How Did People Live in The Palaeolithic Age?
How Did People Live in The Palaeolithic Age?
How Did People Live in The Palaeolithic Age?
changes in: environment, e.g. climate and habitat; arrival of humans ==> hunting and
new diseases, new predators; natural disasters; external cause, e.g. a meteorite
Use the dictionary to learn a word’s definition, pronunciation, origin, common usage.
Investigate: look for information in books and on websites about another animal species
that became extinct during the Palaeolithic period. Below there is a worksheet to enable
you to focus on essential information. The different animal classes: mammal, reptile, bird,
fish, insect.
Palaeolithic Age
Extinct animal: ______________________________
Class of animal: _________________________________
It became extinct because of _______________________________________
Answer all these questions.
a. How did humans spend their time during the Palaeolithic Age?
b. Why is fire one of the most important discoveries in the history of humanity?
c. How did people make their stone tools?