Para-Cosymplectic Manifolds
Para-Cosymplectic Manifolds
Para-Cosymplectic Manifolds
1. Preliminaries
Letbe a $(2n+1)$ -dimensional differentiable manifold. Suppose that
$\varphi^{2}X=X-\eta(X)\xi$ , $\eta(\xi)=1$ , $g(\varphi X, \varphi Y)=-g(X, Y)+\eta(X)\eta(Y)$ .
Key words and phrases. Almost para-cosymplectic manifold, para-cosymplectic manifold, weakly para-
cosymplectic manifold, manifold of constant curvature.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. $53C15,53C25$ .
Received December 9, 2002.
Revised October 6, 2003.
194 Piotr DACKO
In the above and in the sequel, $X,$ $Y,$ denote arbitrary smooth vector fields on $\ldots$
$\varphi\xi=0$ , $\eta(\varphi X)=0$ , $\eta(X)=g(X, \xi)$ , $g(\varphi X, Y)=-g(\varphi Y, X)$ .
Thus, $\Phi(X, Y)=g(\varphi X, Y)$ is a 2-form on $M$ , which will be said the fundamental
form of the structure.
With the above terminology we follow [8]. In the papers [14], [3], [4], [1] the
authors called such structures almost para-coHermitian.
The manifold $M$ endowed with the almost paracontact hyperbolic metric
structure will be called
(a) para-cosymplectic if the forms and are parallel with respect to the $\eta$
(b) almost para-cosymplectic if the forms and are closed, that is, $d\eta=0$ $\eta$
and $d\Phi=0$ .
The above notions of (almost) para-cosymplectic manifolds are paracontact–
with a hyperbolic metric–analogue of (almost) cosymplectic manifolds (for
almost cosymplectic manifolds see [2], [9]).
Our definition of the para-cosymplecticity differs from that used in the paper
[8], in which this notion concems even-dimensional indefinite almost Hermitian or
almost para-Hermitian manifolds with coclosed fundamental forms.
For an almost para-cosymplectic manifold, define the $(1, 1)$ -tensor field by $A$
$ AX=-\nabla_{X}\xi$ .
where $\mathscr{L}$
and the last line of equations implies $A\xi=-\nabla_{\xi}\xi=0$ and $\eta\circ A=0$ .
For , we have the decomposition
, here indicates the unique $\mathscr{L}_{\xi}=\nabla_{\xi}+A$ $A$
extension of the $(1, 1)$ -tensor field to a derivation of the tensor algebra (see e.g. $A$
[10], p. 30).
From one hand, since , it holds $\mathscr{L}_{\xi}\Phi=0$
traceless. Note that the trace of also vanishes, because $\varphi A+A\varphi=0$ $A=\varphi(\varphi A)$
(1) $\varphi_{(t,p)}=(\tilde{J}_{l})_{p}$
, $g=dt\otimes dt+\tilde{g}_{l}$ , $\xi=\frac{\partial}{\partial t}$
, $\eta=dt$ .
The fundamental form $\Phi(X, Y)=g(\varphi X, Y)$ at any $(t, p)\in M$ is given by
, and therefore it is closed. Especially, if the family
$\Phi_{(t,p)}=(\tilde{\Omega}_{t})_{p}=\tilde{\Omega}_{p}$ $(\tilde{J}_{t},\tilde{g}_{t})$
collapses to a single almost para-K\"aler stmcture , that is, for $(\tilde{J},\tilde{g})$ $(\tilde{J}_{t},\tilde{g}_{t})=(\tilde{J},\tilde{g})$
any $t\in(a, b)$ , then we say that the almost para-cosymplectic manifold $M$ is the
product of the open interval $(a, b)$ and the almost para-K\"ahlerian manifold . $\tilde{M}$
We will show that any almost para-cosymplectic structure can locally be seen
as that in formula (1).
In fact, let be an almost para-cosymplectic structure on $M$ and a
$(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$
fixed point of $M$ . Since $d\eta=0$ and $\eta(\xi)=1$ , we choose a coordinate neigh-
bourhood $U$ around , which is diffeomorphic to $a>0,\tilde{U}\subset R^{2n}$
$p$ , $(-a, a)\times\tilde{U},$
$\xi=\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{0}}$
, $\eta=dx^{0}$ .
$\varphi=\sum_{i,j=1}^{2n}\varphi_{i}^{\dot{j}}dx^{j}\otimes\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{j}}$
Moreover, $\Phi(\xi, \cdot)=0$ and $\mathscr{L}_{\xi}\Phi=0$ yield for the components of $\Phi$
and does not depend on . For any fixed $x^{0}$ $x^{0}=t$ , define an almost para-
K\"ahlerian structure on by putting $(\tilde{J}_{l},\tilde{g}_{t})$
THEOREM 1. Let $M(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$ be an almost para-cosymplectic manifold. Then,
for any poin $tp\in M$ ,
(a) there is a neighbourhood $U=(-a, a)\times\tilde{U}$
of $p$ , where $\tilde{U}$
is a 2n-
dimensional manifold and $a>0$ ; $d_{l}fferentiable$
(b) there exist a l-parameter family of almost lerian structures $para\neg K\ddot{a}h$
dimensional differentiable manifold $N$ and its fundamental form. Let $V$ be an $\tilde{\Omega}$
open subset of $N$ endowed with a frame of vector fields $(E_{1}, \ldots, E_{2n})$ such that
$\tilde{J}E_{\alpha}=E_{\alpha+n},\tilde{J}E_{\alpha+n}=E_{\alpha},\tilde{g}(E_{\alpha}, E_{\beta})=\delta_{\alpha\beta},\tilde{g}(E_{\alpha+n}, E_{\beta+n})=-\delta_{\alpha\beta},\tilde{g}(E_{\alpha}, E_{\beta+n})=0$
for $\alpha,\beta=1,$
Given a family of functions $f_{t}$
: $V\rightarrow R,$ $a<t<b$ , define $(\tilde{J}_{f},\tilde{g}_{t})$
, $\tilde{J}_{l}E_{\alpha+n}=\exp(-f_{t})E_{\alpha}$
$\tilde{g}_{f}(E_{\alpha}, E_{\beta})=\exp(f_{t})\tilde{g}(E_{\alpha}, E_{\beta})$
, $\tilde{g}_{t}(E_{\alpha+n}, E_{\beta+n})=\exp(-f_{t})\tilde{g}(E_{\alpha+n}, E_{\beta+n})$
dimensional differentiable manifold $N$ . Let $V$ be an open subset of $N$ and assume
that there exist a l-parameter family of diffeomorphisms : , $f_{t}$ $V\rightarrow f_{f}(V)\subset N$
$t\in(-a, a),$ $a>0$ , such that the fundamental form of $N$ is invariant with $\tilde{\Omega}$
respect to all , that is, . [One should note that any point of $N$ has a
$f_{l}\prime s$ $f_{f}^{*}\tilde{\Omega}=\tilde{\Omega}$
198 Piotr DACKO
neighbourhood $V$
with this property.] Define a family of almost para-Hermitian
structures $(\tilde{J}_{l},\tilde{g}_{l})$
on as follows
, $\tilde{g}_{t}=f_{t}^{*}\tilde{g}$
It can be checked that are almost para-K\"ahlerian structures on $V$ with $(\tilde{J}_{l},\tilde{g}_{t})$
The very special case of the above construction can be obtained when $X$ is a
vector field on $N$ satisfying . Then, any point of $N$ has a neighbourhood $\mathscr{L}_{X}\tilde{\Omega}=0$
$\square $
leaf. Identifying the set with , we note that is just the induced $\tilde{U}$
$\{t\}\times\tilde{U}$ $(\tilde{J}_{t},\tilde{g}_{t})$
$g(AX, Y)=-(1/2)(\mathscr{L}_{\xi}g)(X, Y)$ (see Proposition 1), for the second fundamental
form of $h_{t}$
, we have .
$\{\iota\}\times\tilde{U}$ $h_{t}=-(1/2)(\partial\tilde{g}_{s}/\partial s)|_{s=\iota}$ $\square $
LEMMA 1. For an almost paracontact hyperbolic metric mamfold $M(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$
where $ A=-\nabla\xi$ .
On almost para-cosymplectic manifolds 199
covariantly, we obtain
(5) $(\nabla_{X}\varphi)\varphi Y+\varphi(\nabla_{X}\varphi)Y=g(AX, Y)\xi+\eta(Y)AX$
whence it follows
$(\nabla_{X}\Phi)(Y, \xi)=-g((\nabla_{X}\varphi)\xi, Y)=-g(\varphi AX, Y)$ .
Replacing $Z$ by $\varphi Z$
in (3), and applying the last equality, we find (4). $\square $
By (4), the right hand side of this equality vanishes identically, so that
$B(X, Y, Z)-B(Y, X, Z)=0$ , i.e. $B$ is symmetric with respect to $X,$ . $Y$
200 Piotr DACKO
Symmetrizing $B$
with respect to $Y,$ $Z$ , we find
This, with the help of (3), implies $B(X, Y, Z)+B(X, Z, Y)=0$ , i.e. $B$ is anti-
symmetric with respect to $Y,$ $Z$ . The tensor $B$ having such symmetries must
vanish identically, which implies (7). $\square $
By (6), $(\nabla_{\varphi X}\varphi)\xi=\varphi A\varphi X=-AX$ , which applied to the above gives (8). Now, (9)
follows from (8) and (5). $\square $
PROPOSITION 3. For the curva ture of an almost para-cosymp lectic manifo $ld$
we have the following identities
(10) $R_{XY}\xi=-(\nabla_{X}A)Y+(\nabla_{Y}A)X$ ,
where $R_{XY}=[\nabla_{X}, \nabla_{Y}]-\nabla_{[X,Y]}$ and $N$ is the Nijenhuis torsion tensor of $\varphi$
Hence, we get
$-(\nabla_{X}A)Y+(\nabla_{Y}A)X=[\nabla_{X}, \nabla_{Y}]\xi-\nabla_{[X,Y]}\xi=R_{XY}\xi$ ,
$-(\nabla_{\varphi X}\varphi)\nabla_{Y}\xi+(\nabla_{X}\varphi)\varphi\nabla_{Y}\xi=0$
4. Para-cosymplectic Manifolds
In this section, we prove various necessary and sufficient conditions for an
almost para-cosymplectic manifold to be para-cosymplectic.
At first, we prove the following proposition
Formula (14) follows from the above in view of (9). Using (14) and (7), we find
(15). Moreover, using (14), we compute
which gives (16). Formulas (17) are immediate consequences of (14) and (15),
respectively. $\square $
, that is,
is para-K\"ahlerian.
of . Thus, $t$
$M$ is locally a product of an open interval and a para-K\"ahlerian
: It is obvious.
by the virtue of Proposition 1 that , we get which in tum implies $\nabla_{\xi}\varphi=0$ $\nabla\varphi=0$
$(\nabla_{X}\eta)(Y)=g(\nabla_{X}\xi, Y)$ and $\nabla\xi=0$ one gets . Thus (a) follows. $\nabla\eta=0$ $\square $
On almost para-cosymplectic manifolds 203
weakly para-cosymplectic.
It is obvious that a para-cosymplectic manifold is weakly para-cosymplectic.
The converse implication does not hold in general. Indeed, the almost para-
cosymplectic manifolds given in the below example fulfill (18) and are not para-
Let $h=1-x^{1}-x^{3}$ and define a frame of vector fields $(E_{0}, E_{1}, E_{2})$ on $R^{3}$
For these vector fields, we have $g(E_{0}, E_{0})=g(E_{1}, E_{2})=g(E_{2}, E_{1})=1$ , otherwise
$g(E_{j}, E_{\dot{j}})=0$ . Let be the dual frame of l-forms. Then can be
$(\omega^{0}, \omega^{1}, \omega^{2})$
$\xi=E_{0}$ , $\eta=\omega^{0}$
, $\varphi=\omega^{1}\otimes E_{1}-\omega^{2}\otimes E_{2}$
Then $M_{0}=R^{3}(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$ is a 3-dimensional flat almost para-cosymplectic man-
ifold. By the flatness, realizes (18). Since $M_{0}$
, $AE_{2}=-\nabla_{E_{2}}\xi=\partial/\partial x^{1}-\partial/\partial x^{3}\neq 0$
then . Thus,
$\nabla\varphi\neq 0$
is weakly para-cosymplectic but not para-cosymplectic.
It is interesting to point out that the vector fields form a basis of a $E_{0},$ $E_{1},$ $E_{2}$
3-dimensional Lie algebra isomorphic to the Lie algebra of the Heisenberg group
. Explicitly, the Poisson brackets are the following
on with
$(O, 0,0)\in R^{3}$ as the identity element, for which are left- $E_{0},$ $E_{1},$ $E_{2}$
invariant [15]. Because the group is connected and simply connected, is $G$ $G$
isomorphic to the Heisenberg group . By the above construction, the structure $H^{3}$
is left-invariant.
$(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$
compact cosets manifold. Via the canonical projection, we obtain a flat non para-
cosymplectic, almost para-cosymplectic structure on , which will be denoted $M_{1}$
also by .
$(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$
, $\xi^{\prime}=(\xi, 0)$
, $\eta^{\prime}=(\eta, 0)$
, $g^{\prime}=(g,\tilde{g})$
Then, clearly, $[R_{XY}^{\prime}, \varphi^{\prime}]=0$
and . Thus, is weakly para-cosymplectic
$\nabla^{\prime}\varphi^{\prime}\neq 0$ $M^{\prime}$
$\square $
PROOF. Note that the Nijenhuis tensors $N$ and of and the induced para- $\tilde{N}$
for any vector fields $X,$ tangent to . Therefore, $N(\varphi X, \varphi Y)=0$ for any
$Y$ $\tilde{M}$
and hence
$(\nabla_{\varphi Z}\varphi)X=g(AZ, X)\xi-\eta(X)AZ$ .
If we replace $Z$ by in the last equation and use , we get (20). $\varphi Z$ $\nabla_{\xi}\varphi=0$
Now we prove that (20) implies the leaves of the manifold $M$ are para-
K\"ahlerian. Let be the induced almost para-K\"ahlerian structure on a leaf
$(\tilde{J},\tilde{g})$ $\tilde{M}$
$2\lambda\eta(Y)X-2\lambda\eta(X)Y=-\nabla_{N(X,Y)}\xi=AN(X, Y)$ .
Applying $A$
to the both sides of the above equation and using (22), (17) and
$\lambda\neq 0$
, we find
$2\eta(Y)AX-2\eta(X)AY=-N(X, Y)$ .
$(2n-1)\lambda g(X, \varphi Y)=-g(R_{\xi X}\xi, \varphi Y)=\lambda g(X, \varphi Y)$ .
space $W,$ $s\geq 2$ . If rank $(u)=rank(v)=p,$ and have a common diagonalizing $u$ $v$
basis and
$u(z, y)u(x, w)-u(x, y)u(z, w)+v(z, y)v(x, w)-v(x, y)v(z, w)=0$
PROOF. Choose a basis $(e_{j}, i=1,2, \ldots, s)$ , so that $v(e_{i}, e_{j})=$ $u(e_{j}, e_{j})=a_{j}\delta_{ij},$
for certain
. We may assume that
for $i=1,$ , $a_{j}\neq 0,$ $b_{j}\neq 0$
$\ldots,$ $p$
otherwise $a_{j}=b_{l}=0$ . Let us suppose that $p\geq 3$ . From (3), for $z=y=e_{j}$ ,
$x=w=e_{j},$ $1\leq i\neq j\leq p$ , we obtain $a_{i}a_{j}+b_{i}b_{j}=0$ . Hence $b_{l}=-a_{j}a_{1}/b_{1}$ for
$2\leq i\leq p$ . This applied in the previous equation gives $a_{j}a_{j}=0,2\leq l\neq j\leq p$ ,
(I) the tensor field $A$ is a Codazzi tensor, that is, $(\nabla_{X}A)Y=(\nabla_{Y}A)X$ ;
(II) at any point $p\in M$ , the operator $A$ has one of the following shape
On almost para-cosymplectic manifolds 207
(a) $A=0$ ,
(b) $AX=\epsilon g(X, V)V$ , where and $V$ is a non-zero null vector such
orthogonal null vectors such that $\varphi V_{1}=-V_{1},$ and . $\varphi V_{2}=V_{2}$ $|\epsilon_{j}|=1$
$[R_{XY}, \varphi]\xi=0$ , and hence $R_{XY}\xi=0$ . Now (I) follows by (10). Observe, $0=$
$\varphi R_{\xi\varphi X}\xi=A^{2}X+(\nabla_{\xi}A)X=A^{2}X+(\nabla_{X}A)\xi=2A^{2}X$ .
Thus $A^{2}X=0$ .
By $R_{XY}\xi=0$ the identity (21) simplifies to
$g(A\varphi Z, Y)AX-g(A\varphi X, Y)AZ+g(AZ, Y)A\varphi X-g(AX, Y)A\varphi Z=0$ .
Thus we have
(by (25) and (26)) and fulfill (23). That means, they realize the assumptions
of Lemma 3, therefore it must hold $r\leq 2$ . Note that $r=rank(c_{\alpha\beta})+$
$rank(c_{(\alpha+n)(\beta+n)})$ . If $r=0$ , then $A=0$ . Let $r=1$ . We will show the assertion
(II)(b). At first, consider the case rank . Then $c_{(\alpha+n)(\beta+n)}=0$ , and $(c_{\alpha\beta})=1$
for which $\varphi V=V,$ $\omega(X)=g(X, V)$ and $g(V, V)=0$ . Let now
$A=\epsilon\omega\otimes V,$
$r=2$ .Suppose rank $(c_{\alpha\beta})=2$ . Then which together with (25) and
$c_{(\alpha+n)(\beta+n)}=0$ ,
(26) implies $g(A\varphi X, Y)=g(AX, Y)$ . Applying the last relation into (23), we find
rank $(c_{\alpha\beta})=rank(c_{(\alpha+n)(\beta+n)})=1$ ,
We verify that
$A=\epsilon_{1}\omega_{1}\otimes V_{1}+\epsilon_{2}\omega_{2}\otimes V_{2}$
, $\omega_{1}(X)=g(X, V_{1})$ , $\omega_{2}(X)=g(X, V_{2})$ ,
EXAMPLE 4. Let $M=R^{5}$ with coordinates $(z, u_{1}, u_{2}, v_{1}, v_{2})$ . Define a $(1, 1)-$
$\eta=dz-2u_{1}du_{1}-2u_{2}du_{2}$ ,
$g=dz^{2}+2du_{1}dv_{1}+2du_{2}dv_{2}$ .
By straightforward computations we verify that $(\varphi, \xi, \eta, g)$
is the almost para-
cosymplectic structure on $M$ with the fundamental form $\Phi$
given by
$\Phi=4u_{1}dz\wedge du_{1}-4u_{2}dz\wedge du_{2}+8u_{1}u_{2}du_{1}\wedge du_{2}-2du_{1}\wedge dv_{1}+2du_{2}\wedge dv_{2}$ .
For the tensor field $ A=-\nabla\xi$ , we have
nonzero, satisfies the relation (20) and therefore by Theorem 3, $M$ has para-
K\"ahlerian leaves. $M$ is weakly para-cosymplectic since the metric is flat. $g$ $\square $
6. Curvature Identities
$=(\nabla_{(\nabla_{Z}\varphi)X}\varphi)Y-(\nabla_{X}\varphi)(\nabla_{Z}\varphi)Y-g(AZ, Y)AX+\eta(Y)(\nabla_{Z}A)X$ .
$=-(\nabla_{(\nabla_{V}\varphi)U}\varphi)W-\eta(W)A\varphi(\nabla_{V}\varphi)U$ .
$=-(\nabla_{(\nabla_{\nabla}\varphi)U}\varphi)W-(\nabla_{U}\varphi)(\nabla_{V}\varphi)W-g(AV, W)AU$
$+\eta(W)((\nabla_{\varphi^{2}VU}\varphi)\xi-(\nabla_{U}\varphi)A\varphi V-A\varphi(\nabla_{V}\varphi)U)$ .
Putting $V=X,$ $U=Z,$ $W=Y$ in (30) and adding the obtained relation to
(28), we have
$-[R_{z_{\varphi}x,\varphi]Y-(\nabla_{\varphi^{2}X\varphi Z}\varphi)\varphi Y+(\nabla_{ZX}^{2}\varphi)\varphi Y}$
$-A\varphi(\nabla_{X}\varphi)Z+(\nabla_{Z}A)X)$ .
Antisymmetrization of the last equality with respect to $Z,$ $X$ and application of
(14), gives
(31) $[R_{Z\varphi X}, \varphi]Y+[R_{\varphi ZX}, \varphi]Y-[R_{\varphi Z\varphi X}, \varphi]\varphi Y-[R_{ZX}, \varphi]\varphi Y$
$=-2(\nabla_{(\nabla_{Z}\varphi)X}\varphi)Y+2(\nabla_{(\nabla_{X}\varphi)Z}\varphi)Y-\eta(Y)S(Z, X)$
where $S$
is a $(1,2)$ skew-symmetric tensor field. Put $ Y=\xi$ in (31) and find
$[R_{Z\varphi X\varphi]\xi+[R_{\varphi ZX},\varphi]\xi-(\nabla_{\varphi N(Z,X)\varphi)\xi=-S(Z,X)}}$ .
we find
$[R_{Z\varphi X\varphi]\xi+[R_{\varphi ZX},\varphi]\xi+\varphi[R_{\varphi Z\varphi X},\varphi]\xi+\varphi[R_{ZX},\varphi]\xi=(\nabla_{\varphi N(Z,X)\varphi)\xi}}$ ,
(32) $R_{Z\varphi X}\varphi Y-\varphi R_{Z\varphi X}Y+R_{\varphi ZX}\varphi Y-\varphi R_{\varphi ZX}Y$
$-R_{\varphi Z\varphi X}Y+\varphi R_{\varphi Z\varphi X}\varphi Y-R_{ZX}Y+\varphi R_{ZX}\varphi Y=(\nabla_{\varphi N(Z,X)}\varphi)Y$ ,
By (16), we have
$=-Tr\{X-r\overline{Ric}\varphi^{2}X\}=-r+Ric(\xi, \xi)$ .
$Tr_{g}\{(X, Y)\mapsto R_{\xi\varphi X\varphi Y\xi}\}=-Tr\{X-\rangle\varphi R_{\varphi X\xi}\xi\}$
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Institute of Mathematics
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