A business simulation is an interactive learning experience that simulates real-world business challenges. It allows participants to run a simulated business, make strategic decisions, and compete against other students or teams. Business simulations provide hands-on learning and development opportunities. They bridge classroom theories to practical experience, engage learners through collaboration and decision-making, and help participants gain a holistic view of business operations in a low-risk environment.
A business simulation is an interactive learning experience that simulates real-world business challenges. It allows participants to run a simulated business, make strategic decisions, and compete against other students or teams. Business simulations provide hands-on learning and development opportunities. They bridge classroom theories to practical experience, engage learners through collaboration and decision-making, and help participants gain a holistic view of business operations in a low-risk environment.
A business simulation is an interactive learning experience that simulates real-world business challenges. It allows participants to run a simulated business, make strategic decisions, and compete against other students or teams. Business simulations provide hands-on learning and development opportunities. They bridge classroom theories to practical experience, engage learners through collaboration and decision-making, and help participants gain a holistic view of business operations in a low-risk environment.
A business simulation is an interactive learning experience that simulates real-world business challenges. It allows participants to run a simulated business, make strategic decisions, and compete against other students or teams. Business simulations provide hands-on learning and development opportunities. They bridge classroom theories to practical experience, engage learners through collaboration and decision-making, and help participants gain a holistic view of business operations in a low-risk environment.
A business simulation is a powerful tool for organizational learning and
development. Business simulations enable your people to align your people on strategy, improve their business acumen and business finance skills, and ultimately improve your bottom line. Business simulations provide a setting for students to bridge theories and concepts taught in class with real-life experiences. Within this environment, students are engaged with running their own simulated firm, making all key strategic decisions for every aspect of business and competing against others within their course. Competing either individually or in teams, students find business simulations an engaging, realistic and memorable learning experience. A simulation is an imitation of the real thing. So, a business simulation is an imitation of a business. I like to define them as a case study with the participants on the inside. Sometimes people confuse simulations and games. However, games are gaming simulations. We use the word games (as in video games, computer games) just because it is easier to say. So, a simulation can be designed for education or leisure. Colloquially simulations designed for fun are called games and those for education are referred to as simulations. There are 4 types of simulations Computer based - Low computer participant interaction with high computer control. The computer is used as a kind of animated but teacher less, electronic blackboard. Computer assisted - High computer participant interaction with high participant control. Examples – aircraft simulation and popular games. Computer directed - High participant interaction with high computer control. Most commercially gaming simulations fall under this classification. Computer controlled - High participant interaction with high participant control. Not as widely used as it should be. An example is Geo, which we distribute. Outside of the academic definitions, as an educator you should use a simulation to teach because: WHY USE A BUSINESS SIMULATION? Business simulations are a hands-on, interactive learning experience that allow participants to truly engage in the material. Instead of focusing on theoretical knowledge like in a typical classroom, participants build skills, improve conceptual knowledge, and gain a big picture view of the organization all at once. There are many benefits to using business simulations in your company, including: Imitates Reality. Our simulations emulate the real-world factors and challenges that your organization faces. Give your people a big-picture view of operations by scaling everything down to a smaller scale. Risk-free environment. Your people will be able to learn from their mistakes in a safe environment and see the consequences of their actions across the whole organization – without affecting your organization. Stimulates co-operation. Working in cross-functional teams stimulates conversation and co-operation between colleagues. These conversations create peer-to-peer learning and open your people to better understand the different perspectives in your organization. Learning by doing. It is said that we remember 10% of what we read, 20% of what we hear, 70% of what we discuss with others, and 80% of personally experience. A business simulation allows your people to personally experience the consequences of all the different aspects of business. Engages learners. Experiential, hands-on learning engages all the senses. Participants visualize, discuss, plan, receive feedback, and practice real techniques that they will use in the workplace. Accelerated learning. A simulation provides a big picture view of operations, meaning that participants can grasp a wide range of concepts and materials in a short period of time. By relating their new learnings back to their own company, stickiness increases, and the knowledge follows back to the workplace.