WP01114P24EN01.19-Never Underestimate Overpressure
WP01114P24EN01.19-Never Underestimate Overpressure
WP01114P24EN01.19-Never Underestimate Overpressure
Pressure is one of the most commonly measured variables in In addition to the sensor, a transmitter consists of several
process industries. Accuracy and, more importantly, stability important components. The sensor body is the machined
are critical to maintaining a safe, reliable process and component that houses the sensor. The sensor
maximizing uptime. Pressure is typically measured by an diaphragm(s) serves to keep process fluid from coming into
instrument with a sensor and a transmitter. The sensor direct contact with the sensor while allowing the process
interfaces to the process to determine the pressure and pressure to be measured by the sensor. The system may also
sends this value to the transmitter. The transmitter converts incorporate a manifold which allows the transmitter to be
the signal from the sensor to a type suitable for isolated from the process for removal or calibration without
transmission to a control and monitoring system, such as having to shut down the process.
4-20 mA or a digital fieldbus communications protocol.
In many cases the complete measuring system also includes
Modern electronic pressure instruments (Figure 1) are remote process seals and capillaries with hydraulic fill fluid
extremely safe and reliable with onboard diagnostics and designed to provide added protection to the transmitter in
extremely sensitive sensors providing insight into the the case of excessive process temperatures, aggressive
process and flexibility in application. They can measure process media or process media that could plug impulse
either differential pressure (i.e. the difference between two lines. While these measuring systems are highly reliable
pressures in a pipe or vessel) or static pressure (gauge or there are many common issues that can affect pressure
absolute pressure). measurement and speed of response, such as errors caused
by ambient or process temperature swings.
In the best-case scenario, an overpressure event has no To understand what steps can be taken by manufacturers,
discernible effect on the sensor’s measurement. Most it’s important to consider the two most common types
overpressure events, however, result in a shift of the of pressure instrument sensors on the market:
zero-point of the sensor, resulting in the need to re-zero the strain-gauge sensor typically used for differential pressure
instrument’s transmitter. In some cases, the effect can be measurement and ceramic sensors typically used for static
severe enough that the instrument must be recalibrated — pressure measurement.
most likely by removing it from the process and placing it on
a bench calibrator. Strain-gauge sensors come in a variety of types such as
piezoresistive, resonant frequency or capacitance styles.
While neither of these types of incidents should require Regardless of the sensor type, there are two things common
replacement of the instrument, if left unchecked they can to strain-gauge instruments: metal process diaphragms and
have unforeseen impacts on process operations that could fill fluid.
result in unplanned shutdowns. In addition, repeatedly
having to re-zero or recalibrate a pressure instrument due to Process diaphragms prevent direct contact of process
overpressure events uses manpower that could be employed fluid with the sensor. This can be accomplished both
elsewhere in the facility. with either internal process diaphragms or remote seal
diaphragms (Figure 3), each of which can also protect
In situations where the overpressure event is severe enough the entire instrument from elevated temperatures or
or prolonged enough, the diaphragm or the sensor can be aggressive chemicals.
These measuring diaphragms can be made from a variety of expansion effects of the fill fluid is to use as little fill fluid as
metals, but all are extremely thin to allow for greater possible. This requires careful design of the instrument to
sensitivity to small changes in pressure. As a result, these minimize the volume of fill fluid while still having enough fill
diaphragms can easily be damaged or even ruptured due to fluid to maintain the sensitivity of the measurement.
overpressure. In addition, overpressure or repeated cycling of
process pressure can cause the diaphragm to deform, One way this can be accomplished is by minimizing the space
resulting in a shift in the measurement. It’s important to between the process diaphragm and the sensor body. Many
remember that this can happen even at relatively low manufacturers machine the sensor body to match the pattern
overpressures due to repeated cycling of pressure, even pressed into the diaphragm. Some even go the added step of
within what may be considered acceptable limits. hydroforming the process diaphragm against the machined
sensor body to ensure an exact match between the
Expanding Fill Fluids diaphragm and the sensor body, resulting in the smallest
Hydraulic fill fluids are non-compressible and are used to possible volume of fill fluid in the system.
transfer the pressure from the process diaphragm to the
instrument’s sensor. There are a wide variety of fill fluids Some manufacturers are looking to new diaphragm designs
that can be used for different applications. The most on remote seals to better address the effect that temperature
common types are silicone oils, which come in grades to has on the fill fluid and the subsequent overpressure that can
handle different process temperatures. occur during temperature swings. Remote seals such as the
TempC Diaphragm from Endress+Hauser (Figure 4) are
In addition, there are inert oils for applications where silicone designed to greatly reduce the temperature-induced error
is not acceptable, and food-grade fluids for use in food and caused by fill fluid expansion and the resulting overpressure
beverage or pharmaceutical applications. All fill fluids can applied to the sensor.
expand during upset conditions such as elevated process or
ambient temperatures or pressures. Manufacturers are also implementing internal systems to
mechanically minimize the force of overpressure reaching
This expansion can cause significant overpressures on both the sensor, allowing the sensor to withstand overpressure
the process diaphragm and the sensor, which can result in without the damage or shift to measurement output
measurement shifts or irreparable damage to the diaphragm normally associated with such events. To address
or sensor. overpressure, these manufacturers are including internal
overpressure diaphragms in the sensor body. Rather than act
There are several ways for manufacturers to design oil-filled as a thin, sensitive metal barrier to transmit the pressure to
pressure instruments to better withstand overpressure the sensor, these overpressure diaphragms are thicker pieces
events. These include taking steps to minimize the amount of of metal designed to absorb the force of the overpressure.
fill fluid in the instrument, and then designing mechanical
systems to absorb the force of the overpressure and keep it One of the easiest ways to eliminate fill fluid problems is to
from reaching the instrument’s sensor. employ electronic DP level systems, which eliminate the need
for impulse lines or capillary tubes because the sensors connect
As previously mentioned, fill fluid expands and contracts to the transmitter via wiring. Each sensor is equipped with
according to the process and ambient temperatures of the electronics to convert its reading to a value suitable for sending
application. The best way, therefore, to minimize the to the transmitter over commonly used electrical wiring.
Figure 3: Remote seals, as on this Endress+Hauser Deltabar Figure 4: Endress+Hauser TempC remote seal protects the fill fluid
pressure instrument, protect the sensors. from high temperatures.
Cue Ceramics Summary
Oil-filled transmitters make up the majority of industrial Modern pressure instruments are highly accurate and
installations of pressure instrument, but there are many provide excellent long-term stability, with a variety of
static pressure applications that can use ceramic sensors diagnostics to provide greater insight into the process,
that are particularly well-suited to handle overpressure. The but they are still highly susceptible to the overpressure
major difference between ceramic sensors and oil-filled events. By better understanding the application and the
sensors is the use of a ceramic diaphragm versus a metal sources of overpressure, as well as knowing options
diaphragm. The other is that ceramic sensors do not have available from manufacturers, process owners can
fill fluid. better avoid the possibility of costly process problems
caused by overpressure.
The use of ceramic (Figure 5) as the diaphragm material
has several benefits in terms of overpressure. The first is
that ceramic is extremely hard and rigid, so it will not
deform as easily during an overpressure condition. The
second is that ceramic is hysteresis-free, meaning that it
does not develop a memory when excessive pressure is
applied. As a result, a ceramic sensor can be exposed to up
to three times the amount of overpressure of an oil-filled
sensor—with no adverse effect on the measurement, no
memory developing at the diaphragm and no damage to
the diaphragm or sensor.
About the Author
Ehren Kiker is Product
Marketing Manager for
pressure and temperature
products at Endress
+Hauser. He has more
than 20 years of
automation experience
focusing on process