Formal Groups - Honda
Formal Groups - Honda
Formal Groups - Honda
Vol. 22, No. 2, 1970
By Taira HONDA
Lubin [13] and a number of interesting results were obtained by him and
In this paper we first construct a certain general family of commutative
formal groups of arbitrary dimension over a p-adic integer ring. Over the ring
$W(k)$ of Witt vectors over a perfect field of characteristic $p>0$ , this exhausts
all the commutative formal groups. These are attached to a certain type of
matrices with elements in the ring $W(k).[[T]]$ of non-commutative power
series, where is the Frobenius of $W(k)$ , and homomorphisms of these formal
these homomorphisms to power series over $W(k)$ . Thus we get the main
results of Dieudonn\’e [4] again by the method quite different from his. In
[4] he used tools peculiar to characteristic $p>0$ and his construction of formal
groups was indirect, whereas in our method the relation between formal
groups over $W(k)$ and those over is transparent and the construction of
this fact can be proved by using the basic lemma of Lubin-Tate [14] (cf. [10]).
In general case we have to adopt another idea. Any formal group over $ W(k\rangle$
$W(k)_{\sigma}[[T]]$ of the form mentioned above and let $g(x)$ and $G(x, y)$ be the
corresponding power series and the formal group, respectively. It is known
that any homomorphism of $F$ to is of the form $g^{-1}(cf(x))$ with $c\in W(k)$ . $G$
column vectors of dimension $m$ with components in and by $M_{m}(S)$ the full $S$
matrix ring of order $m$ with elements in S. denotes the indentity matrix $I_{m}$
of order $m$ . For $a={}^{t}(a_{1}, \cdots , a_{m})\in S^{m}$ we write for . $a^{\nu}$ ${}^{t}(a_{1}^{\nu}, \cdots , a_{m}^{\nu})$
Let $R$
be a commutative ring with the identity. Let be the set of $x$ $n$
$g$be power series in $R[[x]]$ . We shall say that is congruent to modulo $f$ $g$
Let be a submodule of R.
is said to be congruent to modulo
$f$ $g$ $I,$ $f\equiv g$
$mod I$ , if all the coefficients of $f-g$ belong to . We shall write mod $\deg r$ , $I$ $f\equiv g$
$\psi\equiv 0mod I$. These definitions extend to $R[[x]]^{m}$ . If and $f={}^{t}(f_{1}, \cdots , f_{m})$
The theory of commutative formal groups 215
$g={}^{t}(g_{1}$ , $\cdot$
.. , are elements of $R[[x]]^{m},$
$g_{m})$ mod $*will$ mean $f_{i}\equiv g_{i}mod *$ $f\equiv g$
for $1\leqq i\leqq n$ . We write $R[[x]]_{0}^{m}=$ { $f\in R[[x]]^{m}|f\equiv 0$ mod deg l}.
Let be another set of variables. If
$x^{\prime}={}^{t}(x_{1}^{\prime}, \cdots, x_{m}^{\prime})$ $f(x^{\prime})={}^{t}(f_{1}(x^{\prime}), \cdots, f_{\iota}(x^{\prime}))$
is in and
$(f_{i}(x^{\prime})=f_{i}(x_{1}^{\prime}, \cdots , \chi_{m}^{\prime}))$
is in $R[[x]]_{0}^{m}$ , $R[[x^{\prime}]]^{l}$ $\varphi(x)={}^{t}(\varphi_{1}(x), \cdots , \varphi_{m}(x))$
is an element of
$f_{t}(\varphi(x)))$ $R[[x]]^{l}$ . We denote it by or simply by , $f(\varphi(x))$ $ f\circ\varphi$
of and denote it by
. $\varphi^{-1}$
dimensional formal group over is an element $F(x, y)$ of $R[[x, y]]_{0}^{n}$ satisfying:
It follows from (i) that there is a unique $i_{F}(x)\in R[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ such that
$F(x, i_{F}(x))=F(i_{F}(x), x)=0$ . Part (ii) shows that $F(x, 0)=x$ and $F(O, y)=y$ .
DEFINITION. Let $F$ and $G$ be formal groups over $R$ , of dimension and $n$
$m$ , respectively. An element of $R[[x]]_{0}^{m}$ , where , is said to $\varphi$ $\chi={}^{t}(x_{1}, \cdots , x_{n})$
be a homomorphism of $F$ to , if satisfies , where $G$ $\varphi$ $\varphi\circ F=G\circ\varphi$ $(G\circ\varphi)(x, y)$
morphism of $G$
to . Such
is called an isomorphism and is said to be $\varphi$
to $F$ and
write : over $R$ . $\varphi$
$F\approx G$
derivations of $A$
over $R$
. It is a free left A-module with a base , $D_{1},$ $\cdots$ $D_{n}$
the space of differentials of $A$ over $R$ . For $f\in A$ the map $D\mapsto Df$ of $\mathfrak{D}(A;R\rangle$
Let $B=R[[x^{\prime}]]$ be another ring of power series on $m$ variables and let
to $=\sum_{j=1}^{m}\psi_{j}(x^{\prime})dx_{j^{\prime}}$ be a differential in $\mathfrak{D}^{*}(B;R)$
. If $\varphi\in R[[x]]_{0}^{m},\sum_{j=1}^{m}\psi_{j}(\varphi(x))d\varphi_{j}(x)$
$=R[[t]]$ .
DEFINITION. The right translation on $F$ is an element of $R_{t}[[x]]^{m}$ $T_{t}$
PROPOSITION 1.1. If $F$ is an n-dimensional formal group over $R,$ $\mathfrak{D}^{*}(F;R)$
is a free R-module of rank . More precisely, denoting the inverse $n$ $(\psi_{ij}(z))$
$(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(u, F(v, w))=\sum_{k=1}^{n}(\partial/\partial x_{k})F_{i}(F(u, v),$ $w$ ) $(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{k}(u, v)$ ,
so that
$(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, F(v, w))=\sum_{k=1}^{n}(\partial/\partial x_{k})F_{i}(v, w)(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{k}(0, v)$
or by matrix notation
(1.1) $((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, F(v, w)))=((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(v, w))((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, v))$ .
Since $(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, z)\equiv\delta_{ij}$
mod $\deg 1$ , the matrix $((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, z))$
is invertible,
$\psi_{ij}(z)\in R[[z]]$ and $\psi_{ij}(0)=\delta_{ij}$ . Hence (1.1) is equivalent to
(1.2) $(T_{t}\psi_{ij}(z))((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(z, t))=(\psi_{ij}(z))$ .
Now a differential $\omega=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\psi_{i}(x)dx_{i}$
in $\mathfrak{D}^{*}(A ; R)$ is right invariant on $F$ , if and
only if
(1.3) $\psi_{j}(x)=\sum_{k=1}^{n}\psi_{k}(F(x, t))(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{k}(x, t)$ .
This shows $\omega_{1}$ , $\cdot$
.. , $\omega_{n}\in \mathfrak{D}^{*}(F;R)$
by (1.2). On the other hand we get from
$\psi_{j}(0)=\sum_{k=1}^{n}\psi_{k}(t)(\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{k}(0, t)$ ,
The theory of commutative formal groups 217
. Since the
$R^{n}$ $\Phi(\omega_{i})(1\leqq i\leqq n)$
are the unit vectors of , the map is sur- $R^{n}$ $\Phi$
PROPOSITION 1.2. Let $F,$ $G$ be formal groups over $R$ and $\varphi\in Hom_{R}(F, G)$ .
If $\eta\in \mathfrak{D}^{*}(G;R)$ , then $\varphi^{*}(\eta)\in \mathfrak{D}^{*}(F;R)$ .
PROOF. Write $\eta=\sum_{i=1}^{m}\psi_{i}(x^{\prime})dx_{i}^{\prime}$
where $m$ is the dimension of $G$
. Then
1.3. We now study invariant differential forms on a commutative formal
PROPOSITION 1.3. Let $F$ be a commutative formal group over R. Then
every differential in is closed. $\mathfrak{D}^{*}(F;R)$
Now differentiating
$\sum_{k=1}^{n}(\partial/\partial x_{k})F_{i}(0, z)\psi_{kj}(z)=\delta_{ij}$
relative to $z_{\iota}$
and putting $z=0$ , we get
which is reduced to
218 T. HONDA
$=(\partial/\partial x_{j})\psi_{il}(0)$
$d\omega_{i}=\sum_{f.l}(\partial/\partial x_{\iota})\psi_{ij}(x)dx_{l}$ A $dx_{j}$
$\lambda_{kl}(x)=\sum_{i<j}\lambda_{ij}(F(x, t))\left|\begin{array}{lll}(\partial/\partial x_{k})F_{i}(x,t) & (\partial/\partial x_{l})F_{i}(x, & t)\\(\partial/\partial x_{k})F_{j}(x,t) & (\partial/\partial x_{\iota})F_{j}(x,t) & \end{array}\right|$
which implies
for $1\leqq k<l\leqq n$ . Since the matrix is regular, this shows in $((\partial/\partial x_{j})F_{i}(0, t))$
We now consider the case where $R$ is a Q-algebra. In this case every
power series in $R[[x]]$ is termwise integrable with respect to . The fol- $x_{i}$
there exists a unique element of such that $\omega=df$. This satisfies $f$ $R[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ $f$
$F(x, y)=f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y))$ .
In particular $F(x, y)\approx x+y$ over $R$
The theory of commutative formal groups 219
PROOF. The existence of follows from Proposition 1.3 and Lemma 1.4. $f$
The uniqueness follows from the fact that $d\varphi=0$ for $\varphi\in R[[x]]$ , if and only
if is a constant. Since
, we have $f(x)\equiv x$ mod $\deg 2$ . Now, $df(x)$
If $\psi\in K[[x]]^{m}$
$\psi(x+y)=\psi(x)+\psi(y)$ ,
PROOF. We have only to consider the case where $m=1$ and is a $\psi$
1 there is $f(x)\in K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ such that mod $\deg 2$ and $F(x, y)=f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y))$ .
$f\equiv i$
$f\circ h^{-1}\equiv i$
mod $\deg 2$ ,
$(f\circ h^{-1})(x+y)=(f\circ h^{-1})(x)+(f\circ h^{-1})(y)$ .
Hence we get $f\circ h^{-1}=i$ or $f=h$ by Lemma 1.5.
DEFINITION. Let $R$ and $K$ be as above; let $F$ be an n-dimensional com-
mutative formal group over $R$ . The unique element of $K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ , such that $f$
Let be another commutative formal group over $R$ , of dimension $m$ and
$\varphi(f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y)))=g^{-1}(g(\varphi(x)+g(\varphi(y))))$ .
Substituting $x,$ $y$ by $f^{-1}(x),$ $f^{-1}(y)$ , respectively, we get
$(g\circ\varphi\circ f^{-1})(x+y)=(g\circ\varphi\circ f^{-1})(x)+(g\circ\varphi\circ f^{-1})(y)$ .
220 T. HONDA
PROPOSITION 1.6. Let be as above. Every element of $Hom_{R}(F, G)$ $F,$ $f,$ $G,$ $g$ $\varphi$
into the module of $mXn$ matrices over R. If $F=G$ in particular, this map is
a ring isomorphism of $End_{R}F$ into $M_{n}(R)$ .
PROOF, The first assertion has already been proved. The second follows
$(g^{-1}\circ(Cf))\circ F=G\circ(g^{-1}\circ(Cf))$ .
The rests follow from the definitions.
ring of integers in $K$ and the maximal ideal of , respectively. We assume $0$
that the residue class field is of characteristic $p>0$ . Consider the $k=0/\mathfrak{p}$
$mod \mathfrak{p}$
for any $\alpha\in 0$
We note , since sends a unit of to and . In this section
$\mathfrak{p}^{\sigma}=\mathfrak{p}$ $\sigma$ $0$ $0$ $p^{\sigma}=p$
we study formal groups over , when $K$ satisfies $(F)$ . We do not assume the $0$
completeness of $K$.
Let be a finite extension of the -adic number field
and let be $p$ $Q_{p}$ $q$
the multiplication rule: for . We denote by (resp. ) $T\alpha=\alpha^{\sigma}T$ $\alpha\in K$ $\mathfrak{B}_{m,n}$ $\mathfrak{A}_{m_{J}n}$
the module consisting of all matrices over (resp. ). $m\times n$ $K_{\sigma}[[T]]$ $0_{\sigma}[[T]]$
$u=\sum_{\nu-- 0}^{\infty}C_{\nu}T^{\nu}\in \mathfrak{B}_{l,m}$ (where the C. are matrices over $K$ ), we define an element
$u*f$ of $K[[x]]_{0}^{l}$ by
$(u*f)(x)=\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}C_{\nu}f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{q^{\mathcal{V}}})$ .
The theory of commutative formal groups 221
$=((vu)*f)(x)$ .
From now on we fix a prime element $\pi$
of $0$
LEMMA 2.1. For any rational integers }) $\geqq 0,$ $a\geqq 1$ and $m\geqq 1$ we have
$\pi^{-\nu}(X+\pi Y)^{mp^{a\nu}}\equiv\pi^{-\nu}X^{mp^{av}}$ $mod \mathfrak{p}$
In particular we have
$m^{-1}(X+pY)^{m}\equiv m^{-1}X^{m}$ $mod pZ_{p}$
for $m\geqq 1$ .
This is Lemma 4 of [10]. As the proof is elementary and easy, we omit
it here.
We write (resp. ) for (resp.
). $\mathfrak{B}_{n}$
$\mathfrak{A}_{n,n}$ $\mathfrak{B}_{n,n}$
LEMMA 2.2. Let be special and put $u\in \mathfrak{A}_{n}$ $u^{-1}\pi=I_{n}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}B_{v}T^{\nu}$ . Then we
have for .
$\pi^{\nu}B_{\nu}\in M_{n}(0)$ $\nu\geqq 0$
2.2. The following two lemmas play crucial roles in our further inves-
tigation and will be used repeatedly.
LEMMA 2.3. Let $f\in K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ be of type $(P;u)$ and let be an element of $v$
. Let be an element of
being a finite set of variables. If $K[[x^{\prime}]]_{0}^{n}$ $x^{\prime}$
the coef7 cients (of components) of of terms of (total) degree $\leqq r-1$ , belong $\psi,$
for some
, we have $r\geqq 2$
We have
(2.2) $((v*h)\circ\psi)(x^{\prime})=(((vu^{-1}\pi)*i)\circ\psi)(x^{\prime})$
(2.3) $B_{\mu}^{\sigma^{\nu}}\psi(x^{\prime})^{q\mu+\nu}=\pi^{\mu}B_{\mu}^{\sigma^{\nu}}\pi^{-\mu}\psi(x^{\prime})^{q\mu+\nu}$
$\psi(x^{\prime})^{q^{\nu}}\equiv\psi^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{\gamma q^{v}})$
mod $\deg r$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
we get (2.4) by Lemma 2.1 and by the fact $\psi(0)=0$ . This completes the proof
of (2.4). Thus we get from (2.2), (2.3) and (2.4)
$((v*h)\circ\psi)(x^{\prime})\equiv\sum_{\mu\nu}A_{\nu}B_{\mu}^{\sigma^{\nu}}(\psi^{\sigma\nu}(x^{\prime q^{\nu}}))^{q\mu}$ mod $\deg(r+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
$=(v*(h\circ\psi))(x^{\prime})$ .
The theory of commutative formal groups 223
PROOF LEMMA 2.4. Since $g^{-1}\circ f=(g^{-1}\circ h)\circ(h^{-1}\circ f)=(h^{-1}\circ g)^{-1}\circ(h^{-1}\circ f)$
and $(h^{-1}\circ g)(x)\equiv Qx$ mod deg2, we have only to prove . Put $h^{-1}\circ f\in 0[[\chi]]_{0}^{n}$
$ h^{-1}\circ f=\varphi$ . The first-degree coefficients of
$ f=h\circ\varphi$ are in . Assume $\varphi$
that the coefficients of , of (total) degree $\leqq r-1$ , are integers for some
$\varphi$ . $r\geqq 2$
$=((v*h)\circ\varphi)\circ\psi$ .
Since $\varphi(x)\equiv Px$
mod $\deg 2$ , we have
$((v*h)\circ\varphi)(x)\equiv A{}_{0}Px\equiv(v*(h\circ\varphi))(x)$ mod $\deg 2$ .
Put $\lambda_{1}(x)=((v*h)\circ\varphi)(x)-A{}_{0}Px$ and $\lambda_{2}(x)=(v*(h\circ\varphi))(x)-A{}_{0}Px$ . Then $\lambda_{1}\equiv\lambda_{2}\equiv 0$
$\equiv A{}_{0}P\psi+\lambda_{2}\circ\psi$
mod $\deg(r+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
$=(v*f)\circ\psi$ .
This completes the proof of our lemma.
2.3. The results of 2.2 first allow us to construct certain formal groups
over . $0$
$F(x, y)=f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y))$ is a formal group over . Let $g\in K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ be of type $\mathfrak{o}$
$=\pi x+\pi y\equiv 0$ $mod \mathfrak{p}$
This implies that the r-th degree coefficients of $H$ are also integers. This
proves $H(x, y)\in 0[[x, y]]$ by induction. All the assertions of our theorem
follow from this and from Lemma 2.4, because if . $ F=\varphi^{-1}\circ H\circ\varphi$ $ f=h\circ\varphi$
mod $\deg
$\varphi(x)\equiv Px$ 2$ , we have, writing $h=(u^{-1}\pi)*i$ ,
Since $\varphi$
is an invertible element of $\mathfrak{v}[[x]]_{0}^{n}$
by Lemma 2.4, we have
$(\nu*h)\circ\varphi\equiv v*(h\circ\varphi)=v*f\equiv 0$ $mod \mathfrak{p}$
Put $vu^{-1}\pi=\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}A_{\nu}T^{\nu}$
. Since
$v*h=v*((u^{-1}\pi)*i)=(vu^{-1}\pi)*i$ ,
The theory of commutative formal groups 225
in . $0$
THEOREM 3. Assume $K$ satisfies $(F)$ . Let and be special and $u\in \mathfrak{A}_{n}$ $v\in \mathfrak{A}_{m}$
let $f\in K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ (resp. $g\in K[[x]]_{0}^{m}$ ) be of type (resp. of type ). Form $F(x,$ $u$ $v$ $ y\rangle$
PROOF. Put $\varphi=g^{-1}\circ(Cf)$ . By Proposition 1.6 $\varphi\in Hom_{0}(F, G)$ if and only
if . In view of Lemma 2.4 we may assume $f=(u^{-1}\pi)*i$ and
$\varphi\in \mathfrak{o}[[x]]_{0}^{m}$
$\equiv(v*g)\circ\varphi=\pi\varphi\equiv 0$ modp.
Hence, by Proposition 2.6, there exists such that $vC=tu$ . Conversely, $t\in \mathfrak{A}_{m,n}$
first-degree coefficients of are integral. Assume that i-th degree coefficients $\varphi$
of are integral for $i\leqq r-1(r\geqq 2)$ . By Lemma 2.3 we have then
$\equiv 0$ $mod \mathfrak{p}$
This shows that the r-th degree coefficients of $\varphi$
are integral. Hence we get
by induction.
$\varphi\in \mathfrak{o}[[x]]_{0}^{m}$
$p>0$ satisfies (cf. [22]). Under we can take as the fixed prime
$(F_{1})$ $(F_{1})$ $p$
element of . $0$
3.1. Let be the set of variables as usual. Let $N$ be the set of all $x$ $n$
the non-negative rational integers. For we write for $\alpha=$ $(\alpha_{1}, \cdots , \alpha_{n})\in N^{n}$ $x^{\alpha}$
denote the vector of whose j-th component is . Then $N^{n}$ $\delta_{ij}(1\leqq j\leqq n)$ $x^{r\epsilon_{i}}=x_{i}^{r}$
for $r\in N$. Every element of $K[[x]]$ is written in the form . $\sum_{\alpha\in N^{n}}a_{\alpha}x^{\alpha}(a_{\alpha}\in K)$
LEMMA 3.1. For define the form in $Z[X, Y]$ as follows: $r\geqq 2$ $\Lambda_{r}(X, Y)$
$\alpha_{n}$ $\alpha_{1}$
$\alpha_{2}$ , are not equal to $0$
, the coefficient of $x_{1}^{a_{1}}y_{2}^{\alpha_{2}}$ $y_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}$
on the left side of (3.1)
is and no term of this form appears on the right.
Hence we have $a_{\alpha}\in \mathfrak{p}$
is of type . $u$
PROOF. As $f(x)\equiv x$ mod $\deg 2$ , we have $pf(x)\equiv 0$ mod $\deg 2,$ . Sup- $mod \mathfrak{p}$
(3.2) $pf(x)+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\mu}C_{\nu}f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{p^{\nu}})\equiv 0$
mod $\deg(p^{\mu}+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
Write $f_{i}(x)=\sum_{\alpha}a_{\alpha,i}x^{\alpha}$ for $1\leqq i\leqq n$ . Since $df_{i}(x)\in \mathfrak{D}^{*}(F;0)$ by the results of
\S 1, the $(\partial/\partial x_{j})f_{i}(x)$
have integral coefficients. In particular we have $\alpha_{j}a_{\alpha,i}\in 0$
$=x_{1^{y_{1}}}(a_{\alpha,i}\prod_{j=2}^{n}(x_{j}+py_{j})^{\alpha_{j}}$ .
By repeating the same argument we have
$\equiv\sum_{|\beta|\geqq p^{\mu}+1}b_{\beta}(x^{\beta}+y^{\beta})$
for Let
$1\leqq i\leqq n$
. $r$
be the minimum value of $|\beta|$
such that $b_{\beta,i}\not\in \mathfrak{p}$
for some .
$\sum_{|\beta|=p^{\mu+1}}b_{\beta,i}\{(x+y)^{\beta}-x^{\beta}-y^{\beta}\}\equiv 0$
$mod \mathfrak{p}$
Hence, by Lemma 3.2, for
$b_{\beta,i}\in 0$ and $\beta=p^{\mu+1}\epsilon_{j}(1\leqq j\leqq n)$ for other
$b_{\beta,i}\in \mathfrak{p}$ $\beta$
such that $|\beta|=p^{\mu+1}$ . Therefore we can find a matrix in $C_{\mu+1}$ $M_{n}(0)$ satisfying
mod $\deg(p^{\mu+1}+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
(3.7) $pf(x)+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\mu+1}C_{\nu}f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{p^{\nu}})\equiv 0$
mod $\deg(p^{\mu+1}+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
228 T. HONDA
Thus we have been able to replace by $\mu+1$ in (3.2). This implies the $\mu$
formal groups over , with the transformers and . By Proposition 3.3 $0$ $f$ $g$
there exist special elements of such that (resp. g) is of type (resp. $u,$ $v$ $\mathfrak{A}_{n}$
$f$ $u$
such that $v=tu$ . It is clear that such is a unit in . Let and be $t$ $\mathfrak{A}_{n}$
$u^{\prime}$ $v^{\prime}$
Then the strong isomorphism classes of n-dimensional formal groups over $\mathfrak{v}$
$t=I_{n}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}A_{J}\backslash T^{\nu}$
be a unit in $\mathfrak{A}_{n}$
. Then we have
$tu=pI_{n}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}(pA_{\nu}+\sum_{\mu\backslash \nu}A_{\mu}C_{\nu-\mu}^{\sigma}\mu)T^{\nu}$ .
Therefore we can choose successively and uniquely so that the $A_{1},$ $ A_{2}\cdots$
$b_{1},$ $\cdots$
, $b_{h-1}\in \mathfrak{p}$
and $b_{h}\not\in \mathfrak{p}$
PROOF. If all the $c_{\nu}$
are in $\mathfrak{p}$
$\in \mathfrak{p}$ $c_{h}\in E\mathfrak{p}$
. We will show that for every $i\geqq 1$
we can choose $b_{1}^{(i)}$
, $\cdot$
.. , $b_{h^{f)}}^{(}\in 0$
(3.9) $\left\{\begin{array}{l}b_{\nu}^{(i+1)}\equiv b_{\nu}^{(i)} mod\mathfrak{p}^{i}, b_{\nu}^{(1)}\equiv c_{\nu}\\t_{i}\equiv l moddeg1, t_{i+1}\equiv t_{i}\\t_{i}u\equiv p+\Sigma b_{\nu}^{(i)}Th mod\mathfrak{p}^{i}.\end{array}\right.$
(3.9) is $satisfi^{\mathfrak{Q}}.d$
by $\{b_{\nu}^{(1)} ; t_{1}\}$
with $i=1$ . Suppose that we have already found
$\{b_{\nu^{j)}}^{(} ; t_{j}\}$
for $1\leqq j\leqq i$
satisfying (3.9). We try to determine $b_{\nu}^{(i+1)}=b_{\nu^{i)}}^{\dot{\iota}}+p^{i}d_{\nu}^{(i)}$
$(1\leqq\nu\leqq h)$
and $t_{i-\vdash 1}=r_{i}+p^{i}v_{i}$
so that
(3.10) $(t_{i}+p^{i}v_{i})u\equiv p+\sum_{\nu\propto 1}(b_{\nu}^{(i)}+p{}^{t}d_{\nu}^{(7)})T^{\nu}$
$mod \mathfrak{p}^{i+1}$
hand side of (3.11) has no term of degree . Hence we can find a series $\leqq h$
proves the existence of for all . Put and for $\{b_{\nu}^{(i)} ; t_{i}\}$
of height $h(1\leqq h<\infty)$ , correspond bijectively to the special elements of the form
where $b_{1},$ $\cdots$
, $b_{h-1}\in \mathfrak{p}$
but $b_{h}$
is a unit of . Let $0$ $v=p+\sum_{\nu=1}^{h}c_{\nu}T^{\nu}$
be another special element of this form. Then the formal group obtained from
$u$is weakly isomorphic to the one obtained from , if and only if there exists $v$
PROOF. Let $F$ be a l-dimensional formal group over . Then its trans- $\mathfrak{o}$
are in $\mathfrak{p}$
, then $F(x, y)\approx x+y$ by Lemma 3.4 and Theorem 2. If not, $f$ is also
of type $u$ , where $u$ is a special element of the form $p+\sum_{\nu-I}^{h}b_{\nu}T^{\nu}(b_{1}$ , $\cdot$
.. $b_{h- 1}\in \mathfrak{p}$ ,
$b_{h}\not\in \mathfrak{p})$
. We will prove that $F$ is of height $h$
. Since
$(1+p^{-1}\sum_{\nu=1}^{h-1}b_{\nu}T^{\nu})^{-1}u=p+b_{h}T^{h}+\cdots$ ,
it suffices to prove that a formal group obtained from a special element $u^{\prime/\prime}$
$ h(x)=\chi-p^{-1}b_{h}x^{p^{h}}+\cdots$
and so
$ h^{-1}(ph(x))=px-b_{h}x^{P^{h}}+\cdots+p^{-1}b_{h}(px-\cdots)^{ph}+\cdots$
Now suppose that there exist a unit in and a unit $c$ $0$ $t=\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}a_{\nu}T^{\nu}$
in $ 0_{\sigma}[[T]\sum$
such that $vc=tu$ . Comparing the $(\nu+h)$ -th degree coefficients of both mem-
bers of
(3.12) $a_{\nu}b_{h}^{\sigma^{\nu}}+\sum_{\mu=1}^{h-1}a_{\nu+\mu}b_{h-\mu}^{\sigma^{v+\mu}}+pa_{\nu+h}=0$
Since is a unit, it follows from (3.12) that
for . Hence we get $a_{\nu}\in \mathfrak{p}$ $\nu\geqq 1$
for again by
$a_{\nu}\in \mathfrak{p}^{2}$
(3.12). Repeating the same argument we see
$\nu\geqq 1$ $a_{\nu}\in \mathfrak{p}^{1}$
Our proposition follows from this, from Theorem 3 and from Theorem 4.
In the above proof we proved that $vc=tu$ implied $t=c$ . Thereby we dick
not use the fact that (resp. t) is a unit. Therefore we get by Theorem $c$ $3_{j}$
PROPOSITION 3.6. Let be as in Proposition 3.5 and let be format $u,$ $v$ $F,$ $G$
groups attached to them. Then the module $Hom_{0}(F, G)$ is canonically isomorphic
to $\{c\in 0|vc=cu\}$ .
series $f\in 0[[x]]^{m},$ $f*denotes$ the power series in $k[[x]]^{m}$ obtained by reducing
the coefficients of modulo . In \S 4 we will study the reductions of formal $f$ $\mathfrak{p}$
LEMMA 4.1. Let $f\in K[[x]_{0}^{n}$ be of type $(P;u)$ and let $\psi(x^{\prime})\in 0[[x^{\prime}]]_{0}^{n}$ where
(4.1) $l(x)+\sum_{\nu=1}^{r-1}\pi^{q^{\nu}}B_{\nu}l^{(r)}(x)^{q^{\nu}}\equiv\pi x$
mod $\deg(r+1)$ .
Since $\pi^{q^{v}}B_{\nu}\in\pi M_{n}(0)$ for $\nu\geqq 1$
by Lemma 2.2, it follows from (4.1)
1 $(x)\equiv 0$ mod $\deg(r+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
Hence the r-th degree coefficients of 1 are also in . Thus we get $\mathfrak{p}$
$l\equiv 0mod \mathfrak{p}$
by induction.
LEMMA 4.2. Let be special and let $f\in K[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ be of type . Let
$u\in \mathfrak{A}_{n}$ $u$
and . Then
$\psi_{1}\in K[[x^{\prime}]]_{0}^{n}$ mod p, if and only if
$\psi_{2}\in 0[[x^{\prime}]]_{0}^{n}$ $f\circ\psi_{1}\equiv f\circ\psi_{2}$
$\psi_{1}\equiv\psi_{2}mod \mathfrak{p}$
i. e. Conversely assume
$f\circ\psi_{1}\equiv f\circ\psi_{2}$
mod p. modp and put $f\circ\psi_{1}\equiv f\circ\psi_{2}$
. Then
$\pi\lambda=f^{-1}(f\circ\psi_{1}-f\circ\psi_{2})$ by Lemma 4.1. Since $F(x, y)=\Gamma^{1}(f(x)$ $\lambda\in \mathfrak{o}[[x]]_{0}^{n}$
THEOREM 5. Suppose $K$ satisfies $(F)$ . Let $F$ and be formal groups over $G$
, of dimension
and $m$ and with transformers and , respectively. Suppose
$n$ $f$ $g$
$v\in \mathfrak{A}_{m}$
(i) Put $\varphi=\varphi_{w}=g^{-1}\circ(w*f)$ for $w\in \mathfrak{A}_{m,n}$
. Then $\varphi(x)\in 0[[x]]_{0}^{m}$
if and only
if there exists such that $vw=tu$ .
$t\in \mathfrak{A}_{m,n}$
(ii) If , then
$\varphi_{w}\in 0[[\chi]]_{0}^{m}$ $\varphi_{w}^{\star}\in Hom_{k}(F^{*}, G^{*})$ .
232 T. HONDA
(iii) be of type for a special element
. If $v^{\prime}$
$v^{\prime}\in \mathfrak{A}_{l}$ $\varphi_{w^{\prime}}=h^{-1}\circ(w^{\prime}*g)$
has integral coefficients for , then $w^{\prime}\in \mathfrak{A}_{l,m}$ $\varphi_{w}^{*},$ $\circ\varphi_{w}^{\star}=\varphi_{w’ w}^{*}$
PROOF. In order to prove (i) we may assume $g=(v^{-1}\pi)*i$ . Suppose there
is such that $vw=tu$ . Clearly the first-degree coefficients of
$t\in \mathfrak{A}_{m,n}$
are $\varphi$
integers. Assume for that the i-th degree coefficients of are integers
$r\geqq 2$ $\varphi$
$=t*(u*f)\equiv 0$ modp.
This implies that the r-th degree coefficients of are also integers. This $\varphi$
$\equiv(v*g)\circ\varphi=\pi\varphi\equiv 0$ modp.
Hence, by Proposition 2.6 we can find $t\in \mathfrak{A}_{m,n}$
such that $vw=tu$ . This proves
(i). Now we have
go $(\varphi\circ F)=(g\circ\varphi)\circ F=(w*f)\circ F$
and by Lemma 2.3
$((w*f)\circ F)(x, y)\equiv(w*(f\circ F))(x, y)$ $mod \mathfrak{p}$
$=g(G(\varphi(x), \varphi(y)))$ .
Thus we get mod p. By Lemma 4.2 it follows from this
$g\circ(\varphi\circ F)\equiv g\circ(G\circ\varphi)$
$\equiv w^{\prime}*(g\circ\varphi_{w})$
mod p
$=w^{\prime}*(w*f)=(w^{\prime}w)*f$ .
By (i) there is such that . Since
$t^{\prime}\in \mathfrak{A}_{l,m}$ $v^{\prime}w^{\prime}=t^{\prime}v$ $v^{\prime}w^{\prime}w=t^{\prime}vw=t^{\prime}tu,$ $\varphi_{w^{\prime}w}$
LEMMA 4.3. Suppose $K$ satisfies . Let $F$ be an n-dimensional formal $(F_{1})$
group over and let be its transformer. Put $M=\{\psi\in K[[x]]|(\psi\circ F)(x, y)$
$0$ $f$
borhoods of ) $0.$
3.3 we have
$f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(F(x, y)^{p^{\nu}})=((T^{\nu}*f)\circ F)(x, y)$
$=f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{p^{\lrcorner}}\backslash )+f^{\sigma^{\nu}}(y^{p^{\nu}})$
This implies for $1\leqq i\leqq n,$ . Let be any element of Mand
$f_{i}^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{p\nu})\in M$ $\nu\geqq 0$ $\psi$
implies that the r-th degree homogeneous part of satisfies $\psi^{(r)}$ $\psi$
$\psi(x)-\sum_{i=1}^{n}c_{i}x\mathscr{S}^{\hslash}\equiv 0$
mod $\deg(r+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
Hence we get
234 $\prime r$
(4.3) $\psi(x)-\sum_{i=1}^{n}c_{i}f_{i}^{\sigma^{h}}(x^{p^{h}})\equiv 0$
mod $\deg(r+1)$ , $mod \mathfrak{p}$
Applying the same argument to the left side of (4.3) in place of and re- $\psi$
peating this procedure we see in fact that $p[[x]]$ and the $f_{i}^{\sigma^{\nu}}(x^{p\nu})(1\leqq i\leqq n, \nu\geqq 0)$
$Y=$ be systems of
$(Y_{1}, \cdots , Y_{n})$ variables. Suppose that a form $\Delta(X, Y)$ of $n$
$\Delta(X, Y)=\Gamma(X)-\Gamma(X+Y)+\Gamma(Y)$ .
If $r$
is a power of a prime, is cohomologous to a linear combination of
homology groups. (See also [12]). For the convenience of the reader we will
perform this reduction in the following. We first note $\Delta(X, 0)=0=\Delta(0, X)$ .
(Put $Y=Z=0$ in (4.6)). Let us write $X^{\prime}=(X_{1}, \cdots , X_{m- 1}),$ $Y^{\prime}=(Y_{1}, \cdots , Y_{m- 1})$ ,
. . $X=(X^{\prime}, X_{m}),$ $Y=(Y^{\prime}, Y_{m})$ and $\Delta(X, Y)=\Delta(X^{\prime}, X_{m}, Y^{\prime}, Y_{m})$ . Define
by $\Delta_{1}$
$-\{\Delta(0, X_{m}, X^{\prime}, 0)-\Delta(0, X_{m}+Y_{m}, X^{\prime}+Y^{\prime}, 0)+\Delta(0, Y_{m}, Y^{\prime}, 0)\}$ .
Then $\Delta_{1}$
is also a commutative 2-cocycle cohomologous to $\Delta$
. Putting $X^{\prime}=0$
$Y_{m}=0$ in (4.7) we get
(4.8) $\Delta_{1}(0, X_{m}, Y^{\prime}, 0)=0$
and by commutativity
(4.8) $\Delta_{1}(X^{\prime}, 0,0, Y_{m})=0$ .
Now putting $X^{\prime}=0,$ $Y_{m}=Z_{m}=0$ in (4.6) for $\Delta=\Delta_{1}$
we get
$\Delta_{1}(Y^{\prime}, 0, Z^{\prime}, 0)-\Delta_{1}(Y^{\prime}, X_{m}, Z^{\prime}, 0)+\Delta_{1}(0, X_{m}, Y^{\prime}+Z^{\prime}, 0)-\Delta_{1}(0, X_{m}, Y^{\prime}, 0)=0$ .
By (4.8) this implies
(4.9) $\Delta_{1}(Y^{\prime}, X_{m}, Z^{\prime}, 0)=\Delta_{1}(Y^{\prime}, 0, Z^{\prime}, 0)$
In the same way we obtain
(4.10) $\Delta_{1}(X^{\prime}, Y_{m}, 0, Z_{m})=\Delta_{1}(0, Y_{m}, 0, Z_{m})$ .
Putting $Y^{\prime}=Z_{m}=0$ in (4.6) for $\Delta_{1}=\Delta$
we get
$\Delta_{1}(0, Y_{m}, Z^{\prime}, 0)-\Delta_{1}(X^{\prime}, X_{m}+Y_{m}, Z^{\prime}, 0)$
which completes the reduction: the case the case $n=m-1$ . $ n=m\Rightarrow$
THEOREM 7. Suppose $K$ satisfies of \S 3. For any formal group $(F_{1})$ $F_{*}$
Suppose that we have already chosen the i-th degree coefficients of for $\varphi$
Letting the other coefficients of be equal to and the for be equal $\varphi$
$0$ $C_{\nu}$ $p^{\nu}\geqq r$
$k[x]^{n}$ (cf. [11], [12]). If is not a power of , we can find by Lemma 4.4
$r$ $p$
mod $\deg(r+1)$ ,
we have written $\Lambda_{r}(x, y)={}^{t}(\Lambda_{r}(x_{1}, y_{1})$ , $\cdot$
, $\Lambda_{r}(x_{n}, y_{n}))$
. Replacing $\varphi$
and $u$ by $u+DT^{h}$ in the definition of $g$ , we get an element $h$
of $0[[x]]_{0}^{n}$ .
$p(pI_{n}+\sum_{\nu=\iota}^{h-1}C_{\nu}T^{\nu}+DT^{h})^{-1}\equiv p(pI_{n}+\sum_{v=1}^{h-1}$
C. $T^{\nu})^{-1}-p^{-1}DT^{h}$
mod $\deg(h+1)$ ,
we have
(4.15) $h(x)\equiv g(x)-\psi(x)-p^{-1}Dx^{r}$ mod $\deg(r+1)$ .
Put $H(x, y)=h^{-1}(h(x)+h(y))$ . Then we get from (4.15)
(4.16) $H(x, y)\equiv G(x, y)-\{\psi(x)+\psi(y)-\psi(x+y)\}+D\Lambda_{r}(x, y)$ mod $\deg(r+1)$ .
follows from (4.14) and (4.16) that
$H^{*}(x, y)\equiv G^{*}(x, y)-\{\psi^{*}(x)+\psi^{*}(y)-\psi^{*}(x+y)\}+D^{*}\Lambda_{r}(x, y)$
Thus we have been able to replace by $r+1$ in (4.11) in this case too. This $r$
When $K$ satisfies , all the formal groups over are obtained from $(F_{1})$ $k$
vectors over a perfect field of characteristic $p>0$ , these results are nothing $k^{\prime}$
other than the main results of Dieudonn\’e [4]. Using these results Dieudonn\’e
[5] gave a complete classification of isogeny classes of formal groups over
is algebraically closed. For this see also [2], [8] and [16].
it is easily verified that the reduction of the formal group with the transformer
$(pu^{-1})*i$ is the group of Witt vectors of length (cf. [5], p. 120). $n$
[5]). Suppose that ) contains a primitive $(p^{m+n}-1)$ -th root of unity. Put $\zeta$
, so that $Wu=uW$. By Theorem 3 this implies End. $H$.
$ h^{-1}(Wh(x))\in$
On the other hand $(T*i)(x)=x^{p}\in End_{k}H^{*}$ , since $H$ is defined over . Let $Z_{p}$
be the -subalgebra of generated by and
$Z_{p}$ . The $End_{k}H^{*}$ $(h^{-1}\circ(Wh))^{*}$ $T*i$
maximal order in the central division algebra of rank $(m+n)^{2}$ over , and $Q_{p}$
238 T. HONDA
coincides with the group constructed in [10], Theorem 2. (Theorem
2 of [10] can be reduced to the case $a=1$ by replacing $K$ by its unramified
extension of degree ) $a.$
$L(\alpha, x)=\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}p^{-\nu}\alpha^{\sigma^{\nu}}x^{p}$
for $\alpha\in 0$
Then $g^{-1}(L(\alpha, x))$ has integral coefficients by the result of 5.3. This is a
$homomorphismofF_{\alpha}$ tog $(g(x)+g(y))=x+y-xy$ . Sinceg $(x)=1-\exp(-x)$ ,
$\exp(-L(\alpha, x))$ has coefficients in . This is nothing other than the Artin-Hasse
of such that $uT=Tu$ . This implies that all coefficients of are -invariant.
$u$ $\sigma$
Since the elements of and $T$ generate a commutative subring of , $u$ $\mathfrak{o}_{\sigma}[[T]]$
$\equiv 0$
Write $\det u=\pi^{n}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}c_{\nu}T^{\nu},$ $c_{\nu}\in 0$ . Since $c_{\nu}^{\sigma}=c_{\nu},$ $f^{-1}\circ(c_{\nu}f)\in End_{o}F$ for $\nu\geqq 1$
Theorem 3. Put $[c_{\nu}]^{*}=(f^{-1}\circ(c_{\nu}f))^{*}$ and $\xi(x)=x^{q}$ . Since $f^{\sigma}=f,$ $(5.4)$ implies
that satisfies the equation
in $End_{k}F^{*}$ .
The theory of commutative formal groups 239
6.1. Suppose that for every prime number and for every there $p$ $\nu\geqq 1$
are distinct primes. Let be a complex variable and consider the (formal) $s$
Dirichlet series
$(I_{n}+C_{p}p^{-s}+\cdots+c_{p^{\nu}}p^{\nu-1-\nu S}+ )^{-1}=\sum_{p=0}^{\infty}A_{p^{\nu}}p^{-\nu s}$ .
Since $A_{p^{\nu}}$
is expressed by , with coefficients in $Z,$ commutes
$C_{p},$ $\cdots$ $C_{p^{\nu}}$ $A_{p^{\nu}}$
with $A_{\iota^{\mu}}$
if $p\neq l$ . Hence we can consider the global Dirichlet series
(6.1) $\prod_{p}(I_{n}+C_{p}p^{-s}+\cdots+c_{p^{\nu}}p^{\nu-1-\nu s}+ )^{-1}=\sum_{m=1}^{\infty}A_{m}m^{-s}$ ,
. Then
$\in Q[[x]]_{0}^{n}$
(6.2) $pf(x)+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}$
C. $f(x^{p^{\nu}})\equiv 0$ $mod pz_{p}$
for every and $F(x, $p$ y)=f^{-1}(f(x)+f(y))$ is a formal group over . $Z$
(6.3) $p(pI_{n}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}C_{p^{\nu}}T^{\nu})^{-1}=\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}B_{p^{\nu}}T^{\nu}$
$D_{kp^{\nu}}=pk^{- 1}p^{-\nu}A_{kp^{\nu}}+\sum_{\mu=1}^{\nu}C_{p^{\mu}}(kp^{\nu-f^{J}})^{-1}A_{kp^{\nu-\mu}}$
$=k^{- 1}A_{k}(p^{-(\nu-1)}A_{p^{\nu}}+\sum_{\mu=1}^{\nu}C_{p^{\mu}}p^{-(\nu-\mu)}A_{p^{\nu-\alpha}})$
$=0$ .
Thus (6.2) is proved. Moreover, by Theorem 2 the coefficients of $F$ are
-integral for every . Hence $F(x, y)\in Z[[x, y]]$ . This completes our proof.
$p$ $p$
Let $G$
be the formal group over $Z$ obtained from the Dirichlet series
$\prod_{p}(1+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}C_{p^{\nu}}p^{\nu-1-\nu s})^{-I}$
By Theorem 8 and Theorem 2 $F\approx G$
over $Z_{p}$
for every
. Since the strong isomorphism of to is unique, this implies
$p$ over $F$ $G$ $F\approx G$
(6.5) $[pI_{n}]^{*}+\sum_{\nu=1}^{\infty}[C_{p^{\nu}}]^{*}\xi^{\nu}=0$
THEOREM 9. Let be a l-dimensional abelian variety over $Q$ and let $F$ be
a formal minimal model for over $Z$ (cf. [10]). Let $L_{p}(s)$ be the p-factor of $C$
Then the formal group obtained from $L_{s}(s)$ is strongly isomorphic to $F$
$\bigcap_{p\frac{\prime}{\sim}S}(Z_{p}\cap Q)$
modulo . The cases where $p$has a singular point were treated in [10]. $C_{p}$
$\xi^{2}-a_{p}\xi+p=0$ ,
a field of algebraic function over and $LC$ is the field of automorphic func- $Q$
tions with respect to the subgroup of SL $(2, Z)$ . We shall consider $\Gamma_{0}(N)$
the case where the genus of is equal to 1. Let be a complete non-singular $L$ $C$
(6.8) $ j(z)=q^{-1}+744+\cdots$
variety over , with the origin . Expanding the group law of by means
$Q$ $\mathfrak{P}$ $C$
theory of reduction there exists a finite set of prime numbers such that $S^{\prime}$
and the p-th power endomorphism of the reduction of $Fmod p$ satisfies $F_{p}$
the same characteristic equation as that of . Let be the transformer of $C_{p}$ $f$
$F$ . Then $df(x)$ is the canonical invariant differential on . . the $F,$ $i$
$e$ $j(z)^{-1}-$
expansion of a differential of the first kind on . Let be the q-expansion $C$ $\varphi(q)$
number such that and $p+N$. Then, by Corollary 2 of Theorem 8 the $p\not\in S^{\prime}$
(6.9) $p-a_{p}X+X^{2}=0$ .
Since $F\approx G$
is also the characteristic equation for the Frobenius $Z,$ $(6.9)$
of , and then of
. Therefore $(1-a_{p}p^{-S}+p^{1-2s})^{-1}$ coincides with the $C_{p}$ $L$
that the -factor of the Hecke Dirichlet series coincides with that of the zeta
6.3. We now deal with (c). We use the terminology, notations and results
of Shimura [19]. Let be an indefinite quaternion algebra over and let $\Phi$
be a maximal order in . For a natural number $N$ prime to the discriminant $\Phi$
$\gamma\equiv 1mod$ No. is a discontinuous group operating on the upper half plane.
of the first kind on and , respectively. For if $\mathfrak{C}_{N}$ $J_{N}$ $f,$ $g\in \mathfrak{L}_{N},$ $gdf\in \mathfrak{D}_{0}(\mathfrak{C}_{N})$
over . Fixing a canonical map $Q$ (which may not be defined over ), $\mathfrak{C}_{N}\rightarrow J_{N}$ $Q$
and then induces an endomorphism of . This is defined over ([19], $\xi$ $J_{N}$ $\xi$ $Q$
we have
(6.10) $M^{a}(\xi)=\mathfrak{T}_{2}(\Gamma_{N}\alpha\Gamma_{N})$
are all in $M_{n}(Z)$ . By changing the bases if necessary, we may assume that
the are already in $M_{n}(Z)$ .
Let be the set of prime numbers which fail to satisfy at least one of
(6.11) $\tilde{X}_{\mathfrak{q}}=\Pi+\Pi_{0}^{\prime}\tilde{Y}_{p}$
(6.12) $\tilde{\xi}_{p}=\pi+\pi^{\prime}\circ\tilde{\eta}_{p}$
be a system of local parameters $(\in Q(J_{N}))$ at the
Now let $t=\{t_{1}$ , $\cdot$
.. , $t_{n}\}$
we get an n-dimensional formal group $F$ over $Q$ . We shall call this formal
group a formal model for . (A formal model is also obtained from the t- $J_{N}$
([20], Chapter III) there is a finite set of prime numbers such that for $S_{3}$
$p\not\in S_{3}$
(i) is a system of local parameters at the origin of
$t$ $\tilde{J}_{N}=the$
of JN $mod p$ .
(ii) The differentials , have good reductions $mod $\eta_{1},$
$\eta_{n}$ p$ and yield a
base of $\mathfrak{D}_{0}(\tilde{J}_{N})$
Assume has coefficients in and an endomorphism
$p\not\in S_{1}US_{2}US_{3}$ . Then $F$ $Z_{p}$
of of , corresponding to some
, induces an endomorphism of $F$
$J_{N}$ $\Gamma_{N}\alpha\Gamma_{N}$
denote this endomorphism of . Since is also defined over , it induces $F$ $\xi^{\prime}$
the endomorphism of over . Now it follows from (6.12) that $f^{-1}\circ(C(\xi^{\prime})f)$ $F$ $Z_{p}$
and then
\langle 6.13) $p-\tilde{\xi}_{p}^{\prime}\circ\pi+\tilde{\eta}_{p}^{\prime}\circ\pi^{2}=0$
This implies
$f^{-1}(pf(x)-C(\xi_{p}^{\prime})f(x^{p})+C(\eta_{p}^{\prime})f(x^{p^{2}}))\equiv 0$ $mod pz_{p}$ ,
or by Lemma 4.2
244 T. HONDA
since $M^{l}((\xi)\in M_{n}(Q)$ . (For example see [20], p. 25). As is conjugate $M^{a}(\xi^{\prime})$
for $peS$ .
Now we have
(6.21) $M^{a}(\xi_{p})=\mathfrak{T}_{2}$ ( $p$ ; No) and $M^{a}(\eta_{p})=R_{2}$ ( $p$ ; No)
is a main part of the one defined in [19]. Let be the formal group over $G$
resentation as above. Then there is a finite set of prime numbers such that $S$
the formal group obtained from the Dirichlet series is $\sum_{(m,\ovalbox{\tt\small REJECT} N)=1}\mathfrak{T}_{2}(m;No)m^{-s}$
Thus the matrix Dirichlet series itself (not only its $\sum \mathfrak{T}_{2}(m;No)m^{-\$}$
determinant) has important significance for What kind of curve over $Q$ $J_{N}$
has a Jacobian whose formal completion is isomorphic to a formal group
corresponding to a matrix Dirichlet series with Euler product ?
6.4. All zeta functions, which we studied in 6.2 and 6.3, are of the form
. Do there exist number-theoretic Dirichlet series of
the form (6.1) such that not all are equal to for ? If such ones $C_{p^{\nu}}$
$0$ $\nu\geqq 3$
exist, formal groups over $Z$ obtained from them would be non-algebroid.
Their transformers would be obtained from analytic functions, perhaps satis-
fying suitable kinds of differential equations.
Osaka University
[1] E. Artin and H. Hasse, Die beiden Erg\"anzungss\"atze zum Reziprozit\"atsgesetz der
-ten Potenzreste im K\"orper der -ten Einheitswurzeln, Abh. Math. Sem. Univ.
$l^{n}$ $l^{n}$