work done in bringing the
B. (3) only charges +q and +2q from infinity to
C. (1) and (2) only their respective positions is the same.
D. (2) and (3) only (3) The potential energy of the system
E. (1), (2) and (3) would increase if d decreases.

A. (1) only
20. B. (3) only
L C. (1) and (2) only
D. (2) and (3) only
P Q E. (1), (2) and (3)


In the above figure, XY is the principal

axis of a lens L. PQ and OS are two
refracted rays from L which originate
from a point object placed on the left side
of L. Which of the following deductions
is/are correct?
The figure shows a pattern of electric
field lines in which P, Q and R are points
marked on one of the field lines with PQ
= QR. If the potential at P is 0 V, which
of the following can give the possible
potentials at Q and at R?
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.6

A. (1) only
Potential at Q Potential at R B. (3) only
A. -200 V -450 V C. (1) and (2) only
B. -200 V -400 V D. (2) and (3) only
C. -200 V -350 V E. (1), (2) and (3)
D. +200 V +350 V
E. +200 V +450 V
0.2 A 5 
0.3 A

1 R P Q
The figure shows some of the resistors in
a network of resistors. The magnitudes Four parallel long straight conductors
and directions of some of the currents are carrying currents of equal magnitude pass
marked as shown. Find the magnitude vertically through the four corners of a
and direction of the current passing square PQRS. The current is directed
through the resistor R. into paper in one conductor and is
directed out of paper in the other three
A. 0.2 A from right to left conductors. Which of the following
B. 0.2 A from left to right arrangement can produce a resultant
C. 0.4 A from right to left magnetic induction at the centre O of the
D. 0.4 A from left to right square in the direction shown?
E. It cannot be determined as the value
of R is not given. Current into paper Current out of
A. P Q, R, S
24. B. Q P, R, S
internal resistance 4  C. R P, Q, S
D. S P, Q, R
E. It is impossible to produce a resultant
magnetic induction at O in the
direction shown.

26. Two parallel plates are connected to an

In the above circuit, the internal E.H.T. of 4.5 kV. Electric breakdown
resistance of the battery is 4 . R is a occurs when the separation of the plates
variable resistor. Which of the following is reduced to 1.5 mm. Estimate the
statements about the circuit is/are maximum acceleration of an electron
correct? between the plates.
(1) If the resistance of R is very small, charge of an electron = 1.6  10-19 C;
the terminal potential difference of mass of an electron = 9.1  10-31 kg)
the battery is very small but the
power dissipated in the battery is A. 4.0  107 ms-2
large. B. 1.0  109 ms-2
(2) If the resistance of R is very large, C. 1.2  1012 ms-2
the current in the circuit is very small D. 1.6  1015 ms-2
but most of the power supplied by the E. 5.3  1017 ms-2
battery is dissipated by R.
(3) If the resistance of R is 4 , the
power supplied to R by the battery is
at a maximum.
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.7

27. A beam of charged particles passes

undeflected through a region of crossed
uniform electric and magnetic fields. I II
Which of the following must be common
to the particles making up this beam?

A. charge to mass ratio III

B. velocity
C. mass
D. sign of charge (1) (2)
E. magnitude of charge A. I II
28. When a simple motor rotating at a steady D. III II
speed is suddenly jammed and comes to a E. III III
stop, which of the following statements
is/are correct?
(1) The rate of change of magnetic flux X Y
through the coil of the motor will be
very large.
(2) A large e.m.f. will be induced in the
coil of the motor.
(3) A large current will flow through the 6.0 V
coil of the motor.

A. (1) only Z
B. (3) only In the above circuit, the battery has an
C. (1) and (2) only e.m.f. of 6.0 V and all the capacitors are
D. (2) and (3) only identical. Initially none of the capacitors
E. (1), (2) and (3) are charged. The switch is first
connected to X and then to Y. What is the
final potential difference between Z and
29. Y?

D A. 1.0 V
R B. 1.5 V
C. 2.0 V
D. 2.4 V
E. 3.6 V

The figure shows a bridge rectifier circuit I
in which all the diodes are assumed ideal.
The source is a sinusoidal a.c. supply.
Which of the following traces (I, II or III)
would be displayed on a CRO connected
across the load resistor R if 0 t

(1) the diode D were reversed in the

circuit, A constant p.d. is applied to a solenoid.
(2) the diode D were removed leaving a The variation of current I with time t is as
break in the circuit? shown. Which of the following can be
deduced from the shape of the graph?

A. The solenoid has resistance as well as

B. The inductance of the solenoid
decreases as time increases.
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.8

C. The inductance of the solenoid A. (1) only

increases as time increases. B. (3) only
D. The e.m.f. induced in the solenoid is C. (1) and (2) only
proportional to the current. D. (2) and (3) only
E. The e.m.f. induced in the solenoid is E. (1), (2) and (3)
proportional to the rate of change of


The figure shows an LC oscillatory circuit
In the above circuit, A and B are identical in which C is a capacitor and L is an air-
light bulbs and L is a pure iron-cored cored inductor. At a certain instant the
inductor. Which of the following magnetic flux inside L is pointing upward
statements is/are correct? as shown. Which of the following
descriptions of the capacitor is/are
(1) When switch S is closed, bulb A will possible at this instant?
light up first.
(2) After switch S is closed for some (1) The capacitor is charging with the
time, A and B are equally bright. upper plate positively charged.
(3) When switch S is open, bulb A will (2) The capacitor is charging with the
go out first. lower plate positively charged.
(3) The capacitor is discharging with the
A. (1) only upper plate positively charged.
B. (3) only (4) The capacitor is discharging with the
C. (1) and (2) only lower plate positively charged.
D. (2) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3) A. (1) only
B. (1) or (3) only
C. (1) or (4) only
33. D. (2) or (3) only
E. (2) or (4) only


A capacitor C and a resistor R are

connected in series to an a.c. source of
constant output voltage. Which of the
following statements is/are correct?

(1) The current leads the applied voltage.

(2) The impedance of the circuit
decreases when the frequency
(3) The power factor of the circuit
decreases when the frequency
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.9

35. The following diagrams show the currents B. When r < r0, U increases as r
of sinusoidal waveform and square decreases.
waveform passing in turn through a C. When r > r0, U increases as r
resistor. The average power dissipated is increases.
the same in both cases. D. When r is very large, U is close to
I/A E. When U is very large, the force
1 between the two molecules is
0 time
T 2T

p/kPa Q
0 R
T 2T time P
0 T/K
Given that the peak value of the
sinusoidal current is 1 A. What is the A fixed mass of an ideal gas goes through
value of I0 of the square waveform the three processes from P to S indicated
current? in the above p-T diagram: (1): P  Q,
(2): Q  R, (3): R  S. During which of
1 the above processes is work done by the
A. A gas on the surroundings?
1 A. (1) only
B. A
2 B. (3) only
C. 1 A C. (1) and (2) only
D. 2 A D. (1) and (3) only
E. 2 2 A E. (2) and (3) only

36. The average stress in the legs of a man 39. Which of the following statements
standing upright is S. If the dimensions concerning a real gas is/are correct?
of the man are doubled while the average
density of the body remains the same, the (1) Collisions between molecules and the
average stress in the legs would be wall of a container are not perfectly
A. S/2. (2) The volume of the molecules cannot
B. S. be neglected.
C. 2S. (3) Intermolecular forces cannot be
D. 4S. neglected.
E. 8S.
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
37. Let r be the separation of two molecules C. (3) only
in a solid and U be the intermolecular D. (1) and (2) only
potential energy of these two molecules. E. (2) and (3) only
When r = r0, the attractive force between
the two molecules is equal to their
repulsive force. Let U = 0 when r = r0.
Which of the following statements is

A. U is non-negative for all values of r.

00 AL Physics/M.C./P.10

40. 42.
Energy +15 V
0 Vout
-15 V Q

-4E P

The energy levels of a certain atom are as In the operational amplifier circuit shown
shown. Which of the following may the feedback is provided by a
undergo an inelastic collision with the potentiometer PQ. The gain of the
atom? amplifier circuit is

(1) an electron with kinetic energy 3E (1) zero when the sliding contact is at P.
(2) a photon with energy 2E (2) one when the sliding contact is at Q.
(3) a photon with energy 3E (3) independent of the resistance value
of the potentiometer PQ.
A. (1) only
B. (3) only A. (1) only
C. (1) and (2) only B. (3) only
D. (2) and (3) only C. (1) and (2) only
E. (1), (2) and (3) D. (2) and (3) only
E. (1), (2) and (3)

41. In a series of photoelectric emission

experiments on a certain metal surface, 43.
relationships between the following
physical quantities were investigated. N
f = frequency of incident light
I = intensity of incident light
i = photoelectric current
K = maximum kinetic energy of The diagram shows the path of an -
photoelectrons particle as it approaches a massive
nucleus at N. At point P the -particle is
y nearest to the nucleus. Which of the
following statements is correct?

A. At P the electric potential energy of

the -particle is at a minimum.
0 x B. At P the total energy of the -
particle is the minimum.
Two of these quantities, when plotted on C. At P the angular momentum of the
a graph of y against x, would give a -particle about N is at a minimum.
straight line through the origin. Which of D. If the initial kinetic energy of the -
the following correctly identifies x and y? particle was greater, the distance
(Assume the frequencies used are greater between P and N would be larger.
than the threshold frequency.) E. If the atomic number of the nucleus
was greater, the distance between P
x y and N would be larger.
A. K i
B. f K
C. f i
D. I K
E. I i
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.11

44. A GM counter is placed close to and in 45. The following equations represent some
front of a radioactive source which emits typical nuclear reactions:-
both  and  radiation. The count rate
recorded is 500 counts per minute while (I) 9
Be  11 H  63 Li  42 He
the background count rate is 50 counts
per minute. Three different materials are
placed in turn between the source and the (II) 2
1 H  31 H  42 He  01 n
counter. The following results are
obtained. (III)
92 U  01 n  148
57 La  85
35 Br  3 01 n
Material Recorded count rate /
counts per minute
Which of the following descriptions of
(Nil) 500
these reactions is/are correct?
Cardboard x
1 mm of y
(1) Reaction (I) represents a spontaneous
5 mm of lead z
(2) Reaction (II) represents a nuclear
Which of the following is a suitable set of
(3) Reaction (III) represents a chain
values for x, y and z?
x y z
A. (1) only
B. (3) only
A. 350 350 150
C. (1) and (2) only
B. 350 150 50
D. (2) and (3) only
C. 350 150 0
E. (1), (2) and (3)
D. 150 150 50
E. 150 50 50

- End of Paper -
00 AL Physics/M.C./P.12

Question No. Key Question No. Key

1. D 26. E
2. B 27. B
3. C 28. B
4. A 29. D
5. C 30. C

6. A 31. A
7. C 32. C
8. A 33. C
9. B 34. D
10. B 35. C

11. C 36. C
12. B 37. D
13. A 38. E
14. B 39. E
15. E 40. C

16. B 41. E
17. E 42. D
18. A 43. E
19. D 44. A
20. D 45. D

21. E
22. A
23. A
24. E
25. D

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