Kyoto University
Kyoto University
Kyoto University
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Kyoto University
数理解析研究所講究録 1427 巻 2005 年 114-127
Abstract We shall extend logarithmic trace inequalities shown by Bebiano, Lemos and
Providencia and also by Hiai and Petz, by applying log majorization equivalent to an order
preserving operator inequality. We shall consider the convergence of certain logarithmic
trace inequalities, as some extensions of Bebiano, Lemos and Providencia and Hiai-Petz.
As an appendix, we state the following result. Let and be strictly positive definite $A$ $B$
matrices such that $M_{1}I\geq A\geq m_{1}I>0$ and $M_{2}I\geq B\geq m_{2}I>0$ . Put . $h= \frac{\Lambda I_{1}M_{\mathrm{Z}}}{m1m2}>1$
$(h>1)$ . The first inequality is the reverse one of the well known second one.
\S 1. Introduction
In this paper a capital letter means $n><n$ matrix. Following Ando and Hiai [1], let us
define the $log$ majorization for positive semideflnite matrices , $B\geq 0$ , denoted by $A$
$A\succ B(\log)$
$\prod_{i=1}^{k}\lambda_{i}(A)$ $\geq\prod_{i=1}^{k}\lambda_{i}(B)$
, $k=1,2$ , $\ldots$ , $n-$ , $1$
$\mathrm{I}\mathrm{I}^{\lambda_{i}(A)=\prod_{i=1}^{n}\lambda_{i}(B)}$ , $\mathrm{i}.\mathrm{e}.$
, $\det A=\det B$ ,
Further, $\mathrm{A}\#\mathrm{a}\mathrm{B}$
for $A,$ $B\geq 0$ is defined by $\mathrm{A}\#\mathrm{a}\mathrm{B}=\lim_{\epsilon\downarrow 0}(A+\epsilon I)\neq_{\alpha}(B+\epsilon I)$.
For the sake of convenience for symbolic expression, we define $A\# sB$ , for any real number
$s\geq 0$ and for $A>0$ and $B\geq 0$ , by the following
in the case $0\leq\alpha\leq 1$ just coincides with the usual a-power mean
The following excellent and useful $\log$ majorization is shown in Ando and Hiai [1, The-
orem 2.1].
Theorem A. For every A, B $\geq 0$
and $0\leq\alpha\leq 1$ ,
(1.1) $(A\#\alpha B)^{r}\succ A^{r}\neq_{\alpha}B^{r}$
for $r\geq 1$ .
Also, (1.1) can be transformed into the following matrix inequality (1.2) of Theorem
Ando and Hiai [1, Theorem 3.5]:
Theorem B. if A $\geq B\geq 0$ with A $>0_{J}$ then
(1.2) $A^{r}\geq\{A^{\frac{r}{2}}(A^{\frac{-1}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{-1}{2}})^{r}A^{\frac{r}{2}}\}^{\frac{1}{\mathrm{p}}}$
for $r,p\geq 1$ .
We obtained the following extension of Theorem A in Furuta [11, Therorem 2.1] applying
the method in Ando and Hiai [1] to Theorem (see Q3). $\mathrm{G}$
Theorem C. For every A $>0$ , B , and for each t $\in[0,$1], $\geq 0$ $0\leq\alpha\leq 1$
$(A\neq_{\alpha}B)^{h}\succ A^{1-t+r}\neq_{\beta}(A^{1-t}\mathfrak{h}_{s}B)$
holds for $s\geq 1_{f}$ and $r\geq t\geq 0$ , where $\beta=\frac{\alpha(1-t+r)}{(1-\alpha t)s+\alpha r}$ and $h= \frac{(1-t+r)s}{(1-\alpha t)s+\alpha r}$ .
Next, we state the following result which is shown in Hiai and Petz [13, Theorem 3.5]
and, recently, a new proof is given in Bebiano, Lemos and Providencia [2, Theorem 2.2].
Theorem D. If A, B $\geq 0$ , then for every p $\geq 0$
(1.3) $\frac{1}{p}$
holds and the left hand side of (1.4) converges the the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
The inequality (1.4) is shown in Ando and Hiai [1, Theorem 5.3], and the convergence
of (1.4) is shown in Bebiano, Lemos and Providencia [2, Corollary 2.2].
We shall extend Theorem and Theorem by applying the inequality derived
Theorem 2.1. The following (i) and (ii) hold and are equivalent
(i) if $A$
, $B\geq 0$ , then for each $t\in[0,1]$ and $r\geq t$
Corollary 2.2. The following (i) and (ii) holl and are equivalent:
(i) if $A$
, $B\geq 0$ , then for each $r\geq 0$
$A^{\frac{1}{2}}(A^{\frac{r}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{r}{2}})^{\mathrm{z}}\mathrm{p}A^{\frac{1}{2}}\succ A^{\frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{r}{p}q)}B^{q}A^{\frac{1}{2}(1+\frac{r}{p}q)}$
Corollary 2.3. The following (i) and (ii) hold and are equivalent:
(i) If $A$
, $B\geq 0$ , then for each $r\geq 1$
$A^{\frac{1}{2}}(A^{\frac{r-1}{2}}BA^{\frac{r-1}{2}})^{q}A^{\frac{1}{2}}\succ A^{\frac{1}{2}}\{B^{\frac{1}{2}}(B^{\frac{1}{2}}A^{r}B^{\frac{1}{2}})^{r-1}B^{\frac{1}{2}}\}^{\mathrm{a}}rA^{\frac{1}{2}}$
holds for any $1\geq q>0$ .
all $x\in H$ . Also, an operator is strictly positive (denoted by $T>0$ ) if is positive and $T$ $T$
Lemma A. [11, Lemma 1], Let A $>0$ and also let B be an invertible operator. Then
(Furuta inequality).
(i) $(B^{\frac{\Gamma}{2}}A^{p}B^{\frac{r}{2}})^{\frac{1}{q}}\geq(B^{\frac{f}{2}}B^{p}B^{\frac{f}{2}})^{\frac{1}{q}}$
(ii) $(A^{\frac{f}{2}}A^{p}A^{\frac{f}{2}})^{\frac{1}{q}}\geq(A^{\frac{f}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{r}{2}})^{\frac{1}{q}}$
It is shown in Tanahashi [16], that the domain drawn for $p,g$ and in Figure 1 is the $r$
best possible one for Theorem F. Theorem yields L\"owner-Heinz inequality asserting that $\mathrm{F}$
$A\geq B\geq 0$ ensures for any when we put $r=0$ in (i) or (ii) of Theorem
$A^{\alpha}\geq B^{\alpha}$ $\alpha$ $\in[0, 1]_{;}$
F. The original proof is in Furuta [9], alternative proofs can be found in Fujii [4], Kamei
[14] and one page proof in Furuta [10].
Theorem G. If A $\geq B\geq 0$ with A $>0$ , then for each t $\in[0,$ 1] and p $\geq 1$
$\geq\{A^{\frac{r}{2}}(A^{\frac{-t}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{-t}{2}})^{s}A^{\frac{f}{2}}\}^{\frac{1-l+\underline{r}}{\{p-t\rangle s+r}}$
The original proof of Theorem is in Furuta [11, Theorem 1.1], alternative proofs can $\mathrm{G}$
be found in Fujii and Kamei [5] and one page proof in Furuta [12]. The original proof
$1-t$ $+r$
of the best possible exponent $\overline{(p-t)s+r}$ in Theorem is obtained in Tanahashi [17], $\mathrm{G}$
and alternative proofs can be found in M.Fujii, Matsumoto and Nakamoto [6], and also in
Yamazaki [19].
Applying Theorem and [Theorem 2.1, Ando-Hiai [1]], we can give a proof of Theorem
2.1 and we omit it. Corollary 2.2 and Corollary 2.3 are immediate consequence of Theorem
in i.Fujii and Kamei [3], and $\hat{S}(A|I)=$ -Alog is the usual operator entropy, (see [15]).
We shall discuss the low er bound of $\Delta(A|B)$ in terms of the of and and a $\mathrm{t}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{c}\mathrm{e}$ $A$ $B$
parameter, and this result implies the well known inequality $\triangle(A|B)\geq 0$ (for example,
[13],[2] . $)$
(5.2) Tr $[A\log(A^{\frac{r}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{r}{2}})^{s}]\geq$
Tr[Alog $A^{r}$
] $+\mathrm{T}\mathrm{r}[A\log\{B^{E}2(B^{\epsilon}2A^{r}B^{E}2)^{s-1}B^{R}2\}]$
(5.4) Tr $[A \log(A^{\frac{r}{2}}B^{p}A^{\frac{r}{2}})^{2}]$ $\geq$
Tr $[A \log A^{r}]$ $+\mathrm{T}\mathrm{r}[A \log(B^{p}A^{r}B^{p})]$ .
The inequality (5.3) of Corollary 5.2 may be considered as the two variable version of
(1.3) in Theorem D. In fact, (5.3) of Corollary 5.2 is equivalent to (1.3) in Theorem (see $\mathrm{D}$
Remark 5,1).
We remark that the right hand side of (5.7) is zero when $s=1$ , or when $A$
commutes with
Proof of Theorem 5.1 is obtained by Theorem 2.1 and we omit it and Corollaries in this
section are shown by Theorem 5.1.
Lemma H[13, Lemma 3.3]. ij A and B crre Hemitian and $\alpha\in[0,$ 1], then
$e^{(1-\alpha)A+\alpha B}= \lim_{p\downarrow 0}(e^{pA}\beta_{\alpha}e^{pB})^{\frac{1}{p}}$ .
We remark that the Lie-Trotter formula and the a-mean variant of the Lie-Trotter for-
mula are both quite useful in operator theory.
, $B$ , $C$ and are Hermitian, then, for any positive numbers and
Lemma 6.1. if
$e^{A+\alpha B+\alpha\beta(C+D)}= \lim_{p\downarrow 0}\{e^{L_{-}^{A}}2(e^{L_{-}^{B}}2(e^{L_{-}^{C}}2e^{pD}e^{L^{C}}2)^{\beta}e^{\mathrm{a}_{2}^{\underline{B}}})^{\alpha}e^{\mathrm{L}_{-}^{A}}2\}^{\frac{1}{\mathrm{p}}}.$
in particular,
In particular,
Following analogous steps to those in the proof of Lemma 6.1, we can easily prove (6.7).
In this section, we present generalizations of the Lie-botter formulae different from those
in Lemma 6.1 in Q6 in order to prove the results in Q8.
In particular,
In particular,
Next, we shall state an application of Lemma 7.1’. M.Fujii and R.Nakamoto [7] defined
the chaotically -geometric mean which is different from the usual a-geometric
$\alpha$ $A\phi_{\alpha}B$
mean $A\#\alpha B$
Among others, M.Fujii and R.Nakamoto [7] proved the following result.
Theorem I. If A and B are strictly positive operators on a Hilbert space and a $\in[0,$ 1],
then and strongly converge to the chaotically a-geometric
$(A^{p}\nabla_{\alpha}B^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}},(A^{p}\#\alpha B^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}$
Two proofs to Theorem I are given in (Theorem 4, [7]) and (\S 4, [8]). We shall extend
Theorem I as an application of Lemma 7.1, that is, we shall show that:
The chaotically -geometric mean $a$ $A\phi_{\alpha}B$
is the uniform limit of $(A^{p}\nabla_{\alpha}B^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}$
Proposition 7.2. If A and B are Hermitian and a $\in[0,$ 1], then $(e^{pA}\#\alpha e^{pB})^{\frac{1}{p}}$
Proposition 7.2’. ij A and B are positive definite and a $\in[0,$ 1], then
$(A^{p} \nabla_{\alpha}B^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}},(A^{p}\oint_{\alpha}B^{p})^{\frac{1}{p}}$
We remark that Proposition 7.2’ remains valid for Hilbert space operators because
Lemma 6.1 still remains valid for operators, so that Proposition 7.2’ may be considered to
be a strong version of Theorem I.
Q8. Convergence of logarithmic trace inequalities via generalized Lie- rotter
In this section, We shall discuss the convergence of the logarithmic inequalities $\mathrm{t}\mathrm{r}\mathrm{a}\mathrm{c}\mathrm{e}$
(8.1) $\frac{s}{p}$
Tr[A tog $(A^{\mathrm{E}}2B^{p}A^{\mathrm{E}}2)$
] $- \frac{1}{p}\mathrm{T}\tau$
[ $A\log\{B^{R}2$ (B2 $A^{p}B^{\epsilon\epsilon}\dot{\mathrm{Z}})^{s-1}B2\}$
holds for any $p\geq 0$ and $s\geq 1$ , and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as
$p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
Theorem 8.1 yields the following Corollary 8.2.
Corollary 8.2.
(i) if $A$
, $B\geq 0$ , then, for every $p\geq 0$ ,
(8.2) $\frac{1}{p}$
holds and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as ,
$p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
(ii) If $A$
, $B\geq 0$ , then, for every $p\geq 0$ ,
$\geq \mathrm{R}$
[ $A\log$ A3]
holds and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
holds for any $p\geq 0$ , $s\geq 1$ , and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
Theorem 8.3 implies the following Corollary 8.4.
Corollary 8.4.
(S.5) $p\underline{1}$
Tr[A $\log(A^{p}\mathfrak{h}_{\beta}B^{p})$
] $+ \frac{\beta}{p}$
Tr[A $\log(A^{R}2B^{-p}A^{R}2)$ ]
Tr $[A \log A]$
holds for any $p\geq 0_{f}$ and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow 0$
(ii) if $A$
, $B>0$ , then, for every positive rvurnber $\beta_{\lambda}$
holds for any $p\geq 0$ and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
We remark that, when $A\geq 0_{?}B>0$ and $\beta\in[0,1]$ , (i) of Corollary 8.4 becomes Theorem
(8.7) $\frac{s}{p}$
Tr[A $\log(A^{p}\nabla_{\alpha}B^{p})$
] $- \frac{1}{p}i\mathrm{R}[A \log\{A^{\cdot}2(A^{p}\nabla_{\alpha}B^{\mathrm{p}})^{s}\lrcorner \mathrm{i}^{-B}A^{-}-2 \}]$
holds for any $p\geq 0$ , $s\geq 1$ , and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
(S.8) $p\underline{1}$
Tr [A $\log$ $A$ ]
holds for any $p\geq 0$ , a $\in[0,1]$ , and the left hand side converges to the right hand side as
. Moreover,
$p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
holds for any $p\geq 0_{f}s\geq 1$ , and the left hand sile converges to the right hand side as $p\downarrow \mathrm{O}$
[1] T.Ando and F.Hiai, Log majorization and complementary Golden-Thompson type in-
equealities, Linear Alg. and Its AppL,197, 198 (1994),113-131.
[2] N.Bebiano, R.Lemos and J. da Providencia, Inequalities for quantum relative entropy,
[3] J.I.Fujii and E.Kamei, Relative operator entropy in noncommutative information theory,
Math. Japon, 34(1989), 341-348.
[4] M. Fujii, Furuta’s inequality and its mean theoretic approach, J. Operator Theory,
23 (1990), 67-72.
[5] M. Fujii and E.Kamei, Mean theoretic approach to the grand Furuta inequality, Proa
Amer. Math. Soc, 124(1996), 2751-2756.
[6] M. Fujii, A.Matsumoto and R.Nakamoto, A short proof of the best possibility for the
grand Furuta inequality, J. of InequaL and AppL, $4(1999)$ , 339-344.
[7] M. Fujii and R.Nakamoto, A geometric mean in the Furuta inequality, Scientiae Math-
ematicae Japonicae Online, $5(2001)$ , 435-441.
[8] M. Fujii, Y. Seo and M. Tominaga, Golden-Thompson type inequalities related to a
geometric mean via Specht’s ratio, Math. Ineq. Appl., $5(2002)$ , 573-582
[13] Hiai and Petz, The Golden-Thompson trace inequality is complemented, Linear Alg.
and Its App1.,181 (1993), 153-185.
[14] E.Kamei, A sattelite to Furuta’s inequality, Math. Japon., 33(1988), 883-886.
[15] M.Nakamura and H.Umegaki, A note on entropy for operator algebras, Proc. Japan
Acad., 37(1961), 149-154.
[16] K.Tanahashi, Best possibility of the Furuta inequality, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc,
124(1996) )141-146.
[17] K.Tanahashi, The best possibility of the grand Furuta inequality,Proc. Amer. Math.
Soc, 128(2000) )511-519.
[18] H.Umegaki, Conditional expectation in an operator algebra IV, Kodai Math. Sem.
Rep., 14(1962), 59-85.
[19] T.Yamazaki, Simplified proof of Tanahashi ’s result on the best possibility of generalized
Furuta inequality, Math. Inequal. Math., $2(1999),$ , 473-477.
\S 10 Appendix.
Inequalities associated with Umegaki relative entropy $S(A, B)=\mathrm{b}$ $A\log$ A–Alog ] [ $B$
On December 2, 2004 I have spoken this appendix in my talk at the Mathematics Re-
search Insitute of Kyoto University.
$X$ . A matrix $X$ is said to be strictly positive definite if $X$ is positive definite and invertible
(denoted by $X>0$ ). Let and be strictly positive definite matrices. Umegaki relative
$A$ $B$
$S(1)>1$ is well known. We shall show the following inequalities associated with $S(A, B)$
$m_{1}I>0$ and $M_{2}I\geq B\geq m_{2}I>0$ . Put $h= \frac{M_{1}M_{2}}{m_{1}m_{2}}>1$ . Then the following inequalities
(1.4) $\log S(1)^{r}\mathrm{b}[A]+S(A, B)$
in particular,
(1.5) $\log S(1)\mathrm{h}[A]+S(A, B)\geq-\mathrm{R}[\hat{S}(A|B)]\geq S(A, B)$ .
The first inequality of (1.5) is the reverse one of the second inequality which is well known
in $[5],[6]$ and [1]. We prepare the following results to prove Theorem 1.
$m_{1}I>0$ and $M_{2}I\geq B\geq m_{2}I>0$ . Put $h= \frac{M_{1}M_{2}}{m_{1}m_{2}}>1$ . Let $\varphi$
be a normalized positive
linear functional on $M_{n}(C)$ . Then
(1.6) $\log S(1)\varphi(A)+\varphi(\hat{S}(A|B))\geq\varphi(A)(\log\varphi(B)-\log\varphi(A))\geq\varphi(\hat{S}(A|B))$ .
Proof. Let and be two matrices satisfying the hypotheses in Proposition 2. By (iii)
$A$ $B$
of of [Theorem 2.1, [4]], if I is a normalized positive linear map from $M_{n}(C)$ into itself,
Proposition 3 (Peierls-Bogoliubov inequality). The following (i) and (ii) hold and are
(ii) $S(A, B)\geq \mathrm{H}$ $A(\log$ [ Tr[A] - $\log$ Th[B])] for $A>0$ and $B>0$ .
Peierls-Bogoliubov inequality is well known in statistic dynamics and the equivalence
relation between (i) and (ii) is stated in ([6] and [2]).
Proposition 4 ( $[5],[6]$ and [1]) The following inequality holds:
(1.8) $-\mathrm{T}\mathrm{r}[\hat{S}(A|B)]\geq S(A, B)$
for $A>0$ and $B>0$ .
Proof of Theorem 1. Let and be two matrices satisfying the hypotheses in $A$ $B$
Theorem 1 and recall that these hypotheses are the same as ones in Proposition 2. Put
in Proposition 2. Then the first inequality of (1.6) implies
$\geq\log S(1)\mathrm{R}[A]+\mathrm{T}\mathrm{r}$
[ $A(\log$ Tr $[A]$ $-\log$ Tr $[B])$ ] by (ii) of Proposition 3
by (1.9)
$\geq S(A, B)$ by (1.8) of Proposition 4
so the proof is complete since (1.5) is an immediate consequence of (1.4). $[]$
[1] N.Bebiano, R.Lemos and J. da Providencia, inequalities for quantum relative entropy,
to appear in Linear Alg. and Its AppL
[2] N. Bebiano, R. Lemos and J. da Providencia, Matrix inequalities in statistical mechanics,
Linear Alg. and Its App1.,376 (2004), 265-273.
[3] J.Pujii and E.Kamei, Relative operator entropy in noncomm utative information theory,
Math. Japon, 34(1989), 341-348.
[4] T.Furuta, Operator inequalities associated with A $\log A$ via Specht ratio, Linear Alg.
and Its AppL, 375(2003), 251-273.
[5] Hiai and Petz, The proper formula for relative entropy in asymptotics in quantum
probability, Comm. math.Phys., 143(1991),99-114.
[6] Hiai and Petz, The Golden-Thompson trace inequality is complemented, Linear Alg.
and Its AppL,181 (1993), 153-185.
[7] M.Nakamura and H.Umegaki, A note on entropy for operator algebras, Proc. Japan
Acad., 37(1961) $149- 154$ .
[8] H.Umegaki, Conditional expectation in an operator algebra IV, Kodai Math. Sem.
Rep., 14(19621259-85.