WH Gr9 Booklet 1st Semester
WH Gr9 Booklet 1st Semester
WH Gr9 Booklet 1st Semester
2. the skills and tools people use to meet their basic needs
3. the era in prehistory that dates from at least 2 million B.C. to about
10,000 B.C.
4. one of the first Neolithic villages
5. the belief that spirits and forces exist within animals, objects, or
2. Which hominid group do anthropologists think was the first to use fire?
a. australopithecines c. Homo erectus
b. Homo habilis d. Homo sapiens
4. Which one of the following abilities did early humans develop long
before the others?
a. ability to travel across water c. ability to domesticate
b. ability to plant crops d. ability to build homes out of
5. Some scholars think that Old Stone Age people created cave paintings
a. to communicate with one another.
b. as part of religious rituals.
c. to decorate the cave where they lived.
d. as a symbol of wealth.
6. By the New Stone Age, community decisions were probably being made
a. people with the most skills. c. a council of older men.
b. a council of older women. d. an elected king.
7. The populations of early villages were able to grow mostly due to
a. large amounts of available land.
b. the availability of jobs other than farming.
c. the rise of civilizations.
d. food surpluses.
10. Unlike the first civilizations in Asia and Africa, the first civilizations in
the Americas
a. were nomadic. c. worshipped a single god.
b. developed away from river d. built temples.
13. Many nomadic herders tended their animals on the steppes, which were
a. fertile river valleys. c. sparse, dry grasslands.
b. lush mountain highlands. d. swampy lowlands.
14. What is the main feature that defines civilization?
a. governments c. religions
b. cities d. farming
17. The skeleton that Donald Johanson discovered and named “Lucy”
belonged to the earliest hominid group called
a. australopithecines. c. Homo habilis.
b. Neanderthals. d. Homo erectus.
21. The chipped stones that Mary and Louis Leakey found in the Olduvai
Gorge revealed that early hominids had learned how to
a. hunt. c. use technology.
b. cook. d. domesticate animals.
22. The New Stone Age began when early people learned to
a. make weapons out of stone. c. use tools.
b. use fire for cooking. d. farm.
23. Tools and weapons found in graves of people of the Old Stone Age
suggest that the people
a. believed in animism. c. were nomadic.
b. believed in an afterlife. d. were polytheistic.
25. What is one way in which nomadic cultures differed from civilizations?
a. Nomads had no government. c. Nomads did not raise
b. Nomads did not make d. Nomads did not build cities.
A)Analyze Information Briefly summarize what the map shows.
B) Synthesize Information: The earliest civilizations developed near
major rivers. Why do you think this was so?
C) Explain why writing developed in New Stone Age societies. How
were these writing systems used? Include the role of a scribe in
your answer.
The Ancient Middle East and Egypt (3200 B.C.–500 B.C.)
1. the marshy area formed by silt deposits at the mouth of some rivers
5. the ruler who is thought to have built the Hanging Gardens in Babylon
6. the female ruler of Egypt who encouraged trade during the New Kingdom
9. the key to unlocking the meaning of ancient Egyptian writing and language
10. religious figure who introduced the idea of a single wise god to the Persian empire
2- Choose the correct answer.
3. Hammurabi’s Code was important because it was the first time that a
state’s laws
a. applied to the royal c. were set down in writing.
b. provided prisons for d. imposed taxes on citizens.
a. the conquest of Syria.
b. the conquest of Nubia.
c. the building of the Great Pyramids.
d. a large drainage project to increase farmable land.
9. How did the beliefs of the Israelites differ from those of most
nearby peoples?
a. They believed in an afterlife.
b. They believed in a fearful underworld.
c. They believed divine forces ruled this world.
d. They believed in one all-powerful god.
10. According to the Torah, who led the Israelites out of bondage
in Egypt?
a. David c. Moses
b. Abraham d. Solomon
way out
b. a place of perfect happiness d. a temporary place of
12. The world’s first civilization developed between the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers in
a. Sargon. c. Babylon.
b. Nubia. d. Sumer.
18. According to Egyptian beliefs, the pharaohs received the
right to rule from the god
a. Osiris. c. Amon-Re.
b. Isis. d. Aton.
21. The first five books of the Hebrew Bible are also known as
a. the Psalms. c. the Torah.
b. the New Testament. d. Buddhism.
22. The Ten Commandments are a set of laws that the Jews
believe God gave to them through
a. Moses. c. Abraham.
b. Isaiah. d. David.
24. In ancient Egyptian society, most people were
a. slaves. c. artisans.
b. merchants. d. peasant farmers.
Analyze Information Refer to the map. Describe the main geographic
features of Mesopotamia. Use the map to explain why Mesopotamia
developed into a crossroads where people and ideas met.
Describe the steps in the journey of a person’s soul after death according
to Egyptian beliefs.
a. tyrant f. Herodotus
b. ostracism g. citizen
c. Parthenon h. Pericles
d. Homer i. Alexandria
e. Hippocrates j. polis
1. Which Greek-speaking people dominated the Aegean world from about 1400 B.C.
to 1200 B.C., and probably started the Trojan War?
a. Minoans c. Mycenaeans
b. Dorians d. Mediterraneans
3. Some Spartan women had the responsibility of running the family’s estate because
a. Spartan society was the freest and most democratic in Greece.
b. frequent warfare kept Spartan men away from home.
c. such duties were considered to be beneath the dignity of men.
d. the Spartan aristocracy consisted almost entirely of women.
6. What Greek philosopher believed good conduct meant pursuing the “golden
a. Socrates c. Sophocles
b. Plato d. Aristotle
c. It resulted in the destruction of the Peloponnesian League.
d. It resulted in an alliance between Athens and Persia.
13. What did Cleisthenes do around 507 B.C. that changed the government of Athens?
a. He encouraged citizen participation, creating a direct democracy.
b. He established a legislature, creating a limited democracy.
c. He gave nobles’ land to farmers, weakening the aristocracy.
d. He expanded citizenship to include merchants and foreigners.
c. placed emphasis on the individual.
d. forbade citizens to travel and discouraged trade.
18. Which of the following statements is true about Athens under the rule of Pericles?
a. Only landowners were allowed to participate in government.
b. Citizens elected jurors to carry out their wishes in the legislature.
c. Large numbers of citizens had the right to vote directly on laws.
d. The ancient practice of ostracism, or banishment, was forbidden.
20. What was a form of government in the Greek city-state where power was in the
hands of a small, wealthy elite that came from the middle class?
a. aristocracy c. republic
b. oligarchy d. monarchy
c. The gods are usually the cause of human misfortune.
d. It is a mistake to question traditions and accepted ideas.
24. What did the philosopher Zeno teach during the Hellenistic age?
a. Those who are unequal in society are not morally equal.
b. Avoid disappointments by accepting whatever life brings.
c. It is best to pursue the “golden mean,” or a moderate course in life.
d. The state should regulate every aspect of citizens’ lives.
1. Recognize Cause and Effect How did the Mycenaeans’ reliance on trade lead to
the Trojan War?
2.Summarize Why did ancient Greece develop into many small, self-governing city-
states and why did they colonize surrounding regions?
3. Identify Point of View Describe the philosophical method of Socrates. Explain the
point of view of Athenians who felt threatened by him.
4.Make Generalizations How did Alexander the Great help to spread Greek culture?
Lives of Men
At age 18-20, tested on fitness, Spent much time away from home
military ability, and leadership working at farming or trade. Often
skills. Those who passed became involved in political meetings.
citizens and soldiers; those who Enjoyed physical activities such as
failed could not become citizens. wrestling, hunting, and riding.
Even married soldiers spent most Sometimes entertained male
of their lives in their barracks. friends at drinking parties (where
Military service ended at age 60, women were not allowed).
when soldiers could retire and
live with their families.
Lives of Women
Girls lived in barracks beginning Had limited personal freedom.
at age 6-7. They were trained in Could attend weddings, funerals,
sports to stay fit, which would and some religious festivals. Main
help them produce strong, healthy task was to run the house and bear
babies. Adult women lived at children.
home. They could own property
and go where they wanted.
Typical Education
At age 6-7, boys were sent to At age 6-7, boys attended school,
barracks for military training. where they would learn various
Stealing and lying was subjects such as reading, writing,
encouraged but punished severely arithmetic, and music. Intellectual
if discovered. Basic reading and achievements were highly prized.
writing was taught but not At age 18 men attended two years
emphasized. Learning of military school. Women stayed
emphasized physical education at home and learned household
rather than academics. A basic duties. Some women learned to
education was also provided to read and write at home.
5. Compare Points of View The table compares the city-states of Sparta and Athens.
How would a Spartan describe the ideal citizen? How would an Athenian describe
the ideal citizen? What differences in the status of women do you observe?
6. Express Problems Clearly How did geography impact the Athenians’ ability to
fight effectively in the Peloponnesian War?