Arch100 1117 Quiz 1 2222 Version Key
Arch100 1117 Quiz 1 2222 Version Key
Arch100 1117 Quiz 1 2222 Version Key
Name ____________________________________
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provided, AND circle your answer on these pages.
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1. The archaeological period of the earliest modern humans in Africa is referred to as
a. the Neolithic.
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b. the Middle Stone Age.
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c. the Middle Paleolithic.
d. the Acheulian.
e. the Old Stone Age
2. Two pieces of incised ochre and a collection of pierced shells, which may be some of the
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earliest examples of art, were found at the Middle Stone Age site of
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e. Blombos Cave.
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c. Skhul.
d. Altamira.
e. Chauvet
4. The earliest evidence of Homo erectus in East Asia about 1.8 million years ago comes
a. China.
b. Japan.
c. Thailand.
d. Java.
e. Vietnam
Arch 100 Quiz 1
6. A great change in hominin cranial capacity, increasing from 700 to 1300 cc, happened:
a. Around 1.8 mya with Homo erectus
b. around 500 kya when Homo heidelbergensis entered Europe
c. In South Africa 120 thousand years ago
d. When Neanderthals died off
7. Potassium-Argon dating:
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a. Only works on ice varves
b. Is only useful on items less than 40 thousand years old
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c. Requires correlation with living coral reefs nearby
d. Only works on volcanic sediments
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8. Clovis points:
a. Are large, lanceolate blades with bifacial fluting for hafting
b. Spread through much of North America including Mexico
9. What is so interesting about Monte Verde when considering the “peopling of the
Americas” debate?
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a. It has the largest cache of Clovis points ever found in South America
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10. One of the hallmarks of Mesolithic ways of life is the reliance on storable, seasonally
Arch 100 Quiz 1
13. If people crossed Beringia to populate the New World, they had to be in Siberia first.
The earliest evidence of hominins in subarctic Siberia dates to:
a. 550-350 kya
b. 12-4 kya
c. 16.5 kya
d. 26-19 kya
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14. In Eastern North America, Clovis:
a. Relied on domesticated maize for subsistence
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b. Relied on forest resources such as deer for subsistence
c. Relied on androgynous squirrels for subsistence
d. Relied on mammoth and other large tundra species for subsistence
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15. The law of superposition states that
a. sediments will be deposited in horizontal layers.
b. in any undisturbed sedimentary deposits, each layer is younger than the
beneath it.
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a. an Iroquois longhouse.
b. a horizontal excavation.
c. the importance of posthole features.
d. pits and a sweat lodge.
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17. To recover the charred botanical remains (wood & seeds) it is often necessary to employ
a method known as:
a. filtration.
b. those items are of no interest to the archaeologist.
c. flotation.
d. dry screening.
e. piece plotting.
Arch 100 Quiz 1
18. Owen Beattie's archaeological and forensic investigations of three frozen bodies of
sailors from the 19th century Franklin Expedition showed that
a. they had been buried by the Inuit.
b. lead poisoning was a contributing factor to their deaths.
c. they froze to death while looking for food.
d. the Arctic is a poor environment for the preservation of human remains.
e. nothing could b e learned from the frozen bodies about the nature of their deaths.
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20. The Three-Age system
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a. was developed by Christian Thomsen.
b. divided prehistory into the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages.
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c. was one of the first attempts by archaeologists to organize time.
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d. all of the above
e. was eventually proven false.
22. The first anthropology department in a Canada was established in 1926 at which
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a. University of British Columbia
b. University of New Brunswick
c. University of Toronto
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d. McGill University
e. University of Calgary
Arch 100 Quiz 1
24. What is the only colonial structure in Sicalpa still standing from before the relocation of
a. An artisan’s workshop
b. A stone bridge
c. A pyramid
d. An Inca storehouse
e. A brick church
26. The boundary between the Pleistocene and the preceding Pliocene era is
er as
a. Between East and West Asia
b. South of Alaska
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c. 50,000 years ago
d. 1.8 million years ago
e. 5.7 million years ago
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27. Fossil hominins postdate the split of chimpanzees and ourselves from a common
ancestor, which geneticists calculate happened:
28. Fully bipedal hominins have unique knee joints when compared to other great apes
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Arch 100 Quiz 1
30. This American was a pioneering female archaeologist who worked in Crete.
a. Margaret Mead
b. Sally Binford
c. Hortense Powdermaker
d. Harriet Hawes
e. Isabel Belzoni
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32. Vindija Cave is located:
a. 86 km N or Berlin
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b. 55 km NE of Zagreb
c. 101 km W of London
d. 78 KM S of Paris
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e. 66 km S of Athens
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33. The hominin remains at Vindija Cave were excavated by a team led by:
a. Mel Lastman
b. Mork from Ork
c. Mark Madryga
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d. Mirko Malek
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e. Mark Zuckerberg
34. The recent re-dating of the Vindija Neandertals concluded that they are:
a. 32 kya, not 29 kya as was thought in 1999
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35. DNA analysis of the Vindija Neandertals has recently shown that they share _______ of
their DNA with modern living people in Europe
a. none
b. 2-4%
c. 8-15%
d. 30-60%
e. 100%
Arch 100 Quiz 1
36. ____________ was an eminent linguist who proposed three waves of migration to the
Americas based on linguistic evidence:
a. Joseph Greenberg
b. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
c. Joseph Goebells
d. Joseph Garagiola
e. Joseph Gallo
37. The land-bridge that joined Asia to North America during glacial periods is called:
a. Siberia
b. Alaska-na
c. Aleutia
d. Beringia
e. Palinia
38. Two important sites in Siberia showing early human occupation are:
er as
a. Blackwater Draw and Head-Smashed In Buffalo Jump
b. Fells Cave and Quebrada Tacahuay
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c. Dmanisi and Java
d. Clovis and Folsom
e. Mal’ta and Dyuktai
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39. Radiocarbon dating was developed as a result of:
a. 1970s control over stable isotopes
b. Max Planck’s great interest in it
a. Acheulian handaxes
b. tiny flakes mounted on complex tools
42. “Turkana Boy” is the common name of an almost 2 million year old African fossil that
was a member of the species
a. Homo sapiens
b. Homo erectus
c. Australopithecus afarensis
d. Homo floresiensis
e. Homo neandertalensis
Arch 100 Quiz 1
43. At Sima de los Huesos (“Pit of Bones”), in Atapuerca, Spain, skeletons of half-million
year old Homo heidelbergensis were found with a unique artifact, nicknamed “Excalibur.”
This artifact is:
a. an early example of bronzeworking
b. a wooden spear
c. a carved piece of ochre
d. a bone flute
e. a pink handaxe made of quartz
44. The most complete Neanderthal skeleton ever discovered came from the site of
a. Neanderthal.
b. La-Chapelle-aux-Saints.
c. Atapuerca.
d. Lyons.
e. Skhul
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45. This 400,000 year-old, remarkable find has been discovered at the site of Schoningen,
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a. a complete Neanderthal skeleton
b. over 100,000 stone tools, all chippers and flakes
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c. a mammoth vertebra with a spear point embedded in it
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d. the remains of more than 40 Homo erectus individuals
e. three wooden spears
46. The recognition that the shape of stone tools evolves as they are resharpened
throughout their use-life is referred to as
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a. adaptive reuse.
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47. The casting of the interior of hominin crania (to look at brain shape) is the study of:
a. craniocasts
b. exoskeletons
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c. endocasts
d. Castilians
e. exocasts
48. Mike Richards’ work with Neandertal bone isotopes demonstrates that they ate:
a. a varied diet of all manner of things available seasonally
b. irregularly and poorly
c. almost exclusively plant foods
d. mostly snails, but sometimes fish
e. almost exclusively large land animals
Arch 100 Quiz 1
49. At Blombos Cave, South Africa, in levels dating to 75 kya, excavators found:
a. Homo floresiensis remains
b. a carved piece of reindeer antler
c. ochre carved with lines, and shells with holes drilled in them
d. a pink quartzite handaxe
e. an Oldowan chopper
50. The mutation of this gene causes severe speech impediments in modern humans:
a. DOGP4
b. ELKP1
c. CATP3
d. FOXP2
e. BATP5
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